Manual QCA With R - v170407

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Performing fuzzy- and crisp set

QCA with R

A user-oriented beginner’s guide

version 07.04.2017


Dr. Eva Thomann

Stefan Wittwer

Florence, April 17
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Performing QCA with R

Table of contents

How to (not) understand and use this manual – please read! .............................................. 1

1 Introduction to R .............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Basics ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Working directory........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Help! ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Packages ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Workspace, operators and objects ............................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Workspace ............................................................................................................ 7
1.5.2 Operators .............................................................................................................. 9
1.5.3 Classes of objects ............................................................................................... 10
1.6 Working with real data .............................................................................................. 11
1.6.1 Open and save datasets ....................................................................................... 11
1.6.2 Inspect and describe data .................................................................................... 12
1.6.3 Recoding, renaming and deleting variables ....................................................... 15

2 Getting started for the QCA analysis ........................................................................... 18

3 Opening, preparing and saving datasets ...................................................................... 19

3.1 Opening, describing and saving the dataset ............................................................... 19
3.2 Dealing with missings ............................................................................................... 20
3.3 Recoding variables .................................................................................................... 22

4 Calibration of and operations with sets........................................................................ 22

4.1 Calibration ................................................................................................................. 22
4.1.1 Fuzzy sets ........................................................................................................... 23
4.1.2 Crisp sets ............................................................................................................ 24
4.1.3 Tips for calibration (read this) ............................................................................ 25
4.2 Calibration diagnostics .............................................................................................. 26
4.2.1 Visualization....................................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Skewness ............................................................................................................ 28
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

4.2.3 Cases on crossover point .................................................................................... 28

4.3 Calculating membership in operations on sets .......................................................... 30

5 XY-plots........................................................................................................................... 32

6 Analysis of necessity ....................................................................................................... 35

6.1 Testing for single necessary conditions ..................................................................... 35
6.2 SuperSubset procedure: Finding all superset of the outcome.................................... 36

7 Analysis of sufficiency .................................................................................................... 37

7.1 Testing for single sufficient conditions ..................................................................... 38
7.2 Building the truth table and logical minimization ..................................................... 38
7.3 Standard Analysis: Specifying directional expectations ........................................... 41
7.4 Enhanced Standard Analysis: Excluding truth table rows ......................................... 41
7.4.1 Excluding truth table rows before logical minimization .................................... 42
7.4.2 Differentiating between empirically observed rows and logical remainders ..... 44
7.5 Identifying simplifying assumptions and easy counterfactuals ................................. 48

8 Advanced stuff ................................................................................................................ 52

8.1 Ex post skewness diagnostics .................................................................................... 52
8.2 Formal set-theoretic theory evaluation ...................................................................... 53
8.2.1 Calculating the logical intersections of theory and empirics ............................. 53
8.2.2 Calculating the membership of the cases in the intersections ............................ 54
8.3 Post-QCA case selection ........................................................................................... 55
8.4 QCA with clustered data ............................................................................................ 57

References ............................................................................................................................... 59

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Box 1: Update R and Rstudio from time to time ...................................................................................... 5
Box 2: Working with the visual GUI interface ...................................................................................... 19
Box 3: Rounding sets (and any other variable) ..................................................................................... 23
Box 4: A hands-on template code for calibration and its diagnostic .................................................... 29
Box 5: Aggregating sets when you have missing values ....................................................................... 31
Box 6: More options for making XY-plots ............................................................................................. 34
Box 7: Useful tools for truth table analysis ........................................................................................... 40
Box 8: Default settings for logical minimization ................................................................................... 41
Box 9: Identifying untenable assumptions contradicting the statement of necessity............................. 43
Box 10: Alternative options for flexibly coding and omitting truth table rows ..................................... 46
Box 11: Useful tools for interpreting QCA outputs ............................................................................... 49
Box 12: A hands-on template code for Enhanced Standard Analysis ................................................... 50

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

How to (not) understand and use this manual – please read!

This manual is a teaching resource that accompanies the introductory course to Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (QCA) held by Dr. Eva Thomann. It is written by users for users and
offers a hands-on guide to performing a crisp-set or fuzzy-set QCA analysis with the R packages
QCA and SetMethods, including a Standard Analysis, Enhanced Standard Analysis, and some
important diagnostics. The sole purpose of this manual is to guide users through the different
analytic steps of a QCA and explain, in intuitive words, the, in our view, most important things
they need to know about what they are doing. Nothing more – we keep it simple. The manual
should help you to “make R your friend” and exploit its remarkably powerful toolkit to produce
a sophisticated, fully replicable QCA analysis.

As such this manual neither provides a full nor systematic guide to all the relevant packages
(see the respective CRAN package documentations for this), nor does it cover everything that
could be done. Additional packages relevant for QCA (e.g., QCApro and VennDiagram) are
not covered here (see There are often many ways in
which things can be done with R – perhaps more elegant or parsimonious than the ones
presented here. Given the continuous and rapid development of the QCA methodology and
software, the advice presented here is not set into stone. Commands and functions can change
and expand quickly. However, the packages we use should offer full backwards compatibility.

The manual follows the structure of a QCA analysis, and is preceded by a short and selective
introduction to basic features of R which you should read before getting started. In this manual
we use commands in order to “talk” with R and tell it what we want it to do.1 In the introduction,
we outline a few basic features of the “language” that R understands. However, the good news
is that you neither need to learn this whole language, nor all the commands by heart, to perform
QCA with R. You can simply look up the commands for what you want to do in the respective
chapter of this manual, copy-paste the command, and replace the interchangeable parts of the
command with the respective features of your own research. Throughout the manual, R
commands are listed in grey font colour. The commands are numbered, e.g. c 1. Those parts of
the commands that you need to replace to make the commands fit your own purposes are
marked bold. For example:

The QCA package does offer a graphical, user-friendly GUI interface to perform QCA, see Box 2. In this manual
we have chosen to work with written commands instead since these commands offer users the full functionality
and flexibility for performing even advanced analytic steps.
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

- variables are called var

- datasets are called mydata
- sets are called MYSET
- conditions are called COND
- outcomes are called OUTCOME .

This should be self-explanatory; copy-paste the command you need and simply insert the name
of your variable, your outcome, your dataset, etc. Importantly, note that sets, conditions and
outcomes are always denoted with UPPERCASE LETTERS. Make sure you also label them
with uppercase letters in your dataset. This is because some commands interpret sets written in
lowercase letters as the negation of the set. If sets, conditions or outcomes are written in
lowercase letters in this manual, they denote the negation of the set, condition or outcome. Also,
make sure that you perform the analytic steps in sections 6-8 with a dataset that only contains
the calibrated sets. Some of these commands do not work if the variables in the dataset do not
range from 0-1.

Some helpful resources:

 CRAN documentation for QCA package (https://cran.r- ) and for SetMethods package (https://cran.r- )
 UCLA ( )

 Quick R ( /)

 R Graph Gallery ( )

 Forums: ( ) ; ( ); ( )
 Try out R with the TryR Code School ( )

This manual is intended as an “open source” working document that is continuously improved
based on new developments and the feedback of users. As such, it is and remains work in
progress. We do our very best to ensure the accuracy of the listed commands, but errors (e.g.
typos in commands) remain possible. The manual is updated at relatively regular intervals (ca.
4 months). Suggestions how to improve this manual or notifications on errors are more than
welcome – please send them via e-mail to Eva Thomann (escriba[ at ] Please note
that we only consider those suggestions that we deem relevant for the analytic steps described
in this manual, and that are formulated in a concrete manner. So far, we would like to
wholeheartedly thank the following colleagues for their useful input:
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Adrian Dusa
Nena Oana
Carsten Q. Schneider
Yixian Sun
Koen van der Krieken

What is written in this manual represents the opinion of the authors and not the opinion of those
who helped us with their feedback. All remaining errors are our own responsibility.
The latest version of the manual is available online at

Please cite this manual:

Thomann, Eva and Stefan Wittwer (2017). Performing fuzzy- and crisp set QCA with R: A
user-oriented beginner’s guide. Version 07.04.2017. URL: [date of access: insert here].

Eva Thomann
Stefan Wittwer Florence, 7 April 2017

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

1 Introduction to R2

1.1 Basics
Performing the operations described in this manual requires downloading the following

- R (freely available at )

- RStudio (freely available at )

Once installed, you don’t have to open R; it suffices to open Rstudio.

On the upper right, the workspace tab shows all the active objects (see 1.5). On the lower right,
the history tab shows a list of commands used so far. The files tab shows all the files and folders
in your default workspace. The plots tab will show all your graphs. The packages tab will list a
series of packages or add-ons needed to run certain processes. For additional info see the help
tab. On the left-hand side, you see the console, which is where you can see output (i.e. the
results of what you do). You can also type commands there. However, you don’t only want to
give instructions to R, but you also want to save these instructions, so that you can repeat them
any time you want, continue your work the next day, check and modify what you already did,
show what you did to colleagues, make everything you did fully replicable, etc. Therefore, you
want to save your commands in a script, which is written with the editor. Always use the editor,
not the console, to enter code. Once code grows, a good and clear editor becomes indispensable
(e.g. to identify errors or to allow comments). To open the editor and start a new script, click
file -> new file – R script. Now, the editor window appears in the upper left part of the interface;
and the console is now below the editor. The editor is where you enter your codes and
documentation. Save your script frequently: file -> save or save as.

It is advisable to use comments extensively in your script to document what you do and why.
Comments in the script start with # (on Mac: "alt+3"): everything after # in the line is ignored
by R, that is, it is not treated as a command.


If you use several #’s before and after the comment, Rstudio recognizes it as a section title to

This introductory chapter is partly based on material from the Seminar "Data Analysis with R" by Rudi Farys
and Paul Bauer (University of Bern, WISO) and Chapter 2 of Thiem and Dusa (2012).

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

which you can navigate:

##### mytitle ######

To navigate to a title, use the tiny bar on the lower end of the editor.

Once you have typed a command, R will not run it until you send the code to the Console by
marking it and then pressing "STRG + R" (Windows) or "cmd + Enter" (Mac). Within the
RStudio script, you can also just press STRG and Enter to run the command line where your
cursor lies. You can also mark those commands you want to run and press STRG and Enter.

Box 1: Update R and Rstudio from time to time

New versions of R and Rstudio are issued regularly. Situations can arise in which packages
rely on these new versions, while you still have an older version installed. This may be one
possible reason in case you encounter problems. The easiest way to avoid this is to download
the most recent versions before you get going, if you haven’t used R for a while.

1.2 Working directory

To tell R where you want to save your files, you have to set the working directory. You can
find out what the currently set working directory is:

Then, set your working directory with setwd(""). The easiest way to do this is to click session
-> set working directory -> choose directory. Browse to the file location where you want to
store the relevant files for your analysis. The path to the working directory will then appear in
the console. Copy-paste it into the script (without the >), so you can set the working directory
just by running that line the next time:


You can also simply copy-paste the path to the location from the header of your windows folder
into the quotation mark of this command. If you do this, remember to replace \ by / or \\ in the
copy-pasted folder location.

Display the content of (= the files in) the working directory:

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17


1.3 Help!
Especially in the beginning, things often do not work immediately in R. The most common
cause for this is that R is case-sensitive. This means that as soon as something is not typed the
way R expects it, it does not recognize it. Check uppercase and lowercase notation; whether
commas, dots and quotation marks are set correctly; and generally for typos. R uses different
quotation marks than word. If R studio keeps crashing down, check whether changing the file
location, splitting up your codes into several, smaller scripts, or enlarging the “plots” window
(lower right) helps.

To get help, just put “?” in front of a command. The ?command gives you the relevant
information and examples for a specific command. For example, to get help for the function


The ?? command gives you a list of possible help sources for some keyword (in case you don't
know the command, but need help on a topic):


use "" for several words:

??"descriptive statistics"

R offers excellent online documentation: help yourself with google! You are never alone with
your R-problems.

1.4 Packages
If R is the kitchen, packages are the kitchenware. There are packages for everything. For
example, the packages QCA and SetMethods can be used for performing QCA with R. Some
packages are loaded permanently by default („base“ packages) while others must be installed:


So, after starting R studio and opening the editor, copy-paste the following command into the
editor, mark it, and hit STRG and Enter:
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 10
install.packages(c("arm", "car", "gmodels", "Hmisc", "MASS", "memisc", "polycor", "psych",
"reshape", "VIM", "lattice", "XML", "xtable", "foreign", "directlabels", "betareg", "plyr",
"dplyr", "QCA", "SetMethods"), dependencies = TRUE)

Probably a window will pop up, where you need to choose a server to download the packages.

The dependencies option ensures that, if a package depends on the existence of another package,
that other package is installed too.

You only need to install a package once. But every time you want to use it, you have to load it
when starting the R session. Load an installed package (without quotes!):

c 11

To work with this manual, you will have to load the following packages:

c 12
library(lattice); library(arm); library(xtable); library(foreign); library(psych);
library(directlabels); library(betareg); library(VIM); library(base); library(plyr);
library(dplyr); library(QCA); library(SetMethods)

See which packages are loaded:

c 13

You are now ready to go.

1.5 Workspace, operators and objects

R works with objects. Objects can be everything. For example, datasets are objects, variables
are objects. You can even store your results as an object, and recall them any time you want.
Data are contained in objects of different size and format (object classes) such as data sets, a
list of numbers, or only a single number or a name. Functions use the content of an object and
produce results.

1.5.1 Workspace

Objects are stored in the workspace. There (upper right), you can see which data sets are loaded
and which results or other objects you stored. Always keep it clear and well-arranged.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

As R is object-oriented, not only functions can be treated as objects, but also results from
operations using the functions can themselves be saved as objects again. To generate an object,
we first give it a name and then use a backward arrow <- to define its content and store it in the
workspace. For example, here we create an object that consists of the phrase “hi there”:

c 14
myobject <- "hi there"

You can always display the content of the object in the console by simply typing its name:

c 15

R tells you: "hi there"

But the content of the object can also be numerical, of course (for numbers, you don’t need the
quotation marks):

c 16
myobject <- 37

R tells you: 37

c() is a function which combines its arguments (c stands for "concatenate"). This helps you to
list different elements. This function is often used with R. In the example below, we create an
object that consists of the numbers 1, 2, and 3.

c 17
myobject <- c(1, 2, 3)

You can also list words or phrases, instead of numbers, using quotation marks:

c 18
myobject <- c("hi", "what’s up?", "coffee please.")

The dollar sign (see also 1.6.3) is needed if you want to “tie” an object (e.g. a variable) to
another object (e.g., the dataset). For example, you create a new variable (=the tied object) in
the dataset (the object to which it is tied). Without doing this, the variable will only be in the
workspace but not in the dataset. You have to specify the content of the variable. Here we assign
it a value of NA (no answer):

c 19
mydata$newvar <- NA
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Save objects from the workspace in a file:

c 20
save(myobject1, myobject2, file="filename" )

You can remove specific objects from the workspace:

c 21

or delete (clear) the whole workspace:

c 22

1.5.2 Operators

You can use R much like a calculator. We might be using the following operators:

Arithmetic operators:
Plus: +
Minus: –
Multiplication: *
Division: /
To the power of: ^

Logical operators:
AND: &
OR: |
EQUALS: == (attention: you need a double equal sign!)
NOT: !

Functions (e.g.): sqrt(), exp(), log()

To use the results of operations for later analysis, store them as an object (see 1.5.1). Otherwise,
the result only appears in the console. For example, here we create an object that is the result
of the operation ((1+3)/7*18)^2:

c 23
myobject <- ((1+3)/7*18)^2

You can also use the operators to compare differing objects or perform operations on them.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Say, you define object “a” as:

a <- (5+5)/2*2

You may want to know whether a is greater than 10:

a > 10

R will tell you no: FALSE

Does a equal 10?

a == 10

R will tell you yes: TRUE

1.5.3 Classes of objects

In R, objects have different classes (see for further

 Vectors: integer, numerical, logical, character.
 Matrix (two dimensions),
 List (list of different objects),
 Data frame.

You can check for the object type:

c 24

Of course, some commands only work with some object classes. For example, you cannot
calculate the mean of a logical object, but only of a numerical one.

Logical objects typically take on the values TRUE or FALSE. It is nice to know that you can
use the command as.numeric() to display logical values as numerical values (1 for TRUE, 0 for

c 25

This enables you to, for example, count the number of cases that fulfil a certain logical
condition, see e.g. section 3.2.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

1.6 Working with real data

1.6.1 Open and save datasets

To import a data set, make sure to set the working directory right (getwd()). Before you start
working with a new dataset, you want to clear workspace to avoid that the software “gets

c 26

For performing a QCA analysis, we usually work with .csv files.

To load the dataset, we build an object that reads the .csv file:

c 27
mydata <- read.csv("mydata.csv", row.names=1, header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",")

This is the option for excels from countries that use a comma as decimal point and a semicolon
as field separator (sep = ";", dec = ","), the excel convention for CSV files in some Western
European locales. If this does not work, it may be that your excel is formatted differently (e.g.
US version). Try the option sep = "", dec = "." instead, or sep = ",", dec = ".". If you want to
find out how your CSV file is structured, open it in your working directory with the “Editor”
(Windows) or “TextEdit” (Mac).

You can also read the dataset in other formats, e.g. simply as a table:

c 28
mydata <- read.table ("mydata.csv", sep =";", dec=",", header=TRUE)

For STATA files (package "foreign"), use read.dta; for SPSS, read.spss .

To save your dataset in the working directory:

c 29
write.csv2(mydata, "mydata.csv")

write.csv2 uses a comma for the decimal point and a semicolon for the separator. If you want
to save your csv in the US format, use the write.csv instead of write.csv2. This uses "." for the
decimal point and a comma for the separator.


Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

for other possible data export.

You can save calibrated sets in a new dataset, as a subset of your raw dataset (see also sections
1.6.2 and 4.1). Assume, for example, that you only want to save three calibrated sets from your
raw dataset as a new dataset “fuzzydata”. You may want to do this because QCA has some
commands that only work when all data ranges from 0-1. One possibility is using the subset()
command (package: base):

c 30
myfuzzydata <- subset(myrawdata, select = c("MYSET1", "MYSET2", "MYSET3"))
write.csv2(myfuzzydata, "myfuzzydata.csv")

You can also save a subset of your data that fulfils certain conditions – you are incredibly
flexible there, using the logical operators in 1.5.2. Note that if you have a variable consisting of
character vectors (=words rather than numbers), you should use quotation marks for indicating
which value you mean. Say, for example, you want to create a new dataset that contains only
those cases that have the value “Eastern Europe” (=character vector) for the variable “region”,
and that either have a value of bigger than 0.5 on variable 2, or a value of 0 on variable 3:

c 31
mynewdata <- subset(myolddata, region == "Eastern Europe" & (var2 >= 0.5 | var3 ==
write.csv2(mynewdata, "mynewdata.csv")

Alternatively, using colnames(), in this example you saw that the calibrated sets are the columns
8 to 10. You can tell R to save columns 8 to 10 in a new dataset:

c 32
write.csv2(myrawdata[,8:10], "myfuzzydata.csv")

1.6.2 Inspect and describe data

Much of what is discussed in this section presumes you have installed the package “dplyr”.

The View() (attention: “V” as a capital letter) command makes you see your dataset as if you
opened it normally.

c 33

Attention: you cannot make any changes in the dataset using the cursor!

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Check how many variables you have in your dataset:

c 34

Look up the names of the variables contained in your dataset:

c 35

You can also use colnames() or rownames() to get the names of the columns (variables) or rows
(cases), respectively:

c 36

c 37

Each column and each row has a number. In the console, R lists the number of the first element
(row or column, depending on which command you chose above) in every new line in square
brackets. This helps you figure out which number a specific case or variable has in the dataset.

Get a first impression of how your dataset looks like (first 6 rows):

c 38

Look up specific variables in your dataset (here: 2 variables, but it can be less or more, of

c 39
select(mydata, var1, var2)

Apart from select (which only works for variables), you have three basic options to access
elements or subsets of your dataset:

1. By using $

The $ sign means something like “and therein”, for example “variable in mydata”:

c 40

2. By using objectname[rows,columns]

You can use square brackets to specify which part of the dataset you want to see. Before the

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

comma, you specify the number of the row(s), and after the comma, the column(s). If
unspecified, all rows / columns are displayed. Here, we look up the third variable of mydata:

c 41

Now, we look up the value of the first case for the third variable:

c 42

You can do the exactly same thing by specifying the name of the variable in the dataset:

c 43

You can also list several elements you want to see. For example, you can look up how the first,
second and eighth variable look like for rows (cases) number 2-4:

c 44
mydata[2:4, c(1,2,8)]

3. By using subset().

The subset command is extremely useful to identify subsets of your data that fulfil certain
logical conditions. For example, we want to see only those cases that have a value of greater
than 5 in the first variable and a value smaller than or equal 60 in the second variable.

c 45
mynewdata <- subset(mydata, var1 > 5 & var2 <= 60)
You could save these cases in a new dataset:

c 46
write.csv2(mynewdata, "mynewdata.csv")

Sort a variable in ascending order:

c 47
mydata[order(mydata$var, decreasing=FALSE), ]

Sort in descending order:

c 48
mydata[order(mydata$var, decreasing=TRUE), ]

Get descriptive statistics for your dataset:

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 49

Or perform descriptive statistics separately:

c 50

Check if there are missings in your dataset or a specific variable (see also section 3.2). R will
give you, for each case, the answer TRUE (is missing) or FALSE (not missing).

c 51

c 52$var)

1.6.3 Recoding, renaming and deleting variables

You can attribute values to cases. For example, you want the first case to have a missing value
(NA, ‘Not Available’) for the third variable:

c 53
mydata[1,3] <- NA

For recoding variables, you have two basic options:

1. Using the recode() function (package: QCA)

The recode function allows you to tell R which variable you want to recode, and according to
what rules you want to attribute (=) which value. Several rules can be combined using
semicolons ; . Rules can be

- a single value, for example 1=0

- a range of values, for example 2:5=1
- a set of values, for example 6,7,10=2
- everything that is not specified in the defined rule: for example, else=0

In the example below, we recoded var into newvar, such that values of 1, 3 and values between
5 and 7 obtain the value 1; values of 4, 5, 8 and 9 obtain value 2; and all other values retain the
same values as the old variable (else=copy).

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 54
mydata$newvar <- recode(mydata$var, "1,3,5:7=1; 4,5,8,9=2; else=copy")

2. Using logical and other operators

This second option looks a bit more complicated than the first option, but you are more flexible
in the rules you can use. You can create a new variable in the dataset to recode another variable.
For example, we dichotomize a variable: values above 6.33 are recoded into 1, all others into
0. We use $ to ensure that the new variable (object) is tied into the dataset.

First, we create a new variable, containing only missings.

c 55

mydata$newvar <- NA

Instead of creating a new variable with missings, you can also create a new variable that equals
the old variable:

c 56
mydata$newvar <- mydata$var
Assign the new variable a value of 0 if the values of the old variable are lower than or equal to

c 57
mydata$newvar[mydata$var <= 6.33] <- 0

Then, we assign the value 1 to values of the old variable that are higher than 6.33:

c 58
mydata$newvar[mydata$var > 6.33] <- 1

Needless to say, you can use all logical operators (see 1.5.2) for this and any values you like.

You can also perform operations with variables to create a new variable. For example, we create
a new variable which divides variable 2 by variable 1.

c 59
mydata§newvar <- mydata$var1/mydata$var2

Always check whether the recoding worked. Compare the old and the new, recoded variable:

c 60
select(mydata, var, newvar)

If you wish to rename a variable (here: rename “var” with the new variable name “newvar”):

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 61
names(mydata)[names(mydata)=="var"] <- "newvar"


c 62
mydata <- rename(mydata, newvar = var)

Alternatively, to rename a variable, you can simply create a new variable that equals the old
variable, and then remove the old variable:

c 63
mydata$newvar <- mydata$var
mydata$var <- NULL

And in fact, you can delete any variable any time (attention: you won’t be able to undo this!):

c 64
mydata$var <- NULL

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

2 Getting started for the QCA analysis

The manual is based on the use of R Studio. In case you did not already do this (section 1.4),
you first have to install the QCA package and the SetMethods package required to perform
QCA, as well as some additional auxiliary packages with all dependencies. Open R studio and
simply copy-paste the following command into the console (left-hand side):

c 65
install.packages(c("arm", "car", "gmodels", "Hmisc", "MASS", "memisc", "polycor", "psych",
"reshape", "VIM", "lattice", "XML", "xtable", "foreign", "directlabels", "betareg", "plyr",
"dplyr", "QCA", "SetMethods"), dependencies = TRUE)

The execute the command, mark the command and either

- hit STRG and Enter or

- hit "STRG + R" (Windows) or
- hit "cmd + Enter" (Mac).

Within the RStudio script, you can also just press STRG and Enter to run the command line
where your cursor lies.

Probably a window will pop up, where you need to choose a server to download the packages.

Click file, new file, R script to start writing an R code (upper left side). You can save the script
clicking file, save or file, save as… .

Clear your workspace before starting to work:

c 66
rm(list = ls())

Once the packages are installed, load the required packages:

c 67
library(lattice); library(arm); library(xtable); library(foreign); library(psych);
library(directlabels); library(betareg); library(VIM); library(base); library(plyr);
library(dplyr); library(QCA); library(SetMethods)

Set your working directory (see 1.2). It should be set to the same folder to which you safe your
R script. All datasets used should be saved in that folder, too. For example:

c 68
setwd("C:/Users/Eva/Work/ Data")

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Box 2: Working with the visual GUI interface

Some people find it complicated to work with command lines; they prefer having a visual
interface where they can click buttons to go through their analysis. In fact, the QCA package
offers this option, using the runGUI() command. The interface is very intuitive and has many
similarities with that of Ragin’s fs/QCA software. You will be able to do a basic QCA and
produce nice graphs with it. However, it is also still in development and therefore does not
yet offer the full functionality we employ in this manual (and according to the QCA manual,
there can still be bugs). To find out more about this, type:

3 Opening, preparing and saving datasets

Some steps described in this chapter are repetitions of section 1.6.

3.1 Opening, describing and saving the dataset

See also section 1.6.

Load your csv dataset:

c 69
mydata <- read.csv("mydata.csv", row.names=1, header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",")

Check the labels of your variables:

c 70

Check the labels of your cases:

c 71

Sort the values for a variable in ascending order:

c 72
mydata[order(mydata$var, decreasing=FALSE), ]

Compare several (here: two) variables with each other:

c 73
select(mydata, var1, var2)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Most important descriptive stats:

c 74

Save your dataset:

c 75
write.csv2(mydata, "mydata.csv")

Save a subset of your dataset (here: sets 1, 2 and 3; for other options, see 1.6.1):

c 76
mynewdata <- subset(myolddata, select = c("MYSET1", "MYSET2", "MYSET3"))
write.csv2(mynewdata, "mynewdata.csv")

3.2 Dealing with missings

R only recognizes values of “NA” for missing values. If missings are denoted by a different
sign – e.g., “-99”, you can (and have to) convert these into NAs:

c 77
mydata[mydata==-99] <- NA

QCA cannot attribute cases with missing values to the truth table, so you have to exclude cases
with missing values from the analysis.

You can check whether there are missing observations in your dataset (TRUE = missing,
FALSE = not missing):

c 78

You can also check this for specific variables:

c 79$var)

And you can check whether the cases are complete, i.e. do NOT contain missings (TRUE = no
missings, FALSE = has one or several missings):

c 80

You can obtain the number of cases with missing values (0) and with no missing values (1):

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 81
nomissings <- as.numeric(complete.cases(mydata))

and based on this you can obtain the percentage of cases with (left-hand side of crosstable) and
without (right-hand side) missings:

c 82

Obtain the number of cases with missings on a specific variable. This time, these will be cases
with value 1 on the object, because we are asking for those cases with the value NA (“”):

c 83

varmiss <- as.numeric($var))

Percentage of cases with missings, on the right-hand side of the crosstable:

c 84

varmiss <- as.numeric($var))


Identify the names of the cases that have missing values on the variable:

c 85
varmiss <- as.numeric($var))
rownames(subset(mydata, varmiss==1))

You can also check this for several variables simultaneously. The example below presumes that
we first used as.numeric( (see above) for identifying the cases with missing values for
variables 1, 2 and 3. So you can then identify those cases that have missings on one or several
variables of interest to you.:

c 86
rownames(subset(mydata, var1miss==1 | var2miss==1 | var3miss==1))

If you wish to exclude cases with missings from your dataset, you can simply only include cases
with no missings on any variable in the dataset:

c 87
nomissings <- as.numeric(complete.cases(mydata))
mydata = mydata[nomissings== 1,]

OR you can first identify cases with missings for certain variables (here: variables 1, 2 and 3),

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

and then only include only those cases without missings in the dataset:

c 88
var1miss <- as.numeric($var1))
var2miss <- as.numeric($var2))
var3miss <- as.numeric($var3))
mydata = mydata[var1miss == 0,]
mydata = mydata[var2miss == 0,]
mydata = mydata[var3miss == 0,]

You can then save this new dataset (see 1.6.1).

3.3 Recoding variables

Package: QCA; see also section 1.6.3. Say you want to recode values of 4 to values of 3 for a
given variable. You can EITHER create a new variable:

c 89
mydata$varnew <- recode(mydata$var, "4=3; else=copy")

OR you could simply overwrite the existing variable (but then, the old values are lost):

c 90
recode(mydata$var, "4=3; else=copy")

4 Calibration of and operations with sets


Ragin (2008b, 2009), Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 32-52, 232-244), Thiem and Dusa
(2012: 27-32, 51-62, 2013b: 89).

4.1 Calibration

In order to decide about the appropriate calibration threshold (section 4.1.3), you want to look
at your data (section 1.6.2), play around with it (section 1.6.3), and visualize different
calibration options and how they affect skewness (section 4.2). The nice thing about R is that
you can very flexibly try out different things and go back and forth between these different
steps. After calibration, you want to save what you did (section 1.6.1). Always label your sets
using uppercase notation.
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

4.1.1 Fuzzy sets

Direct method of calibration

Simply enter the thresholds for full nonmembership “e” (here: 1), the crossover point “c” (here:
2.5), and full membership “i” (here: 4).

c 91
mydata$MYFUZZYSET <- calibrate(mydata$rawvar, type = "fuzzy", thresholds = "e=1,
c=2.5, i=4", logistic = TRUE)

By default this command uses a logistic function and values of 0.05 and 0.95 as thresholds for
full (non)membership. If you set logistic=FALSE, then a linear function is used for
transforming the raw data into a set (Package: QCA).

You can additionally tell the software to code cases with certain values on the raw variable as
a certain set membership. Here, for example, after calibration we want to code cases with a
value of 3 on a five-point Likert scale (3 = neither agree nor disagree) of the raw variable as
fully out of the (already calibrated) fuzzy set (0.05):

c 92
mydata$MYFUZZYSET[mydata$rawvar == 3] <- 0.05

Box 3: Rounding sets (and any other variable)

By default, R calibrates sets with as many decimals as there may be. However, you can round
calibrated sets (here: 2 decimals):

c 93
or you can directly round when calibrating, e.g.:

c 94
mydata$MYFUZZYSET <- round(calibrate(mydata$myrawvar, type = "fuzzy",
thresholds = "e=1, c=2.5, i=4", logistic = TRUE), digits=2)

Note that whether or not you round the sets slightly affects the parameters of fit.

Multi-value fuzzy sets

As described in Ragin (2009: 91), especially when we are not dealing with fine-grained interval-
level data, we often resort to multi-value fuzzy sets (e.g., 5-value fuzzy sets or 7-value fuzzy

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

sets), based on a qualitative classification of observations into fuzzy set membership scores –
in other words, a procedure of coding / recoding raw data. This procedure is often referred to
as “indirect calibration”, but to be precise, it describes only the first step of a two-step,
quantitative procedure which is rarely applied in practice (see also Ragin 2008b; Schneider and
Wagemann 2012: 35ff). When using this procedure, be careful not to assign values of 0.5 to
empirical cases.

In order to code multi-value fuzzy sets, you can assign a fuzzy set membership for specific
values on the raw variable – essentially, recode a variable into a set (see for more details section
1.6.3). Here, for example, we create a four-value fuzzy set (0, 0.3, 0.7, 1) out of a raw variable
that ranges from 0 to 3:

c 95
mydata$MYFUZZYSET <- recode(mydata$rawvar, "0=0; 1=0.3; 2=0.7; 3=1; else=NA")

We can also assign certain fuzzy set values to cases that fall within a given range of the raw
variable that you can define as you see fit. In the example here, raw values from 1 to 3 result in
a fuzzy value of 0, raw values greater than 3 but smaller than 5 are assigned a fuzzy value of
0.33, and raw values equal or greater than 5 get a fuzzy value of 1:

c 96
mydata$MYFUZZYSET[(mydata$rawvar >= 1)&(mydata$rawvar <=3)] <- 0
mydata$MYFUZZYSET[(mydata$rawvar >3)&( mydata$rawvar < 5)] <- 0.33
mydata$MYFUZZYSET(mydata$rawvar >= 5) <- 1

Depending on what you prefer, you can do this using the recode function or using logical
operations (see 1.6.3 and 3.3). The calibrate() function also offers a subsets of the possibilities
described here if the option type= "crisp", see the QCA package manual.

4.1.2 Crisp sets

We can calibrate a crisp set by simply indicating the crossover point (here: 50) (package: QCA):

c 97
mydata$MYCRISPSET <- calibrate(mydata$rawvar, type = "crisp", thresholds = 50,
include = TRUE)

If you set include = TRUE, values of 50 will be calibrated as set membership 1. If it is set to

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

FALSE, values of 50 will be counted as set membership 0.

Calibrating crisp sets can also be done by recoding the data, see 4.1.1 (and 1.6.3). Again, we
can either assign concrete raw values to concrete crisp set memberships. For example, we assign
raw values of 1 and 3 a crisp set membership of 0, and raw values of 2, a crisp set value of 1:

c 98
mydata$MYCRISPSET <- recode(mydata$rawvar, "1=0; 3=0; 2=1; else=copy")

Or we can define how specific ranges of the raw values result in crisp set memberships. For
example, we assign raw values between 0 and 2 a crisp set membership 0, and raw values above
2, a crisp set membership 1:

c 99
mydata$MYCRISPSET <- recode(mydata$rawvar, "0:2=0; else=copy")
mydata$MYCRISPSET(mydata$rawvar > 2) <- 1

4.1.3 Tips for calibration (read this)

The following tips will make your life a lot easier.

1. Labelling sets

Future versions of QCA will have a lot of commands that allow you to negate sets using
lowercase notation. In this scenario, whether you use upper- or lowercase letters is really
decisive. To avoid problems and confusion, always use uppercase letters for labelling your sets,
and lowercase letters for their negation.

QCA analyses are often perceived as very complex and hard to understand by outsiders. It
considerably reduces the perceived complexity of QCA results if you use short labels for your
sets. It also makes it easier to fit results into tables and figures. Ask yourself: do I need more
than 1 letter to describe my set, and how many more do I minimally need?

2. Finding calibration thresholds

The QCA package does offer data-driven ways to find calibration thresholds. They are not
included in this manual because the resulting sets are very hard to interpret. The most important
analytic choice is that of the threshold that establishes the difference in kind. Whenever possible,
use conceptual and theoretical criteria for the crossover point and avoid using purely empirical
criteria such as descriptive statistics. Avoid using the median as crossover point: it can usually
not be interpreted other than the set of “cases with values equal as or higher than 50% of the

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

other cases”. Similarly, if you use the sample mean (e.g., for unemployment) as crossover point,
the conceptual meaning of the set is “unemployment above average in the cases observed”. All
this does not mean that empirical criteria are not important for determining calibration
thresholds. In particular, you should avoid overly skewed sets (4.2.2 and 8.1) and empirical
cases on the crossover point (4.2.3).

Technically, it is easy to calibrate sets. However, calibration is essentially a process of concept

formation and definition that interacts decisively with your theory, research design and results.
Therefore, calibration is one of the most demanding analytic phases of a QCA analysis. Take a
lot of time for calibration, and try out different options. If you find that several different
crossover points are equally plausible, try them all and see how that affects the analysis. This
is called a robustness test and a very good thing to do (see also Maggetti and Levi-Faur 2013).
See 4.2.1 and the online appendix of Hinterleitner, Sager and Thomann (2016) for an

3. Saving calibrated data

After calibrating your raw data, save the calibrated sets in a new dataset. Some commands do
not work if the dataset does not contain only variables that range from 0-1. We have seen in
1.6.1 how this works:

c 100
myfuzzydata <- subset(myrawdata, select = c("MYSET1", "MYSET2", "MYSET3"))
write.csv2(myfuzzydata, "myfuzzydata.csv")

4.2 Calibration diagnostics

During calibration, you want to see how your data is distributed, and know if you have (and
avoid) overly skewed sets and empirical cases with set membership 0.5.

4.2.1 Visualization

You can visualize the calibration with an XY plot, which will equally show you not only if
there are cases on the 0.5 threshold, but also how the cases distribute in the set (see also section
5 on graphs).

A basic way of doing this can be to plot a set against its raw scores and set a horizontal line at
the crossover point, as well as a vertical line at the raw value that indicates the crossover point
(here: 25) (package: graphics).
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 101
plot(mydata$rawvar, mydata$MYSET, pch=18, col="black",
xlab=' Raw score ',
ylab=' Fuzzy score ')
abline(h=0.5, col="black")
abline(v= 25, col="black")

In the example below, we plot the calibration of “MYSET”. The crossover point is set at 25,
and indicated by a vertical black line (v= 25); we have also added a horizontal black line at set
membership 0.5 (h=0.5 – optional). In addition, the last two command lines (optional) add two
dotted vertical lines to the graph to indicate two alternative plausible crossover points (18 and
50) that we decided could be tested for robustness. The plot shows us whether, for example,
changing the crossover point from 25 to 50 would change the qualitative set membership of an
empirical case (indicated by a dot in-between the black and the left-hand side dotted line).

c 102
plot(mydata$rawvar, mydata$MYSET, pch=18, col="black",
xlab=' Raw score ',
ylab=' Fuzzy score ')
abline(h=0.5, col="black")
abline(v= 25, col="black")
abline(v= 18, col="black", lty="dotted")
abline(v= 50, col="black", lty="dotted")

In the following plot, we only test for one possible alternative crossover point (25 = regular
crossover point, 18 = alternative crossover point). The line for the alternative crossover point is
shaded grey, and we also add the data curve for the alternative calibration using the points
option – again, shaded grey.

c 103
plot(mydata$rawvar, mydata$MYSET, pch=18, col="black",
main=' MYSET ',
xlab=' Raw score ',
ylab=' Fuzzy score ')
points(mydata$rawvar, mydata$MYALTERNATIVESET, pch=18, col="grey",
abline(h=0.5, col="black")
abline(v= 25, col="black")
abline(v= 18, col="grey", lty="dotted")

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

4.2.2 Skewness

To check the skewness of your set, you can identify the number of cases that have set
membership above 0.5:

c 104
skewMYSET <- as.numeric(mydata$MYSET > 0.5)
Obtain the percentage of cases with set membership above 0.5 (right-hand side value):

c 105

Identify the names of the cases with set membership above 0.5:

c 106
rownames(subset(mydata, MYSET > 0.5))

4.2.3 Cases on crossover point

You can check the number of cases that have membership of 0.5 in a set:

c 107
checkMYSET <- as.numeric(mydata$MYSET == 0.5)

And their percentage:

c 108

It should be 0. If it is not, find out which cases have membership 0.5 on a set:

c 109
rownames(subset(mydata, checkMYSET==1))

You can also check this for several sets simultaneously:

c 110
rownames(subset(mydata, checkMYSET1==1 | checkMYSET2==1 | checkMYSET3==1))

You can exclude all cases that have values of 0.5 on one of your sets (here: outcome and 3

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 111
mydata = mydata[mydata$OUTCOME != 0.5,]
mydata = mydata[mydata$COND1 != 0.5,]
mydata = mydata[mydata$COND2 != 0.5,]
mydata = mydata[mydata$COND3 != 0.5,]

Box 4: A hands-on template code for calibration and its diagnostic

To cut a long story short, for your convenience, here is a ready-made, hands-on template code
for what you could use as a standard procedure when calibrating a fuzzy set using the direct
calibration method:

c 112

# descriptive statistics

# check for missings (% of cases with missings)

varmiss <- as.numeric($var))

# calibration (fuzzy set, direct calibration method, rounded to 2 digits)

mydata$MYFUZZYSET <- round(calibrate(mydata$var, type = "fuzzy", thresholds =
"e=1, c=2.5, i=4", logistic = TRUE), digits=2)

# Number of cases on the crossover point

checkMYSET <- as.numeric(mydata$MYSET == 0.5)

# check for skewness (% of cases with membership > 0.5)

skewMYSET <- as.numeric(mydata$MYSET > 0.5)

# visualize calibration
plot(mydata$var, mydata$MYSET, pch=18, col="black",
xlab=' Raw score ',
ylab=' Fuzzy score ')
abline(h=0.5, col="black")
abline(v= 25, col="black")

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

4.3 Calculating membership in operations on sets

If you create a new set (a negated set, a disjunction or a conjunction, or a combination of these),
you may want to store it as an object (NEWSET <- operation), so that you can use it for further
analysis. You can also (but don’t have to) tie it to the dataset by using the dollar sign
(mydata$NEWSET <- operation), so that it appears as a new variable in the dataset.

You have several options to calculate the cases’ membership in combined sets.

1. Using compute() (package: QCA)

The compute() command allows you to directly calculate the membership in any expression
you wish to indicate, e.g. in truth table rows or the solution term. You can use either the tilde
sign or lowercase notation to negate sets, but be consistent. You can also skip the * sign if you
prefer. Below we calculate the cases’ membership in the set “set1*SET2 + set3*SET4*set5 +
SET6” and store the values as an object “sol” for further use:

c 113
sol <- compute("myset1*MYSET2 + myset3*MYSET4*myset5 + MYSET6",

2. 1-, fuzzyand(), fuzzyor()(package: QCA)

To calculate the cases’ membership in a negated set, you can simply subtract the set from 1:

c 114
mydata$myset <- 1-mydata$MYSET

Note that here we use lowercase notation to label the negated set.

This way, you can also directly negate the set within a different command, without previously
creating the negated set as a separate object. We do this with set 3 in the next example.

You can combine several sets (e.g., SET1*SET2*set3 that together form path 1 of the solution
formula) with the logical AND (which implements the minimum rule):

c 115
path1 <- fuzzyand(mydata$MYSET1, mydata$MYSET2, 1-mydata$MYSET3)

You can combine several sets (here: path1 + path2) with the logical OR using the maximum

c 116
myunion <- fuzzyor(path1, path2)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

You can use both fuzzyand() and fuzzyor() with either sets from your dataset (like
mydata$MYSET1) or sets you created as objects (like path1).

You can also combine these commands in the same expression. For example, here we calculate
membership in “set1*SET2 + set3*SET4*set5 + SET6” (but note: compute() does the same
much faster!):

c 117
fuzzyor(fuzzyand(1 - MYSET1, MYSET2), fuzzyand(1 - MYSET3, MYSET4, 1 -

Box 5: Aggregating sets when you have missing values

You may encounter a situation in which you want to combine different sets using the logical
OR or the logical AND, but one (or several) of the component sets has missing values. In this
case, you may want the composed set to take on the (minimum or maximum) value of the
component set(s) that does not have a missing value. In fact, this way, building composed
sets can be a nice way to reduce sample dropout due to missing data.
The functions fuzzyand() and fuzzyor() , however, will not do that for you. You can use the
functions pmin() (logical AND) and pmax() (logical OR) instead (package: base) and specify
the option na.rm=TRUE:

c 118

MYSET <- pmin(mydata$MYSET1, mydata$MYSET2, 1-mydata$MYSET3,


c 119

MYSET <- pmax(mydata$MYSET1, mydata$MYSET2, 1-mydata$MYSET3,


3. For solution terms: using $pims

If you have calculated a QCA solution using eqmcc (see section 7) and stored the solution as
an object (e.g. psOUTCOME), then the cases’ membership in the different paths of the solution
term are stored in the solution object and can be looked up using

c 120

You can select the path you wish to work with and, for example, store it as an object for further

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

use. Here, we use path 1 which is “COND1*cond2”:

c 121
path1 <- psOUTCOME$pims$`COND1*cond2`

You could do this for all paths of the solution term and then calculate membership in the whole
solution term sol:

c 122
sol <- fuzzyor(path1, path2, path3)

Based on all this, you can make XY-plots of truth table rows or of your necessary or sufficient
conditions and the outcome, see section 5.

5 XY-plots3

Schneider and Rohlfing (2013), Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 305-312), Thiem and Dusa
(2012: 80-83).

See also section 4.2.1 for visualizing calibration, and 8.1 for visualizing skewness checks.

You have four commands at disposal to produce xy-plots with R. For QCA, we will usually
work with either xy.plot() (for plotting single conditions or customized predefined sets;
XYplot() from the QCA package equally works) or pimplot() (for plotting the solution term).
See Box 6 for other options for making XY plots.

1. xy.plot (package: SetMethods)

The xy.plot command has the advantage that it enables us to identify cases in the plot (case.lab
= TRUE):

c 123
xy.plot(mydata$myx, mydata$myy, case.lab = TRUE, labs = rownames(mydata),

It also automatically integrates dotted lines for the quadrants, and a black diagonal; and it
indicates the parameters of fit (consistency, coverage, PRI or RoN), which can be set to

Venn-Diagrams can be performed with R, but are not covered in this manual. See https://cran.r- .
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

necessity (necessity=TRUE) or sufficiency (skip the necessity option or set necessity=FALSE).

Use “1- “for negating sets, for example 1-mydata$myy. This plot also indicates you
Haesebrouck’s consistency value, in addition to the other parameters of fit (see Haesebrouck

You can also integrate labels for the x- and y-axis:

c 124
xy.plot(mydata$myx, mydata$myy, ylab = "Label of my Y", xlab = "label of my X",
case.lab = TRUE, labs = rownames(mydata))

1. pimplot (package: SetMethods)

You can directly plot a solution term that was calculated with the eqmcc() function and stored
as an object, e.g. named as “psOUTCOME” (see section 7).

c 125
pimplot(data=mydata, results=psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", intermed=FALSE,

Specify intermed=TRUE if you are using the intermediate solution; the option sol= can be used
to specify which model you want to plot in case of model ambiguities. This is very useful as a
diagnostic tool. It will give you an XY plot of each path of the solution term, and of the whole
solution term, including parameters of fit (consistency, coverage, PRI, Haesebrouck’s (2015)
consistency) and case labels. In order to display the different plots, move the cursor again to
the command and hit enter again. You can also use pimplot() to plot truth table rows, see Box
7, and to plot compound necessary conditions, see section 6.2.

It is useful to know that you can combine several plots in one graph. Just specify the rules before
typing the command for the first plot. For example, here we specify that we want to have 3 rows
of plots, each row displaying 2 plots:

c 126
par(mfrow=c(3, 2))

And then simply list the commands for your 6 plots below that. Note that R will keep applying
this rule until you undo it. If you want to return to a single plot, just specify par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
before running the command for that plot.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Box 6: More options for making XY-plots

1. plot (package: graphics)

The plot command is the basic.

c 127
plot(mydata$myx, mydata$myy, pch=18, col="black")
You can label the plot (main) and the axes (xlab and ylab):

c 128
plot(mydata$myx, mydata$myy, pch=18, col="black",
main=' Title of my plot ',
xlab=' Label of my X ',
ylab=' Label of my Y ')

You can add a number of features. For example, using xlim and ylim, you can define that the
x-axis and/or the y-axis has a certain range (by default, the axis uses the sample range).
Furthermore, with the abline option you can add horizontal (h) and vertical (v) lines to the
xy-plot, which can be full or dotted. In the example below, we define a range for the x-axis
from 0 to 3, and a range for the y-axis from 10-150. We add a horizontal, full line at where
Y equals 80; and a vertical, dotted line where X equals 2.75 (for another example see section

c 129
plot(mydata$myx, mydata$myy, pch=18, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(10, 150), col="black",
main=' Title of my plot ',
xlab=' Label of my X ',
ylab=' Label of my Y ')
abline(h=80, col="black")
abline(v= 2.75, col="black", lty="dotted")

1. XYplot (package: QCA)

The XYplot command produces a plot that looks like those produced with xy.plot, but that
can jitter the points. For sufficiency, set relation = "suf"; for necessity, set relation = "nec".
XYplot(), unlike xy.plot() allows the user to specify absolutely all graphical parameters that
you might want, exactly like the basic plot() function. This command only works if all
variables in the dataset used have values between 0 and 1.

c 130
XYplot(myx, myy, mydata, relation = "nec", mguides = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, xlab =
"label of my x", ylab = "label of my Y", clabels =rownames(mydata))

The great thing about R is that you can directly export the graphs, good-looking and ready-
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

made. Above the graph (which is displayed in the lower right quadrant of the R Studio
interface), click the option export -> save as image… and then you can specify the size of the
graph as well as its format (JPEG, TIFF, etc.). The disadvantage of all the ways to produce xy-
plots with R is that if one data point describes several cases, the case labels will overlap and
hence become illegible. In this case, use the separate excel template provided in the course

6 Analysis of necessity

Goertz (2006), Ragin (1987, 2000, 2006), Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 69-76), Thiem
(2016), Thiem and Dusa (2012: 32-38, 62-68, 2013b: 90-91).

6.1 Testing for single necessary conditions

If you want to “deductively” test the necessity for single necessary conditions or theoretically
defined disjunctions representing higher-order constructs, the pof command (package: QCA)
can be used if the option relation = "nec" is set (if it is set to "suf", then the command tests for
the sufficiency of the listed conditions). If you want to test for several conditions, create the list
the conditions for which you want to test first. For negating conditions or the outcome, use
either a tilde or 1-. This command gives you the consistency, coverage and relevance (RoN) of
necessity for each listed condition.4 In the example below, we test the necessity of conditions
1, 2, and 3 for the negated outcome.

c 131
conds <- subset(mydata, select = c("COND1", "COND2", "COND3"))
pof(conds, ~OUTCOME, mydata, relation = "nec")

You can also use this command for testing the necessity of only one condition:

c 132
pof(COND, ~OUTCOME, mydata, relation = "nec")

If you want to test the necessity of the negated conditions for this outcome, you can simply

Similarly, you can use the QCAfit() command (package: SetMethods), which equally works for both necessity
and sufficiency, check ?QCAfit and section 7.1.
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

subtract the conditions from 1. Here we check the necessity of the negated conditions for the
positive outcome:

c 133
pof(1-conds, OUTCOME, mydata, relation = "nec")

You can also use pof() for complex condition sets. You can use either lowercase notation or
tildes to negate conditions. For example, we want to know whether the condition “COND1 +
cond2*COND3” is necessary (<=) for the outcome:

c 134
pof("COND1 + cond2*COND3 <= OUTCOME", data = mydata)

By using =>, you can test the same for sufficiency.

You can also make an XY plot that integrates the parameters of fit. This can be done for
necessity (necessity=TRUE), but also for sufficiency (necessity=FALSE). This has the
advantage that you can make a visual diagnostic of contradictory cases (in the upper left
quadrant) and trivialness.

c 135
xy.plot(mydata$COND, mydata$OUTCOME, necessity=TRUE)

You can integrate case labels (see also section 5 on XY-plots):

c 136
xy.plot(mydata$COND, mydata$OUTCOME, case.lab = TRUE, labs =
rownames(mydata), necessity=TRUE)

6.2 SuperSubset procedure: Finding all superset of the outcome

The super-/subset command (package: QCA) “inductively” identifies all supersets of the
outcome, both single conditions, conjunctions and disjunctions (unions) of sets. So using this
command, you can basically skip the steps described in 6.1. The option incl.cut serves to specify
a minimal consistency threshold that the conditions need to pass (for fuzzy sets, usually 0.9;
typically 1.0 for crisp sets). Using cov.cut, you can also specify a coverage cutoff (here: 0.6),
below which the necessary conditions and are deemed trivial and will not appear in the list. Use
a tilde ~ to negate the outcome, e.g. outcome = "~OUTCOME".

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 137
superSubset(mydata, outcome = "OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut = 0.9, cov.cut = 0.6)

This command will give you a lot of supersets, but to decide whether they can be deemed
necessary, you will still have to 1) check for deviant cases consistency in kind (plot the result),
2) check for empirical relevance / trivialness (Goertz 2006), and 3) identify whether the superset
makes theoretical sense as a necessary condition, that is, whether the sets combined with the
logical OR represent some higher-order concept (see Schneider and Wagemann 2012). Note
also that the different supersets produced by this command are alternatives to each other: for
example, if A*B is necessary, in the output you will find A*B, but also A, and also B. In
summary, this command is useful because it gives you all potential necessary conditions in one
go; but do not use it for mindless data-mining.

If you store the results of superSubset() as an object (here: nec), you can plot all compound
necessary conditions by using pimplot():

c 138
nec <- superSubset(mydata, outcome = "OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut = 0.9, cov.cut = 0.6)

c 139
pimplot(data=mydata, results=nec, outcome= "OUTCOME", necessity=TRUE)

Use the backward arrow above the plot window to view all plots. The latter also indicate all
parameters of fit (including RoN) and the cases with membership > 0.5 in the outcome are

Alternatively, you can also use command c 113 for calculating membership in the compound
condition, and command c 136 for the plot.

7 Analysis of sufficiency

Baumgartner (2015), Baumgartner and Thiem (2015), Ragin (1987, 2000, 2008a, 2009),
Rihoux and Ragin (2009), Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 91-220, 2013, 2015, Thiem and
Dusa (2012: 38-49, 68-80, 2013a: 513-519, 2013b: 91-95).
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

7.1 Testing for single sufficient conditions

The sufficiency (consistency, coverage and PRI) of single conditions can be (“deductively”)
tested using the pof() command of the QCA package (just specify relation = "suf"), and
visualized using, for instance, the xy.plot() command (again, specify necessity=FALSE) (see
section 6.1). Alternatively, you can use QCAfit() of the SetMethods package (which
additionally gives you the Haesebrouck consistency and also works for necessity, specify
necessity=TRUE). You can negate the outcome by specifying neg.out=TRUE. If you don’t
want to label your condition, skip cond.lab= "COND".

c 140
QCAfit(mydata$COND, mydata$OUTCOME, cond.lab= "COND", necessity=FALSE,

You can also do this for several conditions at once. Just build an object (here: conds) first that
contains your conditions:

c 141
conds <- subset(mydata, select = c("COND1", "COND2", "COND3"))
QCAfit(conds, mydata$OUTCOME, cond.lab= c("COND1", "COND2", "COND3"),
necessity=FALSE, neg.out=FALSE)

7.2 Building the truth table and logical minimization

First you want to figure out where to set the raw consistency threshold. For this you can produce
a basic truth table, with raw consistencies (sorted by descending) and indicating individual cases
(package: QCA).

c 142
ttOUTCOME <- truthTable(data=mydata, outcome = "OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut=1.00,"incl, n", complete=FALSE, show.cases=TRUE)

If you want to analyze the negated outcome, simply set a tilde before the outcome, e.g.,

The truth table command provides several options. We set the raw consistency threshold using
incl.cut. If you skip this option, then all outcomes are coded 0 except for rows with consistency
1. n.cut is used to specify a frequency threshold (by default: 1). The option can be set
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

such that the rows are ordered by raw consistency ("incl"), or by the N ("n"), or by both (as
done here). With decreasing = FALSE, the truth table rows would be ordered in ascending
(instead of descending) order, e.g., by ascending raw consistencies. With the show.cases option,
we can choose whether we want to indicate the single cases contained in a truth table row
(TRUE) or not (FALSE). If the complete option is set to TRUE, then all logical remainders are
also displayed; if FALSE, then only empirically observed truth table rows are displayed. The
command below produces a truth table for the negated outcome, with raw consistency threshold
0.828, frequency threshold 1, sorted by descending raw consistency (and, raw consistency being
equal, by N), showing only empirically observed rows, and showing individual cases.

c 143
ttoutcome <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="~OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut=0.828, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=FALSE, show.cases=TRUE)

Note that we used lowercase letters here for labelling the truth table object because it analyzes
the negated outcome. You will know that ttOUTCOME is the truth table for the positive
outcome, and ttoutcome, for the negated outcome.

The eqmcc() command (package: QCA) performs logical minimization of the truth table (i.e.,
the object we created with the truth table command, below: ttOUTCOME). First we calculate
the conservative solution and obtain all details (consistency, raw and unique coverage). We
also want to display the cases (show.cases) contained in the prime implicants (optional). The
use.tilde option can be set to FALSE if you prefer using uppercase and lowercase notation for
sets and their negation; and to TRUE if your prefer to denote negated sets with a tilde. It can be
skipped and then upper-/lowercase notation is used.

c 144
csOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, use.tilde=FALSE)

To calculate the parsimonious solution, we tell the software to include logical remainders
(those with outcome “?”) representing simplifying assumptions.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 145
psOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, include="?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE)

Box 7: Useful tools for truth table analysis

Plotting truth table rows

Once you see the truth table, in order to find the appropriate raw consistency threshold, you
may want to plot different truth table rows. You can plot truth table rows easily using
pimplot(), including the names of cases with membership > 0.5 in the row and all parameters
of fit (consistency, coverage, PRI, Haesebrouck’s consistency). However, note that this
requires you to already have calculated a solution which you stored as an object (here:
psOUTCOME; you could use any raw consistency to begin with, just to get such a provisional
solution object to work with). Here we plot the truth table rows number 1 and 26. Use the
backward arrow above the plot window in order to get inspect all the different plots:

c 146
pimplot(data=mydata, results=psOUTCOME, ttrows=c("1", "26"), outcome=

You can also simply plot all truth table rows above a certain raw consistency level (here:
0.8) at once. The resulting plots have the row number as label of the X axis:

c 147
pimplot(data=mydata, results=psOUTCOME,, outcome= "OUTCOME")

If, for some reason, you do not wish to calculate a solution object yet, you can also build the
sets of different truth table rows (see section 4.3) and plot these rows (see section 5). For your
convenience, here is a repetition on how you can do this. Here we plot the truth table row
number 1, which is COND1*cond2*COND3:

c 148
row1 <- compute("COND1*cond2*COND3", data=mydata)
xy.plot(row1, mydata$OUTCOME, case.lab = TRUE, labs = rownames(mydata))

Assessing the consequences of setting a frequency threshold

If you set a frequency threshold of more than 1 and you want to see which rows are now
treated as logical remainders by imposing such a threshold, type

c 149

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Box 8: Default settings for logical minimization

The row.dom option for logical minimization, if set to TRUE, is used to further eliminate
redundant prime implicants when solving the PI chart, applying the principle of row
dominance: if a prime implicant X covers the same configurations as another prime implicant
Y and in the same time covers other configurations which Y does not cover, then Y is
redundant and eliminated. By setting all.sol=TRUE, you can derive all possible solutions,
irrespective of the number of prime implicants.
To obtain a subset of the solution space, set row.dom=TRUE and all.sol=FALSE. This is
the default setting that the QCA package implements if you do not specify these two options
(as done here in this manual). Conversely, for revealing the full extent of model ambiguity,
set row.dom=FALSE and all.sol=TRUE (see Baumgartner 2015 and Baumgartner and
Thiem 2015). The usage of all.sol = TRUE does not represent the opinion of the QCA
package author, where the default option is FALSE.
By presenting the templates using the default options, we do not intend to make a
recommendation. It is good to be aware of the fact that there are often many possible
solutions, and that you have several possibilities how to deal with this.

7.3 Standard Analysis: Specifying directional expectations

To derive an intermediate solution using Standard Analysis (Ragin 2008), we may want to
specify directional expectations. Just like with the parsimonious solution, we tell the software
to include simplifying assumptions; but then we specify the directional expectations (dir.exp)
for each condition in the same order as the conditions were listed when creating the truth table
(see section 7.2). In the example, we assume that condition 1 contributes to the outcome when
present (1); condition 2 contributes to the outcome when absent (0); and we have no directional
expectation (“-“) for condition 3.

c 150
isOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, include = "?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "1, 0, -")

7.4 Enhanced Standard Analysis: Excluding truth table rows

When deriving an intermediate solution and performing an Enhanced Standard Analysis, we

may or may not specify directional expectations; but in addition, we exclude those truth table
rows from the analysis of sufficiency that a) display a negated necessary condition for the
same outcome, b) display a sufficient condition for the negated outcome, or c) are logically
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

implausible (the “pregnant man”). You have several possibilities to do this. In the running
text, we discuss two of them; see Box 10 for more options.

7.4.1 Excluding truth table rows before logical minimization

We can build a new truth table where we simply tell the software to code those rows with
outcome 0 that display a certain configuration of conditions – we can do this only for logical
remainders, or for all truth table rows, whether they are empirically observed or logical
remainders. This possibility, which we apply in class, is an easy and transparent way if you
think that neither your observations nor your simplifying assumptions should contradict prior
findings and / or logic, and you want to see what you did to the truth table before turning to
logical minimization.

In a first step, we build the truth table (here: for the negated outcome and for 5 conditions) that
also displays the logical remainders (complete=TRUE):

c 151
ettoutcome <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="~OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3, COND4, COND5",
incl.cut=0.8, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE)

Now we tell the software which truth table rows we want to exclude. In the example, we want
to exclude the configurations “cond1*COND2 + COND1*COND2*cond3” that were sufficient
for “OUTCOME” and hence, constitute an untenable assumption.

Furthermore, we found that “COND4 + COND5” is necessary for “outcome”. Hence, we want
to exclude the negation of this necessary condition (“cond4*cond5”) from the sufficient
conditions for outcome.

In a next step, you identify all truth table rows that display these configurations (package:
QCA). You can use either lowercase notation or the tilde sign to negate the conditions
(remember: label your conditions with uppercase letters to indicate their presence, already when
calibrating). You have to use the Boolean AND (*) for conjunctions. You can choose if you
want to do this only for logical remainders (remainders = TRUE) or for all truth table rows,
also empirically observed ones (remainders = FALSE).

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 152
rows <- findRows("cond1*COND2 + COND1*COND2*cond3 + cond4*cond5",
ettoutcome, remainders = FALSE)
This gives you the numbers of all the truth table rows that display one of these combinations.

Box 9: Identifying untenable assumptions contradicting the statement of necessity

If you have identified a necessary condition, and you don’t want to employ deMorgan’s law
yourself when negating it, R’s deMorgan() command can do that for you (package: QCA).
You can use either the tilde or lowercase notation for negated conditions, so long as you are
consistent. Equally, you can either use the Boolean AND (*) for conjunctions, or you can
skip the *, but be consistent. Obviously, you do not have to do this if you did not find a
necessary condition.

c 153
nec <- deMorgan("COND4 + COND5")
This will give you the untenable assumption, cond4*cond5.
Note that, if you identified several (single or compound) necessary conditions, in order to
avoid that they ”disappear” from the sufficient solution term, you have to assume that they
are connected with the logical AND – although with less-than-perfect subset relations, their
conjunction may empirically no longer pass the consistency threshold for necessity. So, if
you found that A  Y and that B+C  Y, type:

c 154
nec <- deMorgan("A * (B + C)")

After that, you can first code these truth table rows with outcome 0:

c 155

ettoutcome$tt[as.character(rows), "OUT"] <- 0


In the new truth table, these truth table rows should now have the outcome 0.

Now, using the new, coded truth table, we can use the eqmcc command to calculate the
enhanced conservative solution:

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 156

ecsoutcome <- eqmcc(ettoutcome, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE, row.dom=TRUE,


The enhanced parsimonious solution (which, in fact, is one of many possible intermediate

c 157

epsoutcome <- eqmcc(ettoutcome, include="?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,

row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE)

and the enhanced intermediate solution:

c 158

eisoutcome <- eqmcc(ettoutcome, include = "?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,

row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "0, 1, -")

7.4.2 Differentiating between empirically observed rows and logical remainders

Sometimes you may want to exclude only empirically observed rows, or only logical
remainders; or you do not wish to apply the same rules to them. For example, you want to 1)
exclude remainders that contain a path of the solution for OUTCOME “cond1*COND2 +
COND1*COND2*cond3”; 2) exclude remainders that contradict the necessary condition for
outcome, “COND4”; and 3) exclude truth table rows number 5 and 6, which contain cases that
you do not want to include into the analysis.

First, you will build the truth table (in the example, again, for the negated outcome):

c 159
ttoutcome <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="~OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3, COND4, COND5",
incl.cut=0.8, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE)

Then, you can use the esa() function to specify these coding rules (package: SetMethods).
Below we use the above truth table (oldtt=ttoutcome), and code it into a new enhanced truth
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

table ettoutcome.

The option “nec_con” allows you to simply insert the necessary condition; R automatically
negates it for you without further ado. The option imposs_LR allows you to insert your
untenable assumptions (note: these can be impossible remainders or otherwise contradictory
assumptions – despite its label, all that this option does is to code these logical remainders with
outcome 0). For both options, use the tilde sign for negating conditions (lowercase letters do
not work), and use the * sign for the logical AND. These two options are only applied to logical
remainders, not to empirically observed rows. Finally, the option contrad_rows allows you to
exclude specific empirically observed rows. You will have to identify their number first, and
insert the respective truth table row numbers - you cannot apply a “rule” here.

c 160
ettoutcome <- esa(oldtt = ttoutcome, nec_cond = "COND4", imposs_LR =
"~COND1*COND2 + COND1*COND2*~COND3", contrad_rows=c("5", "6"))

If you have more than one necessary condition, you can enter them like this, for example:
nec.cond= c("COND1", "COND2"). Negated necessary conditions are combined with the
logical OR; that is, it is assumed that the necessary conditions are combined with the logical
AND. (Note however that with less-than-perfect subset relations, sometimes the conjunction of
two individually necessary conditions may actually no longer pass the consistency threshold
for necessity). Equally, you can enter compound necessary conditions. For example, if your
necessary condition is COND1 + COND2, enter: nec.cond= "COND1 + COND2".

Based on this new truth table, you can then perform logical minimization, see commands c 156,
c 157 and c 158.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Box 10: Alternative options for flexibly coding and omitting truth table rows

Omitting truth table rows during logical minimization

You can also skip the step of explicitly coding truth table rows with outcome 0 first, and
directly omit these rows when performing logical minimization with eqmcc() with the QCA
package. This possibility is faster, but it has the disadvantage that you cannot check the truth
table visually first. Build the truth table:

c 161
ttoutcome <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="~OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3, COND4, COND5",
incl.cut=0.8, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE)

Identify those rows that you wish to omit (see example above):

c 162
rows <- findRows("cond1*COND2 + COND1*COND2*cond3 + cond4*cond5",
ttoutcome, remainders = FALSE)
Again, this can be done for all truth table rows (remainders = FALSE), or only for logical
remainders (remainders = TRUE).
Omit these rows when calculating the enhanced conservative solution:

c 163
ecsoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE, row.dom=TRUE,
all.sol=FALSE, omit = rows)

You can also use omit for calculating the enhanced intermediate and the enhanced
parsimonious solution:

c 164
eisoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, include = "?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "0, 1, -", omit = rows)

c 165
epsoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, include="?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE , all.sol=FALSE, omit = rows)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Excluding or omitting specific identified rows

Sometimes you may not want to apply a rule for excluding truth table rows, but you want to
exclude specific rows from logical minimization. Build a truth table first:

c 166
ttoutcome <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="~OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3, COND4, COND5",
incl.cut=0.8, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE)

By checking the truth table, you can identify those rows you wish to exclude – let us say
these are rows 8, 13 and 27. Now you have two options.
You can code these rows with outcome 0 in the truth table – which enables you to visually
check the truth table first:

c 167

ettoutcome <- ttoutcome

ettoutcome$tt[c('8','13','27'), "OUT"] <- 0

And then you can calculate the different solution terms based on this new truth table, without
using the omit option; see commands c 156, c 157 and c 158.

If you want to skip this step, you can also directly calculate a new solution that omits these
rows from the truth table during logical minimization. Here we omit rows 8, 13 and 27 and
calculate the enhanced conservative solution:

c 168
ecsoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE, row.dom=TRUE,
all.sol=FALSE, omit = c(8, 13, 27))

You can do this for the enhanced intermediate and the enhanced parsimonious solution:

c 169
eisoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, include = "?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "0, 1, -", omit = c(8, 13, 27))

c 170
epsoutcome <- eqmcc(ttoutcome, include="?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE , all.sol=FALSE, omit = c(8, 13, 27))

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

7.5 Identifying simplifying assumptions and easy counterfactuals

With R we can easily identify the simplifying assumptions, that is, all remainders that were
assumed to contribute to the outcome for the parsimonious solution that we calculated above.

c 171
This will give you a table with all remainders that were assumed to be sufficient for the outcome
(for each parsimonious model, if there was ambiguity). If you had several models due to
ambiguity, then you can specify for which model you opt. You should choose the model that
also was the basis for your intermediate solution (the parsimonious model that was used will be
shown in upper part of the output when you calculate the intermediate solution). For example,
if your intermediate solution is based on the 8th parsimonious solution, then specify

c 172

Now, not all of these simplifying assumptions are also necessarily easy counterfactuals, used
for calculating your intermediate solution (here: eisOUTCOME). The easy counterfactuals can
be obtained as follows:

c 173

Here we calculated the easy counterfactuals for the intermediate model 1. If we had several
intermediate solutions, we could also do so, e.g., for model 8:

c 174

Having done this, we can check whether all simplifying assumptions are also easy

c 175
identical(rownames(ECOUTCOME), rownames(SAOUTCOME))

If this is not the case (FALSE), we can identify which counterfactuals are both simplifying and

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

c 176
intersect(rownames(ECOUTCOME), rownames(SAOUTCOME))

This only works if you have chosen the simplifying assumptions and easy counterfactuals of a
specific model.

With the same command, we could also identify whether some logical remainders were used
both for the calculation of the solution for the positive outcome and for the solution for its
negation (we would first have to calculate the simplifying assumptions SAoutcome and easy
counterfactuals ECoutcome for the negated outcome, of course). We could see whether we
made such untenable assumptions for the parsimonious solution, and which rows are concerned,
by intersecting the simplifying assumptions for the positive outcome with those for the negated

c 177
intersect(rownames(SAOUTCOME), rownames(SAoutcome))

If this reveals such contradictory assumptions, we could then check whether we successfully
eliminated this problem for the enhanced intermediate solution, by intersecting the easy
counterfactuals for the positive outcome with those for the negated outcome:

c 178
intersect(rownames(ECOUTCOME), rownames(ECoutcome))

The intersection should be empty.

Box 11: Useful tools for interpreting QCA outputs

A tool is the sop() function (package: QCA). It will help you to minimize any logical
expression into its simplest equivalent logical expression:

c 179

sop(expression="Ac + Abc + bc + abC + ab", snames = "A, C, B")

The function factorize() will give you all the possible ways in which elements of the results
can be factored out (package: QCA):

c 180
factorize ("Ac + Abc + bc + abC + ab", snames = "A, C, B")

snames can be useful here to ensure that a certain order of the conditions is preserved; without
specifiying snames, the conditions are listed alphabetically.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

You can also use the factorize function directly on a solution term, for example:

c 181
csOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, use.tilde=FALSE)

Attention: apparently the factorize() function is computationally intensive. Sometimes R gets

“hung up” when performing it, and then the subsequent codes appear to not be working.
Always wait until R finishes with factorize(). If it doesn’t finish, delete the command from
your code / skip it to continue.

Box 12: A hands-on template code for Enhanced Standard Analysis

c 182

####Analysis of necessity #######

# Analyze single necessary conditions
conds <- subset(mydata, select = c("COND1", "COND2", "COND3"))
pof(conds, ~OUTCOME, mydata, relation = "nec")

# Alternatively: Identify all supersets of the outcome

superSubset(mydata, outcome = "OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut = 0.9, cov.cut = 0.6)

# Calculate the cases’ membership in the compound necessary condition, if applicable

NEC1 <- compute("COND1 + cond2", data=mydata)
NEC2 <- compute("COND2 + cond3", data=mydata)

# Plot the results

xy.plot(mydata$NEC1, mydata$OUTCOME, case.lab = TRUE, labs =
rownames(mydata), necessity=TRUE)

####Analysis of sufficiency#######
# Build the truth table and set consistency threshold
ttOUTCOME <- truthTable(mydata, outcome="OUTCOME",
conditions = "COND1, COND2, COND3",
incl.cut=0.828, n.cut=1,"incl, n", decreasing=TRUE,
complete=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

# Parsimonious solution
psOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, include="?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE)

# Negate necessary conditions to obtain untenable assumptions (if applicable)

nec <- deMorgan("COND4 + COND5")

# Identify untenable assumptions and contradictory rows in truth table

rows <- findRows("cond4*cond5", ttOUTCOME, remainders = FALSE)

# Code these rows with outcome 0

ettOUTCOME$tt[as.character(rows), "OUT"] <- 0

# Enhanced conservative solution

ecsOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ettOUTCOME, details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE)

# Enhanced intermediate solution

eisOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ettOUTCOME, include = "?", details=TRUE,
show.cases=TRUE, row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "0, 1, -")

# Enhanced parsimonious solution

epsOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ettOUTCOME, include="?", details=TRUE,
show.cases=TRUE, row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE)

# Identify simplifying assumptions


# Identify easy counterfactuals


# Intersect easy counterfactuals used for intermediate solution for positive and negative
intersect(rownames(ECOUTCOME), rownames(ECoutcome))

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

8 Advanced stuff

8.1 Ex post skewness diagnostics

Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 244-250) outline how the clustering of cases in particular
intersecting areas of the two diagonals of the XY plot can lead to flawed causal conclusions
(see also Cooper and Glaesser 2011). To check if this is a problem in your analysis, you can
easily produce such plots yourself, indicating the percentage of case that cluster in each
intersection. Just use the command below – you can e.g. copy-paste the template into a word
file and search and replace the items marked bold with the features of your own analysis.

First, you will have to calculate the cases’ membership in the particular condition set
(configuration, solution term, path of the solution term… here: “MYSET”) for which you want
to perform the test, see section 4.3. Then you calculate the percentage of cases situated in each
of the four intersecting areas (myN denotes the number of cases).

c 183
A1 <- round(sum(as.numeric((MYSET <= mydata$OUTCOME) & (MYSET >= (1-
mydata$OUTCOME))))/(myN/100), digits = 1)
A2 <- round(sum(as.numeric((MYSET >= mydata$OUTCOME)&(MYSET >= (1-
mydata$OUTCOME))))/( myN /100), digits = 1)
A3 <- round(sum(as.numeric((MYSET >= mydata$OUTCOME)&(MYSET <= (1-
mydata$OUTCOME))))/( myN /100), digits=1)
A4 <- round(sum(as.numeric((MYSET <= mydata$OUTCOME)&( MYSET <= (1-
mydata$OUTCOME))))/( myN /100), digits = 1)

Then you produce the plot with the two diagonals and integrate these percentages.

c 184
plot(mydata$OUTCOME, MYSET, pch=18, xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0,1), col="black",
xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
main= ' MYSET ',
xlab= ' condition ',
ylab=' OUTCOME ')
abline(0,1, col="black")
abline(1, -1, col="black")
text(x=0.5, y=0.8, labels = A1)
text(x=0.8, y=0.5, labels = A2)
text(x=0.5, y=0.2, labels = A3)
text(x=0.2, y=0.5, labels = A4)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Note that, if some cases are placed exactly on one of the diagonals, the percentages will add up
to more than 100.

8.2 Formal set-theoretic theory evaluation

Below you can find ways how to do several steps of formal theory evaluation with R (see Ragin
1987, Schneider and Wagemann 2012)

8.2.1 Calculating the logical intersections of theory and empirics

To perform the Boolean intersections of the hypotheses, the results, and their negations (Ragin
1987), you can use the commands intersection() and deMorgan() offered by QCA. At the end
of this step, you will have obtained the intersection of your hypotheses T with your solution S
(T*S), the intersection of the theory with what you did not observe (T*s), the intersection of
what you did not expect with what you observed (t*S), and what you neither expected not
observed (t*s).

Negate a Boolean expression – for example, we negate our hypotheses T: "~A*B + C*A". To
use these objects later combined with the theory.evaluation function, use the tilde for negated
conditions and use the Boolean AND (*) for conjunctions. The resulting expression “t” here are
those results that we should not observe according to theory:

c 185
t <- deMorgan("~A*B + C*A")

You can also use this command to directly negate the solutions you obtained (see 7.2-7.4). In
the example here, the solution has been stored as an object labeled “csOUTCOME”:

c 186
s <- deMorgan(csOUTCOME)

In the example, this would give you everything that you did not observe in your results.

You can then intersect different statements (package: QCA). Here you have to insert the full
Boolean expression inside the quotation marks – you cannot work with objects such as solution
terms. Use the snames option to specify the names of the conditions you use.

c 187
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

ts <- intersection("A*~C + ~B*~C + ~A*~B", "C + A + ~B", snames = "A, B, C")


This command can only intersect two expressions and not more at once.

In order to figure out whether and how these intersections reflect your hypotheses, you can use
the factorize function to group the intersections, see command c 180.

8.2.2 Calculating the membership of the cases in the intersections

Schneider and Wagemann (2012: 300-305) show how accounting for coverage can add leverage
to these evaluations. Here we show how you can calculate the number and percentage of cases
in certain intersections (but this is not the coverage measure – see below). Once you have
obtained the relevant intersections, you can calculate the cases’ membership in these
intersections (package: SetMethods). 5

The theory.evaluation() function (package: SetMethods) offers a fast way for calculating the
cases’ membership in the four intersections. However, it will not enable you to check for
membership in the single configurations, and it is mainly useful for being used in combination
with the cases.theory.evaluation() and functions. On its own, it goes like this. It
relies on an object that is your solution as calculated with eqmcc() (here: csOUTCOME), and
you will have to store your hypotheses (here: myset1*MYSET2 + myset3*MYSET4*myset5
+ MYSET6) as an object, here: T.

c 188
TE <- theory.evaluation(theory= T, empirics = csOUTCOME, outcome = “OUTCOME”,
intermed = FALSE, sol = 1)

Negate sets using the tilde sign, and specify intermed = TRUE if you are using the intermediate
solution. The option sol = 1 can be used to specify which model you are referring to in case of
model ambiguities (e.g., specify sol=2 if you want to use model 2). It will give you a list of the
cases’ membership in the solution, the theory, and the different intersections.

In a next step, you want to identify the cases in these intersections and calculate the percentage

Each of these intersections may consist of several configurations. Some of these may cover logical remainders
and hence, not represent empirical evidence. The SetMethods package currently does not allow you to check this.
If you need a code for this, contact the author of this manual.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

of all cases that display the outcome, and the percentage of cases that display its negation, in
each of the four intersections. For fuzzy sets, this means that the cases’ membership in the set
is higher or smaller than 0.5. This is done using the cases.theory.evaluation() function.

c 189

This will give you a list of the covered cases, including information on whether they are most
or least likely cases for the posited set relation, whether they have membership above or below
0.5 in the outcome, and their percentage relative to the total number of cases (package:

The SetMethods package also offers you the possibility to calculate the parameters of fit
(consistency, coverage, PRI, Haesebrouck’s consistency) of the different intersections (see
Schneider and Wagemann 2012):

c 190

Note however that these parameters must be interpreted cautiously, because the cases’
membership in these intersections is typically highly skewed. The parameters of fit will not
necessarily tell you beyond any doubt if an intersection is populated by deviant cases
consistency in kind, for example. Hence, reporting the percentage of cases with membership
above or below 0.5 in the outcome may be an attractive or even necessary complement to the
parameters of fit.

8.3 Post-QCA case selection

The SetMethods package allows for a targeted identification of most typical, most deviant and
individually irrelevant cases (see Schneider and Rohlfing 2013) for the analysis of of
sufficiency. You need to have the results stored in an object, for example, the parsimonious
solution psOUTCOME and the intermediate solution isoutcome for the negated outcome.

Identify the deviant cases consistency for sufficiency for the parsimonious solution for
OUTCOME. Set intermed=FALSE and neg.out=FALSE:

c 191
cases.suf.dcn(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Equally, you could do that for the conservative solution. This will give you a list of the cases
that have membership in the different paths of the solution term, their membership in these,
their membership in the outcome set, and whether they are the most deviant cases (TRUE or
FALSE). The sol= option allows you to specify which model you want to choose, in case of
model ambiguities (e.g., sol=3 would give you model 3).

You can also do this for an intermediate solution. Set intermed=TRUE. In the example here,
the outcome is negated (neg.out=TRUE):

c 192
cases.suf.dcn(results = isoutcome, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=TRUE,
intermed=TRUE, sol=1)

Along the same lines, you can identify the deviant cases for coverage sufficiency, here, for

c 193
cases.suf.dcv(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.

Identify the individually irrelevant cases for sufficiency:

c 194
cases.suf.iir(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.

Identify the most typical cases for sufficiency:

c 195
cases.suf.typ.most(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.

Identify uniquely typical cases for sufficiency (those cases that are not also covered by another
path of the solution term):

c 196
cases.suf.typ.unique(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.
Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

Most conveniently, the SetMethods package also allows you to match cases for targeted post-
QCA case analysis (process tracing), see Schneider and Rohlfing (2013). For this, you will need
to have your results of sufficiency stored in an object (here: the parsimonious solution

Match deviant cases for coverage sufficiency with individually irrelevant cases:

c 197
matches.suf.dcviir(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.

Match typical cases for consistency sufficiency with deviant cases for consistency sufficiency:

c 198
matches.suf.typdcn(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", neg.out=FALSE,
intermed=FALSE, sol=1)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.

Match typical cases for consistency and individually irrelevant cases for each path in a sufficient
solution term:

c 199
matches.suf.typiir(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", term=1,
neg.out=FALSE, intermed=FALSE, sol=1, max_pairs=5)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.
With the term = option you can specify which path of the solution term you are interested in.

Match typical cases for consistency for each path in a sufficient solution term:

c 200
matches.suf.typtyp(results = psOUTCOME, outcome = "OUTCOME", term=1,
neg.out=FALSE, intermed=FALSE, sol=1, max_pairs=5)

Set intermed=TRUE for an intermediate solution, and neg.out=TRUE for negating the outcome.
With the term = option you can specify which path of the solution term you are interested in.

8.4 QCA with clustered data


Garcia-Castro and Ariño (2016), Hino (2009).

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

The SetMethods package allows you to use QCA on panel data or other clustered data. The
theory and formulae underlying these functions are in Garcia-Castro and Ariño (2016). So don’t
believe anyone who tells you that QCA cannot be used on panel data!

The trick is to first calculate a solution (here: isOUTCOME) on the whole dataset. For example:

c 201
isOUTCOME <- eqmcc(ttOUTCOME, include = "?", details=TRUE, show.cases=TRUE,
row.dom=TRUE, all.sol=FALSE, dir.exp = "1, 0, -")

Obviously you can also perform ESA first, see section 7.4.

You can then get the pooled, within, and between consistencies for this solution. You simply
have to specify the variable that constitutes your units of analysis (here: COUNTRY) and the
variable that constitutes your clustering units (here: YEAR). If you have model ambiguity, you
could specify which model you want, for example, model 2 would be sol=2.

c 202
cluster.eqmcc(results= isOUTCOME, data=mydata, outcome= "OUTCOME",
unit_id="COUNTRY", cluster_id="YEAR", intermed=TRUE, sol=1)

The pooled consistency indicates the overall consistency observed in the sample when time and
individual effects are not taken into account. The between consistency is a measure of the cross-
sectional consistency for each year t in the panel. The within consistency measures how
consistent the set-subset relationship is across time for each particular case in the sample, in
other words, the longitudinal consistency of the set-subset connection for each individual i in
the panel over time (Garcia-Castro and Ariño 2016).

See also ?cluster.diagnostics for doing this for single conditions.

Eva Thomann and Stefan Wittwer April 17

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