What Is The Digital Economy

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what is the digital economy? It′s the Airbnb.

These companies connect market

economic activity that results from billions participants together in a virtual world.
of everyday online connections among They reveal optimal prices and generate
people, businesses, devices, data, and trust between strangers in new ways.
processes. The backbone of the digital
economy is hyperconnectivity which means
growing interconnectedness of people, Lastly, the digital economy is fuelled by –
organisations, and machines that results and generates – enormous amounts of
from the Internet, mobile technology and data.
the internet of things (IoT).
Digitalisation also enables more efficient
Recently, TechCrunch, a digital economy processes in companies, helps minimise
news site, noted, “Uber, the world’s largest waste, promotes longer life for products
taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, and minimises the transaction costs.
the world’s most popular media owner,
creates no content. Alibaba, the most
valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Digitalisation can been seen as one of the
Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation enablers of the Circular Economy (CE) due
provider, owns no real estate… Something to its building visibility and intelligence into
interesting is happening.” products and assets such as knowledge of
the location, condition and availability of
The term evolved from the 1990s, when the
focus was on the impact of the internet on
the economy. This was extended to include
the emergence of new types of digitally-
oriented firms and the production of new Increasing use of digital technologies such
technologies. as utilisation of artificial intelligence or
blockchain technology brings novel ways to
Today the term encompasses a dizzying improve traceability and transparency
array of technologies and their application. throughout product lifetime [5]. Smart,
This includes artificial intelligence, the connected products allow producers to
internet of things, augmented and virtual monitor, control, analyse and optimize
reality, cloud computing, blockchain,
products’ performance and collect usage
robotics and autonomous vehicles.
data [5,6
These include e-commerce, digital banking, Digitalisation will have a serious impact on
and even “traditional” sectors like jobs transformation. A study conducted by
agriculture or mining or manufacturing that the McKinsey Global Institute in 2017
are being affected by the application of predicted that one-third of the US
emerging technologies. workforce is likely to go through job re-
 The best example of this is the rise of profiling by 2020. We are entering a new
digital platforms such as Amazon, Uber and marketplace of smartphones, robotics and
artificial intelligence. There is no turning
back now as digital technology is expected service delivery with little emphasis on
to accelerate its pace in the coming years. empowering citizens to hold them
. A striking fact is that less-developed
economics are quickly adopting these Pakistan also has the comparative
technologies and are taking a lead in the advantages of a young, educated
usage of digital technologies including e- population and lower median wages than
payments in Kenya, land registration in the West. Academia and industry need to
India and e-commerce in China. Special invest in their students and employees by
attention will have to be given to the offering relevant training programmes to
potential exclusion of the workforce whose prepare them for future job markets.
skills have been degraded and the potential Governments could help spur innovation
threat of further concentration of wealth. and be a strong support system for the
manufacturing sector by creating Special
Four drivers of change are expected to
Economic Zones for micro-, small- and
influence business growth in the next five
medium-sized enterprises, with benefits
years — high-speed mobile internet,
such as import tax subsidies on equipment
artificial intelligence, widespread adoption
and infrastructure subsidies for setting up
of big data analytics and cloud technology.
advanced manufacturing facilities.
According to a survey conducted by the
World Economic Forum, 71pc of tasks that  Prof Klaus Schwab of the World Economic
were undertaken by humans in 2018 will be Forum says that stakeholders need to adopt
reduced to 58pc in 2022. The rest will be an “agile governance” model for regulating
done by machines. The education and skills technology and making constant
development systems are failing to catch up adjustments with its evolution. Agile teams
with the pace of change. While digital that constantly evaluate and fine-tune
economy could accelerate the pace of policies to enable the adoption of new
labour market dynamics by opening new technologies will provide a strategic
opportunities, it also makes traditional skills advantage within governments and
obsolete. The change calls for more organisations hoping to thrive in the fourth
adaptability, a flexibility among firms and industrial revolution. It is crucial to build
individuals. stronger links between governments that
regulate technology, academia that
The greater challenge for Pakistan is to
nurtures new technologies, and industry
reach out to illiterate adults who fear digital
change. As one of the most adaptive digital that builds technology.
economy, Singapore made this structural
shift in 1977 from efficiency-based skills to a
knowledge-based skills model. As countries such as Bangladesh are
digitising their economies to fuel
There is a clear gap between institutions innovation, growth and jobs, we are still
and technology in Pakistan. The struggling with slow, patchy internet
governments tend to adopt technologies for
connectivity and a poor digital decade. "All these people are ready to
infrastructure. contribute to the development of Pakistan."

The speakers at the 14th symposium of the Aidrus then introduced the five strategic
Pakistan Academy of Engineering titled pillars which will form the basis of the new
‘Preparing for our digital economy’ also digital initiative:
identified areas for research and
underscored the need for transparency in 1. Access and Connectivity that
data. ensures every Pakistani has access
to the internet that is a fundamental
In his welcome address, Dr Engineer Jameel right that we need to make available
Ahmad spoke about the gaps in Pakistan’s universally and especially to
response to the use of emerging digital underserved populations.
technologies, regretting that Pakistan did 2. Digital Infrastructure that creates
not rank high in important global indices of the ability to do most daily tasks
cyber security and business-to-consumer e- using smart-phones in a secure and
commerce. faster manner.
3. E-Government that digitises intra-
“In order to digitise economy, the government operations and
government needs to support the processes towards a paperless and
components of its digital policy with efficient environment and also
appropriate allocation of resources,” he digitises government services for
said. citizens and businesses for better
Prime Minister Imran Khan said that with
4. Digital Skilling and Literacy that
the introduction of the 'Digital Pakistan enables our tech graduates to
Vision', the full potential of the secure relevant jobs. A majority of
contribution of youth and the women to our tech graduates today cannot
the economy will be unleashed. compete globally because our
curriculum is outdated and barring
He said that the introduction of e-
them from monetising those skills.
governance will be essential in combatting
5. Innovation and
"the endemic of corruption which started Entrepreneurship that provides an
out at the top but with their flight to foreign enabling environment for startups
countries has now settled down in the to flourish.
lower tiers of society".
A country’s progress in digital
The tech consultant also said that Pakistan
transformation is measured using the
has more than 70 million internet users and
Information and Communication
local tech talent as well as diaspora which
Technology (ICT) framework.
has been forming tech companies for a
Broadband connectivity is a basic demands on speed, efficiency and
requirement for the digital economy and processing power. Big data and IOT will
networked society. Once that has been create huge amounts of data to be stored,
achieved, we need to look beyond processed and analysed. Pakistan must
broadband and work on the other four invest in fully secure, reliable and efficient
enablers: data centres, cloud services, big data centres if it is to digitalise its economy.
data and internet of things (IOT). Cloud services are also key enablers and are
As the foundation of the modern economy, fast becoming a mainstream model for
broadband is delivered on fibre optic building and deploying IT systems. In
Pakistan, they are essential, as most players
landlines and 3G (or newer) cellular
that are small- and medium-sized
networks; we must develop a national
enterprises cannot afford to build their own
policy and have a national broadband plan,
data centres.
which articulates a download and upload
speed for a targeted number of users. In IOT is not just a buzzword; it is one of the
addition to speed and access, price also most fertile areas for enabling digital
plays a crucial part. The average download transformation. IOT in Pakistan is in its
speed varies. Karachi leads with 3 Mbps, infancy. An example is a small power device
with Islamabad and Lahore at 1.8 Mbps. In which not only informs the amount of
terms of pricing, we are more expensive energy being consumed by each device in
than our regional partners. The your home, but in addition, using big data,
also advises how to more effectively save
comparative prices per 10 Mbps are:
energy and reduce your power bill. As
Pakistan Rs2,005, India Rs1,200 and
Pakistan is in the very early stages of big
Bangladesh Rs2,301. In terms of data usage, IOT will take time.
connectivity, Pakistan’s position is
improving. The number of smartphone The government needs to create a plan for
users is estimated at 40 million, expected to a Digital Pakistan similar to the national
grow to 80m by 2020 according to the financial inclusion strategy. The benefits of
Groupe Speciale Mobile Association. a digital economy are not limited to
However, the increase in smartphones will financial inclusion. They impact practically
not achieve the desired effect unless taxes every sector of the economy: e-health, e-
education, and e-agriculture are only a few
on data are materially reduced or
of them.
eliminated and import duties on
smartphones under Rs10,000 are
one of China’s leading internet operators,
Without big data optimisation of economic Alibaba Cloud, has been constructing 10
information, digitalisation becomes even industrial internet platforms for various
more challenging. No longer just a place for industry sectors, including textiles, clothing,
hosting IT equipment, data centres form a
food and beverage, processing, home
key part of the infrastructure for enabling
digital transformation and satisfying
appliances, electronics, and textile printing Growth is being accelerated by other major
and dyeing. investments in power and connectivity
infrastructure, technology and digital
Pakistan carried out six reforms that helped
infrastructure. Ant Financial Services,
improving its ranking from 136 to 108,
China’s biggest online payment service
according to the WB's annual flagship
provider, recently bought a 45% stake in
report, 'Ease of Doing Business 2020',
Telenor Microfinance Bank, in a deal that
released on Thursday. It turned out to be
valued the Pakistani bank at $410 million.
the sixth global reformer and first in South
Asia that brought ease in doing business in Irfan Wahab, chief executive of Telenor
the last one year. Pakistan, called the deal a “game changer”;
while Eric Jing, chief executive of Ant
he global map is being altered at a much Financial, said it would provide “inclusive
faster rate than anticipated due to the financial services in a transparent, safe, low-
disruption created by digital infrastructure, cost and efficient way to a largely unbanked
artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and underbanked population in Pakistan”.
and blockchain. Further digital and
technological disruption is now set to mend  Pakistan was ranked 110 among 141
fractures in society – leading to improved countries on the World Economic Forum
living conditions and enhanced economic (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)
empowerment. for 2019.

This disruption has given new life to e- It has been observed that populations in
commerce and the start-up scene in BRI countries with large digital and
countries. In light of the Global technological divides are fast adopters of
Competitiveness Index 4.0, it is extremely technology. China is at the forefront of
important that economies grow in all areas, developing future technologies – artificial
overcoming challenges and making intelligence, robotics, cyber and space
investment in human capital and technologies – making it a promising
innovation. Resilience and agility are key.
partner for countries along the BRI.
akistan, which is emerging from many years Fourth industrial revolution are on the way.
of the war on terror, is now on a decent
 For instance, one of the projects that is
path to progress, with economic growth of
part of CPEC is the laying of 820 kilometres
5.8% and improved investor confidence. At
of fibre-optic cable, that will connect more
the World Economic Forum in 2017, Ebay’s
Pakistanis to the digital world.
chief executive, Devin Wenig, highlighted
Pakistan as one of the fastest growing e- The impact on the economy can also be
commerce markets in the world. In 2018, significant. According to the Small and
Alibaba bought Pakistan’s largest e- Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development
commerce platform, Daraz.pk. authority, about 90 per cent of businesses
in Pakistan are SMEs that have a 40 per
cent share in the country annual gross per capita. With this indica-tor, the world
domestic product. Developments in the can be divided into three groups of
digital sector can help SMEs reach more countries – exemplarily and roughly
consumers and achieve growth. simplified – (see figure 2).

A security concern
The existing fibre optic network through 1 Western industrial economies
which Pakistan connects to the world has If we look at the current situation of GDP
been developed by a consortium that has per capita, the western industrialized
Indian companies either as partners or countries have the highest per capita
shareholders. income.
 If these countries succeed in
This is viewed as a security concern e.g. promoting the use of digital technologies,
when it comes to surveillance of they will become even more competitive.
communication. As recently as January this The result will be a further increase in GDP
year, Director General Special per capita. This includes the U.S. in
Communications Organisation (SCO) Maj particular.
Gen Amir Azeem Bajwa informed the  Those industrialized countries
National Assembly Standing Committee on that fail the digital transformation are
Information Technology that some losing competitiveness. This applies to
incoming and outbound internet traffic economically weak countries that are also
landed in India before being routed to its heavily indebted, such as Greece and
destinations, posing a security risk for possibly Italy. Ageing societies can also fall
Pakistan. into this group of countries because the
innovative power and productivity of an
ageing society tends to be lower.

Digital Economy: How does digitalization 2 Asian emerging economies

change the competitiveness of individual
economies? Many emerging Asian economies have
experienced strong economic growth over
In the future, the international the past two decades. They therefore have
competitiveness of individual economies the financial resources for digital
will depend crucially on how quickly digital transformation. This applies not only to
technologies are used in production China, but also to other Asian economies
processes. This digital transformation in such as South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand
turn depends on whether a country has the and Taiwan.
necessary resources for this transformation.

3 African developing countries

The resources available depend largely on
the level of economic development A mixed picture arises with a view of Africa:
achieved. As a rule, this is measured by the  On the one hand, African countries
level of real gross domestic product (GDP) have a young and growing population. If
these countries succeed in building a digital
infrastructure and promoting the education
sector, strong economic growth can result. The megatrend report “The Bigger Picture”
 Some of these countries may even of Bertelsmann Stiftung examines the
be able to skip a technology step. central interactions between the
Economists call this leapfrogging. For megatrends of globalization, digitalization
example, a country that does not yet have a and demographic change and their effects
landline for telephony is setting up a mobile on people’s employment and income
network and is therefore on the same
opportunities. This has direct consequences
technological level as an industrialized
for individual participation in social life and
social cohesion – and thus for the need for
 On the other hand, it becomes political action.
problematic for poor, underdeveloped
economies that have no valuable raw
materials and no access to the capital the digital economy has evolved with the
market. They are in danger of being left
underlying technology. Over the past
even further behind in economic terms
several decades, the information and
because they are losing competitiveness.
communication technology (ICT) sector has
undergone rapid development, from
Digital Economy: Changing microelectronics in the 1940s, to the birth
competitiveness and the distribution of of the computer in the 60s, the introduction
global wealth of the internet in the 90s, and most
recently, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence
The international competitiveness of a (AI) and robotics. Correspondingly, new
country is crucial for the prosperity of its sectors based on the evolving technologies
people. If an economy is competitive,
have emerged, such as e-commerce, fintech
domestic companies can sell their products
and driverless cars.
at home and abroad. This secures jobs and
generates income for employees. The G20 uses this broad concept and has
defined the digital economy as “a broad
With improved competitiveness, the range of economic activities that includes
country can produce more goods and using digitized information and knowledge
services and thus increase GDP – and GDP as the key factor of production, and modern
per inhabitant. Global prosperity is being information networks as the important
redistributed: A successful digi-tal activity space”
transformation increases people’s
prosperity. In countries that fail to do so, China ranks 50th out of 131 countries based
GDP per inhabitant falls. on the World Bank digital adoption index,
59th out of 139 countries in the World
The digital transformation of one’s own Economic Forum index, and 36th out of 62
economy thus becomes a prerequisite for in the Fletcher School digital evolution
securing and improving a country’s index
But China has become a global leader in up 14 data centers globally, with overseas
some key digital industries. cloud computing revenues growing at 400
percent. • ICT exports. Overall, China
• On e-commerce: China accounts for over
accounts for 32 percent of global ICT goods
40 percent of global transactions, and the
exports6 , and 6 percent in ICT services
penetration of e-commerce (in percent of
exports. In 2017, 11 percent of China’s ODI
total retail sales) stands now at 15 percent,
was in the ICT sector.
compared to 10 percent in the U.S
China’s success in the new digital industries
On fintech: Chinese companies account for
reflects a confluence of factors. • A
more than 70 percent of the total global
relatively large financially-underserved
valuations. The value of China’s
population: In the early days of digital
consumption-related mobile payments by
development, financial inclusion was still
individuals totaled US$790 billion in 2016,
limited in China compared to advanced
11 times that of the U.S. Related to the
economies. In 2011, account ownership
growth of this sizable market, the
among adults was 64 percent in China,
processing capacity of one of China’s largest
compared to more than 90 percent in
mobile payments providers is roughly 3
Japan, Korea and Germany7. Small and
times faster than of U.S. counterparts
medium enterprises also have limited
While still at an early stage, China’s leading access to credit via the formal banking
industries have started to have global reach channel. This resulted in sizable demand for
spanning a range of sectors, particularly in services from non-bank financial service
fintech. • Payments. China’s tech giants providers. • Government policies have
have been rapidly expanding in overseas provided a supportive environment for the
markets. Most notably, in the payment digital economy in a number of ways.
industry, Alipay and WeChat Pay, the two Investment in digital infrastructure has
popular third-party payment applications in played a particularly important role in
China, are available at physical retailers in facilitating the boom of digital industries.
28 countries and regions outside of China Reflecting continued government
for Chinese tourists. • In e-commerce, investment, the digital infrastructure has
Alibaba has set up a global platform improved significantly over the past years,
connecting sellers and buyers from more and now broadly in line with advanced
than 200 countries, with its total revenue economies8 . Also, the government has
growing by more than 200 percent. Chinese adopted light regulation at the early stage
companies have also promoted the of development to allow for innovation.
development of e-commerce and third- These efforts facilitated the boom of new
party payments in other countries by industries. Relatively limited concerns
investing in local companies, such as Pay related to data privacy by the public has
TM in India, Airwallex in Australia, and also facilitated China’s rapid digital
Lazada in South East Asia. • On cloud development.
computing, Alibaba cloud computing has set
Scale advantage and enthusiastic The degree of digitalization varies across
adopters/consumers have been a key sectors. Overall, the service sector is the
driver. China has a large base of 700 million most digitalized, with ICT contributing to 33
internet users and 282 million digital percent of the sector’s valueadded in 2017.
natives (internet users that are less than 25 The industrial sector is lagging, with ICT
years old), eager to adopt new technology. contributing 17 percent of its value-added.
By contrast, internet users in India, a The agriculture sector is the least
country with roughly the same population digitalized, with only 7 percent of
as China, is about 60 percent of China’s size digitalization. There is also substantial
in 2016, while the U.S., the current digital variation among subsectors. In services, the
leader, has less than 300 million users most ICTintensive subsectors are mostly in
reflecting a smaller population size. financial services and entertainment; In the
industrial sector, the advanced
manufacturing sector is also more
The ecosystem, developed by the so-called digitalized.
“BAT” (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) tech
There are a few channels through which
giants, capitalizes on its multi-industry
digitalization has improved efficiency •
reach and rapid accumulation of consumer
Lower transaction costs. This channel is
data to provide easy access to new products
particularly visible in the fintech industry.
and services to millions of users.
Financial transactions that had required
China has experienced rapid digitalization in visiting bank branches can now be
recent years. The size of the digital completed in seconds on mobile phones. •
economy has surged from 15 percent of Reduced information asymmetry and better
GDP in 2008 to 33 percent in 2017, mainly matched demand and supply. The eco-
driven by the integration of ICT with system established by the tech giants in
traditional sectors (text chart). Despite the China provide small suppliers with instant
emergence of various new ICT sectors, their access to a large pool of consumers. Big
overall size remains small and largely stable data analytics also reveal consumer
at around 7 percent of GDP. On the other preferences and help target service
hand, the size of digitalized traditional provision. • Enhanced production efficiency.
sectors (e.g., financial and entertainment In the manufacturing sector, automation
sectors increasingly use ICT in service has led to shorter cycle times, improved
provision, while industrial production quality and reliability.
increasingly uses robotics) has expanded
from 10 percent of GDP in 2008 to 25
percent in 2017. Based on the Fletcher Digitalization has created millions of jobs
digital adoption index, China’s speed of in the new sectors. The booming e-
digitalization is the fastest in their 62- commerce sector and the sharing economy
country sample. have become a new engine for job creation
in China. In the ecommerce sector,
Alibaba’s platform has almost 11 million services. Small businesses are easily
SMEs, which have created over 30 million connected to a large consumer base at low
jobs over the past decade. The Didi taxi cost. This has led to a shift of the market
platform (China’s Uber) is connected to 13 from dominance of big companies to the
million drivers. Employment in the ICT rising influence of small firms. 3) Oligopoly
sector has also expanded, though at a in platform industries: while barriers are
smaller scale, with 1.4 million jobs added lower in traditional sectors, they are higher
for high-skill workers in the past five years, in the new industries, especially digital
and the average wage has doubled since platforms, with only a few firms dominating
2012. the space. For example, Alibaba and
Tencent dominate the mobile payment
At the same time, millions of jobs have
sector and have branched out to other
disappeared amid digital disruption. The
parts of the financial services supply chain.
disruptive impact of digitalization on
Such structure has the advantage of
employment is mostly evident in the
economies of scale or “information scale”,
industrial sector, while the impact on the
but may also lead to price distortions if
service sector has been limited. Industrial
there is a lack of competition.
employment has fallen by 9 million since
2012, a result of overcapacity cuts, and, to a The net impact of digitalization on income
large extent, automation-driven industrial inequality is uncertain
upgrading. For example, Foxcom, a leading
ICT company, has replaced 60 thousand
workers with 40 thousand robots. In the Digitalization will likely result in industrial
service sector, the most vulnerable sector job losses going forward, but the overall
appears to be retail, given the speed of impact on employment is likely to be
digitalization there. However, despite the contained. China’s current robot intensity
surging penetration in E-commerce, the in the industrial sector is 5 percent,
growth of retail employees has been compared to 18 percent in the U.S. and 60
broadly stable percent in Korea. Automation will continue
replacing low-skilled workers as China goes
Digitalization has a profound impact on
through industrial upgrading.
market structure. There are three channels
through which digitalization has shaped Digitalization may also lead to increasing
market structure: labor market polarization: High skill, low
skill wage difference. This has been widely
1) Disintermediation: Digitalization has
observed in advanced economies in the
reduced layers of distribution, linking supply
past (text chart shows the experience of the
and demand directly through digital
U.S.). With China entering more advanced
platforms. 2) An increase of small players in
stages of digitalization, such polarization
traditional sectors: digitalization has
could also increase.
significantly lowered entry barriers in many
sectors, especially consumer goods and
Downside risks to employment emerge if usefully play an active role in retraining the
artificial intelligence is applied on a large labor force.
Strengthening the social safety net: For
Currently AI is still at an early stage of affected workers who are close to the
application, but developing rapidly. retirement age, a strong social safety net
Machine Learning, a subset of AI, is already will be important to ensure minimum living
being applied and increasingly so, standards.
particularly in the financial sector. World
Competition policy: Oligopoly is common in
Bank (2016) estimates that 77 percent of
China’s newly-emerged digital industries. It
employment in China is susceptible to
is therefore critical to promote competition
(including entry of foreign firms) and
Digitalization brings significant benefits to encourage data sharing among the
the economy, but also risks. companies.
Digitalization can boost productivity, Data privacy and consumer protection.
promote rebalancing, and create jobs in Supervisors should communicate and
new sectors. On the other hand, coordinate with relevant regulators and
digitalization could disrupt traditional authorities in charge with data and
sectors, lead to job losses, especially mid- consumer protection to enhance regulation
skill workers in the manufacturing sector. and supervision of fintech entities (Basel
Similarly, while fintech has improved Committee on Banking Supervision, 2018).
service efficiency and expanded financial
According to UN E- Govt DATA
inclusion, it also created financial stability
concerns and created new challenges for E-Government Development Index
regulation and supervision. Going forward,
Rank 153 of 193 – Pakistan Ranking -2020
continued digitalization will provide new
sources of growth, yet its impact will likely
Rank 45 of 193- China RANKING 2020
not be large enough to reverse the gradual
Rank 9 of 193 - US
downward trend of China’s potential
growth. E-Participation Index
Rank 103 of 193 – Pakistan Ranking -2020
Recommendations: Rank 9 of 193 - China RANKING 2020
The government can play a pivotal role to Rank 1 of 193 – US Ranking 2020
maximize the benefit of digitalization while
minimizing its risks. Key measures include: E-government. The government could
improve the efficiency of public services
Active labor market policy: To smooth through digitalization. The United Nation e-
labor transition, the government could government index shows the digitalization
of public services in China ranks . Above According to The Inclusive Internet Index
latest ranking 2020, Pakistan fell into the last quartile of
countries, overall ranking 76th out of 100
countries (24th out of 26 Asian countries).
Continued support for digital Besides a low level of digital literacy and
infrastructure. poor quality networks, the country also
scored poorly in the affordability
more efforts are needed to improve
indicators. Internet access in Pakistan
internet penetration in rural areas,
stands at around 35 percent, with 78 million
Education policy. Increasing focus on ICT broadband and 76 million mobile internet
education is needed in universities and (3/4G) connections.
vocational schools.
Haque further said that the government is
• More active role in setting global trying its best to provide internet facilities
standards. As a global leader in e- to people. It has set up a universal service
commerce and fintech, China could play an fund (USF), a government initiative that
active role in collaborating with other aims to extend fiber optic connectivity to
countries setting global standards on the unserved. “We have recently invested
regulating these industries, as well as on 600 million rupees in Shahdadkot and
issues related to cyber security, global Sanghar, two districts of Sindh, for the
digital standards and governance. digital infrastructure. Billions and billions
are needed to end this digital divide,”
To spur economic growth in India, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi recently  South Area - the Moon administration has
announced a $265 billion stimulus proposed spending 76 trillion won ($62
package, called the “Atmanirbhar Bharat billion) over the next five years on the
Abhiyan” (Self-Reliant India Scheme). This Korean New Deal to prepare the South
scheme amounts to roughly 10 percent of Korean economy for the future.
India’s GDP. In his address, Modi said:
The Korean New Deal is centered on two
“India’s self-reliance will be based on five
pillars – the Green New Deal and the Digital
pillars — economy, infrastructure,
New Deal. While the Green New Deal is
technology-driven system, vibrant
focused on transitioning South Korea to a
demography and demand.”
net-zero emissions economy, the Digital
Unequal access to the internet is a New Deal would lay the foundations for a
multifaceted issue; there are various digital economy that will spur economic
reasons such as infrastructure gaps, the growth and innovation.
rural and urban divide, and economic
Information and communications
inequality in Pakistan. Many impoverished
technologies (ICT) are transforming the
regions and far-flung areas of Pakistan don’t
global economy. The new digital economy
have access to the internet.
that is emerging is underpinned by
technologies such as 5G, big data, and
artificial intelligence (AI). IHS Markit The Digital New Deal would address data
estimates that by 2035 the 5G global value usability by creating a “data dam” to collect
chain will be worth $3.6 trillion  and data from public and private sources and
support 22.3 million jobs. then standardize the data so it can be
analyzed. It would also utilize 560 billion
South Korea has been a leader in 5G. It was
won ($459.2 million) to establish 15 new big
the first country to deploy 5G and leads
data platforms.
the world in coverage. LG Uplus
used Huawei’s equipment in its 5G network, An additional aspect of the Digital New Deal
but South Korea has largely been able to is a commitment to expand
avoid dependence on the Chinese firm as it digital inclusiveness. It includes 110 billion
develops its network and instead use won ($90.2 million) to build high-speed
Samsung, which is one of the internet in rural areas and increase WiFi in
world’s leading 5G equipment makers. public facilities, as well as 750 billion won
($615 million) to promote remote learning
While South Korea is at the forefront of 5G
and working solutions.
development, it trails in AI. South Korea’s AI
sector lacks competitiveness compared to In combination with the Green New Deal
countries such as the United States. It is the investments are expected to
also not among the top countries for AI create 550,000 new jobs, including 100,000
researchers or training AI researchers. In in the areas of AI and software
terms of government preparedness to programming, boosting employment and
utilize AI, Oxford Insights only ranks South better preparing South Korea to compete in
Korea 26th in the world. the digital economy of the future.
South Korea’s AI strategy also called for Indonesia's digital economy, the largest in
spending 1 trillion won ($820 million) over Asia, is valued at US$40 billion. By 2025, the
10 years to support the development of number could reach $133 billion, a leap
the AI semiconductor industry. from just $8 billion five years ago.
Maintaining this growth trajectory will be
South Korea plans to invest $2 billion by
crucial to help enable a rapid economic
2022 in strengthening AI research
rebound when the pandemic threat is over.
capabilities, including the development of
six AI graduate schools. Indonesian e-commerce itself is forecast to
reach $21 billion in total value this year, or
South Korea faces similar challenges in the
52 percent of Indonesia's current $40 billion
area of big data. While South Korea is
digital economy. By 2025, e-commerce is
among the world leaders in the production
anticipated to comprise two-thirds of the
of new data, it is unable to efficiently use
country's digital economy.
the data collected and only ranks 50th in
the world in the Coursera Global Skills Indonesia's young, growing and digitally
Index in the area of data science. savvy population have among the world's
highest social media and mobile-usage
growth rates, which are critical drivers of e- challenge of collecting unpaid debts
commerce adoption. Underpinning this is “severe”.
growth are Indonesians micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs). These How is China’s mobile internet
enterprises are crucial to the economy, and
they also comprise virtually all online economy transforming Chinese
sellers. lifestyles?
A platform like Tokopedia has over 7 million
digitized microbusinesses operating across In a profound way, the mobile internet
its platform; 86.5 percent are first-time has improved people’s lifestyle, not
entrepreneurs, and no matter the location
only in large cities, but also in remote
across the vast archipelago, the
marketplace is no longer the confines of areas. For example, mobile payment is
their desa (village). more popular – to the surprise of many
Implementation regulations for GR80 are – in China’s underdeveloped western
currently being drafted. Vital areas need
resolving to enable e-commerce to unlock regions. Among all the provinces, Tibet
opportunity and growth.  led the country in mobile payment
Indonesia's e-commerce sector is at a adoption. Obviously, for less-populated
nascent stage, with expenditure a relatively
areas without much commercial
low 3 percent of total retail, compared to
16 percent for China and 12 percent for the infrastructure, mobile e-commerce is a
United States. To capture this significant
good solution.
value, Indonesian MSMEs need simple and
clear rules. These rules should be applied
consistently and not create additional
burdens that could restrict the ability for
MSMEs to scale operations and trade.

The Indonesian economy is

transforming rapidly. A recent report
by McKinsey projects that 90 million @waqas
Indonesians will join the consumer
Bmw china 25
class by 2030.
Mb china 15
According to a “2018 Collection
Complexity Score and Rating” report Gac 15
by Euler Hermes, Indonesia ranked Tmfcn 15
seventh among countries where the
Nissan mexico – R1 15
Fait 15

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