Holiday in Different Countries

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Holiday in different countries

For most people Christmas is one of the most cherished holidays during the year. 
In Ukraine
It’s a feast of Christ’s birth and it’s celebrated on the eve of 7th of January. In the
mid-4th century it was established by the Roman Catholic church as a separate feast
and was celebrated on 25 December according to the Julian calendar. In the 10th
century with the introduction of the Christianity into Rus it was fused with the local
pagan celebrations of the sun’s return or the commencement of the agricultural year.
In some areas was used the pre-Christian name of the feast — Koliada. The
Christmas Eve is considered as the most interesting part of Christmas as it has ritual
and magic acts aimed at ensuring a good harvest and a life of plenty. Caroling is a
characteristic feature of the feast, it expresses respect for the master of the house and
his children, and sometimes it’s accompanied by a puppet theatre (vertep). The
religious festival lasts three days and involves Christmas liturgies, caroling, visiting
and entertaining relatives and acquaintances. The Christmas tree was adopted from
Western Europe, but today it’s the element of the New Year celebration in Ukraine.
The «holy supper» on Christmas Eve is a meal of 12 ritual meatless and milkless
dishes. The order of the dishes and dishes themselves aren’t uniform everywhere. In
the Hutsul region, for example, the dishes were served in the following order: beans,
fish, boiled potato, dumplings, cabbage rolls, kutya, potatoes mashed with garlic,
stewed fruit, plums with beans and some other dishes.
Christmas is the holiday when all members of the family gather together. This is
the holiday of joy. Comparatively with Great Britain and some other countries
Ukrainian people don’t exchange presents on this holiday. For many years only
religious people observed this holiday, but today it’s an official state holiday.
Children like to have fun on this holiday, they go from door to door, sing carols and
people give sweets to them. As it was already mentioned, «Kutya» is a traditional
Ukrainian Christmas dish. It’s cooked by mothers and godchildren take it to their
godparents. Although this holiday appeared long ago but nowadays many people still
like to go church and listen to Christmas sermons.

In England it is celebrated on the 25th of December. There are many traditions

and customs of celebrating Christmas in England. First tradition that English people
follow during this holiday is the tradition of decorating houses with evergreen plants.
Mistletoe, ivy and holly are especially popular. According to custom, once a year
men have the right to kiss any girl who stops under the mistletoe. The most important
part of English Christmas is, of course, the gala dinner. For many centuries people of
Britain have served the plum-porridge or plum-pudding for this night. It’s a special
dish from oatmeal boiled in broth and served with raisins, almonds, prunes and
honey. Traditionally, there were four objects hidden in this pudding - a coin, a
thimble, a button and a ring. A coin meant wealth, a button and a thimble meant
bachelorhood and unmarried life, while a ring predicted a marriage for young girls. 


Americans are preparing for Christmas. Everyone decorates their apartments,

starting with the door, on which a wreath of Christmas tree branches is hung.
Garlands are hung all over the house, figures of fairy-tale animals, Santa Claus and
angels are installed in the yards. Inside the house, there must be a Christmas tree with
colorful balls and lights, under which all family members hide gifts. On the eve of
Christmas Eve, each family usually gathers at the parental home. Before sitting down
at the table, a prayer glorifying God is recited, after which the sacred bread must be
eaten. On the holiday table, Americans have a traditional Christmas goose or turkey,
salads and ham. Drinks on the table include wine, whiskey or brandy. Eggnog is a
must-have Christmas drink for Americans. It is prepared from whipped cream, eggs
and sugar. You can add cinnamon and nutmeg to the drink. Adults like to add
something alcoholic to cognac: cognac, rum or whiskey. After the festive dinner
comes the most pleasant part of the celebration, when everyone unfolds and examines
the prepared gifts, pre-arranged under the Christmas tree.

At Christmas, children dressed in angel costumes walk around the houses, singing
traditional holiday songs glorifying God and the birth of his son Jesus Christ.
Children are treated to sweets, not inviting them to their home, but handing out treats
right on the street.

So, in these countries there are different traditions and celebrations. What all
countries have in common is a festive dinner. In Ukraine, there are 12 traditional
dishes that are prepared for a feast its beans, fish, boiled potato, dumplings, cabbage
rolls, kutya, potatoes mashed with garlic, stewed fruit, plums with beans and some
other dishes. In England, prepare a festive pudding, which has its own characteristics.
In USA americans have a traditional Christmas goose or turkey, salads and ham.
Drinks on the table include wine, whiskey or brandy. Eggnog is a must-have
Christmas drink for Americans. It is prepared from whipped cream, eggs and sugar.
In countries of celebration and traditions are different. However, in each country the
holiday is special. There are many traditions, now there are not so many, but each
family tries to pass their traditions from generation to generation.

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