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Work culture is the environment and atmosphere WHY IT IS
created for the employees to work. It has a crucial role to IMPORTANT?
play in assessing the satisfaction of your work, your
relationship and career progress. This indicates on the
mix of organization values, ideologies, beliefs, A healthy work culture
leaderships and intercommunication which are related can lead to satisfied
employees and an
to the working environment.
increased productivity.

A positive work culture

means that it
acknowledges and
honors the commitment
of employees. This tends
to build a good career for
the employees who feel
respected and valued to
work happily.


" If everyone is moving
forward together, then " Culture is simply a shared
success takes care of itself." way of doing something with a
- Henry Ford, Founder
of Ford Motor Company - Brian Chesky, Co-founder Airbnb.
Inspire a positive Factors to demonstrate
work culture
work culture

Establish social connections Communication

The central part of a good communication in
Communication is essential to working culture is focusing on the style of the
create a healthy working culture communication of an organization. Success of an
in order to enhance organization requires free and open
understanding and bonding communication in order to build the trust and
between individuals; build a create the same vision of all civil servants.
positive and effective contact
culture in MOTAC at all levels.
By implementing fun, more joyful experiences can

Spread happiness
be integrated into the culture of MOTAC. That
could be as easy as sharing a funny story and
meme or creating a fun environment where
Smile and genuinely greet with a everyone can initiate and organize various fun
"Hi" or "Good Morning" to the activities. It can be seen as nobody wants to go to
people you meet. work in a position they know is boring and

Strive to provide
a comfortable place
Transparency means the institution is open and
honest about its intentions and operations, so are
The development of a positive the civil workers with one another. Yet a lack of
work culture creates a safe work integrity can create an environment of deception
environment that requires the and untrustworthy civil servants. With full of
elimination of negative attitudes transparency, MOTAC civil servants are able to
and personalities. operate in an atmosphere that is full of
productivity and sustainability.

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