PT Troubleshooting Checklist

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PT Exception

Investigation Worksheet
Survey Information

Survey Name: CAP No.

Date Survey Received: Date Analysis Performed:
Date Survey Results Submitted: Date Results Received:
Investigation Performed By:
Lab Director: Date:

Unacceptable Result 1
Specimen Number: Analyte:
Reported Result: Intended Result/Range:

Unacceptable Result 2
Specimen Number: Analyte:
Reported Result: Intended Result/Range:

Unacceptable Result 3
Specimen Number: Analyte:
Reported Result: Intended Result/Range:

Unacceptable Result 4
Specimen Number: Analyte:
Reported Result: Intended Result/Range:

Unacceptable Result 5
Specimen Number: Analyte:
Reported Result: Intended Result/Range:

Evaluation of Possible Sources of Error

Clerical YES NO N/A

Was the result correctly transcribed from the instrument read-out or report?
Was the correct instrument/method/reagent reported on the result form?
Do the units of measure match between the result form and the instrument results?
Is the decimal place correct?
Does the result reported on the result form match the result found on the proficiency testing
evaluation report?
A response of “No” to any of these questions may indicate a clerical error. Although reporting of proficiency testing results
is unlike those for patient results, clerical errors may indicate a need for additional staff training, review of instructions
provided with the proficiency testing, addition of a second reviewer, or investigation of the reporting format provided by the
testing device. If results reported on the result form do not match the results found on the evaluation report, please
contact your proficiency testing provider.
5607 November 2015
Procedural YES NO N/A
Was the written procedure followed?
Were the reagents prepared according to procedure?
Were the reagents within their open stability acceptable range?
Were Quality Control results acceptable and without bias?
Were microscopic examinations interpreted correctly?
Was culture media stored per manufacturer's instructions?
Was staining performed and interpreted correctly?
Were dilutions performed correctly?
Were calculations performed correctly?

A response of “No” to any of these questions may indicate a procedural error. These errors indicate inappropriate
operation of equipment or performance of a method. A review of the instructions provided with the proficiency testing
material and/or review of laboratory procedures may be required.

Analytical YES NO N/A

Was the most recent calibration acceptable and within established stability limits at the time
proficiency testing was performed?
Does a review of the past proficiency testing results indicate evenly distributed data without bias?
Was the intended result within the measuring range for the instrument?
Was instrument maintenance performed on schedule?
Does a review of records indicate that there were no related instrument/test problems noted prior
to or after the proficiency testing was performed?
A response of “No” to any of these questions may indicate an analytical error. These types of errors could indicate a
failure to follow recommended instrument maintenance and calibration.
Specimen Handling YES NO N/A

Were Survey specimens reconstituted as indicated in the Kit Instructions?

Were Survey specimens stored as indicated in the Kit Instructions?
Were any special instructions provided in the Kit Instructions performed as indicated?
Were the correct tests performed on the correct vial of proficiency testing material?
A response of “No” to any of these questions may indicate a specimen handling error. These types of errors could indicate
a failure to read the material provided with the Surveys materials.
PT Material YES NO N/A
Was proficiency testing material received in the laboratory within an appropriate time after
Were proficiency testing materials received at the appropriate temperature?
Were stability limits exceeded?
Were your results graded in the appropriate peer group based on the method reported on the
result form?
A response of “No” to any of these questions may indicate a problem with the PT material. If a delay in receipt of material
in the laboratory is an issue, contact your in-house receivables department to ensure timely receipt of Surveys after arrival
in your institution. If you believe your result was compared to an inappropriate peer group, verify the method reported on
the result form. Contact your proficiency testing provider for additional information if needed.

5607 November 2015

For additional assistance in troubleshooting unacceptable performance, review the following documents or contact your
instrument/method manufacturer.
Troubleshooting Guide for Proficiency Testing Data. Available at . Accessed January 26, 2011.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Using Proficiency Testing to Improve the Clinical Laboratory;
Approved Guideline – Second Edition. CLSI document GP27-A2. 2007.


Corrective action documentation:


5607 November 2015

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