Fiber Sizing 101 + Emerging Technologies

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Fiber Sizing 101 + Emerging Technologies


• What is fiber sizing?

• Sizing chemistry, formulation
and application
• Sizing challenges
• Sizing benefits
• Sizing selection & product portfolio
• New products
• Take away

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 1


• Established in 1949
– Specialty chemicals
– Customer focused
– Family enterprise
• Today, Michelman is:
– Global
– 455+ employees
– Family owned

Global Headquarters - Cincinnati, OH

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What is fiber sizing?

It is a thin homogeneous coating applied on the fiber surface during manufacturing.

Sizing protects the fiber during handling, processing, compounding and molding.

The Image labeled “02109HPC” appeared in the

January 2009 issue of our previous High-Performance Composites magazine,
to illustrate a carbon fiber production line in our feature story titled,
“The making of carbon fiber. Source: Composites World / Illustration: Karl Reque”
(used with permission)

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 3

Fiber Sizing
Small but
step bumpers
lights doors

Resin matrix
header & nose panels
tailgates - radiators
trunk lids
radiator supports

In a 100 Kg. composite made
a/c condensers
from a 30% glass - filled polymer

Sizing is a “small” percentage of the composite, Fiber sizing is typically

but has “huge” impact on the mechanical properties. less than 0.3 Kg

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 4

Sizing Formulation

• Components
– Coupling agents
– Film formers
– Additives or modifiers
– Water
• These ingredients are mixed together and
delivered to the fiber

• The water is removed and the dry fiber is ready

to reinforce composites

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 5

Sizing Formulation – Glass Fiber

• 80-90% Film Former “Major Component”

̶ Facilitates fiber manufacturing
̶ Bonds filaments together to aid
̶ Compatibility and adhesion promoter
between fiber and resin
• 5-10% Silane Coupling Agent - Glass Fiber
̶ Adhesion promoter - glass surface
̶ Wet strength
• 5-15% Size Modifiers
̶ Lubricants, anti-stats, emulsifiers,
chopping aids, antioxidants, wetting
agents, color modifiers, processing aids

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 6

Sizing Formulation

• Hundreds of dispersions are commercially available, but only a small percentage of them are
compatible with other sizing ingredients.
• Compatibility with the resin matrix is key to composite properties.
• Michelman develops film formers to serve the ALL fiber markets:
̶ Glass
̶ Carbon
̶ Basalt
̶ Natural
̶ Synthetic

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Sizing Application – Glass Fiber

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Sizing Application – Carbon Fiber

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Sizing Stability Problems

Cause Effect on Fiber

Particle size Changes in LOI

Short shelf-life Increase manufacturing downtime

pH changes Increase or decrease of sizing on fiber

Foam Fuzz, changes in LOI, uneven coverage

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Sizing Benefits

Changes in sizing film formers can affect the fiber physical characteristics & composite properties.

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Manufacturing Benefits

• Protects the freshly formed fiber surface from abrasion.

• Prevents fiber breakage at contact points.
• Keeps chopped bundles of fiber together.

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Processing Benefits

• Integrity: Keeps the chopped bundles together

• Chopping: Increases the chopper’s blade life and reduces fuzz generation
• Unwinding: Keeps strand together
• Weaving: Provides lubricity and flexibility to prevent breaks

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 13

Composite Benefits

Sizing enhances composite mechanical and chemical properties

due to the role it plays at the interface of the fiber and matrix.
• Thermal and hydrolytic stability
• Corrosion resistance
• Heat and oil resistance
• Impact strength
• Tensile and flexural strengths
• Compressive strength
• Fatigue performance
• Electrical conductivity
• And many others

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The Interface – Schematic

When the sized fiber is introduced to the Sizing (silane and film-former)
resin matrix the sizing becomes the “glue”.

The forces between sizing and matrix can

be chemical bonding, hydrogen bonding
and Van der Waals interaction.

Glass fiber surface


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The Interface – Close Up

Good Adhesion Poor Adhesion

(No pull out fibers) (Fiber slippage)

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 16

Sizing Selection

Considerations when
choosing a sizing:
• Type of resin: Thermoset or
• Fiber: Chopped or continuous;
and what type of fiber?
• Process: Manual or automated?
• Final application: Automotive,
household good or other?

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 17

Sizing for Matrix Resin

Products are designed for use in

the following matrix resins :
• Polypropylene (PP)
• Polyethylene (PE)
• Polyamide (PA)
• Polyether Imide (PEI)
• Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK)
• Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
• Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)
• Polyester, (Un)saturated
• Vinylester
• Epoxy
• Products tailored to meet the specific applications,
environmental footprint

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 18

Polypropylene Matrix

Michelman offers an extensive line of emulsions made to fit PP composite properties.

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Polyamide Matrix
Polyurethane dispersions have been the sizing of choice for polyamide (PA) reinforced composites.
Polyurethanes are tough materials with good adhesion to PA6 and PA66. We design our own
polyurethanes to meet our customer needs by changing the chemistry to modify flexibility,
toughness, Tg, chemical resistance, mechanical properties, etc.

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 20

Polyamide – High Temperature

We use a proprietary technology to make polyamide dispersions. These products are designed with
thermal resistance in mind. Compared to polyurethanes, polyamide (Hydrosize® PA845H) dispersions can
withstand higher processing temperatures.



©2017 Michelman, Inc. 21

Polyester Matrix Epoxies

Using a proprietary process, we can make high molecular weight epoxy dispersions without any
solvent. The epoxies can be used for thermoplastic polyester and/or unsaturated thermoset
polyester applications.

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High Temperature Sizing

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New Products – Hydrosize® Link

We offer the industry a high performance

portfolio of materials designed for long-
term performance - including exposure to
aggressive fuels.

Hydrosize® Link is an enhanced reactive

sizing that increase the chemical resistance
of polyamide composites.

This allows automakers to cost-effectively

meet emissions regulations and increase
fuel efficiency.

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 24

New Products – Hydrosize® Link

Hydrosize® Link after

200HR in a Glycol
solution at 135°C
Commerical PU
Dispersion after
200HR in a Glycol
solution at 135°C

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 25

New Application

Hydrosize® Resin Can be oversized (on Key Characteristics

Compatibility (epoxy based sizing)
U2-04 PA, PC & Esters Yes Compatible with epoxy, this polyurethane dispersion can be applied on a fiber already sized
to improve adhesion with polyamides, polyesters and vinyl esters.
HP3-02 PC & Esters Yes This phenoxy dispersion is particularly designed to improve the compatibility of the carbon
fiber with polycarbonate and PBT.
PA845H PPA, HTN & PA4,6 Yes This unique dispersion performs very well in applications using high temperature resistant
polyamides (PPA).
HP-1632 PEI, PEEK Yes The best solution on the market for high temperature resistance.
(but not ideal to achieve the
best performance)

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 26

New Application

• With the exception of cellulosic, fibers can be continuous or staple (chopped).

• Multiple fiber types can be used in one textile fabric.

Example: carbon for strength and aramid for flex.

• Each fiber type has its own unique sizing and bonding needs.

• Surface modification of fibers and fabric can improve

performance in nearly all technical textile applications.

• Our core competency around fiber sizing and surface

modification is a direct fit with market/customer needs.

• We use our expertise to accelerate innovation with

our customers’ fabric consolidation and/or pre-preg.

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 27

New Application

Optimized Sizing for Vinyl Ester / Carbon Fiber Composites

Michelman has joined a new IACMI project focused on the optimization of vinyl ester resins and fiber sizing for the
fabrication of carbon fiber composites.

The effort will identify styrene-free pre-preg formulations with longer room temperature shelf life, shorter cycle times,
and reduced cost. Advancements in these areas will increase productivity, decrease scrap and material costs, and
enable adoption into the automotive industry.

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 28

Examples of New Solutions

Basalt Fiber

Resin: PPA

Need: Heat resistant at 280º C

Recommendation: Michelman recommends new dispersion, Hydrosize®

PA874 which is stable at high temperatures compatible with PPA.

Natural & Synthetic

Resin: TPU
Need: Better adhesion between synthetic fiber and resin
Recommendation: Michelman recommends Michem® Prime 2960 and
5931 to improve the interface between high molecular weight PE fiber
and TPU.

©2017 Michelman, Inc. 29

Please contact us at [email protected] or +1 513-793-7766 to
consult with a fiber sizing expert.

© Michelman

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