Mechatronics Design of A Mobile Robot System

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

Article  in  International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications · February 2013

DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.03.03


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3 authors, including:

Ayman A. Aly
Taif University


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I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 23-36
Published Online February 2013 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.03.03

Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

Ahmad A. Mahfouz
Department of Automatic and Mechatronics Systems, VladimirStateUniversity,Vladimir, RF
AlphaCenter for Engineering Studies and Technology Researches, Amman, Jordan
Email: [email protected]

Ayman A. Aly
Mechatronics Sec. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,AssiutUniversity, 71516, Assiut,Egypt
Currently: Mechatronics Sec. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Taif University, 888, Taif,
Saudi Arabia
Email: [email protected]

Farhan A. Salem
Mechatronics Sec. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, TaifUniversity, 888, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Alpha Center for Engineering Studies and Technology Researches, Amman, Jordan
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Mobile robot motion control is simplified to Makka), two views of proposed wheelchair are shown
a DC motor motion control that may include gear in Fig.1. Such mobile Robot can be designed and built
system. The simplest and widespread approach to using the following components; two in-line with each
control the mobile robot motion is the differential drive other DC motors, a PIC microcontroller embedded on
style, it consists of two in-lines with each a DC motor. the robot and capable of controlling two drive channels,
Both DC motors are independently powered so the two H-bridge control circuits, 8 pairs of LED/
desired movements will rely on how these two DC phototransistor and range detection sensors, where PIC
motors are commanded. Thedevelop design, model and microcontroller takes an input signals from sensors and
control of Mechatronics mobile robotic system is controls the motion of robot. Usually, mobile platforms
presented in this paper. The developed robotic system is are supported by two driving rear wheels; and with
intended for research purposes as well as for stability augmented by one or two front caster
educational process. The model of proposed mobile wheel(s)[2]. The two rear wheels are responsible of
robot was created and verified using MATLAB- moving the robot, and used to turn the robot in any
Simulink software. required direction depending on the difference of speed
of wheels’ rotation between the right and left wheels.

Index Terms— Wheeled Mobile Robot, PMDC Motor,

Mathematical Model Speaker Control panel

I. Introduction
The mobile robot system takes input voltage as
actuator input, and outputs the rotational speed of the
Electronic circuit Sensors array Ultrasonic sensor
two wheels, the actuator most used for mobile robot is
DC motor, because their torque-speed characteristics Fig. 1: (a) Mobile robot, side view
are achievable with different electrical configurations
and their speeds can be smoothly controlled and in most
cases are reversible. DC Motor control system design DC Motor Sensor array
and its features can be analyzed by MATLAB software.
Using a simple controller of PIC microcontroller, the circuits
rotation of PM motors or the Motion of Robot can be
controlled easily [1]. Path to follow

One application form of mobile robot is line follower

wheelchair, to help and support people with disabilities Wheel Control panel
and special needs to perform specific predetermined
Fig. 1: (b) Mobile robot, top view
tasks e.g. religious rituals (motion around holy Kaba,

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24 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

shown in Fig.2 (b).The equations of motion for the

II. Modeling of the Mobile Robot
robot will consider the simple case of single-degree-of
The mobile robot motion control is simplified to a freedom motion of the robot, moving forward and
PMDC motor motion control. The PMDC motor is an reverse. A simplified model of a symmetric half of the
example of electromechanical systems with electrical robot is constructed as shown in Fig. 2(a) and used to
and mechanical components, a simplified equivalent write the equivalent model.
representation of PMDC motor's twocomponents are

Plant, (Robot)

Power supply

DC motor

Right Robot wheel

Controller Drive

Fig. 2: (a) A simple model of half of the robot

m m

ELECTRIC component of PMDC motor system MECHANICAL component of PMDC motor system
Electromechanical PMDC motor system
Fig. 2: (b) Schematic of a simplified equivalent representation of the PMDC motor's electromechanical components

Applying a voltage to motor coils, produces a torque Based on the Newton’s law combined with the
in the armature. The torque developed by the Kirchoff’s law, the differential equations describing
motor ,Tm ,is related to the armature current, ia , by a electric characteristics of PMDC motor can be derived;
torque constant Kt, and given by the following equation: Applying Kirchoff’s law around the electrical loop by
summing voltages throughout the R-L circuit gives:
Motor Torque = Tm= Kt* ia (1)
The back electromotive force, EMF voltage, ea is ∑V = Vin —VR —VL — EMF =0 (3)
induced by the rotation of the armature windings in the
Applying Ohm's law, substituting, rearranging and
fixed magnetic. The EMF is related to the motor shaft
taking Laplace transform, we get equation that
angularspeed, ωm, by a linear relation given by:
describes theelectrical characteristics of DC motor:
d  m (t )
e a (t )  K b  K b m
dt (2)

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 25

 di (t )  d  (t )  d 2   d 
V in  R a  i a (t )  La  a   K b K t * i T Load  J m  2   bm  0
 dt  dt  dt   dt 
(Las +Ra) I(s) = Vin(s) - Kbsθ(s) (4) Taking Laplace transform and rearranging, gives:
The torque, developed by motor, produces an angular Kt*I(s) - Jm *s2θ(s)– bm*s θ(s) = 0
velocity, ω= dθ/dt, according to the inertia J and
damping friction, b, of the motor and load. Performing KtI (s)= (Jm s + bm) s θ(s) (5)
the energy balance on the DC motor system; the sum of The electrical and mechanical PMDC motor two
the torques must equal zero, we have: components are coupled to each other through an
∑T = J *α = J*d2θ/dt2 algebraic torque equation given by (1). To derive the
PMDC motor transfer function, we need to rearrange (4)
Te– Tα – Tω- TEMF = 0 describing electrical characteristics of PMDC, such that
Substituting the following values: Te =Kt*ia , Tα = we have only I(s) on the right side, then substitute this
Jm*d2θ/dt2 , and Tω= bm*dθ/dt , in open loop PMDC value of I(s) in (5) describing PMDC mechanical
motor system without load attached, where the change characteristics, this gives:
in Tmotor is zero gives:

 1 
 V in (s )  K b  (s )  J m s  (s )  b m s (s )
Kt 
  La s  R a   (6)

Rearranging (6), we obtain the PMDC motor open the input voltage, Vin(s), to the angular velocity, ω(s),
loop transfer function without any load attached relating given by:

 (s ) Kt
G speed (s )  
V in (s )  L s  R
a a  J m s  b m   K t K b 
 (s ) Kt
G speed (s )  
V in (s ) (La J m )s  (R a J m  b m La )s  (R ab m  K t K b ) 

The total equivalent inertia, Jequiv and total equivalent The equivalent mobile robot system transfer function
damping, bequiv at the armature of the motor are given by: will be given by:
 N1 
bequiv  b m  b Load  
N2 
 N1 
J equiv  J m  J Load  
N2  (8)

robot (s ) Kt / n
G speed (s )  
V in (s ) (La J equiv )s  (R a J equiv
 bequiv La )s  (R abequiv  K t K b ) 

For high accuracy, the inertias of the gears and 2

N 
wheels have to be included in the calculations, this J equiv  J motor  J gear  (Jwheel  mr )  1 
value can be obtained from literature or calculated using N2 
the equations for the inertia of a cylinder since the gear
has a form of cylinder, this can be rewritten as follows: The geometry of the part determines the moment of
inertia, for simplicity, the mobile robot can be

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26 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

considered to be of the below shape, with the inertia wheel radius r =0.075 m, wheelchair height,h= 0.920
calculated as shown below, where: m, wheelchair width,b = 0.580 m, the distance between
wheels centers = 0.4 m, The total equivalent inertia,
bh 3 Jequivand total equivalent damping, bequivat the armature
J load  of the motor are ,Jequiv =0.275 kg.m2 , bequiv = 0.392
N.m.s. The most suitable linear output speed of
The following nominal values for the various suggested mobile robot is to move with 0.5 meter per
parameters of a PMDC motor used : Vin=12 v; Motor second, (that is ω=V/r = 0.5/ 0.075 = 6.667 rad/s.
torque constant, Kt = 1.188 Nm/A; Armature Resistance, Tachometerconstant, Ktac = 12 / 6.667=1.8 rad/s.
Ra = 0.156Ω ; Armature Inductance, La = 0.82
MH ;Geared-Motor Inertia: Jm = 0.271 kg.m2, Geared- Substituting values, we obtain the overall mobile
Motor Viscous damping bm = 0.271 N.m.s; Motor robot open loop system transfer function, relating input
back EMF constant, Kb = 1.185 rad/s/V, gear ratio, n=3, voltage Vin and robot output angular speed ωrobot, to be:

robot (s ) 0.3961
G speed (s )  
V in (s ) 0.2256s  0.3645s  1.469

2.1 State space representation of PMDC open loop d

system: x 1'   x2
The state variables (along with the input functions)
d 2 d  K t  i a b m   T L
used in equations describing the dynamics of a system, x 2'  2    
provide the future state of the system. Mathematically, dt dt Jm Jm Jm
the state of the system is described by a set of first-order
di a R i K   V in
differential equation in terms of state variables. The x 3'   a a  b 
state space model takes the following form [1]: dt La La La
 Ax  Bu Substituting state variables, for electric and
dt mechanical part equations rearranging gives:
y  CX  Du d
x 1'   x2
Rearranging (4) and (5) to have the below two first dt
order equations, relating the angular speed and armature
d 2 d  K  i b   T L
current: x 22''   b2m x 2  Kt x t3 Ta l  m 
dtJ m dt J m J m Jm Jm
d  K t  i a bm   T L
   di a R i K  V
dt Jm Jm Jm x'  K   a R a  b1  in
(11) x 33'  dt b x 2 La a x 3  LaV in La
La La La
di a R i K   V in
 a a  b 
dt La La La Looking at DC motor speed, as being the output, the
(12) following state space model obtained:
Looking at the DC motor position θ, as being the
output, and choosing the state variable position θm,
velocity ωm and armature currents ia:

x1 
x2  (13)
Running the Simulink model of the open loop mobile
x 3  ia robot system(see Fig 6(a)), will result in speed/time,
linear speed/time, torque/time, and current/time
response curves shown in Fig. 4(a),root locus and bode
plot are shown Fig. 4(b), as will as running the next m-

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 27

2.2 Robot differential drive Model

>>clc, clear all, close all
Vin=12 ; Kt = 1.1882 ; Ra = 0.1557; La = 0.82; Jm = The simplest and widespread used approach to
0.271; bm=0.271; control the motion of mobile robot is differential drive
Kb = 1.185; Kt = 1.1882; n=3;Jm =0.271 ; bm=0.271; style. It consists of two in-lines with each other DC
r=0.075;chair_height=0.920;chair_wedth=0.580; motors. Both DC motors are independently powered so
Dist_wheels=0.40;%m, distance between wheels the desired movements will rely on how these wheels
JLoad =(chair_wedth* (chair_height)^3)/12; are commanded. The overage mobile robot speeds,
bLoad = 1.091 ; linear and angular, be calculated at follows:
Jequiv = Jm+ JLoad/(n)^2;
 right _wheel  Left _wheel  R  L
bequiv = bm + bLoad/(3)^2;  Robot  
desired_linear_speed=0.5;% m/s 2 2 (14)
desired_angular_speed= (desired_linear_speed)/r;
Ktach =Vin/ desired_angular_speed ;
 R  L  R  L
num=[Kt/n]; Robot  
den=[La*Jequiv(Ra*Jequiv+bequiv*La) The distance between wheels S (15)
G_robot_open= tf(num,den ) The linear velocity is the product of the rotational
step(12*G_robot_open) velocity and the signed distance from the instantaneous
sisotool(G_robot_open) center of curvature to the midpoint between the two
front wheels, (ν = ω*r ), The turning radius, r, of
mobile robot can be obtained by dividing (20) by (21),
Torque/time Angular speed/time
8 6 that gives :
4  R  L

 Robot S  R  L

rTurning   2 
Robot  R  L 2  R  L

0 5 10
0 5 10
S (16)
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Current/time Linear speed/time Based on these equations, the extracted from [3]
8 0.4
Simulink model is modified to be used to demonstrate
6 0.3 differential style (see Fig.7), plot robot DC motors
speeds, the position of the robot in function of its angle


4 0.2
through time, plotting and tracking the central point of
2 0.1
the robot, we can feed any function as an input and
0 5 10
0 5 10
observe robot motion. Defining PMDC parameters and
Time (seconds) Time (seconds) applying the same inputs to both motors in this model
Fig. 4: (a) open loop mobile robot system; speed/time, torque/time, will result in straight line motion; applying different
speed/time and current/time response curves for 12 V input inputs will result in corresponding trajectory (Fig. 5(a),
(b), (c)).
Root Locus Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) Open-Loop Bode Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1)
10 0


6 -30


2 -60
G.M.: Inf
-70 Freq: Inf
0 Stable loop



-8 (a)
P.M.: Inf
Freq: NaN
-10 -180
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10
Real Axis Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig. 4: (b) Root locus and bode plots

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28 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

III. Controller Design

The term control system design refers to the process
of selecting feedback gains that meet design
specifications in a closed-loop control system. Most
design methods are iterative, combining parameter
selection with analysis, simulation, and insight into the
dynamics of the plant [4]. A suitable controller for
wheeled mobile could be PID controller and
Proportional-Integral (PI) controller with deadbeat
Tachometer is a sensor used to measure the actual
output mobile robot angular speed, ωL .. Dynamics of
tachometer can be represented using the following
(b) equation:
Vout(t) =Ktac*d θ(t)/dt = Vout(t) =Ktac* ω
The transfer function of the tachometer is given by:
Vout(s) / ω(s) =Ktac
Tachometerconstant, Ktac = 12 / 6.6667=1.8.

3.1 PID controller design

PID controllers are commonly used to regulate the
time-domain behavior of many different types of
dynamic plants [9]. The gains are to be tuned
experimentally to obtain the desired overall desired
response. The PID controller transfer function is given

Fig. 5: (a), (b), (c) Three different trajectories of the central point of
the mobile robot

 K K 
K D s 2  P s  I 
K K s  K Ps  K I 
G PID  KP  I KD  D 
s s s (17)

The sign of the controller’s output, will determine the robot closed loop system with tachometer, first, for 12 V
direction in which the motor will turn. The Simulink input, the mobile robot will reach output angular speed
model of the closed loop mobile robot system with of 6.67 rad/sin 1,2 s, that is 0.5 m per second. Second,
tachometer ,PID controller with gains (KP=36.55, KI the mobile robot system draws about 17.8 A peak and
=8.33, KD=8.73) is shown in Fig 6(a), running this about 6 A continuous in operation according to this
model will result in response curves shown in Fig 6(b), model.
Several observations can be made from the mobile

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 29

Fig. 6: (a), Mobile robot Simulink model with PID controller, closed loop mobile robot with tachometer
Robot differential drive Simulink Model, can be
further modified to include PID controller and feedback,
to have the form shown in Fig. 7.

3.1.1 Suggested Function Block with its Function

Block Parameters Window
a suggested function block model for mobile robot
design and analysis using PID controller is shown in
Fig.8, by defining parameters and values of each DC
motor, controller , gear ratio and controller gains,
running model, will result in torque/time, speed/time
and position/time curves shown in Fig 6(b) up.
Fig. 6: (b) speed/time, torque/time, speed/time and current/time
response curves of the close loop mobile robot system with
tachometer feedback and PID controller

Fig. 7: Robot differential drives Model with PID controller and feedback

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30 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

3.1.2 Proportional -Integral (PI) controller with response include; Zero steady state error, Fast response,
deadbeat response design (short rise time and settling time) and minimal
undershoot, ±2% error band. PI-controller transfer
Deadbeat response means the response that proceeds
function is given by:
rapidly to the desired level and holds at that level with
minimal overshoot, [5]. The characteristics of deadbeat

 K 
K P s  I 
G PI (s )  K P  I 
 K P s  K I    K P   K P s  Z o 
s s s s (18)

PI controller represents a pole located at the origin therefore the required prefilter transfer function to
and a stable zero placed near the pole, at Zo=- KI/ KP, cancel the zero is given by:
resulting indrastically eliminating steady state error due
to the fact that the feedback control system type is G Pr efilter (s ) 
increased by one. The PI pole and zero will affect the s  Z o  (19)
response, mainly the PI zero,Zo=- KI/ KP, will inversely
affect the response and should be cancelled by prefilter,

Fig. 8: Function Block using PID controller

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 31

The closed loop overall transfer function of the consisting of PI controller, mobile robot forward loop
mobile robot Tmobile(s), with PI controller added, can be transfer function, and given by:
calculated as follows; The forward transfer function is

robot (s ) K s  Z o    Kt / n 
G speed _ forward (s )   P   
  (La J equiv )s  (R a J equiv  bequiv La )s  (R abequiv  K t K b )  
V in (s )  s

robot (s )  s  Z o  K P K t 
G speed _ forward (s )   
 (nLa J equiv )s  (nR a J equiv  nbequiv La )s  (nR abequiv  nK t K b )s  
3 2
V in (s )

The closed loop transfer function of the mobile robot

can be now calculated and given by:

T (s ) 
robot (s ) 
s  Z o  K P K t 

 (nLa J equiv )s  (nR a J equiv  nbequiv La )s  (nR abequiv  nK t K b )s  K tac K P K t  s  Z o  
3 2
V in (s )

T (s ) 
robot (s )
s  Z o  K P K t 

 (nLa J equiv )s  (nR a J equiv  nbequiv La )s  (nR abequiv  nK t K b )s  K tac K P K t s  K tac K t K I 
3 2
V in (s )

Cancelling the PI zero by prefilter given by (19) will

result in the following overall closed loop transfer

T (s ) 
Zo  s  Z o  K P K t 
 
 s  Z o   (nLa J equiv )s  (nR a J equiv  nbequiv La )s 2  (nR abequiv  nK t K b  K tac K P K t )s  K tac K t K I
 (21)

The controller gains KP, KI, and Zo depend on the n3

physical parameters of the actuator drives, to determine G (s ) 
KP, KI, and Zo that yield optimal deadbeat response, the s 3  n s 2  n2s  n3 (22)
overall closed loop transfer function T(s) is compared
with standard third order transfer function given by (22), Rearranging (21) to match the standard third order
and knowing that α, β and ωn are known coefficients of system transfer function form (22)gives:
system with deadbeat response given by [5], gives the

 K I Kt 
 
 (s )  nL a J equiv 
T speed _ closed (s )  robot 
V in (s )  3 (R a J equiv  bequiv La ) 2 (nR abequiv  nK t K b  K tac K P K t ) K K K 
s  s  s  tac t I 
 L J
a equiv nL J
a equiv nLa J equiv  (23)

Comparing (23) with(23), rearranging and K t K tac K I

manipulating, gives: n3 
La J equiv n
(R a J equiv  bequiv La )
n  Now, rearranging these equations to determine the
(La J equiv ) coefficients; KP, KI, and Zo, to have:
(nR abequiv  nK t K b  K tac K P K t )
n2 
nLa J equiv

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32 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

( n2 nLa J equiv )  (nR abequiv  nK t K b )

KP 
K tac K t

n3 nLa J equiv

KI 
K tac K t

n3 nLa J equiv

KI K tac K t n3 nLa J equiv
Zo   
K P ( n2 nLa J equiv )  (nR abequiv  nK t K b ) ( n2 nLa J equiv )  (nR abequiv  nK t K b )
K tac K t (24)

Referring to [5], the required coefficients for our controller with deadbeat responseis shown in Fig.9,
third order system are: α = 1.9, β = 2.2 and replacing this block with PID controller block in model
ωn Ts = 4.04, a suitable settling time is selected to be shown Fig 6(a) up, and running model will result in
1.2S, and correspondingly: ωn *1.2= 4.04, ωn = 3.37. angular speed, position, current and torque response
The Simulink model of Proportional-Integral (PI) curves, shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9: Simulink block of Proportional-Integral (PI) controller with deadbeat response

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Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 33

Fig. 10: speed/time, torque/time, speed/time and current/time response curves of the close loop mobile robot system with Proportional-Integral (PI)
controller with deadbeat response

IV. Circuit Explanation

A simplified version of mobile robot circuit,extracted Read KP, KI, KP
from [2]and modified, is shown in Fig.11.The inputs are previous_error = 0;
sensors outputs, sensors are line detection sensor-array integral = 0;
consisting of with 8 pairs of IR LED/ phototransistor Read target_position / the required position of
mounted on pitch and the ultrasonic range finder SRF05 robot center.
sensor. The microcontroller used is PIC16F84A capable while ( )
of controlling two drive channels; PIC is supplied with Read current_position; //the current
5VDC and simple clock condition with 20 MHz crystal. position of robot center with respect to the line.
The outputs are two PMDC motors and a speaker, there error = target_position – current_position ; //
are two separate H-bridge circuits to drive motors, The calculate error
H-bridge circuit is supplied with 12VDC and the four proportional = KP * error; // error times
bits outputs of microcontroller made this part to drive proportional gain
the desire conditions of DC Motor. Four NPN integral = integral + error*dt; //integral stores
transistors are used as switch to choose the direction of the accumulated error
current flows to the Motor. integral = integral* KI;
derivative = (error - previous_error)/dt; //stores
The sensors’ outputs are inputted to the change in error to derivate, dt is sampling period
microcontroller, depend on the inputs state, the outputs derivative = KD *derivative;
conditions that controlled the H-bridge circuit are PID_action = proportional + integral + derivative;
provided by (C+) software.A simplified algorithm for a //To add PID_action to the left and right motor speed.
PID control implementation loop is given next: //The sign of PID_action, will determine the direction
in which the motor will turn.
previous_error =error; //Update error

Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 23-36
34 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

Fig. 11: Microcontroller based PMDC motor control system for mobile robot

V. Conclusion
A proposed design of robotic system intended for
research purposes as well as for the application
ineducational process is introduced.The model of
proposed mobile robot was created and verified using
MATLAB Simulink software; realexperiments with
constructed robot in the form of wheelchair, were
accomplished in order to verify the performed
simulations. The results confirmed correctness of design
of the robotic system.
PID controller enables designer to satisfy all required
design specifications,providing almost all the
desiredresponse. Itfound that using a PID controller
with, suitable gains,all ofthe design requirements
wassatisfied;the PMDC motorused reached the desired
output angle smoothly andwithin a desired period of
time. It has observed that both PMDC motors and PID
transfer functions, control have a large influence upon
the response of the system.Toachieve a fast response to
a step command with minimal overshoot and zero
Fig. 12: The designed Mobile Robot, Mechatronics Sec. Lab., Taif steady state error, so called deadbeat response, can be
University, Taif, Saudi Arabia applied to meet desired specifications.

Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 23-36
Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System 35

V, or Vin The applied input voltage ,(Motor terminal voltage) Volte, V
Ra Armature resistance,( Motor terminal resistance) Ohm ,Ω
ia Armature current Ampere, A
Kt Motor torque constant N.m/A
Ke Motor back-electromotive force constant V/(rad/s)
ωm Motor shaft angular velocity rad/s
Tm Torque produced by the motor N.m
Jm Motor armature moment of inertia kg.m2
Jtotal Total inertia=Jm+Jload kg.m2
La Armature inductance Henry , H
b Viscous damping, friction coefficient N.m/rad.s
ea ,EMF: The back electromotive force ,EMF,. EMF =Kbdθ/dt ea ,EMF:
θm The output angular position of the motor shaft radians
ωm The output angular speed of the motor shaft rad/sec
VR = R*i The voltage across the resistor Voltage
VL = Ldi/dt The voltage across the inductor Voltage
Tload torque of the mechanical load Tload
Tα torque du to rotational acceleration Tα
Tω torque produced from the velocity of the rotor Tω
TEMF the electromagnetic torque. TEMF
n Gear ratio
Kp Proportional gain
Ktac Tachometer constant

[6] B. Shah, Field Oriented Control of Step Motors,

MSc. Thesis, SVMITB haruch, India, Dec. 2004.
The authoress would like to acknowledge Eng. :
Ahmed M. Al-otaibi, Mechatronics Section, Taif
University, for his help during this work.
Authors’ Profiles
Ahmad A. Mahfouz: Bsc and
Ms; Bari University Italy ,
Moscow state Academy. Now,
[1] W. P. Aung, Analysis on Modeling and Simulink Ph.D. candidate in Automatic
of DC Motor and its Driving System Used for and Mechatronics Systems,
Wheeled Mobile Robot, World Academy of Vladimir State University and the
Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2007. director of alpha center for
engineering studies and
[2] Bashir M. Y. Nouri, modeling and control of technology researches. Major academic and research
mobile robot, Proceeding of the First International interests: Control Systems, Robotics, Electronics,
Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied
Microcontrollers, and Quantity Surveying.
Optimization, Sharjah, U.A.E. February 1-3, 2005.
[3] http:// Ayman A. Aly was Born in Cairo-
permission) Egypt at 1969-07-19, B.Sc. with
excellent honor degree (top
[4] H. Alasooly, Control of DC motor using different student), 1991 and M.Sc. in Sliding
control strategies, global journal of technology and
Mode Control from Mech., Eng.,
optimization, volum 2 , 2011. Dept., Assiut University, Egypt,
[5] R. C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop. Modern Control 1996 and PhD. in Adaptive Fuzzy
Systems. Ninth Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Control from Yamanashi
Jersey, 2001. University, Japan, 2003. Nowadays,

Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 23-36
36 Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot System

he is the head of Mechatronics Section at Taif

University, Saudi Arabia since 2008. Prior to joining
Taif University, He is also one of the team who
established the “Mechatronics and Robotics
Engineering” Educational Program in Assiut University
in 2006. He was in the Managing and Implementation
team of the Project “Development of Mechatronics
Courses for Undergraduate Program” DMCUP Project-
HEEPF Grant A-085-10 Ministry of Higher Education –
Egypt, 2004-2006.
The international biographical center in Cambridge,
England selected Ayman A. Aly as international
educator of the year 2012.Also, Ayman A. Aly was
selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the
World, 30th Pearl Anniversary Edition, 2013.
In additions to 5 text books, Ayman A. Aly is the author
of more than 60 scientific papers in Refereed Journals
and International Conferences. He supervised some of
MSc and PhD Degree Students and managed a number
of funded research projects.
Prizes and scholarships awarded: The prize of Prof.
Dr. Ramadan Sadek in Mechanical Engineering (top
student), 1989, The prize of Prof. Dr. Talet Hafez in
Mechanical Design 1990, Egyptian Government
Scholarship 1999-2000, Japanese Government
scholarships (MONBUSHO), 2001-2002 and JASSO,
2011, The prize of Taif university for scientific research,
Research interests: Robust and Intelligent Control of
Mechatronics Systems, Automotive Control Systems,
Thermofluid Systems Modeling and Simulation.

Farhan A. Salem: Bsc and Ms;

Moscow state Academy, Ph.D. in
Mechatronics of production
systems, Now he is ass. Professor
in Taif University, Mechatronics
program, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering and gen. director of
alpha center for engineering studies
and technology researches.

Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 23-36

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