Major Ammonia Leak From HP Ammonia Feed Pump: P.Hari Narayana Reddy, R. Raghavan and Ramashray Singh
Major Ammonia Leak From HP Ammonia Feed Pump: P.Hari Narayana Reddy, R. Raghavan and Ramashray Singh
Major Ammonia Leak From HP Ammonia Feed Pump: P.Hari Narayana Reddy, R. Raghavan and Ramashray Singh
Though the incident had the potential to cause fatalities, the situation was well managed without any
injury due to the strengths & practices inculcated in the organization. Furthermore, the deficiencies
in mechanical integrity were exposed, leading to improvements in reliability and safety.
Ammonia-1 Urea-1
Ammonia-2 Urea-2
Carbamate Urea N
Condenser Reactor
Ammonia Compressor Decomposition
Compressor House & Vacuum
House concentration
HP Ammonia Feed HP Carbonate
Pumps Pumps
Area Operators
NH3 from
Ammonia Plant/
Ammonia Receiver
(V-101) Urea Reactor
Ammonia-1 A B C Urea-1
Central Control room Power Generation
for Unit-2
Ammonia-1& Urea-1
Ammonia-2 Urea-2
6. Meanwhile, the Ammonia plant-1 back end plants via the paging system. Control room
(compressor house, synthesis loop and air-conditioning was switched off.
hydrogen recovery unit), which are adjacent to
the urea plant, were affected with ammonia 8. Power Generation Unit-2, which is located on
vapors. Each of the three ammonia leak the western side of the urea plant was also
detectors located in the Ammonia Plant-1 affected due to a change in wind direction.
back end responded and alerted the control Operators did not have any clue as to what
room. The compressor house operators rushed was happening for some time so they wore on-
to CO2 removal section located on the line air respirators and remained behind closed
northern side, which was unaffected. These doors.
operators were given first aid at the
Occupational Health Centre, located within 9. Meanwhile, communication was given to all
the complex. Ammonia plant operations important personnel via pagers (which will
remained unaffected. give a predetermined number against
emergency in a particular plant) and also via
7. Ammonia plant-1 and Urea plant-1 have telephone by the laboratory chemist in the
common control rooms located opposite to shift.
Ammonia plant-1 (North-West side of Urea
plant-1). The control room operators 10. The production head who reached the site first
continued operations using the on line took over as the Emergency Controller and
respirators bank (which can last long for about started guiding the Shift In Charge, effectively
90 min. upon usage by four operators). The streamlining the shut-down actions, effluent
Ammonia-1 Shift in charge alerted all other containment, Occupational Health and Fire &
Safety activities.
How And Why Did This Incident Happen? Photo 1: Dislocated 4th cylinder lock nut and
• The 4th cylinder HP locknut on the HP
ammonia feed pump (P-101C) got detached
from the cylinder The lantern, along with its
“O” rings, came out of the cylinder, the HP
packing rings and lantern “O” rings got ripped
off and high-pressure liquid ammonia leaked
Photo 5: Ripped out LP Packing thrown 7. All five HP braided packing rings along with
10 meters away the two PTFE support rings were found
missing inside the cylinder and they were
found scattered about 10 meters away (as
shown in Photo no.5).
HP Packing
LP Packing
LP Locknut