rtl2 Assignment 2 Excerpt

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RTL2 Assignment 2: Literature Review and Action Research Protocol

Topic: The impact of BYOD technology on the quality of teaching and learning.

Sub-topic: Behaviour management strategies and mobile devices

Part A: Literature Review

“Schools, faced with the challenge of preparing students for life in a changing society, need

to provide opportunities for children to incorporate new technologies as a natural part of their

play and learning” (Swaminathan & Yelland, 2012). According to research conducted by

Selwyn, et.al., 80% of 14-17 year olds are in possession and use smartphones (2017). In

addition to this, many schools have been moving away from the ‘shared’ school-owned

devices and encouraging a student focused bring-your-own-device or ‘BYOD’. For the

purpose of this paper, ‘mobile devices’ will be referring to all forms or transportable

technology including laptops, tablets, and phones. However, many schools including

Victorian state schooling has opted for policies banning mobile phones in the classrooms, as

well as many other recommendations for appropriate device use. In the key findings and

recommendations of ‘Review into the non-educational use of mobile devices in NSW schools

– report’, the NSW Government Education website states that “the review team is mindful

that our approaches to the use of such devices in schools must heed international expert

advice […] if we are to adequately prepare children and young people for the digital future

(Carr-Gregg, McLean, & Third, 2020)”. Both views presented are essentially viewing the

same problem from a different angle and yet both have a similar focal point on how to solve

this problem: how teachers effectively practice strategies to minimise disruptive and negative

behaviours while encourage productive and positive ones. This review will be focusing on
how teachers develop or have implemented behaviour management strategies when mobile

devices, primarily mobile phones, are used in the classroom.


Part B: Action Research Protocol

The research that will be conducted for this paper will be finding authentic responses to how

teachers from varying experiences conduct behaviour management strategies involving

mobile phones. The following data collection method is based on semi-structured interview

procedure created by the researcher. The protocol is outlined as follows:

Semi-structured Interview protocol: participant will be provided the WSU protocol for full

understanding of the research project, the project’s purpose, and its ethical practice.

Interviews will run between 15-20 minutes; however, sessions are varied longer if a

participant’s answer is elaborated upon.


The protocols above are based on a qualitative data collection methodology, using thorough

and authentic responses from educators. The interview is designed as a relaxed conversation-

style procedure to allow the participants to freely express and critically reflect on their

experiences involving student misbehaviour involving mobile phones, opinions on policy,

and the wider teacher attitude on the evolution of BYOD technology in the classroom. The

possible interview questions provide in-depth enquiry on the issues which are presented in

the literature review. This study allows opportunities for further research and behaviour

strategy reform which can be applied to other areas of education, creating viable resources for

other educators to source and enact upon.

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