4.D.c. Ramirez - v. - Buhayang-Margallo PDF

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[A.C. No. 10537. February 3, 2015.]




LEONEN , J : p

When an action or proceeding is initiated in our courts, lawyers become the eyes and
ears of their clients. Lawyers are expected to prosecute or defend the interests of their
clients without need for reminders. The privilege of the o ce of attorney grants them the
ability to warrant to their client that they will manage the case as if it were their own. The
relationship between an attorney and client is a sacred agency. It cannot be disregarded
on the imsy excuse that the lawyer accepted the case only because he or she was asked
by an acquaintance. The professional relationship remains the same regardless of the
reasons for the acceptance by counsel and regardless of whether the case is highly paying
or pro bono.
Atty. Mercedes Buhayang-Margallo's (Atty. Margallo) inaction resulted in a lost
appeal, terminating the case of her client not on the merits but due to her negligence. She
made it appear that the case was dismissed on the merits when, in truth, she failed to le
the Appellant's Brief on time. She did not discharge her duties of candor to her client.
This court resolves the Petition for Review 1 led by Atty. Margallo under Rule 139-B,
Section 12 of the Rules of Court, assailing the Resolution of the Board of Governors of the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
In the Resolution 2 dated March 21, 2014, the Board of Governors of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines a rmed with modi cation its earlier Resolution 3 dated March 20,
2013. In its delegated capacity to conduct fact nding for this court, it found that
respondent Atty. Margallo had violated Canon 17 and Canon 18, Rules 18.03 and 18.04 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility. 4 Consequently, the Board of Governors
recommended that Atty. Margallo be suspended from the practice of law for two (2)
years. 5
In the Complaint 6 led on January 20, 2010 before the Commission on Bar
Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, complainant Reynaldo Raudrez
(Ramirez) alleged that he engaged Atty. Margallo's services as legal counsel in a civil case
for Quieting of Title entitled "Spouses Roque v. Ramirez." 7 The case was initiated before
the Regional Trial Court of Binangonan, Rizal, Branch 68. 8
According to Ramirez, Atty. Margallo contacted him on or about March 2004, as per
a referral from a friend of Ramirez's sister. 9 He alleged that Atty. Margallo had offered her
legal services on the condition that she be given 30% of the land subject of the controversy
instead of attorney's fees. 10 It was also agreed upon that Ramirez would pay Atty.
Margallo P1,000.00 per court appearance. 11 aEcTDI

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On October 19, 2006, the Regional Trial Court promulgated a Decision adverse to
Ramirez. 12 Atty. Margallo advised him to appeal the judgment. She committed to le the
Appeal before the Court of Appeals. 13
The Appeal was perfected and the records were sent to the Court of Appeals
sometime in 2008. 14 On December 5, 2008, the Court of Appeals directed Ramirez to le
his Appellant's Brief. Ramirez noti ed Atty. Margallo, who replied that she would have one
prepared. 15
On January 8, 2009, Ramirez contacted Atty. Margallo to follow up on the
Appellant's Brief. Atty. Margallo informed him that he needed to meet her to sign the
documents necessary for the brief. 16
On several occasions, Ramirez followed up on the status of the brief, but he was told
that there was still no word from the Court of Appeals. 17
On August 26, 2009, Atty. Margallo informed Ramirez that his Appeal had been
denied. 18 She told him that the Court of Appeals' denial was due to Ramirez's failure to
establish his liation with his alleged father, which was the basis of his claim. 19 She also
informed him that they could no longer appeal to this court since the Decision of the Court
of Appeals had been promulgated and the reglementary period for ling an Appeal had
already lapsed. 20
Ramirez went to the Court of Appeals. There, he discovered that the Appellant's Brief
was led on April 13, 2009 with a Motion for Reconsideration and Apologies for ling
beyond the reglementary period. 21
Ramirez alleged that Atty. Margallo had violated Canon 17 and Canon 18, Rules
18.03 and 18.04 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. 22 By way of defense, Atty.
Margallo argued that she had agreed to take on the case for free, save for travel expense
of P1,000.00 per hearing. She also claimed that she had candidly informed Ramirez and his
mother that they only had a 50% chance of winning the case. 23 She denied ever having
entered into an agreement regarding the contingent fee worth 30% of the value of the land
subject of the controversy.
Atty. Margallo asserted that she would not have taken on the Appeal except that the
mother of Ramirez had begged her to do so. 24 She claimed that when she instructed
Ramirez to see her for document signing on January 8, 2009, he ignored her. When he
nally showed up on March 2009, he merely told her that he had been busy. 25 Her failure
to immediately inform Ramirez of the unfavorable Decision of the Court of Appeals was
due to losing her client's number because her 8-year-old daughter played with her phone
and accidentally erased all her contacts. 26
Mandatory conference and findings
of the Integrated Bar of the
The dispute was set for mandatory conference on June 3, 2010. 27 Only Ramirez
appeared despite Atty. Margallo having received notice. 28 The mandatory conference was
reset to July 22, 2010. Both parties then appeared and were directed to submit their
position papers. 29
Commissioner Cecilio A.C. Villanueva recommended that Atty. Margallo be
reprimanded for her actions and be given a stern warning that her next infraction of a
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similar nature shall be dealt with more severely. 30 This was based on his two key ndings.
First, Atty. Margallo allowed the reglementary period for ling an Appellant's Brief to lapse
by assuming that Ramirez no longer wanted to pursue the case instead of exhausting all
means possible to protect the interest of her client. 31 Second, Atty. Margallo had been
remiss in her duties as counsel, resulting in the loss of Ramirez's statutory right to seek
recourse with the Court of Appeals. 32
In the Resolution 33 dated March 20, 2013, the Board of Governors of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines adopted and approved the recommendation of the Commission on
Bar Discipline. The Board of Governors resolved to recommend a penalty of reprimand to
Atty. Margallo with a stern warning that repetition of the same or similar act shall be dealt
with more severely. SCIacA

Ramirez seasonably led a Motion for Reconsideration on July 16, 2013. 34 In the
Resolution dated March 21, 2014, the Board of Governors granted Ramirez's Motion for
Reconsideration and increased the recommended penalty to suspension from practice of
law for two (2) years. 35
On August 20, 2014, Atty. Margallo led a Petition for Review under Rule 139-B,
Section 12 of the Rules of Court. 36 She alleged that the recommended penalty of
suspension was too severe considering that she had been very careful and vigilant in
defending the cause of her client. She also averred that this was the rst time a Complaint
was filed against her. 37
Ramirez thereafter led an undated Motion to adopt his Motion for Reconsideration
previously led with the Commission on Bar Discipline as a Comment on Atty. Margallo's
Petition for Review. 38 In the Resolution 39 dated October 14, 2014, this court granted
Ramirez's Motion. Atty. Margallo filed her Reply 40 on October 6, 2014.
This court's ruling
The Petition is denied for lack of merit.
The relationship between a lawyer and a client is "imbued with utmost trust and
confidence". 41 Lawyers are expected to exercise the necessary diligence and competence
in managing cases entrusted to them. They commit not only to review cases or give legal
advice, but also to represent their clients to the best of their ability without need to be
reminded by either the client or the court. The expectation to maintain a high degree of
legal pro ciency and attention remains the same whether the represented party is a high-
paying client or an indigent litigant. 42
Canon 17 and Canon 18, Rules 18.03 and 18.04 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility clearly provide:
Rule 18.03 — A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
negligence in connection there with shall render him liable.
Rule 18.04 — A lawyer shall keep the client informed of the status of his case
and shall respond within a reasonable time to client's request for information.
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In Caranza Vda. De Saldivar v. Cabanes, Jr. , 43 a lawyer was suspended after failing
to justify his absence in a scheduled preliminary conference, which resulted in the case
being submitted for resolution. This was aggravated by the lawyer's failure to inform his
client about the adverse ruling of the Court of Appeals, thereby precluding the litigant from
further pursuing an Appeal. This court found that these actions amounted to gross
negligence tantamount to breaching Canons 17 and 18 of the Code of Professional
The relationship between an attorney and his client is one imbued with
utmost trust and con dence. In this light, clients are led to expect that lawyers
would be ever-mindful of their cause and accordingly exercise the required degree
of diligence in handling their affairs. Verily, a lawyer is expected to maintain at all
times a high standard of legal pro ciency, and to devote his full attention, skill,
and competence to the case, regardless of its importance and whether he accepts
it for a fee or for free.
xxx xxx xxx
Case law further illumines that a lawyer's duty of competence and
diligence includes not merely reviewing the cases entrusted to the counsel's care
or giving sound legal advice, but also consists of properly representing the client
before any court or tribunal, attending scheduled hearings or conferences,
preparing and ling the required pleadings, prosecuting the handled cases with
reasonable dispatch, and urging their termination without waiting for the client or
the court to prod him or her to do so. CAIaHS

Conversely, a lawyer's negligence in ful lling his duties subjects him to

disciplinary action. While such negligence or carelessness is incapable of exact
formulation, the Court has consistently held that the lawyer's mere failure to
perform the obligations due his client is per se a violation. 44 (Emphasis supplied,
citations omitted)

Respondent Atty. Margallo was unjusti ably remiss in her duties as legal counsel to
The lack of communication and coordination between respondent Atty. Margallo
and her client was palpable but was not due to the lack of diligence of her client. This cost
complainant Ramirez his entire case and left him with no appellate remedies. His legal
cause was orphaned not because a court of law ruled on the merits of his case, but
because a person privileged to act as counsel failed to discharge her duties with the
requisite diligence. Her assumption that complainant Ramirez was no longer interested to
pursue the Appeal is a poor excuse. There was no proof that she exerted efforts to
communicate with her client. This is an admission that she abandoned her obligation as
counsel on the basis of an assumption. Respondent Atty. Margallo failed to exhaust all
possible means to protect complainant Ramirez's interest, which is contrary to what she
had sworn to do as a member of the legal profession. For these reasons, she clearly
violated Canon 17 and Canon 18, Rules 18.03 and 18.04 of the Code of Professional
A problem arises whenever agents, entrusted to manage the interests of another,
use their authority or power for their bene t or fail to discharge their duties. In many
agencies, there is information asymmetry between the principal and the entrusted agent.
That is, there are facts and events that the agent must attend to that may not be known by
the principal.
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This information asymmetry is even more pronounced in an attorney-client
relationship. Lawyers are expected not only to be familiar with the minute facts of their
cases but also to see their relevance in relation to their causes of action or their defenses.
The salience of these facts is not usually patent to the client. It can only be seen through
familiarity with the relevant legal provisions that are invoked with their jurisprudential
interpretations. More so with the intricacies of the legal procedure. It is the lawyer that
receives the notices and must decide the mode of appeal to protect the interest of his or
her client.
Thus, the relationship between a lawyer and her client is regarded as highly duciary.
Between the lawyer and the client, it is the lawyer that has the better knowledge of facts,
events, and remedies. While it is true that the client chooses which lawyer to engage, he or
she usually does so on the basis of reputation. It is only upon actual engagement that the
client discovers the level of diligence, competence, and accountability of the counsel that
he or she chooses. In some cases, such as this one, the discovery comes too late.
Between the lawyer and the client, therefore, it is the lawyer that should bear the full costs
of indifference or negligence.
Respondent Atty. Margallo's position that a two-year suspension is too severe
considering that it is her rst infraction cannot be sustained. In Caranza Vda. De Saldivar,
we observed:
As regards the appropriate penalty, several cases show that lawyers who
have been held liable for gross negligence for infractions similar to those of the
respondent were suspended for a period of six (6) months. In Aranda v. Elayda , a
lawyer who failed to appear at the scheduled hearing despite due notice which
resulted in the submission of the case for decision was found guilty of gross
negligence and hence, suspended for six (6) months. In Heirs of Tiburcio F.
Ballesteros, Sr. v. Apiag , a lawyer who did not le a pre-trial brief and was absent
during the pre-trial conference was likewise suspended for six (6) months. In
Abiero v. Juanino , a lawyer who neglected a legal matter entrusted to him by his
client in breach of Canons 17 and 18 of the Code was also suspended for six (6)
months. Thus, consistent with existing jurisprudence, the Court nds it
proper to impose the same penalty against respondent and accordingly
suspends him for a period of six (6) months. 45 (Emphasis supplied,
citations omitted)

Caranza Vda. De Saldivar did not leave the clients without procedural remedies. On
the other hand, respondent Atty. Margallo's neglect resulted in her client having no further
recourse in court to protect his legal interests. This lack of diligence, to the utmost
prejudice of complainant Ramirez who relied on her alleged competence as counsel, must
not be tolerated. It is time that we communicate that lawyers must actively manage cases
entrusted to them. There should be no more room for an inertia of mediocrity. IaSAHC

Parenthetically, it is this court that has the constitutionally mandated duty to

discipline lawyers. 46 Under the current rules, the duty to assist fact nding can be
delegated to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. The ndings of the Integrated Bar,
however, can only be recommendatory, consistent with the constitutional powers of this
court. Its recommended penalties are also, by its nature, recommendatory. Despite the
precedents, it is the Integrated Bar of the Philippines that recognizes that the severity of
the infraction is worth a penalty of two-year suspension. We read this as a showing of its
desire to increase the level of professionalism of our lawyers.

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This court is not without jurisdiction to increase the penalties imposed in order to
address a current need in the legal profession. The desire of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines to ensure a higher ethical standard for its members' conduct is laudable. The
negligence of respondent Atty. Margallo coupled with her lack of candor is reprehensible.
WHEREFORE , the Petition for Review is DENIED. The Recommendations and
Resolution of the Board of Governors of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines dated March
21, 2014 is ACCEPTED, ADOPTED AND AFFIRMED . Atty. Mercedes Buhayang-Margallo
is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for two (2) years, with a stern
warning that a repetition of the same or similar act shall be dealt with more
severely. This decision is immediately executory .
Sereno, C.J., Carpio, Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-de Castro, Peralta, Bersamin, Del Castillo,
Villarama, Jr., Perez, Mendoza, Reyes, Perlas-Bernabe and Jardeleza, JJ., concur.
Brion, J., is on leave.

* On leave.
* Proofreading refers to modifications of the circulated opinion to correct grammatical errors,
citations, and format of footnotes. It can include minor revisions affecting style and
language to improve readability. I reserve the option to include arguments orally made
during the deliberations. n

1. Rollo, pp. 319-357.

2. Id. at 310.
3. Id. at 311.
4. Id. at 312.
5. Id. at 310.

6. Id. at 2-5.
7. Id. at 312.
8. Id.
9. Id. at 3.
10. Id. at 313.

11. Id.
12. Id.
13. Id.
14. Id.

15. Id.

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16. Id.

17. Id.
18. Id.
19. Id. at 314.
20. Id. at 313.
21. Id.

22. Id. at 312.

23. Id. at 314.
24. Id.
25. Id. at 315.

26. Id.
27. Id. at 316.
28. Id.
29. Id.
30. Id. at 318.

31. Id.
32. Id.
33. Id. at 311.
34. Id. at 296-298.
35. Id. at 310.

36. Id. at 319.

37. Id. at 326-327.
38. Id. at 545.
39. Id. at 549.

40. Id. at 551.

41. Caranza Vda. de Saldivar v. Cabanes, Jr., A.C. No. 7749, July 8, 2013, 700 SCRA 734, 741
[Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, Second Division].

42. Id.
43. A.C. No. 7749, July 8, 2013, 700 SCRA 734 [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, Second Division].
44. Id. at 741-742.
45. Id. at 744.

46. See CONST. (1987), art. VIII, sec. 11.

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n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official copy.

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