Fig. 2.1. Element For One Dimension Heat Conduction Equation

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2.1. Generalised One Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation. 2.2. Three Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation—For
the cartesian coordinates—Three dimensional heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates—Three dimensional heat con-
duction equation in spherical coordinates. 2.3. Initial and Boundary Conditions—Prescribed temperature boundary condi-
tions—Prescribed heat flux boundary conditions—Convection boundary conditions : Surface energy balance—Radiation bound-
ary condition—Interface boundary condition. 2.4. Summary—Review Questions—Problems.

The objective of this chapter is to provide a good The element having

understanding of the heat conduction equations and Heat conduction rate into the element = Q(X)
boundary conditions for the use in mathematical Heat conduction rate from the element
formulation of heat conduction problems.
= Q(X + dX)
Net rate of heat conduction into the element
Qnet = Q(X) – Q(X + dX)
If the heat is generated within the element due
to resistance heating, chemical or nuclear reactions, etc.,
For the thermal analysis of the bodies having shapes
and the rate of volumetric heat generation is g (W/m3).
such as slab, rectangle, the cartesian coordinates are
used, while for cylindrical and spherical bodies, the polar Then rate of energy generation, Qgen = g (AdX)
and spherical coordinate systems are used. Due to unequal heat transfer rates to and from
In this section, we derive one dimensional, time the element, its internal energy will change. The rate of
dependent generalised heat conduction equation which change of internal energy,
may be obtained in either coordinate system. E T T
= mC = ( A dX)C ...(2.1)
Considering one dimensional element as shown t t t
in Fig. 2.1. where, T = F(X, t), temperature of element as
function of time and direction, °C,
g = G(X, t), the function of time and direction,
k = K(X), the function of direction, W/m.K,
C = specific heat of the material (solid having
only one specific heat), J/kg.K,
m = mass of the element = ( A dX), kg,
A = area of element normal to the heat
transfer, m2,
= density of the material, kg/m3,
Fig. 2.1. Element for one dimension heat t = time, s,
conduction equation dX = directional thickness of element, m.


Making the energy balance on the element. equation for heat conduction with constant thermal
Net rate of heat gain by conduction + rate of conductivity. It is known as unidirectional governing
energy generation equation for heat conduction.
= The net rate of change of internal energy. If there is no internal heat generation within the
material, the above equation reduces to :
Qnet + Qgen = 1 T 1 T
t A = ...(2.7)
T A X X t
or {Q(X) – Q(X + dX)} + g A dX = CA dX ...(2.2)
t It is known as unidirectional Fourier equation.
According to Taylor’s series We may write this equation in particular
Q(X) coordinate system by introducing proper area A and
Q(X + dX) = Q(X) + dX directional thickness dX as described below.
2 3 3
Q(X) dX 2 Q(X) dX
+ + + ..... For rectangular coordinate system,
X2 2! X3 3!
X = x, directional variable,
If the control volume is considered small enough, A = heat transfer area, does not vary with x
then the higher powers of dX such as dX2, dX3 etc., are direction but remains constant.
negligibly small, therefore, neglected from above Therefore, the eqn. (2.5) reduces to :
equation and it reduces to
T g 1 T
Q(X) + ...(2.8)
Q(X + dX) = Q(X) + dX ...(2.3) x x k t
It is one dimensional time dependent heat
Substituting this equation in eqn. (2.2), we get conduction equation in rectangular coordinate system.
Q(X) T It is used for the analysis of plane wall (slab), with and
– dX g A dX C A dX ...(2.4)
X t without heat generation for one dimensional steady state
as well as in transient heat conduction.
Substituting Q(X) = – kA
T For cylindrical coordinate system,
Then, – kA dX + g A dX X = r, directional variable,
A = heat transfer area, varies with radius;
T = 2 rL, for the cylinder element of radius
= C A dX
t r and length L.
Rearranging above, we get Using in the eqn. (2.5), we get
1 T T 1 T g 1 T
kA +g= C ...(2.5) +
r ...(2.9)
A X X t r r r k t

It is general one dimensional time dependent It is one dimensional time dependent heat
differential heat conduction equation with heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinate system.
generation and directional dependent k.
If the conducting material is isotropic, its thermal For spherical coordinate system :
conductivity is independent of direction, it is treated as X = r, directional variable
constant quantity, then
A = heat transfer area varies with radius
1 T g C T 1 T = 4 r2, for the spherical element of radius r.
A + = = ...(2.6)
A X X k k t t Using in the eqn. (2.5), we get
k 1 T g 1 T
where, = is the thermal diffusivity, a property of r2 = ...(2.10)
C r2 r r k t
material. It is one dimensional time dependent heat
The above eqn. (2.6) is in general coordinate conduction equation in spherical coordinate system.
system. It is one dimensional time dependent differential

In compact form, d
dT UV = 0 ...(2.17)
1 RSX n T UV g 1 T
dX T
dx W
Xn XT X W k t In cartesian coordinate,
where, n = 0 and X = x for cartesian coordinate system,
n = 1 and X = r for cylindrical coordinate system,
d dT RS UV = 0 ...(2.18)
n = 2 and X = r for cylindrical coordinate system.
dx dx T W
In cylindrical coordinate,
Steady State Conditions
For steady state heat conduction, the temperature
dTRS UV = 0 ...(2.19)
at each point within the solid does not vary with time,
dr dr T W
but it decreases in direction of heat flow (steady means In spherical coordinate,
no change with time). d
UV ...(2.20)
Hence on right hand side of eqns. (2.6) to (2.11) dr dr T W
= 0 and T = f(X) only
Then the one dimensional governing eqn. (2.11) EQUATION
reduces to
The eqn. (2.6) is the generalized one dimensional time
1 d RSX n dT UV g
=0 ...(2.12) dependent heat conduction equation. By similar
Xn dX T dX W k approach, the above equation can be extended in the
It is known as unidirectional Poisson equation. three dimensions.
It can also be written as : 2.2.1. For the Cartesian Coordinates
1 d
dT UV g
=0 ...(2.13)
Consider a differential volume element with thicknesses
A dX T
dX W k dx, dy and dz in x, y and z directions, respectively. The
rate of incoming and outgoing energy by conduction in
where area A is constant for plane wall but it is variable
respective direction is as shown in Fig. 2.2.
for cylinder and sphere.
The volume of the element V = dx dy dz
In cartesian coordinate,
Net rate of heat conduction into the element in x,
d dT g FG IJ y and z directions
dx dx
k H K
=0 ...(2.14) Qnet = Qx + Qy + Qz – Qx + dx – Qy + dy – Qz + dz
It is known as unidirectional Poisson equation in
the cartesian coordinate. If the heat is generated into the element at the
rate of g(W/m3 ), then volumetric heat generation rate.
In cylindrical coordinate, Qgen = g dx dy dz ...(ii)
1 d
dT UV g
=0 ...(2.15)
The rate of change of internal energy of the
r dr T
dr W k differential volume

It is known as unidirectional Poisson equation in E T T

mC ( dx dy dz) C
the cylindrical coordinate. t t t
In spherical coordinate,
Making the energy balance on the element by
1 d RS
dT UV g
=0 ...(2.16)
using quantities from eqns. (i), (ii) and (iii)
r dr Tdr W k Net rate of heat gain by conduction + rate of
It is known as unidirectional Poisson equation in energy generation in the element
the spherical coordinate. = The net rate of change of internal energy
If the heat is not generated within the solid [Qx + Qy + Qz – Qx + dx – Qy + dy – Qz + dz] + g dx dy dz
then eqn. (2.12) is reduced to unidirectional Laplace T
equation, = C dx dy dz ...(iv)

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