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Diploma in Digital


Validated by the Global Industry Advisory Council. Including


Become a Certified Digital

Marketing Professional


Program Overview

Program Modules

Program Delivery

Certification Assessment

Certification Roadmap

Subject Matter Experts

Industry Advisory Council

Global Partners



Digital technologies have changed the way

we work, live and communicate. We know
this huge shift can pose challenges for your
current role. We understand that advancing
and progressing your future career is
important to you.
That’s why we have designed a professional certification that can make a
difference in your life. Industry aligned, it can help you stand out from the
crowd and highlight your capabilities. It can boost your credibility. It can
transform you into a specialist in your field.

With over 20,000 certified professionals and 27,000 alumni members across
100 countries, the Digital Marketing Institute sets the global standard in digital
marketing and selling. We provide a certification that is designed by experts, to
create experts.

Become a leader in your industry by becoming a Certified Digital Marketing


Your digital future awaits.


95% of our certified

professionals are currently
employed and 81% were
promoted after earning their

The Digital Marketing Institute sets the global standard
in digital marketing and selling certification. We have
certified more professionals to a single digital education
standard than any other certification body.

We work with digital industry experts to design and develop standards that define
the digital skills and capabilities required of today’s professionals. Our certifications
deliver best current practice, theory and applied skills in digital, and are recognized and
respected across all industry sectors.

Gaining a certification from the Digital Marketing Institute will ensure you have the
essential skills and knowledge needed to excel as a digital professional. Through a series
of comprehensive, structured modules you will know how to integrate key digital tactics
and practices into your marketing techniques and measure and iterate the success of
your digital marketing strategy.

Our Institute-based certification programs are credit rated by SQA at Level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
(SCQF) and corresponds to Level 5 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Validation of our programs with the SQA
provides a secondary level of quality assurance. Students are not registered nor certified by the SQA as part of their program. SQA
validation and certification does not transfer to partner programs.

Our Certified Professionals
are thriving
Digital Marketing Institute certified professionals work with some of the world’s leading


Enhanced for a Better Learning Experience

To ensure our professional courses align with industry and the needs of the job market,
we continuously update our learning content.

Our new Certified Digital Marketing Professional program not only boasts up-to-date
and relevant content, but you will learn on a new highly interactive platform that will
enhance and simplify your learning experience.

What’s New?

• Four new modules (introduction, social media, • Over 130 topics with new learning interactions

analytics and strategy) • More practice and how-to demonstrations

• Up to 60% more learning interactions • Improved practical exercises

• Bite-sized modules (2-10 minutes) • A new practice exam and test

• A mix of video and HTML5 • Access to our membership platform


Introducing your new Learning Platform

Designed with your needs in mind, the new Learning Management System
will provide a rich and immersive learning experience across all devices from
desktop to mobile to tablet.

Features Include:

• Topic lists to provides a single ‘learning stream’ • An enhanced learning journey and ‘emotional

• One-click access to key elements in the learning experience’

journey • Contextual and supportive messaging

• Highly intuitive navigation throughout

• Easy tracking and progress check-ins

Program Overview
The Certified Digital Marketing Professional program is aimed at:

• Traditional Marketers and Marketing Executives

• Marketing Managers and Senior Management
• IT Managers
• Small Business Owners
• Career Changers
• Entrepreneurs
• Those responsible for developing or implementing a digital marketing
strategy for their organization
• Anyone in marketing or business who wishes to demonstrate proficiency
in digital marketing

What will you learn?

By earning this certification, you will be able to:

• Increase your website’s visibility through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


• Drive qualified traffic to your website through Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising

• Execute digital display campaigns

• Capture, segment and manage subscribers to plan and execute a successful email
marketing campaign

• Use suitable social media channels to grow and engage an audience

• Measure and optimize social media campaigns

• Leverage mobile marketing for its micro-targeting advantages

• Analyze and optimize your overall digital marketing activity

• Create a formal digital marketing plan for your business

Program Modules

Becoming a Certified Digital Marketing Professional will

ensure you are equipped with the tools and skills needed
to create a cohesive, effective digital marketing strategy.

There are ten modules in this program that provide in-depth coverage of all of the key
disciplines required for best practice digital marketing, which include:

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing

2. Content Marketing

3. Social Media Marketing

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

5. Paid Search (PPC) Using Google Ads

6. Display and Video Advertising

7. Email Marketing

8. Website Optimization

9. Analytics Using Google Analytics

10. Digital Marketing Strategy

“Between the course management
team, comprehensive learning
content and weekly blogs on the
Digital Marketing Institute website, I
felt that my learning experience was
very well supported overall.”

Anna Moldovan
Account and Industry Manager


Introduction to Digital Marketing

This module introduces the core principles marketing strategies and distinguish between
and purpose of digital marketing. It will examples of digital media. It will also explore
enable you to develop clear and actionable the difference between traditional and digital
business objectives for a digital marketing marketing helping you realize the benefits of
plan, gain audience and industry insight by using them in combination.
conducting digital research, and to prepare
the foundations for a fully integrated 360 At the end of the module, you will know how
campaign by connecting effectively with your to develop clear and actionable objectives for a
customers and targets. digital marketing plan using SMART objectives
and use digital research and social listening to
Through this module you will be able to gain insights into your competitors, audience
differentiate between inbound and outbound and industry.

Topics covered include:

Principles of Digital Marketing Cultural Research

• Inbound and Outbound Strategies • Competitive Research Platforms and Tools
• Digital Media Examples • Industry Trend Research
• Traditional vs. Digital Marketing • Digital Research
• Principles of DMI’s 3i Methodology
• Digital Channels Connecting with the Customer
• The Buyer’s Journey
Developing Objectives • Five Marketing Functions
• SMART Objectives • 360 Digital Marketing Campaign
• Marketing Functions and Buyer Journey Stages
Digital Research • Digital Marketing Concepts, Principles,
• Audience Research Procedures and Tools
• Social Listening Platforms
• Social Listening and Audience Research Tools


Content Marketing
This module introduces you to the key It also covers content creation and curation,
principles of content marketing to enable you along with how to extend its value using
to align content effectively with the buyer scheduling tools and promotion methods.
The Content Marketing module concludes
You will explore the knowledge and skills by examining the key metrics and tools for
required to plan and execute a content measuring the performance of a content
marketing strategy in a persona-oriented, data- marketing strategy.
driven way.

Topics covered include:

Content Marketing Concepts and Strategy Creating and Curating Content

• Benefits of Content Marketing • Content Stakeholders
• Qualities of Effective Content • Content Types and Formats
• Types of Content • Content Tools
• Content Alignment with the Buyer’s Journey • Content Creation and Curation
• Community Management • Content Creation Best Practice
• Content Marketing Strategy • Brand Components
• Content Personalization
Using Content Research to Find Opportunities
• Website Hosting Options Publishing and Distributing Content
• Social Listening • Content Platforms
• Competitor Content Analysis • Benefits and Challenges of Content Seeding
• Content Audit • Content Scheduling Techniques and Tools
• Content Promotion Strategies
Developing a Content Marketing Plan
• Content Marketing Goals Metrics and Performance
• Content/Business Goal Alignment • Content Marketing ROI
• Customer Personas • Content Marketing Metrics
• Content Topics • Metrics and Content Marketing Strategy
• Content Calendar
• Content Management Systems


Social Media Marketing

The Social Media module introduces the how to create effective paid advertising
key platforms for digital marketing and campaigns on key social platforms. In addition,
demonstrates how to set up a social media you will understand how to build, manage, and
experience for a business. sustain an active social media community.

You will be able to identify the benefits of social The module also covers how to extract and
media marketing and differentiate between report on data from the platforms’ native
the most influential networks and their analytics tools to derive deeper audience and
advantages. As a result, you will understand campaign insights.
the techniques and best practices for growing
and engaging an audience and demonstrate

Topics covered include:

Key Social Platforms for Digital Marketing • Hashtag Usage Best Practices
• Benefits of Social Media Marketing • Twitter Content Best Practices
• Social Media Marketer Responsibilities • LinkedIn Content Best Practices
• The Buyer’s Journey Stages • Instagram Content Best Practices
• Influential Social Media Platforms • Snapchat Content Best Practices
• Key Terminology
Creating and Optimizing Social Media Campaigns
Setting up a Social Media Experience for a • Campaign Set-up
Business • Facebook and Instagram Business Manager
• Best Social Media Account Practices • Twitter Ads Manager
• Facebook for a Business • LinkedIn Campaign Manager
• Twitter for a Business • Snapchat Ad Manager
• LinkedIn for a Business
• Instagram for a Business Developing Data-Driven Audience and Campaign
• Snapchat for a Business Insights
• Campaign Tools Analysis
Growing and Engaging an Audience • Facebook Tools and Analytics
• Community Techniques and Best Practices • Twitter Tools and Analytics
• Content Sharing Best Practices • LinkedIn Tools and Analytics
• Sharing Stories Best Practices • Instagram Tools and Analytics
• Video Content Best Practices • Snapchat Analytics and Campaigns


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The SEO module begins with the fundamentals The module also explores how to boost online
of search engine optimization and how search conversions to help stand out in today’s fiercely
engines work. competitive online marketplace and ensure the
best possible Return on Investment (ROI).
It explains why it is vital to align SEO objectives
with overarching business objectives and how
to use keyword and competitor research to
build a content plan that attracts and engages
the right kind of visitors.

Topics covered include:

SEO Fundamentals Optimize Organic Search Ranking

• Paid and Organic Search • Technical Components for Visibility
• Key SEO Components • On-page Optimization
• Search Engine Introduction • Off-page Optimization
• Common Search Query Types • SEO Audit
• SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) Components
Measuring SEO Performance
Aligning SEO and Business Objectives • Traffic Sources
• SEO Objective Types • SEO Metric Types
• Create and Implement SEO Objectives • Success Measurement

Keywords and SEO Content Plan

• Keyword Research Benefits
• Short and Long Tail Keywords
• Conduct Keyword Research
• Convert Keywords into SEO Content


Paid Search (PPC) using Google Ads

This module begins with the fundamentals of It also covers conversion tracking and how to
paid search and it’s benefits and demonstrates measure and report on the performance of
how to implement and manage Pay-Per Click paid search campaigns using Google Analytics
(PPC) campaigns using Google Ads. and Google Search Console.

Through the Paid Search Module, you will

understand the key concepts underpinning
bid auctions, how to manage paid advertising
budgets, and how to optimize paid search

Topics covered include:

Fundamentals of Paid Search Search Campaign Management

• Paid vs. Organic Search • Advertising Budget Management
• Customer Use of Search Engines • Google Ads Bidding
• Paid Search Benefits • Google Ads Bid Simulator Tool
• Elements of Paid Search Campaigns • Optimize Paid Search Campaigns
• Google Ads Editor
Paid Search Campaign Creation with Google Ads
• Google Ads Manager Account vs. Child Account Paid Search Campaign Measurement
• Google Ads Best Practice • Paid Search KPIs
• Google Ads Account Elements • Conversion Tracking
• Paid Search and SEO Keyword Research • Success Metrics
• Google Ads and Paid Search Campaigns • Google Analytics Measurement
• Google Analytics and Search Console Reporting


Display and Video Advertising

The Display and Video Advertising module You will also understand how to apply
begins with the fundamentals of display and audience and contextual targeting, exclusions,
video advertising and demonstrates how to set remarketing, and bid adjustments to target
up and manage a YouTube channel. display and video ads at the right audience.

It covers the ad formats available within Google By the end of the module, you will be able
Display Network and YouTube and shows you to identify the key metrics and tools to use
how to set up and manage campaigns. to analyze and optimize the effectiveness of

Topics covered include:

Fundamentals of Display and Video Advertising Targeting Display and Video Campaigns
• Key Concepts, Benefits and Value • Targeting Types
• Key Advertising Platforms • Audience Targeting
• Advertising Buying Mechanisms • Contextual Targeting
• Strategy Objectives • Advanced Google Ads Features
• Configure Ad Exclusions
Creating and Managing a YouTube Channel • Remarketing Options
• YouTube Channel Setup • Bidding Strategy
• Video Best Practices
• Content Management Best Practices Measurement and Optimization
• YouTube Analytics and Reporting • Key Display Campaign Metrics
• Video Campaign Metrics
Google Display Network and Video Ad Formats • Performance Analysis of Display Campaigns
• Google Display Network Campaign Types • Performance Analysis of Video Campaigns
• Ad Formats and Sizes • Impact Performance Analysis
• Campaign Optimization
Creating Display and Video Campaigns
• Google Ads Display Ad Campaign
• Responsive and Non-responsive Ads
• YouTube Channel and Google Ads Linking
• Standard Video Ad Campaigns
• YouTube Ads


Email Marketing
The Email Marketing module begins with the It also comprehensively explores how to create,
fundamentals of email marketing and how the test, and optimize an email campaign that
concepts of segmentation, personalization, maximizes open and Click-Through-Rates (CTR)
timing, and engagement along with the and provides an overview of the value provided
legislation and regulations surrounding by marketing automation tools.
data protection underpin an effective email
marketing strategy. By the end of this module, you will have a
comprehensive understanding of all the
The module introduces key email marketing elements involved in an email marketing
tools and techniques and explores subscriber strategy.
list and email design best practices.

Topics covered include:

Email Marketing Fundamentals Creating an Effective Email Campaign

• Key Concepts • Email Campaign Creation
• Inbound Email Marketing • Delivery Factors
• Legislation and Regulations e.g. Permissions and • Delivery and Placement Challenges
Data Protection • Campaign Management Best Practices

Tools and Strategy Testing and Optimizing an Email Campaign

• Key Strategy Principles • Test Components
• Email Service Providers • A/B Testing
• Recipient Sources • Key Campaign Measurement Metrics
• Contact Databases • Optimize Open and Click Through Rates
• Mobile Optimization
Email Design • Bounce Rates and Unsubscribes
• Email Writing and Design
• The Buyer’s Journey Alignment Marketing Automation
• Subject Lines • Benefits of Automation Tools
• Copy Essentials • Key Process Building Blocks
• Design Best Practices
• Call-to-Actions (CTAs)
• Image Best Practices


Website Optimization
This module introduces key concepts Additionally, you will understand design
underpinning effective website design and the principles and best practices for copy and A/B
purpose of website optimization. testing along with exploring User Experience
and User Interface as part of user centric
It will enable you to build and publish a simple, design.
well-designed, and optimized website using
WordPress that is aligned to specific business The Website Optimization module also covers
goals. how to use metrics to capture, track, and
measure website activity to develop deeper

Topics covered include:

Web Design and Website Optimization User-Centered Design and Website Optimization
• Website Optimization and SEO • UX and UI Design, Benefits and Principles
• Optimization and Digital Marketing Strategy • UX Assessment
• Design, Construction, Maintenance and • User Experience Improvement and User-
Optimization in a Marketing Context Centered Design Methods
• Key Components of Web Design • Key Optimization Performance Factors

Publishing a Basic Website Website Metrics and Developing Insight

• Website Hosting Options • Website Monitoring
• WordPress.org Setup • Evaluation Tools
• WordPress Themes • Implement Monitoring and Optimization Best
Design Principles and Website Copy
• Web Design Principles
• Mobile-First Design and SEO
• Copy Best Practice
• A/B Best Practice Testing


Analytics with Google Analytics

The Analytics module begins with the In this module, you will also explore setting
fundamentals of web analytics and the campaign goals to analyze performance and
associated legal responsibilities and best customer conversion journeys.
practices concerning data collection, consent,
and privacy that enable a digital marketer to At the end of the module, you will be able to
draw actionable conclusions from website or use Google Analytics reports and features to
marketing channel data. monitor and analyze digital campaigns.

It demonstrates how to setup and configure

Google Analytics and install tracking codes
to glean insights about traffic and audience.

Topics covered include:

Web Analytics Fundamentals Setting Goals with Google Analytics

• Insight Types for Digital Marketers • Setup Goals
• Analytics Tools for Data Collection, Measurement • Match Website Activity to Goals
and Analysis • Use Goal Funnels to Analyze Customer
• Google Analytics Benefits and Limitations Conversion Journey
• Analytics Reporting Terminology
• Legal Requirements, Responsibilities and Best Monitoring Campaigns with Google Analytics
Practice Reports
• Campaign Types
Creating and Configuring a Google Analytics • Audience, Acquisition, Google Ads, Behavior,
Account Events and Conversion Reports
• Account Setup • Multichannel Funnels Reporting
• Tracking Code Installment
• Key Settings and Navigational Functions Analyzing and Recording Google Analytics Data
• Account Settings and Filters • Track Traffic Changes in Real-Time
• Benefits and Risks of Sharing Access • Custom reporting, Annotations and Custom
• Linking Google Analytics and Other Tools Segments
• Standardized Data Process


Digital Marketing Strategy

The Digital Marketing Strategy module It also explains how to develop a creative
identifies the core components of an effective strategy based on campaign research to
digital marketing strategy and explains how to engage an audience and deliver on campaign
develop a successful budget plan and measure goals.
the ROI for digital activities.
By the end of the module, you will know how to
It demonstrates how to set clear and actionable execute a digital marketing strategy supported
objectives and measurable Key Performance by a channel plan, a paid media plan, a
Indicators (KPI’s) as well as the key research campaign action plan, and succinct strategy
activities to undertake to guide channel documentation.
selection and messaging.

Topics covered include:

Digital Strategy Fundamentals Digital Strategy Research Executing a Digital Marketing

• Core Digital Marketing • Key Research Activities Strategy
Strategy Components • Research Mapping • Strategy Objectives
• Strategy Purpose • Strong Research vs. • Optimize Channel and Budget
• Strategy for plan Potentially False Reports Mix
communication • Owned, Accessed and Desk • Media Planning for Paid
• Digital Marketing and Digital Research Channels
Media • Audit Factors • Key Campaign Components
• Resource Mapping • Audience and Competitor
• Budget Planning Research Communicating a Digital
• ROI and Success Metrics • Social Listening Study Marketing Strategy
• Creative vs. Media Brief • Stakeholder Communication
Setting Strategy Objectives Tools
and KPIs Developing a Creative Strategy • Digital Marketing Strategy
• Common Business Objectives • Key Creative Strategy Best Practice
and Campaign Expectations Ingredients
• Identify and Distinguish KPIs • Maximize and Repurpose
• Past Performance and Creative Output
Industry Benchmarks for • Content Strategy Elements
Forecasting • Creative Format Specifications
• Regular Performance Reviews


Supporting your online learning
Our Certified Digital Marketing programs are available
to study online via the Digital Marketing Institute’s dynamic
online learning environment, known as the Class Network.

How we can guide you through your online learning journey:

Access to HD video lectures Access to discussion forums to

with accompanying interact with and learn from
downloadable program fellow students to progress
material. through program material
towards certification.

Access resources to help you The Class Network also contains

with your studies including information on the exam, which
self-directed practical you must complete successfully
exercises and recommended to achieve certification.

Your Program Manager is The Class Network can be

available to support you accessed 24/7 through your
during your study and assist desktop or mobile device.
with any administrative
related queries.

“When I decided to rejoin the
workforce, I recognized the digital
skills gap in my CV, and knew it
needed to be addressed before
approaching potential employers.”

Sinead Brophy-Holmes,
SaaS Sales Program Manager; Western Europe

Certification Assessment
The assessment is based on a formal computer- Our computer-based examinations are delivered
based examination that will measure individuals’ through the Pearson VUE test center network
knowledge and digital marketing proficiency which comprises over 5,200 centers in 180
following completion of the program. countries.

The duration of the exam is 180 minutes. The use of Pearson VUE to deliver our exams
increases the value of the international certification
A range of different question formats are used offered by the Digital Marketing Institute and
including Text based Multiple Choice; Image-based provides students with a quality, consistent
Multiple Choice, Matching and Hot Spot questions. examination experience, no matter where they are
in the world.

Certification Roadmap for
Industry Professionals

As the leading global certification body in digital marketing, the Digital Marketing
Institute provides professionals with a roadmap that can transform and drive their
careers. Our suite of certifications enable marketers and sales professionals - at all
stages of their career - to learn relevant and industry aligned skills that can be applied to
any role to drive career success.

From understanding the essential fundamentals of digital marketing, professionals can

progress to learning more specialized skills in areas such as search and social media.
For marketers looking to move into a leadership role or become an expert in digital
marketing, our Postgraduate and Masters are the ideal certifications.

Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified

Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital
Marketing Marketing/ Marketing Marketing Marketing
Associate Sales Specialist Leader Master

Foundation Diploma in Digital Specialist Diploma in Postgraduate Masters in Digital

Certificate in Digital Marketing Search Marketing Diploma in Digital Marketing
Diploma in Digital & Specialist Diploma in
Social Selling Social Media

Specialist Diploma in
Digital Strategy &

88% of our certified
professionals work in senior
roles or at management level.

Alumni Survey 2016

Subject Matter Experts

Delivered by industry leading experts, this certification program will introduce you to the
most relevant and transformative aspects of digital marketing.

Our specialist product team work closely with leading industry experts to create, review
and update the certification learning outcomes on a regular basis. This ensures that
what you learn is instantly applicable to any role and aligned to the needs of industry.

Subject Matter Experts collaborate with the Digital Marketing Institute on the design
and development of program materials, so your learning is shaped by their practical
experience, expert insight and case studies.

Global Industry Advisory Council (GIAC)

The Global Industry Advisory Council, representing

the world’s largest and most influential digital brands,
validates all Digital Marketing Institute program content.

By providing expert review and recommendations on a regular basis, the Council

ensures that graduates of the Digital Marketing Institute have learned the most up-to-
date digital skills, core competencies and knowledge needed to thrive in their digital

The Global Industry Advisory Council works with the Digital Marketing Institute to define
the skills agenda and address the global digital skills shortage. The Council ensures that
our programs are developed in alignment with the digital economy’s most in-demand
digital needs and skillsets.

Validated by the Industry Advisory Council. Including members from:

Global Partners
Digital Marketing Institute certifications are also
available through our global network of partners.

Approved and trained by us, our partners are licensed to deliver our certification
programs across the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. With
Subject Matter Experts trained by the Digital Marketing Institute, our global network of
partners bring local knowledge to local markets to make earning your certification as
rewarding as possible.

Stay Connected. Stay Relevant.

Our programs, developed in conjunction with industry giants and world-class

practitioners, have helped a generation of digital professionals advance their careers.

Completing a program is a point-in-time exercise that delivers huge value, but there is a
next step to maintaining the currency of skills in the ever-evolving world of digital.

Membership is that next step.

An exclusive network - and part of your certification - it delivers just-in-time training and
continuous professional development, and an exclusive and evolving content library that
can be used in your daily work.

Membership is about staying connected. Connected to trends in industry. Connected to

experts who can bring unique insights to your work. Connected to thousands of digital
alumni around the globe. Connected to opportunities.

It can provide you - as a Digital Marketing Institute certified professional - with invaluable
and exclusive connections to:

• Expert, practical and thought leading content to guide your career

• High-quality templates to boost your employability
• A career zone to support professional development
• Access to the latest industry news and updates
• A Continuous Professional Development (CPD) area for certified graduates
• Just-in-Time (J-I-T) learning activities through webinars and online programs

Your digital career is evolving every day. So will your membership of the Digital
Marketing Institute.

You define your career path. We’ll support the journey.

“Membership is important for my professional continuous

development as digital marketing is something new for me.”
Anna Nazaryan

For more information

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