Rheumatology & Rehabilitation 2018-2019

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Basics of

Rheumatology and

Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Department
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine

2018- 2019

This book is written by the staff members of Rheumatology,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Mansoura University. It has been made to provide, in brief, the basic
knowledge of this specialty in a systemic, concisely written, well-
illustrated and comprehensive manner to be easily memorized by the
undergraduate students.

We hope that this book provides our students with adequate basic
rheumatological knowledge to make accurate clinical observations,
arrive at a diagnosis and be aware of relevant differential diagnosis. We
hope that this book can also provide our students with different
modalities of physical medicine and role of interdisciplinary rehabilitation
program in different medical conditions.

Also we hope that this book will be beneficial to general

practitioner helping them to diagnose and manage some medical
disease with rheumatological manifestation (how to deal with! And when
to consult!).

Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Department
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine

of Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Department Faculty of Medicine
Mansoura University

Prof. Manal Awad Dr. Nanis Onsy

Prof. Atif El.Ghaweet Dr. Tamer El.Saeed
Prof. Seif Eldein Farag Dr. Reham Magdy
Prof. Amir Abd-Elrahman Dr. Rehab Abd-Elraof
Prof. Salah Hawas Dr. Abeer Fekry
Prof. Ibraheem El.Boghdady Dr. Amany El.Bahnasawy
Prof. Basma El.Kady Dr. Iman Abd-Elrazik
Prof. Abd-Elmoety Afify Dr. Ola Gharbia
Prof. Adel Abd-Elsalam
Dr. Sherein Gaafar
Prof. Mona Mohsen
Dr. Yasmin Adel
Prof. Mohammed Kamal
Dr. Eman Bakr
Prof. Hisham Habib Dr. Dena Abdel Ghafar
Prof. Shereif Refaat
Prof. Shereen Mashaly

3 SIMPLE SCREENING QUESTIONS Rheumatism: is any painful disorder
1. Have you any pain or stiffness in your muscle, joints or back? affecting the musculoskeletal system
including: joints, muscles, connective
2. Can you dress yourself without any difficulty? tissues, soft tissues around the joints and
3. Can you walk up and down stairs easily? bones.

If any answer is positive to any question, then detailed history must Rheumatology: science dealing with the
diagnosis and management of painful
be obtained. conditions in musculoskeletal system from
conservative aspect.
ARTICULAR SYMPTOMS The diagnosis of many rheumatic diseases
is mainly clinical.
• Articular pain: localized to joint.
• Non-articular pain: originates from peri-articular structures e.g. tendon or bursae.
• Referred pain: e.g. cervical spondylosis presenting as shoulder pain.
• Inflammatory disease: joint pain tends to be worse at night.
• Mechanical disorder: pain is worse at the end of the day and after activity; relieved by rest.


• Diffuse: synovial effusion; synovial hyperplasia.

• Localized: swelling of the structures surrounding the joint (e.g. bursa); Heberden's nodes; Bouchard's nodes.


• Important feature of many rheumatic disorders (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and SLE).
• Prominent feature in fibromyalgia.


• Early morning stiffness: inflammatory arthritis (may last for several hours).
• Joint stiffness after rest may indicate osteoarthritis (gelling).
• Fibromyalgia.


Caused by: muscle weakness, pain, mechanical factors (e.g. tendon and joint impairment) and nerve damage.

Limitation of movement
Caused by pain, contracture, arthritis, capsular fibrosis (e.g. frozen shoulder).

e.g. genu varus, genu valgum, Boutonnière deformity, Swan-neck deformity, Dupuytren's contracture.


Precipitating Factor

e.g. recent trauma, administration of a new drug, recent infection … etc.

Acute or Chronic
Table 1.1. Pain due to mechanical versus inflammatory
• Acute (<6 weeks duration): infectious
arthritis, gout.
Feature Inflammatory Mechanical
• Chronic: OA, RA.
Morning stiffness >1 hour <30 minutes
Onset and Course of the Disease Fatigue Significant Minimal
Activity Improve Worsen
• Slow insidious pattern: degenerative arthritis.
symptoms symptoms
• Rapid onset, severe, self-limiting: Crystal-
Rest Worsen Improve
related inflammation.
symptoms symptoms
• Remission and exacerbation:
Systemic Yes No
Inflammatory arthritis.
Inflammatory or mechanical in nature Corticosteroid Yes No
See Table 1.1
Which Joints are Involved

• Peripheral: RA, OA, psoriatic.

• Axial: sero-ve arthropathy, OA.

Number of Joints Affected

• Mono: Septic arthritis, trauma, crystal arthritis

• Oligo (< 4 joints): Lower limb oligo-arthritis in reactive arthritis.
• Poly (> 5joints): RA, SLE.


• Symmetric: RA, SLE, SSc, PM/DM.

• Asymmetric: sero-ve arthropathy.

Sequence of joint involvement

• Additive: e.g. OA, RA.

• Migratory: e.g. Rheumatic fever, viral arthritis.
• Intermittent: e.g. gout.


• Constitutional symptoms (fever, weight loss, fatigue): connective tissue disease (CTD), vasculitis.

• Nodules: RA; rheumatic fever; connective tissue diseases; sarcoidosis; gout.

• Mucocutaneous: SLE (malar rash; discoid lesion; alopecia; oral ulcers), psoriasis, Behcet's disease (oral ulcer),
Reiter's disease (circinate balanitis), Sjogren (dry eye: sicca syndrome; dry mouth: xerostomia).

• Raynaud's syndrome: Systemic sclerosis, SLE, mixed CTD.

• Diarrhea: enteropathic arthritis (ulcerative colitis; Crohn’s disease); coeliac disease; Whipple’s disease; proceed
reactive arthritis.

• Urethritis: Reiter's disease.

• Eyes: conjunctivitis; iritis (Reiter’s syndrome), uveitis (seronegative spondylo-arthropathies), episcleritis (RA),
scleritis (RA), kerato-conjunctivitis sicca (RA and Sjogren's syndrome).

• Cardio-respiratory: Episodes of pericardial or pleuritic chest (connective tissue disease). Dyspnea due to
pulmonary fibrosis or cardiac affection e.g. aortic regurgitation (spondyloarthropathies).

• Neurological:

• Peripheral neuropathies, e.g. entrapment neuropathy e.g carpal tunnel syndrome.

• Migraine; depression; stroke (e.g. SLE, vasculitis; antiphospholipid syndrome).


• Prodromal symptoms and events: Acute rheumatic disease may follow events e.g. upper respiratory tract
infections, diarrhoea, genitourinary infection, insect bites (e.g. Lyme disease) and vaccinations.

• Medication: e.g. hydralazine induces drug induced lupus.

• Past history: previous attacks of the symptoms; psoriasis; diarrhea; risk of sexually transmitted infection.

• Family history: inflammatory arthritis, psoriasis.



• Patient appears ill: septic arthritis.

• Check for associated features: skin or eye involvement; disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, abdominal or
neurological systems.

Joint examination

• Check joints for tenderness and swelling; asymmetry of colour; deformity; limitation of movement; muscle wasting.

• Check both passive and active range of joint movements.

A) Upper limbs

• Shoulder examination: test glenohumeral, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints.

• Check for swelling or deformity of the elbow and hand.

• Assess pronation, supination and grip, and dexterity by placing tip of each finger on tip of thumb.

• Pain when 2nd to 5th metacarpals are squeezed suggests synovitis.

B) Lower limbs

• Observe patient standing to check for deformity of upper leg, lower leg or foot.

• Gait: observe the patient walking, turning, and walking back.

• Knee and hip examination:

• with patient on couch: check hip and knee ROM; knee crepitus.

• Examine each knee for joint effusion: patellar tap, cross fluctuation tests.
• Check for quadriceps bulk.

• Check feet for synovitis, for callosities, deformities and high or low arch.

C) Spine

• With the patient standing, check from behind to detect lateral spinal curvature, difference in level of the
iliac crests and asymmetry of the paraspinal muscles.

• From the side, check for anteroposterior curvature.

• Assess all movements of neck and lower back.

• Check lumbar spine and hip flexion (modified Schober's test).


Full blood count

• Anaemia: of chronic disease or blood loss from gastric irritation secondary to NSAIDs.
• White cells: leucopenia (SLE); neutropenia (Felty's syndrome); neutrophilia (septic arthritis),
eosinophilia (polyarteritis nodosa),
• Platelets: may be ↑ in RA and may be ↓ in SLE.

Acute phase proteins

↑ ESR and CRP in inflammatory activity.

• Rheumatoid factor support diagnosis of RA.
• Anti-CCP: more specific than rheumatoid factor in RA.
• ANA (Table 2.2).

HLA B27 – Increased positivity in ankylosing spondylitis and other spondyloarthropathies.

Synovial fluid

• Raised White cell count (infection)

Table 2.2. Selected ANA with High Sensitivity or Specificity for Rheumatic Diseases
Anti- SLE Other conditions
dsDNA 60–80%, Highly Specific to SLE (>97%)
Serum Level correlate with lupus nephritis and SLE
Sm 10–40%, Highly Specific to SLE
U1 RNP 30–40% MCTD: 100%
Ro (SS-A) 50%, associated with photosensitivity, subacute Sjögren syndrome: 75%
cutaneous lupus, interstitial lung disease. RA: 10–15%
Can cross the placenta causing neonatal cutaneous
lupus and congenital complete heart block.
La (SS-B) 10–15% Primary Sjögren syndrome: 40–50%
congenital complete heart block: 90%
neonatal cutaneous lupus: 70%
centromere CREST: 60% (Highly specific: >98%)
Scleroderma: 15%
Scl-70 Scleroderma: 40% (Specificity, 100%).
Histones SLE: 50–70% Drug induced lupus: >95%

• Gram stain (tuberculosis)
• Culture and sensitivities.
• Crystal identification – urate, calcium pyrophosphate.


• Urine: proteinuria (SLE).

• Serum uric acid: may be raised in gout.

• X-rays: RA (juxta-articular osteoporosis; erosions); OA (osteophytes; asymmetric narrowing).
• Ultrasound.
• CT scan
• MRI – much greater information of bone, joint and soft tissue.

Direct view of joint and intra-articular structures.

• A group of chronic inflammatory disorders predominantly affecting
females. CTD include

• They involve many different organs  therefore exhibit a wide • Rheumatoid arthritis.

spectrum of clinical manifestations. • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

• Systemic sclerosis.
• Their etiology is unknown but generally thought to be multifactorial
• Polymyositis and dermatopolymyositis.
involving immunological, genetic, environmental and possibly
• Mixed connective tissue disease.
viral factors.
• Vasculitis
Common features of CTD

• Constitutional features.
• Overlapping clinical features.
• Overlapping pathologic features.
• Prominent immunologic abnormalities.

A chronic systemic inflammatory disease involving synovial joints and occasionally extra-articular manifestations
are present.


• Incidence: 1-3% of the population (most common inflammatory arthritis).

• Age: most often starts at age of 40-60 years (any age can be affected).
• Female : male ratio = 3:1.


Unknown, but many theories are suggested

• Autoimmunity: antibodies against self antigen.
• Genetic: being in more than one member in the family, associated with HLA-DR4.
• Endocrinal: more in females, remission with contraceptive pills and during pregnancy, exacerbate after labour.
• Infection: some organisms isolated from the synovial fluid mostly viruses.
• Trauma: physical or psychological.


• The primary site of inflammation is the synovium of the joint.

• The thin synovium becomes inflamed and proliferates (thickened) forming pannus.
• As the disease progresses, the pannus invades and damages the cartilage and bone  erosion and deformity
(Figure 2.1).
ONSET AND COURSE Triggering factor
• Insidious onset (70% of cases).  environmental)
(?? Infection, trauma,
• Less common onset
Hitting genetically predisposed patient
• Acute mono- or poly-arthritis (15%) (HLA-DR4)

• Palindromic onset: recurrent episodic self-
Formation of immune complex
limited arthritis (5%) (Antigen+Anti-body+complement)
• Extra-articular onset ↓
Immune complex precipitate in synovium
• Course: remission and exacerbation. ↓
Pannus formation
MUSCULOSKELETAL MANIFESTATIONS (inflamed, proliferated synonium)

• Chronic polyarthritis (bilateral, symmetric): usually
Invade cartilage, bone and surrounding tissues
affect peripheral small joints of the hands: MCP, PIP, ↓
Damage and deformity
and wrist joints (sparing DIP) and feet: ankle, MTP
joints (Figure 2.2). Also other joints of the body may Figure 2.1. Summary of Etio-Pathogenesis of
be affected.
• The affected joint is warm, tender, swollen and
painful on movement.
• Morning stiffness: lasting for > 1 hour.
• Tenosynovitis, particularly affecting the flexor tendons in the palm of
the hand, can cause trigger finger.
• Bursitis e.g. Baker’s cyst.
• Muscle wasting, particularly in the hand.
• Osteoporosis, early juxta-articular. Later, generalized.
• Deformities may occur in long-standing RA:
Common in sero +ve disease, neglected cases, badly managed cases or
late diagnosis cases. Examples (Figure 2.3):
• ulnar deviation of fingers at level of MCPj
• Swan neck deformity (hyperextension of PIPj + flexion of DIPj) Figure 2.2. Distribution of joint
affection in RA.
• Boutonniere deformity (flexion of PIPj + hyperextension of DIPj)
• Z-shaped thumb (flexion of MCP + hyperextension of IPj).

• Hammer toe (hyperextension of MTPj + flexion of



• Constitutional: low grade fever, anorexia, easy

fatigability, weight loss.
• Rheumatoid subcutaneous nodules.
Figure 2.3. common hand deformities in RA.
o 20-30% of sero+ve RA patients.
o Painless.
o Any site, most commonly over joints, extensor surface of
forearm and pressure points (Figure 2.4).
o Associated with more severe disease, enlarge when RA is active.

• Skin: palmar erythema, purpuric eruption, vasculitis, Raynaud's Figure 2.4. Common site for
phenomenon. rheumatoid nodules
• Chest: pleural effusion, pleurisy, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid
• Eye: keratoconjunctivitis sicca (Sjogren syndrome in 10%), episcleritis, scleritis, scleromalacia, scleromalacia
• Heart: Pericarditis and pericardial effusion (usually asymptomatic).
• Vasculitis:
• May occur in severe and long-standing RA.
• Small vessel vasculitis: nailfold infarct, leg ulcers, purpura.
• Medium vessel vasculitis: large areas of skin necrosis, digital gangrene.
• Nervous system:
• Compression neuropathy e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome.
• Peripheral neuropathy: mild glove and stock sensory impairment.
• Mononeuritis multiplex: occurs as a result of vascultitis.
• Atlanto-axial subluxation, a common finding in x-ray (25%), usually asymptomatic (cervical cord
compression is rare).
• Renal: secondary amyloidosis with proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome.
• Felty syndrome: triad of RA + splenomegaly +
neutropenia. Table 2.1. conditions other than RA with positive
population Elderly 25%
Blood count Other Sjogren syndrome 90%
Rheumatic SLE 35%
• Anemia of chronic disease, iron deficiency diseases Scleroderma 30%
Dermatomyositis 5%
anemia. Other Sarcoidosis
• Leukocytosis. immunologic Cryoglobulinaemia
diseases Transplant recipients
• Neutropenia (Felty syndrome). Chronic HCV 60%
infections TB 15%
Rheumatoid Factor (usually low Bacterial endocarditis 25%
+ve in 85% of RA patients (70% in early RA). titer) Syphilis 10%
Leprosy 10%
• Value of RF: Parasitic: bilharziasis,
Miscellaneous Neoplasms especially after
radiation and chemotherapy.

• Help in diagnosis (one of the criteria for
• +ve RF does not make diagnosis: as RF
can be found in other conditions (Table
Sites susceptible to
2.1). direct attack by
• -ve RF does not exclude possible RA. pannus
• +ve FR factor indicate bad prognosis.

• Help in follow up of treatment (titer

decreases with good control).

Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated peptides (Anti-CCP)

• Highly specific for RA (98%).
• Found in 33% of RF –ve RA patients.
Erosion in carpal
• Can be detected in early RA. bones, distal radius
• Useful in differentiating RA from disorders and ulnar styloid
with articular symptoms and are RF +ve
e.g. HCV.


• Increased especially in active disease

Synovial Fluid
• Yellow, cloudy, low viscosity, cell count


Hands damage in
• Early plain x-ray may be normal. advanced RA
• Juxtra-articular osteoporosis.
• Soft tissue swelling.
• Erosions and joint space narrowing.
• Deformities.

Figure 2.5. Common radiologic features in RA.


• Generalized poly-arthritis (>20 total joints).

• Male patient.
• Extra-articular affection.
• Persistent elevation of ESR and CRP.
• Positive RF.

• Functional disability at 1 year after start of disease
• Radiographic erosions within the first 2 years from onset.
• HLA-DR4 genetic marker.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Classification Criteria

1. The 1987 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Criteria

To be diagnosed as having RA, a patient must meet 4 or more of the following 7 criteria (Criteria 1,2,3,4 should
present for at least 6 weeks):

1. Morning stiffness in or around joints for at least l hour before maximal improvement.

2. Soft-tissues swelling (arthritis) of 3 or more joint areas.

3. Swelling (arthritis) of PIP, MCP, or wrist joints.

4. Symmetric arthritis

5. Subcutaneous nodules

6. Positive test for RF

Table 2.2. The 2010 ACR/EULAR
7. Radiographic erosions or peri-articular osteopenia in hand or classification criteria for RA
wrist joints. Finding Points
Joint involvement*
2. The 2010 ACR / EULAR Criteria 1 large joint 0
2-10 large joints 1
Every patient with a point total of 6 or higher is classified as an RA 1-3 small joints (with or without
patient, provided he has synovitis in at least one joint and given involvement of large joints) 2
4-10 small joints (with or
that there is no other diagnosis better explaining the synovitis without involvement of large
(Table 2.2). joints) 3
Involvement of more than 10
TREATMENT joints (with involvement of at
least 1 small joint) 5
Current strategy for treatment of RA include early aggressive Serological parameters
treatment with one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs -ve RF and -ve ACPA 0
Low +ve RF or low +ve ACPA 2
(DMARDs) and/or biologic agents in addition to symptomatic High +ve RF or +ve ACPA 3
therapy with NSAIDs, low-dose prednisone, physical therapy Acute phase reactants
occupational therapy, rest, and patient education. Elevated ESR or CRP 1
Duration of arthritis
Patient education Symptoms lasting six weeks or
longer 1
Explain the chronic nature of the disease and the value of follow-up Joints examined are: MCPj, PIPj, IPj of
and the drug side effects. the thumb, 2nd through 5th MTPj a nd
wrist as small joints, and shoulders,
Measures to decrease pain and stiffness elbows, hip, knee and ankles as large

• Physical: heat therapy, paraffin wax bath, ultra-sound therapy, interferential current and TENS for muscles and
tender points.
• Medical:
• NSAIDs: relief pain and stiffness but have no disease modifying effect.
• Systemic steroids: 5-10 mg daily to achieve symptomatic control as a "bridge therapy" before the onset of
action of DMARDs.
• Local steroid injections: of inflamed tendons, bursae or intra-articular.

Measures to prevent disease progression

• Conventional (synthetic) DMARDs:

• Early treatment with DMARDs significantly results in better outcome (as articular damage in RA occurs in
the early stages of the disease).
• They decrease the levels of inflammatory indices and retard radiographic progression of articular affection.
• Used either single or in combination of more than one drug.
• Methotrexate (MTX):
a. MTX is the most effective anti-rheumatic drug used and can induce low disease activity as
monotherapy in about 30% of patients.
b. In patients who fail to respond to an adequate dose (15 to 25 mg/wk) of MTX advance by the
addition of synthetic DMARDs to MTX referred to as triple therapy (methotrexate, sulfasalazine,
• Leflunamide: a valuable alternative for patients intolerant to MTX.
• Hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine: used in milder diseases or if the previous two drugs are

• Biologic agents
• Newly developed targeted therapies with rapid onset of action and highly effective for control of disease
activity and prevention of structural joint damage.
• Patients who fail to respond to DMARDs therapy within 6 months should receive a biologic agent (e.g.
tumor necrosis factor [TNF] inhibitors such as etanercept or adalimumab) usually in combination with
MTX or as monotherapy.
• RA patients who fail to respond to an initial biologic agent should be switched to another biologic agent
with a different mode of action.
• Rituximab (monoclonal antibody against the protein CD20, which is primarily found on the surface of
immune system B cells) is typically reserved for seropositive RA patients who have failed one or more
biologic agents including at least one TNF inhibitor.
• Limitations: very high cost and unknown long term consequences.

Measures to prevent or correct deformity

• Splints

• Static exercise during pain and inflammation.
• Active graduated exercises when pain subsides.
• Passive stretching
• Hydrotherapy
• Ultrasound
• Electric muscle stimulation: faradic stimulation help strengthening weak muscles.

Surgical for fixed uncorrectable deformities.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

A chronic inflammatory multisystem connective tissue disease predominantly affect females in the child bearing
period, characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations accompanied by striking immunologic

• Female:male ratio is 9:1
Table 2.3. WHO classification of
• Age: mainly in age of 18-45 years (females in the child glomerulonephritis in SLE
bearing period). WHO Clinical features
CLINICAL FEATURES I. Normal Asymptomatic
Constitutional manifestations
II. Mesangial Low grade hematuria
• Low grade fever. disease or proteinuria
• Anorexia. III. Focal Nephritic urinary
• Malaise. proliferative GN sediment (hematuria,
casts), proteinuria
• Chronic fatigue.
IV. Diffuse Hypertension, variable
Musculoskeletal manifestations proliferative GN renal insufficiency.
• Arthralgia (commonest > 90%). V. Membranous Nephrotic syndrome
• Arthritis (non-erosive).
VI. Sclerosing Inactive urinary
• Joint deformities due to tendon or ligament laxity (joint
nephropathy sediment, azotemia
erosion is uncommon).
• Inflammatory myopathy may cause muscle wasting.

Dermatologic and mucosal manifestations

• Butterfly rash: erythema over cheeks and nose (malar rash) sparing nasolabial fold.
• Discoid lesions: coin shapes.
• Non-specific rash in exposed areas.
• Mucous membrane ulcerations (painless).
• Alopecia: focal or generalized.

• Vasculitis: lesions at finger tips and around nail fold.
• Photosensitivity: skin rash as a result of unusual reaction to sun light.
• Raynaud’s phenomenon.

Renal manifestations
• Common in SLE (> 50%).
• Patients with active lupus nephritis have proteinuria >0.5 gm/day (commonest, may be asymptomatic),
hematuria (microscopic).
• ↑ serum creatinine and BUN.
• Renal biopsy in patients with active urinary sediment to determine type and activity of renal pathology (Table

Pulmonary manifestations
• Recurrent pleurisy and pleural effusion (common),
• Pulmonary hypertension (secondary to pulmonary vasculitis).

• Pericarditis with small pericardial effusion (common).
• Myocarditis.
• Coronary artery vasculitis (in severe cases).
• Premature atherosclerosis (especially in patients treated with steroids).
• Non-bacterial endocarditis (Libman sack’s endocartitis).

Nervous system manifestations

• Central: depression, psychosis, cognitive abnormalities, seizures.
• Peripheral: sensory or sensorimotor neuropathies, vasculitis may cause mononeuritis multiplex.

Gastrointestinal manifestations
• Non-specific symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain are frequent.
• Vasculitis of mesenteric vessels  bowel ischemia, infarction, perforation.
• Pancreatitis secondary to disease or steroid use.
• Gastritis secondary to NSAIDs or steroids.

Hematological manifestations
• Anemia (of chronic disease, hemolytic)
• Lymphopenia.
• Thrombocytopenia.
• Elevated ESR, normal CRP but raised if secondary infection occurs.
• Coagulation abnormalities:
• Phospholipid antibody (lupus anti co-agulant). Interference with coagulation profile causing prolongation
of the PTT.

• However, patients are not prone to bleeding but rather have higher incidence of thrombosis.
• Recurrent 2nd trimester abortion.

Immunological abnormalities
• Low C3 and C4 level reflect activation of immune complex cascade.
• Hyper gammaglobulinaemia due to hyperactivity of B cells.
• Autoantibodies are common:
o ANA are present almost in all SLE patients (patients with –ve ANA are unlikely to have SLE).
o +ve ANA are found in many other conditions (high sensitivity but low specificity).
• Anti-dsDNA: specific to SLE but present in 60% of patients, levels of these antibodies rise with active
• Anti-Sm: specific for SLE.
• Anti-histone antibodies specific for drug induced lupus.
• Anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies: seen in SLE and Sogren’s Syndrome.
• Antiphospholipid antibodies (40%), but only minority has thrombotic events.

DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA (SLICC “Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics” 2012 CRITERIA)
Patient must have ≥ 4 criteria (at least 1 clinical and 1 laboratory criteria) or biopsy-proven lupus nephritis with positive
ANA or Anti-DNA:
Clinical Criteria Immunologic Criteria
1- Acute cutaneous lupus 1- ANA
2- Chronic cutaneous lupus 2- Anti-DNA
3- Oral or nasal ulcers 3- Anti-Sm
4-Non-scarring alopecia 4- Antiphospholipid Ab
5- Arhritis 5- Low complement (C3, C4, CH50)
6- Serositis 6- Direct Coombs’ test (do not count in
7- Renal the presence of hemolytic anemia)
8- Neurologic
9- Hemolytic anemia
10- Leukopenia
11- Thrombocytopenia (˂100,000/mm3)

Treatment should be tailored to the patients findings.

Preventive measures
• Patient education.
• Regular evaluation.
• Assess lupus activity
• Routine investigations
• Control of blood pressure

• Control of hyper-lipidemia
• Photoprotection
• Avoid exposure to sun.
• Sun screens
• Pregnancy
• Birth control with active lupus (especially nephritis) and with cytotoxic drugs.
• Infection control.
• Suspect infection whenever there is fever.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental, gynecologic procedures.
• Influenza and pneumococcal immunizations

Mild disease
• NSIADs: for joint pain, fever and mild systemic features e.g. serositis.
• Hydroxyl-chloroquine: for arthritis not controlled by NSAIDS, skin lesions and fatigue.
• Steroids:
• Topical preparations: for skin lesions.
• Low dose steroids (5-10 mg/day).

Moderate and severe disease

• Systemic steroids
• The mainstay for treatment.
• Indicated for: arthritis, serositis, severe hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, pneuminitis, vasculitis,
cardiac involvement, central or peripheral nervous involvement, renal disease.
• The starting dose is determined according to the disease activity and severity.
• In acute and life-threatening manifestations, start with doses of 40-80 mg prednisolone orally daily.
• With remission reduce dose gradually to maintain at 5-10 mg/day.
• Pulse steroid: methylprednisolone 1 gm IV for 3 successive days for lefethreatening lupus (severe renal, CNS,
cardio-pulmonary or hemolytic abnormalities).
• Cytotoxic therapy:
For patients with more serious manifestations e.g. severe nephritis or active cerebral disease.
- Azathioprine – 2 mg/kg orally daily. Important as a steroid-sparing agent in patients with moderate-
to- severe lupus.
- Cyclophosphamide – 1-3 mg/kg orally daily or 0.5-1 gm/m2 IV monthly. Full blood count and
unrinalysis monthly to monitor side effects (bone marrow suppression, infection, hemorrhagic
cystitis, infertility).
- Cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil – used in severe cases e.g. severe nephritis.
- IVIG and plasmapheresis – may be useful in patients with serious steroid-resistant exacerbations.

Joint symptoms and signs of articular cartilage degeneration, in addition to the related changes in the underlying bone and at
the joint margin.

Classification of OA
• Primary: unknown cause, affect certain joints in old age.
• Secondary (can affect any joint at any age): to
• Local mechanical factors (trauma, menisectomy).
• Joint diseases (RA, septic arthritis).
• Systemic diseases (hyperparathyroidism).
• Congenital anatomical abnormalities (leg discrepancy, scoliosis)

Primary Osteoarthritis
• Age: advancing age  loss of glycosamino-glycan  leaving unsupported cartilage collagen fibers.
• Genetic: may be present especially in generalized OA.
• Sex: both sexes are affected but generalized OA is
more common in females especially after menopause.
• Obesity: predisposes to knee OA.
• Repeated overload

• Manifested first by fibrillation of the cartilage articular
• Clefts in the cartilage surface then develop and
eventually loss of the cartilage can be seen.
• Synovial membrane hypertrophy, fibrosis and Figure 3.1. Pathologic changes in OA.
contracture of the capsule.
• Bone changes include: subchondral sclerosis, marginal osteophytes (Figure 3.1)


Commonest joints (Figure 3.2)

Knee joint, lumbar and cervical vertebrae, hand PIP joints (Bouchard’s nodes), DIP joints (Heberden’s nodes), 1st CMC
joint and feet (1st MTP joint).

Rarely affected joints

Ankle, shoulders, lateral MTP joints of the feet.


• Pain: arising from several structures (bone, synovium, ligaments, capsules

and muscle). Pain worsened by exercise and weight bearing. Pain is aching
and poorly localized. As disease progresses, pain during rest.
• Inactivity stiffness: present for few minutes.
• Stiffness: morning stiffness is usually not a prominent feature in OA, and
when present lasting no more than ¼ hour.
• Limitation of movement and activity.

• Swelling due to synovial thickening, effusion or bony swelling.
• Wasting of muscles acting on the affected joints.
• Joint tenderness. Figure 3.2 joints commonly
• Joint crepitus (coarse). affected by OA.
• Deformity e.g. flexion deformity of the knee, genu varum, genu valgum.


• Laboratory features are normal.

• Synovial fluid: good viscosity, normal mucin clot,
slight increase in cell count. Major
• Plain x-ray: the most useful form of imaging to radiographic
features of OA
evaluate OA (Figure 3.3):
- Joint space narrowing.
- Subchondral bone sclerosis.
- Subchondral bone cysts Severe joint
- Osteophytes (bone spurs) narrowing in
the medial knee
TREATMENT Note the lateral
• Assurance. osteophytes

• Instructions for joint protection (to avoid overstress the

Black arrows
affected joints.): point to
• Don’t lie or sit too long in one position. subchondral
sclerosis. White
• Don’t use low chairs. arrow points to
• Don’t stand in same position or walk for long osteophytes.
periods. arrowheads
• Don’t over exercise the affected joints. point to joint
narrowing in
• Don’t use faulty postures that place stress on medial
affected joints. compartment

• Don’t load the joint when it is very painful. Figure 3.3. common radiologic features in OA

• Reduction of body weight in obese patients.

• Physiotherapy (heat, cold, electric stimulation, laser, massage and exercise). Benefits of physiotherapy include
• Decrease pain, stiffness, muscle spasm.
• Improve joint range of motion.
• Strengthen peri-articular structures  improve joint support.
• Improve blood supply and metabolism.

• Use simple analgesic for pain.

• Short courses of NSAIDS to control symptoms.
• Assistive devices (knee brace; stick)  partially unload the joint.
• Chondroprotective drugs and viscosupplements (debatable).
• Surgical treatment in advanced cases:
• Osteotomy to correct deformity.
• Arthroplasty (partial or total joint replacement).

Disorders of purine metabolism, which are characterized by serum uric acid elevation (hyperuricaemia) and urate deposition
in the articular or extra-articluar tissue (Figure 4.1).

1. Primary gout (90%): hyperuricemia result from disorders of purine metabolism or abnormal excretion of uric acid.
2. Secondary gout (10%): due to either:
a) Impaired excretion: caused by:
• Chronic renal diseases.
• Drugs (thiazide diuretics, low dose aspirin, cyclosporine and INH).
• Hypertension.
• Lead toxicity.
• Hyperparathyroidism.
• Hypothyroidism.
• Increased lactic acid production (e.g. alcohol, starvation).
• Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency.

b) Increased uric acid production Figure 4.1. Gouty arthritis.

• Myeloproliferative disorders (e.g. polycythemia vera, hemolytic anemia).

• lymphoproliferative disorders (e.g. leukemia)
• Others e.g. severe psoriasis.


Acute gouty arthritis

Typical attack (95%): Acute gouty arthritis with:

• severe pain develops overnight, reaches a peak within hours
• The patient can’t bear weight or even touch of the bed clothes
• The skin is red and may peel.
• Slight fever and chills may present.
• The most commonly affected joints are 1st MTPj, dorsum of the foot, knee (joints of upper limb are rarely affected).

Intercritical gout
• Asymptomatic intervals between acute attacks of gout.
• Some patients never experience 2nd attack.
• With repeated attacks of acute arthritis, the interval between attacks progressively shortens, and finally, joints become
permanently mildly swollen and deformed with mild to moderate persistent pain.

Chronic gout
• Recurrent acute attacks may lead to progressive joint damage, deformity and pain.

• Chronic tophaceous gout: large mono-sodium urate crystals
deposits produce firm nodules (tophi), usual sites around extensor
Gout involving
surfaces of fingers, hands, elbows, Achilles tendon and the ear. the 1st MTPj.
INVESTIGATIONS swelling with
• Evaluation of pateint for causes of secondary gout. ‘punched out’
erosion located
• Fresh synovial fluid examination under polarized light microscope away from the
for presence of urate crystals (diagnostic). Synovial fluid is surface with an
inflammatory in nature with predominance of neutrophils. over-hanging
lip appearance.
• Elevated serum uric acid (not diagnostic): may be normal in 30% of
patients at time of acute attack. A high level alone is not diagnostic
as asymptomatic hyperuricaemia is common
• Blood tests: leucocytosis, raised ESR and CRP (varies with gout
• Radiologic features (Figure 4.2): Large
• Soft tissue swelling around the affected joint. deposits
• In chronic gout: tophi, punched out erosions with sclerotic margin
and overhanging edge.

Figure 4.2. Common radiologic features of
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia: no treatment except if
• Uric acid level > 11 mg/dl
Treatment of acute attack
• NSAIDs in maximum doses.
• Colchicine: 0.5 mg/3 hours for 12 hours.
• Systemic steroids and ACTH: cases with contraindications to NSAIDs and colchicine.
• Effusion in large joints should be aspirated and corticosteroid injected to reduce inflammation.

Treatment of underlying cause

Long term Treatment

Considered when acute attack subsides.
• Patient education: maintain ideal body weight, ingestion of at least 2 liters of fluids per day to prevent renal stones,
avoid low dose aspirin.
• Diet: avoidance of high-purine foods e.g. meat and sea-food. Encourage intake of low fat dairy products and vegetable
• Colchicine (prophylaxis): 0.5-1 mg/day to prevent gout flares.
• Hypouricemic drugs:
• Allopurinol :
− Action: inhibits xanthine oxidase enzyme.
− Dose: 100-300 mg/day.

− Side effects: rash, vasculitis, agranulocytosis.
− Contraindications: acute gout.
− Concurrent treatment: low dose NSIADs or colchicin for at least 4 months.
• Febuxostat :
− Action: inhibits xanthine oxidase enzyme.

− Dose: 40-120 mg/day.

− Contraindications: acute gout.

− Advantages: more safe than allopurinol in kidney diseases.

• Uricosuric drugs: (probencid, sulphinpyrazone):

− Side effects: occasionally rash or hepatitis.
− Contraindications: acute gout.
− Concurrent treatment: low dose NSIADs or colchicin for at least 4 months.
• Pegloticase: in severe tophaceous gout and cases resistant to hypouricemic drugs.
• Joint aspiration for joint effusion and intra-articular corticosteroid injection for patients with persistent synovitis.
• Prevention of renal stones:
− Alkalinization of urine (to maintain pH at 6): use sodium or potassium citrate or acetazolamide 500 mg at bedtime.
− Intake of adequate fluid to produce at least 2 liters of urine daily.

A very common condition affecting 80% of the individuals at some Table 5.1. Red flags for serious diagnosis
point in their life time. in LBP
Alarming (Red flag) Suggested
CAUSES OF LBP symptom/sign serious
• Congenital: e.g. spina bifida, scoliosis. Severe persistent pain Infection,
• Traumatic: e.g. lumbar disc prolapse, fracture of the spine, tears or not changes by position, malignancy
not improved by rest
sprain of spinal ligament and/ or muscle. Fever, chills, weight loss Infection,
• Degenerative: e.g. intervertebral disc (lumbar spondylosis), facet malignancy
Pain worse in walking, spinal stenosis
joint (osteoarthritis), spinal canal stenosis. radiating to lower limbs,
• Postural: e.g. bad posture (sitting, standing), inequality of limb exacerbated by spinal
extension and relieved
length, high heels, pendulous abdomen. by sitting in flexion
• Inflammatory: e.g. ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's disease, Pain and stiffness > 30 Spondylo-
minutes, worse in the arthropathy
psoriatic arthritis, enteropathic arthritis. morning in young adult
• Infection: e.g. non-specific (osteomyelitis), specific (Pott's disease male
Bilateral radiation of Cauda equina
in TB). pain, Abnormal compression
• Metabolic: e.g. osteoporosis, osteomalacia, Paget's diseases. neurologic findings, (e.g. Central
sensory deficit, bowel/ disc prolapse,
• Neoplasm: benign, malignant (secondaries are more common than bladder dysfunction, rarely cancer)
primaries). saddle anesthesia, +ve
Babiniski, ankle clonus
• Referred (visceral): e.g. peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, pancreatic tumor, Acute severe pain with Fracture
pyelonephritis, aortic aneurysm, peritoneal tumor, pelvic disease. point tenderness, history
of Severe trauma (or
• Psychogenic LBP. even minor trauma in
Although the most of LBP is mechanical in nature (e.g. disc prolapse, spondylosis, postural), however, the most serious
rare causes must be excluded (Table 5.1).

Mechanical LBP
• Over 95% of LBP.
• Due to anatomic or functional abnormality, without underlying inflammatory or neoplastic diseases.
• Pain increases with physical activity and is released by rest and recumbency.
• Causes:
− Postural (sprain or strain, lumbago, non-specific): 70%.
− Lumbar spondylosis: 10%.
− Disc herniation: 6%.
− Spinal stenosis.
− Spondylolisthesis.
− Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
− Factures.


• Bad posture is probably the most common cause of persistent back pain.

• Common predisposing factors:

• Prolonged sitting or standing with leaning forward  flat lordosis.

• High heeled shoes, pendulous abdomen  exaggerated lordosis.

• Unequal leg length, asymmetric lifting heavy weight  scoliosis

• Correcting bad postural habits may be difficult for a patient to accept and may need re-inforcement through
programs as back school.


Degenerative joint disease affecting lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral disc causing pain and stiffness, sometimes with
sciatic radiation (L4-5, S1,2,3) due to nerve root pressure by associated osteophytes.

Clinical Features
• Pain: midline, radiating to the region of buttock, occasionally sciatica. Pain worse towards end of the day and often
not aggravated by coughing and sneezing.
• Lumbar morning stiffness, inactivity stiffness.
• Diminished spinal mobility.
• Midline tenderness.
• Sensory and motor neurological signs (if there is root compression by osteophytes).

• Narrow disc space.
• Osteophytes.
• Evidence of apophyseal osteoarthritis.


One of the causes of mechanical LBP.


Trauma, is usually not a direct one, typically lifting a heavy weight while back unsupported (bending).


• Direction of prolapse mainly posterior or postero-lateral.

• Commonest site between L4-5 and L5-S1.

Symptoms (of 1st attack)

• Sudden onset of LBP while patient lifting a heavy object.
• Pain worse by straining (sneezing, coughing).
• Pain increase by movement, relieved by rest.
• Sciatic pain: pain along the course of the affected nerve.

Back signs
• Diminished or obliterated lumbar lordosis.
• Sciatic scoliosis (lateral bending to one side).
• Midline tenderness opposite prolapsed disc.
• Restriction of back movement.
Stretch signs
• +ve straight leg raising test (sciatic stretch):
o The leg is lifted with knee extended. Sciatic roots are tightened over
a herniated disc between 30o and 70o.
o Indicate sciatic compression i.e. lower lumbar disc prolapse (Figure
• +ve femoral stretch test:
o The knee is flexed and lifted superiorly. Sharp pain that is generated
in the anterior thigh is considered a positive test.
Figure 5.1. Straight leg raising
o Indicate femoral nerve compression i.e. high lumbar disc prolapse test.
(Figure 5.2).

Neurologic signs

Are usually localizing signs and depend on which root is

compressed by the prolapsed material.


• Plain x-ray: Narrow disc space, sometimes normal

if small disc prolapse.
• CT scan: Localize exactly site of prolapsed disc. Figure 5.2. Femoral stretch tests.
• MRI: better imaging of soft tissues.
• Myelography: detect prolapse as filling defect.
• Dsciography.
• Radiculography.

Treatment of Mechanical LBP

Conservative treatment is the main line. Tailored to the specific needs of the individual patient.
• Days to few weeks.
• Kept to minimum and early mobilization should be encouraged.
• Early referral to physical therapy is essential.
• Positioning:
• Sleep on firm matrix  avoiding back sagging.
• Setting: increase disc pressure  minimize in disc prolapse.
• Standing: avoid prolonged standing.
• Weight reduction.
• Analgesics and NSAIDs: during acute attack, infrequent courses.
• Muscle relaxants.
• Anticonvulsants.
• Anti-depressants

Physical Therapy • Physical agents: (e.g. SWD, US, TENS). Advantages:

− Local anti-inflammatory effect.
− Decrease pain and muscle spasm.
− Decrease fibrosis and adhesions.

• Exercise program
− Cornerstone of conservative treatment and prevention.
− Benefits:
• Support vertebral column.
• Restore normal curves of the spine.
• Decrease intradiscal pressure.
• Decrease load on facet joints and open intervertebral foramina.
• Restore strength, flexibility, function.
• Reduce pain.

• Traction:
− Help suction of prolapsed disc.
− Stretch vertebral ligaments, support the disc.

• Others e.g. local injection, manipulation, acupuncture

• Surgical treatment: indications

• Progressive muscle weakness.
• Sphincteric disturbance.
• Failure of conservative treatment after 12 weeks with severe persistent pain.

Psychogenic LBP
• Psychogenic illness may be manifested as LBP.
• Diagnosis is usually based on:
• Detection of inadequate personality and psychological illness.
• An organic disease is excluded.
• Symptoms usually very diffuse and not follow anatomic distribution.
• The description of pain is exaggerated.
• Patient is usually highly demonstrative, hands used to point out various painful areas.
• No root signs could be detected and patient is hesitating about areas of paraesthesia.

Inflammatory Spondylo-
(Inflammatory LBP)
• Spodylo-arthritis include: ankylosing spondylitis, enteropathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and reactive arthritis.

• The European Spondylo-arthropathy
Figure 5.3. The European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group
Study Group Criteria for Spondylo-
Criteria for Spondyloarthropathy
arthropathy are shown in Table 5.3.

• Characterized by:

o Predilection for axial

skeletal involvement and
inflammation at sites of
bony insertions of
tendons and ligaments

o Negative tests for RF, anti-CCP antibody and ANA.

o Has a strong association with the HLA-B27.

N.B. Table 5.2 represent the differences between Inflammatory and mechanical LBP.

Table 5.2. Comparison between the mechanical versus inflammatory back pain.
Mechanical Inflammatory
Example Disc prolapse Ankylosing spondylitis
Onset Acute Insidious
Age Any age Usually < 35 years
Effect of exercise Worsen pain Improve pain
Morning/inactivity stiffness + +++
Pain radiation Anatomical (L4, L5, S1) Diffuse
Sensory/motor deficit + -
Other system is involved - +
Sleep disturbance + +++
Scoliosis + -
Decrease ROM Asymmetric Symmetric
Spinal tenderness Localized Diffuse
Sacroiliac/hip involvement - ±

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)

• A chronic systemic inflammatory disease affecting the sacroiliac joints (SIJ), the spine, and,
frequently the peripheral joints.

• Sacroiliitis is a hall mark of the disease.


• AS occurs in:

o 0.2% of the general population

o 2% of the B27 +ve population

o 20% of B27 +ve individuals with an affected family member.

• Onset of AS usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood. Onset after age 45 years is

• Male:female ratio ranging from 2 to 5:1.


Back Pain

• Usually the first symptom of AS.

• Insidious onset of LBP and/or buttock pain that persists for > 3 months

• Pain awakens the patient from sleep, is accompanied by morning stiffness. Pain and stiffness
typically improve by exercise.

• Fatigue often accompanies inflammatory back pain.


• Enthseitis (Inflammation at attachments of tendon or ligament to bone) is a characteristic feature

of AS.

• In AS, the initial inflammatory process involves the enthesis, followed by a process that results
in new bone formation or fibrosis

• Common sites include:

o enthesitis at the calcaneal attachments of the Achilles tendon, usually accompanied by

Achilles tendon bursitis

o Plantar fascia: causes disabling heel pain.

Peripheral arthritis

• Occurs in 30% of patients with AS.

• Typically this is asymmetrical oligo-arthritis affecting leg joints, most commonly the knee.

• Hip involvement in AS indicates poor prognosis


Sacroiliac Joint provocative tests

These tests produce pain in patients with sacroiliac joint disease (Figure 5.4).

• Pelvic compression. With the patient lying on one side, compression of the pelvis should elicit
sacroiliac joint pain.
• Gaenslen’s test. With the patient supine, a leg is allowed to drop over the side of the
examination table while the patient draws the other leg toward the chest. This test elicit SIJ pain
on the side of the dropped leg.
• Patrick’s test. With the patient’s heel placed on the opposite knee, downward pressure on the
flexed knee with the hip now in flexion, abduction, and external rotation elicit contralateral SIJ

Pelvic compression test Gaenslen’s test Patrick’s test

Figure 5.4. Sacroiliac Joint provocative tests

Tests to assess spinal mobility

• Modified Schober test –Detects limitation of forward flexion of the lumbar spine: Place a mark
at the level of the posterior superior iliac spine (dimples of Venus) and another 10 cm above in
the midline. With maximal forward spinal flexion with extended knees, the measured distance
should increase from 10 cm to at least 15 cm.
• Occiput-to-wall test. Assesses loss of cervical range of motion. Normally with the heels and
scapulae touching the wall, the occiput should also touch the wall. Any distance from the
occiput to the wall represents a forward stoop of the neck due to cervical spine involvement
with AS. The tragus to-wall test could also be used.
• Chest expansion. Detects limited chest mobility. Measured at the fourth intercostal space in
men and just below the breasts in women, normal chest expansion is approximately 5 cm. Chest
expansion less than 2.5 cm is abnormal.


Ocular inflammation

• Occurs in up to 40% of AS patients.

• Usually acute anterior uveitis (iritis).

o Typically causes pain, photophobia and, if untreated, impairment in visual acuity.

o Typically, it is unilateral and recurrent.

Cardiopulmonary manifestations

• Aortic insufficiency (3 – 10%)

• Cardiac conduction defects

• Pulmonary fibrosis.


The diagnosis is based on the modified New York criteria (Table 5.3). Radiographic assessment is a
key element of these criteria.



• SIj - classical changes in the SIjs include erosions in the joint line, pseudo-widening,
subchondral sclerosis and finally ankylosis, reflected as obliteration of the SIJ.

• Spine - may reveal squaring and shiny corners of the vertebral bodies and, later,
syndesmophytes and facet - joint fusion.


As radiographic sacroiliitis often develops late. Patients without sacroiliitis on plain radiograph
usually have inflammation detected on MRI.


HLA - B27 is rarely the definitive factor for diagnosis, but when the clinical suspicion is high, the
test has high sensitivity and specificity.

Table 5.3. The modified New York criteria for ankylosing spondylitis (1984)
A. Diagnosis B. Grading
1. Clinical criteria 1. Definite ankylosing spondylitis if the radiologic
a. Low back pain and stiffness >3months with criterion is associated with >1 clinical criterion
improvement on exercise, not relieved by 2. Probable ankylosing spondylitis if:
rest a. the three clinical criteria are present
b. Limitation of spinal motion in both sagittal b. the radiologic criterion is present without any
and frontal planes signs or symptoms satisfying the clinical criteria
c. Limitation of chest expansion
2. Radiologic criteria
Sacroiliitis: Grade >2 bilaterally or Grade 3–4
To diagnose AS: one radiologic criterion + at least one clinical criterion is required


1. Patient education: encourage exercise, stop smoking.

2. Physiotherapy.

3. NSAIDs: first line for pain and stiffness.

4. Glucocorticoid:

• Local injection e.g.: planter fasciitis.

• Patients with axial disease should not receive long-term treatment with systemic steroid.

5. Conventional synthetic DMARDs:

• Should not be used in pure axial disease.

• Sulfasalazine may be considered in patients with peripheral arthritis.

6. Biological DMARDs:

• Should be considered in patients with persistent diseae activity despite conventional

• Current practice is to start with TNF inhibitor.
• IF TNF inhibitor fails, switch to another TNF inhibitor or IL-17 inhibitor.
• Considered tapering of biological DMARDs in patients with sustained remission.

7. Surgical treatment:

• For patients with disability and radiological evidence of damage.

- Total hip arthroplasty, spinal corrective osteotomy in specialized centers.

OP is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and micro - architectural deterioration of bone tissue
that results in a high risk of fracture.


• The human skeleton is composed of 20% trabecular bone and 80% cortical bone.

• Bone undergoes a continual process of resorption and formation (10% of the adult skeleton is remodeled per year).

• Irreversible bone loss results from imbalance between the rates of resorption and formation.

• Trabecular bone is the more metabolically active type, and osteoporotic fractures are more common at sites that
contain >50% trabecular bone.

• Trabecular thinning and perforation occurs particularly in situations of increased bone turnover, e.g. after the

• Post-menopausal estrogen deficiency leads to accelerated bone loss (predominantly loss of trabecular bone).

• This typically results in fractures of vertebral bodies, neck of the femur and distal forearm.


• Primary OP - postmenopausal and age-related bone loss

• Secondary OP

o Due to underlying disease or drug use (Table 6.1).

o Accounts for 40% of osteoporosis in women and 60% of cases in men.


1. Assessment of Future Fracture Risk

o Presence of risk factors indicate requirement for treatment.

o Clinical risk factors used for the assessment of fracture probability

- Age

- Sex

Table 6.1. common causes of secondary OP

Endocrine Gastrointestinal Rheumatologic Malignancy Drugs Others
Thyrotoxicosis Malabsorption Rheumatoid Multiple Glucocorticoids Prolonged
Primary hyper- syndrome arthritis myeloma Anticonvulsants immobility
parathyroidism Inflammatory Ankylosing Cancer - Heparin Organ
Cushing’s bowel disease spondylitis treatment - Insulin transplantation
syndrome Liver disease induced PPI COPD
Hypogonadism bone loss Warfarin
, including SSRI
anorexia Cyclosporin
Diabetes type I

- Low body mass index (≤19kg/m2)

- Previous fragility fracture

- Parental history of hip fracture

- Current glucocorticoid treatment (any dose, 3 months or more)

- Current smoking

- Alcohol intake

- Patients with diseases or taking drugs that cause secondary OP

2. Plain Radiographs

o The assessment of bone mass on plain radiographs is unreliable. Suspected osteopaenia require confirmation by
bone densitometry prior to any therapeutic decisions.

o Can be done to detect fracture and to exclude other

causes of bone aches (e.g metastasis).
Table 6.2. The WHO diagnostic
3. Bone Densitometry thresholds for bone mineral density
Diagnosis Bone mineral
o BMD measured by DEXA is the most reliable determinant of density T score
risk of fracture. (SD units)
Normal ≥ −1
o Measurements should be targeted to individuals likely to be at
increased risk of OP. Osteopaenia < −1 but > −2.5
Osteoporosis ≤ −2.5
o The WHO diagnostic thresholds for bone mineral density is
Severe osteoporosis ≤ −2.5 + one or
shown in Table 6.2. more fragility
4. Identify the Underlying Causes of Osteoporosis


The ultimate goal of osteoporosis management is to reduce the future risk of fracture.

I. Lifestyle Modification

To optimizing peak bone mass and reducing bone loss

• Regular and weight-bearing Exercise e.g. walking or aerobics

• Dietary calcium in adequate amounts

• Sun exposure

• Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption

II. Calcium and Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D (800 units daily) and calcium (1000–1200 mg daily) to maintain normal level with all therapies for osteoporosis.

III. Anti-Resorptive Agents

1. Bisphosphonates

• Due to poor absorption, these agents must be taken on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast or in the
middle of a 4 - hour fast.

• Alendronate and risedromate: once - weekly preparations tablet.

• Ibandronate: once - monthly tablet.

• Zoledronate: once - yearly infusion (glomerular filtration rate should be ≥ 30)

N.B: teratogenic effect should be avoided during childbearing period.

2. Denosumab

 A new anti-resorptive therapy

 It is a monoclonal antibody directed against RANK ligand (RANK-L). Activation of RANK by RANKL
promotes the maturation of pre-osteoclasts into osteoclasts. Denosumab inhibits this maturation of
osteoclasts by binding to and inhibiting RANKL and therefore inhibits bone resorption.

 Recommended for treatment of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis.

 Dose: 60 mg subcutaneous every 6 months.

3. Hormone or Oestrogen Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Raloxifene

• HRT is suitable to control climacteric symptoms, or in women under 50 who have undergone an early

• Raloxifene: a synthetic agents has an oestrogen like action on bone and lipids, but without effect on breast
and endometrial tissues (less risk of breast cancer).

• Side effects – thromboembolic events.

4. Calcitonin

• Subcutaneous injections or a nasal preparation.

• This agent has analgesic properties that may be useful in the acute management of vertebral fracture.

IV. Formation - Stimulating Agents

o Parathyroid hormone (Teriparatide)

- Increase bone formation and improve bone mass and structure, particularly in trabecular bone and thus reduce
risk of fracture.

- Expensive agents and their use is limited to patients with severe, progressive osteoporosis despite exposure to
antiresorptive therapy.

- 20 mg/SC for maximum 2 years.

V. Pain Relief

o Analgesics

o Physical measures

VI. Fall Prevention

o Eliminate predisposing factors e.g. postural hypotension or drowsiness due to drugs, visual disturbance.
o Provide patients with appropriate walking aids.
o Eliminate hazards e.g. loose rugs and cables from the path of the patients.

VII. Rehabilitation

o Physiotherapy: exercise.

o Occupational therapy.

VIII. Surgery

o Fixation of fracture

o Spinal decompression

Inflammatory disorders
Characterized by:
• Systemic symptoms (fever, stiffness, weight loss, fatigue).
• Joint stiffness after prolonged rest (morning stiffness), improves with activity, duration of >1 hour.
• Signs of joint inflammation on physical examination (erythema, warmth, swelling, pain).
• Lab evidence of inflammation (elevated ESR, elevated CRP, hypoalbuminemia, normochromic normocytic
anemia, thrombocytosis).
• Examples: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, infectious (gonococcal
arthritis), or crystal induced (gout, pseudogout).
Non-Inflammatory Conditions
Characterized by:
• Absence of systemic symptoms, pain without erythema or warmth, normal lab tests.
• May cause stiffness usually lasting <1 hour
• Joint symptoms increase with use and weight bearing.
• Examples: OA, fibromyalgia, and traumatic conditions.
Pain may originate from:
1. Articular structures (synovial membrane, cartilage, intra-articular ligaments, capsule, or juxta-articular bone):
• Cause deep or diffuse pain that worsens with active and passive movement.
• Physical examination may show:
o Deformity
o Warmth
o Swelling (bony swelling or soft tissue swelling)
o Effusion
o Crepitus.
• Synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane that covers the joint):
o The joint looks is a boggy, tender and swollen.
o The joint loses its sharp edges on examination.
2. Periarticular structures (bursae, tendons, muscle, bone, nerve, skin).
3. Non-articular structures (i.e., cardiac pain referred to the shoulder).
• Refers to joint pain without abnormalities on joint examination.
• Indicates the presence of abnormality in the joint (warmth, swelling, erythema, tenderness).

Approach to Monoarthritis
Acute pain or swelling of a single joint (acute monoarthritis) is an emergency condition and requires immediate
evaluation for septic arthritis that can rapidly destroy the joint if left untreated.
Common causes of mono-arthritis are:
• Infection
• Crystal-induced arthritis
• Trauma.
The history
• Exclude trauma
• Give clues to other diagnoses such as history of tick bite (Lyme disease), sexual risk factors (GC arthritis), Colitis,
uveitis, and urethritis (ReA).
Physical examination
Usually distinguishes between articular and non-articular disorders.
• Perform arthrocentesis in patients with acute monoarthritis. Send synovial fluid for:
o Leukocyte count with differential (>2000/mm3 suggest an inflammatory process).
o Gram stain and culture.
o Crystal analysis. A wet mount of the fluid examined under polarizing microscopy may identify crystals, but the
presence of crystals does not exclude infection.
o Culture other potential sources of infection (throat, cervix, rectum, wounds, blood).
• Synovial biopsy and arthroscopy are sometimes used to diagnose chronic mono-arthritis.
• Radiographs are useful in cases of trauma and may show OA or chondrocalcinosis in calcium pyrophosphate
deposition disease.
• A patient with synovial fluid that is highly inflammatory requires empiric antibiotic therapy until the evaluation,
including cultures, is completed.

Approach to Polyarthritis
• Polyarthritis is one of the most common problems in rheumatology.
• The number and pattern of joint involvement suggest the diagnosis.
• History and examination:
o Differentiate polyarthritis from non-articular causes of generalized joint pain.
o Disorders of periarticular structures (tendons, bursae) cause joint pain but usually involve a single
o Myopathies occasionally cause widespread pain, but muscle weakness is the primary symptom.
o PMR causes shoulder and pelvic girdle pain with morning stiffness, but there is usually no arthritis on
examination; weakness is not a feature of this disease.

• Neuropathies, primary bone diseases (Paget’s disease), and fibromyalgia can also cause widespread pain but are
distinguished by history and physical examination.


Arthropathy Characteristic features Coexisting disorders

Rheumatoid • F:M ratio = 3:1. • X-rays:
arthritis • Most often starts at age of 40-60 rheumatoid
years (any age can be affected). changes.
• Symmetrical Polyarthritis often • RF +ve in 80%
starting at MCPj, PIPj and wrists of cases.
(usually sparing DIPj). • ESR usually
• Joints are swollen, painful, stiff and raised (during
tender. activity)
• Morning stiffness > 1hour.
Osteoarthritis • Middle-aged or elderly. • Old injury to joints • ESR not elevated.
• 1ry or 2ry affects weight bearing may have been • X-rays: characteristic
joints: knee, hip. present OA changes.
• Pain and inactivity stiffness.

Gout • Acute pain, swelling, redness in Possibly • Raised serum

MTPj or ankle (less common in • Renal disease (in 2ry uric acid.
knee). gout) • Urate crystals
• 90% males. • Hypertension in synovial
• Onset at night • Obesity fluid.
Rheumatic • ESR and CRP
arthritis • Age: 5-15 years. • Sore throat 1-3 weeks elevated in all
(Rheumatic • Migratory polyarthritis affecting prior to the attack active cases
fever) large joints, fleeting in character • Carditis, fever, S.C. • ASO titer: raised
• Effusions are common. nodules, erythema • Blood picture:
• No residual joint damage marginatum, chorea. anemia,
Calcium • Males = females. • Pyrophosphate
Pyrophosphate • Knee commonest site. crystals in joint
arthropathy • Acute pain and swelling. fluid.
(pseudogout) • X- rays helpful in
Systemic lupus • 90% females. • Sometimes ANA + ve.
erythematosus • Marked variation in symptoms Antiphospholipid ESR raised.
referred to any system. syndrome. Anti ds-DNA + ve.
• Patients often more ill than Often anaemic.
arthritic and often febrile.
Polymyositis • Proximal muscle pains, weakness • Muscle biopsy:
and tenderness. inflammatory muscle
• May complain of joints pain with infiltration.
morning stiffness. • EMG: abnormal.
•  Serum
creatin kinas,
and other
Dermato- • Heliotrope rash around eye. • Malignant disease • Biopsy.
myositis • Proximal muscle weakness and may be present. • Muscle
tenderness. enzymes.
• EMG.
Progressive • Tight fingers, blanched fingers • Dysphagia • Skin Biopsy
systemic and face. • Raynaud’s
sclerosis • Raynaud’s phenomenon phenomenon
(Scleroderma) • Often dysphagia. • Pulmonary
• More common in females. hypertension
Psoriatic • Patchy polyarthritis with DIP • Psoriasis sometimes RF -ve.
arthropathy joints often involved. slight.
• Sometimes spondylitis with • Nail changes of
sacro-iliac joint affection. psoriasis.

Ankylosing • Mostly young males. • RF- ve
spondylitis Axial arthritis • HLA B27 +ve in 95%
• Stiffness and pain in spine and • of cases.
girdle joints (hips and shoulders). • Sacroiliac joint
Iritis in 30% involvement evident in
x- ray.
Enteropathic • Asymmetrical polyarthritis often • Ulcerative colitis or • RF – ve.
arthropathy • associated with relapse of colitis. • Crohn’s disease.

Polymyalgia • • Low grade fever. • ESR > 50 in 1st hour.

rheumatica • Pains and morning stiffness in • Fatigue • RF –ve.
• girdle muscles (shoulders and hips). Weight loss
• Patient usually >60 years of age. • Arteritis with risk of


Cause Characteristics

Viral arthritis Very acute, self-limiting

Rheumatoid arthritis Symmetrical, small and large joints, upper and lower limbs.

Spondylo-arthropathies Asymmetrical, large > small joints, lower > upper limbs, spondylitis,

Lupus Symmetrical, small > large joints, joint damage uncommon

1. Inflammatory

Chronic gout Distal > proximal joints, preceded by acute attack

Juvenile idiopathic Symmetrical, small and large joints, upper and lower limbs

Chronic sarcoidosis Symmetrical, small and large joints

Scleroderma and Rare, small and large joints


Hypertrophic Rare, large > small joints, clubbing


Generalized osteoarthritis Very common, Symmetrical, small and large joints, Heberden's nodes, only a

few joints symptomatic at any one time

2. Non-

Hemochromatosis Rare, small and large joints

Acromagally arthropathy Rare, mainly large joints, spine

Anti-Rheumatic Drugs Mechanism of action

Analgesics • Mainly via anti-prostaglandin effect by

inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzyme.
• Drugs used to relieve pain only and have no • Prostaglandins are important mediators of
anti-inflammatory effects. inflammation and pain but they also have
• e.g. salicylates in small doses, paracetamol, many other physiological effects e.g.
nefopam (acupan), glafinene. protective for the stomach,  gastric HCl
secretion,  renal blood flow,
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Drugs (NSAIDs)
Side effects
• Group of drugs have an analgesics and anti-
inflammatory effects. Most of them are due to inhibition of
• They are similar to corticosteroids in some prostaglandins
characters but have no steroid ring in their • Hypersensitivity reaction.
chemical structure. • GIT: dyspepsia, heart burn, gastritis, peptic
• They are less potent and have less side effects ulcer, even perforation and GIT bleeding (may
than corticosteroids. occur even if given by injection or supp).
Classification • Liver: transient elevation of liver enzymes.
• There are more than 100 types of NSAIDs in • Respiratory: bronchospasm and aggravation
the market. of bronchial asthma in susceptible patients.
• The classification is based on the acid • Renal:  renal blood flow in renal impaired
component (Figure 14). patients.
• The drugs in each class tend to have similar • CVS: salt and water retention.
side effects. • CNS: headache (especially indomethacin).
• If a drug in one classification is ineffective, try • Blood: salicylates inhibit platelet function 
a different structural compound instead of bleeding tendency and potentiate the effect
repeatedly using drugs from same structural of anticoagulant.
group. • Joints: long term use  enhances
degeneration process.

Figure 14. Structural classification of NSAIDs

Carboxylic Enolic acids Non acidic
acids compounds

Salicylic Acetic Propionic Fenamic Pyrazolones Oxicams

acids acids acids acids

Phenyacteic Carbo- and

acids heterocyclic

Aspirin Diclofenac Etodolac Flurbiprofen Mefanamic Phenyl- Piroxicam Nabumetone

Difunisal Indomethacin Ketoprofen butazone Meloxicam
Trisalicylate Sulindac Oxaprozin
Salicylate Tolmetic Ibuprofen
Ketorolac Naproxen
COX-2 selective inhibitors

Celecoxib Etodolac
Rofecoxib Lumiracoxib
Meloxicam Valdecoxib
Nimesulide Deracoxib
Paracoxib Etoricoxib

Contraindications Physical therapy) which are effective in
treating local pain and inflammation without
• Absolute: Hypersensitivity to drug.
causing side effects of NSAIDs and decreases
• Relative contraindications
the need for them.
• Peptic ulcer.
• Bleeding tendency. Disease Modifying anti-rheumatic
• Bronchial asthma. Drugs (DMARDs)
• Hepatic impairment. Group of drugs used in systemic rheumatic
• Renal impairment. diseases to minimize disease activity and
• Pregnancy and lactation. progression (Table 8).
Precautions for the use of NSAIDs Synonyms
• Do not prescribe NSAIDs when they are not • Specific anti-rheumatic drugs
necessary: in degenerative joint diseases, (no • Slow Acting Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (SAARDs):
evidence of inflammation) simple analgesics their effect takes 4-8 weeks to appear
may do the same function with much less side • 2nd line anti-inflammatory drugs.
Mechanism of action
• Prescribe one NSAID: combination of two or
more NSAIDs increase side effects with no One or more of the following
better efficacy. • Inhibition of lysosomal enzymes.
• Use NSAIDs at the lowest possible effective • Inhibition of phagocytosis.
dose, never exceed therapeutic dose. • Inhibition of prostaglandins.
• Use NSAIDs for shortest time needed. • Inhibitory effect on immune system
• Select proper group for the patient: response • Reduction of immune complex formation.
to NSAIDs varies from patient to patient • Sulphasalazine has antimicrobial activity.
(individual variation). • Immunosuppressive drugs has anti RNA and
• Beware of high risk patients. anti DNA properties.
• Maintain close supervision.
Biological agents
• Consider the use of other modalities (e.g.

Table 8. Examples of DMRADs

Drug Dose Main side effects Monitoring
Methotrexate 7.5 -30 mg/week orally, IM or SC injection. Oral ulcers, hepatic toxicity, CBC and liver enz at
(MTX) bone-marrow suppression, baseline and
After 20mg is reached, no further MTX is
pneumonitis, teratogenicity monthly for 3
absorbed orally: shift to injection
months, then every
Folic acid 5 mg once /week should 3 months
be administrated
Leflunomide 100mg orally/day for 3 days, then 10-20 GIT upset, hepatic enz As MTX
mg daily elevation, neutropenia,
teratogenicity, hypertension
Sulphasalazine Maximum dose allowed is 2gm/day in two GIT upsets, hepatic enz As MTX
divided doses. Start at 500mg and elevation, reversible
increase by 500mg each week. azospermia. Neutropenia
Antimalarials Hydroxy-chloroquine: 200 – 400 mg/day. Retinopathy, Skin rash, Fundus ex. Before
Chloroquine 250mg/day Myopathy use and then every 6
Azathioprine 50-100mg /day orally. Bone marrow suppression, As MTX
Allergic hepatitis.
Cyclo- 50-100mg /day orally Bone marrow suppression, Regular CBC
↑ incidence of infection,
teratogenicity, infertility

(Anticytokine therapy) Muscle Relaxants
Anti-TNF-α • Indicated in conditions associated with muscle
• TNF is a major inflammatory mediator in RA
and a potent inducer of IL-1. Colchicine
• TNF-α and IL-1 are considered to be master • In gouty arthritis, sarcoidosis, and familial
cytokines in RA. Mediterranean fever.
• Anti-TNF therapy shows great efficacy in RA
patients. However, it is not effective in all Nerve tonics
patients, nor does it fully control the arthritic • e.g. drugs containing vit B1, B6 and B12 used
process in affected joints of good responders. in diseases associated with neuralgias e.g.
• Indications: RA, spondyloarthropathy, sciatica, brachialgia.
polyarticular JIA.
• Precautions: chest x-ray and tuberculin test Hypouricaemic drugs
(to avoid activation of TB), hepatitis b • Decrease serum uric acid level in chronic gout.
Tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin,
• Examples: etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab
(Table 9).
• Used in fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain.
• E.g. Anakinra: IL-1 receptor antagonist, given
subcutaneously in a dose of 100 mg daily.
• Toxicities include injection-site reactions and

• Indications: systemic JIA.
• E.g. tocilizumab.

B cell depletion
• Indications: SLE, vasculitis.
• E.g. rituximab.
Miscellaneous Anti-rheumatic Drugs

Table 9. Examples of Biologic agents

Drug Dose Mechanism Common adverse effects

Etanercept Subcutaneously TNF-α soluble receptor Injection site reaction, upper respiratory
(Enbrel) (TNF-α blocker) infection (URI), development of
25 mg twice weekly antibodies to drug

Infliximab Intravenously at 0, 2, 6 TNF-α blocker Injection site reaction, hypotension,

(Remicade) weeks, then every 2 months rash, URIs, reactivation of TB,
3-5 mg/kg development of autoantibodies.

Adalimumab Subcutaneously TNF-α blocker URIs, injection site pain, headache, rash,
(Humira) sinusitis, autoantibodies
40 mg every 2 weeks

Anakinra Subcutaneously IL-1 receptor injection-site reactions and pneumonia

100 mg daily

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation • LMNL e.g. Bell's palsy, neuropathy.
• UMNL e.g. hemiplegia, paraplegia,
Rehabilitation monoplegia.
Rehabilitation means the restoration of the • Post-operative e.g. laminectomy, repair of
maximum possible function of an organ or part of nerve lesions.
the body. 3. Pediatric conditions
The rehabilitation program is individualized • Erb's palsy
according to patient needs. This requires proper • Torticollis
evaluation. • Cerebral palsy
• Spina bifida
Rehabilitation program include:
4. Orthopedic conditions
• Rest: during active stages and acute • Post-plaster stiffness of joints.
exacerbations. The amount and type of rest • Correction of deformities.
vary with joint involvement and severity of
the disease. 5. Sports injuries
• Medical treatment: according to the cause of • Sprains, tears etc.
the disease. 6. Gynecologic conditions
• Physical therapy. • Short wave diathermy in pelvic tubal
• Splints and walking aids. adhesions (in infertility).
• Surgical treatment when indicated. • Post-partum abdominal muscle weakness.
7. Others
Physical Therapy
• Cardiac rehabilitation.
It is the use of physical agents in treatment of the • Respiratory rehabilitation.
musculoskeletal disorders. • Rehabilitation of peripheral vascular diseases.
• Geriatric rehabilitation.
Various forms of physical agents play an
important role in the treatment of Forms of physical therapy
musculoskeletal disorders • Heat therapy.
Physiotherapy may be prescribed alone or in • Cold therapy.
conjunction with medical and other measures to • Electrotherapy.
get therapeutic benefits without the hazardous • Exercise therapy.
effect of the anti-inflammatory drugs. • Massage.
• Others e.g. traction, suspension, laser etc.
Therapeutic benefits
• Relief of pain and stiffness. Cold Therapy
• Relief of muscle spasm The external use of cooling for therapeutic
• Restoration of movement. purposes.
• Increase muscle strength.
• Prevent deformity. Forms
• Restoration of maximal functional capacity. • Various forms of ice
Indications • Frozen gel packs
Therapeutic effects
1. Rheumatic conditions
• Osteoarthritis. • Sedative effects on sensory nerves  pain
• Rheumatoid arthritis. relief.
• Cervical spondylosis and disc prolapse. • Reduction of spasticity and spasm.
• Lumbar spondylosis and disc prolapse. • Vasoconstriction of blood vessels which
• Joint pain or stiffness e.g. frozen shoulder reduce swelling and bleeding (used in
syndrome. mechanical trauma).
• Soft tissue rheumatism e.g. tendinitis, bursitis. • Cryotherapy improves inflammation, more
• Sciatica. effectively in the acute phase than in the
chronic phase.
2. Neurologic and neurosurgical conditions

Heat Therapy • Training of new muscle action after tendon
Forms of heat therapy • Analgesic effect: low frequency current for
Superficial heat stimulating afferent sensory component of
• For heating of superficial tissues (at a depth of peripheral nerves for relief of pain (acute or
about 0.5 cm beneath the skin) e.g. superficial chronic) e.g. back pain, neck pain, OA, RA,
ligaments, small joints, tendons, muscles. neuralgia.
• e.g. infra-red rays
Exercise therapy
Deep heat
Passive exercise
• For heating superficial and deep structures at
a depth may reach 5 cm under the skin e.g. • Accomplished only by therapist or apparatus
large joints, bulky muscles. • Used to maintain body mobility and prevent
• e.g. short wave diathermy, ultrasonic waves, contracture when muscles are weak.
Active exercise
Therapeutic effects
Active assistive:
1. Anti-inflammatory effects
• Accomplished by active contraction by the
Dilatation of arterioles and capillaries  patient with the assistance of the therapist or
increase blood flow  increase O2 supply, mechanical devices
food stuffs, antibiotics, WBCs  removal of • Used as first step in the muscle re-education
waste products resolution of inflammation for weak muscles.
and healing.
Active exercise
2. Analgesic effect
• Accomplished by patient without assistance
Application of heat to peripheral nerves  • Used to improve function and strength.
increase pain threshold in the area supplied
Active resisted
by the nerve without affecting the motor
function. • Accomplished by the patient with various
additional resistance either manual or
3. Effect on muscles
mechanical depending on the muscle power.
Muscle relaxation, decrease muscle spasm. • Used to develop muscle power
4. Mechanical effect Stretching
The to-and-fro movements of the ultrasound • Accomplished by forced motion to restore
waves through the tissue particles causing normal range of motion which is limited due
micro-massage which soften adhesions to loss of elasticity of soft tissues.
5. Biologic effect of US and laser Massage
Stimulate growth of tissue  tissue repair and Therapeutic effects
healing (e.g. ulcers and bed sores).
• Assists blood and lymph drainage  
Electrotherapy swelling.
Forms • Decrease adhesions between muscle fibers.
• Decrease pain sensation.
• Faradic current • Muscle relaxation.
• Galvanic current
• TENS Spinal Traction

Therapeutic uses A technique that utilizes a traction force of

sufficient magnitude and duration applied to the
• Facilitate muscle contraction when it is spine to produce separation of the vertebrae,
hindered by pain, weakness or denervation facets and increase size of foramina.
e.g. isometric contraction of the quadriceps in
patients with RA or after knee surgery or knee Used mainly for cervical and lumbar spine.
effusion and lower motor neuron lesions.

Techniques • Widen the intervertebral foramina  relief
• Manual: force applied by therapist hands. root compression
Used in cervical traction only (Figure 15). • Separate apophyseal joints  relief of pain
• Mechanical: administered using pulley and following degenerative joint space narrowing.
free weight system (Figure 15).
• Motorized: mechanical traction applied by
Aim and types
motorized system, administered in continuous
• Rest splints
or intermittent periods.
Rest and relief from pain for active joints
• Gravity: hanging upside down. • Corrective splint.
• Auto-traction: uses specially designed device Prevention and correction of deformities.

that self-administers. • Functional splint

Fixation of damaged joint in good functional
Walking aids
• Crutches (Figure 16).
• Canes (Figure 16).
• Walker (Figure 16).
• Wheel chair.

cane Quad cane crutches walker

Figure 16: walking aids.

Figure 15: Motorized Traction (a) cervical
motorized traction and (b) lumbar motorized

Therapeutic effects
• Prolonged pull on the muscle may lead to
paraspinal muscle fatigue which alleviates
muscle spasm.
• Enlarge the intervertebral space leading to
retraction of herniated disc material.
• Tighten the posterior longitudinal ligament to
exert a centripetal force on the annulus

Clinical signs
Testing for swelling.
The bulge sign in the knee: The
back of the hand gently pushes
the fluid from one side of the
knee to the other, filling out the
“dimples” on either side of the
patella. This is most helpful in
detecting small knee effusions.

Testing for swelling.

The patellar tap. One hand is
used to cup the patella and
compress the suprapatellar
pouch, and the fingers of the
other hand press down on the
patella to feel for cross-

Rheumatoid nodules in a
patient with rheumatoid

The hand in early RA.

Showing swelling of the MCP
and PIP joints.

Boutonniere deformity.
PIP flexion and DIP

The swan-neck deformity.

PIP hyperextension, and DIP

Ulnar deviation of the fingers at

level of MCPjs In right hand.

Tenosynovial swelling overlies

the metacarpals of the hand.
Bulging becomes accentuated
with full extension of all the
fingers of the hand.

Subluxation of the wrist in

severe disease, associated with
extensor tenosynovitis and
extensor tendon rupture.

Nailfold infarcts due to
vasculitis in a patient with
rheumatoid arthritis

Malar (butterfly) rash in young

woman with systemic lupus
erythematosus 0ver bridge of
nose and cheeks, sparing
nasolabial folds.

Alopecia affecting the frontal

scalp with lupus hairs (receding
hair line).

Oral aphthoid lesions and

ulcerations of the palatal
mucosa in a patient with
systemic lupus erythematosus.

Classic discoid lupus
erythematosus of the face.
Note central scarring and
erythematous hyperkeratotic

Podagra or acute gout of the

first sMTP joint is shown. The
hyperintense erythema with a
dusky hue is characteristic. The
area of inflammation usually
extends beyond the area of the
involved joint

Advanced gout of the hands

and wrists demonstrates an
asymmetric arthritis with
articular and interarticular
tophi. The large tophus
involving the distal left fourth
digit shows very superficial
crystalline deposits

Subcutaneous tophi in the

palmar creases of the distal
inter-phalangeal joints are an
uncommon finding but an easy
source of crystals for the
diagnostic confirmation of gout.

Large tophi involving the distal
interphalangeal joints are
commonly seen in gouty
patients. This is particularly
characteristic of late-onset

Osteoarthritis is the most

common disorder affecting this
segment (Heberden’s nodes).

Heberden’s node (black arrow)

and Bouchard’s node (white
arrow) in hand osteoarthritis

Hand orthoses may decrease
pain and correct deformities.
From top to bottom: a resting
splint that restricts motion and
maintains a functional position,
a functional wrist splint that
supports the wrist during hand
activities, and a silver ring splint
that corrects and/or prevents

Recommended text book :

ABC of Rheumatology, 5th edition April 2018

MCQ Which has the most specificity for the disease
Which of the following is most specific for SLE?
a) Anti-Ro (SS-A) – Sjögren’s
a) Anti-Sm
b) ANA – SLE
b) anti Jo 1
c) Anti-Sm – SLE
c) ANA
d) Rheumatoid factor – Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Anti-La
e) Anticentromere
Which of the following is the most sensitive to
differentiate RA from SLE?
Q2:A 25 year old woman in her first pregnancy is
concerned about her sister’s history of a child that
a) Rheumatoid factor
died in the neonatal period with complete heart
b) Keratoconjunctivis sicca
block. Best choice of investigations for this
c) Bilateral knee effusions
d) Nodules over the MCP joint
a) ANA
e) Erosion of the ulnar styloid
b) Anti La (SSB) antibodies
c) Anti-phospholipid antibodies
Female patient with rheumatoid arthritis and
d) Anti-cardiolipin antibodies
occipital headaches. Next Investigation should be
e) Anti DNA
a) CT of neck
b) Lateral flexion X-ray of cervical spine
Which of the following is not included in the
c) ESR
American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
d) Myelogram
diagnostic criteria for SLE?
e) Anti-CCP
a) Thrombocytopenia
b) Elevated ANA antibody titre
Uric acid excretion is
c) Psychosis
a) increased by low dose aspirin
d) Alopecia
b) decreased in leukemia
e) Photosensitivity
c) Increased in hypertension
d) increased by alcohol consumption
A disproportionate rise in CRP compared to the
e) largely unaffected by Indomethacin
ESR is typically found in which of the following
clinical situations?
A 26-year-old woman attended the early arthritis
a) RA
clinic with a 3-month history of an inflammatory
b) Sepsis in a patient with SLE
polyarthritis affecting her hands and feet.
c) Gout
Investigations: haemoglobin 125 g/L (115–165),
d) Cerebral lupus
white cell count 7.3 x 109/L (4.0–11.0), platelet
e) Felty's syndrome
count 350 x 109/L (150–400), ESR 40 mm/1st h
(<20), X-rays of hands and wrists periarticular
A patient has mild SLE with butterfly rash &
osteopenia. What investigation is most likely to
Arthralgia. ESR ↑, ANA +ve, renal function
distinguish between persistent and self-limiting
normal, platelets mildly ↓. What is the best
a) Anti-citrullinated peptide antigen antibodies
a) Prednisone
b) Antinuclear antibodies
b) Hydroxychloroquine
c) IgA rheumatoid factor
d) IgG rheumatoid factor
d) Cyclophosphamide
e) IgM rheumatoid factor
e) Observe
Which of the following is not a feature in
Which of the following has the least prognostic
rheumatoid hand
value in early RA?
a) Wasting of small muscles of the hand
a) C-reactive protein
b) Tenosynovitis
b) Extra-articular affection
c) Heberden's nodules.
c) Radiographic evidence of erosions
d) Swan neck deformity
d) Decreased peripheral lymphocyte count
e) Z shaped thumb

Which of the following articular regions are Regarding rheumatoid factor, which of the
unlikely to be involved in rheumatoid arthritis following is not true?
a) Distal interphalangeal joints a) May be present in the absence of rheumatoid
b) Proximal interphalangeal joints arthritis.
c) Metaocarpophalangeal joints b) High titer early in rheumatoid arthritis
d) Knee joints indicate bad prognosis.
e) Wrist joints c) Usually present in rheumatoid patients with
subcutaneous nodules
Which of the following radiologic appearance is d) Absent in normal population
not associated with in rheumatoid arthritis e) One of the criteria of diagnosis of rheumatoid
a) Marginal erosions. arthritis.
b) Juxtaarticular osteoporosis.
c) Increased joint space Which of the following is most specific for
d) Subluxation rheumatoid arthritis
e) Soft tissue swelling a) Rheumatoid factor
b) Anti CCP
Regarding systemic lupus erythematosus, which of c) Anti ds DNA
the following is true? d) Anti Sm
a) It is commoner in males. e) Anti Ro
b) Phtotsensitivity may occur
c) Complement level C3 and C4 are increased The following is associated with poor prognosis in
d) Erosion is common in plain x-ray rheumatoid arthritis except
e) Antinuclear antibodies are usually negative a) Acute onset
b) Bone erosion on x-ray
The following is not a clinical feature of SLE c) Subcutaneous nodules
a) Depression d) Low ESR
b) Alopecia e) Extraarticular manifestations
c) Pleural effusions
d) Extraarticular nodules. Chloroquine
e) Arthralgia a) Used in treatment of osteoarthriris
b) May cause retinopathy
Hyperuricaemia may result from low dose of c) May cause hyperuricaemia
a) Methotrexate d) Contraindicated in rheumatoid arthritis
b) Aspirin e) 2nd line treatment of osteoarthritis
c) Corticosteroids
d) Anti-TNF α agents The following is not a feature of Felty's syndrome
e) Indomethacin a) Associated with rheumatoid arthritis
b) Splenomegaly
The following drug is used in acute gout c) Dry eye and mouth
a) Aspirin d) Neutropenia
b) Probenecid e) Rheumatoid factor is usually positive
c) Allopurinol
d) Colchicine Which of the following is not a feature of
e) Methotrexate osteoarthritis
a) Heberden's nodes
Gout b) Osteophyte formation
a) Is associated with calcium pyrophosphate c) Bouchard's nodes
crystals deposited in the cartilage. d) Raised ESR.
b) May cause subcutaneous nodules. e) Morning stiffness < 1 hour.
c) Commonly affect 1st metacarpophalangeal
joint. Regarding rheumatoid arthritis, which of the
d) Typically has symmetric polyarthritis pattern following is not true?
e) Associated with HLA-DR a) Commoner in females
b) Associated with HLA-DR

c) Insidious onset indicate bad prognosis Regarding therapeutic cold, which of the following
d) Corticosteroids in high doses is a mainstay of is not true?
the treatment a) Has sedative effect on sensory nerves
e) Pregnancy usually associated with disease b) increase spasticity
remission c) Reduce swelling
d) Reduce bleeding
Which of the following is not a side effect of e) Used in mechanical trauma
a) Long term use may enhance joint Forced motion used to restore normal range of
degeneration process. motion which is limited due to loss of elasticity of
b) Headache soft tissues
c) Peptic ulcer a) Passive exercise
d) Retinal damage b) Active assistive exercise
e) Transient elevation of liver enzymes c) Active resisted exercise
d) Stretch exercise
The following may exacerbate systemic lupus e) Traction
a) Low dose aspirin Patient with osteoarthritis is advised to
b) Exposure to the sun a) Sit too long in one position.
c) High purine diet b) Use low chairs.
d) Prednisolone c) Walk for long periods.
e) Alcohol d) Over exercise the affected joints.
e) Reduce his body weight.
Regarding sjogren's syndrome:
a) Associated with systemic lupus As regards physical therapy, which of the
erythematosus. following is not true?
b) Associated with dry eye and mouth a) It is the use of physical agents in treatment of
c) Associated with Anti-Sm in most patients the musculoskeletal disorders.
d) Associated with high serum uric acid b) Heat and cold are forms of physical therapy
e) Osteophyte is a common finding in x-ray agents
c) Has no rule in female infertility
Sulphasalazine d) Good alternative that reduce hazards of
a) Is ineffective in RA. NSAIDs
b) Is effective in osteoarthritis e) Have a role in sports injuries
c) May cause infertility in male
d) May cause neutrophilia Splints are not used to
e) Is the first drug of choice in chronic gout a) Relief pain for active joints
b) Prevent deformities
Regarding osteoarthritis c) Correct deformities.
a) Knee joint affection is rare d) Place of damaged joint in good functional
b) Tophi are common findings position.
c) There is articular cartilage destruction e) Produce separation of the vertebrae
d) Obesity is a risk factor
e) Methotrexate is effective Red flags for low back pain include the following
Therapeutic heat a) Bilateral radiation of pain
a) Produce capillary and arteriolar b) Bowel or bladder dysfunction
vasoconstriction c) Saddle anesthesia
b) Decrease pain threshold d) Positive stretch test
c) Increase muscle spasm e) Pain and stiffness > 30 minutes,
d) Used in muscle re education
e) Has analgesic effect
f) Stretch adhesions in among muscle fibers


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