CMS Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting (CPAR)

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The key takeaways are that the document describes VOICECOM's procedure for controlling corrective and preventative actions to address non-conformances and continually improve. It establishes a Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting (CPAR) system for this purpose.

The purpose of the CPAR system is to address typical management system non-conformities, performance non-conformities, staff reports of problems or potential problems, suggestions for improvement, adverse trends, audit findings, and action items from management reviews.

The CPAR process involves a staff member completing a CPAR Form to request corrective or preventive action. The System Manager assigns the CPAR and monitors progress. The assignee implements an action plan, updates the form, and closes out the CPAR. The System Manager identifies trends and verifies actions taken.


Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting


Internal document
Procedure Ref : PO-DSIXXX
Version : 0.1
Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Date : 26/09/2020
Reporting (CPAR) Page : 2/5

Public Internal Confidential Top Secret

1 Introduction
2 Scope
This procedure sets out how VOICECOM controls corrective and preventative actions to
correct non-conformances and take advantage of opportunities to continually improve.

3 Revision History
Revision Date Record of Changes Approved By
0.1 09.26.2020 Initial Issue

4 Control of hardcopy versions

The digital version of this document is the most recent version. It is the responsibility of the
individual to ensure that any printed version is the most recent version. The printed version
of this manual is uncontrolled, and cannot be relied upon, except when formally issued by
the <Document Controller> and provided with a document reference number and revision in
the fields below:
Document Ref. Rev. Uncontrolled Copy X Controlled Copy

5 Definitions
 a “non-conformity” is the non-fulfilment of a requirement, or performance measure, of
a management system

 “staff” are all those working under our control

 the “System Manager” is the manager responsible for the management system under
which the “non-conformity” has been reported
The System Manager for our:
- Energy Management System (EnMS) is the <Energy Manager>

- Environmental Management System (EMS) is the <Environmental Manager>

- Information Security Management System (ISMS) is the <ISMS Manager>

- Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is the <OHS

- Quality Management System (QMS) is the <Quality Manager>

Add to / delete from / amend the above list as necessary to match your
organisational arrangements

Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting Page 2 of 5

Procedure Ref : PO-DSIXXX
Version : 0.1
Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Date : 26/09/2020
Reporting (CPAR) Page : 3/5

Public Internal Confidential Top Secret

 “we” and “our” refer to VOICECOM

6 Responsibilities
The System Manager is responsible for all aspects of the implementation and management
of this procedure unless noted otherwise.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this procedure within
the scope of their responsibilities.

7 The Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting System

The CPAR system is used to address all of the following:

 typical management system performance non-conformities

- failure to establish objectives and targets

- failure to define responsibilities required by the management system, such as

responsibilities for achieving objectives and targets
- failure to periodically evaluate compliance with compliance obligations

 typical performance non-conformities:

- targets are not achieved

- maintenance requirements are not performed as scheduled

- permitted limits are not met

 staff reports of problems or potential problems, be they with equipment, procedures,

processes or infrastructure

 staff suggestions for improvement

 adverse trends associated with non-conformities

 Internal and external audit findings

 action items arising from management review

 any other reported problem or suggestion

All staff are empowered and encouraged to submit a corrective or preventive action request
when they discover an existing or potential non-conformity against our requirements and
procedures, our customer’s requirements, or compliance obligations.
In addition, staff are encouraged to submit suggestions for improvement using the CPAR

Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting Page 3 of 5

Procedure Ref : PO-DSIXXX
Version : 0.1
Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Date : 26/09/2020
Reporting (CPAR) Page : 4/5

Public Internal Confidential Top Secret

8 The Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting (CPAR)

See above under “Definitions” to determine who the appropriate “System Manage” is for the
management of a particular CPAR.
The CPAR system utilises two forms:

 the CPAR Form, which is used by staff to request corrective action (addressing
existing problems) or preventive action (addressing potential problems), or to submit
suggestions for improvement

 the CPAR Log, which is used to track CPARs and to provide trend data for
subsequent management review
The member of staff requesting action completes Part 1 of the CPAR Form and then submits
it to the System Manager.
The System Manager assigns each CPAR to those staff who are best able to analyse and
resolve the issue. Where a single member of staff is assigned the task that member of staff
is referred to as the ‘Assignee’. Where multiple staff are assigned, one of that group will be
appointed ‘team leader’ and the team leader is referred to as the ‘Assignee’.
The System Manager monitors progress and should further resources or other management
action become required, will take any necessary actions.
Once the action plan has been determined, the Assignee implements the plan, updating the
CPAR Form as the plan progresses.
Once the action is complete, and the Assignee considers that the issue has been resolved,
the Assignee signs and dates the CPAR Form and returns it to the System Manager who
updates the CPAR Log accordingly.
The System Manager identifies trends relating to non-conformances and reports on those
trends at environmental management reviews.
Where such trends are identified, or the System Manager so decides, then the Corrective
and Preventative Action Reporting (CPAR) system is used to investigate the root cause of
the trend.

9 Verification
The System Manager performs independent verification of the actions taken, including giving
consideration to the following:

 Has the action plan removed the root cause(s)?

 Has the action eliminated the original issue reported?

 Were any related documents updated as necessary?

 Was additional training identified and given if required?

Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Reporting Page 4 of 5

Procedure Ref : PO-DSIXXX
Version : 0.1
Control of Corrective and Preventative Action Date : 26/09/2020
Reporting (CPAR) Page : 5/5

Public Internal Confidential Top Secret

 Does the internal audit schedule require amendment?

 Were all interested parties properly notified of the actions taken?

Where the System Manager determines the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, the
CPAR Form is re-assigned for further action.

10 Records
Records retained in support of this procedure are listed in the Controlled Records Register
appropriate to the management system under which this CPAR has been raised and those
records are controlled according to the Control of Management System Records Procedure.

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