The Cantor's Ministry The Cantor's Art:: From GIA Publications, Inc

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The Cantor’s Ministry; the Cantor’s Art:

Part 1
Raleigh, NC—Breakout B-03
Jennifer Kerr Budziak

From GIA Publications, Inc.

“…At a moment of desperation one day I decided to look up cantor, the noun, and
canto, the verb, in my lonely and neglected high school Latin dictionary. I was sur-
prised to find some badly needed inspiration for what had come to feel like a rather
stale and predictable approach to introducing my uninitiated college singers to the
mysterious, ministerial world of music.
• Cantor, n., 1. Musician, singer, poet 2. Extoller, eulogist, actor, player
• Canto, v., property of persons and birds 1. To produce with energy melodious
sounds 2. To sing, celebrate, or praise in song 3. To use enchantments, to charm
4. To influence or bring under one’s power…”
The Cantor’s Art
©2017, GIA Publications, Inc.
From The Cantor as Poet, Rob Strusinski,
Originally published: GIA Quarterly 7.2, Winter 1996

From Sing to the Lord:

On Why We Sing:

2. A cry from deep within our being, music is a way for God to lead us to the realm
of higher things. As St. Augustine says, “Singing is for the one who loves.” Music is
therefore a sign of God’s love for us and of our love for him. In this sense, it is very
personal. But unless music sounds, it is not music, and whenever it sounds, it is ac-
cessible to others. By its very nature song has both an individual and a communal
dimension. Thus, it is no wonder that singing together in church expresses so well the
sacramental presence of God to his people.

On the Human Voice:

86. Of all the sounds of which human beings, created in the image and likeness of
God, are capable, voice is the most privileged and fundamental. Musical instruments
in the Liturgy are best understood as an extension of and support to the primary litur-
gical instrument, which is the human voice.

From Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship

©2007, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Parts of the liturgy for which the cantor often ministers:

• Opening Song
• Kyrie
• Gloria
• Psalm (psalmist)
• Gospel Acclamation
• Prayers of the Faithful
• Eucharistic prayer/Acclamations (sung by congregation together)
• Lord’s Prayer
• Agnus Dei
• Communion song
• Song after Communion (sung by congregation together)
• Recessional Hymn (optional)

Musical Forms: A Summary

• Hymn (strophic)
• Verse-refrain song, sung by all
• Verse-refrain song, cantor verse/assembly refrain
• Through-composed music
• Litanies
• Call-and-response
• Ostinato chants
• World Music

Hymn (Strophic): Soli Deo Gloria

♭3 # $ & & &'

! 4 %& & & %& & %&
1. O God of bless - ings, all praise to you!
2. All praise for proph - ets, through grace in - spired
3. All praise for mu - sic, deep gift pro - found,
4. All praise for Je - sus, best gift di - vine

!♭ %& & %& & & & & & &'
Your love sur - rounds us our whole life through.
To preach and wit - ness with hearts on fire.
Through hands and voic - es in ho - ly sound:
Through word and wit - ness, in bread and wine;

! ♭ %& & & %& & %& & & &'

You are the free - dom of those op - pressed;
Your Spir - it choos - es the weak and small
The psalms of Da - vid, and Mar - y’s praise,
In - car - nate Love Song of bound - less grace,

! ♭ %& & & %& %& & & &'
You are the com - fort of all dis - tressed:
To sing the new reign where might - y fall;
In word - less splen - dor and lyr - ic phrase.
Priest, teach - er, proph - et in time and space,

& (& &( & 24 )

! ♭ %& & & &
Come now, O ho - ly and wel - come Guest:
With them may we live your Gos - pel call:
With all cre - a - tion one song we raise:
Your stead - fast kind - ness with hu - man face:

34 & &
!♭ & &&& & ) & &&& & & & )'
*So - li De - o gló-ri - a, So - li De - o gló - ri - a!
*Glory be to God alone.

Text: Marty Haugen, b.1950

Tune: SOLI DEO GLORIA, 99 999 77; Marty Haugen, b.1950
© 1999, GIA Publications, Inc.

5177614-OGODO-P 1 Thursday, September 1, 2011

Verse-Refrain song, sung by all: I Bind Unto Myself Today
I Bind unto Myself Today

6 $ $%
! ♭ 8 #$ $ #$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $% $ $
1. I bind un - to my - self to - day The strong Name
2. I bind un - to my - self to - day The pow’r of
3. The wis - dom of my God shall teach, With hand to
4. I bind un - to my - self to - day E - ter - nal

!♭ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #$ $ $ $
of the Trin - i - ty, By in - vo - ca - tion
God to hold and lead, God’s eye to watch, God’s
guide, and shield to ward; The word of God shall
Fa - ther, Spir - it, Son, The strong name of the

♭ $%
! $ $ $ $ $ $% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
of the same, The Three in One, and One in Three.
might to stay, God’s ear to heark - en to my need.
give me speech, God’s heav’n - ly host shall be my guard.
Trin - i - ty, The One in Three, and Three in One.

$ $& $ $ $ $& $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
!♭ $ $ $ $
O Christ, be with me, Christ be - hind, be - fore, be - side, be -

♭ $ $ $ $ $ $ $% $
! $ $% $ $ $ $ $
low, a-bove. In com - fort and dan - ger, in friend and

!♭ $ $ $ $% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
stran - ger, may Christ be in all hearts that love.
Text: Ascribed to St. Patrick; tr. by Cecil F. Alexander, 1818–1895; adapt. by Jennifer Kerr Budziak, © 2016, GIA Publications, Inc.
Tune: YE BANKS AND BRAES, 8 8 8 8 with refrain; Scottish traditional; arr. by Jennifer Kerr Budziak, © 2016, GIA Publications, Inc.

5112123-IBIND-P.musx page 1 September 13, 2016
Call-and-Response: From
FROM THE MANY, MAKE the Many, Make us One

3 # " "
4 " "
Cantor: All:

! " " " "

1. Je - sus prayed be - fore he died,
2. Je - sus washed their feet and cried,
3. Love the world so loved by God: To this
4. Walk with all who walked be - fore:
5. Dy - ing seeds have made our bread:
6. Eat and drink and so pro - claim:

" " " " # " "$ %" "


! " "
“Make them one this whole world
grieved the deeds that would di -
ta-ble now we come. Tat - tered, scat - tered, worn and
wea - ry, bur - dened, bro - ken,
Christ the first - born from the
In Christ’s dy - ing, death is


! " " " " " " " # " "

wide! Ev - ’ry
vide. Bow us
trod. From the man - y, make us one. Come to
poor, saints of
dead. From the
slain! Call to

" " # " " " " " "


! " "
shade and tribe and tongue,
down now, each to all;
wel - come ta - ble here! To this ta - ble now we
ev - ’ry age and place,
vine - yard comes a flood:
mind we too have died:

! # " " "$ %" "

Cantor: All:

" " " " "

male and fe - male, old and young!”
make this world a ban - quet hall.
come. Doors wide o - pen, noth - ing fear. From the
ev - ’ry col - or, ev - ’ry grace.
cup of bless - ing, Sav - ior’s blood.
Liv - ing wa - ters from Christ’s side.
" "# " "
! " " " " $# $ "
man-y, make us one. When we sing and when we

"# %" " " $ " " " "

! $ " " " "
cry, as we live and as we die: To this ta - ble now we

& &

! " " " " " " " " $#

come. From the man - y, make us one.
Text: Gabe Huck, b.1941
Tune: Tony E. Alonso, b.1980
© 2015, GIA Publications, Inc.


Litany, or litanic form: Gift of God

000 Gift of God Gift of God

♯♯♯ 3

4 # # # # # # # $ # #

! # # #
Christmas: Gift of God, O Em - man- u - el. Gift of God, O Em -
Advent: Come to us, O Em - man- u - el. Come to us, O Em -

♯ ♯ ♯ Last time%
Christmas Verses

# # $ # # # # # # $

! & &
man - u - el. 1. Word of mer - cy, word of jus - tice:
man - u - el. 2. In the still - ness of the night - fall:
3. You are bread for all who hun - ger:
4. With the shep - herds and the an - gels:
5. To a world of strife and con - flict:
6. To a world of grief and sad - ness:
7. To a world that yearns for mean - ing:
8. Let the stars of night - time praise you:

♯♯♯ # # #
# # # #
All: Cantor:

! # # # # # $ #
& &
Gift of God, O Em - man- u - el. Word of proph- ets, word of
Come to us, O Em - man- u - el. In the still - ness of each
You are drink for all the
With the an - a - wim and
To a world of fears and
To a world of pain and
To a world of man - y
Let the ho - ly dark - ness

# # # #

$ # # $

! # # # & &
po - ets: Gift of God, O Em- man - u - el. Ho - ly
heart - beat: Come to us, O Em- man - u - el. In the
thirst - ing: You are
Ma - gi: We lift
ha - treds: Comes the
suf - f’ring: Comes the
hun - gers: Comes the
praise you: Let cre -

! ♭ hope $ years ♮to$ come, '&
♭ saints $ open $ - fi$ - cient $ your $
for Our shel - ter from the
! / earth
4. Come,
CHRISTMASre - ceived
have dwelt $
to ♮its$ frame,
se - cure;
knowledge: '
come, & Suf
Our shel -
From ev - er - last - ing
from the
Come, saints
and breakhave
an the dweltchains seof -death.
cure; Suf - as fi - cient is your

like eve - ning gone, Short - the watch that

hope for years to come, Our shel ter from the
♯ hope $ ceived ##
earth re - ceived its frame, From ev - er - last - ing
$ our $ of- Justice:
all our years a - way; They fly for - got - ten,
to $frame,
saints have dwelt se - cure; Suf - fi - cient is your
!All %
5. Come, likeO Radiant an
for Sun
years ning gone,
come, Short be
Still as the watch that
Come, earth
alland shine re - on those
years its
ina darkness:
- way; From
They ev - our
fly er -- guard
for last while
got -- ten,
hope anin shades
for eve -ofning
years gone,
to Short
Still as
be the watch
our that
guard while
♭♭ hope
all our years a - way; They fly for - got - ten,
$ '&
Word of God made
si$ - lence, you $

$ $ $ $ $
6. Come, O Light for of years
all the to
nations: come, Still be our guard while
are here.
♭ upand $ '&
Come, bright Morning Star of new hope:
♭ $ $ $ $ home.
sac - ri - c and feast.
! $ $ $ Peace.
our among prayers us you.

♭ ♭ arm $hope $ $e -- fense $ '&

gen - - tle y Prince blast, And of our e - ter - nal
ofa$ Flame $
!Livingyou $
7. Come, O
hope Living - joylone, of Freedom:
Andre - our de
newed. is sure.
Liv - ing -of y our
are Bread blast,
God, To of And our
end -Life. ter
less years the same. - nal home.
Come, arm
a and
ends - lead tion a us- to
the lone,
joinnew life.
night Andin - fore
Be our song. de - fense
the ris -- ing is sure.
you - are y blast,
God, And
To our - less
end e - years ter nal
the home.
Text: Advent ends
verses based onthe
a dream
a Antiphons;
- night
lone, Dies
Andb.1950 at
our the the
de - fense o - p’ning
is day.
Tune: Marty trou
Haugen, -
bles last, Be
Marty Haugen,
And - fore
our e - ris
ter -
- ing
nal sun.
© 2000, GIA you
Publications, are
Inc.a God,
dream Dies To end
at - less
the years the
o - p’ning day. same.
OCome,God, ends
trou Keep - the
bles night
last, Be
And - fore
our the
e - ris
ter -- ingnal home.sun.
1.Text: Psalm 90; O Watts, Me
Isaac Safealt. / BEHÜTE
1674–1748, within us: MICH, GOTT
as a dream Dies at the
Tune: ST. ANNE, CM; attr. to William Croft, 1678–1727; harm. composite from 18th C. versions o - p’ning day.
OCome,God, OKeepmighty, Me Safe
tender / BEHÜTE
Teacher: MICH, GOTT
Text: Psalmtrou
90; Isaac - bles
1674–1748,last, And our e - ter - nal home.
OstinatoCome, Chants:
and Watts,
CM; show O God,
usSafe alt.
how Keep
live. me Safe
♭ Refrain
O God,
Ostinato Keep
Refrain Me MICH, GOTT
Psalm 90;4
of$$ &ancient
Tune: ST. ANNE, attr. to William Croft, 1678–1727; harm. composite from 18th C. versions
000 ♭ O God, Keep Me Safe
♭ ♭ 4 %
& && ((
&&Israel: && && && && $$ %&&
!You♭ who 4 & $ & &&
Come, Isaac Watts, 1674–1748, alt.
O Lord,
♭ 4 %
& $ & & & & && $$ %&&
Tune: ST. ANNE, CM; attr. to William Croft, 1678–1727; harm. composite from 18th C. versions

!Come, ♭ ♭ ♭ 44andO%&&set your $$ && people (( && &&I trust & in&&
Ostinato Refrain
& free. & safe,
lead us through the desert:

!German: & -ofGod, & - keep & & (( && &&I - trust && $$ %&&
& mich, & Gott, & - in&e
God, keep me for you. The
Be hü te ich ver trau dir, du
&is updated && nations: & version
& Gott,
3. Come, OO Root Jesse’s me
lineage: safe, for you. The

& $
hü -text te mich,
&& ver
& &
I - trust
trau - in
e dir,
&& $$
& & & & &&& - trau
Come, OO ruler all
♭ 4 &&'&'
this keep me safe, for you. The
" ♭ ♭ this 44 &&'is updated $$ && text& version (( && & - e& && $$
Come, and Be be our
- Savior
hü - sure.
te mich, Gott, page 2 ich ver dir, du
4. " ♭ ♭ 4O Holy & ( & & & & & $$ &
♭ ♭ this
4 &'isopen $$hearts
& of text & & ( & & & '&
" ♭
Come, Key David:
06 RS2 Hymns1.indd and
updated to version
knowledge: 8/10/16 11:20 AM

♭ & & &

Come, and break the chains of death.

5. ! ♭ ♭ ♭ O& Radiant& Sun &of Justice:&& $$ %& & & &&

& &
♭ ♭ ♭ and shine on those & in&& darkness:
$ %&& & && && & & &&
& $ & &
All♭who♭ &dwell &shades& oflife& $ %
&& teach & &&me. && &&
! path & - way
path - in
& den
& Weg
to & $
& Le
& - &me. & &
& you
With you
St. 5 Change lines 2 and 3 to:

&of$$ new hope:

zeigst mir to life zum
you teach ben. Bei
With dir ist
& &&StarWeg &&' 4/14/16 & &
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,

& & & & - && && &

6. Come,zeigst
O Light mir
of allden
the nations: Bears all our years away;

♭ ♭zeigst $$ & dir

& && && &
zum Le - ben. Bei you
dir ist
& & &
path - Morning
way to life you teach me. They With
fly forgotten,
lines as a dream is

St. 5 Change 2 and 3 to:

" & & & &' & && &&

Come, bright
&& $$
o-p’ning day. stream,

♭♭ &
mir den Weg page 1 zum Le ben. Bei ist
& & &&' 4/14/16
Bears all our years away;

♭ &
Come, and shine among us here.
" & & & & && && && &
They fly forgotten,
lines as a dream

♭♭ O Living Flame of Freedom:

St. 5 Change 2 and 3 to:

o-p’ning day. stream,
5365117-OGODO-Prs2.musx, page 1
" ♭ hope
& of our redemption:
Bears all our years away;
Come, They fly forgotten, as a dream

) Last time
Dies at the o-p’ning day.
5365117-OGODO-Prs2.musx, page 1 4/14/16

♭ ♭♭ ♭ & & & & & )( Last time * $$

Come, and lead us to new life.
!♭♭ & && & && && %&&
! ♭ ♭ ♭peace&
& & & )(( Last time * %&& $$
&& & &&& all &&& full & ( * $$
Text: Advent verses based on “O” Antiphons; Marty Haugen, b.1950

&& && %&&

09 RS2 Tune: Marty Haugen,
610 b.1950

Hymns4.indd 8/10/16 11:28 AM

! peace & & (

© 2000, GIA Publications, Inc.
and joy in - ness. O

Freu - and
de, Freu
joy - de in Fül -- ness.
le. Be -
& - and
in all full O
& & -- de & all & full & ( &&'
♭♭ Freu - ) * - $$
Freu de, Freu de in Fül -- ness.
le. Be -
peace joy in Last time
& ( Last
" ♭♭ & & & & & &
)( time * &&'&' $$
- de, Freu in Fül le. Last time Be

" ♭♭♭ & & & & & &

& & * $$
"♭ ♭
Text: Taizé Community
Tune: Taizé Community
& & & (
© 2007,
Text: LesCommunity
Taizé Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent
Tune: Taizé Community
© 2007,
Text: LesCommunity
Taizé Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent
Tune: Taizé Community
© 2007, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent page 2
Glory to God (Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations)
Through-Composed: Glory to God (Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations)

♭6 # # # # # #
! 8 # # # # # # # # # #$ # # # # # #
Glo - ry to God in the high - est, and on

♭ #$ # %# # # # #$ &# # &#
! # &# #$ #
earth peace to peo - ple, peo - ple of good will. We

♭ $
! # # &# &# # # # # #$
# &# #$ # # # &#
praise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo - ri - fy you, we

♭ # &# # #% # &# &# # &# #$ # #

! #
give you thanks for your great glo - ry, Lord God, heav - en-ly

! ♭ #$ # &# # # # # # # &# # #$ # # # #$
King, O God, al - might- y Fa - ther. Lord Je - sus Christ,

!♭ # # # # # # '$ #$ &# # $ #$
#$ # # &#
On-ly Be- got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the

! ♭ &# # # $ # # # #
# # # # &# # &# # &#
Fa-ther, you take a-way the sins of the world, have mer - cy on

! ♭ '$ # # # #
# # # # &# # &# # &#
us; you take a - way the sins of the world, re - ceive our

! ♭ #$ # # #
# &# # #% # %# # &# &# # # &#
prayer; you are seat - ed at the right hand of the Fa - ther, have

♭ $# # # # # #%
! # $# #% # $# # # # # # #
mer - cy on us. For you a - lone are the Ho-ly One,

# # # #% #%
! ♭ # $# &% # $# # # # # # # # %
you a - lone are the Lord, you a - lone are the Most High, Je - sus

♭ ' # # # (# #
! &% $# # # #
# # # # # #
Christ, with the Ho - ly Spir-it, in the glo-ry of God the

! ♭ $# # #%
$# # $# &% #
$# # $# &%
Fa - ther. A - men. A - men.

Text: ICEL, © 2010

Music: Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations, Tony E. Alonso, © 2016, GIA Publications, Inc.


We Will Walk with God /
We Will Walk with God / Sizohamba
World Music: Sizohamba/We will walk with God
Caminemos con Dios / Sizohamba
! ♭ $ %& % % % % % % (% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% )
We will walk with God, my broth-ers, we will walk with God.
Ca - mi - ne - mos con Dios, her - ma - nos, ca - mi - ne - mos con Dios.

Swati: Si - zo - ham- ba na - ye, wo wo wo, si - zo - ham- ba na - ye.

' %%( % %% %% %% %% % %% %
"♭ $ & % % %

♭ % % % % % %% %% )
! & % %' (% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%
We will walk with God, my sis - ters, we will walk with God.
Ca - mi - ne - mos con Dios, her - ma - nas, ca - mi - ne - mos con Dios.

Si - zo - ham - ba na - ye, wo wo wo, si - zo - ham- ba na - ye.

' (%% %% %% %% %% %% % % % )
"♭ & % % %

♭ '
! % %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% **
We will go re - joic - ing till the king- dom has come.
Ca - mi -nan - do<a - le - gres has - ta<el rei - no de Dios.

% %% % % %% % % % % % % %% **
Ngom- hla wen - ja - bu - la, si - zo - ham - ba na - ye.
% % %
% % % % % % % % % % '
"♭ % %

♭ '
! % %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% **
We will go re - joic - ing till the king - dom has come.
Ca - mi - nan - do<a - le - gres has- ta<el rei - no de Dios.

% %% % % %% % %
Ngom- hla wen - ja - bu - la, si - zo - ham - ba na - ye.
% %% %% %% %% % % %* '
"♭ % % % % % % % % %*
Swati phonetics:
See-zoh-hahm-bah nah-yay, woh woh woh, see-zoh-hahm-bah nah-yay.
Ngahm-hlah wen-jah-boo-lah, see-zoh-hahm-bah nah-yay.
Text: Swaziland traditional; transcribed by Swedish Youth Exchange Project, ©; English tr. by John L. Bell, b.1949, © 2002, Iona Community,
GIA Publications, Inc., agent; Spanish tr. by Ronald F. Krisman, b.1946, © 2012, GIA Publications, Inc.
Tune: SIZOHAMBA, Irregular; Swaziland traditional; transcribed by Swedish Youth Exchange Project, ©

3121651-WEWIL-Prs2.musx page 1 April 14, 2016
09 RS2 Hymns4.indd 655 8/10/16 11:28 AM

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