Oracle® Telesales: User Guide Release 12.1
Oracle® Telesales: User Guide Release 12.1
Oracle® Telesales: User Guide Release 12.1
User Guide
Release 12.1
Part No. E13446-04
August 2010
Oracle TeleSales User Guide, Release 12.1
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3 Performing Searches
Overview of Searching.............................................................................................................. 3-1
Using the Universal Search Window........................................................................................ 3-2
Performing Quick Searches ......................................................................................................3-2
Performing a Customer Smart Search....................................................................................... 3-4
Saving and Viewing Search Results......................................................................................... 3-4
Saving and Reusing a Search.................................................................................................... 3-5
Searching Using a Query You Have Saved............................................................................... 3-6
Viewing a List You Have Created............................................................................................. 3-7
Performing Expanded Searches................................................................................................ 3-8
Placing a List on the Universal Work Queue..........................................................................3-10
Capturing a Relationship Between Two Organizations.......................................................... 5-3
Capturing a Relationship Between Two Persons..................................................................... 5-4
Ending a Relationship Between a Person and an Organization.............................................. 5-4
7 Tracking Opportunities
Overview of Tracking Opportunities....................................................................................... 7-2
Displaying an Opportunity in the eBusiness Center............................................................... 7-4
Creating an Opportunity from a Lead...................................................................................... 7-4
Creating an Opportunity Without a Lead in the eBusiness Center ........................................ 7-5
Lead to Opportunity or Opportunity to Lead Linking Window..............................................7-7
Linking an Opportunity to Leads............................................................................................. 7-7
Displaying an Opportunity in the Opportunity Center .......................................................... 7-7
Creating an Opportunity in the Opportunity Center............................................................... 7-8
Entering Purchase Interests ...................................................................................................... 7-9
Entering Opportunity Contacts .............................................................................................. 7-10
Changing the Owner of an Opportunity................................................................................ 7-11
Changing a Customer for an Opportunity..............................................................................7-11
Classifying an Opportunity.................................................................................................... 7-11
Tracking Obstacles to an Opportunity................................................................................... 7-12
Tracking Competition for an Opportunity............................................................................. 7-12
Selecting Individuals, Groups, and Partners for an Opportunity Sales Team......................7-13
Viewing Partner Selection Criteria and Routing History for an Opportunity...................... 7-15
Routing an Opportunity to a Partner...................................................................................... 7-16
Viewing Leads Associated with an Opportunity................................................................... 7-16
Freezing an Opportunity......................................................................................................... 7-17
Splitting Up an Opportunity If Only Some Items Can Close................................................ 7-17
Deleting Purchase Items from an Opportunity...................................................................... 7-18
Copying an Opportunity......................................................................................................... 7-18
Updating Opportunities.......................................................................................................... 7-19
Performing a Mass Update of Opportunities......................................................................... 7-19
Updating Your Pipeline.......................................................................................................... 7-20
Working With Opportunities in the Universal Work Queue................................................ 7-22
Splitting Up a Purchase Line for Inclusion in Multiple Forecasts.........................................7-23
Managing Opportunity Forecast Amounts............................................................................. 7-24
Using Personal Opportunities Lists........................................................................................ 7-26
Entering Sales Credit for Purchases in an Opportunity......................................................... 7-27
Viewing Sales Credit Totals for an Opportunity................................................................... 7-28
Closing an Opportunity So You Can Receive Sales Credit....................................................7-29
Viewing the History of an Opportunity................................................................................. 7-30
Using the Collection Tab.........................................................................................................9-14
Creating a Quick Service Request.......................................................................................... 9-14
Recording Your Interactions with a Customer....................................................................... 9-15
Wrapping Up an Interaction with a Customer ...................................................................... 9-15
Restricting Interactions........................................................................................................... 9-17
Adjusting Enrollment by Canceling, Transferring, and Substituting................................... 12-7
13 Sending Collateral
Overview of Sending Collateral............................................................................................. 13-1
Preparing a Collateral Order for One or More Recipients..................................................... 13-2
Modifying a Collateral Order................................................................................................. 13-5
Viewing Collateral Order History and Order Status............................................................. 13-6
14 Using Notes
Overview of Using Notes........................................................................................................ 14-1
Relating a Note to Other Objects............................................................................................ 14-2
Viewing Notes......................................................................................................................... 14-3
Viewing and Creating Notes................................................................................................... 14-3
Viewing Notes Using the Note Tab........................................................................................ 14-4
Searching for Text Within Notes............................................................................................ 14-5
15 Using Tasks
Overview of Using Tasks........................................................................................................ 15-1
Viewing Tasks for a Customer................................................................................................ 15-2
Creating a Task for a Customer or an Account....................................................................... 15-2
Creating a Task During Interaction Wrap Up........................................................................ 15-4
Creating a Task Using a Template.......................................................................................... 15-4
Assigning Tasks for an Opportunity...................................................................................... 15-5
Viewing Tasks Associated with an Opportunity................................................................... 15-6
Creating a Task Using a Template.......................................................................................... 15-7
16 Administration
Administration Overview....................................................................................................... 16-1
Setting Up Campaign Assignments ....................................................................................... 16-1
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle TeleSales User Guide.
This document is intended for telesales agents and their managers.
This guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area
See Related Information Sources on page xiii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible
to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes
features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This
documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by
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For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at
1 Introduction to Oracle TeleSales
2 Oracle TeleSales Business User Flows
3 Performing Searches
4 Maintaining Customer Information
5 Recording Customer Relationships
6 Working with Leads
7 Tracking Opportunities
8 Proposals, Quotes, and Orders
9 Interacting with Customers
10 Inbound and Outbound Calling Using Oracle Telephony Applications
11 Using Direct Telephony Integration
12 Enrolling in Marketing Events
13 Sending Collateral
14 Using Notes
15 Using Tasks
16 Administration
Related Information Sources
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• PDF - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for current PDF
documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and is updated
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.
• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.
from any Oracle E-Business Suite product help file.
Installation and System Administration
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, or as part of an upgrade
from Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the
technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable.
process for approving transactions in an integrated Oracle application. You can define
approvals by job, supervisor hierarchy, positions, or by lists of individuals created
either at the time you set up the approval rule or generated dynamically when the rule
is invoked. You can learn how to link different approval methods together and how to
run approval processes in parallel to shorten transaction approval process time.
Oracle iSetup User's Guide
This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
existing workflow processes embedded in Oracle E-Business Suite. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle offers a complete set of training courses to help you master your product and
reach full productivity quickly. These courses are organized into functional learning
paths, so you take only those courses appropriate to your job or area of responsibility.
You have a choice of educational environments. You can attend courses offered by
Oracle University at any of our many Education Centers, you can arrange for our
trainers to teach at your facility, or you can use Oracle Learning Network (OLN), Oracle
University's online education utility. In addition, Oracle training professionals can tailor
standard courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs. For example, you may
want to use your organization structure, terminology, and data as examples in a
customized training session delivered at your own facility.
From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals provides
the help and information you need to keep your product working for you. This team
includes your Technical Representative, Account Manager, and Oracle's large staff of
consultants and support specialists with expertise in your business area, managing an
Oracle server, and your hardware and software environment.
Introduction to Oracle TeleSales
Use this window to display a list of your open leads, opportunities, quotes, marketing
lists, and daily tasks. You can perform tasks in the Action section of the window, such
as updating an opportunity. The work queue also serves as an access point for the rest
• Lead Center
Use the Lead Center to manage the details of a specific lead. You can use this
window to create new leads or to add more detail to leads you have created using
the eBusiness Center.
• Opportunity Center
Use the Opportunity Center to create and manage individual opportunities until
they close. This includes managing the sales team and partners for the opportunity.
You can use this window for such tasks as entering purchase interests, forecast
dates, partners, and sales credits for the sales team and any partners for the
• Lead Management
• Opportunity Management
• Proposal Management
• Forecast Management
• Service Management
• Collections Management
2. Profile
This region, located to the right of the header, gives key information about the
organization, consumer, or organizational contact you select using the View Details
drop-down list. The information in the Profile region comes from the tabs. This
region is folder-enabled. This means that you can customize the presentation of
data using standard Oracle Folder tools.
Note: Customer Site is visible only when you are in the Dashboard
For example, if the header displays information on Jack Jones, the purchasing
manager for the ABC Company, then the list contains the party types you can view
and edit using the tabs:
You can select:
• Jack Jones: To enter and view information that pertains to Jack Jones, the party
type Person. This includes all personal information as well as any purchases he
makes as a consumer.
Customer Site displays list of all available active and inactive addresses of Jack
Jones. Jock Jones' identifying address is shown by default.
View By in the Dashboard tab displays Jack Jones' name, address, and the
account number.
• ABC Company: To enter and view all information about the ABC Company,
the party type organization. This includes organizational details as well as all
leads, opportunities, quotes, and orders. Leads, quotes, and orders are tied to
the organization and not the contact.
Customer Site displays list of all available active and inactive addresses of ABC
Company. ABC Company's identifying address is shown by default.
View By in the Dashboard tab displays ABC Company's name, address, and the
account number.
• Jack Jones -- ABC Company: To view and enter phone numbers, addresses and
• ABC Company -- 1000: To view interactions for the party owning the account.
Customer Site is not displayed when you select account.
If party type is Organization, then View By displays ABC Company's name,
address, and the account number.
If party type is Person, then View By displays Jack Jones' name, address, and
the account number.
If party type is Party Relationship, then View By displays ABC Company and
the account number.
Accessing Leads, Opportunities, and Other Work from Your Work Queue
Responsibilities enable you to access more than one operating unit at a time, so you can
perform business tasks for entities across all accessible operating units while logged in
under a single given responsibility. This enables you to perform tasks for any of the
operating units to which you have access, such adding products to a lead or an
1. Choose Universal Work Queue from the Navigator or click the Work Queue button
from the toolbar. The button shows an icon of a miniature wall calendar.
The Universal Work Queue window appears.
2. Select the category of tasks you want to view. For example, selecting My Leads
(Owner) displays all leads you own in a list.
3. Click one or more items and the work panel changes according to what you
4. Double-click an item you want to work on or select it and click the Get Work icon.
The item launches in the appropriate section of the application.
For example, double-clicking a lead launches that lead in the Lead Center.
• List all quotes in the At a Glance window and Universal Work Queue, and access
details of quotes that belong to all operating units to which you have access.
• Search for quotes by operating unit. Also, the ability to view lists of all quotes and
orders in search results, and view details of the quotes and orders as restricted by
accessible operating units. Search results for collateral are fully restricted by
accessible operating units.
• View account sites and account relationships across all accessible operating units.
• View lists of all sales contracts, blanket sales agreements, and service contracts, and
access details of only those contracts that belong to accessible operating units.
• View Universal Search results for all operating units for orders and quotes, with
display of details restricted based on access.
Your system administrator will perform internal settings that affect new account sites
and new account relationships. If you attempt to create a new account site or a new
account relationship and these internal settings have not been made, you will receive
these error messages and should contact your system administrator:
For account site:
You will not be able to create the Account Site since your default operating unit has not been set
or has been set to a value that is not valid. Please contact your System Administrator.
For account relationship:
You will not be able to create the Account Relationship since your default operating unit has not
been set or has been set to a value that is not valid. Please contact your System Administrator.
System settings can also affect event collateral in the multi-operating unit environment.
Contact your system administrator if you get this error message when attempting to
select event collateral:
The collateral associated with the selected event does not belong to your accessible operating
unit(s). Please select a different event.
Accessing Reports
You can launch reports directly from the Navigator. The reports open in a separate
window. See Oracle Sales User Guide for more information.
❒ You must be assigned to multiple sales groups. If you are assigned to just one sales
group, then you do not have to choose roles to use the application.
1. If you have just logged into the application, then the Choose Role and Group
window appears automatically.
2. If you want to switch roles while working in the application, launch the Choose
Role and Group window by choosing Change Role from the Tools menu.
5. Click OK.
The eBusiness Center is available. Only users who are members of a sales group are
able to access the Leads and Opportunities tabs. Non-sales users can create and
update customer records.
If you are accessing the eBusiness Center as a salesperson, then the group usages for
your sales group must include Sales or TeleSales.
Quick Menu
The Quick Menu provides a fast way to open windows from all applications. Your
administrator can determine what appears in the Quick Menu. You can open the Quick
Menu from the Navigate To menu.
The Execute Campaign to TeleSales flow precedes this flow. The sales inquiry call is
received by a telesales agent, and Oracle TeleSales provides information about the caller
as well as the script the agent should follow. If the call is a valid lead, then the agent
enters information to create a sales lead in the eBusiness Center. The agent can also
register the caller for an event and send collateral to the caller. Lead to Opportunity and
Opportunity to Order flows follow.
The Lead to Opportunity flow precedes this flow. Salespeople review their pipelines
and then generate a baseline forecast. They later modify their forecasts and submit them
to their managers. Managers compare their subordinates' pipeline to forecasts, then
generate a final forecast and accept their subordinates' forecasts. The forecasts are rolled
up the management chain and managers submit forecasts to their managers.
Salespeople convert an opportunity to a quote and then manage the quote. They
perform cross-sell and up-sell and then configure a sales order. They present the quote
to the customer and negotiate to determine order details. Any update to the customer
information is made in the application. Salespeople negotiate for an applicable service
agreement and convert the quote to an order.
A customer calls in with a trade-in request or a problem. The agent receives the call and
the application pops up customer information and a script. The agent proposes a
solution to the customer and negotiates a quote. After performing cross-sell and up-sell,
the agent presents and negotiates the quote. The customer agrees with the quote and
the agent configures a sales order and determines the order details. A credit memo for
Overview of Searching
The Universal Search window provides flexible searching capability. Searches are
categorized by type of information, such as leads or opportunities. Within each category
you find predefined criteria in the quick searches. The expanded searches provide a
wide range of parameters you can use for a more customized search. You can save the
results of your search as a list or you can save your query for reuse.
You can search information displayed in dynamic tables by right clicking in the table
and making a selection from a pop-up menu.
Some search results are affected by multi-operating unit access. For example, you can
view lists of all quotes and orders, but can only access details about the quotes and
orders that belong to operating units to which you have access. Also, for collateral, you
can view lists of only the items that belong to the operating units to which you have
1. Launch the Universal Search window from the Navigator, or by clicking Find in the
toolbar. This is the flashlight icon.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you want to search for.
If you are searching for a party relationship, organization or person and you want
to include inactive records in the search, then select the Include Inactive check box.
5. Click Search.
The window displays the results of your search as a dynamic table on the same tab
where you entered your search criteria. You can sort the results by any column.
If you want to view all of the publicly accessible notes associated with an item or
create new notes, then click View Notes in the search results.
6. Select the item in the table and open the relative window in one of the following
• If you want to view this item in a separate window, select the Multiple
Windows check box.
• If you want to see the information in the At A Glance window, then select the
At A Glance check box.
• If you want to display one item and close the search window, then click OK.
• If you want to display an item but leave the search window open in the
background so you can come back and select another item, then click Apply.
You can search for partial words and numbers, but you must use the percent sign to
indicate missing or unknown characters. For example, a search for j%n in the First
name field retrieves all first names starting with the letter j and ending with the letter n,
including John, Jon, and Johann.
The search combines the different search criteria using the logical AND. This means
that entering two search criteria returns only results matching both search criteria. For
example, searching on a partial name and a partial phone number returns only
individuals whose names and phone numbers match both.
1. Launch Universal Search from the Navigator, or click Find in the toolbar. This is the
flashlight icon.
7. From the Results window, select the item in the table and open the relative window
in one of the following ways:
• If you want to view notes associated with an item, click View Note.
• If you want to see the information in the At A Glance window, then select the
At A Glance check box.
• If you want to view this item in a separate window, then select the check box
labeled Multiple Windows.
• If you want to return to the previous search window, then click Return to
• If you want to display an item but leave the search window open in the
background so you can come back and select another item, then click Apply.
• If you want to display one item and close the search window, then click OK.
1. Launch the Universal Search window from the Navigator, or click Find in the
toolbar. This is the flashlight icon.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you want to search for.
5. Enter a list name. This is the name of your list of search results. This name must be
unique for each list of results you save. Optionally, you can enter a description of
the list.
7. If you want to put your list in the Universal Work Queue, then select the Place on
Work Queue box.
8. Click Save.
9. Select the Saved Results tab to view search results. You can filter the lists of results
by Active, Inactive, or All. Select the list you want to view and click Open.
1. Click Find in the toolbar. This is the flashlight icon. Alternatively, you can open
Universal Search from the Navigator or from a Search button.
2. Using the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you are querying.
4. Enter search criteria in any of the fields in the Basic region or in the Advanced
region, or both. For each search criteria in the Advanced region:
• Select the search criteria using the Item List of Values (LOV).
5. If you are searching for a party relationship, organization, or person and you want
to include inactive records in the search, then select the Include Inactive check box.
7. Enter a name for the query you are saving. For example: my hot leads. You can
enter an optional description for the search.
8. Click Save.
9. Select Open Criteria to reuse a search. Select the search you want to reuse and click
OK. You can modify the search criteria at this point. Click Search to perform your
1. Navigate to the Universal Search window from the navigator of by clicking Find in
the toolbar (this is the flashlight icon).
The Universal Search window appears.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you want to search for.
Note: Saved queries are listed only when you select the same
information type used to create them.
6. Click OK.
The query criteria are populated in the Universal Search window.
8. Click Search.
The window displays the results of your search as a dynamic table on the same tab
where you entered your search criteria. You can sort the results by any column.
9. If you want to view all of the publicly accessible notes associated with an item or
create new notes, then click the View Notes button in the search results.
10. Select the item in the table and open the relative window in one of the following
• If you want to view this item in a separate window, then select the check box
labeled with one of the following Multiple eBusiness Centers, Multiple Lead
Centers, or Multiple Opportunity Centers. Which label you see depends on
what information you are searching for.
• If you want to see the information in the At A Glance window, then select the
At A Glance check box.
• If you want to display one item and close the search window, then click OK.
• If you want to display an item but leave the search window open in the
background so you can come back and select another item, then click Apply.
1. Launch Universal Search from the Navigator, or click Find in the toolbar. This is the
flashlight icon.
The Universal Search window appears.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of list you want to view. Lists are
grouped by this information type. For example, to see a list of organizations, you
4. If you want to filter the list by list status, then select Active or Inactive.
8. If you want to view notes associated with an item, then click the View Notes
9. Select the item in the table and open the relative window in one of the following
• If you want to view this item in a separate window, then select the check box
labeled with one of the following Multiple eBusiness Centers, Multiple Lead
Centers, or Multiple Opportunity Centers. Which label you see depends on
what information you are searching for.
• If you want to see the information in the At A Glance window, then select the
At A Glance check box.
• If you want to display one item and close the search window, then click OK.
• If you want to display an item but leave the search window open in the
background so you can come back and select another item, then click Apply.
1. Launch the Universal Search window from the Navigator, or by clicking Find in the
toolbar. This is the flashlight icon.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you want to search for.
4. Enter search criteria in any of the fields in the Basic region or in the Advanced
region, or both. For each search criteria in the Advanced region:
1. Select the search criteria using the Item List of Values (LOV).
5. If you are searching for a party relationship, organization, person, code and you
want to include inactive records in the search, then select the Include Inactive check
6. Click Search.
The window displays the results of your search as a dynamic table on the same tab
where you entered your search criteria. You can sort the results in any column.
If you want to view all of the publicly accessible notes associated with an item or
create new notes, then click the View Notes button in the search results.
7. Select the item in the table and open the relative window in one of the following
• If you want to view this item in a separate window, then select the Multiple
Windows check box.
• If you want to see the information in the At A Glance window, then select the
At A Glance check box.
• If you want to display an item but leave the search window open in the
background so you can come back and select another item, then click Apply.
The same restrictions that apply to Quick Searches are applicable for Expanded
1. Launch the Universal Search window from the Navigator, or click Find in the
toolbar. This is the flashlight icon.
The Universal Search window appears.
2. From the Find drop-down list, select the type of information you want to search for.
4. Select the Active radio button from the View Status pane.
All the saved active lists appear.
5. Choose the active list that you want to place on the work queue.
7. Click Update.
You can view the active list in the UWQ.
Customer Model
Oracle TeleSales stores customer information you enter under three separate entities.
These are called parties. The entities are:
• Person: Use this party type to enter personal information for both consumers and
contacts at organizations. Personal information includes home address, phone, as
well as quotes and orders for purchases an individual makes as a consumer. If your
organization sells to consumers, then this is the party type you will commonly use.
• Organization: Use this party type to enter information about the organization you
are doing business with. Using this party type you can also view all of the quotes
and orders for business purchases made by contacts at this organization.
• Party relationship: Use this party type to enter contacts for an organization. If your
organization sells primarily to other businesses and organizations, then you will
use this party type most of the time.
Each of these parties can have its own billing and shipping addresses, telephone
numbers, notes, and associated tasks.
• Enter and view all purchases he makes as a consumer. If Jack Jones buys a
Christmas gift for his daughter Jane, for example, then you must record this sale
using the person party type.
• Capture relationships between Jack Jones and other persons. Here is where you
enter the fact that Jack Jones is the father of Jane Jones.
• View quotes and orders for the organization. This includes those placed by Jack
Jones in his capacity as employee of the organization.
• Manage leads and opportunities for the ABC Company. This includes any leads
and opportunities on which Jack Jones is the contact.
• View all of the quotes and orders for the ABC Company.
Use the Party Relationship party type to track information relating to Jack Jones's job:
• Enter addresses, phone numbers, and other information for Jack Jones in his
capacity as a purchasing manager of ABC Company.
• Capture the relationship between Jack Jones and different organizations. If Jack
Jones changes jobs and moves to another organization, this is the party type you
use to record his move.
• Educational background
• Product interest
• Personal interests
• Contact roles
Note: This tab is disabled if you select the name of the organization
from the View Details For region.
1. Navigate to the eBusiness Center.
2. From the Party Type drop-down list, select Person, or Organization, or Party
1. If the eBusiness Center is blank or does not display the correct organization, then:
1. From the Party Type drop-down list, select Party Relationship.
3. Use the First or Last field LOV to view the list of contacts at the organization.
2. Ensure that the Business Center header displays the correct organization and
Organization is selected from the Party Type drop-down list.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the organization.
3. The Object Relationship region displays the contacts for the organization.
4. If you want to view or modify the details of any of the contacts, then select one
by clicking on the unlabeled drill-down button to the left of the information you
want to view.
5. If you want to view details about the relationship such as job title, department,
and phone number, then double-click the contact type.
1. Navigate to the eBusiness Center.
4. Click Create.
1. Navigate to the eBusiness Center.
3. Click Create.
4. Click Both.
Note: The phone number and e-mail you enter here is tied to the
contact and not the organization.
9. Click OK.
The address you enter here is the primary address for the contact and appears
whenever you display the contact in the eBusiness Center header.
Note: By default, the address you enter here for the contact
automatically becomes an address for the organization as well,
unless this feature is disabled by your administrator.
10. Click Save on the toolbar. If the party is a potential duplicate, you can choose to use
the new party or use an existing party.
6. Click OK.
The window closes and the address appears in the Address field in a concatenated
form. The address you enter here appears whenever this consumer is displayed in
the eBusiness Center header.
7. Click Save on the toolbar. If the party is a potential duplicate, you can choose to use
the new party or use an existing party.
1. Navigate to the eBusiness Center.
3. Use the Organization List of Values (LOV) to check if the organization already
exists in the database.
Note: The phone number and e-mail you enter here is tied to the
organization and does not display when you view contacts for the
8. Click Save on the toolbar. If the party is a potential duplicate, you can choose to use
the new party or use an existing party.
Entering an Address
Use this procedure to enter an address on the Address/Phone tab of the eBusiness
If you are entering a private address, then you must enter it under the party type of
Person. If you are entering a business address, then enter it under the party type of
Party Relationship or Organization.
A party can have multiple addresses, but only one primary address. The primary
address is the one that appears in the eBusiness Center header when you display the
1. Select the correct View Details that relates to the party's address.
For example, if you are viewing a contact in the header and you want to enter a
business address for the contact, then select the person and organization option. If
the address is the personal address for the person, then select the person's name. If
the address is for the organization, then select the organization name.
6. Click OK.
The window closes and the address appears in the Address field in a concatenated
7. If the address is the primary address for the party, then select the Primary check
8. Specify the different uses using the Address Usage column. A single address can
have multiple uses, such as the shipping and billing address, for example.
1. Use the Address Usage field LOV to specify a use for this address.
2. To specify additional uses, select a new line and repeat the previous step.
9. If the address is the primary address for that Address Type, then select the Primary
check box next to the address type.
You must select this check box only if you have specified more than one address for
a specific type. For example, if you specified ten addresses to be the billing
addresses for an organization, then you must select one of these as the primary
billing address. Designating an address to be primary means that this address is
automatically defaulted whenever you enter an address for that type. For example,
the billing address designated as primary is the one that will show up by default on
a customer invoice.
10. In the Contact Points window, use the Contact Method LOV to select the
information type to enter (telephone number, e-mail address, or URL) and enter
that information.
By default, an address you enter for a contact at an organization (party of type Party
Relationship) automatically becomes an address for the organization as well. However,
a contact's primary address does not automatically become the primary address for the
organization as well.
If no style is assigned to a selected country, then all the address fields display.
To delete the use of an address or an address type, select Inactive. You cannot delete an
address because other types of information, including leads and opportunities, might
depend on it. But you can either edit the address or effectively remove it from use.
Making an address inactive means that it is no longer visible to other users, unless these
users specify that they want to view inactive addresses.
❒ Display the consumer or the organizational contact in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the individual's name.
7. When you are done, select another tab or click Cancel to close the Person Details
window. Click Yes to save your changes.
8. Click Restrictions to add any restrictions that apply to contacting the customer.
9. Click OK to close the Restrictions window, then click Save in the toolbar.
❒ Display the organization in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the organization name.
3. Click Details.
The Organization Details window appears.
2. Use the Class Category List of Values (LOV) to enter a classification category.
This entry changes the available classifications in the next step.
7. If this classification is the primary classification for this organization, then select
the Primary flag. You can only select one classification as the primary
❒ You must display either the organization or a contact at the organization in the
eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region of the eBusiness Center, select the name of the
3. Click Details.
The Organization Details window appears.
5. Use the interest Type, Primary interest, and Secondary interest Lists of Values
(LOV) to classify the organization's interest in your products.
6. Optionally, use the Location LOV to enter an address for the site with those
purchase interests.
❒ You must display either the organization or a contact at the organization in the
eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the organization.
3. Enter information about the company. See the following table for information on
specific fields.
❒ Display the organization in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the organization name.
3. Click Details.
The Organization Details window appears.
6. When you are done, select another tab or click Cancel to close the Organization
Details window.
❒ Display an organization in the eBusiness Center header.
1. Click Restrictions.
3. Use the Calendar LOV to enter a start and end date for the period over which the
restriction applies. If you do not enter an end date, then the restriction remains in
effect indefinitely.
5. Click OK.
❒ You must display the consumer, contact, or an organization in the eBusiness Center
1. In the View Details region of the eBusiness Center, select the appropriate option.
3. Click Details.
5. You can add multiple sales team members and partners to the sales team or a whole
sales team:
1. If you want to select a partner for the sales team, then, from the Display drop-down
list, select Partner. The selection is Employee by default. The search results enable
you to view partner information including address, partner type, level, and
certification level. Select a partner and click OK.
3. Click New.
4. Use the Name List of Values (LOV) to select a sales team member.
5. If you want this individual to have view-only access to all opportunities and leads
for this customer regardless of whether they are on the opportunity or lead sales
team, then use the Role LOVs to select Account Manager.
Note: The role you assign here is different from the group and role
you select for reporting purposes.
6. If you want to keep the new team member on the team regardless of the assignment
made by the territory management module, then select the Keep check box.
1. From the Navigate To menu choose Create Party/Contact.
The Creation of Party window appears.
2. From the Party Type drop-down list, select the party type you are creating:
• Organization: to create an organization
5. If you are creating a contact at an organization, then use the Relation List of Values
(LOV) to enter a relationship. Usually this is "Contact".
6. Enter the person's e-mail address. You need this to send confirmation e-mail and
electronic collateral.
8. Click OK.
Adding an Account
Use this procedure to add a new account from the eBusiness Center.
❒ You must display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, you must select a person name, organization name, or
account number.
3. Click New.
The displayed account detail information is cleared and ready for data entry.
8. If you want to add roles to the account, then click the Roles tab and perform the
following steps:
1. Select the party.
4. Select the appropriate address for the party from the LOV. After, saved, the
address cannot be updated.
5. Optionally add the same party and role again with another address and repeat
for any number of addresses.
9. If you want to relate the new account to another account, then click the
Relationships tab and select the account.
❒ You must display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, you must select a person name, organization name, or
account number.
4. Click Details.
6. Click New.
10. Select Primary if this is the primary site for the account.
❒ The party must first have a relationship to the account owner.
3. Click Details.
5. Click New.
7. Select the role type the party plays for the account.
9. If this is the primary role for the account, then select Primary Role.
A party can be given more than one role. A party with any given role can have more
than one address. Add the party again, assign it the same role, and select another
1. In the View Details region, you must select a person name, organization name, or
account number.
4. Click Details.
6. Click New.
7. Use either the Related Account Name or Related Account Number LOV to find the
10. Select Reciprocal if you want to save the relationship for the related account as well
as for the current account.
Add a relationship for account A with account B and select reciprocal. Account B
now has a relationship with account A
Add a relationship for account X with account Y and do not select reciprocal.
Account Y does not have a relationship with account X.
Overview of Relationships
You can use the Relationship tab of the eBusiness Center to capture both business and
personal relationships between any parties in the database and between outside parties
and your internal organizations.
• Personal relationships between two individuals, such as "is the father of," and "is
the son of." You can establish these relationships for consumers and business
contacts (parties of type Person and Party Relationship).
• Relationships between different organizations, such as "is a subsidiary of." You can
❒ You must display a consumer or display a contact at an organization in the
1. In the View Details region, select the person's name.
3. From the Type drop-down list, select the relationship of the person to the
❒ You must display one of the organizations or display a contact at one of the
organizations in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of one of the two organizations.
3. From the Type drop-down list, select the relationship of the organization to the
second organization.
❒ You must display one of the consumers or display one of the two organizational
contacts in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the person.
3. From the Type drop-down list, select the relationship that person has to the second
person. For example, "Is the manager of," "Is the spouse of," or "is the father of."
5. Use the Object Name List of Values to enter the second person. The LOV displays
all parties available to create a relationship with.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the organization.
5. If you know the relationship has ended permanently, then enter a date in the End
Date field.
Lead Routing
Depending on the implementation, Oracle TeleSales can automatically assign leads to
individual agents who become the lead owners and to whole sales teams. When
individual agents create leads, they automatically become the lead owners and can
assign the leads manually. Depending on the implementation, the assigned lead shows
up on the work queue of the owner of the lead or the entire sales team. The agent can
accept or refuse the lead assignment by displaying the lead in the Lead Center and
clicking Accept or Decline.
Lead Rank
Lead rank tracks the desirability of the lead. Agents can select a value manually from
the Lead Rank drop-down list or they can let the application assign the rank
automatically by clicking the Rank button.
The application determines the quality of the lead by using the rules engines set up by
the administrator.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
Note: When you create a lead for an organizational contact the lead
is recorded for the organization and the contact is listed as the
primary contact for the lead.
3. Click New.
4. Enter a name for the lead in the Lead Name text field. The name you enter later
used as the name for any opportunity you create from this lead.
5. Enter a name for the project. This is the name used for the project in the opportunity
you create from this lead.
6. Optionally, use the Primary Contact LOV to enter the individual who is the primary
contact for this lead. For consumers, this field defaults to the name of the consumer.
7. If an organization has many locations, then enter a location for the lead.
8. If you entered a primary contact, then select a role for the contact using the Contact
Role LOV.
9. If you entered the source code for the customer in the Overview tab, then the
Source Code is populated. If you did not make the entry, then enter it now using
the List of Values (LOV). If you do not know the source code name, then save your
work and search for the source code using Universal Search.
10. Specify the sales channel, an approximate budge, currency code, and budget status.
11. Use the Time Frame LOV to enter a time frame in which you expect the lead to
12. Use the Lead Rank field to evaluate the desirability of the lead. If you leave the
Lead Rank field blank, then the application ranks the lead based on the information
you have entered. The ranking takes place after you save the lead.
13. If you want to leave the territory management program to automatically assign the
lead to a member of the sales team, then leave the Lead Owner field blank. Make an
entry only if you want to override the territory assignment program and assign this
lead to an agent manually.
14. If the lead is qualified, then select the Qualified check box.
15. Optionally, enter lead purchase interests, including the quantity the customer
wants to purchase and the purchase amount.
17. If you want to add other lead information, click Details to launch the Lead Center.
The status of the lead is New by default. You can choose to override the default
designation by selecting a status of your own.
You cannot create a lead for an account.
A close reason is required only if you change the status of a lead to a status with a
Closed flag.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. If you want to view leads for a consumer, then, in the View Details region, select the
person's name.
3. If you want to view leads for an organization where the displayed contact is a
contact for the leads, then select the name of the organization and the contact name.
5. If you want to view only open leads, then make sure the Display All check box is
not selected.
6. If you want to view only leads where you are the owner, then select the Owner
check box.
7. You can sort the leads in the table by any of the available fields by clicking on the
field header.
8. Select the lead you want to view or modify from the list. The basic information
about the lead appears on the right side of the tab.
9. If you want to view more details about the lead, then click Details to launch the
Lead Center. If you want to open the details in a new window rather than using an
existing Lead Center window, then select the Multiple Details check box before
clicking Details.
• Display the lead in the eBusiness Center first and then click Details to open the
Lead Center.
• Navigate to the lead from the opportunity summary in the Dashboard tab of the
eBusiness Center.
2. From the Party Type drop-down list choose either Organization or Person
3. Use the Customer field List of Values to enter the organization or consumer name.
4. Optionally, use the Primary Contact List of Values (LOV) to enter the individual
who is the primary contact for this lead. For consumers, this field defaults to the
name of the consumer.
5. Optionally, enter a unique name in the Lead Name text field. The name you enter
later used as the opportunity name for any opportunity you create from this lead.
6. Enter a name for the project. The name you enter later used as the project name for
any opportunity you create from this lead.
7. Optionally, enter the address, status, source code, campaign offer, response
channel, and sales channel.
8. Optionally, enter a currency amount in the Budget field and select a budget status
using the Budget Status LOV.
9. Optionally, use the Time Frame LOV to select a time frame for closing the deal.
10. Use the Lead Rank field to evaluate the desirability of the lead. If you leave the
Lead Rank field blank, then the application ranks the lead based on the information
you have entered. The ranking takes place after you save the lead.
11. A lead can become qualified automatically using the Qualification Engine. If you
want to qualify a lead manually, then select the Qualified box.
12. A close reason is required only if you change the status of a lead to closed.
13. If you want to assign this lead to someone in your sales team, then use the Lead
Owner LOV to enter the name of the individual. The person becomes the owner of
the lead and receives notification in the work queue of this assignment.
1. Navigate to the Lead Center.
2. On the Purchase Interest tab, use the Lists of Values (LOVs) to enter the customer's
product interest. You can select the product description from among the multiple
operating units you can access.
3. In the Contact tab, enter the contacts for the lead using the First Name LOV. The
contacts must already exist in the database before you can add them here.
4. You can designate one contact as the primary contact by selecting the Primary
check box.
5. On the Partner tab, use the Preferred Partner LOV to search for a partner. The
search results enable you to view partner information including address, partner
type, level, and certification level. Select a partner and click OK.
7. Depending on you implementation , the lead engine will run automatically. If you
want to see how the changes affect the lead quality, channel, or resource you can
manually run the engine by choosing Run Lead Engine from the Actions menu.
1. Display the lead in the Lead Center. You can do so by double clicking the lead
name in the Universal Work Queue. For more details, see Accessing Leads
Opportunities, and Other Work from Your Work Queue, page 1-6 .
1. Display the lead in the Lead Center by double clicking the lead name in the
Universal Work Queue. For more details, see Accessing Leads, Opportunities, and
Other Work from Your Work Queue, page 1-6.
2. Click Decline.
4. Click OK.
❒ Display the lead in the Lead Center
1. If you want to leave the territory management program to automatically assign the
lead to a member of the sales team, then delete any name from the Lead Owner
2. If you want to assign this lead to an agent manually, then use the Lead Owner field
List of Values to enter an agent's name.
3. Click Save.
❒ Display the lead in the Lead Center
1. Select the Sales Team tab.
The tab lists the current sales team.
If your organization has set up the Oracle Territory Manager module, then the sales
team is automatically assigned to the lead when you create it.
2. If you want to add the team members of an entire sales group, then:
1. Click Add Resource Team.
The Add Resource Team window appears.
2. Search for the sales team you want to add by entering its name or partial name
in the Team Name and clicking Find. Use the % sign to substitute for any
missing characters.
The sales teams that match your search criteria display in the Team Name
3. Select the sales team by positioning the cursor in the sales team information.
5. If you want to provide the new team members with rights to modify lead
information, then select the Provide Full Access check box.
6. Click OK.
The sales group sales team is added to the lead sales team. Each individual has
the Keep check box selected. This means that their assignment cannot be
3. If you want to add an individual sales team member, then on the Sales Team tab:
1. Use the Name List of Values to add the agent.
2. If you want this individual to have update privileges for this lead, then select
the Full check box. All team members have view privileges.
3. If you want to keep this individual regardless of the assignment made by the
Oracle Territory Manager module, then make sure the Keep check box is
4. Click Save on the toolbar when you have completed adding agents.
❒ Display the lead in the Lead Center.
1. Select the Opportunity tab.
Any opportunities created from the lead are listed.
2. If you want to view an opportunity, then select the opportunity from the list and
click Opportunity Center.
The Opportunity Center displays the details of the opportunity.
❒ Display the lead you want to qualify in the Lead tab of the eBusiness Center or in
the Lead Center.
1. A lead can become qualified automatically using the Qualification Engine.
2. If you want to qualify a lead manually, then select the Qualified box.
1. In the Select Items list or the Universal Work Queue nodes, highlight either My
Leads (Owner) or My Leads (Sales Team). Optionally, you can select your choice
and skip steps 2 and 3.
The next selection list appears.
• 90 Days
• 6 Months
• 1 Year
4. Click Apply.
Your changes are saved for one or more selected leads.
5. Optionally, double-click anywhere in a row to open the lead in the Lead Center.
The Update Lead region can be customized by your administrator, including adding
actions to the Action drop down list.
• Sales Team: Add individual sales team members or entire sales groups to form a
team or let the territory management module assign a team.
• Sales Credit: The sales credit the sales team members are to receive.
• Quotes and Orders: View the quotes and orders resulting from the opportunity or
launch the Quoting window to create new quotes and orders.
• Forecasts: The sales credits for each purchase interest are added up as your sales
• Partners: Enter criteria the channel manager in Oracle Partners Online will use to
select a partner, or, when authorized, route the opportunity to a partner yourself.
Purchase and other information is not transferred to the matching opportunity, but
agents can access the lead from the Lead tab of the linked opportunity.
• Copy purchase line items to the duplicate opportunity.
The copied items are transferred to the potential purchases in the existing opportunity.
The copy process removes them from the lead.
The sales representative creating the new opportunity becomes the leader of the
opportunity team. Any team member required to make modifications to opportunity
information must be designated as having Full Access. This is done by selecting the Full
check box.
The application automatically notifies new team members of the assignment through
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. Select the Opportunity tab. You can sort the opportunities by clicking on the table
column headings.
2. If you want the list to display only opportunities you receive sales credit for, then
select the Sales Credits check box.
3. If you want to view only open opportunities, then deselect the Display All check
4. Select the opportunity you want to view or modify from the list on the left. The
basic information about the opportunity appears on the right side of the tab.
5. If you want to view notes for this opportunity, then click Opportunity Notes.
6. If you want to view more details about the opportunity, then click Details to launch
the Opportunity Center.
1. If the lead does not have a description, enter it now in the Lead Name field. A lead
name is required for opportunity creation.
3. The application checks the lead information you have entered in the lead against
information in all existing opportunities to see if a similar opportunity already
5. Scroll through the possible matches using the Next button. The number of potential
matches is shown in the Matches Found field.
6. If the lead matches an opportunity on the right, move any new purchase items from
the lead to the opportunity using the right arrow and click OK.
7. If none of the opportunities found match existing business objects, click New
Opportunity to create a new opportunity.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the person, organization, or contact for the
3. Click New.
5. Enter a close date for the opportunity. This date determines the forecast in which
your opportunity information appears.
6. If you want to enter customer purchase interests directly on the Opportunity tab,
then follow the procedure Entering Purchase Interests, page 7-9.
7. Choose one salesperson as the owner of the opportunity. You must be the owner of
the opportunity (or the owner's manager) to reassign a new owner.
9. If the Opportunity - Lead Linking window appears. Perform the following steps:
1. View the open leads using the Detail button to review details.
2. If you find a lead you want to link with the opportunity, then click Link.
3. When you are finished linking leads or if there are no leads you want to link to
the opportunity, click OK.
10. To enter other detailed information for the opportunity, click Details to open the
Opportunity Center and follow the procedure outlined in Entering Purchase
Interests in an Opportunity, page 7-9.
1. View the opportunity in either the eBusiness Center or the Opportunity Center.
• View the opportunity in the Opportunity Center and choose Link Opportunity
to Lead from the Actions menu.
• View the opportunity in the Opportunity Center and on the Lead tab click Link
Opportunity to Lead.
The Opportunity - Lead Linking window displays the current opportunity and
all open leads for the customer that are not linked to an opportunity.
3. If you want to see the detail for a lead, select the lead and click Detail.
4. Select the lead or view the detail for the lead, and click Link.
The lead is linked to the opportunity.
• Navigate to the opportunity from the opportunity summary in the Dashboard tab
of the eBusiness Center.
1. Navigate to the Opportunity Center.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the basic opportunity information in the fields provided. The fields include
opportunity name, project name, source code, status, and budget.
4. Enter a close date for the opportunity. This date determines the forecast in which
your opportunity information appears.
The administrator has the right to limit the maximum number of days allowed to close
an opportunity. The opportunity close date should fall within the allocated period set
by the administrator (must not be greater than the system date + maximum number
based on system settings).
An opportunity appears in the forecast if it meets the following criteria:
• The opportunity status is a status that is set up as forecastable.
• The close date at the purchase line level is within the forecast period.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
2. Use the LOVs to find the product category, item description, or inventory item.
3. If you do not know the exact product the customer is interested in, then you can
use the Product Category code LOV to enter the customer's general purchase
5. The Forecast Date automatically defaults to the Close Date of the opportunity.
Changing this date does not affect the forecast unless Use Close Date is
deselected. See Splitting Up a Purchase Line for Inclusion in Multiple Forecasts,
page 7-23 for more information.
7. Enter a currency amount of the purchase interest. This amount is added to the
other purchase line amounts to give you the total purchase amount for the
8. Enter the sales credit. The sales credit is the amount included in your sales
9. Under the Display LOV, select Competitors to add or view the competitors,
competitor products, and the win/loss status.
❒ The contacts you want to add must already be in the database as the organizational
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
2. If you want to add the primary contact for the opportunity, then:
1. Use the Primary Contact List of Values (LOV) to select the contact.
2. Select a role for the contact using the Contact Role LOV.
2. Using the Last Name or First Name List of Values, add the contacts.
3. If you want to designate a contact as the primary contact for the opportunity,
then select the Primary check box. You can only designate one contact as a
primary contact for the opportunity.
4. If you want to enter a note for the contact, then click Contact Note.
5. If you want to enter a note for the customer, then click Customer Note.
2. Click Save on the toolbar. The owner you indicate is also displayed on the Sales
Team tab.
Classifying an Opportunity
Use this procedure to classify an existing opportunity. The Oracle Territory Manager
program uses this classification to assign a sales team.
3. Use the Lists of Values to classify the opportunity according to the classification
scheme provided by your organization.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
4. Select a Status from the LOV. Statuses include Preliminary, Expired, Lost, No
Opportunity, or Won.
5. Enter a comment.
• Pipeline Management
Win/Loss Tab
Select the product category to identify the line item for which you want to add
competitor information. Then select the competitor product and competitor from the
LOV and add a win/loss status.
You can add decision information using the LOVs. Again select the product category to
identify the line item.
Pipeline Management
Select Competitors from the Display list. Enter competitor information for a purchase
interest by selecting the line item and using the LOV to select the competitor product
and competitor. You can also enter a win/loss status for the line item.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. If you want to add the team members of an entire sales group, then:
1. Click Add Resource Team.
The Add Resource Team window appears.
2. Search for the sales team you want to add by entering its name or partial name
in the Team Name and clicking Find. Use the percent sign to substitute for any
missing characters.
The sales teams that match your search criteria display in the Team Name
3. Select the sales team by positioning the cursor in the sales team information.
5. If you want to provide the new team members with rights to modify
opportunity information, then select the Provide Full Access check box.
6. Click OK.
The sales group sales team is added to the opportunity sales team. Each
individual has the Keep check box selected. This means that their assignment
cannot be overridden by the Territory Manager module.
4. If you want to add an individual sales team member, then, in the Internal Sales
1. Use the Last Name or First Name List of Values to add the sales agent.
2. If you want this individual to have update privileges for this opportunity, then
select the Full check box. All team members have view privileges.
3. If you want to keep this individual regardless of the assignment made by the
Oracle Territory Management module, then make sure the Keep check box is
4. Click Save on the toolbar when you have completed adding agents.
5. If you want to designate someone as the owner of the opportunity, then select the
Owner check box next to the salesperson's name.
6. If you want to add a partner to the sales team, then in the External Sales region use
the LOV to select a partner. Use the Partner LOV to search for a partner. The search
results enable you to view partner information including address, partner type,
level, and certification level. Select a partner and click OK.
2. Use the Partner Contact LOV to identify and select your partner contacts.
The resource groups you can add to the sales team are set up by your application's
administrator using the Resource Manager.
An opportunity can have only one owner. The owner has final responsibility for the
opportunity and for updating the opportunity information. At the time the opportunity
is created the user creating the opportunity is defaulted as the owner. The owner can be
changed only by the current owner, the current owner's manager, or by a user with the
privilege to change the owner.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. If you want to view a history of partner interactions for this opportunity including
which partners were offered the opportunity, then click Routing Details.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. If you want to route the opportunity to a partner and have the permission to do so,
1. Use the Preferred Partner List of Values (LOV) to select the partner you want to
route to.
2. If you want to bypass the channel manager approval, then select the Bypass CM
Approval check box. If you cannot select this check box, this means you do not
have permission to do so.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. If you want to view details of multiple leads in separate Lead Centers, then
select the Display Multiple Lead Centers check box.
Freezing an Opportunity
Use this procedure to freeze an opportunity so that modifications cannot be made to the
header and purchase interest tab information. After an opportunity is frozen, nobody,
including the person who froze the opportunity, can make any modification unless they
obtain permission from the application administrator.
❒ You must be on the sales team for the opportunity to freeze it.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity tab of the eBusiness Center or in the
Opportunity Center.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
2. Click Copy.
The Copy Opportunity window appears.
3. Click Copy.
The Opportunity Center displays the copy you have made. The opportunity
5. Using Clear Record from the toolbar, delete from the copy the purchase items
which are to close.
❒ You must be designated as a team leader on the sales team for the opportunity.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
4. Click Delete on the toolbar or choose Delete from the Edit menu.
Copying an Opportunity
Use this procedure to copy an opportunity. You will want to copy an opportunity if you
want to split an opportunity, for example, or if different customers want to purchase the
same set of items.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
2. Click Copy.
The Copy Opportunity window appears.
3. If you want the copied opportunity to go to a different party type, then select the
party type from the LOV.
4. If you want the copied opportunity to go to a different customer, then select the
customer using the Customer LOV.
6. Enter a name for the opportunity. The default is "Copy of" (unless your
administrator changed this to something else) followed by the original opportunity
7. Select the check boxes corresponding to the information you want to copy to the
new opportunity. The header information is copied automatically.
8. Click Copy.
The Opportunity Center displays the copy you have made. The opportunity
number which is automatically changed to the next available number.
Updating Opportunities
You can update opportunities in one of three ways:
• Update opportunities one at a time using the Opportunity Center.
• Update the win probabilities, sales stages, close dates, and channel fields for a list of
opportunities using the Opportunity Mass Update window. You must create a list
using the Universal Search window and update all opportunities on that list to the
values you enter in the Update Mass Opportunity window.
• Updating your pipeline; this method allows you to query up the opportunities you
want to modify and modify each opportunity individually in one window.
❒ You must first use Universal Search to create a saved list of opportunities you want
, page 3-4 to update.
1. Navigate to Opportunity Mass Update.
2. Use the Lookup Name List of Values (LOV) to find your saved list of opportunities
you want to update.
3. Click Search.
4. Select the opportunities you want to update by selecting the Select check box for
5. Make entries in the win percentage, sales stages, close dates, and channel fields for
each entry.
1. From the Navigator, select Pipeline Management.
The Pipeline Search Criteria window appears.
• You can enter one value or a range of values for win probability, close date,
total amount, and sales credit amount.
• Select one of the Credits radio buttons to search for opportunities with forecast
credits, other (non-revenue) credits, or all for the agent listed in the Sales Agent
4. If you manage a sales group, you can restrict the search to a single member of the
sales group. To do so, use the Sales Agent field LOV to enter the name of the
Note: If you do not manage a sales group, you can only search for
your own opportunities. In this case, your name populates the Sales
Agent field automatically.
5. Click Search.
The Pipeline Search Results window appears displaying the results of your search.
6. If you must modify the search, then click Return to Search to return to the Pipeline
Search Criteria window.
7. If you want to update the win probability (Win %), status, close date, channel, sales
stage, or close reason for an opportunity, then make your entry in the list of
Note: You must use the scroll bar to reveal the Sales Stage and
Close Reason fields.
8. If you want to view the total revenue amount of the opportunities listed, then click
Note: You must use the scroll bar to reveal the quantity,
purchase amount, and other fields.
10. If you want to modify the sales credit for individual items in an opportunity, then:
1. Select the opportunity you want to modify from the list at the top of the
3. From the Display drop-down list, select Forecast Credit or Other Credit.
11. Under the Display LOV, select Competitors to add or view the competitors,
competitor products, and the win/loss status for a selected purchase interest.
13. If you want to close the window, then from the File menu, choose Close Form.
1. In the Select Items list or the Universal Work Queue nodes, select either My
Opportunities (Sales Credits) or My Opportunities (Sales Team). Optionally, you
can select your choice and skip steps 2 and 3.
3. Select a status.
The window displays a list of opportunities that match the selected criteria and
4. Click Apply.
Your changes are saved for one or more selected opportunities.
The Update Opportunity region can be customized by the Universal Work Queue
administrator. The administrator can create new actions in the Action drop down list,
disable seeded actions, change the order of actions in the list, and control the order of
notes in Note History.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. In a blank purchase interest line, place your cursor in the Amount field.
5. The forecast date defaults to the close date of the opportunity. Changing this date
also changes the close date.
7. Enter the interval for the periods. This determines the forecast dates for each
8. If you know the Inventory Item number of the purchase, then use the Inventory
Item LOV to enter it. The Product Category and Item Description fields fill in
9. If you do not know the Inventory Item number, but you know at least a partial
description of the item, then use the Description LOV to search for the item by Item
When you enter an item, the Product Category and Inventory Item fields fill in
10. If you do not know the exact product the customer is interested in, then you can use
the Interest Type and Primary and Secondary interest code Lists of Values (LOVs)
to enter the customer's general purchase interest.
12. The Source Code field defaults to the marketing source code entered in the header
for the opportunity as a whole. If this purchase line is related to a different source
code than the opportunity header, then make another selection.
13. Optionally, enter the Units of Measure and quantity of the item the customer is
purchasing in each of the periods.
14. Enter the amount of the purchase to display for each period. This is the amount
included in each forecast and added to the other purchase line amounts to give you
the total purchase amount for the opportunity.
The application creates purchase lines in the Purchase Interest tab corresponding to
the number of periods. Each new line is identical except for the Forecast Date.
1. Add or modify the Forecast Amount or Best, Forecast and Worst fields as needed.
The application defaults amounts in these fields depending upon win probability
and status of the opportunity.
3. Navigate to the locations of the Forecast Amount for Best, Forecast, Worst to verify
the forecast amounts.
1. Launch the Universal Work Queue window from the Navigator.
3. If you want to update an opportunity, a task, or a note, then select an action from
the drop-down list using the work panel.
5. Click Apply.
The personal opportunities list is updated based on the action that you selected in
the work panel. You can also view all the opportunity notes in the Universal Work
Queue window.
1. Select the Purchase Interest tab.
2. Using the select field to the left of a purchase item, select the purchase item for
which you want to assign sales credits.
Any sales agents already receiving credit for this item are listed in the lower portion
of the tab.
3. From the Display drop-down list, select the type of sales credit you want to assign
for this item:
• Forecast credit: Revenue credit amounts that show up in the forecasting
module of Oracle Sales.
• Other Credit: Non-revenue credit. For example, credit toward sales quotas.
4. If you want to modify the existing credits that agents or partners are to receive for
the item, then:
1. Modify the numbers in the % field for the agent.
2. If you are modifying forecast credits, then you must modify the credit
percentages for other agents and partners so that the total adds up to 100
5. If you want to add any additional salespeople who are to receive sales credit for this
item, then:
1. Use the Sales Agent List of Values (LOV) to enter a sales agent. If no blank lines
display, then use the New button in the toolbar to add information.
3. If you are assigning revenue credit, then adjust the credit percentages of the
other sales agents and partners for this item so the total adds up to 100 percent.
6. If you want to add any additional partners who are to receive sales commissions for
the sale of this item, then:
1. Use the Partner LOV to search for a partner. Select a partner and click OK.
2. In the % field, enter the number corresponding to the percentage of commission the
individual is to receive for this item. Do not enter a percent sign.
3. If you are entering revenue credits, then adjust the credits of the other sales agents
and partners, so the total adds to 100 percent.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. Use the Close Reason List of Values (LOV) to enter the close reason.
4. If this opportunity has been won, then the resulting orders are listed in the Win
5. If you lost the order, then enter the competitor using the LOV provided and any
7. Enter the rest of the closing information for the opportunity. Depending on your
implementation you might be required to enter:
• Win Probability
• Close Date
• Sales Stage
8. Change the Status. If you made the sale, then change the status to won.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center, eBusiness Center, or Pipeline
Management Center.
1. If you want to view the quotes for a consumer, then, in the View Details region,
select the person's name.
2. If you want to view the quotes for an organization, then, in the View Details region,
6. Click Details.
Oracle Quoting - Forms appears displaying the quote. Follow the procedures
outlined in the Oracle Quoting - Forms documentation to modify quotes.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. If you want to view the orders of a consumer, then, in the View Details region,
select the person's name.
2. If you want to view orders for an organization, then select the name of the
3. If you want to view orders for which the contact is the order customer contact, then,
in the View Details region, select the person and organization relationship.
4. If you want to view orders that belong to a specific account, then select the account
in the header and select the account in the View Details region.
5. Select the Ordertab. This will display the orders belonging to your accessible
operating units.
7. Optionally, select to filter records by order status, order type, or order source. If you
selected a filter, then select a value for the filter.
9. If you want to view the quote used to create the order, then click the link in the
Order Source column.
If the quote was created in Oracle Quoting, then the quote opens in the Oracle
Quoting window.
10. If you want to view details or update order information, then click Detail.
Alternatively, you can double-click an order.
Related Topics
Oracle Order Management User Guide
1. If you are creating a quote for a consumer, then, in the View Details region, select
the person's name.
2. If you creating a quote for an organization, then, in the View Details region, select
the organization's name.
4. Click New.
The Quoting window opens. Follow the instructions outlined in the Oracle Quoting
- Forms documentation for preparing quotes.
3. Click Details to view details of the order in a separate window in Oracle Order
5. If you want to view proposals for the opportunity displayed in the header, then:
1. Select the Proposals tab.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
5. You must close the opportunity so you and others on the opportunity sales team
can receive sales credit.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. Click New.
Oracle Proposals opens.
Follow the instructions in the Oracle Proposals User Guide for creating the proposal.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. Select the correct View Details.
3. Click New.
Oracle Proposals opens.
Oracle TeleSales can track agent interactions with customers and the different activities
within those interactions. The activities an interaction can track includes the modifying
and closing of leads and opportunities, the enrollment of contacts in events, the mailing
of collateral, the placing of calls to customers, and so on.
The interaction records an activity whenever an agent:
• Creates a new party of any type
• Creates a lead
• Ranks a lead
• Declines a lead
• Creates an opportunity
• Closes an opportunity
• Cancels enrollment
• Sends collateral
• Creates a task
You can end an inbound call automatically using default values for the wrapup by
clicking Next Call in the eBusiness Center header.
If you choose to start and end an interaction manually, use the Start Interaction and
Wrapup buttons on the toolbar. These are the two buttons with a stop light icon: a green
stop light for starting and red for ending the interaction.
You can tell when an interaction is being recorded by examining the start and end
interaction buttons in the toolbar. If the Start Interaction button is disabled and the
Wrapup button is enabled, this means that your interaction is being recorded.
Simultaneous Interactions
You can start another interaction while the first interaction is still open. Each Center can
track only one interaction at a time, but you can open additional centers and start
interactions in each. For example, while you are talking to a customer and viewing
customer information in the eBusiness Center you receive a call from a second
customer. You open a new eBusiness Center for that customer and both interactions are
recording at the same time.
In the eBusiness Center, a second interaction does not start if the first party is a party
relationship type and the second party queried in a new eBusiness Center is either the
person or organization related to the party relationship in the first eBusiness Center.
Viewing Interactions
The list of interactions you can obtain on the Overview tab of the eBusiness Center
gives you an audit trail of all of the interactions with customers in any eBusiness Suite
application. For example, if someone else in your sales organization makes a change to
an opportunity you are working on, then you will find a record of the interaction here.
Double-click the interaction entry to view details.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
❒ The following areas of the Dashboard obtain information from other implemented
modules in the Oracle eBusiness Suite:
• Leads and Opportunities: Oracle Sales
1. In the View Details region, select the option corresponding to the party or account
you want to view. For example, if you want to view data on a consumer, then select
the individual's name. If you want to view data about an organization, then select
the name of the organization.
3. In the View By drop down list, select whether to view information by customer or
4. Double-click an item in the Dashboard tab you want to examine in more detail. Or
click it once and click Details. Note that you cannot access item details for quotes,
collections, or orders if you do not have access to the operating unit associated with
the item.
5. Double-click any row in the Drilldown list to display the item in the eBusiness Suite
application that created it.
1. Navigate to the At A Glance window.
The Summary section of the window lists notes for the party for objects like leads,
opportunities, tasks, product interests, or quotes, depending on the configuration
set up by your administrator:
2. Click the plus sign next to any object you want to view.
The hierarchy expands to list the available categories of the object. For example, the
categories of leads can be new leads and qualified leads.
5. Optionally, use the View selection list above the table to change categories.
6. Optionally, click the Expand icon to make the selected table the size of the screen.
7. Optionally, change the party for which you want to view notes. For example, if you
are viewing a party relationship, then you can view notes for the contact, the
organization, or for the person.
8. Optionally, select the action you want to perform. Available actions depend upon
your implementation. Also, you will not see actions for any tabs you have hidden in
the eBusiness Center.
1. From the Actions menu, choose Web Collaborate.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header and select the appropriate party in
the View Details region.
1. Select the Overview tab.
2. If the caller does not know the source code name, then click Search and search for
the source code using the Universal Search window.
3. If the caller knows the source code name, then enter it using the Source Code List of
Values. Depending on your implementation, you can double-click the source code
or source name to open Oracle Marketing.
❒ You must display the customer or prospect in the eBusiness header and select the
1. In the eBusiness Center, select the Overview tab.
2. If the caller knows the name of the source code, then enter it using the Source Code
List of Values.
3. If the caller does not know the source code name, then click Search and search for
the marketing source code using other criteria, such as the source code name or the
medium where the promotion is run.
5. If the View Script button is disabled, this means no specific script has been
associated with this source code and there is no default script. In this case, you can
view a list of all of the available scripts. Choose All Scripts from the Navigate To
7. If you want to search for suspended scripts, then enter or change dates and contact
information and click Display.
❒ Campaign is created and is active and within the start and end date range.
❒ The campaign activity must be of activity type Direct Marketing and activity
1. In the Select Items list or the Universal Work Queue nodes, highlight either
Marketing Lists or Marketing Lists - Manual Assignments.
The available lists appears.
3. If you want to make a call, then select the party you want to contact and make your
8. Click Apply.
Your changes are saved for one or more selected records. The records are marked as
completed and disappear from your marketing list.
1. Launch the Universal Work Queue window from the Navigator.
3. If you want to update the information that you are currently working on, then
select an action from the drop-down list using the work panel.
The work panel in the Universal Work Queue helps you to update the records
present in your personal contact lists. You can perform various actions through the
work panel, for example, you can create a note, create a lead, create an opportunity,
call back the customer, request a data issue for Sales for No Contact or Bad Data -
Wrong Phone Number, or duplicate party in your personal contact list. See
Contacting Lists of Customers Supplied by Marketing, page 9-8.
4. Click Apply.
The personal contact list is updated based on the action that you selected in the
work panel.
Viewing Interactions
Use this procedure to view interactions your organization has had with a consumer,
organization, an organizational contact, or a party who owns the selected account.
Interactions track all changes to customer information and all contacts made in any of
the eBusiness suite of applications between agents of your organization and the
1. In the eBusiness Center, select an option in the View Details region corresponding
to the party you want to view interactions for.
3. Enter a date range in the View Interactions From and To fields. If you do not enter a
date range, then the application displays records for a set default number of
4. Click Display.
The tab displays the interactions for the party for the date range you provided. The
interactions are organized by date. You can open each date node by clicking on the
+ sign to reveal the activity for the date.
5. If you want to view the information linked to the interaction, then double-click
anywhere in the interaction. This launches the interaction in the eBusiness Suite
application where it was created.
6. If you want to view all interactions for the party, then click All Interactions.
1. In the eBusiness Center, select an option in the View Details region corresponding
to the party you want to view interactions for.
3. If no marketing activity appears in the Source Code field, enter the marketing
source code associated with the call.
4. Other marketing activities are listed in the Targeted Source Codes region on the left
side of the tab. If you want to view the details of any of the marketing activities in
this list, then select the activity and click Details.
❒ You must display either the organization or a contact at the organization in the
eBusiness Center header.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. If you want to view the accounts of a consumer, then, in the View Details region,
select the person's name.
2. If you want to view accounts for an organization, then select the name of the
3. If you want to view information about a specific account, then select the account in
the header and select the account in the View Details region.
6. If you want to view the details of a contract, then select the contract and click
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. If you want to view the accounts of a consumer, then, in the View Details region,
select the person's name.
2. If you want to view accounts for an organization, then select the name of the
3. If you want to view information about a specific account, then select the account in
the header and select the account in the View Details region.
2. Click Details.
❒ You must be assigned the Email Center role.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the party for the service request. For example, if
you are entering a service request for a consumer, then select the individual's name.
If you are entering the request for an organization, then select the name of the
4. If you want to open the Service Request window to enter more detail information,
click Details.
❒ Display the customer in the eBusiness Center or the At A Glance window, a lead in
the Lead Center, or an opportunity in the Opportunity Center. Interactions can be
recorded at the organization level. For the Lead Center and Opportunity Center
they can also be recorded at the party relationship level.
1. Choose Start Interaction from the Tools menu or click the Start Interaction button
on the Toolbar
Your interactions with this customer are recorded until you terminate the recording
process by clicking Wrap-Up in the toolbar or on the Tools menu or Next Call in the
eBusiness Center header.
❒ Display the customer in the eBusiness Center or the At A Glance window, a lead in
the Lead Center, or an opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
1. Choose End Interaction from the Tools menu or click the Wrap-Up button on the
Toolbar. The Interaction Wrap Up window displays the current interaction and a
list of the interactions you have had with the customer.
2. If you have more than one interaction open, then select the correct interaction from
the Customer drop down list.
3. Use the Outcome List of Values (LOV) to select an outcome for the interaction.
5. Optionally, use the Result and Reason LOV to record more details about the
6. Optionally, you can also record the outcomes, results, and reasons for each
individual activity recorded.
8. If you are using Oracle Advanced Inbound or Oracle Advanced Outbound, then
you can review your call statistics. (See Viewing Call Statistics, page 10-11 for more
9. If you are using Oracle Advanced Outbound and you want to schedule a call back,
then refer to Rescheduling an Outbound Call, page 10-11 and follow the procedure.
10. If you want to create a task, select Create Task and enter the task information.
If one interaction starts in one Center and moves to another Center (for example, it
starts in eBusiness Center and moves to an Opportunity Center), then when it is ended
in one Center it also ends in the other Center.
If you log on as a different user and select a different responsibility, then the interaction
closes automatically.
If the interaction relates to a selected campaign source code, then the Outcome LOV
contains possible outcomes for the campaign plus outcomes not associated to a
Combinations of outcome, results, and reason are set up by the Oracle Interaction
Center administrator and control the options available in the LOVs. The administrator
can also set up default information that appears in the wrap up window. You can accept
the defaults or change the information.
If you click Next Call in the eBusiness Center header, then the interaction wraps up
automatically with default information.
The note is related to the party in the interaction. If a lead or opportunity was created
during the interaction, then the note is also related to that lead or opportunity.
Restricting Interactions
Use this procedure to restrict your organization's interactions through e-mail or phone
with organizational contacts or consumers. You might want to use this procedure if a
contact is away on vacation, for example, or does not want to be contacted by
telephone. The restrictions you place are for information only and must be enforced by
your organizational procedures.
❒ Display the organizational contact or consumer in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the person and the organization for a
contact or the name of the person for a consumer.
3. Click Restrictions.
2. Enter a period for the restriction. If you do not enter an end date, then the
restriction remains in effect indefinitely.
5. Click OK .
When a call comes in from a customer, the customer information automatically appears
for the agent taking the call. The system can match information based on any one of the
• Party Number
• Account Number
If no exact match is found, or if there are multiple matches such as several contacts
available for the customer, then a list of possible matches appears and the agent selects
the correct one.
If the Account Number has roles associated with it, then the account lookup is
automatically launched and displays the owner and the roles associated with the
account. The selected party and account from the lookup results is then queried in the
eBusiness Center. If no roles exist for the account, then the eBusiness Center is directly
launched from the incoming call and populated with the party information that owns
the account.
One eBusiness Center is dedicated to media (inbound calls) only and is so labeled. You
cannot perform non-media work using this eBusiness Center. The non-media eBusiness
Center is used for non-media activities or to accept a second inbound call received at
your direct extension, not through Advanced Inbound.
The eBusiness Center toolbar contains call-related icons. They include Next Call and a
link to launch the soft phone Interaction Center controller.
Your system can bet set up to work with a third party softphone or using the teleset
without a softphone for both inbound and outbound calls. You cannot use both the
teleset and the softphone interchangeably.
In the outbound mode, an agent has the ability to navigate between each call by
automatically getting the next call in the eBusiness Center when the previous call ends.
From the wrap-up window the agent can also reschedule or recycle the call back at a
specified time and date into the outbound list.
One agent can transfer a call to another agent if selected. Now both agents can see the
same information and discuss the transfer.
1. In the eBusiness Center, click the Universal Work Queue icon.
The Universal Work Queue login opens.
2. Enter your login information. If you are using the softphone, then enter your
extension number.
The Interaction Center Controller appears.
5. If there is more than one match to the inbound call information, then select the
correct customer from the list and click OK.
The customer information appears in the eBusiness Center and the interaction
6. If there is no match to the inbound call information, then the eBusiness Center
window opens and Universal Search appears. Search for the customer.
8. Enter appropriate information relating to the call such as notes or lead information.
9. If you want to enter interaction wrap-up information, then perform the following
1. Click the Wrap-Up button on the toolbar.
The Interaction Wrap-up screen appears.
Scenario Setting
Scenario Setting
Auto Wrapup No
Scenario Setting
Scenario Setting
Auto Wrapup No
Scenario Setting
Interaction started No
Scenario Setting
Scenario 7: No CTI
The following table shows the details for scenario 7:
Scenario Setting
CTI Enabled No
Scenario Setting
CTI Enabled No
Interaction started No
❒ You have taken an inbound call or placed an outbound call
1. In the eBusiness Center, click the Wrap-Up button on the toolbar.
The Interaction Wrap-up screen appears.
❒ You have taken an inbound call or placed an outbound call.
2. Select the Soft Phone icon in the eBusiness Center and call the other agent using the
soft phone.
The Interaction Center Work Controller appears for the second agent.
2. The agent reviews the screen pop about the customer. The screen contains the
original call data. It does not include information changed by the transferring agent.
❒ You have taken an inbound call from someone who was not matched in your
1. If partial matches display, do not select one but instead click Cancel.
2. If Universal Search appeared, then it disappears when the customer hangs up.
3. Click the Next Call icon. (The icon is active because no interaction was started.)
No interaction was started or recorded.
If you want to track interactions for bad calls, then you can set up a dummy customer to
assign bad calls to and follow the normal Inbound scenario.
• Click the phone number in the application. You must have the softphone running.
❒ You have made an outbound call
1. In the eBusiness Center, click the Wrap-Up button on the toolbar.
The Interaction Wrap-up screen appears.
3. In the Follow Up Action area, enter the date and time for the Reschedule.
❒ You are actively in inbound or outbound mode
1. In the eBusiness Center, click the Wrap-Up button on the toolbar.
The Interaction Wrap-up screen displays the following call statistics for either
inbound or outbound, depending upon which mode you are currently in.
• Talk Time: This is real time hours, minutes, and seconds for the current call. It is
call time minus wrap-up time.
• Average Talk Time: This is your average talk time per call. The calculation is
• Average Wrap Up Time: Wrap up time is the time between when the customer
hangs up and when you end the interaction. Total wrap up time is divided by
the number of calls taken to calculate the average. The calculation is updated
when a concurrent program is run.
• Number of Calls Taken: This is a real time daily total number of calls you have
taken for the day.
❒ Direct telephony integration is implemented.
1. Log in to the CTI client softphone in an unavailable status so that you do not
3. In the eBusiness Center window, choose Telephony Login from the Tools menu.
The Telephony Login item changes to Telephony Logout.
Overview of Events
An event can be a seminar, a class, a product demonstration, or any other activity that is
location specific. Events can be stand alone or part of a marketing campaign. See the
Oracle Marketing User Guide for more information about events.
When you enroll an individual in an unpaid event that has space available, you receive
a confirmation number for that enrollment. If the event is full and has wait list set up
and you try to enroll more attendees than the number of available spots, any
individuals not registered are automatically wait listed. The wait list is kept on a first
come first served basis. An event that is set up with no specified number of maximum
registrants accepts an unlimited number of registrations.
1. Navigate to the Event tab.
2. In the Name field, search for an event name using the LOV.
3. If you want to view enrollment, availability, and other information about the event,
then click Details.
1. If you are enrolling consumers, then, In the View Details region, select the name of
the consumer.
2. If you are enrolling contacts at an organization, then, In the View Details region,
select the name of the person and the organization. If this option is unavailable, you
can also enroll contacts with the organization name selected.
4. The Event tab automatically displays the name of the person displayed in the
eBusiness Center header as the first enrollee. If you do not want to enroll this
person, then you can select a different individual, provided the organization is
selected in View Details.
5. Making an entry in the Source Code field narrows down the list of events that
appears in the Event Name LOV. By leaving this field blank you can access all
events regardless of source code, but you must enter at least one source code before
you can complete the order. You can order events associated with multiple source
codes in the same order.
2. If you are sending physical collateral you might be able to select an alternate
shipping method using the Shipping Method List of Values (LOV).
3. If you want to send the collateral item to a different destination than the one
displayed in the Send to field, then select it using the LOV.
7. For each enrollee you want to add, perform the following steps:
1. Use the Enrollee Name List of Values (LOV) to enter the name.
2. Select the check boxes for the collateral you want this enrollee to receive.
3. If you are sending physical collateral, then you might be able to select alternate
shipping methods.
9. After you have completed adding events to your order, you must click Review
Order to complete the enrollment, page 12-5 and send out confirmation e-mails.
You can enroll multiple consumers and organizational contacts in multiple events in a
single order, but all recipients must be entered in the database and have established
relationships with the party displayed in the eBusiness Center header.
This means that in any single order you can only enroll contacts at the same
organization or, if you are enrolling consumers, you can enroll only individuals who
have established relationships with the consumer displayed in the eBusiness Center
For example, if John Smith calls in and wants five friends enrolled in an event, these
five friends must be entered into the database first and have relationships to John Smith
recorded using the Relationship tab.
If the enrollees are not in the database or you do not know who they are, then you can
enroll one contact multiple times to hold spaces for the others.
• Viewing the roster for an event, enrollee status, and confirmation codes, page 12-4
1. With the event displayed in the Event tab, click Details.
The Event Details window appears.
3. Select the type of information you want to view to display it in the Description text
1. With the event displayed in the Event tab, click Details.
The Event Details window appears.
1. With the event displayed in the Event tab, click Details.
The Event Details window appears.
1. Select the enrollees in the list. You can select multiple enrollees using the shift or
CTRL keys on your keyboard.
2. In the Update Roster region at the bottom of the window, use the Attended List of
Values (LOV) to select Y (Yes) or N (No).
4. Click Update.
❒ You must first create the enrollment order on the Event tab of the eBusiness Center,
page 12-2.
1. In the Event tab of the eBusiness Center, click Review Order.
Note: If the Review Order button is disabled, this means that you
have not added any events to the order.
The Event Registration Review window lists the events and
enrollees for your order and their status.
1. Select the appropriate View Details.
3. If you want to view all of the enrollments for an organization, then make sure the
Enrollee field is blank. If it is not, then clear the field by clicking Clear Record on
the toolbar.
4. If you want to view the enrollment history for a contact at an organization, then
5. If you want to view enrollment history for a consumer, then select the name of the
consumer using the Enrollee LOV.
6. Click Find..
The window displays the enrollee history for the party you selected. Each line
represents one enrollment.
The Primary Contact field displays the party which was displayed in the eBusiness
Center header at the time the order was made.
7. Select the historical period you want to view using the View List drop-down list.
8. Select an enrollment line to view its status and other details in the Enrollee
Information region.
An Enrollee Status of Registered means the individual is registered for the event. If
the event requires payment, then the payment has been confirmed.
The Primary Contact field displays the party who made the enrollment order. The
Enrollee Name displays the actual person enrolled.
10. Click Cancel when you are done reviewing event history.
Navigator > eBusiness Center > Event > Navigate To > Event Registration History
1. View the enrollment history for the individual whose enrollment you want to , page
2. In the Event window, Select the enrollment line you want to adjust.
5. If you want to transfer the enrollment of this individual to another event, then
1. Select the Transfer radio button.
2. Use the Event Name List of Values (LOV) to select an alternate event.
2. Select the name of the substitute using the Enrollee Name LOV.
7. Click OK.
• If you send the collateral to contacts at an organization, then you can only select
recipients who are contacts at that one organization.
• If in View Details you selected a contact, then only that contact appears as a
• If in View Details you selected the organization, then you can choose any
organization contact as the recipient.
❒ Display the party in the eBusiness Center header.
❒ Information about the recipients and the collateral you want to send must already
be in the database. For electronic collateral, the database must have the collateral
file itself.
1. If you are sending collateral or a cover letter to a consumer, then, in the View
4. If you are sending electronically, then optionally select a cover letter from the Cover
Letter LOV. You can send a separate cover letter with each piece of collateral or
send the cover letter without collateral. A cover letter is not required.
5. Making an entry in the Source Code field narrows down the list of collateral that
appears in the Collateral Name LOV. By leaving this field blank you can access all
collateral regardless of source code, but you must enter at least one source code
before you can complete the order. You can order collateral associated with
multiple source codes in the same order.
6. If you want to send collateral, then select the collateral by performing the following
1. If you know the source code the collateral is associated with, then select a
source code using the Source Code List of Values (LOV) in the Select Collateral
region of the Collateral tab.
The source code is populated if you made an entry in the Overview tab.
Selecting a source code restricts the number of collateral available in the
Collateral Name LOV.
2. If you know the name of the collateral that you want to send, then use the
Collateral Name LOV to select it. If you select the collateral first, the related
source code appears. Only collateral with the status Final Loaded display in the
3. If you do not know the collateral name you want to send, then click Search and
search for it.
The Select Collateral region displays basic information about the collateral.
4. If the collateral is a kit, then Yes appears in the Kit field and you can review the
items in the kit by clicking Review Kit.
A list of items in the kit appears.
Note: If the recipient is not listed in the LOV and you are viewing
details for the organization, then create the contact by selecting
New Contact from the Navigate To menu.
8. If you are sending physical collateral to this recipient, then enter the quantity you
want to send. Your organization's preferred shipping method is filled in
automatically. You can use the Shipping method LOV to select an alternate
shipping method.
9. Depending on the type of shipping method you select, the individual's address
appears automatically in the Sent to field. You can select an alternate destination
using the Sent to LOV.
10. If you are viewing details for the organization, then optionally select any additional
recipients and, for physical collateral, the number of copies they are to receive.
12. If you want to add additional items to the collateral order, then select New from the
File menu and repeat from step 4.
13. When you complete adding collateral items, cover letters, and recipients, click
Review Order and complete the order creation procedure by clicking Send Request
. You must complete this last step for your order to be processed.
The collateral order is processed on a schedule set up by your organization.
You can check if the collateral order is fulfilled by choosing Collateral History from
the Navigate To menu.
Quantity Available and Back Order fields in the Select Collateral region are reserved for
future functionality.
❒ You must be in the process of preparing an order on the Collateral tab, page 13-2.
You cannot modify an order after you have committed it using the Send Request
1. If you want to modify individual items in the order, then:
1. Navigate to the item you want to modify using the Added to Order arrow
buttons located at the top left hand side of the Collateral tab.
• If you do not know the name, use the search function to search for it.
3. For physical collateral, you can modify the quantity you want to send to any
recipient by entering a different quantity.
5. If you want to remove a recipient from the order, then place your cursor in the
recipient's name and click Clear Record in the toolbar.
6. Add any additional recipients and, for physical collateral, the number of copies
they are to receive.
3. When you have completed modifying the order, click Review Order.
4. Complete the order creation procedure by clicking Send Request. You must
complete this last step for your order to be processed.
The collateral order is processed on a schedule set up by your organization.
You can check if the collateral order has been fulfilled, page 13-6 by choosing
Collateral History from the Navigate To menu.
❒ The concurrent program Interaction History Bulk Process updates the history
information for collateral.
1. Choose Collateral History from the Navigate To menu.
The Collateral History window appears.
If you are viewing consumer collateral orders, then the Customer field displays the
name of the consumer and the Recipient LOV contains the names of all of the
individuals in the database that have an established relation with that consumer.
If you are viewing collateral orders for an organization or contacts at an
organization, then the Customer field displays the name of the organization and the
Recipient LOV allows you to select all contacts at that organization.
2. If you want to view all of the collateral orders for an organization then make sure
the Recipient field is blank.
3. If you want to view collateral orders for a contact at an organization, then select the
4. If you want to view collateral orders for a consumer, then select the name of the
consumer using the Recipient LOV.
5. Click Display.
The window displays a history of collateral orders made for the party.
Each line represents one collateral item and one recipient. This means that if you are
sending the same item to five different individuals, this item appears listed five
times with each recipient's name.
The Primary Contact field displays the party which was displayed in the eBusiness
Center header at the time the order was made.
6. Select a collateral item to view more details about it in the Request Information
7. If an item has the Request Status of delivered, this means that the item was sent out
to the recipient.
8. If the collateral is a kit, then Yes appears in the Kit field and you can review the
items in the kit by clicking Review Kit.
A list of items in the kit appears.
❒ You must display the note you want to relate to other objects in the Notes tab or in
the View Notes window.
1. On the Note tab or the View Notes window, click Related to.
2. Use the Related to LOV to select the type of object you want to relate the note to.
• When the type you select is Organization, then the Name LOV contains the
names of any organizations that have an established relationship with the
organization or person.
• When the type you select is Opportunity, then the Name LOV contains the
names of the opportunities for the organization or consumer. The name is a free
text description of the opportunity entered in the Opportunity Name field
concatenated with the opportunity number.
• When the type you select is Lead, then the Name LOV contains all the lead
names for the organization or person. The lead name is the free text description
of the opportunity entered in the Lead Name field.
Viewing Notes
You can view notes entered on a consumer (party of Person), an organization (party of
Organization), a business contact (party of Relationship), an account, a lead, and an
opportunity in one of two ways:
• By finding the object Using the Universal Search window and clicking View Notes.
• By using the Note tabs in the eBusiness Center, Lead Center, and Opportunity
• Note tab in the eBusiness Center, Opportunity Center and Lead Center
❒ You must have view access to the object the note is related to. To view a note on a
lead, for example, you must have access to that lead.
❒ If you are using the eBusiness Center, then you must display a party in the
eBusiness Center header and select an option in the View Details For region
corresponding to the party you want to enter notes for.
1. Select the Note tab.
2. Click Display.
A new list of notes appears for the date range you selected.
3. To view a note you can place your cursor over the Note field in the list, or you can
select the note in the list to display the text on the right.
4. If you want to view the full text of all of the notes in a continuous list, then:
❒ You can only perform this procedure within any table listing notes, such as the
Note table in the Overview tab of the eBusiness Center or the listing of notes in the
Note window.
1. Right-click any cell in the table.
3. Type the characters you want to search on into the text field.
4. Indicate whether to match case, and select the direction of the search, backward or
5. Click Find.
❒ Display the customer related to the task in the eBusiness Center header.
1. In the View Details region, select the name of the consumer, organization, contact,
or account.
3. The tasks associated with the customer are listed on the left.
4. Select the Display All check box to list both open and closed tasks.
5. If you want to view only private tasks, then select the Private check box.
7. If you want to see notes for a task, then click Task Notes.
❒ Display the customer you want to create a task for in the eBusiness Center header.
3. Use the Lists of Values (LOVs) to enter the task type and priority.
5. Enter a status.
9. In Owner, use the LOV to enter the person who owns this task.
10. To assign the task to one or more resources, perform the following steps:
5. If you want the task to display in the resource's calendar, select Show on
6. Click OK.
Assignees cannot be removed after they are committed.
12. If you want to enter notes for the task, then click Task Notes and enter the note.
13. If you want the task viewable only by you, then select Private.
The task appears in My Owned Tasks in Universal Work Queue for the person assigned
as the owner of the task. It appears in My Assigned Tasks for each person added as an
assignee. The last assigned assignee appears on the tab as Assignee. The task appears in
❒ The Interaction Wrap Up window is open.
1. Select Create Task from the Follow Up Action list.
7. In Owner, use the LOV to enter the person who owns this task.
The interaction wrap up information and your new task are saved.
❒ Select the account for the party in the eBusiness Center header.
❒ Select the opportunity in the Opportunity tab of the eBusiness Center or display it
in the Opportunity Center.
❒ Select the lead in the Lead tab of the eBusiness Center or display it in the Lead
❒ Templates and template groups must exist. They are created by your administrator.
1. If you want to create a task for a party or account, then select one of the following in
the eBusiness Center:
1. If you want to create a task for a consumer, then in the View Details region,
select the name of the consumer.
2. If you want to create a task for an organization, then in the View Details region,
select the name of the organization.
3. If you want to create a task for a contact at an organization, then in the View
Details region, select the names of the contact and the organization.
4. If you want to create a task relating to an account, then, in the View Details
region, select the account.
4. Use the LOV to select an owner type. The LOV displays resources.
5. In Owner, use the LOV to enter the person who is being assigned this task.
1. Display the opportunity in the Opportunity Center.
3. Click New.
4. Use the Lists of Values (LOVs) to enter the task type and priority.
5. Enter a name.
6. Enter a date when you want this task to be performed in the planned Start field.
7. In Owner, use the LOV to enter the person who is being assigned this task.
8. Enter a description.
9. If you want the task viewable only by you, then select Private.
10. If you want the assignees notified about the task, then select Notify.
11. If you want to relate the task to other objects, then perform the following steps:
5. Click OK.
The Related To window closes.
3. If you want to see both open and closed tasks, then select Display All.
❒ Display the party you want to create a task for in the eBusiness Center header.
❒ Select the account for the party in the eBusiness Center header.
❒ Select the opportunity in the Opportunity tab of the eBusiness Center or display it
in the Opportunity Center.
❒ Select the lead in the Lead tab of the eBusiness Center or display it in the Lead
❒ Templates and template groups must exist. They are created by your administrator.
1. If you want to create a task for a party or account, then select one of the following in
the eBusiness Center:
1. If you want to create a task for a consumer, then in the View Details region,
select the name of the consumer.
2. If you want to create a task for an organization, then in the View Details region,
select the name of the organization.
3. If you want to create a task for a contact at an organization, then in the View
Details region, select the names of the contact and the organization.
4. Use the LOV to select an owner type. The LOV displays resources.
5. In Owner, use the LOV to enter the person who is being assigned this task.
Administration Overview
The topics in this section are for TeleSales administration use.
Administration 16-1
1. If you want to assign campaign activities to individual agents, then under the
Assign to heading:
1. Select the Resource radio button.
2. Click Go.
The Resource LOV appears.
3. Enter the individual's last name or a partial name in the text box. You can use
the % sign to substitute for missing characters.
4. Click Go.
2. If you want to assign campaign activities to sales groups, then under the Assign to
1. Select the Resource Group radio button.
2. Click Go.
3. Enter the group's name or partial name in the text box. You can use the % sign
to substitute for missing characters.
4. Click Go.
2. Click Go.
4. Click Update.
5. Repeat this procedure for each campaign activity you want to assign.
2. You can also search by entering the name or a partial name of the campaign activity
in the Campaign Activity Name field. You can use the % sign to substitute for
missing characters and click Search.
3. Select the campaign activity from the list and click OK.
4. If you want to assign an individual agent to the campaign activity, then under the
Assign to heading:
1. Click Add Resource.
2. Click Go.
3. In the Resources LOV, enter the individual's last name or a partial name in the
text box. You can use the % sign to substitute for missing characters.
4. Click Go.
5. If you want to assign sales groups to the campaign activity, then under the Assign
to heading:
1. Select the Resource Group radio button.
2. Enter the group's name or partial name in the text box. You can use the % sign
to substitute for missing characters.
3. Click Go.
6. Click Update.
7. Repeat this procedure for each campaign activity you want to assign.
Administration 16-3
sending, 13-1
A Collection tab, 9-14
creating, 4-15
adding, 4-16
new, 4-6
adding parties, 4-18
sales team, 4-14
adding sites, 4-17
relationships, 4-19
creating, 4-15
viewing, 9-13
new, 4-5, 4-6
addresses (including restrictions)
opportunity, 7-10
entering, 4-8
viewing all, 4-5
oveview, 16-1
service, 9-11
at a glance, 9-5
viewing, 9-12
auto wrapup, 10-5
CTI, 10-8, 10-8
overview, 4-2
call customers
no interaction, 10-10 displaying, 9-4
reschedule, 10-11 smart search, 3-4
statistics, 10-11 tasks, 15-2
taking, 10-2
transfer, 10-9 D
assignment, 16-1
organization, 4-12
campaigns to TeleSales, 2-3
person, 4-10
change owner
direct telephony integration
opportunity, 7-11
logging in, 11-1
changing a customer
overview, 11-1
opportunity, 7-11
history, 13-6 E
order, 13-2, 13-5 eBusiness Center, 1-4
dashboard, 9-4 accepting, 6-7
events, 12-2 accessing, 1-6
opportunities, 7-4, 7-5 assigning, 6-8
orders, 8-2 associated with opportunity, 7-16
source code, 9-7 creating, 6-2, 6-5
e-mail, 9-13 details, 6-6
Event Details window, 12-4 displaying, 6-4, 6-5
events link to opportunity, 7-7
attendance, 12-5 opportunity, 6-10
create order, 12-2 overview, 6-1
details, 12-4 qualifying, 6-11
display, 12-2 refusing, 6-8
enrollment, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7 sales team, 6-8
overview, 12-1 Universal Work Queue, 6-11
roster, 12-4 lead to opportunity, 2-4
expanded search, 3-8 Lead to Opportunity, 7-7
F Lead to Opportunity, Opportunity to Lead, 7-
fiscal year
organization, 4-12
personal, 3-10
search, 3-7
splitting purchase line, 7-23
activities, 9-11
overview, 10-1
lists, 9-8
taking calls, 10-2
source code, 9-7
inbound call
source codes, 16-1, 16-2
lead, 2-4
integration, 1-3
multiple, 10-9
marketing event, 2-2
overview, 9-2
recording, 9-15
quick, 1-9
restricting, 9-17
multi-organization, 1-7
script, 9-7
tasks, 15-4
viewing, 9-10 N
wrap up, 9-15 no auto wrapup, 10-5, 10-6
Interaction Center notes
integration, 1-3 overview, 14-1
iStore relating, 14-2
integration, 1-3 task, 14-3
text search, 14-5
L view and create, 14-3
viewing, 14-3, 14-4
wrap up, 14-3
purchase interests, 4-12
O relationships, 5-3
sales team, 4-14
SIC codes, 4-11
accessing, 1-6
outbound call
classifying, 7-11
placing, 10-10
closing, 7-29
overview, 1-1
competition, 7-12
contacts, 7-10
copying, 7-18 P
create, 7-5, 7-8 parties
created from lead, 6-10 adding to an account, 4-18
display, 7-4, 7-7 creating, 4-15
freezing, 7-17 partners
from lead, 7-4 opportunities, 7-15
history, 7-30 routing, 7-16
link to leads, 7-7 routing history, 7-15
mass update, 7-19 person
obstacles, 7-12 details, 4-10
overview, 7-2 displaying, 4-4
partners, 7-15 persons
purchase interests, 7-9 relationships, 5-4
routing to a partner, 7-16 Person tab, 4-3
sales credit, 7-27 pipeline
splitting, 7-17 updating, 7-20
tasks, 15-5, 15-6 proposals
universal work queue, 7-22 creating, 8-5, 8-5
updating, 7-19 overview, 8-1
view leads, 7-16 viewing, 8-3
opportunity Proposals
changing a customer, 7-11 integration, 1-3
opportunity center purchase interests
create, 7-8 enter, 7-9
display, 7-7 organizations, 4-12
opportunity to forecast, 2-5 purchase items
Opportunity to Lead, 7-7 deleting, 7-18
opportunity to order, 2-6 purchase lines
Order Management splitting, 7-23
integration, 1-3
orders, 8-2 Q
overview, 8-1
quick menu, 1-9
viewing, 8-3
quick search, 3-2
creating, 4-15
create, 8-3, 8-4
details, 4-12
modifying, 8-1
interests, 4-13
overview, 8-1
new, 4-6, 4-7
viewing, 8-3
Quoting customer, 3-4
integration, 1-3 solicited media, 10-5, 10-7
source codes
R assign agents to, 16-2
assign to agents, 16-1
Registration History window, 12-6
account, 4-19 T
ending, 5-4 tab
overview, 5-1 Collection, 9-14
person and organization, 5-2 Person, 4-3
two organizations, 5-3 task
reports notes, 14-3
accessing, 1-8 tasks
revenue create, 15-2
organization, 4-12 creating, 15-4, 15-4, 15-7
roles customer, 15-2
sales group, 1-9 opportunity, 15-5, 15-6
overview, 15-1
S template, 15-4, 15-7
Telemarketing campaign, 2-1
TeleSales, 1-1
integration, 1-3
eBusiness Center, 1-6
sales credit
integrations, 1-3
closing, 7-29
key features, 1-2
purchases, 7-27
totals, 7-28
integration, 1-4
sales groups roles, 1-9
trade-in, 2-6
sales team
assigning, 4-14
lead, 6-8 U
selecting, 7-13 Universal Search window, 3-2
script universal work queue, 1-6
launching, 9-7 marketing, 9-8
searching opportunities, 7-22
customer smart search, 3-4 personal list, 3-10
expanded, 3-8 Universal Work Queue
overview, 3-1 leads, 6-11
quick, 3-2 personal contact lists, 9-9
save query, 3-5 personal opportunities lists, 7-26
saving and viewing search results, 3-4 unsolicited media, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7
use query, 3-6
service V
request, 9-14
view and create
SIC codes, 4-11
notes, 14-3
viewing notes, 14-3
for accounts, 4-17
smart search
web collaboration, 9-6
Event Details, 12-4
Registration History, 12-6
auto, 10-4
wrap up, 9-15
and next call, 10-4
notes, 14-3
tasks, 15-4
wrong number, 10-7, 10-7