Commercial Offer Biogas Plant 100 T/day Food Waste: Clean Energy

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Clean energy

Commercial offer
Biogas plant

100 t/day food waste

Zorg Ukraine Ltd.

Address: Gorkogo 172 str.,
Kiev 03680
Tel/fax +38 (044) 5212951
Tel/fax +38 (044) 5212952
Tel/fax +38 (044) 5212953
E-mail: [email protected]

Municipal solid waste sorting plant with 300 t/day capacity produces big volumes of organic waste
(30-40% from total volume).

Biogas plant installation is planned within the sorting plant territory. Separated organic fraction
(remaining inorganic 20%) will be transported to biogas plant for recycling.

Biogas plant construction will make possible recycling of 36500 t/year of organic waste and produce
7 300 000 m3 of biogas per year.

After gas conditioning system biogas will be pumped to co-generation unit for production of
15 768 000 kWh of electric and 20 000 000 kWh of heat power. 2

1. Biogas yield calculation 4
2. Biogas plant technical performances 5
3. Biogas plant price 5
4. Conditions for project implementation 6
5. Working principle 7
6. Scope of equipment and facilities 9
7. Scope of technical documentation 12
8. Scheme 13 3
Biogas yield calculation

Initial data for calculation:

Municipal solid waste sorting plant.
Quantity of sorted organic waste - 120 t/day (humidity 70%).
Pure organic waste quantity - 100 t/day (humidity 70%)

Customer: Issued by: Vitaliy Ivanov

Project No.: 1201-10 Date : 12.01.2010

Biogas plant operational period: (52 weeks, 7 days a week, 24 hours day) 365 Working days per year
Production period: (52 weeks, 7 days a week, 24 hours day) 8 760 Machine hours per year
24.0 Working hours per day

Quantity Quantity DM Methane
Substrate per day per year (dry matter)
DM (organic dry ODM Biogas yield Biogas yield Biogas yield
Biogas caloric value
(kg/day) matter) (kg/day) (m3/kg ODM) (m³/day) (m³/year) (kW/m³)
(t) (t) (%) (%)
Pure food waste 100 36500 30.00 30000 96 28800 0.68 20000 7 300 000 70.00 7.0

Co-generation unit

Electric power kWh 1800

Heat power kWh 2200 4
Performances, price list, terms

Biogas plant technical performances

Characteristics Values Figures

1 Efficiency t/h 4,16

2 Substrate humidity % 70
3 Biogas yield m /h 834
4 Produced electric power kW 1800
5 Produced heat power kW 2200
6 Biogas plant energy consumption kW 150
7 Biogas heat power consumption kW 500
8 Maintenance personal person 3
9 Area required Ha 1,8

Scope of supply

Biogas plant consists of constructed facilities and equipment. Construction part of the project
(concrete tanks) can be executed by the Customer at net price and under our supervision.
All equipment is of high quality produced in EU, USA or under German license in Ukraine.

Price list

Price, Euro
Project start-up and Equipment
documentation adjustment, (FCA)
Biogas plant 30.000 1 320.000 1 430.000
20.000 790.000 420.000
preparation facility
Waste water 92.000
10.000 610.000 170.000
treatment system
Co-generation unit
10.000 1 150.000
1,8 MW

* Can be executed by the Customer under Zorg’s control and supervision.

Conditions for project implementation


Project implementation is executed simultaneously under 3 contracts:

• Engineering contract,
• Equipment supply contract (FCA),
• Construction contract (or supervision contract in case Customer executes construction).

Implementation terms

Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Equipment supply
Start up

Payment order

Under project engineering contract:

• 50% down payment,
• 50% of the contract price after one month.

Under equipment supply contract:

• 50% down payment,
• 40% payment from the contract price after 2 months,
• 10% after notification of readiness for shipment.

Construction contract (or supervision contract in case of construction executed by the

• Against executed works acts. 6
Working principle

Food waste have certain peculiarities and require two stage technology for its recycling. The
peculiarity is that substrate preparation facility is required (disintegration, inorganics separation and
pasterusation). Two stage anaerobic digestion technology assumes split of main digestion steps in
different digesters with different temperature mode and retention tiime. Organic waste accumulation is
designed for 1-2 days of storage capacity and takes place in
receving tank.
Biological process of consecutive (phasic) conversion of
organic compounds can take place in anaerobic environment
i.e. in oxygen-free tank (biological reactor). At the first stage of
fermentation substrate hydrolysis take place under acidogenic
bacteria influence. At second stage elementary organic
compounds come through hydrolysis oxidation by means of
heteroacidogenic bacteria with production of acetate, carbon
dioxide and free hydrogen. The other part of organic
compounds including acetate forms C1 compounds
(elementary organic acids). Produced substances are the feed
stock for methanogenic bacteria of third type. This stage flows Substrate feeding system
in two processes of A and B type the character o which
depends on caused by different bacteria type. These two types of bacteria convert the compound
obtained during the first and second stages into methane CH4, water H2O and carbon dioxide CO2.
Methanogenic bacteria are more particular to living environment to be compared to acidogenic
bacteria. They require complete anaerobic environment and need longer reproduction period. The sped
and scale of anaerobic fermentation depend on bacteria metabolic activity. That is why the biogas plant
technological scheme has hydrolysis reactor with at least 4-5
days retention time using mechanic mixing and main digester
for methanogenic bacteria with 25 days retention time
mechanic and hydraulic mixing system. After sorting facility
organic wastes are transported to biogas plant and loaded to
mechanical crashing unit, where organic and non organic
compounds are crashed. Non organic materials detachment
that have density lower then water is performed with the help
of hydraulic sedimentation in special tanks. Inorganic parts
with density less then 800 kg/m3 come to upper layer and
removed be special device. Neutralization of water solution
from bacteria
Hydraulic mixing system

and viruses is made in tube sterilization unit during 1 hour

at 70Co temperature.
Using pipe water solution is transported to closed
tank which serves as accumulation vessel for sterilization.
From that tank water is fed into the tube sterilization device
equipped with heat exchanger at inlet stage. Water heating
is made by heat exchanger and kept in tubes for a required
period of time. In that way water solution is circulated for in
hour in a closed circle consisting of accumulation vessel –
pump – sterilization unit. During the heating in tank water
solution density decreases to 850 kg/m3 that makes Gas holder 7
Working principle
Inorganic particles detachment with higher density
more effective. In order to perform this process water
flow is changed at an angle 90 degrees hence
accumulating small heavy at the tank bottom. These
particles are discharged with the help of screw discharger
that is installed at the bottom of the tank.
Prepared water solution of organic substances
acquires quality of nutrient substrate for bacteria. After
sterilization stage substrate pumped to hydrolysis reactor
for 8-10 days retention time. In hydrolysis reactor special
temperature conditions secured, the humidity is increased
Substrate separation system and pH level is carefully controlled. From the hydrolysis
reactor substrate is supplied in doses to digester, that is
very significant factor for bacterial balance preservation. Biogas accumulated in outer bag gas holders
made of strong and tensile material. The main condition for digestion is substrate temperature 25-28 Сo
and complete mixing. That is why tank reactor is equipped with wall heating system and hydraulic mixing
Substrate contains simple alcohols and acetate, which are soluble in water. Produced substrate
loaded under the pressure to digester where final 30 days stage
of waste recycling into biogas and organic fertilizer takes place.
Required conditions for digestion are constant
temperature of substrate in the range of 36-38 Сo, even and
proportional substrate loading within whole digester square.
Substrate supply to digester is made 8-12 times per day in a
program time mode with the help of pump. Digester is a gas
proof and hermetically sealed tank made of reinforced concrete.
In order to maintain even temperature its internal side equipped
with bottom and walls heating system. Such system passes
through compulsory hydraulic testing. In order to prevent heat
losses the outer side of digesters walls insulated. Mechanical
mixer is inside the digester and ensures complete and careful
mixing. Fermented biomass discharge takes place with the same
periodic as loading. Biogas plant control is made by central program module in a time-programmed
mode in accordance with limit sensors values.
Produced biogas collected to the gasholder. Gasholder is can be used as gas proof cover of the
digester and execute the function of gas storage orto be performed as a outer bag gasholder. Gasholder
membrane is ultraviolet and ozone resistant and has low throughput of biogas. The gasholder material is
resistant to fire and is very tensile. Gas extraction is made by pipeline, which equipped with automatic
condensate discharge unit and safety devices which secure gasholder from excess pressure. All devices
work on limit sensors data. From the gasholder biogas is continuously fed to the co-generation unit or
biogas treatment system. Digested biomass directed to
separation unit. Mechanical separation unit works 8-12
times per day in a time-programmed mode and detaches
digested biomass to solid and liquid fertilizer.
Treated substrate after biogas plant directed to the
separation unit. Mechanical separation unit operated in a
program mode and detach liquid and solid bio-fertilizer
fraction. Bio-fertilizer can be directed to packing and
granulation line.Biogas plant work is visualized at central
control room monitor. The control room is equipped with
central control unit, which allows switch of any biogas plant
module into automatic or manual mode with local or remote
control. 8
Scope of equipment and facilities

Main scope of equipment

No Equipment Description Quantity

1 Mixing equipment:
Horizontal paddle mixer (motor drive 1 unit
1.1 N=5,5 kW, n=11r/min 3
included) MG-04.00.000.
Horizontal paddle mixer (motor drive 1 unit
1.2 N=5,5 kW, n=11r/min 1
included) MG-05.00.000.
1.3 Hydraulic mixing system N=7 kW, 3

2 Substrate separation unit: 1

2.1 Frame profiled iron 1

2.2 Separator (motor drive 1pc., vibrator 1pc.) Q=40 t/h,N=7.5 kW 1

2.3 Auxiliary metal structures profiled iron 1

3 Gas conditioning unit: 1

3.1 Gas filter 1
3.2 Gas flow meter Qmax= 600 m /h 2
3.3 Compressor N= 5,5 kW, 2
3.4 Emergency valve Pmin= 1 kPa - 20 kPa 2
3.5 Manometer radial execution 0-0,6 bar 4
3.6 Angle thermometer 0.100°С, G1/2, L=63 3
3.7 Boll gas valve Dy 80 3
3.8 Gas analyzer CH4, CO2, H2S 1
3.9 Pressure regulator Pmax = 1 bar 1
3.10 Supporting and auxiliary structures Stainless steel
3.11 Piping Stainless steel

4 Heat supply station: 1

4.1 Heat exchanger Q=500 kW, 1
4.2 Surge tank V=500 L 1
4.3 Electrical boiler Q=220 kW 2
4.4 Circulation pump Q=30.5 m3/h, 1
4.5 Circulation pump Q=16.1 m3/h, 1
4.6 Circulation pump Q=12.5 m3/h, 1
4.7 Circulation pump Q=44.5 m /h, 2
4.8 Temperature control valve Dy50,U=24v 1
4.9 Thermometer T=0..120 C 3
4.10 Adjustable valve 3.5 bar 1

5 Automatics: 1
5.1 Automatics station 1 9
5.2 Level sensor P=0…0.6 bar 9
5.3 Foam level sensor 9
5.4 Temperature sensor 9
5.5 Substrate excess pressure relay 2
5.6 Heating circuit temperature sensor 6
5.7 Control valve 1
5.8 Pressure sensor P=0 0.1 bar, 4-20 mA 1

6 Electric equipment: 1
6.1 Light signal device 1
6.2 Distribution box with counter 1
6.3 Distribution box 1
6.4 Starting box 1
6.5 Lighting panel 1

7 Air supply system: 1

7.1 Compressor P=7 bar, 1
7.2 Compressor Q=100 m3/h, 1
7.3 Rotameter 1-10 m3 3
7.4 Air blower N=0.75 kW 3
7.5 Manometer P=0…0.4 bar 3
7.6 Piping end fitting PVC, stainless steel, set

8 Gas holder: 2
8.1 Gas holder 2
8.2 Cover dome 2
8.3 Air blower 16 А, 0,5 kW 2
8.4 Emergency valve DN 150, 25 m3/h 2
8.5 Excess and minimum pressure valve 2
8.6 Dome level sensor 2
8.7 Mounting system set 2
8.8 Inspection hole 2
8.9 Accessories

Capacity =1100 kW
9 Co-generator:
Capacity =700 kW
9.1 V-engine 2
9.2 Generator 400 V 2
9.3 Power distributor 2
9.4 Heat exchanger water-water 2
9.5 Heat exchanger combustion products-water 2
9.6 Gas and fire alarm system 2
9.7 Gas pressure amplifier 2
9.8 Sensor system 2
9.9 Muffler 2
9.10 Gas piping with stop valves 2
9.11 Cooling system 2
9.12 Sound proof container 2 10
Scope of facilities

No Item Type Qu-ty Materials

Reinforced concrete Concrete, reinforcing steel ø 8-
Preliminary tank structures 12, embedded steel parts.
1 1
300 m3
Reinforced concrete Concrete, reinforcing steel ø 8-
Hydrolysis reactor structures 12, embedded steel parts.
2 3
300 m3

Reinforced concrete Concrete, reinforcing steel ø

Digester structures 12-25, embedded steel parts.
3 3
2400 m3

Open tank for digested Reinforced concrete Concrete, reinforcing steel ø 8-

4 biomass structures 1 12, embedded steel parts.
300 m3
Concrete base, Concrete slabs, ceramic
walls from concrete bricks, concrete bridges,
5 Utility and service building slabs and bricks 1 concrete solution. 11

Scope of documentation

Explanatory note
Statistic calculation
Layout and transport
Architectural solutions
Concrete structures
Wooden structures
Metal structures

Gas supply
Air supply
Water supply and sewage
Ventilation and heat supply
Production technology
Power equipment
Illumination and protection facilities
Plant automatics
Start-up and adjustment instructions
Plant schedule
Operational instructions 12
Scheme 13

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