User Manual TG2480 - Rev100

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All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of this manual in whatever form, whether by printed or elec-
tronic means, is forbidden. While guaranteeing that the information contained in it has been carefully checked,
CUSTOM ENGINEERING SPA and other entities utilized in the realization of this manual bear no responsibility
for how the manual is used.
Information regarding any errors found in it or suggestions on how it could be improved are appreciated. Since
products are subject to continuous check and improvement, CUSTOM ENGINEERING SPA reserves the right
to make changes in information contained in this manual without prior notification.

Copyright © 2008 CUSTOM ENGINEERING S.p.a. – Italy


Str. Berettine 2 - 43010 Fontevivo (PARMA) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0521-680111 - Fax: +39 0521-610701

Customer Service Department:

Tel.: +39 059 88 69 587
Email: [email protected]

1 Near paper end sensor 11 Metal chassis

2 Paper roll holder support 12 Cutter group
3 Paper width adjustment 13 Print head
4 Near paper end sensor adjustment 14 Inspection door
5 Unblocking lever for cutter unit 15 Paper mouth
6 Rubbed roller manual feed 16 Ticket withdrawal sensor
7 Unblocking lever for rubbed roller 17 Interface connector (USB or RS232)
8 PRINT key 18 Status LED
9 FEED key 19 Power supply connector
10 Paper jam sensor 20 Paper in

1 11

2 12

3 13

4 14




10 CO








User Manual TG2480

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TG2480 User Manual


MANUAL CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 1
EXPLANATORY NOTES USED IN THIS MANUAL ......................................................................................... 1
GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION................................................................................................................ 1
UNPACKING THE PRINTER ........................................................................................................................... 2
GENERAL FEATURES..................................................................................................................................... 3
PRINTER DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 3


1.1 CONNECTIONS ......................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 SELF-TEST .............................................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4 HEXADECIMAL DUMP ...........................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.1 Open the printer ..............................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.2 Paper jam ........................................................................................................................................1-5
1.5.3 Adjustment for paper roll holder support .........................................................................................1-6
1.5.4 Positioning paper roll holder support ...............................................................................................1-6
1.5.5 Replace paper roll ...........................................................................................................................1-8
1.5.6 Cleaning the printer case ................................................................................................................1-8
1.6 TICKET WITHDRAWAL SENSOR ..........................................................................................................1-9

2.1 RS232 SERIAL INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 USB INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................................2-2

3.1 PRINT DIRECTION .................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 ESC/POS Emulation .......................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.2 Custom emulation .........................................................................................................................3-33
3.2.3 CBM iDP560RS Emulation............................................................................................................3-55

4.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................4-1
4.2 DIMENSIONS ..........................................................................................................................................4-3

5.1 CHARACTER SET ..................................................................................................................................5-1


A.1 ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.1.1 Power supply ................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.2 SPARE PARTS....................................................................................................................................... A-2
A.2.1 Supplies ......................................................................................................................................... A-2

User Manual TG2480 i


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ii TG2480 User Manual



In addition to the Introduction which includes a description of the explanatory notes used in the manual, general
safety information, how to unpack the printer and a brief description of the printer including its basic features,
this manual is organized as follows:

Chapter 1: Contains the information required for correct printer installation and its proper use
Chapter 2: Contains information on interface specifications
Chapter 3: Contains a description of the printer command set
Chapter 4: Contains Technical Specifications of the printer
Chapter 5: Contains the character sets (fonts) used by the printer


Gives important information or suggestions relative to the use of the printer.

Information marked with this symbol must be carefully followed to guard against damaging the

Information marked with this symbol must be carefully followed to guard against operator injury
or damage.


• Read and keep the instructions which follow.

• Follow all warnings and instructions indicated on the printer.
• Before cleaning the printer, disconnect the power supply.
• Clean the printer with a damp cloth. Do not use liquid or spray products.
• Do not operate the printer near water.
• Do not use the printer on unstable surfaces that might cause it to fall and be seriously damaged.
• During the integration of the printer, we strongly warn to keep an adeguate paper loop outlet underneath
the presenter, in order to allow the receipt being properly printed out.
• Only use the printer on hard surfaces and in environments that guarantee proper ventilation.
• Make sure the printer is placed in such a way as to avoid damage to its wiring.
• Use the type of electrical power supply indicated on the printer label. If in doubt, contact your retailer.
• Do not block the ventilation openings.
• Do not introduce foreign objects of any kind into the printer as this could cause a short circuit or damage
parts that could jeopardize printer functioning.
• Do not spill liquids onto the printer.
• Do not carry out technical operations on the printer, with the exception of the scheduled maintenance
procedures specifically indicated in the user manual.
• Disconnect the printer from the electricity supply and have it repaired by a specialized technician when:
A. The feed connector has been damaged.
B. Liquid has seeped inside the printer.
C. The printer has been exposed to rain or water.
D. The printer is not functioning normally despite the fact that all instructions in the users
manual have been followed.
E. The printer has been dropped and its outer casing damaged.
F. Printer performance is poor.
G. The printer is not functioning.

User Manual TG2480 1



Remove the printer from its carton being careful not to damage the packing material so that it may be re-used
if the printer is to be transported in the future. Make sure that all the components illustrated below are present
and that there are no signs of damage. If there are, contact Customer Service.

1. User manual
2. Installation instructions
3. Paper roll
4. Power supply cable (2 ways)
5. Printer 1
6 protection packing shell
7. Box


• Open the printer packaging

• Take out the paper roll.
• Take out the user manual and the installation instructions.
• Take out the power supply cable.
• Lift the protection packing shell and take out the printer.
• Keep the box packing materials in the event the printer must be transported/shipped in the future

2 TG2480 User Manual



Thermal printer for dispensing 80 mm tickets width, easy to install (3 fastening holes and ticket presentation to
user incorporated). Thanks to the exclusive anti-paper-jam system, the ticket will always be promptly dispensed
to the user. Thanks to an innovative type of paper roll holding bracket, it is possible to accommodate up to 73
metres of paper (max external Ø 80mm).
In addition to normal printing function, the printer offers a wide array of special features:

• Fast (>140mm/sec) ticket dispenser,

• Printing with extremely high graphic quality (resolution 204dpi).
• Autoload system.
• Integrated Auto-cutter.
• Paper dispense restriction device
• Accommodates paper thickness from 60 to 120 gr/m2 (also labels with ØMAX=100mm).
• Adjustable paper roll holder
• 24V power supply.
• USB or RS232 interface.
• Near paper end sensor, paper jam, ticket withdrawal sensor.


The printer has an ABS casing with paper roll holder and a rotating paper mouth unit which opens to allow ac-
cess to print head. The control panel is located on the right side and has a PRINT key, a FEED key and status

• PRINT key When the PRINT key is pressed, the printer perform a demo ticket with pre-set
length. During power-up, if the PRINT key is held down, the printer will perform
• FEED key When the FEED key is pressed, the printer advances the paper. During power-up,
if the FEED key is held down, the printer will perform the FONT TEST routine.
• PRINT+FEED key When both the PRINT and the FEED keys are pressed during printer power up,
it prints the SETUP report. Pressing the PRINT key it’s possible to change the
parameters value and to print the parameter current value; pressing the FEED
key it’s possible to pass to the next parameter till the end of the SETUP.
• STATUS LED STATUS LED displays printer hardware status. In case of malfunction, flash fre-
quency changing as follows:


OFF Printer OFF

ON Printer ON: no error


FLASHING Slow Rotating cover open

Fast Paper end

User Manual TG2480 3


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4 TG2480 User Manual



1.1.1 Power Supply



The printer is equipped with a 2 pin male molex con-

nector series 5569 (Vertical), for the power supply
(see Fig. 1.1). The connector pin configuration is as
+24 V
Power supply
2 BLACK GND Ground signal

Model no. type: Header : 90° Molex series 5569 (no. 39-30-1020)
Housing : Molex series 5557 (no. 39-01-3022)

This picture shows the power supply cable included in the printer packaging:




Respect power supply polarity.

User Manual TG2480 1-1



Printer operating status is indicated in the configuration print-out in which, next to the name of the compo-
nents displayed (see figure 1.3), the following information is given:

• Under PROGRAM MEMORY, the message OK appears if functioning and NOT OK if faulty.
• Under PRINTER BUFFER, the message OK appears if functioning and NOT OK if faulty.
• Under CUTTER, the message OK appears if functioning and NOT OK if faulty.
• Under HEAD VOLTAGE is given the voltage of the head.
• Under HEAD TEMPERATURE is given the temperature of the head.


PROGRAM MEMORY....................OK
PRINTER BUFFER ........................OK
CUTTER .........................................OK
HEAD VOLTAGE [V] = 24,29

Printer emul. ..............................: ESC/POS (TM)

Baud Rate .................................: 9600 bps
Data Length ...............................: 8 bits/chr
Parity .........................................: None
Handshaking .............................: Xon/Xoff
Autofeed ....................................: CR Disabled
USB Address Number (1) ............: 0
USB Monitor (1) ...........................: Disabled
Panel Key..................................: Enabled
Print Mode .................................: Normal
Chars / line ................................: A=32/B=42 col
Speed / Quality..........................: Normal
Offline (2) .....................................: Disabled
Print Density..............................: Normal

[PRINT] key to enter setup

[FEED] key to skip setup

1-2 TG2480 User Manual



The printer enables the configuration of the printer default parameters pressing both the PRINT and the FEED
keys during the printer power up. The parameters affected during configuration are:

• Printer emulation: ESC/POSTM D, CUSTOM DPT24, CUSTOM DPT42 or CBM iDP560RS.

• Baud Rate: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200 D, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200.
• Data length: 7, 8 D bits/car.
• Parity: None D, even or odd.
• Handshaking: XON/XOFF D or Hardware.
• Autofeed: CR disabled D or CR enabled.
• USB Address (1): 0 D, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
• USB Monitor (1): Disabled D or enabled.
• Panel key: Enable D or disabled.
• Print mode: Normal D or Reverse.
• Chars/line: With “ESC/POS“: Chars / line: A=32 / B=42 col.D or A=42 / B=56 col.
With “DPT24”: Font type: Font A D or Font B.
With “DPT42”: Font type: Font A D or Font B.
With “CBM iDP560RS“:Font dimensions: 11x24 D 40 col. or 18x24 24 col.
• Speed/Quality: Normal D, low.
• Offline (2): Disabled D, Enabled.
• Print density: Normal D, Dark, Very Dark, Light, Very Light.

General note: The parameters marked with the symbol D represent the default values.
Note (1): These parameters are shown only for the USB interface models.
Note (2): Using this parameter, it is possible to select whether the Busy signal is activated when the
printer is both in Off Line status and the buffer is full, or only if the reception buffer is full.

The settings made are saved on the EEPROM (non volatile memory).
During the setup routine the printer prints out the setup report and will remain in standby until another key is
pressed or characters are received through the printer communication port. After this, each time the PRINT
key is pressed, the parameter is modified and its current value is printed. Once the required value has been
obtained, press the FEED key to proceed to the next parameter, and so on. Once all the parameters have been
run through, the printing of a message signals the end of the setting procedure.


This function is used to display the characters received
from the communications port; the printer prints out HEXADECIMAL DUMP
both the hexadecimal code received as well as the
corresponding ASCII code (see Fig.1.4). 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 12345678
39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 90123456
Once the autotest routine has finished, the printer en- 37 38 39 75 69 73 64 66 789uisdf
ters Hexadecimal Dump mode. The scanner remains 68 6B 6A 73 64 68 66 68 hkjsdhfh
73 64 66 6B 6A 68 73 64 sdfkjhsd
in standby until a key is pressed or characters are 66 73 64 66 6B 68 6A 77 fsdfkhjw
received from the communications port; for every 24 65
characters received it prints hexadecimal values and 6F 75 77 65 72 69 6F 75 ouweriou
77 65 72 69 6F 75 77 65 weriouwe
ASCII codes (if the characters appear underlined, it 72 69 6F 75 77 65 72 68 riouwerh
means the receive buffer is full). Shown below is an 6B 6C 73 64 66 68 6B 73 klsdfhks
64 66 6B 73 64 66 68 6A dfksdfhj
example of a Hexadecimal Dump: 73 64 66 6B 6A F2 73 64 sdfkj≥sd
66 6B F2 6A 73 68 64 66 fk≥jshdf
6A 6B 6C 68 jklh

User Manual TG2480 1-3



Make sure no water or other liquids seep inside the printer.

Before any type of work is done on the machine, disconnect the power supply cord from
the mains outlet.

Do not touch the head heating line with bare hands or metal objects. Do not perform any
operation inside the printer immediately after printing because the head and motor tend
to become very hot.

1.5.1 Open the printer

To open the printer proceed as follow:

• Rotate the paper mouth unit to the maximum opening position (see Fig.1.5); in this position the paper mouth
unit stay opened.
• Widen the hooks that block the cutter unit and rotate the cutter unit up (see Fig.1.6).

After each maintenance operation is recommended to check and remove possible scraps of paper.

1 2

(Fig.1.5) (Fig.1.6)

1-4 TG2480 User Manual


1.5.2 Paper jam

• Lift the inspection door and remove possible scraps of paper (see Fig.1.7).
• Open the printer (see previous paragraphs).
• Lift the unblocking lever for rubbed roller (see Fig.1.8).
• Rotate the rubbed roller clockwise to eject the paper (see Fig.1.9).

1 2

See previous


3 4

(Fig.1.8) (Fig.1.9)

User Manual TG2480 1-5


1.5.3 Adjustment for paper roll holder support

• Rotate the knob (A) to adjust the housing width for paper roll (see fig. A.10). So it is possible to use pa-
per width less than 80 mm as needed.
• Rotate the lever (B) to adjust the sensor position for nearly paper end (C). Move the lever up to in-crease
the reserve of paper, move the lever down to decrease the reserve of paper (see Fig. 1.11).




1.5.4 Positioning paper roll holder support

The paper roll holder support positioning isn’t fixed but adjustable on 3 different positions (rear P1, lower P2
and upper P3). To fastening the paper roll holder support proceed as follow:

1. Bring up the paper roll holder support. Move it until the two holes coincide with the two holes on the
printer body.
2. Fasten the paper roll holder support with the printer body by the two M4x6 fastening screws supplied.

Before fastening the paper roll holder support check the cable path (near paper end sensor) is
correct. Incorrect positions of the cable could cause damage on it.

1-6 TG2480 User Manual








User Manual TG2480 1-7


1.5.5 Replace paper roll

To replace the paper roll proceed as follow:

• Put the paper roll on the paper roll holder support.

• Insert the paper into the paper infeed opening so that it unrolls in the direction shown and wait for it to
load automatically (see Fig.1.15);


Before inserting the paper, make sure the cut is straight.
Follow loading specifications (Fig.1.15)

1.5.6 Cleaning the printer case

The user is responsible for cleaning the printer case. To clean the unit, use compressed air or a soft cloth. Do
not use alcohol, solvents or stiff brushes.


Alcohol, solvent 24V




1-8 TG2480 User Manual



The printer is equipped with a paper dispense restriction device to prevent damage on the printing mechanism
in case of ticket withdrawal before the printing is end. This device is composed of an oscillating plane under
the inspection door, linked with a sensor.
When the user make a ticket withdrawal before the printing is end, the ticket stretch causing the lowering of the
oscillating plane. Ticket printing immediately stops, and the printer perform the ticket cut.


User Manual TG2480 1-9


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1-10 TG2480 User Manual





The printer with a serial RS232 interface has a female

RJ45 connector. Refer to the table below for the con-
nector pin signals:
1 8
1 N.C. Not connected
2 GND Ground signal
3 TXD Data transmission
4 RXD Data reception
5 RTS Ready to send
6 N.C. Not connected RJ45
7 N.C. Not connected
8 N.C. Not connected

The diagrams below show a sample connection between printer and PC using a 8 pin male RJ45 connector
and a 9 pin female connector:



Printer PC

User Manual TG2480 2-1






The printer with USB interface complies to USB

1.1 specifications with the following specifica-

• Communication speed equal to 12 Mbit/sec.

• Type of connector “Receptacle series B”. 34
Refer to the table below for the connector pin USB type B

2 D- Data -
3 D+ Data +
4 GND Ground signal
Shell Shield Cable shielding

2-2 TG2480 User Manual



The printer has two printing directions which can be selected by means of the control characters: normal and reverse.





The table 3.1 shows the commands list, ordered by their hexadecimal value.

Symbol Function
$ indicates the representation of the command hexadecimal value (for example $40 means HEX 40).
{} indicates an ASCII character not performable.
n, m, t, x, y are optional parameters that can have different values.

3.2.1 ESC/POS Emulation

The following table lists all the commands for function management in ESC/POS Emulation of the printer. The
commands can be transmitted to the printer at any moment, but they will only be carried out when the commands
ahead of them have been executed. The commands are carried out when the circular buffer is free to do so.


HEX Com. ASCII Com. Description
$08 BS Moving back of one character
$09 HT Horizontal tabs
$0A LF Print and line feed
$0D CR Print and line feed
$10 $04 n DLE EOT n Transmission of status in real time
$18 CAN Cancel print data buffer
$1B $20 n ESC SP n Set character right-side spacing
$1B $21 n ESC ! n Set print mode
$1B $24 nL nH ESC $ nL nH Set absolute print position
$1B $2A m nL nH ESC * m nL nH Set bit image mode
$1B $2D n ESC - n Turn underline mode on/off
$1B $30 ESC 0 Select 1/8-inch line spacing

User Manual TG2480 3-1


$1B $32 ESC 2 Select 1/6-inch line spacing

$1B $33 n ESC 3 n Set line spacing using minimum units
$1B $34 n ESC 4 n Set / reset script mode
$1B $3D n ESC = n Select device
$1B $40 ESC @ Initialize the printer
$1B $44 n1...nk 00 ESC D n1...nk NUL Set horizontal tab position
$1B $45 n ESC E n Select bold mode
$1B $47 n ESC G n Select double-strike mode
$1B $4A n ESC J n Print and feed paper
$1B $52 n ESC R n Select international character set
$1B $56 n ESC V n Set print mode rotated by 90°
$1B $5C nL nH ESC \ nL nH Set relative print position
$1B $61 n ESC a n Select justification
$1B $63 $35 n ESC c 5 n Enable / disable panel keys
$1B $64 n ESC d n Print and feed paper n lines
$1B $69 ESC i Total cut
$1B $74 n ESC t n Select character code table
$1B $76 ESC v Transmit printer status
$1B $78 n ESC x n Select speed / quality mode
$1B $7B n ESC { n Select upside-down printing mode
$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL ESC · n xH xL yH yL Print graphic bank
$1B $FF m nL nH d0...dn ESC { } m nL nH d0...dn Receive and store logos in flash
$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34 FS { } { } SI { } VT 4 Total cut and automatic paper moving back
$1D $21 n GS ! n Select character size
$1D $3A GS : Start / end of macro definition
$1D $42 n GS B n Turn white/black reverse printing on/off
$1D $43 $30 n m GS C 0 n m Select counter print mode
$1D $43 $31 aL aH GS C 1 aL aH bL
Select count mode (A)
bL bH n r bH n r
$1D $43 $32 nL nH GS C 2 nL nH Select counter
$1D $43 $3B sa $3B sb GS C ; sa ; sb ; sn ;
Select count mode (B)
$3B sn $3B sr $3B sc $3B sr ; sc ;
$1D $48 n GS H n Select printing position of HRI characters
$1D $49 n GS I n Transmit printer ID
$1D $4C nL nH GS L nL nH Set left margin
$1D $50 x y GS P x y Set horizontal and vertical motion units
$1D $57 nL nH GS W nL nH Set printing area width
$1D $5E r t m GS ^ r t m Execute macro
$1D $63 GS c Print counter
$1D $66 n GS f n Select font for HRI characters
$1D $68 n GS h n Set bar code height
$1D $6B m 00 GS k m NUL Print bar code
$1D $72 n GS r n Transmit status
$1D $77 n GS w n Set bar code width
$1D $7E n GS ~ n Set superscript / subscript
$1D $7C n GS | n Set printing density

3-2 TG2480 User Manual


The following pages provide a more detailed description of each command.


[Name] Moving back of one character.

[Format] ASCII BS
Hex 08
Decimal 8
[Description] Moves print position to previous character.
[Notes] This command can put two characters at the same position.


[Name] Horizontal tabs.

[Format] ASCII HT
Hex 09
Decimal 9
[Description] Moves the print position to the next horizontal tab position.
[Notes] • This command is ignored if the next horizontal tab position has not been set.
• If the next horizontal tab is outside the print area, the printer will print the entire contents
of the print buffer, then proceed with the processing of the horizontal tabs from the begin-
ning of the following line.
• The horizontal tabs are set through the command $1B $44.
[Reference] $1B $44


[Name] Print and line feed.

[Format] ASCII LF
Hex 0A
Decimal 10
[Description] Prints the data in the buffer and feeds one line, based on the current line spacing.
[Notes] • This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Reference] $1B $32, $1B $33


[Name] Print and line feed.

[Format] ASCII CR
Hex 0D
Decimal 13
[Description] When autofeed is $0D enabled, this command functions in the same way as $0A, other-
wise it is ignored.
[Notes] • This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Default] See autofeed parameter on Setup.
[Reference] $0A

User Manual TG2480 3-3


$10 $04 n

[Name] Transmission of status in real time

[Format] ASCII DLE EOT n
Hex 10 04 n
Decimal 16 4 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, n =17, 20 ≤ n ≤ 21
[Description] Transmits in real time the selected status of the printer specified by n according to the
following parameters:
n=1 transmit printer status
n=2 transmit off-line status
n=3 transmit error status
n=4 transmit paper roll sensor status
n = 17 transmit paper status
n = 20 transmit Full Status
n = 21 transmit printer ID ($6D)
[Notes] • This command is executed even when the reception buffer is full.
The status is transmitted whenever the data sequence $10 $04 n is received.

n=1: Printer status


0 - - - RESERVED
1 - - - RESERVED
2 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 On-line.
On 08 8 Off-line.
4 - - - RESERVED
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED

n=2: Off-line status


0 - - - RESERVED
1 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Print head down (no paper jam).
On 04 4 Print head up (paper jam).
Off 00 0 Paper is not being fed by FEED button.
On 08 8 Paper is being fed by FEED button.
4 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 No paper end stop.
On 20 32 Printing stops due to paper end.
Off 00 0 No error
On 40 64 Error
7 - - - RESERVED

3-4 TG2480 User Manual


n=3: Error status

Bit Off/On Hex Decimal FUNCTION

0 - - - RESERVED
1 - - - RESERVED
2 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 No auto-cutter error.
On 08 8 Auto-cutter error.
4 - - - RESERVED.
Off 00 0 No irreversible error.
On 20 32 Irreversible error.
Off 00 0 No auto-recoverable error.
On 40 64 Auto-recoverable error.
7 - - - RESERVED.

n=4: Paper roll sensor status


0 - - - RESERVED
1 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Paper is detected by the near paper end sensor.
2, 3
On 0C 12 Paper end sensor not presentor near paper end.
4 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Paper is detected by the paper end sensor.
5, 6
On 60 96 Paper end is detected by the paper end sensor.
7 - - - RESERVED

n=17: Paper status


0 - - - RESERVED
1 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Motor not running.
On 04 8 Motor running.
3 - - - RESERVED
4 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Paper in.
On 20 32 Paper end.
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED

User Manual TG2480 3-5


n=20: Full Status ( 6 bytes)

1° Byte = $10 (DLE)
2° Byte = $0F
3° Byte = Paper Status


Off 00 0 Paper in.
On 01 1 Paper end.
1 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Paper in.
On 04 4 Near paper end.
3 - - - RESERVED
4 - - - RESERVED
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED

4° Byte = User Status


Off 00 0 Print head down.
On 01 1 Print head up.
Off 00 0 Cover down.
On 02 2 Cover up.
2 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Motor running (paper run).
On 08 8 Motor not running (paper stand still).
4 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 FEED key not pressed.
On 20 32 FEED key pressed.
Off 00 0 PRINT key not pressed.
On 40 64 PRINT key pressed.
7 - - - RESERVED

5° Byte = Recoverable Error Status


Off 00 0 Print head temperature normal.
On 01 1 Print head overheated.
Off 00 0 Normal condition
On 02 2 Irregular eject
2 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Power supply voltage in range.
On 08 8 Power supply voltage out of range.
4 - - - RESERVED
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED

3-6 TG2480 User Manual


6° Byte = Unrecoverable Error Status


Off 00 0 No auto-cutter error
On 01 1 Auto-cutter error
1 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 No RAM error
On 04 4 RAM error
Off 00 0 No EEPROM error
On 08 8 EEPROM error
4 - - - RESERVED
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED


[Name] Cancel print data buffer.

[Format] ASCII CAN
Hex 18
Decimal 24
[Description] Deletes all the print data in the current print buffer.
[Notes] This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.

$1B $20 n

[Name] Set character right-side spacing.

[Format] ASCII ESC SP n
Hex 1B 20 n
Decimal 27 32 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Sets spacing to right of character at [ n x horizontal or vertical motion units].
[Notes] • The spacing to the right of the character for double width mode is double that used for
normal mode. When the characters are enlarged, the spacing to the right of the character
is m (2 or 4) times the normal value.
• The horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by the command $1D $50. Chang-
ing the horizontal or vertical motion does not affect the current right side spacing.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit. However,
the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal spacing amount.
• In standard mode, the horizontal motion unit is used.
• The maximum right side spacing is 255/200 inches.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1D $50

User Manual TG2480 3-7


$1B $21 n

[Name] Select print mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC ! n
Hex 1B 21 n
Decimal 27 33 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects the print mode using n (see following tables):


Off 00 0 Character font A selected.
On 01 1 Character font B selected.
1 - - - RESERVED
2 - - - RESERVED
Off 00 0 Bold mode not selected.
On 08 8 Bold mode selected.
Off 00 0 Double height mode not selected.
On 10 16 Double height mode selected.
Off 00 0 Double width mode not selected.
On 20 32 Double width mode selected.
Off 00 0 Script mode not selected.
On 40 64 Script mode selected.
Off 00 0 Underline mode not selected.
On 80 128 Underline mode selected

[Notes] • The printer can underline all the characters, but it cannot underline the space set by
commands $09, $1B $24, $1B $5C and 90° clockwise rotated characters.
• When the characters on the same line are enlarged to different heights, they are either
aligned at the baseline or topline (see $1D $7E).
• This command resets the left and right margin at the default value (see $1D $4C,
$1D $57).
• The command $1B $45 can also turn on/off bold mode. However, the setting of the last
received command is effective.
• The command $1B $2D can also turn on/off underline mode. However, the setting of
the last received command is effective
• The command $1B $34 can also turn on/off script mode. However, the setting of the last
received command is effective.
• The command $1D $21 can select the character size. However,the setting of the last
received command is effective.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $45, $1B $2D, $1B $34, $1D $21

3-8 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $24 nL nH

[Name] Set absolute print position.

[Format] ASCII ESC $ nL nH
Hex 1B 24 nL nH
Decimal 27 36 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL ≤ 255
0 ≤ nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the distance from the beginning of the line to the position in which the subsequent
characters are to be printed.
The distance from the beginning of the line to the print position is [(nL + nH * 256) * (verti-
cal or horizontal motion unit)] inches.
[Notes] • Settings outside the specified printable area are ignored.
• The vertical and horizontal motion units are specified by $1D $50.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit. However,
the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount.
• In standard mode the horizontal motion unit (x) is used.
• If the setting is outside the printing area width, set absolute print position, but left or right
margin is set at default value.
[Reference] $1B $5C, $1D $50

$1B $2A m nL nH

[Name] Set bit image mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC * m nL nH
Hex 1B 2A m nL nH
Decimal 27 42 m nL nH
[Range] m = 0, 1, 32, 33
0 ≤ nL ≤ 255, 0 ≤ nH ≤ 1
0 ≤ d ≤ 255
[Description] Selects a bit image-mode using m for the number of dots specified by nL and nH, as fol-

Vertical direction Horizontal direction (*1)

m Mode
N° dots DPI DPI N° data (k)
0 8 dots single density 8 67 100 nL + nH x 256
1 8 dots double density 8 67 200 nL + nH x 256
32 24 dots single density 24 200 100 (nL + nH x 256) x 3
33 24 dots double density 24 200 200 (nL + nH x 256) x 3

[Notes] • The commands nL and nH indicate the number of horizontal dots in the graphic image.
The nL and nH indicate the number of dots of the bit image in the horizontal direction.
The number of dots is calculated by nL + nH * 256.
• If the bit image data exceeds the number of dots to be printed on a line, the excess data
is ignored.
• d indicates the bit image data. Set a corresponding bit to 1 to print dot or to 0 not to print dot.
• If the value of m is out of the specified range, nL and the data following are processed
as normal data.
• If the width of the printing area set by the commands $1D $4C and $1D $57 is less
than the width required by the data sent with the command $1B $2A , the excess data is
• To print the bit image use commands $0A, $0D, $1B $4A or $1B $64.
• After printing a bit image, the printer returns to normal data processing mode.
• This command is not affected by bold, double-strike and underline (etc.) print modes,
only by upside-down mode.

User Manual TG2480 3-9


The relationship between the bit image and the dots to be printed is as follows:

8 dot image 24 dot image

d1 d4 d7

Bit- Bit-
d1 d2 d3 image d2 d5 d8 image
data data

d3 d6 d9

Print data Print data


$1B $2D n

[Name] Turn underline mode on/off.

[Format] ASCII ESC - n
Hex 1B 2D n
Decimal 27 45 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, 48 ≤ n ≤ 50
[Description] Turns underline mode on or off, based on the following values of n:
n = 0, 48 Turns off underline mode
n = 1. 49 Turns on underline mode (1-dot thick)
n = 2. 50 Turns on underline mode (2-dot thick)
[Notes] • The printer can underline all characters but cannot underline the space set by $09 and
right-side character spacing.
• The printer cannot underline 90° clockwise rotated characters and white/black inverted
• When underline mode is turned off by setting the value of n at 0 or 48, the following data
is not underlined.
• Underline mode can also be turned on or off by using $1B $21. Note, however, that the
last command received is effective.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21

3-10 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $30

[Name] Select 1/8-inch line spacing.

[Format] ASCII ESC 0
Hex 1B 30
Decimal 27 48
[Description] Selects 1/8-inch line spacing.
[Reference] $1B $32, $1B $33

$1B $32

[Name] Select 1/6-inch line spacing.

[Format] ASCII ESC 2
Hex 1B 32
Decimal 27 50
[Description] Selects 1/6 inch line spacing.
[Reference] $1B $30, $1B $33

$1B $33 n

[Name] Set line spacing using minimum units.

[Format] ASCII ESC 3 n
Hex 1B 33 n
Decimal 27 51 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the line spacing at [ n * (vertical or horizontal motion unit)] inches.
[Notes] • Horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by the command $1D $50. Changing
the horizontal or vertical motion unit does not affect the current line spacing.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit. However,
the value cannot be less than the minimum vertical movement amount.
• In standard mode, the vertical motion unit is used.
• The maximum line spacing is n = 255 ( @ 32mm).
[Default] n = 32 (1/6 inch)
[Reference] $1B $30, $1B $32, $1D $50

$1B $34 n

[Name] Set / reset script mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC 4 n
Hex 1B 34 n
Decimal 27 52 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 1, 48 ≤ n ≤ 49
[Description] Turns script mode on or off, based on the following values of n:

0, 48 Turns script mode off
1, 49 Turns script mode o

[Notes] • The printer can print all characters in script mode.

• When script mode is turned off by setting the value n at 0 or 48, the data that follows is
printed in normal mode.

User Manual TG2480 3-11


• Script mode can also be turned on or off by using $1B $21. Note, however, that the last
command received is effective
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21

$1B $3D n

[Name] Select device.

[Format] ASCII ESC = n
Hex 1B 3D n
Decimal 27 61 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects the device to which the host computer sends data, using n as follows:


Off 00 0 Printer disabled.
On 01 1 Printer enabled.
1 - - - RESERVED
2 - - - RESERVED
3 - - - RESERVED
4 - - - RESERVED
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 - - - RESERVED

[Notes] • When the printer is disabled, it ignores all transmitted data until the printer is enabled
by this command.
[Default] n=1

$1B $40

[Name] Inizialize the printer.

[Format] ASCII ESC @
Hex 1B 40
Decimal 27 64
[Description] Clears the data in the print buffer and resets the printer mode to the mode that was in
effect when the power was turned on.
[Notes] • The data in the reception buffer is not cleared.
• The macro definitions are not cleared.

$1B $44 n1...nk 00

[Name] Set horizontal tabs position.

[Format] ASCII ESC D n1...nk NUL
Hex 1B 44 n1...nk 00
Decimal 27 68 n1...nk 0
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
0 ≤ k ≤ 32
[Description] Sets the horizontal tabs.
• nspecifies the number of columns for setting a horizontal tab from the beginning of the line.
• k indicates the total number of horizontal tabs to be set.

3-12 TG2480 User Manual


[Notes] • The horizontal tab position is stored as a value of [character width x n] measured from
the beginning of the line. The width of the character includes the space to the right of the
character and double width characters are set with a width which is double that of normal
• This command cancels the previous horizontal tab setting.
• When setting n = 8, the print position is moved to column 9 by sending HT.
• Up to 32 tab positions can be set ( k = 32). Any data exceeding the 32 tabs is processed
as normal data.
• Transmit [ n ] k in ascending order and put a code 0 NUL at the end. When [ n ] k is less
than or equal to the preceding value [ n ] k-1, tab setting is finished and the following data
is processed as normal data.
• This command cancels all horizontal tab positions.
• The previously specified horizontal tab positions do not change, even if the character
width changes.
[Default] The default tabs are at intervals of 8 characters (columns 9, 17, 25, …) for the A Font
when the space to the right of the character is 0.
[Reference] $09

$1B $45 n

[Name] Select bold mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC E n
Hex 1B 45 n
Decimal 27 69 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Turns bold mode On or Off.
• When the LSB of n is 0, bold mode is turned off.
• When the LSB of n is 1, bold mode is turned on.
[Notes] • Only the LSB of n is effective.
• The command $1B $21 also turns bold mode on and off. In any case, the last command
received is enabled.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21

$1B $47 n

[Name] Select double-strike mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC G n
Hex 1B 47 n
Decimal Decimal 27 71 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Turns double-strike mode On or Off.
• When the LSB of n is 0, double-strike mode is turned off.
• When the LSB of n is 1, double-strike mode is turned on.
[Notes] • Only the LSB of n is effective.
• The printer output is the same in double-strike mode and bold mode.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $45

$1B $4A n

[Name] Print and feed paper.

[Format] ASCII ESC J n
Hex 1B 4A n
Decimal 27 74 n

User Manual TG2480 3-13


[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper [ n * (vertical or horizontal motion
unit) inches.
[Notes] • After printing is over, this command sets the print starting position at the beginning of
the line.
• The paper feed amount set by this command does not affect the values set by $1B $32
or $1B $33.
• The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by $1D $50.
• The command GS P can change the vertical (and horizontal) motion unit. However, the
value cannot be less than the minimum vertical movement amount.
• In standard mode, the vertical motion unit is used.
• The maximum paper feed amount is 31.8 mm.
[Reference] $1D $50

$1B $52 n

[Name] Select international character set.

[Format] ASCII ESC R n
Hex 1B 52 n
Decimal 27 82 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 12
[Description] Selects the international character set by setting n as in the following table:

HEX 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E
0 U.S.A. # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
1 France # $ à ° ç § ^ ` é ù è “
2 Germany # $ § Ä Ö Ü ^ ` ä ö ü b
3 United Kingdom £ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
4 Denmark I # $ @ Æ Æ Å ^ ` æ f å ~
5 Sweden # ¤ É Ä Ö Å Ü é ä ö å ü
6 Italy # $ @ ° \ é ^ ù à ò è ì
7 Spain I Pt $ @ i Ñ ¿ ^ ` “ ñ } ~
8 Japan # $ @ [ ¥ ] ^ ` { | } ~
9 Norway # ¤ É Æ Æ Å Ü é æ f å ü
10 Denmark II # $ É Æ Æ Å Ü é æ f å ü

[Default] n=0

3-14 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $56 n

[Name] Set print mode rotated by 90°.

[Format] ASCII ESC V n
Hex 1B 56 n
Decimal 27 86 n
[Range] 0≤n≤1
48 ≤ n ≤ 49
[Description] Enable / disable print mode rotated by 90°.
n is used as follows:

0, 48 Turns off 90° rotation mode
0,49 Turns on 90° rotation mode

[Notes] • When underlined mode is turned on, the printer does not underline 90° rotated charac-
ters. All the same it’s possible select the underline mode.
• Double-width and double-height commands in 90° rotation mode enlarge characters
in the opposite directions from double-height and double-width commands in normal
• This command is not available in Page mode.
• If this command is entered in Page mode, the printer all the same save the setting.
Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21, $1B $2D

$1B $5C nL nH

[Name] Set relative print position.

[Format] ASCII ESC \ nL nH
Hex 1B 5C nL nH
Decimal 27 92 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL ≤ 255
0 ≤ nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the print starting position based on the current position by using the horizontal or
vertical motion unit.
This command sets the distance from the current position to [( nL+ nH * 256) * (horizontal
or vertical motion unit)].
[Notes] • Any setting that exceeds the printable area is ignored.
• When the starting position is specified by n motion units to the right:
nL + nH * 256 = n
When the starting position is specified by n motion units to the left (negative direction)
use the complement of 65536:
nL + nH * 256 = 65536 – n
• If setting exceeds printing area width, left or right margin is set to default value.
• The horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by $1D $50.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit. However,
the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount.
• In standard mode, the horizontal motion unit is used.
[Reference] $1D $24, $1D $50

User Manual TG2480 3-15


$1B $61 n

[Name] Select justification.

[Format] ASCII ESC a n
Hex 1B 61 n
Decimal 27 97 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, 48 ≤ n ≤ 50
[Description] Aligns all the data in one line in the position specified.
n selects the type of justification as follows:

0, 48 Left justification
1, 49 Centring
2, 50 Right justification

[Notes] • This command is only enabled if input at the beginning of the line.
• The lines are justified within the specified printing area.
• The spaces set by the commands $09, $1B $24 and $1B $ 5C remain justified as per
the previously set mode.
[Default] n=0
Left justification Left justification Right justification

$1B $63 $35 n

[Name] Enable / disable panel keys.

[Format] ASCII ESC c 5 n
Hex 1B 63 35 n
Decimal 27 99 53 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Enables or disables the front panel keys.
• When the LSB of n is 0, the panel keys are enabled.
• When the LSB of n is 1, the panel keys are disabled.
[Notes] • Only the LSB of n is effective.
• In the printer, the panel buttons are the FEED and PRINT keys.
• When the panel keys are disabled, the keys can only operate when reset.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] See the “Panel key” parameter from Setup.

3-16 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $64 n

[Name] Print and feed paper n lines.

[Format] ASCII ESC d n
Hex 1B 64 n
Decimal 27 100 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper n lines.
[Notes] • This command sets the print starting position at the beginning of the line.
• This command does not affect the line spacing set by $1B $32 or $1B $33.
• The maximum paper feed amount is 200 lines. Even if a paper feed exceeding 200 lines
is set, the printer only feeds the paper by 200 lines.
[Reference] $1B $32, $1B $33

$1B $69

[Name] Total cut.

[Format] ASCII ESC i
Hex 1B 69
Decimal 27 105
[Description] This command enables cutter operation; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set any
subsequent cutting commands will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut.

$1B $74 n

[Name] Select character code table.

[Format] ASCII ESC t n
Hex 1B 74 n
Decimal 27 116 n
[Range] n = 0, 19, 255
[Description] Selects a page n from the character code table, as follows:

0 0 (PC437 [U.S.A., Standard Europe])
19 19 (PC858 for Euro symbol at position 213)
255 Page space

[Default] n=0
[Reference] See character code table
[Example] For printing Euro symbol (€), the command sequence is: $1B, $74, $13, $D5

User Manual TG2480 3-17


$1B $76

[Name] Transmit paper status.

[Format] ASCII ESC v
Hex 1B 76
Decimal 27 118
[Description] Transmits the current paper sensor status upon receiving this command.
[Notes] • This command is executed immediately, even when the reception buffer is full (Busy ).The
status to be transmitted is shown in the table below:


Off 00 0 Near paper end sensor: Paper present
On 03 3 Near paper end sensor: Near paper end
Off 00 0 Paper end sensor: Paper present
On (0C) (12) Paper end sensor: Paper end
4 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off

[Reference] $10 $04

$1B $78 n

[Name] Select speed / quality mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC x n
Hex 1B 78 n
Decimal 27 120 n
[Range] 0≤n≤2
[Description] Selects speed / quality mode.

0 Draft mode (high speed)
1 Normal mode
2 High quality (low speed)

[Notes] • In high quality mode (n= 2), the printer may be noisy.
[Default] n=1

$1B $7B n

[Name] Select upside-down printing mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC { n
Hex 1B 7B n
Decimal 27 123 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Turns upside-down printing mode on/off.
• When the LSB of n is 0, upside-down printing mode is turned off.
• When the LSB of n is 1, upside-down printing mode is turned on.
[Notes] • Only the LSB of n is effective.
• This command is only enabled when input at the beginning of a line.
• In upside-down printing mode, the printer rotates the line to be printed by 180° and then prints it.

3-18 TG2480 User Manual


[Default] n=0
Upside-down printing Off Upside-down printing On

Paper outfeed direction

$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL

[Name] Print graphic bank (608 * 862 dots).

[Format] ASCII ESC { } n xH xL yH yL
Hex 1B FA n xH xL yH yL
Decimal 27 250 n xH xL yH yL
[Range] 1≤n≤2
0 ≤ xH, xL, yH, yL ≤ 255
[Description] Prints the graphics bank from flash or ram.
n selects the bank as follows:

1 Print flash bank logo 1
2 Print flash bank logo

xL + xH * 256 specifies the starting dot line ( 1 ÷ 862).

yL + yH * 256 specifies the number of lines to print.
[Notes] • If (xL + (xH * 256)) > 862 the printer does not execute the command.
• If ( xL + ( xH * 256) + yL +( yH * 256 )) > 862 the printer only prints 862 - xL + ( xH * 256 )
+ 1 dotlines.
[Example] To print logo 1 from flash bank dotline 100 to dotline 299, send:
$1B $FA $01 $00 $64 $00 $C7

$1B $FF m nL nH d0...dn

[Name] Receive and store logos in flash.

[Format] ASCII ESC { } m nL nH d0 dn
Hex 1B FF m nL nH d0 dn
Decimal 27 255 m nL nH d0 dn
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
0 ≤ d0, dn ≤ 255
[Description] • Received [nL + (nH * 256)] * 2 bytes and store in the flash.
• If [nL + (nH * 256)] exceeds 32756, the data following will be processed as normal data.
• Saved the graphics bank from flash. m selects the bank as follows:

1 Save logotype into flash bank 1
2 Save logotype into flash bank 2

• d0, dn = value of bit stream image


User Manual TG2480 3-19


[Example] To store the logotype indicated below ,into flash bank 2, necessity execute the follows
1)Define the image dimensions.
The width of image is 608 horizontal pixel; the height maximun of image is 862 vertical
2) Calculate the number of bytes to send as (height pix * width pix)/16. Bytes number in
example is 608 x 862/16=32756 in exadecimal resulting = 7FF4.
3) Bit stream image conversion.
In the following figure is reproduced the logotype enlargement in the zone indicated by
the arrow to define d0...dn

d0 d1 d2 d3


In this example; d0=FF; d1=03; d2=FC; d3=0F; ...

Then send this command to the printer:

0x1B 0xFF 0x02 0xF8 0x7F 0xFF 0 x 03 0xFC 0x0F...

No. logo Dimension

$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34

[Name] Total cut and automatic paper moving back.

[Format] ASCII FS {} {} SI {} VT 4
Hex 1C C0 AA 0F EE 0B 34
Decimal 28 192 170 15 254 11 52
[Description] This command enables cutter operation and executes a total cut and automatic paper
moving back; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set any subsequent cutting commands
will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut

3-20 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $21 n

[Name] Select character size.

[Format] ASCII GS ! n
Hex 1D 21 n
Decimal 29 33 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects character height and width, as follows:
• Bits 0 to 3 : character height selection (see table 2).
• Bits 4 to 7 : character width selection (see table 1).

Table1: Character width selection Table2: Character height selection

00 0 1 (normal) 00 0 1 (normal)
10 16 2 (double width) 01 1 2 (double height)
20 32 3 (quadruple width) 02 2 3 (quadruple height)
30 48 03 3
40 64 04 4
50 80 05 5
60 96 06 6
70 112 07 7

[Notes] • This command is effective for all characters (except HRI characters).
• If n is outside the defined range, this command is ignored.
• When characters are enlarged with different heights on one line, the are aligned at the
baseline or topline (see $1D $7E).
• The character size can also be selected by the command $1B $21. However,the setting
of the last received command is effective.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21

$1D $3A

[Name] Start / end macro definition.

[Format] ASCII GS :
Hex 1D 3A
Decimal 29 58
[Description] Starts or ends macro definition.
[Notes] • Macro definition starts when this command is received during normal operation.
• When the command $1D $5E is received during macro definition, the printer ends the
macro definitions and clears all definitions.
• Macro not defined when the power is turned on.
• The defined contents of the macro are not cleared by the command $1B $40. Therefore,
$1B $40 can be included in the contents of the macro definitions.
• If the printer receives the command $1D $3A again immediately after previously receiv-
ing $1D $3A, the printer remains in the macro undefined state.
• The contents of the macro can be defined up to 1024 bytes. If the macro definition
exceeds 1024 bytes, the excess data is not not stored.
[Reference] $1D $5E

User Manual TG2480 3-21


$1D $42 n

[Name] Turn white / black reverse printing on/off.

[Format] ASCII GS B n
Hex 1D 42 n
Decimal 29 66 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Turns white/black reverse printing mode on or off.
• When the LSB of n is 0, white/black reverse printing is turned off.
• When the LSB of n is 1, white/black reverse printing mode is turned on.
[Notes] • Only the LSB of nis effective.
• This command is available for built-in characters and user-defined characters.
• This command does not affect bit image, downloaded bit image, bar codes, HRI char-
acters and spacing skipped by $09, $1B $24 and $1B $5C.
• This command does not affect the space between lines.
• White/black reverse mode has a higher priority than underline mode. Even if underline
mode is on, it is disabled (but not cancelled) when white/black reverse mode is selected.
[Default] n=0

$1D $43 $30 n m

[Name] Select counter print mode.

[Format] ASCII GS C 0 n m
Hex 1D 43 30 n m
Decimal 29 67 48 n m
[Range] 0≤n≤5
m = 0, 1, 2, 48, 49, 50
[Description] Selects a print mode for the serial number counter.
• n specifies the number of digits to be printed as follows:
when n = 0, the printer prints the actual digits indicated by the number value.
when n = 1 to 5, this command sets the number of digits to be printed.
• m specifies the printing position within the entire range of printed digits, as follows:


0, 48 Align right Adds spaces to the left.
1, 49 Align right Adds ‘0’ to the left.
2, 50 Align left Adds spaces to the right

[Notes] • If n or m is out of the defined range, the previously set print mode is not changed.
• If n = 0, m does not have any meaning.
[Default] n = 0, m = 0
[Reference] $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63
n = 3,m = 0 n = 3, m = 1 n = 3, m=2
□□1 001 1□□

□ indicates a space

3-22 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $43 $31 aL aH bL bH n r

[Name] Select count mode (A).

[Format] ASCII GS C 1 aL aH bL bH n r
Hex 1D 43 31 aL aH bL bH n r
Decimal 29 67 49 aL aH bL bH n r
[Range] 0 ≤ aL, aH ≤ 255
0 ≤ bL, bH ≤ 255
0 ≤ n, r ≤ 255
[Description] Selects a count mode for the serial number counter.
• aL, aH o bL, bH specify the counter range.
• n specify the stepping amount when counting up or down.
• r indicates the repetition number when the counter value is fixed.
[Notes] • Count-up mode is specified when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] < [bL + (bH * 256)] and n ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0
• Count-down mode is specified when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] > [bL + (bH * 256)] and n ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0
• Counting stops when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] = [bL + (bH * 256)] or n = 0 or r = 0
• In setting count-up mode, the minimum value of the counter is [aL + (aH * 256)] and
the maximum value is [bL + (bH * 256)]. If counting up reaches a value exceeding the
maximum, it is resumed with the minimum value.
• In setting count-down mode, the maximum value of the counter is [aL + (aH * 256)]
and the minimum value is [bL + (bH * 256)]. If counting down reaches a value less than
minimum, it is resumed with the maximum value.
• When the command is executed, the internal count that indicates the repetition number
specified by r is cleared.
[Default] aL = 1, aH = 0, bL = 255, bH = 255, n = 1, r = 1
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63

$1D $43 $32 nL nH

[Name] Set counter.

[Format] ASCII GS C 2 nL nH
Hex 1D 43 32 nL nH
Decimal 29 67 50 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the serial number counter value.
• nL and nH determine the value of the serial number counter set by [nL + (nH * 256)].
[Notes] • In count-up mode, if the counter value specified by this command goes out of the counter
operation range specified by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert to the
minimum value by $1D $63.
• In count-down mode, if the counter value specified by this command goes out of the
counter operation range specified by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert
to the maximum value by $1D $63.
[Default] nL = 1, nH = 0
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63

User Manual TG2480 3-23


$1D $43 sa $3B sb $3B sn $3B sr $3B sc $3B

[Name] Select count mode (B).

[Format] ASCII GS C ; sa ; sb ; sn ; sr ; sc ;
Hex 1D 43 3B sa 3B sb 3B sn 3B sr 3B sc 3B
Decimal 29 67 59 sa 59 sb 59 sn 59 sr 59 sc 59
[Range] 0 ≤ sa, sb, sc ≤ 65535
0 ≤ sn, sr ≤ 255
These values are all character strings.
[Description] Selects a count mode for the serial number counter and specifies the value of the coun-
• sa, sb, sn, sr and sc are all displayed in ASCII characters using the codes from ‘O’ to ‘9’.
• sa and sb specify the counter range.
• sn indicates the stepping amount for counting up or down.
• sr indicates the repetition number with the counter value fixed.
• sc indicates the counter value.
[Notes] • Count-up mode is specified when:
sa < sb and sn ≠ 0 and sr ≠ 0
• Count-down mode is specified when:
sa > sb and sn ≠ 0 and sr ≠ 0
• Counting stops when:
sa = sb or sn = 0 or sr = 0
• In setting count-up mode, the minimum value of the counter is sa and the maximum is sb.
If counting up reaches a value exceeding the maximum, it is resumed with the minimum
value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the counter operation range, the counter
value is forced to convert to the minimum value by executing $1D $63.
• In setting count-down mode, the maximum value of the counter is sa and the minimum
value is sb. If counting down reaches a value less than the minimum, it is resumed with
the maximum value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the counter operation range,
the counter value is forced to convert to the maximum value by executing $1D $63.
• Parameters sa to sc can be omitted. If omitted, these values remain unchanged.
• Parameters sa to sc must not contain characters, with the exception of those from ‘0’ to ‘9’.
[Default] sa = 1, sb = 65535, sn = 1, sr = 1, sc = 1
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $32, $1D $63

$1D $48 n

[Name] Select printing position of Human Readable Interpretation (HRI).

[Format] ASCII GS H n
Hex 1D 48 n
Decimal 29 72 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, 48 ≤ n ≤ 51
[Description] Selects the printing position of HRI characters when printing bar code.
n selects the printing position as follows:

0, 48 Not printed
1, 49 Above the bar code.
2, 50 Below the bar code.
3, 51 Both above and below the bar code

[Notes] • HRI characters are printed using the font specified by $1D $66.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1D $66, $1D $6B

3-24 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $49 n

[Name] Transmit printer ID.

[Format] ASCII GS I n
Hex 1D 49 n
Decimal 29 73 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 3, 49 ≤ n ≤ 51
[Description] Transmits the printer ID specified by n as follows:

1, 49 Printer model ID $93 (TG2480)
2, 50 Type ID Refer to table below
3, 51 ROM version ID Depends on ROM version (4 char)

n = 2, 50 Identification Function


0 Off 00 0 2-byte character codes not supported
Off 00 0 Auto-cutter not supplied
On 02 2 Auto-cutter supplied
Off 00 0 Non-label thermal paper
On 04 4 Label thermal paper
3 - - - RESERVED
4 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off

[Notes] • When the DTR/DSR control is selected, the printer only transmits 1 byte (Printer identi-
fication) after it has been given confirmation that the host is ready to receive data. If the
host is not ready, the printer waits until it is.
• When the XON/XOFF control is selected, the printer only transmits 1 byte (Printer iden-
tification) if it has not been given confirmation that the host is ready to receive data.
• This command is carried out once the data has been processed in the reception buffer.
There may therefore be a delay between the moment in which the command is received
and that in which the data is transmitted, depending on the status of the reception buff-

User Manual TG2480 3-25


$1D $4C nL nH

[Name] Set left margin.

[Format] ASCII GS L nL nH
Hex 1D 4C nL nH
Decimal 29 76 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the left margin.
• The left margin is set at [(nL + nH * 256) * (horizontal motion unit)] inches.

Printable area

Left margin Printing area width

[Notes] • This command is enabled only at the beginning of the line.

• If the setting exceeds the printable area, the maximum value of the printable area is
• If left margin + printing area width is greater than printable area, then printing area width
is set at maximum value.
• The horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by $1D $50. Changing the hori-
zontal or vertical motion unit does not affect the current left margin.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.
• However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount and
it must be expressed in even units of the minimum horizontal movement amount.
[Default] If Font A : nL = nH = 0
If Font B : nL =14
nH = 0
[Reference] $1D $50, $1D $57

$1D $50 x y

[Name] Set horizontal and vertical motion units.

[Format] ASCII GS P x y
Hex 1D 50 x y
Decimal 29 80 x y
[Range] x = 100, 200
y = 100, 200
[Description] Sets the horizontal and vertical motion units at 1/x inches and 1/y inches, respectively.
When x is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
When y is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
[Notes] • The horizontal direction is perpendicular to the paper feed direction.
• In standard mode, the following commands use x or y, irrespective of character rotation
(upside down or 90° clockwise rotation):

Commands using x : $1B $20, $1B $24, $1B $5C, $1D $4C, $1D $57.
Commands using y : $1B $33, $1B $4A.

• This command does not affect the previously specified values.

• The calculated result from combining this command with others is truncated to the
minimum value of the mechanical pitch or an exact multiple of that value.

3-26 TG2480 User Manual


[Default] x = 200, y = 200

[Reference] $1B $20, $1B 24, $1B $5C, $1B $33, $1B $4A, $1D $4C, $1D $57

$1D $57 nL nH

[Name] Set printing area width.

[Format] ASCII GS W nL nH
Hex 1D 57 nL nH
Decimal 29 87 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the printing area width to the area specified by nL and nH.
• The left margin is set at [(nL + nH * 256) * (horizontal motion unit)] inches.

Printable area

Left margin Printing area width

[Notes] • This command is only enabled at the beginning of the line.

• If right margin is greater than printable area, then the printing area width is set at maxi-
mum value.
• If printing area width = 0, then it is set at maximum value.
• The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by $1D $50. Changing the horizontal
or vertical motion unit does not affect the current left margin.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.
• However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount and
it must be expressed in even units of the minimum horizontal movement amount.
[Default] If Font A : nL = 192
nH = 1
If Font B : nL =164
nH = 1
[Reference] $1D $4C, $1D $50

$1D $5E r t m

[Name] Execute macro.

[Format] ASCII GS ^ r t m
Hex 1D 5E r t m
Decimal 29 94 r t m
[Range] 0 ≤ r, t ≤ 255
[Description] Executes a macro.
• r specifies the number of times to execute the macro.
• t specifies the waiting time for executing the macro.
The waiting time is t * 100 msec. for every macro execution.
• m specifies macro executing mode:
When the LSB of m = 0, the macro executes r times continuously at the interval specified t.
When the LSB of m = 1, after waiting for the period specified by t, the LED indicator blinks
and the printer waits for the FEED button to be pressed. After the button is pressed, the
printer executes the macro once. The printer repeats the operation r times.

User Manual TG2480 3-27


[Notes] • This command lasts for a period of (t * 100 msec.) after a macro is executed by t.
• If this command is received while a macro is being defined, the macro definition is
aborted and the definitions cleared.
• If the macro is not defined or if r is 0, nothing happens.
• When the macro is executed by pressing the FEED button (m = 1), the paper can not
be fed by using the FEED button.
[Reference] $1D $3A

$1D $63

[Name] Print counter.

[Format] ASCII GS c
Hex 1D 63
Decimal 29 99
[Description] Sets the serial counter value in the print buffer and increments or decrements the counter
[Notes] • After setting the current counter value in the print buffer as print data (a character string),
the printer counts up or down based on the count mode set. The counter value in the print
buffer is printed when the printer receives a print command or is in the buffer full state.
• The counter print mode is set by $1D $43 $30.
• The counter mode is set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B.
• In count-up mode, if the counter value set by this command goes out of the counter op-
eration range set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert to the minimum
• In count-down mode, if the counter value set by this command goes out of the counter
operation range set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert to the maxi-
mum value.
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B

$1D $66 n

[Name] Select font for HRI characters.

[Format] ASCII GS f n
Hex 1D 66 n
Decimal 29 102 n
[Range] n = 0, 1, 48, 49
[Description] Selects a font for the HRI characters used when printing a bar code.
n selects a font from the following table:

0, 48 Font A.
1, 49 Font B

[Notes] The HRI characters are printed at the position specified by the command $1D $48.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1D $48, $1D $6B

3-28 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $68 n

[Name] Set bar code height.

[Format] ASCII GS h n
Hex 1D 68 n
Decimal 29 104 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the height of the bar code. n specifies the number of dots in the vertical direction.
[Default] n = 96 (12 mm)
[Reference] $1D $6B

$1D $6B m 00

[Name] Print bar code.

[Format] ASCII GS k m NUL
Hex 1D 6B m 00
Decimal 29 107 m 0
ASCII GS k m n
Hex 1D 6B m n
Decimal 29 107 m n
[Range] 0≤m≤6
65 ≤ m ≤ 73
[Description] Selects a bar code system and prints the bar code. m selects a bar code system as fol-


0 UPC-A 11 ≤ k ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
1 UPC-E 11 ≤ k ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
2 EAN13 (JAN) 12 ≤ k ≤ 13 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
3 EAN8 (JAN) 7≤k≤8 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36,
4 CODE39 1≤k
37, 43, 45, 46, 47
5 ITF 1 ≤ k (even number) 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d1 ≤ 68, 36,
43, 45, 46, 47, 58
7 CODE93 1 ≤ k ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
8 CODE128 2 ≤ k ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
20 CODE32 8≤k≤9 48 ≤ d ≤ 57

65 UPC-A 11 ≤ n ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
66 UPC-E 11 ≤ n ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
67 EAN13 (JAN) 12 ≤ n ≤ 13 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
68 EAN8 (JAN) 7≤n≤8 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36,
69 CODE39 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
37, 43, 45, 46, 47
70 ITF 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d1 ≤ 68, 36,
71 CODABAR 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
43, 45, 46, 47, 58
72 CODE93 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
73 CODE128 2 ≤ n ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
90 CODE32 8≤n≤9 48 ≤ d ≤ 57

User Manual TG2480 3-29


[Notes] • If d is outside the specified range, the printer prints the following message: “BAR CODE
GENERATOR NON OK !” and processes the following data as normal data.
• If the horizontal size exceeds the printing area, the printer only feeds the paper.
• This command feeds as much paper as is required to print the bar code, irrespective of
the line spacing specified by $1B $32 or $1B $33.
• After printing the bar code, this command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
• This command is not affected by print modes (bold, double strike, underline or character
size), with the exception of upside-down mode and justification.
[Note for ] • This command ends with a $00 code.
• When the bar code used is UPC-A or UPC-E, the printer prints the bar code data after
receiving 11 (without check digit) or 12 ( with check digit) byte bar code data.
• When the bar code system used is EAN13, the printer prints the bar code after receiving
12 (without check digit) or 13 (with check digit) byte bar code data.
• When the system used is EAN8, the printer prints the bar code after receiving 7 (without
check digit) or 8 (with check digit) byte bar code data.
• The number of data for ITF bar code must be even. When an odd number of data is
input, the printer ignores the last received data.
[Note for ] • If n is outside the specified range, the printer stops command processing and process
the following data as normal data.

When to use
CODE93: • The printer prints an HRI character (o) as a start character at the beginning of the HRI
character string.
• The printer prints an HRI character (o) as a stop character at the end of the HRI character
• The printer prints an HRI character (n) as a control character ($00 to $1F and $7F).
When to use
CODE128: • When using the CODE128 in this printer, take the following points into account for data
• The top of the bar code data string must be a code set selection character (CODE A ,
CODE B or CODE C) which selects the first code set.
• Special characters are defined by combining two characters “{“ and one character. The
ASCII character “{” is defined by transmitting “{“ twice consecutively.


SHIFT {S 7B, 53 123, 83
CODE A {A 7B, 41 123, 65
CODE B {B 7B, 42 123, 66
CODE C {C 7B, 43 123, 67
FNC1 {1 7B, 31 123, 49
FNC2 {2 7B, 32 123, 50
FNC3 {3 7B, 33 123, 51
FNC4 {4 7B, 34 123, 52
‘{‘ {{ 7B, 7B 123, 123

[Reference] $1D $48, $1D $66, $1D $68, $1D $77

3-30 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $72 n

[Name] Transmit status.

[Format] ASCII GS r n
Hex 1D 72 n
Decimal 29 114 n
[Range] n = 1, n = 49
[Description] Transmits the status specified by n as follows:

1, 49 Transmits paper sensor status (same as $1B $76).


Off 00 0 Paper end sensor: aper present
On 0C 12 Paper end sensor: paper not present
4 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off

[Notes] • This command is executed when the data is processed in the reception buffer. There
may therefore be a time lag between receiving the command and transmitting the status,
depending on the status of the reception buffer.
[Reference] $10 $04, $1B $75, $1B $76

$1D $77 n

[Name] Set bar code width.

[Format] ASCII GS w n
Hex 1D 77 n
Decimal 29 119 n
[Range] 2≤n≤6
[Description] Sets the horizontal size of the bar code. n specifies the bar code width as follows:


2 0.25
3 0.375
4 0.5
5 0.625
6 0.75

[Default] n=3

User Manual TG2480 3-31


$1D $7E n

[Name] Set superscript / subscript.

[Format] ASCII GS {} n
Hex 1D 7E n
Decimal 29 126 n
[Range] n = 0, 1, 48, 49
[Description] Sets superscript or subscript character position.
n specifies the position as follows:

0, 48 Subscript character position
1, 49 Superscript character position

[Notes] • This command is executed if there are characters with different heights on the same line.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21, $1D $21

$1D $7C n

[Name] Set printing density.

[Format] ASCII GS {} n
Hex 1D 7C n
Decimal 29 124 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, 48 ≤ n ≤ 52
[Description] Sets the printing density. n specifies the printing density as follows:

0, 48 Very light
1, 49 Light
2, 50 Normal
3, 51 Dark
4, 52 Very dark

[Notes] • The printing density is cleared at default value when the printer is reset or the power is
turned off.
[Default] n=2

3-32 TG2480 User Manual


3.2.2 Custom emulation

The following table lists all the commands for the management of the Custom emulation. The commands can
be transmitted to the printer at any moment, but they will only be carried out when the commands previously
transmitted have been carried out. There are no priority commands; all commands are carried out when the
circular buffer is free to do so.


Com. HEX Com. ASCII Description
$00 NUL Printing with small characters
$01 SOH Printing with double width characters
$02 STX Printing in double height characters
$03 ETX Printing with expanded characters
$04 EOT Printing with small characters
$0A LF Print and line feed
n $0B n VT Vertical tabs
$0D CR Print and feed
$0F SI Ignore $0D
$11 DC1 DP 24/40 graphic mode
$1B $21 n ESC ! n Set print mode
$1B $24 nL nH ESC $ nL nH Set absolute print position
$1B $2A m nL nH ESC * m nL nH Set bit image mode
$1B $40 ESC @ Initialize printer
$1B $42 ESC B Select FONT 1
$1B $43 ESC C Total cut
$1B $4B $0D ESC K [d] CR Set characters to transmit on pressing Print key
dH dL $1B $47 dH dL ESC G Set default parameters
dH dL $1B $4D dH dL ESC M Set default parameters of print mode
$1B $4E ESC N Set printing in NORMAL
$1B $52 ESC R Set printing in REVERSE
$1B $56n ESC V n Set print mode rotated by 90°
$1B $61 n ESC a n Select justification
$1B $62 ESC b Set FONT 2
$1B $6D ESC m Read default parameters of print mode
$1B $70 ESC p Read default parameters
aH aL $1B $72 aH aL ESC r Read EEPROM position
$1B $74 n ESC t n Select character code table
aH aL dH dL $1B $77 aH aL dH dL ESC w Write EEPROM position
$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL ESC · n xH xL yH yL Print graphic bank
$1B $FF m nL nH d0...dn ESC { } m nL nH d0...dn Receive and store logos in Flash
$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34 FS { } { } SI { } VT 4 Total cut and automatic paper moving back
$1D $0C GS FF Print the buffer contents
$1D $3A GS : Starting / end macro definition
$1D $43 $30 n m GS C 0 n m Set counter print mode
$1D $43 $31 aL aH bL GS C 1 aL aH bL
Select count mode (A)
bH n r bH n r
$1D $43 $32 nL nH GS C 2 nL nH Set counter

User Manual TG2480 3-33


$1D $43 $3B sa $3B

GS C ; sa ; sb ; sn ;
sb $3B sn $3B sr $3B Select count mode (B)
sr ; sc ;
sc $3B
$1D $48 n GS H n Select printing position of HRI characters
$1D $49 n GS I n Transmit printer ID
$1D $50 x y GS P x y Set horizontal and vertical motion units
$1D $5E r t m GS ^ r t m Execute macro
$1D $63 GS c Print counter
$1D $66 n GS f n Select font for HRI characters
$1D $68 n GS h n Set bar code height
$1D $6B m 00 GS k m NUL Print bar code
$1D $77 n GS w n Set bar code width
$1D $7C n GS | n Set printing density

The following pages provide a more detailed description of each command.


[Name] Print with small character.

[Format] ASCII NUL
Hex 00
Decimal 0
[Description] Character printing is executed in small format (normal).
[Notes] • Setting remains until the next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $01, $02, $03, $04


[Name] Printing with double width character.

[Format] ASCII SOH
Hex 01
Decimal 1
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in double width format.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $02, $03, $04


[Name] Printing in double height character.

[Format] ASCII STX
Hex 02
Decimal 2
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in double height format.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $03, $04

3-34 TG2480 User Manual



[Name] Printing with expanded character.

[Format] ASCII ETX
Hex 03
Decimal 3
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in expanded format.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $02, $04


[Name] Printing with small character.

[Format] ASCII EOT
Hex 04
Decimal 4
[Description] Character printing is executed in small format (normal).
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $02, $03


[Name] Print and line feed.

[Format] ASCII LF
Hex 0A
Decimal 10
[Description] Prints the data in the buffer and feeds one line, based on the current line spacing.
[Notes] • The command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Reference] $1B $32, $1B $33

n $0B

[Name] Vertical tabs.

[Format] ASCII n VT
Hex n 0B
Decimal n 11
[Range] 0<n≤9
[Description] Runs as many feeds as are defined by n.
[Notes] • This command zeroes the line buffer.


[Name] Print and feed.

[Format] ASCII CR
Hex 0D

User Manual TG2480 3-35


Decimal 13
[Description] This command prints the data in the buffer.
[Notes] • This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Reference] $0A


[Name] Ignore $0D.

[Format] ASCII SI
Hex 0F
Decimal 15
[Description] After this command the CR code is ignored.
[Notes] • To put the CR code back into operation, reset the printer.


[Name] DP24/40 graphic mode.

[Format] ASCII DC1
Hex 11
Decimal 17
[Description] Prints in graphic mode like the DP 24/40.
The command $11 enables the DP24-40 printer graphic mode, i.e. to print in graphic
mode, transmit the command $11 at the beginning of each line. One line for the DP24-40
printer (24 column model) corresponds to 144 horizontal dots divided into 24 6-dot blocks.
For the DP24-40 printer (40-column model) one line corresponds to 240 horizontal dots
divided into 40 6-dot blocks.
[Notes] The size of the graphic dot and the number of dots per line vary depending on the number
of columns.
To obtain a graphic printout, enter the command $11 at the beginning of each line. The
graphic configuration byte format is as follows:

X R P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0


X is not utilized (we recommend 0);

R must be set at 1;
P1, P6 are the data of the graphic dots (1 prints, 0 does not print).
The P6 bit of the string of dots transmitted, is printed on the left and the others (P5, P4,
P3, P2, P1) follow from left to right as shown:

1° byte → 2° byte → 3° byte →

P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
[Example] To print a line of dots, transmit:
$11, n x $7F (where n is the number of characters per line), $0D.

To print an empty line, transmit:

$11, n x $40, $0D.

3-36 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $21 n

[Name] Select print mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC ! n
Hex 1B 21 n
Decimal 27 33 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects the print mode using n (see following tables):


Off 00 0 Character font A selected.
On 01 1 Character font B selected.
1 - - - RESERVED.
2 - - - RESERVED.
Off 00 0 Bold mode not selected.
On 08 8 Bold mode selected.
Off 00 0 Double height mode not selected.
On 10 16 Double height mode selected.
Off 00 0 Double width mode not selected.
On 20 32 Double width mode selected.
Off 00 0 Script mode not selected.
On 40 64 Script mode selected.
Off 00 0 Underline mode not selected.
On 80 128 Underline mode selected.

[Notes] • The printer can underline all the characters, but it cannot underline the space set by
command $1B $24 and 90° clockwise rotated characters.
• When the characters on the same line are enlarged to different heights, they are either
aligned at the baseline or topline.
• This command resets the left and right margin at the default value.
[Default] n=0

$1B $24 nL nH

[Name] Set absolute print position.

[Format] ASCII ESC $ nL nH
Hex 1B 24 nL nH
Decimal 27 36 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL ≤ 255
0 ≤ nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the distance from the beginning of the line to the position in which the subsequent
characters are to be printed.
The distance from the beginning of the line to the print position is [(nL + nH * 256) * (verti-
cal or horizontal motion unit)] inches.
[Notes] • Settings outside the specified printable area are ignored.
• The vertical and horizontal motion units are specified by $1D $50.
• The command $1D $50 can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit. However,
the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount.
• In standard mode the horizontal motion unit (x) is used.
• If the setting is outside the printing area width, set absolute print position, but left or right
margin is set at default value.
[Reference] $1D $50

User Manual TG2480 3-37


$1B $2A m nL nH

[Name] Set bit image mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC * m nL nH
Hex 1B 2A m nL nH
Decimal 27 42 m nL nH
[Range] m = 0, 1, 32, 33
0 ≤ nL ≤ 255
0 ≤ nH ≤ 1
0 ≤ d ≤ 255
[Description] Selects a bit image-mode using m for the number of dots specified by nL and by nH, as

Vertical direction Horizontal direction (*1)

m Mode
N° dots DPI DPI N° data (k)
0 8 dots single density 8 67 100 nL + nH x 256
1 8 dots double density 8 67 200 nL + nH x 256
32 24 dots single density 24 200 100 (nL + nH x 256) x 3
33 24 dots double density 24 200 200 (nL + nH x 256) x 3

[Notes] • The commands nL and nH indicate the number of horizontal dots in the graphic image.
The nL and nH indicate the number of dots of the bit image in the horizontal direction.
The number of dots is calculated by nL + nH * 256.
• If the bit image data exceeds the number of dots to be printed on a line, the excess data
is ignored.
• d indicates the bit image data. Set a corresponding bit at 1 to print dot or at 0 not to print dot.
• If the value of m is outside the specified range, nL and the data following are processed
as normal data.
• To print the bit-image, use the commands $0A or $0D.
• After printing a bit image, the printer reverts to normal data processing mode.
• This command is not affected by bold, double strike, underlining (etc.) modes, with the
exception of upside down mode.
The relationship between the image data and the dots to be printed is as follows:

8 dot image 24 dot image

d1 d4 d7

Bit- Bit-
d1 d2 d3 image d2 d5 d8 image
data data

d3 d6 d9

Print data Print data


3-38 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $40

[Name] Inizialize printer.

[Format] ASCII ESC @
Hex 1B 40
Decimal 27 64
[Description] Clears the data in the print buffer and resets the printer mode to the one that was in effect
when the power was turned on.
[Notes] • Same as hardware reset.

$1B $42

[Name] Select FONT 1.

[Format] ASCII ESC B
Hex 1B 42
Decimal 27 66
[Description] Select FONT 1.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $62

$1B $43

[Name] Total cut.

[Format] ASCII ESC C
Hex 1B 43
Decimal 27 67
[Description] This command enables cutter operation; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set and
any subsequent cutting commands will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut.

$1B $4B $0D

[Name] Set the characters to transmit on pressing the Print key.

Hex 1B 4B 0D
Decimal 27 75 13
[Description] Saves characters to transmit on pressing Print key.
“d” is the ASCII string to transmit, terminating with $0D. To deactivate this function, transmit
a $00.
[Notes] • The maximum number of characters to transmit is 24 (with $0D at the end).
[Default] d = 13

User Manual TG2480 3-39


dH dL $1B $47

[Name] Set default parameters.

[Format] ASCII dH dL ESC G
Hex dH dL 1B 47
Decimal dH dL 27 71
[Range] 0 ≤ dH, dL ≤ 255
[Description] Sets default parameters as indicated as follows:


Off 00 0 NORMAL printing mode
On 01 1 REVERSE printing mode
Off 00 0 $0D command executed
On 02 2 $0D command ignored
Off 00 0 Horizontal printing
On 04 4 Vertical printing
Off 00 0 doesn’t execute centered printing
On 08 8 executes centered printing
Off 00 0 Aligns print to left
On 10 16 Align print to right
5 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
Off 00 0 Deactivates underlining
On 40 64 Activates underlining
Off 00 0 Deactivates bold printing
On 80 128 Activates bold printing

[Notes] Setting is memorized in EEPROM.

[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Example] If dH = ‘4’ and dL = ‘D’ the value of d is 77 ($4D)

dH dL $1B $4D

[Name] Set default parameters of print mode.

[Format] ASCII dH dL ESC M
Hex dH dL 1B 4D
Decimal dH dL 27 77
[Description] Sets the default parameters of print mode as indicated as follows:
$00: small print
$01: double width printing
$02: double height printing
$03: bold printing
[Notes] Setting is memorized in EEPROM.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Example] If dH = ‘A’ and dL = ‘3’ the value of d is 163 ($A3)

3-40 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $4E

[Name] Set printing in NORMAL.

[Format] ASCII ESC N
Hex 1B 4E
Decimal 27 78
[Description] Selects printing in NORMAL mode.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $52

$1B $52

[Name] Set printing in REVERSE.

[Format] ASCII ESC R
Hex 1B 52
Decimal 27 82
[Description] Set printing in REVERSE mode.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $4E

$1B $56 n

[Name] Set print mode rotated by 90°.

[Format] ASCII ESC V n
Hex 1B 56 n
Decimal 27 86 n
[Range] 0≤n≤1
48 ≤ n ≤ 49
[Description] Enable / disable print mode rotated by 90°. n is used as follows:

0, 48 Turns off 90° rotation mode
1,49 Turns on 90° rotation mode

[Notes] • When underlined mode is turned on, the printer does not underline 90° rotated charac-
ters. All the same it’s possible select the underline mode.
• Double-width and double-height commands in 90° rotation mode enlarge characters
in the opposite directions from double-height and double-width commands in normal
• This command is not available in Page mode.
• If this command is entered in Page mode, the printer all the same save the setting.
Default] n=0
[Reference] $1B $21 , $1B $2D

User Manual TG2480 3-41


$1B $61 n

[Name] Select justification.

[Format] ASCII ESC a n
Hex 1B 61 n
Decimal 27 97 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, 48 ≤ n ≤ 50
[Description] Aligns all the data in one line in the position specified. n selects the type of justification
as follows:

0, 48 Left justification
1, 49 Centering
2, 50 Right justification

[Notes] • This command is only enabled if input at the beginning of the line.
• The lines are justified within the specified printing area.
• The spaces set by the command $1B $24 remain justified as per the previously set
[Default] n=0
Left justification Centering Right justification

$1B $62

[Name] Select FONT 2.

[Format] ASCII ESC b
Hex 1B 62
Decimal 27 98
[Description] Select FONT 2.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $42

$1B $6D

[Name] Read default parameters of print mode.

[Format] ASCII ESC m
Hex 1B 6D
Decimal 27 109
[Description] Reads default parameters of print mode.
[Notes] See ESC M.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $4D

3-42 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $70

[Name] Read default parameters.

[Format] ASCII ESC p
Hex 1B 70
Decimal 27 112
[Description] Reads default and “on line” parameters.
[Notes] See $1B $47.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $1B $47

aH aL $1B $72

[Name] Read EEPROM position.

[Format] ASCII aH aL ESC r
Hex aH aL 1B 72
Decimal aH aL 27 114
[Range] 0 ≤ a ≤ 63
‘0’ ≤ aH ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ aH ≤ ‘F’
‘0’ ≤ aL ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ aL ≤ ‘F’
[Description] Reads the location addressed by a where:
aH is the most significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of a.
aL is the least significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of a.
[Reference] $1B $77
[Example] To read the position $12, transmit:

$31 $32 $1B $72

The response will be the location value in hexadecimals expressed in two ASCII bytes.

$1B $74 n

[Name] Select character code table.

[Format] ASCII ESC t n
Hex 1B 74 n
Decimal 2 116 n
[Range] n = 0, 19, 255
[Description] Selects a page n from the character code table, as follows:

0 0 (PC437 [U.S.A., Standard Europe])
19 19 (PC858 for Euro symbol at position 213
255 Page space

[Default] n=0
[Reference] See character code table.
[Example] For printing Euro symbol (€), the command sequence is: $1B, $74, $13, $D5

User Manual TG2480 3-43


aH aL dH dL $1B $77

[Name] Write EEPROM position.

[Format] ASCII aH aL dH dL ESC w
Hex aH aL dH dL 1B 77
Decimal aH aL dH dL 27 119
[Range] 0 ≤ a ≤ 63
‘0’ ≤ aH ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ aH ≤ ‘F’
‘0’ ≤ aL ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ aL ≤ ‘F’
0 ≤ d ≤ 255
‘0’ ≤ dH ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ dH ≤ ‘F’
‘0’ ≤ dL ≤ ‘9’, ‘A’ ≤ dL ≤ ‘F’
[Description] Writes, at the location addressed by a, data where:
aH is the most significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of a.
aL is the least significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of a.
dH is the most significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of d.
dL is the least significant nibble, expressed in ASCII, of d.
[Reference] $1B $72
[Example] To write the value $34 in position $12, transmit:
$31 $32 $33 $34 $1B $77

$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL

[Name] Print graphic bank (608 * 862 dots).

[Format] ASCII ESC { } n xH xL yH yL
Hex 1B FA n xH xL yH yL
Decimal 27 250 n xH xL yH yL
[Range] 1≤n≤2
0 ≤ xH, xL, yH, yL ≤ 255
[Description] Prints the graphics bank from flash or ram. n selects the bank as follows:

1 Print flash bank logo 1
2 Print flash bank logo

xL + xH * 256 specifies the starting dot line ( 1 ÷ 862).

yL + yH * 256 specifies the number of lines to print.
[Notes] • If (xL + (xH * 256)) > 862 the printer does not execute the command.
• Se (xL + (xH * 256) + yL +(yH * 256))> 862 the printer only prints 862 - xL + (xH * 256)
+1 dotlines.
[Example] To print logo 1 from flash bank dotline 100 to dotline 299, send:
$1B $FA $01 $00 $64 $00 $C7

3-44 TG2480 User Manual


$1B $FF m nL nH d0...dn

[Name] Receive and store logos in flash.

[Format] ASCII ESC { } m nL nH d0 dn
Hex 1B FF m nL nH d0 dn
Decimal 27 255 m nL nH d0 dn
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
0 ≤ d0, dn ≤ 255
[Description] • Received [nL + (nH * 256)] x 2 bytes and store in the flash.
• If [nL + (nH * 256)] exceeds 32756, the data following will be processed as normal data.
• Saved the graphics bank from flash. m selects the bank as follows:

1 Print flash bank logo 1
2 Print flash bank logo 2

• d0, dn = value of bit stream image.

[Example] To store the logotype indicated below ,into flash bank 2, necessity execute the follows
1) Define the image dimensions.
The width of image is 608 horizontal pixel ; the height maximun of image is 862 vertical
2) Calculate the number of bytes to send as (height pix*width pix)/16.
Bytes number in example is 608 x 862/16=32756 in exadecimal resulting = 7FF4.
3) Bit stream image conversion.
In the following figure is reproduced the logotype enlargement in the zone indicated by
the arrow to define d0...dn

d0 d1 d2 d3


In this example; d0=FF; d1=03; d2=FC; d3=0F

Then send this command to the printer

0x1B 0xFF 0x02 0xF8 0x7F 0xFF 0 x 03 0xFC 0x0F...

No. logo Dimension

User Manual TG2480 3-45


$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34

[Name] Total cut and automatic paper moving back.

[Format] ASCII FS {} {} SI {} VT 4
Hex 1C C0 AA 0F EE 0B 34
Decimal 28 192 170 15 254 11 52
[Description] This command enables cutter operation and executes a total cut and automatic paper
moving back; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set any subsequent cutting commands
will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut.

$1D $0C

[Name] Print the buffer contents.

[Format] ASCII GS FF
Hex 1D 0C
Decimal 29 12
[Description] Prints contents of buffer characters and executes a line feed.
Sets the printing start position at left margin.
[Reference] $0A

$1D $3A

[Name] Start / end macro definition.

[Format] ASCII GS :
Hex 1D 3A
Decimal 29 58
[Description] Starts or ends macro definition.
[Notes] • Macro definition starts when this command is received during normal operation.
• When the command $1D $5E is received during macro definition, the printer ends the
macro definitions and clears all definitions.
• Macro not defined when the power is turned on.
• The defined contents of the macro are not cleared by the command $1B $40. Therefore,
$1B $40 can be included in the contents of the macro definitions.
• If the printer receives the command $1D $3A again immediately after previously receiv-
ing $1D $3A, the printer remains in the macro undefined state.
• The contents of the macro can be defined up to 1024 bytes. If the macro definition
exceeds 1024 bytes, the excess data is not not stored.
[Reference] $1D $5E

$1D $43 $30 n m

[Name] Set counter print mode.

[Format] ASCII GS C 0 n m
Hex 1D 43 30 n m
Decimal 29 67 48 n m
[Range] 0≤n≤5
m = 0, 1, 2, 48, 49, 50

3-46 TG2480 User Manual


[Description] Selects a print mode for the serial number counter.

• n specifies the number of digits to be printed as follows:
when n = 0, the printer prints the actual digits indicated by the number value.
when n = from 1 to 5, this command sets the number of digits to be printed.
• m specifies the printing position within the entire range of printed digits, as follows:


0. 48 Right justification Add spaces to left.
1. 49 Right justification Add ‘0’ to left.
2. 50 Left justification Add spaces to right

[Notes] • if n or m is outside the defined range, the previously set print mode is not changed.
• If n = 0, m has no meaning.
[Default] n = 0, m = 0
[Reference] $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63
[Example] n = 3,m = 0 n = 3, m = 1 n = 3, m=2
□□1 001 1□□

□ indicates a space

$1D $43 $31 aL aH bL bH n r

[Name] Select count mode (A).

[Format] ASCII GS C 1 aL aH bL bH n r
Hex 1D 43 31 aL aH bL bH n r
Decimal 29 67 49 aL aH bL bH n r
[Range] 0 ≤ aL, aH ≤ 255
0 ≤ bL, bH ≤ 255
0 ≤ n, r ≤ 255
[Description] Selects a count mode for the serial number counter.
• aL, aH o bL, bH specify the counter range.
• n specify the stepping amount when counting up or down.
• r indicates the repetition number when the counter value is fixed.
[Notes] • Count-up mode is specified when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] < [bL + (bH * 256)] and n ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0
• Count-down mode is specified when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] > [bL + (bH * 256)] and n ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0
• Counting stops when:
[aL + (aH * 256)] = [bL + (bH * 256)] or n = 0 or r = 0
• In setting count-up mode, the minimum value of the counter is [aL + (aH * 256)] and
the maximum value is [bL + (bH * 256)]. If counting up reaches a value exceeding the
maximum, it is resumed with the minimum value.
• In setting count-down mode, the maximum value of the counter is [aL + (aH * 256)]
and the minimum value is [bL + (bH * 256)]. If counting down reaches a value less than
minimum, it is resumed with the maximum value.
• When the command is executed, the internal count that indicates the repetition number
specified by r is cleared.
[Default] aL = 1, aH = 0, bL = 255, bH = 255, n = 1, r = 1
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63

User Manual TG2480 3-47


$1D $43 $32 nL nH

[Name] Set counter.

[Format] ASCII GS C 2 nL nH
Hex 1D 43 32 nL nH
Decimal 29 67 50 nL nH
[Range] 0 ≤ nL, nH ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the serial number counter value.
• nL and nH determine the value of the serial number counter set by [nL + (nH * 256)].
[Notes] • In count-up mode, if the counter value specified by this command goes out of the counter
operation range specified by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B it is forced to convert to the
minimum value by $1D $63.
• In count-down mode, if the counter value specified by this command goes out of the
counter operation range specified by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert
to the maximum value by $1D $63.
[Default] nL = 1, nH = 0
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $3B, $1D $63

$1D $43 $3B sa $3B sb $3B sn $3B sr $3B sc $3B

[Name] Select count mode (B).

[Format] ASCII GS C ; sa ; sb ; sn ; sr ; sc ;
Hex 1D 43 3B sa 3B sb 3B sn 3B sr 3B sc 3B
Decimale 29 67 59 sa 59 sb 59 sn 59 sr 59 sc 59
[Range] 0 ≤ sa, sb, sc ≤ 65535
0 ≤ sn, sr ≤ 255
These values are all character strings.
[Description] Selects a count mode for the serial number counter and specifies the value of the counter.
• sa, sb, sn, sr and sc are all displayed in ASCII characters using the codes from ‘O’ to ‘9’.
• sa and sb specify the counter range.
• sn indicates the stepping amount for counting up or down.
• sr indicates the repetition number with the counter value fixed.
• sc indicates the counter value.
[Notes] • Count-up mode is specified when:
sa < sb and sn ≠ 0 and sr ≠ 0
• Count-down mode is specified when:
sa > sb and sn ≠ 0 and sr ≠ 0
• Counting stops when:
sa = sb or sn = 0 or sr = 0
• In setting count-up mode, the minimum value of the counter is sa and the maximum is sb.
If counting up reaches a value exceeding the maximum, it is resumed with the minimum
value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the counter operation range, the counter
value is forced to convert to the minimum value by executing $1D $63.
• In setting count-down mode, the maximum value of the counter is sa and the minimum
value is sb. If counting down reaches a value less than the minimum, it is resumed with
the maximum value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the counter operation range,
the counter value is forced to convert to the maximum value by executing $1D $63.
• Parameters sa to sc can be omitted. If omitted, these values remain unchanged.
• Parameters sa to sc must not contain characters, with the exception of those from ‘0’
to ‘9’.
[Default] sa = 1, sb = 65535, sn = 1, sr = 1, sc = 1
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $31, $1D $63

3-48 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $48 n

[Name] Select printing position of Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)

[Format] ASCII GS H n
Hex 1D 48 n
Decimal 29 72 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, 48 ≤ n ≤ 51
[Description] Selects the printing position of HRI characters when printing bar code. n selects the print-
ing position as follows:

0, 48 Not printed
1, 49 Above the bar code.
2, 50 Underneath the bar code.
3, 51 Both above and underneath the bar code

[[Notes] • HRI characters are printed using the font specified by the command $1D $66.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1D $66, $1D $6B

$1D $49 n

[Name] Transmit printer ID.

[Format] ASCII GS I n
Hex 1D 49 n
Decimal 29 73 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 3, 49 ≤ n ≤ 51
[Description] Transmits the printer ID specified by n as follows:

1, 49 Printer mode identification $93 (TG2480)
2, 50 Function identification See table below
3, 51 ROM version identification Depends on ROM version (4 char)

n = 2, 50 Identification Function


0 Off 00 0 Non supported 2-byte character codes
Off 00 0 Autocutter not supplied
On 02 2 Autocutter supplied
Off 00 0 Thermal paper without label
On 04 4 Thermal paper with label
3 - - - RESERVED
4 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off

[Notes] • When the DTR/DSR control is selected, the printer only transmits 1 byte (Printer identi-
fication) after it has been given confirmation that the host is ready to receive data. If the
host is not ready, the printer waits until it is.
• When the XON/XOFF control is selected, the printer only transmits 1 byte (Printer iden-
tification) if it has not been given confirmation that the host is ready to receive data.

User Manual TG2480 3-49


• This command is carried out once the data has been processed in the reception buffer.
There may therefore be a delay between the moment in which the command is received and
that in which the data is transmitted, depending on the status of the reception buffer.

$1D $50 x y

[Name] Set horizontal and vertical motion units.

[Format] ASCII GS P x y
Hex 1D 50 x y
Decimal 29 80 x y
[Range] x = 100, 200
y = 100, 200
[Description] Sets the horizontal and vertical motion units at 1/x inches and 1/y inches, respectively.
When x is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
When y is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
[Notes] • This command set the ESC/POS emulation and initialize the default values again.
• The horizontal direction is perpendicular to the paper feed direction.
• This command does not affect the previously specified values.
• The calculated result from combining this command with others is truncated to the
minimum value of the mechanical pitch or an exact multiple of that value.
[Default] x = 200, y = 200
[Reference] $1B $24

$1D $5E r t m

[Name] Execute macro.

[Format] ASCII GS ^ r t m
Hex 1D 5E r t m
Decimal 29 94 r t m
[Range] 0 ≤ r, t ≤ 255
[Description] Executes a macro.
• rspecifies the number of times to execute the macro.
• t specifies the waiting time for executing the macro.
The waiting time is t * 100 msec. for every macro execution.
• m specifies macro executing mode:
When the LSB of m = 0, the macro executes r times continuously at the interval specified t.
When the LSB of m = 1, after waiting for the period specified by t, the LED indicator blinks
and the printer waits for the FEED button to be pressed. After the button is pressed, the
printer executes the macro once. The printer repeats the operation r times.
[Notes] • This command lasts for a period of (t * 100 msec.) after a macro is executed by t.
• If this command is received while a macro is being defined, the macro definition is
aborted and the definitions cleared.
• If the macro is not defined or if r is 0, nothing happens.
• When the macro is executed by pressing the FEED button (m = 1), the paper can not
be fed by using the FEED button.
[Reference] $1D $3A

3-50 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $63

[Name] Print counter.

[Format] ASCII GS c
Hex 1D 63
Decimal 29 99
[Description] Sets the serial counter value in the print buffer and increments or decrements the counter
[Notes] • After setting the current counter value in the print buffer as print data (a character string),
the printer counts up or down based on the count mode set. The counter value in the print
buffer is printed when the printer receives a print command or is in the buffer full state.
• The counter print mode is set by $1D $43 $30.
• The counter mode is set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B.
• In count-up mode, if the counter value set by this command goes out of the counter op-
eration range set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert to the minimum
• In count-down mode, if the counter value set by this command goes out of the counter
operation range set by $1D $43 $31 or $1D $43 $3B, it is forced to convert to the maxi-
mum value.
[Reference] $1D $43 $30, $1D $43 $31, $1D $43 $32, $1D $43 $3B

$1D $66 n

[Name] Select font for HRI characters.

[Format] ASCII GS f n
Hex 1D 66 n
Decimal 29 102 n
[Range] n = 0, 1, 48, 49
[Description] Selects a font for the HRI characters used when printing a bar code.
n selects a font from the following table:

0, 48 FONT A (14 x 24)
1, 49 FONT B (10 x 24)

[Notes] The HRI characters are printed at the position specified by the command $1D $48.
[Default] n=0
[Reference] $1D $48, $1D $6B

$1D $68 n

[Name] Set bar code height.

[Format] ASCII GS h n
Hex 1D 68 n
Decimal 29 104 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Sets the height of the bar code. n specifies the number of dots in the vertical direction.
[Default] n = 96 ( 12 mm )
[Reference] $1D $6B

User Manual TG2480 3-51


$1D $6B m 00

[Name] Print bar code.

[Format] ASCII GS k m NUL
Hex 1D 6B m 00
Decimal 29 107 m 0
ASCII GS k m n
Hex 1D 6B m n
Decimal 29 107 m n
[Range] 0≤m≤6
‚ 65 ≤ m ≤ 73
[Description] Selects a bar code system and prints the bar code. m selects a bar code sys


0 UPC-A 11 ≤ k ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
1 UPC-E 11 ≤ k ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
2 EAN13 (JAN) 12 ≤ k ≤ 13 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
3 EAN8 (JAN) 7≤k≤8 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36,
4 CODE39 1≤k
37, 43, 45, 46, 47
5 ITF 1 ≤ k (numero pari) 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d1 ≤ 68, 36,
43, 45, 46, 47, 58
7 CODE93 1 ≤ k ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
8 CODE128 2 ≤ k ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
20 CODE32 8≤k≤9 48 ≤ d ≤ 57

65 UPC-A 11 ≤ n ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
66 UPC-E 11 ≤ n ≤ 12 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
67 EAN13 (JAN) 12 ≤ n ≤ 13 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
68 EAN8 (JAN) 7≤n≤8 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36,
69 CODE39 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
37, 43, 45, 46, 47
70 ITF 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 48 ≤ d ≤ 57
48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d1 ≤ 68, 36,
71 CODABAR 1 ≤ n ≤ 255
43, 45, 46, 47, 58
72 CODE93 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
73 CODE128 2 ≤ n ≤ 255 1 ≤ d ≤ 127
90 CODE32 8≤n≤9 48 ≤ d ≤ 57

[Notes] • If d is outside the specified range, the printer prints the following message: “BAR CODE
GENERATOR NON OK !” and processes the following data as normal data.
• If the horizontal size exceeds the printing area, the printer only feeds the paper.
• This command feeds as much paper as is required to print the bar code.
• After printing the bar code, this command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
• This command is not affected by print modes (bold, double strike, underline or character
size), with the exception of upside-down mode and justification.
[Notes for ] • This command ends with a $00 code.
• When the bar code used is UPC-A or UPC-E, the printer prints the bar code data after
receiving 11 (without check digit) or 12 ( with check digit) byte bar code data.
• When the bar code system used is EAN13, the printer prints the bar code after receiving
12 (without check digit) or 13 (with check digit) byte bar code data.
• When the system used is EAN8, the printer prints the bar code after receiving 7 (without
check digit) or 8 (with check digit) byte bar code data.

3-52 TG2480 User Manual


• The number of data for ITF bar code must be even. When an odd number of data is
input, the printer ignores the last received data.
[Note for ] • If n is outside the specified range, the printer stops command processing and process
the following data as normal data.

When to use
CODE93: • The printer prints an HRI character ( o ) as a start character at the beginning of the HRI
character string.
• The printer prints an HRI character ( o ) as a stop character at the end of the HRI char-
acter string.
• The printer prints an HRI character ( n ) as a control character ($00 to $1F and $7F).
When to use
CODE128: • When using the CODE128 in this printer, take the following points into account for data
• The top of the bar code data string must be a code set selection character (CODE A ,
CODE B or CODE C) which selects the first code set.
• Special characters are defined by combining two characters “{“ and one character. The
ASCII character “}” is defined by transmitting “{“ twice consecutively.


SHIFT {S 7B, 53 123, 83
CODE A {A 7B, 41 123, 65
CODE B {B 7B, 42 123, 66
CODE C {C 7B, 43 123, 67
FNC1 {1 7B, 31 123, 49
FNC2 {2 7B, 32 123, 50
FNC3 {3 7B, 33 123, 51
FNC4 {4 7B, 34 123, 52
‘{‘ {{ 7B, 7B 123, 123

[Reference] $1D $48, $1D $66, $1D $68, $1D $77

User Manual TG2480 3-53


$1D $77 n

[Name] Set bar code width.

[Format] ASCII GS w n
Hex 1D 77 n
Decimal 29 119 n
[Range] 2≤n≤6
[Description] Sets the horizontal size of the bar code. n specifies the bar code width as follows:


2 0.25
3 0.375
4 0.5
5 0.625
6 0.7

[Default] n=3
[Reference] $1D $6B

$1D $7C n

[Name] Set printing density.

[Format] ASCII GS {} n
Hex 1D 7C n
Decimal 29 124 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, 48 ≤ n ≤ 52
[Description] Sets the printing density. n specifies the printing density as follows:

0, 48 Very light
1, 49 Light
2, 50 Normal
3, 51 Dark
4, 52 Very dark

[Notes] • The printing density is cleared at default value when the printer is reset or the power is
turned off.
[Default] n=2

3-54 TG2480 User Manual


3.2.3 CBM iDP560RS Emulation

The following table lists all the commands for function management in CBM iDP560RS Emulation. The com-
mands can be transmitted to the printer at any moment, but they will only be carried out when the commands
previously sent have been executed. There are no priority commands; all commands are carried out when the
circular buffer is free to do.


HEX Com. ASCII Com. Description
$00 NUL Printing with small characters
$01 SOH Printing with double width characters
$02 STX Printing with double height characters
$03 ETX Printing with expanded characters
$04 EOT Printing with small characters
$0A LF Print and line feed
$0C FF Carries out form feed after printing
$0D CR Print and carriage return
$0E SO Improved character designation (same as $1E)
$0F SI Standard character designation (same as $1F)
$11 DC1 Places the printer ON LINE
$13 DC3 Places the printer OFF LINE
$14 DC4 Set / erase reverse printing mode.
$18 CAN Cancel print data buffer
$1E RS Enhanced character designation
$1F US Standard character designation
$1B $31 ESC 1 Set 3 mm line spacing
$1B $32 ESC 2 Set 5.5 mm line spacing
$1B $40 ESC @ Initialize the printer
$1B $43 n ESC C n Page length designation and page formatting
$1B $4B n1 n2 ESC K n1 n2 Graphic mode printing
$1B $4F ESC O Page formatting off
$1B $52 n ESC R n Select the international character set.
$1B $69 ESC i Total cut
$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL ESC · n xH xL yH yL Print graphic bank
$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34 FS { } { } SI { } VT 4 Total cut and automatic paper moving back
$1D $49 n GS I n Transmit printer ID
$1D $50 x y GS P x y Set horizontal and vertical motion unit
$1D $7C n GS { } n Set printing density

The following pages provide a more detailed description of each command.


[Name] Print with small characters.

[Format] ASCII NUL
Hex 00
Decimal 0
[Description] Character printing is executed in small format (normal).
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.

User Manual TG2480 3-55


[Default] Set up from front keys.

[Reference] $1E, $1F, $0F, $0E, $01, $02, $03, $04


[Name] Printing with double width characters.

[Format] ASCII SOH
Hex 01
Decimal 1
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in double width format
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $02, $03, $04


[Name] Printing in double height characters.

[Format] ASCII STX
Hex 02
Decimal 2
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in double height format.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $03, $04, $0E, $0F, $1E, $1F


[[Name] Printing with expanded characters.

[Format] ASCII EXT
Hex 03
Decimal 3
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in expanded format.
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $02, $04, $0E, $0F, $1E, $1F


[Name] Printing with small characters.

[Format] ASCII EOT
Hex 04
Decimal 4
[Description] Character printing is executed in small format (normal).
[Notes] • Setting remains until next set.
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $00, $01, $02, $03, $0E, $0F, $1E, $1F


[Name] Print and line feed.

[Format] ASCII LF
Hex 0A
Decimal 10

3-56 TG2480 User Manual


[Description] Prints the data in the buffer and feeds one line, based on the current line spacing.
[Notes] This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Reference] $1B $31, $1B $32


[Name] Carries out form feed after printing.

[Format] ASCII FF
Hex 0C
Decimal 10
[Description] Prints the data in the buffer and feeds in accordance with the page length specified by
the command $1B $43.
[Notes] This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Reference] $1B $43


[Name] Print and carriage return.

[Format] ASCII CR
Hex 0D
Decimal 13
[Description] When autofeed is “$0D enabled”, this command functions in the same way as $0A, oth-
erwise, it is ignored.
[Notes] This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.
[Default] See the “autofeed” parameter from Setup.
[Reference] $0A


[Name] Improved character designation (same as $1E).

[Format] ASCII SO
Hex 0E
Decimal 14
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in expanded format.
[Notes] • The command $0E is automatically launched after printing.
• Same as $1E
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $01, $02, $03, $04, $0F, $1E, $1F


[Name] Standard character designation (same as $1F).

[Format] ASCII SI
Hex 0F
Decimal 15
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in small format (normal).
[Notes] • Same as $1F
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $01, $02, $03, $04, $0E, $1E, $1F

User Manual TG2480 3-57



[Name] Places the printer ON LINE.

[Format] ASCII DC1
Hex 11
Decimal 17
[Description] Places the printer ON LINE.
[Notes] • Only this code can be accepted independently of the status OFF LINE.
[Reference] $13


[Name] Places the printer OFF LINE.

[Format] ASCII DC3
Hex 13
Decimal 19
[Description] Places the printer OFF LINE.
[Reference] $11


[Name] Set / erase reverse printing mode.

[Format] ASCII DC4
Hex 14
Decimal 20
[Description] Sets / erases (alternately) reverse printing mode.


[Name] Cancel print data buffer.

[Format] ASCII CAN
Hex 18
Decimal 24
[Description] Deletes all the print data in the current print buffer.
[Notes] This command sets the print position at the beginning of the line.


[Name] Enhanced character designation.

[Format] ASCII RS
Hex 1E
Decimal 30
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in expanded format.
[Notes] • The command RS is automatically launched after printing.
[Default] Set up from front keys.

3-58 TG2480 User Manual


[Reference] $01, $02, $03, $04, $0E, $0F, $1F



[Name] Standard character designation.

[Format] ASCII US
Hex 1F
Decimal 31
[Description] Printing of the character is executed in small format (normal).
[Default] Set up from front keys.
[Reference] $01, $02, $03, $04, $0E, $0F, $1E

$1B $31

[Name] Set 3 mm. line spacing.

[Format] ASCII ESC 1
Hex 1B 31
Decimal 27 49
[Description] Sets 3 mm line spacing.
[Reference] $1B $32

$1B $32

[Name] Set 5.5 mm line spacing.

[Format] ASCII ESC 2
Hex 1B 32
Decimal 27 50
[Description] Set 5.5 mm line spacing.
[Reference] $1B $31

$1B $40

[Name] Inizialize the printer.

[Format] ASCII ESC @
Hex 1B 40
Decimal 27 64
[Description] Clears the data in the print buffer and resets the printer mode to the mode that was in
effect when the power was turned on.
[Notes] • Same as hardware reset.

$1B $43 n

[Name] Page length designation and page formatting.

[Format] ASCII ESC C n
Hex 1B 43 n
Decimal 27 67 n

User Manual TG2480 3-59


[Range] 14 ≤ n ≤ 120
[Description] This command sets the length (number of lines) of the page, and paging formatting begins.
A space of three lines is left at both the top and bottom of the page.
[Notes] • Page formatting can be cleared through the command $1B $4F.
[Default] n = 66
[Reference] $0C, $1B $4F

$1B $4B n1 n2

[Name] Graphic mode printing.

[Format] ASCII ESC K n1 n2
Hex 1B 4B n1 n2
Decimal 27 75 n1 n2
[Range] 1 ≤ n1 ≤ 240; n2 = mute data
[Description] This command prints n1 bytes of data in graphic mode. The data bytes are arranged
vertically starting from the left margin, but only the first seven LSBs are significant.
[Notes] After the last data byte, the printer prints, forward feeds the paper (by 21 dots per line)
and graphic mode printing is cleared.

$1B $4F

[Name] Page formatting off.

[Format] ASCII ESC O
Hex 1B 4F
Decimal 27 79
Description] Cancel page formatting mode.
[Reference] $1B $43

$1B $52 n

[Name] Select the international character set.

[Format] ASCII ESC R n
Hex 1B 52 n
Decimal 27 82 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 12
[Description] Selects the international character set by setting n as in the following table:

HEX 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E
0 U.S.A. # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
1 France # $ à ° ç § ^ ` é ù è “
2 Germany # $ § Ä Ö Ü ^ ` ä ö ü b
3 United Kingdom £ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
4 Denmark I # $ @ Æ Æ Å ^ ` æ f å ~
5 Sweden # ¤ É Ä Ö Å Ü é ä ö å ü
6 Italy # $ @ ° \ é ^ ù à ò è ì
7 Spain I Pt $ @ i Ñ ¿ ^ ` “ ñ } ~
8 Japan # $ @ [ ¥ ] ^ ` { | } ~
9 Norway # ¤ É Æ Æ Å Ü é æ f å ü
10 Denmark II # $ É Æ Æ Å Ü é æ f å ü

3-60 TG2480 User Manual


[Default] n=0

$1B $69

[Name] Total cut.

[Format] ASCII ESC i
Hex 1B 69
Decimal 27 105
[Description] This command enables cutter operation; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set any
subsequent cutting commands will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut.

$1B $FA n xH xL yH yL

[Name] Print graphic bank (608 x 862 dots).

[Format] ASCII ESC { } n xH xL yH yL
Hex 1B FA n xH xL yH yL
Decimal 27 250 n xH xL yH yL
[Range] 1≤n≤2
0 ≤ xH, xL, yH, yL ≤ 255
[Description] Prints the graphics bank from flash. n selects the bank as follows:

1 Print flash bank logo 1
2 Print flash bank logo 2

xL + xH * 256 specifies the starting dot line (1 ÷ 862).

yL + yH * 256 specifies the number of lines to print.
[Notes] • If (xL + (xH * 256)) > 862 the printer does not execute the command.
• Se (xL + (xH * 256) + yL +(yH * 256))> 862 the printer only prints 862 - xL + (xH * 256)
+1 dotlines.
[Example] To print logo1 from flash bank dotline 100 to dotline 299, send:
$1B $FA $01 $00 $64 $00 $C7

$1C $C0 $AA $0F $EE $0B $34

[Name] Total cut and automatic paper moving back.

[Format] ASCII FS {} {} SI {} VT 4
Hex 1C C0 AA 0F EE 0B 34
Decimal 28 192 170 15 254 11 52
[Description] This command enables cutter operation and executes a total cut and automatic paper
moving back; if there is no cutter, a disabling flag is set any subsequent cutting commands
will be ignored.
[Notes] • The printer waits until all the paper movement commands have been completed before
executing total cut.

User Manual TG2480 3-61


$1D $49 n

[Name] Transmit printer ID.

[Format] ASCII GS I n
Hex 1D 49 n
Decimal 29 73 n
[Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 3, 49 ≤ n ≤ 51
[Description] Transmits the printer ID specified by n as follows:

1, 49 Printer mode identification $93 (TG2480)
2, 50 Function identification See table below
3, 51 ROM version identification Depends on ROM version (4 char)

n = 2, 50 Identification Function


0 Off 00 0 Non supported 2-byte character codes
Off 00 0 Auto-cutter not supplied
On 02 2 Auto-cutter supplied
Off 00 0 Thermal paper without label
On 04 4 Thermal paper with label
3 - - - RESERVED
4 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off
5 - - - RESERVED
6 - - - RESERVED
7 Off 00 0 Fixed to Off

[Notes] • This command is executed when the data is processed in the reception buffer. There
may therefore be a time lag between receiving the command and transmitting the data,
depending on the status of the reception buffer.

$1D $50 x y

[Name] Set horizontal and vertical motion units.

[Format] ASCII GS P x y
Hex 1D 50 x y
Decimal 29 80 x y
[Range] x = 100, 200
y = 100, 200
[Description] Sets the horizontal and vertical motion units at 1/x inches and 1/y inches, respectively.
When x is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
When y is set at 0, the default setting value is used.
[Notes] Set the ESC/POS emulation with default values.
• The horizontal direction is perpendicular to the paper feed direction.
• This command does not affect the previously specified values.
• The calculated result from combining this command with others is truncated to the
minimum value of the mechanical pitch or an exact multiple of that value.
[Default] x = 200, y = 200

3-62 TG2480 User Manual


$1D $7C n

[Name] Set printing density.

[Format] ASCII GS {} n
Hex 1D 7C n
Decimal 29 124 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, 48 ≤ n ≤ 52
[Description] Sets the printing density. n specifies the printing density as follows:

0, 48 Very light
1, 49 Light
2, 50 Normal
3, 51 Dark
4, 52 Very dark

[Notes] • The printing density is cleared at default value when the printer is reset or the power is
turned off.
[Default] n=2

User Manual TG2480 3-63


Blank page

3-64 TG2480 User Manual



Table 4.1 gives the main technical specifications for the printer.

Available interfaces Serial RS232 USB

Baud rate From 1200 to 115200 bps -
Head temperature, paper presence, paper jam, ticket withdrawal
OPTIONAL: Near paper end (external)
Printing driver WindowTM 2K, XP
Receive buffer 1 Kbytes
Flash memory 384 Kbytes
Emulation ESC/POS, CUSTOM, iDP560RS
Print method Thermal, fixed head
Resolution 203 DPI (8 dot/mm)
Printing mode Straight, 180°
Printing format Normal, height / width from 1 to 4, bold, reverse, underlined, italic
Character fonts ASCII standard, International
Graphics memory 1 Logo (608 x 862 dots)
Type of paper Thermal rolls (heat-sensitive side on outside of roll)
Paper width 80 mm ±0.5 mm
External roll diameter Max 80 mm
Recommended types of paper 55 g/m2 – 100 g/m2 (KANZAN KF50 o KP460, MITSUBISCHI PG5075 o TL4000)
Paper thickness 0,110 ÷ 0,061 mm
Internal roll core diameter 25 mm (not attached to roll core)
Core type Cardboard or plastic
Power Supply 24 Vdc ± 10%
Medium (50% Dot ON) 1.8 A
Stand by 0.1 A
Operating temperature 0-50°C
Relative humidity 10-85% Rh
Storage temperature /
-20 °C – 70 °C / 10% - 90% Rh

Length [mm] = 250

Dimensions Width [mm] = 130
Height [mm] = 110
Weight [gr] 1130 (without paper roll)

User Manual TG2480 4-1


Number of columns 43 60 76
Printing speed
Lines / sec. 30 30 30
Chars / sec. 1290 1800 2280
Characters (L x H mm)
Normal 1.7 x 3 1.2 x 3 1x3
Char set 3


Number of columns 33 60
Printing speed
Lines / sec. 21.6 21.6
Chars / sec. 712 1296
Characters (L x H mm)
Normal 2x3 2x3
Char set 4


Number of columns 33 55
Printing speed
Lines / sec. 21.6 21.6
Chars / sec. 712 1188
Characters (L x H mm)
Normal 2x3 2x3
Char set 2

4-2 TG2480 User Manual





24 101.5 74




56 45.5 Ømax=80

33.25 42.25 26

User Manual TG2480 4-3


Blank page

4-4 TG2480 User Manual



The printer has seven sets of 224 character each one. In the following figures are shown the examples

ESC/POS TM 32 Columns ESC/POS TM 42 Columns ESC/POS TM 56 Columns



User Manual TG2480 5-1


Blank page

5-2 TG2480 User Manual



A.1.1 Power supply

The figure below illustrates the power supply to be used for printer operation:


5 193.0







4 - M3 - P 0.5
62.0 120.0

6.5 13.5 158.0 20.0
3.4 HOLE B
<8 ± 0.1
9.5 9.0

8 ÷ 25 ± 0.15
25 ÷ 80 ± 0.25
3 - M3 - P 0.5

80 ÷ 250 ± 0.4

250 ÷ 800 ± 0.8

800 ÷ 2600 ± 1.5
ANGULAR ± 0.3°

Note : Dimensioni in mm

PPSPS-100-24 Switching power supply 24V 100W

Input specifications
Input voltage 85 ÷ 264 V
Current 0 ÷ 4.5 A
Input frequency 47 ÷ 63 Hz
Output specifications
Output voltage 24 V
Output current min.-max. 0 ÷ 4.5 A
Efficiency min. 80%
Environmental conditions
Operating temperature 0 ÷ 70 °C
Humidity 20 ÷ 85 % Rh (w/o condensation)
Storage temperature / Humidity -10 ÷ 85 °C / 10 ÷ 95 % Rh (w/o condensation)
Protection devices: Short-circuit, overload

User Manual TG2480 A-1



A.2.1 Supplies

Thermal paper roll 80 mm d=48 core 25 mm
Quantity recommended per no. machines purchased
No. machines <10 <50 <100 >100
Quantities recommended 5 30 60 90

A-2 TG2480 User Manual

Rev. 1.00
Part Number : DOME-TG2480
World Headquarters
Via Berettine, 2 - 43100 Fontevivo
Tel. +39 0521 680111 - Fax +39 0521 610701
[email protected] -

All rigths reserved

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