In Semester (Individual) Assignment
In Semester (Individual) Assignment
In Semester (Individual) Assignment
Instructions to Student
• Answer all questions.
• Deadline of submission: 02/12/2020 23:59
• The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual weightage
of the assignment which is 50% marks
• Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the draft is
submitted at least 10 days before the final submission date.
• Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by 17/12/2020
Assignment Tasks
Task A - Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 18/11/2020 (23:59) which must
• Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables.
• Timeline for completion of the given tasks.
• Mandatory to use the proposal template provided below.
• The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.
(5 Marks)
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Principles of Financial Investment (BUSS 23001) – Fall - 2020 – CW 1 (Assignment) - Regular - QP
Mr. Sultan is a High-Net-Worth-Individual based in Salalah. He hails from a traditional business family. He
is preparing himself to start a new business and wishes to understand Financial markets and the nuances
of financial investment. So, he has approached you to support him on the following aspects,
1. Prepare a detailed report which will help Mr. Sultan to understand about the Functions of
Financial market (FIVE functions) and types of Financial markets including stock market.
(20 marks)
2. Mr. Sultan seeks clarity from you regarding what should be the priority of the new business that
he is likely to start, creating wealth or maximizing profit. Prepare a report which will help Mr.
Sultan to decide. (10 marks)
3. Also write a note by differentiating between Financing decision and Investment decision that will
help Mr. Sultan to recognize the importance of decision making in finance. (10 marks)
4. Prepare a note that will help Mr. Sultan comprehend about role of ‘Time value of Money’ in
financial decision making. (10 marks)
5. Mr. Sultan has presented the following details to you about his project cash inflows and outflows
and he has asked to you help in his decision making whether he should invest in this project or
not. (40 marks)
• Initial investment is OMR 200,000
• Cash inflows are as follows,
1. All steps are to be provided for the above calculations.
2. All the discussion above MUST be based on academic literature with appropriate citations and
referencing as per CU Harvard style referencing.
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• Proposal template:
Name: ID:
Assignment Deliverables
Tasks Understanding of the deliverables Plan of Completion - timeline
(What are you asked to do in the (How are you going to complete the
task?) task?)
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
CU Harvard Referencing:
(provide one example of in-text citation and Reference – 1. textbook, 2. website and 3. research article)
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Principles of Financial Investment (BUSS 23001) – Fall - 2020 – CW 1 (Assignment) - Regular - QP
Q. Max. Word
Task Particulars range
No. marks
Task A Proposal 5 200 - 250
1 Financial markets – functions (5 functions) and types 20 500 – 550
2 Wealth maximization and Profit maximization. 10 200 – 250
Differentiate between Financing decision and Investment
3 10 200 – 250
4 Role of ‘Time value of Money’ in financial decision making. 10 200 – 250
5A Calculate Pay-back period. 2 NA
5B Calculate Discounted Pay-back period. 3 NA
5C Calculate Net Present value. 3 NA
Calculate Profitability Index. 2
• Marks awarded in the assessment is provisional till it is approved by the Exam Board
• Each student has to do the assignment individually / Students have to do the assignment
collaboratively and each student should write a brief reflection on their contribution and learnings
from group work.
• You can refer books in E-Library or use internet resource. But you should not cut and paste
material from internet nor provide photocopied material from books. The assignment answers
should be in your own words after understanding the matter from the above resources.
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Principles of Financial Investment (BUSS 23001) – Fall - 2020 – CW 1 (Assignment) - Regular - QP
• MEC upholds the spirit of academic integrity in all forms of academic work and any form of
violation of academic integrity shall invite severe penalty. Any benefit obtained by indulging
in the act of violation of academic integrity shall be cancelled.
• MEC also reserves the right to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of any
unlawful activity and to cooperate thereafter in any investigation of such activity.
• Faculty can conduct a viva to investigate and ascertain that the work submitted is student’s
own work as per the guidelines for the same. A student can be given a maximum of 2
chances to attend the viva in such cases. It is expected that the student attends the viva
during the first chance itself unless due to extenuating circumstances. If the student does
not attend the viva in spite of being given 2 chances and fails to submit valid reasons,
he/she will be awarded a fail in the module and this shall be counted as a case of academic
integrity violation.
All cases of violation of academic integrity on the part of the student shall fall under any of the below
mentioned categories:
1. Plagiarism
2. Malpractice
3. Ghost Writing
4. Collusion
5. Other cases
If the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in this module,
the student is required to re-register the module. This is applicable to first and second offence of
academic integrity violation of plagiarism type
1.1. First Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:
1.1.1. Plagiarism
a. If a student is caught first time in an act of academic integrity violation during
his/her course of study in any assignment other than project work and if the type
of violation is plagiarism, then the student will be allowed to re-submit the
assignment once as per the period allowed for re submission However, a penalty
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Principles of Financial Investment (BUSS 23001) – Fall - 2020 – CW 1 (Assignment) - Regular - QP
of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be
b. Period of re-submission: The student will have to re-submit the work within one
week (5 working days) from the date he or she is advised to re-submit.
c. Re-submission of the work beyond the allowed period of resubmission will not be
accepted and the assessment will be awarded a zero mark.
d. If the re-submitted work (within the allowed period of resubmission) is also found
to be plagiarized, then that assessment component will be awarded a zero mark.
It shall also contribute to the total count of academic integrity violation for that
e. If plagiarism is detected in UG Project work (Project 1, Project Planning and Project
Design and Implementation), the above clauses do not apply, and the work will be
summarily rejected. In these cases the student will be awarded a fail (F) grade and
is required to reregister the module.
1.1.2. Malpractice / Ghostwriting / Collusion
If a student is caught first time in an act academic integrity violation during his/her course
of study for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester and
if the type of violation is Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion, then the student shall fail
the module.
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Principles of Financial Investment (BUSS 23001) – Fall - 2020 – CW 1 (Assignment) - Regular - QP
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her history of
Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component
or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the
deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the
component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. All students of the group
would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether
plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be
applied to all the students of the group.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her history of
Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of
components or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g. group
assignment) and an individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the
following will be applicable:
a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group will
be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of whether plagiarism
is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to
all students of the group. In such cases the group assessment component will be resubmitted.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied for each student according to his / her history of violation.
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contribute to the overall count of AIV. The student then shall be penalized for each violation
according to the count and type of each offence.
* For further details Refer to MEC Student Academic Integrity Policy in Student Handbook.
To protect and respect the rights, dignity, health, safety, and privacy of research subjects involved
including the welfare of animals and the integrity of environment, all student projects are
expected to be undertaken as per the MEC Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy. Accordingly the
following shall apply.
• Research and other enterprise activities shall be conducted by maintaining the high ethical
standards consistent with national and international standards and conventions.
• Any research at MEC that is categorized as high-risk research shall be subject to review and
approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee.
• Research activities involving collection of human or animal tissues and manipulation of microbial,
animal or plant cells shall be subject to review and approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety
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• Participants involved in research must be informed about the purpose of research and intended
uses of research findings. Written consent must be obtained from people involved prior to the
commencement of research.
• Data obtained from participants must be treated with high confidence and should be used only
for the intended purpose of research.
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