Turn Up Your Music Marketing: How To Use Ad Studio

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Turn up your

music marketing
Give listeners a taste of your latest
drop where they’re already discovering
new music with Ad Studio.

Share your sound with

audio and video ads How to use Ad Studio
Audio and video ads on Spotify let you
speak directly to listeners in your own
voice while showcasing your music and
video footage.
Create your ad
Simply upload your audio or video ad or use our
Connect with your fans — voiceover tool to get a professionally recorded
and discover new ones audio ad, including sound mixing and production,
at no extra cost.
The more our audience streams, the
more we learn about their tastes. Use
these insights to reach the right
audience: people who already listen to
your music or people who are likely to Pick your audience
be into your sound. Reach listeners based on their age, gender,
location, activity, interests, or music tastes. You
can even target your own fans or fans of other
Understand the impact similar artists.
For the first time, know how your
campaign impacted streams and listener
growth. With streaming conversion
metrics, you can understand your Customize your campaign
audience and how they engaged with You’ve got the keys. Just set your budget and
your content on Spotify. Then, you can campaign dates, then sit back, relax, and watch
use these actionable insights to inform as people engage with your ad.
your future marketing strategy.

Check us out at ads.spotify.com to learn more.

5 tips to fine-tune
your audio ad
Talk to fans directly Tease your music
With audio, artists can speak to fans in their Use your music as the background track.
own voice. Including a voiceover is a key Choose your favorite sample, but make
element to invite your audience to check out sure the voiceover doesn’t conflict with the
your music — we are unable to accept your ad lyrics. Consider leaving a few seconds of
without a voiceover. Make sure you introduce silence after the voiceover to make the
yourself and explain what you’re promoting. message really stand out.
Try starting with a script like: “Hey
Spotify! It’s [your name or band’s name].
You’re listening to my latest [track/album/ Make it about the fans
playlist] called [song name].” But make it With fan targeting, you can reach your own
your own so listeners can get a feel for fans or fans of similar artists to increase the
your vibe.
chance that your music will be discovered
by listeners who are likely to be interested
Give a clear call to action in it. To share your music with broader
audiences, consider targeting by genre or
Our fans stream throughout their day, like age. Trying different targeting strategies is
when they’re working out, studying, and a great opportunity to test and learn what
cooking, so it’s important to have a strong call works best.
to action (CTA). You could ask listeners to
search for your music with the song title and
save it to their library or to check out your Link to your music
latest album. Test different creatives to see
what works best with your audience and Provide a clickthrough URL to a Spotify
message. playlist, album, artist page, or track. To
launch a campaign with a music promotion
Try a CTA like: “Check out my new single objective (and have access to fan targeting),
[song name], and don’t forget to follow
your campaign must include a link to one of
me, [your name or band’s name], to hear
these destinations on Spotify. After all, the
my new music right when it drops.”
goal is to get your music heard.

Check us out at ads.spotify.com to learn more.

Specs to keep in mind
Companion image
Audio ads (all formats)
Length 30 seconds or less Square (at least
File Types WAV, MP3, OGG
File Types JPEG or PNG
Max File Size 1MB
Max File Size 200KB

WAV - 16-bit 44.1 kHz MP3, at least

Audio 192 kbps RMS normalized to -14
dBFS Peak normalized to -0.2 dBFS

Video ads Additional

requirements for
Length Maximum 30 seconds video ads:
9:16 (vertical - mobile), 16:9
Aspect Ratio (horizontal - desktop or mobile) • No black bars (no letter-boxing,
pillar-boxing, or window-boxing).
Max File Size 500 MB
• Frame rate should be NTSC or
PAL compatible.
File Type MOV, MP4
• No interlaced videos.

HD 720×1280 or similar (vertical - • Video must be submitted

Quality mobile), HD 1280×720 or similar without leaders (no slates,
(horizontal - desktop or mobile) countdowns, etc.).

• All files must include sound - no

RMS normalized to -14 dBFS, Peak silent videos will be accepted.
Volume normalized to -0.2 dBFS

Check us out at ads.spotify.com to learn more.

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