Computer Link 3 Quarter 1 Week 1

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas


Grade 3


First Quarter– –Week
First Week11

Differences of Microsoft
Operating System

Grade 3 - Computer
Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Computer – Grade 3
Computer Link
Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Schools Divisiio of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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This Computer Link is published to be utilized by the Schools Division of Iloilo.


No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission from the Schools
Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of Research Link

Writer: Eladio J. Jovero, Ariel L. Amado

Merman Francis T. Uy, Rogelio D. Arcelon Jr.
Teodora C. Capitle

Illustrators: Eladio J. Jovero, Ariel L. Amado, Mel June Flores

Mary Clarence G. Madero

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Eladio J. Jovero, Rogelio D. Arcellon Jr.
Merman Francis T. Uy
Division Quality
Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Corazon D. Alarcon
Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Armi S. Jovero

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason Jr.

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Corazon D. Alarcon

Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Introductory Message

Welcome to Grade 3 Computer Link.

The Computer Link is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Schools

Division of Iloilo Special Science Elementary School (SSES) ICT and Research
Teacher and Home of Illustrators, Writers and Graphic Artists (HIWAGA) illustrators,
layout artists and Quality Assurance Team from the Department of Education, Schools
Division of Iloilo. This is developed to guide you dear learning facilitators in helping our
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.

The Computer Link aims to guide our learners in accomplishing activities at

their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing and achieving
the lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.

For learning facilitator:

The Computer Link is developed to address the current needs of the learners
to continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the learning
facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study and
accomplish the given activities in the material. Lerner’s progress must be monitored.

For the learner:

The Computer Link is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs to
continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to primarily
provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being
an active learner carefully read and understand the instructions given.

Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Differences of Microsoft Operating System

Hello learner!
In this lesson, you should be able to identify and compare
each differences of (the different) Microsoft Operating System.

Are you ready? Let us answer the

activity below. Please be reminded to
write all your answers in your Activity

To find out what you know, answer the activity below.

Activity 1. Text Twist
Direction: Answer the following questions by arranging the
jumbled letters.

1. It is an electronic device that recieves and processes data to

produce the output.
TOCMPURE = _________________
2. The most important software that makes a computer work.
OPATRINGE TESSYM = _________________
3. It is an operating system from Microsoft Corporation.
SOTFMIRCO NDIWSOW = _________________
4. It is a set of instructions that the computer follows to perform
task easily.
ROPGAMR = _________________
5. Small pictures on the desktop that represent programs.
SEKDTPO NIOC = _________________

Grdae 3 - Computer 1
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Great! Now let us move on to the next
activity. You have a lot more to enjoy
while learning!

Activity 1.
Directions: Draw happy face (☺) in your notebook and
color it YELLOW if the statement is correct
and draw sad face () and color it BLUE if the
statement is wrong.

No. Questions Correct Wrong

An operating system is software
1. that enables services for software
applications to run on a computer.
An important task of an operating
system is taking care of the
communication between the
software applications and
hardware devices attached to your
Starting a computer is not one of
3. the main functions of an operating
All operating systems are designed
4. to cross operate on all types of
Windows is an operating system
5. from Microsoft Corporation.

Grdae 3 - Computer 2
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Well done! You are doing
awesome. Next, read and
understand the important
concepts that will be discussed in
the next part.

Do you wonder what makes the computer work and operate?

Operating System (OS) is the important software that makes a
computer work. It controls the hardware devices. It also allows
software in the computer to run. Without the operating system,
those devices and programs will not work in the computer.

Windows is an operating system from Microsoft Corporation. It has

an interface, which is a system designed into a computer, so
people can easily interact through different features.

Windows Operating System Designed for Personal Computers (PCs)

and Laptops

Windows 1.0 (1985) – It allowed users to point and click

to access the windows.

Windows 3.1 (1992) – It support better icons and program


Windows 95 (August 1995) – The automatic detection

and configuration of equipment (Plug and Play)

Grdae 3 - Computer 3
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
Windows XP (October 2001) – It has a better look and
feel, give user more stable and reliable environment.

Let’s Try this.

Directions: Identify the Microsoft Windows Operating System using
the timelime. Write all your answers in your Activity

1. 2. 3. 4.

1985 1992 1995 2001

Task 1. Apply What You Have Learned

Directions: Identify the Microsoft operating system being
described in each sentence. Choose your answer
from the box.

Windows 1.0 Windows 95

Windows XP Windows 3.1

_____________ 1. The windows operating system that released in

October 2001.
_____________ 2. An operating system that can detect and
configure installed hardware automatically.
Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
_____________ 3. It was introduced in 1985 that allow users to
access the windows by point and click.
_____________ 4. It supports better icons and program manager.
_____________ 5. An operating system that give users a more stable
and reliable environment.

Task 2: Let’s Draw

Directions: Draw the Microsoft windows logo that corresponds its
features. Choose the picture in the box below.

No. Windows Logo Features

1. plug and play
2. point and click

3. better look and feel

4. detect and configure

5. support icons and program

6. stable and reliable environment

Test Yourself 1. Guess What

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on your Activity notebook.
1. What do you call a software that makes our computer works
and operate?
A. Computer B. Operating system C. Microsoft

Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
2. What is the feature of Windows 1.0?
A. allowed users to point and click
B. plug and play
C. a better look and feel, give user more stable and reliable
3. The operating system that give users more stable and reliable
A. Windows 95
B. Windows 1.0
C. Windows XP
4. Windows 95 runs faster and can ____________ and ________ the
A. operate and support
B. plug and play
C. detect and configure
5. . The operating system that support better icons and program
A. Windows 3.1
B. Windows 95
C. Windows 1.0

Test Yourself 2. Color Me

Directions: Match column A with column B. Match the operating
system to its timeline. Color the box with the same color
as the box beside the operating system.

1. Windows 95 2001

2. Windows 3.1 1985

3. Windows XP 1995

4. Windows 1.0 1992

Grdae 3 - Computer 6
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System
1. Computer basics for Grade 2 – Win7, 2011 First Edition, ISBN 978-971-23-5731-2 page 98,99
2. Dondon M. Paguio (2019). My Computer 3 Exploring Software and the Internet, Quezon City,
3. , Retrieved September 8, 2020 from
4., Retrived September 8, 2020 from

Answer keys:

Let’s Explore. Activity 1 Let’s Do this. Activity 1

1. COMPUTER 1. = yellow
2. OPERATING SYSTEM 2. = yellow
4. PROGRAM 4. = blue
5. DESKTOP ICON 5. = yellow

Let’s Try This

1. Windows 1.0
2. Windows 3.0
3. Windows 95
4. Windows XP

Let’s Practice. Task 1 Task 2

1. Windows XP 1.
2. Windows 95 2.
3. Windows 1.0 3.
4. Windows 3.1 4.
5. Windows XP 5.

Let’s Assess. Test Yourself 1 Test Yourself 2

1. B. Operating System 1. 2001
2. A. allow user to point and click 2. 1985
3. C. Windows XP 3. 1995
4. C. detect and configure 4. 1992
5. A. Windows 3.1

Grdae 3 - Computer
Competency: Identify and Compare Each Differences of Microsoft Operating System

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