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POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH Special Issue 2018 S1 (97) 2018 Vol. 25; pp.




Jan Kulczyk
Wrocław University of Technology, Poland


In the present paper presented are the results of prediction of total resistance of inland waterway vessels based on
model test data. In scaling the resistance from model to full scale the extrapolation with two-dimensional frictional
resistance formulation (without form factor) was applied, combined with different methods of determination of
frictional (viscous) resistance coefficient. There were used the equations that include the effect of water depth, with
and without account for pressure gradient. It was shown that limited depth of water substantially affects the frictional
resistance. The results of example calculations are compared to resistance prediction made using the ITTC 1957 model-
ship correlation line. Example calculations take into account the limited depth of water. Depending on the applied
method of determination of frictional resistance coefficient the resultant total resistance of inland waterway vessel
is higher or lower than the resistance based on the ITTC 1957 correlation line. The effect of water depth depends on
the ratio of water depth to ship draught (h/T), on ship speed, and on the composition of a convoy. The extrapolation
of resistance was made without including the form factor. Computations are made based on model test data for an
inland waterway cargo vessel, for a kombi-type convoy of an inland waterway cargo vessel and a dumb barge, and for
a convoy of two dumb barges without a pushboat.

Keywords: inland waterway vessel, extrapolation of hull resistance, coefficient of frictional resistance

INTRODUCTION to deep water the finite depth of shallow water is related to

specific phenomena in ship motion:
In design of inland waterway vessels the prediction of ship • significantly higher resistance at the same ship speed,
resistance is made based on model tests and using the Froude • change in position of hull in relation to undisturbed
hypothesis and extrapolation techniques. For determination surface of water, i.e. trim and sinkage.
of frictional resistance the ITTC-1957 model-ship correlation The back flow appears and the velocity in flow around the
line or the Schoenherr formula are usually applied. In the hull is higher than ship speed.
range of Reynolds numbers that can be encountered in The study of ship motion in shallow water reveal the rapid
resistance prediction, i.e. 105 ≤ Re ≤ 109, the values of frictional growth of hull resistance, trim and sinkage when approaching
resistance coefficient determined using above formulae differ the critical speed. Critical speed is related to the velocity of
merely slightly. The difference is about 2% for low Reynolds energy transportation in wave motion. The critical speed in
numbers and less than 1% for Re ≥ 108. shallow water amounts:
Above methods of determination of frictional resistance
are based on the resistance of flat plate and do not account for (1)
finite water depth in the case of shallow water. In comparison


where g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE IN SHALLOW
depth of water. WATER
In practice, merchant ships in restricted waters are operated
at speeds lower than the critical speed. The hydrodynamically The conditions of sailing in shallow water are determined by
economic speed limit for inland waterway vessels [1] was finite distance between ship bottom and the bed of waterway.
determined as [3]: Turbulent boundary layer in ship flow is confined. In very
simple terms one may assume that the flow is similar to the
(2) flow between two parallel flat surfaces where one surface is
motionless and the other moves at velocity corresponding to
The upper value applies to motor cargo vessels and the ship speed. Such model of flow does not include the variable
lower value applies to pushed barge trains composed of two gradient of pressure that is the case in actual ship motion
or three rows of dumb barges and a pushboat. in shallow water. One assumes that flow in space between
The rapid growth of hull resistance at speeds above the surfaces is a fully developed turbulent flow, and that the
economic speed limit Vgr is the effect of increase of wave distribution of velocity is logarithmic. Accordingly, the
resistance. The share of viscous resistance in total hull following relationship has been derived [4]:
resistance of an inland vessels has not been recognized in
details. Based on data from model tests one may assume that (3)
at speeds around the economic speed limit the contribution of
viscous resistance amounts about 30y40% of total resistance.
This share is higher at speeds below Vgr, and is lower at speeds where:
higher than Vgr. Because the share is considerable the error cF -coefficient of frictional resistance,
in determination of viscous resistance may cause significant Reh -Reynolds number based on distance between surfaces:
error in power prediction for a full scale vessel.
In this paper the results of prediction of total resistance (4)
of inland waterway vessels are presented based on model
test data and extrapolation procedure. In scaling the where:
resistance from model to full scale the extrapolation with h -distance between surfaces,
two-dimensional frictional resistance formulation (without ν -kinematic viscosity of water.
form factor) was applied combined with different methods
of determination of frictional (viscous) resistance coefficient. The relationship between the coefficient of frictional
There were used the equations that include the effect of water resistance cF and the Reynolds number Reh is illustrated in
depth, with and without account for pressure gradient. It was Fig.1. It has been approximated using the cubic polynomial:
shown that limited depth of water substantially affects the
frictional resistance. The results of example calculations were
compared to resistance predicted using the ITTC-1957 model-
ship correlation line. The resultant total resistance of inland
waterway vessel is higher or lower than the resistance based on (5)
the ITTC-1957 correlation line depending on applied method
of determination of frictional resistance coefficient. The ratio Zawiślak [6] has completed the formula (3) with the term
of predicted values depends on the proportion between water that accounts for pressure gradient:
depth and ship draught (h/T), on ship speed, and on the
composition of a convoy of vessels. The extrapolation of
resistance was made without account for velocity of back
flow and roughness (no roughness allowance). It was assumed
that the contribution of above components in any case would (6)
be the same, independent from the method of determination
of frictional resistance coefficient. Computations were made where:
based on model test data for an inland waterway cargo vessel ST = 0.68 for model ship,
sailing alone or coupled with a single dumb barge (a kombi- ST = 1.509 for full scale ship.
type train) [5], and for a convoy of two dumb barges without
a pushboat [2]. The term f(cF, Rey, y n) takes into account the averaged
pressure gradient between the bottom of vessel and the bed of
waterway. The Reynolds number Rey is based on local distance
between the bottom of ‘averaged’ hull and waterway bed:



Ax(x) -local sectional area of hull, ANALYSIS
B -ship beam.
The effect of the method of determination of frictional
In the case of flat surface the last term in equation (6) equals resistance coefficient on resistance prediction was investigated
zero and the equation is identical to eq. (3). Two values of for two vessels that were extensively tested in model scale
term ST in equation (6) were introduced based on numerical including the variation of draught and water depth. There
computations of flow between the ‘averaged’ two-dimensional are conventional ships operated on inland waterways: the
hull and waterway bed [6]. One may consider it as a partial motor cargo vessel (OBM) operated alone or as a kombi-
equivalent of form factor commonly used in extrapolation type convoy i.e. coupled with a dumb barge (OBM+BP), and
of ship resistance. two dumb barges coupled in a single-row convoy without a
Frictional resistance coefficient cF calculated according pushboat (2xT170). Model tests of the motor cargo vessel were
to equation (6), without the effect of pressure gradient carried out in Ship Design and Research Centre in Gdańsk [5].
(f(cF, Rey, y n) = 0), is presented in Fig.1. The convoy of two dumb barges was tested in Development
Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems (DST)
in Duisburg, in the framework of RTD project INBAT [2].
Hull forms of considered vessels are presented in figures 2
and 3. Main particulars are as follows:

Length between perpendiculars LPP = 67.83 m
Draught T1 = 1.60 m; T2 = 2.36 m
Length at waterline LWL1 = 67.83 m; LWL2 = 69.27 m
Beam B = 8.92 m
Dumb barge (BP)
Length between perpendiculars LPP = 44.12 m
Draught T = 1.60 m
Test conditions
Fig.1. Coefficient of frictional resistance cF calculated according to equation (6) Water depth h = 2.00; 2.25; 2.50; 2.75 m
with f(cF, Rey, yn) = 0 Model scale 1:16

The effect of shallow water on resistance prediction was Dumb barge T170 (INBAT)
investigated using frictional resistance coefficient calculated Length over all LOA = 48.75 m
according to equation (3), approximated with formula (5). Length between perpendiculars LPP = 48.28 m
The effects of scale factor and pressure gradient (according Design draught T = 1.70 m
to eq. (6)) are presented for one test case of the OBM motor Beam B = 9.00 m
cargo vessel. Conditions of model tests
Draught T = 0.6; 0.9; 1.4; 1.7 m
Water depth h = 1.2; 2.0; 3.6; 5.0 m
Model scale 1:14

Fig.2. Hull form of motor cargo vessel OBM


Fig.3. Hull form of dumb barge T170


The ratio of ship resistance predicted with coefficient of

frictional resistance calculated according to eq. (3) (Rths)
to ship resistance predicted with coefficient of frictional
resistance determined using the ITTC-1957 model-ship
correlation line (Rts57) is presented in figures 4, 5 and 6.
Resistance predicted with account for restricted depth of
water Rths is higher (Fig.4). The differences are within 0.5%
to 3% and depend on water depth and ship speed. At lower
depths of water these differences are smaller. The increase of
ship speed causes that the differences decrease. The trends
at ship draught T = 2.36 m are similar (not presented in this
Fig.5. The effect of account for scale factor (last term in eq. (3) adjusted to
model ship and full scale ship during extrapolation) on resistance prediction,
OBM at T = 1.60 m

The effect of ship length on resistance prediction is shown

in Fig.6. In the case of kombi arrangement (OBM+BP) the
resistance predicted with account for restricted depth of
water is lower. The differences do not exceed 3% and at higher
speeds are smaller.

Fig.4. The effect of water depth on resistance prediction, OBM at T = 1.60 m

When the coefficient of frictional resistance is calculated

using eq. (3) with term ST adjusted to model ship and full scale
ship, as in eq. (6), then the predicted ship resistance is lower
than resistance predicted with application of the ITTC-1957
correlation line (Fig.5). The differences amount from 6% to
1%. The effect of depth to draught ratio h/T is not distinct.
The effect of ship speed is clear. Fig.6. The effect of ship length on resistance prediction, OBM
at T = 1.60 m, h = 2.5 m


The coefficient of frictional resistance cF calculated
according to eq. (6), i.e. with account for scale factor α and
pressure gradient dp/dx, for the motor cargo vessel OBM are
presented n fugues 7 and 8. The values calculated with non-
zero pressure gradient (dp/dx ≠ 0) were originally published
in [6].

Fig.9. The effect of water depth, 2xT170 at T = 1.70 m

In comparison to OBM the effect of water depth is

opposite. For very shallow water ship resistance predicted
with application of eq. (3) (Rths) is lower than with ITTC-
1957 correlation line, wherein apparent is the effect of ship
draught. The differences in ship resistance range from 14%
Fig.7. The effect of scale factor α and pressure gradient dp/dx on coefficient of at T = 0.90 m to less than 4% at T = 1.70 m.
frictional resistance cF calculated according to eq. (6), OBM
at T = 1.60 m, h/T = 1.25

Fig.10. The effect of water depth, 2xT170 at T = 0.90 m

Fig.8. The effect of scale factor α and pressure gradient dp/dx on coefficient of
frictional resistance cF calculated according to eq. (6), OBM
at T = 1.60 m, h/T = 1.56 At increased water depth the resistance predicted with eq.
(3) becomes higher than resistance predicted with application
The neglect of pressure gradient (dp/dx = 0) makes the of ITTC-1957 correlation line. This trend is especially apparent
difference in frictional resistance coefficient in full scale lower at T = 1.70 m. However, the difference does not exceed 5%.
than in model scale. Similar is the effect of increased water
The ratio of ship resistance predicted using the coefficient
Resistance prediction was made for typical convoy of two of frictional resistance calculated with account for restricted
dumb barges coupled stern to stern in one row. Example depth of water, to ship resistance predicted using the ITTC-
results of calculations for the convoy at two settings of ship 1957 model-ship correlation line (Rths/Rts57) is within
draught: T = 1.70 m and T = 0.90 m, are presented in figures 0.95 through 1.05. Considering highly variable conditions
9 and 10, respectively. For the different ranges of speed the of ship operation on inland waterways, the results presented
ratio Rths/Rts57 is drawn versus depth Froude number Frh. in this paper show that the application of frictional resistance
coefficient calculated with account for restricted depth of
water has little effect on power prediction. However, the
application of frictional resistance coefficient calculated


according to equation (3) or (6) enables to determine the
influence of important operating parameters as:
• depth of water,
• ship draught,
• composition of convoy.
The neglect of pressure gradient may have a significant
effect on resistance prediction based on model tests only at
very shallow water.


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