MatPower Optimization
MatPower Optimization
MOST 1.0.2
User’s Manual
Ray D. Zimmerman Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez
June 20, 2019
2 Getting Started 10
2.1 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Running a Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3.1 Preparing Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.2 Solving the Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.3 Accessing the Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.4 Setting Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 Problem Formulation 28
4.1 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2 Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.1 Objective Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.2 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3 Probability Weighting of Base and Contingency States . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 Value of Residual Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5 most 51
5.1 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.1 mpc – Matpower Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.2 transmat – Transition Probability Matrices . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.1.3 xgd – Extra Generator Data (xGenData) . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.1.4 sd – Storage Data (StorageData) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.1.5 contab – Contingency Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.1.6 profiles – Profiles for Time-Varying Parameters . . . . . . . 57
5.2 MOST Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.3 MOST Data struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3.1 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3.2 Output Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.4 Additional Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6 Additional Functions 71
6.1 addgen2mpc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2 addstorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.3 addwind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.4 apply profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.5 filter ramp transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.6 getprofiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.7 idx profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.8 loadgenericdata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.9 loadmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.10 loadstoragedata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.11 loadxgendata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.12 most summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.13 mostver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7 Tutorial Examples 80
7.1 Single Period Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.1.1 Example 1 – Deterministic Economic Dispatch . . . . . . . . . 81
7.1.2 Example 2 – Deterministic DC OPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.1.3 Example 3 – Deterministic DC OPF with Binary Commitment 84
7.1.4 Example 4 – Secure and Stochastic DC OPF . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.2 Multiperiod Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.2.1 Example 5 – Deterministic Multiperiod OPF . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.2.2 Example 6 – Deterministic Unit Commitment . . . . . . . . . 90
7.2.3 Example 7 – Secure Stochastic Unit Commitment . . . . . . . 99
7.2.4 Dynamical System Constraint Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8 Acknowledgments 106
Appendix A MOST Files and Functions 107
A.1 MOST Documentation Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
A.2 MOST Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
A.3 Automated Test Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
References 113
List of Figures
3-1 MOST Continuous Single-Period Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3-2 Secure Dispatch Problem Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3-3 Reserve Structure for Generator i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3-4 Problem Structure with Multiple Base Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3-5 Reserve Structure for Generator i in Period t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3-6 Ramping and Load Following Ramp Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3-7 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3-8 Overall Problem Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3-9 MOST Mixed Integer and Multi-Period Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5-1 Assembling the MOST Data struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7-1 Tutorial Example System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7-2 Example Load and Wind Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7-3 Deterministic UC : Base Case with No Network . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
7-4 Deterministic UC : Add DC Network Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
7-5 Deterministic UC : Add Startup and Shutdown Costs . . . . . . . . . 94
7-6 Deterministic UC : Add Min Up/Down Time Constraints . . . . . . . 96
7-7 Deterministic UC : Add Ramp Constraints and Ramp Reserve Costs 97
7-8 Deterministic UC : Add Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7-9 Example Wind Profiles, Individual Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7-10 Stochastic UC : Individual Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7-11 Example Wind Profiles, Full Transition Probabilities . . . . . . . . . 102
7-12 Stochastic UC : Full Transition Probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7-13 Secure Stochastic UC : Full Transition Probabilities + Contingencies 104
7-14 Secure Stochastic UC with Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
List of Tables
4-1 Five Price Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5-1 Fields of xGenData struct (xgd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5-2 Fields of StorageData struct (sd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5-3 Fields of Profle Struct (profile) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5-4 MOST Run Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5-5 MOST Model Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5-6 Input Data Fields of md . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5-7 Additional Input Data Fields of md . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5-8 Fields of Offer struct md.offer(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5-9 Input Fields of md.Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5-10 Output Data Fields of md . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5-11 Fields of Index struct md.idx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5-12 Fields of QP struct md.QP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5-13 Fields of Results struct md.results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6-1 Typical Generator Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6-2 Fields of StorageUnitData struct (storage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6-3 Fields of WindUnitData struct (wind) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6-4 Constants Defined by idx profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6-5 Fields of StorageDataTable struct (sd table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6-6 Fields of xGenDataTable struct (xgd table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6-7 Fields of most summary struct (ms) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7-1 Summary of Tutorial Example System Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
A-1 MOST Documentation Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
A-2 MOST Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
A-3 MOST Test and Example Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
A-4 MOST Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
1 Introduction
Beginning with version 6, Matpower [1–3] includes a framework for solving gener-
alized steady-state electric power scheduling problems. This framework is known as
MOST, for Matpower Optimal Scheduling Tool [4, 5].
MOST can be used to solve problems as simple as a deterministic, single pe-
riod economic dispatch problem with no transmission constraints or as complex as
a stochastic, security-constrained, combined unit-commitment and multiperiod op-
timal power flow problem with locational contingency and load-following reserves,
ramping costs and constraints, deferrable demands, lossy storage resources and un-
certain renewable generation.
While the problem formulation is general and incorporates a full nonlinear AC
network model, the current implementation is limited to DC power flow modeling of
the network. Some work has been done on an AC implementation, but it is not yet
ready for release.
The primary developers of MOST are Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez1 and Ray D. Zim-
merman2 of PSerc3 , with significant contributions from Daniel Muñoz-Álvarez and
Alberto J. Lamadrid. It is built on top of Matpower4 , a package of Matlab®
M-files for solving power flow and optimal power flow problems [1, 6]. This man-
ual assumes that the user is familiar with using Matpower, especially for solving
optimal power flow problems, and makes numerious references to version 7.0 of the
Matpower User’s Manual [3].
Copyright (c) 1996-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center
(PSERC) and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details).
All rights reserved.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
C. E. Murillo-Sánchez, R. D. Zimmerman, C. L. Anderson, and R. J. Thomas, “Secure
Planning and Operations of Systems with Stochastic Sources, Energy Storage and
Active Demand,” Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 2220–2229,
Dec. 2013.
doi: 10.1109/TSG.2013.2281001
The Matpower Optimal Scheduling Tool (MOST) User’s Manual [8] should
also be cited explicitly in work that refers to or is derived from its content. The
citation and DOI can be version-specific or general, as appropriate. For version
1.0.2, use:
For a version non-specific citation, use the following citation and DOI, with <YEAR>
replaced by the year of the most recent release:
A list of versions of the User’s Manual with release dates and version-specific DOI’s
can be found via the general DOI at
The MOST GitHub project hosts the public Git code repository as well as a public
issue tracker for handling bug reports, patches, and other issues and contributions.
There are separate GitHub hosted repositories and issue trackers for Matpower,
MOST, MIPS and the testing framework used by all of them, MP-Test, all available
2 Getting Started
The first step in beginning to use the MOST is to get familiar with Matpower.
This step is essential and this manual will assume familiarity with Matpower.
2.2 Installation
The preferred method of installation is simply to install Matpower, which is a
prerequisite for MOST and also includes its own copy of MOST.
If you have followed the directions for installing Matpower found in Section 2.3
of the Matpower User’s Manual, then MOST should already be installed in the
<MATPOWER>/most directory and the appropriate paths8 added to your Matlab
MOST 1.0 required Matpower 6.
At the time of this writing, Matlab’s Optimization Toolbox and GLPK only address MILP
problems. Gurobi, CPLEX and MOSEK all handle MIQP problems as well.
Gurobi and CPLEX are currently our preferred solvers for most MOST problems.
To use MOST your Matlab path must include <MATPOWER>/most/lib and, to run the tests,
To run the test suite and verify that MOST is properly installed and functioning,
at the Matlab prompt, type test most . The result should resemble the following,
possibly including extra tests, depending on the availablility of optional packages.
>> test_most
>> test_most
All tests successful (615 of 615)
Elapsed time 84.68 seconds.
If, for some reason, you prefer to install your own copy of MOST directly from
the MOST GitHub repository9 , simply clone the repository to the location of your
choice, where we use <MOST> to denote the path the resulting most directory. Then
add the following directories to your Matlab or Octave path:
It is important that they appear before Matpower in your path if you want to use
this version of MOST, rather than the one included with Matpower.
2.3.1 Preparing Input Data
The MOST Data struct, containing all of the data needed for the problem, is suf-
ficiently complex that it is not typically created directly, but rather is assembled
from numerous other files or data structures by the loadmd function, as described in
Section 5.1. They consist of (1) a Matpower case file or struct describing the sys-
tem parameters for the base case, (2) transition probability matrices, (3) additional
generator parameters, including commitment parameters, offer parameters related
to reserves, inc/dec prices, and bounds on energy contract amounts, (4) parameters
for storage units, (5) a contingency table defining a credible set of contingencies and
their probabilities, and (6) profiles for time varying parameters such as load and
renewable availability. In addition to the input data, aspects of the simulation are
controlled by a set of Matpower options.
Typically, the Matpower case is defined in a case file and loaded into a struct
using the loadcase function. The transition probability matrices can be specified
as desired via a user-defined script or function as shown in the example below.
The additional generator parameters are typically provided in a file defining an
xGenDataTable and loaded by the loadxgendata function. Both the Matpower
case and the xGenData can be modified by adding wind generators, or generators
that represent energy storage units, using the functions addwind and addstorage, re-
spectively. The latter also loads the additional storage parameters into a StorageData
struct. The contingency table can be provided directly or returned by a user-defined
function and is a changes table (chgtab) in the form expected by Matpower’s
apply changes function.10 And any time-varying parameters, such as load scaling
factors and wind availability, are specified in profile data files and loaded with the
getprofiles function.
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3b');
transmat = ex_transmat(12);
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_uc', mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind_uc', mpc, xgd);
[iess, mpc, xgd, sd] = addstorage('ex_storage', mpc, xgd);
contab = ex_contab();
profiles = getprofiles('ex_load_profile');
profiles = getprofiles('ex_wind_profile', profiles, iwind);
mdi = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd, contab, profiles);
mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 0);
See Section 9.3.5 in the Matpower User’s Manual.
2.3.2 Solving the Case
The solver in MOST is implemented in the most function. Assuming the input
data have been loaded into the input MOST Data struct (mdi) and the Matpower
options set in mpopt, the first stage solver can be called as follows.
MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool -- MOST Version 1.0.2
A multiperiod stochastic secure OPF with unit commitment
----- Built on MATPOWER -----
by Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia--Manizales
and Ray D. Zimmerman, Cornell University
(c) 2012-2019 Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
- Building indexing structures.
- Building expected storage-tracking mechanism.
- Building constraint submatrices.
- Building DC flow constraints.
- Splitting storage injections into charge/discharge.
- Building CCV constraints for piecewise-linear costs.
- Building contingency reserve constraints.
- Building ramping transitions and reserve constraints.
- Building storage constraints.
- Building unit commitment constraints.
- Building cost structures.
- Assembling full set of costs.
- Assembling full set of constraints.
- Assembling full set of variable bounds.
- Calling MILP solver.
- MOST: MILP solved successfully.
- Post-processing results.
- MOST: Done.
2.3.3 Accessing the Results
By default, the simulation does not output any results to the screen, instead storing
the results in the output MOST Data struct (mdo). The details of the results in mdo
can be found in Section 5.3.2.
For example, quantities like the commitment, expected dispatch and expected
energy price, upward contingency and ramping reserve amounts for generator i in
period t, and the dispatch of generator i in period t, scenario j and contingency k
can be extracted as follows.
unit_commitment = mdo.UC.CommitSched(i, t);
expected_dispatch = mdo.results.ExpectedDispatch(i, t);
expected_price = mdo.results.GenPrices(i, t);
cont_reserve_up = mdo.results.Rpp(i, t);
ramp_reserve_up = mdo.results.Rrp(i, t);
Pg_tijk = mdo.flow(t,j,k).mpc.gen(i, PG);
There is also a function called most summary, described in Section 6.12, that can
be used to print some summary results.
2.4 Documentation
There are two primary sources of documentation for MOST. The first is this manual,
which gives an overview of the capabilities and structure and describes the problem
formulation. The MOST User’s Manual can be found in your Matpower distribu-
tion at <MATPOWER>/most/docs/MOST-manual.pdf and the latest version is always
available at:
The second is the built-in help command. As with Matlab’s built-in functions
and toolbox routines, you can type help followed by the name of a command or M-
file to get help on that particular function. Many of the MOST related M-files have
such documentation and this should be considered the main reference for the calling
options for each individual function. See Appendix A for a list of MOST functions.
There is one other important source of related documentation and that is the
Matpower User’s Manual. It is assumed that the user is very familiar with Mat-
power and its OPF capabilities.
3 Background and Overview
MOST grew out of research at Cornell University on the development and testing of
new tools for the power industry, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy through
the CERTS Reliability and Markets program.11 Initially the work was focused on
extending the AC optimal power flow problem to include co-optimization of locational
reserves for security defined in terms of explicitly included contingencies [9,10]. This
work was then extended to include multiple base scenarios to represent stochastic
load and renewable generation availability, a multiperiod planning horizon, energy
storage resources, ramping considerations and binary unit commitment decisions [4].
The formulation implemented in MOST and described in the next section further
generalizes the problem by including the facility to define zonal reserve requirements
like those from Section 7.6.1 in the Matpower User’s Manual [3], and to constrain
the solutions via a general linear time-varying dynamical system. The initial proto-
type was implemented by Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez with subsequent development
by Ray D. Zimmerman along with contributions by Daniel Muñoz-Álvarez and Al-
berto J. Lamadrid.
The description of the problem formulation will begin with a conceptual overview
of the approach, beginning with the simplest single period problem that MOST
handles and extending and expanding the problem one step at a time to illustrate
how each additional aspect of the full problem is handled.
into account transmission system limitations. Using instead the AC power flow equa-
tions and flow constraints and introducing voltage magnitude and reactive injection
variables results in an AC OPF problem, which models losses along with voltage and
reactive power requirements.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the range of continuous single period problems considered by
the formulation, with the varying level of detail of the network modeling represented
by the vertical dimension. The horizontal dimension represents different ways to
handle (or not) operational security requirements, with a third dimension adding a
stochastic option for handling the uncertainty of demand and renewable generation.
The green portion denotes the parts of the formulation that are implemented in the
current version of MOST.
stochastic stochastic
AC OPF secure
w/reserves DC OPF secure
stochastic stochastic
DC OPF secure
ED economic
w/reserves dispatch secure
3.2 Security
Two options are included for addressing security in the single period problem, that
is the need to find a dispatch that meets some criteria for withstanding disturbances
or outages. The first is a deterministic approach that simply adds fixed zonal re-
serve requirements using the additional variables, constraints and costs described in
Section 7.6.1 in the Matpower User’s Manual.
The second is a stochastic approach, based on explicitly modeling the post-
contingency state for each of a set of credible contingencies. In this approach, the
base case ED or OPF problem is fully duplicated (all variables, costs and constraints)
for each of the contingency states and modified to reflect the outaged equipment.
The base and contingency states are then combined into one large problem, where
they are treated as separate islands in a single network, with the cost of each state
weighted by its probability of occurence. The base and contingency states are further
tied together by ramp limits on the generators, ensuring that the contingency state
dispatches can be reached from the base case while respecting ramp rate constraints.
Finally, associated with each generator is a variable representing a reference dis-
patch value (e.g. optimal contract value) from which dispatch deviations (incremen-
tal and decremental redispatches) are defined. The maximum upward and downward
deviations from this reference dispatch across all (base and contingency) states are
defined as the upward and downward contingency reserves, respectively, and these
reserves can have costs associated with them. In addition, the state specific devia-
tions from the reference quantity can have their own probability weighted redispatch
This second approach to security yields security constrained dispatch (ED or
OPF) problem with endogenously determined generator-specific locational reserve
requirements, derived optimally as a function of the set of included credible con-
tingencies. In this problem formulation, it is assumed that the decisions regarding
a reference dispatch and the corresponding dispatch ranges that define the reserves
are made before the uncertain outcome of the occurence or non-occurence of a con-
tingency is revealed. The state specific dispatch decisions are recourse decisions
contingent on the outcome of that uncertainty.
The structure of this problem is illustrated by the diagram in Figure 3-2, where
the circles represent the ED or OPF problems corresponding to the individual states,
the dashed box denotes the reference dispatch, redispatches, reserves and associated
costs and constraints, and the arrows illustrate the ramp limits constraining the
deviations of contingency state dispatches from the base case dispatch.
Figure 3-3 shows the reserve structure for generator i. The green and pink bars
show upward and downward redispatches from the reference dispatch pic , where the
Pc power flow scenario
P1 "high probability", intact case
P0 power flow scenario
"low probability", contingency case
root variable set, deviations, limits
(e.g. contract, incs/decs, reserves)
transition constraint (e.g. ramp limit)
MW injections
ramp up
pi3 i
+ upward
pi0 reserve
i pi2 downward
i2 physical reserve
ramp down
0 1 2 3 k contingencies
maximums of these deviations define the corresponding reserve quantities. The phys-
ical ramp limit restrict deviations of contingency dispatches with respect to the base
case dispatch pi0 .
MW injections
ramp up upward
ptij2 limit reserve
+ ∆i+ ti
ptij0 ptij0
∆i− ti
pti12 physical ptij1
− downward
ramp down
Though there are now two types of uncertainty, contingencies and parameter un-
certainty for demand and renewables, the reference dispatch and reserve decisions
are made before the uncertainty is realized, with the state-specific dispatch deci-
sions being recourse decisions contingent on the revealed outcome of both types of
each scenario in period t the system might transition to any of a number of states
in period t + 1. Clearly, the explosion of the number of states with the length of the
planning horizon is the barrier to adopting this approach.
MOST takes this multi-stage decision approach, but adds scenario recombination
and scenario trimming to avoid the exploding number of scenarios. This is accom-
plished by assuming a Markovian structure for a high-probability central path where
a transition probability matrix is used to describe the transitions from a limited set
of base scenarios in one period to a limited set of base scenarios in the next period.
States subsequent to contingency states are trimmed, on the assumption that they
occur with low probability and likely require re-optimizing for the future following
their occurence.
MW injections
used to specify the energy capacity (e.g. for a battery) or quota (e.g. time-flexible
demand). The storage unit can also have non-unity charging and discharging effi-
ciencies as well as a loss coefficient defining energy losses in each period as a linear
function of the amount of stored energy.
For deterministic problems, as with ramping, enforcing the intertemporal con-
straints imposed by such an energy storage resource is straightforward. In this case,
it is a simple set of conservation of energy constraints.
For the stochastic problems, on the other hand, it becomes more complicated.
Since the quantity of stored energy available in any given scenario at time t is depen-
dent on the dispatches in preceding periods, there is no uniquely defined quantity
of stored energy for each scenario, so it is not possible to track actual stored energy
values, only expected values and minimum and maximum values.
For this reason MOST defines decision variables representing the upper and lower
bounds on stored energy in each period and enforces feasibility with respect to these
limits. Figure 3-7 shows how these limits spread out from period to period when
the dispatch of the storage unit varies across scenarios. The only instance in which
Stored Energy MWh
smax st+4
− st+2
smin st+4
the limits do not spread out is if the unit adheres to the same dispatch schedule
across all scenarios in a period. This formulation allows the optimization problem to
make an optimal tradeoff between using the storage to arbitrage energy across time
(same dispatch schedule across scenarios to avoid spreading of limits) and using it
to mitigate uncertainty (vary the dispatch in response to the different scenarios, but
at the expense of spreading limits).
The formulation also includes the option to relax the restrictions on the stored
energy bounds in some or all periods to base them on the range of expected stored
energy quantities in the previous period, rather than on the worst case ranges.
An important aspect of modeling storage is to include some way of either valuing
or constraining both the initial amount of stored energy in each unit and the amount
of leftover storage in terminal states, both end-of-horizon states and contingency
states. MOST includes several options. First, for each unit there is a cost assigned
to any initial stored energy at the beginning of the horizon. Similarly, there are a
number of parameters used to specify the value of leftover stored energy in termi-
nal states. Furthermore, the initial stored energy amount can be specified and the
final expected stored energy amount can be constrained to equal a target quantity.
Finally, there is also the option to simply constrain the initial amount and the final
expected amount to be equal while letting that level be determined as an output of
the optimization.
base case contingency inc/dec, contingency load-following ramp costs, storage variables,
OPF scenario OPF scenario reserve structure constraints, reserves constraints
Figure 3-9 illustrates the ways in which any one of the single period continuous
variable problems of Figure 3-1 can be extended to include combinations of multiple
periods, ramping, storage, integer commitment, startup and shutdown costs and
minimum up and down times.
with integer
+ transition
with integer
4 Problem Formulation
4.1 Nomenclature
This section summarizes the nomenclature for the full multi-period mixed-integer
nonlinear problem. In order to simplify the indexing notation, the index literals and
their order are maintained wherever possible. Furthermore, no commas are used,
so the superindex tijk refers to time period t, generator i (or dispatchable load or
storage unit i), base scenario j and contingency k. A dispatchable or curtailable
load is modeled as negative generation, as in Section 6.4.2 in the Matpower User’s
Manual, each wind farm as a generator whose maximum output varies by scenario
according to the forecast distribution, and a storage unit as a device with a given
loss factor, energy capacity, and “charging” and “discharging” power capacities and
l Index over reserve zones.
Ltjk Indices of all reserve zones defined in post-contingency state k of
scenario j at time t.
Zltjk Set of generators providing reserves in zone l in post-contingency
state k of scenario j at time t.
t Number of time periods in the horizon of the dynamical system
Optimization Variables
Symbol Meaning
ptijk , q tijk Active/reactive injection for unit i in post-contingency state k of
scenario j at time t.
ptic Active power contract quantity for unit i at time t.
ptijk tijk
+ , p− Upward/downward deviation from active power contract quantity
for unit i in post-contingency state k of scenario j at time t.
rztijk Zonal reserve quantity provided by unit i in post-contingency
state k of scenario j at time t.
ti ti
r+ , r− Upward/downward active contingency reserve quantity provided
by unit i at time t.
ti ti
δ+ , δ− Upward/downward load-following ramping reserves needed from
unit i at time t for transition to time t + 1.
θtjk , V tjk , ptjk , q tjk Voltage angles and magnitudes, active and reactive injections for
power flow in post-contingency state k of scenario j at time t.
sc , psd Charge/discharge power injections of storage unit i in post-contingency
state k of scenario j at time t.
sti+ , sti− Endogenously computed upper/lower bounds on the energy stored
in storage unit i at the end of period t. For t = 0 this is a fixed
input parameter representing the bounds at the beginning of the
first period.
si0 Initial stored energy (expected) in storage unit i.
v ti , wti Binary startup and shutdown states for unit i in period t, 1 if unit
has a startup/shutdown event in period t, 0 otherwise.
zt Partition (nds
z × 1 vector) corresponding to period t of state vari-
able z of the dynamical system model.
Symbol Meaning
Qtijk tijk
min , Qmax Limits on reactive injection for unit i in post-contingency state k
of scenario j at time t.
ti ti
Rmax+ , Rmax− Upward/downward contingency (or zonal) reserve capacity limits
for unit i at time t.
∆i+ , ∆i− Upward/downward physical ramping limits for unit i for transi-
tions from base (k = 0) to contingency cases.
ρti Parameter for storage unit i at period t that determines the
weighting in storage constraints, where the storage dispatch bounds
are computed relative to a weighted average of previous period en-
(t−1)i (t−1)i
dogenous bounds s+ , s− (ρti = 1) and period- and scenario-
specific initial expected stored energy (ρti = 0).
ti ti
Smax , Smin Stored energy (in MWh) max/min limits for storage unit i at
time t.
0i 0i
Smin , Smax Lower/upper bounds on initial stored energy (expected) in storage
unit i.
nt i nt i
Smin , Smax Lower/upper bounds on target stored energy (expected) in storage
unit i at end of final period nt .
τi+ , τi− Minimum up and down times for unit i in number of periods.
Atds , Bds t
, Cds t
, Dds Matrices used to define the state transitions and output con-
straints for the dynamical system model at time t.
t t
zmin , zmax Lower and upper bounds on dynamical system model state z t at
time t.
t t
ymin , ymax Lower and upper bounds on dynamical system model output at
time t.
Cδi (·) Quadratic, symmetric ramping cost on the difference between the
dispatches for unit i in adjacent periods.
Cs0 Vector of costs by storage unit associated with starting out with
a given level of stored energy s0 in the storage units at time t = 0.
Csc0 , Csd0 Vector of prices by storage unit for contributions to terminal stor-
age14 from charging/discharging in terminal end-of-horizon base
Csck , Csdk Vector of prices by storage unit for contributions to terminal stor-
age14 from charging/discharging in terminal contingency states.
Cvti , Cwti Startup and shutdown costs for unit i at time t in $ per startup/shutdown.
Other Parameters
Symbol Meaning
α For contingency cases, the fraction of the time slice that is spent
in the base case before the contingency occurs (α = 0 means the
entire period is spent in the contingency).
φtj2 j1 Probability of transitioning to scenario j2 in period t given that
scenario j1 was realized in period t − 1.
ζ tj2 j1 Binary valued mask indicating whether transition to scenario j2
in period t from scenario j1 in period t − 1 should be included in
load-following ramp requirements.
Derived Parameters
Symbol Meaning
eti (·)
C Modified cost function for active injection i at time t with the no
eti (p) ≡ C ti (p) − C ti (0).
load cost subtracted, C P P P
Cts0 , Ctsc , Ctsd Weighted price vectors summarizing contributions to the value
of terminal storage14 from initial storage/charging/discharging,
derived from Cs , Csc0 , Csd0 , Csck , Csdk .15
ψ tjk Probability of contingency k in scenario j at time t, derived from
transition probabilities φtj2 j1 and conditional probabilities of con-
tingencies ψ0tjk . ψ tj0 is the probability of no contingency, i.e. the
base case.
ψαtjk Probability ψ tjk of contingency k in scenario j at time t adjusted
for α.
ψ +α
ψ tjκ , k = 0
ψαtjk = κ∈K tj 6=0 (4.1)
tjk tj
(1 − α)ψ , ∀k ∈ K 6= 0
Derived Variables
Symbol Meaning
∆ Net increase in stored energy due to charging or discharging for
unit i in post-contingency state k of scenario j at time t.
1 tijk
stijk ti tijk
∆ ≡ −∆(ηin psc + p ) (4.3)
ηout sd
S̄Itj Vector of expected stored energy for all storage units in base sce-
nario j at the beginning of period t, defined as a linear function
of s0 , psc and psd .17
I Expected stored energy in storage unit i in base scenario j at the
beginning of period t (i-th element of S̄Itj ).
Individual variables can be grouped into vectors such as pt for all active injections
considered across all scenarios and contingencies at hour t and it will be consistent
with the context. The subset referring to scenario j would be ptj .
All are linear functions of the optimization variables, used only to simplify the presentation.
See Section 4.4 for details.
4.2 Formulation
The problem formulation can be expressed as a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
problem, where the optimization variable x is comprised of all the θ, V , p, q, pc , p+ ,
p− , rz , r+ , r− , δ+ , δ− , psc , psd , s0 , s+ , s− , u, v, w, and z variables, for all t, j, k, i and
l. The u commitment variables are binary and the rest continuous. For simplicity,
the formulation restricts the treatment of costs, deviations, ramping and reserves
to consider only active power, but an extension to include reactive counterparts is
XX X Xh i
fp (p, p+ , p− ) = ψαtjk Ceti (ptijk ) + C ti (ptijk ) + C ti
(p tijk
) (4.7)
P P+ + P− −
t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj i∈I tjk
– expected cost of load-following ramping (wear and tear)
fδ (p) = γ t φtj2 j1 Cδi (ptij2 0 − p(t−1)ij1 0 ) (4.10)
j1 ∈J t−1 i∈I tj2 0
j2 ∈J t
– cost of initial stored energy and value (since it is negative) of expected leftover
stored energy in terminal states
fs (s0 , psc , psd ) = Cs0 s0 − (Cts0 s0 + Ctsc psc + Ctsd psd ) (4.12)
4.2.2 Constraints
This minimization is subject to the following constraints, for all t ∈ T , all j ∈ J t ,
all k ∈ K tj , all i ∈ I tjk , and all l ∈ Ltjk , beginning with the constraints that are
separable by period.
– transmission flow limits, voltage limits, any other OPF inequality constraints20
htjk (θtjk , V tjk , ptjk , q tjk ) ≤ 0 (4.15)
These can take the form of nonlinear AC power balance equations (not yet implemented) (4.2)
and (4.3), linear DC power balance equations (6.29), or a simple equating of total demand and total
supply, where the equation numbers referenced are from the Matpower User’s Manual.
These can also take the form of inequality constraints from a nonlinear AC OPF (not yet
implemented) including (6.9), (6.10) and (6.13), a linear DC OPF including (6.30) and (6.31), or a
simple economic dispatch, where the equation numbers referenced are from the Matpower User’s
Security Constraints (Option 1): Zonal Reserve Requirements21
Storage Constraints
– storage dispatch definition and limits
ptijk = ptijk
sc + psd (4.28)
sc ≤ 0 (4.29)
sd ≥0 (4.30)
– Option 2 : Constrain the expected final stored energy at the end of the
horizon22 to equal the initial stored energy.
snFt i = si0 (4.38)
Smin ≤ si0 ≤ 0i
Smax (4.39)
When using this option si0 is an optimization variable that can take on
any value between its bounds. When not using this option, it is simply a
fixed parameter.
See (4.93) in the Section 4.4 for details on how snFt i is computed as a linear function of x.
Unit Commitment
– injection limits and commitments
uti Pmin ≤ ptijk ≤ uti Pmax
uti Qtijk
min ≤ q
≤ uti Qtijk
max (4.41)
– integrality constraints
uti ∈ {0, 1} (4.47)
– state bounds
zmin ≤ z t ≤ zmax
, t = 1 . . . nds
t (4.49)
– output equations
t t t t t t
ymin ≤ Cds z + Dds p̄ ≤ ymax , t = 1 . . . nt (4.52)
t t t t
ymin ≤ Cds z ≤ ymax , t = (nt + 1) . . . nds
t (4.53)
The initial state z 1 is not a variable, but is assumed to be a given initial condition.
While the fact that the probabilities in future periods do not sum to 1 may
seem odd, this results from choosing, in an N − 1 contingency fashion, to ignore the
cost implications of resuming normal operations after branching off in a contingency,
since that would involve exploration of a geometric number of possible paths. This
implies, for the branches that have been trimmed, the existence of an unknown cost
with respect to the decision variables. Since we do not have any information about
the relationship of this unknown cost to our decisions, we explicitly ignore its impact
by excluding it from the optimization.
The probability of transitioning to scenario j2 in period t given that scenario j1
was realized in period t − 1 is assumed to be a known value φtj2 j1 . These transition
probabilities for each time step t can be arranged in a transition probability matrix.
φt11 φt12 · · · φt1nJ t−1
φt21 φt22 · · · φt2nJ t−1
Φ = .. (4.55)
.. . . ..
. . . .
φtnJ t 1 φtnJ t 2 · · · φtnJ t nJ t−1
The columns of Φt sum to 1, and its coefficients are used to weight the wear and tear
costs of ramping.
The individual state specific probabilities ψ tjk for period t can be derived from
those in period t − 1 in two steps. First, the probability γ tj that scenario j or any of
its associated contingencies will occur at time t is given by
γ t1 ψ (t−1)10
γ t2 ψ (t−1)20
.. = Φ (4.56)
. .
γ tnJ t ψ (t−1)nJ t−1 0
where X
γ tj = ψ tjk . (4.57)
k∈K tj
j is fixed and independent of any optimization variables. However, in the context
of unit commitment, this is not a valid assumption for a generator outage contin-
gency. In this case the probability of that contingency goes to zero if the generator is
not committed. The current MOST implementation uses the formulation described
above and does not take into account this dependency of contingency probabilities
on commitment status.
4.4 Value of Residual Storage
Given the complexity of the storage model, numerous derived parameters and vari-
ables were used in Section 4.2 to simplify the presentation of the problem formulation.
The specifics of these derivations are presented here. This includes details of the sixth
term fs (·) of the objective function (4.6), specifically the last three terms of (4.12)
related to the expected residual value of stored energy in terminal states. It also
includes details of the storage constraints (4.33)–(4.38).
First, for each storage resource i, an efficient method is needed to compute the
expected amount of stored energy at the beginning and end of each period t for each
scenario j. We will denote these by the nJ t × 1 vectors SIti and SFti , respectively,
where nJ t is the number of scenarios in period t.
The stored energy stij0
F in unit i at the end of period t in base state j can be
computed deterministically from the stored energy at the beginning stij0 I and the
injections in that state, where the losses are assumed to be proportional to the
average stored energy during the period. Using the definition of stijk
∆ from (4.3), this
relationship can be expressed as follows
ti sI + stij0
F = stij0
I + stij0
∆ − ∆ηloss F
= β1ti stij0
I + β2ti stij0
∆ , (4.60)
where ti
1−∆ 1
β1ti ≡ 2
, β2ti ≡ ti
. (4.61)
1+ ∆ 2 1+∆ 2
For a period where a contingency occurs at a fraction α of the way through the
period, the losses are more tricky to compute. Let us call the expected stored energy
at the moment the contingency occurs stijk
α , expressed as
α = stijk
I + α(stij0 tijk
F − sI ). (4.62)
where (4.64) follows directly from (4.62) and (4.63), keeping in mind that stijk
I = stij0
I .
In this case, the stored energy in unit i at the end of period t in state jk can be
computed deterministically from the stored energy at the beginning and the injec-
tions in states j0 and jk as follows.
F = stijk
I + αstij0 tijk
∆ + (1 − α)s∆ − sloss
" #
tij0 tij0
s + s
= α stij0
I + stij0
∆ − ∆ηloss
ti I F
" #
tijk tijk
s + s
+ (1 − α) stijkI + stijk
∆ − ∆ηloss
ti I F
" #
tijk tijk
s + s
= α β1 sI + β2ti stij0
ti tij0
+ (1 − α) stijk + stijk ti I F
∆ I ∆ − ∆ηloss (4.67)
= β5ti stijk
I + β4ti stij0 ti tijk
∆ + β3 s ∆ (4.68)
1 η ti
β3ti ≡ ( + ∆ loss )−1
1−α 2
= ti
1 + (1 − α)∆ 2
β4ti ≡ β ti β ti
1−α 2 3
= η ti η ti
(1 + ∆ loss
)(1 + (1 − α)∆ loss
β5ti ≡ 1ti (β3ti + β4ti )
ti η ti
α + (1 − α)(1 + ∆ loss
ηloss 2
= 1−∆ η ti ti
2 (1 + ∆ loss )(1 + (1 − α)∆ )
2 2
Let Gtik and Hkti be matrices containing appropriately placed efficiencies relating
the charging and discharging injections, respectively, in state jk of storage unit i in
period t to the corresponding change in stored energy from the beginning to the end
of the period. Specifically, the elements gjl and htijl in row j and column l of Gtik and
Hkti are set as follows
ti −∆ηin , where column l corresponds to ptijk
gjl = (4.72)
0, otherwise
−∆ 1 , where column l corresponds to ptijk
ti ti sd
hjl = ηout (4.73)
0, otherwise
The reason for keeping Gtik and Hkti separate is to make it possible to use different
prices to represent the gain in value from increasing the amount of residual storage
and the loss in value from reducing the amount of residual storage. The need to use
different prices to value charging and discharging is supported by the intuition that
stored energy should not be used in a given terminal state if there is a better time to
use it (expect a higher price on the horizon), neither should we be storing additional
energy in a given terminal state if there is a better time to store it (expect a lower
price on the horizon).
Using these matrices, (4.60) can be expressed for the vector SFti as a deterministic
function of SIti and the injections as
On the other hand, the expected stored energy in each scenario at the beginning
of period t depends on the corresponding values at the end of period t − 1 and the
transition probabilities. Let σ t equal the vector of probabilities of each of the base
scenarios at the end of period t − 1, conditional on arriving at the end of that period
without the occurence of a continency.
ψ (t−1)10
1 (t−1)J0 ψ
σ ≡ tψ = t . (4.75)
γ γ .
ψ (t−1)nJ t−1 0
If we also let [a] denote a diagonal matrix with the vector a on the main diagonal,
then the relationship between SIti and SF can be expressed as
t t ti (t−1)i
Φ σ SI = Φt σ t SF . (4.76)
In other words,
SIti = Dti SF (4.77)
where (
1nJ t ×1 , t = 1
D ≡ t t −1 t t (4.78)
Φσ Φ σ , t= 6 1.
Stacking the vectors SIti and SFti for all storage units (i from 1 to ns ) allows the
relationships above to be expressed in terms of matrices formed by stacking the Dti
along the diagonals and the Gtik and Hkti vertically.
Dt1 0 · · · 0 Gt1
k Hkt1
0 Dt2 · · · 0 t2 t2
t Gk t Hk
D = .. .. , Gk = .. , Hk = .. (4.79)
.. ..
. . . . . .
0 0 · · · Dtns Gtn
Similarly, scalars βnti are converted to diagonal matrices Bnti ≡ βnti · InJ t ×nJ t and
stacked to form
Bnt1 0 ··· 0
0 Bnt2 · · · 0
Bnt = .. .. . (4.80)
.. . .
. . . .
0 0 · · · Bntns
The full expression for all storage units in all scenarios in period t can then be
expressed as follows.
SIt = Dt SF (4.81)
SFt = B1t SIt + B2t (Gt0 + H0t )x (4.82)
The relationships in (4.81) and (4.82) imply that the expected stored energy at
any point in the planning horizon can be expressed in the following form as a linear
function of the expected initial stored energy s0 and the active power injections in
x, specifically the injections of the storage units.
The following recursive expressions can be used for computing LtI , LtF , Mgt , Mht , Ngt
and Nht
(t−1) (t−1) (t−1)
LtI = Dt LF = Dt B1 LI (4.85)
LtF = B1t LtI = B1t Dt LF (4.86)
Mgt = Dt Ng(t−1) (4.87)
Mht = Dt Nh (4.88)
Ngt = B1t Mgt + B2t Gt0 (4.89)
Nht = B1t Mht + B2t H0t , (4.90)
= [β1t ]L̄nI t j s0 + [β1t ]M̄gnt j + [β2t ]Ḡ0nt j + [β1t ]M̄hnt j + [β2t ]H̄0nt j x.
Likewise, the expected residual stored energy at the end of period t for any scenario j
and contingency k is expressed as follows,
= [β5t ] L̄tj tj tj t tj tj t tj tj
I s0 + (M̄g + M̄h )x + [β4 ](Ḡ0 + H̄0 ) + [β3 ](Ḡk + H̄k ) x
= [β5t ]L̄tj t tj t tj
I s0 + [β5 ]M̄g + [β4 ]Ḡ0 + [β3 ]Ḡk
t tj
The overall expected quantity of stored energy across all non-contingency states
at the end of the horizon is given by
1 X
snFt = ψ nt j0 S̄Fnt j (4.93)
γ (nt +1) j∈J nt
where γ (nt +1) = j ψ nt j0 . This expression can be used in contraints, such as (4.37)
or (4.38) or in constructing terms of the objective function.
Finally, we return to the value, call it vS (x), of the expected stored energy leftover
in terminal states, expressed in the last three terms of fs in (4.12).
vS (x) = Cts0 s0 + Ctsc psc + Ctsd psd (4.94)
If we were to use a single price for each storage unit i to value all contributions
to that expected leftover energy, regardless of the state in which they occur, then
the value vS (x) would be that price times a simple probability-weighted sum of the
energy in each state, modified by the output efficiency. To be more precise, the price
relates to the value of each MW of recoverable energy23 as opposed to stored energy.
vS (x) = CsT [ηout
] ψ nt j0 S̄Fnt j + t
[ηout ] ψ tjk S̄Ftjk (4.95)
j∈J nt t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
However, it may be useful to classify the system states into three categories:
terminal contingency states, terminal end-of-horizon base states, and non-terminal
states (base states preceding the last period). This allows for the possibility of
valuing differently the contributions made to the expected terminal stored energy in
each of these categories of states. It may also be useful to differentiate between the
value gained by increasing the expected terminal stored energy and the value lost by
decreasing it.
This leads to the current design based on the five price model summarized in
Table 4-1. Expressing (4.95) in terms of (4.91) and (4.92), splitting up the terms and
applying different prices to the five different types of contributions to the expected
terminal storage quantities, yields the following.
It is not the amount of energy stored that is of interest, but rather the amount which can be
recovered after output efficiency losses ηout .
vS (x) = CsT (A1 s0 + A2 x + A3 x) + Csc0
A4 x + Csd0 A5 x
+ Csck A6 x + Csdk A7 x (4.96)
A1 = [ηout ][β1nt ] ψ nt j0 L̄nI t j + t
[ηout ][β5t ] ψ tjk L̄tj
I (4.97)
j∈J nt t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
][β1nt ] ψ nt j0 M̄gnt j t
ψ tjk [β5t ]M̄gtj + [β4t ]Ḡtj
A2 = [ηout + [ηout ] 0
j∈J nt t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
][β1nt ] ψ nt j0 M̄hnt j + t
ψ tjk [β5t ]M̄htj + [β4t ]H̄0tj
A3 = [ηout [ηout ]
j∈J nt t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
A4 = [ηout ][β2nt ] ψ nt j0 Ḡn0 t j (4.100)
j∈J nt
A5 = [ηout ][β2nt ] ψ nt j0 H̄0nt j (4.101)
j∈J nt
A6 = t
[ηout ][β3t ] ψ tjk Ḡtj
k (4.102)
t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
A7 = t
[ηout ][β3t ] ψ tjk H̄ktj (4.103)
t∈T j∈J t k∈K tj 6=0
If we use Ān to represent the version of An with all columns removed except
for those corresponding to the relevant charging and discharging injections (psc for
n = 2, 4, 6 and psd for n = 3, 5, 7), then we can express the cost of initial and terminal
stored energy fs from (4.12) as
fs (s0 , psc , psd ) = Cs0 s0 − vS (x)
= Cs0 s0 − (Cts0 s0 + Ctsc psc + Ctsd psd ) (4.104)
5 most
In Matpower, a MOST optimization problem is executed by calling most with
a MOST Data struct as the first argument (mdi). The results are returned in an
updated MOST Data struct (mdo). An additional optional input argument can be
used to set options (mpopt).
The following sections describe the input data, the MOST options, the MOST
Data struct itself, including the results, and some additional considerations.
The following sections describe the input arguments to loadmd and the way they
are normally constructed. Except for the transition probability matrices, all pa-
rameters which vary from period to period are specified via profiles, as per-period
changes applied to a set of base values provided in the other input arguments.
Since the input arguments to loadmd are handled by loadgenericdata (see Sec-
tion 6.8 for details), they can either take the form of the data structure described
in each section below, or a string containing the name of an M-file or MAT-file that
returns the required data structure.
mpc md – MOST Data struct
MATPOWER case mpc.bus mpopt
data mpc.branch solver
mpc.gen options
transition CommitKey, CommitSched, InitialPg
InitialState, MinUp, MinDown
xgd offer(t).NegativeActiveReservePrice
additional offer(t).NegativeActiveReserveQuantity most()
generator data offer(t).PositiveLoadFollowReservePrice
loadmd() offer(t).PositiveLoadFollowReserveQuantity
offer(t).NegativeLoadFollowReservePrice Scheduling
sd Tool
additional RampWearCostCoeff
storage unit
data (StorageData)
contab Storage.InitialStorageLowerBound
contingency Storage.InitialStorageUpperBound
data Storage.OutEff
profiles Storage.TerminalStoragePrice
If the problem you are setting up includes storage resources or wind generators,
it may be simpler to exclude these from the gen matrix in mpc and add them later
using the addstorage and addwind functions described below in Sections 6.2 and 6.3.
Table 5-1: Fields* of xGenData struct (xgd)
name default† description
CommitSched C 0 or 1, UC status to use for non-UC runs
InitialPg P active power dispatch at time t = 0
TerminalPg active power dispatch at time t = nt + 1
(only included if explicitly specified)
RampWearCostCoeff 0 quadratic coefficient for Cδi (·)‡ in (4.10)
PositiveActiveReservePrice 0 ti
linear coefficient for CR+ (·)‡ in (4.9)
PositiveActiveReserveQuantity R max upward reserve quantity Rmax+ in
NegativeActiveReservePrice 0 ti
linear coefficient for CR− (·)‡ in (4.9)
NegativeActiveReserveQuantity R max downward reserve quantity Rmax− in
PositiveActiveDeltaPrice 0 linear coefficient for CPti+ (·)‡ in (4.7)
NegativeActiveDeltaPrice 0 linear coefficient for CPti− (·)‡ in (4.7)
PositiveLoadFollowReservePrice 0 ti
linear coefficient for Cδ+ (·)‡ in (4.11)
PositiveLoadFollowReserveQuantity R max upward ramp reserve δmax+ in (4.23)
ti ‡
NegativeLoadFollowReservePrice 0 linear coefficient for Cδ− (·) in (4.11)
NegativeLoadFollowReserveQuantity R max downward ramp reserve δmax− in
CommitKey required for problems with UC
-1 – offline, unit forced off
0 or 1 – available for UC decisions
2 – must run, unit forced on
InitialState§ ±∞¶ if positive (negative), number of uptime
(downtime) periods at time t = 0
MinUp§ 1 minimum up time in number of periods
MinDown§ 1 minimum down time in number of periods
* All fields are ng × 1 vectors of per-generator values.
† These are defaults provided by loadxgendata. If gen is provided, either directly or as the gen field of mpc,
then P = gen(:, PG), C = gen(:, GEN STATUS) and R = 2*(gen(:, PMAX) - MIN(0, gen(:, PMIN))), other-
wise C = 1, R = 0 and no default is provided for P (corresponding field is not optional).
‡ Each of these costs C(·) is presented in the formulation as a general function, but is implmented as a simple
linear function of the form C(x) = ax, where the linear coefficient being supplied is a. The only exception is
the ramping cost, which has the quadratic form Cδi (x) = ax2 .
§ Requires that CommitKey be present and non-empty.
¶ Sign is based on C† , i.e. +∞ for C = 1, −∞ for C = 0.
5.1.4 sd – Storage Data (StorageData)
The optional sd argument is a StorageData struct containing base values for all of
the storage unit data required for the problem that are not included in the standard
Matpower case mpc or in the xGenData.
This includes bounds on stored energy (capacities), efficiencies, loss factors, initial
and terminal values, prices used to value leftover storage, and more. Table 5-2
presents the details of the StorageData struct, whose fields are all ns × 1 vectors of
per storage unit values, except where indicated otherwise.
A StorageData struct is typically created from data files or structs in StorageDataTable
format via the loadstoragedata function described in Section 6.10. The addstorage
function from Section 6.2 also returns StorageData by calling the loadstoragedata
function internally.
Table 5-2: Fields* of StorageData struct (sd)
name default description
UnitIdx none corresponding row index into gen matrix
ExpectedTerminalStorageAim none † target value for expected final stored energy at
end of last period, overrides any values pro-
vided for both ExpectedTerminalStorageMin and
ExpectedTerminalStorageMax none † upper bound Smax nt i
on expected final stored energy
at end of last period in (4.37)
ExpectedTerminalStorageMin none † lower bound Sminnt i
on expected final stored energy at
end of last period in (4.37)
InitialStorage none value for initial (expected) stored energy s0
InitialStorageCost none ‡ cost Cs0 associated with starting with amount s0 at
time t = 0
InitialStorageLowerBound none ‡ lower bound Smin0i
on inital (expected) stored energy
s0 in (4.39)
InitialStorageUpperBound none ‡ upper bound Smax 0i
on inital (expected) stored en-
ergy s0 in (4.39)
InEff¶ 1 input efficiency ηin ti
rho¶ 1 ti
ρ parameter controlling weighting of worst case
(ρti = 1) and expected values (ρti = 0) for defining
storage constraints in (4.33)–(4.36)
TerminalStoragePrice prices Cs for contributions to terminal storage from
charging/discharging in non-terminal states
TerminalChargingPrice0 Cs § prices Csc0 for contributions to terminal storage
from charging in terminal end-of-horizon base states
TerminalDischargingPrice0 Cs § prices Csd0 for contributions to terminal storage
from discharging in terminal end-of-horizon base
TerminalChargingPriceK Cs § prices Csck for contributions to terminal storage
from charging in terminal contingency states
TerminalDischargingPriceK Cs § prices Csdk for contributions to terminal storage
from discharging in terminal contingency states
* All fields are ns ×1 vectors of per storage unit values, except where indicated otherwise. If no default is specified,
it means the field is required.
† If the target option is set to 0, the ExpectedTerminalStorage* parameters are optional
and ignored; if set to 1, at least one of them is required; if set to −1, the presence of any of the optional
ExpectedTerminalStorage* parameters will turn the target option on.
‡ If the option is set to 1, InitialStorageCost is required and the default values
of the initial storage bounds InitialStorageLowerBound and InitialStorageUpperBound are taken from
MinStorageLevel(:, 1) and MaxStorageLevel(:, 1), respectively, otherwise InitialStorageCost is optional
and both initial storage bounds default to InitialStorage.
¶ Can also be a scalar, in which case the value will be used for all storage units.
§ That is, the default is taken from TerminalStoragePrice.
5.1.6 profiles – Profiles for Time-Varying Parameters
Profiles are used to specify how parameters vary from period to period and are
defined in terms of changes to a base value. There are currently three different types
of data that can be changed by a profile, corresponding to the base values provided
by the mpc, xgd and sd arguments to loadmd.
A profile is a struct that specifies, for a given set of changes to be applied across
time periods and scenarios, the type of data, the table or field, the elements in that
table or field, the method of modification and the values to be applied. Table 5-3
summarizes the structure of the profile struct.
Section 6.7 describes idx profile which defines a number of constants that are
useful for specifying profiles. The apply profile function from Section 6.4 is used
internally by loadmd to apply the profiles. And getprofiles from Section 6.6 is used
to load a profile or set of profiles from a struct, MAT-file or M-file function.
5.2 MOST Options
In addition to making use of the verbose option and the solver-specific options, such
as those under the fields cplex, glpk, gurobi, etc. as documented in Appendix C in
the Matpower User’s Manual, there are also a number of options specific to MOST
that appear under a most field in the standard Matpower options struct. These
can be classified into two main categories and are described in Tables 5-4 and 5-5.
The first consists of options related to how most is run, such as the solver to use and
the phases of the problem building and solving to be included. The second is all of
the options controlling various details of the model to be built and solved.
Table 5-5: MOST Model Options
name default description
most.dc model 1 power balance model
0–P use simple total P power balance constraint
generation = demand
1 – use DC power flow network model
most.q coordination 0 create q tijk variables for reactive power coordina-
tion (0 or 1)
most.fixed res −1 include fixed zonal reserve constraints (4.8),
(4.16)–(4.18) for security
−1 – if fixed zonal reserves specified
0 – never
1 – always constraints −1 include contingency constraints for security
−1 – if contingencies specified
0 – never
1 – always target −1 constrain expected terminal storage to a target
−1 – if target range specified
0 – never
1 – always 0 use cyclic storage constraints (4.38)†
0 – off, initial storage si0 is a fixed parameter,
no constraint on final expected storage snFt i
1 – on, initial storage si0 is an optimization
variable constrained to equal final expected
storage snFt i −1 flag to indicate whether to perform unit commit-
-1 – perform unit commitment if and only if
mdi.UC.CommitKey is present and non-
0 – do not perform unit commitment
1 – do perform unit commitment
most.uc.cyclic 0 commitment restrictions (e.g. min up and down
times) roll over from end of horizon back to be-
ginning (0 or 1)
most.alpha 0 α, for contingency states, fraction of period spent
in base state before contingency occurs (0–1)
† The target and options cannot be used simultaneously (i.e. at
least one of them must be set to 0).
5.3 MOST Data struct
5.3.1 Input Data
The input to the most function takes the form of a MOST Data struct, a single Mat-
lab struct md, with the primary input fields described in Tables 5-6 through 5-9. As
described previously in Section 5.1, a MOST Data struct is typically not constructed
directly, but rather assembled from various other inputs by the loadmd function.
However, some of the features, such as fixed zonal reserve requirements, binary tran-
sition masks for load-following ramp, or linear dynamical system constraints, are
only available by modifying portions of the MOST Data struct directly.
Table 5-6: Input Data Fields of md
name type* default description
cont(t,j).contab I empty changes table† defining contingencies for period t,
scenario j
Delta T I 1 length of time step in hours
idx.nt I number of periods in scheduling horizon
InitialPg(i) I ng × 1, injection of generator i at t = 0
mpc I base system data, standard Matpower case
struct‡, with baseMVA, bus, gen, branch and
gencost fields
offer(t) I struct with offer data for period t, see Table 5-8
for details of sub-fields
OpenEnded I 1 ignore terminal dispatch ramp constraints, depre-
RampWearCostCoeff(i,t) I 0 ng × nt , cost of ramping of generator i from pe-
riod t−1 to t, coefficient Cδi for square of dispatch
difference in (4.10)
Storage B struct with parameters for storage units, see Ta-
ble 5-9 for the input fields
TerminalPg(i) I ng × 1, injection of generator i at t = nt , depre-
cated, untested
tstep(t) B nt × 1 struct of parameters related to period t
.OpCondSched(j).tab I changes table defining modifications from mpc for
each base scenario j in period t
.TransMask I an nj(t) × nj(t−1) matrix of binary transition
masks ζ tj2 j1 from scenario j1 in period t − 1 to
j2 in period t, see Section 6.5
.TransMat I Φt , an nj(t) × nj(t−1) matrix of transition proba-
bilities φtj2 j1 from scenario j1 in period t − 1 to
j2 in period t, see Section 5.1.2
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options.
† See Section 5.1.5 for details. Note that, while loadmd assigns the same contab to all t and j, it is possible to set
different contab values manually and they will be respected by most.
‡ See Appendix B in the Matpower User’s Manual for details.
Table 5-7: Additional Input Data Fields of md
name type* default description
CoordCost I empty user supplied coordination costs for AC version
.Huser I sparse matrix of quadratic coefficients
.Cuser I vector of linear coefficients
.cuser I scalar constant term
dstep(t) I empty nds
t × 1 struct with parameters for optional dy-
namical system model, (4.49)–(4.53)
.A I Atds , from (4.50)–(4.51)
.B I Bds , from (4.50)
.C I Cds , from (4.52)–(4.53)
.D I Dds , from (4.52)
.ymin I ymin , lower bound on output from (4.52)–(4.53)
.ymax I ymax , upper bound on output from (4.52)–(4.53)
.zmin I zmin , lower bound on z t from (4.49)
.zmax I zmax , upper bound on z t from (4.49)
FixedReserves(t,j,k) I empty zonal reserve input parameters for period t, sce-
nario j, contingency k, in form of reserves field
of mpc from Table 7-2 in the Matpower User’s
Manual, with cost, qty, zones, req sub-fields.
UC B struct with unit commitment parameters
.CommitKey(i,t) I empty optional ng × nt vector specifying availability of
unit i for commitment at time t
-1 – offline, unit forced off
0 or 1 – available for UC decisions
2 – must run, unit forced on
.CommitSched(i,t) B ng × nt matrix UC status (0 or 1) of unit i at
time t, input for non-UC runs, result for UC runs
.InitialState(i)† I empty ng ×1 vector of initial states, if positive (negative),
number of uptime (downtime) periods at time t =
.MinUp(i)† I empty ng × 1 vector, minimum up time in number of
.MinDown(i)† I empty ng × 1 vector, minimum down time in number of
z1 I empty initial state z 1 of optional dynamical system
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options.
† Requires that CommitKey be present and non-empty.
Table 5-8: Fields of Offer struct md.offer(t)
name description
† ti
PositiveActiveReservePrice linear coefficient of CRP + (·) in (4.6)
PositiveActiveReserveQuantity† max upward reserve quantity RP ti
max+ in (4.19)
NegativeActiveReservePrice† ti
linear coefficient of CRP − (·) in (4.6)
NegativeActiveReserveQuantity† max downward reserve quantity RP ti
max− in (4.20)
PositiveActiveDeltaPrice† ti
linear coefficient of CP + (·) in (4.6)
NegativeActiveDeltaPrice† linear coefficient of CPti− (·) in (4.6)
PositiveLoadFollowReservePrice† ti
linear coefficient of Cδ+ (·) in (4.6)
PositiveLoadFollowReserveQuantity† max upward ramp reserve δmax+ ti
in (4.23)
NegativeLoadFollowReservePrice† ti
linear coefficient of Cδ− (·) in (4.6)
NegativeLoadFollowReserveQuantity† max downward ramp reserve δmax− ti
in (4.24)
gencost‡ energy offers in the form of generator cost functions
† ng × 1 vector of values for each generator at time t.
‡ Deprecated. Use profiles instead.
Table 5-9: Input Fields of md.Storage
name type* default description†
UnitIdx(i) I corresponding gen matrix row index
ExpectedTerminalStorageAim(i) I target value for expected final stored en-
ergy at end of last period for storage
unit i, overrides any values provided for
both ExpectedTerminalStorageMin and
nt i
ExpectedTerminalStorageMax(i) I upper bound Smin on expected final stored
energy in (4.37)
nt i
ExpectedTerminalStorageMin(i) I lower bound Smax on expected final stored
energy in (4.37)
InitialStorage(i) B initial (expected) stored energy s0 in MWh
InitialStorageCost(i) I cost Cs0 associated with starting with
amount s0 at time t = 0
InitialStorageLowerBound(i) I lower bound Smin on inital (expected)
stored energy s0 in (4.39)
InitialStorageUpperBound(i) I upper bound Smax on inital (expected)
stored energy s0 in (4.39)
InEff(i,t)‡ I 1 input efficiency ηin ti
5.3.2 Output Data
Additional fields are initialized or added to the MOST Data struct by most and re-
turned in the updated output struct. Some simply record the values of correspond-
ing options found in the Matpower options struct passed in, while others contain
computed results. The output fields added or updated by most are summarized in
Tables 5-10 through 5-13.
Table 5-10: Output Data Fields of md
name type* description
alpha opt α, copy of most.alpha option
CostWeights(k,j,t)† O ψ tjk , probability of contingency k in scenario j at
time t
CostWeightsAdj(k,j,t)† O ψαtjk , same as ψ tjk , but adjusted for α as in (4.1)
DCMODEL opt copy of most.dc model option
flow(t,j,k) O case data for period t, scenario j, contingency k
.mpc Matpower case struct,‡ prices and gen costs are
.PLsh vector needed to compute branch flow results
idx B various problem dimensions, see Table 5-11
IncludeFixedReserves opt copy of most.fixed res option
QCoordination opt copy of most.q coordination option
QP B¶ (MI)QP/LP problem setup and results, see Ta-
ble 5-12
results O results, see Table 5-13
SecurityConstrained opt copy of constraints option
StepProb(t) O γ t , probability of making it to period t
Storage B γ t , probability of making it to period t
.ExpectedStorageDispatch(i,t) O ns × nt , expected dispatch of storage unit i
.ExpectedStorageState(i,t) O ns × nt , expected stored energy in storage unit i
at end period t
.ForceCyclicStorage opt copy of option
.ForceExpectedTerminalStorage opt copy of target option
.InitialStorage(i) B ns ×1, initial (expected) stored energy s0 in MWh,
computed as output when
option is on
tstep(t) B nt × 1 struct of parameters related to period t
.E§ O E t , used to compute expected injections in pe-
riod t
.G§ O Gt
.H§ O Ht
.Li§ O LtI
.Lf§ O LtF
.Mg§ O Mgt
.Mh§ O Mht
.Ng§ O Ngt
.Nh§ O Nht
UC.CommitSched(i,t) B ng × nt matrix UC status (0 or 1) of unit i at
time t, input for non-UC runs, result for UC runs
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options.
† Note index order – (:,:,t) refers to period t.
‡ See Appendix B in the Matpower User’s Manual for details.
¶ The QP field is either contructed by most or taken as an input, based on the value of the model option
described in Table 5-4.
§ Used to compute expected inital and final storage amounts for period t. See (4.83)–(4.90) for details.
Table 5-11: Fields of Index struct md.idx
name type* description
nt I number of periods in scheduling horizon
nj(t) O number of base scenarios for period t, computed from length of
nc(t,j) O number of contingencies in period t, scenario j
nb(t,j,k) O number of buses in period t, scenario j, contingency k
nb total O total number of buses summed over all flows
ng O number of gens in mpc.gen
ny(t,j,k) O number of gens with piecewise linear costs in period t, scenario j,
contingency k
nf total O total number of flows (periods t × scenarios j × contingencies k)
ns O number of storage units
ns total O ns × nf total
ntramp O number of periods of load-following reserves, always equal to nt - 1
since OpenEnded has been deprecated
ntds O nds
t , number of time periods in the horizon of the dynamical system
nzds O nds
z , size of state vector for dynamical system model (4.50)-(4.51)
nyds O nds
y , number of outputs of dynamical system model (4.52)-(4.53)
nvars O total number of variables
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options.
† Used to compute expected inital and final storage amounts for period t. See (4.83)–(4.90) for details.
Table 5-12: Fields of QP struct md.QP
name type* description
A§ B linear constraint matrix
l§ B linear constraint lower bound
u§ B linear constraint upper bound
x§ O full optimization variable x
f§ O value of objective function at solution (same as md.results.f)
vtype§ B string containing variable types
x0§ B variable initial value
xmin§ B variable lower bound
xmax§ B variable upper bound
H§ B quadratic cost coefficient matrix†
C§ B linear cost coefficient vector†
c B constant cost term†
H1 B quadratic cost coefficient matrix‡
C1 B linear cost coefficient vector‡
c1 B constant cost term‡
Cfstor B linear cost coefficients of full x to reflect expected value of storage in
terminal states
opt§ B options struct for qps matpower or miqps matpower, set by MOST
run options and solver-specific Matpower options via mpopt2qpopt
exitflag§ O 1 = converged successfully, 0 or negative value = solver specific failure
output§ O struct with solver-specific fields and alg field specifying solver that
was used
lambda§ O Lagrange and Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on constraints
.mu l§ O lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
.mu u§ O upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
.lower§ O lower bound on optimization variables
.upper§ O upper bound on optimization variables
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options. The QP struct and its fields
are either contructed by most or taken as an input, based on the value of the model option
described in Table 5-4.
† Including user defined coordination costs from md.CoordCost.
‡ Excluding user defined coordination costs from md.CoordCost.
§ See input and output arguments for qps matpower or miqps matpower for details.
Table 5-13: Fields of Results struct md.results
name type* description
f O value of objective function f (x) in (4.6) at solution (same as md.QP.f)
success O optimization success flag, 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed
Pc(i,t) O ng × nt , active power contract quantity, pti c
Rpp(i,t) O ng × nt , upward active contingency reserve quantity r+
Rpm(i,t) O ng × nt , downward active contingency reserve quantity r−
Rrp(i,t) O ng × nt , upward load-following ramping reserve quantity δ+
Rrm(i,t) O ng × nt , downward load-following ramping reserve quantity δ−
Sp O ns × nt , endogenously computed upper stored energy bounds sti +
Sm O ns × nt , endogenously computed lower stored energy bounds sti −
GenPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , expected energy price
CondGenPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , expected energy price, conditional on making it to time t
RppPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , price on upward active contingency reserve
RpmPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , price on downward active contingency reserve
RrpPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , price on upward load-following ramping reserve
RrmPrices(i,t) O ng × nt , price on downward load-following ramping reserve
ExpectedRampCost(i,t) O ng × nt , expected ramping cost (wear and tear)
ExpectedDispatch(i,t) O ng × nt , expected generator dispatch across base cases
Z O nds ds
z × nt , dynamical system model state z
Y O ny × nds
t , dynamical system model output
SetupTime O time to construct model in seconds
SolveTime O time to solve model in seconds
* I = input, O = output, B = both, opt = taken from Matpower options.
5.4 Additional Considerations
The current version of MOST has a number of modeling limitations relative to Mat-
power. The following is a list of Matpower features that are not yet supported
by MOST:
• DC transmission lines
6 Additional Functions
6.1 addgen2mpc
[new_mpc, idx] = addgen2mpc(mpc, gen, gencost, gen_type)
6.2 addstorage
[idx, new_mpc] = addstorage(storage, mpc)
[idx, new_mpc, new_xgd, new_sd] = addstorage(storage, mpc)
[idx, new_mpc, new_xgd, new_sd] = addstorage(storage, mpc, xgd)
[idx, new_mpc, new_xgd, new_sd] = addstorage(storage, mpc, xgd, sd)
6.3 addwind
[idx, new_mpc] = addwind(wind, mpc)
[idx, new_mpc, new_xgd] = addwind(wind, mpc)
[idx, new_mpc, new_xgd] = addwind(wind, mpc, xgd)
The parameters for the wind generators to be added are specified in a WindUnitData
struct, which is a single struct with the four fields described in Table 6-3. Return
values include a vector idx of generator indices for the newly added wind generators,
along with updated versions of the mpc and xgd structs specified by the inputs.
Table 6-3: Fields of WindUnitData struct (wind)
name default description
gen none rows to be appended to the gen matrix* in mpc
gencost zero cost rows to be appended to the gencost matrix* in mpc
xgd table none xGenDataTable struct† corresponding to units to be added
* See Tables B-2 and B-4 in Appendix B of the Matpower User’s Manual for details on the format.
† See loadxgendata in Section 6.11 and Table 6-6 for details of the xGenDataTable struct.
The apply profile function applies a single profile of a given type to the provided
input. See Section 5.1.6 and Table 5-3 for details on the profile struct.
For profiles of type 'mpcData', the output is an nt ×nmax
j cell array of change tables
in the format expected by Matpower’s apply changes function.25 The second input
is also nt × nmax
j cell array. Each element can be either empty or contain a change
table to which the new changes are appended.
For profiles of type 'xGenData' the second argument is the xGenData struct to
be modified (xgdi) and the output xgd is a modified version of the same struct.
The the third argument dim is a positive integer indicating the number of elements
corresponding to the third dimension of profile.values. This allows this dimension
to be expanded to the appropriate size if it is specified as a singleton dimension in
Profiles of type 'StorageData' are completely analogous, taking a StorageData
struct (sdi) as the second input and returning a modified version of it in sd.
See Section 9.3.5 in the Matpower User’s Manual.
The filter ramp transitions function creates a binary valued transition mask
tj2 j1
ζ for ramping reserves based on a given probability threshold. Only transitions
with probabilities greater than or equal to a given threshold value are included,
where the probability of the transition from state j1 to j2 is taken to be the conditional
probability Φt from (4.55), specified in the transmat argument to loadmd, multiplied
by the conditional probability of being in state j1 , given that you’ve made it to
period t.
6.6 getprofiles
profiles = getprofiles(profilesi);
profiles = getprofiles(profilesi, profiles0);
profiles = getprofiles(profilesi, idx);
profiles = getprofiles(profilesi, profiles0, idx);
6.8 loadgenericdata
var = loadgenericdata(varfile, vartype)
var = loadgenericdata(varfile, vartype, fields)
var = loadgenericdata(varfile, vartype, fields, varname)
var = loadgenericdata(varfile, vartype, fields, varname, args)
The loadgenericdata function loads data from a variable, M-file or MAT-file and
checks that it matches a specified type. The first argument, varfile, is a variable
Table 6-4: Constants Defined by idx profile
name value description
PR REP 1 replace old values with new ones
PR REL 2 multiply old values by scale factors
PR ADD 3 add shift factor to old values
PR TYPES list list of profile types
PR TMPCD list vector of valid table types for 'mpcData'
PR TXGD list list of valid table types for 'xGenData'
PR TCTD* list list of valid table types for 'ContingencyData'
PR TSTGD list list of valid table types for 'StorageData'
PR CHGTYPES list list of valid change types
* Related to functionality not yet implemented.
containing the data structure or a string containing the name of a function M-file
or a MAT-file on the Matlab path. If no file extension is provided, it will attempt
to load a MAT-file with the specified name and, if not found, will call a function
by that name to get the data. The function M-file should return a single argument
containing the data. A MAT-file should either contain a single variable with the
desired data or provide the variable name in varname.
The second argument, vartype, is a string or cell array of strings with, in order
of priority, the data structure type to be returned. Valid values are 'struct', 'cell'
and 'array'.
The third argument, fields, is optional and contains a string or cell array of
strings containing a list of required fields in case the vartype is 'struct'. If a
required field is missing it will throw an error.
The varname and args arguments are also optional. varname is a string containing
the name of the variable to extract when loading a MAT-file. If not provided, the
default is to extract the first variable, regardless of name. And args is a scalar or
cell array of values that are passed as input arguments to the function, in the case
where varfile is a function name.
6.9 loadmd
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd, contab, profiles)
The loadmd function provides the canonical way of loading a MOST Data struct.
For details please see Sections 5.1.1–5.1.6.
6.10 loadstoragedata
sd = loadstoragedata(sd_table)
sd = loadstoragedata(sd_table, gen)
sd = loadstoragedata(sd_table, mpc)
OutEff‡ 1 ti
output efficiency ηout
InEff‡ 1 ti
input efficiency ηin
LossFactor‡ 0 ti
fraction of stored energy lost per hour ηloss
rho‡ 1 ρti parameter controlling weighting of worst case (ρti = 1) and
expected values (ρti = 0) for defining storage constraints in
* See Table 5-2 for a list of valid field names.
† ns is the number of storage units and N is the number of fields in the StorageData being defined by the given
‡ Values in these scalar fields are overridden by any corresponding values in the data table.
There are six additional optional scalar fields that can be used instead of the
data table if a single value is to be assigned uniformly to all of the storage units. An
example StorageDataTable struct is created by the following code.
storage.sd_table.OutEff = 0.9;
storage.sd_table.InEff = 0.9;
storage.sd_table.LossFactor = 0.02;
storage.sd_table.rho = 0;
storage.sd_table.colnames = { % indented to align with data cols
'InitialStorage', ...
'InitialStorageLowerBound', ...
'InitialStorageUpperBound', ...
'InitialStorageCost', ...
'TerminalStoragePrice', ...
'MinStorageLevel', ...
'MaxStorageLevel', ...
}; = [
40 0 80 45 43 0 40;
30 0 60 47 45 0 30;
50 0 100 46 44 0 50;
See also the addstorage function in Section 6.2 for a potentially more convenient
way to specify all of the parameters for your storage resources in a single file or
6.11 loadxgendata
xgd = loadxgendata(xgd_table)
xgd = loadxgendata(xgd_table, gen)
xgd = loadxgendata(xgd_table, mpc)
The loadxgendata function provides the canonical way of loading extra generator
data into an xGenData struct described in Section 5.1.3 and summarized Table 5-1. It
takes an xGenDataTable struct as input, either directly or as the name of a function
or MAT-file that returns such a struct. If the optional second argument is provided,
either a Matpower gen matrix or a Matpower case file mpc, the generator status
and limits are used to set certain default values as indicated in Table 5-1.
The xGenDataTable struct is used as a convenient way to define the xGenData
struct using a table format for the data and is summarized in Table 6-6. It has
two fields, colnames and data. The data field is a ng × N matrix, where ng is the
number of generators and N is the number of fields in the xGenData being defined.
Those that are not defined in the xGenDataTable struct are assigned default values
by loadxgendata. The colnames field is an N dimensional cell array of strings with
field names corresponding to the columns in data. The number of columns in the
table and their order are determined by the user, depending on the fields for which
they want to specify non-default values.
6.12 most summary
ms = most_summary(mdo)
6.13 mostver
vnum = mostver
v = mostver('all')
Called with no output arguments, mostver prints the version number and release
date of the current MOST installation. Otherwise, if called with no input arguments,
it returns the current version as a string and with any true input argument, such as
the string 'all', it returns a struct with the fields Name, Version, Release and Date
(all strings).
7 Tutorial Examples
The examples in this section are based on the simple three bus model summarized in
Table 7-1 and illustrated in Figure 7-1. The case data can be found in the ex case3a
and ex case3b files. Not all examples include every part of the model. For example,
the single-period deterministic examples do not have the wind generator at bus 2,
none of the deterministic cases include the contingencies and the stochastic cases do
not include the fixed reserve requirement. The storage unit is only included where
specifically mentioned.
mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 0);
200 MW 200 MW 500 MW
100 MW
bus 1 bus 2
300 MW
240 MW 300 MW
bus 3
200 MWh
450 MW
±80 MW
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpc.branch(:, RATE_A) = 0; % disable line flow limits (mimic no network case)
r1 = rundcopf(mpc, mpopt);
Pg1 = r1.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam1 = r1.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
The equivalent “no network” economic dispatch problem can be solved by MOST as
follows. In this case, the variable r2 with many of the results can be extracted from
the mpc field of the first (and, in this case, only) element of mdo.flow. As described in
Table 5-10, this is also a standard Matpower case struct containing the expected
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 0); % use model with no network
mdi = loadmd(mpc);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
Zonal reserve requirements can be added and the problem solved by runopf w res
as described in Section 7.6.1 in the Matpower User’s Manual. The solved reserve
quantities and prices are returned in r1.reserves, as summarized in Table 7-6 in the
same section.
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpc.branch(:, RATE_A) = 0; % disable line flow limits (mimic no network case)
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'model', 'DC');
r1 = runopf_w_res(mpc, mpopt);
Pg1 = r1.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam1 = r1.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
R1 = r1.reserves.R; % reserve quantity
prc1 = r1.reserves.prc; % reserve price
The equivalent problem, solved by MOST is the following, where the inputs must
be specified in mdi.FixedReserves and the solved reserve quantities and prices are
found in r2.reserves.
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 0); % use model with no network
mdi = loadmd(mpc);
mdi.FixedReserves = mpc.reserves; % include fixed zonal reserves
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
R2 = r2.reserves.R; % reserve quantity
prc2 = r2.reserves.prc; % reserve price
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
r1 = rundcopf(mpc, mpopt);
Pg1 = r1.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam1 = r1.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
And it can be solved with MOST, by turning the DC network model back on (the
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 1); % use DC network model (default)
mdi = loadmd(mpc);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'model', 'DC');
r1 = runopf_w_res(mpc, mpopt);
Pg1 = r1.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam1 = r1.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
R1 = r1.reserves.R; % reserve quantity
prc1 = r1.reserves.prc; % reserve price
And the MOST equivalent, in this case, looks like the following.
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3a');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 1); % use DC network model (default)
mdi = loadmd(mpc);
mdi.FixedReserves = mpc.reserves; % include fixed zonal reserves
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
R2 = r2.reserves.R; % reserve quantity
prc2 = r2.reserves.prc; % reserve price
casefile = 'ex_case3b';
mpc = loadcase(casefile);
xgd_table.colnames = { 'CommitKey' }; = [ 1; 1; 1; 2];
xgd = loadxgendata(xgd_table, mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind_uc', mpc, xgd);
mpc = scale_load(499, mpc, [], struct('scale', 'QUANTITY'));
mpc.gencost(:, STARTUP) = 0; % ignore STARTUP and SHUTDOWN
mpc.gencost(:, SHUTDOWN) = 0; % costs for this example
On the other hand, MOST takes advantage of an explicit MIP solver to solve this
problem rather more efficiently and with solution quality guarantees.
mdi = loadmd(mpc, [], xgd);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
u2 = mdo.UC.CommitSched; % commitment status
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG); % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P); % nodal energy price
included explicitly via a contingency table, described in Section 5.1.5. The function
ex contab defines a contingency table with two outages. Generator 2 at bus 1 trips
off-line with a 6% probability, and the transmission line from bus 1 to bus 3 fails
with a 4% probability.
function contab = ex_contab
% label probty type row column chgtype newvalue
contab = [
1 0.06 CT_TGEN 2 GEN_STATUS CT_REP 0; %% gen 2 at bus 1
2 0.04 CT_TBRCH 2 BR_STATUS CT_REP 0; %% line 1-3
The xGenData is loaded from a file (ex xgd res) that defines prices and capacities for
contingency reserves.
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_res', mpc);
mdi = loadmd('ex_case3a', [], xgd, [], 'ex_contab');
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
EPg = mdo.results.ExpectedDispatch; % expected active generation
Elam = mdo.results.GenPrices; % nodal energy price
most_summary(mdo); % print results, depending on 'verbose' option
The results can be printed by most summary or extracted directly from the output
MOST Data struct, mdo.
These parameters are then used by loadmd to create the MOST Data struct to pass
to the solver.
mdi = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, [], [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
EPg = mdo.results.ExpectedDispatch; % active generation
Elam = mdo.results.GenPrices; % nodal energy price
most_summary(mdo); % print results, depending on 'verbose' option
As with the previous example, the results can be printed by most summary or
extracted directly from the output MOST Data struct, mdo.
casefile = 'ex_case3b';
mpc = loadcase(casefile);
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_uc', mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind_uc', mpc, xgd);
mpc = scale_load(350, mpc, [], struct('scale', 'QUANTITY'));
mpc.gencost(:, STARTUP) = 0;
mpc.gencost(:, SHUTDOWN) = 0;
Using the wind profile and transition probabilities defined in the previous example,
we can load and run this case as follows.
mdi = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, [], 'ex_contab', profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
u = mdo.UC.CommitSched; % commitment status
EPg = mdo.results.ExpectedDispatch; % active generation
Elam = mdo.results.GenPrices; % nodal energy price
most_summary(mdo); % print results, depending on 'verbose' option
Looking at the value of u, we see that in this example generator 2 is shut down.
>> u
u =
Load and Wind Profiles
Deterministic Wind
Stochastic Wind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
casefile = 'ex_case3b';
mpc = loadcase(casefile);
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_ramp', mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind', mpc, xgd);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_wind_profile_d', iwind);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_load_profile', profiles);
nt = size(profiles(1).values, 1); % number of periods
The RampWearCostCoeff field of xgd is modified to add the wear and tear ramping
costs from (4.10). This can be done directly for an existing xgd, as shown below, or by
adding a RampWearCostCoeff column in the xGenData file and defining the parameters
xgd.RampWearCostCoeff(1:3) = 1;
mdi = loadmd(mpc, nt, xgd, [], [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
EPg = mdo.results.ExpectedDispatch; % active generation
Elam = mdo.results.GenPrices; % nodal energy price
most_summary(mdo); % print results, depending on 'verbose' option
casefile = 'ex_case3b';
mpc = loadcase(casefile);
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_uc', mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind_uc', mpc, xgd);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_wind_profile_d', iwind);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_load_profile', profiles);
nt = size(profiles(1).values, 1); % number of periods
mpc_full = mpc; % save for later
xgd_full = xgd; % save for later
Base : No Network
This example begins with a simple sequence of economic dispatch problems, with
no network constraints, no startup and shutdown costs, no minimum up or down
time constraints, no ramp constraints or ramp reserve costs, and no storage. These
features, except for storage, are already in included in the full model data loaded, so
The deterministic unit commitment examples can be found in most ex6 uc.m. These example
cases and the code used to produce the plots can also be found in the test file t most uc.m. Both
files contain additional solver-specific options that you may find useful for these unit commitment
the first step is to remove these features to prepare for the first example. They will
be added back in one at a time in the subsequent examples.
mpc.gencost(:, [STARTUP SHUTDOWN]) = 0; % remove startup/shutdown costs
xgd.MinUp(2) = 1; % remove min up-time constraint
xgd.PositiveLoadFollowReserveQuantity(3) = 250; % remove ramp reserve
xgd.PositiveLoadFollowReservePrice(3) = 1e-6; % constraint and costs
xgd.NegativeLoadFollowReservePrice(3) = 1e-6;
This model can then be run after turning off the DC network modeling.
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 0); % use model with no network
mdi = loadmd(mpc, nt, xgd, [], [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
ms = most_summary(mdo); % print results, depending on 'verbose' option
The resulting commitment, dispatch and price schedules are shown in Figure 7-3.
Notice that generator 3 only operates during hours 2, 3 and 4 and, as expected, the
prices at all three buses are identical, since there is no network model to introduce
transmission congestion.
Notice in Figure 7-5 that this results in generator 3 remaining on through the lower
load hours, allowing generator 2 to stay off for hours 8–11.
Base : No Network
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ DC Network
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ Startup/Shutdown Costs
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Add Minimum Up and Down Time Constraints
Notice in the previous example that the generator 2 is only running for two hours
(6 and 7) in the middle of the planning horizon. Adding back the 3 hour minimum
up-time constraint eliminates that solution.
xgd.MinUp(2) = 3;
mdi = loadmd(mpc, nt, xgd, [], [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
Figure 7-6 shows how this constraint results in starting up generator 2 an hour
earlier (in period 5). Notice also that previously there was no network congestion in
period 5, but starting generator 2 introduces congestion, causing the nodal prices in
that period to separate from one another.
Previously, generator 3 was ramping more than 200 MW from hour 1 to hour 3,
which the newly added ramp constraint of 100 MW per hour precludes. Figure 7-7
shows that this fast ramp is reduced by shutting down generator 2 during the first
two hours and starting generator 3 at a higher output level.
Add Storage
Finally, a 200 MWh storage unit is added at bus 3, as shown in the diagram in
Figure 7-1. The magnitude of the power injection for this storage unit is limited to
80 MW, both for “charging” and “discharging”. The cyclic storage constraint option
is used to ensure that the stored energy at the end of the planning horizon is equal
to the stored energy at the beginning.
+ Min Up/Down Time Constraints
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ Ramping Constraints/Ramp Reserve Costs
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 7-7: Deterministic UC : Add Ramp Constraints and Ramp Reserve Costs
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, '', 1);
[iess, mpc, xgd, sd] = addstorage('ex_storage', mpc, xgd);
mdi = loadmd(mpc, nt, xgd, sd, [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
Figure 7-8 illustrates the effect of adding the storage unit. Since the unit is located
at bus 3 with the load, it can reduce the congestion enough in peak hours to allow
generator 2 to stay on for the full 12 hours. It also reduces the ramping capability
required from the more expensive generator 3. As expected, the storage unit is
charged during the periods of lower demand and lower price and discharged during
the periods of higher demand and higher price.
+ Storage
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gen 1
500 Gen 2 500
Generation, MW
Gen 3
Net Load, MW
400 Storage Charge 400
300 Storage Discharge 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7.2.3 Example 7 – Secure Stochastic Unit Commitment
The following examples are based on example 6 above, with all of the features,
except storage, included. Instead of deterministic wind, however, a stochastic model
of wind is assumed.34 In these examples, three samples of wind availability serve
as the base scenarios, representing low, average and high wind realizations. These
wind scenarios are defined in ex wind profile.m. In this case, since there is a single
load profile defined in ex load profile.m, it is automatically expanded to apply to
all three wind scenarios as well. The examples in this section all use the following
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3b');
xgd = loadxgendata('ex_xgd_uc', mpc);
[iwind, mpc, xgd] = addwind('ex_wind_uc', mpc, xgd);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_wind_profile', iwind);
profiles = getprofiles('ex_load_profile', profiles);
nt = size(profiles(1).values, 1); % number of periods
nj = size(profiles(1).values, 2); % number of scenarios
Wind Profile, Individual Trajectories
Wind Scenarios
Possible Transitions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The resulting unit commitment, expected dispatch and price schedules are shown in
Figure 7-10.
transmat = ex_transmat(nt);
mdi = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, [], [], profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
ms = most_summary(mdo);
Individual Trajectories
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
100 Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Wind Profile, Full Transition Probabilities
Wind Scenarios
Possible Transitions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This case results in a different unit commitment as seen in Figure 7-12, where gen-
erator 2 remains on throughout the later hours.
Figure 7-13 shows the resulting unit commitment, expected dispatch and pricing
Full Transition Probabilities
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
100 Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ Contingencies
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
500 500
Generation, MW
Gen 1
Net Load, MW
400 Gen 2 400
Gen 3
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
100 Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
As seen in Figure 7-14, the storage allows all units to remain on for the entire horizon,
avoiding the startup and shutdown costs.
+ Storage
Unit Commitment
Gen 1 @ Bus 1
Gen 2 @ Bus 1
Gen 3 @ Bus 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gen 1
500 Gen 2 500
Generation, MW
Gen 3
Net Load, MW
400 Storage Charge 400
300 Storage Discharge 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nodal Price, $/MWh
Bus 1
Bus 2
100 Bus 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
8 Acknowledgments
This work was supported in part by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Tech-
nology Solutions (Certs) and the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reli-
ability, Transmission Reliability Program of the U.S. Department of Energy under
the National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-
The authors would like to thank the following people, in no particular order,
for their various contributions to MOST and the SuperOPF project upon which it
is based: Robert J. Thomas, Timothy D. Mount, C. Lindsay Anderson, Alberto
Lamadrid, Daniel Muñoz-Álvarez, James S. Thorp, William D. Schulze, Jie Chen,
Hongye Wang, Wooyoung Jeon and Surin Maneevitjit.
Appendix A MOST Files and Functions
This appendix lists all of the files and functions that MOST provides. In most cases,
the function is found in a Matlab M-file of the same name in the lib directory of
the MOST distribution36 , where the .m extension is omitted from this listing. For
more information on each, at the Matlab prompt, simply type help followed by the
name of the function. For documentation and data files, the filename extensions are
That is, in the <MATPOWER>/most/lib directory.
A.2 MOST Functions
A.3 Automated Test Suite
Table A-4: MOST Tests
name description
test most runs full MOST test suite
t most 3b 1 1 0 3-bus, single period, no contingencies
t most 3b 1 1 2 3-bus, single period, 2 contingencies
t most 3b 3 1 0 3-bus, 3 periods, no contingencies
t most 3b 3 1 2 3-bus, 3 periods, 2 contingencies
t most 30b 1 1 0 uc 30-bus, single period, no contingencies, w/unit commitment
t most 30b 1 1 0 30-bus, single period, no contingencies
t most 30b 1 1 17 30-bus, single period, 17 contingencies
t most 30b 3 1 0 30-bus, 3 periods, no contingencies
t most 30b 3 1 17 30-bus, 3 periods, 17 contingencies
t most fixed res with fixed zonal reserve requirements
t most sp single period continuous problems
t most spuc single period mixed-integer problems, i.e. w/UC
t most suc multiperiod with stochastic unit commitment
t most uc multiperiod with deterministic unit commitment
t most w ds with linear dynamical system constraints
uniformwindprofile creates a wind profile with evenly spaced capacity values
Appendix B Release History
The full release history can be found in <MATPOWER>/most/docs/CHANGES.
Other Changes
• No significant changes since first public beta release.40
Bugs Fixed
• Fix bugs in plot uc data() resulting in incorrect legends.
• Fix dimension of RampWear cost indexing if mdi.OpenEnded is true.
• Add missing constant term to objective function value reported by most summary.
Version 1.0b1 was released on Jun 1, 2016 and 1.0b2 on Nov 1, 2016
Other Changes
• LATEX source code for MOST User’s Manual included in docs/src.
• Updated to use OOP notation for opt model object, and avoid calls to depre-
cated methods, using init indexed name() and add lin constraint() instead.
• Updated to use Matpower’s new quadratic costs in opt model in place of the
legacy cost model.
• Add success flag to md.results output MOST Data struct to indicate success
or failure of optimization.
Incompatible Changes
• Failure of the optimization no longer halts execution and jumps to the debug-
Bugs Fixed
• Fix default solver selection issue in t most w ds test.
Other Changes
• Add CITATION file.
[1] R. D. Zimmerman, C. E. Murillo-Sánchez, and R. J. Thomas, “Matpower:
Steady-State Operations, Planning and Analysis Tools for Power Systems Re-
search and Education,” Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, no. 1,
pp. 12–19, Feb. 2011. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2051168 1, 1.2
December 2008. [Online]. Available:
superopf-framework 3