Faculty of Business, Finance, and Hospitality
Faculty of Business, Finance, and Hospitality
Faculty of Business, Finance, and Hospitality
MBA 6043
If its important to you, you will find a way. If its not, you’ll find an excuse.
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By the end of this chapter, you should be able to understand on:
After completing this
lesson you will be
Describe Information Systems in Global Business Today
able to:
Explain Global E-Business and Collaboration
Distinguish Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
Impact of IT towards current business processes
• Information systems conveys an important value to the CEO and IT managers in numerous business firms and
industrial organizations today.
• Numerous organizations are remodeling their organizations and data frameworks with the help of the Internet.
• Technology works not just for current usage but for future advancement that will affect the work life.
Information Systems in Global Business Today
• As managers, majority will manage for firms that use information systems intensively and make big
investments in Information Technology.
i.e. Your company can outperform rivals if you make wise decisions. You're going to waste valuable capital, if
you make bad decisions.
• Today, information systems are the basis for company to run their business. Without comprehensive use of
information technology, the company will face a tough challenge without widespread use of information
• Living in diverse society, we are depending in extensive use of appliances
i.e. smartphones, handhelds and other devices.
• Communicating and managing the business is carried out via email, international teleconferencing and online
conferencing. Internet technologies have developed as an essential business tool.
There are three interrelated changes involved worldwide:
• Not only that, now we need ways to visualize, share, analyze as well as to develop new methodologies to
secure the data.
3. “Cloud computing”
• The “in-thing” that is very prevalent. Organizations
and individuals are storing an eclectic of information
in the cloud.
• From picture and video files to sensitive information
such as personal details.
• The benefit of cloud computing is that it is scalable
in usage, easy communication and accessibility,
mobility, ability to accept big data and so forth.
• E.g. Micosoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Apple
iCloud and Digital Ocean are a few popular cloud
computing services. Normally, these companies will
offer a certain minimum storage for free and for extra
storage space, users have to pay a tiered premium
sum of money.
Global E-Business and Collaboration
• In any firm, it must deal with its suppliers, customers and employees. It is also involved with business
transaction that involved invoices and payments, own products and services.
1. Operational excellence
• Using IT can elevate organizations to execute its business strategies in a more consistent manner and having an
edge over their competition.
E.g. Toyota is the leader in operational excellence with its Kaizen method of lean manufacturing, while Amazon
has a dynamic business model many companies (even from different industries) refer to.
2. New products, services, and business models
• A growth strategy for businesses whereby for every new product or services assisted by IT, the company will
have a steady stream of business turnover and possibly a new business model will be developed.
E.g. Zappos (an e-commerce leader in sale of shoes) sets the ultimate standard for excellence online customer
service along with its astronomic digital strategy.
• Individualism is not an option, rather companies are focusing on merging and assimilation of business
processes to increase productivity, efficiency, reducing cost as well as resources.
• Through Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), company processes are re-designed and re-configured,
taking advantage of new technological platforms and systems infrastructure tools.
• This transition may not be overnight but a long period as the exercise includes a massive overhaul of the
For example, some manual or old processes could be automated and reduced to reflect the changes and
integration process.
• Many companies such as Coca Cola, Dell and Amazon have successfully applied BPR in their improvement of
business processes.
• These companies are able to pushed the ideas of integration further into the current wave of e-business
transformation to gain competitive advantage.
Do you agree that information systems are too important to be left to computer specialists? Why and why
Describe how IS and IT can be integrated?
What are the business processes that subscribe to IT the most?
Activity 1.1
How do the new technologies change way companies do business?
Describe the kind of new technologies that your organization have adopted.
What are the security issues that may arise from these new technologies (such cloud computing)?
Activity 1.2
Evaluate the strategic business objectives: operational excellence; new products, services, and business
models; customer and supplier intimacy; improved decision making; competitive advantage; and survival.
How will IT play its role on these five business strategies?
Identify some of these technologies that will emerge as a tool to assist the strategies.