Functional React Quick Start Hooks 2nd PDF

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Functional React, 2nd Edition

Quick start with React Hooks, Redux and MobX

Cristian Salcescu

Copyright © 2019-2020 Cristian Salcescu

May 2019 First Edition

May 2020 Second Edition
Table of contents
Fast Development Environment
Chapter 01: Functional JavaScript
Pure Functions
Functional Array
Higher-order functions
Final Thoughts
Chapter 02: Functional Components
Functional Components
Entry Point
Virtual DOM and Rendering
Final Thoughts
Chapter 03: A Brief Introduction to JSX
Escaping string expressions
Final Thoughts
Chapter 04: List Components
ProductList Component
App Component
Entry Point
Final Thoughts
Chapter 05: Communication between Components
Data as props
Functions as props
Using Partial Application
Data Flow
Final Thoughts
Chapter 06: Presentation Components
ShoppingItem Component
ShoppingCart Component
Presentation Components as Pure Functions
Final Thoughts
Chapter 07: Styling Components
A few CSS concepts
Styling Components
Final Thoughts
Chapter 08: Stateful Functional Components
Pure Functions
Final Thoughts
Chapter 09: Custom Store
Entry Point
Using the Store
Effect Hook
Effects with Cleanup
Final Thoughts
Chapter 10: MobX Store
Container Components
ProductList Container
ShoppingCart Container
Root Component
Entry Point
Final Thoughts
Chapter 11: Redux Store
Action Creators
Entry Point
Presentation Components
Container Components
Data Flow
Final Thoughts
Chapter 12: Redux Actions and Immutable.Js
Action Creators
Handling Actions in Reducer
Immutable Data Structures
Final Thoughts
Chapter 13: Fetching with MobX Store
API Utils
Product Store
ProductsList Container
Entry Point
Final Thoughts
Chapter 14: Fetching with Redux Thunk
Redux Thunk
Synchronous Action Creators
Asynchronous Action Creators
Root Reducer
Entry Point
Data Flow
Final Thoughts
Chapter 15: Fetching with Redux Observable
Entry Point
The Data Flow
Final Thoughts
Chapter 16: Form Components
From Component
Custom Hook
Final Thoughts
Chapter 17: UI State in MobX Store
UI Store
ProductSearch Container
ProductList Container
Entry Point
Final Thoughts
Chapter 18: UI State in Redux Store
Query Reducer
Root Reducer
ProductSearch Container
ProductList Container
Final Thoughts
Chapter 19: Testing
Testing Redux Reducers
Testing Selectors
Testing MobX Stores
Testing Application Start
Final Thoughts
Chapter 20: Redux Folder Structure
Type-First Folder Structure
Feature-First Folder Structure
Final Thoughts
Chapter 21: Router
Product Component
API Utils
Root Reducer
Products Page
Product Details Page
App Router
Entry Point
Final Thoughts
Chapter 22: Functional React
Functional Array
Pure functions
Higher-order functions
Higher-order components
Function Composition
Final Thoughts
Chapter 23: Architecture
Props and State
Local and External State
Domain and UI State
Presentation Components
Container Components
UI Decomposition
UI as Function of State
Unidirectional Data Flow
MobX Architecture
Redux Architecture
Final Thoughts
What’s next?
React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating user

The basic unit for a piece of the user interface is the component. With React
Hooks we can express all the user interface using function components.

This is a book for beginners in React, but not for beginners in JavaScript.
For a better understanding of JavaScript and functional programming
consider reading Discover Functional JavaScript .

Through this book, we are going to build a shopping cart. We will build all
components using functions. Classes will not be used to create components
or any other objects. More than that, the this pseudo-parameter will not be
used at all.

We are going to look at state management with React Hooks and with
external libraries like Redux or MobX .

React embraces functional programming. Programming in a functional style

means using concepts such as pure functions, immutability, closures, first-
class functions, higher-order functions, or currying. We are going to explore
how to apply these functional programming techniques in React.

Mastering the fundamentals makes us better at solving more complex tasks.

Source Code

The project files from this book are available at

salcescu/functional-react-2 .


I will be glad to hear your feedback. For comments, questions, or

suggestions regarding this book send me an email to
[email protected] .
Fast Development Environment
The first thing we need to do is to set-up our development environment.

Package Manager

A package manager is a tool used to track project dependencies in an easy

to use manner. At the time of writing, Node.js package manager, in short
npm , is the most popular. Let’s start by installing Node.js .

The following commands can then be used in command prompt to check

the Node.js and npm versions:
node --version
npm --v

NPM Packages

With npm we can install additional packages. These packages are the
application dependencies.

For example, here is the command for installing the Redux package:
npm install --save redux

The installed packages can be found in the node_modules folder. The --

save flag tells npm to store the package requirement in the package.json

The package.json file stores all the node packages used in the project.
These packages are the application dependencies. The application can be
shared with other developers without sharing all the node packages.
Installing all the packages defined in the package.json file can be done
using the npm install command.

Create React App

The easiest way to start with a React application is to use Create React App
To do that, run one of the following commands:
npm init react-app appname

npx create-react-app appname

npx can execute a package that wasn’t previously installed.

Once the application is created the following commands can be used:

npm start : starts the development server.

npm test : starts the test runner.
npm run build : builds the app for production into the build folder.


For code editing, we need an Integrated Development Environment, IDE in


My favorite is Visual Studio Code .

To start the application, first, open the application folder in Visual Studio
Code. Then open the terminal from Terminal→New Terminal and run: npm
start . This launches the development server and opens the React
application in the browser.
Chapter 01: Functional JavaScript
One great thing in JavaScript is functions. Functions are treated as values.
We can simply define a variable, storing a function. Here is an example:
const sum = function(x, y){
return x + y;

sum(1, 2);

The same function can be written using the arrow syntax as follows:
const sum = (x, y) => x + y;

We favor declaring functions using the const keyword instead of the let
keyword to prevent its modification.

Like other values, functions can be stored in objects, arrays, passed as

arguments to other functions or returned from functions.

Pure Functions
A pure function is a computation. It computes the result using only its input.
Given a specific input, it always returns the same output.

A pure function has no side-effects. It does not use variables from outside
its scope that can change. It does not modify the outside environment in any

Pure functions have a big set of advantages. They allow focusing attention
in one place, the function itself without its surrounding environment, and
that makes it easier to read, understand, and debug.

An immutable object is an object that cannot be modified after it is

Immutable objects can be created using Object.freeze() .

const product = Object.freeze({
name : "apple",
quantity : 1

product.quantity = 2;
//Cannot assign to read only property 'quantity'

Object.freeze() does a shallow freeze and as such the nested objects can
be changed. For a deep freeze, we need to recursively freeze each property
of type object. Check the deepFreeze() implementation.

Changing an immutable value means creating a changed copy. For example,

if we want to modify the quantity of the previous product , we create a
new object.
const newProduct = Object.freeze({
quantity: 2

The spread syntax is helpful when creating copies of objects.

In functional programming, all the data transferred between functions are

immutable or at least treated as being immutable.

Functional Array
In the functional style, we get rid of the for statement and use the array
Before going forward, note that primitives, objects, and functions are all


filter() selects values from a list using a predicate function deciding

what values to keep.
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

function isOdd(number){
return number % 2 !== 0;

const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(n => isOdd(n))

//element=1, isOdd(1) is true → result=[1]
//element=2, isOdd(2) is false → result=[1]
//element=3, isOdd(3) is true → result=[1,3]
//[1, 3]

A predicate function is a function that takes one input value and returns
true or false based on whether the value satisfies the condition.

isOdd() is a predicate function.

Point-free style

Point-free is a technique that improves readability by eliminating the

unnecessary arguments.

Let’s reconsider the previous code :

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(n => isOdd(n))

In a point-free style, the same code will be written without arguments:

const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(isOdd)


map() transforms a list of values to another list of values using a mapping

function toStar(number){
return '*'.repeat(number);

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

const stars =;

//element=1, map to '*' → result=['*']

//element=2, map to '**' → result=['*', '**']
//element=3, map to '***' → result=['*', '**', '***']
//['a', 'aa', 'aaa']

toStar() is a mapping function. It takes a number and returns the

corresponding number of star * characters.


reduce() reduces a list of values to a single value.

reduce(reducer, initialValue) takes two arguments.

The first argument, the reducer, is a function that takes an accumulator and
the current value and computes the new accumulator. reduce() executes the
reducer function for each element in the array.

The second argument is the initial value for the accumulator. If no value is
provided, it sets the first element in the array as the initial value and starts
the loop from the second element.
function sum(total, number){
return total + number;

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

const total = numbers.reduce(sum, 0);
//element=1, total=0 → result=1
//element=2, total=1 → result=3
//element=3, total=3 → result=6

Chaining is a technique used to simplify code by appling multiple
methods on an object one after another.

Below is an example where the filter() and map() methods are both
applied to an array:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

const stars = numbers


//["*", "***"]

Closure is an inner function that has access to variables from outer
function, even after the outer function has executed.

Consider the next example:

function createIncrement(){
let count = 0;
return function increment(){
count += 1;
return count;

const doIncrement = createIncrement();

doIncrement(); //1
doIncrement(); //2
doIncrement(); //3

increment() is an inner function and createIncrement() is its parent.

increment() has access to the variable count from its parent event after
createIncrement() has been executed. increment() is a closure.

Higher-order functions
A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as an
input, returns a function, or does both.

filter() , map() , reduce() are higher-order functions.

Currying is the process of transforming a function with several
parameters into a series of functions each taking a single parameter.

Currying comes in handy when aiming for pure functions. Consider the
next code:
const fruits = ['apple', 'mango', 'orange']

const newFruits = fruits.filter(function(name) {

return name.startsWith("a")
Now, let’s refactor out the filter callback to a pure function with an
intention-revealing name.
const fruits = ['apple', 'mango', 'orange'];

function startsWith(text, name){

return name.startsWith(text)

const newFruits = fruits.filter(name => startsWith('a', name))

As you can see, startsWith() has two parameters and filter() needs a
callback expecting one parameter.

We can write startsWith() as a curried function:

function startsWith(text){
return function(name){
return name.startsWith(text)

Then, it can be called providing only one parameter, the text to search for.
const fruits = ['apple', 'mango', 'orange'];

const newFruits = fruits.filter(startsWith('a'));

Final Thoughts
Functions are values and thus they can be treated as any other values.

A closure is a function that has access to the variables and parameters of its
outer function, even after the outer function has executed.

Pure functions return a value using only on its input and have no side-
An immutable value is a value that once created cannot be changed.
Changing immutable values means creating changed copies.

filter() , map() and reduce() are the core methods for working with
collections in a functional style.
Chapter 02: Functional Components
React is a library for building user interfaces. The basic unit in React is the
component. The main idea is to split the page into small, reusable
components and then combine them together to create the whole page.

The small components are easier to reason about and reusable.

Functional Components
Functional components are functions returning an HTML-like syntax called

React allows expressing the UI using functions.

The following Header component is a function that returns a header

import React from 'react';

function Header() {
return (
<h1>A Shopping Cart</h1>

export default Header;

The returned HTML-like code is wrapped in parentheses to avoid the

problems with automatic semi-colon insertion.

The Header component can then be used in another component called App .
import React from 'react';
import Header from './Header';

function App() {
return (
<Header />

export default App;

At this point, we have established a relation between App and Header . App
is the parent of Header .

Components are organized in a tree-like structure with a root component. In

this case, the root component is App .

Functional components can take properties.

The following ProductItem component takes a product and generates the

user interface for it.
import React from 'react';

function ProductItem(props) {
return (

export default ProductItem;

Functional components take a single parameter called “props” and return
the user interface markup.

We can make the code cleaner by using the destructuring assignment syntax
in the parameter list.
function ProductItem({product}) {
return (

Note that ProductItem(props) was replaced with

ProductItem({product}) .

Props can be passed to components using JSX attributes. Below a product

is created and passed to the ProductItem component:
import React from 'react';
import Header from './Header';
import ProductItem from './ProductItem';

const product = {
id: 1,
name : 'mango'

function App() {
return (
<Header />
<ProductItem product={product} />

export default App;

React passes all the component attributes in the “props” object.

Entry Point
The application has a single entry point. In our case, it is the index.js file.
This is the place where the root component App is rendered. When the root
component is rendered, all the other components are rendered.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';

ReactDOM.render(<App />,

Virtual DOM and Rendering

React elements are plain objects describing the UI and are cheap to create.

Functional components are function returning React elements.

React elements are immutable, once created they cannot be changed. The
only way to update the UI is by creating a new React element.

ReactDOM updates the DOM based on the React elements.

ReactDOM.render(element, containerDOM) renders a React element,

including all its children. The first argument is the React element, the
second argument is the target DOM element. It renders the component
inside the root DOM element specified. Usually, there is a single root DOM
Consider for example the root DOM element:
<div id="root"></div>

The code in the index.js file renders the React element created by the App
functional component into the root DOM node.
ReactDOM.render(<App />,

The Document Object Model, DOM, is an in-memory object representation

of the HTML document. The DOM offers an application programming
interface, that allows to read and manipulate the page’s content, structure,
styles and handle HTML events. The DOM is a tree-like structure.

DOM updates are expensive.

The Virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the user interface. It is

used by the React diff algorithm to identify only the necessary changes for
updating the “real” DOM. Even if we create a React element describing the
whole UI tree, only the necessary changes are applied to the real DOM.

The “real” DOM is made of DOM elements. The virtual DOM is made of
React elements.

The virtual DOM can be inspected using the React Developer Tools

Final Thoughts
Functional components are functions returning objects describing part o the
user interface.

React makes it possible to split the page into small functions rendering parts
of the user interface and combine these parts to create the whole page.

Functional components transform data into a visual user interface.

Chapter 03: A Brief Introduction to JSX
JSX describes how the user interface looks like. It offers a friendly HTML-
like syntax for creating DOM elements.

JSX stands for JavaScript XML.

The JSX code is transpiled to JavaScript. Check the code below:
<h1>A Shopping Cart</h1>

//Transpiled to JavaScript
React.createElement('header', null,
React.createElement('h1', null, 'A Shopping Cart')

As you can see, JSX is transpiled to React.createElement() calls, which

create React elements.

JSX accepts any valid JavaScript expression inside curly braces.
Here are some examples of expressions:
function Message(){
const message = '1+1=2';
return <div>{message}</div>

function Message(){
return <div>1+1={1+1}</div>

function Message(){
const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
return <div>1+1={sum(1, 1)}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<Message/>, document.querySelector('#root'));

An expression is a valid unit of code that resolves to a value.

For example, the conditional ternary operator is an expression, but the if

statement is not.
function Valid({valid}){
return <span>{ valid ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'}</span>

ReactDOM.render(<Valid valid={false} />,


JSX is also an expression. It can be used inside statements, assigned to

variables, passed as arguments.
Below, the previous component is rewritten with JSX inside the if
function Valid({valid}){
return <span>Valid</span>
} else {
return <span>Invalid</span>

ReactDOM.render(<Valid valid={false}/>,

Here is the same logic implemented by assigning JSX to a variable:

function Valid({valid}){
let resultJSX;
resultJSX = <span>Valid</span>;
} else {
resultJSX = <span>Invalid</span>;

return resultJSX;

ReactDOM.render(<Valid valid={false}/>,

Escaping string expressions

JSX does automatic escaping of string expressions.
function Message(){
const messageText = '<b>learn</b>';
return <span>{messageText}</span>;

ReactDOM.render(<Message />,

The text inside messageText is escaped, thus <b>learn</b> will be

displayed as a text.

Below the previous code is rewritten with JSX instead of a string.

function Message(){
const messageJSX = <b>learn</b>;
return <span>{messageJSX}</span>;

ReactDOM.render(<Message />,

This time, the "learn" text is displayed in bold.

Function components can return a single tag. When we want to return
multiple tags we need to wrap them into a new tag.

All tags need to be closed. For example, <br> must be written as <br /> .

Since JSX is transpiled into React.createElement() calls, the React

library must be available when using JSX.
import React from 'react';
Components must start with a capital letter. The following code doesn’t
work correctly:
function product(){
return <div>A product</div>

ReactDOM.render(<product />, document.querySelector('#root'));

In JSX, lower-case tag names are considered to be HTML tags, not React

The automatic semi-colon insertion may create problems when using

return . The following function component will not return a React element,
but undefined .
function Product(){
A product

A common practice, to avoid this problem, is to open parentheses on the

same line as return .
function Product(){
return (
A product

The attributes in JSX use camelCase. For example tabindex becomes
tabIndex , onclick becomes onClick .

Other attributes have different names than in HTML: class becomes

className , for becomes htmlFor .

Consider the Valid component:

function Valid({valid}){
return <span>{ valid ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'}</span>

Curly braces can be used to specify an expression in an attribute:

<Valid valid={false}/>

In this case, the valid property of the props object gets the value false .

Quotes can be used to specify a string literal in an attribute:

<Valid valid="false" />

Now, the valid property gets the string "false" .

Consider the next example:

<Valid valid="{false}" />

In this case, the valid property gets the string "{false}"

For attributes, we should use quotes to assign string values or curly braces
to assign expressions, but not both.

Final Thoughts
JSX allows using markup directly in JS. In a sense, JSX is a mix of JS and

JSX is transpiled to React.createElement() calls, which create React

JSX accepts expression inside curly braces. String expressions are escaped.

Attributes in JSX use camelCase.

Chapter 04: List Components
A functional component transforms a value into a React element.

A list component transforms a list of values into a list of React elements.

Let’s understand how. First, remember that map() transforms a list of values
into another list of values using a mapping function.

ProductList Component
The ProductItem component creates the interface for a single product.

The ProductList component creates the interface for a list of products

using map() and the ProductItem component.
import React from 'react';
import ProductItem from './ProductItem';

function ProductList({products}) {
return (
{ =>

export default ProductList;

<ProductItem product={product} /> renders one product using the
ProductItem component. It is the equivalent of the
ProductItem({product)) function call.

Here is how the list transformation can be imagined.

The same way we use map() to transform a list of values into another list of
values, we can use map() to transform a list of values into a list of React

List Item Key

React requires to uniquely identify each item in a list.

The key is a special attribute that is required in a list of elements. It helps

the React diff algorithm to decide what DOM elements to update. Each item
in a list should have a unique identity defined by the key attribute. Usually,
we are going to use ids as keys. Note the use of as the key to
each ProductItem .
<ProductItem product={product} key={} />

Keys are useful only when rendering a list. The key should be kept on the
<ProductItem /> elements in the array and not in the ProductItem itself.
Keys are not passed to components. When we need the same value in the
component we need to pass it in a property with a different name.

Spread Attributes

Spread attributes make it easy to pass all the props to a child component.
<ChildComponent {...props} />

Let’s consider that the ProductItem takes each property of a product

instead of the product object.
import React from 'react';

function ProductItem({name}) {
return (

export default ProductItem;

Here is how the spread attributes we can be used in ProductList to pass all
properties of a product to the ProductItem component.
import React from 'react';
import ProductItem from './ProductItem';

function ProductList({products}) {
return (
{ =>

export default ProductList;

App Component
The App root component takes a list of products and sends it to the
ProductList component.

import React from 'react';

import Header from './Header';

import ProductList from './ProductList';

function App({products}) {
return (
<Header />
<ProductList products={products} />

export default App;

Entry Point
The entry point file index.js creates an array of products and sends it to
the App component.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';

const products = [
'id' : 1,
'name' : 'mango',
'price' : 10
'id' : 2,
'name' : 'apple',
'price': 5

ReactDOM.render(<App products={products} />,


Final Thoughts
List components create the visual interface for a list of values.

It is a good practice to extract out each item from the list in its own
Chapter 05: Communication between
Splitting the page into small components makes things easier to manage and
reuse, but it creates a new challenge, the communication between these

Components are organized in a tree-like structure, and so there are two

communication directions between them, from parent to child and from
child to parent.

Let’s take a look at how this can be done.

Data as props
We have already seen how data is sent from parent to child using props.
Consider the ProductItem functional component:
function ProductItem({product}) {
return (

The ProductItem component takes a product object to display.

By simply using the parameter destructuring syntax to extract the product

from props we are enabling the communication from parent to child. Note
that product is a plain object, and that so far we have used only plain
objects as props.

Functions as props
We can handle communication from child to parent using functions as
props. Those functions will be used as event handlers.

React events are handled similar to DOM events. The attributes for React
events are named using camelCase. onClick , onChange , onSubmit are
examples of attributes for event handling. The callback functions for
handling events are passed inside curly braces.

Let’s take the case of adding a product to the cart.

The ProductItem component takes the onAddClick function to be called on

the Add click.
function ProductItem({product, onAddClick}) {}

When the Add button is clicked, we need to execute the callback function
with the current product as an argument.
<button onClick={() => onAddClick(product)} />

Here is the full ProductItem component:

import React from 'react';

function ProductItem({product, onAddClick}) {

return (
onClick={() => onAddClick(product)}>

export default ProductItem;

It is important to remark that events expect functions as event handlers, so

when we need to call the function with additional arguments we need to
create a new function. This can be simply solved with an anonymous
function that executes the callback with the additional arguments.

ProductItem expects the onAddClick callback. The callback function is

called when the Add button is clicked.

The parent component should pass a callback function to handle the event.
Let’s see how.

ProductList expects the onAddClick callback function. It does nothing

more than assigning the onAddClick callback to the onAddClick event.
import React from 'react';
import ProductItem from './ProductItem';

function ProductList({products, onAddClick}) {

return (
{ =>

export default ProductList;

Child components communicate with their parents using callback functions.

Parent components set the callback functions using attributes.

We define the callback function in the root component. App handles the
onAddClick event by writing the product to console.

import React from 'react';

import Header from './Header';

import ProductList from './ProductList';

function App({products}) {
function addToCart(product) {

return (
<Header />
onAddClick={addToCart} />

export default App;

Using Partial Application
Going back to the fact that events accept functions as event handlers,
another option for calling a function with additional arguments is to use
partial application.

Partial application is the process of fixing a number of arguments to a

function by producing another function with fewer arguments.

With the partial() utility function, from lodash from example, we can
create an event handler with the product argument already applied.
import partial from 'lodash/partial';

<button onClick={partial(onAddClick, product)} />

Partial application can be implemented also using the bind() method. We

should remember that functions are actually objects and as such they have
import partial from 'lodash/partial';

<button onClick={onAddClick.bind(null, product)} />

In the next chapters, I will continue to use anonymous functions to wrap the
call with additional arguments.

Data Flow
At this point, let’s analyze the data flow between components.

The entry point creates the products and passes them to App . From there,
App sends them to ProductList . Then ProductList passes each product
to the ProductItem components.

Data flow with plain objects as props: Entry point → App → ProductList
→ ProductItem .
When the Add button is clicked in ProductItem , it calls the onAddClick()
provided by ProductList , which calls the onAddClick() callback provided
by App . In a sense, data travels from children to parents using callbacks.

Data flow with functions as props : ProductItem → ProductList → App .

Final Thoughts
The communication between components can be done with props.

Parent-child communication is handled using plain objects as props.

Child-parent communication is handled using functions as props. On user

interactions, child components invoke the function callbacks provided by
the parent components with new data.
Chapter 06: Presentation Components
Presentation components transform data into a visual representation.

Presentation components communicate only through their own props.

All the components we have built so far ProductItem , ProductList ,

ShoppingList , ShoppingItem , App are presentation components.

Let’s build and analyze the ShoppingItem and ShoppingCart presentation


ShoppingItem Component
ShoppingItem gets a product and creates the JSX markup for one item in
the shopping cart.

It takes a callback to handle the Remove onClick event.

import React from 'react';

function ShoppingItem({product, onRemoveClick}) {

return (
onClick={() => onRemoveClick(product)}>

export default ShoppingItem;

ShoppingCart Component
ShoppingCart gets a cart object and creates the JSX markup for it.

ShoppingCart takes the onRemoveClick callback and assigns it to the

onRemoveClick event.

import React from 'react';

import ShoppingItem from './ShoppingItem';

function ShoppingCart({cart, onRemoveClick}) {

return (
{ =>
<div>Total: {}</div>
export default ShoppingCart;

Presentation Components as Pure Functions

A pure function is a function that given the same input always returns the
same output and has no side-effects.

The ProductItem , ProductList , ShoppingCart , ShoppingItem , are not

only presentation components but also pure functions.

ShoppingItem is a pure function no matter if the onRemoveClick callback is

pure or impure. Note that ShoppingItem doesn’t execute the
onRemoveClick . It creates a new function with the product already applied
as the first argument and assigns it to the event.

Writing components as pure functions makes the code easier to reason


Presentation components communicate only throw their own props. They
take two kinds of inputs, plain data objects, and function callbacks.

The plain objects are the data to be transformed into a user interface.

The callback functions are used as event handlers.

Final Thoughts
Presentation components transform data into a visual interface.

Presentation components are best implemented as pure functions.

Chapter 07: Styling Components
Before going further, let’s apply a minimal styling to existing components.

A few CSS concepts

Visual HTML elements can be split into two, inline and block elements.

Block vs inline

Block-level elements include tags like div , header , footer . They act as
containers for other inline or block elements. A block element starts on a
new line and extends to the width of its parent. It can be sized using width
and height .

Inline elements include tags like span , input , select . They have the
width and height of their content. Inline elements are displayed on the
same line unless there is not enough space on that line. Inline elements can’t
be sized using width and height .

Normal Document Flow

The normal document flow is the default way for displaying elements on a
page. Block elements are put on new rows from top to bottom and inline
elements are displayed one after the other, from left to right.

The Box Model

At the core of the page layout is the box model. Any visible HTML element
is considered to be in a rectangular box defined by content (width , height
), padding , border , and margin .

Selectors select elements on the page. The most common are:

The id selector #id selects an element with a specific id attribute. The

id of an element should be unique on the page.
The class selector .className selects all elements with a specific
class attribute.
The tag selector tagName selects all elements based on their tag name.

CSS Syntax

A CSS rule consists of a selector and a set of CSS properties. Each property
has a name and a value.

The next rule selects the header tag and sets the text-align property to
center .
header {
text-align: center;

Flex Layout

display: flex defines the flex container. By default, all its direct children
are displayed from left to right on a single line.

The flex-direction property defines the direction in which flex items are
placed in the flex container. The row value displays the flex items
horizontally, from left to right and the column value displays the flex items
vertically, from top to bottom.

Styling Components
We will define a CSS file specific for each component. The CSS file will
have the same name as the JSX file.

ProductItem CSS

The .product-list-item class defines the style for each product item.
.product-list-item {
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #CC6500;
color: #FFF;

Create React App uses Webpack for handling all assets, including CSS
files. Webpack extends the concept of import beyond JavaScript. To use a
CSS file inside a component, we need to import it.

Here is how we can use the ProductItem.css file in ProductItem.jsx :

import React from 'react';
import './ProductItem.css';

function ProductItem({product, onAddClick}) {

return (
<div className="product-list-item">
onClick={() => onAddClick(product)}>

export default ProductItem;

ShoppingItem CSS

The .shopping-cart-item class defines the style for each shopping item.
.shopping-cart-item {
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #FF9C00;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.shopping-cart-item div {
margin: 5px;

ShoppingCart CSS

The .shopping-cart-total class defines the style for the total price.
.shopping-cart-total {
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
color: #654321;
border: 1px solid #FF9C00;


The App.css defines the page layout and the default look for elements
common to all components, like buttons.
button {
background: #FAF1DD;
border: 1px solid #FAF1DD;
color: #654321;
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;

header {
text-align: center;

.content {
display: flex;
width: 70%;
margin: 0 auto;

.content > div{

flex : 1;

Final Thoughts
CSS defines the look and feel of an HTML page.

In normal document flow block elements are displayed on new lines from
top to bottom and inline elements are displayed on the same line from left
to right.

Component styles can be defined in separate CSS files. Webpack allows

importing CSS files inside components.
Chapter 08: Stateful Functional Components
So far, we have used pure functional components taking data as props and
transforming that into a visual interface.

Next, we are going to explore how to define functional components that

have state. That’s it, they store data.

State is data that is stored and can be changed.

React Hooks enables to create functional components that store state. React
Hooks is a collection of hook functions. They are easy to recognize as they
must start with the word "use" .

Hook function calls should be done at the top of the functional component.

The first hook we are going to look at is the useState() function, that can
be used to add local state to a functional component.
import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App({products}) {
const [shoppingMap, setShoppingMap] = useState({});

useState() returns a variable holding the current state and a function to

update it. useState() takes an argument as the initial state value. Changing
the state triggers a re-render.

The App component stores a map with all products added to the shopping
cart and their quantity.

A map is a dynamic collection of key-value pairs. The key, in this case, is

the product id and the value is the product object.
shoppingMap gives the current map. setShoppingMap() updates the map
and re-renders the component.

Here is the implementation of the App component:

import React, {useState} from 'react';

import Header from './Header';

import ProductList from './ProductList';
import ShoppingCart from './ShoppingCart';

import './App.css';

function App({products}) {
const [shoppingMap, setShoppingMap] = useState({});

function addToCart(product) {
setShoppingMap(map => addProductToMap(product, map));

function removeFromCart(product) {
setShoppingMap(map => removeProductFromMap(product, map));

return (
<Header />
<div className="content">
onAddClick={addToCart} />
onRemoveClick={removeFromCart} />

addToCart() handles the Add click by adding the new product to the map.

removeFromCart() handles the Remove click by removing the product

from the map.

setShoppingMap() can take a mapping function as an argument. The

mapping function takes the previous state value and returns the new state

Pure Functions
We are going to do all state changes using pure functions.

addProductToMap() takes a product and a map and returns the new map
with the product quantity updated.
function addProductToMap(product, map){
const newMap = { };
const quantity = getProductQuantity(product, map) + 1;
newMap[] = { ...product, quantity };
return Object.freeze(newMap);

The new product added to the map has the quantity updated. If the product
does not exist it will be added with quantity one, otherwise, its current
quantity will be incremented by one.
Pure functions don’t modify their input values. For this reason, the map is
first cloned. The spread operator is used to create a shallow copy of the
input map, { } .

deleteProductFromMap() takes a product and a map and returns the new

map with the product removed.
function removeProductFromMap(product, map){
const newMap = { };
delete newMap[];
return Object.freeze(newMap);

getProductQuantity() takes a product and a map and returns the current

quantity of that product.
function getProductQuantity(product, map) {
const existingProduct = map[];
return (existingProduct) ? existingProduct.quantity : 0;

toCartView() converts a map to a list of products plus the total price. The
total price is computed using the addPrice() reducer function.
function toCartView(map) {
const list = Object.values(map);
return Object.freeze({
total: list.reduce(addPrice, 0)

function addPrice(totalPrice, line) {

return totalPrice + line.price * line.quantity;
The pure functions can be extracted out from the component and exported
to be tested.

At this point, all the logic managing the state is inside the App root
component. All the other components are presentation components taking
data as props.

Final Thoughts
Data can be available in a functional component either from props or from
its internal state.

The useState() hook defines state inside a functional component.

State transformations can be done with pure functions taking the previous
state as a parameter and returning the new state.
Chapter 09: Custom Store
Next, we are going to explore what it means to extract out the state and the
state management logic in a separate object. We will create a new store
object responsible for managing the shopping cart data.

First, we need to introduce the concept of the store.

A store is an object whose main purpose is to store and manage data.

The store emits events every time its state changes. Components can
subscribe to these events and update the user interface.

Event Emitter

The store object emits events. For this task, we will use a micro event
npm install micro-emitter --save

The emitter object is used to emit and register event handlers.

const eventEmitter = new MicroEmitter();
const CHANGE_EVENT = 'change';

//emit event

//register event handlers

eventEmitter.on(CHANGE_EVENT, handler);

The ShoppingCartStore will store and manage the current shopping cart. It
is the single source of truth regarding the shopping cart.

Consider the following implementation of the store:

import MicroEmitter from 'micro-emitter';

//pure functions

function ShoppingCartStore() {
const eventEmitter = new MicroEmitter();
const CHANGE_EVENT = "change";

let shoppingMap = {};

function addToCart(product) {
shoppingMap = addProductToMap(product, shoppingMap);

function removeFromCart(product) {
shoppingMap = removeProductFromMap(product, shoppingMap);

function onChange(handler) {
eventEmitter.on(CHANGE_EVENT, handler);

function offChange() {;

function get() {
return toCartView(shoppingMap);

return Object.freeze({

export default ShoppingCartStore;

The ShoppingCartStore is a factory function. It builds encapsulated

objects. The shoppingMap is hidden. Factory functions don’t use the
confusing this pseudo-parameter.

Entry Point
The store needs to be created and sent to components.

index.js is the application entry point. This is the place where the store is
created. It is then sent to the App component using props.
import ShoppingCartStore from './ShoppingCartStore';

const shoppingCartStore = ShoppingCartStore();

ReactDOM.render(<App products={products}
shoppingCartStore={shoppingCartStore} />,

Using the Store

The App root component communicates with the store.
React is a data-driven UI library. We need to update the data in order to
modify the user interface. We can use the useState() hook function to
define the cart object that is updated when the store changes. setCart()
updates the cart .

When the store emits a change event, the component changes the local state
and the UI is re-rendered.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

import Header from './Header';

import ProductList from './ProductList';
import ShoppingCart from './ShoppingCart';

import './App.css';

function App({products, shoppingCartStore}) {

const [cart, setCart] = useState({list: []});

useEffect(subscribeToStore, []);

function subscribeToStore() {

return function cleanup(){


function reload() {
const cart = shoppingCartStore.get();
return (
<Header />
<div className="content">
onAddClick={shoppingCartStore.addToCart} />

onRemoveClick={shoppingCartStore.removeFromCart} />

export default App;

Effect Hook
The effect hook performs side-effects in function components. Any
communication with the outside environment is a side-effect.

The “effect” is a function that runs after React performs the DOM updates.
The effect function has access to the state variables.

The effect function runs after every render.

useEffect() can skip running an effect if specific values haven’t changed

between re-renders. For this, we need to pass an array as an optional second
argument to the function. React compares the values in the array from the
previous render with the values in the array from the next render and when
all items in the array are the same React skips running the effect.
When we want to run the effect only once, we pass an empty array ([] ) as
a second argument. In this case, the props and state inside the effect
function have their initial values.

The following code runs the effect only once. It subscribes to store events
only once.
useEffect(loadAndSubscribe, []);

function loadAndSubscribe() {

Effects with Cleanup

The effect is a function. If this function returns another function, the
returned function is then run to clean up.

The cleanup function is the return function from an effect.

When effects run more than once, React cleans up the effects from the
previous render before running the next effects.
useEffect(subscribeToStore, []);

function subscribeToStore() {
return function cleanup(){

Final Thoughts
Stores offer a way to encapsulate state and share the state management
behavior between components.
The custom store object emits events when its state changes.

The effect hook allows side-effects inside components.

Chapter 10: MobX Store
MobX allows creating stores with observable state.

Let’s first install the MobX library.

npm install mobx --save
npm install mobx-react --save

With MobX we can create the state in ShoppingCartStore as an observable
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';

//pure functions

export default function ShoppingCartStore(){

const shoppingMap =;

function toCartView() {
return toCartViewFromMap(shoppingMap);

const addToCart = action(function(product){
incrementProductQuantity(shoppingMap, product));

const removeFromCart = action(function(product){


return Object.freeze({
} defines an observable map.

observable() makes objects and arrays observable.

Once the state is observable, we can turn components into observers and
react to changes by re-rendering.

In MobX actions are functions that modify the state. Action functions
should be marked using the action() decorator. This will make sure that
intermediate changes are not visible until the action has finished.

The ShoppingCartStore defines two actions for adding and removing

products from the cart and exposes them as public methods. It also makes
public the method for getting the current cart.

Container Components
Presentation components don’t communicate with the outside environment
using a publish-subscribe pattern. The ShoppingCartStore cannot be used
in presentation components.

We want to keep presentation components as pure functions and get all the
benefits of purity. We can use container components to connect stores to
presentation components.

Container components provide data to presentation components and define

handlers for events in presentation components. Container components may
be impure, they may call methods on stores for example.
ProductList Container
The ProductList presentation component is a pure function. We will create
a container that makes the connection between the presentation component
and the store.

inject() can be used to get access to the MobX store.

inject() creates a higher-order component that makes the stores

available to the wrapped component. inject() can take a mapper
function. The mapper function receives all stores as an argument and
creates the object mapping properties to data and callbacks.

A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and

returns a new component.

Here is the container component that handles the onAddClick event.

import { inject } from 'mobx-react';

import ProductList from '../ProductList';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){

return {
onAddClick : stores.shoppingStore.addToCart

export default withPropsMapped(ProductList);

ShoppingCart Container
Once the store is observable we can make the ShoppingCart component an
observer. It means that when the state changes inside the store, the
ShoppingCart component will re-render.
observer() takes a component an creates a new one that will re-render
when state changes. Components become reactive.
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react';

import ShoppingCart from '../ShoppingCart';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){

return {
cart : stores.shoppingStore.toCartView(),
onRemoveClick: stores.shoppingStore.removeFromCart

export default withPropsMapped(observer(ShoppingCart));

Root Component
The App root component becomes very simple.
import React from 'react';

import Header from './Header';

import ProductList from './containers/ProductListContainer';
import ShoppingCart from './containers/ShoppingCartContainer';

import './App.css';

function App({products}) {
return (
<Header />
<div className="content">
<ProductList products={products} />
<ShoppingCart />

export default App;

Entry Point
The index.js is the application single entry point. Here is where the store
is created.

We can send the store down to components using props , but a simpler way
is to use the React Context . React Context can be used to share data that is
considered to be “global”.

The Provider component from the mobx-react package can be used to

send the stores down to components. Provider uses the React Context. The
root component App should be wrapped inside the Provider component.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react';

import ShoppingCartStore from './stores/ShoppingCartStore';

import App from './App';

const products = [

const shoppingStore = ShoppingCartStore();

ReactDOM.render(<Provider shoppingStore={shoppingStore}>
<App products={products} />

Final Thoughts
MobX allows to defined observable state.

observer() turns components into reactive components. The observer

components re-render when the state changes.

Container components can connect presentation components to stores.

Chapter 11: Redux Store
Next, we are going to do state management using the Redux library.

The Redux store does state management following functional principles. To

start using the Redux store, we need to install the following packages:
npm install redux --save
npm install react-redux --save

In Redux there is a single store that manages all the application state-tree.

The store has just a few methods:

the getState() method for reading all the state as a read-only

immutable value
the dispatch() method for dispatching actions
the subscribe() methods for registering to state changes

The state inside the store can be changed only by dispatching actions. There
are no state setters on the store object.

Actions are plain data objects containing all the necessary information to
make an action.

Let’s imagine what are the necessary information for adding a product to
cart. First, the application needs to know that it is an 'ADD_TO_CART' action,
second, it needs to know the product to be added to the cart. Here is how
the 'ADD_TO_CART' action may look like:
type: 'ADD_TO_CART',
The action object needs the type property indicating the action to perform.
type is usually a string.

Action objects should be treated as immutable.

Action Creators
A common practice is to encapsulate the code that creates the plain action
objects in functions. These functions are pure functions called action
function addToCart(product) {
return {
type: 'ADD_TO_CART',

function removeFromCart(product) {
return {

export default { addToCart, removeFromCart };

The Redux store manages state using pure functions called reducers. These
functions take the previous state and an action as parameters and return the
new state.

The store applies reducers when an action is dispatched.

The Redux store does state changes, but these changes are encapsulated
behind the library. We write only the pure functions and let the library apply
them and do the state modifications.

Let’s write the reducer for managing the shopping cart.

function addToCart(map, product){
const newMap = { };
const quantity = getProductQuantity(map, product) + 1;
newMap[] = { ...product, quantity };
return Object.freeze(newMap);

function removeFromCart(map, product){

const newMap = { };
delete newMap[];
return Object.freeze(newMap);

function getProductQuantity(map, product) {

const existingProduct = map[];
return (existingProduct) ? existingProduct.quantity : 0;

export default function (shoppingMap = {}, action) {

switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TO_CART':
return addToCart(shoppingMap, action.product);
return removeFromCart(shoppingMap, action.product);
return shoppingMap;

The state is initialized with an empty object that will be used as a map.

When the 'ADD_TO_CART' action is dispatched, the state changes to a new

map with the quantity for the specified product updated. The product is
found in action.product .

When the 'REMOVE_FROM_CART' action is dispatched, the state changes to a

new map with the product removed. The product to delete is taken from
action.product .

Reducers are used to change the state, not to get the state from the store.

Root Reducer

Redux requires one root reducer. We can create many reducers managing
parts of the root state and then combine them together with the
combineReducers() utility function and create the root reducer.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

import shoppingCart from './shoppingCart';

export default combineReducers({


Here is how the data flow with the Redux store looks like:
Selectors are functions that take the state as input and return a part of that
state or compute derived values from it. Selectors are pure functions.

The toCartView() selector extracts the shoppingCart map from the state
and returns a list of all products and the total price.
function toCartView({shoppingCart}) {
const list = Object.values(shoppingCart);
return Object.freeze({
total: list.reduce(addPrice, 0)

function addPrice(totalPrice, line) {

return totalPrice + line.price * line.quantity;

export { toCartView };

Entry Point
We create the store in the application entry point, the index.js file.

We can use the Provider component from the react-redux to send the
store down to components. To send the store to all components we wrap the
root component inside the Provider . The store is then available to
components using the connect() function.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

import rootReducer from './reducers';

import App from './App';

const products = [

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

ReactDOM.render(<Provider store={store}>
<App products={products} /></Provider>,

Presentation Components
We will use the same presentation components.

Presentation components communicate only through their own props. They

don’t have access to the store object.

Container Components
The ProductList is a presentation component that requires the list of
products in order to render the user interface.

We need to take the data from the store, process it, and send it to the
ProductList component. This is the role of the container component.

For this, we will use the connect() utility from the react-redux package.

connect() connects a component to a Redux store.

The container component does the following:

It takes the state from the store, processes it with a selector, and then
sends the result to the presentation component as props. The
mapStateToProps() does that.
It defines the actions to be dispatched when events are triggered by
user interaction. The mapDispatchToProps() does that.

ProductList Container

The ProductListContainer component dispatches the 'ADD_TO_CART'

action on the onAddClick event.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { addToCart } from '../actions/ShoppingCartActions';
import ProductList from '../ProductList';

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
onAddClick: function(product){

export default connect(


ShoppingCart Container

The ShoppingCartContainer connects the ShoppingCart component to the

store. It reads state from the store, transforms it using the toCartView()
selector, and sends it to the presentation component. At the onRemoveClick
event, it dispatches the 'REMOVE_FROM_CART' action.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import { removeFromCart } from

import { toCartView } from

import ShoppingCart from '../ShoppingCart';

function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
cart: toCartView(state)

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
onRemoveClick: function(product){
export default connect(

Data Flow
Let’s look at the data flow for reads and writes.

Reads from the store

Writes to the store

Final Thoughts
The Redux store manages state using pure functions.

A reducer is a pure function that takes the state and an action and returns
the new state.

An action creator is a pure function that returns a plain action object.

A selector is a function that takes the state as input and extracts or computes
new data from it.
Chapter 12: Redux Actions and Immutable.Js
In this chapter, we are going refactor the action creation and handling using
helpers and then introduce immutable data structures.

Action Creators
Action creators tend to become repetitive in nature and can be easily
created with a helper library like the one from Redux Actions .
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

const addToCart = createAction('ADD_TO_CART');

const removeFromCart = createAction('REMOVE_FROM_CART');

export default { addToCart, removeFromCart };

The createAction(type) utility returns an action creator that creates an

action with that type.

To install Redux Actions run the following command:

npm install redux-actions --save

You can imagine the addToCart() action creator defined with the helper as
similar to the function below:
function addToCart(payload){
return {
type: 'ADD_TO_CART',

As you see, all the additional data the action creator receives stays in the
payload property of the action object.
Handling Actions in Reducer
Let’s look again at the reducer function handling several actions.
export default function (shoppingMap = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TO_CART':
return addToCart(shoppingMap, action.product);
return removeFromCart(shoppingMap, action.product);
return shoppingMap;

Functions should be small and do one thing. The switch statement leads to
large code doing multiple things. I think that using a map is a better option
for handling actions in a reducer.

The handleActions() utility function from the Redux Actions can be used
to create a new function that handles several actions by calling a specific
updater function. It does all this using a map. Below is how it looks like:
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import actions from '../actions/ShoppingCartActions';

function addToCart(map, action){}

function removeFromCart(map, action){}

export default handleActions({

[actions.addToCart]: addToCart,
[actions.removeFromCart]: removeFromCart

Here is how we can understand the object literal used as a map:

when the action addToCart comes in, the addToCart() updater

function will be executed.
when the action removeFromCart comes in, the addToCart() updater
function will be executed.

We need to modify the updater functions handling the modification for an

action to take the product from the payload property.
function addToCart(map, action){
const product = action.payload;
const newMap = { };
const quantity = getProductQuantity(map, product) + 1;
newMap[] = { ...product, quantity };
return Object.freeze(newMap);

function removeFromCart(map, action){

const product = action.payload;
const newMap = { };
delete newMap[];
return Object.freeze(newMap);

Immutable Data Structures

An operation on immutable data structures results in a new updated data

Immutable.js provides immutable data structures like Map and List . Let’s
first install the library.
npm install immutable --save

Till now, we have used the object literal as a map. In order to create new
value when changing the map, we used the spread syntax to make a copy of
the map.

Next, we are going to use the Map data structures from Immutable.js .

Map() creates an immutable map. Map is a factory function, it does not

use the new keyword.

set(key, value) returns a new Map containing the new key-value pair.

remove(key) returns a new Map without the specified key.

Let’s refactor the previously updated functions.

function addToCart(map, action){
const product = action.payload;
const quantity = getProductQuantity(map, product) + 1;
const newProduct = { ...product, quantity };
return map.set(, newProduct);

function removeFromCart(map, action){

const product = action.payload;
return map.remove(;

export default handleActions({

[actions.addToCart]: addToCart,
[actions.removeFromCart]: removeFromCart

At this point, we need also to change the toCartView() selector extracting

the list of products from the map. It now extracts the products as a sequence
function toCartView({shoppingCart}) {
const list = shoppingCart.valueSeq();
return Object.freeze({
total: list.reduce(addPrice, 0)

A sequence returns the next value from the collection each time it is
called. It efficiently chains methods like map() and filter() by not
creating intermediate collections

Final Thoughts
Action creating can be simplified with helpers.

The mapping between actions and small updater functions can be also
simplified with a helper.

Immutable data structures cannot be changed. Any of its methods, when

called to do a modification will return a new data structure.
Chapter 13: Fetching with MobX Store
A common scenario is to get data from a REST API and display it on the
screen. Let’s do just that.


First, we need to create a REST API. We can simply create a fake API
using JSON Server .

Start by installing the JSON Server.

npm install -g json-server

Then create a simple JSON file with a list of products in a .json file. Here
is the products.json file:

In the end, start JSON Server.

json-server --watch products.json
Now, at http://localhost:3000/fruits we can get all the products.

API Utils
It is better to separate responsibilities and encapsulate the network calls in
their own files. Functions doing network calls are impure.

fetchProducts() gets all products from the REST API.

const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

function toJson(response){
return response.json();

function fetchProducts(){
return fetch(`${baseUrl}/fruits/`)

export default { fetchProducts };

The fetch() built-in function can be used to fetch resources across the
network. fetch() is an asynchronous function that returns a promise
containing the response.

A promise is an object that represents a possible future result of an

asynchronous operation.

The json() method extracts the JSON object from the response.

Product Store
MobX offers an object-oriented way of working with the state.
The store is responsible for managing state but also to keep it in sync with
the server.

The store keeps an observable array of products. It delegates the network

calls to the api object and then updates its internal state.
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';

function ProductStore(api){
const products = observable([]);

const fetchProducts = action(function(){

return api.fetchProducts()

function resetProducts(newProducts){

function getProducts(){
return products.toJS();

return Object.freeze({

export default ProductStore;

Notice that we separate use from construction, and take the api object
dependency as a parameter in ProductStore .

ProductsList Container
The container component turns the ProductList component into an
observer. When products change in the store, the ProductList component
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react';

import ProductList from '../ProductList';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){

return {
products : stores.productStore.getProducts(),
onAddClick : stores.shoppingStore.addToCart

export default withPropsMapped(observer(ProductList));

This approach leads to a layered architecture:

The view layer is responsible for displaying data on the page, and for
handling user interactions. The view layer is made up of components.
The business layer is made of stores.
The API access layer contains the objects communicating with the
The layered architecture offers a better separation of concerns.

Entry Point
The entry point index.js creates the two stores passing the api object as a
dependency, and then sends all stores to components using the Provider .
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react';

import api from './api/productsAPI';

import ProductStore from './stores/ProductStore';
import ShoppingCartStore from './stores/ShoppingCartStore';
import App from './App';

const shoppingStore = ShoppingCartStore();

const productStore = ProductStore(api);

const stores = {

ReactDOM.render(<Provider {...stores}><App /></Provider>,



Final Thoughts
It is a good practice to encapsulate network calls in their own files.
MobX takes an object-oriented approach to work with the state. Stores are
responsible for managing the state and keep it in sync with the server.

To make things flexible and easier test we separate use from construction.
For this reason, we can create all objects in the entry point file.
Chapter 14: Fetching with Redux Thunk
So far, all the functions written for the Redux store were pure functions.
There are situations when we need to write impure core like when doing
network calls.

In order to work with impure code in Redux, we need to introduce a new

concept, the middleware .

A middleware enables us to write async logic that interacts with the store.

According to the documentation, the standard way to do it with Redux is to

use the Redux Thunk middleware .

Redux Thunk
Thunks are the recommended middleware for side-effects logic like
network requests.

The Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that
return a function instead of a plain action object.

Let’s install the redux-thunk library.

npm install redux-thunk --save

Synchronous Action Creators

The action creators we defined until now built plain action objects. These
plain action objects were dispatched and the state was updated immediately.

Now, we intend to make a network request and get all products from the
REST API and display them on the page.

Redux architecture is a data-driven one, we need to update the state in order

to update the UI.

In order to update the state, we need an action for resetting all products with
the new ones. Here is the action creator for building it:
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

const resetProducts = createAction('resetProducts');

export default { resetProducts };

Asynchronous Action Creators

Let’s get back to the API call. We want to use the fetchProducts()
function to take all products from the REST API and display them on the

Here is how we are going to do it. First, we make the network call to take
the products and then we update the store by dispatching an action with the
new products. We can do this orchestration logic using an asynchronous
action creator.

These asynchronous action creators built with Redux Thunk are functions
that return other functions. The returned functions are called “thunks”.

The following fetchProducts() asynchronous action creator takes the

products from the REST API and then dispatches a plain action to change
the state.
import api from '../api/productsAPI';
import actions from '../actions/productsActions';

function fetchProducts() {
return function(dispatch) {
return api.fetchProducts()
export default { fetchProducts };

The inner function receives the store methods dispatch and getState as

I order to update the state we need a new reducer that updates the previous
products with the new products.
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import actions from '../actions/productsActions';

function resetProducts(products, action) {

return List(action.payload);

export default handleActions({

[actions.resetProducts]: resetProducts

The list of products is stored as an immutable list using the List data

Root Reducer
The root reducer should split the state management between the
shoppingCart and products reducers, each with its own state.

combineReducers() needs to be updated with the new products reducer.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import shoppingCart from './shoppingCart';
import products from './products';

export default combineReducers({


Entry Point
In the application entry point, when creating the store we need to enable the
middleware library that intercepts the dispatch and runs the asynchronous
const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));

Here is the index.js file updated:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

import rootReducer from './reducers';

import thunks from './thunks/productsThunks';
import App from './App';

const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));


ReactDOM.render(<Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>,


Data Flow
After adding the asynchronous actions, the data flow changes.

Here is a visual representation of it.

Some examples of asynchronous tasks are network calls, timer calls.

Final Thoughts
The Redux Thunk middleware enables two kinds of actions in an
application, plain data actions and function actions. Dispatching a plain data
action changes the store. Dispatching a function action runs the logic inside
the function doing the asynchronous tasks and dispatching the plain

Synchronous action creators are functions that return plain objects.

Asynchronous action creators are functions that return functions. The

returned functions are called thunks.

Middleware is an extension of the Redux store. It allows doing tasks after

dispatching an action but before reaching the reducer. The middleware is
the place for doing asynchronous tasks.
Chapter 15: Fetching with Redux Observable
In this chapter, we are going to look at an alternative way to orchestrate
asynchronous actions in Redux.

Redux Observable is a middleware for Redux that introduces the observable

streams from RxJS .
npm install --save redux-observable

Observables are streams of data.

We can subscribe to such a source of data using the subscribe() method.

The subscribe() method decides how to react when receiving a new value.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

const observable = Observable.create(function(source) {;;
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 1000)

//3 after 1 second

The operators that can be applied on an observable are inspired by the
functional array methods like filter() , map() , or reduce() .
For example, to transform the emitted values from an observable source, we
can use the map() operator.

The map() operator returns a new observable of the transformed values

using the mapping function.

The filter() operator returns a new observable of the filtered values

using the predicate function.

Here is an example using the filter() operator to select only the even
numbers from the observable stream of data.
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';

const observable = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);


function isEven(n){
return n % 2 == 0;

The easiest way to create an observable is through built-in functions. The
ajax.getJSON() function makes a network call and returns an observable.
This observable emits the response object returned from the request.
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';

const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

function fetchProducts(){
return ajax.getJSON(`${baseUrl}/fruits/`)

export default { fetchProducts };

Our aim is to retrieve the products from the REST API and update the store.
For this, we are going to need two actions.
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

const resetProducts = createAction('resetProducts');

const fetchProducts = createAction('fetchProducts');

export default { resetProducts, fetchProducts };

An epic is a core primitive of Redux Observable. It is a function that takes
an observable stream of actions and returns a new observable stream of

The epic for retrieving the products first filters out all the actions received
and handles only the fetchProducts actions. Then for these actions, it
makes an API calls using the api.fetchProducts() . The API call returns
an observable whose data is then transformed into a new observable
emitting the resetProducts action.
import api from '../api/productsAPI';
import actions from '../actions/productsActions';
import { ofType } from 'redux-observable';
import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

function fetchProducts(action$){
return action$.pipe(
mergeMap(action$ =>

export default { fetchProducts };

Entry Point
In the application entry point when creating the store we need to define the
epicMiddleware using the createEpicMiddleware() utility.

The epicMiddleware needs one root epic. The root epic, containing all the
other epics, is created using the combineEpics() utility function.
import { combineEpics, createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-
import rootReducer from './reducers';
import actions from './actions/productsActions';
import epics from './async/productsEpics';

const rootEpic = combineEpics(epics.fetchProducts);

const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();
const store = createStore(rootReducer,


At the start, the store dispatches the fetchProducts action.

The Data Flow

When the fetchProducts action is dispatched, it is intercepted by the epic
middleware which runs the fetchProducts() epic.

Here is the data flow:

Final Thoughts
An observable represents a stream or source of data that can arrive over

The operators that can be applied on observables are similar to the

functional array methods like filter() , map() , or reduce() .

An epic is a function taking an observable of all the actions, filtering them

out, and returning an observable of new actions.
Chapter 16: Form Components
Form components are made of input form elements inside a form element.

Form elements like input , textarea and select usually have their own
state that is updated based on user input.

An input element with both the value and the onChange properties
controlled by React is a controlled component. The value property displays
the state. The onChange event receives a handler to modify the state.

input , textarea and select all have the value and the onChange
properties. The checkbox is different as the value is represented by the
checked property.

From Component
We are going to build the ProductSearch form component. It lets the user
write the search criteria and builds the search query object.
import React, { useState } from 'react';

import './ProductSearch.css';

function ProductSearch({ onSearch }) {

const [text, setText] = useState('');

function submitSearch(e){

return (

onChange={e=> setText(}

className = "search-button">

export default ProductSearch;

Let’s analyze the code. First, the state for the search textbox input is defined
using the useState() hook.
const [text, setText] = useState('');

The state is then displayed in the textbox using the value property.
<input value={text} />

Input changes are captured with the onChange event. onChange fires on each
keystroke, not only on lost focus. In the event object, the property gives access to the current input value.

onChange={e=> setText(} />

In essence, we can say that controlled inputs have a bidirectional

relationship with the associated state. When the text changes using the
setText() function, the associated input is updated. When the value
changes in the input textbox, the change event fires and updates the
associated text state. At this point, if we need the current value form the
textbox input in some other function, we have it in the text variable.

Form submission can be handled with the onSubmit event on the form
<form onSubmit={submitSearch}>

The default behavior of a form with a search button is to submit the form
and reload the page. We don’t want to reload the page. For this, we are
going to call the event preventDefault() method in the event handler.
function submitSearch(e){

submitSearch() builds the search query using the text variable storing the
current input textbox value.

The ProductSearch component exposes the onSearch event property.

Custom Hook
Custom hooks allow us to extract out component logic into reusable

A custom hook is a function whose name starts with "use" and that may
call other hooks. Each hook use has its own state.

Let’s simplify the input state management with a custom hook.

import { useState } from 'react';

function useInputState(initialValue){
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);

function setValueFromEvent(e){

return [value, setValueFromEvent];


export { useInputState };

useInputState() is similar in concept with the useState() hook. The

difference is that the set function returned by the custom hook expects to be
called with a change event object. In short, the set function should be used
as an event handler for the onChange event.

Here is how it can be used to handle the onChange event:

import React from 'react';
import { useInputState } from './hooks';

function ProductSearch({ onSearch }) {

const [text, setText] = useInputState('');


name="text" />


Handling the change event becomes simpler with the useInputState()

custom hook.

In the App root component, we have access to the query object submitted by
the ProductSearch component.
import React from 'react';
import ProductSearch from './ProductSearch';

function App({products}) {
function filterProducts(query){

onSearch={filterProducts} />

export default App;

The filterProducts() function handles the onSearch event exposed by

the ProductSearch component.
Final Thoughts
Form components typically have an internal state.

An input form element with the value and onChange properties controlled
by React is a controlled component.

Custom Hooks allows the sharing of logic between components.

Chapter 17: UI State in MobX Store
The application state can contain data from the REST API and data related
only to the user interface.

UI Store
The UIStore will manage the state related to the user interface. It is a
simple store in the sense it just updates the state and triggers reactions.

In our case, the UIStore keeps the query criteria. The query is not
something we want to save on the server, it is just the information we need
for filtering the products.
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';

function UIStore(){
const state = observable({
query : {
text : ''

function getQuery(){
return state.query;

const setQuery = action(function(query){

state.query = query;

return Object.freeze({

export default UIStore;

The UIStore is simple. It just gets and sets the query .

ProductSearch Container
Once the UIStore is created, we need to make it available to the
ProductSearch component. A new container component makes this
connection. It uses uiStore.setQuery() to handle the onSearch event.
import { inject } from 'mobx-react';

import ProductSearch from '../ProductSearch';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){

return {
onSearch: stores.uiStore.setQuery

export default withPropsMapped(ProductSearch);

ProductList Container
The ProductListContainer has already transformed ProductList into an
observer. We just need to make it filter the products by the query criteria.
This is accomplished by the filterProducts() pure function.
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react';

import ProductList from '../ProductList';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){
return {
products : filterProducts(stores.productStore.getProducts(),
onAddClick : stores.shoppingStore.addToCart

function filterProducts(products, query){

return products.filter(isInQuery(query));

function isInQuery(query){
return function(product){

export default withPropsMapped(observer(ProductList));

Entry Point
In index.js all stores, including uiStore , are created and then passed to
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react';

import api from './api/productsAPI';

import ProductStore from './stores/ProductStore';
import ShoppingCartStore from './stores/ShoppingCartStore';
import UIStore from './stores/UIStore';
import App from './App';

const shoppingStore = ShoppingCartStore();

const productStore = ProductStore(api);
const uiStore = UIStore();

const stores = {

ReactDOM.render(<Provider {...stores}>
<App />


Final Thoughts
Stores keep data from the backend and data related to the user interface.

The UI Store is a simple store. When state changes in the UI Store, the
components using it will re-render.
Chapter 18: UI State in Redux Store
Let’s implement the search product functionality with Redux.

Searching by a query requires to actually store the query itself. The query
in this case, is UI state.

Let’s start by defining the action we need for storing the query . Here is the
action creator for it:
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

const setQuery = createAction('setQuery');

export default { setQuery };

Query Reducer
To store the query we need to define a new reducer managing this state.
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import actions from '../actions/queryActions';

function setQuery(state, action) {

return action.payload;

export default handleActions({

[actions.setQuery] : setQuery
{ text: ''}
Root Reducer
The query reducer needs to be added to the combineReducers() utility
creating the root reducer.
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import shoppingCart from './shoppingCart';
import products from './products';
import query from './query';

export default combineReducers({


ProductSearch Container
The ProductSearch component doesn’t change, it remains the same. What
does change is the way it is connected to the store.

We will create a new container component that updates the store on the
onSearch event.

When the Search button is clicked, the setQuery action is dispatched.

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import actions from '../actions/queryActions';
import ProductSearch from '../ProductSearch';

function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
onSearch: function(query){

export default connect(


The filterProducts() selector extracts the products and the current
search query from the state and returns a new filtered list of products.
function filterProducts({products, query}){
return products.filter(isInQuery(query));

function isInQuery(query){
return function(product){

export default {filterProducts}

isInQuery() is a manually curried function. It takes a query object and
returns a function that takes a product and tests that product to see if it
matches the query. As such it can be nicely used with the filter() method.

ProductList Container
The ProductList container reads the filtered list of products from the store
using the filterProducts() selector.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import actions from '../actions/shoppingCartActions';
import selectors from '../selectors/productsSelectors';

import ProductList from '../ProductList';

function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
products: selectors.filterProducts(state)

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
onAddClick: function(product){

export default connect(


Final Thoughts
UI state can be stored and changed in the Redux store the same way other
data is stored and changed.
Chapter 19: Testing
Unit tests can identify bugs and confirm that functions work as expected.

We are going to make a few tests using the Jest testing framework. Jest is
already installed in applications created with Create React App . Tests can
be defined in files named with the .test.js suffix.

The npm test command executes the tests.

Testing Redux Reducers

The next test checks that the product reducer resets all products in the store
when the resetProducts action is dispatched.
import actions from '../actions/productsActions';
import productsReducer from './products';

test('products() can reset all products', function() {

const products = [];
const newProducts = [
{id:1, name: 'apple', price: 10},
{id:2, name: 'mango', price: 5}

const resetProductsAction =
const result = productsReducer(products, resetProductsAction);

We assert our expectations using the expect() function. expect() returns
an expectation object.

The toEqual() method can be called on the expectation object to test the
value for equality. toEqual() recursively checks every field of an object or

The following tests verify that the shoppingCart reducer can add products
to cart, increment the quantity of an existing product, and remove a product
from the cart.
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import actions from '../actions/shoppingCartActions';
import selectors from '../selectors/shoppingCartSelectors';
import shoppingCartReducer from './shoppingCart';

test('shoppingCart() can add products', function() {

const cartMap = Map();

const addToCartAction =
actions.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});
const shoppingCart =
shoppingCartReducer(cartMap, addToCartAction);

const cart = selectors.toCartView({shoppingCart});

test('shoppingCart() can increment quantity', function() {

let cartMap = Map();
cartMap = shoppingCartReducer(cartMap,
actions.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10}));
cartMap = shoppingCartReducer(cartMap,
actions.addToCart({id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5}));

const addToCartAction =
actions.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});
const shoppingCart =
shoppingCartReducer(cartMap, addToCartAction);

const cart = selectors.toCartView({shoppingCart});

test('shoppingCart() can remove product', function() {

let cartMap = Map();
cartMap = shoppingCartReducer(cartMap,
actions.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10}));
cartMap = shoppingCartReducer(cartMap,
actions.addToCart({id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5}));

const removeFromCartAction =
actions.removeFromCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});
const shoppingCart =
shoppingCartReducer(cartMap, removeFromCartAction);

const cart = selectors.toCartView({shoppingCart});

We are using immutable data structures to store data in the store. The
cart.list , in this case, is a sequence .

count() gets the number of values in the sequence.

first() gets the first value in the sequence.

The query UI reducer should be able to reset the query when the setQuery
action is dispatched.
import actions from '../actions/queryActions';
import queryReducer from './query';

test('query() can set query', function() {

const query = { text: '' };
const newQuery = { text : 'apple'};

const queryAction = actions.setQuery(newQuery);
const result = queryReducer(query, queryAction);

Testing Selectors
The following test verifies that the toCartView() selector is able to
transform the map of products into a cart object with all products and the
total price.
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import selectors from './shoppingCartSelectors';

test('toCartView() can compute total price', function() {

let shoppingCart = Map({
1: {id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10, quantity: 1},
2: {id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5, quantity: 1}

const cart = selectors.toCartView({shoppingCart});


Remember that we are using the Map immutable data structure to store the
quantity in the cart for each product. The product id is the key in the map
and the product itself with its quantity is the value in the map.

Next, we are going to check that the filterProducts() selector can filter
the products by the query criteria.
import { List } from 'immutable';
import selectors from './productsSelectors';

test('filterProducts() can filter products by query',

function() {
const products = List([
{id:1, name: 'apple', price: 10},
{id:2, name: 'mango', price: 5}
const query = {text: 'app'};

const result = selectors.filterProducts({products, query});

{id:1, name: 'apple', price: 10}

Products are kept in the store using the List immutable data structure.

Testing MobX Stores

Below are a few tests for the ShoppingCartStore .
import ShoppingCartStore from './ShoppingCartStore';

test('ShoppingCartStore can add products', function() {

const store = ShoppingCartStore();

store.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});
store.addToCart({id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5});

const cart = store.toCartView();

test('ShoppingCartStore can increment quantity', function() {

const store = ShoppingCartStore();
store.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});
store.addToCart({id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5});

store.addToCart({id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10});

const cart = store.toCartView();

Testing a store with a dependency requires to create a fake object and pass it
as the dependency.
import ProductStore from './ProductStore';

test('ProductStore can reset all products', function() {

const newProducts = [
{id:1, title: 'apple', price: 10},
{id:2, title: 'mango', price: 5}
const apiFake = {
fetchProducts : function(){
return Promise.resolve(newProducts);
const store = ProductStore(apiFake);

return store.fetchProducts(newProducts)
.then(function assert(){
const products = store.getProducts();

Promise.resolve(value) returns a promise resolved with the specified

value .

When testing an asynchronous code that returns a promise, we need to

return the promise from the test. This way Jest waits for that promise to
resolve. If we don’t return the promise, the test will complete before the
promise is resolved or rejected and the test will not execute the assert

Testing Application Start

We can create a smoke test verifying that the application can render the root
component without errors.

Here is the start smoke test for the Redux application.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import rootReducer from './reducers';
import thunks from './thunks/productsThunks';
import App from './App';

it('App can start app without crashing', () => {

const rootDiv = document.createElement('div');
const store = createStore(rootReducer,
ReactDOM.render(<Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>,

Similarly, we can test the start of the MobX application.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react';

import api from './api/productsAPI';

import ProductStore from './stores/ProductStore';
import ShoppingCartStore from './stores/ShoppingCartStore';
import UIStore from './stores/UIStore';

it('App can start app without crashing', () => {

const rootDiv = document.createElement('div');

const shoppingStore = ShoppingCartStore();

const productStore = ProductStore(api);
const uiStore = UIStore();
const stores = {


ReactDOM.render(<Provider {...stores}><App /></Provider>,


Final Thoughts
Selectors and reducers are pure functions and we can create tests verifying
the expected output for specific input.

Stores can be tested in isolation using fake dependencies.

A simple test rendering the root component can check if the application can
start without errors.
Chapter 20: Redux Folder Structure
In this chapter, we are going to analyze and restructure the current folder
organization. This will be a good way to understand the pros and cons of
different options.

Type-First Folder Structure

When using this structure, each file type goes into the corresponding
directory. For example, all actions are inside the "actions" directory, each
reducer within the "reducers" directory, and so on.

Next, inside the folder for a specific type, we will find the files for specific
features. Here are the files in the "actions" folder:

Inside the "reducers" folder, we find a reducer for each feature.


The strong point of this folder strategy is its simplicity. No explanation is

required. It works well when the application has a few features. When the
number of features grows we still add the files into the same fixed number
of folders and that can become a problem.

Feature-First Folder Structure

The alternative solution is to first group the files by the feature they belong
and then split them by their type. This is called feature-first.

Let’s reorganize the files using this folder strategy.

|-- actions.js
|-- reducer.js
|-- api.js
|-- selectors.js
|-- thunks.js
|-- components/
|-- ProductItem.jsx
|-- ProductItem.css
|-- ProductList.jsx
|-- ...
|-- containers/
|-- ProductListContainer.jsx
|-- ProductItem.css
|-- ...
|-- actions.js
|-- reducer.js
|-- api.js
|-- selectors.js
|-- thunks.js
|-- components/
|-- containers/

Whenever we need to add a new feature, we add a new directory. This fits
better in applications with several features. One possible weakness of this
structure is the lack of certainty about the feature to which a file is linked.

One vs Multiple Files

Until now we have separated reducers, selectors, actions in their own file,
but we can take a more evolutionary approach. That means we start out
with a single file containing all actions, the reducer, and all sectors for a
feature, and then, when it grows, we extract them out in their own files.

The same approach can be used for presentation and container components.
We can put the code in the same file and then extract out the container logic
in its own file when it grows.

Let’s look also at the reducers for the existing features.


We can follow the same idea and keep the state management in one reducer
file at start and then when it grows, we extract the code out in several files
under the "reducers" sub-folder of the feature.

Final Thoughts
Type-first and feature-first are two options available for organizing files
into directories.

We can take a more evolutionary approach and extract out the code from a
file into several others when it grows.
Chapter 21: Router
All the functionality implemented until now happened on one page, the
products page. In this chapter, we are going to introduce a new page, the
product details page.

Let’s start implementing this new page.

Product Component
The ProductDetails functional component creates the visual interface
displaying all the product details. In addition to the name and price , our
products may have the nutrients property.

Here is an example of a detailed product:

"id": 1,
"name": "mango",
"price": 10,
"nutrients": [
"name": "Calories",
"value": 99
"name": "Protein",
"value": "1.4 grams"

The ProductDetails displays the nutrients property only when it is

available. This is called conditional rendering .
import React from 'react';
import partial from 'lodash/partial';
import './ProductDetails.css';

function ProductDetails({ product, onAddClick }) {

return (
<div className="product-details">
<div>Price: {product.price}</div>
{product.nutrients && =>
<div key={}>
{}: {n.value}
onClick={partial(onAddClick, product)}>
export default ProductDetails;

The logical && operator can be handy for conditionally rendering an

element. If the condition is true , the element after && will be rendered,
otherwise, it will not be displayed.

The associated container component dispatches the addToCar action on the

Add click event.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import actions from '../shopping-cart/actions';
import ProductDetails from './ProductDetails';

function mapDispatch(dispatch) {
return {

export default connect(


The Redux flow is a data-driven one. In order to display the current
product, first, we need this information in the store.

To save the current product in the store, we need a new action.
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

const setCurrentProduct = createAction('setCurrentProduct');

A new reducer is required to manage the current product state. When
setCurrentProduct is dispatched, it will update the current product with
the new one.
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import actions from '../actions'

function setCurrentProduct(state, action) {

return action.payload;

export default handleActions({

[actions.setCurrentProduct] : setCurrentProduct

API Utils
A new API utility function is needed to fetch all product details by id.
const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

function toJson(response){
return response.json();

function fetchProduct(id){
return fetch(`${baseUrl}/fruits/${id}`)

The fetchProduct thunk uses the api.fetchProduct() utility to get the
product details from the REST API, and then dispatches the
setCurrentProduct action containing the product information.

import api from './api';

import actions from './actions';

function fetchProduct(id) {
return function(dispatch) {
return api.fetchProduct(id)

Root Reducer
The root reducer must be updated with the new reducer managing the
current product.
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import shoppingCart from './shopping-cart/reducer';
import products from './products/reducers/productsReducer';
import query from './products/reducers/queryReducer';
import currentProduct from

export default combineReducers({


Navigating between several pages requires routing. We are going to use the
React Router library to define the routes to these pages and create the links
pointing to them.
npm install --save react-router-dom

We should at this point make a difference between pages and other reusable
components. The page until now was the root App functional component.

Let’s create these pages.

Products Page
We are going to create the products page from the previous App component
and do a few changes.

We are not loading the products when the application starts but when the
products page is loaded. For this, we need to dispatch the fetchProducts
thunk when the page is loaded, using the useEffect() hook.
import React, {useEffect} from 'react';

import ProductSearch from './products/ProductSearchContainer';

import ProductList from './products/ProductListContainer';
import ShoppingCart from './shopping-
import './App.css';

function Products({onLoad}) {

useEffect(() => {

return (
<div className="content">
<ProductSearch />
<ProductList />
<ShoppingCart />

export default Products;

The container component dispatch the fetchProducts thunk on the onLoad

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import thunks from './products/thunks';
import Products from './Products';

function mapDispatch(dispatch) {
return {

export default connect(


Product Details Page

The products page displays the details for the selected products. The onLoad
callback is called with the product id when the page is loaded.
import React, {useEffect} from 'react';

import ProductDetails from

import ShoppingCart from './shopping-

import './App.css';

function Product({ id, currentProduct, onLoad }){

useEffect(() => {

return (
<div className="content">
{ currentProduct &&
<ProductDetails product={currentProduct} /> }
<ShoppingCart />

export default Product;

The container component reads the current id from the route using the
match.params property and extracts the currentProduct from the store. It
dispatches the fetchProduct thunk on the onLoad event.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import thunks from './products/thunks'
import Product from "./Product";

function mapProps({currentProduct}, {match}){

const {id} = match.params;

return {

function mapDispatch(dispatch) {
return {

export default connect(


Once we navigate to the details page, we need a way to get back. We can
add a link the the Hearder component pointing to the products page.

The <Link> component from React Router allows navigating to different

routes defined in the application. It can be imagined like an anchor link.
Navigation links created with the <Link> component don’t make a page
refresh. The to property specifies the navigating route.
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import './Header.css'

function Header() {
return (
<h1>A Shopping Cart</h1>
<nav className="content">
<Link to="/">Products</Link>
export default Header;

App Router
The AppRouter component defines all the routes using the Route

The path attribute declares the path used in the URL and the component
attribute defines the component to be rendered when the route matches the
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-

import Header from './Header';

import Products from './ProductsContainer';
import Product from './ProductContainer';

function AppRouter(){
return (
<Header />
exact path="/"
component={Products} />
component={Product} />
export default AppRouter;

Entry Point
In the index.js file, we are going to use the AppRouter as the root
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension';

import AppRouter from './AppRouter';

import rootReducer from './rootReducer';

const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeWithDevTools(


ReactDOM.render(<Provider store={store}><AppRouter />

</Provider>, document.getElementById('root'));

Final Thoughts
React Route enables rounding in an application.

The component with all the routes becomes the root component. The
<Link> components define navigation to routes defined using the <Route>

The useEffect() hook can be used to detect the page load.

Chapter 22: Functional React
React embraces functional programming and that’s why it is of great value
to master the functional programming concepts when working in React.

In this chapter, we are going to take a look back and see how the functional
programming principles were used in the application.

Functional Array
filter() selects values from a list using a predicate function.

map() transforms a list of values to another list of values using a mapping


reduce() reduces a list of values to one value using a reducer function.

The basic array methods were used in all data transformations, but mostly
we have seen them used in reducers and selectors.

The map() method was used in all list components.

An immutable value is a value that, once created, cannot be changed.

In functional components, props should be treated as immutable. That’s it,

we never modify the values in props and consider them read-only.

Even more, the state value should be treated as being immutable.

The transfer objects that move around the application from one component
to another should be immutable.

Basically, we have two options when working with immutable values in

JavaScript. One is to freeze all objects and arrays at creation with
Object.freeze() . The other option is to use a library like Immutable.js
that provides immutable data structures.
Pure functions
A pure function is a function that given the same input always returns the
same output and has no side-effects.

A side-effect is a change of the outside environment in any way. Even

more, reading data from the outside environment that can change is a

First, we should aim to create components as pure functions. That’s it, they
take data as props and return the markup defining the user interface.

Pure functional components are easier to read and understand.

Then we should aim at making the other functions pure. Reducers,

selectors, action creators are pure functions.

Higher-order functions
A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as
argument, returns a function or does both.

The asynchronous action creator is a custom higher-order function that

returns a function.
import api from '../api/productsAPI';
import actions from '../actions/productsActions';

function fetchProducts() {
return function(dispatch) {
return api.fetchProducts()
export default { fetchProducts };

Higher-order components
A higher-order component is a function that takes a component as input
and returns a new component.

Reading data from the store and dispatching events are side-effects. We can
keep components pure by encapsulating side effects in higher-order
components, HoC in short.

The observer() utility from MobX is a higher-order component. The

function created by the inject() utility is higher-order component.
import ProductList from '../ProductList';

const withPropsMapped = inject(function(stores){

return {

export default withPropsMapped(observer(ProductList));

The function created by the connect() utility from Redux is a higher-order

import ProductList from '../ProductList';

export default connect(

Currying transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a
sequence of functions where each takes one argument.

We used a manually curried function when filtering products by a query.

isInQuery() is a curried function.

When calling isInQuery() with one argument it creates a new function

taking the remaining argument. Currying can be useful when the function
receives fewer arguments than necessary, like for example when it is used
as a callback.
function filterProducts({products, query}){
return products.filter(isInQuery(query));

function isInQuery(query){
return function(product){

export default {filterProducts}

A promise is an object that represents a possible future result of an
asynchronous operation.

API Util functions encapsulate the network calls that return promises.
Asynchronous action creators work with promises.

Function Composition
Function composition is a technique of passing the output of a function as
the input for another function.

When creating the ShoppingCart container with MobX we used function


withPropsMapped() takes as input the output of observer() .

import ShoppingCart from '../ShoppingCart';

export default withPropsMapped(observer(ShoppingCart));

A closure is a function that has access to the variables from its outer
function, even after the outer function has executed.

Closure can encapsulate state. Multiple closures sharing the same private
state can create encapsulated objects.
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';

//pure functions

function ShoppingCartStore(){
const shoppingMap =;

function toCartView() {
return toCartViewFromMap(shoppingMap);

const addToCart = action(function(product){
incrementProductQuantity(shoppingMap, product));

const removeFromCart = action(function(product){


return Object.freeze({

ShoppingCartStore() creates an object with private state. addToCart() ,

removeFromCart() , toCartView() are closures sharing the same private
state shoppingMap . The this keyword is not used.

Final Thoughts
React makes it easy to build components with functions. Functional
components are cleaner and easier to read. They are not using the this

The best way to achieve clarity in a React application is to write as many

components as pure functions, and also writing as many functions as pure

Immutability avoids unexpected changes that create issues hard to


filter() , map() , reduce() make data transformations easier to read.

Currying can help to create new functions with fewer arguments than the
original functions. The new functions can be used as callbacks.

Higher-order components help to encapsulate impure code.

Multiple closures sharing the same private state can create flexible and
encapsulated objects.
Chapter 23: Architecture
In this chapter, we are going to review and analyze the architectural
decisions taken so far.

Props and State

Data can take two forms, props, and state.


Functional components take a single object argument, called “props”, with

all the JSX attributes.

There are two kinds of values passed as props, plain data objects, and
function callbacks.


State is data that is stored and can be changed.

State can change, but props cannot.

Local and External State

State can be local to the component and is called local state. In this case, the
local data can be sent to other components using props.

Reach Hooks enables functional components with local state, using the
useState() hook. We explore the local state when building the App and
ProductSearch components.

State can be external. It can be stored in a single store, like the Redux store,
or in multiple stores, like the ones created with MobX.

The external state can be shared by multiple components.

With MobX we split the state between three stores: ShoppingCartStore ,
ProductStore , UIStore .

With Redux we split the state management between three reducers:

shoppingCart , products and query .

Domain and UI State

The data we want to store can come either from an external Web API or
from the user interface.

Domain state is taken from the backend.

UI state, or view state, is used in the user interface. It is not taken or stored
on the backend.

The list of products in our case is the domain state. The shopping cart is
domain state as it needs to be stored on the backend. The query search
object is UI state.

Presentation Components
Presentation components take only plain data objects and function callbacks
as props.

Presentation components can have a local UI state. For example, a

component displaying data on multiple tabs can keep the currently selected
tab as local UI state and still be a presentation component.

Presentation components are responsible for rendering the UI. Here are
things presentation components don’t do:

They don’t make network calls.

They don’t have access to stores.
They don’t dispatch actions.
They don’t use objects with a publish-subscribe public interface.
We can best express presentation components as pure functions with no
local state.

The presentation component encourages reusable and encapsulated code.

Presentation components transform data into a visual user interface and

define the callbacks to run in response to the user interactions.

Container Components
Container components are connected to the external environment and can
have side-effects.

Container components can read data from stores and dispatch actions.

We can use higher-order components to create containers.

UI Decomposition

The complexity of a large UI can be handled by decomposing it into smaller

pieces. Components are the basic unit for splitting the page into small parts
easier to manage and reuse.
The process of decomposition is about assigning responsibilities and giving
names. This makes it easy to talk and reason about.

We decomposed the products page into the following components:

App the root component

Header a pure function rendering the header information
ProductList a pure function rendering the list of products
ProductItem a pure function rendering one product from the list
ProductListContainer a container component displaying the
products using the ProductList component and communicating with
the store(s)
ShoppingCart a pure function rendering the shopping cart
ShoppingItem a pure function rendering one product from the
shopping cart
ShoppingCartContainer a container component displaying the cart
using the ShoppingCart component and communicating with the
ProductSearch a presentation component rendering the search form
and building the search query
ProductSearchContainer a container component displaying the
search form using the ProductSearch and updating the store with the
search query

Components are organized in a tree structure. In our example, we created a

tree with three levels. Let’s visualize it.
It is important to note that ProductSearch , ProductList , and
ShoppingCart are the container components for the presentation
components with the same name.

UI as Function of State
In a sense, React allows treating the UI as a function of state. There is an
equation describing this relation:
UI = f(state)

f is a mapping function that transforms data into a UI.

Note that this equation takes into consideration only the data props. The UI
is not only about creating a visual representation of data but also about
handling user interactions. The user interactions can be expressed using the
concept of actions. Actions change state.

Unidirectional Data Flow

Views do not modify the data they received.
Views subscribe to store changes, so when the state changes views are
notified to re-render. Views trigger actions on user interaction. These
actions change the state. When the state is changed the associated views are

This data flow is known as the unidirectional data flow.

MobX Architecture
With MobX we tend to split the application into three layers:

Presentation Layer: Presentation and Container Components

Business Layer: Domain Stores and UI Stores
API Access Layer: API Utils
Containers make presentation components observers of stores. When state
changes in a store the presentation component using that data will re-render.
Container components handle the presentation components events by
calling methods on stores.

When in the entry point file index.js the productStore.fetchProducts()

method is called, the store delegates the network call to the api object.
When the response gets back, the state is updated and that makes its
observer components to re-render.

Redux Architecture
In a Redux Architecture we split the application into the following parts :

Presentation and Container Components

Reducers and Selectors
Actions and Action Creators
Asynchronous Action Creators
API Utils

The action concept was different between the two middleware

implementations. While the thunk middleware accepted plain data and
function actions, the observable middleware accepted only plain action
objects. Nevertheless, the actions that go from the middleware to reducers
are only plain data objects in all implementations.

We express the UI using presentation components and aim for making them
pure functions.

State management is split between reducers.

Container components are used to make the connection between the single
store and presentation components. Container components read data from
the store, use selectors to transform it, and send it to presentation
components. Container components decide what actions to dispatch on
events in the presentation components. When state changes inside the store
the presentation components using that data will re-render.
The API Util objects make the network calls.

Asynchronous action creators coordinate asynchronous tasks and store

updates. In our case, the entry point file index.js dispatches a thunk
function, using fetchProducts() . The thunk function fetches data from the
network and updates the store. Updating the store with new products
triggers a re-render of the ProductList component.

Final Thoughts
The UI can be expressed as a tree of presentation components, where each
component is a function.

The application state can be split and managed in small parts. Container
components connect the state to presentation components.

Redux takes a functional way of managing state, while MobX takes a more
object-oriented approach. I favor Redux for working with the application
state in a functional style.
What’s next?
You can consider reading the Functional Architecture with React and Redux
book, and put in practice what you learned by building several applications
with an incremental level of complexity.

The functional architecture implies getting the initial state, showing it to the
user using the view functions, listening for actions, updating the state based
on those actions, and rendering the updated state back to the user again.

The update functions are the reducers, the view functions are the functional

Enjoy the book!

Table of Contents
Chapter 01: Functional JavaScript
Chapter 02: Functional Components
Chapter 03: A Brief Introduction to JSX
Chapter 04: List Components
Chapter 05: Communication between Components
Chapter 06: Presentation Components
Chapter 07: Styling Components
Chapter 08: Stateful Functional Components
Chapter 09: Custom Store
Chapter 10: MobX Store
Chapter 11: Redux Store
Chapter 12: Redux Actions and Immutable.Js
Chapter 13: Fetching with MobX Store
Chapter 14: Fetching with Redux Thunk
Chapter 15: Fetching with Redux Observable
Chapter 16: Form Components
Chapter 17: UI State in MobX Store
Chapter 18: UI State in Redux Store
Chapter 19: Testing
Chapter 20: Redux Folder Structure
Chapter 21: Router
Chapter 22: Functional React
Chapter 23: Architecture

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