Effect of Force Feeder On Tablet Strength During Compression

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15

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Effect of force feeder on tablet strength during compression

Ajit S. Narang a,∗ , Venkatramana M. Rao a , Hang Guo a , Jian Lu b , Divyakant S. Desai a
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Co., One Squibb Dr., PO Box 191, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0191, United States
GlaxoSmithKline R&D, 898 Halei Rd., Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mechanical strength of tablets is an important quality attribute, which depends on both formulation
Received 16 March 2010 and process. In this study, the effect of process variables during compression on tablet tensile strength
Received in revised form 12 August 2010 and tabletability (the ratio of tensile strength to compression pressure) was investigated using a model
Accepted 22 August 2010
formulation. Increase in turret and force feeder speeds reduced tablet tensile strength and tabletability.
Available online 9 September 2010
Turret speed affected tabletability through changes in dwell time under the compression cam and the
kinetics of consolidation of granules in the die cavity. The effect of force feeder was attributed to the
shearing of the granulation, leading to its over-lubrication. A dimensionless equation was derived to
estimate total shear imparted by the force feeder on the granulation in terms of a shear number. Scale-
Over-lubrication independence of the relationship of tabletability with the shear number was explored on a 6-station
Magnesium stearate Korsch press, a 16-station Betapress, and a 35-station Korsch XL-400 press. The use of this relationship,
Scale-up the exact nature of which may be formulation dependent, during tablet development is expected to
Force feeder provide guidance to the scale-up and interchangeability of tablet presses.
Dwell time © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tensile strength

1. Introduction 1997; Pesonen and Paronen, 1990). MCC is often combined with LM
in immediate release tablet formulations (Arida and Al-Tabakha,
Mechanical strength of tablets is an important quality attribute 2008; Horisawa et al., 2000). While powdered grade of lactose may
that affects tablet integrity and attrition during the downstream be used for wet granulation formulations, a coarse and relatively
unit operations such as coating and packaging. Maintaining accept- uniform particle size grade of LM is used for directly compressible
able and consistent tablet strength during the scale-up of a formulations. Tablet strength of formulations that use MCC and LM
formulation is critical to successful new tablet formulation devel- generally increases with increasing proportion of MCC. Also, tablet
opment. Tablet tensile strength is affected by both formulation and strength generally decreases with increasing lubricant (magnesium
manufacturing process. Reduction in tablet tensile strength and stearate) concentration.
tabletability (the ratio of tensile strength of tablets to compression In addition, speed of the die table, or turret, affects both the
pressure) are often observed during the scale-up of the tableting speed of upper punch penetration in the die during tablet com-
unit operation. This effect is mainly attributed to the press speed pression and the duration of time the powder bed stays in its
(Heinz et al., 2000). most consolidated state under the compression cam (dwell time).
Tablet strength is a function of the consolidation mechanism of The plastic deformation of the granulation in the die during com-
formulation components (Van Der Voort Maarschalk and Bolhuis, pression is a stress- and time-dependent rheological phenomenon.
1999). For example, the main consolidation mechanism of ␣- Hence, compression pressure and turret speed significantly affect
lactose monohydrate (LM) is brittle fracture, leading to particle tablet strength (Akande et al., 1998).
fragmentation; while microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) undergoes During tablet formulation development, the effects of compres-
plastic deformation (Edge et al., 2009; Guy, 2009). MCC is a pow- sion force and turret speed are assessed at the laboratory scale
der containing agglomerated primary particles, which are more before scale-up. Instruments, such as the Presster linear rotary
porous than LM. Particle shape, size, and density of MCC affect tablet press simulator (Metropolitan Computing Corporation, East
flow, lubricity, and compactibility (Ishino et al., 1990; Iida et al., Hanover, NJ), are used to compress tablets at various compres-
sion forces and punch speeds, thus simulating different press
types and turret speeds (Cantor et al., 2009). However, for a given
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 732 227 7351; fax: +1 732 227 3986. formulation, the reduction in tablet tensile strength at constant
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.S. Narang). compression force during product scale-up is frequently greater

0378-5173/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
8 A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15

than what would be expected based on the effects of turret speed rik, Berlin, Germany), Manesty Betapress (16-stations; Manesty
alone. Machines Ltd, Liverpool, England), or Korsch XL-400 press (35-
In rotary tablet presses, a force feeder is used for efficient fill- stations). Tablets of 200 or 900 mg press weight were compressed
ing of the die with the granulation before compression. During using 5/16 or 1/2 diameter standard concave, unembossed
tablet manufacture, both turret speed and force feeder speed are punches (Elizabeth Carbide Die Co., Inc., McKeesport, PA). Com-
adjustable parameters. The turret speed is adjusted based on the pression forces during tableting were monitored using Advanced
competing needs to maximize production capacity, while keeping Instrumentation Monitor (Metropolitan Computing Corporation,
the dwell time within a range that produces tablets with acceptable East Hanover, NJ) for the 6-station Korsch and the 16-station Beta
tensile strength. Selection of force feeder speed, however, is empir- press, and using the vendor supplied press software for the Korsch
ical. It is adjusted to achieve desired tablet weight and acceptable XL-400 press.
tablet-to-tablet weight variation. Several investigators have stud- The presses were operated at 3–4 force feeder (FF)/turret (TR)
ied the effect of force feeder on die filling (Ridgway et al., 1972; speed ratios depending on the permissible range of FF and TR
Yaginuma et al., 2007; Sinka et al., 2009). However, the effect of speeds. At each speed ratio, tablets were collected at 8–10 dif-
force feeder on tablet tensile strength has not been reported quan- ferent compression forces after equilibration of compression run
titatively. for 5–15 min at each compression force. Weight, thickness, and
In this study, the effect of force feeder speed on tablet strength hardness (using Dr. Schleuniger 6D Tablet Tester, Dr Schleuniger
during compression was investigated using a model formulation. Pharmatron, Inc., Manchester, NH) of 10 tablets were recorded at
A 1:1 (w/w) mixture of MCC:LM was used in this study since these each compression force. In one set of experiments, residence time
excipients are commonly used in combination in immediate release of the blend in the force feeder was varied by changing the number
oral solid dosage forms. Therefore, the results obtained using this and size of punches. The effect of tablet dwell time (during com-
formulation are expected to be relevant to a majority of commercial pression) on tablet strength was simulated using Presster tablet
tablet formulations. press simulator.
Tablet strength correlated inversely with force feeder speed. Weight, thickness, and hardness of tablets were measured and
Shearing of the granulation containing magnesium stearate along converted into tensile strength ( t , in Pascals) (Pitt et al., 1989; Pitt
its axis of movement in the force feeder was hypothesized to result and Newton, 1988) and compaction pressure (CP, in Pascals) using
in over-lubrication of the granules. A dimensionless equation was the following formulae.
derived for the shear number (SN ) to estimate the shear imparted
 t t W
by the force feeder on the granulation. This analysis accounted for t = 2.84 − 0.126 + 3.15 + 0.01
the design elements of the force feeder, tablet weight, turret speed, D2 D W D
number of punches, mass of granulation in the force feeder dur- where ‘P’ is the fracture load, or the force required to break the
ing compression, and the force feeder speed. Scale-independence tablet in Newton and is calculated from crushing strength or hard-
of the relationship of tabletability with the shear number was ness (1 Strong Cobb Unit (SCU) = 7 N); ‘D’ is the diameter of the
explored across a 6-station Korsch press, 16-station Betapress, and tablet in meter; ‘t’ is the thickness of the tablet in meter; and ‘W’ is
35-station Korsch XL-400 press using a placebo tablet formula- the central cylinder thickness for biconvex tablets.
tion. The dimensionless shear number accounted for the observed
effects of force feeder speed on tabletability on these presses. CP =
where ‘CF’ is the compaction force under the main compression cam
2. Materials and methods during tableting in Newton; and ‘A’ is the calculated tablet crown
surface area in m2 .
A directly compressible placebo blend was prepared with Tabletability was estimated as the ratio of tensile strength of
microcrystalline cellulose (MCC; Avicel PH-102® , FMC BioPolymer, tablets to the applied compaction pressure through the initial, lin-
Philadelphia, PA), lactose monohydrate (LM; directly compressible ear (coefficient of determination (R2 ) ≥ 0.98) part of the compaction
grade, Kerry Bio-Science, Norwich, NY), 5% (w/w) croscarmellose profile.
sodium (CCS; Ac-Di-Sol® ; FMC BioPolymer, Philadelphia, PA), and
magnesium stearate (MgSt; Mallinckrodt, Inc., St. Louis, MO) using 3. Results
equal MCC/LM w/w ratios and 0.5% or 2.0% (w/w) MgSt. LM, MCC,
and CCS were mixed in a bin blender (A&M Process Equipment The effect of tablet press or turret speed on the mechanical
Ltd., Toronto, ON, CA) at 25 rpm for 10 min. Then, MgSt was sifted strength of tablets was estimated using the Presster simulator.
through #30 mesh and added to the blender. Lubrication in the A directly compressible placebo formulation was used to com-
blender was carried out at 25 rpm for 10 min. press tablets of constant (target ± 1%) weight using different linear
In addition, a model low drug load wet granulation formulation speeds of the punches at various compression forces. Tensile
was prepared by wet granulation using 2.5% (w/w) BMS Compound strength of tablets was calculated using their diametrical crush-
A as the active ingredient, 33% (w/w) MCC and 50.5% (w/w) LM as ing strength, or hardness, and thickness. Compression pressure
fillers, 5% (w/w) crospovidone as the disintegrant, 5% (w/w) povi- on the granulation was calculated using the force used for com-
done as the binder, 3% (w/w) colloidal silicon dioxide as the glidant, pression and the face area of the punches. As shown in Fig. 1,
and 1% (w/w) MgSt as the lubricant. Disintegrant, glidant, and MCC decreasing dwell time, reflective of increasing punch speed, led to
were split between the intra-granular and extra-granular portions lower achievable tensile strength as well as lower initial slope of
in approximately equal quantities. After granulation in a high shear the compression pressure-tensile strength curves. The achievable
granulator, the granules were sized using comil (Quadro Engineer- mechanical strength correlated with the initial slope of the curve,
ing Corp., Waterloo, ON, Canada) and blended with extra-granular which represents tabletability.
excipients in a bin blender at 25 rpm for 10 min. Lubrication with A plot of log(tabletability) against dwell time used for com-
MgSt was carried out similar to that described above for the directly pression (Fig. 2) showed that at relatively high dwell times
compressible placebo formulation. (30–120 ms), commonly encountered in small scale rotary tablet
The blends were compressed into tablets on instrumented presses, log(tabletability) is significantly affected by the dwell time.
presses – Korsch press (PH106, 6-stations; Korsch Maschinenfab- Thus, at small scales, increasing the press or turret speed would
A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15 9

Fig. 1. Effect of turret speed, inversely reflected in the dwell time of the granulation Fig. 3. Effect of force feeder on the tensile strength of tablets as a function of time
under the compression cam, on the compression profile of a directly compressible during tableting. Tablets of 100 mg press weight were compressed on a 6-station
placebo formulation. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture of microcrystalline cellulose and lactose Korsch press using a low (2.5%, w/w) drug load wet granulation formulation con-
monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w) croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant taining either 0.5% (w/w) or 1.0% (w/w) magnesium stearate (MgSt). The 1.0% (w/w)
and 0.5% (w/w) magnesium stearate as a lubricant. Tablets of 200 mg press weight MgSt containing formulation was also compressed by gravity feed, i.e., without the
were compressed using 5/16 standard concave, round punches on a Presster tablet use of a force feeder. Each data point represents the average and standard deviation
press simulator at different compression forces for each dwell time. Each data point of n = 10 tablets.
represents an average of n = 3 tablets.

as the rate of decrease of tablet strength at a constant compres-

significantly reduce dwell time and log(tabletability). At low dwell sion force than a similar formulation with 0.5% (w/w) MgSt. This
times (<30 ms), typically representative of high speed production indicated that the loss in tablet strength during compression was
presses, the change in tabletability with dwell time was marginal related to the over-lubrication of the blend. Further, the absence of
(Fig. 2). this loss in tablet strength over the same period of time with the use
Reduction in tensile strength of tablets is sometimes observed of gravity feed (no force feeder) indicated that the over-lubrication
under conditions of constant compression pressure and press of the blend could be attributed to the force feeder. The initial rapid
speed. As shown in Fig. 3, a model low drug load wet granula- decline followed by reaching an apparent state of constant tablet
tion formulation, when compressed on a 6-station Korsch press, tensile strength reflected the process of reaching an equilibrium in
showed time-dependent decrease in the tensile strength of tablets the flow of the granulation through the force feeder during tablet
at a constant compression force of ∼10 kN. The rate of decline in compression. Therefore, tablet strength measurement for all sub-
the tensile strength as well as its achievable limit after a certain sequent studies was carried out after 10–20 min of compression to
period of time were dependent on the amount of lubricant and reflect the equilibrium state of compression.
the use of force feeder. Thus, a formulation with 1.0% (w/w) mag- The compression profiles at equilibrium were investigated
nesium stearate (MgSt) showed greater absolute decline as well further with a directly compressible MCC/LM-based placebo for-
mulation on a 6-station Korsch press, a 16-station Betapress, and a
35-station Korsch XL-400 press (Fig. 4). Increasing the force feeder
(FF) speed at a constant turret (TR) speed during compression
resulted in significant decrease in tablet strength as a function of
compression pressure. It is notable that the use of lower turret
speed (20 rpm instead of 30 rpm, corresponding to a dwell time of
121.3 ms instead of 80.9 ms) did not compensate for the reduction
in tablet tensile strength when the force feeder speed was increased
from 90 to 180 rpm for the 6-station Korsch press.
Scale-up of the placebo formulation from a 6-station Korsch
press to a 16-station Manesty Betapress resulted in improved
tablet strength and tabletability (Fig. 4A). However, the tensile
strength achievable on the high speed 35-station Korsch XL-400
press (Fig. 4B) was intermediate between that obtained on the 6-
station Korsch press and the 16-station Betapress (Fig. 4A).
As expected, the tensile strength of tablets increased with
compression pressure. The rate of increase of and the maximum
achievable tablet strength reduced with increasing force feeder
Fig. 2. Effect of turret speed, inversely reflected in the dwell time of the granu- speed. In other words, greater compression pressures were needed
lation under the compression cam, on the tabletability of a directly compressible
to achieve a target tensile strength at higher force feeder speeds
placebo formulation. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture of microcrystalline cellulose and lactose
monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w) croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant and, in some cases, a target tensile strength could not be achieved.
and 0.5% (w/w) magnesium stearate as a lubricant. Tablets of 200 mg press weight These results clearly implicated the role of force feeder in the
were compressed using 5/16 standard concave, round punches on a Presster tablet achievable mechanical strength of tablets in rotary tablet presses.
press simulator at different compression forces for each dwell time. Tensile strength Increasing the speed of the force feeder increases the shearing of
of an average of n = 3 tablets for each compression force was used for tabletability
the granulation, which increases the over-lubrication of the gran-
calculation. Tabletability was estimated as the ratio of tensile strength of tablets to
the applied compression pressure through the initial, linear (coefficient of determi- ules resulting in lower mechanical strength of tablets. The total
nation (R2 ) ≥ 0.98) part of the compression profile. shear on the granulation by the force feeder could be changed
10 A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15

Fig. 4. Effect of force feeder (FF) on the compression profile of a directly compressible placebo formulation. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture of microcrystalline cellulose and lactose
monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w) croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant and 0.5% (w/w) magnesium stearate as a lubricant. Tablets of 200 mg press weight were
compressed using 5/16 standard concave, round punches on a 6-station Korsch press (A), 16-station Betapress (A), and 35-station Korsch XL-400 press (B). Different FF
speeds were used at a constant turret (TR) speed; except in the case of Korsch press operated at 180 rpm FF speed, where 20 rpm TR speed was used. Each data point represents
the average and standard deviation of n = 10 tablets.

by changing the shear intensity (i.e., force feeder speed) or the tabletability reduce with an increase in the residence time of the
total duration of shear. Therefore, to verify that shearing action of powder blend in the force feeder.
the force feeder is indeed responsible for the over-lubrication of The combined effect of turret and force feeder speeds on the
granulation and loss of mechanical strength of tablets, the effect compression profile of a directly compressible placebo blend was
of duration of shearing of the granulation in the force feeder was studied on a 35-station Korsch XL-400 press (Fig. 6). Increasing
studied. It was hypothesized that changing the rate of flow of the the turret speed from 50 to 75 rpm reduced tablet strength and
granulation through the force feeder without changing the force compression profile at all force feeder speeds. The effect of turret
feeder speed should affect the shearing and lubricating effect of speed reflected a combined effect of the change in the dwell time
the force feeder. of the granulation under the compression cam (11.8 ms at 50 rpm
To test this hypothesis, a 6-station Korsch press was operated to 6.6 ms at 75 rpm) and the residence time of the granulation in
with 2, 4, or 6 punches resulting in the granulation residence times the force feeder.
in the force feeder of 7.5, 5.0, or 2.5 min, respectively (calculated The effect of turret speed indicates the role of kinetics of powder
using Eq. (3), described later). To obtain a significant range of resi- consolidation during compaction, while the effect of force feeder
dence times in the force feeder, higher tablet press weight (900 mg) speed indicates the impact of shearing action of the force feeder. It
was used in this study. Correspondingly, higher lubricant concen- is notable that the effect of force feeder speed on the tensile strength
tration (2% (w/w) MgSt) and force feeder speed were used. The of tablets (reflected in the changing y-axis scale between different
results of this study (Fig. 5) indicated that tablet strength and sub-graphs in Fig. 6) was much greater than the effect of turret
speed at any given force feeder speed.
These results indicated a need to estimate the total shear on
the granulation by the force feeder which would take into account
both the shear intensity (force feeder speed) and the total time
of shear (residence time in the force feeder). An empirical equa-
tion was derived for the shear number (SN ), discussed later, as a
quantitative estimate of total shear in the force feeder. A plot of
log(shear number) against log(tabletability) for the directly com-
pressible placebo formulation compressed on a 6-station Korsch
press, a 16-station Betapress, and a 35-station Korsch XL-400 press
resulted in an approximately linear decline in tabletability with
total shear (Fig. 7). The maximum achievable tabletability was close
to that obtained without the use of a force feeder (using gravity
feed, TG ). Therefore, a critical level of shear (Sc) was defined, above
which the tabletability of the granulation was significantly affected
by the shearing action of the force feeder.

Fig. 5. Effect of residence time (RT) of the blend in the force feeder (FF) on the 4. Discussion
compression profile of a directly compressible placebo blend. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture
of microcrystalline cellulose and lactose monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w)
croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant and 2% (w/w) magnesium stearate as a Mechanical strength of tablets is an important quality attribute,
lubricant. Tablets of 900 mg press weight were compressed using 1/2 standard which depends on both formulation and process. The mechan-
concave, round punches on a 6-station Korsch press. The FF/turret (TR) ratio was ical strength of a tablet is expressed in terms of its tensile
kept constant at 9:1. Residence time in the FF was varied by changing the number
strength, which is calculated indirectly using the diametrical crush-
of punches installed on the press and was calculated using the equation mentioned
in the text. Each data point in the compression profile represents the average and
ing strength, or hardness, for round tablets. Fell and Newton derived
standard deviation of n = 10 tablets. the following equation for calculating the tensile strength ( t , in
A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15 11

Fig. 6. Combined effect of turret (TR) and force feeder (FF) speeds on the compression profile of a directly compressible placebo blend. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture of microcrystalline
cellulose and lactose monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w) croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant and 0.5% (w/w) magnesium stearate as a lubricant. Tablets of 200 mg
press weight were compressed using 5/16 standard concave, round punches on a 35-station Korsch XL-400 press. TR speeds of 50 or 75 rpm were used at FF speeds of 11,
25, 50, and 90 rpm. Each data point represents the average and standard deviation of n = 10 tablets.

Pascals) of fragile flat faced cylindrical discs (Fell and Newton,

t =
where ‘P’ is the fracture load, or the force required to break the
tablet, in Newton; ‘D’ is the diameter of the tablet, in meter; and ‘t’
is the thickness of the tablet, in meter.
Routine tableting operations in high speed rotary tablet presses,
however, use biconvex tablets with beveling at the edges. The appli-
cability of this equation to the biconvex tablets is limited due to
the differences in the distribution pattern of forces. Pitt et al. mod-
ified this equation to the following expression for estimation of
tensile strength of biconvex tablets (Pitt and Newton, 1988; Pitt et
al., 1989), which was used for the calculation of tensile strength of
tablets in this study.

Fig. 7. Quantifying the effect of force feeder (FF) in terms of a dimensionless shear 10P
 t t W
number (SN ). An approximately linear correlation of log(tabletability) with log(shear t = 2.84 − 0.126 + 3.15 + 0.01
D2 D W D
number) within and across different presses represents the effect of FF on the
tabletability of a directly compressible placebo formulation. A 1:1 (w/w) mixture where ‘W’ is the central cylinder thickness for biconvex tablets.
of microcrystalline cellulose and lactose monohydrate was mixed with 5% (w/w) The compaction pressure (in Pascals) on the tablet was esti-
croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant and 0.5% (w/w) magnesium stearate as
mated by dividing the compression force by the punch face area.
a lubricant. Tablets of 200 mg press weight were compressed using 5/16 stan-
dard concave, round punches on a 6-station Korsch press, 16-station Betapress, and
35-station Korsch XL-400 press at different compression forces using different FF CF
speeds. Tensile strength of an average of n = 10 tablets for each compression force CP =
was used for tabletability calculation. Tabletability was estimated as the ratio of
tensile strength of tablets to the applied compression pressure through the initial, where ‘CF’ is the compaction force under the main compression
linear (coefficient of determination (R2 ) ≥ 0.98) portion of the compression profile.
cam during tableting, in Newton; and ‘A’ is the calculated tablet
The figure shows an approximately linear fit to the tabletability obtained across dif-
ferent presses. The tabletability obtained without the use of a force feeder (TG ) is
crown surface area, in m2 .
indicated on the y-axis. A critical point of shear (Sc) is defined in terms of the SN , Convexity of the tablet face and beveling at the edges leads to
above which the effect of FF on tablet strength becomes significant. inaccuracy in the calculations of the tensile strength and the com-
12 A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15

paction pressure. Nevertheless, since the same tool sets were used whose one or more product attributes significantly change with
for most of the reported studies, the results of these calculations the concentration and/or mixing with the lubricant are called lubri-
could be compared with each other to derive trends and meaningful cation sensitive formulations. These formulations frequently show
conclusions. changes in product quality attributes upon change of scale of man-
The speed of the tablet press, or the turret speed, is the main fac- ufacture during new tablet formulation development and change of
tor affecting the mechanical strength of tablets during compression. tablet presses during routine production. Lubrication sensitivity of
This effect is primarily attributed to the changes in dwell time of solid formulations is often investigated during new product devel-
the granulation under the main compression cam and to the differ- opment by studying the concentration and mixing time of lubricant
ences in the speed of punch penetration in the die cavity, leading to in a low shear mixer/granulator (Eddington et al., 1998; Shah and
different consolidation kinetics of the granulation (Tye et al., 2005). Mlodozeniec, 1977).
The effect of changes in the linear speed of the punches, reflecting Process conditions, such as prolonged mixing (Ragnarsson et al.,
the turret speed during compression, is usually studied on the small 1979) or high shear during mixing (Van Der Watt and De Villiers,
scale using Presster simulator (Cantor et al., 2009). 1997) can lead to over-lubrication of the blend. The effects of over-
As expected, compression of the directly compressible placebo lubrication on the compaction properties of the blend can affect the
granulation on a Presster simulator with increasing linear punch manufacturability of a formulation. These effects include limitation
speeds, reflecting lower dwell times and higher turret speeds, on the maximum hardness that can be achieved, need for higher
resulted in lower tensile strength of the tablets and reduction in the compression forces to achieve the target hardness, and/or low slope
initial slope of the compression pressure-tensile strength profile, or of the compression force versus tablet hardness curve. These effects
tabletability (Fig. 1). frequently vary in tandem and are interrelated. Therefore, in this
Tabletability represents capacity of a powder to be transformed study, the ratio of tensile strength of the tablets to the compression
into a tablet of specified strength under the effect of compaction pressure (tabletability) was used as a quantitative expression of the
pressure (Sun and Grant, 2001). It is typically represented by lubrication effects on tablet strength.
a plot of tensile strength versus compaction pressure (Sun and The effect of force feeder was reflected both in the initial decline
Himmelspach, 2006). Tablet strength at a given compression pres- and the final achievable tablet tensile strength (Fig. 3). Since the
sure and tabletability are closely related and usually covary. To initial decline is difficult to study due to the rapidity of the process
obtain a quantitative number for tabletability, the initial, linear por- and it is less relevant to prolonged compression operations, this
tion of the compression profile was used to calculate the ratio of study focused on the equilibrium tablet strength and tabletability.
tensile strength of the tablets to the compression pressure. Changing the force feeder speed resulted in reduction of tablet
The changes in tabletability with dwell times used in the strength and compression profile at constant turret speed on three
Presster study are illustrated in Fig. 2. The effect of dwell time different types and scales of presses, viz. 6-station Korsch press, 16-
on tabletability is much more significant at higher dwell times station Betapress, and 35-station Korsch XL-400 press (Fig. 4A and
(>30 ms), that are commonly associated with the small scale rotary B). The effect of force feeder speed on tabletability can be attributed
tablet presses, than lower dwell times (<30 ms) associated with to the total shear applied by the spokes of the wheels of the force
high speed tablet presses. This phenomenon can result in significant feeder to the granulation (Mehrotra et al., 2007). To estimate total
reduction of tablet strength on scaling up the formulation. shear applied by the force feeder on the granulation, shear intensity
However, the dwell time effect does not explain changes in was calculated in terms of shear rate and shear frequency.
tablet strength and tabletability when tableting is carried out at A granulation in the force feeder is sheared between the moving
the same scale using different force feeder speeds. For example, at wheels of the force feeder and the stationary base/roof and walls of
constant compression pressure and turret speed, a rapid decline in the cavity. Assuming that the most of the granulation in the force
the tablet tensile strength was observed at the initiation of tableting feeder moves at the same rate as the wheels of the force feeder, the
unit operation (Fig. 3). When a force feeder was not used, the tablet shear rate (SR) in the force feeder can be estimated by:
strength did not decline over time. This indicated that reduction
in tablet strength at the initiation of compression was attributable SR = (1)
to the action of force feeder on the granulation. The role of force
feeder in shearing the granulation during tableting is well known. where ‘d’ is the diameter of the spokes of force feeder, in cm; ‘n’ is
Some investigators have used a cylindrical cell model to simulate the speed of force feeder, in rpm; and ‘c’ is the clearance between
the shearing action of the force feeder on the granulation (Mehrotra spokes and base, in cm.
et al., 2007). In this study, however, the actual force feeder and The frequency of shearing of granulation can be assumed to be
tablet presses were used to enable direct application of the results similar to the rotational speed of the force feeder wheels. Thus,
obtained to pharmaceutical manufacturing. shear frequency (SF) in the force feeder can be estimated by:
The decline in tablet tensile strength with the use of a force SF = kn (2)
feeder was greater when 1.0% (w/w) magnesium stearate (MgSt)
containing formulation was compressed, compared to the 0.5% where ‘k’ are the number of spokes.
(w/w) MgSt containing formulation (Fig. 3). This indicated that In addition to the shearing intensity attributable to the speed
the effect of force feeder was related to the over-lubrication of of the force feeder, the duration of time that the powder blend is
the granulation. Also, tabletability data closely correlated with the exposed to the shearing action of the force feeder affects the total
compactibility of the blends (data not shown), indicating that the shear on the granulation. The force feeder has a continuous flow
changes in tensile strength were not due to changes in the solid of granulation from the hopper and into the die cavities. Therefore,
fraction, and could be attributed to the extent of lubrication. the total shear by the force feeder on the granulation would depend
Magnesium stearate is a commonly used lubricant in pharma- on the time it takes for a given mass of granulation to pass through
ceutical manufacturing (Chowhan, 1993). The hydrophobic nature the force feeder, herein defined as the residence time (RT) of the
of magnesium stearate (Llusa et al., 2010) and its tendency to granulation in the force feeder. The residence time (RT) was esti-
coat the surface of the granules can lead to undesirable effects mated as a function of flow rate of the granulation through the force
on product performance attributes such as disintegration time, feeder and the granulation holding capacity of the force feeder by:
dissolution rate, and compaction properties of the blend (Rao et m
RT = (3)
al., 2005; He et al., 2007; Patel et al., 2007). Tablet formulations wsn
A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15 13

Table 1
Process parameters used for lubrication sensitivity determination in tablet press force feeders.

Press type and number of stations Turret (TR) speed (rpm) Force feeder (FF) speed (rpm) FF/TR ratio

Korsch press, 6-stations 30 45 1.5

30 90 3.0
20 180 9.0

Manesty Betapress, 16-stations 65 10 0.15

65 33 0.5
65 53 0.8

Korsch XL-400 press, 35-stations 50 11 0.22

50 25 0.50
50 50 1.00
50 90 1.80
75 11 0.15
75 25 0.33
75 50 0.67
75 90 1.20

where ‘m’ is the mass of powder in the force feeder at equilibrium turret and force feeder speeds on the Korsch XL-400 press (Fig. 6)
operation, in gram; ‘w’ is the tablet weight, in gram; ‘s’ is the speed indicated that both force feeder and turret speed were important
of turret, in rpm; and ‘n ’ are the number of punches. parameters in determining the mechanical strength of tablets.
To investigate the effect of residence time, while keeping all Increasing the turret speed from 50 to 75 rpm, with correspond-
formulation and process parameters constant, the placebo blend ing dwell time reduction from 11.8 to 6.6 ms, significantly reduced
was compressed on a 6-station Korsch press using 2, 4, or 6 punches. tablet strength and compression profile at all force feeder speeds
This corresponded to the granulation residence times of 7.5, 5.0, (Fig. 6). However, given the marginal contribution of dwell time
or 2.5 min in the force feeder, respectively (Fig. 5). The decline in effect in this range of 6–12 ms (Fig. 2), it is evident that at least a
tablet strength and tabletability with increasing residence time of part of the effect of turret speed on tablet strength is attributable to
the granulation in the force feeder indicated that residence time the turret speed induced changes in the residence time of the gran-
formed a significant component of the shearing action of the force ulation in the force feeder (see Eq. (3)). Thus, the effect of turret
feeder. speed on high speed tablet presses reflects a combined effect of the
The total shear experienced by the granulation in the force change in the dwell time of the granulation under the compression
feeder was estimated in terms of a dimensionless shear number cam, the speed of punch penetration into the die cavity, and the
(SN ), which was defined as a function of shear rate (SR), shear fre- residence time of the granulation in the force feeder.
quency (SF), and residence time (RT). The tabletability plots of different presses indicated a near lin-
ear correlation of tabletability with total shear imparted by the
SN = f {SR × SF × RT} (4)
force feeder on the granulation (Fig. 7). The maximum achievable
An empirical equation was derived to correlate total shear in the tabletability without the use of a force feeder was defined as TG .
force feeder with the tabletability of the blend. A linear correlation It incorporates the effect of turret speed on the dwell time of the
between the shear number and the tabletability of the blend was granulation under the compression cam and the speed of punch
obtained when the effects of residence time were squared. penetration into the die cavity. A critical level of shear (Sc) was
defined at the intersection of the log(SN )–log(tabletability) curve
SN = SR × SF × (RT)2 (5) with the log(TG ) value on the y-axis. Above Sc, the tabletability of
Using the equations for SR, SF, and RT, a dimensionless equation the granulation was significantly affected by the shearing action of
was obtained for SN . the force feeder. Below Sc, the shearing effect of the force feeder
 dn   m 2 did not significantly affect tablet strength. The absolute values of
SN = (kn) (6) log(TG ), Sc, and the slope of the log(SN )–log(tabletability) curve are
c wsn expected to be a function of the type of formulation.
This equation can also be converted to a combination of three The non-linearity of tabletability as a function of total shear
dimensionless terms: among different presses in Fig. 7 could be attributed to the dif-
 dk   m 2  n 2 ferences in force feeder geometry, which can affect powder mixing
SN = (7) pattern and dynamics. The design of the force feeder is expected
c wn s to play a significant role in the amount of shear applied to the
The applicability of this dimensionless equation on the scale-up granulation during tableting.
of a lubrication sensitive formulation was investigated by system- The shear number equation takes into account the geometry and
atically scaling up the model placebo formulation from a 6-station operation of the force feeder. A typical force feeder consists of at
Korsch press to a 16-station Manesty Betapress and a commercial least two rotating wheels housed in separate cavities that are inter-
scale, high speed 35-station Korsch XL-400 press. The operating connected to each other through a chord length gap in the outer
parameters of force feeder and turret speed were varied within the wall of their cavities (Fig. 8). There is a small clearance between
permissible press ranges to study their effect (Table 1). the base/roof of the cavity and the wheels. These two cavities typ-
Scale-up of the formulation from a 6-station Korsch press to a ically are placed on the top of the turret (the die table). In the case
16-station Betapress resulted in improved tabletability (Fig. 4A). of smaller scale presses, viz. 6-station Korsch press and 16-station
However, further scale-up of the process to the 35-station Korsch Betapress, the hopper empties into one of these cavities. Intercon-
XL-400 press did not result in any further improvement in nection between the two cavities allows both cavities to be filled
tabletability. The compaction profiles obtained on the Korsch XL- by the aid of opposite directions of movement of the wheels. The
400 press were intermediate between those of the 6-station Korsch wheels may (e.g., in the 6-station Korsch press,) or may not (e.g., in
press and the 16-station Betapress (Fig. 4B). The combined effect of the 16-station Betapress) overlap depending on the interconnect-
14 A.S. Narang et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 401 (2010) 7–15

Table 2
Force feeder design features considered for the calculation of shear.

Design element Korsch press, 6-stations Manesty Betapress, 16-stations Korsch XL-400 press,

Number of wheels 2 2 3
Number of spokes per wheel 6 8 12
Geometry of spokes Straight Straight Straight on 2 of 3 wheels,
angled (105.5◦ ) at 3.0 cm from
barrel on the 3rd wheel

Dimensions of spokes 2.8 × 0.3 × 0.5 (both 5.0 × 0.7 × 0.5 (both wheels) Wheel 1: 7.5 × 0.6 × 1.0
(length × width × height, cm) wheels) Wheel 2: 6.8 × 0.6 × 1.0
Wheel 3: 6.25 × 0.6 × 1.0

Dimensions of central shaft 3.8 × 0.5 (both wheels) 5.0 × 0.5 (both wheels) Wheel 1: 5.9 × 1.0
(diameter × height, cm) Wheel 2: 10.0 × 1.0
Wheel 3: 10.0 × 1.0

Cavity, in which the wheels are 9.8 × 1.4 (both wheels) Wheel 1: 15.5 × 0.8 Wheel 1: 21.0 × 1.4
placed (diameter × height from roof Wheel 2: 15.5 × 1.6 Wheel 2: 23.0 × 1.4
to base, cm) Wheel 3: 23.0 × 1.4

Chord length for interconnection between 7.8 10.5 3.5 (between cavities 2 and 3,
cavities, which enables powder flow from cavity 1 empties from an
one cavity to another (cm) opening in its base into cavity 2
through an opening in its roof)

ing chord length. Further, the wheels may (e.g., in the 6-station design elements that are expected to impact most of the shear and
Korsch press and the 35-station Korsch XL-400 press) or may not lubrication in the force feeder.
(e.g., in the 16-station Betapress) be coplanar. In the case of the The shear number equation can be used to estimate the critical
larger scale Korsch XL-400 press, the hopper empties into another point of shear (Sc), above which the effects of force feeder on the
cavity bearing a third rotating wheel, which lies above and empties tabletability of the granulation become significant. A study of the
through an opening in its base into one of the two coplanar cavities effects of the force feeder on a laboratory scale press can be used to
close to the die table. These elements of force feeder design (sum- derive Sc and TG (tabletability using gravity feeder). Although the
marized in Table 2) were considered for the calculation of the shear absolute values of these parameters are expected to depend on the
number. formulation, they can be reasonably assumed to be similar across
This calculation of total shear may not be exact and Eq. (7) may tablet presses of similar force feeder designs. Therefore, Sc and TG
be specific to lubrication effects on the tabletability performance can be used as guiding tools for the scale-up and press interchange-
of the placebo formulation used in this study. In addition, some of ability for lubrication sensitive formulations, and to assess the risk
the assumptions and limitations underlying the use of shear num- of over-lubrication of a formulation on the tablet press.
ber to estimate total shear include the inability to account for the
effects of curvature of the spokes (and its effects on the forces on 5. Conclusions
the powder and on the movement of the powder blend), interlock-
ing of wheels in the coplanar cavities, gravitational pressure on the The effect of process parameters on the tablet strength and
blend due to hopper fill, and the clearance between the wheel and compression profile of a model placebo formulation was studied
the base/roof of the cavity. Nevertheless, this model reflects the key on three different types and scales of tablet presses, and Presster
simulator. The effects of turret and force feeder speed were quan-
tified separately. The total shear imparted on the granulation by
the force feeder was quantified using a dimensionless equation for
the shear number (SN ). The scale-independence of the relationship
of tabletability with SN was explored. This equation, along with
the effect of turret speed, accounted for the observed compaction
behavior of the formulation on three different types and scales of
tablet presses operated over a range of process parameters. The use
of SN to account for the effect of force feeder along with the effects
of turret speed on dwell time under the compression cam and the
speed of punch penetration into the die cavity can provide a tool to
the scale-up of compression unit operation.


We thank Robert Jerzewski, Neil Martin, and the Bristol-Myers

Squibb, Co., Worldwide Clinical Supply Operations team in New
Fig. 8. Image of a force feeder (FF) used with the 16-station Betapress. The FF is Brunswick, NJ for help with experiments on the commercial Korsch
shown in its position on the turret (TR). The FF shown is a closed chamber with two XL-400 tablet press, and Shih-Ying Chang for critical review of this
rotating wheels and an opening each for (a) the granulation inflow from the hopper manuscript.
through the receptacle shown on the right and (b) granulation outflow to the die
cavities through openings on the bottom, that are aligned with the position of the
dies on the turret. As the granulation passes through the FF, it gets filled into the die References
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