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good food manufacturing practices

Chapter · December 2018


2 authors:

Puja Dudeja Amarjeet Singh

Armed Forces Medical Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

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Puja Dudeja, Amarjeet Singh

Food processing in not a recent phenomenon.

potentially harmful to the consumer. But in
Processing of food dates back to the
due course of time these became popular
prehistoric ages when raw food items were
around the world. In 1864, Louis Pasteur
subjected to fermenting, sun drying,
gave the method of pasteurization which
preserving with salt, and various types of
con- tributed to improved quality of
cooking such as roasting. There is
preserved foods. This was the beginning for
archeological evidence of salt-
wine, beer, and milk preservation. After the
preservation for foods that constituted
second world war there were advances in
warrior and sailors’ diets until the
food processing area like spray drying,
introduction of canning. Processing methods
juice concentrates, freeze drying and the
like making of pickles (using high salt
introduction of artificial sweeteners,
solution), morraba (using high sugar colouring agents, and such preservatives
solution), chutneys, drying grapes as as sodium benzoate. In the late 20th century,
kishmish, dried dates, etc. have been common products such as dried instant soups,
practices in Indian households. These tried reconstituted fruits and juices, and self
and tested processing techniques cooking meals were developed.
continued until the advent of the industrial With the modernization forces in full
revolution. Examples of ready-meals also swing in Western countries there was a
date back to the preindustrial revolution pursuit of convenience foods. The marketing
period. Both during ancient times and in strategies of food processing companies
today’s modern society these are targeted the middle-class working wives
considered as processed foods. and mother with frozen foods. These had the
Modern food processing technology was benefits of being free from toxins, had ease
developed in the 19th and 20th centuries as a of cooking, trans- portation, and less
solution to diet and nutrition related susceptibility to early spoilage than fresh
problems of military personnel. In 1809, foods and increased food consistency. As
Nicolas Appert invented a hermetic bottling these food had a long shelf life they have
technique that would preserve food for contributed to the success of long voyages.
French troops which ultimately led to the The processing industry also contributed
development of tinning, and later canning in immensely to a variety of foods. This
1810 by Peter Durand. Initially these foods brought a paradigm shift in the diet of
were expensive. Also the lead used in cans people from
made the canned goods

130 Food Safety Implementation: Farm to Fork

Good Manufacturing Practices
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 131

traditional to modern diet. Food

could manage her time better by fulfill her
consumption patterns changed from fresh,
duty of providing food to all the members of
unprocessed, unbranded food products to
the family in less time. They want to spend
processed, packaged and branded products.
less time in kitchen. The increasing
The concept of convenience of foods was
prevalence of nuclear families, rising
introduced which gradually became an
disposable income, more bachelors staying
important feature of modern diet.
away from home for work have also
Convenience foods are processed foods,
contributed to rise in consumption of
which are so prepared and designed that
processed foods in our country.
they provide ease of preparation and
consumption. Though meals served in a More convenience has been added to such
restaurant do meet this definition, never- foods by offering home delivery/doorstep
theless, the term is seldom applied to them. delivery by supermarkets for such products
Convenience foods include prepared foods reducing the gap between the shelves of
such as ready-to-eat foods, frozen foods supermarkets and our refrigerators.
prepared mixes such as idli, upma, vada Revolution in packaging industry like
mix, etc. The types of convenience foods can retort packages have made it possible for
vary by country and geographic region. In Indians who go abroad forshort term
simple words they typically cost more assignments or those who are settled there
money and less time compared to home to take these packages along. These
cooking. Some examples of these foods provide them with Indian food at lesser
which have flooded the supermarkets are price as the restaurants serving Indian
beverages such as soft drinks, juices and foods are quite expensive abroad.
milk; fast food; nuts, fruits and vegetables in Indian Processed food industry has been
fresh or preserved states; processed meats divided into two main segments
and cheeses; and canned products such as • Regional Indian Processed food like
soups and pasta dishes, frozen pizza, potato MTR, Kohinoor foods, ITC, Haldiram,
chips cookies. Tasty Bites, Priya. These make rice
dishes like (Bisibele Bhath, Rajma Chawal,
With improved long distance transpor-
tation, this modern diet was available all Sambar Rice Jeera Rice), soups, ready to eat
around the world. Transportation of more south Indian dishes like (Avial, Kesari
exotic foods gives the modern eater easy Bhath, Khara Bhath), north Indian dishes
access to a wide variety of food like ( Alu Mutt ar, Chana Masala, Dal
unimaginable to their ancestors. Fry, Dal Makhani , Navatan Kurma,
Indian lifestyle has also undergone many Paneer Buttar Masala ), Frozen Foods
changes. Today Indian households too (Masala Dosa, Alu Curry Rava Idli, Punjabi
welcome food with convenience in cooking Chole, Paratha Palak, Paneer), Instant
and purchase. This is the result of both Sweet Mixes (Gulab Jamun), Ver- micelli
working women culture in present society and Instant Snacks.
coupled with increased and easy availability • Multinational Companies (MNCs) like
of processed and convenience foods. Use of Quaker (oats), Kellogs (corn flakes)
processed foods benefitted the working Over the past few years processed food
couples. It gave free time for the working market has been able to construct a huge
lady which she could spent with her family consumer base in urban India. In India urban
which she would otherwise spent in people nowadays are cooking less traditional
kitchen. She
132 Food Safety Implementation: Farm to Fork

food less frequently. Members of the family introduce a number of contamination risks.
are often eating processed food, e.g. the Ministry of Food Processing, Government of
breakfast menu has changed from prantha, India is responsible for looking after Food
subzi, puri, milk, etc. to oats, cornflakes, Processing Sector. This sector includes the
museli, processed cheese, sandwich spreads, food processors, suppliers of equipment, raw
juices, etc. Even during lunch hours the materials, ingredients, packing materials,
chhole kulche sold by the street vendor has processing aids, pestcides, fertilisers and
become a regular feature. cleaning chemicals. However, it does not
The processed food industry is the fastest include primary production, transportation,
growing industry in India and is expected to storage and retail. It has divided food
be the world’s largest food factory in the proces- sing units into various subsectors
times to come. However, there are many (Fig. 16.1).
food safety concerns of processed food. For
Food Processing Industry
example, use of food additives. The health
risks of any given additive vary greatly from To ensure safety of during processing Good
person to person, use of sweeteners, Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) have been
preservatives, stabilizers are permitted only defined. These are referred to as practices
at specified levels for use in food products and procedures performed by a food
which if not strictly adhered to can cause processor which can affect the safety food
harm to the consumer. product. GMPs refer to the people,
Food processing is typically a mechanical equipment, process and the environment
process that utilizes large mixing, grinding, in the production process. It is a term
chopping and emulsifying equipment in the that is recognized worldwide for the
production process. These processes control and management of manufacturing,
inherently testing and overall quality

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 133






control of food and pharmaceutical products.
Organization needs to ensure that those who
The focus of GMP is primarily at
come directly or indirectly into contact with
diminishing the risks inherent in any food
food do not contaminate the food product
or pharm- aceutical production. These were
being manufactured in the plant. Their
first given by US Food and Drug
personal hygiene behavior and method of
Administration. The various components of
operating should comply with the
GMP are given in Fig. 16.2.
instructions issued to them.
Food handlers need to maintain a high
degree of personal cleanliness and, where
appropriate, wear suitable protective
clothing, head covering, and footwear.
Cuts and wounds, where personnel are
permitted to continue working, shall be
covered by suitable waterproof dressings.
Personnel shall always wash and disinfect
their hands when personal cleanliness may
affect food safety.
It is mandatory that annual medical check
up of workers is carried out and records are
maintained. People known, or suspected, to
be suffering from, or to be a carrier of a
disease or illness likely to be transmitted
through food, shall not be allowed to enter
Fig. 16.2: Components of GMP any food handling area if there is a
likelihood of their contaminating food. Any
Hygiene of Staff person so affected shall immediately report
Product information and consumer illness or symptoms of illness to the
awareness GMPs have been developed to management. In case a staff member in food
reduce the risk of contamination in the food operations is suffering from
processing sector. The design, jaundice/diaorrhea/vomiting/fever/sore
documentation and imple- mentation of throat with fever/visibly infected skin
an organisation’s GMPs are influenced by lesions (boils, cuts, etc.)/discharges from the
the specific needs of the products ear, eye or it shall be reported to
handled and the processes emp- loyed. management. The concerned officials may
GMPs is a set of procedures which if adopted then examine any need for medical
and implemented in true spirit will lead to examination and/or possible exclusion from
production of safe and wholesome foods. food handling can be con- sidered.
The various components of GMP are Vaccination of food handlers against typhoid
described in succeeding paragraphs. is recommended as a good practice for the
food handlers. People engaged in food
Hygiene of Staff handling activities shall refrain from
Hygiene of all the personnel carrying out behavior, which could result in
activities in the food processing/manu- contamination of food. For example,
facturing plant has a impact on the food smoking, spitting, chewing or eating, and
safety. sneezing or coughing over unprotected
food. Personal items as jewellery, watches,
pins, flowers or other items shall not

be worn or brought into food handling areas

if they pose a threat to the safety and sui- • The nature of the food and in particular
tability of food. Visitors to food manu- its ability to sustain growth of pathogenic
facturing, processing or handling areas shall, or spoilage, micro-organisms. For
where appropriate, wear protective clothing example, curd is more susceptible than
and adhere to the other personal hygiene tinned fruits
provisions. • The manner in which the food is handled
and packed, including the probability of
Training of Staff contamination. For example, whether
All the staff working in the unit shall have direct contact with hands is required in
adequate and appropriate education, the process or it is fully automatic and a
training and skill about the plant operations closed process
with a special emphasis on critical points • The extent and nature of processing or
where food safety can be compromised. It is further preparation before final con-
of utmost importance that extra attention is sumption. For example, using a mix for
paid for training of those personnel who making idli will undergo cooking as
come directly or indirectly into contact with compared to curd/ice-cream, which are
food. ready to be consumed.
To ensure that this aspect of GMPs is in • The conditions under which the food will
place, the management must identify the be stored, e.g. Storage of ready to eat pac-
training needs of personnel whose activities kets can be done in the storage area at
have an impact on food safety and quality. room temperature as compared to frozen
Apart from conducting training periodic foods which require strict temperature
assessments of the effectiveness of training control.
and instruction, is essential. Routine • The expected length of time before con-
supervision and checks during working sumption, e.g. storage of tetra packs can
hours can ensure that methods learnt during be done for months at room temperature
training are being implemented as compared to curd/yogurt which need
effectively. It is necessary that the to be consumed within a specified
personnel are aware of the relevance and duration.
importance of their individual activities in
contributing to GMP system. All personnel Food Safety Implications of Lack of
shall be aware of their role and Hygiene and Training of Staff
responsibility in protecting food from Laxity in hygienic practices of food handler
contamination or deterioration. Apart from in a food processing plant is one of the
food handlers those individuals who handle leading causes of food contamination. The
strong cleaning chemical or other potentially main challenge here is to motivate
hazardous chemicals ought to be trained in employees to comply with hygienic
safe handling techniques. practices. Training is an important step but
It is the job of the management to ensure is often not enough to ensure employee
that training programmes are routinely compliance. There are wide gaps in training
reviewed and updated where necessary. and implementation. Various
Records of all training and related actions methodologies can be adopted to ensure
should be maintained. The kind and level of employee compliance. For example, using a
training depends upon following factors: CCTV to check hand washing practices by
employees, use of thumb sensors at hand
washing area to cross check number of times
hand washed by a particular employee.
the identification, storage, protection, ret-
Other indirect methods are counting
rieval, retention time and disposition of
number of soaps/amount of liquid
soap/number of towels dispensed by the
For example, for cleaning of the establish-
end of the day. In case sophisticated gadgets
ment and equipment following records shall
are not applicable, a strict monitoring of all
be maintained.
workers by a senior employee can serve the
purpose. To ensure compliance a strict action i. Areas, items of equipment and utensils
against defaulters to set an example can to be cleaned,
make the employees understand that there ii. Responsibility for particular tasks
is no scope of com- placency in hygienic iii. Method and frequency of cleaning and
iv. Monitoring arrangements.
Effective training is crucial to ensure that
sanitation standards are met. The problem Food Safety Implications of Lack of Correct
here is that outside agencies conducting Documentation
training for employees are generic in app- Documentation in every aspect of the
roach. The content of training needs to be process, activities, and operations
customized and tailor made to suit that involved with manufacture of the food
particular manufacturing unit. Other impedi- product is a handy mechanism in ensuring
ments to effective training might include safety of food. It not only works as a
training the wrong people, not training preventive tool but also helps in pinpointing
enough people, or not providing enough where things went wrong and fixing
training. accountability.
Documentation Requirements for GMP In case a manufacturing unit udergoes
plant renovations, it is vital here that various
The GMP policy of the manufacturing unit
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are
along with the related objectives is an
revised and documented alongside. For
essential document in case the
example, if a new equipment is installed then
manufacturing unit has adopted GMP
the number of mops/time allotted for
practices. The policy document is expected
cleaning the plant should increase
to have the details of various processes,
production system and operation of the unit.
It is required that any change proposed in Infrastructure Requirements for GMP
the food manufacturing system is reviewed
by the GMP experts of the unit prior to Food safety risks in a manufacturing unit
depend upon the nature of the food item and
implementation to determine its effect on
the process which are undertaken. The
food safety system. The relevant versions of
management needs to make certain that the
GMP documents should be available at
premises, equipment and facilities shall be
various points of use in the unit.
located, designed and constructed to ensure
Records shall be established and main- that contamination is minimized. The design
tained to provide evidence of conformity to
and layout of equipment should permit
requirements and evidence of the effective
appropriate maintenance and prevent cross
operation of the GMP system. Records shall
contamination. There shall be a
remain legible, readily identifiable and
unidirectional flow of process and materials.
retrievable. A documented procedure shall
The surfaces and materials, in particular
be established to define the controls needed
those in contact with food, should be non-
toxic and durable.
Appropriate facilities for light, temperature,
humidity , pest management ensure smooth • Floors should be constructed to allow
implementation of GMP. adequate drainage and cleaning,
• Ceilings and overhead fixtures should be
Location of Manufacturing Unit constructed and finished to minimize the
Food Manufacturing unit should ideally be build up of dirt and condensation, and the
located away from environmentally polluted shedding of particles,
areas and industrial activities which pose a • Windows should be easy to clean, be con-
serious threat of contamination of food; structed to minimize the build up of dirt
harborage of pests and accumulation of and where necessary, be fitted with
wastes. Wherever the unit is located effective removable and cleanable insect-proof
measures shall be taken to prevent conta- screens. Where necessary, windows
mination from neighbouring surroundings. should be fixed, doors should have
smooth, non- absorbent surfaces, and be
Food Safety Implications of an Unclean Location easy to clean and, where necessary,
In case the surrounding areas of a food- • Doors between external environment and
manufacturing unit are filthy there ought to the production areas should be provided
be breeding of flies, presence bad odour and with air curtains or suitable means to
occurrence of pests. All these in vicinity can prevent entry of air from the external
affect the safety of food in the plant. environment into the production area,
Premises and Rooms: Design and Layout • Working surfaces that come into direct
The internal design and layout of food contact with food should be in sound
establishments shall permit good food condition, durable and easy to clean,
hygiene practices between and during main- tain and disinfect. They should be
operations by foodstuffs. There shall be made of smooth, non-absorbent
smooth flow of material during production materials, and inert to the food, to
to prevent cross contamination between detergents and disin- fectants under
products. normal operating condi- tions.
Structures within food establishments • Potable water (IS 10500) and effective
shall be built of durable materials and be waste disposal system shall be provided.
easy to maintain, clean and where
appropriate, able to be disinfected. In Equipment
particular the following specific conditions The main objective of good manufacturing
should be satisfied, where necessary, to practices related to equipment are to ensure
protect the safety and suitability of food: that:
• The surfaces of walls, partitions and floors  Harmful or undesirable micro-organisms
should be made of impervious materials or their toxins are eliminated or reduced
with nontoxic effect in intended use, to safe levels or their survival and growth
are effectively controlled and
• Walls and partitions should have a
smooth surface up to a height appropriate  Temperature and other conditions neces-
to the operation, sary to food safety and suitability can be
rapidly achieved and maintained.
Equipment shall be so located that it
permits adequate maintenance and cleaning
to prevent cross contamination. It should
around doors, and on-off valves and
function in accordance with its intended use
switches. Identification of niches in a
and facilitate good hygiene practices,
manufacturing unit needs to be done by
including monitoring. Equipment and con-
an experienced and dedicated employee
tainers (other than once-only use containers
with an indepth understanding of the
and packaging) coming into contact with
equip- ment and food contact surfaces.
food, shall be designed and constructed to
Micro- biological sampling of the
ensure that, where necessary, they can be
environment and equipment can detect a
adequately cleaned, disinfected and
niche. Further, sanitary equipment design
maintained to avoid the contamination of
can also help prevent niches. Proper
food. Equipment and containers shall be
maintenance to keep equipment parts
made of materials with no toxic effect in
from providing potential niches is also
intended use. Where necessary, equipment
essential. If the equipment are located
shall be durable and movable or capable of
too close to each other or too close to the
being disassembled to allow for
wall then also proper cleanliness cannot
maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, moni-
toring and, for example, to facilitate
Good hygienic design of equipment
inspection for pests.
pre- vents or minimizes
Equipment used to cook, heat treat, cool, microbiological contamination of food.
store or freeze food shall be designed to The materials used for food processing
achieve the required food temperatures as equipment should be easily cleanable. For
rapidly as necessary in the interests of food effective cleaning and sanitation, all
safety and suitability, and maintain them parts of the equipment should be
effectively. Such equipment shall also be readily accessible. Another way to
designed to allow temperatures to be moni- improve equipment hygiene is by ap-
tored and controlled. Where necessary, such plying antimicrobial coatings on equip-
equipment shall have effective means of ment parts.
controlling and monitoring humidity, air-
flow and any other characteristic likely to  Reactive rather than routine/predictive main-
have a detrimental effect on the safety, tenance: Most of the times the maintenance
quality or suitability of food. programmes are a knee jerk reaction to a
breakdown. They are reactive in nature,
Food Safety Implications i.e. “run it ‘til it breaks.” Reactive main-
tenance can result in food contamination
 In case the design of building or of equip-
ment is not suitable then niche environ- before a failure is identified. If regular
ments can develop. These are sites within maintenance of equipment is not done
the manufacturing environment where then niches can develop or controls can
bacteria can get established, multiply, and become defective. For example, tea/coffee
contaminate the food processed. These vending machines. It is recommended
sites may be impossible to reach and clean that they are thoroughly cleaned at the
with normal cleaning and sanitizing end of the day.
procedures. For example, hollow rollers Containers for Waste and Inedible
on chapatti conveyors, the spaces Substances
between close-fitting metal-to-metal or
For making good manufacturing practices
metal-to- plastic parts, worn or cracked
work it is mandatory that containers for
rubber seals
waste, by-products and inedible or
substances, shall be specifically identifiable,
suitably constructed and, where appropriate, Food Safety Implications
made of impervious material. Inadequate drainage can lead to breeding of
Containers used to hold dangerous sub- pests and hence affect food safety.
stances shall be identified and, where appro-
priate, be lockable to prevent malicious or Air Quality and Ventilation
accidental contamination of food. Adequate means of natural or mechanical
ventilation shall be provided in the manu-
Food Safety Implications
facturing unit. Ventilation systems shall be
If containers with hazards materials/waste designed and constructed so that air does not
are not identifiable easily then unintentional flow from contaminated areas to clean areas
mixing/cross contamination with food can and. Ventilation should be provided in
take place compromising food safety. particular to:
Facilities (Water Supply)  Minimize air-borne contamination of
An adequate supply of potable water with food, for example, from aerosols and
appropriate facilities for its storage, dis- conden- sation droplets,
tribution and temperature control, shall be  Control ambient temperatures,
available whenever necessary to ensure the  Control odours which might affect the
safety and suitability of food. Potable water suitability of food, and
shall be as specified in the latest edition of
 Control humidity, where necessary, to
Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (IS
ensure the safety and suitability of food.
10500) or water of a higher standard or as
specified by applicable statutory or Food Safety Implications
regulatory requirement. Non-potable water
Adequate ventilation will help to control
(for use in, for example, fire control, steam
high humidity conditions. This will make
production, refrigeration and other similar
the working environment comfortable for
purposes where it would not contaminate
the workers inside the manufacturing unit.
food), shall have a separate system. Non-
In such a well ventilated comfortable
potable water systems shall be identified
area workers are less likely to sweat or
and shall not connect with, or allow reflux
touch body parts and hence less chances of
into, potable water systems.
contamination of food.
Food Safety Implications
Mixing of potable and non-potable water can
lead to cross contamination and hence Adequate natural or artificial lighting shall
compromised food safety. be provided to enable the undertaking to
operate in a hygienic manner. Where
Other Facilities necessary, lighting shall not be such that the
Adequate drainage and waste disposal resulting colour is misleading. The intensity
systems and facilities shall be provided. shall be adequate to the nature of the
They shall be designed and constructed so operation. Lighting fixtures shall, where
that the risk of pest ingress contaminating appropriate, be protected to ensure that
food processing area or the potable water food is not conta- minated by breakages. It is
supply is avoided. recommended that there shall be lighting of
following intensity in various areas:
a. 500 lux (minimum) in working area
debris from surfaces, applying a detergent
b. 110 lux (minimum) in storage rooms solution to loosen soil and bacterial film and
c. 600 lux (minimum) in inspection areas. hold them in solution or suspension. This
shall be followed by rinsing with water, to
Food Safety Implications remove loosened soil and residues of
It is difficult for the workers to identify any detergent. Some processes are dry wherein
foreign material like metal fragments, entry of water can cause spoilage/infections
flaking plaster, paint, debris, etc. in an and therefore need dry methods of cleaning
environment without adequate lighting. such as flushing with sugar or salt, after
brushing down or vacuum cleaning to
Maintenance, Cleaning and Sanitation remove carry over flavours. Disinfection
The food manufacturing unit shall establish can be by use of alcohol based non-toxic
effective systems to: microstat/cidals.
a. Ensure adequate and appropriate main- Cleaning and disinfection programmes
tenance and cleaning, shall ensure that all parts of the
b. Control pests establishment are appropriately clean, and
shall include the cleaning of cleaning
c. Manage waste equipment. These proce- dures shall be
d. Monitor effectiveness of maintenance and continually and effectively monitored for
sanitation procedures their suitability and effective- ness and
Establishments and equipment shall be documented.
kept in an appropriate state of repair and Food Safety Implications
condition to facilitate all sanitation
procedures. Cleaning shall remove food Biofilms are a serious food safety hazard in
any manufacturing unit. These occur when
residues and dirt, which may be a source of
bacteria form a slime layer upon a surface
contamination. The necessary cleaning
and provide an environment for pathogens
methods and materials will depend on the
to proliferate. This adhesion of
nature of the food business. At certain places
pathogenic bacteria to a biofilm is a
disinfection may be necessary after cleaning.
microbial safety hazard because the biofilm
Cleaning chemicals shall be handled and
can detach and become a significant source
used carefully and in accordance with
of food conta- mination. This can be handled
manu- facturers’ instructions and stored,
by cleaning to remove biofilms. However,
where necessary, separated from food, in
attached bacteria may survive conventional
clearly identified containers to avoid the
cleaning methods. Most of the times there is
risk of contaminating food.
a mind set to take the cleaning step lightly in
Cleaning shall be carried out by the routine thinking that the next step of
separate or the combined use of physical sanitizing will take care of all pathogens.
methods, such as heat, scrubbing, turbulent Hence, adequate cleaning preferably
flow, vacuum cleaning or other methods that scrubbing prior to sanitizing is of
avoid the use of water, and chemical paramount importance to control this
methods using detergents, alkalis or acids. problem. Another method to tackle this issue
Cleaning procedures should involve is coating drains and equipment parts with
removing gross antimicrobial material can counteract
biofilms. However, this does not eliminate
the need for proper cleaning and sanitizing.
Older Equipment
Effective cleaning is paramount to the likelihood of infestation and thereby
controlling allergen contamination. As we limit the need for pesticides.
learnt under microbial hazards all parts of Buildings shall be kept in good repair and
the equipment should be readily accessible condition to prevent pest access and to
and visible for cleaning and sanitation. eliminate potential breeding sites. Holes,
Further, equipment surfaces should not drains and other places where pests are
harbor allergens. Thus, sanitary equipment likely to gain access shall be kept sealed.
design is necessary to ensure proper Animals shall, wherever possible, be
removal of allergens from equipment. excluded from the grounds of factories and
food processing plants. It is recommended
Poorly Maintained Equipment and Lines to guard openings like windows, exhaust
Pieces of equipment can break off and enter fans with fly-proof mesh and provide
food products during processing if double doors or fix strip curtains or air
equipment is poorly maintained. Routine or curtains on entrance.
preventive maintenance and other periodic
The availability of food and water encour-
checks of equipment can minimize the risk
ages pest harbourage and infestation.
from this safety issue. Risk is further
Potential food sources shall be stored in pest-
minimized with the use of metal detectors
proof containers and/or stacked above the
and X-ray machi- nery. Proper calibration of
ground and away from walls. Areas both
equipment and minimizing contact
inside and outside food premises shall be
between pieces of machinery is also
kept clean. Where appropriate, refuse shall
be stored in covered, pest-proof containers.
Lighting Fixture/Other Glass Breakage Establishments and surrounding areas
Glass can be controlled by having a glass shall be regularly examined for evidence
breakage policy, such as throwing away all of infestation. Pest infestations shall be dealt
food and containers within 10 feet of the with immediately and without adversely
incident. Light fixtures can be protected so affecting food safety or suitability.
that if they break, the glass does not spill out. Treatment with chemical, physical or
Capping equipment should be properly biological agents suitable for use in food and
calibrated and lines should be monitored for beverage industry shall be carried out
evidence of glass breakage. X-ray technology without posing a threat to the safety or
can also be helpful in identifying glass pieces suitability of food. All Chemicals used for
in food. Pest Control or Cleaning/Sanitation shall be
supported by “Material Safety Data Sheets
Pest Control Systems (MSDS)”.
Pests pose a major threat to the safety and
Waste Management
suitability of food. Pest infestations can occur
where there are breeding sites and a supply Suitable provision shall be made for the
of food. Good hygiene practices shall be removal and storage of waste. Waste shall
employed to avoid creating an environment not be allowed to accumulate in food
conducive to pests. Good sanitation, handling, food storage, and other working
inspection of incoming materials and good areas and the adjoining environment. Waste
monitoring shall be implemented to stores shall be kept appropriately isolated
minimize and clean and regularly inspected. Waste
bins used should be self closing with foot-
operated lids
Sanitation systems shall be monitored for
Raw material shall be used in first-
effectiveness, periodically verified by means
in/first- out (FIFO) and FEFO basis
such as audit preoperational inspections or,
according to plant specified product
where appropriate, microbiological sampling
rotation/inventory control schedule. Raw
of environment and food contact surfaces
material shall be stored at temperatures
and regularly reviewed and adapted to
that maintain product condition. Frozen
reflect changed circumstances.
material to be kept frozen if required. The
Personal Hygiene Facilities and Toilets package pallet integrity must be maintained
throughout storage period to maintain
Personal hygiene facilities shall be available condition of material. Product identity in
to ensure that an appropriate degree of storage should allow for in plant tracking
personal hygiene can be maintained and to system.
avoid contaminating food. Such facilities
All food products shall be accompanied
shall be suitably located and should include:
by or bear adequate information to enable
 Adequate means of hygienically washing the next person in the food chain to
and drying hands, including wash basins handle, display, store, prepare and use the
and a supply of hot and cold (or suitably product safely and correctly. Flow diagrams
temperature controlled) water, and shall be prepared for the products or process
 Lavatories of appropriate hygienic design; catego- ries covered by the GMP system.
and adequate changing facilities for Flow diagrams shall provide a basis for
personnel. evaluating the possible occurrence, increase
Product Information and Consumer Awareness
or introd- uction of food safety hazards.
The characteristics of end fod products
The organization shall determine require- shall be described in documents to the
ments for delivery and post-delivery extent needed to ensure safe and quality
activities, statutory and regulatory food including information on the
requirements related to the product. All raw following as appropriate product name or
material, ingredients and product-contact similar identi- fication, composition,
materials shall be suitable so as to meet food biological, chemical and physical hazard
safety requirements. specification and allergens relevant for food
As per specifications of incoming material, safety, intended shelf life and storage
those known to contain parasites, conditions.
undesirable micro-organisms, pesticides or The packaging design and materials shall
other toxic, decomposed, extraneous matter, provide adequate protection for products to
which would not be reduced to acceptable minimize contamination, prevent damage
levels through sorting and or processing, and accommodate appropriate labelling.
shall not be accepted. All incoming The material shall be non-toxic so as not to
material shall be inspected and sorted pose a threat to safety and suitability of food
before processing. Where necessary, under the specified conditions of storage and
laboratory tests shall be made to establish use. Where appropriate, reusable packaging
fitness for use. Stocks shall be subject to shall be suitably durable and easy to clean
effective stock rotation. All records in and disinfect where necessary,
respect of raw materials shall be maintained.
Rejected material if required, be stored away Control of Operations
from accepted material. Food business operators shall produce food
as per its specification and reduce the risk of
unsafe food by ensuring control of
operations. Apart from building design and using dropped fruit, removing damaged
equipment process controls needs to be fruit, and washing/brushing fruit prior to
established. For example, temperature proces- sing or by pasteurization. These are
control. Based on the nature of food important in industries like pickle and juice
operations undertaken adequate industry.
facilities shall be available for heating, Many pathogens, like E. coli and
cooling, refrigeration and freezing food, for Salmonella, enter the food processing
storing refrigerated or frozen foods, environment through raw materials
monitoring food temperatures and when contaminated with those pathogens.
necessary, controlling ambient temperatures Manufacturing units which use animal-
to ensure safety and suitability of food. derived products or products at risk of cross-
Temperature recording devices shall be contamination by animal feces are more at
calibrated at stipulated intervals. Specific risk. Such hazards can be minimized by
process steps which may contribute to food minimizing the risks of raw material
hygiene are chilling, thermal processing, contamination (i.e., ensuring that raw
irradiation, drying, chemical preservation, material suppliers comply with good
and vacuum or modified atmosphere agricultural practices) and others (i.e.
packaging. irradiation, pasteuri- zation. In case of meat
or poultry chilling of raw material, Spray-
Prevention of Microbiological Cross washing/warm water wash, steam
Contamination vacuuming/pasteurization, feed ingredient
Raw unprocessed food shall be effectively control spraying of chicks, use of starter
separated either physically or by time, from culture can be done. For dairy products
ready to eat foods, with effective pasteurization is a fool proof method to
intermediate cleaning and where appropriate eliminate any kind of contamination. Vege-
disinfection. Access to processing areas may tables and fruits can be washed with chlorine
need to be restricted or controlled. Where water/ozone treatment/scrubbing to remove
risks are particularly high, access to such contaminants. In case of eggs shell pasteuri-
processing area shall be made through a zation/washing/spraying of chicks/feed
changing facility. Personnel may need to ingredient control/use of salmonella-free
put on protective clothing including chicks are few options.
footwear and wash their hands before Sources of foreign matter in raw materials
entering. Surfaces, utensils, equipment, can include nails from pallets and boxes,
fixtures a fitting as applicable, shall be ingested metal from animals, harvesting
thoroughly cleaned and where necessary machinery parts, elements from the field,
disinfected after raw food, parti- cularly veterinary instruments, caps, lids, closures,
meat and poultry has been handled or etc. Foreign matter in raw materials can be
processed. controlled with raw material inspections.
X-ray technology is also available to examine
Food safety implications: Fruits can con- incoming material.
taminated by direct or indirect contact with
animal feces. Various studies have shown Physical and Chemical Contamination
that pathogens can infiltrate fruit Systems shall be in place to prevent con-
through damaged or decayed areas or tamination of foods by foreign bodies such
through the flower end of the fruit. To as glass or metal shads from machinery,
overcome these problems best control dust, harmful fumes and unwanted
practices—such as not chemicals. In manufacturing and
processing, suitable
detection and screening devices shall be
environment, utensils, or equipment have
used as necessary.
been contaminated with a pathogen. This
The food products at any stage during its issue is especially relevant to the pathogen
manufacture should be stored under app-
Listeria monocytogenes, due to its
ropriate conditions to maintain its safety and
hardiness and pervasiveness in the
suitability. Adequate facilities for the storage
environment. Effective controls against post-
of food, ingredients, and non-food chemicals
process contamination include eliminating
(e.g. cleaning materials, lubricants, fuels)
the pathogen from the post-processing
shall be provided. Where necessary,
environment by using environ- mental
separate, secure storage facility for cleaning
sampling to eliminate niches, effective
materials and hazardous for substances
sanitation, and various in-package pasteuri-
shall be provided.
zation methods. Contamination can be
Transport prevented by application of HACCP, regular
environmental sampling and testing, In-
Products shall be adequately protected
during transport. The type of conveyances or package steam hot water treatment, pasteuri-
con- tainers required depends on the nature zation, irradiation or use of preservatives.
of food and conditions under which it is Traceability
to be transported. Where necessary,
conveyances and bulk containers shall be The Food Business shall ensure that effective
traceability procedures are in place from raw
designed and constructed so that they do not
material to finished products and to the
contaminate foods or packaging, can be
consumer as appropriate, so as to deal with
effectively cleaned and where necessary
any food safety hazard and enable the
disinfected. It should permit effective
complete, rapid recall of any implicated lot
separation of different food or food from
of product from market. The organization
non-food items during transport, provide
shall identify product status with respect
effective protection from contami- nation
to inspection and testing.
including dust and dirt. There should be
maintenance of effective temperature, Traceability records shall be maintained
humidity and other conditions necessary to for a defined period for system assessment
protect food from harmful or undesirable to enable the handling of potentially
micro-organism and deterioration likely to unsafe products and in the event of product
render it unsuitable for consumption. with- drawal. Records shall be in accordance
with statutory and regulatory requirements
Conveyances and containers for trans-
and customer requirements and may, for
portation of food shall be maintained at an
example, be based on the end product lot
appropriate state of cleanliness repair and
condition. Where the same conveyance is
used for different food or non-food items, Mistaken identity of pesticides: Food can
effective cleaning and where necessary, become contaminated with pesticides if
disinfection shall be in place between pesticide container labels are misread or
loadings. Where appropriate, these should when products are stored in containers that
be designated and marked for food use only have had another use. Bihar mid day meal
and used for that purpose only. tragedy which took away lives of 23
Post-processing contamination: Products children hap- pened by using pesticide
can also be contaminated if the post- instead of cooking oil. The best way to
processing control the risk of mistaken identity is to
store pesticides away from food ingredients,
keep an inventory of
pesticides, and store the products in their
original containers. example, some vitamins that are added to
fortified foods (such as vitamin A) are
Corrosion of metal containers/equipment/ known to be toxic at high doses. And iron, a
utensils: Metal poisoning can occur when necessary dietary component, can cause
heavy metals leach into food from severe illness and death if too much is
equipment, containers, or utensils. When ingested. Controlling chemicals by keeping
highly acidic foods (e.g. citrus fruits, fruit an inventory of add- itives minimizes the
drinks, fruit fillings, tomato products, or occurrence of this type of contamination.
carbonated beverages) come into contact
with potentially corrosive materials, the Natural toxins: Food can be contaminated
metals can leach into the food. One solution with naturally occurring chemicals that
to the problem is to use appropriate, non- cause disease. Toxins such as mycotoxins
corrosive materials in food processing. and marine toxins are naturally produced
Residue from cleaning and sanitizing: If under certain conditions. Given that these
equipment and other food handling toxins generally occur in raw materials,
materials are not rinsed well, then residue especially crops and seafood,
from deter- gents, cleaning compounds, manufacturers should require suppliers to
drain cleaners, polishers, and sanitizers can certify that the products they purchase are
contaminate a food product. This problem free from natural toxins.
can best be controlled by properly training There is a wide range of other issues
personnel about cleaning and sanitizing. related to the safety and wholesomeness of
Accidentally adding too much of an food in addition to GMPs. These should be
approved ingredient. Some substances, such considered in addition to the problems
as preservatives, nutritional additives, color identified at the food processing level when
additives, and flavor enhancers, are inten- evaluating the effectiveness of food GMPs.
tionally added to food products. But adding For effective implementation of GMPs there
an approved ingredient in inordinate are 10 basic principles which are record
amounts by accident—such as adding too keeping, follow of procedures, traceability,
much nitrite to cured meat—can result in a designing facilities and equipment,
toxic product. To tide over such problems it maintaining facilities and equipment,
is recommended that nitrite be stored in a validating work, job competence, cleanliness,
locked cabinet and weighed and bagged component control and auditing for
separately before being added to any compliance.
product. Nutritional safety issues can also
arise when product labels’ nutrition GMP System Verification
information is incorrect. Thus, it can be
The organization shall conduct internal
dangerous to public health when too little or
audits at planned intervals to determine
too much of a specified nutrient is added.
whether the GMPtoshibasystem confirms to the
For example, malnutrition can occur if infant
planned arran- gements
2015-07-29 09:27:21 and to the
formula does not deliver the expected
requirements of this Indian Standard, and is
nutrient content during its shelf life. There
effectively implemented
conforms and updated.
are also many examples of nutritional food
safety issues arising when too much of a An audit programme shall be planned,
nutrient gets added to a product taking into consideration the importance of
unintentionally. For the processes and areas to be audited, as well
as any updating actions resulting from
previous audits. he audit criteria, scope,
under supervision until they are destroyed,
frequency and methods, shall be defined.
used for purposes other than human con-
Top management shall ensure that the sumption, determined to be safe for human
GMP system is continually updated. In order consumption, or reprocessed in a manner to
to achieve this, the GMP team shall evaluate ensure their safety.
the GMP system at planned intervals.
GMPs aim at having a quality approach to
Withdrawals manufacturing and reducing contamination
in food processing. These are
A stable system for withdrawls helps to comprehensive and address issues like
facilitate the complete and timely record keeping,
personnel qualifications,
withdrawal of lots of end products which 2015-07-29 09:27:31
sanitation, cleanliness, equipment
have been identified as unsafe. The verification, etc. The requirements are open
management shall appoint personnel withdrawal
ended and allow manufacturers to decide
having the authority to initiate a withdrawal how best to implement necessary controls.
and personnel respon- sible for executing They are not only flexible but also require
the withdrawal. There should be a that the manufacturer interpret the
documentation procedure in place for requirements suited to his business. The top
withdrawals and the sequence of actions to management of the food business shall
be taken. ensure that requirements which are
Withdrawn products shall be secured or applicable to the nature of food operations,
held under supervision until they are des- are complied with in addition to those
troyed. Withdrawn products should be held applicable statutory and regulatory
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