Creep Feeding

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Creep Feeding Calves

Introduction As calves approach weaning, their nutrient requirements
increase. This increase is greater in calves with a good
growth potential (i.e. male or crossbred calves). If the
Creep feeding is the practice of providing supplemental
calves’ nutrient requirements are greater than the nutrients
feed to calves before weaning. Creep feeding helps in
supplied by milk and pasture, the calves’ growth rate will be
supplementing mother’s milk and pasture. The feed is
provided in a facility designed so that adult animals are
unable to consume the creep feed. The cows’ milk production decreases in late summer and
fall, as does available pasture and quality. Thus, the gap
By providing creep feed, it is possible to increase
between the calves’ nutrient requirements and the amount
preweaning weight gains and weaning weights. However,
of nutrients supplied by milk and pasture tends to increase.
the selling price of the calves and the cost of feed must be
considered when a producer is making a decision about The dam’s milk production depends on her genetic
creep feeding. Creep feeding has many advantages, but capability, pasture availability, age and previous nutritional
there are also disadvantages that must be considered by the history. A summary report comparing the creep feeding
livestock producer. response of calves from 2 and 3 year old dams showed that
the creep fed calves were 8 and 12 kg
(18 and 26 lb) heavier, respectively, than
Effect on calf growth Creep feeding non-creep fed calves. This result also
indicates that creep feeding calves from
The extra weight gained as a result of can have two-year-old heifers will tend to produce
creep feeding is variable. The factors a more uniform calf crop.
affecting the response are as follows: advantages and
The previous nutritional history of the
• supply and quality of pasture or range disadvantages cow is also a factor. In one trial, creep
• milk production of the dams fed calves whose dams had been wintered
• growth potential of calves at a low nutritional level gained an
• sex of calves average of
• age of calf at weaning 40 kg (88 lb) more than their non-creep fed ounterparts.
• type of feed In comparison, creep fed calves from dams wintered at a
nutritionally adequate level gained only 24 kg (53 lb) more
• length of creep feeding period
than the comparable non-creep fed calves.
• distance travelled to creep feeder
• season of birth of calf Lactating beef cows grazing on good pasture early in the
season can meet their nutritional needs for optimum milk
Depending on these variables, creep fed calves can be production. However, by the time a calf is 90 days old, an
expected to gain from 2 to 45 kg (5-100 lb) more before average milking beef cow may produce enough milk to meet
weaning than non-creep fed calves. Under most pasture only one-half the nutrients needed by the calf for maximum
conditions, the average increase in weaning weight is growth.
18 kg (40 lb) – with 10 to 27 kg (25-60 lb) being common.
For example, a 90 kg (200 lb) calf requires about 11 kg
Calves sucking good milking dams on good pasture will (25 lb) of milk to gain at a rate of 0.9 kg (2 lb) per day. If
gain little from creep feeding, but if milk and/or pasture its dam produces only 7 kg (15 lb) of milk per day, the calf
are poor, weaning weights can be substantially improved by must also consume 2 kg (4.5 lb) of dry matter per day to
creep feeding. maintain a growth rate of 0.9 kg (2 lb) per day.

By the time the calf weighs 180 kg (400 lb), its dam may be It is estimated that each kg (lb) of creep feed consumed
producing only 4.5 kg (10 lb) of milk daily. The calf must will save 0.5 to 1.0 kg (0.5-1.0 lb) of forage dry matter.
then consume about 5 kg (10.5 lb) of forage dry matter or Therefore, if a calf consumes 90 kg (200 lb) of creep feeding
its equivalent to maintain a 0.9 kg (2 lb) per day growth throughout the summer, a saving of about 68 kg (150 lb) of
rate. The calf could probably consume this amount of forage dry matter would result. This saving would represent
forage, but the forage protein fibre and digestibility may be an additional animal unit month of pasture for every four
low, and the growth rate might decrease. calves being creep fed. Since creep feeds have a higher
energy value than forages, a substitution of creep feed for
Alternative management practices such as early weaning or forage dry matter will result in an increased energy intake
providing high quality forage to calves can be considered as and a subsequent increase in weight gain by the calf.
alternatives to creep feeding. Another method for ensuring
the nutrition provided to calves is superior to that of the Since stocking rates can be increased if calves are creep
mature cows during the grazing season is to creep graze. fed, feed conversion efficiency is often difficult to calculate.
Assuming no change in stocking rate, the feed conversion
In this situation, rotationally grazed pastures would be could range from 5 to 20 kg (with 8-10 kg being common)
managed so that calves have the ability to graze new of creep feed per kilogram of additional gain. If changes in
paddocks before cows enter. The calves can be given access pasture stocking rate are considered, the feed conversion
through a gate or an elevated electric fence. Alfalfa or efficiency is often less than 5 kg of creep feed per kg of
seeded annuals can be useful for this system, and rotational additional gain. In general, feed conversions are the most
grazing can show even greater benefits in the weight gain of efficient for calves sucking two-year-old or poor milking
creep grazed calves. One or more of these options may help cows, or when pastures are inadequate or mature.
use pasture resources more efficiently.

Creep feeding fall-born calves should also be considered.

The fall-born calf is more dependent on its dam’s milk than
spring-born calves since pasture is not available, and calves
Creep feeding and preconditioning
cannot compete effectively with cows for winter feed. Creep Late summer creep feeding is beneficial as part of
feeding of fall-born calves can result in up to 45 kg (100 lb) a preconditioning program. As calves have become
of additional weaning weight. accustomed to creep feed for several weeks before weaning,
consumption of grains in drylot backgrounding programs
will occur more readily contributing to a reduction in

Pasture and feed conversion weaning stress. They will also be less dependent on milk
from the cow. Calves also regain losses from weaning and

efficiency shipping more quickly, and are often found to exhibit a

lower incidence of postweaning morbidity and mortality.
In most cases, pastures become energy deficient later in
the grazing season. Using energy-rich creep feeds to fill
deficiencies in energy that calves may experience will result
in better growth performance. In an energy-deficient state,
Post-weaning performance
calves will substitute forage on pasture for creep feed, Some of the disadvantages of creep feeding will be evident
allowing for increases in stocking rates. after weaning if the calves have received too much creep
feed. The extra finish acquired by many calves can result
In situations where cattle are grazing poor quality mature
in slower and costlier gains during the subsequent feeding
or dormant grasses, protein deficiencies may be of primary
concern. In this case, creep feed may be used primarily as
an additional source of protein for calves. Supplemental The reduced efficiency of creep fed calves in the feedlot
protein fed in association with grazing poor quality, low depends on whether the creep feed has promoted skeletal
protein forages will result in an increased consumption of and muscle growth or simply fattened the calves. If creep
poor quality feed on pasture. In this case, stocking rates feeding has mainly fattened the calves, a reduced efficiency
would have to be reduced, as calves will tend to consume in the feedlot will result, often meaning the calves will be
more grass. discounted at the time of sale.
As a rule, it is not advisable to include urea in creep feeds If weaned calves are being fed to gain 0.6 to 0.7 kg
designed to act as a protein supplement as individual (1.25-1.5 lb) per day, the extra weight gain from creep
animal intake is quite variable. Also, without a source of feeding will be lost over the winter feeding period. If fed
readily available energy, calves are limited in their ability to alike following weaning, non-creep fed calves will catch up
metabolize urea to the microbial protein used for growth. to creep fed calves by 16 to 20 months of age.

Replacement heifers in extra fat condition at weaning may protecting the ration from the weather and by only putting
perform poorly in the cow herd later. Extra fat will replace one week’s supply of creep feed in the feeder.
milk-producing tissue in the heifer’s udder, which reduces
the amount of milk the heifer can produce for her calves. The palatability of creep rations is also enhanced by using
combinations of two or more grains or additional bran,
One study found that cows creep fed as calves raised calves molasses and/or trace mineralized salt. Bran works well
that were 4 kg (9 lb) lighter for 3 subsequent calf crops in helping calves become accustomed to dry feed since
than comparable calves from cows not creep fed as calves. the bran will stick to the calves’ muzzles. The addition of
Heifer calves should be fed to reach sexual maturity by 13 molasses at a level of three per cent by weight will decrease
to 15 months of age. Replacement heifers should only be the amount of dust and encourage intake.
creep fed to promote skeletal development and subsequent
normal sexual development. This approach will only be Higher levels of molasses should be avoided since these
necessary under poor pasture conditions or if the cows are levels may attract flies and cause calves to scour. In
poor milkers. addition, too much molasses may cause the feed to bridge
in self feeders. The addition of some of these ingredients to
The selection process for superior dams in either increase palatability may not be economical unless calves
commercial or registered purebred herds can be become are receiving very little milk and/or pasture.
more difficult when pasture quality and quantity were
adequate throughout the creep feeding period. Creep The creep feed can be composed predominantly of grain
feeding may mask the milk-producing ability and hence, the and some protein-phosphorus supplement. The creep
genetic value of cows in the herd. A positive aspect to creep ration should contain:
feeding purebred calves, especially bulls, is that it can allow • 2.9 to 3.1 Mcal/kg digestible energy
them to reach their full potential for growth. • 13 to 16 per cent crude protein
• 0.7 per cent calcium
Creep feeding will increase cow condition and weight in the
fall, providing stocking rates are not increased. This method • 0.5 per cent phosphorus
can be advantageous for carrying the cow through the • trace mineral salt
winter in better flesh and her subsequent fertility. • vitamin A, D and E

Selenium should be added in locations where the selenium

content of feed is low. The 13 per cent protein creep feed
The creep ration can be used when forages contain 10 per cent protein or
better. The 16 per cent protein creep feed can be used when
Locally available grains are good energy sources for creep pasture quality is particularly poor, i.e., unfertilized grass
rations. Oats is the preferred grain in creep rations because pasture in late season (Table 1).
of its bulk and energy concentration relative to other
grains. There are fewer problems of over-consumption with Table 1. Example: creep rations using either a
oat-based rations than with diets based on the other cereal commercial 32 per cent protein supplement or
grains. canola meal
Crude Protein Content
Barley is also good, but because of the irregular feeding
habits of calves and the higher energy concentration in 13% 16%
barley, there is a greater risk of digestive upset with barley Oats 27.0 27.0 23.0 23.0
than with oats. Wheat and corn can be used in limited Barley 63.0 61.6 53.0 53.2
amounts in creep rations. Bulky feeds like bran and
32 % supplement 10.0 – 24.0 –
dehydrated alfalfa reduce the risk of overeating and the
subsequent incidence of digestive upsets. Canola meal – 9.1 – 22.0
2:1 mineral – 0.6 – –
Calves intended for breeding stock should receive creep
Limestone – 1.2 – 1.3
rations containing at least 50 per cent oats. This approach
will help keep the calves from getting too fat. Opportunity Trace mineral salt – 0.4 – 0.4
feeds, such as screenings from differing sources of crops Vita. ADE premix – 0.1 – 0.1
should not be overlooked, as they can provide nutritional Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
value similar to oats at a reduced cost.

The palatability of these types of feeds, however, has

to be carefully monitored. Screenings from lentils, for
example are highly palatable, while those of canola may be
somewhat less palatable. Palatability can be improved by

Some good sources of supplemental protein for creep An entrance 400 to 500 mm (16-20 in) wide by 750 to
rations are soybean meal, canola meal, commercial protein 1050 mm (30-42 in) high will allow access to calves only.
supplements (urea free) and dehydrated alfalfa pellets. Provide 300 mm (12 in) of feeding space for every two to
three calves.
The grains can be fed whole, cracked or rolled but
avoid fine grinding to avoid the possibility of digestive When starting the creep feeding program, locate the
upsets. Some processing results in less separation of the feeders near water, in or near a shaded area where cattle
ingredients. Pelleting the ration allows for easier handling. loaf frequently, near mineral and salt feeders or back
It also reduces waste and eliminates separation. rubbers. Placing salt and mineral for the herd in troughs
mounted directly on the creep feeder (and extending the
The simple mixtures are adequate, but more complex roof of the feeder to prevent weathering) can be a useful
mixtures containing molasses or appetizers could increase tool for attracting cows and their calves to certain areas of
intake and give increased gains. Some techniques that can the pasture.
be used to get calves started on creep feed include the use
of palatable feeds like oats, bran or molasses in the feed, Once calves and cows are accustomed to using the feeder,
using an older calf to decoy smaller calves into the creep it can be used for managing animal distribution on pasture
area, or feeding hay to the cows near the creep area. It is by placing it in areas that cattle do not loaf frequently,
more difficult to get calves started on creep feed if the cows encouraging the use of these areas.
are eating lush pasture and milking well.

When to creep feed

Limited creep feeding Creep feeding may provide an economic advantage if one
Creep feeding is usually most profitable when pasture or more of the following apply:
quantity and/or quality decline. Limit-feeding high protein • during periods of drought, when pastures are poor later
rations for 60 to 90 days starting in mid-July, rather than in the grazing season or when cow milk production is
feeding a high energy ration, has been used to better meet lowered
the calf’s nutrient demands considering what is in the • two-year old heifers and low-producing cows or cows
pasture. older than eleven and their calves can be separated from
Rations are limited with salt to reduce some of the fattening the main herd
effects of high energy rations. Limiting a high protein • as part of a forage management program to conserve
creep (20-44 per cent) works best when forage quantity is pasture
adequate but quality is low. A low-protein creep (12-16 • increase the pasture stocking rate
per cent), on the other hand, works better when grass is • calves are fall born
short and energy is inadequate for the calf. • as part of preconditioning program, creep feeding two
to three weeks before weaning will help calves become
Two to eight per cent salt in the creep feed appears to be accustomed to dry feed
the requirement to limit intake to one to three pounds per
• prices for weaned calves are high and feed grain prices
head daily. Low intake levels are optimal for high protein
are low
supplements as the goal of the creep feeding program will
be to increase the intake of low quality pasture, which is • the market demands calves to be in extra good flesh
abundant. High intake levels are desirable with creep feeds • calves will be slaughtered immediately after weaning
low in protein and high in energy as these feeds will reduce • late calves are being pushed for a set market date
or replace intake of pasture. • feeding potential replacement heifers from low milk
producers to get calves to reach puberty by 13 to 15
months of age for large cross-bred calves from low milk
producing cows
Creep feeding facilities and • when the price discount is small for heavier-weight
location feeder calves
• when large-frame calves are immediately placed on a
Plans for creep feeders are available through local high energy ration and destined for slaughter at 12 to 14
agriculture extension offices. Requirements for a feeder months of age
include keeping the feed dry, holding at least a one-week
supply of feed, portability and the ability to keep cows out
while letting calves in.

When not to creep feed Prepared by
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
• cows are milking well
• pastures are of high quality and abundant For more information
• calves will be fed for a low daily gain after weaning Alberta Ag-Info Centre
• calves are being raised for replacements Call toll-free 310-FARM (3276)
• grain prices are high relative to calf prices

Advantages and disadvantages

of creep feeding
• increased calf weaning weights 2 to 45 kg (5-100 lb) with
an average of 18 kg (40 lb)
• increase pasture stocking rate
• conserve pasture
• accustom calves to grain feeding so that they wean easier
• reduced morbidity after weaning
• calves grow to their genetic potential
• less shrinkage at weaning time
• benefits of implants are maximized

• creep fed calves may utilize little pasture
• intake of creep feed can be variable
• poor feed efficiency under certain conditions
• extra gain usually lost in feedlot; non-creep fed calves
show compensatory gain
• puts unwanted finish on calves
• cattle buyers discriminate against extra fleshing
• decreased cow productivity if cow has been too fat as a
• pasture close to creep feeder is overgrazed, if feeder not
moved frequently
• distorts production records
• may lower finished cattle return if calves finish at smaller
• costs of feed, labour and facilities


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