Relationship Between Bank Credit and Economic Growth: Evidence From Jordan

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2; 2016

Relationship between Bank Credit and Economic Growth: Evidence

from Jordan
Izz Eddien N. Ananzeh1
Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan
Correspondence: Izz Eddien N. Ananzeh, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences,
Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan.

Received: December 30, 2015 Accepted: January 15, 2016 Online Published: March 8, 2016
doi:10.5430/ijfr.v7n2p53 URL:
Despite the growing literatures that examined the relationship between financial developments and growth of any
economy, there is scarceness in the empirical studies that examine the influence of bank credit on economic
performance or growth at secrotal level of any country. Therefore this study came to examine the relationship
between bank credit and economic growth in Jordan at different sectors for the period that span from 1993 to 2014.
We employ two different methodologies Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger Causality Test,
The results report for a long run relationship could be inferred between Real GDP, and its Explanatory variables of
Total Bank Credit (TBC); Bank Credit for Agriculture sector (CFA); Bank Credit for Industry sector (CFI); Bank
Credit for Construction sector (CFC); Bank Credit for Tourism sector(CFT). So we can suggest that TBC, CFA, CFI,
CFC, and CFT are in the long term relationship with the development of Jordanian economy.
Granger causality test conclude for a causal relationship going from economic growth to bank credit at agriculture
and construction sectors in Jordan economy. Also the results report bidirectional causality observed among economic
development and bank credit to construction sector that is the most important sectors in this economy. Moreover, our
results point out that the efficiency of the bank credit facilities in a major economic sectors has an important role in
the Jordanian economic growth, and shows the needs to enhance the role of financial sector for different economic
sectors by adopting more appropriate macroeconomic policies.
Keywords: bank credit, economic growth, (VAR) model, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
1. Introduction
The major portion of the financial literature point out that financial institution development should lead to the
development of any economy. The relationship between development of financial sector and the economic growth
firstly presented through work of Schumpeter (1911). He confirmed that the services provided by financial
institutions could stimulate technological innovation and economic growth by funding productive investments.
The different people from different sector and different organization require financing for many purposes. The
financial services provided the finance from different financial institutions that are divided into capital and money
markets. we have commercial banks in the money markets that provide financial services, and his basic role involves
taking funds from the surplus unit who have no instant needs to the deficit units, or may be in form of credit to
investors who have smart ideas but lack the necessary funds to implement the ideas to create additional wealth.
Due to the rapid development of mankind all over the world the economic development occupied crucial role, and
that increasing with time in order to raising the level of the peoples economically and socially. In the terms of
economic development the development of financial sector, especially the bank credit play a vital important role to
provide the necessary financial resources to finance various economic activities, and re-directing it to serve the
economic sectors in correct way. There is many believes the changes in the volume of credit has a significant impact
on Level of economic activity in terms of prosperity or deflation.
Potential positive connection between economic growth and the credit markets is evident to some extent because the
developed countries without exception have the most advanced credit markets.

Published by Sciedu Press 53 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

There are various views about the causality relationship between financial intermediation and the growth of any
economy. Many explanations have been offered empirically for this causality relationship and its causality direction.
Bayoumi and Melander (2008) in his seminal work found when overall credit decreased by 2.5% causes the level of
GDP to be decreased by 1.5%, Similarly Demetriades and Hussein (1996) reported the same outcomes.
The prior findings in the financial literature have made it useful to investigate whether bank credits in our country
can be depending on to motivate the growth of the Jordan economy or not. So that our study came to investigate the
contribution of banks credit in Jordan for different sectors on economic growth through using different models to
explore the role of the bank credit in the process of generating the growth, and based upon historical data we inspect
the effectiveness of bank sector and the causality direction
A significant part of credit in Jordan is spread through the banking system, although there are some other institution,
for example micro finance institutions, finance companies, and credit cooperative societies that provide credit for
small projects. However, the data availability for these kind institutions is very limited.
The rest of this paper: Section 2 present literature review, Section 3 report the data and methodology used in this
study, the empirical analysis results discussed in section 4, and finally Section 5 report the conclusion of our study.
2. Literature Review
The relationship between development of financial sector and the economic growth firstly presented through work of
Schumpeter (1911). He confirmed that the services provided by financial institutions could stimulate technological
innovation and economic growth by funding productive investments. In the same line, Robinson (1952); Shaw
(1967); Goldsmith (1969); Gurly and Shaw (1973); and Spellman (1982) have contended that financial development
could enhance the economic growth by increasing saving, improving the efficiency of allocation fund, and promoting
capital accumulation.
Robinson, (1952), and Gurley and Shaw (1960, 1967) reported that financial development promotes the growth of
economy. Also, the King and Levine (1993) reported that the development of financial markets mostly follows
economic growth rate.
Financial literature was grown in recent years through many empirical studies by examining the role of financial
intermediaries on economic growth, and employing many advanced methodologies that have shown the bank credit
has positive impact on economic growth. Demetriades and Hussein (1996) examine the direction of causality
between economic growth and financing sector development which covered sixteen developing countries, and the
results of this study proof that the financing is a major factor in the economic growth.
Kar and Pentecost, (2000) employed VECM beside Graner-Causality test to examine the relation between these two
issues, and they found that the causality direction running from financial development to growth of economy.
Baliamoune-Lutz (2008) discusses the relationship between financial development with four economic ratios and
real output for the sample which covered three countries from North Africa: Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco for the
period span from 1960 to 2001. They employ the methodology of VECM, and Co-integration to inspect the
relationship. The results present that the financial development will leads economic growth.
Eatzaz and Malik (2009) investigate role of the of financial development on the growth of economy for the sample
which covered thirty five developing countries through using GMM approach, and concluded if the domestic bank
credit to the private sector increased this will lead increasing per workers output (productivity of workers) and
consequently in the long increasing the economic growth.
Kar et al. (2011) investigate the causal between these two issues in the fifteen countries from MENA markets, and
the period span from 1980 to 20007. The study employed the panel causality testing approach, and the results
suggest that is no clear cut on causality direction between two variable and different from country to another. Ben
Salem and Trabelsi (2012) examine the relationship for the same issue in seven countries from southern
Mediterranean countries during the period span from 1970 to 2006. The study applies the Pedroni panel co
integration analysis for seven variable measure financial developments. The result of this paper confirms the
presence of relationship with a long- rub base between the financial development and the rate of growth.
Depending upon the outcomes of previous literatures review, our contribution or the importance of our study came
from many points. Firstly we investigate the relationship between bank credit at the sectoral country level which
covered five sectors (agriculture, industry, construction, and tourism) Secondly we employed more Advance
econometric techniques for example Vector autoregressive Approach (VAR) Model, and Granger Causality test.

Published by Sciedu Press 54 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

Thirdly our study covered Jordan market which is one of the very important markets in the middle east for a long
period span from 1993 to 2014 at quarterly base.
3. Data and Methodology
3.1 Data
Sample period of our study spans from Dec 1993 to Dec 2014, and the study was carried out by using 85 quarterly
observations, the time series data taken from Statistical Bulletin of Jordan Central Bank (CBJ).
The data used in this study includes:
1. The Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) at current basic price refers to the economic growth as
dependent variable.
2. This article uses five independent variables that represent financial development:
 Total bank credit facilities for all sectors (TBC).
 Bank credit facilities for agriculture sector (CFA).
 Bank credit facilities for industry sector (CFI).
 Bank credit facilities for construction sector (CFC).
 Bank credit facilities for tourism sector (CFT).
Those five indicators refer to the efficiency of the banking system to generate finance lead to growth.
3.2 Methodology
The previous empirical evidence has agreed upon the existence of a relationship between bank credit and growth of
the economy. In order to investigate this relationship we employed several analytical approaches.
Firstly, we will use econometrics methods which are used in the literatures to test the independence of all-time series.
3.2.1 Unit Root Tests
The most popular procedures that developed for testing the order of integration for the time series under
consideration, we used two unit root tests :( parametric) the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979), and (nonparametric)
Phillips-Peron (PP) unit root test (1988). Firstly ADF test is based on the estimation on the following formula:
 Yt   0   1Y t 1   2 T  i 1
 i  Yti   t

Where Yt refer to the time series under study; t= time trend;  = first difference operator;  t = stationary
stochastic process. Phillips and Perron (1987) made a modification for ADF t  statistic with Z t statistic; the
null hypotheses HO :  1  0 against H 1 :  1  0 this mean a unit root exist:
Y 2
t    Y t 1  
t 1
 i  2 (Y t  1 )   t (2)

Where  represent the second- difference operator,

t represent the stationary stochastic process.ADF and PP
tests are applied to last two equations respectively.
3.2.2 Time Series Cointegration
Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model is the estimation method of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is the
would be used with k explicative variables to specify the nature of the VECM. This is the second step in this paper to
testing the multivariate co-integration between time series in the analyzing process, if the Co integrated variables are
disturbed then will not move apart from each other and as a consequence, capture relationship in a long run base
relationship. The Johansen (1991, 1988) maximum likelihood test is employ here to examine the cointegration
among the variables. The test procedure of the test is follows: Considering the VAR model of order k:

Yt    1Yt 1  ............   i Yt 1   t (3)

Yt refer to 5x 1 vector of the first order integrated variables,  t represent innovation vector. The VAR model can
be rewrite as follows:

Published by Sciedu Press 55 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

q 1
Yt    Yt 1    i Yt 1   t (4)
i 1

q q
Where     t 1 and i     J
i 1 J i 1

Johansen (1988, 1989) and also Johansen and Juselius (1990) from the residual vectors propose two statistic tests;
the trace test (  trace) the first one to tests the null hypotheses that represent as follows:

trac( r )  T  Ln(1  
J i 1
J ) (5)

Where T refer to the number of observations, and  r smallest estimated Eigen values:
3.2.3 Granger Causality Test
In order to examine causal relationship between bank credit and the economic growth is Granger Causality test
(Granger, 1986), and The Granger Causality test in the contest of VAR framework formulates:
p q m n s t
GDPt   0  1t GDPt 1   2tTBCt 1   3t CFAt 1   4t CFIt 1   5t CFCt 1   6t CFTt 1  1t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1
p q m n s t
TBCt   0   1t TBCt 1    2t GDPt 1    3t CFAt 1    4t CFIt 1    5t CFCt 1    6t CFTt 1   2t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1

p q m n s t
CFAt  0   1t CFAt 1   2tTBCt 1   3t GDPt 1   4t CFIt 1   5t CFCt 1   6t CFTt 1   3t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1

p q m n s t
CFIt   0  1t CFIt 1   2t TBCt 1   3t CFAt 1   4t GDPt 1   5t CFCt 1   6t CFTt 1   4t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1

p q m n s t
CFCt   0    1t CFCt 1    2t TBCt 1    3t CFAt 1    4t CFI t 1    5t GDPt 1    6t CFTt 1   5t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1

p q m n s t
CFTt  0  1t CFTt 1   2t TBCt 1  3t CFAt 1   4t CFIt 1  5t GDPt 1  6t GDPt 1   6t
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1

The parameters are: ( 1t ,...., 6 t ,  1t ,...., 6 t ,  1t ,...., 6 t ,  1t ,..., 6 t ,  1t ,.., 6 t , 1t ,..., 6 t ) .
This test enables us to determine the causality direction existing between the variables of our study, and it may detect
the relationship of unidirectional causality, no causality and bidirectional between the variables under investigation.
If statistically significant the parameters of the lagged variables. In last 6 equations for the variable of our study it
suggests for a causality relationship. Otherwise, no causal relationship.
4. Empirical Results
We started our investigation by checking the stationarity for every individual time series in the study. We employ
two unit root tests (ADF), and (PP) tests. The results of thses tests indicate for none of the series in levels can be
reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance, but for the first differences we reject the null hypothesis at 5%
level of significance. We can conclude that all time series for the variables under study of order one, I(1) are

Published by Sciedu Press 56 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

Table 1. Represent Unit Root tests

Variables ADF Test PP Test

Level Difference Level Difference
RGDP 4.19 -8.728* 3.63 -12.08* I(1)
TBC 1.77 -3..10** 2.31 -5.26** I(1)
CFA -0.541 -6.22* -0.377 -9.316* I(1)
CFI 1.72 -3.11** 2.29 -5.22* I(1)
CFC 3.12 -2.98** 3.10 -5.86* I(1)
CFT 1.28 -4.15* 1.25 -10.23* I(1)
- *,** refer to the rejection of the null hypothesis at the level of significance 1%, and 5%.
Note: RGDP refer to the real gross domestic product, TBC is Total bank credit facilities for all sectors, CFA is Bank
credit facilities for agriculture sector, CFI is Bank credit facilities for industry sector, CFC is Bank credit facilities
for construction sector, CFT is Bank credit facilities for tourism sector.

Johansen Co-integration Results

It is well recognized that the sensitivity of Johansen’s co integration tests are very high to the option of lag length. In
order discover the appropriate lag structure the VAR model is adjusted to the time series data. For those non-
stationary variables with the same order are integrated Johansen Co-integration tests can be only utilized, and
through our investigation the results confirms that all six variables were found as I(1). In our suggested model
dependent variable is RGDP while, TBC, CFA, CFI, CFC, and CFT are independent variables.
In this paper we have three hypotheses according to the Johansen test. "The first null hypothesis declares that there
are no cointegration vectors through study variables, the second alternative hypothesis declares that the number of
co-integration vectors is less than or equal to one, and the third one hypothesis is that: co-integration vectors are at
most two". Batarseh, A. & Ananzeh, I. (2015).

Table 2. Johansen Cointegration tests

Hypothesized Eigen Statistic Critical Prob.** Max Eigen Statistic Critical Prob.**
No. of CE(s) value Value value Value
5% 1%
None * 0.44 78.44 47.86 0.00 0.44 46.49 27.58 0.00
At most 1 * 0.23 31.95 29.80 0.03 0.23 20.48 21.13 0.06
At most 2 0.11 11.46 15.49 0.18 0.11 8.84 14.26 0.30
At most 3 0.03 2.62 3.84 0.11 0.03 2.62 3.84 0.11
At most 4 0.079 8.20 15.41 0.14 0.079 8.201 20.04 0.14

At most 5 0.018 1 .5123 3.76 0.24 0.018 1 .512 6.65 0.24

Note: *& **: Indicate to the Statistical significance at 5% and 1%, respectively.

According to the co integration results presented in Table 2 stated for the first hypothesis that the trace statistics at
alpha 1% are greater than critical value. Therefore at this level we can reject the first null hypothesis that indicates
one co-integrating vector at least, and the thus the a long run relationship could be deduced between real RGDP and
its independent variables of TBC, CFA, CFI, CFC, and CFT in our country.
Error Correction Model Results
The ECM helping us to recognizing between the long run and short run Granger causality. Long run relationship
through the study variables represented by the Error Correction Model.

Published by Sciedu Press 57 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

Table 3 reports the results of level equation and ECM. In our paper we run the test for different lag level until 3 lags,
and we can see the short term co-efficient in this table. Short term co-efficient of CFA, CFC, and CFT at α levels are
not statistically significant, also short term co-efficient of DS are not statistically significant in general but only at lag
3, short term effect of RGDP, TBC, and CFI are statistically significant at α = 0.05 which means that if TBC
increases by 1% , RGDP of Jordan economy increases by 0.10355% in the short term, and if CFI increases by 1%,
RGDP of Jordan increases by 0.0812% in the short term.

Date: 12/29/15 Time: 11:33

Sample(adjusted): 5 85
Included observations: 81 after adjusting
Standard errors & t-statistics in parentheses

Co integrating Eq: CointEq1

RGDP(-1) 1

TBC(-1) 81.21016

CFA(-1) -1.835978

CFI(-1) -78.90173

CFC(-1) -2.636032

CFT(-1) 0.618964

Error Correction: D(RGDP) D(TBC) D(CFA) D(CFI) D(CFC) D(CFT)

CointEq1 0.052165 0.002604 0.006173 0.002488 0.014435 0.012141

0.0065 0.00451 -0.01449 0.00439 -0.00526 -0.01533
8.0312 -0.5773 -0.42587 0.56738 -2.74499 -0.79191

D(RGDP(-1)) -0.839222 0.152753 0.12934 0.107424 0.049815 -0.23623

-0.09012 0.04258 -0.2011 -0.06085 -0.07297 -0.21272
(-9.31206) 1.64182 -0.64315 -1.76536 -0.68271 (-1.1154)

D(RGDP(-2)) -0.872768 0.036596 0.110541 0.037635 0.108863 0.042041

-0.05662 0.03932 -0.12635 0.03823 0.04584 -0.13365
(-15.4136) -0.93068 -0.87486 0.98437 -2.37463 -0.31456

Published by Sciedu Press 58 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

D(RGDP(-3)) -0.731945 0.166404 0.221517 0.170556 0.128988 0.101452

-0.07535 -0.05233 -0.16814 -0.05088 -0.06101 -0.17786
(-9.71372) -3.18005 -1.31742 -3.35225 -2.11431 -0.57042

D(TBC(-1)) 0.10355 0.870383 -5.06288 1.349612 0.083062 -0.88854

0.040512 -1.948 -6.25953 -1.89404 -2.27112 -6.62107
(0.49233) -0.44681 (-0.8083) -0.71256 -0.03657 (-0.1340)

D(TBC(-2)) -0.349777 -1.68141 -5.65358 -1.44073 -2.10203 -5.68989

0.05616 -2.12233 -6.81971 -2.06354 -2.47437 -7.21361
(0.11445) (-0.7925) (-0.8201) (-0.6918) (-0.8452) (-0.7877)

D(TBC(-3)) -2.318673 -0.99943 -1.79876 -0.88006 1.474077 -9.74357

0.81778 -1.95679 -6.28778 -1.90259 -2.28137 -6.65095
(0.82287) (-0.5105) (-0.2867) (-0.4626) -0.64614 (-1.4699)

D(CFA(-1)) 0.019312 0.03604 -0.01695 -0.02755 0.048912 0.014093

(0.07675) -0.04929 -0.15839 -0.04793 -0.05747 -0.16754
(0.25162) (-0.7312) (-0.1069) (-0.5740) -0.85113 -0.08412

D(CFA(-2)) 0.081220 0.003409 -0.08603 0.004454 0.013418 0.057682

(0.07439) -0.0498 -0.16001 -0.04842 -0.05806 -0.16925
(1.09175) -0.06846 (-0.5364) -0.092 -0.23113 -0.34081

D(CFA(-3)) 0.118945 -0.0366 -0.28718 -0.03749 0.034394 -0.00577

-0.069 -0.04792 -0.15397 -0.04659 -0.05586 -0.16286
-1.72385 (-0.7638) (-1.8658) (-0.8462) -0.61566 (-0.0355)

D(CFI(-1)) -0.019316 -0.02707 -0.05022 -0.01981 0.01279 0.09459

0.07675 0.05108 0.16589 0.04942 0.06025 0.17000
-0.251624 -0.52987 -0.30274 -0.39823 0.20056 0.55562

D(CFI(-2)) 0.081210 0.00538 -0.10537 0.00602 -0.01129 0.07938

0.034390 0.04951 0.16079 0.04821 0.05885 0.16478
1.0917 0.10867 -0.6554 0.12503 -0.19183 0.48178

D(CFI(-3)) 2.051818 1.095246 1.379834 0.961223 -1.48844 9.270503

-2.83388 -1.96797 -6.3237 -1.91346 -2.29441 -6.68895
-0.72403 -0.55654 -0.2182 -0.50235 (-0.6483) -1.38594

D(CFC(-1)) -0.233319 0.066089 -0.3732 0.056927 0.113695 -0.98874

-0.15329 -0.10645 -0.34207 -0.1035 -0.12411 -0.36182
(-1.52205) -0.62083 (-1.0901) -0.55 -0.91608 (-2.7365)

D(CFC(-2)) 0.231486 -0.0241 0.276439 -0.01833 -0.03014 0.116967

-0.14408 -0.10005 -0.32151 -0.09728 -0.11665 -0.34008
-1.60666 (-0.2402) -0.85982 (-0.1881) (-0.2534) -0.34394

D(CFC(-3)) 0.199628 0.057068 -0.06225 0.0578 0.153599 0.333672

Published by Sciedu Press 59 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

-0.11723 -0.08141 -0.2616 -0.07916 -0.09491 -0.27671

-1.70285 -0.70099 (-0.2375) -0.7302 -1.61828 -1.20587

D(CFT(-1)) 0.15245 0.04951 0.033322 0.049366 0.012627 0.015285

-0.05203 -0.03613 -0.1161 -0.03513 -0.04212 -0.12281
-2.9301 -1.37028 -0.28701 -1.40522 -0.29976 -0.12446

D(CFT(-2)) 0.160638 -0.05353 0.224476 -0.05038 -0.04175 0.108072

-0.05121 -0.03556 -0.11427 0.03458 -0.04146 -0.12087
-3.13698 (-1.5058) -1.96446 (-1.4572) (-1.0069) -0.89413

D(CFT(-3)) 0.106362 -0.01032 -0.08644 -0.01026 -0.07479 0.209807

-0.04941 -0.03431 -0.11025 -0.03336 -0.04 -0.11662
-2.1527 (-0.3062) (-0.7841) (-0.3078) (-1.8695) -1.79904

R-squared 0.890142 0.443012 0.251553 0.458342 0.545413 0.185282

Adj. R-squared 0.858248 0.281306 0.034263 0.301087 0.413436 -0.05125
Sum sq. resids 0.009759 0.004706 0.048595 0.004449 0.006397 0.054371
S.E. equation 0.012546 0.008713 0.027996 0.008471 0.010158 0.029613
F-statistic 27.9092 2.739609 1.157681 2.914637 4.132635 0.783332
Log likelihood 250.5377 280.0739 185.5224 282.3493 267.6427 180.9741
Akaike AIC -5.716981 -6.44627 -4.11166 -6.50245 -6.13933 -3.99936
Schwarz SC -5.15532 -5.88461 -3.55 -5.94079 -5.57767 -3.4377
Mean dependent 0.009802 0.00958 0.006494 0.009531 0.010358 0.014444
S.D. dependent 0.033323 0.010277 0.028489 0.010133 0.013263 0.028883

Determinant Residual
Covariance 3.64E-26
Log Likelihood 1682.663
Akaike Information Criteria -38.5843
Schwarz Criteria -35.0369

Table 3 reports that ECT is 5.216 %, positively and statistically significant at level α 1%, figure 0.05216 display that
the short run values of RGDP converging to its long run Equilibrium level by 5.216 % adjustment speed every year
through the CFA, CFC, and CFT contributions.
We can see from the figures of level Equation when CFA increasing by 0.01, then the GDP increasing by 0.0193%
and its statistically significant at α = 0.10.
The results of Granger Causality Tests
After the process of analyzing the co-integration and ECM, and our results supports that co-integration vectors found
between our study variables. In this time we must applied the Granger Causality Test.
Table 4 reports the outcomes of the test, the outcomes presents that there is a single causality running from CFC to
CFA, from CFI to CFA, from CFT to CFA, from CFA to CFT, from RGDP to CFA from TBC to CFA, from CFI to
CFC, from RGDP to CFC, from CFC to RGDP, from TBC to CFC, and from TBC to CFI. Also in Table 4, the
bidirectional causality observed among variables CFT, CFA, and RGDP, CFC.

Published by Sciedu Press 60 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

Pairwise Granger Causality Tests

Date: 12/29/15 Time: 17:54
Sample: 1 85
Lags: 3

Null Hypoth: Obs F-Stat Prob

CFC doesn't Granger Cause CFA 82 2.8394 0.04357

CFA doesn't Granger Cause CFC 0.4723 0.70247

CFI doesn't Granger Cause CFA 82 3.5131 0.0192

CFA doesn't Granger Cause CFI 2.0487 0.11426

CFT doesn't Granger Cause CFA 82 2.2279 0.09188

CFA doesn't Granger Cause CFT 2.733 0.04961

RGDP doesn't Granger Cause CFA 82 3.2034 0.02797

CFA doesn't Granger Cause RGDP 1.0337 0.38267

TBC doesn't Granger Cause CFA 82 3.4937 0.01966

CFA doesn't Granger Cause TBC 1.7941 0.15557

CFI doesn't Granger Cause CFC 82 2.8818 0.04138

CFC doesn't Granger Cause CFI 1.5488 0.20893

CFT doesn't Granger Cause CFC 82 0.9617 0.4154

CFC doesn't Granger Cause CFT 2.1137 0.10557

RGDP doesn't Granger Cause CFC 82 7.0109 0.00032

CFC doesn't Granger Cause RGDP 2.2266 0.09202

TBC doesn't Granger Cause CFC 82 3.1977 0.02816

CFC doesn't Granger Cause TBC 1.6139 0.19327

CFT doesn't Granger Cause CFI 82 1.901 0.13669

CFI doesn't Granger Cause CFT 2.1034 0.10691

RGDP doesn't Granger Cause CFI 82 1.6004 0.19642

CFI doesn't Granger Cause RGDP 12.724 8.30E-07

TBC doesn't Granger Cause CFI 82 2.5949 0.05872

CFI doesn't Granger Cause TBC 1.9122 0.13485

RGDP doesn't Granger Cause CFT 82 1.2899 0.2841

CFT doesn't Granger Cause RGDP 0.9402 0.42564

TBC doesn't Granger Cause CFT 82 2.0735 0.11087

CFT doesn't Granger Cause TBC 2.0681 0.11159

TBC doesn't Granger Cause RGDP 82 12.283 1.30E-06

RGDP doesn't Granger Cause TBC 1.5568 0.20696

Published by Sciedu Press 61 ISSN 1923-4023 E-ISSN 1923-4031 International Journal of Financial Research Vol. 7, No. 2; 2016

5. Conclusion
The Jordanian economy had suffered from many unstable political events from near country that hampered its
growth for several periods from the year of 1990. Over and above of poor provision of infrastructure, especially the
financing of different vital sectors could be one of the main factors of slow growth. So that this study came to study
the relation between bank credit for different sectors and economic growth through employing different advanced
methodologies VECM, and Granger Causality Test, and using quarterly data for the period 1993-2014.
The empirical analysis proposed that variables that determine bank credit for different sectors and RGDP present a
unit root. Once a co integrated relationship among relevant economic variables is established. The results of this
study report for a long run relationship could be inferred between real RGDP and its Explanatory variables of TBC,
CFA, CFI, CFC, and CFT in our country. So we can suggest that TBC, CFA, CFI, CFC, and CFT are in the long
term equilibrium relationship with the economic development in Jordan.
The Granger causality test report that causality runs from economic development, measured as bank credit for
agriculture and construction sectors in Jordan economy. The results report bidirectional causality observed among
economic development and bank credit to construction Overall, the underdevelopment of credit and stock markets
with no financial depth remains one of the main obstacles faced this economy.
As a result, banking with different sectors has played a positive role in enhancing the growth of the Jordanian
economy. furthermore, more rehabilitation of the financial sector enhance the opportunity for economic growth.
We recommend in this study to bring attention the government of Jordan toward the role of intermediation markets
that can reduce financial sector instability that could spoil growth in the future, and we recommend for further study
in the future in the same contest.
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