Lab Report 06: Constructing A Cladogram

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Lab Report 06: Constructing a Cladogram

Objective: To build a cladogram using data retrieved from image analysis of SDS gel provided
last week.
The provided gel was analyzed using Image Lab 6.1. The lane No. 3-7 were loaded with
samples taken from Unicorn, Horse, Deer, Goat and Rhinoceros respectively. Molecular weight
data was retrieved for each band in these lanes and then sorted out for shortlisting the common
bands (Table 1).
Table 1: Shortlisting of common bands
Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7
Molecular Weight Unicorn Horse Deer Goat Rhinoceros
1 236 √
2 228 √
3 102 √
4 ~90 √ √
5 ~67 √ √ √ √
6 ~42 √ √ √ √ √
7 ~37 √ √ √
8 ~25 √ √ √ √ √
9 ~18 √ √ √ √
10 15 √ √ √ √
11 14 √
12 13 √ √ √ √ √
13 12 √ √ √ √
14 10 √ √ √ √ √
15 10 √ √ √ √
16 below 10 √ √ √ √
17 below 10 √ √
18 below 10 √ √ √

Next common proteins were counted for each pair of species (table 2).
Table 2: Species Comparison table (No. of common protein in each pair)
Unicorn Horse Deer Goat s
Unicorn   5 9 11 12
Horse   6 6 5
Deer   11 9
Goat   11
Next, cladogram was constructed using the data from table 2.

This cladogram seems correct to me, as I have placed closely related species i.e. those
sharing maximum number of common proteins closer like Unicorn and Rhinoceros and distantly
related species i.e. those having minimum number of common proteins have been placed
distant apart e.g. horse. The problem of having same number of common proteins was solved
by comparing this number with whole node.
Table 3: Data Retrieved
Band Mol. Wt.
Lane No. (KDa)
3 1 236.205567
5 1 228.297016
3 2 102.27814
5 2 91.731473
6 1 90.421446
3 3 67.770148
5 3 67.770148
6 2 67.011136
7 1 64.059168
4 1 43.186996
6 3 42.836969
3 4 42.489778
5 4 42.145395
7 2 42.145395
3 5 37.607136
6 4 37
7 3 36.750748
4 2 25.512124
5 5 25
3 6 23.207937
6 5 23.207937
7 4 22.639601
4 3 18.655327
5 6 18.227502
6 6 17.481992
7 5 16.006755
3 7 15.932654
6 7 15.785482
5 7 15.63967
4 4 15.210262
6 8 14.740678
4 5 13.9893
5 8 13.568812
7 6 13.509784
6 9 13.392493
3 8 13.334232
5 9 12.821149
6 10 12.435772
7 7 12.327806
3 9 12.220779
5 10 10.911113
4 6 10.816386
6 11 10.629391
7 8 10.583148
3 10 10.537109
5 11 10.265041
6 12 10.131653
3 11 10.043693
7 9 10.043693
3 12 10
3 13 10
3 14 10
4 7 10
4 8 10
6 13 10
7 10 10
7 11 10
7 12 10

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