Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Joint Notations, Speed of Motion, Pay Load

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Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Joint notations, Speed of Motion, Pay Load

Pitch is rotation around the X axis. Pitch is up and down movement about an axis
Yaw is around the Y axis. Yaw is side to side swinging around an axis
Roll is around the Z axis. roll is rotatory motion about an axis.
A Joint notation is a mechanism that permits relative movement between parts of a
robot arm. The joints of a robot are designed to enable the robot to move its end-effector
along a path from one position to another as desired. The basic movements required for
a desired motion of most industrial robots are:
i. Rotational movement: This enables the robot to place its arm in any
direction on a horizontal plane.
ii. Radial movement: This enables the robot to move its end-effector
radially to reach distant points.
iii. Vertical movement: This enables the robot to take its end-effector to
different heights.
Speed of Motion: A robot moving at full extension with all joints moving simultaneously
in complimentary directions at full speed. The maximum speed is the theoretical values
which does not consider under loading condition.
Payload: The maximum payload is the amount of weight carried by the robot
manipulator at reduced speed while maintaining rated precision. Nominal payload is
measured at maximum speed while maintaining rated precision. These ratings are
highly dependent on the size and shape of the payload due to variation in inertia.
The common technical specifications of industrial robots.

 Accuracy  Resolution
 Repeatability  Envelope
 Degree of Freedom (DOF)  Reach


Industrial robots Space robots

Domestic or household robots Hobby and competition robots
Medical robots Explorer robots
Service robots Laboratory robots
Military robots Sequence robots
Entertainment robots Playback robots


1. Controller:
Every robot is connected to a computer, which keeps the pieces of the arm working
together. This computer is known as the controller. The controller functions as the
"brain" of the robot. The controller also allows the robot to be networked to other
systems, so that it may work together with other machines, processes, or robots.


Robots today have controllers that are run by programs - sets of instructions written in
code. Almost all robots of today are entirely pre-programmed by people; they can do
only what they are programmed to do at the time, and nothing else.
In the future, controllers with artificial intelligence, or AI could allow robots to think on
their own, even program themselves. This could make robots more self-reliant and
2. Arm:
Robot arms come in all shapes and sizes. The arm is the part of the robot that positions
the end - effector and sensors to do their pre-programmed business.
Many (but not all) resemble human arms, and have shoulders, elbows, wrists, even
fingers. This gives the robot a lot of ways to position itself in its environment. Each joint
is said to give the robot 1 degree of freedom. So, a simple robot arm with 3 degrees of
freedom could move in 3 ways: up and down, left and right, forward and backward.
3. Drive:
The drive is the "engine" that drives the links (the sections between the joints into their
desired position. Without a drive, a robot would just sit there, which is not often helpful.
Most drives are powered by air, water pressure, or electricity.
4. End-Effector:
The end-effector is the "hand" connected to the robot's arm. It is often different from a
human hand - it could be a tool such as a gripper, a vacuum pump, tweezers, scalpel,
blowtorch - just about anything that helps it do its job. Some robots can change end-
effectors, and be reprogrammed for a different set of tasks.
5. Sensor:
Most robots of today are nearly deaf and blind. Sensors can provide some limited
feedback to the robot so it can do its job. Compared to the senses and abilities of even
the simplest living things, robots have a very long way to go.
The sensor sends information, in the form of electronic signals back to the controller.
Sensors also give the robot controller information about its surroundings and let it
know the exact position of the arm, or the state of the world around it.



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