Final Accounts of Banking Companies (Problem 4)

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Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2018

Particulars Schedul Amt

e No
Capital & Liabilities
Capital 1 200000
Reserves & Surplus 2 260000
Deposits 3 980000
Borrowings 4 NIL
Other Liabilities & Provisions 5 120000

Total 1560000

Cash & Balance with RBI 6 200000
Balance with banks and Money at call and short notice 7 100000
Investments 8 600000
Advances 9 300000
Fixed assets 10 360000
Other assets 11 NIL

Total 1560000

Contingent Liabilities 12 40000

Bills for collection `

Schedule 1 : Capital

Particulars Amt
1) Authorised capital 300000
2) Paid up and subscribed cap 200000

Schedule 2 : Reserves & Surplus

Particulars Amt
Reserve fund 200000
Current year profit 80000
(-) Unexpired discount on 20000 60000
Bill discounted
Schedule 3 : Deposits

Particulars Amt
Current account 280000
Fixed dep 480000
Saving bank dep 220000

Schedule 4: Borrowings

Particulars Amt

Schedule 5: Other liabilities & provisions

Particulars Amt
Bills payable 100000
Unexpired discount on bill disc 20000

Schedule 6 : Cash and Balance with RBI

Particulars Amt
Cash in hand and at bank 200000

Schedule 7 : Balance with banks and money at call and short notice

Particulars Amt
Money at call and short notice 100000
Schedule 8: Investments

Particulars Amt
Investments 600000

Schedule 9 : Advances

Particulars Amt
Bill discounted and purchased 80000
Loans 160000
Cash credit 60000

Schedule 10 : Fixed assets

Particulars Amt
Furniture 60000
Building 300000

Schedule 11: Other assets

Particulars Amt

Schedule 12 : Contingent liabilities

Particulars Amt
Acceptances & endorsement for 40000

Discount on bill discounted – sch 13

5000 – 500 = 4500

1st feb – 30 th april

Cy – 2months

Ny – 1 month - april

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