Victory in Paupa

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d o r
This is a companion volume to the one on Guadalcanal in the series on the
war in the Pacific. Both record the operations designed to halt the advance
of the enemy toward the vital transpacific line of communications with Australia
and secure Australia as a base. Success in Papua and Guadalcanal, achieved
in February 1943, put the Allied forces in a position to neutralize Rabaul and,
this accomplished, to advance to the Philippines.
The present volume concentrates on the action of one United States Army
division. In telling the story of a comparatively limited number of troops, the
author has been able to present the combat experience of small units in sharper
focus than has been possible in most of the other full-scale campaign volumes.
The campaign abounds in lessons. Of these one of the most vital is the fre-
quent necessity for all commanders to evaluate their own actions by asking them-
selves this question: "How could I have helped, how should I have helped, how
can I help my subordinates to accomplish their assigned tasks?"

Washington, D. C. A. C. SMITH
15 March 1955 Maj. Gen., U. S. A.
Chief of Military History

The Author
Mr. Samuel Milner holds a graduate degree in history from the University
of Alberta and has done further graduate work in political science at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. During World War II, he served in Australia and New
Guinea as a historian with the Air Transport Command, Army Air Forces. Upon
completing Victory in Papua he left the Office, Chief of Military History, to
become historian of the Air Weather Service, U.S. Air Force.

The strategic significance of the Papuan Campaign can be briefly stated. In
addition to blunting the Japanese thrust toward Australia and the transpacific
line of communications, it put General MacArthur's forces in a favorable position
to take the offensive. But this little known campaign is significant for still
another reason. It was the battle test of a large hitherto-inexperienced
U. S. Army force and its commanders under the conditions which were to attend
much of the ground fighting in the Pacific. Costly in casualties and suffering,
it taught lessons that the Army had to learn if it was to cope with the Japanese
under conditions of tropical warfare.

Since the official records of this early campaign were quite poor, the task of
portraying American ground action in it accurately required that a great deal of
essential information be found elsewhere. This supplementary information was
secured in large part from participants whose names are to be found in the
Bibliographical Note at the end of the volume All of them have my thanks,
and certain of them who went to great lengths to help me have my special thanks.
The following (ranks as of February 1952 when the manuscript was completed)
are in the latter category: Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, Maj. Gen. Clovis E.
Byers, Maj. Gen. Jens A. Doe, Maj. Gen. Edwin F. Harding, Maj. Gen. Clarence
A. Martin, Maj. Gen. Albert W. Waldron, Col. Bernd G. Baetcke, Col. Charles
R. Dawley, Col. John E. Grose, Col. Alexander J. MacNab, Col. Kelsie E. Miller,
Col. Herbert A. Smith, Col. Clarence M. Tomlinson, Lt. Col. Peter L. Dal Ponte,
Lt. Col. Herbert M. Smith, Lt. Col. Bert Zeeff, and Maj. Robert H. Odell. A
true picture of conditions as they existed at the time could not have been given
without their help.
To tell the Australian side of the story adequately also required more informa-
tion than was to be found in the available sources. That I never lacked for such
information was due principally to Gavin Long, the Official Australian War
Historian and to two members of his staff, John Balfour and Dudley McCarthy.
McCarthy's draft chapters on Australian action on the Sanananda front were
invaluable in helping me to round out the picture of the fighting that went on
on that front. Lt. Col. Peter S. Teesdale-Smith, a participant in the campaign
and a member of the Australian Military Mission in Washington during the time
that this book was in preparation, helped me greatly in making Australian action
come alive.

While the information thus given me has been of the greatest assistance, the
responsibility both for the way it was used and for any errors that may have
resulted is, of course, my own.

In the Office of the Chief of Military History, I wish to express my gratitude

to Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield, Chief Historian, for his careful reading of the
manuscript and his excellent suggestions for its improvement. Particular thanks
are due to Mr. Joseph R. Friedman, Chief of the Editorial Branch, for his
extremely fine work in editing the manuscript. It was a pleasure to work with
him. Thanks are also due to Mr. Wsevelod Aglaimoff, now Cartographic
Adviser to the Chief Historian, who prepared the layouts for the maps and
supervised their production; to Maj. James F. Holly, Chief of the Cartographic
Branch, who carried out the detailed research for the maps; and to Miss Margaret
E. Tackley, Chief of the Photographic Branch, who selected the illustrations.
My special thanks go to Miss Valerie K. Stubbs of the General Reference Section
for checking the numerous Distinguished Service Cross citations referred to in
the book. This was no mean task since, in addition to the two Medals of Honor
awarded in the campaign, more than a hundred Distinguished Service Crosses
were also awarded.

Washington, D. C SAMUEL MILNER

15 March 1955
Chapter Page
The Danger ....................... 1
The Plan To Isolate Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I I . PREPARING T H E DEFENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The High Command Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The Interim Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
The Defensive Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Sufficiency of the Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

III. T H E THWARTED LANDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Frustration a t Jomard Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Securing t h e Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

I V . PROVIDENCE FORESTALLED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Moving t o t h e Offensive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
T h e SWPA Prepares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
T h e PROVIDENCE Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
The Japanese Get There First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

V . KOKODA THRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Planning t h e Overland Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
The Japanese Strike Inland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The Main Force Arrives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


T h e SWPA: Early August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
The Defense Falls Into Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Battle of Milne Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
The Road t o Ioribaiwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
The Australians Take t h e Offensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

VII. T H E ADVANCE O N T H E BEACHHEAD . . . . . . . . . . 101

T h e Approach t o t h e Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Completing t h e Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Drawing the Noose Tight.................. 119

VIII. T H E ALLIES CLOSE I N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Mounting t h e Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
The 32d Division on the Eve of Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
T h e Enemy Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Chapter Page
T h e Attacks o n Gona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
The 16th Brigade Moves on Sanananda . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
The Americans Take Over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

X. THE FIRST TWO WEEKS AT BUNA . . . . . . . . . . . 168

General Harding Readjusts His Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
T h e Battle Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
The Attacks of 30 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

X I . I CORPS REACHES T H E FRONT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

The Situation: 30 November................. 196
General Eichelberger Is Ordered Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Buna Operations: 1 and 2 December.............. 206
General Harding's Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

XII. THE FIGHTING WEST OF THE GIRUA . . . . . . . . . 213

Operations in the Gona Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
T h e Sanananda Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
The Japanese Reinforce the Beachhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

XIII. BUNA: T H E SECOND T W O WEEKS . . . . . . . . . . . 234

The Attack of 5 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Colonel Martin Softens Up the Enemy Line . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Urbana Force Makes Its First Gains . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
T h e Scene Brightens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254


The Advance to Simemi Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Crossing the Creek ..................... 267
The Fight for the Old Strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272


The Search for an Axis of Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
T h e Attack Moves North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
T h e Subsidiary Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
The Corridor to the Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

XVI. T H E FALL O F BUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304

The Advance to Giropa Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
The Capture of Buna Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
T h e E n d a t Buna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Buna's Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
The Situation to the Westward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

Chapter Page
XVII. CLEARING T H E TRACK JUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . 328
General Herring Calls a Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
T h e Preliminary Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Tokyo Decides T o Withdraw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
The Clean-up South of Musket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

XVIII. T H E FINAL OFFENSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

T h e Three-Way Push . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Finishing the Job ..................... 358
T h e Victory a t Sanananda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
The 41st Division Takes Over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

XIX. T H E VICTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

T h e Campaign i n Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
What t h e Campaign Taught . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Conclusion........................ 377

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

BASIC MILITARY M A P SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

No. Page
1. Battle of Coral Sea, 5-8 May 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2 . Bulolo Valley Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3. The Pacific Areas, 1 August 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4 . Kokoda-Templeton's Crossing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5. Japanese Attack at Milne Bay, 26-31 August 1942 . . . . . . . . . . 78
6. Plan of 1 October 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7. Plan of Attack, 16 November 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8. Establishing Roadblock on Sanananda Road, 22-30 November 1942 . . 157
9 . Japanese Defenses a t Buna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
10. Situation on Approaches to Buna, Evening, 30 November 1942 . . . . 190
1 1 . Sanananda Front, December 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
12. Warren and Urbana Fronts, 1-16 December 1942 . . . . . . . . . . 236
13. Warren Front, 18-28 December 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
14. Urbana Front, 18-28 December 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
15. The Fall of Buna, 31 December 1942-2 January 1943 . . . . . . . . 306
16. Sanananda Front, 3-12 January 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
17. Sanananda Front, Last Phase, 15-22 January 1943 . . . . . . . . . 352

No. Maps I-V Are in Inverse Order Inside Back Cover
I. Papuan Campaign Area
II. Japanese Thrust Along Kokoda Trail, 22 July-16 September 1942
III. Allied Advance Across Owen Stanley Range, 26 September-15 November 1942
IV. The Buna Area
V. Closing in on Japanese Beachhead, 16-21 November 1942

Illustrations Page
General MacArthur Arriving i n Sydney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General Orders No. 1, 18 April 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The Battle of the Coral Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37
U S S Yorktown Under Japanese Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Papua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Jungled Mountain Ridges Near t h e G a p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Port Moresby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Milne B a y Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Australian Riflemen Passing Abandoned Japanese Tanks . . . . . . . . . 85
Wharf at Gili Gili ......................... 88
General Harding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3 2 d Division Troops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Bridge at Wairopi ......................... 97
Coastal Shuttle Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Kapa Kapa Trail, September 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 1
Crossing a Branch of Eroro Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Chow Line Along the Muddy Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Taking a Break. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122, 1 2 3
Simemi Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
L t . Col. Herbert A . Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
General MacNider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
107th Medical Battalion Corpsmen at Ward's Drome . . . . . . . . . . 136
Coconut Log Bunker With Fire Trench Entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Interior o f Coconut L o g Bunker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Gona Mission Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Natives With Supplies a n d Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
"Fuzzy Wuzzy" Natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Making Litters for the Wounded ................... 166
Australian 3.7-inch Pack Howitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
General Waldron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
128th Infantrymen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172, 1 7 3
126th Infantrymen Passing Through Hariko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
First Aid Station, Simemi ...................... 198
First Aid Station, Hariko ...................... 199
114th Engineer Battalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Boatload of Rations ......................... 229

Disabled Bren G u n Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Three Generals Convalescing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
General Stuart Light Tanks M 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Simemi Creek Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Bridge Over Simemi Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Swamp East of the Bridge ...................... 270
American a n d Australian Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Warren Force M e n After t h e Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
127th Regimental Headquarters Command Post . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Footbridge Over Entrance Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Japanese-Built Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
General Eichelberger and Members of His Staff............. 302
Firing a 60-mm. Mortar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
37-mm. Antitank G u n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
3 2 d Division Troops Examine Booty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Emaciated Prisoners Being Led to the Rear Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
General Blamey Touring t h e Battle Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Weary Soldier Sleeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
General Herring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Sanananda Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Collapsible Assault Boats....................... 337
Setting U p a Field Switchboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
General MacArthur With General Kenney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
.50-cal. Browning Machine G u n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Order of the Day, 22 January 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Dobodura Airstrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366, 3 6 7
Japanese Prisoners at Dobodura ................... 373

The illustrations on pages 19 and 85 are Australian War Memorial

photographs; those on pages 295 and 326 are Life photographs taken by
Strock. All other illustrations are from the files of the Department of
Photos on pages 295 and 326 ©George Strock/Timepix (2002)

The Japanese Threaten Australia

In mid-1942, the Japanese made two at- ing forward rapidly in Burma, Malaya, and
tempts to take Port Moresby, a key Aus- the Netherlands Indies, and the bulk of
tralian base in southeast New Guinea. These Gen. Douglas MacArthur's command in the
efforts were part of a plan to isolate Aus- Philippines already cut off on Bataan, their
tralia lest it be used for Counteroffensives government had joined with other Allied
against them. Port Moresby was an invit- governments in the Far East in the estab-
ing target, for it stood guard over Aus- lishment of the American, British, Dutch,
tralia's vital Melbourne-Brisbane coastal Australian Command (ABDACOM). Gen.
belt, the Commonwealth's most thickly pop- Sir Archibald P. Wavell of the British Army,
ulated and most highly industrialized area. and then Commander-in-chief, India, was
The first attempt was turned back by the 1
put in supreme command. Named as his
U.S. Pacific Fleet at the Battle of the Coral
deputy was Lt. Gen. George H. Brett, at
Sea; the second resulted in the Papuan Cam-
the time Commanding General, United
paign, one of the longest and most bitterly
States Army Forces in Australia
fought campaigns of the Pacific War. The (USAFIA). USAFIA, a small hastily im-
fight ostensibly was for Port Moresby, but provised service command a few weeks old,
it was Australia, no less than Port Mores- was engaged, on the one hand, in largely
by, which was in danger. barren attempts to get supplies through
to the Philippines by blockade runner and,
The Danger on the other, in providing for the supply of
American air units striking at the enemy
Australia's Plight from Darwin and advance bases in the
Netherlands Indies.2
Since late 1939 when they first began General Wavell was given as his principal
sending troops to the Middle East, the Aus-
tralians had relied upon the British forces in
Malaya, the base at Singapore, and the Brit- 1
Despatch by the Supreme Commander of the
ish Eastern Fleet to hold the Japanese en- ABDA Area to the Combined Chiefs of Staff (Lon-
emy from their shores should he attack. don, 1948) ; Gavin Long, Australia in the Second
They had sent troops, ships, and planes to World War, Part Seven, Ch. XXVII, pp. 389-95,
in G. Hartley Grattan, ed., Australia (Berkeley,
Malaya before the Japanese struck; and, in 1947); Winston S. Churchill, The Hinge of Fate
mid-January 1942, with the Japanese mov- (Boston, 1950), p. 14.

mission the task of holding the Malay Bar- donia—formed steppingstones all the way
rier, a defensive line which included the from the west coast of the United States to
Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and the east coast of Australia. Upon arrival the
Timor and extended eastward from Timor planes and matériel would be assigned to
to the coastal waters of northwestern General Wavell for defense of the Barrier.4
Australia. Australia (specifically excluded The Australians were left to defend the is-
from the ABDA Area at the time) was to land continent's eastern and northeastern
be used as "an essential supporting posi- approaches as best they could using their
tion." 3 own resources, the assumption at the time
As the Allied plan of operations called for being that Australia was safe as long as the
the build-up at top speed in Australia of a Barrier held.
strong U.S. air force to strike at the enemy The trouble was that Australia was, if
from forward bases in Java, USAFIA be- anything, even more exposed from the
came in effect a supply echelon of ABDA- northeast than from the northwest. What
COM, charged primarily with the logistical was more, it had heavy obligations there,
support of U.S. air operations in Java. being responsible for the defense of terri-
United States aircraft and supplies would tories in New Guinea, the Bismarck Archi-
be rushed to Australia by way of the newly pelago, and the Solomon Islands. Its two
opened South Pacific ferry route whose territories in New Guinea—Papua, a ter-
island bases—Hawaii, Christmas Island, ritory of the Commonwealth, and North
Canton Island, Samoa, Fiji, and New Cale- East New Guinea, a part of its New Guinea
Mandate—together made up the eastern
half of that immense island, the rest being
controlled by the Dutch. Its mandated ter-
Msg, CG AAF to Gen Brett, No. 59, 2 Jan 42, ritory also included New Britain and New
copy in AG 381 (1-1-42) Misc, DRB HRS, AGO;
Msg, Gen Brett to Gen George C. Marshall, No. Ireland in the Bismarck Archipelago and
CR 0139, CM-IN 30, 23 Jan 42; Maj Gen Julian Buka and Bougainville in the northern
F. Barnes, Rpt of Orgn and Activities USAFIA,
copy in OCMH files. The command had been
Solomons. It was, in addition, responsible
established on 22 December as the United States for the defense of the British, or southern,
Forces in Australia (USFIA) upon the arrival at Solomons, the whole New Guinea-Bis-
Brisbane of the Pensacola convoy, a 4,600-man
movement of air corps and field artillery troops
marcks-Solomons defense zone being known
originally destined for Manila and diverted to as the Northeast Area.
Australia upon the outbreak of hostilities with The means available to the Australians
Japan. General Brett, a noted air corps officer, and
then a major general, reached Australia by air from
for the defense of this vast area and of
Chungking on 31 December and took command,
becoming commander of United States Army Forces
in Australia (USAFIA) when USFIA took that
name on 5 January. For a full account of the con- Msg, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. CR 0139,
temporary operations of the United States Army CM-IN 30, 23 Jan 42; Msgs, Gen Marshall to
Forces in the Far East (USAFFE), General Mac- Gen MacArthur, No. 879, 24 Dec 42, No. 885, 26
Arthur's command in the Philippines, and of the Dec 41, in AG 381 (12-25-41), Sec 1; Msg, Gen
blockade-running activity, see Louis Morton, The Marshall to Gen Brett, No. 41, 25 Dec 41, in same
Fall of the Philippines, UNITED STATES ARMY file; Msg, Marshall to Brett, No. 25, 16 Jan 42, in
IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1953). WPD 4639-19; Memo, Brig Gen Leonard T. Gerow,
CCS Dir to Supreme Comdr ABDA Area, 2 Jan ACofS, for Gen Marshall, 27 Jan 42, sub: Messages
42, copy in ABDACOM Msg File, OPD Exec File. from Australia, in WPD 4628-24.

Australia itself were very limited. By late of its main outpost in New Guinea, Port
1941 Australia, a country of only a little Moresby, was left to the militia.
over seven million people, had already been Australia's home defenses were in a des-
at war for more than two years. Loyally perate state. Most of the 165 combat air-
joining the mother country in the fight craft which it had in the Pacific when the
against the European Axis, the Australians Japanese struck were in Malaya. The total
had dispersed their land, sea, and air bombing force available for Australia's de-
strength around the world. When the Jap- fense consisted of twenty-nine Hudson me-
anese struck, nine squadrons of the Royal dium bombers and fourteen Catalina flying
Australian Air Force (RAAF) were serv- boats, forty-three aircraft in all. Inasmuch
ing with the British in the United Kingdom, as Australia's only fighter-type planes, ob-
the Middle East, and Malaya. Some 8,800 solete Brewster Buffaloes, were in Malaya,
Australians were with the Royal Air Force RAAF units defending the homeland had
(RAF). Major units of the Royal Aus- no choice but to employ in lieu of fighter
tralian Navy (RAN), which then consisted planes the Australian-built Wirraway, a
principally of two heavy and three light type of advance trainer virtually useless in
cruisers, had just reached home waters after aerial combat.6
months of service with the Royal Navy in The ground forces were not much better
the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. off. Except for training cadres and an
Australia's only trained and equipped Australian Imperial Forces armored division
troops, four divisions of the Australian Im- without tanks, there were virtually no
perial Forces (AIF), the overseas volunteer trained soldiers left in Australia. The bulk
force, were nearly all abroad. The 8th Aus- of those at hand were militia troops who
tralian Infantry Division, less one brigade, would need months of training before they
was in Malaya. The remaining three di- would be ready for combat.
visions, the 6th, 7th, and 9th, were in the The Australian home defense organiza-
Middle East. By agreement with Mr. Win- tion, the Australian Military Forces (AMF)
ston S. Churchill, the British Prime Min- had two components: the Permanent
ister, the 6th and 7th Divisions' six brigades, Forces or regular army (28,000 men in
with corps and service troops, had been or- September 1939), and the Citizen Military
dered to Malaya on 8 December, but their
leading elements were not due to arrive
there until early March. Two of the re- 5
Msg, Prime Minister of Australia to Prime Min-
maining three battalions of the 8th Division ister of United Kingdom, 21 Feb 42, in OPD Exec
had been sent to the Netherlands Indies to Off File, Bk 4; WD, Survey of Australia, 25 Feb
reinforce the Dutch garrisons at Amboina 42, pp. 95-97, copy in OCMH files; Rpt on Aus-
tralia for the CinC Allied Forces, 14 Mar 42, in
and Timor. The last battalion was at Rabaul G-3 Jnl GHQ SWPA; Long, Australia in the
in New Britain, the main Australian base Second World War, pp. 391, 396; Churchill, The
Hinge of Fate, p. 10.
in the Bismarck Archipelago, and a few 6
AAF, The Army Air Forces in the War Against
hundred troops, part of an independent Japan, 1941-1942 (Washington, 1945), p. 62;
(Commando) company, were scattered USSBS, The Campaigns of the Pacific War (Wash-
ington, 1946), p. 53; E. Roland Walker, The Aus-
through the islands north and south of tralian Economy in War and Reconstruction (New
Rabaul. The defense of the mainland and York, 1947), p. 57.

Forces (CMF), the conscripted home de- staff officers charged with the security of
fense force then liable for service only in Australia, were faced with the problem of
Australia and Papua. The AMF was poorly how best to use their inadequate forces in
armed. It was deficient in field equipment its defense. To begin with, they had to de-
and, until February 1942, when the full cide whether to make the principal defense
mobilization of the CMF was finally com- effort in Australia or on its periphery, in
pleted, did not have even its minimum quota the Northeast Area.
of small arms. It was organized into seven After pondering the situation, the Chiefs
militia divisions, but these were at best only of Staff came to the conclusion that, with
training units, which had just begun to train untrained, ill-equipped troops, a critical lack
their personnel on a full-time basis. of aircraft, and insufficient naval forces, an
It had been planned to keep the militia effective defense of the forward bases to the
force at a constant strength of 250,000 men, northeast, especially the base at Rabaul, was
but during 1941 only half that number had out of the question. Additional troops com-
been in the training camps at any one time. mitted to their reinforcement would prob-
The basis of call, three months in camp and ably be lost, and the only result would be
three months at home, had insured that to reduce by that much the forces available
Australia's overtaxed war industry would for the final defense of the mainland. On
not be robbed of men it could ill afford to 15 December 1941 they therefore recom-
lose, but it had not done much to further mended to the Australian war cabinet that
the training of the troops, most of whom the existing garrison at Rabaul, and lesser
were scarcely beyond the recruit stage when garrisons in its vicinity, be neither with-
full-time training began. drawn nor increased, but that the garrison
An organized reserve of about 50,000 at Port Moresby (which in their opinion
men, the Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC), had some chance of survival because of its
was also available for defense of the main- more favorable geographical position) be
land. Made up principally of veterans of increased from a battalion to a brigade
World War I, who served in their home dis- group, the largest force that could be main-
tricts on a part-time basis without pay, the tained there out of Australia's slender re-
VDC at the outset had to use whatever sources.8 The rest of Australia's available
weapons were at hand, including in some manpower and resources would be con-
cases shotguns and antiquated fowling
The Australian Chiefs of Staff, the Memo, Lt Gen V. A. H. Sturdee, CGS AMF,
and Lt Gen Sydney F. Rowell, VCGS AMF, for
author, 16 Dec 47, in OCMH files. Generals
Sturdee and Rowell, respectively Chief and Deputy
Memo, Brig Gen Raymond E. Lee for ACofS Chief of the General Staff, AMF, in December
WPD, 9 Jan 42, in SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD 1941, and the last remaining members of the Chief
Exec File; Ltr, Gavin Long, Official War Historian, of Staff organization of that day to be still serving
Australia, to Maj Gen Orlando Ward, Chief of in 1947, graciously wrote this memorandum for the
Military History, USA, 7 Mar 51, in OCMH files; author to present the point of view of the Australian
WD, Survey of Australia, pp. 95-100; Long, Aus- Chiefs of Staff during the opening months of the
tralia in the Second World War, pp. 395-97. war.

centrated on the mainland, the assumption confidence that the place could be held
being that as matters stood there was no against a full-scale Japanese attack.10
choice but to make the fight for Australia To the northwest of Port Moresby, high
in Australia itself. in the mountains of North East New
The war cabinet accepted these recom- Guinea, there was another, much smaller,
mendations, and the available troops were force. It consisted of a single platoon of
deployed accordingly. Because of Austra- the 1st Australian Independent Company,
lia's vast area, its 12,000-mile coast line, AIF, and a few hundred men of the New
and the slowness and general inadequacy at Guinea Volunteer Rifles (NGVR), a local
the time of its road and rail communica- militia recruited in Papua and territories
tions, a relatively static local defense of the of the Mandate. This force held the 3,000-
country's most vital areas was adopted. Pro- foot-high Bulolo Valley, an area famous in
vision was made, however, for a mobile re- prewar days for its gold mining activity.
serve in each military district or command The valley, which boasted a small mountain
in order to give the defense as much flexi- airfield at Wau, was most strategically sit-
bility as possible. The main concentration uated. Airplanes based at Wau were within
of forces was in the Brisbane—Newcastle— easy flying distance of the great bight known
Sydney-Melbourne area, the industrial and as the Huon Gulf, and a series of native
agricultural heart of Australia. Smaller trails connected the valley with Lae and
forces were deployed in South Australia, Salamaua, the two most important points
Western Australia, and Tasmania, and on the gulf. Too weak even to attempt to
independent garrisons were established at hold Lae and Salamaua, the NGVR and
Darwin, Townsville, Cairns, and Thursday AIF troops based themselves principally in
Island. A reinforced battalion was sent to the valley intending, when the Japanese
Port Moresby, and the garrisons at Rabaul came, to harass them from there and, later
and in the rest of the Northeast Area were on when greater strength was available, to
left to fend for themselves.9 drive them out.11
The situation to the northeast was ex- Rabaul, a fine seaport at the northeast
ceedingly grave. Except for Port Moresby, tip of New Britain, had two good airfields
the Northeast Area was held by only token and a small coastal fort. Its 1,400-man gar-
forces, and even Port Moresby was in no rison consisted of the 2/22 Infantry Bat-
position to defend itself successfully. Its talion, AIF, a 100-man formation of the
strength, with the arrival of the promised NGVR, a small detachment of the RAAF,
reinforcements in January, was 3,000 men, 10
Rpt on Australia for CinC Allied Forces, 14
but the troops were only partially trained, Mar 42; OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt 1942, 31
Dec 42, in AFPAC Engr File; Memo, Long for
and their support—a 6-inch coastal battery, Hist Div, SSUSA, n. d. Jan 48, sub: Answers to
a 3.7-inch antiaircraft battery, a few anti- Questions by the Historical Division, in OCMH
tank guns, and a handful of Catalinas and files; George H. Johnson, The Toughest Fighting
in the World (New York, 1943), pp. 15, 43, 45;
Hudsons—was scarcely such as to give any Osmar White, Green Armor (New York, 1945),
pp. 43, 44, 52.
Memo, Long for Hist Div, SSUSA, n. d. Jan
48; Australian Military Forces, The Battle of Wau
Rpt on Australia for CinC Allied Forces, 14 (Canberra, 1943), passim; White, Green Armor,
Mar 42; WD, Survey of Australia, p. 96. pp. 89-148.

and a few officers of the RAN. In support Archipelago and the Lae—Salamaua area.
were two discarded 6-inch naval guns, two Beginning on 4 January, four-engine flying
3-inch antiaircraft guns, seven Wirraways, boats and carrier aircraft bombed Rabaul
and a few Hudsons.12 repeatedly, forcing the Hudsons to withdraw
The rest of the Northeast Area was held to Australia. On 20 January all the Wirra-
by the 1st Australian Independent Com- ways were shot down in a raid by one hun-
pany, AIF (less the platoon in the Bulolo dred carrier planes. A day later carrier-
Valley), a force of about three hundred based dive bombers literally blasted both
men. Detachments of the company were coastal guns out of the ground.15 The stage
stationed at Lorengau in the Admiralties, was set for the conquest of Rabaul.
at Kavieng in New Ireland, and at Buka The Japanese force chosen to take Rabaul
and Tanambogo in the Solomons where was the same force that had taken Guam.
there were also a few RAAF Catalinas and It was to be the main force also in the Japa-
some RAAF personnel. In addition, a part nese attempt to take Port Moresby. Known
of the company's strength was to be found as the South Seas Detachment, or Nankai
at Vila, in the New Hebrides.13 Shitai, it had been detached on 8 December
Also stationed at strategic points in the 1941 from the year-old 55th Infantry Divi-
Northeast Area was a small band of picked sion, then stationed on the island of Shikoku,
observers known as the Coast Watchers. Japan. The detachment was roughly five
Usually long-time residents of the area which thousand strong. It consisted of the 144th
they were to keep under surveillance, they Infantry Regiment and supporting divi-
had the duty of remaining behind when the sional troops and was under the command
Japanese came and reporting on their move- of Maj. Gen. Tomitaro Horii, an experi-
ments by radio. The Coast Watchers, who enced general officer who had previously
had long prepared themselves for the task, been in command of the 55th Division In-
did not have long to wait. fantry Group, from whose headquarters his
staff had been drawn.
The Fall of Rabaul On 4 January 1942, Imperial General
Headquarters ordered General Horii, then
By the end of December, the Japanese still stationed at Guam, to proceed as soon
had thoroughly reconnoitered the Bismarck
12 15
Rpt on Australia for CinC Allied Forces, 14 Statement, Lt Col H. H. Carr, CO 2/22 Bn,
Mar. 42; USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against AIF, 13 Jun 42, in Allied Geographic Section, Ter-
Rabaul (Washington, 1946), p. 6; Comdr Eric A. rain Study No. 22, Area Study of Gazelle Penin-
Feldt, RAN, The Coast Watchers (Melbourne, sula and Rabaul, App A-1, pp. 50, 51; USSBS,
1947), p. 39; Johnson, The Toughest Fighting in The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul, p. 6; Feldt,
the World, p. 28; White, Green Armor, pp. 32-33. The Coast Watchers, pp. 39-42; White, Green
The prefix "2/" in front of the 22 in 2/22 Armor, pp. 33-34.
Battalion indicates that this was the second time 1st Demob Bur, Hist Sec G-2, GHQ FEC,
that the 22d Battalion was constituted an AIF unit. South Seas Det Opns 1941-42, Japanese Studies
Rpt on Australia for CinC Allied Forces, 14 in World War II, No. 55, pp. 1-3; 1st Demob Bur,
Mar 42; Memo, G-3 SWPA for CofS SWPA, 19 Hist Sec G-2, GHQ FEC, Central Pacific Opns I,
Sep 42, sub: Australian Independent Companies, Japanese Studies in World War II, No. 36, pp. 1, 2.
in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Memo, Long for Hist Both in OCMH files. SEATIC, Hist Bul No. 243,
Div, SSUSA, n. d. Jan 48; Feldt, The Coast Hist of the Japanese 28th Army, 1 Oct 46; ATIS
Watchers, pp. 31, 35, 47, 53. SWPA, Biographical Sketch, Gen Tomitaro Horii,
Feldt, The Coast Watchers, passim. 27 Aug 42. Both in ACofS G-2 WDGS Files.

as possible with the capture of Rabaul. The when the vessel came under the guns of a
commander in chief of the 4th Fleet, Vice Japanese destroyer.18
Adm. Shigeyoshi Inouye, was ordered to The main body of the invasion convoy
support General Horii in the Rabaul opera- arrived off Rabaul on the night of 22-23
tion and, simultaneously with the capture January and, a few minutes after midnight,
of Rabaul, to use his naval troops to take began landing at Karavia and Simpson
Kavieng. On 8 January (after having in Harbor. Landings at Raluana Point and
the meantime flown to Truk and concluded Vulcan Island followed. The Australians,
an agreement with Admiral Inouye as to who had only mortars, machine guns, and
the fleet's part in the operation), General rifles, resisted stoutly from prepared posi-
Horii issued orders for the capture of tions and, though almost completely sur-
Rabaul. D Day was to be 23 January, and rounded, continued to fight through the
the landings were to begin at approximately night and early morning: By 1000 the situa-
0100. tion was seen to be hopeless, and the order
The South Seas Detachment left Guam was given to withdraw. Some of the Aus-
for Rabaul on 16 January. The transports tralian troops held their positions and
were escorted by units of the 4th Fleet, and fought to the death; the rest took to the hills
by the two fast carriers, Kaga and Akagi, with Japanese patrols in pursuit. Many
detached for the operation from Admiral of the fleeing Australians were caught and
Chuichi Nagumo's Special Striking Force, massacred, but four hundred of them man-
the same carrier force that had attacked aged to elude the Japanese and, after a har-
Pearl Harbor. The convoy was joined off rowing march that tested their every ounce
Truk by the naval task force which was to of endurance, reached the south and north
take Kavieng, and the combined force coasts of New Britain more dead than alive.
headed from Truk directly for the Bis- There other Australians, who had reached
marcks.17 the scene from New Guinea, searched them
The naval landing forces detailed to take out and took them to safety in small boats.19
Kavieng and points in its immediate vicinity With the fall of Rabaul, the forward de-
met with no opposition. The small Kavieng fense of the Northeast Area crumbled. All
garrison, which sought at the last moment that was left of it was the garrison at Port
to escape in a schooner, was captured intact Moresby, the troops in the Bulolo Valley,
and a handful of commandos in the Ad-
miralties and the Solomons who were pre-
pared to leave or "go bush" at a moment's
Walton L. Robinson, "AKAGI, Famous Japa-
nese Carrier," in United States Naval Institute Pro-
ceedings, May 1948, p. 581; South Seas Det Opns, The damage had been done. The Japa-
pp. 3, 5, 6; 1st Demob Bur, Hist Sec G-2, GHQ nese were now in position to move at a
FEC, South Seas Det Opns, 2d ed., Japanese 18
Msg, U. S. Mil Attache, Melbourne, to Gen
Studies in World War II, No. 109, pp. 4-6, in
Marshall, No. 46, CM-IN 53, 26 Jan 42; Feldt,
OCMH files; SEATIC, Hist 28th Army; USSBS,
The Coast Watchers, pp. 44-45.
The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul, pp. 6, 83, Statement, Col Carr, 13 Jun 42; South Seas

114; Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United Det Opns, pp. 7, 8; South Seas Det Opns, 2d ed.,
States Naval Operations in World War II, Vol. III, pp. 6-8; USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against
The Rising Sun in the Pacific (Boston, 1948), pp. Rabaul, pp. 6, 83, 114; Feldt, The Coast Watchers,
259-60. pp. 42-43, 54-65; White, Green Armor, pp. 32-42.

bound into North East New Guinea and the corvettes—under command of Vice Adm.
Solomons. Port Moresby and the Allied Herbert F. Leary, USN, was in operation
communications line to Australia, three of by 7 February. To assist him in the dis-
whose main bases—New Caledonia, Fiji, charge of his mission, Admiral Leary was
and Samoa—were within striking distance assigned a squadron of B-17's from Ha-
of the southern Solomons, were in danger. waii. The bombers reached Townsville,
Australia, on 17-18 February and several
The Collapse of the ABDA Area days later bombed Rabaul, the first U.S.
bombers to do so.21
The Combined Chiefs of Staff, aware by But if Port Moresby now had a modicum
this time of Australia's perilous position, of protection from the sea, its garrison con-
began making the best provision they could tinued as before without fighter planes. The
to strengthen its defenses. On 24 January direction from the Combined Chiefs to the
at the request of the Australian Prime Min- contrary, General Wavell was able neither
ister, Mr. John Curtin, they ordered that to provide it with aircraft nor to take over
Darwin and its environs be incorporated in its defense.22 Indeed, so badly had things
the ABDA Area; five days later they took gone in Wavell's area that he soon found
their first measures in defense of Port himself unable to hold the Barrier with the
Moresby and Australia's vital east coast. means at hand.
To meet Mr. Curtin's insistent demand for The strong U.S. air force which was to
fighter planes for Port Moresby, the Com- have retrieved the tactical situation on the
bined Chiefs gave General Wavell the al- Barrier failed to reach Java in time. Of some
ternatives of either providing the place with 260 fighter planes allotted to the project,
fighter aircraft or taking over its defense only thirty-six actually reached Java. While
himself. Then, in a measure designed to forty-nine heavy bombers got there, a por-
throw a protecting naval cordon around tion arrived too late to affect the issue, and
Port Moresby and the east coast, they estab- the rest, because of a critical lack of fighter
lished the ANZAC Area, a new strategic protection, antiaircraft, and maintenance
command covering principally the ocean personnel, were soon reduced to a state ap-
areas to the east and northeast of Australia, proaching impotence. By the third week in
in which a combined Australian-American February the ABDA Air Force (which had
force, ANZAC Force, was to operate with
the support of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.20 21
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No. 166, 20
ANZAC Force—the Australian cruisers Feb 42, copy in AG 381 (11-27-41), Sec 2c; Hist
Australia, Canberra, and Hobart, the U.S. 19th Bomb Gp ( H ) , 8 Dec 41-31 Dec 41; AAF,
cruiser Chicago, four destroyers, and a few The AAF in Australia to the Summer of 1942. Both
in USAF Hist Off. Morison, The Rising Sun in the
Pacific, p. 261.
Msg, Gen Wavell to CCS, ABDA No. 00647,
CCS 8, Inclusion of Port Darwin in the ABDA 1 Feb 42; Msg, CCS to Gen Marshall, DBA No. 8,
Area, 24 Jan 42; CCS 15, Institution of the ANZAC 3 Feb 42. Both in ABDACOM Msg File, OPD Exec
Area, 24 Jan 42. Both in ABC 323.31 (1-29-42), File. Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Wavell, No. 85,
Sec 1a. Msg, CCS to ABDACOM, No. 1231, CM- CM-IN 18, 6 Feb 42; Msg, COMANZACFOR to
IN 25, 29 Jan 42. COMINCH, n.n., CM-IN 96, 13 Feb 42.

never been able to put more than fifteen but scarcely threatening its control of the
heavy bombers in the air at any one time) island.
had, in all, ten heavy bombers, seven dive The Barrier was now completely
bombers, and thirteen fighter planes in op- breached. With no further reason for
erative condition.23 being, ABDACOM was dissolved on 25
Malaya, against which the Japanese mar- February. General Wavell returned at once
shaled their strongest force, was the first to to India, and General Brett to Australia,
go. On 15 February the Malay Campaign where each resumed his former command.27
came to an end with the surrender of Singa- The defense of Java fell to the Dutch, who,
pore. More than 64,000 troops (15,375 of disregarding the odds, chose to fight on,
them Australians), their guns, transport, though the struggle by this time was clearly
and equipment were surrendered that day hopeless and the early fall of the island was
to the Japanese, in what Mr. Churchill has a foregone conclusion.
called "the worst disaster and greatest ca- With the Japanese about to overrun the
pitulation of British History." 24 Indies, northwest Australia, and especially
The Japanese by this time had invaded the Darwin area, lay open to invasion. But
Borneo and the Celebes, taken Amboina, whether the Japanese would find it profit-
and landed in Sumatra. Now they could able to stage an invasion there was another
concentrate on the reduction of the Indies. matter. The area, mostly desert and very
On 19 February they bombed Darwin into sparsely settled, possessed only the most
rubble, and the next day began landing on
Timor, Darwin's closest neighbor in the In-
dies.25 Opposition on the island was quickly 26
Memo, Australian Dept of External Affairs for
overcome, except for an Australian inde- the Minister, 30 Aug 42, sub: Summary Report on
pendent company in the hills of Portuguese Portuguese Timor during the period December 1941
Timor, most of whose men were out of reach to June 1942, by Mr. David Ross, Australian Consul
at Dili, who arrived in Darwin from Timor on 10
of the Japanese when the landings began. July 1942, copy in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Buggy,
Swollen by fugitives from the fighting else- Pacific Victory, pp. 51-59.
where on the island, the company was to Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No.
1083, 24 Feb 42; Msg, Gen Wavell to Gen Mac-
operate guerrilla-fashion from the hills for Arthur, No. 1088, 25 Feb 42. Both in AG 381, Sec
more than a year thereafter, scourging the 2c. Despatch Supreme Commander ABDA Area
Japanese garrison with hit-and-run raids, (London, 1948), p. 16; Gen Barnes, Rpt of Orgn
and Activities, USAFIA. Upon General Brett's re-
sumption of command, General Barnes, who since
25 January had served as Commanding General,
Wesley F. Graven and James L. Cate, eds., The USAFIA, became Deputy Commander. Col. Ste-
Army Air Forces in World War II: Vol. I, Plans phen J. Chamberlin, who had served as chief of
and Early Operations January 1939 to August 1942 staff under Barnes since the latter's assumption of
(Chicago, 1948), p. 400; AAF, The AAF in the command, continued as chief of staff under General
War Against Japan 1941-1942, pp. 52, 53, 57. Brett. Barnes, who had reached Australia on 22
WD, The World at War (Washington, 1945), December in the Pensacola convoy as a brigadier
p. 123; Hugh Buggy, Pacific Victory (Melbourne, general, had also served briefly as commanding
1945), pp. 60, 61, 63; Churchill, The Hinge of general of the predecessor command, USFIA. Col-
Fate, p. 92. onel Chamberlin, who had reached Australia by air
WD, The World at War, p. 123; Buggy, Pacific on 9 January directly from Washington, had for a
Victory, pp. 51, 52, 111-16. time been its G-4.

tenuous of communications and, by the only nese concentrations at Rabaul in concert

available road, was more than a thousand with the ANZAC B-17's at Townsville.
miles from Australia's developed and inhab- Japanese reconnaissance detected the Lex-
ited areas on the other side of the continent. ington force while it was still some 350 miles
Even though the Japanese could, if they from Rabaul. After a running fight which
wished, take Darwin, it was clear that they cost the Japanese eighteen bombers, the car-
would have to think long and carefully be- rier force ran short of oil and withdrew. The
fore they undertook operations in Austra- clash with the Lexington force upset the
lia's parched and inhospitable Northern Japanese timetable for the Lae-Salamaua
Territory. operation, which, as a result, was postponed
to 8 March.
The Occupation of Lae and Salamaua The forces chosen to make the landings
were the 2d Battalion, 144th Infantry, a
Things had gone well for the enemy. He unit of the South Seas Detachment which
had thus far triumphed everywhere and was was to take Salamaua, a battalion of the
now ready for his first move onto the New Maizuru 2d Special Naval Landing Force
Guinea mainland. On 2 February Imperial accompanied by a naval construction unit
General Headquarters ordered the 4th Fleet of 400 men, and a naval base unit about
and the South Seas Detachment to take Lae 1,500 strong which with the Maizuru troops
and Salamaua, and at the proper time Port was to constitute the garrison force. The
Moresby. Tulagi in the southern Solomons 144th Infantry troops would return to Ra-
was also to be occupied, on a date as yet un- baul as soon as the area was secured.31
specified, in order, as the instructions put it, The landings were preceded by heavy
"to bring further pressure on Australia."28 air attacks on Lae, Salamaua, Wau, Bulolo,
On 16 February, after some preliminary and Port Moresby, beginning 2 March. The
discussions, General Horii and Admiral invasion convoy of three cruisers, eight de-
Inouye concluded an agreement for joint stroyers, a seaplane tender, and several
operations against Lae and Salamaua, under transports and cargo ships left Rabaul on
the terms of which Navy troops were to take the night of 5 March and made for New
Lae and Army troops Salamaua. The land- Guinea along the south coast of New Brit-
ings were to be made before the end of the
month, and the Navy was to supply the
permanent garrison for both points when ONI, Early Raids in the Pacific Ocean, pp. 35,
38, 40, copy in OCMH files; South Seas Det Opns,
their seizure had been completed.29 pp. 9, 10.
The landings were delayed. The U.S. air- 31
South Seas Det Opns, pp. 10, 11; 1st Demob
craft carrier Lexington and a protecting Bur, G-2 Hist Sec, GHQ FEC, Naval Account,
Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, Japanese
force of four heavy cruisers and ten destroy- Studies in World War II, No. 100, pp. 5-9; 1st
ers had moved into the area on 20 February Demob Bur, G-2 Hist Sec, GHQ FEC, 18th Army
with orders to break up the gathering Japa- Opns, I, Japanese Studies in World War II, No. 41,
p. 4; AMF, Interr of Lt Gen Hatazo Adachi, for-
merly CG 18th Army, and members of his staff, by
O/C 5th Mil Hist Fld Team, AMF, Rabaul. All in
South Seas Det Opns, pp. 8-9. OCMH files. ALF, History of the Lae-Salamaua
Army and Navy Agreement, 16 Feb 42, quoted Garrison (Japanese), 1 Apr 44, copy in DRB HRS,
in South Seas Det Opns, p. 9. AGO.

ain. Its progress was uncontested, and the took off from the Lexington and the York-
convoy reached the Huon Gulf shortly be- town, which were then in the Gulf of Pa-
fore midnight, 7 March. At 0100, 8 March, pua, flew through a pass in the Owen Stan-
the 2d Battalion, 144th Infantry, made an ley Mountains, and struck at enemy concen-
unopposed night landing at Salamaua, and trations on the Huon Gulf.
completed the occupation within the hour. The bombing was effective, and eight
At 0230 the Maizuru troops occupied Lae, ANZAC B-17's and six RAAF Hudsons at-
eighteen miles to the north. They too met no tacked when the carrier strike was over and
opposition, for the NGVR, after putting finished the job. In addition to sinking three
both Lae and Salamaua to the torch, with- ships and damaging four, the Allied planes
drew its few troops to the Bulolo Valley, killed 130 Japanese troops and wounded
leaving only light patrols behind.32 245. The ANZAC B-17's attacked again
On 9 March, the day that the Java gar- the next day and did heavy damage to build-
rison finally surrendered,33 a flight of AN- ings, runways, and piers at both Lae and
ZAC B-17's from Townsville tried to pre- Salamaua.34
vent the Japanese from consolidating their Though the Allied air attacks of 10 and
newly won positions on the Huon Gulf. The 11 March were unusually successful, they
attack was unsuccessful, but the enemy did not seriously disturb the efforts of the
landing forces were not to go unscathed. Japanese to establish themselves on the
After the abortive attempt of the Lexington Huon Gulf. Work had been begun at once
to raid Rabaul in late February, a larger to improve the airfields, the first fighter
carrier force, comprising the Lexington and planes from Rabaul arriving there 10
Yorktown, supported by eight heavy cruisers March, just after the main carrier attack.
and fourteen destroyers, including cruisers By 13 March the area was considered se-
and destroyers from ANZAC Force, was as- cure. The Navy troops took over, and the
sembled in early March to complete the 2d Battalion, 144th Infantry, left for Ra-
mission. The Japanese landings, which the baul, reaching it safely on the 15th.35
carrier forces might have prevented had they
struck earlier, caused an immediate change The Plan To Isolate Australia
in plan. On 10 March 104 carrier planes
Allied headquarters during early March
32 was alive with conjecture as to what the
Msgs, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 511,
CM-IN 106, 5 Mar 42, No. 582, CM-IN 9, 9 Mar
42; South Seas Det Opns, pp. 11, 12; 18th Army
Opns, I, 4; Naval Account, Japanese Invasion East- Msg, Lt Gen Delos Emmons, CG Haw Dept, to
ern New Guinea, pp. 6-8; ALF, History of the Lae- Gen Marshall, No. 2740, CM-IN 26, 12 Mar 42;
Salamaua Garrison (Japanese) ; AMF, Interr Gen Ltr, Gen George C. Kenney to Gen Ward, 26 Feb
Adachi et al; Feldt, The Coast Watchers, pp. 49, 51, in OCMH files; South Seas Det Opns, pp. 11,
52; Johnson, The Toughest Fighting in the World, 12; Naval Account, Japanese Invasion Eastern New
pp. 44-45; White, Green Armor, pp. 64, 66-67. Guinea, pp. 6-9; ALF, History of the Lae-Sala-
The garrison included, in addition to some maua Garrison (Japanese); ONI, Early Raids in
5,500 Britishers and 2,500 Australians, the 541 offi- the Pacific Ocean, February 1 to March 10, 1942,
cers and men of the 2d Battalion, 131st U. S. Field pp. 57-68; Morison, The Rising Sun in the Pacific,
Artillery Regiment, who had reached Soerabaja in p. 389.
January. USAFIA Check List, 11 Jul 42, in G-3 South Seas Det Opns, pp. 11, 12; 18th Army
Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Despatch by the Supreme Com- Opns, I, 4; Naval Account, Japanese Invasion of
mander ABDA Area, p. 16. Eastern New Guinea, pp. 7-9.

Japanese planned to do next. There were available to it from the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
profound differences of opinion. General Should the Japanese choose to attack New
Brett (who had resumed command of USA- Caledonia first, their lines of communication
FIA upon his return from the Indies) was would be longer, and their risk of encounter-
convinced that the Japanese would invade ing ANZAC units and reinforcements from
Australia from the northwest, since they had the Pacific Fleet would be correspondingly
large concentrations of troops, planes, and greater; furthermore, Port Moresby would
naval task forces in the Java area and could, be left as a hostile base on their flank. For
if they chose, turn them against Darwin at that reason the Australian Chiefs thought
a moment's notice. The Australian Chiefs Port Moresby would be attacked first, and
of Staff took a contrary view. In an esti- New Caledonia four to six weeks afterward.38
mate of the situation of 5 March, prepared Though he did not know it at the time,
by Maj. Gen. Sydney F. Rowell, Deputy General Rowell had guessed the enemy's in-
Chief of the General Staff, they concluded tent exactly. In the orders of 2 February
that the real threat lay elsewhere.37 for the landings at Lae and Salamaua, Im-
The Chiefs of Staff reasoned that if the perial General Headquarters had spoken of
Japanese bothered to take Darwin at all moves against Port Moresby and Tulagi but
their aim would be to prevent its use by had issued no specific orders pertaining to
the Allies as a "spring-board" from which those operations. On 9 March the 4th Fleet,
to attack them, rather than to use it as a in a companion move to the landings on the
"stepping stone" for the invasion of Aus- Huon Gulf, sent a landing party to Buka,
tralia. As the Australians saw it, the main in the northern Solomons; 39 on the 15th the
object of the Japanese was "to cut the air Army and Navy Sections of Imperial Gen-
and shipping lines of communication be- eral Headquarters met to decide on some
tween United States and Australia with a definitive line of action with regard to
view to preventing the development of Aus- Australia.
tralia as a base for eventual offensive opera- The representatives of the Navy Section
tions." They thought that the Japanese pointed to an ominous increase in air and
could best achieve this aim by occupying sea activity between the United States and
New Caledonia and Fiji. Nevertheless, since Australia as evidence that Australia was to
Port Moresby threatened Japanese lines of be used as a base for counterattacks against
communication, the Australians believed it them. They urged therefore that Australia
only natural that the enemy would act to be seized whatever the cost. The representa-
eliminate that threat first. They could see no tives of the Army Section, though equally
reason why the Japanese should not attack perturbed by the prospect that Australia
Port Moresby immediately, provided they might be used as a base from which attacks
were prepared to run the risk of meeting
the naval units of ANZAC Force and units 38
Appreciation of the Australian Chiefs of Staff,
5 Mar 42, sub: Probable Immediate Japanese Moves
in Proposed ANZAC Area, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
36 39
Msg, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 490, CM- Ltr, Maj Gen Charles A. Willoughby, ACofS
IN 48, 4 Mar 42. G-2, GHQ FEC, to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51, in
Ltr, Gen Rowell, DCGS AMF, to author, 16 OCMH files; South Seas Det Opns, p. 8; Feldt,
May 49, in OCMH files. The Coast Watchers, p. 108.

would be launched against them, were found it necessary later on—a compara-
strongly opposed to the invasion. It would tively easy matter. The immediate object
require ten or more divisions to take and was to isolate Australia, and the plan for
hold Australia, they pointed out, and they doing so was ready to go into effect. Japa-
did not have at the time "the munitions, nese naval aviation was now within 170
the reinforcements, or the ships," for such air miles of Port Moresby, close fighter dis-
an operation. The Army gained its point. tance. The 4th Fleet was spreading rapidly
Instead of approving an operation against through the northern Solomons, with the
the Australian mainland, the Japanese southern Solomons next. The final step,
agreed to seize Port Moresby as planned after Port Moresby was taken, would be to
and then, with the parallel occupation of seize New Caledonia, Fiji, and Samoa,
the southern Solomons, "to isolate Aus- thereby severing the line of communications
tralia" by seizing Fiji, Samoa, and New between the United States and Australia.
Caledonia.40 The Japanese had already taken Singa-
The plan said nothing about invading pore and the Indies and, with General Mac-
Australia; it did not have to. If everything Arthur's main force hopeless and starving
went well and all objectives were taken, on Bataan, would soon complete the reduc-
there would be time enough to begin plan- tion of the Philippines. Their success thus far
ning for the invasion of the Australian main- had been astounding, and now after only
land. Meanwhile, it would be possible to three months of operations they were
squeeze Australia and render it harmless threatening Australia, the last major posi-
without invasion and at much less cost. tion still left to the Allies in the southwest
It was clear from the circumstances that Pacific. The danger to the Commonwealth
the Japanese had not given up the idea of was immediate. If it was to be organized
invading Australia. They had merely laid as a base for Allied offensive operations,
it aside in favor of measures that, if success- it could not be permitted to succumb to the
ful, would make invasion—in the event they Japanese, whatever their designs upon it.
The Allied high command, seeing the
1st Demob Bur, G-2 Hist Sec, GHQ FEC, Hist danger, already had under consideration
Rec Army Section Imperial General Headquarters, measures that sought both to strengthen
Japanese Studies in World War II, No. 72, pp. 48,
50, 51. The following are to the same effect: South Australia's defense and to organize it for
Seas Det Opns, pp. 12, 14; 18th Army Opns, I, 5, 7. future offensive action.

Preparing the Defense

The declared policy of the War Depart- additional shipping became available. Upon
ment during January and early February on arrival, the division's mission would be to
troop movements to Australia had been to protect Australia's ports and air bases and
restrict them to air corps, antiaircraft, andto provide garrisons for the defense of its
service troops—to such troops, in short, as eastern and northeastern coasts.2
would be of direct value to the support of air While the War Department was thus pre-
operations. This policy had been adopted in paring to send U.S. ground troops to Aus-
the hope that, if everything was concen- tralia for use in its defense, the question
trated on the air build-up of the Indies, it came up of what to do with the Australian
might still be possible for General Wavell tocorps which was then en route to the South-
hold the Barrier. The hope had proved vain. west Pacific from the Middle East. Inas-
By mid-February, the debacle was at hand. much as it was clear by this time that the
Not only was the ABDA Area on the point corps would arrive too late to be of use in
of collapse, but Australia itself was in the defense of the ABDA Area, General
danger. Faced with this situation, the War Wavell proposed on 18 February that it be
Department, in a swift reversal of policy, diverted to Burma where the enemy was
ordered the first U.S. ground forces to advancing unchecked on Rangoon. Presi-
Australia. dent Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill took sub-
stantially the same position. Pointing out
The High Command Acts that the leading elements of the corps
(which was then in the Indian Ocean)
Reinforcing the Australian Base were the only troops that could intervene in
time to save Burma, each asked Mr. Cur-
The first unit ordered to go was the 41st tin on the 20th that he permit the tempo-
U.S. Infantry Division, then in training at rary diversion to that country's defense of at
Fort Lewis, Washington. On 17 February, least the leading division.3
Gen. George C. Marshall ordered its trans- 2
Memo, WPD for ACofS G-3 WDGS, 17 Feb
fer to Australia. The main body, less one 42, sub: Movement of Troops to SUMAC; Msg,
regiment, was to go immediately; the re- Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No. 479, 1 Mar 42, in
AG 381, Sec. 2c.
maining regiment would leave later when 3
Msg, Gen Brett to TAG, No. 27, CM-IN 833,
17 Feb 42; Msg, Mr. Curtin to Mr. Churchill, 21
Memo, WPD for TAG, 8 Jan 42, sub: Personnel Feb 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 4; General Staff,
and Supply Policy in Australia, in WPD 4630-28; India, ABDACOM: An Official Account of Events
Memo, WPD for ACofS G-3 WDGS, 17 Feb 42, in the Southwest Pacific Command, January-Feb-
sub: Movement of Troops to SUMAC, in WPD ruary 1942 (New Delhi, 1942), pp. 71-72, 83;
4630 66. Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 155-59.

Feeling, as he was to put it later, that his tralia in mid-March, and with the 41st Di-
"primary obligation" was "to save Aus- vision due to arrive in April, and the 32d
tralia," Mr. Curtin flatly refused to sanc- Division in May, a rapid concentration of
tion the diversion.4 Moreover, in addition to ground forces in Australia was assured.8
demanding the immediate return to Aus- The U.S. Air Force in Australia, at low
tralia of the 6th and 7th Divisions (the two ebb after the Indies campaign, was strength-
divisions en route) he demanded the return ened, and immediate steps were taken to
of the 9th Division, the one Australian divi- bring it up to authorized strength—two
sion still in the Middle East. heavy and two medium bombardment
Little exception could be taken to the groups, one light bombardment group, and
transfer home of the 6th and 7th Divisions, three pursuit groups. The island bases in
especially since the Australian Government the South Pacific were secured. By early
agreed to the temporary diversion of two February there were garrisons at Palmyra,
brigades of the 6th Division to Ceylon, Christmas Island, Canton Island, Bora
which was then believed to be in imminent Bora, Samoa, and the Fiji Islands. On 26
danger of invasion. The case of the 9th February the garrison for New Caledonia,
Division was another matter. To pull it out a force of 17,500 men, reached Australia,
of the Middle East without replacement and on 12 March it was redeployed to its
could conceivably so weaken the British line destination without incident.10
in the western desert that disaster might re- As a crowning touch to this defensive de-
sult. The United States, at Mr. Churchill's ployment, new bases were being established
suggestion, therefore offered to send a sec- at Tongatabu in the Tonga Islands and at
ond division to Australia if the Australian Efate in the New Hebrides. The establish-
Government would temporarily leave the ment of these bases had more than merely
9th Division in the Middle East. The Aus- a defensive intent. As Admiral Ernest J.
tralian Government gave its consent to this King pointed out to the President, when
arrangement,6 and the 32d U.S. Infantry these and the existing bases at Samoa, the
Division, then at Fort Devens, Massachu- Fijis, New Caledonia, and Bora Bora were
setts, where it had been preparing for early "made reasonably secure, we shall not only
shipment to Northern Ireland, was immedi- be able to cover the lines of communication
ately ordered to Australia.7 The leading ele- to Australia and New Zealand, but given the
ments of the AIF began debarking in Aus- naval forces, air units and amphibious forces,

4 8
Msg, Curtin to Churchill, 23 Feb 42, quoted in Ibid.; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No.
Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 163-64. 626, 10 Mar 42, in WPD 381 Aust (3-8-42).
5 9
Msg, Curtin to Churchill, 21 Feb 42. Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No. 479, 1
Ltr, Mr. Churchill to Mr. Roosevelt, No. 37, 4 Mar 42; Msgs, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 490,
Mar 42, in CCS 56, ABC 311.5 (1-30-42); CPS CM-IN 48, 4 Mar 42, No. 505, CM-IN 99, 5 Mar
7th Mtg, 6 Mar 42, in CCS 56/1; Msg, Gen Mar- 42. The original allotment had been four, not three,
shall to CG USAFFE, No. 739, 18 Mar 42, in pursuit groups, but an undertaking by the United
SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD Exec File; Long, States to maintain one Australian pursuit group at
Australia in the Second World War, p. 396; full strength had cut down U.S. pursuit strength by
Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 163-66, 173, 174. one group.
7 10
Memo, Lt Col Henry I. Hodes for Brig Gen Msg, Gen Marshall to CG USAFFE, No. 1024,
Robert W. Crawford, 17 Apr 42, in OPD 400 8 Feb 42; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No.
Australia. 351, 18 Feb 42. Both in AG 381, Sec. 2c.

we can drive northwestward from the New that it should be under the strategic direc-
Hebrides into the Solomons and the Bis- tion of the Combined Chiefs of Staff.13
marck Archipelago after the same fashion The Joint Chiefs objected to these pro-
of step by step advances that the Japanese posals on two main grounds. They had al-
used in the South China Sea."11 ready agreed that the Supreme Commander
would operate directly under them, not the
Reorganizing the Pacific Theater Combined Chiefs of Staff; and they did not
like the idea of having Australia and New
These reinforcing moves were accom- Zealand in one area, for the reason that the
panied by a reorganization of the Pacific two did not constitute a strategic entity.14
Theater to fill the void left by the collapse As Admiral King was to explain the mat-
of ABDACOM. After sounding out the ter to the President:
British and finding them agreeable, the Marshall and I are in complete agreement
President proposed on 9 March that the on subdividing the Pacific. We believe Aus-
world be divided into spheres or areas of tralia proper and the New Zealand line of
communication area are two strategic entities.
strategic responsibility and that the United The defense of Australia is primarily a land-
States, as the power best fitted to do so, air problem for which the best possible naval
assume responsibility for operations in the support is a fleet free to maneuver without
Pacific.12 restrictions imposed by local conditions. New
With British approval of the plan a fore- Zealand, on the other hand, is the key point
for Pacific lines of communication which is a
gone conclusion, the Joint Chiefs had mean- naval responsibility. New Zealand has no rela-
while been considering how the Pacific The- tion to the defense of Australia in these cir-
ater was to be organized. They had heard cumstances.15
from the Australian and New Zealand Gov- By the following day, 9 March, the Joint
ernments in connection with the matter on Chiefs of Staff had worked out the main
the 8th. After a four-day conference at Mel- lines that the organization in the Pacific was
bourne, attended by their Chiefs of Staff, the to take. It was decided that the ABDA and
responsible ministers, and General Brett, the ANZAC Areas would be abolished; that
Australian and New Zealand Governments
had agreed that the new area should have
an American supreme commander; that it Appreciation by the Australian and New Zea-
land Chiefs of Staff, 26 Feb 42, sub: Future Policy
should include Australia, New Zealand, and Strategy for Conduct of War in the Pacific—
Timor, Amboina, and New Guinea; and Australia and New Zealand, in 314.7 MacArthur
File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA; Msgs, Gen Brett
to Gen Marshall, No. 81, 27 Feb 42, in OPD Exec
Memo, Admiral Ernest J. King for the Presi- Off File, Bk 4, No. 390, CM-IN 1458, 28 Feb 42,
dent, 5 Mar 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 4. No. 467, CM-IN 30, 3 Mar 42; Msg, British Chiefs
Msg, Roosevelt to Churchill, No. 115, 9 Mar of Staff to Joint Staff Mission, No. W-109, 7 Mar
42, in CCS 56/1 ABC 311.5 (1-30-42). The full 42, in CCS 57, ABC 323.31, POA (1-29-42),
proposal was that there be three theaters: the Pa- Sec. 1a.
cific Theater, the Indian Ocean-Middle East Thea- JCS 5th Mtg, Item No. 1, 9 Mar 42, sub: Gov-
ter, and the European-Atlantic Theater. The Pa- ernmental and Strategical Control and Commands
cific Theater as a responsibility of the United States in the ANZAC Area-Demarcation of New Strate-
would be under the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Indian gic Areas in the Japanese War Zone.
Ocean-Middle East Theater would be under the Memo, Admiral King for the President, 5 Apr
British Chiefs of Staff; and the European-Atlantic 42, in CCS 57/2, ABC 323.31, POA (1-29-42)
Theater would be a joint responsibility. Sec. 2.

Australia and New Zealand would be in his withdrawal with such a purpose in
separate areas; and that the Pacific The- view.17 The orders from the President came
ater would be divided into two main areas: on 22 February. In them, General Mac-
the Pacific Ocean Area, including the Arthur was directed to proceed as quickly
North, Central, and South Pacific Areas; as possible to Mindanao, and from Mind-
and the Southwest Pacific Area, including anao to Australia. "It is the intention of the
Australia, the Philippines, a portion of the President," the dispatch continued, "to ar-
Netherlands Indies, and Australia's land range with the Australian and British Gov-
and sea approaches, north and northeast. ernments for their acceptance of you as com-
Australia, the Netherlands Indies, and the mander of the reconstituted ABDA Area." 18
United States, as the governments partici- General MacArthur, fifteen members of
pating in defense of the latter area, would his staff, two naval officers, his wife and
select a Supreme Commander, whose direc- child, and the child's nurse left Corregidor
tive would be prepared by the Joint Chiefs by motor torpedo boat on 11 March, and
of Staff in collaboration with the govern- arrived safely at Mindanao two days later.
ments concerned.16 To take them the rest of the way, General
Because the Pacific Ocean Area covered Brett had sent four B-17's to Mindanao—
principally the ocean areas already under "beat-up" veterans of the fighting in Java
command of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, but the best he had. Three of the B-17's
Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific failed to arrive because of mechanical diffi-
Fleet, it became obvious that Nimitz would culties, and the fourth was found to be in
be its commander. Nor was the identity of such poor condition upon arrival that Gen-
the Supreme Commander of the Southwest eral Brett had to ask Admiral Leary for the
Pacific Area to be long in doubt; he was loan of three of his comparatively new
already preparing to leave for Australia. ANZAC B-17's. Leary's bombers reached
Mindanao on 16 March, picked up their
General MacArthur's Arrival passengers, and landed them safely at Dar-
win the next day.19
As early as 4 February, General Marshall General Brett, who had been ordered to
had radioed General MacArthur that, with keep MacArthur's coming a matter "of pro-
the situation on Bataan what it was, there found secrecy" until the actual moment of
might be more pressing need for his services
elsewhere, and that there was therefore a
likelihood that the President might order Memo, WPD for Officer in Charge, Code
Room, 4 Feb 42, WDCSA 370.05 Philippines (3-
17-42), in DRB HRS, AGO.
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No.
JCS 18, Governmental and Strategical Control 1678, 22 Feb 42, WDCSA 370.05 Philippines (3-
and Command in the ANZAC Area, 8 Mar 42, in 17-42).
ABC 323.31, POA (1-22-42), Sec. la; JCS 18/2, Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Brett, No. 58, 13
Creation of Southwest Pacific Area, 9 Mar 42, in Mar 42; Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No.
ABC 323.31, POA (1-29-42), Sec. 2; JCS 5th 482, 14 Mar 42; Msgs, Gen Brett to Gen Mac-
Mtg, 9 Mar 42. In addition to the Southwest Pacific Arthur, No. CG 1179, 14 Mar 42, No. 79, 15 Mar
Area and the Pacific Ocean Area, the Pacific Thea- 42; Msg, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 736, 17
ter included the Southeast Pacific Area—a broad Mar 42. All in 384-1, MacArthur File, G-3 Files,
band of ocean facing the western coasts of Central GHQ SWPA. Lt. Gen. George H. Brett, "The Mac-
and South America, well outside the combat zone. Arthur I Knew," True, October 1947, p. 140.

his arrival,20 at once called Mr. Curtin by release at Washington contained the addi-
telephone and told him the news. Then, in tional statement (later cleared with the Aus-
accordance with prior instructions from the tralians) that his arrival had been "in ac-
President and speaking in the President's cordance with the request of the Australian
name, he proposed that the Australian Gov- Government." 23
ernment nominate General MacArthur as A great feeling of relief swept the Aus-
the Supreme Commander of the Southwest tralian people when they learned that Gen-
Pacific Area. It was a matter of regret to eral MacArthur had arrived to take charge
the President, Mr. Curtin was told, that it of their country's defense. The Australians
had not been possible to inform the Aus- had good cause to be enthusiastic over Mac-
tralian Government "in advance of General Arthur's coming. One of the most renowned
MacArthur's pending arrival," but such a soldiers of his time, a divisional commander
course had been necessary "because safety in World War I, a former Chief of Staff
during the voyage from the Philippines re- of the United States Army, a field marshal
quired the highest order of secrecy." 21 in the Philippine Army, and, as Command-
Mr. Curtin, who had had no prior inti- ing General of the United States Army
mation that General MacArthur was com- Forces in the Far East, the leader of the
ing, was (as the President reported to Mr. heroic defense of the Philippines, MacAr-
Churchill) extremely "enthusiastic" at this thur had shown himself to be possessed of
turn of events and at once nominated Gen- exceptional gifts as a commander. There was
eral MacArthur as his government's choice every reason to believe that Australia's de-
for Supreme Commander. fense would be safe in his hands.
A joint press release was issued on 17
March at Melbourne and Washington, an- The Interim Period
nouncing that General MacArthur had ar-
rived in Australia and would be Supreme The Initial Problems
Commander of the forces there and in the
Philippines. To forestall Axis propaganda On 18 March, the day after his arrival
which might make capital of General Mac- in Australia, General MacArthur, who was
Arthur's departure from the Philippines, the then still operating as Commanding Gen-
eral, United States Army Forces in the Far
East, was told by General Marshall that in
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen Brett, No. 613, 10 accordance with the ABDA precedent he
Mar 42, in 384-1, MacArthur File, G-3 Files, GHQ would as Supreme Commander be ineligible
Tel Msg, Gen Brett to Mr. Curtin, 17 Mar 42,
to command a national force. General Brett
in 384-1, MacArthur File, G-3 Files, GHQ would therefore have to continue tempora-
SWPA. The message, which had been prepared in rily at least, as commander of USAFIA,
advance, was read over the phone to Mr. Curtin at
1615 that day, and a confirmation was sent by mail
later the same day.
22 23
Msg, President Roosevelt to Former Naval Per- WPD Press Release, 17 Mar 42, copy in OCMH
son, 17 Mar 42, in Item No. 10, Exec No. 10, Col files: Msg, President Roosevelt to Former Naval
Gailey's File, OPD Exec File; Msg, Gen Brett to Person, 17 Mar 42; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen
Gen Marshall, No. 736, 17 Mar 42, in 384-1, Brett, No. 716, 17 Mar 42. Both in Item No. 10,
MacArthur File, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Exec No. 10, Col Gailey's File, OPD Exec File.

commander.25 This at once brought up the

problem of the command of the American
ground forces. General MacArthur pro-
posed that this command go to General
Barnes when he became commander of
USAFIA. General Marshall strongly op-
posed the suggestion and pointed out that,
with the bulk of the ground forces in the
area Australian, both the American and
Australian ground forces should be under
an Australian commander, "in accordance
with the policy developed for combined
Acting on this suggestion, General Mac-
Arthur at once worked out the ground force
organization which was subsequently
adopted. As outlined to General Marshall
on 24 March, its basic feature was that all
ground combat forces, Australian and
American, would be under command of
"the appropriate Australian general." The
Australian and American ground forces
would, however, continue as before with
GENERAL MACARTHUR ARRIV- separate service organizations. The existing
ING IN SYDNEY is met by the Aus- Australian supply organization would con-
tralian Prime Minister, Mr. Curtin. tinue to operate through established Aus-
tralian channels while USAFIA, its Amer-
though it was intended that he would ulti- ican counterpart, would have only supply
mately command the combined air forces and administrative functions, and its com-
of the area; Admiral Leary, the naval mander, General Barnes, would operate, as
forces; and an Australian, the ground General MacArthur put it, "under policies
24 established by me." In this way, General
Three days later, with the approval of the MacArthur felt, he would "free the combat
Australians, General MacArthur, and the
War Department, General Brett became
Allied Air Commander, with Maj. Gen. 25
Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen Brett, 17 Mar 42, in
Julian F. Barnes, Deputy Commander of 314.7 MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA.
Msg, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 792, 21 Mar
USAFIA, slated to take Brett's place as its 42; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. 3,
21 Mar 42. Both in SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD
Exec File.
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. 3,
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, Mel- 21 Mar 42; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur,
bourne, No. 79, 18 Mar 42, copy in OPD Exec Off No. 810, 22 Mar 42. Both in SWPA-MacArthur
File, Bk 4. File, OPD Exec File.

echelons of all administrative, supply, and to General MacArthur as Supreme Com-

political considerations, permitting uninter- mander of the Southwest Pacific Area, and
rupted concentration on combat." to Admiral Nimitz as Commander in Chief,
Since General MacArthur was not at the Pacific Ocean Area, were ready, and the
time Supreme Commander of the South- President approved them the next day.31
west Pacific Area and could not be until the The Southwest Pacific Area, as set forth
area was formally established and he as- in the directive to General MacArthur, in-
sumed command, it became necessary that cluded Australia, the Philippines, New
he act in the interim as if he had already Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the
become Supreme Commander. With the Solomons, and, except for Sumatra, the
good will and enthusiastic support of the Netherlands Indies. As Supreme Com-
Australians, the transition was successfully mander, General MacArthur was to hold
negotiated. By the end of the month, Gen- Australia as a base for future offensive ac-
eral MacArthur was able to report that he tion against Japan; sustain the U.S. position
was enjoying extremely cordial relations in the Philippines; support the operations
with the Australian authorities, that all his of friendly forces in the Pacific Ocean Area
suggestions were being adopted without and Indian Ocean; and "prepare to take
reservation, and that every possible step the initiative." 32
within the means available was being taken The Pacific Ocean Area, Admiral
"to place the area in a posture of secure Nimitz's command, was to be divided into
defense." 28 three component parts: the Central Pacific,
North Pacific, and South Pacific Areas. The
The Joint Directives of 30 March first two would be under Admiral Nimitz's
direct command; the third, the South Pacific
On 18 March, Prime Minister Churchill Area, the area immediately adjoining the
replied favorably to the President's proposal Southwest Pacific,33 would be under a naval
of nine days before that the world be divided officer of flag rank, who would be appointed
into areas of strategic responsibility, with the by Nimitz and operate under his direction.
United States responsible for the conduct of
the war in the Pacific.29 On 24 March, the 31
JCS Directive to the Supreme Commander in
Combined Chiefs of Staff formally estab- the Southwest Pacific Area, 30 Mar 42; JCS Di-
lished the Pacific Theater as an area of U.S. rective to the CinC Pacific Ocean Area, 30 Mar
responsibility.30 By 30 March the directives 42. Both in CCS 57/1. Memo, Brig Gen W. B.
Smith, U.S. Secy CCS, for Gen Marshall and
Admiral King, 1 Apr 42, in ABC 323.31, POA
(1-29-42), Sec. 2.
27 32
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. 19, JCS Directive to the Supreme Commander,
24 Mar 42, copy in SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD Southwest Pacific Area, 30 Mar 42.
Exec file. It should be noted that the South Pacific Area
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. 56, included everything south of the equator between
CM-IN 0013, 1 Apr 42. 160° east longitude and 110° west longitude, except
Msg, Prime Minister Churchill to President for the Solomon Islands, which were then in the
Roosevelt, No. 46, 18 Mar 42, in JCS 19/1, ABC Southwest Pacific Area, and Canton Island, which
271 (3-5-42). was in the Central Pacific Area. Fiji, Samoa, New
CCS 57/2, Strategic Responsibility of the U.K. Caledonia, and New Zealand were thus in the South
and the U.S., 24 Mar 42, in ABC 323.31, POA Pacific Area, as were the New Hebrides and the
(1-29-42), Sec. 2. Santa Cruz Islands.

General Orders ) Melbourne, Vic.,

No. l ) 10 April, 1942.

1. By agreement among the Governments of Australia, the United Kingdom,

the Netherlands and the United States there has been constituted, effective
1400 GMT, 18 April, 1942, the Southwest Pacific Area, with boundaries as
defined in Annex 1.

2. By virtue of the same authority, the undersigned hereby assumes


3. The following commands are hereby created with commanders as indicated,

composed of forces assigned to the Southwest Pacific Area by the respective
Governments, and assigned to specific commands by this headquarters, initially
as provided in Annex 1.

a.Allied Land Forces, Southwest Pacific Area.

Commander: General Sir THOMAS BLAMEY, K . C . B . ,

C.M.G., D.S.O., Australian Army.

b. Allied Air Forces, Southwest Pacific Area.

Commander: Lieutenant General GEORGE H. BRETT,

United States Army.

c.Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area.

Commander: Vice Admiral HERBERT F. LEAHY,

United States Navy.

d. United States Forces in the Philippines.

Commander: Lieutenant General JONATHAN M.

WAINWRIGHT, United States Army.

e. United States Army Forces in Australia.

Commander: Major General JULIAN F. BARNES,

United States Army.

As CINCPOA, Admiral Nimitz was to hold emanating from the Commonwealth

the island positions between the United Government."
States and the Southwest Pacific Area; sup- General MacArthur, who chose to desig-
port the operations of the Southwest Pacific nate himself as Commander in Chief South-
Area; protect essential sea and air com- west Pacific Area rather than as Supreme
munications in his area; and "prepare for Commander, formally established the Al-
the execution of major amphibious offen- lied Land Forces, Allied Air Forces, and
sives against positions held by Japan, the Allied Naval Forces the same day. General
initial offensives to be launched from the Sir Thomas Blamey, Commander in Chief,
South Pacific Area and the Southwest Pa- Australian Military Forces, who had just ar-
cific Area." 34 rived from the Middle East, became Com-
mander Allied Land Forces; General Brett
The Assumption of Command became commander of the Allied Air
Forces; and Admiral Leary took over com-
Approval of General MacArthur's direc- mand of the Allied Naval Forces. Also in-
tive by the participating governments was corporated into the command structure of
delayed. The Australian Government—the the area that day were two previously estab-
last to give its approval—only did so on 14 lished U.S. commands—the United States
April, after certain questions relating to the Army Forces in Australia, under General
movement of its troops out of Australian ter- Barnes, and the United States Army Forces
ritory, and the right of its local commanders in the Philippines, under Lt. Gen. Jonathan
to communicate freely with their govern- M. Wainwright, then only eighteen days
ment, had been settled to its satisfaction.35 away from surrender and dissolution.
On 18 April, a month almost to the day In the matter of his staff, General Mar-
after his arrival in Australia, General Mac- shall had recommended to General Mac-
Arthur assumed command of the Southwest Arthur that all the participating govern-
Pacific Area.36 All combat echelons of the ments be represented as had been done in
Australian forces, naval, ground, and air, the case of ABDACOM. Marshall sug-
were assigned to his command as of that gested to MacArthur that this arrangement
date, and the Australian commanders con- would be particularly desirable in his area
cerned were notified that orders issued by since the Supreme Commander of the area,
him as Supreme Commander Southwest
Pacific Area were to be considered "as
Ltr, Mr. Curtin, to Gen MacArthur, 17 Apr
42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Mr. F. G. Shedden,
JCS Directive to the CinC Pacific Ocean Area, Minister for Defence Coordination, Commonwealth
30 Mar 42. of Australia, 13 Apr 42, copy in 314.7, MacArthur
Msg, Mr. Curtin to Dr. H. V. Evatt, No. 31, 7 File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA.
Apr 42; Ltr, Admiral King to Dr. Evatt, 10 Apr 42 ; GHQ SWPA GO No. 1, 18 Apr 42 ; Msgs, Gen
Ltr, Dr. Evatt to Admiral King, 14 Apr 42. All in MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. AG 381, CM-IN
ABC 323.31 POA (1-29-42), Sec. 2. Msg, Gen 5422, 20 Apr 42, No. AG 415, 20 Apr 42, copy in
Marshall to Gen MacArthur, 14 Apr 42, in SWPA- SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD Exec File, No. AG
MacArthur File, OPD Exec File. 441, CM-IN 2601, 25 Apr 42; Allied Air Forces
GHQ SWPA GO No. 1, 18 Apr 42. GO No. 2, 27 Apr 42.

his chief of staff, and the air and naval com- lians, with a rapidly expanding army, did
manders would be Americans, and the Pres- not have nearly enough staff officers to meet
ident had stated it as his wish that "a num- their own needs, let alone to serve on his
ber of the higher positions" on the staff go staff. "There is no prospect," he told Mar-
to Dutch and Australian officers, and par- shall flatly, "of obtaining qualified senior
ticularly to Australians.40 staff officers from the Australians." 42
The staff of General Headquarters was
named on 19 April, the day after General The Defensive Problem
MacArthur assumed command. Its mem-
bers were Maj. Gen. Richard K. Suther- General MacArthur's Decision
land, Chief of Staff; Brig. Gen. Richard J.
Marshall, Deputy Chief of Staff; Col. General MacArthur arrived in Australia
Charles P. Stivers, G-1; Col. Charles A. to find that the Australian Chiefs of Staff,
Willoughby, G-2; Brig. Gen. Stephen J. feeling that they could not hope to hold
Chamberlin, G-3; Col. Lester J. Whitlock, Port Moresby without proper naval and air
G-4; Brig. Gen. Spencer B. Akin, Signal support, had based their strategy for the
Officer; Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Casey, Engi- defense of Australia on continental defense,
neer Officer; Brig. Gen. William F. Mar- the defense, that is, of the mainland rather
quat, Antiaircraft Officer; Col. Burdette M. than of the approaches. They had considered
Fitch, Adjutant General; and Col. Le- the reinforcement of Port Moresby a few
Grande A. Diller, Aide-de-Camp and Pub- weeks before and decided that "it was out
lic Relations Officer.41 of the question since we have inadequate
General Chamberlin, Colonel Whitlock, forces for defense of the east coast . . .
and Colonel Fitch had served on the staff the only area from which reinforcements
of USAFIA, and the other members of the can be drawn." Since to withdraw the gar-
staff had come out of the Philippines with rison was also out of the question, they con-
General MacArthur and served on his staff cluded that they would have to hold Port
there. All the heads of staff sections were Moresby "as long as possible, and exact
Americans; such Dutch and Australian offi- heavy toll from the enemy should he at-
cers as were assigned to General Headquar- tack it."43
ters Southwest Pacific Area served under Though they were thus committed to con-
them as members of the staff sections. tinental defense, the Australian Chiefs of
Though General Marshall again pressed Staff were well aware of the difficulty of
him on the point, General MacArthur did attempting to defend a country so vast in
not then or later assign a Dutchman or an area and so poor in communications with-
Australian as a senior member of his staff. out adequate naval and air support. "Until
The reason for his failure to do so, as he such time as adequate naval and air forces
stated it to General Marshall in June, was are available," they noted, "it is estimated
that there were no "qualified Dutch officers"
present in Australia, and that the Austra-
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No.
AG 994, CM-IN 4634, 15 Jun 42.
40 43
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. Appreciation by the [Australian] Chiefs of
1178, CM-OUT 1495, 9 Apr 42. Staff—February 1942, 27 Feb 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
GHQ SWPA GO No. 2, 19 Apr 42. SWPA.

that it would require a minimum of 25 di- after what had happened to their ground
visions [to hold Australia] against the scale forces in Malaya, Amboina, and Timor.
of attack which is possible." "This would MacArthur's position, as he explained it
mean," they added, "that 10 fully equipped a year after the event, was essentially that
divisions would have to be supplied by our it was too much to expect that naval and air
Allies" 4 4 —an impossible figure, as they well support on a scale sufficient to defend the
knew, since neither the British nor the vast reaches of the continent successfully
United States between them were in any either would or could be made available. He
position at the time to supply them with that told Mr. Curtin (who understood it to be
many ground troops. the main point of difference between him
In March 1943, a year after his arrival, and "our Chiefs of Staff earlier apprecia-
General MacArthur publicly revealed that tions") that even twenty-five divisions
he had no sooner reached Australia than would probably be insufficient to hold the
he concluded that the key to its defense lay mainland without such support.47 He was
not on the mainland but in New Guinea. reasonably sure, however, that it could be
Although his available means were ex- held with such forces as were likely to be
tremely meager,45 he assumed as a matter of made available if the main defensive effort
course that he would be given sufficient was made not in Australia itself but in
naval and air support to ensure a successful New Guinea. The strategic principle as he
defense of the continent at its approaches, conceived it at the time, and as he stated
an assumption that the Australian Chiefs it later on, was that the successful defense
were then in no position to make, especially of Australia required that the battle "be
44 waged on outer perimeter territories rather
Ibid. 48
The order of arrival from the Middle East of than within the territory to be defended."
AIF brigades at Fremantle was as follows: the 25th The fight for Australia, in short, would be
on 4 March, the 21st on 15 March, the 18th on 20 waged not on the mainland but in New
March (these three units comprising the 7th Aus-
tralian Infantry Division) ; and the 19th Brigade of Guinea. As events turned out, both the de-
the 6th Australian Infantry Division on 20 March. fense and the offense—when offense became
United States troops in Australia numbered less possible—were pivoted on Port Moresby.
than 25,000—about half of them air force personnel
and the rest, field artillery, antiaircraft, and service
That General MacArthur had conceived
troops. The Air Corps had planes enough only for such a strategy upon his arrival was ques-
one heavy bombardment squadron, one light bom- tioned by the Australians. Mr. Curtin's
bardment squadron, and six pursuit squadrons.
Admiral Leary's command consisted of a few cruis-
impression of the matter was, for instance,
ers and destroyers, and the squadron of B-17's that it was not until some considerable time
assigned to him for operations against Rabaul. later that MacArthur was able to trans-
Msgs, Gen Brett to Gen Marshall, No. 510, CM-IN
115, 8 Mar 42, n. n., CM-IN 108, 12 Mar 42, form his strategy "from a defensive one on
No. 727, CM-IN 59, 17 Mar 42: CPS 9th Mtg, 9
Mar 42, sub: Defense of Australia, in ABC 381 Aus- Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 16 May
tralia (11-23-42) ; Msg, COMINCH to COMAN- 42, in 314.7 MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
ZACFOR, 11 Mar 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 4; SWPA. In this letter, Mr. Curtin summarizes for
Craven and Cate, The Army Air Forces in World General MacArthur and the record his understand-
War II, I, 411. ing of a previous conversation with MacArthur.
46 48
Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 8 May 42, Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Mr. Curtin, 6 Oct 42,
in 314.7 MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
SWPA; Frazier Hunt, MacArthur and the War SWPA. See also Hunt, MacArthur and the War
Against Japan (New York, 1944), pp. 82, 83. Against Japan, pp. 82, 83.

the mainland, to a defense of the mainland real danger was at Port Moresby. If Port
from the line of the Owen Stanley Range." Moresby fell to the Japanese, its loss would
But General MacArthur insisted that he had put in immediate jeopardy the safety of
held this view from the start. "It was never Australia's "all important area"—the
my intention," he told Mr. Curtin, "to de- Brisbane-Melbourne coastal belt.
fend Australia on the mainland of Australia. Such being the case, a maximum effort
That was the plan when I arrived, but to would have to be made to provide addi-
which I never subscribed, and which I im- tional air and sea power for the defense of
mediately changed to a plan to defend Port Moresby and the other threatened
Australia in New Guinea." areas. A successful defense would require
several aircraft carriers and at least 675
Putting the Strategy into Effect land-based aircraft, including seventy B-
17's. Both staffs were agreed that, if such
On 4 April, the Australian Chiefs of Staff, a force was provided, it would be possible
in conjunction with General MacArthur's to defend Australia successfully and ulti-
headquarters, prepared a joint estimate of mately mount an offensive to the northeast
the situation. The estimate noted that the of it, aimed at Rabaul.
enemy had virtually undisputed control of The means with which to begin putting
both sea and air in the South and Southwest this strategy into effect were at hand. The
Pacific and could be expected to undertake 7th Australian Infantry Division, and Head-
an offensive in great strength "against Aus- quarters, 1st Australian Corps, reached
tralia's supply line and against Australia Adelaide from the Middle East at the end
itself," in the very near future. The one part of March. The main body of the 41st U.S.
of Australia "essential to the prosecution of Infantry Division docked at Melbourne on
the war," the estimate continued, was on 6 April; a few days later, the 32d U.S. In-
the southeast and east coasts in the general fantry Division and the rest of the 41st
area between Melbourne and Brisbane. The Division were put on orders for early de-
"critical point" which controlled this area parture to Australia. The Air Force was
was Port Moresby, against which a major brought up to strength during April, except
offensive could be expected almost any time, for one heavy bombardment group and one
for the enemy was known to be massing medium bombardment group, neither of
heavy forces at Rabaul for a possible thrust which had as yet any planes. Admiral
against it. Darwin and Fremantle, isolated Leary's command was substantially rein-
points on the north and southwest coasts far forced and soon came to include three heavy
from the vital centers of the country, were cruisers, three light cruisers, fifteen destroy-
also open to attack, but their defense pre- ers, twenty modern submarines, eleven old
sented no great problem if they were to be
suitably reinforced, for their position was Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. 70,
CM-IN 1069,4 Apr 42.
such that they could be held as outposts. The 51
Prov Opns Rpt, Australian Army, 3 Apr 42, in
G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Mr. Curtin, 6 Nov 43, Brett, No. 1167, 7 Apr 42, copy in OPD 320.2,
in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ Australia; Barnes Rpt.
SWPA; Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen Blamey, 16 Nov 43; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 20 Apr 42; G-3
Ltr, Gen Blamey to Mr. Curtin, 28 Jan 44. Copies Opns Rpt, 27 Apr 42. Both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
of both in OCMH files. SWPA.

submarines, six or seven sloops, and some Perth-Fremantle area; a U.S. antiaircraft
smaller craft. One of the light cruisers was regiment and an additional Australian in-
Dutch; two of the heavy cruisers, one of the fantry brigade to Townsville. The rest of
light cruisers, and four of the destroyers were the U.S. antiaircraft troops were concen-
Australian; and one heavy cruiser, two light trated in the Brisbane area, and the bulk
cruisers, eleven destroyers, and all the sub- of the remaining land forces, including the
marines were American. 7th Australian Division and the 41st U.S.
Though the Dutch also provided a fusi- Division, were deployed in the Melbourne-
lier company and a completely equipped Brisbane area. The Air Force concentrated
medium bombardment squadron (B-25's), most of its striking forces in the Townsville—
their greatest contribution was a merchant Cloncurry region, where by this time airfields
marine, a part of the Koninklijke Paktevaart (which had been begun in January) were
Maatschappij, better known as the K.P.M. ready for their reception. The Allied
Line, which had operated a far-flung inter- Naval Forces, with the addition of more
island service in the Netherlands Indies be- ships, expanded their operations; and the
fore the war. After the fall of Java, most of submarines began operating against the en-
the K.P.M. ships escaped to Australia and emy from Fremantle and Brisbane—the new
India. A portion of those which reached type of submarines from Fremantle, the old
India were rerouted to Australia. In all, types from Brisbane.
twenty-nine ships, displacing from 500 to The reinforcement of Port Moresby was
6,000 tons, reached Australia where they no easy matter. Its supply line from Aus-
were to play a major role in the supply and tralia across the Gulf of Papua was exposed
reinforcement of the Southwest Pacific to enemy action. Its port facilities were
Area's outlying positions.54 inadequate; its two existing airfields were
The reinforcement of Port Moresby and small and poorly built; and, except for one
the more isolated garrisons in Australia it- field at Horn Island in Torres Strait, there
self began in early April. The 19th Brigade were no intermediate air bases between it
Group and U.S. antiaircraft and engineer and the concentration area in the Towns-
troops were sent to Darwin; a squadron ville-Cloncurry region, 700 miles away.
of U.S. heavy bomber planes and a U.S. After a thorough reconnaissance of Port
antiaircraft regiment were ordered to the Moresby, General Casey, General Mac-
Arthur's engineer officer, began drawing
JCS 9th Mtg, 6 Apr 42; Msg, Gen MacArthur
to Gen Marshall, No. AG 460, CM-IN 6648, 25
plans for its conversion into a first-class
Apr 42; Hist of U.S. Naval Admin in World War
II, Comdr U.S. Naval Forces Southwest Pacific,
pp. 7, 8, copy in the Office of Naval History. Prov Opns Rpt, Australian Army, 3 Apr 42;
Msgs, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. Allied Air Forces Opns Rpts, 10 Apr 42, 20 Apr 42;
AG 441, CM-IN 2601, 25 Apr 42, No. AG 506, G-3 Opns Rpts No. 3, 11 Apr 42, No. 5, 12 Apr 42,
CM-IN 7516, 28 Apr 42; The Koninklijke Pakte- No. 7, 15 Apr 42, No. 10, 17 Apr 42, No. 19, 27
vaart Maatschappij (K.P.M. Line) and the War Apr 42; Opns Rpt USAFIA, 20 Apr 42. All in
in the Southwest Pacific Area, copy in the Office of G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Naval History. The K.P.M. ships, with Dutch Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 10 Apr 42; G-3
masters and crews, were under charter to the British Opns Rpt No. 35, 13 May 42. Both in G-3 Jnl,
Ministry of Transport, which had allocated them GHQ SWPA. OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, 1942;
to the U.S. Army. They were thus under direct con- Hist Base Sec 2, Townsville, in AFPAC Engr File.
trol of USAPIA, rather than (as might be im- JCS 9th Mtg, 6 Apr 42; ANF Daily Opns Rpt,
agined) of Allied Naval Forces. 16 May 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

operational base. The port and the two made as soon as possible: the troops in the
existing airfields were to be improved, and Bulolo Valley were to be reinforced with
three new airfields were to be built in the an Australian Independent Company, and
general Port Moresby area. It was also the Port Moresby garrison with an addi-
planned to improve the existing field at tional infantry brigade.
Horn Island and to begin the construction Air activity at Port Moresby, meanwhile,
of new fields northward from Townsville had been greatly intensified. By late April,
along the Cape York Peninsula, principally B-17's, B-25's, and B-26's were using it
at Mareeba (southwest of Cairns), Cook- regularly as a jump-off point for attacks on
town, and Coen. When completed, these Lae, Salamaua, and Rabaul; and air units
fields would permit the rapid staging of all based there, in addition to Australian
types of aircraft to Port Moresby. They P-40's, Catalinas, and Hudsons, included
would not only make it possible for the Air two American air groups, one equipped with
Force to provide cover for Torres Strait and A-24's, and the other with P-39's.
the supply line to Port Moresby, but would A good beginning had been made in the
give the Air Force greater flexibility in both defense of Australia and its advance base,
offensive and defensive operations.58 Port Moresby, but it was only a beginning.
Work began at once on the bases in the General MacArthur, who had counted on
Cape York Peninsula; and, in late April, greater support than he was receiving, felt
the first U.S. engineer troops were ordered very strongly that the allotted means were
to Port Moresby. The first to go were Com- insufficient for the task in hand and began
pany E, 43d Engineer Regiment (GS), and at once to press for additional forces.
two Negro units, the 96th Engineer Bat-
talion (less two companies) and the Dump The Sufficiency of the Means
Truck Section of the 576th Engineer Com-
pany. The 101st Coast Artillery Battalion CINCSWPA Asks for More
(AA), the first U.S. antiaircraft unit to be
ordered to Port Moresby, followed hard on General MacArthur was to have no easy
their heels and arrived there only a short time in his attempt to secure greater means
while after.59 Two other moves were to be than had already been allotted to his area.
In late December, the President of the
Interv with Lt Gen Stephen J. Chamberlin, 14
Jan 50, in OCMH files; OCE SWPA, Draft Engr United States and the Prime Minister of
Rpt, 1942; Hist Base Sec 2, Townsville; Hunt, Great Britain, meeting at Washington with
MacArthur and the War Against Japan, pp. 82, 84,
85, 86. Unless otherwise indicated, all interviews
were conducted by the author in Washington. NGF OI, No. 7, 23 Apr 42; Ltr, Gen Mac-
Memo, Maj Gen Richard K. Sutherland, CofS, Arthur to Gen Blamey, 1 May 42; Ltr, Gen Blamey
for CG US APIA, 18 Apr 42, sub: Movement of to Gen MacArthur, 2 May 42. All in 385, G-3
Co E, 43d Engrs and the 96th Engr Bn (Cld), less Files, GHQ SWPA. Memo, Gen MacArthur for
two companies, and the attached Dump Truck Comdr ALF et al., 13 May 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
Section of the 576th Engr Co; Memo, Gen Suther- SWPA.
land for CG USAFIA, 22 Apr 42, sub: Movement AAF, The AAF in Australia to the Summer of
of One Separate Battalion Coast Artillery, Auto- 1942, pp. 21, 23; Craven and Cate, The Army Air
matic Weapons; G-3 Opns Rpts No. 18, 26 Apr 42, Forces in World War II, I, 425. The A-24's, the
No. 19, 27 Apr 42, No. 20, 28 Apr 42. All in G-3 first U. S. planes to be based at Port Moresby,
Jnl, GHQ SWPA. OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, reached it in late March. The P-39's arrived in
1942. late April.

their military advisers, had decided that the told that all the carriers were being em-
Atlantic-European area would be the de- ployed on indispensable tasks.64
cisive theater of operations. They had also General MacArthur did not take this as
agreed as a corollary to that decision that the final word on the subject. Two days
until Germany was defeated operations in later, in a meeting with Mr. Curtin, he ex-
the Pacific would have to be primarily de- pressed himself as being "bitterly disap-
fensive in nature.62 On 16 March, the mat- pointed" with the meager assistance prom-
ter came up before the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ised him by Washington. After going on to
After considering a paper submitted to say that the forces allotted to him were
them by the Joint Staff Planners listing the "entirely inadequate" for the performance
alternatives open to the United States in its of the tasks imposed upon him by his direc-
conduct of the two-ocean war, the Joint tive, he agreed, upon Mr. Curtin's query,
Chiefs decided that they could maintain a that the latter would do well to ask the
strong defensive in the Pacific with the British Prime Minister not only for an air-
forces already allotted to that theater and craft carrier, and the temporary diversion
still build up forces in the United Kingdom to Australia of two British divisions then on
for an early offensive against Germany.63 their way to India, but also for a substantial
The decision having been reached, Gen- increase in the number of British ships allo-
eral MacArthur was given prompt intima- cated to the United States-Australia run.
tion that his means would be limited. On Mr. Curtin communicated these requests
18 March, the day after he arrived in Aus- to Mr. Churchill the next day, stating that
tralia, he was advised by General Marshall he was doing so at General MacArthur's
that because of serious shipping shortages request.65
and critical situations elsewhere it had be- Surprised that General MacArthur
come necessary to fix definite limits on should have apparently cut through chan-
United States commitments in the South- nels in this way, Mr. Churchill passed the
west Pacific. United States ground forces, message on to the President with the remark
other than field artillery and antiaircraft that he was quite unable to meet these de-
units already in Australia or en route, would mands. "I should be glad to know," he
be limited to the two divisions already al-
lotted to the Southwest Pacific Area. United 64
Msgs, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No.
States air units in Australia would be 739, 18 Mar 42, No. 1499, 26 Apr 42, in SWPA-
brought up to full strength as soon as pos- MacArthur File, OPD Exec File; Msgs, Gen Mac-
sible, and MacArthur's lines of communi- Arthur to Gen Marshall, No. AG 453, CM-IN 6430,
24 Apr 42, No. AG 470, CM-IN 6643, 25 Apr 42.
cation with the United States would be 65
Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 28 Apr 42,
secured. Six weeks later, in response to a in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
request for an aircraft carrier to increase SWPA; Msg, Mr. Churchill to Mr. Roosevelt, No.
73, 29 Apr 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 10; Msg,
the effectiveness of his naval force, he was Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, CM-IN 0667,
3 May 42. General MacArthur's quoted statements
are from Mr. Curtin's letter to MacArthur, which
is devoted principally to the text of a cablegram
American-British Grand Strategy, ABC 4/CS- which Mr. Curtin sent that day to his Minister for
1, 31 Dec 41, ARCADIA Proceedings, in ABC 337 External Affairs, Dr. H. V. Evatt, who was then
ARCADIA (24 Dec 41). in Washington, telling Evatt what MacArthur had
JCS 6th Mtg, 16 Mar 42. said in the course of this meeting.

added, "whether these requirements have General Marshall and accepted by the Brit-
been approved by you . . ., and whether ish Chiefs of Staff and the British Govern-
General MacArthur has any authority from ment on 14 April, the plan called for the
the United States for taking such a line." reception and maintenance of an American
Taken to task in the matter by General force in the United Kingdom which, in
Marshall the next day, MacArthur, who concert with the British, would launch an
had just sent Marshall a message complain- air offensive against western Europe and
ing about the general inadequacy of his ultimately invade it. Since it was clear
forces,67 replied on 3 May that he should that BOLERO would either have to be sus-
not be held responsible for the use to which pended or appreciably delayed if further re-
Mr. Curtin had put his remarks. He had inforcements were sent to the Pacific, Gen-
made them, he said, at Mr. Curtin's request, eral Marshall asked the President what his
and purely as he thought for the Austra- desires were. Mr. Roosevelt replied at once
lian's personal information. His position that he felt that further reinforcement of the
was, MacArthur pointed out, a delicate one. Pacific would be inadvisable inasmuch as
Mr. Curtin expected him to advise the Aus- he did not want BOLERO slowed down.70
tralian Government on all matters relating The President went further and, in a
to Australia's defense, and if he was to con- personal message to General MacArthur,
tinue as Supreme Commander, and hold explained why it had been decided not to
the confidence of the Australian Govern- increase the existing allocation in his area.
ment, he had no choice but to do so. The He wrote that he found it difficult to get
preoccupation of the Australian Govern- away from the fact that the armies of the
ment with the security of its country was USSR were, at that time, "killing more Axis
well known. The difficulty was that the Aus- personnel and destroying more Axis ma-
tralians, both in government and out, were teriel than all the other twenty-five United
fearful that insufficient forces had been al- Nations put together." It seemed logical
lotted to the defense of their country, a view therefore to try to support the Russian ef-
in which he in his professional military ca- fort "in every way that we possibly can,
pacity could not help but concur.68 The is- and also to develop plans aimed at divert-
sue was joined; the next move was General ing German land and air forces from the
Marshall's. Russian front." MacArthur was assured
By this time, the decision of the Joint that despite this emphasis on European op-
Chiefs of Staff on 16 March to build up erations, his needs would not be lost sight
forces in the United Kingdom for an early of, and he was promised all the air strength
offensive against Germany had found ex- that could possibly be spared.
pression in the BOLERO plan. Proposed by

66 69
Msg, Mr. Churchill to Mr. Roosevelt, No. 73, The matter is fully discussed in Gordon Harri-
29 Apr 42. son, Cross-Channel Attack (Washington, 1951), a
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. 8, volume in this series.
CM-OUT 6034, 30 Apr 42; Msg, Gen MacArthur Memo, Gen Marshall for the President, 6 May
to Gen Marshall, No. AG 588, CM-IN 0186, 1 42, sub: The Pacific Theater versus BOLERO, in
May 42. JCS 48, ABC 381, Pacific Bases (1-22-42), Sec 2;
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. Memo, President Roosevelt for Gen Marshall, 6
151, CM-IN 0667, 3 May 42. May 42, in SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD Exec File.

The President told General MacArthur him to enable him to fulfill it." "He would
that the difficulty of his position was appre- not be content," he said, "to be left with a
ciated, and the fact understood that he had directive which sounds grand but has no
"to be an ambassador as well as Supreme backing behind it." 73
Commander." "I see no reason," Mr. Mr. Churchill had neither a surplus air-
Roosevelt said, "why you should not con- craft carrier nor additional shipping to al-
tinue discussing military matters with the locate to General MacArthur's area, nor
Australian Prime Minister, but I hope you did he take kindly to Mr. Curtin's request
will try to have him treat them as confiden- that two British divisions be diverted from
tial matters, and not use them as appeals to the defense of India to that of Australia. In
Churchill and me."71 a letter to Mr. Curtin on 4 May, he recalled
General MacArthur replied two days that, while it was true that he had promised
later, urging that he be provided at once to divert British divisions to Australia if the
with additional means in order to secure Japanese gave signs of an intention to in-
Australia properly and that, when the vade it with eight or ten divisions, there was
country was secured, a full-scale offensive no sign that the Japanese had in mind a
be launched in the Pacific. Such an offen- major attack on Australia. That being the
sive, he said, besides having "the enthusias- case, he questioned the wisdom of sending
tic psychological support of the entire the divisions to Australia instead of India,
American nation," would serve not only to especially because India had already been
secure Australia and India, but would also invaded, and the switch, if it went through,
open up a "second front" which would be "would involve the maximum expenditure
of incalculable aid to Russia. The first step and dislocation of shipping." 74
was to secure Australia, and to do that prop- Four days later, Dr. Evatt, who was then
erly, he said, required at least two aircraft in London conferring with the British au-
carriers, an increase of U.S. air strength in thorities, was assured personally by Mr.
Australia from 500 to 1,000 planes, and the Churchill that, should Australia be invaded,
assignment to his command of a U.S. Army he would "at once divert at least two divi-
corps of three first-class divisions "capable sions including an armored division, as they
of executing an offensive maneuver." 72 pass around the Cape"; and that he would,
The same day that he dispatched this in addition, "throw everything possible into
message to the President, General MacAr- the defence of Australia preferring it to the
thur told Mr. Curtin (who at once passed defence of India." 75
on the information to Dr. H. V. Evatt, his
Minister for External Affairs) that he was
"determined to seek a clarification in regard Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 8 May 42,
in 314.7 MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
to the precise terms of his directive, and the SWPA. This letter contains the full text of Mr.
forces which were to be made available to Curtin's cable to Dr. Evatt. The material quoted
above is to be found in that cable.
Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 4 May 42,
in 314.7 MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
Msg, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. 31, SWPA.
CM-OUT 1131,6 May 42. Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 8 May 42,
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall No. 176, in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
CM-IN 2333, 8 May 42. SWPA.

The President Has the Last Word tralia was 100,000 men, including two in-
fantry divisions and considerable numbers
General MacArthur was still not satisfied. of antiaircraft and auxiliary troops. First-
On 12 May he presented Mr. Curtin with line air strength to be provided by the
an estimate of the situation which read in United States was, he added, 535 planes,
part as follows: and both troops and planes were either al-
I cannot too strongly emphasize the need
ready in Australia or on the way.
for haste in the development of this defensive Four days later, General Marshall wrote
bastion. The territory to be defended is vast; to Sir John again. Noting that Australian
the means of communications are poor; the ground strength in Australia would total
defensive forces are few in number and only 400,000 men by June, he told Dill that,
partially trained. The enemy, on the other with the shipping situation what it was,
hand, if supported by major elements of his
fleet, can exercise control of the sea lanes, and there seemed to be little justification for the
consequently can strike with a preponderance dispatch of additional U.S. ground forces
of force on any chosen objective. We have to Australia. Ground and air forces pro-
present therefore in this theater at the present jected for Australia, General Marshall con-
time all of the elements that have produced tinued, were believed to be sufficient for
disaster in the Western Pacific since the begin-
ning of the war.76 such operations as were immediately visu-
alized for the area, especially since full-scale
Aroused, Mr. Curtin dispatched a mes- invasion of Australia did not appear to be
sage to the Australian Legation in Wash- imminent and the British had obligated
ington on 14 May with the request that its themselves to send both troops and naval
contents be communicated to the President forces from the Indian Ocean if it was.
through the appropriate channels. Repeat- General Marshall agreed that aircraft
ing General MacArthur's request for addi- carriers for the Southwest Pacific Area
tional forces, including aircraft carriers, the would be extremely useful, but pointed out
message went on to say that the Australian that they were simply not to be had. The
Government would continue to "argue" the Chief of Staff concluded his analysis of the
matter, until such time as General Mac- situation in these words:
Arthur was satisfied that he had at least the The directive to General MacArthur defi-
minimum forces needed for the proper dis- nitely assigns a defensive mission with the task
charge of his mission.77 of preparing an offensive. This conforms to
The message reached Field Marshal Sir our basic strategy. To be able to take positive
John Dill, head of the British Joint Staff action in any theater, it is necessary to hold
forces in defensive theaters to a minimum,
Mission in Washington, on the 16th. Dill at and, in doing so, to recognize the acceptance
once referred the matter to General Mar- of certain calculated risks. The measures Gen-
shall, who replied on 18 May that the eral MacArthur advocates would be highly
planned strength of U.S. Forces in Aus- desirable if we were at war with Japan only.
In our opinion the Pacific should not be the
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Mr. Curtin, 12 May 42, principal theater.79
in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ
SWPA. Ltr, Gen Marshall to Field Marshal Sir John
Ltr, Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 16 May 42, Dill, 18 May 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 5.
in 314.7, MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ Ltr, Gen Marshall to Field Marshal Dill, 22
SWPA. May 42, in OPD Exec Off File, Bk 5.

The President, who still had to answer sufficient as yet to hold at all threatened
Mr. Curtin personally, did so the next day. points, but he assured Mr. Curtin that the
Taking up where General Marshall left off, available resources would be used wisely,
he told the Australian Prime Minister that and "in accordance with the most thorough
while he too was concerned about the pos- and careful consideration of the potentiali-
sibility of a Japanese invasion of Australia ties, known dispositions and intentions of
from New Guinea, and recognized the seri- the enemy as they can be deduced or other-
ous threat to its communications if the en- wise discovered." 80
emy should attack New Caledonia, Fiji, and The matter was settled. If the primary
Samoa, he nevertheless "could not lose effort in Europe was not to be hamstrung,
sight of the fact that Australia could not be General MacArthur would have to make
supported, nor could her lines of commu- the best shift he could with what he had.
nication be kept open unless Hawaii was
securely held." Mr. Roosevelt conceded 80
The President's message in paraphrase is in Ltr,
that the naval and air resources available to Mr. Curtin to Gen MacArthur, 23 May 42, in 314.7,
the United Nations in the Pacific were in- MacArthur File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA.

The Thwarted Landing

To the great relief of the weak and dis- When operations in the Indian Ocean
pirited Port Moresby garrison, the occupa- were over, the large carrier Kaga would go
tion of Lae and Salamaua was not immedi- on to Truk to support the Port Moresby
ately followed by a move on Port Moresby. landing. The rest of Admiral Nagumo's
Fortunately for its defenders, the Japanese force, which had been months at sea, would
left the Port Moresby operation temporarily be sent home for refitting. On hearing of the
in abeyance and sent their carrier striking U.S. carrier strikes at Lae and Salamaua on
force into the Indian Ocean instead to raid 10 March, the Japanese began to have
the British. This was to prove a fatal mis- doubts that one large carrier would be
take. For when the Japanese finally under- enough and decided to send two. Admiral
took to land troops at Port Moresby, it was Nagumo, with an eye to his training needs
to find that carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet after the Indian Ocean operation, sent the
stood in their way, and they had sent too Kaga back to Japan and chose the two
little and moved too late. large carriers, Shokaku and Zuikaku (Car-
rier Division 5), then undergoing minor
Frustration at Jomard Passage repair in Japan, for the Port Moresby
Carrier Division 5 Leaves for Truk On 24 March the Shokaku and the Zui-
kaku reached Kendari in the Celebes, where
the striking force was then based. Two days
The Port Moresby landing had to wait
later Nagumo left Kendari for the Indian
because the Japanese had decided to com-
Ocean with five fast carriers under his com-
mit Admiral Nagumo's entire striking force
to the raid in the Indian Ocean. They made mand. He raided Colombo and Trincoma-
this decision because they were after a more lee, main British bases in Ceylon, on 5 and
glittering prize—the British Eastern Fleet. 9 April, but without catching the British
Eastern Fleet at anchor as he had hoped.
They hoped that Nagumo would be able
to surprise and destroy the fleet, which was He did run into portions of the fleet at sea
and, while other Japanese naval units op-
then based at Ceylon, in the same way that
only three months before he had surprised erating in the area sank more than a score
most of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Har- of Allied merchantmen, dealt it a stagger-
bor. For such a strike, he would require all ing blow by sinking in quick succession an
of his available carriers. Only when the raid aircraft carrier, two heavy cruisers, a de-
was over would carrier strength be detached stroyer, a corvette, and a fleet auxiliary.
for the Port Moresby mission. By mid-April, the raid was over. The

striking force left the Indian Ocean and, mediate preparations for the Port Moresby
after a final rendezvous off Formosa, split landing, it alerted him to the fact that he
into two. The main body, under Admiral would soon receive orders for the seizure of
Nagumo, made for Japan, and Carrier Di- New Caledonia. This operation and that
vision 5 and its escort, for Truk. The date against Fiji and Samoa would follow the
1 3
was 20 April. capture of Port Moresby.
On 28 April, ten days later, at the in-
The Orders of 29 April stance of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto,
Commander in Chief of the Combined
At Rabaul, meanwhile, the South Seas Fleet, Imperial General Headquarters,
Detachment was on the alert, waiting for sanctioned operations against Midway and
orders to land at Port Moresby. There had the Aleutians. It was agreed that these op-
been a Japanese landing at Lorengau in the erations would follow the Port Moresby
Admiralties on 6 April by a small naval landing, and would be followed in turn by
force from Truk. A larger force from the the scheduled operations against New Cale-
Netherlands Indies had begun a series of donia, Fiji, and Samoa.4
landings along the coast of Netherlands The decision of 28 April did not affect
New Guinea earlier the same week.2 But no preparations for the Port Moresby landing.
orders had been received to move on Port By this time they were so far advanced that
Moresby. General Horii, who had expected General Horii was able to issue his first
to receive them immediately after Lae and orders for the operation the next day, 29
Salamaua were taken, inquired of Imperial April—a particularly auspicious date, Horii
General Headquarters on 15 April why felt, since it was the emperor's birthday.
there had been no action in the matter. The orders provided that the Detachment
Tokyo's reply was received three days later. would leave Rabaul on 4 May, under es-
In addition to ordering Horii to begin im- cort of the 4th Fleet, and at dawn on 10
May would make a landing at Port
Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51; Moresby with the support of units of the
Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 5; Robinson, Kure 3d Special Naval Landing Force. The
"AKAGI, Famous Japanese Carrier," in United main body of the Detachment was to land
States Naval Institute Proceedings, May 48, pp.
582-86; ONI, Japanese Story of the Battle of Mid- on a beach seven and a half miles north-
way (Washington, 1947), p. 6; Morison, The Rising west of Port Moresby, and the 1st Battalion,
Sun in the Pacific, pp. 382-86. 144th Infantry, and the naval landing par-
Tactical Summary, 8 April, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
SWPA; Feldt, The Coast Watchers, p. 17; 1st ties, were to land on another beach to the
Demob Bur, G-2 Hist Sec GHQ FEC, Japanese southeast of the town. The two forces would
Studies in World War II, No. 35, Japanese Naval launch a converging attack and in short
Activities in Mopping-up Operations, p. 5, in
OCMH files. Lorengau's garrison of a dozen or
so AIF troops, warned in time that the Japanese
were coming, took off safely in a small schooner just South Seas Det Opns, p. 12; South Seas Det
before the enemy landed. Between 12 and 20 Opns, 2d ed., pp. 14, 15; 18th Army Opns I, 5.
April the Japanese landed successively at Fakfak, 4
USSBS, Interrogation of Japanese Officials, II,
Babo, Sorong, Manokwari, Momi, Nabire, Seroei, 525—526; Hist Rec, Army Section Imperial General
Hollandia, and Sarmi. Except at Manokwari, where Headquarters, pp. 51-52; 17th Army Opns I, 3;
there was a slight skirmish, all the landings were Samuel Eliot Morison, Coral Sea, Midway and Sub-
unopposed. marine Actions (Boston, 1949), pp. 6, 75.


order take all their objectives—the harbor, himself came to Rabaul from Truk to take
the town, and Kila Kila airdrome immedi- personal charge of the operation. The oc-
ately outside the town.5 cupation force, seven destroyers, five trans-
ports, and several seaplane tenders, was to
Moving Out for the Landing have the support of the small carrier Shoho,
The 4th Fleet had made careful prepara- which in turn would be screened by a force
tions for the landing, and Admiral Inouye of four heavy cruisers, two light cruisers,
and a squadron of submarines. Carrier Di-
Kure 3d SNLF Orders [29 April 42], copy
in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; South Seas Det Opns, vision 5, which had arrived at Truk toward
p. 14; South Seas Det Opns, 2d ed., p. 16; Hist Rec the end of the month with its screen Cruiser
Army Section Imperial General Headquarters, pp.
51-52; 18th Army Opns I, 7; Southeast Area Naval
Division 5—three heavy cruisers, a light
Opns I, 5. cruiser, six destroyers, and an oiler—was to

THE BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA, 8 May 1942. The Japanese fast aircraft carrier,
Shokaku, is heavily damaged by Navy torpedo planes.

serve as the attack force. It was to destroy New Hebrides, where there was part of an
Allied sea and air units seeking to attack Australian Independent Company, reach-
the occupation force, cover the landings, ing it safely a few days later. The next day,
and raid Townsville in order to immobilize 3 May, the Japanese landed a small force
Allied attempts to interfere with the landing at Tulagi and began to convert it into a
from Australia.6 seaplane base.7
Because the invasion plan also called for The South Seas Detachment began to em-
flying boats to operate out of Tulagi in sup- bark at Rabaul for Port Moresby on 2 May.
port of the operation, the Japanese at once On 4 May, the scheduled date of departure,
sent a force to that point to prepare it for the transports left the harbor. The convoy
its appointed role. On 2 May, the small met the Shoho force at a rendezvous point
RAAF detachment at Tulagi and other off Buin, Bougainville. Shortly thereafter,
Australian forces in its immediate vicinity the Shokaku and Zuikaku and their escort
learned of the Japanese approach. They rounded San Cristobal Island at the south-
set demolitions and made for Vila in the 7
Allied Air Forces DOI, Brief Appreciation of
Southeast Area Naval Opns, p. 5; 18th Army the Coral Sea Battle, 5-8 May 42; Periodical G-2
Opns, I, 5; USSBS, The Campaigns of the Pacific Msg Summary, 5 May 42. Both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
War, pp. 52-54; USSBS, Interrogations of Japanese SWPA. Southeast Area Naval Opns, p. 5; 18th
Officials, I, 29-31, 53-55. Army Opns I, 5.

THE BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA, 8 May 1942. Aircraft earner USS Lexington,
seriously damaged by the Japanese, is abandoned.

ern tip of the Solomons and took up a sup- The Battle of the Coral Sea
porting position to the eastward of the in- This time the Allies were prepared. The
vasion convoy. By 7 May, the Shoho force concentration of naval forces in the Man-
was assembling in the area between De- dates and at Rabaul, and a sudden increase
boyne and Misima Island in the Louisiade of air strength in the Lae—Salamaua—New
Archipelago preparatory to passing through Britain-Solomons area, had given warning
Jomard Passage, a channel which would that the long-expected thrust at Port
bring them safely through the reefs of the Moresby was at hand. To meet the danger,
Archipelago into Port Moresby's home wa- the Southwest Pacific Area made the best
ters. The transports, at Admiral Inouye's preparations it could. The Allied Air Forces,
orders, were standing on the western side under General Brett, by this time based
of Woodlark Island. The Shokaku and Zui- mainly on the newly built airfields in the
kaku lay in open water to the southeast.8 Townsville-Cloncurry area, intensified
(Map 1) their reconnaissance of New Britain, Bou-
Southeast Area Naval Opns I, p. 5; South Seas gainville, and the Louisiade Archipelago.
Det Opns, p. 14; ONI, The Battle of the Coral Sea, Allied ground forces in northeast Australia
pp. 11, 13, 16; USSBS, The Campaigns of the
Pacific War, p. 52; USSBS, Interrogations of Japa-
and at Port Moresby were put on the alert.
nese Officials, I, 54, Plate 10-A. Three cruisers of the Allied Naval Forces,

the Australia, the Chicago, and the Hobart, a point roughly 700 miles southeast of Ra-
under Rear Adm. J. G. Grace, RN, were baul, at once ordered the tanker Neosho
sent to the Coral Sea to reinforce elements and its escort, the destroyer Sims, to
of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which were gath- move south to a fueling rendezvous point
ering there preparatory to closing with the believed to be out of the enemy's way. The
enemy. rest of the fleet moved northwestward in
The Pacific Fleet, anticipating a Japa- the direction of the Louisiade Archipelago.
nese thrust against Port Moresby, had made
The next morning, as the Louisiades came
suitable provision for countering it. After
within range, a task force of cruisers and
the strikes at Lae-Salamaua on 10 March,
destroyers was given the mission of blocking
the Yorktown had remained in the Coral
Sea. On 1 May, it was rejoined there by the the southern end of Jomard Passage, and
Lexington, and the combined force—two the main force prepared to engage the
carriers, seven heavy cruisers, a light cruiser, enemy.10
thirteen destroyers, two oilers, and a sea- Ironically, the rendezvous point of the
plane tender—came under command of fueling group, chosen because it was be-
Rear Adm. Frank J. Fletcher the same day. lieved to be out of harm's way, brought the
Late on 3 May Admiral Fletcher learned Neosho and the Sims within easy range of
of the Japanese landing at Tulagi. Fletcher, the positions the Shokaku and Zuikaku had
who was on the Yorktown and out of touch taken in order to cover the movement of
with the Lexington, struck at Tulagi early the occupation force through Jomard Pas-
on the 4th. Results were disappointing, for sage. Early on the 7th, a Japanese search
there were no important targets in the har- plane sighted the tanker and its escort and
bor. Early the next morning, the Yorktown reported them to the Japanese carrier com-
rejoined the Lexington at a rendezvous mander, Rear Adm. Tadaichi Hara, as a
point a few hundred miles south of Rennell carrier and a cruiser. Hara at once ordered
Island, and the combined force moved out out all his planes for the kill. The Japanese
to the northwest, its search planes looking carrier pilots made short work of the two
for the enemy. ships. The Sims sank at once, and the Neo-
Early on 6 May, after a great deal of sho was left in a sinking condition.
search by carrier-based planes had failed to Just before noon the same day, search
locate the enemy, Allied Air Force B-17's planes from the Yorktown discovered the
reported a large force west of Misima Island Shoho and a part of its screen off Misima
moving in the direction of Jomard Passage. Island. Planes from both the Lexington and
Admiral Fletcher, who was then fueling at the Yorktown immediately closed in. The
GHQ SWPA OIs No. 2, 24 Apr 42, No. 5, 7 carrier and a light cruiser, which was es-
May 42; Allied Air Forces DOI, Brief Appreciation corting it, were hit, and they sank immedi-
of the Coral Sea Battle, 5-8 May 42; Msg, Gen
MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. AG 719, 13 May ONI, The Battle of the Coral Sea, pp. 2, 10-
42, in Pac Strat File, OPD Exec File; ONI, The 12, and map facing p. 60; Craven and Cate, The
Battle of the Coral Sea, pp. 9-10; Craven and Cate, Army Air Forces in World War II, I, 448; USSBS,
The Army Air Forces in World War II, I, 447; The Campaigns of the Pacific, pp. 52, 53, 56; Mori-
Morison, Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Ac- son, Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions,
tions, pp. 19-20. pp. 26, 27.

ately. There the day's action ended. Despite ters advised General Horii that because of
feverish search activity on both sides, neither the action at the Coral Sea the invasion of
side had thus far succeeded in definitely Port Moresby would have to be temporarily
locating the main body of the other. suspended. He was assured, however, that
The opposing carrier forces finally lo- he would not have long to wait for a re-
cated each other in the early morning of 8 sumption, for it had been definitely decided
May and their planes joined battle at once. that the operation would be carried out
On the Allied side both the Lexington and sometime in July.
the Yorktown were damaged, the Lexing- The landing had miscarried completely.
ton seriously. On the Japanese side the Thanks to the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the South-
Shokaku was heavily damaged, though the west Pacific Area now had a respite in which
damage was by no means fatal; and the to continue with the barely begun task of
Zuikaku, though undamaged, lost most of reinforcing Australia's approaches.
its planes. With the Shoho gone and the
Shokaku in no condition to continue the Securing the Approaches
fight, Admiral Inouye, whose oil was run- GHQ Authorizes BOSTON
ning low, broke off the engagement and Believing that the Japanese would strike
withdrew to the north. Admiral Fletcher, at Port Moresby again with at least a divi-
who had the problem on his hands of sav- sion of troops and carrier- and land-based
ing the Lexington, its planes, and its crew, aircraft "any time after June 10," 13 Gen-
withdrew in turn to the south. The Shokaku eral MacArthur and his staff at once set
got back safely to Truk, and the transports themselves to secure the area to the maxi-
carrying the South Seas Detachment mum extent that the available means would
reached Rabaul, but the Lexington devel- allow.
oped uncontrollable gasoline fires and had The means were growing. On 14 May
to be abandoned and sunk. the 32d U.S. Infantry Division, under com-
The battle was over. The Allies had suf- mand of Maj. Gen. Edwin F. Harding, ar-
fered heavier losses than the Japanese, but rived in Australia with the rest of the 41st
the fact that the latter had been turned back Division. A day later, the 14th Australian
from Port Moresby left the victory, strate- Infantry Brigade Group, 3,400 strong, be-
gically at least, with the Pacific Fleet.11 gan moving to Port Moresby with 700 at-
On 9 May, Imperial General Headquar- tached Australian antiaircraft troops.14
South Seas Det Opns, p 15
11 13
Southeast Area Naval Opns, I, p. 5; South Seas Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF, et al, 20
Det Opns, p. 15; ONI, The Battle of the Coral Sea, May 42, sub Reinforcement of Combat Means in
pp. 11, 21-35; USSBS, The Campaigns of the Pa- Northeast Australia, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA
cific War, pp. 52, 53, 55; USSBS, Interrogation of Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF, et al,
Japanese Officials, I, 29, 53-54. The Allied Air 13 May 42, G-3 Opns Rpt No 38, 14-15 May 42
Forces, except for reconnaissance, proved remark- Memo, Gen Sturdee, COGS Dept of the Army,
ably ineffective during the battle. In forty-five ALF, for GHQ SWPA, 16 May 42, sub Opns Rpt
sorties against enemy shipping with B-17's, B-26's, for Australian Army, Memo, Comdr ANF for
B-25's and a Hudson, it scored no hits whatever on Comdr ALF, et al, 22 May 42 All in G-3 Jnl,
the enemy, and actually bombed Allied ships by GHQ SWPA The 32d Division, which went into
mistake. For a full discussion of the matter, see camp near Adelaide, was assigned to the opera-
Craven and Cate, The Army Air Forces in World tional control of Allied Land Forces, effective 1
War II, I, 449-50. June 1942, per GO 7, GHQ SWPA, 30 May 42

One of the lessons of the Coral Sea had The Plan of Reinforcement
been that to cover Port Moresby's eastern
approaches effectively the Air Force would On 20 May, the same day that he author-
have to have a base at or near the south- ized the construction of an airfield at
eastern tip of New Guinea. A base in the BOSTON, General MacArthur issued a com-
low-lying regions in that area would do prehensive plan to his commanders for the
more than provide protection for Port "reinforcement of combat means" in north-
Moresby's uncovered flank. It would give east Australia and New Guinea. Under
the Air Force a new staging point for at- terms of this plan, the Air Force would bring
tacks on Japanese bases to the north and its existing pursuit squadrons at Port
northwest and one, furthermore, that was Moresby up to full strength, and U. S. anti-
not subject to the turbulences and other aircraft troops at Brisbane would be trans-
operational hazards that beset flight over ferred to Townsville, Horn Island, and
the Owen Stanleys. Ultimately it would Mareeba, Cooktown, and Coen, the bases
provide a point of departure for an advance in the Cape York Peninsula. These bases,
along the southeast coast.15 Port Moresby, and the new base at BOSTON
These considerations were not lost on were to be fully stocked with aviation sup-
General MacArthur. In a letter to General plies, bombs, and ammunition, so that when
Blamey on 14 May, he wrote that a careful an emergency arose the Air Force would be
study of weather and operating conditions able to use them for the interdiction of
along the southeast coast of Papua had re-
enemy "movements through the Louisiades
sulted in a decision to establish new air-
and along the southeast coast of New
dromes there for use against Lae, Salamaua,
and Rabaul. Noting that suitable sites ap-
Guinea." The construction or improvement
peared to be available in the coastal strip of the airfields in northeast Australia and in
between Abau and Samarai near the south- New Guinea was to be accelerated, and the
east tip of Papua, he asked Blamey if he transport to them of reinforcements and
had the necessary ground troops and anti- supplies was to be arranged by USAFIA,
aircraft units to protect these bases. When in consultation with Allied Land Forces.17
General Blamey replied that he had the When completed, the new air bases in
troops, General MacArthur authorized the northeast Australia and the York Peninsula
construction of a landing strip 50 feet by would advance the forward bomber line by
1,500 feet at BOSTON, the code name for as much as 500 miles. They would bring the
Abau-Mullins Harbor area, a wild and bombers as close to Port Moresby as it was
largely unexplored coastal area requiring an physically possible to get them without
immense amount of development. The new
field (so the orders read) was to be built "in Gen MacArthur, 16 May 42, in 314.7, MacArthur
File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA; Memo, CINC-
a location susceptible of improvement later SWPA for Comdr ALF, et al, 20 May 42, sub:
on to a heavy bombardment airdrome." Location and Construction of an Airfield, South-
east Coast of New Guinea, in 385, FALL RIVER
File, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.
Interv with Gen Chamberlin, 14 Jan 50. 17
Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF et al, 20
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, 14 May May 1942, sub: Reinforcement of Combat Means
42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr, Gen Blamey to in Northeast Australia.

actually basing them there, and would place erett G. Yoder, Commanding Officer,
them in position for active defensive and 96th U.S. Engineer Battalion, left Port
offensive action. The new fields and dis- Moresby for Milne Bay in a Catalina flying
persal areas at Port Moresby would not only boat to reconnoiter the area further. A good
facilitate the progress of the bombers as they site suitable for several airfields was found
staged through it in their tramontane at- in a coconut plantation at the head of the
tacks upon the Japanese bases in North East bay. Developed by Lever Brothers before
New Guinea and New Britain but would the war, the plantation had a number of
also permit more fighters and light bombers buildings, a road net, a small landing field,
to be based there. The field at BOSTON, in and several small jetties already in place.
addition to providing its offensive possibili- Impressed by the terrain and the existing
ties, would help to thwart any further Japa- facilities, Colonel Yoder turned in a favor-
nese attempt to take Port Moresby from the able report on the project the next day.
sea. Colonel Yoder's report was at once recog-
On 24 May Allied Land Forces picked nized at GHQ to be of the greatest signifi-
the garrison for BOSTON and assigned it its cance. Here at last was a base which if
mission. Being apparently in some doubt properly garrisoned could probably be held,
that BOSTON could be held, Land Force and GHQ lost no time ordering it to be
Headquarters instructed the troops chosen developed. Construction of the field at
that they would be responsible for ground BOSTON was canceled on 11 June. The fol-
defense of the area against only minor at- lowing day, GHQ authorized construction
tacks. If the enemy launched a major attack of an airfield with the necessary dispersal
against them, they were to withdraw, mak- strips at the head of Milne Bay. A landing
ing sure before they did so that they had strip suitable for pursuit aviation was to be
destroyed "all weapons, supplies, and ma- built immediately, and a heavy bomber field
terial of value to the enemy."
was to be developed later on.21
On 22 June, GHQ authorized a small
Milne Bay
airfield development at Merauke, a point
The field at BOSTON was never built. on the south coast of Netherlands New
When an aerial reconnaissance of the east- Guinea, in order to give further protection
ern tip of New Guinea was ordered on 22 to Port Moresby's western flank.22 On the
May,19 it was discovered that there were
better sites in the Milne Bay area. On 8
June, a twelve-man party, three Americans Rpt, Lt Col Leverett G. Yoder, CO 96th Engr
Bn, Port Moresby, 9 Jun 42, in 385, FALL RIVER
and nine Australians, under Lt. Col. Lev- File, G-3 files, GHQ SWPA.
Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF et al., 11
June 42, sub: Suspension of Instructions Relating
to the Movement of Certain Troops to BOSTON;
Memo, COGS Dept of the Army, ALF, for Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF et al., 12 Jun
NGF, 24 May 42, sub: BOSTON Opns, in 385, 42, sub: Location and Construction of Airfield,
FALL RIVER File, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Southeast Tip of New Guinea. Both in 385, FALL
Memo, Brig Gen Hugh J. Casey, Chief Engr RIVER File, G-3 Files, GHQ, SWPA.
SWPA, for Engr USAFIA, 22 May 42, sub: In- Memo, CINCSWPA for Comdr ALF et al.,
structions for Reconnaissance, New Guinea Air- 22 June 42, sub: Plan for Occupation and Con-
field, in 686, New Guinea No. 2, G-3 Files, GHQ struction of An Advanced Airfield at Merauke, New
SWPA. Guinea, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

same day, Milne Bay's initial garrison—two

companies and a machine gun platoon on
loan from the 14th Australian Infantry
Brigade at Port Moresby—left Port Moresby
for Milne Bay in the K. P. M. ship Karsik,
and early on 25 June the troops disembarked
safely at Milne Bay. Four days later, the
K. P. M. ship Bontekoe came into Milne Bay
with a shipload of engineering equipment,
and Company E, 46th U.S. Engineers. The
new contingent immediately began working
on the base.
The 7th Australian Infantry Brigade, one
of the better-trained militia units, was or-
dered to Milne Bay from Townsville on
2 July. The brigade commander and ad-
vance elements of the brigade left by sea
within the week, arriving at Milne Bay sev-
eral days later. The rest of the brigade
arrived shortly thereafter, and a squadron
of RAAF P-40's came in toward the end
of the month.23 Port Moresby's vulnerable
eastern flank was no longer uncovered.

The Bulolo Valley

Reinforcement of the troops in the Bulolo
Valley, held up in late April when the threat platoon were flown to Wau on 26 May; and
to Port Moresby was at its height, was re- the troops in the valley, by this time known
sumed when the 5th Australian Independ- as KANGA Force, began preparing for the
ent Company, the reinforcing unit, again long-delayed attacks on Lae and Sala-
became available for use in the Bulolo Val- maua. (Map 2)
ley. The company and an attached mortar The attacks were meant to be purely de-
fensive—to delay the enemy and throw him
off stride. Should KANGA Force succeed
Ltr, Maj Gen G. A. Vasey, ALF, to GHQ
SWPA, sub: Fall River Operation, 23 June 42;
in seizing Lae and Salamaua, it was planned
Msg, NGF to ALF, No. G-283, 26 June 42; Memo, to base pursuit planes immediately at Lae
GHQ SWPA for Comdr ALF et al., 2 July 42; and to send further reinforcements to the
Msg, Col Albert G. Matthews to Brig Gen S. J. area by sea. To hold the area for two or
Chamberlin, G-3, GHQ SWPA, No. 2797, 7 July
42. All in 385, FALL RIVER File, G-3 Files, GHQ
SWPA. Allied Air Force Opns Rpt, 6 July 42; ALF NGF OI No. 7, 23 Apr 42; Ltr, Gen Blamey to
Daily Opns Rpt, 10 July 42; LHQ OI No. 27, 18 Gen MacArthur, 2 May 42. Both in 385, G-3 Files,
July 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Annual GHQ SWPA. Allied Air Force Opns Rpt, 25-26
Rpt, OCE SWPA, 1942. May 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

three weeks, it was hoped, would greatly on Port Moresby through a nearby 6,000-
delay the enemy and cause him to postpone foot mountain pass known as the Gap.
further major action against Port Moresby.25 (Map I)* An inquiry was made into the
The operation ran into difficulties. Learn- matter during the first week in June, and it
ing from the natives that the Japanese were was discovered that Maj. Gen. Basil Morris,
planning a major attack on the Bulolo Val- who, as GOC, New Guinea Force, was in
ley, the commander of KANGA Force had to command of the Port Moresby area, had
split his troops and put part of them on the thus far made no move to send a force to
defensive. The first attack of KANGA Force, defend it.27
made with only a part of the unit's strength, Alive to the danger, General MacArthur
was launched on Salamaua in late June. wrote to General Blamey on 9 June:
Sixty Japanese were killed and considerable There is increasing evidence that the Japa-
damage was done, but the approach of nese are displaying interest in the develop-
enemy reinforcements from Lae caused the ment of a route from Buna on the north coast
attackers to withdraw. A raid on Lae several of southern New Guinea through Kokoda to
days later had the same result. Forty Japa- Port Moresby. From studies made in this head-
nese were killed, but KANGA Force had quarters it appears that minor forces may at-
to withdraw again in the face of superior tempt to utilize this route for either attack on
Port Moresby or for supply of forces [attack-
ing] by the sea route through the Louisiade
The diversion had failed. KANGA Force Archipelago. Whatever the Japanese plan may
obviously was not strong enough to dislodge be, it is of vital importance that the route
the enemy, even for a few days. from Kokoda westward be controlled by Al-
lied Forces, particularly the Kokoda area.
Kokoda "Will you please advise me," he con-
cluded, "of the plan of the Commander,
One further loophole in Port Moresby's New Guinea Force, for the protection of
scheme of defense remained. From Buna, this route and of the vital Kokoda area." 28
a point on the northeast coast of Papua, a General Morris, who was also head of
difficult and little-known trail led over the the Australia-New Guinea Administrative
Owen Stanleys to Port Moresby via Kokoda, Unit (ANGAU), the military government
a small plateau in the foothills of the range of Papua and the territories of the Mandate,
on which there was a small mountain air- replied several days later, but the reply
field. General MacArthur's headquarters was scarcely reassuring. There were, Land
realized that an enemy force landing at Forces was told, several ANGAU officers in
Buna could quickly invest Kokoda and move
*Maps numbered in Roman numerals are placed
in inverse order inside the back cover.
Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 2 May 42 ; G-2 Periodic Msg Summary, 3 Jun 42; Ltr,
Safehand Msg, G-3, GHQ SWPA to MilComd, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, 9 Jun 42. Both in
Moresby. Both in 385, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Msg, ALF to NGF, No. G-
G-2 Daily Msg Summary, 12 Jun 42, 20 Jun 27411, 20 Jun 42, in 385, New Guinea, G-3 Files,
42; Msgs, NGF to ALF, No. G-2953, 14 Jun 42, GHQ SWPA.
No. 2140, 30 Jun 42; Msg, Air Intel, Moresby, to Memo, Gen MacArthur for Gen Blamey, 9 Jun
Air Intel, Melbourne, 30 Jun 42; ALF Daily Opns 42, sub: Defense of the Buna-Kokoda-Port Mores-
Rpts, 1 Jul 42 and 2 Jul 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ by Trail, in 385, New Guinea, G-3 Files, GHQ
SWPA. White, Green Armor, pp. 143, 144. SWPA.

the area with radio sets; native constables In the radio General Morris was told that,
were to be found in all the villages; and two as matters stood, enemy troops that landed
platoons of the Papuan Infantry Battalion at Buna could reach the vital passes in the
(PIB), a light reconnaissance unit made up Kokoda area before reinforcements from
principally of natives, were constantly pa- Port Moresby could get there. He was re-
trolling the area. The PIB was being rein- minded that the forces in the Kokoda area
forced, the report continued, and a company
were "entirely native, very weak, and prob-
of infantry at Port Moresby was being
ably not staunch," and was ordered to take
readied for movement to Kokoda on short
immediate steps "to secure the vital section
notice. It was considered "most unlikely,"
the report concluded, that "any untoward of the route with Australian infantry," and
incident" could occur in the area without "to prepare to oppose the enemy on lines of
the knowledge of the district officer.
29 advance from the coast."
General Chamberlin made it clear to Five days later, General Morris estab-
Land Forces that he did not consider these lished a new unit, MAROUBRA Force, and
measures adequate provision for Kokoda's gave it the mission of holding Kokoda. The
security. But he decided to take no further new force included the 39th Australian In-
action in the matter when he learned that fantry Battalion (less one company) from
General Blamey's headquarters had sent a the 30th Brigade, and the PIB—280 natives
radio message to General Morris ordering and twenty whites. One company of the bat-
him "to take all necessary steps to prevent a talion, Company B, was ordered to Kokoda
Japanese surprise landing along the coast, on 26 June, but did not leave until 7 July,
north and south of Buna, to deny the enemy
eleven days later. The rest of the battalion,
the grasslands in that area for an airdrome,
on orders of General Morris, remained on
and to assure that we command the pass at
Kokoda."30 the Port Moresby side of the range, training
and improving communications at the
Ltr, Gen Vasey, DCofS ALF, to GHQ SWPA, southern end of the trail.32
15 Jun 42, sub: New Guinea-Protection on Route,
Buna-Kokoda, in 385, New Guinea, G-3 Files,
GHQ SWPA. Msg, ALF to NGF, No. G-27411, 20 Jun 42,
R&R, Col J. D. Rogers, G-3 Sec GHQ, to Gen in 385, New Guinea, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.
Chamberlin, 20 Jun 42; R&R, Gen Chamberlin to NGF OI No. 18, 25 Jun 42; Brig S. H. Porter,
Gen Sutherland, 20 Jun 42. Both in 385, New Rpt on Part Played by 30th Aust Inf Bde Hq in
Guinea, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Owen Stanleys, copy in OCMH files.

PROVIDENCE Forestalled
The Joint Directive of 30 March 1942 Moving to the Offensive
had visualized a defensive phase followed
by "major amphibious operations," which The Battle of Midway
would be launched from the Southwest
Pacific and South Pacific Areas. The idea of On 5 May Admiral Yamamoto was or-
an offensive of any kind in the Pacific dered to seize Midway and the Aleutians
seemed wildly optimistic in March and early immediately after the capture of Port
April, but the establishment by Admiral Moresby. The reverse at the Coral Sea
King on 29 April of a South Pacific Am- caused the Port Moresby operation to be
phibious Force made up principally of the postponed, and Midway and the Aleutians
amphibiously trained and equipped 1st went into top place on the Japanese opera-
Marine Division was at least a step in that tional schedule. On 18 May Yamamoto was
direction.1 While the assignment of this force further instructed that when he had taken
laid the foundation for an eventual offen- Midway and the Aleutians he was to co-
sive from the South Pacific Area, it was operate with the 17th Army, which had been
clear that as long as the Japanese enjoyed established that day, in the capture of New
overwhelming naval superiority in the Pa- Caledonia, Fiji, and Samoa, and in the
cific, especially in carriers, the offensive seizure as well of Port Moresby. Though
would have to wait and the striking forces New Caledonia, Fiji, and Samoa were to
of both areas would have to remain dis- be taken first, the seizure of all four objec-
persed and on the defensive. Should it be- tives was, as far as possible, to be accom-
come possible, however, to destroy a sub- plished in one continuous thrust.
stantial portion of Japan's carrier strength, The commander of the 17th Army, Lt.
the way would be open for offensive action Gen. Haruyoshi Hyakutake, was ordered to
in the Pacific with the available means, attack New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa, and
limited though they were. The opportunity Port Moresby in order "to cut off communi-
to inflict such a blow upon the Japanese cations between America and Australia."
Fleet came in early June, and the Pacific He lost no time in alerting the elements of
Fleet, which had long waited for the chance,
exploited it to the full.
Navy Staff Section, Imperial General Head-
quarters Orders No. 18, 5 May 42, and No. 19, 18
May 42; ATIS SCAP Doc No. 14016B, in OCMH
Ltr, COMINCH to CINCPAC et al., 29 Apr 42, files; Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51;
sub: Basic Plan for the Establishment of the South Hist Rec, Army Section Imperial General Head-
Pacific Amphibious Force, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. quarters, pp. 51-53.

his newly formed command—the South decided the next morning after a massive
Seas Detachment at Rabaul, the Kawaguchi attack on Midway by enemy carrier planes.
Detachment at Palau, and the Yazawa and The last enemy plane had scarcely left
Aoba Detachments at Davao—to their part Midway when three of the enemy carriers—
in the forthcoming operations. Hyakutake the Akagi, Kaga, and Soryu—all closely
parceled out the objectives as follows: the bunched together, were hit fatally by the
South Seas Detachment (the 144th Infantry dive-bomber squadrons of the Enterprise
reinforced) was to take New Caledonia; and the Yorktown. The Kaga and Soryu
the Kawaguchi Detachment (the 124th In- went down late that afternoon; the Akagi,
fantry reinforced) and an element of the with uncontrollable fires raging aboard, took
Yazawa Detachment (the 41st Infantry) longer to succumb but was finally scuttled
were to move against Samoa; and the Aoba by its own crew that evening. The Hiryu,
Detachment (the 4th Infantry reinforced) which had been a considerable distance
was to land at Port Moresby. All units ahead of the main carrier force, succeeded
were to be in instant readiness for action in knocking out the Yorktown before it too
as soon as the Midway-Aleutians victory was set afire by dive bombers from the
was won.3 Enterprise and Hornet. Burning fiercely, the
Admiral Yamamoto had meanwhile de- Hiryu was scuttled by its crew the next
tailed an immense force to capture Midway morning.
including the four large fast carriers Kaga, The loss of the carriers forced Yamamoto
Akagi, Hiryu, and Soryu. The remainder of to break off the engagement and to with-
Admiral Nagumo's command, the Shokaku draw his fleet to the north and west with
and Zuikaku, were not able to participate U.S. naval units in pursuit. The Pacific Fleet
because of the action at the Coral Sea. had lost a carrier, a destroyer, 150 aircraft,
Admiral Nagumo's carrier force left and 300 men, but it had broken the back of
Japan for Midway on 27 May, the same day the Japanese Fleet and gained one of the
that the transports left Saipan and the greatest naval triumphs in history.5
cruisers and destroyers, which were to cover With the Combined Fleet routed, and its
them, left Guam. The main body of the main striking force destroyed, the Allies
fleet, with Admiral Yamamoto in command, were at last in a position to seize the initia-
left from various Japanese ports a day later.4 tive. The time had come to counterattack.
The U.S. Pacific Fleet had learned ahead
of time of Yamamoto's intentions. Three The 2 July Directive
aircraft carriers, the Enterprise, Hornet, and
Yorktown, lay in wait for the enemy a The magnitude of the Japanese disaster
couple of hundred miles north of Midway. at Midway was immediately realized. Of-
The first sightings of the Japanese force fensive plans to exploit the new situation
were made on 3 June, and the issue was

ONI, The Battle of Midway, pp. 9-27; ONI,
17th Army Opns I, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9. The Japanese Story of the Battle of Midway, pp.
ONI, The Japanese Story of the Battle of Mid- 8-10; USSBS, The Campaigns of the Pacific War,
way, p. 6; USSBS, The Campaigns of the Pacific pp. 58-70; Morison, The Coral Sea, Midway and
War, pp. 74-76. Submarine Actions, pp. 117-37.

USS YORKTOWN UNDER JAPANESE FIRE during the Battle of Midway.

and add further to the enemy's discomfiture General Marshall found it difficult to
were quickly evolved and presented to the secure agreement on these issues, but suc-
Joint Chiefs of Staffs for consideration. ceeded finally on the basis of a draft direc-
General MacArthur, who assumed as a tive that divided the operation into three
matter of course that he would be in com- tasks. Task One, the seizure of the Tulagi
mand from start to finish since all the ob- area, was to be under Vice Adm. Robert L.
jectives lay in his area, had proposed that Ghormley, Commander of the South Pa-
the operation be an uninterrupted thrust cific Area, while Tasks Two and Three
through New Guinea and the Solomons, would be under General MacArthur.
with Rabaul as the final objective. The Agreement on the final form of the direc-
Navy, standing for a more gradual ap- tive was reached on 2 July. After stating that
proach, insisted that Tulagi would have to offensive operations would be conducted
be taken and secured before the final attack with the ultimate objective of seizing and
on Rabaul was mounted. In addition, it occupying the New Britain-New Ireland-
had raised strong objections to having Gen-
eral MacArthur in command of the opera- 6
The matter is fully discussed in John Miller, jr.,
tion, at least in its first, purely amphibious, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive (Washington,
stages. 1949), pp. 8-17, a volume in this series.

New Guinea area, the directive laid down the Allied Air Forces. On 13 July, Maj.
the following tasks: Gen. George C. Kenney, then commanding
a. Task One. Seizure and occupation of general of the Fourth Air Force at San
the Santa Cruz Islands, Tulagi, and adjacent Francisco, was ordered to take over com-
positions. mand of the Allied Air Forces. General
b. Task Two. Seizure and occupation of Brett was to remain temporarily in com-
the remainder of the Solomon Islands, of Lae, mand until Kenney's arrival.8
Salamaua, and the northeast coast of New
Guinea. The U.S. Army services of supply were
c. Task Three. Seizure and occupation of reorganized. The United States Army in
Rabaul and adjacent positions in the New Australia (USAFIA), which was essen-
Guinea-New Ireland area. tially a supply echelon, and not, as its name
Task One, under Admiral Ghormley, suggested, an administrative headquarters
was given a target date of 1 August. Mac- for U.S. troops in Australia, was discon-
Arthur would not only supply naval rein- tinued on 20 July. The United States Army
forcements and land-based air in support of Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific Area
Task One but would also provide for the (USASOS SWPA), with General Mac-
interdiction of enemy air and naval activi- Arthur's deputy chief of staff, Brig. Gen.
ties westward of the operating areas. To Richard J. Marshall, in command, was
remove the objection that Admiral Ghorm- established the same day. General Barnes,
ley would exercise command in General like General Brett, was ordered back to the
MacArthur's area, the boundary between United States for reassignment.9
the Southwest Pacific Area and South Pa- To achieve more effective control over
cific Area would, as of 1 August, be changed operations, General Headquarters, South-
to 159° East Longitude, thereby bringing west Pacific Area (familiarly known as
Tulagi and adjacent positions into the South GHQ), and subordinate Allied land, air,
Pacific Area.7 (Map 3) and naval headquarters were moved from
Melbourne to Brisbane. The move was com-
The SWPA Prepares pleted on 20 July,10 and brought the highest
headquarters in the area 800 miles closer to
Girding for Action
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. AG
General MacArthur now had a twofold 24, CM-IN 8604, 26 Jun 42 ; Msg, Gen Marshall to
responsibility. His responsibility under Task Gen MacArthur, No. 390, CM-OUT 3429, 13 Jul
One was to lend the South Pacific Area the 42; Gen George C. Kenney, General Kenney Re-
ports (New York, 1949), pp. 9-11.
fullest support possible with his aircraft, sub- 9
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-
marines, and naval striking force. His re- 62, 10 Jul 42; USAFIA GO 78, 18 Jul 42; GHQ
sponsibility under the succeeding tasks was SWPA GO 17, 20 Jul 42: USASOS SWPA GO 1,
20 Jul 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
to prepare his command for early offensive 10
GHQ SWPA OI No. 11, 14 Jul 42; Msg, Gen
action, and this he lost no time in doing. MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-107, CM-IN
A change was made in the command of 5468, 16 Jul 42. The original intention had been to
move GHQ to Townsville, in order to be that much
closer to New Guinea. A critical lack of communi-
Joint Directive for Offensive Operations in the cations facilities at Townsville resulted in the deci-
Southwest Pacific agreed upon by the Joint Chiefs tion to move to Brisbane. Ltr, Gen Sutherland to
of Staff, 2 July 42, copy in 381, OPD SWPA, Sec 2. Gen Ward, 27 Feb 51.


the combat zone and in position to make a vision, then in training near Melbourne,
further forward move should one be re- began to move to Rockhampton on 12 July.
quired by the trend of operations. A day later, the 32d Division began to move
United States antiaircraft units at Perth, from Adelaide to a camp near Brisbane.12
which were obviously no longer needed
there, were transferred to Townsville, and
the 32d and 41st Divisions were ordered 12
Ibid.; Memo, Col. S. E. Anderson for CG AGF,
to new camps in Queensland, where they 6 Jul 42, sub: Remarks by Commanding General,
were to be assigned to a corps and given Southwest Pacific Area; Memo, Maj Gen Robert C.
training in jungle warfare.11 The 41st Di- Richardson, Jr., for Gen Marshall, 9 Jul 42, sub:
Report No. 5. Both memos in Special Collections
File, OPD Exec File. ALF Daily Opns Rpts, 12
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. 12, Jul 42 and 13 Jul 42; G-3 Opns Rpt, No. 96, 13
CM-IN 0586, 2 Jul 42. Jul 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

The corps command had been given neer troops to New Guinea to assist the
initially to Maj. Gen. Robert C. Richard- American and Australian engineers already
son, Jr., then Commanding General, VII there. The 808th Engineer Aviation Bat-
Corps. However, when it was found that talion, then at Darwin, was put on orders
General Richardson (who had reached for Port Moresby on 21 July. The 2d Bat-
Australia in early July, in the course of a talion of the 43d U.S. Engineers (less Com-
tour of inspection for General Marshall) pany E, which was at Port Moresby) was
had strong objections to serving under Aus- ordered to Milne Bay the same day to join
tralian command, the assignment went to with the company of the 46th Engineers,
Maj. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, Com- which was already on the ground, in the
manding General, I Corps, a classmate at construction of the crucially needed airfields
West Point of both Generals Harding and there.16
Fuller of the 32d and 41st Divisions, which
were to make up his corps. Buna and the Theater Plan
Airfield construction in the forward areas
was accelerated. By early July, the airfields The theater plan of operations, the TULSA
in the York Peninsula-Horn Island area plan, was revised in the light of the 2 July
were well along, and air force units were directive. It had previously merely pointed
occupying them as rapidly as they became to the need of a major airfield in the Buna
ready for use.14 At Port Moresby, seven fields area if Lae and Salamaua were attacked.
were projected, and work was progressing As revised, it now provided for the immedi-
on four. At Milne Bay, three fields were ate establishment of a field in that area in
under way, and one strip was expected to be order that it might be available for support
in full operation by the end of the month.15 of operations against Lae and Salamaua as
These heavy construction commitments prescribed by Task Two.
made it necessary to send more U.S. engi- The problem was how to meet this re-
quirement. There was a small neglected
Msgs, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. emergency strip just southeast of Buna about
353, CM-OUT 1779, 7 Jul 42, No. 367, CM-OUT
2303, 9 Jul 42, No. 332, CM-OUT 8821, 30 Jul 42, which little was known except that it seemed
No. 440, CM-OUT 7373, 2 Aug 42; Msg, Gen to be too wet and too low lying to be ex-
MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-182, CM-IN ploited profitably for military use. On 9 July
0155, 1 Aug 42; Official Army Register, 1942, pp.
260, 305, 368. All three generals were born in the
GHQ ordered a reconnaissance of the Buna
year 1886. Two of them, Eichelberger and Harding, area. The object of the reconnaissance was
were appointed to the academy from Ohio. Fuller, to ascertain whether the existing strip had
who was from South Dakota, had been an appointee
at large.
any military value and, if not, to find an all-
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. Q- weather site elsewhere in the area which the
147, CM-IN 1067, 2 Aug 42; Memo, Gen Cham- military could use.
berlin for Gen Sutherland, 21 Aug 42, in 385-9,
G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Ltr, GHQ SWPA to Comdr ALF, et al, 6 Jul
Msg, U. S. Mil Comd (Moresby) to GOC NGF, 42, sub: Employment of Engineers at Fall River,
No. C-28613, 26 Jun 42, in 385, FALL RIVER in 686, New Guinea, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA; ALF
File, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA; Msg, Gen MacArthur Daily Opns Rpt, 21 Jul 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
to Gen Marshall, No. C-301, CM-IN 7017, 19 Aug SWPA; Annual Rpt OCE SWPA, 1942.
42; Ltr, Gen Casey to Gen Chamberlin, 21 Aug 42, TULSA IIA, Joint Basic Plan for the Occupa-
sub: Engineer Annex for Tulsa Plan; Annual Rpt tion of the Area New Britain-New Ireland-Admir-
OCE SWPA, 1942. Both in AFPAC Engr File. alty Islands [n. d. Jul 42], abstract in OCMH files.

The PROVIDENCE Operation The Plan To Occupy Buna

The Reconnaissance When the news was received at GHQ that

Dobodura was an all-weather site, it was
The reconnaissance was made on 10 and decided to establish an airfield there with
11 July by a party of six officers from Port all possible speed. On 13 July General
Moresby, who reached the area in a Catalina Chamberlin called a meeting of the repre-
flying boat. The party was headed by Lt. sentatives of the Allied Land Forces, the
Col. Bernard L. Robinson, a ranking U.S. Allied Air Forces, the Antiaircraft Com-
engineer officer at Port Moresby, and in- mand, and the supply services to discuss in
cluded three Australian officers who had a preliminary way the part each could ex-
personal knowledge of the area, Lt. Col. pect to play in the operation. A second
Boyd D. Wagner, U.S. fighter group com- meeting was called the next day in which
mander at Port Moresby, and Colonel the matter was discussed in greater detail
Yoder. Carefully examining the terrain of and a general scheme of maneuver for the
the entire area, the six officers found that, occupation of Buna was worked out.19
while the existing strip was virtually useless The plan was ready on the 15th, and
for military purposes, the grass plains area instructions to the commanders concerned
at Dobodura fifteen miles south of Buna went out the same day. The operation,
was an excellent site suitable for large-scale which was given the code name PROVI-
air operations, even in the rainy season DENCE, provided for the establishment of a
which was then only a few months away. special unit, Buna Force, with the primary
In a special report to General Casey, mission of preparing and defending an air-
Colonel Robinson recommended that the field to be established in the Buna area.
existing site not be developed, except per- At first the airfield would consist only of a
haps as an emergency landing field for strip suitable for the operation of two pur-
fighter aircraft. The site at Dobodura, on suit squadrons, but it was eventually to be
the other hand, he thought almost ideal for developed into a base capable of accommo-
large-scale military use. Drainage was good; dating three squadrons of pursuit and two
stone, gravel, and timber in adequate of heavy bombardment.
amounts were to be found in the area; and Brig. Gen. Robert H. Van Volkenburgh,
considerable native labor was available lo- commanding general of the 40th Artillery
cally for the construction of the field. The Brigade (AA) at Port Moresby, was to be
site would provide ample room for proper task force commander with control of the
aircraft dispersal, and with only light clear- troops while they were moving to Buna. An
ing and grading would provide an excellent Australian brigadier would take command
landing field, 7,000 feet long and more than at Buna itself.
300 feet wide, lying in the direction of the The movements of Buna Force to the tar-
prevailing wind.18 get area would be in four echelons or serials,

Memo, Lt Col Bernard L. Robinson, CE, for
Gen Casey, 13 Jul 42, sub: Rpt on Airdrome Site Memo, Lt Col Elvin R. Heiberg, CE, for Gen
in the Vicinity of Buna, New Guinea, in AFPAC Casey, 15 Jul 42, sub: Conference on Buna Air-
Engr File. drome, in 337, Conf Rpts, in AFPAC Engr File.

covered by aviation from Milne Bay and diverted from the Buna area, both before
Port Moresby to the maximum extent pos- and during the operation, by attacks upon
sible. Defining D Day as the day that Buna Lae and Salamaua by KANGA Force and the
would first be invested, the orders provided Allied Air Forces. Since the "essence" of the
that Serial One, four Australian infantry plan was "to take possession of this area,
companies and a small party of U.S. engi- provide immediate antiaircraft defense, and
neers, would leave Port Moresby on foot on to unload supplies prior to discovery," no
D minus 11. These troops were scheduled to steps were to be taken to prepare the air-
arrive at Buna, via the Kokoda Trail, on D drome at Dobodura until Serial Three had
minus 1, at which time they would secure been unloaded, lest the enemy's attention
the area and prepare it for the arrival of be prematurely attracted to it.20
the succeeding serials. Colonel Robinson, who was to be in
Serial Two, 250 men, mostly Americans, charge of the construction of the airfield,
including an engineer party, a radar and was cautioned that no clearing or other
communications detachment, some port work was to be started at Dobodura until
maintenance personnel, and a .50-caliber the engineers and protective troops had dis-
antiaircraft battery, would arrive at Buna in embarked and the ships had been unloaded.
two small ships on the morning of D Day. Lt. Col. David Larr, General Chamberlin's
The incoming troops would combine with deputy, who had been detailed to assist Gen-
those already there and, in addition to help- eral Van Volkenburgh in co-ordinating the
ing secure the area, would provide it with operation, made it clear to all concerned
antiaircraft defense. that its success depended upon secrecy in
Serial Three, the main serial, would in- preparation and execution. Every precau-
clude the Australian brigadier who was to tion was to be taken to conceal the move-
take command at Buna, an Australian in- ment, its destination, and its intent. Above
fantry battalion, a RAAF radar and com- all, the existence of the airdrome was to be
munications detachment, the ground ele- concealed from the Japanese as long as
ments of two pursuit squadrons, an Ameri- possible.21
can port detachment, and other supporting Movement orders for the first three serials
American troops. This serial was due at were issued on 17 July. Serial One was to
Buna on D plus 1, in an escorted convoy of leave Port Moresby at the end of the month,
light coastwise vessels, bringing its heavy 31 July. It would arrive at Buna on 10-12
stores and thirty days' subsistence for the August, a few days after the Guadalcanal
The fourth serial would consist of a com-
pany of American engineers and the remain- Ltr, Gen Sutherland to Comdr ALF, et al, 15
Jul 42, sub: Occupation and Construction of Air-
ing ground elements of the two pursuit drome in Vicinity of Buna Bay, Southeastern Penin-
squadrons that were to be stationed in the sula of New Guinea, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Msg, Gen Casey to Col Robinson, 15 Jul 42,
area. It would reach Buna from Townsville copy in AFPAC Engr File; Ltr, Gen Sutherland
by sea on D plus 14, accompanied by further to Gen Van Volkenburgh, 15 Jul 42, sub: In-
stores of all kinds for the operation of the structions, in 385, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA; Lt Col
David Larr, G-3 Sec, GHQ SWPA, Scheme of
base. Maneuver for the Occupation of Buna, 15 Jul 42,
The attention of hostile forces would be in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

landing, which, by this time, had been ad- by 21 July, and that the PBY's then go on to
vanced to 7 August.22 Moresby to fly in as many troops of Serial
One as possible. The whole schedule of
The Japanese Get There First PROVIDENCE, he said, had to be accelerated.
Serials Two and Three would have to arrive
Colonel Larr Sounds the Alarm together; and the occupying force would, if
necessary, have to be supplied entirely by air.
General Van Volkenburgh and Colonel Larr went on to say that he knew that
Larr had scarcely begun to make their first the Air Force could not possibly move more
preparations for the operation when they than a hundred men into Buna by flying
received the disturbing intelligence on 18 boat at one time. He urged that immediate
July that the Japanese also appeared to have action be taken nevertheless to accelerate
designs on Buna. Twenty-four ships, some PROVIDENCE, for both he and General Van
of them very large, had been seen in Rabaul Volkenburgh felt that the element of sur-
harbor on 17 July, and a number of what prise had already been lost. He concluded
appeared to be trawlers or fishing boats his call with these words: "We may be able
loaded with troops had been reported off to hold Buna if we get there first." 24
Talasea (New Britain). The troops, esti- General Chamberlin answered for Gen-
mated as at least a regiment, were obviously eral Sutherland the next day. The troop
from Rabaul,23 and to General Van Volken- concentrations at Rabaul and Talasea, Gen-
burgh and Colonel Larr, who talked the eral Chamberlin radioed, did not neces-
matter over, it added up to just one thing— sarily mean that the Japanese intended a
that the Japanese were moving on Buna. hostile move against Buna. Nor was it by
Colonel Larr, then at Townsville, at once any means certain that the element of sur-
got General Sutherland on the telephone. prise had been lost. The suggested plan to
Speaking both for himself and General Van occupy Buna immediately was likely to de-
Volkenburgh, he noted that Serial One, feat itself because it lacked strength. The
which was not to begin moving till the end danger was that it would serve only to at-
of the month, might reach Buna too late. tract the enemy's attention, and perhaps
He proposed therefore that forces be imme- bring on an enemy landing—the very thing
diately dispatched to Buna by flying boat in that was feared. For that reason, the orig-
order to forestall a possible Japanese landing inal plan would have to be adhered to sub-
there. He urged that an antiaircraft battery stantially as drawn. General Van Volken-
be dispatched by flying boat to Buna at least burgh and Colonel Larr were assured that
the dispatch of Serial One to Kokoda would
USAFIA Movement Dir No. 174, 17 Jul 42, be hastened and that every effort would be
in AFPAC Engr File; LHQ OI No. 26, 17 Jul 42, made to get it there at the earliest possible
in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Ltr, Gen Sutherland to
Gen Blamey et al., 17 Jul 42, sub: Occupation and moment.25 It was clear however that even
Construction of Airdrome "PROVIDENCE," in
385, New Guinea, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.
23 24
Rad SIO, Townsville to DNI, Melbourne, No. Transcript Tel Msg, Col Larr to Gen Suther-
4299, 18 Jul 42; G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel, land, 18 Jul 42.
No. 117, 18 Jul 42; Transcript Tel Msg, Col Larr Rad, Gen Chamberlin to Gen Van Volkenburgh
to Gen Sutherland, Brisbane, 18 Jul 42. All in G-3 (through ACH, Townsville), 19 Jul 42, in 385, G-3
Jnl, GHQ SWPA. See below, Ch. V, n. 8. File, GHQ SWPA.

if there was an acceleration it would be other vessels thought to be warships about

slight. D Day would still have to follow the seventy-five nautical miles due north of
Guadalcanal landing. Talasea. Two merchantmen, which could
have been transports, were sighted just north
The Enemy Crashes Through of Rabaul moving in a westerly direction as
if to join the ships off Talasea.
The Air Force had meanwhile been strik- What followed was a study in frustration.
ing at Rabaul as frequently as it was able. Bad weather set in; there was a heavy mist;
The bombing had been sporadic at best; and visibility went down to virtually noth-
and because the B-17's in use were badly ing. The air force though on the alert, and
worn, and the bomber crews manning them with an unusually large number of aircraft
(veterans, like their planes, of Java and the in condition to attack, could find no trace of
Philippines) were tired and dispirited, the the convoy until 0820 on the morning of
results were far from gratifying.26 Thinking 21 July, when a cruiser, five destroyers, and
to give the men a rest and to gain time in several transports were glimpsed fleetingly
which to put "all equipment in the best ninety miles due east of Salamaua. The
possible condition," General Brett (who convoy, which was seen to be without air
continued as air commander, pending Gen- cover, was sighted again at 1515 off Ambasi,
eral Kenney's arrival) suspended all bomb- a point forty miles northwest of Buna. A
ing missions on 18 July.27 Except for a single B-17 followed by five B-26's located
nuisance raid on Kieta on Bougainville and attacked it there, but without result.
Island by an LB-30 from Townsville, no Darkness set in, and, although the Japanese
combat missions were flown on either the gave away their position by shelling Gona
18th or 19th. A single Hudson sent from and Buna from the sea at 1800 and 1830, all
Port Moresby on the 19th to reconnoiter further attempts to locate the convoy that
Talasea and Cape Gloucester (on the north- night proved fruitless.
west tip of New Britain) for some further
sign of the troop-laden trawlers which had The Landing
so disturbed General Van Volkenburgh and
Colonel Larr reported no sightings whatever At 0635 the following morning, the in-
in the area.28 vasion convoy was discovered just off Gona
The next morning the picture changed
completely. A B-17, staging from Port 29
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 20 Jul 42, with
Moresby, sighted two warships and five incl Allied Air Recon Rpt, 20 Jul 42; Rad, Port
Moresby to ACH, Townsville, No. A-51, 20 Jul
42. Both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
26 30
Allied Air Force Opns Rpts, 1-2 Jun through Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 21 Jul 42, with
17-18 Jul 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Craven incl Allied Air Recon Rpt, 21 Jul 42; Rad, Port
and Cate, The Army Air Forces in World War II, Moresby to ACH, Townsville, No. A-392, 21 Jul
I, 482; Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 35 42; G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 121, 22
36, 42. Jul 42; COIC Sitrep No. 3012, 22 Jul 42. All in
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 18, 19 Jul 42; G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. ALF, Summary of Opns
Gen Brett, "The MacArthur I Knew," in True, in New Guinea, Owen Stanley-Buna-Gona areas,
October 47, p. 148. 21 Jul 42-22 Jan 43, in OCMH files. The landing
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 19 Jul 42, with actually began at 1800 on 21 July. Intel Rpt No. 3,
incl Allied Air Recon Rpt, 19 Jul 42. 17th Army, Rabaul, 30 Jul 42, in ATIS EP No. 28.

by an RAAF Hudson.31 The exact point was strafing the area,33 but the results were dis-
Basabua, about one and one-half miles south appointing.
of Gona and about nine miles northwest of One transport was hit and went up in
Buna. At the moment of discovery, landing flames. A landing barge with personnel
operations, though far advanced, were not aboard was strafed and sunk; a float plane
yet complete. Landing barges were still mov- (probably from the Japanese cruiser that
ing from ship to shore, and supplies, which had escorted the convoy) was shot down;
were being rapidly moved into the surround- landing barges, tents, supplies, and antiair-
ing jungle, still littered the beach. Antiair- craft installations were bombed and strafed;
craft had already been set up ashore, but and a hit was claimed on one of the destroy-
there were no Japanese aircraft overhead ers. By 0915, all the vessels with the excep-
despite the fact that Lae was only 160 miles tion of the burning transport, had cleared
away, and the Japanese, who had air su- the area safely and were heading north.
periority in the region, were suffering from The Japanese in the landing force lost no
no dearth of aircraft at the time. For- time in clearing their supplies from the
tunately for the Japanese ashore, a heavy beach. Shielded by the luxuriant jungle and
haze hung over the area and made effective the deepening haze, they quickly made good
attack from the air extremely difficult. The their landing. The implications of its success
Air Force made 81 sorties that morning, for the Southwest Pacific Area were all too
dropped 48 tons of bombs, and used up clear. The PROVIDENCE operation had been
more than 15,000 rounds of ammunition in forestalled by almost three weeks. Plans for
the early inception of Task Two had been
31 frustrated. The Papuan Campaign had
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 22 Jul 42; G-2
Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 121, 22 Jul 42. begun.
Both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
32 33
Ibid.; Fld Log Sakigawa Tai, Jul-Aug 42, in Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 22 Jul 42; G-2
ATIS EP No. 27; Intel Rpt No. 3, 17th Army Hq, Daily Summary Enemy Intel, No. 122, 23 Jul 42.
Rabaul, 30 Jul 42, in ATIS EP No. 28; ATIS Bul The planes involved were B-17's, B-25's, B-26's,
No. 183, Items 17, 18, in ATIS CT 25; Rad, ACH, P-39's, P-40E's, P-400's, and the Hudson that had
Townsville, to CWR, No. A-470, 22 Jul 42; G-2 made the first sighting.
Daily Summary Enemy Intel, No. 122, 22-23 Jul Ibid.; Fld Log Sakigawa Tai, Jul-Aug 42;
42; Allied Air Forces DOI, Weekly Review Air Interr, Gen Adachi et al.; ALF, Summary of Oper-
Activities, 25 Jul. Last three in G-3 Jnl, GHQ ations in New Guinea, Owen Stanley-Buna-Gona
SWPA. Areas, 21 Jul 42-22 Jan 43, in OCMH files.

Kokoda Thrust
The landing at Basabua on the night of Planning the Overland Attack
21-22 July was a direct outgrowth of the
naval reverses the Japanese had suffered at The Operations Area
the Coral Sea and Midway. After the Battle
of the Coral Sea, they had temporarily post- The die was cast. The fighting was to be
poned the Port Moresby operation with the in the Papuan Peninsula, or, as the Japa-
understanding that they would return to it nese insisted on calling it, eastern New
as soon as succeeding operations against Guinea. The peninsula, part of the Territory
Midway and the Aleutians had been com- of Papua, a lush, tropical area, most of it
pleted. The loss of their first-line carriers at still in a state of nature, lies at the southeast
Midway had disrupted these plans. Not only end of New Guinea, forming the tail, so to
were the Japanese forced to postpone in- speak, of that vast, bird-shaped island. Oc-
definitely the projected operations against cupying an area of 90,540 square miles,
the South Pacific island bases, but they had Papua is an Australian possession, annexed
to abandon the idea of taking Port Moresby by the British in 1884, and turned over to
by amphibious assault. They realized that to the Australians in 1901. The natives, of Mel-
use the few remaining carriers for support of anesian stock, are at a primitive stage of de-
a second amphibious thrust against Port velopment; and the fact that their hair is
Moresby would probably be to lose them to generally frizzly rather than woolly has given
superior carrier forces of the U. S. Pacific Papua its name—Papuwa being the Malay
Fleet, a risk that they were not prepared to for frizzly or frizzled.
take. Since they were agreed that Port The Japanese could scarcely have chosen
Moresby, which flanked Rabaul, would a more dismal place in which to conduct a
have to be taken at the earliest possible mo- campaign. The rainfall at many points in
ment, the problem became one of taking it the peninsula is torrential. It often runs as
without carrier support. The successful land- high as 150, 200, and even 300 inches per
ing in the Buna-Gona area was the first in- year, and, during the rainy season, daily
dication of the manner in which they had falls of eight or ten inches are not uncom-
chosen to solve that problem.1 mon. The terrain, as varied as it is difficult,
is a military nightmare. Towering saw-
toothed mountains, densely covered by
Hist Rec Army Section Imperial General Head- mountain forest and rain forest, alternate
quarters, pp. 53, 60; Southeast Area Naval Opns, with flat malarial, coastal areas made up of
p. 7; 17th Army Opns I, 7, 8; USSBS, Interroga-
tions of Japanese Officials, II, 524, 525. matted jungle, reeking swamp, and broad

patches of knife-edged kunai grass four to creepers and moss that the sunlight can
seven feet high. The heat and humidity in scarcely filter through to the muddy tracks
the coastal areas are well-nigh unbearable, below.
and in the mountains there is biting cold The Owen Stanley Mountains, whose
at altitudes over 5,000 feet. The mountains peaks rise to heights of more than 13,000
are drained by turbulent rivers and creeks, feet, overshadow the entire Papuan Pen-
which become slow and sluggish as they insula, running down its center to Milne
reach the sea. Along the streams, the Bay like an immense spine. On the north-
fringes of the forest become interwoven from east, or Buna, side the foothills of the range
ground to treetop level with vines and slope gently to the sea. On the southwest
creepers to form an almost solid mat of or Port Moresby side, the picture is star-
vegetation which has to be cut by the ma- tlingly different. Sharp ridges which rise
chete or the bolo before progress is possible. abruptly from the southwest coast connect
The vegetation in the mountains is almost with the main range to produce a geograph-
as luxuriant; leeches abound everywhere; ical obstacle of such formidable proportions
and the trees are often so overgrown with that overland crossing is possible only by

means of tortuous native footpaths or tracks southwest of Buna, a wire-rope bridge, from
that lead from one native village to the which the place took its name, spanned
other, often at dizzy heights. the immense gorge of the Kumusi River, a
broad turbulent stream subject to danger-
The Kokoda Trail ous undertows and flash floods. Between
Buna and Wairopi the country is gentle and
The best overland route to Port Moresby rolling. Past Wairopi it suddenly becomes
passed through Kokoda, a point about fifty steep and rocky. Kokoda itself is set on a
miles from Buna and more than one hun- little plateau between the foothills of the
dred miles from Port Moresby. (Maps II Ajura Kijala and Owen Stanley Ranges.
and 4) At Wairopi, about thirty miles On this plateau, which is about 1,200 feet
above sea level, there was a small airfield,
suitable only for use by light commercial
planes and the smaller types of military
transport aircraft.
From Kokoda, the trail leads southward
along the western side of a huge canyon or
chasm, the so-called Eora Creek Gorge. It
passes through the native villages of Deniki
and Isurava to a trail junction at Alola,
where a cross-country trail from Ilimo, a
point southwest of Wairopi, joins the main
track via Kobara, Fila, Missima, and
Abuari, a short-cut which makes it possible
to bypass Kokoda. From Alola, the trail
crosses to the eastern side of Eora Creek and
climbs to Templeton's Crossing, where the
immense spurs of the main range are met for
the first time at an elevation of 7,000 feet.
Just past Templeton's Crossing is the
Gap, the mountain pass that leads across
the range. The Gap, which is only twenty
miles south of Kokoda, is a broken, jungle-
covered saddle in the main range, about
7,500 feet high at its central point. The
saddle is about five miles wide, with high
mountains on either side. The trail runs
about six miles through the Gap over a
rocky, broken track, on which there is not
enough level space to pitch a tent, and
room enough for only one man to pass.
From the Gap, the trail plunges downward
MAP 4 to Myola, Kagi, Efogi, Menari, Nauro,

graph taken November 1943.)
Ioribaiwa, the Imita Range, and Uberi, to 2,000 feet high, and the soil in the valleys
traversing in its course mountain peaks has up to thirty feet of humus and leaf mold.
5,000 and 6,000 feet high, and sharp, east- The area is perpetually wet, the rainfall at
west ridges whose altitude is from 3,000 to 3,000 feet being 200 and 300 inches a
4,000 feet. The southern edge of the range year.
is at Koitaki, about thirty miles from Port The situation is only slightly better be-
Moresby by road, where the elevation is tween Myola and Uberi. There are still
2,000 feet. knife-edges and razorbacks, but now they
From Kokoda to Templeton's Crossing are not as precipitous as before. The gorges,
the trail climbs 6,000 feet in less than twenty though deeper and with denser under-
miles as it crosses a series of knife-edged growth, are less frequent, but they are still
ridges. The peaks in the area rise as high extremely hard to cross. Not till the trail
as 9,000 feet, and the valleys, whose sides reaches Koitaki does the going moderate.
slope as much as 60 percent from the hori- It was a moot point whether a large, fully
zontal, descend as low as 1,000 feet. Ridges equipped force could complete the difficult
rising from creeks and river beds are 1,500 march from Kokoda to Koitaki, in the face

of determined opposition, and still be in On 29 June the engineer regiment, with

condition to launch an effective attack on supporting antiaircraft, communications,
Port Moresby when it got there. Yet it was medical, and service troops, was ordered to
by an advance over this trail that the Jap- Rabaul, and General Horii flew to Davao
anese proposed to take Port Moresby. on the 30th to receive his orders from Gen-
eral Hyakutake for the reconnaissance.
The Enemy Plans a Reconnaissance Hyakutake issued the orders the next day,
1 July. They provided that the force making
The Japanese did not act recklessly in their the reconnaissance was to consist of the en-
attempt to send troops over the Owen gineer regiment, an infantry battalion of the
Stanley Range. On 14 June, six days after Nankai Shitai, the 47th Field Antiaircraft
Midway, General Hyakutake, commander Artillery Battalion, and supporting troops.
of the 17th Army, was told to prepare for The force was to be under command of Col.
an overland attack on Port Moresby. Gen- Yosuke Yokoyama, commander of the en-
eral Hyakutake, then on his way to Davao, gineer regiment. Yokoyama's mission was to
was specifically cautioned not to order land in the Buna area, advance rapidly to
major forces under his command to New Kokoda and "the mountain pass south of
Guinea until the trail had been thoroughly Kokoda," and reconnoiter the trail leading
reconnoitered, and the operation found to from it to Port Moresby. He was to report
be feasible. He was told that his forces were to General Horii as quickly as possible on
to be held in readiness for instant action the state of the Buna-Kokoda "road" and
should the reconnaissance have a favorable on all possible routes of advance from Ko-
result. General Horii, commander of the koda to Port Moresby. Horii, in turn, was
Nankai Shitai, was to have the immediate to pass on the information to higher head-
responsibility for the operation. The 15th quarters with an indorsement setting forth
Independent Engineer Regiment, a highly his views on the feasibility of the proposed
trained and well-equipped combat engineer operation.
unit stationed at Davao, which had dis- On 11 July, with Colonel Yokoyama on
tinguished itself in combat in Malaya, would his way from Davao to Rabaul, the Army
be assigned to General Horii to perform the Section of Imperial General Headquarters
reconnaissance.3 gave General Hyakutake the go-ahead sig-
nal for the reconnaissance. Hyakutake
G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 123, passed the orders on to General Horii, who
24 Jul 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Osmar White,
Notes on Owen Stanley Fighting in New Guinea,
at once worked out an agreement with the
15 Sep 42, copy in OCMH files; ALF Rpt on New Navy and the naval air force at Rabaul for
Guinea Opns Buna-Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on the escort and support of Colonel Yoko-
Opns in New Guinea, Ser 3; AGS, SWPA, Terrain
Study No. 28, Main Routes Across New Guinea, 18 yama's force. The latter force reached Ra-
Oct 42, in OCMH files; Survey Northeast New
Guinea and Papua, 15 Jul 43, in G-2 WDGS Files.
AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al; SEATIC Hist
Bul No. 243, 1 Oct 46, Hist Japanese 28th Army; 15th Indep Engr Regt Opns Orders No. A-
17th Army Opns, I, 10-12; 18th Army, Opns, I, 8- 124, 24 Jun 42, in ATIS CT 21, No. 276; 17th
9; Southeast Area Naval Opns, I, 7. Nankai Shitai Army Opns Orders, n. n., 1 Jul 42, quoted in 17th
was the Japanese name for South Seas Detachment. Army Opns, I, 12-13.

baul on the 14th, and two days later Horii port of the Yazawa Detachment, would take
ordered Yokoyama to "carry out a landing Port Moresby by an advance over the
near Basabua, and quickly occupy a strate- mountains, and the Navy, aided by the
gic line south of Kokoda in order to recon- Kawaguchi Detachment, would seize Sa-
noiter the route over which it is intended marai. The Aoba Detachment would re-
to advance." If he found it out of the ques- main in army reserve.
tion to advance beyond Kokoda, he was The Japanese apparently were no longer
to occupy and hold the area from the coast interested in a thorough reconnaissance of
westward to the Owen Stanley Range. the Kokoda Trail. The mission of the Yoko-
Yokoyama was specifically ordered to put yama Force had changed. Instead of being
the "road" east of the Owen Stanley Range primarily a reconnaissance force, it had be-
in condition to handle motor traffic, and to come an advance echelon. Its mission was
prepare the "roads" in the mountains for not so much reconnaissance as to secure a
the use, if not of vehicles, at least of pack firm foothold in the Buna-Kokoda area.
horses.5 When that was done, the main force would
On 18 July, on the eve of the departure arrive and do the rest.
of the Yokoyama Force for Buna, General
Hyakutake prepared a plan looking to the The Japanese Strike Inland
capture not only of Port Moresby but also
of a flanking position at Samarai, a small The Yokoyama Force Departs
island just off the southeast tip of New
Guinea. Samarai had an excellent harbor The Yokoyama Force was quickly in
and in prewar days had been a trading readiness for the operation. Its troop list in-
center of considerable importance. The cluded the 1st Battalion, 144th Infantry, the
Japanese, who as yet knew nothing of what 15th Independent Engineer Regiment (less
was going on at Milne Bay, wanted Samarai one company and two platoons), a detach-
(where they believed there was a small ment of the 10th Independent Engineers, a
Allied garrison) in order to establish a sea- company of the 55th Mountain Artillery, a
plane base there for use in the attack on company of Sasebo 5th Special Naval Land-
Port Moresby. The plan provided that the ing Force, the 47th Field Antiaircraft Artil-
entire strength of the 17th Army—the lery Battalion (less two companies), several
South Seas Detachment at Rabaul, the signal units, a field hospital section, and a
Aoba and Yazawa Detachments at Davao, service unit that included supply, transport,
and the Kawaguchi Detachment at Palau— water-purification, and port battalion
would be committed to these operations. troops. Attached to this force of about 1,800
The South Seas Detachment, with the sup- men were 100 naval laborers from Formosa,
52 horses, and 1,200 Rabaul natives im-
Nankai Shitai (Horii) Opns Orders No. A-85,
13 Jul 42; Yokoyama Adv Tai Opns Orders No. A- Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51;
2, 16 Jul 42. Both in ATIS CT 29, No. 131. 17th 17th Army Opns Orders, 18 Jul 42, quoted in 17th
Army Opns, I, 13, 20, 21. Army Opns, I, 15-16, and dated in error 18 Jun.

pressed by the Japanese to act as porters and and sank four Allied merchantmen the very
laborers. day of the landing.9
The Yokoyama Force received its instruc- The landing cost the Japanese one ship,
tions on 16 July and left for Buna four days the transport Ayatozan Maru, which Allied
later with an advance unit of the Sasebo 5th air units caught and sank as it was unloading
Special Naval Landing Force, in three heav- off Gona. Forty men and a number of ve-
ily escorted transports.8 Effective diversions hicles were lost with the ship. The other two
were mounted in support of the Yokoyama transports, whose cargo had already been
Force. As the convoy sped to its target, Jap- unloaded when the air attack began, man-
anese naval troops massed at Lae and Sala- aged to escape without damage, as did their
maua launched heavy raids upon Mubo and escort.
Komiatum in the Bulolo Valley, the two It had been agreed that Buna would be
most forward outposts of KANGA Force. In a naval installation, and the advance unit of
addition, Japanese submarines, which had the Sasebo Naval Landing Force was sent
been operating off the east coast of Australia there immediately on landing. Colonel
since early June, stepped up their activity Yokoyama chose Giruwa, about three and
a half miles east of the anchorage, as the site
of the Army base and immediately ordered
Annex No. 3, 17 Jul 42, to Horii Opns Order all Army troops there. The evening of the
No. A-85, 13 Jul 42; Yokoyama Adv Force Orders landing an advance force under Lt. Col.
No. 1, 16 Jul 42, in ATIS CT 4, No. 103; No. A-
3, 17 Jul 42; No. A-5, 18 Jul 42. Both in ATIS Hatsuo Tsukamoto, commander of the in-
CT 29, No. 131. Rad, CofS 17th Army to CO fantry battalion, was organized at Giruwa
Yazawa Det, 30 Jul 42; 17th Army Intel Summary and sent southward. The force was com-
No. 5, 7 Aug 42. Both in ATIS EP No. 28. AMF,
Interr General Adachi et al.; 17th Army Opns, I,
posed of the infantry battalion, an attached
20-21. There is no authoritative figure for the total regimental signal unit, and a company of
strength of the Yokoyama Force. Troop strength, the 15th Independent Engineers. Tsuka-
less the infantry battalion, is known to have been
1,115 men. Allowing 700 men for the battalion
moto, whose orders were "to push on night
would bring the total strength to 1,800, the figure
Yokoyama Adv Tai Orders No. 2, 16 Jul 42, in
ATIS CT 4, No. 103; No. A-3, 17 Jul 42, in ATIS Msg, Airintel, Port Moresby, to Airintel, NE
CT 29, No. 131; Fld Log Sakigawa Tai, 16 Jul-7 Area, 9 Jul 42; Msg, NGF to ALF, Melbourne,
Aug 42. It will be recalled that several transports No, G-3095, 17 Jul 42; Msg, Port Moresby to ACH,
had been glimpsed that day—the 20th—by Allied Townsville, No. 4167, 18 Jul 42; GHQ Sitrep No.
reconnaissance leaving Rabaul at approximately the 312, 21 Jul 42; Msg, ACH, Townsville, to COIC,
same time that a naval force of cruisers and destroy- Brisbane, No. 4638, 22 Jul 42; G-2 Daily Summary
ers had been sighted standing due north of Talasea. Enemy Intel No. 122, 22-23 Jul 42. All in G-3
Oddly enough, the troops seen three days earlier on Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
the trawlers at Talasea, whose presence there had Fld Log Sakigawa Tai, Jul-Aug 42; AMF
led Colonel Larr and General Van Volkenburgh to Interr Gen Adachi et al.; 17th Army Intel Rpt No.
conclude that a landing in the Buna area was immi- 3, 30 Jul 42; 17th Army Opns, I, 21; Naval Ac-
nent, did not figure in the landing at all. Why the count, Japanese Invasion Eastern New Quinea, pp.
troops were in the Talasea area is unknown. The 16-17. The hulk of the sunken ship, which came to
only conjecture which seems to fit the circumstances be known familiarly as "the Gona wreck," was sub-
is that a portion of the South Seas Detachment may sequently investigated by Allied patrols and "defi-
have been practicing amphibious landings in the nitely identified as the Ayatozan Maru." ALF Daily
Talasea area at the time. Opns Rpt No. 294, 2 Feb 43.

and day to the line of the mountain range," at top speed for Awala to reinforce the
appears to have taken them literally. The PIB.12
attacking force, about 900 men, made its A PIB patrol first sighted the Japanese at
first bivouac that night just outside of So- 1750, 22 July, a few miles from Awala. The
puta, a point about seven miles inland, and enemy struck at Awala the following after-
by the following afternoon was approach- noon just as the headquarters of Company
ing Wairopi. B and its accompanying platoon reached the
area. After a short skirmish, Templeton's
The Onset force withdrew, taking up a defensive posi-
tion that night just short of the Wairopi
Only light opposition faced the Japanese. Bridge. The next day, with the enemy clos-
MAROUBRA Force, the Australian force ing in, it pulled back over the bridge and de-
charged with the defense of Kokoda and molished it before the Japanese could make
the Kokoda Trail, still had most of the 39th the crossing.13
Australian Infantry Battalion on the Port The thrust toward Kokoda caught General
Moresby side of the range. Only Company Morris, who, as G.O.C. New Guinea Force,
B and the 300-man Papuan Infantry Bat- was in command at Port Moresby, at a pain-
talion were in the Buna-Kokoda area at the ful disadvantage. He had been ordered to
time of the landing. Company B, 129 men at get the rest of the 39th Battalion to Kokoda
full strength, was at Kokoda; the PIB, part with all speed, as soon as the Japanese
of whose strength was on patrol miles to the landed,14 but found himself unable immedi-
north, was at Awala, a few miles east of ately to comply with the order. The problem
Wairopi. was that four companies of the 39th Bat-
A grueling overland march from Port talion (Headquarters Company and three
Moresby had brought Company B to Ko- rifle companies) were on the Port Moresby
koda on 12 July. Its heavy supplies and ma- side of the mountains, including a rifle com-
chine guns reached Buna by sea on the 19th; pany in the foothills outside Port Moresby,
and company headquarters and one platoon,
under the company commander, Capt.
Samuel V. Templeton, set out from Ko- 12
NGF OIs, No. 16, 12 Jun 42, No. 18, 25 Jun
koda the same day to bring them in. After 42, No. 20, 22 Jul 42; Brig S. H. Porter, Report on
Part Played by 30th Australian Infantry Brigade
picking up the supplies and machine guns, Headquarters in the Owen Stanley Ranges, copy in
Templeton had almost returned to Kokoda OCMH files; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns,
when the Japanese landed. He turned back 13
COIC Rpt No. 316, 25 Jul 42; Msg, Gen Mac-
at once when he heard the news, and made Arthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-160, CM-IN 9267,
26 Jul 42; Yokoyama Adv Tai Rpt, 27 Jul 42, in
ATIS EP 29; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns,
Buna-Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on Opns in New
Yokoyama Adv Tai Orders No. A-2, 16 Jul 42; Guinea, Ser 3.
Fld Log, Sakigawa Tai, Jul-Aug 42; Rad, Maj Msg, Gen Chamberlin to ALF, No. 4393, 22
Toyonari Toyofuku, 17th Army Liaison Offr to CG Jul 42; Msg, ALF to MilComd, Port Moresby, No.
17th Army, 23 Jul 42; Yokoyama Adv Tai Rpt, 23 G-34393, 22 Jul 42; Transcript, tel conversation,
Jul 42. Last two in ATIS EP 28. COIC Rpt No. Col E. L. Sheehan, ALF, G-3 Sec, GHQ SWPA,
316, 25 Jul 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; 17th Army to Brig R. N. L. Hopkins, ALF Hq, 23 Jul 42. All
Opns, I, 21. in 385, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.

and there was only one small aircraft at Port to Oivi, a point in the steep foothills of the
Moresby capable of landing on the small range, only eight miles by trail from
and extremely rough airfield at Kokoda. Kokoda.
Morris did what he could. The battalion General Morris had meanwhile been
commander, Lt. Col. William T. Owen, was making every effort to get men forward.
immediately ordered to Kokoda by air in Early on 26 July, the small transport air-
the one plane capable of landing there; craft at his disposal made two flights to
Company C, the rifle company in the west- Kokoda, bringing in thirty men from Com-
ern foothills of the range, was ordered to pany D. Holding half of them at Kokoda,
march on Kokoda as quickly as possible; Colonel Owen sent the other half on to Oivi
and the remaining three companies of the where Captain Templeton was trying to
battalion, still at Port Moresby, were put hold in the face of heavy odds. The resist-
on the alert for early movement to Kokoda ance at Oivi did not last long. Templeton
by air if enough aircraft of a type capable was killed that afternoon, and his tiny force
of landing at Kokoda could be secured in was outflanked and encircled.
time.15 Colonel Owen now had no choice but to
evacuate Kokoda, and did so just before
The Fall of Kokoda midnight. After he sent New Guinea Force
notice of the evacuation, Owen's force—the
Colonel Owen had been instructed to rest of Company B, and the incoming fif-
make a stand immediately east of Kokoda, teen men of Company D—crossed over the
and, if that failed, to take up a position western side of Eora Creek Gorge. It took
south of it. He arrived at Kokoda on 24 up previously prepared positions at Deniki,
July to find that there was little he could do five miles southwest of Kokoda, and was
to stop the onrush of the Japanese. The joined next day by those of the Oivi force
demolition of the Wairopi Bridge had not who had succeeded in extricating them-
held them up long. By the 25th, they had a selves during the night from the Japanese
hasty bridge over the Kumusi and were ad- encirclement.16
vancing rapidly on Kokoda. Captain Tem-
pleton (whose original force of little more The Fight To Retake the Airfield
than a platoon had by this time been rein-
forced by a second platoon of Company B) New Guinea Force received Owen's evac-
made a desperate stand that day at Gorari, uation message late on the morning of 27
about eight miles west of Wairopi. The July. By then the arrival from Australia of
Japanese, attacking with mortars, machine another plane had given General Morris'
guns, and light field pieces, quickly out- headquarters two aircraft suitable for the
flanked him and forced him to withdraw Kokoda run, and both of them were in the
15 16
NGF OI No. 20, 22 Jul 42; ALF, Rpt on New NGF OI No. 20, 22 Jul 42; Adm Inst to NGF
Guinea Opns, Buna-Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on OI No. 20, 22 Jul 42; G-2 Daily Summary Enemy
Opns in New Guinea, Ser 3. The Australian bat- Intel No. 126, 26 Jul 42; Special App to COIC
talion consisted at this time of four rifle companies Sitrep No. 318, 27 Jul 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
and a large Headquarters Company to which were SWPA. AFL, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Buna-
assigned the heavy weapons, communications, trans- Ioribaiwa; NGF, Rpt on Opns in New Guinea,
port, supply, and mess personnel of the battalion. Ser 3.

air at the time loaded with troops and sup- base, served as the main dropping ground.18
plies. They were at once recalled to Port There were patrol clashes on 7 and 8
Moresby. Next morning Owen counter- August, and early on 10 August MAROUBRA
attacked and, after some bitter hand-to-hand Force, which estimated enemy strength at
fighting, drove the Japanese out of Kokoda. Kokoda as no more than 400 men counter-
Owen was now desperately in need of the attacked. Three companies were committed
very reinforcements that New Guinea Force to the assault, with the remaining two held
had recalled the previous day. Unfortunate- in reserve. While one company engaged the
ly the message that he had regained Kokoda Japanese to the south of Kokoda, a second
did not reach Port Moresby until late in the moved astride the Kokoda-Oivi track via
afternoon, too late for action that day. the Abuari-Missima-Fila cutoff and en-
Meanwhile, two more planes had come gaged them to the east of Kokoda. The third
from Australia. New Guinea Force, now company marched undetected on Kokoda
with four transports that could land at Ko- and took possession of the airfield that after-
koda, planned to fly in a full infantry com- noon without suffering a single casualty.
pany with mortar and antiaircraft elements The success was short-lived. The com-
the first thing in the morning. The planes pany astride the Japanese rear had to be
were never sent. At dawn on the 29th, the ordered back to Deniki to stem a powerful
Japanese counterattacked and, after two enemy attack on that point, and the com-
hours of fighting during which Colonel pany holding the airfield (whose position
Owen was killed, again drove the Austra- had in any event become untenable) had
lians out of Kokoda.17 to evacuate it on the night of 11-12 August
Australian reinforcements had mean- because of a critical shortage of supplies.
while begun arriving in the forward area on Colonel Yokoyama was now ready to
foot. Company C reached Deniki on 31 attack with his full force. Early on 13
July, followed the next day by Company A. August, he struck the Australian position
By 7 August, all five companies of the 39th at Deniki with about 1,500 men. The Aus-
Battalion were at the front, and MAROUBRA tralians were forced to yield not only Deniki
Force totaled 480 men. Supplies were being but also Isurava five miles away. The Japa-
manhandled over the trail by the incoming
troops, and by hundreds of native carriers
under the supervision of ANGAU. Food and COIC Sitreps No. 320, 28-29 Jul 42, No. 332,
ammunition were also being dropped from 9-10 Aug 42, G-2 SWPA Daily Summaries Enemy
Intel No. 129, 29-30 Jul 42, No. 130, 30-31 Jul 42 ;
the air—a dry lake bed at Myola, a few GHQ SWPA OI No. 15, 6 Aug 42. All in G-3 Jnl,
miles southeast of Kagi, the forward supply GHQ SWPA. ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns,
Buna-Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on Opns in New
Guinea, Ser 3.
17 19
Yokoyama Adv Tai Rpt, 29 Jul 42; Msg, Maj ALF Daily Opns Rpts, No. 117, 10 Aug 42,
Toyofuku to CofS, 17th Army, No. 216, 31 Jul 42. and No. 121, 14 Aug 42; COIC Sitreps No. 332,
Both in ATIS EP 28 ALF, Rpt on New Guinea 10 Aug 42, No. 334, 12 Aug 42, No. 336, 14 Aug
Opns, Buna-Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on Opns in 42; G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel No. 135,
New Guinea, Ser 3. Colonel Owen was posthum- 3-4 Aug 42, No. 140, 9-10 Aug 42; G-3 Opns Rpts
ously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the No. 125, 11 Aug 42, No. 129, 15 Aug 42; Memo,
first Australian infantryman to receive the decora- Gen Chamberlin for Gen Sutherland, 14 Aug 42.
tion in World War II. The citation is in GO No. 11. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. NGF, Notes on Opns
GHQ SWPA, 22 Jan 43. in New Guinea, Ser 3.

nese, having no intention at the moment of Mikawa had just taken over control of naval
going any farther, began to dig in.20 operations in the New Guinea-Bismarcks-
Kokoda and the Buna-Kokoda track Solomons area from the 4th Fleet. After
were now firmly in Japanese hands, and a stating that the seizure of Port Moresby and
base had been established for the advance other key points in eastern New Guinea was
on Port Moresby through the Gap. Ac- necessary in order to secure control of the
cording to plan, the move was to be under- Coral Sea, the three commanders adopted
taken as soon as General Horii and the main a basic plan of attack patterned closely on
body of the South Seas Detachment the draft plan which General Hyakutake
reached the scene of operations. had prepared on 18 July, thirteen days be-
The Main Force Arrives The plan provided that General Horii,
with both the South Seas Detachment and
The Joint Agreement of 31 July the Yazawa Detachment under his com-
mand, would move on Port Moresby via
General Hyakutake arrived at Rabaul Kokoda, and that the Kawaguchi Detach-
from Davao on 24 July to find that Colonel ment, supported by units of the 8th Fleet,
Yokoyama had been reporting good prog- would take Samarai. As soon as Samarai
ress in his thrust on Kokoda. As the news was taken, a "Port Moresby Attack Force,"
from Yokoyama continued good, Hyaku- consisting of the Kawaguchi Detachment
take, seeing no reason for further delay, rec- and elements of the 8th Fleet would be or-
ommended to Imperial General Headquar- ganized there. Then, in a move timed to
ters that the overland operation be under- coincide with diversionary attacks on the
taken at once. Tokyo, which had been well Bulolo Valley by the naval troops at Lae and
disposed to the project from the first, Salamaua, the attack force would embark
quickly gave its blessing and, on 28 July, for Port Moresby, attacking it from the
ordered the operation to be mounted as sea at the precise moment that the South
quickly as possible.21 Seas and Yazawa Detachments cleared the
Three days later, on the 31st, General mountains and began attacking it from
Hyakutake concluded a joint Army-Navy landward.
agreement with Vice Adm. Nichizo Tsuka- The agreement provided specifically that
hara, commander of the 11th Air Fleet, all the forces at the disposal of the partici-
and Vice Adm. Gunichi Mikawa, com-pating commanders would be available for
mander of the newly established 8th Fleet. these operations, which were to begin on
X Day, the day that the main body of the
South Seas Detachment arrived at Buna.
ALF Opns Rpt, No. 122, 15 Aug 42, in G-3
X Day was set as 7 August, the date, inter-
Jnl, GHQ SWPA; 17th Army Intel Summary No. 4, estingly enough, of the projected American
17 Aug 42; Yazawa Butai Intel Rpt No. 3, 17 Aug landing at Guadalcanal.
42, in ATIS EP 28; AMF, Interr of Gen Adachi
et al.; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Buna-
Ioribaiwa; NGF, Notes on Opns in New Guinea,
Ser 3. Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51;
18th Army Opns, I, 9; USSBS, Interrogation 17th Army Opns I, 9; Southeast Area Naval Opns
of Japanese Officials, II, 525. I, 8.

Under the joint agreement of 31 July, ships for the Port Moresby operation.
the 8th Fleet had undertaken to have the Though caught off balance by the landings,
airfields at Buna and Kokoda in operation it struck back vigorously during the early
when the main force landed. But this proj- hours of 9 August. Entering the area be-
ect was not to be easily accomplished. On tween Florida Island and Guadalcanal un-
29 and 31 July the Allied Air Force caught detected, the Japanese sank four heavy
the enemy supply ships, laden with vehicles cruisers, including the Australian flagship
and construction materials for the field, Canberra which with other ships of Task
while they were en route to Buna. The Force 44, Admiral Leary's main force, was
Kotoku Maru was lost and the rest were in the Solomons supporting the landings.
obliged to return to Rabaul with their That afternoon the Allied fleet pulled out
cargo undelivered. These mishaps, and the of the area in accordance with a decision
discovery that the airfield site at Buna was made the previous evening that its ships
very soggy and could not possibly be put were vulnerable and would have to be with-
into readiness by 7 August, caused X Day drawn. No sooner was the withdrawal com-
to be moved forward to 16 August.23 pleted than the 8th Fleet and the naval air
units at Rabaul began a day-and-night
The Landings in the Solomons harassment of the Marine landing force.
The next step was to send in troops.24
Pursuant to the Joint Directive of 2 July, Here the Japanese ran into difficulties.
the 1st Marine Division, reinforced, went The 8th Fleet did not have enough naval
ashore on Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and adjoin- troops at Rabaul and Kavieng to counter
ing islands in the southern Solomons early the American landings. The 17th Army,
on 7 August. The Americans quickly dis- on the other hand, was at a loss to know
persed the weak forces the enemy had on which of its forces to order to Guadalcanal.
the islands, including a few hundred garri- The South Seas Detachment, its only unit
son troops and a couple of thousand naval at Rabaul, was committed to the Port
construction troops on Guadalcanal. By the Moresby operation, and the rest of its troops
evening of 8 August the marines were in were out of reach at Davao and Palau.
control of Tulagi, Gavutu, and Tanambogo After much consultation between Tokyo
and held the airfield at Lunga Point on and Rabaul, it was decided to use the Kawa-
Guadalcanal, the main objective of the guchi Detachment, less one battalion, which
landings. would remain committed to the capture of
The 8th Fleet had been busy gathering Samarai and the subsequent landing at Port
Moresby. Because there was no shipping
immediately available at Palau with which
Rpt, Comdr Kusen Tai, 29 Jul 42; Rad, CofS to get the detachment to its destination, a
17th Army to Yazawa Butai, 30 Jul 42. Both in
ATIS EP 28. Fld Log Sakigawa Tai, Jul-Aug 42, in further decision was made to have another
ATIS EP 27; Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, force precede it. The Ichiki Detachment,
12 Apr 51 ; 17th Army Opns I, 22; Naval Account,
Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, p. 18.
Although the Kotoku Maru was sunk, 263 of the
men aboard, mostly troops of the 15th Independent 17th Army Opns I, 25, 26; Southeast Area
Engineers, managed to get safely to Giruwa in Naval Opns I, 11; Miller, Guadalcanal: The First
motor launches. Offensive, pp. 61-67.

which was already at sea and in position to home. Next morning as work began on the
reach the target quickly, was given the Buna strip and on a dummy strip immedi-
assignment. ately to the west of it, the ships, despite
These decisions had scarcely been made more air attacks, arrived back at Rabaul
when Rabaul discovered for the first time undamaged.
that the Allies were building an airfield at The main body of the Nankai Shitai (less
Milne Bay and had a garrison there. It was a rear echelon which was to come later) left
a startling discovery. Realizing that their Rabaul on 17 August in three escorted trans-
reconnaissances of the area had been faulty, ports. Aboard were Detachment Headquar-
and that they had almost attacked the wrong ters under General Horii; the 2d and 3d
objective, the Japanese at once abandoned Battalions of the 144th Infantry with at-
the Samarai operation and chose Rabi, near tached gun company, signal unit, and am-
the head of Milne Bay, as the new target. munition sections; the two remaining com-
It was to be taken by the same battalion panies of the 55th Mountain Artillery; the
of the Kawaguchi Detachment which had rest of the 47th Field AAA Battalion; a
previously been assigned to the capture of company of the 55th Cavalry with attached
Samarai, plus such naval landing units of antitank gun section; part of the divisional
the 8th Fleet as would be available at the medical unit, a base hospital, a collecting
time of the operation.25 station, and a divisional decontamination
and water-purification unit. A naval liaison
The Japanese Build-up at Buna detachment, a couple of hundred more men
of the Sasebo 5th Special Naval Landing
At Buna, meanwhile, the Japanese build- Force, 700 more Rabaul natives, 170 horses,
up was proceeding. It had been inter- and a large tonnage of supplies were also
rupted by the Allied landings in the south- in the convoy.27
ern Solomons, but not seriously. For ex- Without being detected by Allied air units,
ample, a convoy carrying the 3,000 men of the transports reached Basabua in the late
the 14th and 15th Naval Construction Units, afternoon of 18 August and were unloaded
their construction equipment, vehicles, and
some army supplies had left Rabaul for 26
Buna on 6 August. It was recalled next day Nankai Shitai Opns Order No. 96, 12 Aug 42,
in ATIS CT 21, No. 267; G-2 Daily Summaries
by the 8th Fleet when it was only part of Enemy Intel, Allied Air Force Opns Rpts, Allied Air
the way to its destination. Held over at Force Recon Rpts, COIC Sitreps for the period 12
Rabaul till the situation in the Solomons through 15 Aug 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; 17th
Army Opns, I, 47-48; Naval Account, Japanese
clarified itself, the convoy left Rabaul a sec- Invasion Eastern New Guinea, pp. 18-20.
ond time on the night of 12 August and, Nankai Shitai Opns Orders No. 96, 12 Aug 42
though heavily attacked from the air on Annex No. 5, Table of Disposition of South Seas
Detachment Aboard Ship, 15 Aug 42, in ATIS CT
the way, reached Basabua safely the follow- 21, No. 267; No. 98, 18 Aug 42, No. 99, 21 Aug
ing afternoon. By early morning of the 14th, 42, in ATIS EP 33; Yazawa Shitai Intel Rpt No. 3,
the ships were unloaded and on their way in ATIS CT 24, No. 293; Naval Account, Japanese
Invasion Eastern New Guinea, p. 19; 17th Army
Opns, I, 47, 48. The date of the Shitai's arrival at
the beachhead was moved up from 16 to 18 August
Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51: because of the delays in getting the 14th and 15th
17th Army Opns I, 25-27, 27-29, 35-36. Naval Construction Units there.

quickly and without incident. Strangely munition, five tons of medical supplies, a
enough, the transports were not attacked quantity of gasoline in drums, and large
during the entire time they were at anchor, stores of food and fodder.
nor even while they were on their way back The convoy left Rabaul on 19 August and
to Rabaul. The Allied Air Forces had been landed at Basabua on 21 August in the
caught napping. The biggest prize of all, midst of a storm. There was no interference
the main body of the Nankai Shitai and from Allied aircraft, the ships unloaded
Detachment Headquarters, had landed safely, and the two battalions of the 41st In-
safely. fantry made their first bivouac that night at
The Yazawa Detachment, the 41st In- Popondetta about fifteen miles southeast of
fantry Regiment under its commander, Col. the anchorage. Except for some 1,500
Kiyomi Yazawa, was next to go. The regi- men—the rear echelon of the Nankai Shitai
ment, detached in March 1942 from the 5th and the remaining battalion of the 41st In-
Division, had distinguished itself in Malaya. fantry, which were due in the next convoy—
Like the Nankai Shitai and the 15th Inde- the full allocation of troops for the overland
pendent Engineers, it was a veteran force push against Port Moresby had arrived at
with a high reputation for aggressiveness. the scene of operations.28
The Yazawa Force had reached Rabaul Horii would have a hard time getting ad-
from Davao on 16 August and upon ar- ditional troops, for things had not gone well
rival had come under General Horii's com- at Guadalcanal. The advance echelon of
mand as an integral part of the South Seas the Ichiki Detachment had reached the is-
Detachment. land on 19 August. Though the strength of
Rabaul had planned to have the full the force was under a thousand men, its
strength of the regiment, plus the rear eche- commander had attacked at once without
lon of the Nankai Shitai, arrive at the beach- waiting for reinforcements. The attacking
head together. At the last moment, however, force was cut to pieces, and General Hyak-
it was decided to put aboard a large Army utake, as a result, again had to change his
bridge-building and road-construction unit, plans. He returned the battalion of the Ka-
numbering about a thousand men. This waguchi Detachment, which had been
change in plan made it necessary to leave scheduled for the Milne Bay operations, to
the rear echelon troops and one battalion its parent detachment for use in the Solo-
of the 41st Infantry for a later convoy. As mons. Hyakutake then earmarked the Aoba
finally loaded on 18 August, the troop list 28
Yazawa Det Intel Rpts No. 2, 10 Aug 42, No. 3,
included regimental headquarters and two 17 Aug 42, in ATIS EP 28; Nankai Shitai Opns
battalions of the 41st Infantry, a regimen- Orders No. 96, 12 Aug, with Annex [Myoko Maru
tal gun unit, signal, ordnance and motor and Yusukawa Maru] circa 18 Aug 42, Loading
List, in ATIS CT 21, No. 267; No. 98, 18 Aug 42,
transport troops, a veterinary hospital, a in ATIS EP 33; 17th Army Intel Summaries No. 6,
water supply and purification unit, and the 19 Aug 42, No. 9, 22 Aug 42, in ATIS EP 28;
Tomita Butai Opns Orders No. 7, 19 Aug 42, No. 9,
bridge-building and road-construction unit. 22 Aug 42, in ATIS CT 24, No. 299; 17th Army
Also aboard were a hundred more men of Opns, I, 21, 47-48; Naval Account, Japanese Inva-
the Sasebo 5th Special Naval Landing sion Eastern New Guinea, p. 19; G-2 SWPA Daily
Summaries Enemy Intel, Allied Air Forces Opns
Force, some 200 more Rabaul natives, 200 Rpts; COIC Sitreps, 18 through 22 Aug 42, in G-3
more horses, several hundred cases of am- Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

Detachment, previously in Army reserve, Kokoda area primarily to secure advanced

as the landing force for the Milne Bay op- airfields in the favorable terrain afforded
eration, thus leaving the Army without a by the grass plains area at Dobodura. They
reserve force upon which to call in case of needed the airfields, he submitted, in order
need. to bring Port Moresby and the Cape York
Peninsula under attack, and also to support
General Horii Takes Over a possible coastwise infiltration to the south-
east which would have as its culmination
By this time General Horii had a substan- joint Army and Navy operations against
tial force at his disposal. A total of 8,000 both Port Moresby and Milne Bay. He con-
Army troops, 3,000 naval construction ceded that the Japanese might go as far as
troops, and some 450 troops of the Sasebo the Gap in order to establish a forward out-
5th Special Naval Landing Force had been post there, but held it extremely unlikely
landed safely in the Buna-Gona area since that they would go further in view of the
the Yokoyama Advance Force had hit the fantastically difficult terrain beyond.31
beach at Basabua a month before.30 Even On 12 August, with two landings com-
with combat losses which had been light, pleted, and a third expected momentarily,
the desertion of some of the Rabaul natives, General Willoughby still held that "an over-
and the diversion of a substantial portion land advance in strength is discounted in
of his combat strength for essential supply view of logistic difficulties, poor communi-
and communication activities, it was still cations, and difficult terrain." On 18
a formidable force. But whether such a force August, the day that the main body of the
would be able to cross the Owen Stanley Nankai Shitai landed at Basabua, he again
Mountains in the face of determined oppo- gave it as his belief that the enemy's purpose
sition and still be in condition to launch a seemed to be the development of an air base
successful attack on Port Moresby when it for fighters and medium bombers at Do-
reached the other side, even General Horii, bodura and that, while more pressure could
poised as he was for the operation, proba- be expected in the Kokoda-Gap area, "an
bly would have found it difficult to answer. overland movement in strength is dis-
General Willoughby, General MacAr- counted in view of the terrain."32
thur's G-2, while admitting the possibility On 21 August, almost a week after the
that the Japanese might attempt to cross activity began, Allied air reconnaissance
the mountains in force, found it hard to be- discovered for the first time that the Japa-
lieve, with the terrain what it was, that they nese were lengthening the small low-lying
would seriously contemplate doing so. His emergency landing strip at Buna which
stated belief in late July was that the Jap- Colonel Robinson had reported as unsuit-
anese undertook seizure of the Buna-Gona-
29 31
17th Army Opns, I, 27, 36. G-2 SWPA Daily Summaries Enemy Intel, No.
Naval Account, Japanese Invasion Eastern New 126, 26-27 Jul 42, No. 127, 27-28 Jul 42, No. 129,
Guinea, p. 20. These are the official figures of the 29-30 Jul 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
8th Fleet, which transported the troops, and are G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel No. 142,
believed to be accurate. 11-12 Aug 42, No. 148, 17-18 Aug 42.
able for military use. The discovery that in view of the logistical difficulties of main-
the Japanese were building airfields in the taining any force in strength" on the Ko-
Buna area (if only at Buna rather than as koda Trail.34
they might have done at Dobodura) led The same day that General Willoughby
General Willoughby to the conclusion that issued this estimate, General Horii, who had
here at last was the explanation for the previously been at Giruwa, left the beach-
Japanese seizure of the beachhead. The fact head for Kokoda to take personal charge of
that they had done so, he thought, had the advance through the Gap.35 The over-
nothing to do with a possible thrust through land operation against Port Moresby, which
the mountains, for an overland operation General Willoughby had been so thor-
against Port Moresby was to be "discounted oughly convinced the Japanese would not
undertake, was about to begin.
COIC Sitrep No. 343, 21 Aug 42, with Attchd
Photo Intel Ser No. 178, Buna Runway, No. 345, G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 152, 21-
23 Aug 42; G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 22 Aug 42.
152, 21-22 Aug 42; Allied Air Forces Recon Rpt, Nankai Shitai Opns Orders No. A-99, 20 Aug
22 Aug 42. 42, No. 100, 21 Aug 42, in ATIS EP 33.

The Japanese Offensive Collapses

Ten days after the first Japanese landing Such a message had, in fact, gone out the
at Basabua Admiral King wrote to Gen- day before.
eral Marshall that, while he was willing to
assume that General MacArthur was "tak- The SWPA: Early August
ing all measures in his power to deny the
threat of Japanese penetration toward Port General MacArthur's Accounting
Moresby," he doubted that the measures
taken (which he described as "airpower General MacArthur had a reassuring
supported by minor ground forces north of story to tell. He had just ordered the 7th
the Owen Stanley Mountains") would be Australian Infantry Division to New
successful. Since, in his opinion, the hold- Guinea—the 18th Brigade to Milne Bay,
ing of Port Moresby and the Buna-Gona and the 21st and 25th Brigades to Port
area was essential to the ultimate success of Moresby. His plan of operations to prevent
operations in both the South and Southwest further enemy encroachment in New
Pacific Areas, he asked that General Mar- Guinea had been greatly hampered, he
shall obtain from General MacArthur by noted, by a critical shortage of transporta-
dispatch the latter's "views as to the present tion, especially sea transport, and by a
situation in New Guinea, and his plan to dearth of naval convoy ships to protect his
deny further advance to the Japanese, pend- supply routes. The work of defending the
ing execution of Task Two." 1 General Mar- area had nevertheless gone on despite these
shall replied the next day. He agreed, he difficulties. Before the defenses in New
said, with the assumption that General Guinea could be augmented, it had been
MacArthur was taking all measures in his necessary, as a first step, to move engineers
power to deny the Japanese threat, but he and protective garrisons into the Towns-
felt it was "a little early to assume that such ville-Cloncurry area in order to complete
measures [would] be unsuccessful." Ad- a series of airfields there and to develop Port
miral King was assured, however, that Gen- Moresby as an advance jump-off point for
eral MacArthur was being asked for his the air force. As a second step, the garrison
plan to counteract the Japanese offensive.
Memo, Gen Marshall for Admiral King, 1 Aug
42, sub: Japanese Operations, Northeast Coast of
Memo, Admiral King for Gen Marshall, 31 Jul New Guinea, in 381, OPD PTO, Sec 2; Msg, Gen
42, sub: Japanese Operations, Northeast Coast of Marshall to Gen MacArthur, CM-OUT 9289, 31
New Guinea, in 381, OPD PTO, Sec 2. Jul 42.

at Port Moresby was doubled to two bri- ment in view of the appalling terrain, the
gades; engineers and antiaircraft units were shortage of engineer troops, and the diffi-
sent forward to develop and protect the dis- culties of supply.
persal facilities in the area; and a begin-
ning was made in developing and securing General Rowell Takes Over
airfields in the Cape York Peninsula. As in New Guinea
a succeeding step, airfields were built at
Milne Bay and Merauke to cover Port On 6 August all Australian and American
Moresby from east and west, and troops forces serving in Australian New Guinea
were ordered forward to secure the crest of (Papua and North East New Guinea) were
the range at Wau and Kokoda. put under New Guinea Force. On 9 August
The experienced 7th Australian Infantry Maj. Gen. Sydney F. Rowell, General Of-
Division would begin moving to the front ficer Commanding, 1st Australian Corps,
within the next few days—one brigade to took command of all forces in New Guinea.
Milne Bay, the other two to Port Moresby. Nine days later, General Rowell became
Seven transpacific ships, which would in G. O. C. New Guinea Force.
due course be returned to their regular runs, The orders of 6 August gave New Guinea
were being requisitioned to get the division Force a greatly expanded mission. It was
and its equipment forward. to prevent further penetration of Australian
General MacArthur went on to say that New Guinea, hold the crest of the Owen
the final solution to the problem of defend- Stanley Range, and retake Kokoda, the
ing New Guinea would, of course, come with Buna-Gona area, and ultimately Lae and
the completion of Task One and the in- Salamaua. It was to carry out active recon-
ception of Tasks Two and Three. After naissance of its area and the approaches
sketching a plan of maneuver for the latter thereto, maintain and augment KANGA
two tasks, he told General Marshall that, Force, and establish a special force at Milne
while further preparations were necessary Bay. After infiltrating the northeast coast of
for Task Three, immediately after Task Papua from East Cape to Tufi, the Milne
One was successfully completed Task Two Bay troops would join with the overland
could begin if the aircraft carriers and forces on the Kokoda trail in the capture
the Marine division with its amphibious of the Buna-Gona area.
equipment were made available for the As General Rowell took command in New
operation. Guinea, the Japanese on the trail were at
It was an excellent accounting. Starting Isurava south of Kokoda. Radio intercepts
in late March with only a few airfields in the
Townsville-Cloncurry area and two poor
fields at Port Moresby, General MacArthur GHQ SWPA OI No. 15, 6 Aug 42; LHQ OI
No. 30, 9 Aug 42; NGF OI No. 24, 18 Aug 42.
by early August also had effective bases in General Morris, who in addition to being G. O. C.
the Cape York Peninsula, at Merauke, and New Guinea Force had also been Administrator of
at Milne Bay—a remarkable accomplish- New Guinea and head of the Australia-New Guinea
Administrative Unit, ANGAU, continued in the
latter two capacities, thereby making it possible for
General Rowell to concentrate exclusively on com-
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. Q- bat operations.
147, CM-IN 1607, 2 Aug 42. GHQ SWPA OI No. 15, 6 Aug 42.

and documents captured by KANGA Force where it was most needed, arrangements
revealed that the Japanese intended to land were made in August to turn over the task
at Samarai shortly. The situation was in of airfield construction and maintenance in
crisis, but the Allied defensive position was northern Queensland and elsewhere on the
stronger than it appeared to be—much mainland either to the RAAF or to the
stronger, in fact, than had been thought pos- Allied Works Council, a civilian construc-
sible only a few short weeks before. tion agency of the Australian Government
staffed for the most part by men who were
The Defense Falls Into Place over age or otherwise exempt from military
duty. American engineer troops released
The North Queensland Bases in this way were at once transferred to New
Guinea. The change-over was a gradual
By the third week in August three fields one, but by the end of the year almost all
had been completed in the Cape York Pen- U.S. engineer troops in the Southwest
insula, one for fighters and two for heavy Pacific Area were in New Guinea.9
bombers. Three additional fields for heavy
bombers were due to be completed by the Port Moresby
end of September. The movement of avia-
tion units, garrison troops, and supplies to By 19 August, Brig. A. W. Potts's 21st
the bases in northern Queensland was pro- Australian Infantry Brigade, the leading
ceeding but was not expected to be complete brigade of the two 7th Division brigades
until sometime in October because of the ordered to Port Moresby, had already ar-
emergency troop movements to Port Mores- rived there. It did not tarry but began mov-
by and Milne Bay, and the consequent ing at once to Isurava, where MAROUBRA
shortage of shipping.7 Force—by this time a battalion and two
To alleviate a critical shortage of U.S. companies of the 30th Brigade—was mak-
engineer troops,8 and to speed construction ing a stand under the brigade commander,
6 Brig. Selwyn H. Porter. The 25th Brigade,
G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel, No. 135, 3-4
Aug 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; ALF, Rpt on which was to follow the 21st, was delayed
New Guinea Opns, Buna-Ioribaiwa.
by the shipping shortage and was not ex-
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. pected to arrive until early September.
C-301, CM-IN 7017, 19 Aug 42.
General Casey had under his command on 1 Even so, the Port Moresby garrison, with
May 1942 a total of 6,240 U.S. Engineer construc- its three infantry brigades and its Australian
tion troops comprising the following units: the 43d and American air, antiaircraft, engineer,
and 46th General Service Engineer Battalions, the
808th Engineer Aviation Battalion, the 91st and and service units, already numbered 22,000
96th Separate Engineer Battalions, and the 576th men. When the 25th Brigade, 7th Division
and 585th Engineer Dump Truck Companies. The headquarters, and other divisional troops ar-
first three were white units; the remaining four,
Negro. Except for the addition of the 69th Topo- rived, it would total 28,000. The seven-air-
graphical Company, and the expansion of the 91st
and 96th Battalions to regiments, an increase since Gen Casey, Memo for Record, 11 Aug 42, sub:
May of some 1,200 men, his command was substan- Conference with General Kenney, Air Vice Marshal
tially the same at the end of the year. OCE SWPA William D. Bostock, and Lt Col R. E. Beebe; OCE
Annual Rpt, 1942; OCE SWPA, Location and SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, 31 Dec 42. Both in AFPAC
Strength of U.S. Engineer Units, 31 Dec 42. Both Engr Files. OCE, AFPAC, Engineers in Theater
in AFPAC Engr File. Operations (Washington, 1947), p. 38.

PORT MORESBY as it looked when the headquarters of the U.S. Advanced Base in New
Guinea was established there.

field program projected for Port Moresby to control the activities of U. S. service
was nearing completion. Four fields were troops in the area, and, in general, to pro-
finished and in use—two for fighters, one vide for the supply of all American troops
for medium bombers, and one for heavy in the battle zone.11
bombers. The three remaining fields—two The port itself, shallow and suitable only
for heavy bombers and one for medium for light traffic, was to be improved. Exist-
bombers—were expected to be ready by ing facilities permitted only one ship to be
early September.10 unloaded at a time, and that very slowly,
Plans to make Port Moresby a large sup- with the frequent result that as many as
ply and communications area were well ad- two or three others had to wait in the roads
vanced. On 11 August the U. S. Advanced to unload, exposed all the while to enemy
Base in New Guinea was established by attack. Since the existing harbor site did
USASOS with headquarters at Port Mores- not lend itself to expansion, General Casey
by. Its functions were to aid in the operation planned to develop Tatana Island (a small
of the port and other ports in New Guinea, island in Fairfax Harbor to the northwest
of the existing harbor) into an entirely new
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-
301, CM-IN 7017, 19 Aug 42. USASOS SWPA, GO No. 7, 11 Aug 42.

port. The new development, which would Gen. Cyril A. Clowes, an experienced officer
permit several ocean-going ships to be un- who had commanded the ANZAC Corps
loaded at one time, was to be connected artillery in Greece, took command of Milne
with the mainland by an earth-filled cause- Force. His instructions were to protect the
way a half-mile long, over which would run airfields and deny Milne Bay to the enemy.
a two-lane highway with a freeboard of After the company of the 46th U. S.
two feet over high tide. The project was to Engineers had arrived in late June and the
be undertaken as soon as engineers and en- 7th Brigade, a 25-pounder battery, and
gineering equipment became available.12 some light and heavy Australian antiair-
Measures were being taken to improve craft in early July, the second of two RAAF
the air supply situation both in the Owen fighter squadrons equipped with P-40's and
Stanleys and in the Bulolo Valley. After part of a RAAF reconnaissance squadron
a careful study of the problem, General using Hudsons reached Milne Bay by early
Kenney assigned six A-24's, a B-17, and August. Two companies of the 43d U. S.
two transports—all the aircraft that could Engineers had also arrived by this time as
be spared—to the task of dropping supplies well as the 709th U. S. Airborne Antiair-
to the Australian troops in both areas. It craft Battery which was equipped with -50-
caliber machine guns. The American engi-
was hoped that the use of these planes if only
neer troops had a few .50-caliber machine
for ten days, the period of their assignment,
would make possible a substantial improve- guns and some 37-mm. antitank guns in ad-
ment in the supply situation at both Kagi dition to their rifles and light machine
and Wau.13 guns.14
Milne Force, when General Clowes took
Milne Bay it over on 22 August, was a good-sized com-
mand. Australian troop strength was 7,429
By 21 August the 18th Australian In- men, of whom 6,394 were combat troops
fantry Brigade (the 2/9, 2/10, and 2/12 and 1,035 were service troops. American
Australian Infantry Battalions) under troop strength, mainly engineers and anti-
Brig. George F. Wootten completed its aircraft personnel, numbered 1,365 men;
movement to Milne Bay. There it joined
the 7th Australian Infantry Brigade, Citi-
zen Military Forces (the 9, 25, and 61 Aus- 14
Memo, Gen MacArthur for Comdr ALF et al.,
tralian Infantry Battalions), under Brig. 2 Jul 42, sub: Reinforcement Fall River; Rad,
John Field, which had reached Milne Bay Movements, Townsville, to GHQ SWPA, No. 2797,
in July. The following day, 22 August, Maj. 7 Jul 42; Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Comdr ALF, 7
Aug 42. All in 384, FALL RIVER File, G-3 Files,
GHQ SWPA. Memo, Gen MacArthur for CG
USASOS, 28 Jul 42, sub: Movement of 2d Battal-
Memo, Col Beebe, Air Dir of Opns, Allied Air ion, 43d Engineers, less one company, in 307.5, Rec
Forces, for CG, 18 Aug 42, in 385-9, G-3 Files, Sec Files, GHQ SWPA; Unit Hist, 709 AAA MG
GHQ SWPA; OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, 31 Bty, copy in DRB HRS, AGO. The 25-pounder was
Dec 42; OCE SWPA, New Guinea Ports, 1942. the standard artillery piece of the Australian and
Both in AFPAC Engr File. British Army at this time. The caliber was about
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blarney, 24 Aug 3½ inches; the barrel was about 7¾ feet long; and
42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr, Gen Kenney to the weight of the shell, as the name of piece sug-
Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. gested, was roughly 25 pounds.

the strength of the RAAF was 664 men.15 At the head of the bay is a large plain into
Clowes's total strength was thus 9,458 men. which the coastal corridors merge. This
To guard against Japanese infiltration plain, the site in prewar days of an immense
from the Buna-Gona area patrols were op- coconut plantation operated by Lever
erating between East Cape (the eastern tip Brothers, was the only place in the entire
of New Guinea) and Goodenough Bay. The area which was not completely bogged
overland trails leading into Milne Bay were down in mud. Because it already had a
being patrolled regularly, as was the Mul- small, if inadequate, road net, all the base
lins Harbor area to the southwest of Milne installations and airfields were concentrated
Bay. General Clowes had neither landing there.
craft, coastal guns, nor searchlights, but the At the time General Clowes took com-
best defense that time would allow had been mand, one airfield—No. 1 Strip, in the cen-
provided. ter of the plantation area—had been com-
pleted and was being used by the P-40's
The Battle of Milne Bay and Hudsons. The 46th Engineer company
was working on No. 2 Strip, which was
The Scene of Operations about four miles inland at the western end
of the plantation. The two companies of the
Milne Bay, about twenty miles long and 43d Engineers were working on No. 3 Strip,
five to ten miles wide, lies at the extreme which was just off the north shore.
southeast tip of New Guinea. (Map 5) The Although a great deal of hard work, un-
fact that it is often closed in from the air der the most adverse conditions, had gone
probably accounted for the long time that it into the base, much still remained to be
took the Japanese to discover the presence done. The roads, for the most part, a cordu-
of the Allies in the area. On either arm of roy of coconut logs covered with decom-
the bay, mountains 4,000 feet high rise posed coral, were in very poor condition.
abruptly from the shore. Between the moun- The dock, at Gili Gili, at the very head of
tains and the sea are narrow coastal corri- the bay, consisted of two barges placed side
dors consisting for the most part of deep by side with a ramp leading to the small
swamp, and dense, almost impenetrable, and inadequate jetty that had been there
jungle. The rainfall in the bay area averages when the military first arrived. Number 1
200 inches a year, and during wet weather Strip, the only runway in operation, and
the corridors are virtually impassable. very hastily constructed, consisted of an
open-mesh steel mat, laid over a low-lying,
poorly drained base. Mud seeped through
Msgs, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. the mat and caused aircraft using the run-
C-301, CM-IN 7017, 19 Aug 42, No. C-382, CM-
IN 11398, 30 Aug 42; Memo, Gen Chamberlin for way to skid and sometimes crack up. Since
Gen Sutherland, 23 Oct 42, sub: Allied Strength at there was no time to rebuild the field, all
Milne Bay, 25 Aug 42-Sep 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
SWPA; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug
that could be done to remedy the situation
42-7 Sep 42, copy in OCMH files. was to have bulldozers scrape the mat daily
Memo, Gen Sutherland for Gen Blarney, 2 Aug and deposit the mud in piles on either side
42, in 385, FALL RIVER File, G-3 Files, GHQ
SWPA; ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 115, 8 Aug 42, in of the strip. The runway was particularly
G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. treacherous during wet weather. Though it


had originally been built as a bomber strip, This then was the place that the Japanese
the P-40's often required its entire length had chosen, at the last minute, to capture
for their take-offs when it had rained for instead of Samarai. They had made the
any length of time. When the rainfall was decision only in mid-August, when they first
exceptionally heavy they were often unable discovered the Allies were actually there.
to take off at all.17 A few days later they issued the orders to
17 attack.
Staff Mtg, CGS LHQ, 28 Aug 42, in 337, Conf
File, Rec Sec Files, GHQ SWPA; G-3 [GHQ
SWPA] Outline of Milne Bay Opns, in G-3 Jnl, The Landing
GHQ SWPA; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns,
25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Ltr, Maj Gen Hugh J. Casey to
author, 21 Jul 50, in OCMH files. General Casey's Toward the latter part of August the
explanation of the hasty construction of No. 1 Strip Japanese decided to launch the Milne Bay
is that the field had to be constructed that way "in
order to secure an operable airdrome in the limited operation immediately. The Aoba Detach-
time available." ment, the Army force earmarked to land at

Milne Bay, was still at Davao. Nevertheless Sasebo 5th SNLF troops, were to come from
the 8th Fleet, with naval troops available for Buna. Commander Shojiro Hayashi, of
action at Kavieng and Buna, decided to the Kure 5th SNLF, was in command of
proceed with the operation without waiting the landing forces from Kavieng. His orders
for the detachment to come in. Judging that were to land at Rabi, a point about three
Milne Bay was held by two or three infantry miles from the Gili Gili wharf area at the
companies and twenty or thirty aircraft, head of the bay. The troops from Buna were
Admiral Mikawa on 20 August ordered to land at Taupota on the north coast and
some 1,500 men to Milne Bay. A total of march on Gili Gili overland.
1,171 men (612 Kure 5th Special Naval The first echelon from Kavieng, bearing
Landing Force (SNLF) troops, 362 16th mostly Kure 5th troops, left Rabaul for Rabi
Naval Pioneer Unit troops, and 197 men in two transports in the early morning of
of the Sasebo 5th SNLF) were ordered to 24 August. The troops of the Sasebo 5th
Milne Bay from Kavieng; the rest, 353 SNLF at Buna left for Milne Bay at approxi-

MILNE BAY AREA. (Photograph taken 1946.)

mately the same time in seven large motor- Twelve P-40's from Milne Bay (which had
driven landing barges.18 been unable to attack previously because of
The seven landing craft were the first to enemy air raids and bad weather) took off
be detected by the Allies. The Coast for Goodenough Island at noon and shortly
Watcher at Porlock Harbor sighted them thereafter discovered the landing craft
the same afternoon, and early the next beached on the southwestern shore of the
morning a reconnaissance aircraft reported island, where the Japanese had put in to
that they were nearing Goodenough Island.
stretch their legs and prepare a meal. The
Diary, member Kure 5th SNLF, in ATIS CT 1, P-40's gave the drawn-up barges and ration-
No. 41; Diary, member Kure 3d SNLF, in ATIS
CT 3, No. 57; Diary, member Kure 5th SNLF, in littered beach a thorough strafing. When
ATIS CT 4, No. 76; Sasebo 5th SNLF Opns Or- the attack was over, all of the landing craft
ders, tr quoted in G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel
No. 164, 2-3 Sep 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; had been destroyed, and the Sasebo unit,
AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al.; 17th Army Opns its stores, ammunition, and communications
I, 50-51; Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 15; Naval
Account Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea,
equipment gone, was left stranded on
pp. 25-28. Goodenough Island with no way of reaching
its objective, or even of returning to Buna. bay near Waga Waga and Wanadala—five
The convoy bearing the Kure 5th troops to seven miles east of Rabi, their prescribed
fared better in its approach to the target. landing point. The landing force set up
Heavily escorted by cruisers and destroyers, headquarters at Waga Waga and estab-
the transports were first sighted off Kiri- lished a series of supply dumps there and in
wina Island, 140 miles northeast of Milne the Wanadala area. The shore east of K. B.
Bay, in the early morning of 25 August, Mission, which the Japanese continued to
making directly for Milne Bay. General think for some time was the Rabi area, be-
MacArthur's headquarters immediately came their main bivouac site and forward
ordered the Air Force to attack the convoy jump-off point. Here, about one mile east of
and destroy it. All available B-25's and B- the mission, at 0145 hours on 26 August,
26's at Townsville and nine B-17's at elements of Milne Force met the Japanese
Mareeba in the Cape York Peninsula took column in an indecisive engagement when
off at once for the attack, which was to be a screening platoon from Company B, 61
made that afternoon in concert with the Battalion, at K. B. Mission started a fire
RAAF P-40's and Hudsons from Milne fight with the Japanese that lasted until
Bay. nearly dawn. Although the enemy used light
Fortunately for the Japanese, the weather tanks in support of his probe, he finally with-
(except for a short break at noon which the drew leaving the Australian detachment in
RAAF had exploited to the full in the at- place.21
tack on Goodenough Island) was very bad
all day, both at Moresby and Milne Bay. The Advance
For hours on end planes were unable to take
off from either place. Attempts by the B- The Japanese could scarcely have chosen
17's from the Cape York Peninsula and the a worse landing place. Their objectives, the
P-40's and Hudsons from Milne Bay to hit airfields and the wharf, were at the head of
the convoy proved fruitless because of vio- Milne Bay, and they had landed several
lent rain squalls and a heavy overcast. By miles from the plantation area on a jungle-
late afternoon visibility was down to zero, covered coastal shelf, flanked on the right
and despite occasional breaks thereafter the by mountains and on the left by the sea.
Air Force found it impossible to attack suc- Because the mountains in the landing area
cessfully that day.20 were steep and very close to shore, there was
The Japanese landing began about 2200 virtually no room for maneuver, and the
hours, 25 August, on the north shore of the heavy jungle which covered the bay shore
made it impossible to find a dry bivouac for
Diary, member Sasebo 5th SNLF, in ATIS CT the troops anywhere in the area.
4, No. 84; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 25 Aug 42; It had rained steadily during the preced-
GHQ Sitrep No. 347, 25 Aug 42 ; Interr Gen Adachi
et al.; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 ing few weeks, and the heavy tropical down-
Sep 42; G-3 Outline Milne Bay Opns, 25 Aug 42; pour continued. The mountain streams had
G-3 Opns Rpt No. 140, 26 Aug 42; in G-3 Jnl,
GHQ SWPA; Naval Account Japanese Invasion
Eastern New Guinea, p. 27. AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al.; Naval Account
G-3 Outline Milne Bay Opns; G-3 Opns Rpt Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, pp. 25-28;
No. 139, 25 Aug 42, No. 140, 26 Aug 42; Allied Air Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7
Forces Opns Rpt, 25 Aug 42. Sep 42.

become roaring torrents, and the spongy Clowes held the bulk of his force in the plan-
soil of the corridor a quagmire. The single tation area, to be committed to the north
coastal track that skirted the corridor had shore when it became apparent from the
in places completely washed away, and the circumstances that the Japanese had no
level of the many fords that cut across it had intention of landing troops elsewhere in the
risen to almost three feet. Except for a few bay area.
abandoned plantations and mission stations, At the time of the Japanese landings dur-
the corridor was a sodden welter of jungle ing the night of 25-26 August, the main
and swamp, an utter nightmare for any body of Milne Force was deployed in the
force operating in it.22 plantation area in the vicinity of the air-
Although they had seriously misjudged fields and two companies of the 61 Battalion
Allied strength, and had landed on a muddy were on the north shore in the path of the
coastal shelf thousands of yards from the Japanese thrust. One of these companies
head of the bay, the Japanese nevertheless was at Ahioma, just east of Wanadala; the
enjoyed some significant tactical advantages. other was at K. B. Mission. There was also
Their left flank was secure because they had a platoon of the 61 Battalion on the north-
control of the sea, and their right flank east coast guarding against an overland at-
could not easily be turned because of the tack on Milne Bay from the Taupota side
mountains a few hundred yards away. It of the mountains, as well as a reinforced
was true that they could count on little air company of the 25 Battalion farther to the
power, since Lae and Salamaua, the nearest northwest on Goodenough Bay.
operational air bases, were more than 300 The company at Ahioma did not fare as
miles away; but unlike Milne Force, which well as the one at K. B. Mission. The troops
could barely scrape up a few trawlers, they at Ahioma had been under orders to return
had plenty of landing craft and could there- to Gili Gili by water, and two of the three
fore land troops and supplies freely under platoons were already on their way in two
cover of darkness or of the weather, despite ketches when the Japanese landings began.
their deficiency in the air. Shortly after leaving Ahioma the ketches
General Clowes, on the other hand, was a plowed into a landing wave off Wanadala.
man fighting blind. Because of the dense In the melee one of the Australian craft was
jungle on the north shore of the bay and sunk. Some of the militia troops were lost;
frequent heavy overcasts, neither his ground others struggled ashore and infiltrated back
patrols nor his aerial reconnaissance could to their own lines. The platoon in the other
tell him what the Japanese were doing or ketch returned to Ahioma and, with the
what their numbers were. Worse still, he platoon that had remained there, marched
was face to face with the possibility that the overland to Taupota and thence back over
Japanese, in addition to landing on the the mountains to Gili Gili where they re-
north shore, might land troops on the south joined their battalion several days later.23
shore, or even at the head of the bay. Hav- 23
Memo, Brig John Field, CO 7th Aust Inf Bde,
ing no idea as yet of Japanese intentions, for Hq, Milne Force, 17 Sep 42, sub: Lessons from
Recent Fighting, copy in OCMH files; G-3 Outline
Staff Mtg CGS LHQ, 28 Aug 42; OCE SWPA, Milne Bay Opns; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns,
Draft Engr Rpt, 31 Dec 42; Comdr Milne Force, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Naval Account Japanese Inva-
Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42. sion Eastern New Guinea, p. 26.

By 0745 that morning, 26 August, the armed. Its orders were to keep in contact
weather had abated sufficiently for the with the Japanese, draw them out, and in
P-40's from No. 1 Strip and the B-17's general find out what they were up to.
staging from Port Moresby to go into action. Without such essential knowledge, General
In an extremely successful morning's busi- Clowes was confronted with a cruel di-
ness, the P-40's managed to destroy most lemma. If he moved his troops onto the
of the food and ammunition that the Japa- north shore, the enemy might counter by
nese had brought with them. The B-l 7's, al- landing fresh troops on the south shore or
most as successful, inflicted heavy damage at the head of the bay itself. As he himself
on a large Japanese transport unloading was to explain:
offshore.24 The presence of Jap naval elements in the
Toward evening a second Japanese con- vicinity throughout the operation and the
voy (Commander Hayashi's second eche- freedom of activity enjoyed by the enemy by
lon) was sighted off Normanby Island in sea constituted a continuous menace in regard
the D'Entrecasteaux Group, making at high to possible further landings. These factors nec-
essarily had a marked influence on plans and
speed for Milne Bay. Before it could be dealt dispositions made to deal with the enemy. On
with, a heavy fog descended over the area, several occasions, such plans were definitely
blotting out the convoy's further move- slowed down or suffered variation through the
ments. The troops aboard landed safely that delay involved in assuring that the south shore
night, completing the 1,170-man movement was clear, and, further, that reports of the
presence of enemy ships at Mullins Harbor
from Kavieng.25
were not founded on fact.26
K. B. Mission had meanwhile been rein-
forced by a second company of the 61 Bat- The 2/10 Battalion reached the mission
talion. The Japanese, who had reconnoi- unopposed in the late afternoon of 27
tered the mission during the day, struck August. Under orders to move on again in
again that night in much greater strength the morning, the battalion had barely settled
than before. The Australian militia was itself for the night when the Japanese struck
forced out of the mission and all the way at the mission again, this time with two
back to the line of the Gama River, just east tanks and all their available combat troops.
of Rabi. Fortunately for the Australians, Despite unceasing tropical rain, the ground
the Japanese again chose to break off the in the well-drained and relatively open
engagement at dawn. plantation area was firm enough for tank
The following morning, General Clowes action. The two tanks, equipped with bril-
sent the 2/10 Battalion of the 18th Brigade liant headlights that made targets of the
to K. B. Mission. The battalion, intended to Australians and left the attackers in dark-
be a reconnaissance force, was lightly ness, inflicted heavy casualties on the 2/10
Battalion. The lightly armed Australians,
GHQ SWPA Sitrep No. 347, 26 Aug 42; Msg,
Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-361, CM- Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns 25 Aug-7
IN 10432, 27 Aug 42; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Sep 42; Naval Account Japanese Invasion Eastern
Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Naval Account Japanese New Guinea, p. 26; Interv with Lt Col Peter S.
Invasion Eastern New Guinea, p. 26. Teesdale-Smith, AMF, 22 Aug 49, copy in OCMH
G-3 Opns Rpt, No. 140, 26 Aug 42; G-3 Out- files. At the time the battle was fought, Colonel
line Milne Bay Opns; Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Teesdale-Smith, then a captain, was intelligence
Marshall, No. C-361, CM-IN 10432, 27 Aug 42. officer of the 2/10 Battalion.

whose only antitank protection was "sticky- tive but to attack frontally. The main bur-
type" hand grenades, which would not stick, den of holding the strip fell upon the bri-
were unable to knock out the tanks and also gade's 25th and 61st Battalions, but the
failed to shoot out their headlights. After 709th U. S. Airborne Antiaircraft Battery
about two hours of fighting the Japanese and Companies D and F of the 43d U. S.
managed to split the battalion in two. Bat- Engineers held key positions in its defense.
talion headquarters and two companies The antiaircraft battery with its .50-caliber
were forced off the track and into the jun- machine guns was given the task of sup-
gle, and the remainder of the battalion was porting the Australians at the eastern end
pushed back to the Gama River. A portion of the strip, and the .50-caliber and 37-mm.
of the battalion reached the plantation area gun crews of Companies D and F, 43d U. S.
that night, but the main body took to the Engineers, flanked on either side by Austra-
hills in order to get around the enemy's lian riflemen and mortarmen, were sta-
flank and did not get back to the head of tioned at the center of the line at the crucial
the bay until three days later.27 point where the track from Rabi crossed
With the 2/10 Battalion out of the way, the runway.
the Japanese continued on to No. 3 strip. The Japanese reached the area immedi-
There a heavy fire fight at once developed, ately in front of the strip just before dawn.
a fight in which American antiaircraft and They attacked aggressively but were re-
engineer troops played a significant part. pulsed and forced to withdraw. No tanks
were used in the attack, although two
The Fighting at No. 3 Strip of them (apparently the same two that
the Japanese had used with such success
The east-west airstrip, just west of Kilabo at K. B. Mission were brought up, only
and only a few miles from Rabi, was an to be abandoned when they bogged down
ideal defensive position. The runway, a hun- hopelessly.28
dred yards wide and 2,000 yards long, was The attackers were now within a few
cleared but only partially graded, and there miles of No. 1 Strip, and General Clowes,
was a sea of mud at its eastern edge which fearful lest they infiltrate it during the night,
made it impossible for tanks to get through. ordered the P-40's to Port Moresby. Fortu-
It afforded the defenders a broad, cleared nately the Japanese were quiet that night,
field of fire, and, lying obliquely across the and the following morning the fighters re-
mouth of the corridor with its southern end turned to Milne Bay to stay.29
less than five hundred feet from the water,
was directly in the path of the Japanese 28
Ltr, Capt Joseph E. Wood, Adj 2d Bn, 43d
advance. Engr Regt (GS), to Chief Engr, U.S. Army, SWPA,
18 Sep 42, sub: Rpt of Participation in the Milne
Brigadier Field, in charge of the defense, Bay Battle by U.S. Engr Troops in this Area; Memo,
ranged his troops along the southern edge Gen Casey for Gen Sutherland, 25 Oct 42; Ltr,
of the strip, giving the Japanese no alterna- Maj Ludlow C. Adams, CO 2d Bn, 43d Engrs
(GS), to CG USASOS SWPA, 2 Nov 42, sub:
Participation of U.S. Engr Troops in the Battle of
Memo, Brig Field for Hq Milne Force, 17 Sep Milne Bay, 25 Aug-20 Sep 43. All in AFPAC Engr
42, sub: Lessons from the Recent Fighting; Comdr File. Unit Hist 709th AAA MG Bty.
Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7
Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, 22 Aug 49. Sep 42.


bogged down near No. 3 Strip.

On 26 August, the day of the landing, the next morning.31 Early on the 28th Clowes
and again on the afternoon of the 28th, ordered the 7th Brigade to be prepared to
General MacArthur had ordered General move forward at dawn the following day.
Blarney to see to it that the north shore of Strong patrols of the brigade moved out
Milne Bay was cleared of the enemy at early on the 29th but met stiff enemy oppo-
once.30 Because of defective communications sition, and little progress was registered.
New Guinea Force did not receive the or- Clowes thereupon ordered in the 18th
ders of the 26th until late on the 27th, and Brigade with instructions to move at once
General Clowes, apparently, not until early on K. B. Mission. He canceled the orders
at 1633 upon learning that another Jap-
anese convoy was on its way to Milne Bay.
G-3 Outline Milne Bay Opns; Ltr, Gen Suther-
land to Gen Blarney, 28 Aug. 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
SWPA. General MacArthur, in conference with
General Blamey on the 26th, gave it as his "profes- Ltr, Maj Gen George A. Vasey, DSGS ALF,
sional opinion" that the Japanese would reinforce to Gen Sutherland, 28 Aug 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
the landing on the north shore within seventy-two SWPA; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-
hours. 7 Sep 42.

His reason for the cancellation—as he was When the Japanese made their move
to explain later—was the renewed possi- against the airstrip, such intense fire hit
bility "of an enemy attempt to land on the them that not one man was able to cross
west and south shores of Milne Bay." the strip alive. The heaviest attack came
The convoy, escorted by a cruiser and before dawn. Like the others, it was re-
nine destroyers, unloaded safely under cover pulsed with heavy loss to the enemy, who
of a heavy mist. It brought to the sore-beset withdrew at first light, leaving 160 dead
Japanese on the north shore nearly 770 rein- behind.
forcements—568 troops of the Kure 3d
SNLF and 200 of the Yokosuka 5th The Withdrawal
SNLF—under Commander Minoru Yano,
who, being apparently senior to Hayashi, at The Japanese were now in full retreat,
once took over command of operations. and Brigadier Wootten's 18th Brigade, the
The daylight hours of the following day, 2/12 Battalion leading, began the long-
30 August, were quiet. Milne Force sent delayed task of clearing them from the north
patrols to feel out the enemy in preparation shore. Very heavy fighting developed at
for the long-delayed general advance, and once along the Gama River and later near
the Japanese, hidden in the jungle, consoli- K. B. Mission. Between 1 and 5 September
dated for another attack on No. 3 strip. The the Australians lost 45 killed and 147
climax came that night when the Japanese wounded. Japanese losses were much heav-
made an all-out effort to take the strip. ier. At the Gama River alone, the enemy
Brigadier Field was again ready for them. lost at least 100 killed, and his casualties
The only change in his dispositions was to mounted steadily as the Australians ad-
place the .50-caliber machine guns of the vanced. Hungry, riddled with tropical
709th Antiaircraft Battery at both ends of fevers, suffering from trench foot and jungle
the line instead of as before on its eastern rot, and with many wounded in their midst,
end. The .50-caliber machine guns and 37- the Japanese realized the end was near; and
mm. antitank gun crews of Companies D Commander Yano, himself wounded, so
and F of the 43d Engineers were as before advised the 8th Fleet.35
in the center of the line, flanked on either
side by the riflemen and mortarmen of the 34
Ltr, Capt Wood to Chief Engr, SWPA, 18 Sep
25th and 61st Battalions. The 25 pounders, 42, sub: Report of Participation in the Milne Bay
about half a mile to the rear, lent their sup- Battle by U.S. Engr Troops in this Area; Memo,
Gen Casey for Gen Sutherland, 25 Oct 42; Memo,
port, as did the P-40's from No. 1 Strip.
Maj Adams for CG USASOS, 2 Nov 42, sub: Par-
ticipation of U.S. Engr Troops in the Battle of
Milne Bay; OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, 31 Dec
Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 42; Unit Hist 709th AAA MG Bty; Comdr Milne
Sep 42. The 18th Brigade was, of course, less the Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Naval Ac-
2/10 Battalion, which at this time was trying to count Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, pp.
find its way back to the head of the bay. 26, 27; Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 21.
33 35
Diary, owner unknown, in ATIS CT 1, No. 41, Ltr, John Balfour, Office of the Official Aus-
63 ; Diaries, members Kure 3d and Yokosuka 5th tralian War Historian, Canberra, to author, 8 Dec
SNLF in ATIS CT 4, Nos. 63, 65, 67; USSBS, The 50, in OCMH files; Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on
Campaigns of the Pacific War, p. 111; Naval Ac- Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42; Southeast Area Naval
count Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, pp. Opns I, 21; Naval Account Japanese Invasion
25, 28; 17th Army Opns, I, 51. Eastern New Guinea, p. 27.

The commander in chief of the 8th Fleet, ing the advance, met with only light and
Admiral Mikawa, considered the possibility scattered resistance on the morning of 6
of reinforcing the landing parties at Milne September. By the following morning it was
Bay with the 1,000-man advance echelon clear that organized resistance had ceased.
of the Aoba Detachment, which had finally Small bands of stragglers were all that re-
reached Rabaul on 31 August. It was a suf- mained of the Japanese landing forces, and
ficient force, he thought, to retrieve the situ- these were disposed of in the next few weeks
ation if the troops ashore could hold out till by Australian patrols, which took only a
it arrived. In an interchange of messages handful of prisoners.
with Yano, Admiral Mikawa offered to The Japanese lost some 600 killed in the
land 200 more Yokosuka 5th troops immedi- operation, as against 321 Australian ground
ately, and the Aoba Detachment by 12 Sep- casualties—123 killed and 198 wounded. 37
tember, if there was any possibility that the American losses in defense of No. 3 Strip
troops at Milne Bay could hold out till the were very low—one man killed and two
Aoba Force arrived. When Yano told him wounded.38
that the troops ashore were physically in- The timely return from the Solomons in
capable of making a further stand, Mikawa early September of Task Force 44 made it
concluded the situation was hopeless and possible thenceforward for the Allied Naval
ordered Milne Bay evacuated. Forces to cover the sea approaches to Milne
The wounded were put on board ship on Bay; 39 and the dispatch, at approximately
the night of 4 September. The rest of the the same time, of two 155-mm. guns with
landing force, except for scattered elements attached searchlight units helped further to
that had to be left behind, took ship the secure the area.40
following night from the anchorage at Waga The base was meanwhile being steadily
Waga one jump ahead of the 18th Brigade, improved. More and better roads were built.
whose forward elements were actually with- A new wharf was constructed to replace the
in earshot when the Japanese pulled out. old inadequate jetty. Number 1 Strip was
Some 1,300 of the 1,900 troops landed were
evacuated to Rabaul, nearly all of them 37
Ltr, Balfour to author, 8 Dec 50; Comdr Milne
suffering from trench foot, jungle rot, tropi- Force, Rpt on Opns, 25 Aug-7 Sep 42, AMF; Interr
cal ulcers, and other tropical diseases. Virtu- Gen Adachi et al; Southeast Area Naval Opns I,
22; Naval Account Japanese Invasion Eastern New
ally none of the evacuees, not even those Guinea, p. 28.
who landed as late as 29 August, were in Ltr, Capt Wood to Chief Engr SWPA, 18 Sep
condition to fight.36 42, sup: Report of Participation in the Milne Bay
Battle by U.S. Engineer Troops in this area; Memo,
The 2/9 Battalion, which was now lead- Maj Adams for CG USASOS, 2 Nov 42, sub: Par-
ticipation of U.S. Engr Troops in the Battle of
Intercept, rad COMCRUDIV 18 to Comdr Milne Bay; Unit Hist 709th AAA MG Bty.
Japanese Troops, Milne Bay, 3 Sep 42; Intercept, Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. C-
rad, CINC 8th Fleet to Comdr Japanese Troops, 267, CM-IN 574, 28 Aug 42 ; Rad, COMSOPAC to
Milne Bay, 5 Sep 42; G-3 Opns Rpt No. 149, 4 CTF 61 et al, 30 Aug 42, in SOPAC War Diary;
Sep 42; GHQ Sitrep No. 356, 4 Sep 42. All in G-3 Memo, Gen Sutherland for Admiral Leary, 4 Sep
Jnl GHQ SWPA. Comdr Milne Force, Rpt on 42, sub: Employment of Naval Forces Southwest
Opns, 25 Aug 42-7 Sep 42; AMF, Interr Gen Pacific Area, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Adachi et al; Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 21-22 ; Memo, Gen Chamberlin for Gen Vasey, 10 Sep
Naval Account Japanese Invasion Eastern New 42, sub: 155-mm. GPF Guns for Milne Bay, in 385,
Guinea, p. 28. G-3, GHQ SWPA Files, in ORB RAC, AGO.

WHARF AT GILI GILI built to replace old jetty.

rebuilt, and No. 3 Strip was completed.41 Moresby. An essential part of the plan of
Bombing of Rabaul and of Japanese air- 31 July had failed. The rest of the plan, the
fields in the northern Solomons without the overland attack on Port Moresby by the
need of crossing the Owen Stanleys became South Seas Detachment, was now to be put
possible for the first time. Equally impor- to the test.
tant the stage was set for a successful inves-
titure of the north coast of Papua from East The Road to Ioribaiwa
Cape to Buna.
The Allied victory at Milne Bay had General Horii Pushes
snapped the southern prong of the pincers the Australians Back
the Japanese had hoped to apply to Port
While the battle of Milne Bay was being
OCE SWPA, Draft Engr Rpt, 31 Dec 42; Ltr, fought, the Japanese on the Kokoda Trail
Gen Casey to author, 21 Jul 50. Number 2 Strip were winning some of their most spectacular
was never completed, for it was decided immedi-
ately after the battle to discontinue work on it and
victories of the campaign. General Horii,
to concentrate instead on the other two fields. who had left for the front on 22 August,

had issued orders on the 24th for a general guns behind pending a study of how they
offensive. The attack began at dawn on 26 were to be brought forward, and the engi-
August and developed such power after a neers were advancing with the infantry
week of unremitting pressure that the Aus- troops, improving the track as they went.
tralians found themselves unable to stand One of the two battalions of the 41st In-
firm with the forces at hand. They had no fantry, which had come in from Rabaul a
choice but to give ground. Not only were few days before, joined in the attack on 28
they heavily outnumbered, but their supply August. The remaining battalion was held
difficulties were greater than those of the in reserve in the Kokoda area, where it
Japanese who were supplied from nearby helped out with supply. On the night of
Kokoda and whose way, once their supply 2-3 September, approximately 1,500 Japa-
parties had reached the crest of the range, nese reinforcements from Rabaul were
lay down, not up. landed safely at Basabua from a large con-
The enemy advance continued despite voy which managed to elude detection by
the mountain trail, the bitter resistance of the Allied Air Force. The reinforcements
the Australians, and the sustained bombing included the remaining battalion of the
and strafing of Japanese supply lines by the 41st Infantry and the rear echelon of the
Allied Air Force. By 7 September, the date Nankai Shitai—the 67th Line of Commu-
organized resistance ceased at Milne Bay, nications Hospital, more service troops, and
the troops of the South Seas Detachment an "emergency" transport unit including
had made tremendous gains. They had vehicles and 300 pack horses. The incoming
driven the Australians from Isurava, Alola, battalion was immediately ordered to the
Eora Creek, and Templeton's Crossing. front and reached the scene of operations
They had gained possession of the Gap, had a few days later.
taken Myola, Kagi, and Efogi on the south- In contrast to General Horii's five rein-
ern slopes of the range, and stood poised to forced battalions, the Australians, until
take Menari, Nauro, and Ioribaiwa, the last Efogi was reached, never had more than
villages between them and Port Moresby.42 three battalions in the forward area to op-
(See Map II.) pose the Japanese advance. One of them
was the depleted 39 Battalion, which had
The Opposing Forces been in action for more than a month and
should have been relieved long before. The
General Horii had opened the attack with
Japanese, using continuous flanking opera-
the 144th Infantry, reinforced by elements
tions, had no trouble driving the Australians
of the 55th Mountain Artillery, miscellane-
back. Two regimental combat teams, one
ous mortar and machine gun units, and the
under command of Col. Masao Kusunose,
main body of the 15th Independent Engi-
commander of the 144th Infantry, and the
neers. The artillery troops had left their
other under Colonel Yazawa, commander
Nankai Shitai Opns Order No. A-102, 24 Aug of the 41st Infantry, alternated in pressing
42, in ATIS EP No. 33; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea home the attack. They were thus able to
Opns, Buna-Ioribaiwa; G-2 Daily Summaries En-
emy Intel No. 166, 4-5 Sep 42, No. 167, 5-6 Sep outflank the Australians almost at will and,
42, No. 168, 6-7 Sep. 42. by bringing pressure to bear from different

directions, to push them from one ridge Their supplies had come either via native
after another.43 carriers or by airdrops, and neither carriers
When the Japanese opened their offen- nor planes had been able to get enough
sive in late August, the only combat troops supplies to them for more than hand-to-
facing them were the 39 Battalion, 30th mouth operations. The forward supply sys-
Brigade headquarters, and the 53 Battalion. tem on the trail, which at best had operated
Two battalions of the 21st Brigade, the only by fits and starts, collapsed completely
2/14 and 2/16 Battalions (which were to be when the Myola dropping grounds were
followed by the third battalion, the 2/27), lost, and the natives, demoralized by the
were on the way to the forward area but Japanese advance, began to desert in large
had not yet arrived. They began arriving numbers. Suffering from exhaustion, fever,
company by company the following day, and dysentery, the Australians had to pull
each company being thrown into battle as back to a defensive position closer to their
soon as it came up. source of supply, from which, after being
The fighting was desperate and the Aus- properly reinforced, they could hope to
tralians, weighed down with heavy packs launch an effective counterattack.
and cumbersome .303 rifles, outnumbered The retreat was bitterly contested but,
and repeatedly outflanked, suffered heavy despite the enemy's superior strength, or-
casualties. The 2/14 Battalion relieved the derly. The enemy's losses were heavy, but
39 Battalion on 29 August, and the latter the cost to the Australians, continuously in
unit moved to the rear to reorganize, as did danger of being surrounded and over-
the 53 Battalion which had been badly whelmed if they held a position too long,
cut up in the battle. From 1 September to were heavier still. When the 2/14 and 2/16
5 September the 2/14 and 2/16 Battalions, Battalions fell back on Efogi Spur on 6 Sep-
bearing the full brunt of the enemy attack, tember (where they joined the 2/27 Bat-
were under such heavy pressure that they talion which was already in position there),
were forced to withdraw through the Gap the 2/14 Battalion was at half-strength
and take up positions on the other side of and the 2/16 Battalion only a company
the range.44
The Australians found it impossible to
make a stand, not only because they were General MacArthur Plans a
outnumbered but also because they were Turning Movement
running short of food and ammunition.
All this time General Headquarters had
ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Buna-Iori- been under the impression that Japanese
baiwa; Nankai Shitai Opns Orders No. A-102, 24
Aug 42, n. n., 29 Aug 42, n. n., 30 Aug 42, No. ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 141, 3 Sep 42; G-3
A-112, 4 Sep 42, in ATIS EP No. 33; 17th Army Opns Rpt No. 148, 3 Sep 42; G-2 Daily Summaries
Intel Summaries No. 9, 22 Aug 42, No. 11, 26 Aug Enemy Intel No. 164, 2-3 Sep 42, No. 166, 4-5 Sep
42, No. 14, 29 Aug 42, No. 15, 30 Aug 42, No. 16, 42, No. 167, 5-6 Sep 42. White, Green Armor, pp.
31 Aug 42, No. 19, 3 Sep 42, in ATIS EP No. 28. 189-208. White was with the troops at this time,
ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 138,31 Aug 42; G-3 and his account of the retreat is a vivid and com-
Opns Rpt, No. 147, 2 Sep 42; G-2 Daily Sum- pelling one.
maries Enemy Intel No. 165, 3-4 Sep 42, No. 166, G-3 Opns Rpt No. 152, 7 Sep 42; Ltr, Gen
4-5 Sep 42; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Buna- Vasey, DCGS ALF, to Gen Chamberlin, 8 Sep 42,
Ioribaiwa. in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

strength on the trail was slight, and that

the enemy had no real intention of advanc-
ing on Port Moresby. It therefore did not
immediately understand the reason for the
swift Japanese advance. General Mac-
Arthur indeed found himself puzzled by the
situation. Being certain, he said, that the
Australians on the trail outnumbered the
Japanese, he had General Chamberlin ask
Allied Land Forces on 7 September for an
explanation of the repeated Australian with-
The explanation came the next day from
General Rowell himself, and was communi-
cated immediately to General Chamberlin.
General Rowell pointed out that, contrary to
the prevailing opinion at General Head-
quarters, his forces had been heavily out-
numbered during the previous week's fight-
ing. He added that the Japanese appeared
to have on the trail the maximum number
of troops that they could supply there. GENERAL HARDING
While he was certain that he could regain
the initiative with the help of the 25th ordered to Port Moresby, and the 25th
Brigade, which was then disembarking at Brigade was rushed to the front.50 Since there
Port Moresby, he felt that he would need now appeared to be sufficient Australian
more troops later on in the operation. Be- troops to contain the Japanese advance,
cause none of the CMF brigades at Port General MacArthur began to plan a flank-
Moresby seemed to have enough training ing movement by an American regimental
for the task, he asked that one of the two combat team which would cut in on the
6th Australian Infantry Division brigades enemy's rear and hasten his withdrawal
that had recently come in from Ceylon be from the Kokoda-Gap area.
transferred to Port Moresby at once for Choice of the unit was left to Maj. Gen.
action on the trail.49 Robert L. Eichelberger (then newly arrived
On 9 September the 16th Australian In- in Australia and soon to be promoted to
fantry Brigade of the 6th Division was lieutenant general), to whom as Command-
ing General, I Corps, U. S. Army, the 32d
G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel, No. 165,
3-4 Sep 42, No. 168, 6-7 Sep 42.
and 41st Divisions had been assigned on 5
Untitled Jnl Entry [Gen Chamberlin, Memo September. General Eichelberger had al-
for the Record, 1800, 7 Sep 42], 8 Sep 42, in G-3 ready decided that the 32d Division would
Ltr, Gen Vasey to Gen Chamberlin, 8 Sep 42.
precede the 41st to New Guinea. He made
The incoming 6th Division units were the 16th and
17th Brigades. The 19th Brigade, it will be recalled, LHQ OI No. 33, 9 Sep 42; ALF, Rpt on New
was at Darwin where it had been since March. Guinea Opns, Buna-Ioribaiwa.

this decision because the training camp of Moresby—Kokoda track alone would be a
the 32d Division at Camp Cable near Bris- very slow business. To hasten a Japanese
bane was inferior to that of the 41 st Division withdrawal, he had therefore ordered "a
at Rockhampton. The general believed the wide turning movement" by the 126th U. S.
32d should go first because it would in any Infantry to cut in behind the Japanese
event have to be moved to another camp. at Wairopi. This, General MacArthur
After consulting with General Harding, thought, could best be accomplished by an
commanding general of the 32d Division, overland advance from Port Moresby, via
and learning from him that the 126th In- Rouana Falls and the Mimani, Irua, Mu-
fantry under Col. Lawrence A. Quinn was goni, and Kumusi Rivers, a route his staff
the best-trained and best-led of his three had particularly recommended be used.53
regiments, General Eichelberger chose the The following day, Brig. Gen. Hanford
126th for the task. MacNider, of the G-4 Section GHQ
The regiment was at once alerted for SWPA, who had been chosen by General
transfer to New Guinea. The men prepared MacArthur to make advance arrangements
for immediate movement, and, on General for the regiment's reception and march over
Eichelberger's orders, a Brisbane cleaning the mountains, left for Port Moresby by air.
establishment began dyeing the men's General MacNider was accompanied by Lt.
fatigues a mottled green for action in the Col. Joseph S. Bradley, the 32d Division
jungle.51 G-4 (who returned to Australia several days
General MacArthur's plan of maneuver later), and members of Colonel Quinn's
was ready on 11 September, and he com- staff including Maj. Bernd G. Baetcke, his
municated it at once to General Blamey, executive officer, Capt. William F. Boice,
Commander Allied Land Forces, to whom his intelligence officer, and Capt. Alfred
I Corps had been assigned for operational Medendorp, the assistant S-4. Suitable ar-
control.52 He was satisfied, General Mac- rangements were made by these officers for
Arthur wrote, that the dispatch of the 25th the reception of the troops, and two days
and 16th Brigades to Port Moresby would later, 15 September, the first element of the
probably be sufficient to arrest any further 126th Infantry left Brisbane for Port
forward movement of the Japanese toward Moresby by air, the men's fatigues still wet
Port Moresby, and ultimately to drive them with dye.
back across the Owen Stanley Range. Since The movement consisted of Company E,
the Japanese were known to be extremely a medical officer, Capt. John T. Boet, four
tenacious in holding ground once they had aid men, and an attached platoon of Com-
gained it, he believed that to force the Jap- pany A, 114th Engineer Battalion. The de-
anese back by direct attack along the Port tachment, 172 men in all, was under com-
mand of Capt. Melvin Schultz, command-
ing officer of Company E. These former Na-
GHQ SWPA GO No. 30, 5 Sep 42 ; Interv with tional Guard troops, most of them from Big
Maj Gen Edwin F. Harding, 9 Dec 47; Interv with Rapids, Michigan, arrived at Port Moresby
Lt Gen Robert L. Eichelberger, 20 Nov 48. Both
intervs in OCMH files. F. Tillman Durdin, "The
Grim Hide and Seek of Jungle War," in The New Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Comdr ALF, 11 Sep
York Times Magazine, 7 Mar 43. 42, sub: Shipment, 126th Inf, 32d U.S. Div, to Port
GHQ SWPA, GO No. 30, 5 Sep 42. Moresby, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
32D DIVISION TROOPS gathered to hear an address by General Harding, above; below,
preparing to board a transport plane for New Guinea.

from Amberley Field near Brisbane on the especially at the divide; and no white man
afternoon of 15 September, the first Ameri- had passed that way since 1917, a quarter
can infantry unit to set foot in New of a century before. Although the route had
Guinea. the advantage that troops operating over it
General Harding had come down to Am- could be supported logistically by land and
berley Field to see the company off and, be- sea for about a third of the distance, it had
fore it left, had given the men a little talk, also a very serious disadvantage—a 9,100-
in which he referred to them as "The Spear- foot mountain crossing, which the Austra-
head of the Spearhead of the Spearhead." lians feared was impracticable for marching
Pleased with the general's happy phrase, troops. General Rowell strongly opposed
Company E called itself thereafter, "The using it and favored an alternative route
Three Spearheads." 55 running from Abau to Jaure where the
General MacNider's group had no sooner crossings were under 5,000 feet.
arrived at Port Moresby than it discovered After thinking the matter over, General
that the route proposed by General Mac- MacNider and his group decided to send a
Arthur's staff for the advance to Wairopi pathfinder patrol, under Captain Boice, to
was an impracticable one. Not only did it reconnoiter the Kapa Kapa-Jaure trail; and
intersect the Australian rear and extend into General Casey, who was at Port Moresby
an area where troops using it could be cut at the time, ordered his deputy, Col. Lief J.
off by the Japanese, but it was so rough and Sverdrup, to reconnoiter the Abau route.56
mountainous that the only way to supply On 17 September, the same day that
troops using it would be from the air. Colonel Sverdrup and a small party left for
Consideration was then given to an al- Abau to reconnoiter the route Abau-De-
ternative route—the eighty-five mile trail, bana-Namudi-Jaure (the Abau track),
Port Moresby-Kapa Kapa-Kalikodobu- Captain Boice, accompanied by 1st Lt. Ber-
Arapara-Laruni-Jaure. From Jaure lesser nard Howes and six enlisted men of Com-
trails led to Wairopi and Buna. Little was pany E, an officer of ANGAU, and forty
known about the route for it had not been native carriers, left Port Moresby for Kapa
used in years. The coastal natives avoided Kapa by lugger to begin the reconnaissance
it because they believed it to be haunted, of the track leading from that point to Jaure.
The rest of Company E and its attached
Ltr, Col Lawrence A. Quinn, CO 126th Inf,
to CofS 1st Australian Corps (Brig Hopkins), 3 Oct medical personnel and engineer platoon
42, in 126th Inf Patrol Rpts Jnl, Buna-Papuan were moved out to help a company of the
Campaign; Interv with Col Bernd G. Baetcke, 17 91st U. S. Engineers construct a motor road
Nov 50, in OCMH files; 32d Div AAR, Papuan
Campaign; 126th Inf CT AAR, Papuan Campaign. from Tupeselei (a few miles southeast of
All AAR's and other combat records of the 32d Port Moresby) to Kapa Kapa, and thence
Division and its organic and attached units are in
DRB HRS, AGO. E. J. Kahn, Jr., "The Terrible Special Abau Reconnaissance Party, MAPLE,
Days of Company E," The Saturday Evening Post, Orders No. 1, 16 Sep 42, in AFPAC Engr File;
January 8, 1944, pp. 9-10. Memo, Brig Gen Hanford MacNider for Gen Whit-
Kahn, "The Terrible Days of Company E," lock, 17 Sep 42, copy in OCMH files; Interv with
The Saturday Evening Post, January 8, 1944, pp. Col Baetcke, 17 Nov 50; Maj Alfred Medendorp,
9-10. The allusion was, of course, to the fact that The March and Operations of the Antitank and
company E was the spearhead of the 126th Infantry, Cannon Company (32d Inf Div) in the Attack on
and the 126th Infantry in its turn was to be the Wairopi, 4 Oct-28 Nov 42, Infantry School Mono-
spearhead of the division and corps. graph, copy in TIS Files.

to a rubber plantation at Cobaregari near under the operational control of Headquar-

Kalikodobu where an advanced base was ters, 6th Australian Infantry Division, which
to be established. The opening of the was then in charge of Port Moresby's ground
road Tupeselei-Kapa Kapa-Kalikodobu, as defense. It relieved the 808th Engineer Avi-
General McNider explained, would allow ation Battalion (which had been pulled
the advance base near Kalikodobu, nick- from its normal airfield construction duties
named "Kalamazoo," to be supplied both and given a combat role) and took up a
by road and by water and would remove defensive position along the Goldie River,
entirely the need for air supply until the north of Port Moresby. The 126th Infantry
mountains were reached.57 and attached troops were assigned directly
The main body of the regiment was now to New Guinea Force for use in the advance
ready to move. The combat team, less ar- on Wairopi. They went into bivouac at
tillery—180 officers and 3,610 enlisted Bootless Inlet and were for the time being
men—took ship for New Guinea on 18 kept in garrison reserve.59
September. Colonel Quinn, who had been The reason for the swift and dramatic
at Brett's Wharf, Brisbane, to see his men movement to New Guinea by air of the
off, arrived at Port Moresby by air on the 128th Infantry (the greatest that the Air
20th, accompanied by two of his staff offi- Force had undertaken up to that time) soon
cers, Maj. Simon Warmenhoven, the regi- became obvious. It lay in the continued
mental surgeon, and Capt. Oliver O. Dixon, advance along the Kokoda Trail of Gen-
the regimental S-3, and reported at once to eral Horii's troops. Not only did Horii still
General Rowell. have the initiative, but he seemed to be
The regiment reached Port Moresby in threatening Port Moresby as it had never
convoy on 28 September to find that the been threatened before.
128th Regimental Combat Team, also less
its artillery, was already there, having com- The Japanese Take Ioribaiwa
pleted its move to Port Moresby by air five
days before. The two American regiments, When General Horii attacked Efogi spur
each with attached division engineer, medi- on 8 September, he had five reinforced bat-
cal, and signal troops were parceled out on talions of infantry in action. The 21st Bri-
arrival to different Australian commands.58 gade, on the other hand, was down to nine
The 128th Infantry, commanded by Col. companies, and only four of them (the four
J. Tracy Hale, Jr., was assigned to the Port companies of the 2/27 Battalion) had fresh
Moresby garrison force, and, as such, came troops. Exploiting their numerical superi-
Memo, Gen MacNider for Gen Whitlock, 17 ority, the Japanese first struck the 2/27 Bat-
Sep 42; Rad, Gen MacNider for Gen Whitlock, 5th talion, cutting it off from the balance of
AF, No. S-136, 17 Sep 42; Rad, Col Matthews,
U. S. Adv Base, New Guinea, to CG USASOS, 18
Sep 42. Both rads in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Ltr, CINC SWPA to Comdr ALF et al, 17 Sep
Ltr, Col L. J. Sverdrup to Gen Casey, 19 Sep 42, 42, sub: Troop Movement Dir No. 1; LHQ OI No.
sub: Rpt No. 1, in AFPAC Engr File; 126th Inf 35, 17 Sep 42; NGF OI No. 30, 19 Sep 42; Msg,
CT AAR, Papuan Campaign; AGS SWPA Terrain Gen Casey to Gen MacArthur, No. 737, 18 Sep 42;
Study No. 28, Main Routes Across New Guinea, 18 Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Casey, No. C-561,
Oct 42, pp. 49-54, 56-58. 19 Sep 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. 126th Inf
Ltr, Col Quinn to Brig Hopkins, 3 Oct 42; CT AAR, Papuan Campaign; 128th Inf AAR,
107th Med Bn AAR, Papuan Campaign. Papuan Campaign.

MAROUBRA Force, then pushed the unit both flanks of the Japanese position.
completely out of the fight by forcing it off When these flanking movements were met
the trail. Another Japanese column struck by a strong counterthrust that pierced the
elements of the 2/14 and 2/16 Battalions Australian line, a further withdrawal was
echeloned along the trail in rear of the 2/27 ordered to the Imita Range, a strong defen-
positions, established a trail block, and iso- sive position, a full day's march from Ior-
lated 21st Brigade headquarters and a com- ibaiwa, and separated from it by the
pany from the 2/14 Battalion. With control deep valley of Ua-Ule Creek.
lost, the command group and the Austra- The Japanese reached Ioribaiwa on 16
lian infantrymen fought their way through September and took up a position there.
the block and with the rest of the 2/14 Bat- The Allied situation was not as difficult as
talion withdrew through the 2/16 Battalion it seemed. The Australians, then only one
to Nauro by nightfall on 9 September. Gen- pack stage away from Uberi, their main
eral Horii had meanwhile called in his rearward supply base, were finally in posi-
reserve, the 3d Battalion, 41st Infantry. tion to counterattack.
After its arrival in the front lines about 12 The Japanese supply situation had by this
September, the Japanese had two full in- time become impossible. That this was the
fantry regiments on the trail, depleted in case was in large part due to General Ken-
strength but with engineer and other at- ney, who had taken command of the Allied
tached troops, a force of at least 5,000 men.60 Air Forces on 4 August. The Fifth Air
The 2/14 and 2/16 Battalions, now with Force, the American element of the Allied
a combined strength of 320 men and fight- Air Forces, which Kenney in the interests of
ing as a composite battalion, yielded Nauro greater operational efficiency had estab-
and fell back to an east-west ridge north of lished as a separate command in early Sep-
Ioribaiwa during 10-11 September. Already tember, 62 had completed disrupted Japanese
established on the ridge were the 2/1 Pio- 61
G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 174, 12-
neer Battalion and the 3 Battalion, 14th 13 Sep 42; ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 156, 17 Sep
42; ALF Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Buna-Iori-
Brigade (which had come up from Port baiwa; NGF, Rpt on Opns in New Guinea Opns,
Moresby ahead of the 25th Brigade). The Ser 3.
2/31 and 2/33 Battalions, the leading ele- Msg, Gen Kenney to Gen Marshall, No. A-201,
CM-IN 1752, 4 Aug 42: Fifth Air Force GO No. 1,
ments of the 25th Brigade, under Brig. Ken- 3 Sep 42. When he established the Fifth Air Force,
neth W. Eather, reached Ioribaiwa on 14 General Kenney drew a clear line of demarcation
September and attempted to drive past between its responsibilities and those of the RAAF.
Thus, while the Fifth Air Force became responsible
G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel No. 170, for operations in the Northeast Area, the RAAF
8-9 Sep 42, No. 171, 9-10 Sep 42, No. 172, 10-11 took over the responsibility for defense of the Aus-
Sep 42: Lanops Bul No. 30, 9 Sep 42, in G-3 Jnl, tralian continent and particularly of the Darwin
GHQ SWPA; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, area. In practice, the Fifth Air Force always had
Buna-Ioribaiwa; Nankai Shitai Opns Order No. A- the support of Australian squadrons in its opera-
115, 11 Sep 42, in ATIS EP No. 33; Diary, Actg tions to the northeast of Australia, and the RAAF
Comdr No. 2 MG Co, 2d Bn, 144th I n f , in ATIS in turn was repeatedly reinforced bv Fifth Air Force
CT 29, No. 358. The figure, 5,000, is of course an units, especially at Darwin, which was still under
approximation, but it appears reasonably clear from regular Japanese air attack. From Darwin, in turn,
captured enemy records that General Horii's front- attacks were being mounted on strategic points in
line force, even allowing for heavy losses, and the the Netherlands Indies. AAF, Air Actn in Papua.
diversion of part of its strength to supply duties, 21 Jul 42-23 Jan 43, pp. 51-52, copy in USAF
was at least 5,000 strong at the time. Hist Off.

BRIDGE AT WAIROPI. Note bombed-out portion of bridge and bomb craters in area.
(Photograph taken on 1 October 1942.)

supply. The advance echelon of the air was particularly effective in low-level at-
force at Port Moresby, under General Ken- tacks on Japanese supply trains, dumps, and
ney's deputy commander, Brig. Gen. Ennis landing barges. The runway at Buna and
P. Whitehead, was doing a magnificent job the suspension bridge at Wairopi were un-
of pulverizing Japanese lines of communi- der almost continuous attack. As fast as the
cation. After considerable experimentation Japanese naval construction troops at Buna
it had been found that the A-20 bomber, filled in the runway, the Fifth Air Force
modified to carry eight forward machine would see to it that it was pitted again; and
guns and using a parachute fragmentation efforts of the 15th Independent Engineers
bomb invented by General Kenney himself, to keep the Wairopi Bridge in use were

being continually set at naught by Fifth Air Port Moresby. The deterioration of the
Force and attached RAAF units that would situation at Milne Bay, and the difficulty of
roar in at low levels to demolish it. Because getting troops ashore at Guadalcanal in the
of the relentless air attack, Japanese supply face of Allied naval and air forces operating
trains were virtually forced off the trails. in the Solomons area, caused General
Food, as a result, though still available to Hyakutake on 29 August to instruct General
the Japanese in the rear areas, was not get- Horii to halt the South Seas Detachment as
ting through to the front lines. Whole bat- soon as it had reached the southern foothills
talions of the South Seas Detachment were of the Owen Stanley Range. The advance
foraging everywhere along the trail for food. was not to be resumed, he was told, until
Native gardens along the line of march were such time as Milne Bay had been taken and
being stripped of sugar cane, taro, yams, the Guadalcanal operation was progressing
pumpkins, melons, and everything else that satisfactorily. Imperial General Headquar-
was edible, but there was not enough food in ters concurred in these orders and two days
that poor upland area to feed such a host later directed that General Horii go on the
for long. By September the front-line ration defensive as soon as he had crossed the
was down to less than a cupful of rice per Owen Stanley Range.65
day. By 17 September, the day after the Upon receipt of these instructions, Gen-
Japanese seizure of Ioribaiwa, with the eral Horii had pressed through the Gap,
beach at Port Moresby almost visible from looking for a defensible position on the
the height on which the Japanese found other side of the range which he could hold
themselves, there was not a grain of rice until he was ordered to resume the advance
left on the ridge for issue to the troops.64 on Port Moresby. Horii's first choice had
been Nauro, but after sending out a recon-
General Horii's Orders Are Changed naissance party forward of Nauro he chose
Ioribaiwa as the place to make his stand.
When he first opened his offensive on 26 The day after its seizure the troops holding
August, General Horii's objective had been it were told that they were to wait there
until the middle of the following month,
Photo Intel Rpts Buna Runway, Ser 242, 4 Sep when it was expected that the final push
42, Ser 245, 10 Sep 42, Ser 247, 13 Sep 42, in
AFPAC Engr File; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 11
against Port Moresby would be under-
Sep 42, 17 Sep 42; G-3 Opns Rpt No. 159, 14 Sep taken.
42; GHQ Sitreps No. 365, 11 Sep 42, No. 370, 17
Sep 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; GHQ SWPA GO
No. 34, 15 Sep 42 ; 17th Army Intel Rpt No. 36, 23
Sep 42; USSBS, The Fifth Air Force in the War Ltr, Gen Willoughby to Gen Ward, 12 Apr 51 ;
Against Japan (Washington, 1947), p. 27. Hist Rec, Army Section Imperial General Head-
Nankai Shitai Directions Regarding Economy quarters, p. 62; 17th Army Opns, I, 49, 54, 55;
in the Use of Ammunition and Provisions, 1 Sep Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 19.
42; Nankai Shitai Bul Instns, 6 Sep 42; Nankai Nankai Shitai Opns Order No. A-116, 12 Sep
Shitai Instns Concerning Provisions and Forage, 10 42; Memo, Bde Med Dept to Med Offs 41st I n f ,
Sep 42; Nankai Shitai Bul No. 3, 13 Sep 42. All 12 Sep 42, sub: Matters Relating to Health During
in ATIS EP No. 33. 17th Army Intel Rpt, No. 33, the Period of Waiting; Nankai Shitai Bul No. 3, 13
18 Sep 42, in ATIS EP 28; Diary, Actg Comdr Sep 42. All in ATIS EP No. 33. Diary, Actg Comdr
No. 2 MG Co, 2d Bn, 144th Inf, in ATIS CT 29. No. 2 MG Co, 2d Bn, 144th Inf.

On 20 September General Horii called of the responsibility of maintaining itself

together his commanders at a hill near his indefinitely in the southern foothills of the
headquarters at Nauro and told them how Owen Stanley Range. Instead, it was to
things stood. He praised them for the way begin preparations at once for the defense
in which they and their men had succeeded of the Buna-Gona beachhead, which it was
in crossing "the so-called impregnable to hold as its primary defensive position
Stanley Range," and explained that the until again ordered to advance.
reason for the halt was to regain their fight- By concentrating on the Guadalcanal
ing strength, so as to be able, at the proper operation and ordering the South Seas De-
time, "to strike a crushing blow at the tachment back from the southern foothills
enemy's positions at Port Moresby."67 of the range to the more easily defended
How this was to be done with the existing beachhead, Imperial General Headquar-
state of supply was not explained. ters could still hope to retrieve the situa-
Shortly after General Horii had ordered tion in both the Solomons and New Guinea.
his subordinate commanders to hold Iori- It was now planned that, as soon as Guadal-
baiwa he received, as a result of further canal was retaken, the forces committed to
Japanese reverses at Guadalcanal, instruc- that operation would be diverted to New
tions which in effect ordered his withdrawal Guinea. A part would seize Milne Bay and
from Ioribaiwa. The Kawaguchi Detach- then, in accordance with the original plan,
ment, which had finally reached Guadal- would move on Port Moresby by sea. The
canal in late August, was virtually wiped rest would be used to reinforce the South
out on the night of 13-14 September, in the Seas Detachment, which, at the proper
Battle of Edson's or Bloody Ridge. The time, would sally forth from the beachhead,
Japanese were thus left without an effective recross the mountains, and, in spite of all
striking force on the island. 68 Because of previous reverses, complete the Port Mores-
this new reverse, and the complete failure of by operation in concert with the forces com-
the Milne Bay operation, Imperial General ing in from Milne Bay.69
Headquarters felt impelled once again to Complying with his new instructions,
revise its operational plan for Port Moresby. General Horii began at once to prepare for
On 18 September new orders were issued an orderly withdrawal that would com-
which emphasized that everything was to mit a minimum number of troops while
be subordinated to the retaking of Guadal- allowing the forces to the rear the maxi-
canal. Existing positions in New Guinea mum possible time to reinforce the beach-
were to be held as long as possible, but the head. He left the 1st and 3d Battalions of
South Seas Detachment was to be absolved the 144th Infantry at Ioribaiwa and two
companies of the 1st Battalion, 41st Infan-
try, immediately to the rear at Nauro. The
An Address of Instruction by General Horii at remaining battalion of the 144th Infantry
a hill west of Wamai (Nauro), 20 Sep 42, quoted
verbatim in Diary, Actg Comdr No. 2 MG Co, 2d
Bn, 144th Inf.
68 69
17th Army Opns, I, 39, 43, 54, 55, 59, 60; Hist Rec, Army Section Imperial General Head-
Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, pp. 116- quarters, pp. 62, 63; 17th Army Opns, I, 54, 55, 59,
119, 126. 60; Southeast Area Naval Opns I, pp. 24, 25.

and supporting troops General Horii otherwise preparing the beachhead for
ordered to Isurava. The main body of the defense.71
41st Infantry, less the two companies at
Nauro and a company at Kokoda, was The Australians Take the Offensive
ordered to the Sanananda—Giruwa coastal
area.70 General Horii's instructions to the Allied Land Forces lost no time in taking
main body of the 144th Infantry were that the offensive. On 23 September General
it was to hold Ioribaiwa as long as possible Blamey, Commander ALF, arrived at Port
and then retire northward to be relieved at Moresby and took over command of New
the proper time by the troops in the Guinea Force. Lt. Gen. Edmund F. Her-
Kokoda-Isurava area. As the latter fell ring, succeeding General Rowell, became
back, they would be relieved in turn by Commander, Advance New Guinea Force.72
troops from the beachhead. On 26 September, after aggressive patrol
On 24 September, the day the 2d Bat- action to fix the enemy's position, and a
talion, 144th Infantry, was pulled out of short preparation which included an artil-
the line and sent to Isurava, the 3d Bat- lery bombardment by two 25 pounders
talion, 41st Infantry, reached Giruwa. It brought up from Uberi, the 25th Brigade
was followed in a few days by the main began an all-out attack on Ioribaiwa, taking
body of the 41st Infantry, under Colonel it with relative ease two days later.
Yazawa. The naval garrison and the air- The Japanese had put up only token re-
field at Buna were under the command of sistance. Instead of making a stand, they
Navy Capt. Yoshitatsu Yasuda, who had had abandoned their elaborate positions on
come in from Rabaul on 17 September Ioribaiwa Ridge almost on contact, and had
with 280 Yokosuka 5th SNLF troops. Colo- retreated so swiftly up the trail that the
nel Yazawa took over command in the Australians, who took up the pursuit, were
Giruwa coastal area, where were to be unable to keep up with them.73 Like the
found the main Japanese supply dumps and attempt to take Milne Bay, the Japanese
the most important medical installation, overland offensive had collapsed.
the 67th Line of Communications Hospital.
Work on beachhead defenses was well un- 71
Log, Yokosuka 5th SNLF, 28 May-29 Sep 42,
der way by 23 September. There were sev- in ATIS CT 26, No. 309; Diary, member Yokosuka
eral thousand service troops in the rear area 5th SNLF, in ATIS CT 22, No. 269; 17th Army
Intel Rpts, No. 36, 23 Sep 42, No. 39, 25-26 Sep
to do the job, and as each new increment 42. No. 40, 27-30 Sep 42, in ATIS EP 38; Yazawa
of troops reached the coastal area it joined Det Bivouac Order, 1 Oct 42, in ATIS EP 24;
with the others in building bunkers, em- Diary, Actg Comdr No. 2 MG Co, 2d Bn, 144th I n f .
Comdr ALF, Rpt on Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan
placing guns, clearing fields of fire, and 43, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Rpt of CG Buna
Forces on the Buna Campaign, 1 Dec 42-25 Jan 43,
p. 45, in DRB HRS, AGO. Upon General Blamey's
return to Australia, command of New Guinea Force
17th Army Intel Rpts No. 36, 23 Sep 42, No. would revert to General Herring.
38, 24 Sep 42, No. 39, 26 Sep 42, in ATIS EP 28; ALF Opns Rpts No. 164, 25 Sep 42, No. 165,
Diary, Actg Comdr No. 2 MG Co, 2d Bn, 144th 26 Sep 42: G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel, No.
I n f ; Yazawa Det Bivouac Order, 1 Oct 42, Eastern 187, 25-26 Sep 42; G-3 Opns Rpt, No. 190, 28-29
Giruwa, in Fld Staff Diary, Medical Capt Fukunobu Sep 42; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep
Okabu, in ATIS EP 24. 42-22 Jan 43.

The Advance on the Beachhead

The Japanese had again done the unex- provided for the recapture of Goodenough
pected. Instead of holding Ioribaiwa tena- Island and stipulated that the troops avail-
ciously as General MacArthur had assumed able to the Commander, New Guinea
they would, they had thinned out their Force, would move on the beachhead along
lines and withdrawn after the opening en- three axes of advance: along the Kokoda
counter. Their withdrawal, if unexpected, Trail; via the Kapa Kapa-Jaure track or
nevertheless enabled GHQ for the first time the Abau-Namudi-Jaure route; and up the
in the campaign to issue a comprehensive coast northwestward from Milne Bay.
plan on 1 October looking to the envelop- (Map 6) The advance would be in two
ment and destruction of the enemy at the stages. The troops moving overland would,
Buna-Gona beachhead. This plan and the before any further advance, secure the line
more detailed instructions of 11 October of the Kumusi River from the Owalama


Divide (north of Jaure) to the crossing of in the supply of our troops, our fundamental
the Buna-Kokoda track at Wairopi. Those plans are limited by the fact that the enemy
can cut that line at will, even with so small a
moving up from Milne Bay would first se- force as a few torpedo boats. . . .
cure Goodenough Island and the coastal
area to the northward as far as Cape Nel- The general continued:
son. When these areas were secured, a con- ... It must be contemplated that any or-
ganization engaged on the north shore of New
certed advance by all land forces upon the Guinea must be ready and able to withdraw
Buna-Gona area would be ordered. 1 successfully across the mountains with only
such supplies as can be made available by air
The Approach to the Target and by native carriers. A local success attained
at a time when the enemy is devoting his
attention to the Solomons, must not blind us
General MacArthur to the fact that basic conditions which have
Explains the Plan heretofore limited our action in New Guinea
are unchanged, and that in the absence of se-
Because General MacArthur always had cure lines of communication on the north
coast of New Guinea we still are unable to
to consider the possibility that the Japanese maintain large forces there. In consequence,
might succeed in retaking Guadalcanal, and our advance must be so planned that if supply
that they would then throw all their avail- lines fail, or if we are met by overwhelming
able forces into New Guinea, the plan had forces, we can withdraw to our previously oc-
been so drawn that his troops could be ex- cupied defensive positions.
tricated should they be met by overwhelm- It was with an eye to such an eventuality
ing force or should their supply lines by sea that Colonel Sverdrup (who had meanwhile
or across the mountains fail. Emphasizing reported adversely on the Abau-Jaure
that the situation in the Solomons had "a track) had again been sent to New Guinea
direct and vital bearing upon our opera- with instructions to discover and develop
tions," General MacArthur explained the landing strips and dropping grounds in the
basic reason for the provision in the Opera- area beyond the mountains north of Abau. 2
tion Order of 1 October which required General MacArthur's purpose was clear.
that the line of the Kumusi River be secured The risks of the advance would be counter-
in preparation for "an offensive against the balanced by a secure line of retreat. If the
north coast of New Guinea to be executed
upon order from General Headquarters." 2
Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, 20 Oct 42,
in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Sverdrup, who had
. . . the successful employment, [he wrote] just returned to Australia, had found the track ex-
of any considerable number of troops on the tremely difficult for marching and out of the ques-
north shore of New Guinea is entirely depend- tion for use by either jeeps or pack animals. On 14
ent upon lines of communication. The enemy October GHQ, which had expected to send the
has complete control of the sea lanes, and we 127th Infantry over it, canceled all plans for its use
are not now, nor have any reasonable expecta- as an axis of advance to the battlefield. Msg, Gen
tion of being in position to contest that con- MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. C-667, 27 Sep 42:
trol. In consequence, although we shall em- GHQ SWPA Troop Dir No. 5, 30 Sep 42; GHQ
ploy shipping to the maximum extent possible SWPA OI No. 20, 14 Oct 42; Msg, Gen MacArthur
to Gen Blamey, No. C-8533, 14 Oct 42. All in G-3
Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Memo, Gen Casey for Gen
GHQ SWPA OI No. 19, 1 Oct. 42; Plan of Sutherland, 3 Oct 42, sub: Summary of Findings
Commander, ALF in New Guinea, 11 Oct. 42, copy and Recommendations pertaining to Abau Project,
in OCMH. in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.

maneuver for whatever reason turned out was finished in early October. At Port
badly, it would at least be possible to ex- Moresby the half-mile causeway to Tatana
tricate the forces and use them to fight again Island was completed by the end of the
under more favorable circumstances. month. The benefit to Allied logistics was
very great. Several large ships could be un-
Logistic Preparations loaded simultaneously, where previously it
had been possible to unload only one. A
As preparations for the offensive gath- small tropical anchorage, capable initially
ered momentum, a much-needed consolida- of unloading and storing only 500 tons of
tion of Australian and U. S. supply services cargo a day, had been transformed into a
in New Guinea was effected. On 5 October busy port which already had several times
General Headquarters established the Com- that capacity, and which ultimately would
bined Operational Service Command have a capacity nine times that figure. It
(COSC). The new command was to op- was a noteworthy achievement, and one of
erate under New Guinea Force and to con- which General Casey could well be proud.4
trol all Allied line of communications activ- The airfield construction program was
ities in Australian New Guinea. Brig. Gen. almost complete. With few exceptions, the
Dwight F. Johns, U. S. A., Deputy Com- airfields at both Port Moresby and Milne
mander, United States Army Services of Bay were either finished or due to be com-
Supply, was designated its commander, and pleted shortly, and a 120-day supply level
Brig. V. C. Secombe, Australian Staff was being built up at both points.5 A tre-
Corps, became his deputy. All Australian mendous amount of construction still re-
and U. S. supply elements in the forward mained to be done in the forward area, but
area were placed under General Johns's it could be completed concurrently with
command. In addition to carrying out the offensive.
routine service of supply functions, the new
command took over control of a pool of The Recapture of Kokoda
small boats or luggers which were being as-
sembled at Milne Bay for use in operations To marshal the troops and bring them in
against Buna.3 concerted fashion before their objective over
Dock and port improvements at Milne the mountains and along the coast of a vast,
Bay and Port Moresby were by this time well
advanced. The acute shortage of engineer 4
Msg, Gen Casey to Gen MacArthur, No. 540,
troops in the combat zone was being reme- 14 Sep 42; Msg, Gen Casey to Gen Sutherland, No.
739, 18 Sep 42; Msg, Col Matthews, US Adv Base
died by the transfer to New Guinea New Guinea, to CG USASOS, No. SR 39, 6 Oct
from Australia of all available engineer 42. All in 826, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Msg, Brig
troops, a process that in the case of the Gen Dwight F. Johns, CG COSC, to Gen Mac-
Arthur, No. RA 866, 30 Oct 42, in 385, G-3 Files,
U.S. engineers had begun in earnest in Au- GHQ SWPA; Msg, MacArthur to Marshall, No.
gust. At Milne Bay, a permanent T-shape C-731, CM-IN 07247, 17 Oct 42.
wharf to replace the previous makeshift Msg, Col Matthews, Adv Base New Guinea, to
CG USASOS, No. 712, 18 Sep 42; Msg, Gen Mac-
Ltr, CINCSWPA to Comdr ALF, 5 Oct 42, sub: Arthur to Gen Blamey, No. C-667, 27 Sep 42; in
Establishment of an Operational Service Comd in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Msg, ALF to G-3, GHQ
New Guinea, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; ALF, Rpt SWPA, No. 044, 2742, in 385, G-3 Files, GHQ
on New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43. SWPA.

undeveloped, jungle-covered island like scale the heights where the enemy troops
New Guinea was to be no easy task. The were entrenched, pushed them out of one
first drive, that along the Kokoda Trail, strongpoint after the other. The 16th Brig-
was already under way, with the Australians ade, under Brig. John E. Lloyd, relieved the
under Maj. Gen. Arthur S. Allen, General 25th Brigade on 20 October. Aided by the
Officer Commanding, 7th Australian Infan- 25th Brigade's 2/31 Battalion, the fresh
try Division, in pursuit of the retreating troops of the new brigade soon cleared the
Japanese. After abandoning Ioribaiwa, the Japanese out of the Eora Creek area and;
latter had withdrawn through the Gap, and shortly thereafter, forced them out of Alola.
by 8 October were at Templeton's Crossing. The 144th Infantry next fell back on Oivi
(Map III) Entrenching themselves on high where it was relieved on 29 October by a
ground on either side of the entrance to fresh force from the beachhead under com-
Eora Creek Gorge, the Japanese, now prin- mand of Colonel Yazawa. The new force,
cipally troops of the 2d Battalion, 144th a composite battalion of 41st Infantry troops
Infantry, held for a week and then withdrew strongly reinforced with artillery and engi-
to Eora Creek. On orders of General Horii, neer elements, was ordered to dig itself in
who was then at Kokoda, the main body of on the heights at Oivi and to hold its posi-
the 144th Infantry rejoined the 2d Battalion tions as long as possible in order to cover
on 17 October at Eora Creek where a fur- the movement of the 144th Infantry across
ther stand was made.6 the Kumusi River. The 41st Infantry troops,
The Japanese had suffered heavy losses who had brought all the food and ammuni-
at the hands of the Australians and were tion with them that they and hundreds of
being relentlessly bombed and strafed from impressed Rabaul natives could carry,
the air by the Fifth Air Force. Their troops quickly dug themselves in on the heights and
were suffering from beriberi, dysentery, lack prepared for a major stand.
of food, and some had already begun to After a short rest the 25th Brigade had
practice cannibalism.7 Yet they held to their again gone into action, and it occupied
positions tenaciously and could be dislodged Kokoda on 2 November. The Australian
only by frontal attack and the same flanking flag was raised there on that day by Maj.
tactics that the Japanese themselves had Gen. George A. Vasey, who had taken over
used so effectively in the advance to command of the 7th Division from General
Ioribaiwa. Allen a few days before. With Kokoda air-
The troops of the 25th Brigade, forced to field in Australian hands, and the 25th and
16th Brigades converging on Oivi, the pur-
Nankai Shitai Opns Order "KO" No. 127, 14
suit was virtually over.8 The troops along
Oct 42; "KO" No. 128, 15 Oct 42, in ATIS EP 39; the first axis of advance had almost reached
Diary, Actg Comdr No. 2 MG Co. 2d Bn, 144th their objective.
I n f ; Comdr ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, 23
Sep 42-22 Jan 43.
7 8
Diary, Actg Comdr, No. 2 MG Co. 2d Bn, 144th Tomita Det Bivouac Order No. 1, Giruwa, 25
I n f . This Japanese officer, then at Eora Creek, Oct 42, in ATIS EP 24; Nankai Shitai Opns Orders
noted in his diary on 17 October, that his troops "KO" No. 131, 26 Oct 42, "HEI" No. 11, 27 Oct
had been reduced to eating roots and grass, and, 42, "KO" No. 132, 30 Oct 42, "KO" No. 133, 31
two days later, wrote that "because of the food Oct 42, in ATIS EP 39; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea
shortage, some companies have been eating human Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43; Buggy, Pacific Victory,
flesh [Australian soldiers]." p. 190.

Securing the Coast of securing the northeast coast of Papua as

best he could from his own resources.11
The problem still remained how to secure By this time, it had become clear that to
the coast from Milne Bay to Cape Nelson. send the troops up the coast by boat would
Since there were then no landing craft in be both slow and dangerous. For one thing
the theater, General MacArthur had issued there were not nearly enough shallow-draft
orders in August that as many shallow-draft boats in sight to do the job properly; for
boats as possible be assembled at Milne Bay another the route between Milne Bay and
to serve the purpose. Cape Nelson and beyond Cape Nelson was
Planning for the move had scarcely begun strewn with uncharted reefs. Finally, as
when the possibility arose that Marine General Blamey observed to General Mac-
Corps troops would be made available for Arthur, to use the boats for the forward
the task. The initiative had come from Ad- movement would not only delay the opera-
miral King, who ordered Admiral Nimitz tion but might also result in the troops'
on 8 September to release a regiment of meeting the same fate that befell the Jap-
trained amphibious troops to the Southwest anese on Goodenough Island.
Pacific Area. The 8th Marine Regiment was There was fortunately a better way. In
chosen for the task. Notified four days later July the local Australian authorities had
by General Marshall that the regiment cleared off and barricaded an airstrip at
would be turned over to him by Admiral Wanigela Mission on Collingwood Bay, a
Ghormley on or about 1 October, General point within easy marching distance of
MacArthur began at once to plan for the Cape Nelson. It became possible therefore
use of the Marine unit in the coastal to get the troops forward by air, and to use
infiltration.10 the boats to supply them from Milne Bay
General MacArthur did not get the Ma- as soon as a clear channel could be charted
rine regiment. Admirals Nimitz and Ghorm- through the reefs. The air force, which by
ley had grave objections to releasing it and this time had the space, undertook to fly
told Admiral King that this highly trained the troops in, and a party of coastwatchers
amphibious unit should not be used to do in the small motorship HMAS Paluma
a job that General MacArthur's available began charting the required clear-water
troops in shallow-draft barges could prob- channel to Cape Nelson.12
ably do as well. Admiral King apparently
considered the point well taken. The offer Msg, Marshall to MacArthur, No. 2030, CM-
OUT 7382, 22 Sep 42; Msg, MacArthur to Mar-
of amphibious troops was withdrawn, and shall, No. C-554, CM-IN 9987, 23 Sep 42; Msgs,
General MacArthur was left with the task COMSOPACFOR to COMINCH, 0800, 27 Sep
42, 0256, 29 Sep 42, Pac Strat File, OPD Files.
9 12
Msgs, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. Memo, Cols Sheehan and Larr, G-3 Sec SWPA,
Q-147, CM-IN 1607, 2 Aug 42, No. C-301, CM- for Gen Chamberlin, 30 Jul 42, sub: Immediate
IN 7017, 19 Aug 42; GHQ SWPA OI No. 15, Action Required in the Buna-Milne Bay Area;
16 Aug 42. Memo, Gen Sutherland to Gen Blamey, 11 Aug 42,
Msg, CINCPAC to COMSOPAC, No. 081736, sub: Wanigela Mission; Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen
8 Sep 42, in Pac Strat File, Exec OPD File; Msg, MacArthur, 25 Sep 42; Msg, Gen Blamey to Gen
Marshall to MacArthur, No. 1719, CM-OUT 4272, MacArthur, No. 1314, 1 Oct 42. All in G-3 Jnl,
12 Sep 42; Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 25 GHQ SWPA. AAF, Air Force Statistical Digest
Sep 42; Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. World War II, Tab 93, p. 170, copy in OCMH
C-667, 27 Sep 42. Both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. files; Feldt, The Coast Watchers, pp. 186-91.

The 2/10 Battalion of the 18th Brigade ments began next morning with the initial
and attached U. S. engineer and antiaircraft flights originating at Laloki airfield near
troops were flown into Wanigela from Port Moresby. By 18 October, most of the
Milne Bay on 5 and 6 October by the 21st regiment was at Wanigela. The Band, the
and 22d Transport Squadrons of the Fifth Antitank Company, the Service Company,
Air Force. The troops immediately began and two companies of the 1st Battalion had
securing the area and preparing it for the to be left temporarily at Port Moresby when
reception of more troops. By that time the the field at Wanigela became unusable be-
Paluma had completed the charting of the cause of heavy rains.15
channel to Cape Nelson, and the boats, Preliminary reconnaissance had indi-
laden with supplies, began moving forward cated that there were excellent trails in the
to Wanigela from Milne Bay.13 Wanigela-Cape Nelson area. It was there-
General Blamey had planned to follow fore planned that the troops would march
the 2/10 Battalion with the rest of the 18th from Wanigela to Pongani, a point on the
Brigade as soon as the 17th Brigade (which western shore of Dyke Ackland Bay, about
was to replace it at Milne Bay) arrived thirty miles from Buna, which was known
there and the supply of the Wanigela area to be free of Japanese. The men of the Aus-
by sea was assured. To wait for the arrival tralian Independent Company, who were
of the 17th Brigade would have meant a specially trained in jungle operations, were
considerable delay inasmuch as it was not to go first, and the 3d, 2d, and 1st Battal-
due at Milne Bay until late October. Gen- ions, 128th Infantry, were to follow in that
eral Blamey decided therefore to use the order. The trail, which lay diagonally across
128th Infantry (then still at Port Moresby) the neck of the Cape Nelson Peninsula, was
to reinforce the Wanigela garrison. By cut by the Musa River at Totore, a day's
doing so, Blamey believed he would not march from Wanigela, and reputedly the
only save time but would also help out the only good river crossing in the area.
air force, which was reluctant to use the It was soon discovered that the recon-
airfields at Milne Bay for troop movements naissance reports had been mistaken about
because they were inferior to those at Port the condition of the trails in the Wanigela-
Moresby.14 Pongani area. The river was rising rapidly
On 13 October the 2/6 Independent and most of the trails in the area had been
Company and the 2d and 3d Battalions of obliterated. Traveling with little but their
the 128th Infantry were ordered to Wani- rifles, the Australian commandos who left
gela by air, the 3d Battalion, under Lt. Col. on the 14th as planned, managed to reach
Kelsie E. Miller, leading. The air move- Pongani, but the heavily loaded 3d Battal-
Memo, Gen Chamberlin for Gen Sutherland, 6
Oct 42; Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 7 Oct Plan of Comdr Allied Land Forces in New
42; Msg, Col Matthews to CG USASOS, No. SR Guinea As Arranged in Conf, 11 Oct 42; Ltr, Gen
65, 7 Oct 42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. AAF, Harding to Gen Sutherland, 12 Oct 42; NGF OI
Air Action in the Papuan Campaign, pp. 69-70; No. 38, 13 Oct 42; Col J. Tracy Hale, Jr., Answers
Feldt, The Coast Watchers, p. 190. to Questions by Hist Sec, GHQ SWPA, As to Cer-
Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 7 Oct 42; tain Phases of the Papuan Campaign. All in G-3
NGF OI No. 35, 8 Oct 42; Msg, Gen Blamey to Gen Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Ltr Col Miller to Gen Ward, 26
MacArthur, No. Z-29, 10 Oct 42. All in G-3 Jnl Mar 51; 128th Inf Hist of Papuan Campaign; 32d
GHQ, SWPA. Div AAR, Papuan Campaign.

ion, only a day behind the Australians, was ion present at Wanigela were to follow im-
unable to get through. After floundering in mediately, and the rest of the battalion was
knee-deep swamps, the men reached Totore to be transferred to Pongani in the same
on the afternoon of 16 October, and went fashion as soon as it reached Wanigela.16
into camp near by at Guri Guri, called by The 3d Battalion marched overland from
Colonel Miller "the most filthy, swampy, Totore to Gobe in two echelons, taking
mosquito infested area" that he had ever approximately four days for the move.
seen in New Guinea. Some of the men picked up malaria in the
A crossing by log raft was attempted at mosquito-infested swamps along the Musa,
a nearby native village. Reconnaissance on and the weakening effects of the march were
the far side showed that a crossing there apparent in the subsequent operations of
would put the battalion on the wrong route, the battalion.17
and the project was abandoned in favor of a The coastal shuttle had meanwhile gone
crossing farther upstream. On 18 October, into operation, despite the fact that little
1,500 feet of cable was dropped from the was known at that time about the waters
air at Guri Guri. No tools, tie wire, clamps, past Wanigela. The available information
or bolts were dropped with the cable. Com- was that boats of up to twelve-foot draft
pany M, under Capt. Frank N. Williams, could safely negotiate the coastal waters
and a platoon of Company C, 114th Engi- between Milne Bay and Wanigela, but that
neer Battalion, carried the cable, strung out only small luggers or trawlers would be able
by hand, to the upstream site and started to get around Cape Nelson because of sub-
establishing the crossing there. merged reefs in that area, some of them only
Though still without tools, clamps, or tie a few feet from the surface. The plan for
wire, Captain Williams soon had a make- the shuttle was worked out accordingly.
shift crossing over the Musa. It too was Large fishing boats of between 100 and 120
abandoned when ANGAU passed on the tons, loaded so as to draw not more than
information that the trail leading out of the twelve feet of water, would bring the sup-
site was under seven feet of water, and im- plies forward from Milne Bay to Wanigela,
passable to anything except small boats and and a flotilla of eight luggers with an aver-
native canoes.
On 23 October Company M and the 16
Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 18 Oct
engineer platoon rejoined the 3d Battalion, 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltrs, Gen Harding
which had been ordered from Guri Guri to to Gen MacNider, Wanigela, 19 Oct 42 and 21 Oct
42; Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Sutherland, 20 Oct
Gobe, west of Porlock Harbor. The battal- 42; Memos, Gen MacNider for Gen Harding, 21
ion was to be shuttled from Gobe to Pongani Oct 42 and 22 Oct 42, copies in OCMH files;
in such of the boats coming in with sup- Interv with Gen Chamberlin, 14 Jan 50; Ltr, Col
Miller to Gen Ward, 27 Mar 51 ; Ltr, Col Miller to
plies from Milne Bay as could negotiate the author, 7 Jan 52; 114th Engr Bn, Engr Opns in
treacherous waters around Cape Nelson. the Papuan Campaign; 128th Inf Hist of Papuan
The 2d Battalion, which had been just be- Campaign.
Ltr, Col Alexander J. MacNab to Gen Ward, 7
hind the 3d on the Wanigela-Totore track, Mar 51; Ltr, Col Miller to author, 7 Jan 52; Col
was ordered back to Wanigela, to be moved Hale, Answers to Questions by Hist Sec, GHQ
SWPA, as to Certain Phases of the Papuan Cam-
to Pongani by sea as soon as shipping was paign; 128th Inf Hist of Papuan Campaign; 32d
available. The elements of the 1st Battal- Div AAR, Papuan Campaign.

age displacement of about 20 tons, would Despite this initial error, and the fact that
carry them around Cape Nelson to Pongani. the luggers did not operate during daylight
The larger boats were to be under control to avoid being attacked by Japanese air-
of the Combined Operational Service Com- craft, the Wanigela-Pongani shuttle con-
mand, while the luggers would come under tinued in successful operation through the
command of Lt. Col. Laurence A. Mc- rest of October. The few quartermaster
Kenny, Quartermaster of the 32d Divi- troops under Colonel McKenny's com-
sion.18 mand had a difficult time of it. There were
The first two luggers reached Wanigela no piers or jetties in the area and no light-
on 17 October and were at once sent for- ers. To unload the luggers they had to pile
ward to Pongani with men and supplies. the cargo on native outrigger canoes, row-
Early the following morning, a Fifth Air boats, or canvas-sided engineer boats.
Force B-25 mistook them for the enemy and Then, aided wherever possible by natives
bombed the boats off Pongani. Two men and tactical forces from the shore, they
were killed: Lt. A. B. Fahnestock, in charge would take to the water and, stark naked,
of small boat operations for the COSC, and push the tiny craft through the breakers,
Byron Darnton, a veteran correspondent of unload, and go back again, making dozens
The New York Times who had served with of trips through the night without rest in
the 32d Division during World War I, and order to be on their way again before day-
had looked forward to reporting its opera- light.20
tions in World War II. Several others were These small seaborne supply and troop
wounded, and one of the boats suffered such movements had their effect. By 2 Novem-
severe damage that it had to be withdrawn ber, the day the Australians retook Kokoda,
from the run.19 the 128th Infantry, less only the elements
still at Port Moresby, was at Pongani and
Msgs, Col Matthews to CG USASOS, No. SR Mendaropu and rapidly growing supply
35, 6 Oct 42, No. SR 65, 7 Oct 42; Msg, Gen dumps had been established at both points.
MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. C-892, 18 Oct 42.
All in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Msg, ALF to
The discovery by the Paluma in early
Milcomd, Moresby, No. QM 57797, 24 Oct 42, in November that the larger vessels operated
385, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA; 32d QM Bn, Rpt on by the COSC could safely round Cape Nel-
Activities, Papuan Campaign; 107th QM Det, Hist
Papuan Campaign; Interv with Gen Harding, 29 son further increased the usefulness of the
Jun 49. luggers. The bigger boats from Milne Bay
Ltr, Lt Col Laurence A. McKenny, QMC, to
Gen MacNider, n. d., sub: Report of attack by began discharging their cargo at Porlock
unidentified bomber at Pongani, New Guinea, 18
Oct 42, copy in OCMH files; Allied Air Force Opns
Rpt, 2400, 18 Oct 42. In a letter to General Suther-
land, General Harding had this to say of the blun- 20
32d QM Bn, Rpt on Activities, Papuan Cam-
der, "Everyone hereabouts is distressed over the paign; 107th QM Det, Hist Papuan Campaign;
death of Darnton and Fahnestock. I knew Darnton
32d Div AAR, Papuan Campaign; E. J. Kahn, Jr.,
quite well . . . and considered him one damn good
correspondent and swell guy. He was hot to be on
G. I. Jungle (New York, 1943), p. 88.
the spot for the first contact of American Army Msg, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, No. Z-
ground troops with the Japs. I told him that this 108, 2 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Msg,
would probably be it and gave him permission to Col Matthews to CINCSWPA, No. P-48, 5 Nov 42,
go." Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Sutherland, 20 Oct in 384, No. 2, New Guinea File, G-3 Files, GHQ
42, copy in OCMH files. SWPA.

Harbor, and the luggers, in turn, began forth through the night, it deposited 250
shuttling between Porlock and Pongani.22 Japanese troops on nearby Fergusson
Island, where they were picked up by a
The Recapture of Goodenough Island cruiser and taken to Rabaul. The few
stragglers left behind on Goodenough were
GHQ had ordered that, in addition to quickly mopped up by the Australians who
securing the coast between Milne Bay and at once took appropriate measures for the
Cape Nelson, the Commander, New Guinea island's security.25
Force, was to recapture Goodenough Island,
a flanking position which in enemy hands The March to Jaure
could imperil the advance along the north-
east coast of Papua. The task of taking the On the Kapa Kapa trail, meanwhile,
island went to the 2/12 Battalion of the 18th Captain Boice and a small party were ad-
Brigade, then still at Milne Bay. The vancing toward Jaure and Major Baetcke,
troops, in two destroyers, were landed on in command at "Kalamazoo," was building
both sides of the island's southern tip on a forward supply base at Arapara, about
the night of 22-23 October and drove in- thirty miles away by trail. Though the road
land.23 was still unfinished, it was possible by this
There were some 290 Japanese on the time for jeeps to travel over it as far as
island, sixty of the 353 troops of the Sasebo Nepeana, a distance of about fourteen miles.
5th SNLF who had been stranded there on Over the remaining sixteen miles the track
26 August having been evacuated to Buna was so steep and so rough that native car-
by submarine before the Australians riers had to be used to do the job. Super-
landed.24 The submarine had brought in vised by ANGAU officers the natives were
food and ammunition, and the remaining hard at work moving the supplies forward
Japanese, well dug in, resisted tenaciously on their backs.26
during the daylight hours of the 23d, but The results of Captain Boice's reconnais-
only to gain time. That night, the subma- sance were soon in. After being delayed at
rine came in again. Shuttling back and Laruni, about fifty miles out, because he
Msg, Gen MacArthur to CG USASOS, No. C- had run out of rations and an airdrop that
1065, 3 Nov 42, in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA; he had asked for had not materialized in
Memo, NOIC Port Moresby for NGF, 4 Nov 42, time, Boice had finally reached Jaure on 4
sub: Milne Bay to Buna Sea Route, in G-3 Jnl,
GHQ SWPA; Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47. October. Next day he reported by radio
NGF OI No. 19, 1 Oct 42, and No. 39, 17 Oct that the trail although taxing was prac-
42; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Goodenough ticable for marching. General Harding, who
Island and Milne Bay.
AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al.; Naval Account, had moved the divisional CP to Kalamazoo,
Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea. An enemy
diary captured at Buna recounts that since the
Japanese troops stranded on Goodenough Island AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al.; Naval Account,
"were without provisions and communications facil- Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea, p. 27; ALF,
ities, three messengers were sent [to Buna] for help. Rpt on New Guinea Opns, Goodenough Island and
Before departure, these three men burned their Milne Bay.
skin to look like natives. They accomplished their Memo, Col Quinn for Brig Hopkins, 3 Oct 42,
mission after covering more than 100 nautical miles sub: Report of Reconnaissance, Cobaregari-Jaure
in a canoe." Diary, member 15th Naval Pioneer track, in 126th Inf CT Patrol Rpts Jnl; Interv with
Unit, in ATIS CT 14, No. 176. Col Baetcke, 1 Nov 50.


at once secured permission from New der 1st Lt. James G. Downer and a forty-
Guinea Force to send forward an advance man rifle platoon under 1st Lt. Harold B.
echelon of the 126th Infantry. Except for Chandler, Jr.—as his advance guard. The
Company E, at Nepeana, the regiment was force as it left Kalikodobu numbered 250,
then encamped at Bootless Inlet near Port with 100 natives attached. Medendorp's
Moresby. The advance unit was to be com- orders were to establish dropping grounds
posed of the 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, at Laruni and Jaure and to build up stocks
supported by troops of the regimental Anti- of food and supplies there for the use of the
tank and Cannon Companies operating as main force when it began moving. By ar-
riflemen, who were to go first. rangement with the air force, the Band,
The Antitank and Cannon Companies Service, and Casual Companies were to load
and a small medical detachment, all under the planes and do the actual dropping.
the command of Captain Medendorp, left Because the troops were fresh to the jun-
Kalikodobu for Nepeana en route to Jaure gle, too heavily burdened, and not in top
on 6 October. At Nepeana, Medendorp was condition, the first day's march to Nepeana
to use forty-five men from Company E—a (where Company E was encamped) did not
five-man communications detachment un- go well. Hearing that the troops had fared

badly, General Harding, who reached reached the bivouac that night with a platoon
Nepeana by jeep early the next morning to of limping and dazed men. There were no
see the men off, gave orders that their packs stragglers however, for it was feared all
be lightened and their ammunition cut through the march that stragglers might be
killed by a Jap patrol.
down. In addition, he ordered the forty-
five men detailed as advance guard to push On the fourth day the troops reached
ahead for Jaure "without regard to the Arapara, halfway to Laruni, and the last
progress of the other two companies. . . ." point which could be supplied from Kala-
Lieutenants Downer and Chandler—Dow- mazoo.29 The next day most of the native
ner going first—were to come under com- carriers deserted, and the weary troops were
mand of Captain Boice upon their arrival left to carry their rations and heavy supplies
at Jaure, where they were ultimately to be themselves.
reunited with their company.27 After a hard uphill climb the Medendorp
The second day's march, through com- force reached Laruni, which was on a
paratively easy country, went off without mountain top, on 13 October. The advance
difficulty. The next day when the foothills guard, traveling light and moving fast, was
of the range were reached told a different a day ahead. On 14 October, just as the
story, especially for the troops of the Anti- Medendorp force began establishing a
tank and Cannon Companies. These men dropping ground at Laruni, the 2d Battal-
were in much poorer condition than the ion, 126th Infantry, under the battalion
men of the advance guard, who had been commander, Lt. Col. Henry A. Geerds,
longer in the area and had had a chance to began leaving Kalikodobu for Jaure. At-
toughen up while helping the engineers tached was the 19th Portable Hospital and
build the road to Nepeana. a platoon of the 114th Engineer Battalion.
As Medendorp recalls the situation: The force was almost 900 strong and had
several hundred native carriers accompany-
The troops had no trail discipline. The hills
were steeper. Footing was insecure. Leeches ing it. The companies were following each
and insects began to be a nuisance. The trail other at a day's interval, with Company E,
was strewn with cast-off articles. Leather toilet
sets, soap, socks, and extra underwear told a
tale of exhaustion and misery. Upon reaching 28
Maj Medendorp, The March and Operations
streams, the men would rush to them and of the Antitank and Cannon Companies, 126th In-
drink, regardless of the fact that upstream fantry, 4 Oct-28 Nov 42.
some soldier might be washing his feet. The Just as the troops were settling themselves for
trail was filled with struggling individuals, the night, thirty-five men of the 21st Brigade, whom
many lying on one side panting for breath. the Japanese had cut off on the Kokoda Trail
almost a month before, staggered into camp. The
The medical officer bringing up the rear, Australians, starving, exhausted, and nursing old
untreated wounds, were in a pitiful state. After they
had been given food, and Capt. Lester Segal, the
Memo, Col Quinn for Brig Hopkins, 3 Oct 42, medical officer, had taken care of their wounds,
sub: Report of Reconnaissance, Cobaregari-Jaure they were directed to Kalamazoo, where, Colonel
track; Memo, Col Quinn for Gen Harding, 15 Oct Baetcke recalls, twenty of the thirty-five had to be
42. Both in 126th Inf CT Patrol Rpts Jnl. Ltr, Gen hospitalized immediately upon arrival. Ltr, Capt
Harding to Gen Sutherland, 12 Oct 42: Maj Med- Medendorp to Col Quinn (by hand via Maj
endorp, The March and Operations of the Antitank Baetcke), 9 Oct 42, sub: Daily Report, in 2d Bn,
and Cannon Companies, 126th Infantry, 4 Oct-28 126th Inf, Trail Opns J n l ; Interv with Col Baetcke,
Nov 42. 17 Nov 50.

under Captain Schultz, leading, and Com- over vines and roots with every step as they
pany F, under Lt. Erwin Nummer, imme- made their way through the muck and
diately behind. slime. The ever-present mud was sometimes
After leaving a forty-two-man detach- so deep that the men sank into it up to their
ment at Laruni to take care of the dropping knees and had to have help in extricating
ground, Medendorp pushed on to Jaure themselves. The swollen mountain streams
and reached it on 20 October, four days through which the men had to wade had
after Downer and Chandler got there. The currents of up to twenty miles per hour—
next day, on orders of New Guinea Force, sufficient to knock a man down during some
he sent a fifty-man detachment of the Can- of the crossings.
non Company northeastward into the To follow the stream beds gave no relief.
Kumusi River Valley. These men were to Not only were they cluttered with immense
be joined immediately by the rest of the boulders but the streams became roaring
troops of the Antitank and Cannon Com- torrents at a moment's notice, and the men
panies, in order to prevent a possible Jap- had no choice but to take to the trail again.
anese attack on Jaure from the Wairopi Immense ridges, or "razorbacks," fol-
area. lowed each other in succession like the teeth
The march was much more difficult for of a saw. As a rule, the only way the troops
the 2d Battalion than for the troops with could get up these ridges, which were
Boice and Medendorp because, while it had steeper than along the Kokoda Trail, was
rained spasmodically during the first two either on hands and knees, or by cutting
weeks of October, the heaviest rains fell just steps into them with ax and machete. To
as the battalion began leaving Kalikadobu. rest, the men simply leaned forward, hold-
Beginning 15 October, a steady downpour ing on to vines and roots in order to keep
gave the men no respite through five days themselves from slipping down the moun-
and five nights. Even after the elements tainside.
abated a little, heavy rains during the after- Plunging down the face of one such ridge,
noon and at night left the troops drenched the troops would find themselves faced with
and miserable. the towering slope of another only a stone's
The Owen Stanley divide at Mount Su- throw away. Four or five ridges—only a few
wemalla (or, as the troops called it, "Ghost miles as the crow flies—meant a day's
Mountain"), was a dank, eerie place a few march. The same troops that, in one in-
days out of Laruni. It rose 2,000 feet higher stance, stumbled, slipped, or fell more than
than the Gap, and the terrain was, without 2,000 feet in forty minutes on a downward
qualification, rougher and more precipitous slope took almost eight hours, most of it on
than that over which the Australians and hands and knees, to cover the last 2,000
Japanese were struggling further to the feet of the 9,000-foot divide.
northwest. Captain Schultz reported that Profiting from the experience of Boice
the trail was so narrow that "even a jack and Medendorp, the battalion had stripped
rabbit couldn't leave it." The troops had to for the march. Gas masks, helmets, mess
march in single file, and there was usually kits, and heavy weapons had been left be-
no place on either side of the trail for a hind, and the ammunition load had been
bivouac. In the jungle the men stumbled cut down. But so rough was the trail and so

arduous the march that even the lightened the men had to cut holes in the seats of their
packs proved too heavy. Piece by piece, the trousers, so completely had they lost control
men discarded toilet articles, raincoats, of their bowel movements.
shelter-halves, mosquito nets, and even The medical officers marching at the
blankets. As a result the troops, who were rear of the column did what they could for
constantly at the mercy of chiggers, mites, those who because of exhaustion, dysentery,
mosquitoes, and leeches, spent their nights and other ailments could not keep up. It
being cold as well as wet.30 was a great deal, and in the opinion of one
The men had been poorly fed. They were, who made the march, many members of
for the most part, on the Australian ration— the battalion owed their lives to these doc-
hardtack, bully beef, and tea, supplemented tors who picked them up and cared for them
by a little rice. Because the unceasing wet when they were so sick and weak that "they
had made it virtually impossible for them were ready to call it 'quits' and die." 32
either to heat the ration or to boil water for The 1st Sergeant of Company E, Paul R.
tea, most ate the food cold and threw away Lutjens, recalls the march in these words:
the tea. The bully beef (corned, preserved It was one green hell to Jaure. We went up
beef of Australian manufacture) came in and down continuously; the company would
large, four- or five-pound tins. It was not be stretched over two or three miles. We'd
only unappetizing, it often had a revolting start at six every morning by cooking rice or
trying to. Two guys would work together. If
fish-oil taste that caused some of the troops they could start a fire which was hard because
to retch when they tried eating it. Many of the wood was wet even when you cut deep
the tins had become contaminated: some into the center of the log, they'd mix a little
had been contused or sprung when they bully beef into a canteen cup with rice, to get
were dropped from the air; others had been the starchy taste out of it. Sometimes we'd
take turns blowing on sparks trying to start a
left out in the open without cover and had fire, and keep it up for two hours without
rusted. This contamination, together with success. I could hardly describe the country.
the impossibility of sterilizing the few eat- It would take five or six hours to go a mile,
ing utensils the troops had with them, and edging along cliff walls, hanging on to vines,
the tendency of the oversize cans of beef to up and down, up and down. The men got
weaker; guys began to lag back. . . . An
spoil before they were completely consumed, officer stayed at the end of the line to keep
had its effect. Acute diarrhea and dysentery driving the stragglers. There wasn't any way
gripped most of the battalion, and many of of evacuating to the rear. Men with sprained
ankles hobbled along as well as they could,
driven on by fear of being left behind. . . ." 33
Msg, Capt Melvin Schultz to Col Quinn, 0200,
25 Oct 42, in 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Trail Opns Jnl;
Interv, Col Harry Knight, CAV, with Lt Col Henry Odell, Buna, 12 Dec 42; Interv with Maj Odell,
A. Geerds, n. d. [Circa 15 Nov 42], abstract in 14 Dec 50; Ltr, Maj Gen C. A. Martin to Gen
OCMH files, original in Mr. Hanson W. Baldwin's Ward, 6 Mar 51: Durdin, "The Grim Hide and
personal possession; Robert H. Odell, Buna, 12 Dec Seek of Jungle War," The New York Times Maga-
42, abstract in OCMH files; Interv with Maj Robert zine, 7 Mar 43; Kahn, "The Terrible Days of
H. Odell, 14 Dec 50; Kahn, "The Terrible Days of Company E," pp. 43-44.
Company E," The Saturday Evening Post, 8 Jan 44, Ltr, Col Herbert M. Smith to General Ward,
pp. 43-44; Hanson W. Baldwin, "Doughboy's 9 Mar 51.
March a High Point in the War," The New York Kahn, "The Terrible Days of Company E,"
Times, 7 May 44. p. 43.

As the march continued, the suffering of the east bank of the Kumusi in the shadow
the men increased, and Sergeant Lutjens of Mount Lamington. With a base camp
wrote in his diary: ". . . Our strength is and dropping ground at Kovio and, two
about gone. Most of us have dysentery. Boys days away, an advance post at Barumbila,
are falling out and dropping back with ten miles south of Wairopi, it was actively
fever. Continual downpour of rain. It's patrolling the area forward of Barumbila.36
hard to cook our rice and tea. Bully beef
makes us sick. We seem to climb straight Completing the Deployment
up for hours, then down again. God, will it
never end?" 34 The Discovery of the Airfields
After plunging through gorges, wading
neck-deep streams, scaling cliffs, and slog- The 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, with
ging over muddy trails, the men of Schultz's attached regimental and divisional troops,
company reached Jaure on 25 October ex- was the only American force to march over
hausted, their clothing in tatters and their the Owen Stanleys since a better way had
shoes moldy and worn out. The march had been found to get the troops forward. Act-
been too much for Colonel Geerds. He suf- ing on his own volition, Cecil Abel, a mis-
fered a heart attack on the trail and had to sionary and long-time resident of the Abau
be evacuated to Port Moresby. Ordered district, came to Port Moresby with the
forward from Kalikadobu, Maj. Herbert information that there was an excellent air-
M. Smith, previously supply liaison officer field site near Fasari, in the upper valley of
for the regiment, took over as battalion the Musa River. General MacNider and
commander.35 Colonel Bradley, recognizing the impor-
By 28 October, the other companies had tance of the information, rushed Abel to
reached Jaure and the main body of the Kalamazoo to see General Harding. Hav-
battalion began leaving Jaure for Natunga ing realized the difficulty of getting any
and Bofu, points in the steep foothills of the sizable body of troops across the Owen
range northeast of Jaure leading to the Stanleys by marching, Harding welcomed
Buna area. Companies E and F, the first the news. He saw in the field of which Abel
to arrive, had gone on ahead to prepare spoke a way of getting his remaining troops
dropping grounds at Natunga and Bofu. across the mountains swiftly, and without
Already in place to the west, where they dulling their physical edge. He was con-
were guarding the battalion's flank and
rear, were the Antitank and Cannon Com-
panies under Captain Medendorp. The Msgs, 14-29 Oct 42, in 126th Inf CT Trail
Medendorp force, now known as the W or Opns Jnl; Ltr, Col Quinn to Gen Harding, 5 Nov
42, sub: Plan of Withdrawal from Wairopi-Bofu
Wairopi Patrol, had elements operating on area, in 126th Inf CT, S-2, S-3 Jnl; 32d Div
Sitreps, Nos. 5-10, 22-27 Oct 42, No. 36, 8 Nov
42; 114th Engr Bn (C) Hist Papuan Campaign:
Ibid. Hist Adv Det and 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Papuan Cam-
Odell, Buna, 12 Dec 42; Interv with Maj Odell, paign; 126th Inf Hist Papuan Campaign; Maj
14 Dec 50; Hist Adv Det and 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Medendorp, The March and Operations of the
Papuan Campaign; Kahn, "The Terrible Days of Antitank and Cannon Companies, 126th Inf, 4 Oct
Company E," pp. 43-44. 42-28 Nov 42.

vinced of the feasibility of the idea when of Company C, 114th Engineer Battalion,
Abel assured him that a trail on high at Pongani.
ground, suitable for marching, led from
the site of the airfield to Pongani, forty-five General Blamey's Proposal
miles away. Returning to Port Moresby the
next day, Harding enlisted the aid of Gen- The question as to whether the Kapa
eral Whitehead, who was also much taken Kapa-Jaure track would be used for fur-
with the idea. Abel returned at once to ther troop movements was not easily dis-
Fasari and, with the aid of native labor missed. On 19 October, the day that he
and hand tools dropped from the air by the received word that Abel's field was ready
Fifth Air Force, soon had a field there for use, General Harding asked permission
suitable for the use of transports. Thus, from New Guinea Force to fly in the 1st
when Colonel Sverdrup reached the upper and 3d Battalions, 126th Infantry, to the
Musa on 19 October, after toiling labori- field. From there the two units would march
ously over the mountainous Abau track, to Pongani. General Herring had been in
he found C-47's already using the field, favor of the plan, but General Blamey had
the first plane having landed there that turned it down on the ground that, except
day.37 for Abel's word, there was no proof that a
Within days of the completion of the practicable trail to Pongani existed. On 30
strip, which was fittingly given the name October Harding proposed that the 1 st and
Abel's Field, three other promising sites 3d Battalions be flown across the mountains
were found in the same general area. The to Pongani and Kinjaki Barige. This time,
first, suitable only for emergency landings, Blamey approved the plan, and at once
was at Embessa, a few miles north of Abel's asked General MacArthur's concurrence
Field; the second, a much better site, was for the transfer by air to Pongani of the
at Kinjaki Barige, about twenty-five miles two battalions, and for the immediate land-
farther and northwest from Embessa; the ing of supplies for their support at Abel's
third, also an excellent site, was at Pongani field and Kinjaki Barige.40
itself.38 As had been the case at Abel's Field, 39
Msgs, Col Sverdrup to Gen Casey, No. 930,
little more was required to convert these 19 Oct 42, n.n., 26 Oct 42, n.n., 27 Oct 42, No.
1686, 29 Oct 42, No. RQ-902, 30 Oct 42. All in
sites into acceptable landing fields than cut- 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. 114th Engr Bn (C)
ting over and burning tall grass and small Hist Papuan Campaign; 32d Div AAR, Papuan
Campaign. For the native labor required to build
trees. By early November Colonel Sverdrup these airfields the United States paid the following:
had finished the job, using native labor at 1,500 lbs. of trading tobacco, 50 bolts of cloth,
Embessa and Kinjaki Barige, and members 1,000 Boy Scout knives, 50 cases of canned meat,
200 lbs. of salt, 1,000 tin-plate bowls, 1,000 spoons,
and 1,000 packages of garden seed. Ltr, Gen Casey
to Agent, Finance Officer, Base Sec 3, Brisbane,
1 Oct 42, with indorsements, in 384, G-3 Files,
Ltrs, Gen Harding to Gen Sutherland, 12 Oct GHQ SWPA.
42 and 14 Oct 42, copies in OCMH files; Interv Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen MacArthur, 30 Oct
with Gen Harding, 29 Jun 49; Ltr, Gen Harding 42; Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Sutherland, 31 Oct
to author, 24 Jul 51. 42. Copies in OCMH files. Msg, Gen Blamey to
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. C- Gen MacArthur, No. Z-105, 31 Oct 42, in G-3 Jnl,
818, 11 Oct 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr, Gen GQH SWPA; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul
Harding to Gen Sutherland, 12 Oct 42. 51.

Because of events in the Solomons, Gen- Arthur added that the original plan to com-
eral MacArthur did not immediately give bine the advance along the Kokoda Trail
his concurrence. The situation in the South with an envelopment from Jaure was still
Pacific (where Vice Adm. William F. Hal- the safest line of action, since it could be
sey had succeeded Admiral Ghormley as followed by a movement on Buna in con-
Commander, South Pacific Area, on 18 junction with envelopments from both
October) had become critical. After suc- Jaure and Pongani.43
cessfully landing troops on Guadalcanal, General Blamey assured General Mac-
the Japanese on 23 October had launched Arthur that he had never intended to con-
a fierce attack on the airfield. The land at- centrate the remaining units of the 126th
tack was co-ordinated with a move south- Infantry at Pongani. His intention had been
ward from Rabaul of heavy Japanese naval rather to consolidate the regiment (less the
forces, including carriers. On 26-27 Oc- 250 men in the Kumusi Valley) at Bofu.
tober the attacks, both by land and by sea, The troops would be flown to the Pongani
were repulsed with heavy losses to the en- area only because the airfields were there,
emy. The situation, however, continued and there was nowhere else to land them.
grave, for the American fleet, after losing Immediately upon disembarking, they
one of its two carriers and suffering heavy would leave the coastal area and march in-
damage to the other, had been forced to land to Bofu and join the 2d Battalion.
withdraw, leaving the Japanese free to con- The march from Pongani to Bofu would be
tinue with the reinforcement of their by a route south of, and protected by,
expeditionary force on Guadalcanal. Hydrographer's Range. For additional pro-
General MacArthur had already pre- tection, the 2/6 Independent Company, at
pared a plan for withdrawal from the north Pongani, would be assigned to patrol the
coast and, if necessary, from New Guinea, trails north of the range. The 250-man force
should the Japanese take Guadalcanal and in the Kumusi Valley would remain there
then turn their full strength on New to harass enemy communications and would
Guinea.42 He therefore answered General come under 7th Division command when
Blamey that as long as the situation in the the Australians crossed the Kumusi River.
Solomons remained indecisive, and the en- Having clarified his proposal, General
emy had afloat large bodies of troops which Blamey asked General MacArthur to give
could be easily turned against New Guinea, further consideration to the request that
it was unsafe to concentrate as large a force the remaining units of the 126th Infantry
as two regiments, less one battalion, in the be flown to the north shore. Lines of with-
Pongani area—at least before the line of the drawal Blamey added, were available both
Kumusi River was secured. General Mac- from Pongani and Bofu and, while not easy
to use, were believed to be no more difficult
than those over the Kokoda Trail.44
Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, pp.
138-39, 156-59, 166-69; USSBS, The Campaigns
of the Pacific War, pp. 119-23.
42 43
PETERSBURG Plan, Redistribution of Allied Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. C-
Forces, Southwest Pacific Area, in the event of Japa- 1045, 1 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
nese Success in the Solomon Islands, 31 Oct 42, Msg, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, No. Z-
abstract in OCMH files. 108, 2 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

CROSSING A BRANCH OF ERORO CREEK, elements of the 32d Division make

their way to Embogo, 5 November 1942.

The Final Decision to Kokoda, Bofu, and Pongani would have

to be completed before the movement of
After reconsidering the matter, General the 126th Infantry from Port Moresby be-
MacArthur told General Blamey that he gan. Since these movements would place a
was very much in favor of an early attack tremendous strain upon the air force,
and would be in complete accord with such Blamey was told to make sure that the at-
a proposal if sufficient supplies could be tack was logistically feasible before the
provided by air in time to assure its success. troops were ordered forward. 45
This meant, he stipulated, that at least ten That same day, 2 November, General
days' rations and appropriate amounts of MacArthur picked 15 November as the
ammunition and medical supplies would tentative date of attack. The following day,
have to be in place behind each of the three
columns before an advance was ordered. 45
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Blamey, No. C-
What was more, the air supply movements 1060, 2 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.

CHOW LINE ALONG THE MUDDY TRAIL. 128th Infantrymen en route to Oro
Bay from Pongani.

New Guinea Force ordered the 32d Divi- Drawing the Noose Tight
sion to patrol up to, but to make no move
beyond, the Oro Bay—Bofu-Wairopi line Oivi and Gorari
until so ordered. On 6 November an ad-
vance echelon of General Headquarters Progress on the main axis of advance ac-
opened at Port Moresby, and General Mac- celerated when Kokoda was recaptured.
Arthur arrived there the same day to direct The airfield was quickly reconditioned and
the operations.46 lengthened to accommodate C-47's, and
the Fifth Air Force at once began using it
to fly in food, guns, and ammunition in
Msq, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 430, 3 Nov 42, in support of the Australian advance. Vehicles,
32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Msg, Gen MacArthur to bridging equipment, and other parapher-
CG ALF, New Guinea, No. G-1102, 6 Nov 42, in
G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Msg, Gen MacArthur to
nalia followed. The supply nightmare that
Gen Marshall, No. C-940, CM-IN 3061, 7 Nov 42. had beset the Australians in the Owen

Stanleys was over. What 2,000 natives and by the 3d Australian Infantry Battalion, a
dropping from the air could not do in days, militia unit, the brigade began flanking on
it was now possible to accomplish by plane right and left. By 8 November elements
in minutes. With Kokoda airfield as their of the 2/1 Battalion, moving around the
rearward base, the Australians could ad- Japanese south (left) flank, were in con-
vance on the beachhead with confidence.47 tact with the enemy southeast of Gorari.
Colonel Yazawa's troops, having come in On 9 November the 25th Brigade joined
from the beachhead, were well dug in when the 2/1 Battalion, and the Australians
the 16th Brigade, advancing over the pounced on the Japanese at Gorari.
Abuari-Missima-Fila cutoff, attacked to- With the Australians in front and rear,
ward Oivi on 4 November. The Japanese Colonel Yazawa realized it was time to pull
had artillery emplaced on the heights and, out. That night he evacuated Oivi unob-
as both Colonel Yazawa and General Horii served with what was left of his force—900
hoped, enough food and ammunition for at men. With him were General Horii and
least a week's stand, followed by an orderly several members of the Shitai staff, who had
withdrawal. The 3d Battalion, 144th In- apparently been inspecting Yazawa's po-
fantry, with attached engineer troops was at sition when the Australians cut between it
Gorari, a few miles to the east, where it had and Gorari. Abandoning guns and ammu-
been sent the day before by General Horii nition, and indeed everything that would
to prevent an Australian break-through on impede their flight, the Japanese took the
Colonel Yazawa's left rear. The rest of the only remaining route of escape left to
144th Infantry and attached divisional and them—the rugged jungle country northeast
regimental units were in bivouac at Ilimo. of Oivi. Since the mouth of the Kumusi
They were resting and recovering their was only about twenty miles north of Gona,
strength preparatory to crossing the Kumusi Yazawa planned to follow the river bank to
River. Since Colonel Kusunose had been the sea and then move to Gona by way of
evacuated to Rabaul in late October because the coast.
of sickness and wounds, Colonel Tsukamoto, After circling through the jungle, the
commander of the 1st Battalion, 144th In- troops of the Yazawa Force came out on the
fantry, who had led the initial attack on left bank of the Kumusi, well north of the
Kokoda, was temporarily in command of Australians. Shaking off all attempts of the
the regiment.48 latter to overtake them, they struck off
The 16th Brigade met stiff resistance toward the river's mouth—their ultimate
when it attacked toward Oivi. Reinforced destination, Gona.
Gorari was completely overrun by 12 No-
vember. More than 500 Japanese were
NGF OI No. 40, 31 Oct 42, and No. 42, 14 killed there; guns, small arms, and ammuni-
Nov. 42; Msg, Gen Sutherland to Gen MacArthur,
No. P-48, 6 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; tion were captured: and some 200 Rabaul
ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan natives were liberated. The Japanese suf-
43; AAF, Air Actn in the Papuan Campaign, p. 72.
67th LofC Hospital Orders, 31 Oct 42, in ATIS fered heavily at Gorari, but the much larger
EP 24; Nankai Shitai Opns Orders: "KO" No. body of Japanese at Ilimo, as well as a
133, 31 Oct 42, "KO" No. A-135, 3 Nov 42, "KO" remnant of the Gorari force, got away.
No. 136, 3 Nov 42, in ATIS EP No. 39; No. A-136,
3 Nov 42, in ATIS CT 4, No. 103. Japanese sick and wounded began crossing

the Kumusi on 10 November, and the main area on 2 November, after a comparatively
body crossed on the night of 12-13 No- easy march from Jaure. After spending
vember, covered by a small rear guard which more than a week in the area drawing ra-
dug itself in at Ilimo. With the sick and tions, helmets, boots, and other equipment
wounded, some 1,200 men crossed the river, at the Natunga dropping ground, the bat-
mostly on rafts. The incoming troops talion pushed on to Gora and Bofu, reach-
reached Giruwa several days later, hungry ing the latter point on 12 November.
and mostly weaponless, having lost most Captain Boice had been unable to find
of their equipment, stores, and ammuni- even one good dropping ground between
tion either before or during the crossing.49 Jaure and Natunga. As a result, most of
The Japanese had taken heavy losses at the rations dropped from the air between
Oivi and Gorari, and their forces had been those two points had been lost, and the
scattered. Colonel Yazawa had held at Oivi troops (who were reduced to eating bananas
almost as long as he had intended, but the and papayas or whatever else they could
orderly withdrawal that General Horii had find) had gone hungry. Colonel Quinn had
planned for had become a rout. made it his business to fly with the air-
On 13 November the 25th Brigade wiped dropping planes in the hope of working out
out the enemy rear guard which had been dropping techniques which would get food
covering the crossing. A temporary bridge to his troops. He was killed on 5 November
was completed at Wairopi that night. The while in a plane dropping supplies to the
next morning, while the air force dropped troops at Natunga. A cargo parachute that
bridging equipment for a more permanent caught in the plane's tail assembly sent the
structure, the leading element of the brigade plane out of control, and everyone aboard
began crossing the river.50 died in the crash.
Colonel Quinn's loss was a blow to the di-
The Americans Reach the Front vision. General Harding, in a letter to Gen-
eral Eichelberger, described Quinn as "my
By this time the movement of the Amer- best regimental commander, and that by a
ican forces into the concentration areas was wide margin." Harding chose Lt. Col.
almost complete. The 2d Battalion, 126th Clarence M. Tomlinson, commanding offi-
Infantry, which had started leaving Jaure cer of the 3d Battalion, to command the
on 28 October, closed into the Natunga regiment, and Tomlinson was promoted to
colonel in short order. Maj. George Bond
49 took command of the 3d Battalion.51
ALF, Daily Opns Rpts No. 204, 4 Nov 42, No.
215, 15 Nov 42; G-3 Opns Rpt No. 225, 17-18 The air movement from Port Moresby
Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. Nankai Shitai of regimental headquarters and of the 1st
Opns Orders "KO" No. 140, Ilimo, 9 Nov 42, in and 3d Battalions began on 8 November,
ATIS EP No. 39; Tomita Butai Orders, n.n., 15
Nov 42, in ATIS EP No. 29; Msg, Col Tomita the 1st Battalion going first. Because heavy
to CofS, Army Hq, Rabaul, 28 Nov 42, in ATIS
CT 26, No. 314; 17th Army Opns I, 129; 18th
Army Opns I, 15. Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Eichelberger, 5 Nov
ALF, Opns Rpts, No. 215, 15 Nov 42, No. 216, 42, copy in OCMH files. Ltr, Maj Gen Albert W.
16 Nov 42, No. 217, 17 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ Waldron to Gen Ward, 28 Mar 51; 126th Inf CT
SWPA; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep AAR, Papuan Campaign; 32d Div AAR, Papuan
42-22 Jan 43. Campaign.

TAKING A BREAK. Troops from the 3d Battalion and regimental headquarters of the 126th
Infantry rest along a trail between Boreo and Dobodura.

rains had made the airfield at Pongani tem- from a nearby pit, was finished on 9 Novem-
porarily unsafe for the landing of troops, ber, the day after the movement to Abel's
590 men of the 1st Battalion—Battalion Field began. The air force, previously under
Headquarters, Company A, Company B, the impression that only Abel's Field was
two platoons of Company C, and a squad of open, tested the new field, found it accept-
Company D—under the battalion com- able, and at once began flying in the rest
mander, Lt. Col. Edmund J. Carrier, were of the 126th Infantry to Pongani.
flown instead to Abel's Field. Upon arrival Within hours of Colonel Carrier's arrival
there, they began marching to Pongani. at Abel's Field, the rest of the 1st Battalion,
Work on a new all-weather airfield had 218 men—Company D, less one squad, and
been proceeding at Pongani. The field, on a Company C, less two platoons—under Maj.
well-drained site and covered with gravel
Msgs, Gen MacNider to Gen Harding, No. 476,
1st Bn, 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 293, 294, 8 Nov 42, 5 Nov 42, No. 535, 8 Nov 42, No. 575, 9 Nov 42, in
Sers 297, 298, 299, 9 Nov 42, Sers 330, 331, 19 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen
Nov 42. MacNider, 8 Nov 42, copy in OCMH files.

TAKING A BREAK. Lt. Col. Alexander J. MacNab (right), Executive Officer of the 128th
Infantry, pauses with two of his men for a cigarette on the trail.

Richard D. Boerem, executive officer of the since 9 November, were approaching

battalion, had landed at Pongani and at Pongani.54
once began marching to Natunga. Colonel On the coastal flank, General MacNider's
Tomlinson and regimental headquarters command, the 128th Infantry and the 2/6
reached Pongani by air on 11 November, Independent Company, known by this time
as did the 3d Battalion, all elements moving as Warren Task Force, was consolidating
out to Natunga immediately on arrival. By in the Oro Bay-Embogo—Embi area. Its
14 November Major Boerem's detachment
was approaching Natunga, and regimental 54
Msg, Gen MacNider to Gen Harding, No. 575,
headquarters and the 3d Battalion were 9 Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding to Gen MacNider,
No. 576, 10 Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding to Lt. Col.
moving forward rapidly behind it. Almost Clarence M. Tomlinson, Ser. 654, 15 Nov 42, in
all of Major Smith's 2d Battalion was at 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 126th Inf S-2, S-3 Jnl,
Bofu, and the remaining troops of the 1st Papuan Campaign; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det, Part
1st Bn, 126th Inf, 10, 13, 14 Nov 42; 126th Inf CT
Battalion, under Colonel Carrier, after hav- AAR, Papuan Campaign; 32d Div AAR, Papuan
ing struggled through swampy terrain Campaign.

patrols were operating inland as far as Borio Artillery was to be Australian. A two-gun
and up the coast as far as Cape Sudest. section of 3.7-inch mountain artillery was
The last two companies of the 1st Battalion, at Embogu, and four 25-pounders had
128th Infantry, had been flown to Wanigela reached Oro Bay. The crews were under
from Port Moresby on 8 November and 32d Division command. Reinforcements,
brought forward immediately by boat. Ex- consisting of the 127th Regimental Com-
cept for Company A, which had been left bat Team, less artillery, had at last begun
at Pongani to guard the supply dumps there, loading at Brisbane for Port Moresby on 14
the battalion was now at Embogo under Lt. November.
Col. Robert C. McCoy. The 2d Battalion, The Americans were now finally in posi-
under Lt. Col. Herbert A. Smith, was at tion for the forthcoming attack and the
Eroro Mission, and the 3d Battalion, under Australians soon would be. Up to this time
Colonel Miller, was near Embi. The Aus- the campaign had cost the latter 2,127
tralian Independent Company, under Maj. casualties,57 but the enemy was back at the
Harry G. Harcourt, was at Pongani prepar- beachhead on which he had landed in July.
ing to move forward after its extensive pa- His back was to the sea, and the noose
trols of the trails north of Hydrographer's around him was being drawn tight.
Range and of the Natunga-Pongani track. 56
There was a forward dump at Embogo, Msg, NGF to 32d Div, No. 609, 11 Nov 42, in
32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Msg, Gen MacNider to Gen
and Colonel McKenny was planning an Harding, 15 Nov 42, in OCMH files. Ltr, Gen
even more advanced dump at Hariko. Gen- Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51; 32d Div Hist
eral MacNider, in turn, planned to move of Arty, Papuan Campaign. The 3.7-inch pack
howitzer was a standard British piece, much used
his headquarters to Hariko as soon as there by the Australians. It was about 94-mm.; the pro-
were boats available for the movement.55 jectile weighed 19/2 pounds; and the maximum
range was 6,000 yards.
Australian casualty figures for the period 22
Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen MacNider, 28 Oct July 1942 to 16 November 1942, for ground troops
42, copy in OCMH files; Ltr, Lt Col Chester C. only, are as follows: 709 killed in action; 132 died
Beaver, 128th Inf, to Gen Harding, 6 Nov 42; Ltr, of wounds and other causes; 1,286 wounded in
NGF to 32d Div, 9 Nov 42. Last two in 32d Div action. Ltr, Balfour to author, 15 Feb 50; Sig, Aus-
G-2, G-3 Jnl; 32d Div Sitreps, No. 45, 13 Nov 42, tralian Army Headquarters, Melbourne to Austral-
No. 47, 16 Nov 42, 128th Inf AAR, Papuan Cam- ian Military Mission, Washington, No. MW-179,
paign; 32d Div AAR, Papuan Campaign. 22 June 50, copy in OCMH files.

The Allies Close In

Just as the Allies prepared to close on as the Buna area. (Map IV) Lying between
Buna the turning point came in the strug- the sea and the foothills of the Owen Stan-
gle for the southern Solomons. In the naval ley Range, the region is quite flat. In the
battle of Guadalcanal (12-15 November), Buna strips area the elevation is about three
Admiral Halsey's forces virtually wiped out feet. At Soputa, some six and one-half miles
an eleven-ship enemy convoy, carrying al- inland, it is only a few feet higher. The ter-
most all the reserves the Japanese had avail- rain consisted mainly of jungle and swamp.
able for action in the South and Southwest The jungles, mostly inland, were a tangle
Pacific. After this catastrophic setback, the of trees, vines, and creepers, and dense, al-
Japanese gave up trying to reinforce their most impenetrable undergrowth. The
troops on Guadalcanal, contenting them- swamps, filled with a frenzied growth of
selves with desperate attempts to keep them mangrove, nipa, and sago trees, were often
supplied so as to prolong resistance as long shoulder-deep, and sometimes over a man's
as possible. With the island sealed off, Ma- head.
rine Corps troops, reinforced by Army Scattered through the region were groves
troops (who were arriving on the scene in of coconut palms, areas of bush and scrub,
increasing numbers to replace the marines), and patches of kunai grass. The coconut
could proceed uninterruptedly with the task palms, some of them 125 feet high, were to
of destroying the large Japanese garrison be found principally along the coast at such
left on the island.1 The battle for Guadal- points as Cape Endaiadere, Buna Mission,
canal had entered an advanced phase just Giruwa, Cape Killerton, and Gona, but
as that for Buna began. there were also a few groves inland, sur-
rounded in the main by swamp. Generally
Mounting the Attack the bush and scrub were heavily overgrown,
and the undergrowth was almost as impene-
The Scene of Operations trable as that in the jungle. The kunai
grass, shoulder-high, and with knife-sharp
The scene of operations was the Buna- edges, grew in thick clumps, varying in size
Gona coastal plain, commonly referred to from small patches that covered a few
square feet to the Dobodura grass plains
Hist Rec Army Section, Imperial General Head-
quarters, pp. 65, 67; Southeast Area Naval Opns, I,
that extended over an area several miles
45-50; 17th Army Opns, I, 114-115; USSBS, The square.
Campaigns of the Pacific War, pp. 125-139; Miller, The rainy season had begun and the
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, pp. 177-89,
230-31. Girua River, which divided the area in two,

was in flood. After losing itself in a broad The situation was the same on the west-
swampy delta stretching from Sanananda ern side of the river. There were only two
Point to Buna Village, the Girua emptied good approaches to the Japanese beachhead
into the sea through several channels. One positions in that area, and both of them lay
of these, Entrance Creek, opened into the through swamp. One was the trail that ran
lagoon between Buna Village and Buna to Gona via Amboga Crossing and Jum-
Mission. Between Entrance Creek and bora; the other was the main trail to San-
Simemi Creek to the east was an immense ananda via Popondetta and Soputa. In ad-
swamp. This swamp, formed when the over- dition, several branch trails forked from the
flow from the river had backed up into the Soputa-Sanananda track to Cape Killer-
low-lying ground just south of Buna Mis- ton, where they joined the coastal trail to
sion, reached as far inland as Simemi and Sanananda, Sanananda Point, and Giruwa.
Ango. It was believed to be impassable, and In the hot and muggy climate of the
its effect was to cut the area east of the river Buna-Gona area the humidity averages 85
in two, making the transfer of troops from percent, and the daily temperature, 96° F.
one part to the other a slow and difficult The area was literally a pesthole. Malaria,
process.2 dengue fever, scrub typhus, bacillary and
Because of the swamp, there were only amoebic dysentery were endemic there, as
three good routes of approach to the Jap- were the lesser ills—jungle rot, dhobie itch,
anese positions east of the river. The first athlete's foot, and ringworm.3 Unless the
led from Soputa and Ango Corner along the campaign came to a quick end, disease
western edge of the swamp to a track junc- would inevitably take heavy toll of the
tion three quarters of a mile south of Buna troops.
Mission which was to become known to the
troops as the Triangle. From this junction, The Plan of Attack
one trail led to Buna Village and the other
to Buna Mission. A second route of ap- New Guinea Force published the over-all
proach was from Dobodura and Simemi plan of attack on 14 November. The orders
along the eastern end of the swamp and provided that the 7th Australian Division
along the northern edge of the Old Strip to and the 32d U. S. Division would destroy
Buna Mission. A third approach lay along the enemy in the area bounded by the
the coastal track from Cape Sudest to Cape Kumusi River, Cape Sudest, and Holnicote
Endaiadere, where the trail back-tracked Bay. The boundary between the two divi-
diagonally through Duropa Plantation to sions was to be a line running from the
the New Strip, and ran thence to Buna mouth of the Girua River to Hihonda,
Mission. thence southwesterly along a stream half-
way between Inonda and Popondetta. The
Actually there was no mission at Buna, and 7th Division was to operate on the left of
what was known as Buna Mission was really Buna the boundary, the 32d Division on the right.
Government Station. Likewise, what the Board of
Geographic Names officially calls the Senimi River
The 21st Brigade, now to serve its second
was known as Simemi Creek. Since nearly all rec-
ords of the campaign refer to "Buna Mission" and Rpt, CG Buna Forces on the Buna Campaign,
"Simemi Creek," these names will be used through- pp. 2-8, with app. Map B, Buna Campaign Area;
out this volume. WD, Survey of Northeast New Guinea and Papua.


tour of duty in the campaign, was to be strike across the boundary against the en-
flown in from Port Moresby and go into emy's flank or rear should the opportunity
7th Division reserve near Wairopi. (Map 7) offer. The 32d Division, in addition to car-
The troops were to begin moving forward rying on its combat role, was to establish a
on 16 November, the 32d Division against landing strip at Dobodura, secure and hold
Buna, and the 7th Division against Gona the crossing of the Girua River near Soputa,
and Sanananda. Units on either side of the and provide for the security of the right
interdivisional boundary were to take par- flank from enemy sea-borne attack.4
ticular care not to uncover their inward
flank. Each division was to be prepared to NGF OI No. 42, 14 Nov 42.

The LILLIPUT Plan of cruisers and destroyers all the way be-
tween it and Buna. To put a "minor surface
Hopeful of an early victory, New Guinea force" in the Buna area would serve no use-
Force issued a plan for defense of the Buna ful purpose in the face of the much heavier
area the next day. Under LILLIPUT (as the forces the enemy could easily send in from
plan was called) the 32d Division would Rabaul. General Blamey could have one or
become responsible for Buna's defense as two shallow-draft antisubmarine vessels for
soon as the area was cleared of the enemy. the escort of the LILLIPUT ships, but no
To assist the division in the discharge of destroyers; the latter were not to be used
that responsibility, Australian artillery, anti- for escort duty north of Milne Bay.6
aircraft, and air-warning units were to be Since Admiral Carpender had objections
sent forward to Buna at the earliest possible also to sending submarines into the Buna
moment and come under its command. The area,7 it became clear that the only help the
first echelon of LILLIPUT, including several Allied forces closing in on Buna could ex-
K. P. M. ships, had already been called for- pect from the fleet was a few small patrol
ward and was due to arrive at Milne Bay boats. The air force, in addition to bearing
from Australia on 18 November.5 its close support and supply responsibilities,
General Blamey had asked General Mac- would have to carry almost the entire bur-
Arthur for a few destroyers to protect the den of protecting Allied supply movements
LILLIPUT ships as they passed through the northward of Milne Bay, and of beating
area beyond Cape Nelson and while they back enemy attempts to reinforce the
were unloading at Buna, but Vice Admiral beachhead.
Arthur S. Carpender, who had succeeded
Admiral Leary as Commander of the Allied The Forces Move Up
Naval Forces in September, had voiced
strong objections to sending destroyers into On 15 November General Harding issued
the "treacherous" waters off Buna. In a the divisional plan of attack. In Field Order
letter to General MacArthur, he made his Number One of that date, he ordered one
position clear. The entire area between battalion of the 128th Infantry to march
Cape Nelson and Buna, he wrote, was so along the coast via Embogo and Cape Su-
filled with reefs that there was virtually no dest to take Cape Endaiadere. A second
"sea room" in which destroyers could ma- battalion was to move on the Buna airfield
neuver. The Japanese, using the northern via Simemi. The remaining battalion, which
approach route from Gasmata, a small is- would be in division reserve, was to proceed
land off the south coast of New Britain, did to the Dobodura grass plains area and pre-
not have this difficulty, for there were deep-
water areas suitable for the maneuvering 6
Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 7 Nov 42:
Ltr, Vice Admiral Arthur S. Carpender, Comdr
ANF, to Gen MacArthur, A16-3, Ser 00521, 10
NGF OI No. 43, 15 Nov 42. Msg, Gen Chamber- Nov 42, sub: Opns for Capture of Buna. Both in
lin to Gen Sutherland, No. C-1237, 14 Nov 42; G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Msg, P-146, Gen Sutherland to Gen Chamberlin, R&R, Gen Chamberlin to Gen Sutherland, 10
14 Nov 42. Both in 384, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA. Nov 42, in 385, G-3 Files, GHQ SWPA.

SIMEMI VILLAGE, along the route of Company M, 128th Infantry, on its way to an
advanced position.

pare a landing strip for transports. Each the field at Dobodura was in operation,
battalion was to have an engineer platoon Warren Task Force was, as far as possible,
and a body of native carriers attached. H to be supplied by sea. There was to be a
Hour for Warren Force was set at 0600, 16 deepwater harbor at Oro Bay, Col. John J.
November. The 126th Infantry (less the Carew, the Divisional Engineer, having in-
elements of the 1st Battalion arriving at vestigated the harbor area and reported
Pongani) would close on Inonda. It would favorably on the project. Its completion,
move from Inonda on Buna by a route to and the completion ultimately of an access
be specified later.8 road from it to Dobodura, would make it
While Colonel Tomlinson's force would
have to be supplied by airdropping until
Ltr, Col John J. Carew, CO 114th Engr Bn, to
Gen Harding, 14 Nov 42, sub: Preliminary Recon-
naissance Rpt, Oro Bay Area, Ser 647, in 32d Div
32d Div FO No. 1, 15 Nov 42, copy in DRB G-2, G-3 J n l ; Memo, Gen MacNider for Gen
HRS, AGO. Harding, 15 Nov 42, in OCMH files.

LT. COL. HERBERT A. SMITH leading troops across a river on me way to Embogo.

possible for large ships to anchor there and Battalion, already at Bofu, began moving
would also make possible the development on Inonda.10
of Dobodura into a major air base, not only Early on 16 November, just as the Ameri-
for fighters and transports, but also for all cans marched out to the attack, the Aus-
types of bombers. tralians completed the crossing of the Ku-
General MacNider's troops were given musi River. Leaving an engineer detach-
an extra ration of rice before they left their ment to clear an airstrip on the east bank
lines of departure on 16 November. Colo- of the river, the 25th Brigade began march-
nel Tomlinson's headquarters, the 3d Bat- ing on Gona, and the 16th Brigade, on
talion, 126th Infantry, and Major Boerem's
detachment (which according to plan was 10
Gen Harding's Diary, 15 Nov 42; Msg, Col
to be reunited with the rest of the 1st Bat- Tomlinson to Gen Harding, Ser 715, Ser 754, 16
talion at Dobodura as soon as possible) Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 32d Div Sitrep
No. 47, 16 Nov 42; 32d Div Rpt of Actn, Papuan
pushed off from Natunga to Bofu. The 2d Campaign.

GENERAL MACNIDER (center, facing forward) mapping plans to lake Buna.

Sanananda. Advance Headquarters, 7th gades, which had chased the enemy nearly
Division, crossed the river on the 16th just all the way across the Owen Stanleys, had
behind the 16th Brigade, and Captain been in continuous action under the most
Medendorp, whose Wairopi Patrol had arduous conditions for almost two months.
had a light brush with the enemy at Asisi They had lost many men, and those that
a few miles south of Wairopi a week before, remained were very tired. The 21st Brigade,
reported to General Vasey the same day.11 General Vasey's reserve, though rested and
The attack was on, but the condition of regrouped, was far below strength.12 Only
many of the attacking troops left a great the untried Americans, numbering at the
deal to be desired. The 16th and 25th Bri-

11 12
ALF Opns Rpt No. 215, 15 Nov 42; No. 216, Ltr, Gen Blamey to Gen MacArthur, 27 Oct
16 Nov 42; No. 217, 17 Nov 42; No. 218, 18 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Comdr ALF Rpt on
42. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Comdr ALF, New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43; NGF,
Rpt on New Guinea Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43. Notes on Opns in New Guinea, Ser 3.

time just under 7,000 men,13 could be con- lery Battalions were assigned as divisional
sidered fresh troops, and many of them be- artillery. The 121st Field Artillery Battalion
cause of sickness and exhausting marches was equipped with 155-mm. howitzers. The
were far from their physical peak. other battalions, which had trained with
World War I 75's, received 105's just before
The 32d Division embarkation.14
on the Eve of Combat The 32d Division had expected to fight
in the European theater and, in late Decem-
Training and Equipment ber 1941, had actually been earmarked for
operations there. General Harding joined
Troops in the opening engagements of it in Louisiana in early February 1942. In
every war are often found to be ill prepared late February the division was sent to Fort
to wage the kind of war they actually have Devens, Massachusetts, and instructed to
to fight. This was the case with the 32d prepare for immediate movement to North-
Division when its leading elements marched ern Ireland. Ordered at the last moment to
out to meet the enemy in mid-November the Pacific, the division took on more than
1942. Not only were the troops inade- 3,000 replacements at San Francisco and
quately trained, equipped, and supported reached Adelaide, Australia, on 14 May.
for the task in hand, but many of the diffi- Training had scarcely got under way when
culties they were to meet at Buna had been the division was again ordered to move—
neither foreseen nor provided for. this time to Brisbane. The move was com-
The division, whose insignia is a Red pleted in mid-August, and training had just
Arrow with a crosspiece on the shaft, was a got into its stride again at Camp Cable, the
former Michigan and Wisconsin National division's camp near Brisbane, when the first
Guard unit. It had a record of outstanding troops started moving to New Guinea.
service in World War I, having fought with These moves served the division ill. Not
great distinction on the Aisne-Marne, the only was it difficult to harden the men be-
Oise—Aisne, and in the Meuse—Argonne cause they were so much in transit, but the
drive. The division was inducted into the weeks spent in moving, in making each suc-
federal service on 15 October 1940 as a cessive camp livable, and in providing it
square division. The following April some with bayonet courses, rifle range, infiltration
8,000 Michigan and Wisconsin selectees courses, and similar installations before in-
were added to its strength. After partici- fantry training could begin cut heavily into
pating in the Louisiana maneuvers, the the division's training time. This was a
division was triangularized into the 126th, serious matter since the division had arrived
127th, and 128th Infantry Regiments. The in Australia only partially trained, and many
120th, 121st, 126th, and 129th Field Artil-
As of 14 November, the 126th and 128th Com- 14
Order of Battle of the United States Land
bat Teams, and the forward echelon of division Forces in the World War, American Expeditionary
headquarters totaled 6,951 men, with more engi- Forces, (Washington, 1931), pp. 176-91; Annual
neer and medical troops still to come. Ltr, CG Rpt, National Guard Bureau, 1941, Table VII,
32d Div to GOC NGF, 14 Nov 42, sub: Strength p. 29; AGF, Fact Sheet on 32d Inf Div, 1 Mar 47,
Rpt, in OCMH files; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, in DRB HRS, AGO; Ltr, Gen Harding to author,
26 Feb 50. 26 Feb 50.

of its officers, new to the division, had not go into effect. Thus when the two regiments
yet had time to know their men. entered combat they were not in top physi-
There was another difficulty. Like the cal condition, had received very little train-
41st Division, the 32d was part of the gar- ing in scouting, night patrolling, or jungle
rison of Australia. The main emphasis in its warfare, and had been fired over in their
training had been on the defense of Aus- training either very briefly or not at all.
tralia, a type of training from which the Looking back at it all, General Harding
troops had little new to learn for it repeated had this to say of the training of the division
the training that they had received at home. before it entered combat:
What they really needed—training in jungle I have no quarrel with the general thesis
combat—they got very little of.15 that the 32d was by no means adequately
General Richardson, Commanding Gen- trained for combat—particularly jungle com-
eral, VII Corps, then on a mission in the bat. A Third Army (Krueger) training in-
Pacific for General Marshall, inspected the spection team gave it a thoroughgoing in-
spection about a month before I joined it and
troops in early July and reported that as far found it deficient on many counts. I got a
as their training was concerned they were copy of this report from Krueger and it was
"still in the elementary stages" and would plenty bad. . . .
not be ready for combat "by some few On the other hand I found the division well
months." General Eichelberger reached disciplined, well behaved, and well grounded
in certain elements of training. . . . My esti-
Australia in early September and found the mate of training when I took over is that it
division still not ready for combat. He rated was about on a par with other National Guard
its state of training as "barely satisfactory" divisions at that time.
and told General MacArthur it needed fur- Unfortunately we had no opportunity to
work through a systematic program for cor-
ther hardening as well as a vast amount of
recting deficiencies. From February when I
training, especially in jungle warfare.16 took over until November when we went into
As quickly as he could, Eichelberger in- battle we were always getting ready to move,
stituted a stepped-up training and harden- on the move, or getting settled after a move.
ing program, but the 126th and 128th In- No sooner would we get a systematic training
program started than orders for a move came
fantry Regiments had already moved out to
along to interrupt it. As you know, you just
New Guinea before the new program could can't formulate and get set up for a realistic
training program in a couple of days. As a
matter of fact, realistic training for modern
Durdin, "The Grim Hide and Seek of Jungle war requires an enormously elaborate instal-
War," The New York Times Magazine, 7 Mar 43; lation of training aids, courses, etc. without
Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47; Interv with which really good training can't be complete.
Gen Eichelberger, 3 Feb 50; Ltrs, Gen Harding to Such installations were out of the question
author, 26 Feb 50; 24 Jul 51; Ltr, Gen Waldron to
Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51; Gen Eichelberger, Our
Jungle Road to Tokyo, (New York, 1950), pp. 7, Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 24
11. Mr. Durdin was on the ground throughout the Dec 42, copy in OCMH files; Interv with Gen
campaign, having taken over as New York Times Eichelberger, 6 Feb 50; Ltr, Col Harry Knight,
correspondent upon Byron Darnton's death. Cav, to CG AGF, 4 Jan 43, sub: Report of Col
Memo, Gen Richardson for Gen Marshall, 9 Jul Harry Knight in the Southwest Pacific, with incl.
42, Report No. 5, in SWPA-MacArthur File, OPD U.S. Troops in the Battle of Buna; Ltr, Col Herbert
Exec File: Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 6 Feb 50; B. Laux, Inf, to CG AGF, 20 Feb 43, with incl.
Gen Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, pp. Both ltrs in 381, OPD SWPA File, Sec 4. Ltrs, Gen
11, 12. Harding to author, 26 Feb 50 and 26 Jul 51.

for us, although we managed to set up a few sect repellants. Nor had anyone thought to
simplified modifications of the real thing issue them small waterproof boxes or
which would have served fairly well, had we
pouches for the protection of their personal
ever had time to run more than a fraction of
the command through them.18 effects and medical supplies from the ex-
treme heat and wet. Cigarettes and matches
Although the troops had much of the became sodden and unusable, and quinine
standard equipment of the day, not all of it pills, vitamin pills, and salt tablets,—then
was to prove suitable for the area in which usually issued in bulk a few days' supply at
they were to fight. Much of their radio a time—began to disintegrate almost as soon
equipment, for instance, had already failed as the men put them in their pockets or
to function, and they did not have the car- packs, and the same thing sometimes hap-
bine which would have been an ideal pened to the water chlorination tablets.21
weapon in the tangled, overgrown beach- Various expedients had been adopted to
head area. Although the carbine was avail- lighten the weight each man would have to
able elsewhere, it was to be months before carry in the jungle. The marching troops
the first carbines reached the Southwest were equipped as far as possible with
Pacific Area and were distributed among Thompson submachine guns, and the heav-
the troops.19 ier weapons, including most of the 81-mm.
The troops had none of the specialized mortars, were put aside to be sent forward
clothing and equipment which later became later by boat. Medical and communica-
routine for jungle operations. Their cloth- tions equipment were stripped to the bare
ing—dyed to aid concealment in the jun- essentials, and field ranges and accom-
gle—was already causing them great dis- panying heavy mess equipment were left
comfort. Not only did the dye run, but its behind at Port Moresby.22
residuum stopped up the cloth and made it The medical units were using gas stoves,
nonporous. The garments, as a result, be- kerosene burners, and even canned heat to
came unbearable in the extreme tropical sterilize their instruments and provide the
heat and caused hideous jungle ulcers to ap- casualties with hot food and drink, but the
pear on the bodies of nearly all the troops front-line troops had none of these things.
wearing them.20 Without their normal mess equipment, they
Though they were about to enter a jungle no choice but to use tin containers of all
area overgrown with vines and creepers and kinds to heat up their rations, prepare their
teeming with noxious insects, the men were coffee (when they had coffee), and wash
critically short of machetes, and had no in- their mess gear. Since it rained almost con-
Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 26 Feb 50. tinually and there was very little dry fuel
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 8 available, it was usually impossible to heat
Dec 42; Rpt, CG Buna Forces on the Buna Cam-
paign, p. 84; Ltr, Maj David B. Parker, CE, to CG
USASOS, 2 Dec 42, sub: Notes on Operations Ltr, Col Carl Hanna, MC, Surgeon 32d Div,
near Buna, New Guinea, 14-23 Nov 42, in AFPAC to Chief Surgeon USASOS SWPA, 10 Dec 42, in
Engr File; Durdin, "The Grim Hide and Seek of Surgeon General's Hist File; Ltr, Col Hanna to
Jungle Warfare," 7 Mar 43. author, 25 Nov 50; Maj Parker's Buna Rpt; Interv
Ltr, Col John E. Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb with Maj Odell, 14 Dec 50.
51, with incl; Durdin, "The Grim Hide and Seek of Col Knight's Buna R p t ; Ltr, Col Hanna to
Jungle War," 7 Mar 43; Eichelberger, Our Jungle author, 14 Oct 50; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 26
Road to Tokyo, p. 39. 50.

water sufficiently to sterilize the tins and In the end, by dint of great persistence, and
mess gear from which the troops ate—an with the held of the Australian artillery
open invitation to the same type of diarrhea commander, Brig. L. E. S. Barker, who
and dysentery that had already overtaken thought as he did on the subject, Waldron
the 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, in its got a few pieces of artillery—not his own,
march over the mountains. and not as much as he would have liked, but
better than no artillery at all.26
Artillery and Engineer Support If the division's artillery support—two
3.7-inch howitzers and the promise of a
As the troops marched out for the at- four-gun section of 25-pounders which had
tack, there was a widespread belief at higher yet to arrive at the front—was scanty, its
headquarters that the mortars, direct air engineer support was even scantier. Almost
support, and the few Australian pieces al- half of General Horii's original force had
ready available in the area would be enough either been combat engineers or Army and
to clear the way for the infantry.24 Even this Navy construction troops. Yet, General
represented better support than that advo- Harding, with the rainy season at hand, and
cated by General Kenney, who, in a letter to every possibility that roads, bridges, and
Lt. Gen. H. H. Arnold on 24 October, told airfields would have to be built in the com-
the latter that neither tanks nor heavy artil- bat zone, had only a few platoons of the
lery had any place in jungle warfare. "The 114th Engineer Battalion attached to his
artillery in this theater," he added, "flies." 25 two combat teams. And these engineer
Neither General Harding nor his artillery troops reached the front almost empty-
commander, Brig. Gen. Albert W. Waldron, handed. They had no axes, shovels, or picks,
believed that the infantry could get along no assault boats, very little rope, and not a
very well without the artillery. Strongly sup- single piece of block and tackle. The theory
ported by Harding, Waldron kept asking was that all these things would come up by
that the divisional artillery be brought for- boat with the heavy equipment. In practice,
ward. General MacArthur's headquarters however, the failure to have their tools ac-
did not have the means either to bring all company them meant that the engineer
the artillery forward or to keep it supplied troops could do only the simplest pioneer
when it got there. Not being at all sure that work at a time when their very highest skills
artillery could be used effectively or even be were needed.
manhandled in the swampy terrain of the
beachhead, GHQ was cool to the proposal. The Condition of the Troops

Ltr, Col Hanna to author, 14 Oct 50; Interv Medical supplies at the front were criti-
with Maj Odell, 14 Dec 50; Hist Medical Activities cally short as the troops marched out for the
32d Div, Papuan Campaign, in Surgeon General's
Hist File. attack. Bismuth preparations for the treat-
Ltr, Col H. F. Handy, FA, to CG AGF, 13 Feb ment of gastrointestinal disturbances were
43, sub: Rpt of Military Observer in the Southwest almost unprocurable, and there was not
Pacific Theater of Operations, in 381, OPD SWPA
File, Sec 2; Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47;
Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51. Ltr, Gen Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51;
Quoted in AAF, Air Action in the Papuan Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 25 Jul 51.
Campaign, p. 72. Col Knight's Buna Rpt; Maj Parker's Buna Rpt.


Port Moresby awaiting a flight to Pongani.

enough quinine sulphate, the malaria sup- touch immediately with General Whitehead,
pressive in use at the time, for regular dis- Harding explained to him that the medical
tribution to the troops. There was no supply situation was "snafu" and asked
atabrine, and none was to be received him to fly in the most urgently needed items
throughout the campaign.28 "to take care of things until we can get the
General Harding had arranged to have boat supply inaugurated."29
his medical supplies go forward by boat, Most of the troops had gone hungry;
only to find at the last minute that the boats some had nearly starved during the ap-
were busy carrying other things. He did proach march, and food was still in short
what he could in the emergency. Getting in supply. Rations had accumulated in the
Ltr, Gen Harding to Brig Gen Ennis P. White-
rearward dumps between Wanigela and the
head, 14 Nov 42, copy in OCMH files; Ltr, Maj front, but there was only a few days' supply
Herbert C. Wallace, M. C., Actg Surgeon 32d Div, at the front itself. It was assumed that this
to TAG, 28 Feb 43, sub: Monthly Sanitary Report,
in Surgeon General's Hist File; Ltr, Col MacNab to
author, 14 Nov 49; Ltr, Col Herbert M. Smith to Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Whitehead, 14 Nov
author, 16 Mar 50. 42.

deficiency and other supply shortages would tims; they would claim many more as the
be made good as the attack progressed.30 fighting progressed.
Except for the latest arrivals (the 1st and
3d Battalions, 126th Infantry) the troops The Division's Estimate
presented anything but a soldierly appear- of Enemy Strength
ance. Their uniforms were stained and tat-
tered, few had underwear or socks, and their For all their hunger, their exhaustion,
shoes in most cases were either worn out or and their sickness, the troops were cocky
in the process of disintegration. Most were and overconfident about the task that lay
bearded and unkempt, virtually all were ahead. They had been told and they be-
hungry, and some were already showing un- lieved that Buna was a "push over," and
mistakable signs of sickness and exhaustion.31 neither they nor their commanders saw any
The 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, and reason why it should not be theirs in a few
the troops who had marched with it across days. No one—either at Port Moresby or
the mountains had been severely affected by at the front—believed that there would be
the ordeal. The 128th Infantry, whose name any difficulty in taking Buna. Natives (who
for Pongani was "Fever Ridge," was not in as was soon to become evident had no con-
much better condition. As the commander ception of numbers) had spied out the land
of the 2d Battalion recalls the matter, the and come back with reports that there were
trouble was that the men had been on short very few Japanese in the area. The air corps,
rations since mid-October; that they had similarly, had been reporting for more than
made some extremely exhausting marches a month that there were no Japanese to be
through the jungle "on a diet of one-third seen at the beachhead and that there was no
of a C-ration and a couple of spoonfuls of evidence that it was fortified or that the
rice a day"; and that many of them already enemy had serious intentions of defending
had "fever, dysentery, and jungle rot." 32 it.34
General Eichelberger put the whole matter As these reports of enemy weakness
in a sentence when he wrote that, even be- poured in, the 32d Division began to think
fore the 32d Division had its baptism of fire, in terms of a quick and easy conquest of
the troops were covered with jungle ulcers Buna. "I think it is quite possible," wrote
and "riddled with malaria, dengue fever, General Harding on 14 October, "that the
[and] tropical dysentery." 33 Sickness and Japanese may have pulled out some of their
exhaustion had already claimed many vic- Buna forces. . . ." "We might find [Buna]
easy pickings," he added, "with only a shell
Msg, Gen MacNider to Gen Harding, Ser 769, of sacrifice troops left behind to defend it."
17 Nov 42; Msg, Col John Mott, CofS 32d Div, to By 20 October General Harding felt that
Gen MacNider, Ser 777, 17 Nov 42. Both in 32d there was "a fair chance that we will have
Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to
author, 20 Jan 50; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith
to author, 16 Mar 50. 32d Div G-2 Intel Summaries No. 6, 13 Oct 42,
Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50; No. 7, 21 Oct 42, No. 8, 29 Oct 42, No. 9, 5 Nov 42,
Interv with Col Baetcke, 17 Nov 50; Interv with in DRB HRS, AGO; Col Handy's Buna Rpt; Col
Maj Odell, 14 Dec 50; Kahn, G. I. Jungle, pp. 108, Knight's Buna Rpt; Ltr, Col MacNab to author,
121, 122. 15 Nov 49; Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author,
Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50. 20 Jan 50; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author,
Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 23. 5 Jun 50.

Buna by the first of November." At the end On 6 November Maj. W. D. Hawkins,

of the month, he wrote that all information General Harding's G-2, noted that both
to date was to the effect that Japanese forces ground and air reconnaissance reports indi-
in the Buna-Gona area were relatively light cated that Buna, Simemi, and Sanananda
and asked how GHQ would look upon No- each held perhaps 200-300 Japanese with
vember 5 as a suitable date for D Day. only "a small number" of enemy troops at
"Things look pretty favorable right now," Gona. He went on to guess that the enemy
he said, "for a quick conquest of Buna." 35 was already reconciled to the loss of Buna
A Ground Forces observer, Col. H. F. and probably intended to evacuate it en-
Handy, noted that, as November opened, tirely. Major Hawkins thought the Japa-
many in the 32d Division felt "that Buna nese would be most likely to try evacuating
could be had by walking in and taking their forces by way of the Mambare River
over." 36 Another Ground Forces observer, so as to be able to take them off at the river's
Col. Harry Knight, noted that "the lid mouth. They would do this, he suggested, in
really blew off, when the order was re- order to avoid a "Dunkirk" at Buna, since
ceived on 3 November that American troops Buna was an open beach from which em-
were not to move forward from Mendaropu barkation by boats and barges would lay
and Bofu until further instructed. The the evacuees open to heavy air attack.38
reason for the order was, of course, to These optimistic views on the possibilities
gain time in which to stockpile supplies of an early Japanese withdrawal did not
for the impending advance, but the divi- agree with General Willoughby's estimates
sion, restive and eager to be "up and at 'em" of the situation. Willoughby estimated
did not see it that way. enemy strength on 10 November as two de-
. . . Opinions were freely expressed by pleted regiments, a battalion of mountain
officers of all ranks . . . [Colonel Knight re- artillery, and "normal" reinforcing and
calls] that the only reason for the order was a service elements—about 4,000 men in all.
political one. GHQ was afraid to turn the He thought that an enemy withdrawal from
Americans loose and let them capture Buna Buna was improbable, at least until the is-
because it would be a blow to the prestige of
the Australians who had fought the long hard sue was decided at Guadalcanal. It was
battle all through the Owen Stanley Moun- known, he said, that General Horii's orders
tains, and who therefore should be the ones were definitely to hold Buna until operations
to capture Buna. The belief was prevalent in the Solomons were successfully com-
that the Japanese had no intention of holding pleted. These orders, the Japanese hope of
Buna; that he had no troops there; that he
was delaying the Australians with a small success in the Solomons, and what was
force so as to evacuate as many as possible; known of the character and mentality of
that he no longer wanted the airfield there; the Japanese commanders involved made
. . . that no Zeros had been seen in that area it highly unlikely, General Willoughby
for a month; and that the Air Corps had pre- thought, that there would be "a withdrawal
vented any reinforcements from coming in
. . . and could prevent any future landing at this time."
... 37
By 14 November General Willoughby
Ltrs, Gen Harding to Gen Sutherland, 14 Oct
began to have doubts that the enemy had
42, 20 Oct 42, 31 Oct 42, copies in OCMH files. two regiments at Buna. He thought that the
Col Handy's Buna Rpt.
37 38
Col Knight's Buna Rpt. 32d Div G-2 Daily Summary, No. 9, 6 Nov 42.

mauling taken by the Japanese at Oivi and an estimated three battalions, two of which
Gorari had left them with about "one de- made a stand in the Kokoda-Wairopi area,
with the third occupying Buna and guarding
pleted regiment and auxiliary units" and the line of communications. Casualties in the
that these, pending the outcome of the Solo- two battalions in the Wairopi area have re-
mons operation, were capable only of fight- duced them to approximately 350 men, who,
ing a delaying action. It was therefore likely, it is believed, are retiring northward along the
General Willoughby suggested, that there Kumusi River Valley. . . .42
would be close perimeter defense of the air- By the time the story got to the men it
field and beachhead at Buna, followed by a was to the effect that there were not over
general withdrawal, if the Japanese effort two squads of Japanese in Buna Village
in the Solomons failed. That the enemy and that other enemy positions were prob-
would attempt further reinforcement of the ably as weakly held. Told by their officers
Buna area he thought improbable "in view that the operation would be an easy one,
of the conditions in the Solomons, and and that only a small and pitiful remnant
the logistic difficulties and risks which are of the enemy force which had fought in the
involved." 39 Owen Stanleys remained to be dealt with,
General Vasey's estimate of the enemy's the troops were sure that they could take
strength based on prisoner of war interroga- Buna in a couple of days, and that about all
tions was, as of 14 November, 1,500 to 2,000 that remained to be done there was to
men 40—roughly the same figure that Gen- mop up.43
eral Willoughby seems to have had in mind This was a sad miscalculation. The Japa-
in his revised estimate of the same day. Gen- nese were present in much greater strength
eral Harding, who had Vasey's estimate, than the 32d Division supposed, and su-
but had probably had no chance as yet to perbly prepared defensive positions stood in
see Willoughby's, was more optimistic than its way, as well as in the way of the 7th
either. Relying principally on information Division which was to attack farther to the
supplied by the natives, his G-2 had esti- west.
mated that the "Buna area was garrisoned
by not more than a battalion with purely The Enemy Position
defensive intentions." 41 Harding accepted
this estimate, and the intelligence annex in The Japanese Line
his first field order of the campaign read as
follows: The Japanese had established a series of
The original enemy force based at Buna is strong defensive positions along an eleven-
estimated as one combat team with two extra mile front extending from Gona on their
infantry battalions attached. This force has
been withdrawing steadily along the Kokoda 32d Div, FO No. 1, 15 Nov 42.
Trail for the past six weeks. Heavy losses and Memo, Col Russel Reeder, WDGS, for Col
evacuation of the sick have reduced them to William L. Ritchie, Chief, Southwest Pacific Gp
OPD, 22 Feb 43, in 381 OPD SWPA, Sec 1; Col
GHQ SWPA OI No. 23, 10 Nov 42; G-2 Daily Knight's Buna R p t ; Col Handy's Buna Rpt; Col
Summaries Enemy Intel No. 235, 12-13 Nov 42, Hale, Answers to Questions by Hist Sec, GHQ
No. 237, 14-15 Nov 42. SWPA, as to Certain Phases of the Papuan Cam-
Msg, 7th Aust Div to Adv NGF, Ser 733, 14 paign ; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author, 5
Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. Jun 50; Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo,
32d Div Intel Rpt, Papuan Campaign. pp. 19, 20.

extreme right to Cape Endaiadere on their branched from the main track to Cape Kill-
extreme left. The enemy line enclosed a rel- erton, there was a second heavily fortified
atively narrow strip along the foreshore. position, and beyond it, a third. These posi-
It varied from a few hundred yards to a tions were on dry ground—usually the only
few miles in depth and covered an area of dry ground in the area. They were flanked
about sixteen square miles. (Map V) by sago swamp, ankle to waist deep, and
The Japanese defense was built around could be taken only by storm with maxi-
three main positions. One was at Gona, mum disadvantage to the attackers.44
another was along the Sanananda track, East of the Girua River, the Japanese
and the third was in the Buna area from line was even stronger because it presented
Girua River to Cape Endaiadere. Each was a continuous front and could not be easily
an independent position, but their inward flanked. The line began at the mouth of the
flanks were well guarded, and lateral com- Girua River. Continuing southeastward, it
munications between them, except where cut through a coconut grove and then
the coastal track had flooded, were good. turned southward to the trail junction
Gona, a sandy trail junction covering the where the Soputa-Buna track forks to Buna
Army anchorage at Basabua, was well for- Village on the one hand and to Buna Mis-
tified, though its proximity to the sea made sion on the other. Sweeping north, the line
impossible defense in any depth. There enclosed the Triangle, as the fork was
were strong and well-designed defenses called, and then turned eastward from that
along the Sanananda track and at the junc- narrow salient to the grassy area known
tion of the several branch trails leading as the Government Gardens. From the
from it to Cape Killerton. On the other side Gardens, it led south and then east through
of the Girua River equally formidable de- the main swamp to the grassy area at the
fenses covered the Buna Village, Buna Mis- lower or southern edge of the Old Strip.
sion, and Buna Strip areas. It looped around the strip and, continuing
The main Japanese base was at Giruwa. southward, enclosed the bridge between
The largest supply dumps and the 67th the strips. Then making a right-angled turn
Line of Communications Hospital were lo- to the New Strip and following the south-
cated there. On this front the main Japa- ern edge of the strip to within a few hun-
nese defensive position was about three and dred yards of the sea, it cut sharply north-
one-half miles south of Sanananda Point, east, emerging on the sea at a point about
where a track to Cape Killerton joined the 750 yards below Cape Endaiadere.
main track from Soputa to Sanananda Because the three-foot water table in the
Point. A lightly wooded area just forward
of the track junction, and the sandy and
relatively dry junction itself, bristled with [Japanese] Estimate of the Situation, 16-17
bunkers, blockhouses, trenches, and other Nov 42, in ATIS EP 29; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea
Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43; Rpt, CG Buna Forces,
defensive positions. Beginning a couple of pp. 9, 39; 163d Inf CT, The Battle of Sanananda,
miles to the south, several forward outposts in DRB HRS, AGO; Buggy, Pacific Victory, pp.
commanded the trail. About half a mile to 196-97. 45
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 10; Buna Target Plan
the rear of the junction, where another trail [Map] No. 24, in DRB HRS, AGO.

area ruled out the possibility of deep rocks, and short chunks of log. Coconuts
trenches and dugouts, the region was and strips of grass matting were incorpo-
studded instead with hundreds of coconut rated into the earth fill to assist in cushioning
log bunkers, most of them mutually sup- the pressures set up by high explosive, and
porting and organized in depth. In general, the whole structure was planted with fast-
they were of two types: heavily reinforced growing vegetation. The result could
bunkers located in more or less open ter- scarcely have been improved upon. The
rain, and smaller, less heavily reinforced bunkers, which were usually only about
bunkers built where the terrain was over- seven or eight feet above ground, merged
grown with trees and vegetation that offered perfectly with their surroundings and af-
the defenders a measure of protection forded excellent concealment.
against air bombardment or artillery fire. As a further aid to concealment, firing
There were a few variations. Now and slits were usually so small as to be nearly
then where the terrain particularly favored invisible from the front. In some cases (as
them, the Japanese had large, squat, earth- when the bunkers were intended merely as
covered blockhouses, each capable of hold- protection from artillery and air bombard-
ing twenty or thirty men. In addition, they ment) there were no slits at all. Entrance to
had a few concrete and steel pillboxes be- the bunkers was from the rear, and some-
hind the New Strip. times there was more than one entrance.
Except for these variations, which were The entrances were placed so that they
on the whole rare, the standard Japanese could be covered by fire from adjacent
bunker in the area was of heavy coconut log bunkers, and they were usually angled to
and followed a common pattern. The base protect the occupants from hand grenades.
was a shallow trench, perhaps two feet deep. The bunkers either opened directly onto fire
It was six to eight feet long and a few feet trenches or were connected with them by
wide for the smaller bunkers, and up to shallow crawl tunnels. This arrangement
thirty feet long and ten feet wide for the permitted the Japanese to move quickly
larger ones. Heavy coconut logs, about a from fire trench to bunker and back again
foot thick, were used for both columns and without fear of detection by troops only a
crossbeams. The logs were cut to give the few yards away.
bunkers an interior height of from four to These formidable field fortifications were
five feet, depending on the foliage and ter- cleverly disposed throughout the Buna posi-
rain. The crossbeams forming the ceiling tion. Bunker and trench systems, within the
were laid laterally to the trench. They usu- Triangle, in the Government Gardens,
ally overlapped the uprights and were cov- along Entrance Creek, and in the Coconut
ered by several courses of logs, and often by Grove on the other side of the creek, pro-
plates of sheet steel up to a quarter of an tected the inland approaches to Buna Vil-
inch thick. The walls were revetted with lage and to Buna Mission, and the ap-
steel rails, I-beams, sheet iron, log pilings, proaches, in turn, were honeycombed with
and forty-gallon steel oil drums filled with enemy emplacements. The main swamp
sand. protected the southern edge of the Old
As soon as the framework was up, the Strip, and bunkers, fire trenches, and
entire structure was covered with earth, barbed wire covered its northern edge. The


Village area.

bridge between the strips had bunkers and or who tried advancing along its northern
gun emplacements both at front and rear, edge.46
and the bridge area could be swept by fire The Japanese line at Buna was, in its way,
from both strips. There were bunkers, fire
trenches, and breastworks behind the New
Strip and in the Duropa Plantation, and 46
Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 3609, 18
fire in defense of the strip could also be laid Dec 42; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 3740, 19 Dec
down from the bridge area, from the Old 42; Memo, Maj W. D. Hawkins, 32d Div G-2, Ser
3814, 21 Dec 42, sub: Constructional Details of
Strip, and from the Y-shaped dispersal bays Enemy Emplacements. All in 32d Div G-3 Jnl.
at its eastern end. The airstrips afforded the 127th Inf Jnl, Ser 32, 21 Dec 42; Memo, Lt Col
Japanese cleared fields of fire and made it A.F.A. Irwin, RAE, 6th Aust Div, to Brig George
possible for them to lay down bands of fire F. Wootten, 18th Bde, 4 Jan 43, sub: Japanese
Strong Points—Expedients in Assisting Attack, copy
on troops who sought to flank the New Strip in OCMH files; Rpt. CG Buna Forces, pp. 96-98;
by crossing the bridge between the strips, 163d Inf TC, The Battle of Sanananda, with incls.

INTERIOR OF COCONUT LOG BUNKER reinforced with sand-filled oil drums near
Duropa Plantation.

a masterpiece. It forced the 32d Division to The Garrison

attack the enemy where he was strongest—
in the Triangle, along the trail leading to the Shortly after contact was lost with Gen-
bridge between the strips; along the north- eral Horii, Colonel Yokoyama, commanding
ern edge of the strip; and frontally in the officer of the 15th Independent Engineers,
Duropa Plantation. By canalizing the Allied took charge of all Japanese forces west of the
attack into these narrow, well-defended river. Captain Yasuda, as the senior naval
fronts, the Japanese who had short, interior officer present, took command of those east
lines of communication, and could shift of it.
troops from front to front by truck and land-
ing craft, were in a position to exploit their
available strength to the maximum, no mat- 47
Yokoyama Det Orders, 18 Nov 42, in ATIS
ter what its numerical inferiority to that of EP 29; 17th Army Opns I, 130; 18th Army Opns
the Allies. I, 22.

On 16 November, the day the Allies The Condition of the Enemy Troops
marched out for the attack, the Japanese
garrison in the beachhead area was a The Japanese were in a bad way. In the
jumble of broken Army and Navy units. long retreat from Ioribaiwa (and especially
Though riddled by battle casualties and at Oivi and Gorari) and in the crossing of
disease, it still numbered approximately five the Kumusi, they had lost irreplaceable
and a half thousand effectives.48 Army units weapons and supplies. Their most critical
included the remnants of the 144th Infan- shortages were in small arms, food, and med-
try, of the 15th Independent Engineers, the ical supplies—items that Lt. Col. Yoshinobu
3d Battalion, 41st Infantry, the divisional Tomita, the detachment supply officer, had
cavalry detachment, and the 47th Field for some time been doling out with a care-
Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. In addition, ful hand.
a few field artillery batteries had been left to All the weapons that could be scraped
guard the beachhead along with a number together were either in the front lines or
of rear echelon units that had never been stacked where they would be readily avail-
in combat. There were about 500 Yokosuka able when the front-line troops needed them.
5th and Sasebo 5th special naval landing Except for troops immediately in reserve,
troops in the area, and perhaps twice that most of the men to the rear had no weap-
number of naval laborers from the 14th ons. Worried by the situation, Colonel Yoko-
and 15th Naval Pioneer Units. yama issued orders for all troops without
arms to tie bayonets to poles. If they had
no bayonets, they were to carry wooden
Rad, 67th LofC Hospital, Giruwa, to CofS 17th spears. These "weapons" were to be carried
Army, 15 Nov 42, in ATIS EP 29; AMF Interr Gen at all times; even the patients in the hospital
Adachi et al; 17th Army Opns I, 129-30. No pre- were to have them at their bedsides.50
cise figure can be given for Japanese strength at the
beachhead in mid-November, but it is possible to The troops had been on short rations for
support the figure given above. When questioned at a long time, and the ration was progressively
Rabaul in 1945, General Adachi (who should have decreased. To eke it out, the few horses that
known as he took charge of New Guinea operations
two weeks later) gave the total Japanese strength on were left were being gradually butchered
15 November as 9,000. His figure, however, included for food.
approximately 900 troops who were then with Col- There was a great deal of sickness. Nearly
onel Yazawa on the other side of the Kumusi, and
another 900 who did not reach the beachhead from all the troops being admitted to the hospital
Rabaul until two days later. As it is known that for wounds and disease were found to be
some 1,800 men were hospitalized at the time in suffering as well from exhaustion and gen-
the 67th Line of Communications Hospital, it can
be estimated that there were at least 5,500 effectives eral debility. There had been serious out-
at the beachhead in mid-November, including of breaks of malaria in the ranks, and a large
course, Army and Navy laborers. proportion of the men had dysentery of an
Nankai Shitai Opns Orders TEI No. 35, 6 Oct
42, in ATIS EP 29; 67th LofC Hospital Fld Staff aggravated kind.
Diary, 1-31 Oct 42, in ATIS EP 24; 18th Army Things were at their worst at the base
Opns I, 20-21; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, pp. 42-44. hospital at Giruwa. There was very little
The Japanese had been evacuating their sick and
wounded to Rabaul whenever the opportunity of- medicine, and not enough food to promote
fered, and appear to have returned a number of
their naval construction troops as well, presumably
for more pressing construction work elsewhere. Yokoyama Det Bul, 2 Dec 42, in ATIS EP 24.

the recovery of the patients. Water had of about 600 men, the troops of a divisional
seeped into the wards, and the seepage, the water-purification and decontamination
extreme humidity, and heavy rains had unit, and some walking wounded. The com-
caused clothes, bedding, and medical equip- mander of the road-building unit, Maj.
ment to mold, rot, or rust away. As Novem- Tsume Yamamoto, was put in charge of
ber opened, the medical staff had reported the defense.53
that food and medicine were so short as "to Colonel Yokoyama himself took over the
militate absolutely against the recovery of defense of the vital Sanananda—Giruwa
the patients," and the situation, instead of area. He ordered some 1,800 men—head-
improving, had become progressively quarters and one company of the 3d Battal-
worse.51 Toward the end of the month, a ion, 41st Infantry, the main body of the
Japanese soldier was to write in his diary: 1st Battalion, 144th Infantry, a portion of
"The patients in the hospital have become the 15th Independent Engineers, a 700-man
living statues. There is nothing to eat. With- contingent of Formosan naval laborers, and
out food they have become horribly emacia- some walking wounded—to front-line posi-
ted. Their appearance does not bear think- tions at the main junction of the Sanananda
ing upon." 52 and Cape Killerton trails. The salient,
Despite these difficulties, the position of known to the Japanese as South Giruwa,
the Japanese was by no means hopeless. was divided into northern, central, and
They had good stocks of ammunition, a southwestern sectors, and put under com-
strong defensive position, and enough men mand of Colonel Tsukamoto. In reserve at
and weapons to hold it for a long time. the second trail junction a half-mile to the
What was more, they had every reason to north, Colonel Yokoyama stationed a sec-
expect that Rabaul would quickly reinforce ond company of the 3d Battalion, 41st In-
and resupply them. Their orders were to fantry, a mountain gun battery, about 300
hold, and, with a little help from Rabaul, men of the 15th Independent Engineers,
they were prepared to do so indefinitely. and a portion of the antiaircraft battalion.
Colonel Yokoyama moved his headquarters
Enemy Dispositions to Sanananda at the head of the trail and
there stationed a second mountain artillery
Colonel Yokoyama sent some 800 troops battery, the cavalry troop, the rest of the
to Gona—a key position since it covered the 41st Infantry, and most of the naval con-
all-important anchorage at Basabua. This struction troops in the Giruwa area.
force included an Army road-building unit At Buna, Captain Yasuda had under his
command the naval landing troops, an ele-
67th LofC Hospital Rpt of Service, 31 Oct 42, ment of the 15th Independent Engineers, a
in ATIS EP 24; Rad, CO 67th LofC Hospital to section of the antiaircraft battalion, about
CofS 17th Army, 15 Nov 42; Yokoyama Det Bul,
Giruwa, 22 Nov 42; Rad, Lt Col Yoshinobu Tomita 450 naval laborers, and a few hundred
to CofS 17th Army, 23 Nov 42. All in ATIS EP 29. Army service troops. He had some 75-mm.
Interr, Lt Zengoro Sawatari, Med Off, 144th I n f , naval guns, a number of 13-mm. guns, sev-
in 32d Div Interrogation and Translation File;
18th Army Opns I, 25. eral 37-mm. pompoms, and half a dozen
Captured Japanese Diary, owner unknown,
entry 27 Nov 42, Ser 3624, 18 Dec 42, in 32d Div
G-3 Jnl. 18th Army Opns I, 21, 24.

3-inch antiaircraft guns. The engineers, the ing troops that might be released from the
antiaircraft troops, and the service troops hospital later on and sent to the front.
were assigned to the defense of the planta- The incoming troops were transferred to
tion, the New Strip, and the bridge between Giruwa by barge and then sent on to the
the strips. The Yokosuka 5th and Sasebo Cape Endaiadere-Durope Plantation-Buna
5th troops, as well as the naval laborers, Strips area. Colonel Yokoyama took com-
were deployed in Buna Village, Buna Mis- mand of that area, and Captain Yasuda of
sion, the Coconut Grove, and the Triangle. the area west of it as far as the Girua River.
Reinforcements were quickly forthcom- The picture at Buna had changed. The
ing. Tokyo had realized for some time that, Japanese there now had more than 2,500
despite the emphasis on retaking Guadal- troops to man the defenses on that side of
canal, troops would also have to be sent to the river—almost half of them newly
the Buna-Gona area if the beachhead was equipped and fresh from Rabaul.55
to be held. The troops immediately avail-
able for the purpose were several hundred The Situation at Rabaul
144th Infantry replacements who had just
reached Rabaul from Japan and the 3d On 16 November, the day that Colonel
Battalion, 229th Infantry, a 38th Division Yamamoto was ordered to Buna, a new area
unit whose two sister battalions were on command was established to control opera-
Guadalcanal. The 229th Infantry had had tions in New Guinea and the Solomons.
combat experience in China, Hong Kong, The new command, the 8th Area Army, un-
and Java and was rated an excellent combat der Lt. Gen. Hitoshi Imamura, was to have
unit. under it two armies—the 17th Army under
The battalion under its commander, Maj. General Hyakutake, which was to operate
Hiaichi Kemmotsu, together with 300 144th exclusively in the Solomons, and the 18th
Infantry replacements and the new com- Army, under Lt. Gen. Hatazo Adachi,
mander of the 144th Infantry, Col. Hiroshi which was to operate in New Guinea. Gen-
Yamamoto, was ordered to Basabua on 16 eral Adachi arrived at Rabaul on 25 No-
November and arrived there by destroyer vember and assumed command of the 18th
the following evening. There were about Army the same day. His first task was to
1,000 men in the convoy, and their arrival retrieve the situation in Papua—a very
brought effective enemy strength at the difficult assignment as he was soon to
beachhead to some 6,500 men, not includ- discover.56
Yokoyama Det Orders, 16 Nov 42, in ATIS
EP 29; Japanese Strength and Dispositions on the [Japanese] Estimate of the Situation, 16 Nov
Soputa-Sanananda Track, 20 Nov 42, translation 42, 17 Nov 42 ; Tomita Det Bivouac Orders, Giruwa,
of an enemy map captured at Gona by New Guinea 17, 18 Nov 42. All in ATIS EP 29. 17th Army
Force, 8 Dec 42, in OCMH files; 18th Army Opns Opns I, 129-30; 18th Army Opns I, 16, 21.
I, 20-21; US Buna Forces G-2 Periodic Rpt, 14 1st Demob Bur, GHQ FEC, Japanese Studies in
Dec 42-4 Jun 43, in DRB HRS, AGO; Rpt, CG World War II, No. 37, 8th Area Army Opns, p. 1;
Buna Forces, pp. 43, 77. 17th Army Opns I, 131 ; 18th Army Opns I, 22-23.

The Opening Blows in General

Vasey's Area
On 16 November the 32d Division under The Attacks on Gona
General Harding and the 7th Division un-
der General Vasey moved out against the The 25th Brigade Bogs Down
enemy positions at the Buna-Gona beach-
head. The Americans were on the right, and Gona was forty miles from Wairopi, and
the Australians on the left. (See Map V.) the trail, a poor one frequently lost in mud,
Between them ran the Girua River, the lay through bush, jungle, kunai flat, and
divisional boundary. East of the river, the swamp. The 25th Brigade moved out to-
126th Infantry troops under Colonel Tom- ward Gona on 16 November, the 2/33 Bat-
linson pushed off from Bofu and marched talion leading and the 2/25 Battalion
on Buna Village and Buna Mission by way bringing up the rear. There was no enemy
of Inonda, Horanda, and Dobodura. War- contact on either the 16th or the 17th but
ren Force, the 128th Infantry and support- the heat was intense and men began drop-
ing elements, under General MacNider, ping out with malaria and collapsing with
sent out two columns from its positions heat prostration. The 2/33 Battalion, Lt.
along the coast: one along the coastal track Col. A. W. Buttrose commanding, reached
leading to Cape Endaiadere; the other Jumbora on the afternoon of 18 November
against the bridge between the strips. On and started to prepare a dropping ground.
the other side of the river, the 25th Brigade One of its companies moved forward to
under Brigadier Eather left the Wairopi Gona to find out if the place was defended.
crossing early on the 16th and moved on The company quickly discovered that
Gona by way of Awala, Amboga Crossing, there were Japanese at Gona. Major Yama-
and Jumbora. Crossing the Kumusi close on moto's original allotment of 800 men had
the heels of the 25th Brigade, the 16th been reinforced by an additional hundred
Brigade under Brigadier Lloyd began mov-
ing on Sanananda the same day via Isivita, Except for the passages on the Japanese side,
which are to be found in 18th Army Opns I, 24, the
Sangara, Popondetta, and Soputa. Believ- following subsection is based mainly on the official
ing like the Americans on the other side of Australian manuscript history, Dudley McCarthy,
the river that only a small number of the The Southwest Pacific Area: The First Year, Ch. 16,
enemy remained, the Australians advanced Gona. Other pertinent sources are the ALF Daily
Opns Rpts for the days in question, and NGF Notes
confidently, sure of a quick and easy victory. on Opns in New Guinea, Ser 3.


men—eighty from the 41st Infantry, and broad mouth of Gona Creek, an expanse of
the rest walking wounded from the hospital. water just wide enough to make an attack
The Japanese defense was centered on from the other side of the creek unlikely.
Gona Mission at the head of the trail. The Immediately to the south, and along the
mission and the surrounding native village east bank of the creek, was an overgrown
area were honeycombed with bunkers, timbered area which bristled with defense
trenches, and firing pits, and every ap- works. To the east a labyrinth of hidden
proach was covered. On the west lay the firing pits with overhead cover extended

along the shore for a distance of about three fending Gona from carefully prepared posi-
quarters of a mile. With such defenses at tions had roughly the same number of
their disposal, a resolute garrison could troops that he had.
hope to hold for a long time. The attack began early on 22 November.
The company of the 2/33d which had The 2/33 Battalion attacked frontally
gone on ahead to investigate ran into the along the track; the 2/25 Battalion, in re-
most southerly of the Japanese defenses late serve, moved out on the left of the track to
on 18 November. The position, a strong, be in position to attack from the southwest
well-prepared one with cleared fields of fire, if called upon; the 2/31 Battalion, which
was about 1,000 yards south of the mission. was to launch the main attack, pushed for-
Next morning when the 2/31 Battalion, ward on the right toward the beach, turned
which was now in the lead, came up, it left, and attacked from the east.
found the sixty men of the company in an Moving through swamp, the troops got as
intense fire fight with an enemy who was close as they could to the Japanese posi-
well hidden and well dug in, and whose fire tions and then went in on the run with
commanded every approach. The 2/31st, bayonets fixed. They did not go far. The
under its commander, Lt. Col. James Mil- leading troops had scarcely reached the
ler, attacked vigorously but could not pene- Japanese front-line positions when the en-
trate the enemy's protective fires. By night- tire attacking wave was met by such intense
fall, when it was ordered to disengage, the enfilading fire from right and left that the
battalion had lost thirty-six killed and troops had to pull back into the swamp.
wounded. This abortive attack cost the 2/31 Battalion
By this time the brigade had outrun its sixty-five killed and wounded.
supply. Ammunition had run low, and the The next day Brigadier Eather tried
troops, hungry, and racked with fevers, again. He switched the 2/25 Battalion
were without food. The supply situation from the left flank to the right and ordered
righted itself on 21 November when supply it to launch a new attack from the east that
planes came over Jumbora and dropped afternoon. The 2/25th, Lt. Col. Richard H.
what was needed. Brigadier Eather at once Marson commanding, passed through the
assigned a company of the 2/33 Battalion 2/31st and attacked westward, supported
to guard the supply dump. When a forty- by fire from its sister battalion. The result
five man detachment of the 2/16 Battalion was the same. No sooner had the troops ap-
which had previously been operating in the proached the enemy position than enfilading
Owen Stanleys was made available to him fire drove them back into the swamp, like
that day, he ordered it to take up a position the 2/31 Battalion before them. The 2/25th
on the west bank of Gona Creek in order lost sixty-four men in the day's fighting, only
to cover his left flank. The 25th Brigade one less than the 2/31st in the attack of the
was finally ready to attack. day before.
Eather's command now numbered less The situation had turned serious. In only
than 1,000 men. Thus far he had no idea of three days of fighting, the brigade had lost
how strong an enemy force was facing him. 204 killed and wounded. There was little to
He did not yet realize that the Japanese de- show for these losses. Although the Japanese

had pulled back along the track, they were scarcely be expected to do more. The task
still holding the village and the mission and of clearing Gona fell therefore to General
had apparently given as good as they got. Vasey's reserve unit, the 21st Brigade, Brig.
Realizing only too well now that he faced Ivan N. Dougherty commanding. It was
a strong, well-entrenched enemy, Brigadier only about 1,100 strong, but the men, after
Eather called for an air strike to soften up a long rest at Port Moresby, were fit and
the Japanese position. When it was over, he ready to go.
planned to attack again with the 3d In- Advance elements of the new brigade be-
fantry Battalion which had meanwhile come gan moving into the line on 28 November.
under his command. By 30 November the brigade had com-
The air force flew over Gona on 24 No- pletely taken over. Pending the receipt of
vember and gave the place a thorough orders returning it to Port Moresby, the
bombing and strafing. On the next day the 25th Brigade took up a position along the
3d Battalion, now less than 200 strong, track just south of Gona and lent such sup-
attacked Gona from the southwest. For the port as it could to the 21st Brigade, whose
first time the attack was well prepared. opening attacks on the place were, to Brig-
Not only did the 2/25 and 2/31 Battalions adier Dougherty's chagrin, proving no more
fire in its support, but four 25-pounders successful than its own.2
which had reached Soputa on 23 Novem- The capture of Gona, which the Aus-
ber fired 250 rounds of preparatory fire tralians had thought initially to be unde-
before the troops jumped off. Under the fended, had turned out to be an extremely
command of Lt. Col. Allan G. Cameron, difficult task. After almost two weeks of at-
the battalion got about fifty yards inside tack, it was still in enemy hands. The Japa-
the Japanese position but, as in the case of nese had suffered heavy losses and had been
the other attacks, was met by such intense forced to contract their lines until they held
fire that it too had to withdraw. The attack, little more than a small area immediately
though a failure like the rest, had one re- around the mission, but they were still re-
deeming feature: unlike the inadequately sisting with the utmost tenacity, and their
prepared attacks which had preceded it, perimeter had yet to be breached. The al-
casualties were relatively light. most fanatical resistance of Major Yama-
moto's troops served its purpose. Australian
The 21st Brigade Opens Its Attack troops that might otherwise have been avail-
able for use elsewhere in the beachhead area
By now the 25th Brigade was no longer were at the end of the month still trying to
in condition to attack. The total strength of take Gona.
its three battalions amounted to less than
750 men—two were under 300 men, and 2
ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 230, 30 Nov 42;
one, the 2/31st, was under 200. The troops Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 29-30 Nov 42; G-3
Opns Rpts, No. 237, 29-30 Nov 42, No. 238, 30
were exhausted, and the number of sick Nov-1 Dec 42; Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 29,
from malaria and other causes was increas- 1 Dec 42, in G-2 Jnl; 32d Div; NGF Notes on Opns
in New Guinea, Ser 3; ALF Rpt on New Guinea
ing daily. What was left of the brigade could Opns, 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 43; McCarthy, op. cit.,
still be used to contain the enemy but could Ch. 16.

The 16th Brigade Moves on Sanananda his troops for attack. Darkness fell before
the battalion could clear out the enemy, and
The Australians Reach the weary troops dug in.
the Track Junction Next morning the Japanese were gone.
Brigadier Lloyd sent a covering force to the
The leading battalion of the 16th Bri- Girua River crossing, about half a mile east
gade, the 2/2d, Lt. Col. C. R. V. Edgar of Soputa, and the 2/3 Battalion marched
commanding, was across the Kumusi by the out along the track in pursuit of the Japa-
early morning of 16 November. Edgar nese. Finding no enemy after a half-hour
struck out at once for Popondetta. Behind march, the troops were busily eating break-
him in order were Brigadier Lloyd and his fast by the side of the track, when the 2/1
headquarters, the 2/3 Battalion, and the Battalion, taking the lead, pushed past them.
2/1 Battalion. After about fifteen minutes of marching
The men plodded along without rations, through brush and scrub, the 2/1 began
tired and hungry. They were gnawing green debouching onto a broad kunai flat and
papayas and sweet potatoes, whatever they there was met by heavy enemy fire, includ-
could find. Some were so hungry they ing artillery fire.
chewed grass. The 2/lst had to run into Colonel Tsuka-
A torrential rain struck the next day, moto's most southerly outpost. This outpost
turning the track into a sea of mud. Even was manned by a covering detachment
minor creeks were almost impossible to ford. whose mission was to delay an advancing
The troops still had no food, and that day force, thus giving Tsukamoto time to com-
fifty-seven men of the 2/2d collapsed on the plete preparations for the defense of his
trail from exhaustion, heat prostration, and main position at the junction of the Cape
hunger. Killerton and Soputa-Sanananda tracks.
There was no food on the 18th—only a Lt. Col. Paul A. Cullen, the battalion
rumor that the planes would drop some at commander, ordered an immediate attack.
Popondetta. The 2/2d reached Popon- One company of the 2/1 started moving
detta that evening, but there was no food frontally up the track. A second company
there either. Rations would be waiting for started flanking on the right. A third com-
them, the troops were told, at Soputa, a posite company moved out wide on the left.
day's march away. The troops in the center and on the right
Leaving some troops at Popondetta to made some gains at first, but by noon they
prepare an airstrip, the brigade pushed off were meeting strong resistance that balked
for Soputa on 19 November, the 2/3 Bat- further progress that day. The company on
talion leading. Rations had been dropped the left under command of a particularly
during the morning at Popondetta and aggressive young officer, Capt. B. W. T.
caught up with the troops by noon, at which Catterns, did better. This force, ten officers
time the men had their first meal in three and eighty-one enlisted men (all that was
days. The battalion approached Soputa left of two companies), made a wide detour
toward evening and ran into resistance just 3
ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 220, 20 Nov 42; Mc-
outside the village. Maj. Ian Hutchinson, Carthy, op. cit., Ch. 17; Maj. J. W. Dunlop, 2/2
the battalion commander, at once deployed Bn, The Sanananda Track, abstract in OCMH files.

around the Japanese right flank, taking par- choice but to withdraw, the Japanese had
ticular care to keep clear of the kunai flat pulled all the way back to their main de-
which the enemy was defending. By evening fenses in the track junction.
Catterns was about two miles behind the When the attack was over and Catterns'
Japanese and in position to come in on their company had been relieved by a company of
right rear. the 2/3 Battalion, the Australians had a new
Creeping stealthily forward, the Aus- east-west front line which was pivoted on
tralians surprised a number of Japanese at the track and lay within easy attacking dis-
their evening meal, killed about eighty of tance of the enemy positions immediately
them, and established a strong, all-around south of the track junction. The Australian
perimeter just east of the track. The Japa- left was just south of the perimeter Catterns
nese attacked Catterns all day on 21 No- had held on the 21st, a slight withdrawal
vember, hitting him repeatedly from three having been ordered there for tactical rea-
sides. Though they were running short of sons. In the center the Australians were
ammunition, Catterns' troops in a stirring astride the track several hundred yards to
defense not only beat off the enemy but the south of the main Japanese defenses cov-
inflicted heavy casualties upon him. ering the track junction. On the right, to the
The Australians on the right were quick southeast of the junction, they held the ba-
to profit from the enemy's absorption in nana plantation and the rice dump, their
Catterns' attack. Two companies of Colonel forward foxholes in the relatively open plan-
Edgar's 2/2 Battalion, under Capts. Athel- tation area being only thirty or forty yards
stan K. Bosgard and Jack M. Blamey, away from those of the enemy.
pushed around the enemy's left flank and By this time the strength of the brigade
kept going. By evening they had gained after not quite two months of action had
3,000 yards and had taken an enemy rice gone down from almost 1,900 officers and
dump in an abandoned banana plantation, men to a force of barely 1,000. Most of the
about 600 yards east of the track. As the companies in the line were at half strength
Australians moved into the dump area, the or less. Catterns' company, for instance,
Japanese rallied, mounted a strong attack, had only twenty-three officers and men, and
and brought the drive on the right to a com- the company of the 2/3 Battalion that re-
plete halt. lieved his unit had less than fifty men. The
Catterns had meanwhile won his battle. two companies on the right under Captains
Unable to dislodge him, the Japanese cov- Bosgard and Blamey did not exceed forty
ering force fell back that night to the track men each, and the other companies were
junction, abandoning still another prepared similarly depleted.
defensive position on the kunai flat which Despite their dashing showing on 21 No-
it was now no longer in a position even to vember, the troops of the brigade were in
try to hold. poor physical condition. They were fever-
Catterns lost sixty-seven of his ninety men ish, hungry, and exhausted, and an ever in-
in the engagement, but his attack was a bril- creasing number were being hospitalized for
liant success. Not only had it turned the malaria and other diseases. The brigade was
enemy's flank, but it had made possible the still a fighting force. It could still hold, but
deep penetration on the right. Left with no its men, for the present at least, were too

worn out to do more. Until they had a little and Dobodura, the 2d Battalion as before
rest another force would have to take over leading.
the attack. That force, by decision of Gen- At Port Moresby meanwhile, higher
eral MacArthur, was to be Colonel Tomlin- headquarters, with General MacArthur's
son's 126th U. S. Infantry, the regiment to approval, had decided to give the 126th
which General Harding had given the task Infantry to General Vasey for action on
of taking Buna Village and Buna Mission.4 the Sanananda track, rather than let it pro-
ceed as originally planned to Buna. The
General Vasey Is Given point was made that there seemed to be
the 126th Infantry more Japanese in General Vasey's area
than in General Harding's, and that the
Because he could make no radio contact main effort would therefore have to be
with the 7th Division, and had no assurance made west of the Girua River. If need be,
that the Australians would get to Soputa in higher headquarters decided, this was to be
time to close his inward flank, General accomplished at the expense of the offensive
Harding ordered Colonel Tomlinson on the effort on the eastern side of the river.
morning of 18 November to march on Buna After this decision, General Vasey was
via Popondetta and Soputa. Tomlinson, told that he could have the 126th Infantry
who was then at Inonda, was told that, if if he thought he needed it to take Sana-
the Australians were at Popondetta by the nanda. Knowing only too well how tired
time his leading elements got there, he was and depleted the 16th Brigade was, General
to order his troops back to Inonda and, as Vasey accepted the offer with alacrity, and
previously planned, move them on Buna General Herring at once ordered Colonel
via Horanda and Dobodura. Tomlinson to Popondetta with instructions
Early on 19 November Colonel Tomlin- to report to General Vasey.6
son sent Major Bond and Companies I and The diversion of the 126th Infantry to
K, 126th Infantry, across the Girua River General Vasey's command greatly dis-
to find out if the Australians had as yet turbed General Harding, who could see lit-
reached Popondetta. Bond made contact tle justification for the diversion of half his
with an Australian unit just outside of troop strength to General Vasey just as he
Popondetta at 1130 that day. When he was about to use it to take Buna. In a mes-
learned that the main Australian force had sage "For General Herring's eyes only," he
already passed Popondetta and was on its urged that the decision to take the 126th
way to Soputa, Bond ordered his two com- Infantry away from him be reconsidered as
panies back to Inonda. The regiment, likely to lead to confusion, resentment, and
which had been down to its last C ration misunderstanding. The message went out at
on 18 November, had rations and ammuni- 0100, 20 November, and General Herring,
tion dropped to it at Inonda on the 19th and
began marching on Buna, via Horanda, 5
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 17, 18 Nov 42, Ser 6, 9, 10,
19 Nov 42.
Msg, NGF to 32d Div, No 933, 19 Nov 42,
Msg, NGF to 126th Inf (repeated to 32d Div) Msg, NGF to 126th Inf, No 941, 19 Nov 42, Msg,
1840, 19 Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Maj NGF to 7th Aust Div, No 966, 19 Nov 42, Msg,
Dunlop, The Sanananda Track; McCarthy, op. cit. Gen Herring to Gen Harding, No 1068, 20 Nov 42
Ch. 17. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl.

in a stiff note, replied at 1420 that the de- Soputa. Major Baetcke, whom Colonel
cision would have to stand, and that he was Tomlinson had left in command at Inonda,
counting on Harding to make no further departed for Soputa with the rest of the
difficulties in the matter.7 General Harding regiment the same afternoon. Only an air-
had no further recourse. He would have to dropping detail and a couple of hundred
make out as best he could at Buna without natives were left at Inonda. Their instruc-
Colonel Tomlinson's troops. tions were to bring forward all the supplies
accumulated there as quickly as possible.
The Regiment Arrives at Soputa Although it had rained during the pre-
ceding few days and the march was through
On 19 November Colonel Tomlinson heavy mud, the troops made good time. By
was ordered by New Guinea Force to re- the evening of 21 November, the whole
port to the 7th Division. Surprised by the force—regimental headquarters, Major
order, Tomlinson immediately tried check- Boerem's two companies and platoon of the
ing with General Harding by radio to make 1st Battalion, Major Smith's 2d Battalion,
sure that there was no mistake. Unable to the 17th Portable Hospital, the Service
make radio contact with Harding, he got in Company, and a platoon of Company A,
touch with the rear echelon of the regiment 114th Engineer Battalion—had reached
at Port Moresby. Learning from the regi- Soputa. The men arrived wet and hungry.
mental base that he had indeed been re- They were at once attached to the 16th
leased from the 32d Division, he began Brigade and assigned a bivouac near Soputa.
moving on Popondetta early on the 20th. General Vasey in the meantime had set
Accompanied by a small detail, including 22 November as the day that the Americans
Captain Boice, his S-2, and Captain Dixon, were to be committed to action. With the
his S-3, he reported to General Vasey at successful advance of the 16th Brigade on
Popondetta that afternoon. Vasey at once 21 November, the plan now was that the
sent him to Soputa where he was to come brigade would hold and make no further
under the command of Brigadier Lloyd. attempt to advance until the Americans had
The regiment had already begun moving. taken the track junction.8
Major Bond and the men of Companies I The situation was to the liking of the de-
and K, who had been on their way back pleted and exhausted 16th Brigade. As the
to Inonda when the orders came for the regi- Australian historian Dudley McCarthy puts
ment to cross the Girua and come under it, ". . . the Australians were content to sit
Australian command, led the march to back for a while and watch the Americans.
There was a very real interest in their obser-
vation and a certain sardonic but concealed
Msg, Gen Harding to Gen Herring, 0100, 20 amusement. The Americans had told some
Nov 42; Msg, Gen Herring to Gen Harding, No. of them that they 'could go home now' as
1068, 20 Nov 42. Both in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl;
Interv with Gen Harding, 27 Jun 49. Although
General Harding's message is mentioned by number
in General Herring's message, no copy of it is to 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 5, 14, 19 Nov 42, Sers 4, 6,
be found in the records of the 32d Division. Its gist 20 Nov 42 : 126th Inf CT AAR, Papuan Campaign;
as given above is from General Harding's personal Ltr, Col Tomlinson to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51; Mc-
recollection on the matter. Carthy, op. cit., Ch. 17.

they (the Americans) 'were here to clean of the attack. While Major Boerem's detach-
things up.' " ment tried attacking frontally along the
track, Major Bond's battalion would move
The Americans Take Over up into the 16th Brigade's area and, from a
central assembly point about four miles
The Troops Move Out for the Attack north of Soputa, would march out on right
and left to begin the envelopments. The 2d
On the evening of 21 November Colonel Battalion, in need of rest after its march over
Tomlinson, who, with Captains Boice and the Owen Stanleys, was to remain in the So-
Dixon, had already reconnoitered the front puta area in reserve, to be called upon when
in the company of both General Vasey and needed.
Brigadier Lloyd, met with his battalion com- The 2d Battalion had no sooner settled it-
manders to plan the next morning's attack. self in its bivouac than New Guinea Force
Little was known about the terrain ahead. ordered it back across the Girua River to re-
The map being used at the time by the 16th join the 32d Division. General Herring gave
Brigade was the provisional 1-inch-to-1-mile the order in response to a request from Gen-
Buna Sheet. In addition to being inaccurate, eral Harding for the reinforcement of the 2d
it was blank as far as terrain features in the Battalion, 128th Infantry, which had run
track junction were concerned. All that it into difficulties on General Harding's left
showed was the junction, the Cape Killer- flank. Major Smith's battalion left Soputa
ton track, and the Soputa—Sanananda track. for the river crossing, half a mile away,
The rest was left to the troops to fill in. early on 22 November. It got there only to
As he started planning for the attack, discover that the river, which was un-
Colonel Tomlinson knew only that heavy bridged, was in flood and could not be
bush, jungle, and swamp lay on either side forded. A cable was thrown over the river,
of the junction, and that the junction itself and the troops crossed in hastily put together
was covered by well-prepared enemy de- rafts, which were guided to the other side by
fenses, location and depth unknown. The the cable. The battalion finished crossing
Japanese position, he noted, was an inverted the river late that evening and fought there-
V. To flank it, he would have to attack it in after on the eastern side of the river.11
a larger V. His plan was therefore to use Major Smith's battalion and the bulk of
Major Bond's 3d Battalion to probe the Colonel Carrier's battalion—some 1,500
enemy position and move behind it in a men—were now both east of the Girua
double envelopment from right and left.
When that maneuver was completed, he 10
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 23, 21 Nov 42; Interv with
would send in Major Smith's 2d Battalion Col Baetcke, 17 Nov 50; Ltr, Col Clarence M.
and, as he phrased it, "squeeze the Japanese Tomlinson to author, 28 Nov 50; McCarthy, op. cit.,
Ch. 17.
right out." 11
Msg, Gen Harding to NGF, Ser 1099, 21 Nov
Tomlinson quickly worked out the details 42; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, No. G-01559, 22 Nov
42; Msg, Maj Smith to 32d Div, Ser 1254, 23 Nov
42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 126th Inf Jnl,
Sers 8, 49, 22 Nov 42; Interv with Maj Odell, 14
McCarthy, op. cit., Ch. 17. Dec 50.
River. Colonel Tomlinson was left with the days' rations, hand grenades, and as much
comand only of the 126th Infantry troops .30-caliber and .45-caliber ammunition as
west of it—Headquarters and Headquarters they could carry. Twenty rounds had been
Company, Major Boerem's detachment, issued for each mortar, and arrangements
Major Bond's 3d Battalion, the regimental had been made to have additional rations,
Cannon and Antitank Companies, a detach- equipment, and ammunition brought for-
ment of the Service Company, and attached ward as needed by native carriers and by
medical and engineer troops—a total of Company M.
1,400 men.13 The Cannon and Antitank The 3d Battalion moved up to its desig-
Companies were still at Wairopi and would nated assembly area, and there, about four
not arrive at Soputa for some time. The en- miles north of Soputa and about 1,000
velopments would have to be made with the yards south of the track junction, Major
troops at hand—Major Boerem's detach- Bond established his CP. Continuing up
ment and Major Bond's battalion. the track, Major Boerem's detachment
Though he was now without his reserve passed through a company of the 2/3 Bat-
battalion, Colonel Tomlinson proceeded as talion under Capt. N. H. L. Lysaght, the
planned with the envelopments. Major most advanced unit on the trail, and began
Boerem's detachment would engage the en- moving into position immediately to Ly-
emy frontally along the track, and the 3d saght's front. Companies I and K, Capt.
Battalion—Companies I and K on the left John D. Shirley and Lt. Wilbur C. Lytle
and Company L on the right—would make commanding, accompanied by Capt. Mere-
the envelopments, supported by elements of dith M. Huggins, battalion S-3, moved
Company M. out on the left at 0940; Company L, under
Companies I, K, and L, strengthened in Capt. Bevin D. Lee, pushed off on the right
each case by machine gun and mortar ele- an hour and a half later. Company M,
ments from Company M, left the regimental under Capt. Russell P. Wildey, less such of
bivouac area near Soputa at 0640, 22 No- its machine gun and mortar elements as
vember, their faces daubed with green for were with the companies in attack, went
action in the swamp and jungle terrain fac- into bivouac 200 yards to the rear of Major
ing them. The troops had been issued two Bond's CP. (Map 8)
By 1100 Companies I and K had passed
It will be recalled that Colonel Carrier and through the Australian troops on the left—
most of the 1st Battalion, 126th Infantry, 589 offi- two companies of the 2/2 Battalion under
cers and men, had been flown from Port Moresby
to Abel's Field, when the landing field at Pongani
command of Capt. Donald N. Fairbrother.
had closed temporarily because of heavy rains, and At 1445 Company L had reached the right-
that the next day the rest of the troops 218 men, flank position in the banana plantation held
under Major Boerem, had been flown to Pongani
upon the opening there of a new all-weather field.
by the remaining two companies of the
The two detachments became separated. The bulk 2/2d under Captains Bosgard and Blamey.
of the battalion, under Colonel Carrier, fought By this time Major Boerem's detachment
thereafter east of the river. Major Boerem's detach-
ment (which with late comers and attached troops had passed through Captain Lysaght's com-
was to reach a strength of about 250 men) fought pany and was dug in immediately to its
west of it.
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 14 front. The rest of the 2/3 Battalion was in
Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. position behind Lysaght to give the center

depth and serve as a backstop should the The Envelopments Begin
Japanese try to break out from the track
junction. Colonel Tomlinson's attack was At 1100 Company K under Lieutenant
almost ready to go.14 Lytle moved out into the no man's land
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 23, 21 Nov 42, Sers 12, 14, on the Australian left. Company I un-
18, 24, 22 Nov 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det; 126th der Captain Shirley followed immediately,
Inf CT AAR, Papuan Campaign; McCarthy, op.
cit., Ch. 17. swinging wide around Lytle's left. Colonel

Tsukamoto had patrols in the area, and panies, threw back the attack and inflicted
Company K ran into the first of them at heavy losses to the enemy. Company L alone
1110, only ten minutes out. The patrol was claimed to have killed forty Japanese that
a small one, and Lytle had no trouble dis- night, with a further loss to itself of two
persing it. Company I, which was covering killed and one wounded.
Company K from the left, ran into a much Colonel Tomlinson had planned to con-
larger force at 1215. Shirley started flanking tinue the attack during the afternoon of 23
on right and left, and the Japanese after a November. But with Companies I and K
heavy exchange of fire withdrew. At 1300 completely out of position on the left, and
Company K again received fire, probably Company L on the right stopped almost as
from the same force which had tried to am- soon as it moved out of the plantation area,
bush Company I. Lieutenant Lytle started he had to postpone the attack until his
flanking, and the enemy again withdrew. flanking companies were more advantage-
The two companies suffered light casual- ously situated to launch it.
ties in these encounters—four killed and The delay would be an advantage for the
four wounded. The terrain was heavy bush front by this time was rapidly becoming
and swamp, hard to get through, and with organized. The airstrip at Popondetta
no prominent terrain features from which opened for traffic on 23 November, and a
to take a bearing. Having had very little section of four 25-pounders of the 2/1 Aus-
training in patrolling, the troops got their tralian Field Regiment, Maj. A. G. Hanson
directions skewed during the frequent har- commanding, was flown in and went into
assing encounters with the enemy. By the action the same day from a point north of
end of the day they found themselves only Soputa. Additional 81-mm. mortars were
about 350 yards north of the Australians rushed to Company L, and the available
and not, as they had planned, several times native carriers and troops of Company D
that distance from them. began bringing out the wounded and carry-
Captain Lee's Company L, with a pla- ing rations to the troops on both flanks.16
toon of Company M attached, left the Companies I and K, trying to get into
banana plantation, which was on the west position for the attack after their slow ad-
bank of a small, easily forded stream, at vance of the day before, got off to an early
about 1500 and attacked in a northwesterly start on 23 November. Except for some
direction. After gaining perhaps 200 yards, heavy firing at daybreak, which caused
the company was stopped in its tracks by
heavy crossfire. It lost three killed and sev- 15
126th Inf Jnl, Sers 4, 5, 23 Nov 42; Tomita
eral wounded and made no further advance Butai Orders, 22 Nov 42; Yokoyama Det Orders,
that day. 22 Nov 42. Last two in ATIS EP 29; 17th Army
Opns I, 131; 18th Army Opns I, 20, 21. About 500
The company had just dug itself in for replacements had come in from Rabaul on 21 No-
the night when Colonel Tsukamoto at- vember. The larger portion were at once assigned
to Colonel Tsukamoto for front-line action, and the
tacked with several hundred fresh 144th
rest were left in reserve to the rear of the track
Infantry replacements who had reached junction.
Basabua the night before and had been im- 126th Inf Jnl, Ser 5, 23 Nov 42; G-3 Opns
Rpt, No. 231, 23-24 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
mediately assigned to his command. Com- SWPA: NGF, Notes on Opns in New Guinea, Ser
pany L, helped by the two Australian com- 3 ; McCarthy, op. cit., Ch. 17.

them no casualties, the two companies met wounded. Captain Bosgard took over com-
no interference from the enemy all day. mand of the Australians in the area, and
Progress was steady, and by 1410 Captain Maj. Bert Zeeff of the Americans. Major
Shirley was able to report an uninterrupted Zeeff, executive officer of the 3d Battalion,
advance. went forward that night from battalion
Though they themselves were not too sure headquarters. Zeeff reached the plantation
of their location, Companies I and K had area with a few men from Battalion Head-
by the following evening reached a clearing quarters Company at about 0100 on the
in the swamp to the left of the track, about 26th. He slept in the same CP in which
1,200 yards north of their line of departure Captain Blamey had been killed. At day-
and about 1,000 west of the Killerton trail. break, after a heavy mortaring of the plan-
The two companies, now together and in tation area by the Japanese, Zeeff inspected
position to attack, settled themselves in the the Allied position. He found the Aus-
clearing for the night, preparatory to at- tralians in the center of the line, with the
tacking eastward in the morning. After three Americans in a semicircular position on left
sleepless nights the weary men were not as and right. The Australians were behind a
alert as they should have been. Japanese heavy log breastwork, which, as Zeeff re-
patrols approached to within a short dis- calls, was "grooved and creased" with en-
tance of their perimeter and suddenly sub- emy fire. The attack obviously was making
jected them to heavy crossfire. Taken com- no progress, and it was clear to Zeeff that
pletely by surprise, the troops pulled back he would have to use some other axis of
into the swamp in disorder. approach if he was to reach the track.
Learning of the new setback, Colonel Instead of trying to crash through the
Tomlinson, who had counted on finally at- strong enemy positions forward of the plan-
tacking on 25 November, at once ordered tation area, Zeeff tried a new tactic. Leaving
Major Bond forward to take command of part of Company L and twenty men from
the two scattered companies and to attack 3d Battalion headquarters in place in the
on the 26th. plantation area, he recrossed the stream
On the right Company L had been mak- with the rest of his force, about 100 men,
ing virtually no progress. By the evening of sideslipped along the stream for about 600
24 November, it was just where it had been yards, and prepared to hit the enemy
on the evening of the 22d—on the out- through the gap between Boerem's positions
skirts of the rice dump, about 200 yards on the track and the allied right flank.17
from its line of departure.
The next day, 25 November, the 25-
pounders and the mortars gave the Japanese Jnls, Cos I, K, and L, 126th Inf, 23 Nov 42,
24 Nov 42, 25 Nov 42; 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 12, 14,
positions a thorough going over. In the proc- 16, 19, 23 Nov 42, Sers 4, 16, 28, 24 Nov 42, Sers
ess, however, an 81-mm. mortar shell fell 9, 19, 25 Nov 42; Ltrs, Lt Col Bert Zeeff to author,
short and landed in the command post that 5 Oct 50, 25 Oct 50, 11 Sep 51. Capt. Jack M.
Blamey, a nephew of General Blamey, who had
Captain Lee was sharing with Captain distinguished himself by his bravery during this
Blamey. Blamey and one other Australian period as well as during the fighting in the Owen
Stanleys, was posthumously awarded the Distin-
were killed, and Captain Lee and five guished Service Cross. The citation is in GHQ
others—Australians and Americans—were SWPA GO No. 54, 3 Dec 42.

NATIVES WITH SUPPLIES AND AMMUNITION for the front lines taking a brief
rest along a corduroy road.

The long-delayed attack was now finally the Killerton trail. Major Boerem's com-
ready. The 25-pounders and the mortars panies ran into such heavy machine gun
opened up about 1300, 26 November, and mortar fire that they were stopped
shortly after Companies I and K, under after an advance of less than a hundred
Major Bond, pushed off to the eastward yards. Colonel Tomlinson, Captain Boice,
toward the Killerton trail. At 1320 the artil- Captain Dixon, and other members of the
lery and mortar fire ceased. Companies C regimental staff who were observing Boe-
and D, Major Boerem's two companies, rem's attack were pinned to the ground and
attacked straight north along the track, managed to extricate themselves only after
and Company L, with attached elements of the enemy fire lifted. Zeeff did somewhat
Company M and battalion headquarters, better. He pushed ahead for about 350
under Major Zeeff, crossed the stream and yards before running into heavy fire from
pushed northwestward. several hidden machine guns that killed and
Major Bond's eastward thrust hit stiff re- wounded several of his men. The advance,
sistance. After several hours of indecisive which had begun so promisingly, was
fighting and the loss of five killed and brought to a complete halt. The troops be-
twenty-three wounded, Bond's two com- gan aggressive patrolling to pinpoint the
panies consolidated about 700 yards west of enemy positions, but so skillfully were they

"FUZZY WUZZY" NATIVES carrying a wounded soldier to a first aid station in the
rear area.

hidden that Zeeff's patrols could not at once The Establishment of the Roadblock
locate them. Dusk came, and the troops
dug in for the night in foxholes which im- Early on 27 November Major Bond re-
mediately filled with water.18 ported that, although everything on his
front was at a stalemate, he was holding
and preparing to attack. The next morn-
126th Inf Jnl, Sers 1, 7, 20, 27, 33, 39, 48, 52,
54, 56, 59, 26 Nov 42; Jnls, Cos I, K, and L, 26
ing, while Colonel Tomlinson was adding
Nov 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det, 26 Nov 42; Ltrs, up his battle casualties (which by that time
Col Zeeff to author, 5 Oct 50, 25 Oct 50. Maj. were more than 100 killed, wounded, and
Simon Warmenhoven, the regimental surgeon, while
missing), the Cannon and Antitank Com-
on his way that day to Major Boerem's CP with
other members of the regimental staff, saw a mortar panies under Captain Medendorp finally
shell land on a platoon of the 2/3 Battalion, which reached Soputa from Wairopi. The men,
was in position immediately to Boerem's rear, killing exhausted and very hungry, were given food
five and wounding eight. Though the position was
under heavy fire, Warmenhoven at once went to the and allowed to rest, their first respite in
aid of the wounded Australians and stayed with some time.
them until all had received medical attention and Colonel Tsukamoto meanwhile con-
been evacuated. Warmenhoven was later awarded
the Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in tinued attacking savagely on his left, on the
Hq USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43. assumption apparently that the Allied

troops on that flank presented the greatest ward again. His orders were to move north-
threat to his position in the track junction. west to make contact with the troops on the
The Japanese attacked all day on 27 No- left flank, who, he was told, would try to
vember. Their pressure was directed prin- hit the Soputa—Sanananda track the next
cipally at Zeeff, whose forward perimeter day.
was now between 300 and 400 yards from General Vasey had hoped to open up a
the track, but intermittent glancing blows new front for his Australians by having them
were sent also against the Australian and cut over from the Killerton trail to the
American positions in the banana planta- Soputa-Sanananda track at a point well to
tion. The heaviest attack of the day came the north of the area in which the Ameri-
toward evening. It was beaten off with the cans were operating. On 28 November, on
help of Major Hanson's 25-pounders and the very eve of the American attack, he
the excellent observation of one of Han- learned that the plan was impracticable.
son's forward observers, Lt. A. N. T. Strong Australian patrols sent out on 24
Daniels, who was with Zeeff. Daniels and 26 November reported that the inter-
switched the artillery fire from Zeeff's front vening swamp barred access from one track
to Bosgard's and back again to such good to the other that far north. The farthest
effect that the Japanese attack soon dwin- north the crossing could be made, General
dled to nuisance fire only. In repelling the Vasey was told, was where the Americans
Japanese, Zeeff's troops suffered consider- were about to make it. The Americans, in
able casualties, and the Australians in the short, had stumbled upon exactly the right
plantation area, now down to about fifty spot to make the envelopment, and the en-
men, lost Captain Bosgard, whose death velopment was ready to go.
came only two days after Captain Blamey's. The main effort was to be on the left.
Zeeff had meanwhile been joined by sev- On 29 November Colonel Tomlinson or-
enty men from Major Boerem's detach- dered Major Baetcke, his executive officer,
ment—thirty-seven men from Company C to proceed to Major Bond's position on the
and thirty-three from Company D. Still left flank and take command of the troops
facing the task of cleaning out the Japanese there. These troops now included Com-
immediately to their front, the group spent panies I and K, elements of Company M
the day of the 28th in patrolling and lo- and 3d Battalion headquarters, and the
cating the hidden enemy positions. One of Cannon and Antitank Companies. The last
Zeeff's platoon leaders, 1st Lt. Henry M. two units had moved up from Soputa and
Crouch, Jr., accompanied by Lieutenant taken up a position on Bond's rear. Baetcke's
Daniels, stalked and ambushed a party of instructions were to attack eastward on 30
eight Japanese. In a particularly daring November and, in concert with a further
foray, Sgt. Robert R. McGee of Company frontal attack by Major Boerem, and an
L led the patrol that located the main
enemy position standing in the way of the 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 19, 24, 27 Nov 42, Sers 2,
13, 28 Nov 42; Jnl, Co L, 126th Inf, 27-30 Nov
advance and helped to wipe it out. The next 42; Ltrs, Col Zeeff to author, 5 Oct 50, 25 Oct 50;
day, rations, ammunition, and hand gre- Interv with Col Baetcke, 18 Nov 50. Sergeant
McGee was later awarded the Distinguished Service
nades were brought forward and distributed Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 32,
to the troops. Zeeff was ready to push for- 15 Jun 43.

attack on the right by Major Zeeff, to es- attack on the right by Company L met no
tablish a roadblock to the rear of the main opposition for about 150 yards but was then
enemy position in the track junction. brought to a complete halt by a strong Jap-
Baetcke reached Bond's position late on anese force that Colonel Tsukamoto had
the morning of 29 November. He was ac- deployed there for just that purpose. Com-
companied by 1st Lt. Peter L. Dal Fonte, panies C and D in the center did not do as
commanding officer of the Service Com- well and gained only a few yards. The real
pany, whom he had chosen to be his assist- success of the day was registered on the left.
ant. As nearly as could be made out, Bond's Major Bond's force left the line of de-
position to the west of both the Cape Killer- parture at 0900, after a ten-minute artillery
ton trail and the Soputa-Sanananda track and mortar preparation. It moved in col-
lay about 700 yards from the one and 1,600 umn of companies, Company I leading. The
yards from the other. Baetcke quickly supporting fire of Company K proved very
worked out a plan of attack. The line of effective and drew strong, retaliatory fire
departure was to be about 200 yards north- from the enemy. At first the troops had no
east of Bond's main position and about 500 trouble dealing with the enemy to the front.
west of the Killerton trail. At the prescribed About four hundred yards beyond the line
time the troops would attack straight east of departure, as they started moving through
and move astride the Soputa—Sanananda a large kunai patch, they were met from
track 1,400 yards away. virtually all sides by hostile rifle, mortar, and
The units in assault would be under com- machine gun fire. Major Bond was wounded
mand of Major Bond, who was to be ac- about 0930 and had to be evacuated. The
companied by Lieutenant Daniels. The at- attack lost its momentum and for a time
tacking force of 265 men was to include bogged down completely. Learning of the
Company I under Captain Shirley, the Anti- difficulty, Major Baetcke came up from the
tank Company under its commanding offi- rear, rallied the troops, and, leading the way,
cer, Capt. Roger Keast, a light machine gun cleared the enemy out of the kunai flat. Cap-
section of Company M, and a communica- tain Shirley took command and the attack
tions detachment from 3d Battalion head- continued.
quarters. Company K and the Cannon After eliminating the resistance on the
Company, both under command of Cap- kunai flat, the troops fought several minor
tain Medendorp, were to be in support. Led skirmishes with small parties of the enemy
by Lieutenant Lytle, Company K would who seemed to be patrolling the area. About
take up a position behind the line of de- a thousand yards out, they ran into jungle
parture and execute a holding attack by and swamp terrain more difficult than any-
fire. The Cannon Company, under its com- thing they had previously encountered. The
mander, 1st Lt. John L. Fenton, would undergrowth in the jungle was almost im-
remain in reserve to the rear of Company penetrable, but the real difficulty came when
K and would come to its aid should it come the men reached a 300-yard stretch of knee-
under enemy attack. deep swamp. The Japanese, who had cut fire
Early on the morning of 30 November lanes commanding the swamp, temporarily
the 126th Infantry attacked the Japanese on stopped Captain Shirley's troops with knee-
the right, in the center, and on the left. The mortar and machine gun fire just as they

were trying to clear it. Shirley's men finally some medical supplies; most important of
succeeded in crossing the swamp and dis- all, it had gained its objective. The captured
persing the enemy. A little way out of the bivouac area, a comparatively open, oval-
swamp the troops came upon a well-traveled shaped space about 250 yards long and 150
trail leading generally eastward and fol- yards wide, lay astride the track 1,500 yards
lowed it. At 1700 Company I's scouts re- to the north of the track junction and ap-
ported an enemy bivouac area directly proximately 300 south of the Japanese sec-
ahead. What followed is best told by one ond line of defense higher up on the track.
who was present. The long-sought roadblock, to the rear of
the Japanese positions in the track junction,
At this point Captain Shirley ordered his
Company I, deployed with two platoons had finally been established.22
abreast and supporting platoon following in
center rear, to insert bayonets and assault the Zeeff's Recall
. . . enemy position (endeavoring to get his
objective prior to darkness). The attack was Now that the Shirley force had cut
well executed and successful. Captain Shirley,
after driving the enemy from this position, through the Japanese line and established
organized perimeter defense by emplacing his itself on the track, it remained to be seen
rifle platoons of Company I west of the road; whether the Zeeff force, now only a few
1 LMG Squad, Company M, near the road hundred yards south of it, could link up
on the northern portion of the perimeter; and with Shirley. Held up on 30 November
1 LMG Squad, Company M, on the southern
portion of the perimeter. AT Company had while Shirley was moving steadily to his
been [deployed] east of the road. The perim- goal, Major Zeeff experienced no difficulty
eter was in and established by about . . . moving forward the next day. His men ad-
1830. . . . About two hours later we were vanced northwest in order to join Shirley
getting heavy mortar fire in the perimeter and in the roadblock. The Japanese, apparently
later attacks from the northeast on the AT diverted from the threat on their left by the
Company's sector, and subsequently from the new threat on their rear, had relaxed their
northwest on Company I's sector. Both were pressure, and Zeeff's force moved steadily
repulsed with few casualties.21
In storming the bivouac area, the Shir- Early that afternoon Zeeff's troops crossed
ley force had killed a score of Japanese; it the track and, moving to a point about 250
had captured two disabled Ford trucks, a yards west of it, surprised and wiped out a
variety of auto repair tools, a little food, and party of thirty-five to forty Japanese.
Zeeff reported the skirmish to Colonel Tom-
126th Inf Jnl, Sers 16, 21, 29 Nov 42, Sers 6, 8,
9, 12, 13, 30, 31, 35, 37, 38, 30 Nov 42; Jnls, Cos I,
K, and L, 126th Inf, 29 and 30 Nov 42; Col 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 62, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 30
Baetcke, Notes on the American Force on the Nov 42; Jnls, Cos I and K, 126th Inf, 30 Nov 42;
Sanananda Trail, 25 May 43; Memo, Maj Peter L. Col Baetcke, Notes on the American Force on the
Dal Fonte for author, 12 Jul 50; McCarthy, op. cit., Sanananda Trail, 25 May 43; Ltr, Col Baetcke to
Ch. 17. For his action in rallying and leading the ACofS, G-3, SWPA, 9 Jul 43, Statement on the
troops on the kunai flat, Major Baetcke was later Soputa—Sanananda (Huggins) Roadblock, in G-3
awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita- Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Memo, Maj Dal Fonte for
tion is in Hq, USAFFE GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43. author, 12 Jul 50; Interv with Col Baetcke, 17
Memo, Maj Dal Fonte for author, 12 Jul 50. Nov 50.

linson at 1515 and, told him that he nett . . . was shot in the head, lying a few
thought his troops had crossed the track. feet from Sullivan. Epstein did the same for
To prevent enemy interception of the mes- Burnett, and managed to crawl back without
being hit.
sage Zeeff spoke in Dutch, a language fa-
miliar to many of the Michigan troops Epstein's luck did not hold. To quote
present, and a Dutch-speaking sergeant at Zeeff again: "The next morning just before
headquarters interpreted for Colonel daybreak, Pvt. Mike Russin on our left flank
Tomlinson. was hit by a sniper. Epstein went to him, . . .
Zeeff dug in at 1625 on Tomlinson's or- but did not return as he was shot and killed
ders. Within the hour the Japanese struck there. We buried him before moving
from right and front. After a brisk fire fight o u t . . . ," 2 3
in which Zeeff lost two killed and three Toward evening, while the troops were
wounded, the enemy withdrew. At 2100 digging in for the night at a new perimeter
Colonel Tomlinson ordered Zeeff to move a few yards east of the track and about 500
back to the east side of the road as soon as south of the roadblock, Sergeant McGee,
he could and to push northward from there whom Zeeff had sent out to reconnoiter the
to make the desired juncture with the troops area immediately to the northward, came
in the roadblock. At that point the wire back with discouraging news. Strong and
went dead, and Zeeff was on his own. well-manned enemy positions, beyond the
The troops fashioned stretchers for the power of the Zeeff force to breach, lay a
wounded from saplings, telephone wire, couple of hundred yards ahead. Zeeff had
and denim jackets, and the next morning scarcely had time to digest the news when
began moving from their night perimeter on the Japanese were upon him again. After a
a northeasterly course to recross the track wild spate of firing, the attack was finally
as ordered. Their withdrawal was no easy beaten off at a cost to Zeeff of five killed and
task. The enemy kept up a steady fire, and six seriously wounded.
it was here that Pvt. Hymie Y. Epstein, one By this time Colonel Tomlinson was sat-
of Zeeff's last medical aid men, was killed. isfied that Zeeff could neither maintain him-
Epstein had distinguished himself on 22 self where he was nor break through to the
November by crawling to the aid of a roadblock. His perimeter was directly in the
wounded man in an area swept by enemy line of Allied fire, and there was no alter-
fire. He had done the same thing on 1 native but to get him out of there as quickly
December. This is the scene on the after- as possible before he was hit by friendly fire
noon of the 1st, as Zeeff recalled it: or cut to pieces by the enemy. The wire had
I was prone with a filled musette bag in been repaired, and at 2000 that night Tom-
front of my face; Epstein was in a similar linson ordered Zeeff to leave the area im-
position about 4 or 5 feet to my left. Pvt. Sulli- mediately, warning him that it was to be
van was shot through the neck and was lying mortared the next day. Zeeff was to bring
about 10 feet from me to my right front.
Epstein said, "I have to take care of him." I
said, "I'm not ordering you to go, the fire is
too heavy." [Despite this], he crawled on his Ltr, Col Zeeff to author, 11 Sep 51. Private
stomach, treated and bandaged Sullivan, then Epstein was posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
crawled back. A few minutes later, Sgt. Bur- The citation is in Hq, 32d Div GO No. 28, 6 Apr 43.


back his sick and wounded but was not to Two of the stretchers broke down en route,
bother burying the dead. and the troops struggled forward with the
The job of making litters for the six two wounded men as best they could.
newly wounded began at once and went on Shortly after daybreak the procession
through the night. Saplings were cut and reached the stream, where Captain Dixon
stretchers made. By 0330 the stretchers were was waiting with stretchers and stretcher
loaded and the march began. Walking in bearers. The wounded were attended to im-
single column, and guiding themselves in mediately, and the rest of the troops, most
the dark with telephone wire, the troops of whom had been eleven days in combat,
moved south for about 900 yards and then returned to regimental headquarters and
turned east toward the familiar little stream were allowed to rest.
that flowed past the banana plantation. Zeeff had not accomplished his mission,
The terrain was swampy, and the march but he and his troops had done something
slow. The men were spent and hungry, and that in retrospect was electrifying. They had
eight soldiers had to be assigned to each threaded their way through the main Japa-
stretcher. Four would carry it for fifty yards, nese position on the track, manned by some
and then the other four would take over. 2,000 enemy troops, and had come out in

good order, bringing their wounded with on the track was likely to be. All that the
them.24 brigade was now in condition to do was
hold. If not relieved in the near future, it
The Ensuing Tasks would soon be unable to do even that.25
The weight of the attack would therefore
General Vasey had by now lost all hope have to continue on the Americans. But
of an early decision on the Soputa—Sanan- they too were beginning to sicken with
anda track. He simply did not have enough malaria, and their effective strength was
troops to secure such a decision. The 16th between 1,100 and 1,200 men, not the 1,400
Brigade had less than 900 effectives left and it had been on 22 November when they had
was wasting away so rapidly from malaria first been committed to action. This was
and other sicknesses that there was no longer scarcely a force sufficient to reduce a posi-
any question of assigning it any further of- tion as strong as that held by Colonel
fensive mission, especially if the mission was Tsukamoto, especially since the later ac-
of a sustained nature as any offensive thrust tually had more men manning his powerful
Jnl, Co L, 126th Inf, 1-3 Dec 42; 126th Inf
defense line than the Allies had available to
Jnl, Sers 18, 19, 27, 31, 1 Dec 42, Sers 5, 23, 2 attack it.
Dec 42, Sers 1, 4, 3 Dec 42; Ltrs, Col Zeeff to
author, 25 Oct 50, 11 Sep 51; Ltr, Col Tomlinson
to author, 28 Nov 50. McCarthy, op. cit., Ch. 17.

The First Two Weeks at Buna

On 16 November the troops east of the ammunition. Waldron had left before day-
Girua River started for the positions from break for Oro Bay to pick up the 25-pound-
which they were to attack the enemy in the ers that were waiting there. His executive
Cape Endaiadere-New Strip area. (See officer, Lt. Col. Melvin McCreary, who had
Map V.) The 128th Infantry moved out been put ashore at Hariko with the two
to the attack in early morning. Colonel mountain guns, had them assembled and
McCoy's 1st Battalion (less Company A ready to fire from an advanced position at
which was still at Pongani) advanced up Boreo that evening.1
the coast from Embogo, crossed the Sam-
boga River, and by nightfall was in posi- General Harding Readjusts His Plans
tion at Boreo, a creek mouth about a mile
north of Hariko where General MacNider The Disruption of the Supply Line
now had his headquarters. Colonel Miller's
3d Battalion, with Colonel Smith's 2d Bat- It was clear as the advance got under way
talion marching immediately behind it, that the 32d Division's weakest point was
moved up from Warisota Plantation—three its supply line. Until an airfield was com-
miles west of Embogo—and Embi, scattered pleted at Dobodura the division's supply, ex-
a small Japanese patrol at Dobodura that cept for emergency dropping from the air,
afternoon, and started for Simemi, its would be entirely dependent upon the six
jump-off point for the attack on the bridge remaining luggers or trawlers with which
between the strips. The troops still at Pon- Colonel McKenny was carrying supplies up
gani—Company A, 128th Infantry, Com- the coast from Porlock Harbor, as well as
pany A, 114th Engineer Battalion, Colonel upon the Japanese barge General Waldron
Carrier's 1st Battalion, 126th Infantry, and was using to bring in the 25-pounders from
Major Harcourt's 2/6 Australian Independ- Oro Bay. The boats had thus far not been
ent Company—were to leave for the front interfered with by the enemy, but Japanese
the next day, in the same luggers which naval aviation at Lae had marked the Al-
were bringing forward the supplies. Artil- lied coastal movements well, and struck the
lery was already in place. Using a Japanese very day the advance began.
barge captured at Milne Bay, General Wal-
dron, the division artillery officer, had come
in during the night with the two Australian 128th Inf Jnl, Ser 70, 17 Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th
Inf, Jnl, 17 Nov 42; 32d Div Hist of Arty, Papuan
3.7-inch mountain howitzers allotted to the Campaign; Ltr, Gen Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar
operation, their crews, and 200 rounds of 51.

In the late afternoon of 16 November to the water. General Harding, General

three of Colonel McKenny's luggers—the Waldron, and Colonel Handy swam ashore.
Alacrity, the Bonwin, and the Minne- Colonel Laux, who was no swimmer, got
mura—joined by the Japanese landing there safely in a dinghy which had been
barge, which had just come in from Oro riding behind the Minnemura.
Bay, left Embogo for Hariko. The Alacrity The luggers, the Japanese barge, and
was carrying ammunition, and the equip- virtually all of the cargo they were carrying
ment and personnel of the 22d Portable were a total loss. The lighter that had been
Hospital. The Bonwin was loaded with ra- loading ammunition from the Alacrity
tions and ammunition, and the Minnemura, reached shore under fire. At great personal
largest of the three luggers, held ammuni- risk 1st Lt. John E. Harbert, a divisional
tion, rations, radio supplies, 81-mm. mor- ordnance officer, went aboard and took off
tars, .50-caliber machine guns, and other the ammunition. Casualties were heavy.
heavy equipment not easily carried by the Colonel McKenny and twenty-three others
troops. The Japanese barge, also heavily were killed, and there were many wounded.
laden, carried two 25-pounders, their crews, The loss of life would have been even greater
and all the 25-pounder ammunition for but for a number of daring rescues from the
which space could be found. General Wal- shore. Braving the enemy fire, the exploding
dron and Col. H. F. Handy, an Army ammunition, and the flaming debris, rescue
Ground Forces observer, were on the barge. parties under Colonel Carew, commanding
General Harding, who was on his way to the officer of the 114th Engineer Battalion, and
front, was on the Minnemura, as was an- 1st Lt. Herbert G. Peabody, of Division
other AGF observer, Col. Herbert B. Laux. Headquarters Company, saved the lives of
The luggers and barge, protected only by many who might otherwise have drowned
machine guns mounted on their decks, were or burned to death.2
proceeding without air cover. Though it The next morning, in attacks which took
was still light, Allied fighter aircraft patrol- place before the air force could intervene,
ling the coast had left for Port Moresby four Zeros hit two of the remaining three
some time before in order to get back to their luggers, one at Embogo, and the other at
bases before dark. While the boats were Mendaropu. The first lugger, the Two
rounding Cape Sudest, and a small lighter Freddies, was badly smashed up and had to
from the shore was off-loading ammunition limp back to Milne Bay for repairs; the
from the Alacrity, which had stopped mo- 2
Maj Parker's Buna Rpt; Col Handy's Buna Rpt:
mentarily for that purpose, the flotilla was Gen Harding's Diary, 16 Nov 42. Colonel Carew
attacked by eighteen Japanese Zero-type and Lieutenants Harbert and Peabody were later
fighters that appeared without warning awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, as
were the following enlisted men who participated
from the northwest. The enemy planes gave in the rescues: S. Sgt. John R. MacGowan, Sgt.
the ships a thorough strafing. The troops Howard J. Weiss, Cpl. Gordon C. Snyder, Pfc.
aboard replied with machine guns and Donald R. Price, Pvt. Maro P. Johnson, Pvt. Homer
McAllister, and Pvt. Cloyd G. Myers. Price, John-
rifles but their fire was entirely without ef- son and McAllister were from the 107th QM Bat-
fect. In a few moments the barge and all talion; the others were from Headquarters Com-
pany and Companies I and H, 128th Infantry. The
three luggers were ablaze. The ammunition citations are in GHQ SWPA GO No. 64, 28 Dec
began to explode and all aboard had to take 42, and GO No. 1, 1 Jan 43.

AUSTRALIAN 3.7-INCH PACK HOWITZER is dismantled before being loaded on

a Japanese motor-driven barge which was captured at Milne Bay.

second lugger, the Willyama suffered even tually at the front where the troops could
greater damage and had to be beached, a use them were in dangerously short supply,
total loss. Only one small lugger, the Kelton, and the one small remaining lugger could
was left to supply the troops east of the not possibly handle more than a small frac-
river. tion of the division's immediate require-
The loss of the boats was a catastrophe of ments, Maj. Ralph T. Birkness, Colonel
the first magnitude. There were no replace- McKenny's successor, then at Port Moresby,
ment vessels immediately in sight, and ar- at once arranged with the air force to have
tillery pieces, mortars, machine guns, and the most critically needed items dropped
other essential matériel, which could not be from the air.3
replaced for days, had been lost on the very 3
Msg, Gen MacNider to Gen Harding, Ser 769,
eve of the attack. The whole supply plan 17 Nov 42; Msg, Col John W. Mott, CofS 32d
Div, to Gen MacNider, Ser 787, 17 Nov 42; Msg,
for the operation had been disrupted. Since Gen Harding to Maj Ralph T. Birkness, Moresby,
the stores of rations and ammunition ac- Ser 844, 18 Nov 42. All in 32d Div, G-2, G-3 Jnl.

GENERAL WALDRON (center, facing forward) discusses plans for the impending battle
15 November 1942.

The dislocation caused by the loss of boats Coy's battalion in the attack toward Cape
and cargo on 16 and 17 November forced Endaiadere.4
General Harding to make some last-minute
changes in plan. General MacNider was or- Colonel Smith Is Ordered to the Left
dered to hold up his advance until the Kel-
ton could come in and make up at least part On 18 November, with the 1st and 3d
of his supply deficiencies, and the troops at Battalions, 128th Infantry, in position at
Pongani who were to have been moved to Boreo and Simemi respectively, General
Embogo by boat were ordered instead to Harding set H Hour as 0700 the following
proceed to the front on foot. Except for the
engineer company which was sent to Dobo- 4
Msg, Col Mott to Maj Harry G. Harcourt, 2/6
dura, the troops were ordered to Boreo Aust Ind Co, Ser 791, 17 Nov 42; Msg, Gen Hard-
ing to Col Mott, Ser 848, 18 Nov 42. Both in 32d
where they were to join with Colonel Mc- Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Gen Harding's Diary, 17 Nov 42.
128TH INFANTRYMEN. Above, .30-cal. Browning machine gun position in 1st Battalion
area, Embogo River; below, four men from the 2d Battalion cook breakfast near the beach at
128TH INFANTRYMEN. Above, 3d Battalion troops cross a stream near Boreo; below
(left to right), Capt. Jack Martin, Capt. Emil Khail, Colonel Miller, and Colonel MacNab
discuss attack plans at Warisota Village.

morning, 19 November. Three companies of tack. The troops were drenched to the skin,
the 2d Battalion, 128th Infantry, which and all aircraft were grounded. At 0700,
were to be in division reserve, were ordered after the two mountain guns fired a few un-
from Dobodura to Ango in order to cover observed rounds, the 1st Battalion, 128th
the junction of the Soputa-Buna and Ango- Infantry, under Colonel McCoy, moved
Dobodura tracks until such time as the 126th forward from Boreo, and the 3d Battalion,
Infantry could come in and take over the 128th Infantry, under Colonel Miller,
left-flank attack on Buna Village and Buna marched out from Simemi. Because of the
Mission. The remaining company, joined by supply dislocation, the men had only one
the engineer company when it came in from day's rations with them, and only as much
Pongani, was to remain at Dobodura to help ammunition as was immediately avail-
prepare an airfield there. able—little more than a day's supply.
The diversion next day to General Vasey's Colonel McCoy's troops, in column of
command of the 126th Infantry, even as it companies, with Company C leading,
was marching from Inonda toward Buna crossed the creek mouth near Boreo, and
to attack on Harding's left, upset these plans. began moving along a narrow, muddy path
Robbed at the last minute of his left-flank in the jungle about twenty yards inland.
force, General Harding had to commit his Their objective was Cape Endaiadere, two
reserve, the 2d Battalion, 128th Infantry. In miles away.
ordering Colonel Smith to take Buna, Gen- Colonel Yamamoto was ready. He had
eral Harding was well aware that he was had two full days to get his fresh, well-
sending a battalion to do a job to which a armed 144th and 229th Infantry troops into
full regiment had previously been assigned. position. His main line of resistance, be-
He had no other force available, however, tween 750 and 800 yards south of Cape
and sent Smith forward anyway, hoping ap- Endaiadere, ran from the sea through the
parently that he might, with luck, do the job. Duropa Plantation to the eastern end of the
The company at Dobodura was immediately New Strip and past it to the bridge between
ordered to Ango, and the battalion moved the strips. (Map 9) At the immediate ap-
out on the 20th with orders to attack Buna proaches to this well-built and strongly held
Mission.5 defense system he had an outpost line of
emplacements. Although not continuous
The Battle Opens like the main line, it was very strong because
of its cleared fields of fire. It was covered
The Attacks on the Right by troops who manned concealed and clev-
erly disposed machine gun nests along the
Torrential rains that lasted all day began track at the lower (southern) end of the
early on 19 November, the day of the at- Duropa Plantation, and in the plantation
Msgs, Gen Harding to Col Mott, Ser 848, 18
Nov 42, Ser 964, 19 Nov 42; Msgs, Gen Harding to The 1st Battalion made its first enemy
NGF, Sers 967, 968, 20 Nov 42. All in 32d Div contact halfway between Boreo and the
G-2, G-3 Jnl. 32d Div Sitreps No. 52, 18 Nov 42, plantation. It was met by heavy machine
No. 53, 19 Nov 42, No. 54, 20 Nov 42; Gen Hard-
ing's Diary, 18, 19 Nov 42. gun and rifle fire from hidden enemy ma-

chine gun positions west of the track. The enemy machine gun and rifle fire from their
troops deployed and attacked, but the heavy camouflaged positions." He added:
overhead jungle growth made it difficult . . . Our troops were pinned down every-
for them to use their mortars effectively and where by extremely effective fire. It was dan-
their grenades were of little use because they gerous to show even a finger from behind one's
did not know where the enemy was or cover, as it would immediately draw a burst
where the fire was coming from. The Japa- of fire. It was impossible to see where the en-
emy fire was coming from; consequently our
nese weapons gave off no flash, and the own rifle and machine gun [fire] was ineffec-
reverberation of their fire in the jungle made tive during the early stages. . . . Grenades
it impossible to ascertain their whereabouts and mortars . . . were difficult to use be-
by sound. To complicate matters, the Japa- cause, first, it was difficult to pick out a nest
nese made it a practice to rotate their wea- position to advance upon with grenades, sec-
ond, the thick jungle growth, and high grass,
pons among several hidden positions, caus- made throwing and firing difficult, and, third,
ing the inexperienced Americans, until they because it was nearly impossible to observe our
saw through the trick, to imagine them- fire.
selves covered by automatic weapons from Yielding a dozen or so yards at a time
all sides.6 when strongly pressed, the Japanese cover-
Maj. David B. Parker, an engineer ob- ing troops gradually fell back. Out of ra-
server who was present wrote: tions, and with the greater part of its ammu-
The first opposition from the enemy here
nition used up, the 1st Battalion ended the
was a surprise and shock to our green troops. day a badly shaken outfit. The troops had
The enemy positions were amazingly well entered the battle joking and laughing, and
camouflaged, and seemed to have excellent sure of an easy victory. Now they were
fields of fire even in the close quarters of the
jungle. . . . Snipers were everywhere, . . .
dazed and taken aback by the mauling they
and they were so well camouflaged that it was had received at the hands of the Japanese.
nearly impossible to discern them. The enemy Nor did it escape them that the bodies of
habitually allowed our troops to advance to the few Japanese left on the field were those
very close range—sometimes four or five feet
from a machine gun post—before opening of fresh, well-fed, well-armed troops—not,
fire; often they allowed troops to by-pass them as they had been led to expect, the tired,
completely, opening fire then on our rear ele- emaciated, and disease-ridden survivors of
ments, and on our front elements from the the fighting in the Owen Stanleys. It was to
be some time before they and their fellows
Major Parker was particularly impressed recovered from the shock of finding that
by "the deadly accuracy and strength of the the battle was to be no pushover and that,

Maj Parker's Buna Rpt. During this attack, T/5
Maj Parker's Buna Rpt; Capt E. Khail, S-2, Edwin C. De Rosier, a medical aid man from the
128th Inf, to Col Hale, CO, 128th Inf, 28 Nov 42, 107th Medical Detachment, moved out into the
sub: Japanese Tactics, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; open in the face of intense enemy fire and repeat-
Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 19 Nov 51. It should edly went to the aid of the wounded, saving the lives
be noted here that the map then in use on the of several. Killed in action two weeks later, De
front, the Buna Target Plan No. 24, was later found Rosier was posthumously awarded the Distinguished
to be inaccurate. Its inaccuracy led to errors in the Service Cross. The citation is in GHQ SWPA
daily situation reports of the forces engaged. GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43.

instead of a short and easy mop-up, a long twelve Japs whom they stalked only to have
cruel fight lay ahead of them.8 all the grenades fail to explode and to suffer
about 30 percent casualties from return gren-
Colonel Miller's troops had an even ruder
ade fire.10
awakening. As the 3d Battalion approached
the trail junction between the Old and At the end of the day, Miller's troops were
New Strips, the Simemi trail degenerated still at the edge of the clearing south of the
into a narrow causeway with swamp on junction. The battalion had suffered heavy
either side. Attempts to get the troops casualties, and made no further gain. As
through an open area about 300 yards south Colonel Miller himself put the matter
of the junction were met by such intense fire late that afternoon, it had been "stopped
from the western end of the New Strip, cold."11
from behind the bridge between the strips, Pinned down on a narrow front, out of
and from machine guns forward of the rations, and with nearly all the ammunition
junction itself that no further advance was expended, Miller's troops made no progress
possible that day. whatever the next day. They were fortunate
Nor could Miller do much to blast out that Colonel Yamamoto did not counter-
the enemy with fire. He had no 81-mm. attack.
mortars; a large percentage of his grenades McCoy, better supplied with ammuni-
failed to go off; his .30-caliber ammunition tion, resumed his attack on the 20th. After
ran dangerously low, and he had to call for a sketchy preparation which included some
a fresh supply to be dropped to him from unobserved fire from the mountain guns
the air.9 A member of the regimental staff and a brief bombardment of the Cape En-
recalled the situation in the following daiadere area by a few B-25's and A-20's,
words: the battalion attacked from a point about
1,800 yards south of the cape. Company C
Miller had to attack through swamps which
were sometimes waist and chest deep, and was on the right, along the coast; Com-
through which it was impossible to carry any pany B was on the left, a short distance in-
but light weapons. Here too, grenades (Mills land. The enemy was as well hidden and as
bombs obtained from the Australians) became well prepared as before, but the Americans
ineffective when wet. One of Miller's patrols
threw seven grenades into a group of ten or
had a better idea by this time what they
were about. Led by 1st Lt. John W. Crow,
8 who was reported missing in action that
Msgs, Gen MacNider to Gen Harding, Nos. 946,
976, 977, 19 Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 1st afternoon, Company C succeeded in infil-
Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 10, 12, 19 Nov 42; Memo, trating and knocking out several enemy ma-
Col Reeder, WDGS, for Col Ritchie, Chief, South- chine gun nests. The line moved forward
west Pacific Gp, OPD, WDGS, 22 Feb 43, sub:
Observer Interrogation of Officers at Buna and several hundred yards—as far as it was to
Sanananda; Col Hale, Answers to Questions by the go that day.12
Hist Sec SWPA As to Certain Phases of the Papuan
Campaign. An Australian journalist who was pres- Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49.
ent describes the scene thus: ". . . [The Ameri- 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1715, 19 Nov 42.
cans] went into action laughing. . . . There was 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1, 7, 11, 20 Nov 42;
bad psychology somewhere." George H. Johnson, Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49. Lieutenant
Pacific Partner (New York, 1944), p. 203. Crow, last seen charging an enemy machine gun
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1250, 1333, 1650, 19 post, submachine gun in hand, was posthumously
Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding to Maj Birkness, No. awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita-
936, 19 Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. tion is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43.

Rations and ammunition had been ground attack followed the bombardment.
dropped at Hariko and Simemi that morn- Because of faulty co-ordination—appar-
ing and by late afternoon had been dis- ently an oversight on the part of regimental
tributed to both McCoy and Miller. In the headquarters—neither Colonel McCoy nor
evening, Colonel Carrier's battalion and Colonel Miller received prior notice of the
Major Harcourt's Independent Company bombardment or, for that matter, orders
reached the 1st Battalion's front and went telling them when to attack. Worse still,
into bivouac immediately to McCoy's rear. one of the planes, instead of dropping its
The incoming troops, who arrived at the bombs on the Japanese, dropped them on
front exhausted after a twenty-five mile some of Colonel Miller's forward troops,
march from Pongani with full pack, were killing four and wounded two others.
to join McCoy's battalion in a further at- Orders from regiment calling for an attack
tack on Cape Endaiadere in the morning.13 at 0800 were finally received by Colonel
The attack of 21 November was to be Miller at 0840, and by Colonel McCoy at
in greater strength, better supported, and 0850—forty and fifty minutes, respectively,
better supplied than the efforts of 19 and after the air bombardment had ceased.
20 November. The plan of attack called General Harding arranged to have the
for McCoy's and Carrier's battalions (the air force attack again at 1245. The air
128th Infantry troops on the right, and attack was to be followed by an artillery and
those of the 126th Infantry on the left) to mortar barrage, and the troops would jump
move north on Cape Endaiadere on a off at 1300.
300-yard front. While the attack was pro- This time, no planes showed up for the
ceeding along the coast, the 2/6 Independ- attack. Fearing that it would not be able
ent Company would infiltrate the eastern to complete the attack within the appointed
end of the New Strip, and the 3d Battalion, time the air force had held its planes back
128th Infantry, from its position astride the rather than run the risk of again hitting
Dobodura-Simemi track, would attempt friendly troops.14
to seize the bridge between the strips. The Determined that there would be an at-
attack would be preceded by a heavy air tack that day, General Harding got the air
bombardment, following which the troops force to try again. The air bombardment,
would attack. The time of the attack would as before by A-20's and B-25's, began at
be communicated to the battalion com- 1557 and was over by 1603. It was not a
manders as soon as it was definitely learned success. Most of the planes were unable to
from the air force when the bombers would find the target area, and a flight of A-20's
come over. that did overshot the beachhead and
The air attack, executed by A-20's and dropped its bombs into the sea. One B-25
B-25's, took place at the appointed time, unloaded its bomb load squarely in the
and a few enemy machine gun nests were midst of Colonel McCoy's two lead com-
knocked out from the air. However, no
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 9, 10, 11, 13, 21
Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1, 2, 3, 7, 21
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 331, 332, 20 Nov Nov 42; Maj Parker's Buna Rpt; Col Knight's
42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 19, 20, 20 Nov 42. Buna Rpt.

panics—Companies B and C—killing six, geants, killed within a few hours of each
wounding twelve, and almost burying other, commanded it on the 21st.
seventy others. Colonel Miller's battalion failed even to
This accident had a most disheartening reach the bridge between the strips. A
effect on the 1st Battalion. Some of the men twenty-round barrage by the 60-mm. mor-
withdrew from the line of departure, and tars, fired without observation and with the
their commanders had to order them to re- aid only of a photomap, had followed the
turn. The attack finally got under way at air bombardment. The troops had jumped
1630, after a short unobserved artillery off at 1628 and at first had made good prog-
preparation by the mountain guns and a ress. They moved through the clearing
brief barrage by the mortars. As soon as where they had been held up on the 19th
the advance began, it was discovered that and 20th, swept past the junction, and sev-
the preparation had done the well dug in eral of the lead platoons actually advanced
enemy little or no harm. Once again the to within a short distance of the bridge. At
troops had to attack an enemy who was its approaches a withering crossfire com-
virtually untouched by Allied fire. pletely pinned them down. The battalion
The attackers had few heavy weapons. lost forty-two killed, wounded, and missing
Most of their 81-mm. mortars and heavy in the attack and, try as it would, could not
machine guns either had been lost or had advance. At 1750, Colonel Miller ordered
not arrived. All the mortar shells reaching the troops to pull back to a less-exposed
the front—including the light 81-mm. mor- position south of the track junction.
tar shell, the only shell available at the time It was clear by this time that the 3d
for the mortars—were fused superquick so Battalion was not going to take the bridge.
that the shells went off on contact and had At 2015 that night Colonel Miller was or-
little effect against the Japanese bunkers. dered to leave one company suitably pro-
Forward observers were handicapped by vided with ammunition and supplies to hold
the heavy jungle growth, Japanese camou- the existing position. The rest of the battal-
flage discipline, and communications fail- ion was to march to the coast, where it was
ures. The SCR 536, the small handset radio to operate thenceforward on the right flank,
with which the mortar platoons were against Cape Endaiadere. The march was
equipped, refused to work in the jungle. to be accomplished as swiftly as possible and
The troops along the coastal track fought in such a way that the Japanese would be
desperately with rifles, Thompson sub- unaware of the transfer. Company I, under
machine guns, light machine guns, and 1st Lt. Carl K. Fryday, was chosen to stay
hand grenades. They knocked out a few
machine gun nests during the day, as did 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 339 through 350, 21
Nov 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 21 through 25,
the Australian Independent Company 21 Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 8, 11, 21 Nov
which was operating near the eastern end of 42; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 21 Nov 42; Ltr,
Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49. The two ser-
the strip. Otherwise there was little prog- geants, 1st Sgt. Reuben J. Steger, and S.Sgt. Carl
ress. Casualties were heavy. In three days of Cherney, both from Marshfield, Wisconsin, were
posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service
combat, Company C lost sixty-three men, Cross. Steger's citation is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 1,
including all four of its officers. Two ser- 1 Jan 43; Cherney's is in GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43.

behind, and the rest of the battalion was correctly that the Duropa Plantation was
moved back to Simemi early the following suitable for tank action, he asked Milne
morning. By 1800 that evening the troops Force (which then had some light General
were bivouacked to the rear of the position Stuart tanks on hand) to send three of them
held by Colonel McCoy's battalion. to Oro Bay by barge. General Clowes did his
The supply picture had brightened slight- best to comply with the request, but when
ly. The airstrip at Dobodura opened for lim- the first of the tanks were loaded on some
ited traffic on 21 November, and five addi- captured Japanese barges-—the only craft
tional luggers arrived on the scene from available for the purpose—the barges sank,
Milne Bay the same day. One of them broke taking the tanks with them. Advised that
up on a reef immediately upon arrival, but there was no way to get the tanks to him,
the remaining four brought in their cargo Harding was left with the task of trying to
safely. With the Kelton, Major Birkness now reduce the formidable Japanese positions
had five luggers for the coastwise operation. without armor.
There was still a chance that the division's Dissatisfied with the co-ordination be-
supply, disrupted though it was, could be put tween the various units of Warren Force,
on an even keel. Harding ordered Lt. Col. Alexander J.
The artillery picture had also improved. MacNab, executive officer of the 128th
On 21 November General Waldron brought Infantry, an experienced and aggressive
in the two remaining 25-pounders, their soldier in whom he had great confidence,
Australian crews, and 200 rounds of ammu- to report to General MacNider, under
nition. Japanese Zeros came over just as whom he was to co-ordinate the coastal
the guns were ready to be emplaced and drive. MacNab reached the front on 22
knocked the sights off one of them, putting November and at once began laying plans
it out of action for several days. This left for a stepped-up attack.18
only three guns—the two mountain guns One of the first things that MacNab did
and a 25-pounder—immediately available was to place all the available mortars at the
for the attack on the powerful Japanese po- front in battery, connecting them by field
sitions in the Duropa Plantation.17 telephone with a central observation post in
It had not taken General Harding long to a tall coconut tree overlooking the front.
realize that he was up against a strong enemy It was not a very good observation post—
bunker line, and that the only way to re- a much better one was to be found later—
duce it in a hurry was with tanks. Judging but it gave the mortars and the artillery
infinitely better observation than was ob-
3d Bn, 129th Inf, Jnl, 1635 through 2015, 21 tainable before. Next morning the artillery
Nov 42, 0915 through 1800, 22 Nov 42; 32d Div pieces registered on the enemy positions
Sitrep No. 57, 22 Nov 42; Maj Parker's Buna Rpt. along the coastal track and in the New Strip
Tel Msg, 1st Lt Robert B. Wingler to 32d Div,
Ser 1030, 20 Nov 42; Tel Msg, Gen Waldron to
32d Div, Ser 1120, 21 Nov 42; Msg, Capt Lincoln
B. Grayson, 114th Engr Bn, to 32d Div, Ser 1147, Rad, Gen Harding to Milne Force (through
22 Nov 42; Msg, 32d Div to NGF, Ser 1153, 22 NGF), Ser 972, 20 Nov 42; Rad, Milne Force to
Nov 42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. Ltr, Gen NGF (for Harding), Ser 1295, 20 Nov 42. Both in
Harding to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42, copy in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1330,
OCHM files; 32d Div Hist of Arty, Papuan Cam- 1830, 22 Nov 42, 0900, 23 Nov 42; Interv with Gen
paign; Col Knight's Buna Rpt. Harding, 9 Dec 47.

area. The fire was to such good effect that, est concentration of aircraft for an attack
when Colonel McCoy's and Colonel Car- to date.
rier's lead companies attacked that day, they The action would open with a thorough
were able to push the Japanese back against bombing and strafing of enemy positions in
their main line of resistance. The 2/6 In- the Cape Endaiadere-New Strip area.
dependent Company, operating off the When the air attack was over, the mountain
eastern end of the strip, also made a little guns would fire on Cape Endaiadere and the
progress that day. Ordered to hold tight, 25-pounders would let loose on the bridge
Lieutenant Fryday's unit, Company I, between the strips and on the western end
128th Infantry, still in position off the south- of the New Strip. The troops would start
west end of the New Strip, remained where from a line of departure about 900 yards
it was.19 south of the cape. Colonel Miller's 3d Bat-
General MacNider had come up during talion, 128th Infantry (less Company I),
the afternoon from his headquarters at would thrust directly north along the
Hariko to observe the fighting. He was coastal track and Cape Endaiadere. Col-
wounded at 1830 by an enemy rifle grenade onel Carrier's battalion would move out on
while inspecting the front lines and was im- Miller's left. Colonel McCoy's troops were
mediately evacuated. On General Harding's to follow Colonel Carrier's at an interval of
instructions, Colonel Hale succeeded him as 1,000 yards, prepared to push through them
commander of Warren Force.20 if necessary. The 2/6 Independent Com-
The next two days, 24 and 25 November, pany would continue attacking on the east-
were quiet. Colonel Miller's troops relieved ern end of the New Strip, and Company I,
Colonel McCoy's in the front lines, but no 128th Infantry, from its position below the
advance was attempted either day. The lull track junction, would attempt to establish
was being used to prepare for a co-ordinated itself on the western end of the strip.21
attack on Cape Endaiadere and both ends High hopes were held for the success of
of the New Strip, on the 26th, Thanksgiv- the attack. General Harding left his head-
ing Day. quarters at Embogo the night before to ob-
This was to be a strong effort. Eight artil- serve it personally. Having no motor boat
lery pieces—six 25-pounders and the two for command use, he caught a ride on the
3.7-inch howitzers—would be in support, lugger Helen Dawn, which was carrying
four more 25-pounders having been brought ammunition to the forward dump at Ha-
in by air on the 25th and emplaced near riko. About seven miles out the lugger ran
Ango. A dozen 81-mm. mortars and several onto a sand bar, and General Harding had
more heavy machine guns would be avail- to complete the remaining three miles of
able, as well as thirty-five planes—the larg- his journey in a row boat, with which, for-
tunately, the Helen Dawn had come
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 363, 366, 23 Nov
42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 19, 20, 23 Nov 42;
Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49. 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 384, 25 Nov 42;
Msg, 32d Div to NGF, Ser 1280, 23 Nov 42, 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1500, 25 Nov 42; 3d Bn,
in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0730, 25 Nov 42; 128th Inf, Jnl,
Ser 20, 23 Nov 42; Interv with Gen Harding, 9 1210, 25 Nov 42; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 26
Dec 47. Nov 42; 32d Div Hist of Arty, Papuan Campaign.

equipped. Harding arrived at Colonel Hale's rier's lead troops, though following a com-
command post at Hariko at 0445. After pass course, seem to have misjudged both
visiting Colonel McCoy and Colonel Carrier their direction and their distances. Turning
in their command posts, he moved on to apparently too sharply to the west, and then
Colonel Miller's CP. cutting too soon to the east, they managed
The attack went off as scheduled. It to get themselves completely turned around.
opened with strafing by Beaufighters and At 1400 Carrier reported that his troops
P-40's, and bombing by A-20's and B-25's. were nearing the sea, and at 1503 he found
At 0930, after a short preparation by artil- to his embarrassment that they were coming
lery, mortars, and heavy machine guns, out on the coast on Miller's rear. Realizing
Colonel Miller's battalion moved forward his error, Carrier resumed the attack, this
on the right. Fifteen minutes later Colonel time striking toward the Duropa Planta-
Carrier's troops jumped off on the left. tion. He made some minor gains against
Allied preparatory fire had hit the target strong enemy opposition, and by morning
area but had done the enemy troops little the two battalions presented a continuous
harm. Retiring into their bunkers, the Jap- front to the enemy.
anese waited until it was over, and then Nor did the Australian Independent
emerged unscathed to meet the American Company and Company I, 128th Infantry,
infantry attack from hidden firing positions to the east and west respectively of the New
that commanded every approach. Strip, make any gains that day. Both were
Colonel Miller's troops, coming up stopped in their tracks almost as soon as they
against the strongest section of the Japanese tried to move forward. The attack on which
line, were stopped almost at once. They suf- so much hope had been placed had been a
fered fifty casualties by noon and could not complete failure.23
move forward. Company K, which had sus- The next day, Allied aircraft in the course
tained the bulk of the casualties, was pinned of bombing Japanese positions along the
down completely, and Company L, out of New Strip dropped a string of demolition
contact with Carrier's battalion, was im- bombs on Lieutenant Fryday's position
mobilized. Japanese fighter planes from Lae
(which destroyed the Helen Dawn when
they found it still caught on the sand 23
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 392, 393, 396, 26
bar succeeded in bombing and strafing Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1 through 12,
Miller's battalion despite Allied attempts at 15, 17, 26 Nov 42; Msgs, 32d Div to NGF, Sers
1476, 1477, 26 Nov 42; Allied Air Forces Opns
interception. Rpt, 26 Nov 42; Gen Harding's Diary, 26 Nov 42;
Carrier's attack was also a disappoint- Ltr, Col Miller to Gen Ward, 27 Mar 51. During
ment, and narrowly missed being a fiasco. the heavy fighting on Colonel Carrier's front that
afternoon, Pvt. Howard M. Eastwood of Company
Moving through waist-deep swamp, Car- C, 126th Infantry, single-handedly attacked a ten-
man party of the enemy whom he had discovered to
his front on a scouting mission. Standing upright in
the tall grass, he engaged the Japanese with fire
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 5, 26 Nov 42; 3d from his submachine gun, killing several and dis-
Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 5, 11, 26 Nov 42; Gen persing the others. Killed by an enemy sniper in
Harding's Diary, 26 Nov 42; Ltr, Col Miller to Gen the area, Eastwood was posthumously awarded the
Ward, 27 Mar 51; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in
24 Jul 51. GHQ SWPA GO No. 9, 19 Jan 43.

southwest of the strip. Three men were seri- full strength at any threatened point and,
ously wounded, and Fryday temporarily when the threat passed, or he chose to with-
pulled his company back into the jungle, draw, to use the same troops to beat off an-
south of the position from which the first other attack elsewhere.
attack of the 3d Battalion, 128th Infantry, The 2d Battalion, 128th Infantry, mov-
had been launched on 19 November. ing forward toward the Triangle along the
Dobodura-Buna track, knew nothing of the
The Attack on the Left Japanese defenses in the area and very little
about the terrain. At 1330 Sgt. Irving W.
Things had gone no better on General Hall of Company F, leading the point,
Harding's left flank. Colonel Smith's 2d Bat- caught a swift glimpse of an enemy machine
talion, 128th Infantry, had begun moving gun about fifty yards away. Coolly turning
from Ango toward Buna during the morn- his back on the gun so as to give the im-
ing of 21 November. The battalion's orders pression that he had not seen it, Hall mo-
were to advance on Buna Mission by way of tioned his men off the track. Before the
the Triangle, the jungle-covered track junc- Japanese knew what he was up to he turned
tion from which the Dobodura-Buna track around and fired a burst at them from his
forked to Buna Village and Buna Mission. submachine gun. In the heavy fire fight that
Captain Yasuda, whose Yokosuka 5th, Sa- ensued, the point suffered one casualty.
sebo 5th, and supporting naval pioneer Stopped on the trail by apparently strong
troops totaled more than double the strength enemy positions, Colonel Smith at once be-
of Smith's battalion, was ready. He had a gan flanking operations. Company G was
series of concealed machine gun positions ordered to move out on the right and Com-
south of the Triangle covering the track, and pany F on the left. Company H was given
an elaborate system of bunkers in the Tri- orders to engage the enemy frontally, and
angle itself. There was heavy swamp on Company E went into reserve.
either side of the Triangle, and the bunk- At 2130, Colonel Smith reported to Gen-
ers had the effect of turning it into a position eral Harding that he had run into opposi-
of almost impregnable strength. Strong tion at the junction and that, while he was
bunker positions in the Coconut Grove moving forward slowly on either side of that
north of the Triangle, and in the Govern- position in an attempt to flank it, he was be-
ment Gardens northeast of it, lay astride the ing delayed by heavy swamp which was
trails leading to the village and the mission, causing him more trouble than the enemy.
both of which were also honeycombed with General Harding immediately asked New
bunkers. Guinea Force to reinforce Smith with a bat-
Yasuda's defensive position was excellent. talion of the 126th Infantry from the other
His short, secure, interior lines of communi- side of the Girua. Harding pointed out
cation enabled him to concentrate almost his
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1000, 1330, 21 Nov 42.
Hall was later awarded the Silver Star. The citation
Msg, Col Hale to Gen Harding, Ser 1550, 27 is in HQ US Forces, Buna Area, GO No. 14, 20
Nov 42; in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 128th Inf Jnl, Jan 43.
0910, 1035, 27 Nov 42. 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1330, 21 Nov 42.


front lines.

that it could march directly to Buna via the Smith's command post at 0930, 23 Novem-
Soputa-Buna track.27 ber. The two 2d Battalions thereupon took
General Herring quickly acceded to Gen- the name of Urbana Force, and Colonel
eral Harding's request and ordered the 2d Smith, as senior officer present, took com-
Battalion, 126th Infantry, across the river. mand. To avoid confusion in radio mes-
Maj. Herbert M. Smith, commanding of- sages, General Harding designated Colonel
ficer of that battalion, reached Colonel Smith as White Smith, and Major Smith as
Red Smith.28
27 The terrain Urbana Force had run into,
Msg, Lt Col Herbert A. Smith to Gen Harding,
Ser 1100, 1101, 21 Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding to especially on the right, was (as Colonel
NGF, No. 1099 [sic], 21 Nov 42. Both in 32d Div Smith had already intimated to General
G-2, G-3 Jnl. The fact that the serial of General Harding) appalling. The main track was
Harding's message to New Guinea Force is lower
than the serials on the messages from Colonel
Smith to General Harding was apparently due to
an error in filing, since the messages from Smith Msg, Maj Smith to 32d Div, Ser 1254, 23 Nov
were received at 32d Division headquarters at 2130, 42; Msg, Gen Harding to Maj Smith, Ser 1257,
and Harding's message to New Guinea Force did 23 Nov 42. Both in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. 2d Bn,
not go out until 2205—thirty-five minutes later. 128th Inf, Jnl, 0930, 23 Nov 42.

deep in mud, and Company G, 128th In- ter would be practicable. Reports from
fantry, attempting to advance on the right, Company G, from the Ammunition and
hit stretches of swamp in which the troops Pioneer Platoon, which was carrying rations
sometimes found themselves up to their forward to it, as well as from wire-laying
necks in water. Company F, 128th In- parties of Headquarters Company, which
fantry, met better terrain on the left but dis- were having a difficult time laying wire on
covered that Entrance Creek, which paral- the right, convinced him that it would be
leled the left-hand fork of the Triangle, not virtually out of the question to try to supply
only was tidal and unfordable but seemed Company G in the terrain in which it found
to be covered by enemy machine guns at itself. Since the reports from Company F
every likely crossing.29 were much more favorable and indicated
Company G's experience in the swamp that the swamp on the left of the Triangle
had been particularly wearing. The men was never more than waist-deep, he decided
had moved out into the swamp to the right to pull Company G back from its untenable
of the Triangle in the late afternoon of 21 position on the right and concentrate his
November. As they made their way east- entire force on the left where the going,
ward, darkness fell. The acting company though far from good, was obviously much
commander, 1st Lt. Theodore Florey, de- better.30
cided to go on, but the swamp kept getting On 23 November Colonel Smith sent a
deeper. Since there seemed to be little chance message to division headquarters informing
of reaching dry ground before morning, it of his plan. The supply route to Company
Florey finally called a halt at 2100. The G, he wrote, was "neck-deep in mud and
company spent a miserable night. A few of water," and he asked permission for the
the men were able to find perches on the company's withdrawal.31 After waiting until
roots of trees, but the rest waited in the mire about 1400 for a reply and receiving none,
for morning. Wet to the skin and in need of Smith ordered the company to pull out of
sleep, the men started moving again at day- the swamp and report to him for further
break. After a slow and difficult march, orders. So ordered, the company severed its
they hit dry land at about noon. Taking wire connection with battalion headquar-
their bearings, the troops discovered that ters and started for the rear. Division head-
they were on one of two kunai flats run- quarters had received Smith's message
ning southeast of the Triangle, and that about 1400 and, because of an error on the
only about 200 yards of sago swamp lay part of the decoding clerk, understood it to
between them and the flat adjacent to their say that the supply route to Company G
objective. was "knee-deep in mud and water," and
Though he now had a company in posi- not, as Colonel Smith sent it, "neck-deep."
tion to strike, Colonel Smith had grave The headquarters replied at 1425 that
doubts whether an attack from that quar- Smith was under no circumstances to with-

Msgs, Col Smith to Gen Harding, Sers 1100,
1101, 21 Nov 42; Tel Msg, Capt Grayson to Gen Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.
Harding, Ser 1166, 22 Nov 42; Msg, Col Smith to Msg, Col Smith to 32d Div, Ser 1246, 23 Nov
Gen Harding, Ser 1189, 22 Nov 42. All in 32d Div 42, corrected in Ser 1277 of the same date, in 32d
G-2, G-3 Jnl. Div G-2, G-3 Jnl.

draw, but was instead to proceed with the to try to hit the Triangle again, since they
attack. apparently thought they had executed their
Colonel Smith sent a messenger to inter- mission.
cept Company G and return it to its former Because the air attack had been a com-
position. Having only limited knowledge plete failure, the ground attack was held up
of the enemy positions he was supposed to to give the air force a chance to try again.
attack, he asked division for a delay of a It was arranged that this time eight
day or two in which to learn more about the P-39's and four P-40's would attack at
enemy and the terrain, and perhaps find a 1355. There was to be no bombardment,
better route of supply to Company G. Di- since no bombers were available.
vision would not give him the time. At 2045 At the appointed time only the four
it informed him that there would be an air P-40's showed up. Instead of strafing the
strike on the Triangle at 0800 the next Japanese in the Triangle, they strafed Colo-
morning, 24 December, following which he nel Smith's command post. Fortunately
and Major Smith were to attack.33 only one man was wounded in the strafing,
At 2330 the two Smiths held a staff meet- and he only slightly, but the Japanese posi-
ing at Colonel Smith's command post, tions in the Triangle were left completely
1,200 yards south of the nearest Japanese untouched.
positions below the Triangle. There they After the last of the P-40's had finished
worked out a plan which envisaged simul- strafing his command post, Colonel Smith
taneous thrusts at the Triangle from left, waited a few moments to see if any more
front, and right. The three-way attack planes would follow. No more planes ar-
would be preceded by air bombardment rived; so he ordered the attack to begin
and strafing scheduled for 0800, and the without further support from the air force.
troops were to jump off as soon as the air Following a short mortar preparation, prin-
attack was over. Four 25-pounders which cipally by the 60-mm. mortars (the two
had just reached Dobodura that day would battalions then had only two 81-mm. mor-
fire from Ango in support of the attack as tars apiece and little ammunition for
soon as they got the range.34 them), the troops jumped off at 1428. At
The attack opened at 0800 the next 1437 the 25-pounders at Ango found the
morning with an attempt by the air force range, and joined in the attack.
to strafe the Triangle. Twelve P-40's made On the left, Company E, 126th Infantry,
one pass over the objective and missed it began by swinging wide around Entrance
altogether. No bombers followed the fight- Creek; then it moved north about 400 yards
ers, and there was no attempt by the P-40's and turned northeast. Just as it had finished
covering another 400 yards and was ap-
Msg, Gen Harding to Col Smith, Ser 1247, 23
proaching a small bridge over the creek
Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Col Herbert
A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.
33 35
Msg, 32d Div to Col Smith, Ser 1276, 23 Nov Msg, Col Smith to Gen Harding, Ser 1339, 24
42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2330, 23 Nov 42; Ltr, Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 2d Bn, 126th
Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50. Inf, Jnl, 24 Nov 42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0800,
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 23 Nov 42; 2d Bn, 128th 1355, 1400, 24 Nov 42; Allied Air Forces Opns
Inf, Jnl, 2330, 23 Nov 42, 1420, 24 Nov 42; Ltr, Rpt, 24 Nov 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr,
Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50. Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.

northwest of the Triangle, a strong Japa- thought, and the company, after suffering
nese force struck with accurate machine several casualties, was forced back into the
gun fire. The troops dug in at once in fox- swamp. Attempts to maneuver around the
holes which immediately filled with water. grassy strip were unsuccessful because of
They went no further that day. intense automatic weapons fire which
Company F, 126th Infantry, though greeted the company at every turn. Dark-
soon joined by Company H, Colonel ness found the troops pinned down at the
Smith's heavy weapons company, did little edge of the strip, where the slope of the
in its frontal attack on the Triangle. It ground leading into the swamp afforded
moved forward about 300 yards, only to them a little cover.
find heavy barbed wire entanglements While the main body of Company G was
strung across the track. The enemy covering held up just outside the right-hand fork of
the wire was laying down intense fire. Hav- the Triangle, the Japanese from the Gov-
ing neither wire cutters nor the materials ernment Gardens moved forward to within
with which to make Bangalore torpedoes, firing distance of the kunai flat held by
the Americans dug in and requested engi- Company E and the weapons platoon of
neers with explosives to clear the way.36 Company G. They attacked just as it was
Companies E and G, 128th Infantry, on turning dark, killing one man and wound-
the right, fared worst of all. Using newly ing five others and greatly disheartening
found short cuts through the deep swamp, the troops on the flat, most of whom were
Company E managed to reach the kunai under enemy fire for the first time.
flat in much less time than Company G had The weapons platoon of Company G had
taken to reach it after its groping efforts of had two days to get its weapons in order af-
21 November. The men of Company E ter its march through the swamp, and Com-
therefore joined up with Company G in pany E had been on the kunai flat five or six
plenty of time for the attack. hours, long enough for it to do the same.
Leaving its weapons platoon on the flat But the Americans apparently lacked oil,
with Company E, Company G under and parts of the equipment were wet, and
Lieutenant Florey started moving north- they may have been negligent. Whatever the
west through the sago swamp to flank the reason, when they were caught in the open,
Triangle. A little less than 200 yards out, with the sounds of Japanese yells coming
the leading platoon came upon a small from a short distance away, the men tried
grassy area, just outside the Triangle, where to hit back at the unseen enemy as best they
it surprised a group of Japanese working on could, only to find that their weapons would
what appeared to be an antiaircraft posi- not function properly. ". . . Mortars fell
tion. The Americans opened fire, but there short because increments [the propelling
were more Japanese about than they charges in the mortar ammunition] were
wet. Machine guns jammed because web
belts were wet and dirty and had shrunk.
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 24 Nov 42, 25 Nov 42; Tommy guns and BAR's were full of muck
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1412, 1530, 1552, 1660,
and dirt, and even the M1's fired well only
1930, 24 Nov 42; Kahn, "The Terrible Days of
Company E," in The Saturday Evening Post, Janu- for the first clip, and then jammed because
ary 15, 1944, p. 76. clips taken from the belts were wet and full

of muck from the swamp." 37 Low on am- ceived an order to move to the rear. Know-
munition, completely out of food, and fear- ing that the phone near him was out, he
ing that they had been ambushed, the troops assumed that a messenger from battalion
pulled back hastily into the swamp, leaving headquarters had delivered such a message
some of their crew-served weapons behind to Lieutenant Rogers. Just to make sure, he
them. asked whether the message had come from
Colonel Smith in the meantime had been battalion headquarters. The answer came
in communication with Company E by tele- back (again via the chain method) that it
phone. Learning that the Japanese attack had, and the entire column started moving
had driven the company off the flat and to the rear, the weapons platoon of Com-
into the swamp, he ordered the troops to pany G with it.39
remain where they were until he could come The rest of Company G, under Lieuten-
up in the morning and give them further ant Florey, still pinned down just outside
instructions. At that point the phone went the grassy strip leading to the Triangle, had
dead, and Smith could make no further con- sent a runner back with orders to the weap-
tact with the two companies. ons platoon to bring up more mortars. The
Company E was at this time strung out in runner returned with the report that Com-
a single file all the way back from the kunai pany E and the weapons platoon were gone.
flat, with the weapons platoon of Company An officer was sent back to the kunai flat to
G somewhere in the middle of the line. At check. When he returned with confirmation
the far end of the line, nearest to battalion, of the report, Company G, after waiting for
was the executive officer of Company E, 1st further orders and receiving none, also
Lt. Orin Rogers, and at the head of it, began to move to the rear.
nearest to the flat and the dead telephone, Company E, 128th Infantry, and the
was the commanding officer of Company weapons platoon of Company G reached
E, Capt. A. T. Bakken. Colonel Smith's command post in the early
Shortly after darkness fell, an order morning hours of 25 November, and Com-
passed along the line to Lieutenant Rogers pany G, except for a few stragglers, arrived
to move back to the battalion command there by 1007. At 1020 Colonel Smith, who
post. Rogers assumed at the time that the only the night before had informed General
phone at Captain Bakken's end of the line Harding that he had instructed the men
was working again and that there had been to remain near the edge of the kunai flat
a change in orders. He nevertheless made it until morning, gave "faulty communica-
a point to ask if the order had come from
the captain. The answer came back a few
minutes later that it had. Thinking no more Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.
of the matter, Rogers started the lead troops Despite a thorough investigation of the matter,
Colonel Smith was never able to find out who
back to the command post. At the other end originated the message for the troops to return to
of the line, Captain Bakken had also re- the rear. As he put it in the letter cited above: "A
number of men told of passing the messages back
and forth, but no one could say definitely where
they originated, and many of the men did not even
Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50. know who stood next to them, especially where
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2145, 24 Nov 42, 1230, Company E and the Weapons Platoon of Company
25 Nov 42. G were badly intermingled."

tion" as the reason for their return to the trance Creek which had been occupied and
rear in apparent contravention of his patrolled by Company E, 126th Infantry,
orders.40 since 24 November.42
Because the men were exhausted and The troops had scarcely begun moving
hungry, and also because he did not believe when General Harding, who had for some
that an attack on the right would succeed, time felt that the attack on the Urbana
Smith decided against ordering the men front was not being pressed with sufficient
back into the swamp. His decision, as he vigor, ordered his chief of staff, Col. John
himself phrased it, was "to abandon for the W. Mott, to that front. Mott's instructions
time being any action on the right and con- were to take strong action when he got there
centrate on the left, and to continue patrol- and, if he thought the situation required it,
ling on the right in the hope of finding a to take command.43
more suitable route forward." Colonel Mott reached Colonel Smith's
Though he now shared Colonel Smith's command post on the afternoon of the 27th.
views about the impracticality of an at- Surveying the situation quickly, he came to
tack on the right and the need to make the the conclusion that he would have to as-
main effort on the left, General Harding sume command and did so at once. He re-
had gone one step further in his thinking. lieved the captains of Companies E and G,
A study of the trail which led from the left- 128th Infantry, of their commands and or-
hand fork of the Triangle to Buna Village dered them to take patrols into the area
and Buna Mission had convinced him that forward of the kunai flat from which the
it would be possible to bypass the Triangle Japanese had driven Company E and the
and at the same time take both the village weapons platoon of Company G two days
and the mission, if troops could be gotten before. In addition, he ordered Companies
onto the large grassy area northwest of the E and G under their new commanders to
Triangle through which, in his own phrase, retrieve their abandoned weapons on the
"the left hand road to Buna" ran. He kunai flat. They did so by sundown, but
therefore ordered Smith to contain the Tri- Company E returned without one of its
angle with a portion of his troops and to mortars and had to be sent back a second
deploy the rest in the swamp south of the time to get it.
grassy area in question, preparatory to seiz-
ing it and moving westward on Buna
Village. 42
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 26 Nov 42; 2d Bn, 128th
Smith began deploying his troops in ac- Inf, Jnl, 0832, 26 Nov 42.
Gen Harding's Diary, 26 Nov 42; Ltr, Gen
cordance with this tactical plan early on 26 Harding to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42; Col Mott,
November. Company F, 128th Infantry, Memorandum, 10 Dec 42. Copies of last two in
OCMH files.
and Company G, 126th Infantry, moved 44
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1412, 1545, 1550, 27
into the area west of the bridge over En- Nov 42, 0700, 28 Dec 42; Col Mott's Memo; Ltr,
Col Herbert A. Smith to Gen Ward, 20 Mar 51.
Capt A. T. Bakken of Company E was reinstated
shortly thereafter, and Capt H. Spraetz of Company
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2145, 24 Nov 42, 0908, G, who was sick at the time his company was in
1007, 1020, 25 Nov 42. the swamp, went to the hospital and did not return.
Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50. Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.

Mott at once prepared to attack. He report that evening, subsequently found to

adopted a suggestion made to him by Major be false, that the Japanese were making a
Smith, that the attack on the grassy strip ground attack on Dobodura caused Gen-
leading to the village be mounted initially eral Harding to postpone the attack to the
from two smaller grass strips just south of early morning of the 30th. (Map 10)
the larger kunai patch, and made his dis- Both Urbana Force and Warren Force
positions accordingly. Major Smith's battal- were now scheduled to attack on the 30th,
ion was ordered to assemble near the Girua Urbana Force a few hours before Warren
River, directly below the two strips that Force. Each was still suffering from the most
Smith had proposed as the jump-off point acute deficiencies of supply, all but one of
for the attack. Company F, 128th Infantry, the luggers that had come in on 21 Novem-
occupied the area west of the bridge over ber having by this time either gone aground
Entrance Creek. Companies G and H, un- or been destroyed by the enemy.46
der Colonel Smith, were ordered to take
over the positions south of the Triangle in Colonel Mott's Attack
order to contain the enemy there. Company
E, left in reserve, was deployed around task Preparations for the attack on the
force headquarters. Urbana front were complete by evening of
Mott reported his dispositions to General the 29th. In a large coconut tree that over-
Harding on the evening of 28 November, looked the front, Colonel Mott had an ob-
and the division commander approved servation post connected by telephone with
them. Following a suggestion from General the artillery at Ango and the mortars. Both
Herring that he try night attacks, Harding artillery and mortars were registered on the
ordered an attack on Buna Village that objective—the large grassy area just north
night. Pleading that he was not ready to of the two clearings below which Urbana
attack, Mott asked for a twenty-four-hour Force was preparing the attack. Mott's com-
delay. Harding granted his request, and the mand post was a hundred yards behind the
attack was set for the last night of the most forward element of Company E, 126th
month—29-30 November.45 Infantry. His aid station and part of a col-
lecting company were in place near the
The Attacks of 30 November Girua River.
The final details of the attack were
Integrating the Attacks worked out with Major Smith. The troops
would move off toward the main strip as
On the Warren front, a two-day lull had soon after midnight as possible. A thirty-
followed the reverse of 26 November. On minute mortar and artillery preparation
the 28th General Harding ordered Colonel would be laid down on the strip. Immedi-
Hale to prepare to attack the next day. A ately afterward the men would proceed to
their objective in darkness. Lacking white
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 26 Nov 42, 27 Nov 42,
28 Nov 42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0832, 1412, Msg, 32d Div to NGF, Ser 1770, 29 Nov 42, in
1458, 1643, 27 Nov 42, 0745, 1231, 1431, 1910, 28 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 128th Inf Jnl, 2050, 2150,
Nov 42; Col Mott's Memo; Gen Harding's Diary, 27 Nov 42, 2122, 2215, 28 Nov 42; Ltr, Gen Hard-
28 Nov 42; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author, ing to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42, copy in OCMH
16 Mar 50. files; Gen Harding's Diary, 28 Nov 42.

MAP 10

material for armbands, even underwear, creek and the Girua River. Company H,
the men would have to keep in close 128th Infantry, would be immediately be-
contact with one another. Companies E and hind Companies E and F, 126th Infantry,
F, 126th Infantry, would attack in a north- and would support them with fire. Com-
easterly direction and occupy the main pany E, 128th Infantry, operating immedi-
strip, making sure that they first secured ately to the right of Company E, 126th
that part of it which was nearest to the Infantry, would clear the Japanese out of
Coconut Grove, a small coconut plantation the Coconut Grove. Company G, 128th In-
immediately north of the bridge over En- fantry, under Colonel Smith, would operate
trance Creek. Company G, 126th Infantry, south of the Triangle and thus cover the
would attack along the track and take Buna track, the artillery at Ango, and the rear
Village. Company F, 128th Infantry, after of the forces attacking toward Buna
being relieved in its present positions by Village.47
Company E, 128th Infantry, would proceed 47
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 29 Nov 42; Col Mott's
to Siwori Creek, seize the crossing near its Memo; Ltrs, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author,
mouth, and outpost the area between the 16 Mar 50, 5 June 50.

The jump-off was delayed. Enemy fire leading to the jump-off point, and the troops
from the strip, flares from enemy aircraft in the foxholes along the way who had been
that flew over the area during the night, the holding the ground recently captured. There
was no trail and consequently several hours
rising tide in the swamp, and the confusion were required to travel as many hundreds of
attendant upon moving so many men yards. We all had bayonets. Rifle fire was for-
through the treacherous swamp terrain in bidden until after the attack was well under
the dark held up the attack for several way. Japs encountered along the way were
hours. to be dealt with silently.
Robert H. Odell, then a lieutenant and At 0400, Companies E, F, and G, 126th
platoon leader in Company F, 126th In- Infantry, finally attacked. It was still dark,
fantry, has this recollection of the matter: and about one hundred yards out, they
made their first enemy contact—a line of
As soon as it was dark, preparations began.
When these were completed, we each grasped machine gun posts dead ahead. At that
the shoulder of the man in front, and slowly moment, Odell recalls:
shuffled forward in the pitch black of the All hell broke loose. There was more lead
night. Our only guide was the telephone wire flying through the air ... than it's possible

to estimate. Machine gun tracers lit the entire mann in charge of the mortars, and Num-
area, and our own rifle fire made a solid sheet mer in command of front-line action, Smith
of flame. Everywhere men cursed, shouted, or made a determined effort to take the vil-
screamed. Order followed on order. . . .
Brave men led and others followed. Cowards lage. Preceded by the heaviest concentra-
crouched in the grass literally frightened out tion of mortar fire yet seen on the Urbana
of their skins. . . .48 front, the second attack met even fiercer re-
The attack gathered momentum. The sistance than before. Again the troops could
two companies—E and F, 126th Infantry— make only slight advances. When the at-
overran the enemy outposts and gained tack was finally called off that afternoon,
their objective—the eastern end of the main they had taken considerable casualties but
strip. There they found and dispatched an gained very little ground.
indeterminate number of Japanese, and Company F, 128th Infantry, which had
began to consolidate.
49 been given the task of securing the left flank
Company G, 126th Infantry, which was of Urbana Force from enemy attack and
cutting the enemy's land communications
to have taken the track to Buna Village as
between Buna and Sanananda, succeeded in
soon as it gained the western end of the
its mission. It secured the crossing over Si-
strip, accomplished only part of its mission.
wori Creek and outposted the trail between
Led by its commander, 1st Lt. Cladie A.
it and the bridge over the Girua River. The
Bailey, it overran strong enemy opposition
troops east of Siwori Village had already
on its part of the strip but lost its way when
killed several Japanese from Buna who had
it tried moving toward the village. When
tried to cross the bridge, presumably to get
daylight came, the company found itself in
to Giruwa or Sanananda.
the swamp along the northern edge of the
50 The other companies of the 2d Battalion,
strip. Finding Company G out of reach,
128th Infantry, had been less successful.
Colonel Mott immediately assigned Com-
Company E, attacking from the southeast
pany E, 126th Infantry, to the task of tak-
end of the strip, failed to take the Coconut
ing the village. Moving directly on Buna
Grove, and Company G had very little suc-
Village by way of the main track, the com-
cess in its attacks into the southern tip of
pany attacked at 0600. About 300 yards out the Triangle. Both were subsequently or-
of the village, it ran into a well-manned dered by Colonel Mott to contain these ob-
enemy bunker line and found itself unable
to advance because of enemy crossfire.
On Major Smith's orders Capt. Harold 51
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 30 Nov 42; Col Mott's
E. Hantlemann of Company H came up Memo; Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42; Ltr, Lt
Col Herbert M. Smith to author, 16 Mar 50. Lieu-
with Lieutenant Nummer, commanding tenant Nummer was wounded in the course of the
officer of Company F, and some troops from attack but continued in command in spite of his
Headquarters Company. Putting Hantle- wounds. He was later awarded the Distinguished
Service Cross. The same award, though posthumous,
Odell, Buna. went to Sgt. Boyd L. Lincoln, a squad leader of
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 30 Nov 42; 128th Inf Company E, 126th Infantry, who was killed that
Jnl, 1000, 30 Nov 42; Col Mott's Memo; Ltr, Lt afternoon after leading his squad with great distinc-
Col Herbert M. Smith to author, 16 Mar 50. tion all day against the enemy outpost on the out-
For this night's fighting Lieutenant Bailey was skirts of the village. Nummer's citation is in GHQ
later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The SWPA GO No. 3, 6 Jan 43; Lincoln's, in GO No.
citation is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 1, 1 Jan 43. 1, 1 Jan 43.

jectives and to make no attacks upon them known targets in the area. The Australian
until otherwise ordered. artillery consisted of the eight 25-pounders
In the mop-up of the large grassy strip, and two 3.7-inch mountain howitzers of the
the troops overran a Japanese headquarters Manning, Hall, and O'Hare Troops. The
area from which apparently a considerable Manning Troop, four 25-pounders, was
number of troops had very recently fled. north of Ango; the Hall Troop, the remain-
The place consisted of a headquarters ing 25-pounders, and the O'Hare Troop,
building, an infirmary, and several huts the two mountain howitzers, were at Boreo.
containing weapons, ammunition, food, A flight of Australian Wirraways had just
and medicine. The two main buildings had arrived from Port Moresby to aid the artil-
bunkers to the rear with which they con- lery in its spotting of enemy targets, and
nected by tunnels. The buildings were of one 105-mm. howitzer of Battery A, the
canvas and frame construction and had 129th U.S. Field Artillery Battalion (the
wooden floors covered with floor mats. only U.S. field piece to be used in the cam-
When overrun, the headquarters building paign) had reached Debodura by air the
was strewn with military documents, codes, day before with its crew and 400 rounds of
and diaries, and contained a large radio set ammunition. The gun, under command of
which took eight men to carry. After remov- Capt. Elmer D. Kobs, was emplaced at
ing the papers, the radio, the food, and the Ango on the 30th, too late however to take
medical supplies, the buildings were burned part in the attack.53
to the ground and the connecting bunkers General Harding, more than ever con-
blown up.52 vinced that it would take tanks to clean out
the enemy bunker defenses in the Duropa
Colonel Hale's Attack Plantation, had meanwhile continued to
plead for armor. He radioed General Johns
The attack on the Warren front, though of the Combined Operational Service Com-
more heavily supported than that on the mand (COSC) on 27 November and asked
Urbana front, was even less successful. By him to do his best to get the tanks at Milne
this time General Waldron and his second- Bay to him. He suggested that Johns try to
in-command, Colonel McCreary, had get some of the Japanese landing barges
opened an artillery command post at Dobo- captured on Goodenough Island in the hope
dura and had established firing data for all that they might prove big enough for the
task. New Guinea Force replied for Johns
Col Mott's Memo; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. that there were no barges anywhere in the
Smith to author, 5 June 50; Ltr, Col Herbert A.
Smith to Gen Ward, 20 Mar 51; Interv with Maj area big enough to carry the tanks, and
Odell, 14 Dec 50. Odell recalls that the troops had that they were sending him Bren carriers
also found a locked safe—the only one in the area. instead. Thirteen carriers, tracked, lightly
Blowing it open, they found to their amazement
that its only contents were numerous small rolls of armored reconnaissance vehicles mounting
thin, white paper. Assuming as a matter of course
that the rolls were toilet paper, they used them as Msg, 1st Lt Herbert G. Peabody, Dobodura, to
such, little realizing that what they had found was 32d Div, Ser 1551, 27 Nov 42; Col Handy's Buna
in fact writing paper, which, in the Japanese style, Rpt; 32d Div Rpt of Arty, Papuan Campaign. The
was rolled so as to permit the writer to cut it to any Wirraways were based at Port Moresby and were
length that his letter or the business at hand thus available to the division for only a few hours
required. a day.

Bren machine guns, arrived with their crews out known Japanese mortar and artillery
at Porlock Harbor from Milne Bay the same concentrations. The 3.7-inch mountain guns
day, 27 November. Advised that at least would first fire a preparation on Cape En-
four of the carriers would reach him in the daiadere and then switch to local support of
next couple of days, Harding immediately Colonel McCoy's advance. The air force,
drew up plans for their use by Warren Force then fighting off an enemy convoy bound
on the 30th. for Buna, would bomb and strafe enemy
The plan of attack on the Warren front positions whenever it could find the planes
called for Colonel McCoy's battalion (re- to do so.
organized into two rifle companies and one Because of an acute shortage of shipping
heavy weapons company) to move straight at Porlock Harbor, the Bren carriers failed
up the track in column of companies, with to arrive as scheduled, and the attack was
Company A leading. The advance would be launched without them. The 105-mm.
on a 350-yard front, and two of the Bren howitzer was not yet ready to fire and took
carriers would spearhead the attack. Colonel no part in the attack. Nor was there the
Carrier's troops with the two remaining usual preliminary air bombardment, since
Brens leading, and the 2/6 Independent the air force was still busy with the enemy
Company on its left, were to strike westward convoy.
in the area immediately below the New The 25-pounders, the mountain guns,
Strip preparatory to a break-through in that and the mortars opened up at 0615, and
area. Besides the Australians and the Bren the troops jumped off at the appointed time,
carriers, four 81-mm. mortars from Com- 0630. Allied bombers, after successfully
pany M, 128th Infantry, would support chasing the enemy convoy back to Rabaul,
Carrier's force. Colonel Miller's battalion, joined in the fray at 0900. At 0945 there
less Company I, would be in reserve, ready was a further friendly artillery barrage, and
to assist either McCoy or Carrier, as re- at 1345 and 1448 Allied planes came over
quired. Company I would remain in its again, strafing and bombing.
blocking position astride the Dobodura- Despite this support, Warren Force made
Simemi track, a few hundred yards south of very little progress that day. Pressed tightly
the bridge between the strips. against the Japanese defensive positions
H Hour was to be 0630. Between H and without tanks or enough heavy artil-
minus 15 and H Hour, the 25-pounders lery using projectiles with delayed fuse to
would lay down fire on the southwest end of demolish the enemy fortifications, the
the New Strip. Thereafter they would fire Americans could make little headway. The
on the woods northeast of the strip to knock troops fought desperately, but could not get
54 through the enemy's protective fire.
Msg, 1st Lt Jay W. Moon, Porlock Harbor, to
32d Div, Ser 1554, 27 Nov 42; Msg, 32d Div to Company A, 128th Infantry, leading the
CG COSC, Ser 1582, 27 Nov 42; Msg, 32d Div to attack along the coast, advanced less than
Lt Moon, Ser 1633, 28 Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding a hundred yards when it ran into a massive
to Cmdr J. L. Sinclair, NOIC, Porlock Harbor, Ser
1647, 28 Nov 42; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 1765, log barricade which Colonel Yamamoto's
29 Nov 42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. 1st Bn, troops had thrown across the trail. Auto-
126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 10, 29 Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th
Inf, Jnl, 1015, 1550, 29 Nov 42; 128th Inf Jnl, matic fire from behind the barricade and
0915, 1145, 29 Nov 42. from concealed positions on its left soon

brought the company's advance to a com- strip. Company C, with the Independent
plete halt. The artillery at Boreo was unable Company on its left, was to flank the strip
to reduce the barricade, and sustained fire by advancing westward along its southern
from 81-mm. mortars and from a 37-mm. edge. It advanced to about the center of the
gun brought up specifically for the purpose strip before enemy fire became so heavy
seemed to make no impression upon it. By that it too had to dig in. Except for the
noon Company A had been definitely slight progress on Colonel Carrier's front,
stopped, and the men began to dig in, in the attack had again failed.56
the intense heat of the day. When Company The situation was serious. Despite re-
A was relieved by Company B that night, peated attacks on it, the Japanese line stood
it was about 900 yards south of the Cape. intact. In the two weeks since the 32d Divi-
Its right flank was still in front of the barri- sion had marched out so confidently on the
cade, and its left, which had not kept up, enemy positions at Buna, it had sustained
was curved almost all the way back to the 492 battle casualties but had made not so
line of departure.55 much as a single penetration of the enemy
Colonel Carrier, on McCoy's left, facing line. It was obvious that something would
west, had fared a little better. Ordered to have to be done to intensify the attack.
infiltrate the eastern end of the New Strip
with a view to striking along its northern 56
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 423, 426, 428, 433,
edge, Company B tried to fight north into 30 Nov 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 0835, 0945, 1035, 30
the fork but was stopped by enemy fire from Nov 42.
a strongpoint dominating the spur and the Msg, Gen Harding to NGF, Ser 1681, 28 Nov
42, Ser 1860, 1 Dec 42; Msgs, Capt Joseph M.
Stehling to 32d Div, Ser 1713, 28 Nov 42, Ser 1900,
Msg, 32d Div to NGF, Ser 1783, 30 Nov 42, in 1 Dec 42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. A break-
32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers down of the casualty figure follows: killed in action,
1 through 7, 30 Nov 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 82; wounded in action, 325; missing in action, 85.
0810, 30 Nov 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 0725, 0830, 1100, The bodies of many of those listed as missing in
1233, 30 Nov 42; G-3 Opns Rpt, No. 238, 30 Nov- action were later recovered and went to swell the
1 Dec 42; 18th Army Opns I, p. 22. number killed.

I Corps Reaches the Front

The failure of the 32d Division to take As General Harding explained the matter
Buna by the end of November had strong to General Herring the men, especially
repercussions at Port Moresby. The feeling during the first five days of combat, had
there was that the division had bogged been without rest, and every combat ele-
down because of poor leadership,1 a feeling ment had, during that time, been "to
that was to cost General Harding his com- all intents and purposes continuously
mand. engaged." 2
The troops were half-starved. Most of
The Situation: 30 November them had been living on short rations for
weeks and their food intake since the fight-
The Condition of the Troops ing began had averaged about a third of a
C ration per day—just enough to sustain
The men on both the Urbana and War- life.3 They were shaggy and bearded and
ren fronts were tired and listless. They had their clothes were ragged. Their feet were
not been sufficiently hardened for jungle swollen and in bad shape. Their shoes,
operations and, with few exceptions, had which had shrunk in the wet, often had to
not been fresh when they reached the com- be cut away so that the troops could even
bat zone. Thrown into battle in an ex- get their feet into them.
hausted state, most of them had had no The men had very little tentage to pro-
chance to rest since. The loss of the 126th tect themselves from the heavy rains. Those
Infantry to the Australians on 19 November who had lost or thrown away their shelter
had left General Harding without a reserve. halves during the approach march were
Nor had the return of the far-from-fresh 2d still without them and had to sleep in the
Battalion to his command on 23 November open. Quinine sulphate, salt tablets, vitamin
remedied the situation, for the battalion was pills, and chlorination pellets were in short
immediately incorporated into Urbana supply, and sicknesses—malaria, "jungle
Force, and the division still had no reserve.

1 2
Interv, Louis Morton with Gen Sutherland, Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42,
Washington, D. C., 12 Nov 46; Intervs with Gen copy in OCMH files.
Eichelberger, 20 Nov 48, 6 Feb 50, 12 May 50; Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42;
Interv with Gen Chamberlin, 14 Jan 50; Kenney, Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 3 Dec 42;
General Kenney Reports, pp. 150-151, 154, 156- Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author, 16 Mar
157. 50; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 17.

rot," dengue fever, and dysentery—were ran short of ammunition, especially mortar
beginning to take an increasing toll.4 shells. Some had lost their intrenching tools,
Dysentery was the most widespread afflic- and so disrupted was supply that they had
tion. Tainted rations, the long periods that not been replaced.7
the troops had gone without food, and the Morale was low. Instead of being met, as
lack of sterilizing equipment had all con- they had been led to expect, by a few hun-
tributed to that result. There were those dred sick and starving Japanese, they found
who were careless with their drinking water, themselves facing apparently large numbers
but they were a small minority.5 The fact of fresh, well-fed, well-armed troops in
was that even those who were extremely seemingly impregnable positions, against
careful caught the disease. Thus, Colonel whom in almost two weeks of righting they
MacNab recalls that although he never had failed to score even one noteworthy
drank water that was not chlorinated he success.
"suffered from dysentery as much as any of Most frustrating of all, however, was the
the troops."6 realization that they did not have the proper
The troops were having trouble with their weapons to reduce the bunkers that stood
weapons, partly because of the wet, but in their way. They were without tanks,
mostly because they were not getting gun grenade launchers, or flame throwers, and
oil, patches, and other cleaning aids. The mortars, artillery, and air bombardment
M1's had been issued without oil and thong seemed to have no effect on the enemy's
cases. Though gun oil was reaching the formidable bunker positions. About the
front it arrived in large containers that made only method they could use to reduce the
wide distribution of it impracticable, with enemy bunkers was to crawl forward as
the result that some of the troops had to go close as the Japanese protective fire would
completely without oil for considerable allow and then make a sudden rush in the
periods of time. Their weapons therefore— hope of getting close enough to push hand
especially the BAR's and machine guns— grenades through the firing slits. This was a
kept jamming. course in which, as one who was present was
There were other serious supply defi- to observe, "Many more failed than suc-
ciencies. Spare parts and rifle clips were ceeded, but for the most part, there was no
hard to come by, and the troops frequently other way." 9
Tel Msg, 1st Lt John E. Harbert, Ord Off, to
Msg, Gen Harding to Maj Birkness, Ser 1911, 2 32d Div, Ser 1412, 25 Nov 42; Msg, 32d Div to
Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Interv with Maj Odell, NGF, Ser 1681, Nov 42. Both in 32d Div G-2, G-3
14 Dec 50; Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, Jnl. Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 8
20 Jan 50; Lt Col Francis L. De Pasquale, MC Med Dec 42; Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author,
Hist 32d Div, 1-30 Jan 43. Although there are no 26 Jun 50; Maj Parker's Buna Rpt.
sickness figures for this period, the fact that the Memo, Col Reeder, WDGS, for Col Ritchie,
troops were rapidly sickening at this time was com- Chief, Southwest Pacific Gp, OPD WDGS, 22 Feb
mon knowledge, and the final figures compiled at 43, sub: Observer Interrogations of Officers at
the end of the campaign suggest that a substantial Buna and Sanananda, in OPD 381, PTO Sec 4;
portion of the command was already affected. Col Hale, Answers to Questions by Hist Sec, GHQ
Ltr, Col Carl Hanna, MC, to author, 14 Oct 50: SWPA, As to Certain Phases of the Papuan Cam-
Interv with Maj Odell, 14 Dec 50; Ltr, Maj Gen paign; Col Knight's Buna Rpt; Col Handy's Buna
Clarence A. Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51. Rpt.
6 9
Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49. Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 20 Jan 50.


Supply division's needs. By the end of the month,

less than sixty tons of freight had been
Adequate supply, a basic ingredient of brought in by air—about the equivalent of
good morale, was simply out of the question what one lugger could bring in two trips.10
at Buna during the latter part of November With air space strictly limited, there had
and the first few days of December, for the been a mad scramble for priorities, and the
Japanese by the end of November had suc- division, intent on getting enough food and
ceeded in cutting the division's supply line ammunition to the troops to keep the fight-
by sea. The division had had six luggers in ing going, found itself competing for space
operation on 21 November, but only one with its supporting elements. In a message to
was still making the run on the 28th. The Major Birkness at Port Moresby, Col. Jo-
rest had either broken up on the reefs or seph S. Bradley, Division G-4, wrote that
been destroyed by the enemy. Everything 10
Msg, 32d Div to CG, COSC, Ser 1634, 28 Nov
now depended on the airlift, which was still 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 32d Div, Rear Eche-
too small to fill more than a fraction of the lon Rec of Air Shipments.


the "many priorities by the medics, antiair- of which were loaded with supplies and am-
craft people, engineers, and others are caus- munition." Since then, he added, everything
ing essential chow and ammunition for the had been on a "hand-to-mouth, catch-as-
fighting men to be held up." He closed his catch-can basis." Nor had the situation im-
message with the plea that Birkness lose no proved with the arrival of new luggers on the
time in bringing the difficulty "to the atten- 21st.
tion of the Big Boys."11 . . . The little ship situation [General
General Harding described the situation Harding continued] has gone from bad to
to General Herring in succinct fashion on 28 worse. One went on the reefs a little while ago,
November. "Everything," he wrote, "had another got stuck on a sandbar on the 25th,
been going beautifully until November the and was bombed by the Japs the following
16th, the day they blitzed the four ships, all day, and three more have been shot up and
bombed while at anchor, one at Mendaropu,
one off Embogu, and one yesterday in Oro
Msg, Col Joseph S. Bradley to Maj Birkness, Bay. That finishes the Red Arrow freighters.
Ser 1472, 26 Nov 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. There's nothing left except one small craft

114TH ENGINEER BATTALION builds a corduroy road with the help of natives.

with a kicker that will make about two forward from Dobodura on their backs. Be-
knots. . . .12 cause the carriers would not go into the
Though the division now had to get al- front lines, it became necessary to use com-
most all of its supplies from Dobodura, the bat troops to complete the deliveries.13
process was difficult because no roads ex-
isted between the airfield and the front suit- The Question of Additional Support
able for the use of vehicles. The engineers
were building a jeep track between Dobo- General Harding had little luck in his
dura and Simemi to speed up the transfer of pleas for additional support. When he asked
material to the front lines, but there were for tanks he had been promised Bren gun
not enough engineer troops and engineer carriers, but even the carriers had not ar-
tools in the area to do the job quickly. Until 13
Tel Msg, 1st Lt Clifton P. Hannum, S-3, 1st
the road was completed, native carriers, too Bn, 126th Inf, to 32d Div, Ser 1501, 26 Nov 42;
few for the task, had to carry the supplies Rad, Gen Harding to Maj Birkness, Ser 1644, 28
Nov 42; Msg, Gen Harding to NGF, Ser 1908, 2
Dec 42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. Maj Parker's
Ltr, Gen Harding to Gen Herring, 28 Nov 42, Buna Rpt; 114th Engr Bn AAR, Papuan Campaign;
copy in OCMH files. Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 39.

rived. When he asked for ten more artillery thrown in, on the ground that we had plenty
pieces, he was promised four—sometime in of reserves. I explained somewhat heatedly,
14 that we had no reserves, and I argued to the
December. When he asked for all or part
best of my ability for additional troops, not
of the 127th Infantry (which had finally to relieve those in the line, but to strike in
reached Port Moresby on Thanksgiving another quarter. General Herring remained
Day), General Herring had disapproved unconvinced of the need or desirability of the
the request with the remark, "I cannot see proposed move despite all my protestations.16
what it is needed for, as you seem to have Recalling the matter, Harding was to
ample reserves." 15 write:
On 29 November Harding moved his I tried to give Herring the picture by letter,
headquarters from Embogo to Dobodura. radio, and finally face to face, but he never
The next day he had an opportunity to seemed to get it. He was a gentleman ... a
renew his plea for additional support. Not scholar, and a pretty good guy withal, but his
heart, I am sure, was with the Australians.
only did General Herring visit him, but He seemed to take an almost detached view
General Sutherland flew in from Port of the trials and tribulations of my ail-Ameri-
Moresby. can contingent. I felt all along that he had
Herring, who had just opened his head- very little scope for independent decision.17
quarters at Popondetta, reached Dobodura Harding and Herring were still discuss-
by air early in the morning of the 30th, ing the problem when Sutherland arrived.
ahead of Sutherland. After the usual ameni- Sutherland was also opposed to bringing in
ties, the two generals seated themselves on the regiment. His argument was that the
some empty ammunition boxes and problem of supplying the troops already in
plunged into a discussion devoted princi- the area was taxing the transport facilities
pally to Harding's request for the 127th of the air force to the utmost, and that it
Infantry. would be unwise to bring in more troops
After expressing his dissatisfaction over until a stockpile had been built up at Dobo-
the diversion to General Vasey of Colonel dura. General Harding then pleaded for at
Tomlinson's 126th Infantry troops, and least one battalion of the 127th Infantry to
getting no promise of their return, Harding strike in a new quarter, but General Suther-
began to press Herring for at least part of land was adamant. The supply level would
the 127th Infantry. This is the way Harding have to be raised, he said, before such a
reported the discussion in his diary, move could be considered. A further re-
The chief topic we discussed was the bring- quest by Harding that Colonel Tomlinson
ing in of part or all of the 127th Infantry. In be returned to him was also refused. Gen-
one of his letters to me, General Herring had eral Harding, who did not take kindly to
stated that he disapproved of previous re- these refusals, considered that he had been
quests that part or all of the regiment be 18
given "the brush-off."

14 16
Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 1768, 29 Nov 42, Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42.
in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51.
15 18
Ltr, Gen Herring to Gen Harding, 28 Nov 42, Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42; Interv with
copy in OCMH files. Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47.

General Eichelberger as General Kenney recalls further, that Gen-

Is Ordered Forward eral MacArthur "began to be worried
about the caliber of his infantry." Stories
General Sutherland that American troops were fighting badly
Stays for Lunch and that some had even thrown away their
machine guns and fled in panic from the
At the close of the discussion General enemy were reaching headquarters, 21 as
Herring flew back to Popondetta, and Gen- were observers' reports which were dis-
eral Sutherland, who had more to say, tinctly unfavorable in tone. The observers
stayed for lunch. During the course of the noted that the troops and their officers
meal, Harding again pressed him about the seemed to lack aggressiveness, that many of
127th Infantry. the junior leaders did not seem to know their
... I asked [he noted in his diary] if the business, and that "too many" commanders
Australians were going to use it on the other were trying to conduct operations from a
side of the river. His reply was startling. He command post. At least one of the observers
said that that had been discussed, and that seems to have gone so far as to say that
Blarney had spoken disparagingly of the fight- the 32d Division would not fight.22
ing qualities of the American troops, and told
MacArthur that he preferred to use his militia Matters came to a head when Colonel
brigade in that quarter. He had also dropped Larr, General Chamberlin's deputy, visited
one or two remarks to the effect that the the front on 27 and 28 November and re-
Americans weren't showing the fight they
turned to Port Moresby with an extremely
should. I told him that anyone who thought
that didn't know the facts—that while we adverse report on conditions there.23 Gen-
hadn't made much progress, it wasn't because eral Sutherland, whose visit was apparently
we weren't in there fighting, and I reminded occasioned by Larr's report, mentioned it to
him that our casualties would testify to the Harding during lunch. He told Harding
hard fighting that had been going on.19
that because of its unfavorable tone General
General Blarney had indeed spoken dis- MacArthur had sent for General Eichel-
paragingly to General MacArthur of the
performance of the 32d Division. The 21
Ibid.,pp. 150, 154, 156, 157. The incident
conversation had taken place five days be- which had given rise to these stories occurred on
fore at Government House, General Mac- 24 November (see above, p. 186). The units in-
Arthur's headquarters at Port Moresby. volved were Company E, 128th Infantry, and the
Weapons Platoon of Company G, 128th Infantry,
General Kenney, who had been present then in their first day of combat.
(and had made a note of General Blamey's 22
Col Knight's Buna Rpt. Colonel Knight sum-
remarks), felt that it had been "a bitter pill marizes these unfavorable reports without men-
tioning specifically who originated them.
for General MacArthur to swallow." 20 It 23
Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42; Interv with
must have been, for it was about this time, Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47; Interv with Gen Eichel-
berger, 6 Feb 50; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24
Jul 51. Larr's report was apparently by word of
mouth, since the G-3 files for the period contain
Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42. The militia no written report on the subject. The author's
brigade was Brigadier Porter's Infantry Brigade, knowledge of its content comes from the sources
whose 39 Battalion had performed with such dis- cited above. No confirmation could be secured from
tinction in the Owen Stanleys. Colonel Larr on the subject since he was dead at
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 153. the time that the chapter was written.

berger and would probably order him to General Eichelberger Is

the front. Sutherland then asked Harding Given His Orders
(whose two field commanders, Colonels
Mott and Hale, were ill-regarded by both I As Sutherland had told Harding, Gen-
Corps and GHQ) whether he intended to eral MacArthur had already ordered Gen-
24 29
make any changes in his top command. eral Eichelberger to Port Moresby. Eichel-
Though Harding knew that Mott had a berger was at Rockhampton training the
"notable talent for antagonizing superiors, 41st Division in jungle warfare at the time
subordinates, and contemporaries," 25 and the summons was received. It was 29 No-
was not particularly impressed with Colonel vember, a summery and quiet Sunday,
Hale's ability as a regimental commander,26 the last quiet day General Eichelberger
he nevertheless replied in the negative. was to enjoy for a long time. There
Mott, he pointed out, appeared to be doing were two messages. The first was an alert-
an excellent job on the Urbana front and, ing order from General Chamberlin at
while he "frankly . . . questioned whether Brisbane telling Eichelberger to stand by
Hale had the qualifications to lead a regi- and advising him that if it was decided that
ment in battle," he considered that he was he and a small staff were to go to Port
"doing fairly well in the only chance he Moresby he would be told that night. Late
had had to show his stuff." 27 at night the second message came ordering
Harding's reply apparently was enough them to go. By that time General Eichel-
for General Sutherland. The latter returned berger, Brig. Gen. Clovis E. Byers, his chief
to Port Moresby that same afternoon, 30 of staff, six staff officers, his aide, and nine
November, and recommended to General enlisted men, mostly clerks, were packed and
MacArthur that General Harding be re- ready. They took off in two C-47's for Port
lieved at once on the ground that he in- Moresby early the next morning, 30 Novem-
sisted on keeping in command subordinates ber, and, after an uneventful flight over
whose competence was open to question.28 the Coral Sea, landed at Seven Mile Air-
drome late in the afternoon. They were met
at the airstrip by Colonel Larr, who told
24 29
Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42; Interv with Eichelberger, promoted to lieutenant general on
Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47. 15 October 1942, had been at Port Moresby in mid-
Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51. More November to observe the 32d Division in action.
to the point, he also knew that Mott and Larr were He had been ordered back to Australia before the
openly antagonistic and had been for some time. fight for the beachhead began in order to prepare
Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47. a camp for the 25th U.S. Infantry Division, which
Gen Harding's Diary, 30 Nov 42. General was then on the alert for movement to Australia
Harding's feeling in the matter was that Hale, as his from Hawaii. The mission had come to nothing
last regimental commander from the National since the division had been diverted at the last
Guard, in a division in which the bulk of the officers moment to Guadalcanal in order to make possible
the relief of the 1st Marine Division and its transfer
were from the Guard, should be given a chance to
to Australia for rest and rehabilitation. Ltr,
show what he could do, especially since Colonel
CINCSWPA to CG USASOS et al., 22 Nov 42,
MacNab, who was on the ground, could be trusted sub: Reinforcements, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA;
to keep him out of trouble. Interv with Gen Hard- Msgs, Gen Marshall to Gen MacArthur, No. 3874,
ing, 9 Dec 47. CM-OUT 6906, 23 Nov 42; No. 4131, CM-OUT
Interv, Louis Morton with Gen Sutherland, 12 9526, 30 Nov 42; Interv with Gen Eichelberger,
Nov 46. 21 Nov 48.

Eichelberger that he would be given four or pened was his.32 What was needed at Buna,
five days to be briefed on the situation at he told Eichelberger, was aggressive leader-
Buna before he and his staff went over the ship. He knew, he continued, that the troops
mountains. were not trained for operations in the jun-
Eichelberger and Byers were given gle, that they were sick, and that the cli-
quarters at Government House, General mate was wearing them down, but he was
MacArthur's headquarters, a comfortable convinced that "a real leader could take
sprawling place, which in prewar days had these same men and capture Buna."33
been the official residence of the lieutenant General MacArthur told Eichelberger
governor of Papua. They had scarcely that he was to relieve Harding and his sub-
reached their rooms when they were or- ordinate commanders, "or," he flung out,
dered to report to General MacArthur im- "I will relieve them myself and you too."
mediately. The two officers preserved a "Time was of the essence," he said, for the
vivid recollection of what followed. They Japanese might land reinforcements "any
found General MacArthur with Generals night." Continuing his restless pacing up
Kenney and Sutherland on the long breezy and down the veranda, he told Eichelberger,
veranda at the front of the house. General "Go out there, Bob, and take Buna or don't
Kenney gave them a welcoming smile when come back alive." Then pointing to General
they were ushered into MacArthur's pres- Byers, he added, "And that goes for your
ence, but General Sutherland, who had chief of staff, Clovis, too."
come in earlier in the afternoon with the MacArthur went on to tell Eichelberger
news that General Harding had no intention and Byers that he knew his staff thought
of relieving his subordinate commanders, they should have four or five days to be
sat at a desk, stern and unsmiling.30 Aware briefed on the situation before they went
that General Sutherland had just returned over the mountains. Things, however, were
from Dobodura, General Eichelberger, who too serious for that, and he would therefore
had been surprised at the abruptness of the give them not even one day. They were to
summons to report to General MacArthur, get ready immediately and leave for Buna
was surprised no longer. It was plain to see, in the morning.34
he wrote later on, that Sutherland's report
had been the cause.31
General Eichelberger's First
Striding up and down the veranda, grim
Day at Buna
and intense, General MacArthur without
preliminary plunged into the matter at hand. Subsequent briefings and conferences
American troops, he told the officers, had lasted far into the night. In the morning,
dropped their weapons and run from the immediately after breakfast, General Eich-
enemy. He had never been so humiliated
in his life, and it was the kind of thing that 32
Interv with Gens Eichelberger and Byers, 1
he would not stand for. Harding, he said, Jun 50.
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 157. The
had failed and the blame for what had hap- author's interview with Generals Eichelberger and
Byers, and interviews with General Eichelberger
Interv with Gen Eichelberger and Maj Gen alone are to the same effect.
Clovis E. Byers, 1 Jun 50. Interv with Gens Eichelberger and Byers, 1
Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 21. Jun 50.

elberger and his party left for Buna.35 They A. Martin, his G-3, and Col. Gordon Rog-
landed at Dobodura at 0958, and, at 1300, ers, his G-2, would observe the attack on
General Eichelberger, as commander of I the Warren front, while he himself would
Corps, assumed command of all U.S. troops observe it on the Urbana front.38
in the Buna Area.36 That night General Eichelberger wrote
Harding, who had been in the midst of a to General Sutherland that, to judge from
letter to General Sutherland when Eichel- what he heard during the day, things did
berger and the corps staff arrived, noted in not appear to be as bad as he had been led
his diary that night: to expect. Colonel Mott, for instance, was
Eichelberger had come fresh from the pres- reporting progress, and seemed to be within
ence of MacArthur who had given him an a hundred yards of Buna Village. Eichel-
earful of instructions concerning what he, berger referred to a conversation that he
Eichelberger, was expected to do. First of all,
he was to take command of American troops
had had that day with Brig. R. N. L. Hop-
in the sector. I wasn't sure just where that kins, General Herring's chief of staff.
left me, but I gathered MacArthur was much Hopkins, he said, had stated that General
dissatisfied with way things were going. Herring wanted Buna Mission taken and
Among other things, he had told Eichelberger was not particularly interested in the capture
that he was to take Buna or die before it.37
of Buna Village. "I told him," General
After explaining how General MacAr- Eichelberger wrote, "that I had directed,
thur felt about the situation at Buna, Eich- prior to seeing him, that Buna Village be
elberger asked Harding what changes he captured tonight, and while I was anxious
proposed making in his command in order to get in Buna Mission, I did not want to
to get things moving. When Harding replied leave the force in Buna Village on our front
that he intended to relieve no one and that and rear."
most of his commanders deserved to be dec- "I shall go forward in the morning,"
orated not relieved, Eichelberger pushed the General Eichelberger continued, "to gain
matter no further. He decided to spend the a first hand knowledge of the situation."
day at Dobodura, find out what he could While he was not willing to admit anything,
there, and inspect the front the following he said, until he had "personally surveyed
day. Two of his staff officers, Col. Clarence the situation well forward," he neverthe-
less felt that he could already recommend
the dispatch to the beachhead of "at least
MacArthur was at breakfast. In contrast to his one battalion less two companies of the
mood of the afternoon before, he was relaxed and
affable. He told Eichelberger to take good care of
himself for he was "no use to him dead"—a state- Interv with Gen Eichelberger 31 May 50;
ment that General Kenney in General Kenney Re- Interv with Gens Eichelberger and Byers, 1 Jun 50;
ports claims (apparently in error) he made the day Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 18 Oct 51; Rpt, CG
before. When breakfast was over, MacArthur drew Buna Forces, p. 19; Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road
Eichelberger to one side, promised to decorate him to Tokyo, p. 25. General Eichelberger's decision had
if he took Buna, and told him, in effect, that he was first been to send Colonel Rogers and Lt. Col. Frank
to take the place regardless of casualties. Interv S. Bowen, Jr., the assistant G-3, to the Warren
with Gens Eichelberger and Byers, 1 Jun 50. front, but at the last moment he substituted Martin
Rpt, CG, Buna Forces, p. 19. for Bowen, Ltr, Gen Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar
Gen Harding's Diary, 1 Dec 42. 51.

127th Infantry, because we may need a Whether it did so because there was a
fresh impetus to carry into Buna Village."39 mixup in signals or because the men
were "jumpy," Colonel Mott was unable to
Buna Operations: 1 and 2 December ascertain.40
Although his front line was now less than
The Urbana Front 300 yards from Buna Village, Colonel Mott
decided to make no further attacks that day.
The night of 30 November-1 December His plan was to attack again in the morn-
had been an uneasy one on the Urbana ing with the aid of the Cannon Company,
front. (See Map 10.) The 25-pounders and 128th Infantry, which had meanwhile been
the mortars had laid down a desultory fire promised him by General Harding.41
on Buna Village, and a few unarmed Japa- There was intermittent firing during the
nese were killed trying to get back to the night, most of it by enemy mortars and ma-
large grassy strip where the headquarters chine guns. A few Japanese again tried,
area had been, in an effort apparently to unsuccessfully, to reach the large grassy
recover some of the food and weapons left strip. Otherwise, the night was quiet and
there. There was actually little action during the troops got a little rest.
the night, but the exhausted troops, who By the following morning Colonel Mott
were expecting a counterattack, got little had available for the attack on the village
real rest. Companies E and H, 126th Infantry, the
In the morning Urbana force made an- Cannon Company, and a platoon of Com-
other attempt to take Buna Village. De- pany F, 128th Infantry, which he had or-
tachments from the Headquarters Com- dered up from the other side of the Girua
panies of both 2d Battalions, and a section River. He had also the eight additional
of machine guns from Company H, 126th mortars that General Harding, true to his
Infantry, were sent forward to reinforce promise, had rushed to him.
Company E, 126th Infantry. This time the At 0950 the artillery opened a heavy con-
plan was to move on Buna Village through centration of fire on the bunkers holding up
the relatively open area just below the the advance. The artillery was followed by
bridge over the Girua River, instead of di- Captain Hantlemann's massed 60-mm. and
rectly up the main track. The attempt was 81-mm. mortars. The artillery fire was ac-
preceded by fire from the 25-pounders at curate, and the mortar barrage intense and
Ango and from all the available 60-mm. and
81-mm. mortars in battery, the latter being,
as before, under Captain Hantlemann of 40
Col Mott's Memo. Pvt. John E. Combs of
Company H. At the start the action went Company E distinguished himself on this day for a
well, and several bunkers were knocked out. superb job of scouting, during the course of which
he maneuvered himself behind an enemy bunker
Then, just as the troops seems to be on the that had been holding up the advance, killed twelve
point of going through, Company E, instead Japanese single-handed, and enabled his platoon
of continuing to press forward, withdrew. to take the position. For this exploit, Combs was
later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The
citation is in the GHQ SWPA, GO No. 1, 1 Jan 43.
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 30 Nov 42, 1 Dec 42; 2d
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 1 Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2240, 1 Dec 42; Col Mott's
Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. Memo.

well placed. As soon as the American in- close the last few yards between them and
fantrymen attempted to move forward, Buna Village.
however, they were stopped by heavy bands
of fire across every axis of approach. Col- The Warren Front
onel Mott was again forced to call off the
attack in order to give his battered troops at General Harding had already concluded
least one day's rest before they attacked that to attack Cape Endaiadere and the New
again. Strip simultaneously was tactically unsound
Weakened by fever and suffering from because the attacks from the eastern end of
hunger and exhaustion, the men by this time the New Strip were on divergent lines. He
were in pitiable condition. Maj. Roger O. decided therefore to shift the main attack to
Egeberg, a visiting medical officer from the New Strip. At 1045 on 1 December he
Milne Bay, who saw the troops on 1 Decem- ordered Colonel Hale to stop pressing the
ber, reported to General Eichelberger in attack on Cape Endaiadere and to lend all
General Harding's hearing that they looked possible support instead to Colonel Carrier
like "Christ off the Cross."43 in an attack on the New Strip. One of Colo-
As Colonel Mott observed, the men were nel McCoy's companies was to be left in
suffering from the continuous round of fight- place along the coastal track to hold the
ing, lack of food, and lack of sleep, as well position there, and the other two companies
as from "the long marches and short rations were to support Colonel Carrier in his oper-
on which they had been subsisting even ations against the strip.46
before the fighting started."44 An entry The plan of action, including air and ar-
on 2 December in the journal of the 2d Bat- tillery support, called for Company B, 128th
talion, 126th Infantry, made just after the Infantry, to remain in position about 900
Japanese had repulsed Company E's fifth yards south of Cape Endaiadere and to
attack on Buna reads, "The troops that we launch a series of demonstrations intended
have left are weak and tired and need rest to deceive the enemy into thinking that the
and reinforcement." 45 It was clear that un- main Allied effort was still against the cape.
til they got both, it would be impossible to The real attack would be against the New
Strip. Its object was essentially exploratory:
to discover a weak spot in the enemy line and
Msgs, Gen Eichelberger to NGF, Sers 1882 and to "go all out" if it found a hole.47
1933, 2 Dec 42; Msg, Urbana Force to 32d Div, Ser Company A, 128th Infantry, with Com-
1898, 2 Dec 42. All in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl. 2d pany B, 126th Infantry, and what was left
Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 2 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf,
Jnl, 0030, 0954, 2 Dec. 42. Two men particularly of Company C, 128th Infantry, would
distinguished themselves in the day's attack—Cap- launch an east-west attack from the coastal
tain Hantlemann, and 1st Lt. James I. Hunt of flank toward the dispersal bays off the
Battalion Headquarters Company, who at his own
request led a platoon in the attack on the village.
Each was later awarded the Distinguished Service
Cross. The citations are in GHQ SWPA, GO No. 1, 128th Inf Jnl, Ser 13, 1 Dec 42.
1 Jan 43. 128th Inf Jnl, Ser 20, 1 Dec 42; Overlay, 32d
Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47; Ltr, Gen Div, 1 Dec 42, in 32d Div Overlays, Papuan Cam-
Harding to author, 24 Jul 51. paign; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 77, 2 Dec 42; Ltr, Col
Col Mott's Memo. MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49; Ltr, Col Hale to
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 2 Dec 42. Gen Harding, 7 Nov 49, copy in OCMH files.

eastern end of the strip. At the other end a few bunkers before they were completely
of the strip, Company A, 126th Infantry, stopped by the enemy. On Colonel Carrier's
would join Company I, 128th Infantry, in front the troops initially registered small
an attack on the bridge between the strips. gains, only to be stopped in their turn by
The 2/6 Australian Independent Company flanking machine gun fire from positions in
would patrol the area facing the strip and the western part of the strongpoint between
serve to connect the forces attacking at its the strips. The attack on the Warren front
other end. The drive from east to west had once again been a failure.49
would be under command of Colonel Mc-
Coy; that from south to north, under General Harding's Relief
Colonel Carrier.
The air strafing and bombing of Buna I Corps Inspects the Front
Village, the New Strip, and the bridge be-
tween the strips took place between 0800 For the Corps inspection of 2 December,
and 0815, and most of the bombs hit the General Eichelberger, accompanied by his
target area. The last flight, however, forgot aide, Capt. Daniel K. Edwards, General
to drop flares (the prearranged signal that Harding, General Waldron, and several
the air bombing was over), and the ar- others, left Dobodura for the Urbana front
tillery and mortars as a result took up the at 0930. Half an hour later Colonel Martin
bombardment only after an appreciable in- and Rogers left for the Warren front. Both
terval. The troops, who had pulled back parties were able to go only a short distance
temporarily to avoid being hit by friendly by jeep; the rest of the way, they had to go
fire, jumped off at 0830 but made little on foot.
progress. Colonel Yamamoto's troops had General Eichelberger's party reached its
not been taken in by the feint of Company destination first. Just before it arrived at the
B, 128th Infantry, toward Cape Endaiadere. front, Eichelberger stopped at the Urbana
When the bombing began, they took shel- force aid station. There he found a number
ter in the bunkers. When it was over, they of unwounded men who had been sent to
emerged from their shelters and laid down the rear for a few days to recover from
such heavy fire that the advance stalled dengue fever or exhaustion. Some had
almost immediately and soon came to a
complete halt. 49
Tel Msg, Col Hale to Gen Byers, Ser 1897, 2
The results of the day's fighting were not Dec 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th
Inf, Jnl, Sers 454 through 465, 2 Dec 42; 1st Bn,
encouraging. The heat was intense, and 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 9, 15, 17, 24, 51, 72, 2 Dec 42;
there were as many casualties from heat 128th Inf Jnl, Sers 4, 9, 10, 15, 27, 42, 46, 2 Dec
prostration as from enemy fire. The troops 42; 32d Div Sitreps, No. 78, 2 Dec 42; No. 79, 3
Dec 42; Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 15 Nov 49.
on Colonel McCoy's front knocked out only During the day's operations, S. Sgt. Delmar H.
Daniels, of Company B, 126th Infantry, led three
volunteers against an enemy strongpoint near the
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 450, 459, 1 Dec 42; dispersal bays at the eastern end of the strip, which
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 11, 19, 22, 23, 1 Dec had held up the company for some time, only to be
42; 128th Inf Jnl, Sers 11, 18, 19, 22, 23, 1 Dec killed as he attempted to clear out the enemy posi-
42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 77, 2 Dec 42; Ltr, Col tion. Daniels was posthumously awarded the Dis-
Hale to Gen Harding, 7 Nov 49; Ltr, Col MacNab tinguished Service Cross. The citation is in GHQ
to author, 15 Nov 49. SWPA GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43.

cracked up in combat.50 Eichelberger made southeast of the village.53 He noticed both

it a point to question several of them closely light and heavy machine guns standing
as to why they were not at the front. The in the open neither dug in nor concealed.
most common answer was that they had Though he was to learn later what the men
been sent to the rear for a rest, and the already knew, that fires made with wet
same answer was given by two or three other jungle wood raised dense columns of smoke,
unwounded individuals closer to the front, he was extremely indignant when he discov-
who either were dozing at the roots of trees ered that the front-line troops, though raven-
or were on their way to the aid station.51 ously hungry, had not been permitted to
The three generals reached Colonel cook some captured Japanese rice lest by
Mott's command post at 1140. The artillery doing so they draw enemy fire. He seemed
was still firing, and it was hoped that this to think that lack of aggressiveness kept the
time the bunkers which had held up the troops from firing and he was greatly ang-
previous attack would be destroyed. When ered that, when he asked for volunteers to
the news came that the attack had failed, see what lay immediately ahead, the troops
General Eichelberger announced that he was he spoke to did not respond.54
going forward to see for himself how things While General Eichelberger was ques-
were. Ordering General Waldron to remain tioning the troops, he interviewed three ma-
in the CP, he went up front. General Hard- chine gunners on the front line. In response
ing, who refused to remain behind, went to his question, they told him that they knew
with him. The Japanese, after repulsing a that there was an enemy machine gun im-
whole series of attacks, were not firing, and mediately ahead because it had opened fire
the two generals were able to inspect the only a few hours ago on the troops who tried
front line without drawing enemy fire.52 to go that way. General Eichelberger asked
In General Harding's opinion, General if any of them had gone down the trail since
Eichelberger had been in an exceedingly that time to see if the machine gun was still
censorious mood before. Now he found a there. The men said they had not. The gen-
great deal to be angry about in his tour of eral then offered to decorate the man who
the front. He had been told (and had in would go forward fifty yards to find out.
good faith reported to New Guinea Force) Satisfied that the enemy weapon was still
that there had been a strong Japanese there, neither the gunners nor any of the
counterattack. On questioning Major Smith other troops volunteered for the job. In-
he discovered that there had been no coun- stead, Captain Edwards, the general's aide,
terattack, only a feeble attempt by a few using a different route and crawling on his
Japanese to get back into the main strip belly, made his way to the outskirts of Buna

Msg, Gen Eichelberger to NGF, Ser 1864, 1
Gen Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42; Col Mott's Dec 42, in 32d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Lt Col
Memo. Herbert M. Smith to author, 16 Mar 50; Ltr, Gen
Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 31 May 50; Ltr, Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51. Smith did not
Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51. know at the time that Colonel Mott had reported
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1140, 2 Dec 42; Gen this minor brush with the enemy as a counterattack.
Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42; Col Mott's Memo; Gen Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42; Col Mott's
Interv with Gen Harding, 9 Dec 47; Interv with Memo; Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 21 Nov 48;
Gen Eichelberger, 21 Nov 48. Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51.

Village and returned without being fired on, His [General Eichelberger's] voice rose and
an exploit that only deepened the general's he said, "You're licked," and indicated in va-
rious ways that the troops had done a very
irritation with the troops over their failure
poor job and included a great many cowards.
to show any disposition to fight.55 After having observed General Eichelberger's
The upshot was an angry scene in Colo- manner, I refrained from further attempts to
nel Mott's command post. General Eichel- state my side of the case and that of the sol-
berger (who told the troops later on that he diers under me, and shortly thereafter General
had not realized at the time "what they were Eichelberger . . . left my command post.59
up against") had some "caustic comments" Nor had the inspection gone much better
to make on what he had seen at the front. 56 on the Warren front. Colonels Martin and
He delivered pointed remarks on the un- Rogers reached Colonel Hale's headquar-
wounded men at the aid station, the ex- ters at Hariko about noon, after catching a
posed machine guns, the apparent hesitancy lift part of the way to Simemi in a jeep.
to stir up enemy fire, and the failure of front- They left Hariko at 1410 and at 1528 had
line troops to volunteer "even for a decora- reached Colonel McCoy's command post.
tion." 57 At one point, he went so far as to After a short visit there, they went forward
say that he was not even sure that the troops with Colonel MacNab to the area off the
had fought. Colonel Mott flared up at this. eastern end of the New Strip. Before they
He spoke of the hardships his men had been came, the fighting had raged fiercely and
through and argued vehemently in their de- every available man had been on the line.
fense—a point of view with which General When they arrived, however, the action had
Harding made it clear he agreed by demon- died down to virtually nothing.
stratively dashing his cigarette to the ground There was no firing, and, as Martin re-
when Mott finished speaking.58 This is calls, there were times when the front was
Mott's recollection of what followed: "as quiet as the inside of an empty church."
Having beaten off a succession of American
55 attacks, the Japanese were resting and tak-
Gen Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42; Col Mott's
Memo; Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 21 Nov 48; ing things easy. They were not firing even
Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51. Edwards on targets in plain view. Nor did the Ameri-
was later awarded the Silver Star. The citation is cans seem anxious to stir up Japanese fire.
in Hq I Corps, GO No. 102, 4 Dec 42.
Ltr, Lt Col Herbert M. Smith to author, 16 After the bloody nose that the enemy had
Mar 50. Smith as commanding officer of the 2d given them, they were content to let well
Battalion, 126th Infantry was in the CP at the time
enough alone and were using the respite to
and witnessed the scene.
Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 31 May 50. dig in, bring up supplies, and prepare for
Gen Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42; Col Mott's the next day's attack. Although Martin ad-
Memo; Ltr, Gen Harding to author, 24 Jul 51;
mitted "in the light of subsequent knowl-
Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 21 Nov 48. That
night General Harding wrote in his diary that in edge" that the attacks could not possibly
the light of his remarks General Eichelberger have succeeded even had they been "con-
"showed no appreciation of what the men had tinued throughout the day with the utmost
been through, or the spirit shown by most of them
in carrying on despite heavy casualties, the roughest vigor and daring," the total absence of fight-
kind of opposition, and the most trying conditions."
Of Colonel Mott's outbursts, he wrote, "I approved
of every word he said and of the vehemence with
which he stated the case." Col Mott's Memo.

ing when the inspection team reached the General Eichelberger Comes to a Decision
front led the inspectors to wonder whether
there had really been any fighting at all that General Eichelberger was well aware that
day.60 General MacArthur had spoken in anger
The inspection team was particularly on 30 November when he ordered him to
struck by the poor physical condition of the relieve Harding. As corps commander, Eich-
troops. Colonel Rogers .(who subsequently elberger knew, he was under no obligation
put his criticism in writing) described their to take the step if he thought the relief un-
condition as "deplorable," and took special necessary. After his visit to the Urbana
note of their dirty beards, ragged clothing, front, he nevertheless concluded that Hard-
and worn-out shoes, and of the fact that ing would have to go.63 That evening, shortly
they were not getting enough to eat. Colonel after his return from the front, he called in
Martin noted that the morale of the troops General Byers and other immediately avail-
was poor, that the men seemed to have a able members of the corps staff and told
"sorry for ourselves" attitude, and that they them how things had gone on the left flank.
appeared to be interested above all else in He described the scene in Colonel Mott's
being relieved. Rogers was critical of Col- command post, informed them that General
onel Hale for remaining too far behind the Harding had appeared to be in sympathy
lines and thought it remarkable that there with Mott throughout, and asked them
had been so little action at the front when what they would do if they were in his
the inspection team arrived. Martin was place. The staff members present unani-
struck by the fact that unsanitary condi- mously told him that he had only one
tions had been allowed to develop at the choice: to comply with General MacAr-
front, and recalls seeing a great deal of thur's instructions and relieve Harding.64
unnecessary litter, quantities of unsalvaged Shortly after the staff meeting, General
equipment, and piles of empty ration tins Harding approached General Eichelberger
swarming with flies. in his tent in order to discuss a new plan to
The two colonels were back at Colonel take Buna. He described the plan, which en-
McCoy's CP by 1702, and left on foot for visaged an air bombardment and an ar-
the rear at 1820. They reached Dobodura tillery preparation, both co-ordinated on a
about 2200, to discover that General Eich- split-section schedule with the infantry at-
elberger had relieved General Harding only tack. General Waldron was in Eichelber-
a short while before and that General Wal- ger's tent at the time, and this, as Harding
dron was in command of the division.62 entered it in his diary that night, is what fol-
Eichelberger listened but did not seem to
128th Inf Jnl, Sers 49, 54, 2 Dec 42; 1st Bn, be impressed. He had other matters on his
128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 69, 70, 2 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen mind, and I soon found out what they were.
Martin to Gen Ward, 1 Mar 51; Eichelberger, Our
Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 25.
Ltr, Gen Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51;
Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 25. Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 3
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 71, 73, 2 Dec 42; Dec 42, 9 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files.
128th Inf Jnl, Sers 65, 67, 2 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Interv with Gens Eichelberger and Byers, 1
Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51. Jun 50.

He started talking about what he had found to me and said, "Clarence, my boy, you have
out that day that was allegedly wrong. I took always said you would like to command a reg-
issue on one or two points, and finally said, iment. I am going to give you one. You will
"You were probably sent here to get heads, take command of the 128th Infantry and the
maybe mine is one of them. If so, it is on the Warren front. My conclusion . . . confided
block." He said, "You are right, it was, and I to Rogers . . . was confirmed. I immediately
am putting this man—pointing to Waldron— replied, "Yes, Sir, that is true, but I never
"in command of the division." I said. "I take imagined it would be under circumstances
it I am to return to Moresby." He said, "Yes." such as these." Then, I added, "Since I am to
I stood up, and stepped outside the tent. take command of the 128th Infantry I would
prefer [that] Colonel Rogers made the re-
The New Task Force Commanders port." Rogers then continued and made the
report orally. We had just returned, it was
As soon as General Harding left the tent, dark, and there had been no time to write a
General Eichelberger offered to replace
Colonel Hale with Colonel Martin, an offer General Harding's relief was followed the
that Waldron promptly accepted. Some next day by that of Colonels Hale and Mott.
time later, while Waldron was still in Eichel- Colonel Martin replaced Colonel Hale as
berger's tent, Colonel Martin and Colonel commander of Warren Force, and Colonel
Rogers reported to General Eichelberger. McCreary took over from Colonel Mott as
On the way in, Martin had confided to commander of Urbana Force. McCreary
Colonel Rogers that he thought the reason was replaced on 4 December by Col. John
General Eichelberger had sent him to the E. Grose, General Eichelberger's inspector
Warren front in the first place was that he general, whom Waldron accepted for the
probably wanted him to take command post after deciding that he needed McCreary
there. Colonel Martin was nevertheless taken to command the artillery.68
aback by what followed. For scarcely had I Corps had taken over completely, and
he, as Roger's senior, started to give the re- the responsibility for taking Buna was now
port of what he had seen at the Warren General Eichelberger's.
front, when as he recalls,
. . . General Eichelberger, turning to Gen- 67
Ltr, Gen Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51.
eral Waldron, stated rather than asked, "Shall 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 29, 3 Dec 42; 2d
we tell him now." Whereupon he turned again Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 3 Dec 42, 4 Dec 42; 128th Inf
Jnl, Sers 16, 20, 3 Dec 42; Col Mott's Memo; Ltr,
Gen Harding's Diary, 2 Dec 42. Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 3 Dec 42; Ltr,
Ltr, Gen Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51. Gen Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51.

The Fighting West of the Girua

The 900 men of Colonel Yazawa's 41st Operations in the Gona Area
Infantry force, which had extricated itself
from Oivi on 10 November and fled north- Fresh Japanese Troops
ward with General Horii along the west Reach the Kumusi
bank of the Kumusi River, reached the
river's mouth twelve miles north of Gona to- Rabaul, meanwhile, was making every
ward the end of the month. While trying to effort to reinforce the beachhead. On 22
cross the turbulent Kumusi on a raft, Gen- November a fresh 18th Army unit, the 21st
eral Horii and his chief of staff were Independent Mixed Brigade, principally the
drowned at Pinga, west of Gona. (See Map 170th Infantry Reinforced, arrived at
III.) Otherwise the force was intact. Since Rabaul from Indochina under command of
Yazawa was in no position to fight his way Maj. Gen. Tsuyuo Yamagata. The brigade,
down the coast, Colonel Yokoyama under- a former Indochina garrison unit without
took to bring his force back into the battle previous combat experience, was immedi-
area by sea. On 28 November Yokoyama ately put on orders for Basabua but, because
sent all the landing craft he had to the of the brightness of the moon, was held over
mouth of the Kumusi. The craft picked up at Rabaul for the better part of a week.
as much of Yazawa's force as they had space The first echelon, totaling 800 men and con-
for, but most of the 1st Battalion, 41st In- sisting of General Yamagata, his staff, the
fantry, was left behind. The boats were at- 1st Battalion, 170th Infantry, and a portion
tacked on the way by Allied aircraft and of the 1st Battalion, 38th Mountain Artil-
several were sunk, but Yazawa and perhaps lery, finally left Rabaul on the night of 28-
500 of his force reached Giruwa early on 29 November in four destroyers which made
29 November, a welcome reinforcement for for Basabua via the northern route. Appar-
the hard-pressed beachhead garrison.1 ently thinking that the favorable moon and
the speed and maneuverability of the de-
stroyers would see them through, General
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 30 Nov 42; G-3 Adachi (who had reached Rabaul only
Opns Rpt, No. 238, 30 Nov 42-1 Dec 42; Yoko- three days before) failed to provide the
yama Force Buls, 26 Nov 42, 28 Nov 42, in ATIS
EP 29; Msg, Col Tomita to CofS Army Hq, Rabaul, movement with air cover. This was a mis-
28 Nov 42, in ATIS CT 26; Yokoyama Force take, as he was to discover early the next
Orders No. A-12, 30 Nov 42, in ATIS CT 18, No. morning when Allied bombers hit the de-
229; 17th Army Opns I, 129, 130; 18th Army
Opns I, 15, 20, 23, 25. stroyers in Vitiaz Strait and damaged them

so heavily that they were forced to return to Although General Yamagata was ashore
Rabaul. and had a sizable force at his disposal, his
By then the second echelon of Yamagata's troubles had only begun. With the Aus-
Force, totaling about 800 men, was loaded tralians between him and Gona, his problem
and ready to go in four other destroyers. It was no mean one. It was how to get his men
consisted of the 3d Battalion, 170th Infan- south where they would be of use in the
try, less one company, and attached troops, defense of the beachhead.
including a complete headquarters com-
munications unit. To save time, General The Fall of Gona

Yamagata and his headquarters attached

themselves to the 3d Battalion, and the con- The fighting at Gona had meanwhile en-
voy left Rabaul late on 30 November, tak- tered its final stages, though the Australians
ing the southern route through St. George's were to suffer very heavy losses before they
Channel. cleared the Japanese out of their burrows in
This time it had a strong fighter plane the mission area. The 2/14 and 2/27 Bat-
escort, mostly naval Zeros. About forty talions, the first units of the 21st Brigade to
miles southeast of Gasmata, the ships were reach the Gona area, were committed to
attacked by six B-17's, but the bombers were action there on the afternoon of 28 Novem-
successfully intercepted by seventeen to ber. A patrol of the 2/14 Battalion was sent
twenty Zeros. Further attacks closer to Buna, to investigate a small creek on the beach
first by four B-17's and then by six B-25's, half a mile east of the mission, from which it
were also intercepted, and the ships man- was planned that the battalion would at-
aged to reach the anchorage at Basabua tack the next morning. (See photo, page
safely before daybreak on 2 December. They 148.) The patrol reported the area clear of
did not remain long. Before they could even the enemy, and the battalion at once began
begin to unload, a heavy concentration of moving into position. When it broke out at
Allied aircraft struck at them and forced dusk on the coast 200 yards east of the creek,
them to flee the anchorage. The ships moved it ran into a hornet's nest of opposition.
north and began landing the troops by barge From a network of concealed and well pre-
near the mouth of the Kumusi. Dropping pared positions the Japanese hit the battal-
flares because it was still dark, Allied planes ion hard, inflicting thirty-two casualties on
dived in to disrupt the landing. They the Australians before they could disengage.
bombed and strafed ships and landing craft, The next day, after an air strike on known
but about 500 of the troops aboard and a enemy positions east of the mission, the 2/27
large part of their supplies managed to reach Battalion under its commander, Lt. Col.
shore. There they were joined by the 41st Geoffrey D. Cooper, moved into position
Infantry troops whom Colonel Yazawa had west of the creek. Swinging wide through
been forced to leave behind a few days bush and swamp, the 2/14th, Lt. Col. Hugh
before.2 B. Challen, commanding, debouched onto
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpts, 28 Nov-3 Dec 42;
G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel, No. 254, 1-2 Except where otherwise noted, this subsection is
Dec 42; AMF, Interr Gen Adachi et al; 21st IMB based on the official Australian manuscript history,
Troop List, in ATIS CT 18, No. 234; 17th Army McCarthy, The Southwest Pacific: The First Year,
Opns I, 131; 18th Army Opns I, pp. 19-24. Ch. 16.

the beach several hundred yards east of the quarters area to the south, would move in on
creek. The 2/27th was to attack westward the left and join with the AIF in the reduc-
along the beach, and the 2/14th, in addition tion of Gona, which lay immediately to the
to clearing out any remaining opposition Australian left front.
east of the creek, was to send a detachment About 0200 the next morning the Japa-
eastward to deny the enemy the anchorage nese at Giruwa made a last attempt to rein-
at Basabua. force Gona. Loaded with 200 41st Infan-
The 2/27th was slow in moving forward. try troops, who had come in from the mouth
When it finally attacked, it met very heavy of the Kumusi the night before, three barges
opposition from hidden enemy positions tried to land about 600 yards east of Gona,
and in short order suffered fifty-five casual- but patrols of the 2/27 Battalion drove them
ties. The 2/14 Battalion, moving west to off. The barges returned to Giruwa, their
clear out the enemy east of the creek, en- mission a failure.4
countered the same kind of opposition and Shortly after the Japanese landing craft
sustained thirty-eight casualties. The pat- had been driven off, the day's attack on
tern was familiar. Heavy losses had thus far Gona began. At 0545 artillery and mortars
characterized every attack on Gona, and the opened up on the enemy, and at 0600 the
21st Brigade's first attack on the place was troops attacked with bayonets fixed. The
no exception. Although the brigade had not attack on the beach started off well, but
gone into action until the 28th, it had the 3 Battalion mistook its rendezvous point
already lost 138 men and gained little more and did not move far enough north. As a
than a favorable line of departure from result, it failed to link up, as planned, with
which to mount further attacks. the company of the 2/16 Battalion on the
On 30 November, the 2/27th continued 2/27th's left.
its attack westward and again met strong Everything went wrong after that. Swing-
opposition from the hidden enemy. This ing southwest to cover the front along which
time it lost forty-five men. The 2/14th, the 3 Battalion was to have attacked, the
meeting lighter opposition, lost only eleven company of the 2/16th on the left and part
men and finished clearing the enemy out of of a company of the 2/27th on its right,
his positions east of the creek. The Austral- broke into the village that morning, but the
ians now held most of the beach between Japanese, who were there in strength,
Basabua on the right and Gona on the left, promptly drove the Australians out. Cas-
but Gona itself was still firmly in Japanese ualties were heavy: the company of the
hands. 2/16th alone lost fifty-eight killed, wounded,
That evening, Brigadier Dougherty drew and missing in the abortive attack.
up the plan for another attack the next day, On 3 December, Lt. Col. R. Honner's 39
1 December, which would include part of Battalion, leading Brigadier Porter's 30th
Lt. Col. Albert E. Caro's newly arrived 2/16 Brigade, reached the front, rested and re-
Battalion. The plan provided that the 2/27 habilitated after its grueling experience in
Battalion, with a company of the 2/16th the Owen Stanleys' in July and August.
on its left, would attack straight east in the
morning. At a designated point, the 3 In- 4
Yokoyama Det Opns Orders No. A-12, 30 Nov
fantry Battalion, coming up from the head- 42, in ATIS CT 18, No. 229.

General Vasey had planned to send the atically clearing the enemy out. Exactly an
battalion to Sanananda, but the 21st Bri- hour later, the composite 2/16-2/27 Bat-
gade's losses—430 killed, wounded, and talion, which had been supporting the 39
missing, in the five days that it had been Battalion's attack with fire, moved for-
in action—left him no choice but to give ward—the troops of the 2/27th along the
it to Brigadier Dougherty. Ordering the rest beach, and those of the 2/16th from a start
of the 30th Brigade to Sanananda, Vasey line a few hundred yards south of it. By
assigned the battalion to Dougherty for evening the militia and the AIF had a pin-
action in the Gona area. cers on the mission, and only a small corri-
Next day, the 25th Brigade, which had dor 200 yards wide separated them.
been relieved by the 21st Brigade on 30 Acting on Colonel Yokoyama's orders,
November, was further relieved, along with Major Yamamoto, still leading the defense,
its attached 3 Infantry Battalion, of its sup- tried to make his way by stealth to Giruwa
porting role in the Gona area. The troops, that night with as much of his force as he
who had long since earned the respite, re- could muster—about 100 men. The attempt
ceived their orders to return to Port Mores- failed, and the Japanese were cut down in
by on 5 December and at once began mov- the darkness by the Bren guns of the
ing to the rear. Their part in the campaign Australians.
was over. The end came next day. Early on 9 De-
On the 6th, Brigadier Dougherty cember patrols of the 2/16, 2/27, and 39
launched still another attack on Gona. The Battalions moved into the mission area to
remaining troops of the 2/16 and 2/27 Bat- mop up. It was a grim business with much
talions, now organized as a composite bat- hand-to-hand fighting, but the last enemy
talion, jumped off from their positions east positions were overrun by 1630 that after-
of the mission and attacked straight west noon. The Australians found a little food
along the beach. The 39 Battalion, follow- and ammunition and took sixteen prisoners,
ing a now-familiar tactic, moved up from ten of them stretcher cases.
the south and attacked northwest, hoping The Japanese at Gona had fought with
to reduce the village. The result was the such single-minded ferocity that they had
same as before: heavy casualties and only not even taken time to bury their dead. In-
a slight improvement in the Australian stead, they had fired over the corpses and
position. used them to stand on or to prop up their
Yet for all their losses, the Australians redoubts. Toward the end, the living had
were doing much better than they thought. been driven to put on gas masks, so great
The Japanese had taken a terrific pounding. was the stench from the dead.
They were utterly worn out and there were The stench was indeed so appalling that
only a few hundred of them left. The time it had nauseated the Australians. When the
had come for the knockout blow. fighting was over and the victors were able
It was delivered on 8 December. At 1245, to examine the Japanese positions, they
after a fifteen-minute artillery and mortar wondered how human beings could have
preparation, the 39 Battalion attacked Gona endured such conditions and gone on living.
from the southeast. It broke into the village An Australian journalist who was with the
without great difficulty and began system- troops describes the scene thus:

. . . Rotting bodies, sometimes weeks old, Covered by approximately twenty Zero

formed part of the fortifications. The living fighter planes—the convoy took the south-
fired over the bodies of the dead, slept side by ern route through St. George's Channel. A
side with them. In one trench was a Japanese
who had not been able to stand the strain. Fifth Air Force B-24 on armed reconnais-
His rifle was still pointed at his head, his big sance spotted the ships at 1020 the next
toe was on the trigger, and the top of his head morning, just as they were leaving the chan-
was blown off. . . . Everywhere, pervading nel for the open sea. The B-24 attacked im-
everything, was the stench of putrescent flesh. mediately and scored a hit on one of the
The Australians buried 638 Japanese destroyers. It was not fatal, and the six ships
dead at Gona, but they themselves had lost moved steadily onward to their destination.
more than 750 killed, wounded, and miss- Late that afternoon, despite strong fighter
ing. Nor did capture of the village mean the interception, they were attacked by nine
end of righting in the Gona area. General B-17's which hit them in successive waves.
Yamagata had moved his force from the Three of the destroyers were set afire, and
mouth of the Kumusi to the east bank of the seven of the fighters were shot out of the sky
Amboga River, a small stream whose mouth without the loss of a single B-17. By 1625
was about two miles northwest of Gona. His the Japanese had had enough. With dead
hope apparently was to find a weak spot on and wounded aboard, and fires raging on
the Australian left flank and cut his way three of the six destroyers, they reversed
through to Gona. Australian patrols began course and limped home to Rabaul. The air
clashing with Yamagata's force on 4 De- force had successfully turned back the sec-
cember, the day it crossed the Amboga. The ond attempt of the 1st Battalion, 170th In-
clashes increased in violence, and on 9 De- fantry, to reach the beachhead.7
cember, the day that Gona fell, Brigadier General Yamagata's position had now be-
Dougherty ordered the 39 Battalion west- come very precarious. His troops were be-
ward to deal with the enemy.6 ing bombed relentlessly from the air, and the
Australians were taking increasingly heavy
General Oda Gets Through toll of them. Rather than retreat, he ordered
his remaining troops to throw up a defensive
General Adachi meanwhile had not re- line in the Napapo-Danawatu area, a
laxed his efforts to reinforce the beachhead. few miles northwest of Gona. There they
Early on 7 December, a second landing force were to hold, awaiting the arrival of
of about 800 men—the 1st Battalion, 170th reinforcements.8
Infantry, the remaining company of the 3d The reinforcements were not long in
Battalion, 170th Infantry, the regimental coming. The 1st Battalion, 170th Infantry,
gun company, and a heavy machine gun
company—left Rabaul in six destroyers. G-3 Opns Rpt No. 245, 7-8 Dec 42; Allied Air
Force Opns Rpt, 8 Dec 42; G-2 Weekly Summary
Enemy Naval Intel, 13 Dec 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
ALF Daily Opns Rpt Nos. 235-243, 5-13 Dec SWPA; Diary, Maj Nojiri, Staff Off and later CO,
42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; 18th Army Opns I, 1st Bn, 170th Inf, in ATIS CT 29, No. 350; 18th
25. Quoted excerpt is from Ian Morrison, Our Army Opns I, 25.
Japanese Foe (New York, 1943), pp. 6, 7. Allied Air Force Opns Rpts, 2, 9, and 12 Dec
ALF Daily Opns Rpt Nos. 236-238, 6-8 Dec 42; Allied Air Force Rpt, 4 Dec 42, 9 Dec 42; ALF
42; 18th Army Opns I, 25; McCarthy, op. cit., Daily Opns Rpt No. 224, 14 Dec 42; 18th Army
Ch. 16. Opns I, 25.

which had been forced to return to Rabaul losses were on the whole small.9 Thanks to
on 8 December, was ordered forward again the weather the Japanese could congratu-
on the 12th for the third time. In five de- late themselves on an unusually successful
stroyers, the force of about 800 men left run. They were some forty miles north of
Rabaul under command of Maj. Gen. Ken- the beachhead, but they had their launches
saku Oda, new commander of the South with them and could hope to reach it by
Seas Detachment, succeeding General coastwise infiltration.
Horii. General Oda's orders were to report Though the Japanese had everything
to General Yamagata, his senior in rank, ashore and under cover, neither they nor
for further instructions. their supplies were beyond Allied reach.
Fortunately for Oda and the troops of Unknown to them, an Australian coast
Yamagata's brigade, the weather turned watcher, Lt. Lyndon C. Noakes, AIF, had
bad. Protected by poor visibility, the Japa- his camp on a ridge about two miles from
nese this time used a northern route which the mouth of the Mambare. Discovering the
led past Madang and through Vitiaz Strait landing almost as soon as it was made,
and got through safely. An attempt was Noakes scouted the Japanese encampment,
made to bomb the ships on 13 December fixed the position of the tents and supply
when they were glimpsed fleetingly off Ma- dumps in relation to a sandy beach easily
dang, but it was unsuccessful. The weather seen from the air, and then had his radio
continued bad, and the destroyers managed operator send out a signal giving the exact
to reach the mouth of the Mambare River position of the Japanese camp and dump
about thirty miles north of the mouth of the area. Early the next morning the air force
Kumusi at 0200 on the 14th without being came over and scored hits on the Japanese
detected by the air force. The ships came supply dumps and destroyed several of Gen-
prepared for a quick getaway. Their decks eral Oda's precious launches. As soon as the
were loaded down with waterproofed cases bombers left, the Japanese tried shifting re-
of supplies lashed to drums or buoys, and maining supplies to what they apparently
they had brought along plenty of landing thought would be a more secure place, but
craft. Unloading operations began at once. to no avail. They reckoned without Noakes,
The troops made for shore in the landing who at once reported the shift to the air
barges, and the supplies were pushed over- force. Bombers came over again the next
board into the sea to be washed ashore by morning and blew up more of General Oda's
the tide. supplies and sank more of his launches, re-
The air force reached the scene at 0600. peating the process every time the Japanese
By that time unloading was virtually com- tried moving their supplies to a new place.
plete. The destroyers had already pulled out Oda was delayed several days at the
of the area, and efforts to bomb them were mouth of the Mambare. Critically short of
unsuccessful. However, some of the sup- landing craft, he finally managed to move
plies and a few of the landing barges were forward to the Amboga with only a portion
still offshore, and the air force lost no time
in bringing them as well as the landing Allied Air Force Opns Rpt, 13 Dec 42, 14 Dec
42; G-3 Opns Rpt No. 251, 13-14 Dec 42; Allied
beaches under attack. The Japanese lost Air Forces Intel Summary DOI, No. 260, 15 Dec
some barges, men, and supplies, but their 42; Diary, Maj Nojiri; 18th Army Opns I, 25.

of the 1st Battalion, 170th Infantry. Hug- The Sanananda Front

ging the coast, and moving only at night, he
and the battalion's advance echelon reached The Roadblock Garrison
the mouth of the Amboga on 18 December Holds Its Own
and at once reported to General Yamagata,10
whose headquarters, previously at Napapo, Establishment of the roadblock on 30
about three miles northwest of Gona, was November by units of the Baetcke force
now at Danawatu about five miles north- under Captain Shirley had cut off the Jap-
west of it. anese forward units at the junction of the
By this time the 2/14 Battalion, after Killerton trail and the Soputa-Sanananda
leaving a portion of its strength to outpost track, the only notable gain since operations
the Basabua anchorage, had moved west to against the enemy positions in the track
the Amboga River area and joined the 39 junction began. Shirley's men, however,
Battalion in operations against General had their difficulties. The garrison (Com-
Yamagata's force in that area. The fighting pany I, the Antitank Company, a machine
had been extremely costly to the Japanese. gun section of Company M, and a com-
By mid-month they had lost so many men munications detachment of 3d Battalion
that when General Oda reported to him on headquarters) was itself in a precarious
the 18th, Yamagata immediately ordered position. Not only was its supply line ex-
into the line around Danawatu all the troops posed and vulnerable, but the troops man-
that Oda had brought with him. Oda him- ning the position were subject to continu-
self he ordered to Giruwa with instructions ous attack from almost every direction by
to take command upon his arrival there. enemy forces who outnumbered them sev-
Oda and his staff reached Giruwa safely by eral times over. (Map 11)
launch on 21 December, and the general at Situated in a comparatively open space
once took command in place of Colonel in the midst of a swampy jungle, the road-
Yokoyama.11 block was a position not easy to defend. It
As commander at Giruwa Colonel Yoko- was only a few feet higher than the sur-
yama had concerned himself, since the Allies rounding swamp and lacked natural cover
had marched out on the beachhead, chiefly except for a few small trees and a profusion
with operations along the Soputa-Sana- of broad-leaved vines. Tall jungle trees, 25
nanda track, and General Oda at once to 100 feet high, standing over dense under-
moved his headquarters forward to Sana- growth, surrounded it and afforded the
nanda to take personal charge of them. enemy every advantage in sniping or mount-
ing surprise attacks.
10 The men had dug themselves in as soon
Allied Air force Opns Rpts, 15, 16, and 17
Dec 42; Feldt, The Coast Watchers, pp. 194-96; as the roadblock was secured. The two ma-
Maj Nojiri's Diary; 18th Army Opns I, 27.
chine gun squads of Company M took up
ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 247, 17 Dec 42, No. their position at the northern end and
248, 18 Dec 42; G-3 Opns Rpt No. 256, 18-19
Dec 42; Nankai Shitai Orders No. 3, 22 Dec 42, in southern ends of the perimeter. Company
ATIS CT 18, No. 232; Interr, Sgt Jinsaburo Hirose, I moved into position west of the road,
1st Bn, 170th Inf, in 32d Div G-2 Enemy Interro-
gations and Translations File; Maj Nojiri's Diary;
and the Antitank Company dug in east of
18th Army Opns I, 27. it. Two 60-mm. mortars were emplaced

MAP 11

inside Company I's perimeter west of the Lieutenant Daniels, the Australian forward
road. observer who had done such effective work
The night the roadblock was established, for Major Zeeff on the right, tried a prob-
the Antitank Company repulsed a heavy ing attack just off the southwest end of the
attack from the northeast and Company I, perimeter. They ran into a well-laid enemy
one from the northwest. Next morning Cap- ambush. Keast and Daniels were killed and
tain Keast and a strong patrol including nine others were wounded. As quickly as

they could, the men pulled back into the was that he had to keep Company K and the
perimeter, the 1st Sergeant of Company I, Cannon Company in position west of the
Alfred R. Wentzloff, and five men of the roadblock to supply it and guard its tenuous
company successfully covering their retreat line of communications.
by fire. Beginning in the late afternoon of Supplies came up from the rear on 1 De-
1 December and continuing till after mid- cember, and the following morning Major
night, at least five separate counterattacks Baetcke sent out the first ammunition and
hit the roadblock troops from the southwest, ration party, under command of Captain
north, northwest, and northeast. All were Huggins, S-3 of the 3d Battalion, 126th
thrown back with only small casualties to Infantry. It had to fight its way into the
the garrison.12 perimeter but reached it safely about 1100.
During this action Major Baetcke, the Shortly afterward, the Japanese launched
task force commander, and the rest of his a heavy counterattack and succeeded in
force, Company K and the Cannon Com- nibbling off fifty yards from the northeast
pany, were in position in the 3d Battalion end of the perimeter. Captain Shirley was
area, west of the roadblock. Originally they killed at 1240 and Captain Huggins took
had planned to move into the roadblock as over command of the roadblock, which for
soon as it was established. They were to the following month was to bear his name.13
make their move, however, only if Major The Japanese attacked the roadblock re-
Boerem's frontal attack on 30 November peatedly that day and the next but were re-
succeeded in piercing the Japanese positions pulsed. Major Boerem's troops could not
in the track junction, and if Boerem was cut their way through to the roadblock, and
able, in consequence, to reach the road- Major Zeeff had to be recalled. Action on
block. Boerem's attack had failed, but the the track had crystallized into a fight to
proposal was made on 1 December to send maintain the roadblock, a situation that
Company K and the Cannon Company into scarcely required the presence of a regimen-
the roadblock anyway. It was argued that tal headquarters. Thus on 3 December,
Companies I and K and the Cannon and when General Eichelberger requested the
Antitank Companies combined might be transfer to the other side of the river of
able to attack the Japanese rear successfully
before the enemy could stabilize his defenses
in the area. Major Baetcke finally discarded 13
Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det, 1 Dec 42; 126th Inf
the plan as too risky. To put it into execution Jnl, Sers 7, 13, 19, 22, 2 Dec 42; Jnl, Co I, 126th
Inf, 2 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Baetcke to author, 10 Jan
might cause the troops in the roadblock to 50; Memo, Maj Dal Ponte for author, 12 Jul 50.
lose all communication with the rear and On Major Baetcke's orders, Lieutenant Dal Ponte
could very easily result in the destruction of returned to task force headquarters with the ration
party that Captain Huggins had led into the road-
the entire force. Baetcke's feeling therefore
block that morning. Colonel Baetcke recalls that
Dal Ponte brought back with him some dried onions
captured in the roadblock. Considering them a great
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 13, 1 Dec 42; Jnl, Co I, delicacy, he and Dal Ponte mashed them up with
126th Inf, 1 Dec 42; Memo, Maj Dal Ponte for biscuit, and added a little water. They ate the re-
author, 15 Jul 50. Sergeant Wentzloff was later sulting gruel with great relish, counting spoonfuls
awarded the Silver Star. The citation is in Hq so that one man would not get more than the other.
USAFFE GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43. Interv with Colonel Baetcke, 17 Nov 50.

Colonel Tomlinson and his headquarters, gun and mortar fire. Major Boerem, with
General Herring had no difficulty acceding his 220 men, did not do as well. Running
to the request, even though he had specifi- into very heavy opposition, he gained less
cally denied a similar request from General than 100 yards before his attack was also
Harding a few days before. The transfer was stopped. Losses were heavy. Baetcke and
made the next day, 4 December. Tomlinson Boerem between them lost ninety men that
reached Dobodura by air early that morn- day out of the 300 engaged—two killed,
ing, and Captain Boice, his S-2, Captain sixty-three wounded, and twenty-five miss-
Dixon, his S-3, and sixty enlisted men of ing.15 It was clear that Colonel Tsukamoto's
Headquarters Company, under command troops were firmly entrenched and that
of 1st Lt. Charles W. Swank, crossed the rooting them out would be no easy task.
Girua on foot early the same day. Major At the roadblock the garrison had been
Baetcke thereupon assumed command of the heavily engaged. The Japanese had thrust
remaining American troops west of the from several directions on 3 December and
Girua, and Major Zeeff became Baetcke's had repeated the performance the next day.
executive officer.14 Captain Huggins was wounded on the 5th,
Brigadier Lloyd ordered a new attack the day that the attack put on by Majors
for 5 December. The plan of action pro- Baetcke and Boerem had failed, but re-
vided that Major Baetcke from his position mained in command for lack of someone else
west of the roadblock would strike the Japa- to take his place.
nese right rear north of the junction, while The enemy had tried to infiltrate Com-
Major Boerem attacked their left-front posi- pany K's position west of the roadblock on
tions south of it. Baetcke would use the the 4th and laid a skillful ambush about 300
eighty men of Company K, and Boerem, the yards out of the roadblock on the 5th. When
220 men of Companies C and L. Company Lieutenant Dal Ponte tried to lead a sixty-
L had been assigned to Boerem upon Zeeff's man ration and ammunition party into the
recall from operations on the right. block that morning, the hidden Japanese
At 0715 on the 5th, all the Allied guns tried to entrap him. Although Dal Ponte's
and mortars on the front opened up. Fifteen party consisted mainly of cooks, clerks, and
minutes later the troops jumped off for the mortarmen, each carrying a forty-pound
attack. Leaving the Cannon Company in load, the men gave a good account of them-
position under Captain Medendorp, Major selves. Not only did the ambush fail, but the
Baetcke pushed straight south with his heavily burdened troops turned the tables
eighty-man force. Advancing through a on the enemy and at one point almost broke
heavy field of kunai grass which made it through to the roadblock. After fighting all
impossible to see more than a few feet ahead, day and suffering a half-dozen casualties
Major Baetcke's force covered about 300 including two killed, the troops were finally
yards before it was halted by heavy machine forced to withdraw when the Japanese,

3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 16, 17, 20, 22, 23,
Msg, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser 2086, 3 Dec 42, 24, 4 Dec 42, Sers 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 25, 28,
in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 126th Inf Jnl, Sers 9, 25, 31, 31, 5 Dec 42, Ser 1, 6 Dec 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's
32, 3 Dec 42, Sers 1, 2, 3, 4 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 126th Det, 4, 5, 6 Dec 42; Col Baetcke, Notes on Amer-
Inf Jnl, Ser 1, 4 Dec 42. ican Force on the Sanananda Trail.

strongly reinforced, seemed about to envel- Australian battalions attack frontally toward
ope them.16 the road junction in an attempt to break
Another attempt to get rations and am- through the roadblock.
munition through to the roadblock on 6 The 49 Battalion, Lt. Col. O. A. Kessels
December also failed. By this time the road- commanding, jumped off at 0945 on 7 De-
block garrison was down to its last day's cember after a careful artillery and mortar
rations, and it would soon be out of ammu- preparation. By 1400 it was stopped com-
nition. There was nothing for it but to try pletely with a loss of ninety-nine killed,
again. wounded, and missing. Brigadier Porter then
Malaria was meanwhile claiming more ordered the 55/53 Battalion to pass through
American victims. Losses due to fever had the position held by Colonel Kessels' bat-
been few at first, but by the end of the first talion and to resume the attack. The 55/53d,
week in December 20 percent of the com- Lt. Col. D. J. H. Lovell commanding, at-
mand had contracted it, and the percentage tacked at 1515 with even worse results.
was rising. On 7 December Major Baetcke Cut down by enemy crossfire, the leading
and Zeeff both came down with malaria companies of the battalion lost 130 killed,
and had to be evacuated. Major Boerem wounded, and missing by the end of the day
took command of the entire force, which and gained virtually no ground whatever.
now numbered fewer than 800 men. The In a few hours of fighting Brigadier Por-
30th Brigade under Brigadier Porter re- ter had lost 229 men (more men than Major
lieved the 16th Brigade that day, and Boerem had had to attack with on 5 Decem-
Boerem came under Porter's command. ber, two days before) and had completely
One of Porter's first acts was to relieve failed to dislodge the enemy. Colonel Tsu-
Companies C, D, and L in the front lines kamoto's defense was still potent, and it was
near the track junction, and to replace them to be twelve days before the Australians,
with his 49 and 55/53 Battalions. Satisfied who now embarked on "a policy of patrol-
that none of the Americans could be spared, ling and edging forward wherever possible,"
Porter would go no further. He did not were to try a major attack again.18
accede to a request by Boerem that the Nor had things gone well in the roadblock
American troops be withdrawn to the rear area. A further attempt to break through to
for rest and reorganization, nor did he au- the block early that morning was a failure,
thorize the return to the 32d Division of and the supply party returned in the eve-
some 350 of them, though this had been ning with its supplies undelivered. The
promised to General Eichelberger some days Japanese were blocking the trail, in
before by New Guinea Force. Instead he strength, the men reported, and they had
ordered all of Major Boerem's troops, ex- not been able to get through.
cept those in the roadblock and west of the
roadblock, to take up supporting positions 17
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 5, 6 Dec 42, Sers 1,
immediately to the rear of the 49 and 55/53 2, 4, 7 Dec 42; Msg, NGF to Col Merle H. Howe,
Battalions. On the same day he had the two G-3, 32d Div, Ser 2466, 7 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Maj
Boerem to Col Howe, Ser 2467, 7 Dec 42. Both
Msgs in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. ALF Daily Opns Rpts
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1, 5 Dec 42; Jnl, Nos. 256, 257, 6, 7 Dec 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det,
Co I, 126th Inf, 5 Dec 42; Memo, Maj Dal Ponte 6, 7 Dec 42.
for author, 16 Jul 50. McCarthy, op. cit., Ch. 17.

Lieutenant Dal Ponte at once volunteered 225 men left in the garrison, he thought that
to take the supplies through. Taking com- perhaps 125 were in condition to fight.20
mand of the same force that had failed to As Dal Ponte was to recall the matter:
get through the day before, he moved out . . . water was procured from a hole dug
early the next morning. About 300 yards about 3 feet deep, . . . chlorinated for drink-
from the roadblock, at nearly the same spot ing by administering individual tablets. An-
where the Japanese had held up Dal Ponte other source of water supply was that which
the men would catch in their pouches from
three days before, the supply party was
the downpour during the previous night. . . .
halted and pinned down by machine gun The disposal of wastes and the burying of
fire from hidden enemy positions on either dead had to be accomplished within [the]
side of the trail. Dal Ponte knew what to do. area. . . . Rations were very meager because
Deliberately exposing himself to draw fire, the ration parties concentrated on ammuni-
he located first one enemy position and then tion. . . . Chocolate bars, bully beef, and in-
stant coffee were the main items of food when
the other and personally led infiltrating provided. . . . The weather was almost with-
parties which either silenced the enemy or out [exception] rain at night and boiling hot
caused him to withdraw. Though repeatedly sun during the day. . . . The men were able
attacked the rest of the way, the supply party to get hot coffee by using canned heat that
they had saved from previous ration issues or
successfully fought its way into the road- by an expedient consisting of sand and the
block and Dal Ponte immediately took com- gasoline taken from the captured trucks. .. .21
mand of the garrison. Huggins, who had
been carrying on despite his wounds, was On 10 December, with communications
evacuated to the rear that night when the again out, a second ration party led by 1st
supply party returned to the position held Lt. Zina Carter was able to get through to
by Company K and the Cannon Company the roadblock. Lieutenant Carter brought
to the west of the block.
19 back a message from Lieutenant Dal Ponte
After arriving at the rear with the supply that fevers, foot ailments, and ringworm
party, Captain Huggins gave a discouraging were increasing daily, and that while the
report on conditions in the roadblock. He spirit of the men was good they were worn
described it as about 200 yards square, with out and desperately needed relief.
the command post and aid station near the Life at the roadblock was hard. Although
center, "all in elliptical pattern." Fevers the troops were hungry, feverish, and in need
were raging, he said, and food, ammunition, of sleep, they were on an almost perpetual
and medical supplies were running low. The alert. Crouched low in their muddy foxholes,
men had to live in holes, and the disposal of their feet going bad, they repelled attack
wastes presented a difficult problem. Of the after attack. Sometimes the Japanese got so
close to their slit trenches that the troops
were able to grab them by the ankles and
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 17, 4 Dec 42, Ser 1, pull them in. Several Japanese officers were
5 Dec 42, Sers 1, 4, 8 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Maj Boerem caught and killed in this way.22
to Col Howe, Ser 2467, 7 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3
Jnl; Jnls Cos I and K, 126th Inf, 7, 8 Dec 42; Jnl, Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force, 8 Dec 42.
Maj Boerem's Force, 7, 8 Dec 42; 126th Inf CT Memo, Maj Dal Ponte for author, 16 Jul 50.
AAR, Papuan Campaign. Both Dal Ponte and 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 4, 9 Dec 42, Ser 3,
Huggins were later awarded the Distinguished Serv- 10 Dec 42; ALF Daily Opns Rpts No. 238, 8 Dec
ice Cross. The citations are in Hq USAFFE GO No. 42, No. 242, 12 Dec 42; Jnl, Co I, 126th Inf, 8
28, 24 May 43. Dec 42.

Deep in the swamp to the west Company Michigan troops whose forebears had come
K and the Cannon Company were little from the Netherlands.
better off than the troops in the roadblock. The condition of the troops south of the
On 30 November, the day the block was track junction was no less bad. Despite
established, the journal of Company K double doses of quinine, man after man of
noted: "We have been living in holes for Companies C, D, and L was coming down
the last six days. Between mosquitoes, Japs, with malaria. More than a quarter of the
heat, bad water, and short rations, it has command had fallen ill or had been evacu-
sure been hell on the men." Four days ated with fever, and the percentage was
later, the entry was: "In position, but the climbing steadily. Casualty figures had as-
men are getting weaker from lack of food sumed the aspect of a nightmare. By 10 De-
and the hot sun is baking hell out of them." cember Boerem had but 635 men fit for
It rained the following two nights, and, as duty. Two days later he had only 551, and
the journal put it: "Did we ever get wet." each day saw the effective strength of his
But, "Hell," it continued, "we've been wet command shrink still further.
ever since we got to New Guinea." By 9 On 12 December, after several attempts
December, things were definitely worse. the day before had failed to reach the road-
"What is left of the company," the journal block, Major Boerem asked Brigadier
noted, "is a pretty sick bunch of boys. It Porter to relieve the garrison as well as
rained again last night, men all wet, and Company K and the Cannon Company, but
sleeping in mud and water." A day later, on without success. Heavy rain and fierce
the 10th, things looked up a bit. The troops enemy opposition defeated all attempts to
had something to be happy about: they supply the roadblock on the 13th. All efforts
received hot coffee. The entry for the day to establish radio or telephone contact with
reads: "The men haven't washed for a the garrison that day also failed; even run-
month, or had any dry clothing, but we did ners were unable to get through.24
get some canned heat and a hot cup of
coffee. Sure helps a lot. Boy, was it wonder- Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force, 10, 12, 13 Dec 42;
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1, 12 Dec 42; Jnl, Co K,
ful." 2 3 126th Inf, 13 Dec 42; Memo, Maj Dal Ponte for
Communications between the supply base author, 16 Jul 50. Major Boerem faced other prob-
to the west and the troops in the roadblock lems. Major Baetcke had radioed a requisition for
81-mm. heavy mortar shells, .50-caliber machine
were poor. The radios in use, the SCR- guns, a .37-mm. gun, and medical supplies from
195 and SCR-288, proved very unreliable. Port Moresby. Because he could not keep track of
Not only did the Japanese frequently cut all the personnel losses that were taking place,
Baetcke had closed his message with the words,
the wire laid to the roadblock, but they ap- "Send Todish"—meaning CWO Frank O. Todish,
parently made a practice of tapping it fre- a warrant officer skilled in personnel matters. The
quently. Extreme care was therefore ob- decoding clerk at Port Moresby, thinking Todish a
garble, jumped to the conclusion that what Baetcke
served in telephone conversations. As an ad- meant was, "Send to FISH"—the code name for
ditional precaution, frequent use was made Pongani. The result was that the supplies for which
of Dutch, a language familiar to many Boerem was anxiously waiting never reached him.
They came in on 10 December to Pongani and were
Jnl, Co K, 126th Inf, 30 Nov 42, 4, 9, 10 Dec later delivered to Warren Force, which, while grate-
42. This journal is an informal affair, apparently ful for their arrival, had no idea who requisitioned
carried in someone's pocket for a long time. Despite them. Maj Boerem's Force, Jnl, 10 Dec 42; Interv
the lapse of years, it still smells of the jungle. with Col Baetcke, 17 Nov 50.

Things went better on the 14th. A party talions, attacking frontally, made only negli-
of fifty-five men fought its way into the gible progress.
roadblock early that morning with rations, Colonel Logan's instructions were to at-
ammunition, and medical supplies. It broke tack northward the next morning, the 19th,
through just in time, for the garrison was in concert with attacks on the track junction
low on food and was about to run out of by the 30th Brigade. The Dal Ponte force
ammunition.25 would be relieved as soon as the 39 Bat-
Unable to get anywhere with Brigadier talion, which had been mopping up east of
Porter in the matter of the relief of his the Amboga River, could reach the Soputa-
troops, Major Boerem saw General Vasey Sanananda track.
early on the 14th. As the detachment Action flared up everywhere on the front
journal notes: "No doubt the Major on the 19th. Early in the morning, while the
emerged a bit victorious, for there was a 2/16 and 2/27 Battalions began relieving
gleam of accomplishment in his eye upon the 39 Battalion in the Napapo-Danawatu
his return to the C. P." That same after- area, the main body of the cavalry unit
noon, Company K and the Cannon Com- moved out of the roadblock and attacked
pany packed up and moved to the rear for north. The 30th Brigade, joined by the
a well-earned rest. Their place was taken newly arrived 36 Battalion, Lt. Col. O. C.
by Australian troops.26 Isaachsen commanding, mounted an all-
out attack on the Japanese positions in the
The Relief of the Dal Ponte Force track junction. The 36 and 55/53 Bat-
talions attacked frontally, the 49 Battalion
The relief of the troops in the Huggins attacked east of the track, and Major
Block was to take longer. On 15 December Boerem's troops executed a holding attack
the 2/7 Australian Cavalry Regiment began by fire.
arriving at Soputa. Three hundred and fifty Cutting to the left around heavy Japa-
men, the regiment's advance element, nese opposition immediately northeast of
fought their way into the roadblock at 1530 Huggins, the cavalry troops advanced sev-
on the 18th. Led by their commander, Lt. eral hundred yards and held their gains.
Col. Edgar P. Logan, the cavalrymen dug The 36 and 55/53 Battalions breached sev-
themselves in at once beside Lieutenant Dal eral Japanese positions in the track junction
Ponte's troops. The 49 Battalion, operating area, and the 49 Battalion pushed forward
southeast of the roadblock, was held up to a point just outside the roadblock. A
nearly all day, and the 36 and 55/53 Bat- strong attack on Huggins was repulsed, and
the 2/7 Cavalry pocketed and mopped up
Jnl, Co K, 126th Inf, 13-15 Dec 42; Jnl, Maj a Japanese force 300 yards northeast of the
Boerem's Force, 9-15 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl,
Ser 1, 11 Dec 42, Ser 1, 12 Dec 42; Memo, Maj roadblock. There the cavalrymen set up a
Dal Ponte for author, 16 Jul 50. Only about1½ new perimeter, which they named Kano. In
day's rations were brought in, since the shortages
of ammunitions and medical supplies were even
more acute than the shortage of food. ALF Daily Opns Rpts, Nos. 245-251, 15-21
Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force, 14 Dec 42; Jnl, Co K, Dec 42; G-3 Opns Rpts, No. 254, 16-17 Dec 42,
126th Inf, 14 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 2, No. 256, 18-19 Dec 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force,
4, 14 Dec 42; ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 244, 14 15 Dec 42; NGF, Notes on Opns in New Guinea,
Dec 42. Ser 3.

the day's fighting, they lost their com- mand and marched it out of the roadblock.
mander, Colonel Logan, who was killed in After twenty-two days of continuous right-
action. ing against heavy odds, the 126th Infantry
Some progress was registered on 20 and troops in the roadblock had finally been re-
21 December. The 36th and 55/53 Battal- lieved. They were dazed, sick, and ex-
ions reduced several more enemy pockets in hausted, and their feet were in such bad
front of the track junction. The 49 Battal- shape that they could scarcely use them.
ion, which by this time had fought its way Their spirit, nevertheless, was high, for
into Huggins, began policing a supply route their defense of the roadblock had been
to it from the southeast. The 2/7 Cavalry superb.
consolidated at Kano and probed toward
Sanananda. Stalemate on the Sanananda Front
On 22 December Brigadier Dougherty,
21st Brigade Headquarters, and the 39 Bat- For the Australian units now in the road-
talion reached Soputa from Gona. They block area, things went little better than
moved directly to the roadblock, where before. It was discovered that the Japanese
Brigadier Dougherty set up his headquar- had a very strong defensive position between
ters. Dougherty took over command of the Huggins and Kano, and an even stronger
49 Battalion, of the 2/7 Cavalry, and of the position north of Kano. Brigadier Dougherty
American troops in the roadblock the same was able to make only slight and very costly
day. Brigadier Porter, who was to mop up progress in his attacks to the northward. Nor
the remaining enemy pockets in the track did Brigadier Porter's mopping-up opera-
junction area, was left in command of the tions in the track junction area go much
36 Battalion, the 55/53 Battalion, and the better. Though a portion of their outer line
remaining elements of Major Boerem's had been breached, Colonel Tsukamoto's
command. troops, with equally strong defenses to the
At 1500 that day Brigadier Dougherty as- rear, continued to fight with the same feroc-
signed to the 49 Battalion the role of pro- ity that had characterized the defenders of
tecting the line of communications from the Gona. There was a difference, however:
southeast (which being over better terrain most of the Japanese at Gona had been
than that from the southwest was the supply service and construction troops with little
route used thereafter). He ordered the 2/7 combat experience; those defending the
Cavalry to continue its attacks northward, track junction were battle-tested infantry
and the 39 Battalion to relieve the garrison
and hold the roadblock.28
The relief was effected that afternoon. 29
Jnl, Co I, 126th Inf, 22 Dec 42; Jnl, Maj
At 1750, after checking with Major Boerem, Boerem's Force, 22 Dec 42; 126th Inf CT AAR,
Papuan Campaign. As an evidence of that spirit,
Lieutenant Dal Ponte assembled his com- consider two entries in the journal of Company I.
On the 15th, with communications out, food short,
ALF Daily Opns Rpts, Nos. 249-254, 19-24 and only mud to sleep in, the main entry for the day
Dec 42; G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel, Nos. reads, "Wentzloff needs a bath." On the 23d, the
272-275, 20-23 Dec 42; Jnl, Co I, 126th Inf, 19 day after the relief, the journal contains this entry:
Dec 42; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force, 19 Dec 42; NGF, "Wentzloff finally took a bath." Alfred R. Wentzloff,
Notes on Opns in New Guinea, Ser 3; 18th Army it will be remembered, was Company I's 1st ser-
Opns I, 26. geant.

troops, probably as good as any the Japan- but the enemy had traded blow for blow.32
ese Army had. The Japanese struck again on the night
Rooting out the enemy continued to be a of 30-31 December. A Japanese raiding
slow and costly business. The 30th Brigade party succeeded in infiltrating the headquar-
attacked west of the track, with the 55/53 ters perimeter of the Australian company on
Battalion on the left and the 36 Battalion, the American right. Surprise was complete.
less one company, on the right. Major The company commander and several
Boerem attacked east of the brigade with the others were killed, but only a few of the
company of the 36 Battalion on his right. Japanese were accounted for. The rest got
The American front-line troops, then under away safely in the dark.33
command of Captain Wildey of Company Hacking a way through the Japanese de-
M, made slow progress in their sector, and fenses, which were in depth for a distance
the Australians on either side of them did of at least three-quarters of a mile, con-
little better in theirs.30 tinued to be grueling work, in which prog-
Tsukamoto's troops were by no means ress was measured in terms of a few yards,
passive in their defense. On 24 December, and the capture of a single enemy pillbox
American troops on the right-hand side of or trench was a significant gain. The story
the track cleared out an enemy trench and was the same in Brigadier Dougherty's area
machine gun position with hand grenades.31 as in Brigadier Porter's. Fighting was bitter,
To hold it, however, they had to beat off and progress slow. Except for minor gains,
repeated Japanese counterattacks. On the the entire front was at a stalemate.
night of 28-29 December forty Japanese,
armed with light machine guns, rifles, and The Plight of the American Troops
explosive charges, infiltrated the Allied rear
and blew up a 25-pounder. Thirteen Japa- The conditions under which the troops
nese were killed and one was taken prisoner, lived were almost indescribably bad. Colonel
Boerem, then Major Boerem, recalls them
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1, 24 Dec 42, Ser 2, in these words:

25 Dec 42, Sers 3, 6, 7, 9, 26 Dec 42, Sers 8, 10, 13, Fighting for weeks . . . with the prevail-
16, 27 Dec 42, Sers 7, 13, 20 Dec 42, Ser 4, 1 Jan ing wind in our faces continually carrying the
43; ALF Daily Opns Rpts, Nos. 256-262, 26 Dec
42-2 Jan 43.
stink of rotting bodies to us [raised] a difficult
Five men were later awarded the Distinguished morale problem . . . Most of my time was
Service Cross for making the attack possible: Sgt. spent going from one soldier to another in an
Chester C. Funk of the Cannon Company; Cpl. endeavor to raise morale. After taking one
Orrin C. Sutton and Pfc. Edward R. Rossman of position, one hundred and sixty (160) Aus-
Company L; and Pvts. Lawrence B. Marion and
Harold R. Pederson of Company M. A sap had been Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force, 23, 24 Dec 42; 3d
dug to within fifteen feet of the enemy trench. Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1, 4, 29 Dec 42; 30th Bde,
Despite repeated enemy attacks Funk, though Notes on the Japanese New Year, copy in OCMH
wounded, held the sap through the night with files. Of this enemy coup, an American officer re-
hand grenades. At dawn the other four men crawled marked, "The Japs apparently used solidified picric,
forward from the sap, got a foothold in the trench, and sufficient was found in the vicinity to blow up
and held long enough for the rest of the force to Lansing, Michigan." Tel Conv, Warren Force with
arrive and clear it out completely. The citations of 7th Div, Ser 4583, 29 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl.
Sutton, Rossman, Marion, and Pederson are in Hq 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 14, 31 Dec 42; Jnl,
USAFFE, GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43; Funk's is in GO Maj Boerem's Force, 31 Dec 42; 18th Army Opns
No. 45, 8 Aug 42. I, 331.

BOATLOAD OF RATIONS is brought up the Girua River, December 1942. (Collapsible

assault boat.)

tralian and American dead were counted in To add to his other troubles, Boerem was
all stages of decomposition. We made no at- beginning to experience the greatest diffi-
tempt to count the Japs. culty in finding enough troops to man the
Boerem did his best to rest the men but American part of the line. On Christmas
was able to relieve "only one or two at a Day he had only a little more than 400 men
time to go to the rear, bathe in the river, left in condition to fight. A few days later
get some clean clothes and return." Food he had less than 300, and the number was
consisted principally of the C ration "put up constantly shrinking. To provide troops for
in Australia with mutton substituted for the the front and to guard the Australian ar-
beef component." The only supplement was tillery and headquarters perimeter, it be-
bully beef and D ration bars of hard, con- came necessary to institute a round-robin
centrated chocolate—a diet, Boerem ob- system of relief whereby the available
serves gravely, no one could stomach for troops were rotated between the front line,
very long.34 the headquarters perimeter, and the artillery
Ltr, Col Richard D. Boerem to author, 2 Nov guard. The time came when, despite the
51. most rigorous screening to catch all possible

troops for front-line duty, there were not On 10 December, three days after Major
enough men left with whom to attack. Boerem took over from Major Baetcke, the
By the year's end, even the seemingly in- effective American strength west of the
destructible Major Boerem was worn out Girua was 635; on 13 December it was 547.
and needed to be spelled off. General Eich- By 19 December Boerem had 510 effectives;
elberger sent Maj. Francis L. Irwin to re- by Christmas Eve the number had gone
place him. Boerem nevertheless stayed on down to 417. On New Year's Day, the day
with the troops at the front for more than a after Major Irwin took command, the
week longer. There was little left of the Americans had suffered 979 casualties—73
American force when Major Irwin arrived. killed, 234 wounded, 84 missing, and 588
On 31 December, the day he took com- evacuated sick—and there were only 244
mand, effective American strength west of men left in condition to fight.
the Girua River was little more than a com- Companies K and L had entered the bat-
pany, and the situation in the American tle on 22 November at full strength; on
sector was grim indeed. Christmas Day they were down to sixty-one
Captain Wildey in command on the and thirty-six men respectively. A week later
front line had been wounded on 26 Decem- Company K had twenty-eight men left,
ber. He had been succeeded by 1st Lt. John Company L had seventeen, and the other
J. Filarski, 1st Battalion S-4, who had been companies had suffered proportionately.37
Lieutenant Dal Ponte's executive in the The condition of the effectives is well ex-
roadblock. When Filarski was evacuated on pressed in the informal journal kept by
29 December, totally exhausted, Dal Ponte Company K. The entry for Christmas Day
took command of a force that consisted in noted that the men were sick and feverish,
all of seventy-eight men from ten different and that the situation was getting worse all
companies. All that the troops could do was the time. Three days later, it read: "The
to hold their lines and support the Austra- men are getting sicker. Their nerves are
lians on right and left by fire.35 "Our tactics cracking. They are praying for relief.
during this period," Dal Ponte recalls, "con- [They] must have it soon."38 But it was to
sisted primarily of holding our sector, pin- be some time before the men could be re-
pointing targets of opportunity, delivering lieved. Brigadier Porter had no troops with
mortar and artillery fire on these targets, which to replace them. Until he did, they
and patrolling the flanks and rear of our would have to remain where they were,
position . . . ."36 There were not enough despite their steadily worsening physical
men left to do more. condition.

3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 3, 4, 9, 26 Dec 42, 37
Ser 3, 27 Dec 42, Ser 10, 20 Dec 42, Sers 11, 14, 31 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1, 25 Dec 42, Ser 1,
Dec 42, Ser 4, 1 Jan 43, Sers 9, 10, 2 Jan 43; Jnl, 1 Jan 43, Ser 9, 2 Jan 43; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Force,
Maj Boerem's Force, 26 Dec 4 2 - 2 Jan 43; Memo, 10 Dec 42, 24 Dec 42, 25 Dec 42, 1 Jan 43; Jnl, Co
Dal Ponte for author, 16 Jul 50; Ltr, Boerem to K, 126th Inf, 25 Dec 42, 31 Dec 42; Jnl, Co I,
author, 2 Nov 51; Ltr, Dal Ponte to author, 17 126th Inf, 1 Jan 43; 126th Inf CT AAR, Papuan
Jan 52. Campaign.
36 38
Memo, Dal Ponte for author, 16 Jul 50. Jnl, Co K, 126th Inf, 25, 28 Dec 42.

The Japanese Reinforce least, Oda was in as favorable a position to

the Beachhead hold the second line of defense as Colonel
Tsukamoto had been to hold the first.
The Enemy Situation Fortunately for the Allies, the enemy sup-
ply situation was desperate. The Japanese,
Attacking northward from Huggins and especially Colonel Tsukamoto's troops in
Kano, Brigadier Dougherty continued to
the track junction, were short of food, weap-
find the going exceedingly difficult. His
ons, grenades, and all types of ammunition.
troops were at grips with the Japanese in-
termediate defense line, a line seemingly as Colonel Tsukamoto's troops had to depend
strong as that on which Brigadier Porter was on the dribbles of food that could be sup-
working lower down on the track. This line, plied them via the Killerton trail, and they
which had come under General Oda's com- were on the verge of starvation. General
mand upon his arrival at Giruwa on 21 Oda's troops were not much better off. They
December, included a forward and a rear were down to a handful of rice a day and
position. The forward position was at the were eating roots, grass, crabs, snakes, or
junction of the Sanananda track and the whatever else they could find in the area
subsidiary trail leading to Cape Killerton. that was edible.40
It consisted of two independent perimeters, The hospital at Giruwa was a scene of un-
one on either side of the track. The rear mitigated horror. There was no medicine
position cut across the track and the trail 500 and no food. The wards were under water;
yards farther to the northeast and was about
most of the medical personnel were dead
1,500 yards long. Its main defenses con-
and those who remained were themselves
sisted of three interconnected perimeters
straddling the east-west stretch of the patients.41
track—two north of it and one south. On 11 December, Colonel Yokoyama
Oda commanded a sizable force: the tried to give Rabaul some intimation of how
troops of the 41st Infantry who had come bad conditions really were. The picture was
in from the Kumusi with Colonel Yazawa; so black that General Adachi's operations
the remainder of the 144th Infantry re- officer, Lt. Col. Shigeru Sugiyama, replied
placements who had arrived from Rabaul that he doubted that things had really
on 23 November; approximately 300 men reached such a pass. "'It is hard to believe,"
of the 15th Independent Engineer Regi-
ment; the remaining strength of the 47th
Field Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion; a 40
battery of the 55th Mountain Artillery; Yokoyama Del Bul, 2 Dec 42; Yokoyama Det
Orders No. A-17, 5 Dec 42. Both in ATIS CT 18,
and a number of walking wounded. His No. 229. Diary, Sgt Wada Kiyoshi, 3d Bn, 144th
troops were not only strongly entrenched Inf; Diary, Sgt Hiroshi Kasahara, 41st I n f . Both in
in bunkers, but they could also be rein- 32d Div Interrogations and Translations File. 18th
Army Opns I, 25, 26, 33.
forced at will from troops in reserve at 41
Yokoyama Det Bul, Giruwa; Msg, Col Tomita
Sanananda and Giruwa.39 Theoretically at to CofS 17th Army, 23 Nov 42. Both in ATIS EP 29.
Interr, Lt Sawatari, Med Off, 144th Inf, in 32d Div
Interrogations and Translations File; 18th Army
18th Army Opns I, 20, 21, 26. Opns I, 25.

Sugiyama wrote, "that the situation is as of the Mambare. Later the same night, it
difficult as stated." 42 destroyed two large Japanese barges filled
Rabaul was probably more worried about with troops, fifteen or twenty miles east of
the situation at the beachhead than it cared Mambare Bay. The troops were part of the
to admit. It had planned to establish a ma- rear echelon of the 1st Battalion, 170th In-
jor supply base at the mouth of the Mam- fantry, which had finally received sufficient
bare River, with a secondary base at the landing craft to get it through to the Ambo-
mouth of the Kumusi. Submarines would ga River area. This was the only mishap the
bring in the supplies from Rabaul to the base troops were to suffer in transit. The rest of
in Mambare Bay where they would be un- them reached their destination safely that
loaded. Later, they would be reloaded on night and reported to General Yamagata.44
large cargo-carrying landing craft, and the
landing craft traveling at night would bring Yamagata is Ordered Forward
them forward by stages to Giruwa.
The plan, well conceived and carefully General Adachi had apparently decided
worked out, had already broken down. For to hold the rest of the 170th Infantry at
no sooner would the submarines bring in Rabaul until the supply situation at the
supplies than Lieutenant Noakes, the coast beachhead had clarified itself. On 26 De-
watcher in the area, would find out where cember he ordered Yamagata to get his
they were stored and radio the information troops to Giruwa immediately. Yamagata
to Port Moresby. A few hours later, the air complied at once by ordering a 430-man
force would reach the scene, blow up the advance echelon to the beachhead the fol-
enemy dumps, and usually account for some lowing day. The echelon, which included
of the landing craft as well.43 elements of the 1st Battalion, 170 Infantry,
To add to the enemy's difficulties, a U. S. the 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry, the brigade
motor torpedo boat squadron, Task Force engineer unit, the regimental gun company,
50.1, based at Tufi since 20 December, was and the regimental signal unit, began leav-
ranging the coast west of Gona to intercept ing for Giruwa that night by barge. The
Japanese coastwise shipping. On Christmas movement went so smoothly, and was so
Eve, the squadron sank the I-18, a 344-foot, well-executed, that all the troops got through
3,180-ton submarine just off the mouth without being detected by either the Air
Force, Task Force 50.1, or the Australian
patrols operating along the coast.
General Yamagata himself arrived at
Msg, Col Yokoyama to CofS 18th Army, 11 Dec Giruwa on 29 December with part of the
42, with reply from Lt Col Shigeru Sugiyama, in
ATIS CT 26, No. 314. 3d Battalion, 170th Infantry. Only a rear
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 26, 27, 28, 30 Dec guard made up of elements of the 1st Bat-
42; 18th Army Opns I, 34; Feldt, The Coast Watch-
ers, p. 196. The Japanese finally had to give up
trying to establish bases either at the Mambare or
the Kumusi. Noakes was later awarded the Legion Comdr Robert J. Bulkley, USNR, A History of
of Merit. The citation is in WDGO No. 15, 7 Motor Torpedo Boats in the U.S. Navy, copy in
Mar 45. Office of Nav Hist; 18th Army Opns I, 25, 26.
talion, 170 Infantry, and the 3d Battalion, 800 men had successfully reached Giruwa,
170th Infantry, remained in the Amboga the last reinforcements the Japanese were to
River area, with the mission of engaging receive.
the Australians as long as possible. The rest ALF Daily Opns Rpts No. 259, 29 Dec 42, No.
262, 1 Jan 43; Interr, Superior Pvt Toshio Furu-
of Yamagata's troops reached Giruwa by kawa, 1st Bn, 41st Inf; Interr, Sgt Jinsaburo Hirose,
the 31st. The 21st Brigade, which was mop- 1st Bn, 170th Inf. Both in 32d Div Interrogations
ping up along the banks of the Amboga, and Translations Files. Diary, Maj Nojiri; Diary,
Lt Hikoshige Jin, 3d Bn, 170th I n f , in ATIS CT 28,
knew nothing of the move. Between 700 and No. 339; 18th Army Opns I, 25, 26.

Buna: The Second Two Weeks

The 32d Division's supply situation, hope- The Attack of 5 December
lessly inadequate in late November, began
to improve in early December. There were Regrouping the Troops
many reasons for the improvement. Air-
drops and emergency movements by sea had On both the Warren and Urbana fronts
staved off disaster, and the arrival of sup- the inspection of 2 December found the
plies which General Harding had requisi- Allied units, in the words of General Eichel-
tioned some time before helped the division berger, "scrambled like eggs." He at once
to overcome the most pressing of its logisti- ordered them regrouped and reorganized.
cal difficulties. The opening of additional On the Warren front, Company I, 128th
airfields at Dobodura and Popondetta, the Infantry, which had been operating under
completion of the Dobodura-Simemi jeep Colonel Carrier's command off the south-
track and other tracks, the arrival of a new west end of the strip, was returned to
flotilla of luggers to replace those which had Colonel Miller, and Company A, 126th
been destroyed in November, the establish- Infantry, which had been under Colonel
ment of a separate service organization at McCoy's command off the southeast end of
Dobodura known as ALMA Force, General the strip, was returned to Colonel Carrier.
Eichelberger's efforts, the efforts of Col. Colonel Miller's 3d Battalion, 128th In-
George DeGraaf, his quartermaster officer, fantry, was disposed to the right of the strip
and the continuing efforts of the division's and took up position in an arc extending
supply officers—all these things helped to from the sea to a point just below the dis-
improve the situation, and, for the first time persal bays at the eastern end of the strip.
since operations began, the pipeline began Colonel McCoy's 1st Battalion, 128th In-
to fill.1 fantry, moved in on Miller's left, just below
Msg, Gen Harding to Comdr Sinclair, ANF, (south of) the strip, and Major Harcourt's

Ser 186, 1 Dec 42; Msg, Maj Milton F. Ziebell, 2/6 Independent Company covered the gap
S-3, 128th Inf, to Maj Chester M. Beaver, Ser
1833, 1 Dec 42; Msg, 5th Air Force to Gen Hard-
between Carrier and McCoy. Warren Force
ing, Ser 1892, 2 Dec 42 ; Msg, Gen Eichelberger to had no reserve, but each battalion held small
GOC NGF, Ser 1990, 3 Dec 42; Msg, NGF to reserve elements out of the line.
NOIC, Porlock Harbor, Ser 2122, 3 Dec 42; Msg,
Maj Hall, 2/1 Aust Fld Rgt, to Brig L. E. S. On the Urbana front, units of the 2d
Barker, Comdr Royal Australian Arty, 7th Aust Div, Battalion, 126th Infantry, which had been
Ser 2035, 3 Dec 42; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser
2069, 3 Dec 42; Interv with Lt Col Carroll K. outposting Entrance Creek north of the
Moffatt, formerly CO Port Det E, COSC, Buna, 30 Coconut Grove rejoined their battalion and
Oct 49; Hist 114th Engr Bn ( C ) ; Rpt, CG Buna the Cannon Company, 128th Infantry, in
Forces, pp. 17, 21, 23; Eichelberger, Our Jungle
Road to Tokyo, pp. 26, 34-36. front of Buna Village. The 2d Battalion,

128th Infantry, took over the sector fol- for his files, the latter "patted the pocket of
lowing the west bank of Entrance Creek. his denim jacket which was a shade of black
Company F, 128th Infantry, continued from the swamp mud, and said that he was
as before to hold the blocking positions keeping what he could there."
between the Girua River and Siwori Creek. Colonel Martin set himself to improve
During the previous week the average conditions, despite the prevailing "lack of
daily ration for troops on both fronts had almost everything with which to operate."
consisted of a single can of meat component One of the first things he did upon taking
and an emergency bar of concentrated command was to call an officers' meeting at
chocolate, just enough to subsist on. Though which he told his officers that the men
the stockpile of rations was still short, the "would be required to do all they could to
men ate their first full meal in some time on better their conditions, their personal ap-
3 December, and preparations began for a pearance, and their equipment." Sanitation
scheduled attack the next day. 3 would be improved. More attention would
be paid to the care of equipment, and offi-
The New Commanders Take Over cers would cease commiserating with the
troops and abetting them in the "feeling
When Colonel Martin went forward to sorry for ourselves attitude" that he had
the Warren front early on 3 December to noticed during his inspection the day before.
take command, he discovered first of all The command was to be informed, he
that the troops "had little in the nature of said further, that there would be no relief
weapons and equipment of what was nor- until "after Buna was taken." Martin knew
mally considered necessary to dislodge an that this news would come as a shock, "but
enemy from a dug in, concealed position." 4 I was certain," he adds, "that after the
His forward CP, he found, was "a single shock was over, the troops knowing their
shelter half suspended horizontally about task would fight better than those just hang-
five feet from the ground, under which the ing on and continually looking over their
CP telephone rested against a log on the shoulders for relief to come." 5
ground." Maj. Milton F. Ziebell, the regi- Unlike Colonel Martin, Colonel Grose
mental S-3, had with him, Martin remem- had little opportunity to inspect his forces
bers, a printed map "inaccurate for artillery before he took command. He came in by air
fire," and "half of a small writing tablet, the from Australia on the morning of 3 De-
kind selling in ten cent stores for a dime, and cember and made a hurried inspection of
a pencil." When Martin asked the adjutant the Urbana front that afternoon. Next day
when he took command, he found Colonel
McCreary supervising a reorganization of
Msg, Gen Waldron to NGF, Ser 2032, 3 Dec the positions, and he asked General Eichel-
42 : Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 20, with accompany-
berger to postpone the attack for a day.
ing situation maps, 2, 3, and 4 Dec 42: Ltr, Col
MacNab to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51. General Eichelberger granted the request,
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 3 Dec though with considerable reluctance, and
42; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 12
Jan 43. Copies of both in OCMH files. Rpt, CG
Buna Forces, pp. 92, 93.
4 5
Ltr, Col Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51. Ibid.

MAP 12

the attack there and on the Warren front Martin for use on the 5th in the attack on
was set for 5 December.6 the Japanese positions in the Duropa Planta-
tion. As soon as they could, Colonel Martin
The Arrival of the Bren Carriers and Colonel MacNab gave Lt. T. St. D.
Fergusson, who commanded the carriers, a
Late on the evening of 3 December a briefing on the terrain. They stressed the
section of five Bren gun carriers arrived by likelihood that his carriers might be
boat from Porlock Harbor. The rest of the "bellied" by stumps and other obstacles in
cargo included forty tons of food and am- the plantation area. The next day, MacNab
munition, a shipment that was particularly sent Fergusson and 1st Lt. David Anderson,
welcome inasmuch as Warren Force had commanding officer of the regimental Re-
run out of rations that day. The carriers connaissance Platoon, to make a daylight
were quickly unloaded and given to Colonel reconnaissance of the area. Though under
no illusions about the risk of the attack,
Col Grose's Diary, 3 Dec 42, 4 Dec 42; Interv
with Col Grose, 15 Nov 50; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen
Fergusson reported that he believed his car-
Ward, 26 Feb 51. riers could negotiate the ground. To provide

insurance against unforeseen contingencies Reorganization and regrouping were

he requested additional automatic weapons completed on 4 December. Fortified by an
for his men, and was promptly given all the unwonted and much-needed two-day rest,
weapons he asked for.7 the troops received rations and ammunition
Sending the thin-skinned vehicles, open and prepared to resume operations under
at the top and unarmored below, against their new commanders.
the formidable enemy positions in the plan- Colonel Yamamoto's forces and those of
tation area was a desperate venture at best. Captain Yasuda were ready. Yamamoto had
The least the Americans could do was to the bulk of his relatively fresh 144th and
give the Australian crews, who were to spear- 229th Infantry troops in the plantation and
head the attack, all the weapons they at the northeast end of the New Strip.
could use. The rest were holding the bridge between
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1430, 4 Dec 42; 128th the strips, together with the troops of the
Inf Jnl, Ser 34, 4 Dec 42; Msg, Col Martin to Gen
15th Independent Engineer Regiment and
Waldron, Ser 2033, 3 Dec 42; Ltr, Col MacNab to
author, 15 Aug 50. of the 47th Field Antiaircraft Battalion orig-
inally assigned there. Captain Yasuda had in column on Company L's left rear, and
his Yokosuka 5th and Sasebo 5th Special machine gun crews of Company M were
Naval Landing troops, supported by naval to be disposed along the line of departure
pioneer units in the village, the Triangle, and immediately to the rear to clean out
and the mission. The Japanese had thrown snipers in trees and give direct support to
back every attack thus far, and they were the advance. Colonel McCoy's leading unit,
ready to continue doing so. Company A, 128th Infantry, was to move
The plan for the American-Australian at- in on Company L's left and attempt to cross
tack scheduled for 5 December was em- the eastern end of the New Strip. Colonel
bodied in a field order drawn up the day Carrier's 1st Battalion, 126th Infantry, was
before by General Waldron. Warren Force to advance northward against the bridge
and the five Bren gun carriers, supported by between the strips. Patrols of the Australian
elements of the Fifth Air Force and the Independent Company were to make what-
artillery, were to attack the Japanese posi- ever gains they could in the area between
tions in the Duropa Plantation-Buna Carrier and McCoy. 10
Strips area at 0830. Their objective encom- Between 0820 and 0835 on the morning
passed the entire area east of a line drawn of 5 December, six A-20's bombed and
along the coast southwest from Strip Point strafed the area between the Old Strip and
and extending inland to the Old Strip. Ur- Cape Endaiadere. The artillery began to
bana Force, also supported by artillery and fire at 0830. Supported by mortar and ma-
air bombardment, was to jump off at 1000 chine gun fire from Company M, the Bren
with the mission of taking Buna Village. carriers and Company L left the line of de-
Both attacking forces were to make an all- parture at 0842. They immediately ran into
out effort. (Map 12) heavy fire from a barricade near the coast,
and from concealed positions on their left
The Attack on the Right front and left. As had been feared, the Bren
carriers bellied up badly on the uneven
On the Warren front Colonel Miller's stump-filled ground and their progress was
battalion was to be on the right, nearest the slow. As they rose high in the air to clear
sea. Colonel McCoy's battalion was to be stumps and other obstacles, they were easy
on Miller's left, and Colonel Carrier was targets for enemy machine gunners. To com-
to be on the far left, with the 2/6 Independ- plete the job, the Japanese tossed hand gren-
ent Company intervening between him and ades over the sides, threw "sticky" bombs
McCoy. Company L and the Bren carriers that clung to the superstructures, and scored
were to attack straight up the coast on a several direct hits with an antitank gun.
200-yard front. Company I was to follow Within twenty minutes they had knocked
out all five vehicles—three just outside the
Yokoyama Det Orders, 16 Nov 42, in ATIS EP Allied lines and two within their own. The
29; 18th Army Opns I, pp. 20-21. The 144th and carrier crews suffered heavily. Lieutenant
229th I n f a n t r y troops under Yamamoto's command Fergusson was wounded, and thirteen of
came in with him from Rabaul on 17 November,
and were thus fresher than any of t h e i r attackers.
9 10
32d Div FO No. 2, 4 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichel- Msg, Maj Ziebell to Col MacNab, Ser 2 1 3 7 , 4
berger to Gen Sutherland, 4 Dec 42, copy in Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th I n f , Jnl, 1300, 1430, 1635,
OCMH files. 1700, 4 Dec 42.

DISABLED BREN GUN CARRIERS in the Duropa Plantation.

the twenty others in the carriers were killed, reach the nearer of the two carriers, he fell
wounded, or missing. mortally wounded. The Japanese succeeded
Fergusson's second-in-command, Lt. Ian in stripping the gutted hulks of the two car-
Walker, heard of the disaster shortly after it riers that night before a patrol of Warren
happened. From his post at the rear where Force sent out to recover the guns could get
he had been attending to the housekeeping to them.
needs of the platoon, he left for the front on In attempting to support the Bren car-
the run, accompanied by a single enlisted riers in their disastrous attack, Capt. Samuel
man of his command. Covered by fire from M. Morton's Company L, 128th Infantry,
Company L, 128th Infantry, the two men had also been hit hard. The center platoon
methodically removed the guns and ammu- 11
32d Div G-3 Jnl File, Ser 2357, 5 Dec 42;
nition from the three closest carriers. Walker 128th Inf Jnl, Sers 7, 11, 13, 27, 30, 51, 60, 5 Dec
then ordered the enlisted man back, took up 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0820, 0830, 0835, 0842,
a submachine gun, and went forward alone 1515, 1712, 1840, 5 Dec 42: Rpt, CG Buna Forces,
p. 21. Walker was posthumously awarded the Dis-
toward the two remaining carriers intending tinguished Service Cross. The citation is in GHQ
to recover their guns as well. Before he could SWPA GO No. 7, 15 Jan 43.

suffered so many casualties during the first Bloecher, had to be ordered in on its left to
half-hour of the fighting that it had to have relieve the pressure.
help from the left platoon, which was itself Company B reached the southeastern end
under heavy fire. A platoon of Company I of the strip two hours later at a point just
had to plug the resulting gap on the left west of the dispersal area occupied by Com-
before the attack could continue. pany A. Setting up light machine guns on
The men tried to push forward but were the left to cover the strip, Bloecher tried to
unable to. They were blocked, not only by move his men across, but without success.
the heavy fire that came from behind the As the men crawled out of the sheltering
still-unreduced log barricade a few yards tall grass into the heat-ridden strip, heavy
in from the coast and from the hidden and enemy fire from bunkers and hidden firing
carefully sited strongpoints in the planta- positions in the area immobilized them.
tion, but by the intense heat of the morning. Those who managed to get halfway across
Man after man of Colonel Miller's battalion the strip could move neither forward nor
gave way to heat prostration. By 1010 the back. Since further advance was impossible,
battalion had gained less than forty yards, the company began to consolidate at the
and it could make no further advance that eastern end of the strip.
day. 12 Company A was meanwhile having an
A few minutes after the 3d Battalion at- even rougher time than in the morning. At
tack, the 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry be- the center of the Y the troops encountered
gan its move. At 0855 the eighty-three men almost point-blank fire that came at them
of Company A, under 1st Lt. Samuel J. from three directions. All attempts to cross
Scott, pushed off in the Y-shaped dispersal the northern prong of the Y failed. Men who
area at the eastern end of the New Strip. tried to advance were caught in the enemy's
Company B was on Scott's left rear, waiting crossfire and either wounded or killed. By
to go in. Company D was disposed along late afternoon the situation was seen to be
the line of departure, supporting the ad- hopeless, and Colonel Martin ordered the
vance by fire. Scott's troops moved slowly company to pull back as soon as it could.
and cautiously through the tall grass. That evening he relieved it. 14
Despite the heat and heavy casualties from At the western end of the strip Colonel
enemy fire, they made good progress at Carrier's battalion did little better. The
first, and by 1100 most of them were across two companies in attack—A on the right
the lower arm of the Y. There they were and C on the left—moved out against the
halted by rifle grenade, mortar, and ma- bridge between the strips at 0850 and at
chine gun fire from three directions. By first reported good progress. Aided by the
noon Japanese action and heat prostration mortars and the detachment's 37-mm. gun,
had cut deep into Company A's strength, they succeeded in knocking out seven enemy
and Company B, under 1st Lt. Milan J.
128th Inf Jnl, Sers 67, 5 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th
Inf, Jnl, Sers 11, 33, 34, 37, 40, 44, 60, 5 Dec 42.
Msg, Maj Ziebell to 32d Div, Ser 2357, 5 Doc
128th Inf Jnl, Sers 24, 27, 30, 36, 46, 72, 5 42; 128th Inf Jnl, Sers 21, 40, 43, 67, 70, 73, 108,
Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0935, 0938, 1010, 113, 5 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 52, 58,
1035, 1120, 1640, 5 Dec 42. 60, 67, 70, 5 Dec 42.

pillboxes during the first two hours of fight- vance parties of the 127th Infantry—
ing. With the enemy fire from the pillboxes which was also to be committed to the
suppressed, the troops began to close on the Urbana front—began reaching Dobodura. 18
bridge, only to be halted by heavy fire from By this time the troops in the line—the 2d
front and left when they were only 150 yards Battalion, 126th Infantry, the 2d Battalion,
from their objective. Artillery fire was 128th Infantry, and the Cannon Company,
called for, but it proved ineffective. The 128th Infantry—had had a little rest. They
Japanese fire only increased in intensity. would now have another chance to finish
Colonel Carrier's troops, suffering from the job that they had not been quite able
the heat like the companies on the right, to complete on the 2d.
made repeated attempts to advance, but the The plan of attack called for the Cannon
enemy fire was too heavy. Frontal attack Company, 128th Infantry, and the 2d Bat-
was abandoned; Company B relieved Com- talion, 126th Infantry, to attack at specified
pany A, and an attempt was made to cross points on the perimeter of Buna Village.
Simemi Creek in the hope of flanking the Having suffered very heavy losses during
bridge. The attempt was given up because previous attacks, Company F would be in
there was quicksand reported in the cross- reserve. The Cannon Company would re-
ing area and the creek was too deep. At the main on the left of the 126th Infantry and
end of the day's fighting the Japanese still continue as before to support its operations.
held the bridge between the strips, and Colonel Smith's 2d Battalion, 128th Infan-
Colonel Carrier's troops were dug in about try, on Major Smith's right would complete
200 yards south of it. 15 the investiture of the left bank of Entrance
The "all-out'' attack of Warren Force Creek. Air and artillery bombardment
had failed all along the line, and Colonel would support the attacks. From positions
Yamamoto had the situation in hand. 16 As behind the large grassy strip west of En-
Colonel Martin put it in a phone call to trance Creek, eight 81-mm. mortars would
General Byers that night: "We have hit fire on the village. The troops of Company
them and bounced off." 17 F, 128th Infantry, from their positions on
the west side of the Girua River, would fire
Bottcher's Break-Through upon it with two 81-mm. mortars, a 37-mm.
gun, and an assortment of light and heavy
On 4 December Colonel Tomlinson and machine guns.
126th Infantry headquarters moved from Colonel Grose went to the front early on
Sanananda to the Urbana front, and ad- the morning of 5 December. After getting
the men into line and making a final check
128th Inf Jnl, Sers 23, 39, 47, 61, 77, 93, 5 of their positions, he returned to his CP
Dec 42; 1st Bn 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 506, 508, 510, about 1015 to find both General Eichel-
518, 526, 530, 532, 5 Dec 42.
Tel Msg, Capt Manning, RAA, to 32d Div, Ser berger and General Waldron there. A num-

2013, 3 Dec 42; Msg, 32d Div to NGF, Ser 2057, ber of other officers were present including
3 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 31, 35, 3 Dec
42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1515, 3 Dec 42. On 3
December Japanese bombers, escorted by Zeros, had Msg, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser 2086, 3 Dec 42;
parachuted food and ammunition onto the northern Msg, NGF to G-2, I Corps, Ser 2090, 4 Dec 42; 2d
end of the Old Strip for Yamamoto's troops. Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1400, 4 Dec 42; 127th Inf, The
128th Inf Jnl, Ser 128, 5 Dec 42. Battle for Buna.

Colonel DeGraaf, Colonel Rogers, Colonel patrols to flank the enemy, the mortar men
McCreary, Colonel Tomlinson, Lt. Col. on the west side of the Girua River began
Merle H. Howe, the division G-3, and Gen- firing on the village to relieve the pressure,
eral Eichelberger's aide, Captain Edwards. and a platoon of Company F, 126th Infan-
The attack had opened at 1000 with a raid try, under 1st Lt. Paul L. Schwartz, moved
on the mission by nine B-25's. Eichelberger in to reinforce the Cannon Company. None
and his party were briefed on how the ac- of these measures worked. The enemy fire
tion was progressing and then went for- continued, and the company could not
ward to observe the fighting. advance.
After the B-25's hit the target area, the Late in the afternoon Maj. Chester M.
artillery and the mortars began firing on the Beaver of the divisional staff took over com-
village. At 1030 the fire ceased, and the in- mand of the company. Organizing a patrol
fantry moved forward. The Cannon Com- with Lieutenant Schwartz as his second-in-
pany, 128th Infantry, attacked along the command, Beaver managed to clear out the
east bank of the Girua River. On its right enemy positions immediately to the front
Companies E and G attacked abreast, with and then crawled through muck to bring his
Company H supporting the attack with fire. patrol to a point just outside the village.
Pivoting short from the line of departure, Beaver and Schwartz had to withdraw when
the units fanned out against the enemy night fell, but by the following morning the
perimeter, and Companies E and G in the Cannon Company and the Company F pla-
center hit directly against the village.19 toon were on the outskirts of the village, the
The Japanese commander in the area, position they had tried in vain to reach the
Navy Captain Yosuda, had a few hundred day before. 21
men in the village—enough for his imme- Company E, under Captain Schultz, also
diate purpose. With the help of the bunk- met tough opposition from the intrenched
ers, barricades, and trenches available to enemy. By dint of hard fighting, the line
his men, he could count on holding the vil- moved forward until it reached the Japa-
lage for some time, even though it was his nese main line of resistance about fifty yards
least defensible position.20 from the village. There the advance was
The attack met strong opposition. On the stopped completely, and the troops had to
far left the Cannon Company ran into heavy dig in.
fire when it emerged onto an open space That the company pushed even that far
south of the village. The company sent out in the face of the heavy enemy fire was due
principally to the able leadership of two
platoon leaders, 1st Lt. Thomas E. Knode
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1400, 1550, 4 Dec 42, and 1st Sgt. Paul R. Lutjens, who were

0730, 1008, 1030, 1100, 5 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 128th severely wounded as they led their men in
Inf, Jnl, 1930, 5 Dec 42; Allied Air Forces Opns
Rpt, 5 Dec 42; Msg, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser 2180,
5 Dec 42; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 21, with Situa-
tion Map, Urbana Force, 5 Dec 42; Eichelberger,
Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 28. 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1105, 1115, 1117, 1345,
Interr, Yoshiteru Toyashima, 15th Naval Pio- 1410, 1554, 1730, 5 Dec 42. Both Beaver and
neer Unit, in 32d Div G-2 Interrogations and Schwartz were later awarded the Distinguished
Translations File; 127th Inf Tact Hist, Papuan Service Cross. The citations are in GHQ SWPA,
Campaign. GO No. 1, 1 Jan 43.

the day's fighting. The combat performance mand of Company F a few days before, was,
of a member of Lutjens' platoon, Sgt. as he put it, "surprised to see a couple of
Harold E. Graber, had also helped to push generals—one a three star—in addition to
the line forward. When the platoon was the usual array of majors and colonels." To
pinned down, Sergeant Graber leaped to continue in Odell's own words,
his feet, fired his light machine gun from The Lieutenant General explained what he
the hip, and cleaned out a main Japanese wanted, and after a brief delay, I brought up
strongpoint which had been holding up the the company and deployed accordingly.
advance—an act that cost him his life.22 Pravda [1st Sgt. George Pravda] was to take
half the company up one side of the trail, and
Company G, under Captain Bailey, was I the other half on the other side. We were
also finding it difficult to make any progress. given ten minutes to make our reconnaissance
Disappointed that the attack had bogged and to gather information from the most for-
down just outside the village, General ward troops which we were to pass. It was
Eichelberger took direct control of opera- intended that we finish the job—actually
take the Village—and [it was thought] that we
tions. He called Grose forward to the ob- needed little more than our bayonets to do it.
servation post and sent Colonel Tomlinson Well, off we went, and within a few minutes
back to the command post. Then he ordered our rush forward had been definitely and
Company F to pass through Company E completely halted. Of the 40 men who started
and take the village. Colonel Grose im- with me, 4 had been (known) killed, and 18
were lying wounded. We were within a few
mediately protested the order. Instead of yards of the village, but with ... no chance
committing Company F, his last reserve, of going a step further. . . . [Pravda] was
to the center of the line, Grose had hoped among the wounded, and casualties were
to use it at a more propitious moment on about as heavy on his side.24
the left. He told General Eichelberger that Scarcely had Company F's attack in the
there was nothing to be gained by hurrying center been brought to a halt when electri-
the attack, that it was the kind of attack fying news was received from Captain
that might take "a day or two," but Gen- Bailey on the right. Instead of continuing
eral Eichelberger had apparently set his the profitless attack directly on the village, a
heart on taking Buna Village that day and platoon of Company H under S. Sgt. Her-
overruled his protest.23 man J. F. Bottcher, which had been at-
Summoned to the observation post, 1st tached to Company G, had pushed north
Lt. Robert H. Odell, who had taken com- from its position on the far right. Knocking
out several pillboxes en route, Bottcher had
successfully crossed a creek under enemy
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1330, 1345, 5 Dec 42; fire and by late afternoon had reached the
Kahn, "The Terrible Days of Company E," The beach with eighteen men and one machine
Saturday Evening Post, 15 Jan 44. Knode, Lutjens,
and Graber were all later awarded the Distin-
gun. Bottcher, an experienced soldier who
guished Service Cross, and Lutjens was commis- had served with the Loyalists in the Spanish
sioned a 2d lieutenant. The citations for Knode and Civil War, ordered his men to dig in at once
Lutjens are in GHQ SWPA GO No. 64, 28 Dec 42. on the edge of the beach. Attacks followed
Graber's posthumous award is in GO No. 1, 1 Jan
Col Grose's Diary, 5 Dec 42; Interv with Col
Grose, 15 Nov 50. 24
Odell, Buna.

from both the village and the mission, but Company F's attack he received a shoulder
Bottcher and his riflemen, with Bottcher wound and had to be evacuated. On Gen-
himself at the machine gun, made short eral Eichelberger's orders, General Byers,
work of the enemy. The beach on either his chief of staff, succeeded Waldron as
side of Bottcher's Corner (as the position commander of the troops at the front.
came to be known) was soon piled with Colonel Bradley, whom General Waldron
Japanese corpses, whom neither friend nor had chosen to be his chief of staff, continued
foe could immediately bury.25 to serve in the same capacity under General
Bottcher's break-through completed the Byers. Colonel McCreary, for two days com-
isolation of the village. The Cannon Com- mander of Urbana Force, and before that
pany, 128th Infantry, and the 2d Battalion, deputy to General Waldron when the latter
126th Infantry, less Bottcher's platoon, were was division artillery commander, took com-
now pressed tightly against its inner defenses, mand of the artillery and mortars on the
and the troops at Bottcher's Corner made its Urbana front. 28
reinforcement from the mission extremely General Eichelberger and his party de-
difficult, if not impossible. parted for the rear about 1800, less Captain
Colonel Smith's 2d Battalion, 128th In- Edwards who had been wounded and evac-
fantry had meanwhile invested the entire uated earlier in the day. Colonel Grose was
west bank of Entrance Creek except for the left to reorganize. While he had not taken
Coconut Grove. It was now in position to kindly to the way General Eichelberger had
reduce the grove as well. With the village thrown Company F into the battle against
cut off and Entrance Creek outposted along his protest, Grose had nothing but praise
its entire length, the early fall of the village for the way the troops had performed.
was assured, provided the Japanese did not "The battalion's men," he wrote that night
in the meantime succeed in their attempts to in his diary, "have been courageous and
evict the attackers, particularly those at willing, but they have been pushed almost
Bottcher's Corner.26 beyond the limit of human endurance."
With Colonel Howe, his G-3, General They were, he continued, "courageous, fine
Waldron had been pushing the assault per-
sonally in the right center of the line. During
Byers did not take command of the 32d Divi-
sion, since Brig. Gen. Frayne Baker, commander of
the division's rear echelon in Australia and, after
Waldron, senior officer of the division, became divi-
Tel Msg, Col McCreary to Gen Waldron, Ser sion commander when Waldron was wounded and
2207, 5 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1330, 5 Dec evacuated. Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Suther-
42; Interv, 1st Lt. Kenneth Hechler with Gen land, 18 Dec 42, copy in OCMH files; Ltr, Gen
Waldron, Washington, D. C., 11 Mar 44; Ltr, Lt Sutherland to Gen Ward, 6 April 51. Both Waldron
Col Herbert M. Smith to Gen Ward, 9 Mar 51; and Howe were later awarded the Distinguished
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 2; Odell, Buna; Eichel- Service Cross. Waldron's citation is in GHQ SWPA
berger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, pp. 31, 32. GO No. 60, 18 Dec 42; Howe's, in GO No. 64, 28
Bottcher was later awarded the Distinguished Serv- Dec. 42.
ice Cross and given a direct battlefield commission Msg, Urbana Force to G-3, Buna Force, Ser
as a captain. His citation for the DSC is in GHQ 2244, 5 Dec 42; Msgs, Gen Byers to Gen Eichel-
SWPA GO No. 64, 28 Dec 42. berger, Sers 2253, 2254, 5 Dec 42; Ltr, Col
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 21, with Situation McCreary to Col Handy, GHQ AGF, Washington,
Map, 5 Dec 42. 11 Mar 43, copy in OCMH files.

men," and all of them had given him "the while he intended to do everything possible
29 31
utmost cooperation." to weaken the enemy line.
Although the troops had not taken the General Herring had suggested late on 5
village, General Eichelberger, who, with December that Eichelberger try pushing
members of his staff, had taken a personal forward on the Warren front by concentrat-
hand in the battle, had revised the opinion ing on the destruction of individual pill-
he expressed on 2 December that they boxes and machine gun nests which lay in
lacked fight. Writing to General Sutherland the way. This job, General Eichelberger
the next day, Eichelberger noted that the assured Port Moresby the next day, he had
troops had fought hard, that morale had "already decided to do." Since the Japanese
been high, and that there had been "much line on that front had been found to be very
to be proud of during the day's operations." strong, he added, he would make the main
General Herring, he said, had praised the effort for the time being on the left, "while
bravery of the 32d Division highly. As far containing the Japanese on [the] right." 3 2
as he personally was concerned, Eichel- Instead of making frontal infantry assaults,
berger went on, General MacArthur could which had gotten Warren Force nowhere,
begin to stop worrying about its conduct in the troops now were to soften up the enemy
battle. line by attrition and infiltration, and to
make the final break-through with the tanks
Colonel Martin Softens Up the Enemy Line when they arrived.
General Eichelberger's orders to Colonel
The New Tactics Martin were therefore to have his men begin
vigorous patrolling in order to locate and
The complete failure on 5 December of pinpoint the individual enemy positions. As
the attack on the Warren front had satisfied soon as they located an enemy strongpoint,
General Eichelberger that the enemy line they were to destroy it. The troops were to
was too strong to be breached by frontal move forward by infiltration, and not by
assault. In the course of a conversation held frontal assault. On 7 December Colonel
two days earlier with General Herring at Martin explained the new tactics to his bat-
Dobodura, he had learned that he could talion commanders. There were to be no
very shortly expect the arrival of tanks and more all-out attacks. Instead there was to be
fresh Australian troops for action on his constant patrolling by small groups. After
side of the river. He decided therefore to the artillery had worked over the enemy em-
try no more all-out frontal assaults on the placements, the patrols were to knock them
Warren front until he had received the tanks out one at a time, with mortar, grenade, and
and the promised reinforcements. Mean- rifle. They were to subject the enemy line to
constant probing. Instead of rushing ahead,
Col Grose's Diary, 5 Dec 42; Eichelberger, Our
Jungle Road to Tokyo, pp. 30, 31. Col George they were to feel their way forward. Every
DeGraaf, Colonel Rogers, and Captain Edwards,
who intervened briefly in the fighting in the center, Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 6
were all later awarded the Distinguished Service Dec 42; Intervs with Gen Eichelberger, 6 Feb 50,
Cross. The citations are in GHQ SWPA GO No. 60, 26 Apr 50; Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to
18 Dec 42. Tokyo, p. 44.
30 32
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 6 Dec Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 6
42, copy in OCMH files. Dec 42.

effort was to be made meanwhile to make supplied with ammunition. But shells for
the men comfortable. They were to be given it were very slow in coming forward. After
their pack rolls if they wanted them, fed hot having fired the initial few hundred rounds
food, and allowed to rest.33 with which it reached the front, the 105
Intense patrolling became the order of had to remain silent for days. On 6 Decem-
the day on the Warren front. The 37-mm. ber the I Corps ordnance officer at Port
guns and mortars fired on the bunkers as Moresby wrote to the front as follows:
they were located, and the artillery, aided "I've been burning the air waves since 2
by Wirraways now based at Dobodura, December to have 800 rounds of 105-mm.
joined in. But the 37-mm. guns and the mor- ammunition flown [to you]. The stuff has
tars were too light to have much effect on been at Brisbane airdrome since the night of
the bunkers, and the 3.7-inch mountain 3 December. . . . The General asked for
howitzers and the 25-pounders using high- 100 rounds per day for 10 days starting
explosive shells with superquick fuse proved 5 December, and there isn't a single damned
little more effective. Because it had a higher round here." 3 6
angle of fire and its shells had delay fuses, Ammunition for the 105 finally began
the 105-mm. howitzer was much better reaching the front during the second week
suited to the task, and soon proved itself to in December, and then (apparently because
be the only weapon on the front which was of the priority situation) only in small
effective against the enemy bunkers. By amounts. Thus, for much of the time when
comparison, the 25-pounder with its flatter it could have done most good, the 105 stood
trajectory had only a limited usefulness. useless while artillery pieces less suited to the
Not only was it often unable to clear the task tried vainly to deal with the Japanese
trees, but it could not drop its projectiles on bunker defenses. 37
the bunkers as could the 105.34 General Colonel Martin wanted to move up a few
Waldron put the matter in a sentence. "The of the artillery pieces for direct fire on the
25 pounders," he said, "annoyed the Japa- bunkers, but Warren Force had too few
nese, and that's about all."35 guns on hand to risk any of them so far for-
The 105-mm. howitzer could have been ward. The arrival by sea on 8 December of
even more effective had it been properly two more 25-pounders then made it possible
to shift the pieces. The two 25-pounders
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 20, 6 Dec 42, Sers were emplaced just north of Hariko, and
3, 6, 7, 17, 7 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1213, the O'Hare Troop (the three 3.7-inch
6 Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, Sers 4, 65, 6 Dec 42, Sers
9, 13, 44, 7 Dec 42. howitzers of the 1st Australian Mountain
Tel Msg, Warren Force to 32d Div, Ser 2361, Battery at Hariko) took up a new position
6 Dec 42; Tel Msgs, Maj Ziebell to 32d Div, Ser about one mile below the bridge between
2454, 7 Dec 42, Ser 2693, 9 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 126th
Inf, Jnl, Ser 541, 6 Dec 42, Sers 580, 582, 10 Dec
the strips, completing the move on 11 De-
42, Sers 592, 595, 11 Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, Ser 24, cember. Even though the howitzers at once
10 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Frank S. Bowen, Jr., G-3, I
Corps, to Lt Col E. G. Smith, Rear Echelon, I Ltr, Col Marshall Darby, Ord Off, I Corps,
Corps, 11 Jan 43, in I Corps Correspondence File; Moresby, to Col William E. McCreight, G-4, I
Gen Waldron, The Buna Campaign, copy in Corps, 6 Dec 42, in I Corps Correspondence File.
OCMH files. Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 75; Hist Buna Forces,
Interv, Lt Hechler with Gen Waldron, 11 Mar I Corps Adv Echelon, in I Corps Correspondence
44. File.

began hitting Japanese positions behind logically bad" for the troops, and "would
both strips with greater effect than before, hurt the rebuilding of their offensive
they were still able to make no apparent spirit."
impression on the Japanese line, so well was The infantry attackers made few gains
the enemy entrenched.38 anywhere along the Warren front. Colonel
Throughout the battle the enemy had Carrier's troops met repeated setbacks in
been achieving excellent results with grenade their efforts to cross the bridge between the
launchers. Impressed by their effectiveness strips, and the forces under Colonel Miller
the troops on the Warren front found time and Colonel McCoy moved ahead only a
during this period of attritional warfare to few yards. The fighting had settled down
experiment with rifle grenades. The experi- to a siege.
ments were conducted with Australian gre- With the fall of Gona, it became clear that
nades since no American grenades were the enemy's beachhead garrison could no
available. Using Australian rifles the men longer be supplied easily by sea. But the
found the few grenades on hand very ef- Japanese could still use the air lanes. On 10
fective. The small supply soon ran out, December twenty medium naval bombers
however, and they received no more during flew nonstop from Rabaul and dropped food
the campaign.39 and ammunition onto the Old Strip. This
The situation on Colonel Carrier's front flight was the second—and last—air supply
during this period was one of unrelieved mission ordered by the enemy head-
hardship. quarters at Rabaul. 42
The positions occupied by the 1st Battalion, On the same day, the 10th, Major Har-
126th Infantry [General Martin recalls], were court's 2/6 Independent Company was re-
almost unbearably hot in the day time as the turned to the 7th Division, and there were
tropical sun broiled down, the grass shut off other changes on the Warren front. The
all air, and held in the steaming heat. Due to three battalion commanders had begun
enemy observation any daylight movement
among the forward positions had to be by showing signs of wear. When Colonel Car-
crawling which added to the misery from the rier, who was suffering from angina pectoris,
heat. There were cases of heat exhaustion had to be evacuated on 13 December, Gen-
daily, and some of the company commanders eral Eichelberger decided the time had come
strongly urged the battalion commander to
to change the other battalion commanders.
permit the troops to withdraw about 300 yards
in daytime to positions where there was shade, Major Beaver replaced Colonel Carrier in
and reoccupy the froward positions at night. command of the 1st Battalion, 126th Infan-
try. Maj. Gordon Clarkson of I Corps took
Martin overruled these requests. He felt
that to allow daily withdrawals would con- 40
Ltr, Gen Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51.
tribute nothing to the harassing and soften- 41
Sitrep, Warren Force to 32d Div, Ser 2693, 9
ing up of the enemy, "would be psycho- Dec 42; Msg, Warren Force S-2 to 32d Div, Ser
2769, 10 Dec 42.
38 42
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 601, 11 Dec 42, Ser Tel Msg, Maj Ziebell to Gen Byers, Ser 2767,
626, 13 Dec 42, Ser 646, 14 Dec 42: Rpt, CG Buna 10 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 25, 10 Dec
Forces, p. 76a. 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1000, 10 Dec 42; G-2
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 580, 583, 10 Dec Hist Sec, GHQ FEC, Interv of Col Kazuyoshi
42, Ser 595, 11 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser Obata, Supply Staff Officer, 18th Army, Nov 42-
33, 10 Dec 42, Ser 6, 11 Dec 42: 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Apr 44, copy in OCMH files; 18th Army Opns I,
Jnl, 1630, 10 Dec 42, 2030, 11 Dec 42. p. 46; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 84.

command of the 1st Battalion, 128th In- tenacity, and it began to look as if it would
fantry, in place of Colonel McCoy, who re- be necessary to root them out of their
turned to division headquarters. Colonel bunkers individually as had been the case at
MacNab, executive officer of Warren Force Gona.
under General MacNider, Colonel Hale, The 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, was
and Colonel Martin, successively, changed reorganized on 6 December. Colonel Grose
places with Colonel Miller to take command had been promised command of the 127th
of the 3d Battalion, 128th Infantry, and Infantry, which was then on its way to the
Miller became executive officer to Colonel front, and left the reorganization to Colonel
Martin.43 Tomlinson and Major Smith. He himself
The attritional type of warfare ordered on attended to supply matters and to the re-
the Warren front did not advance the line adjustment of the positions held by the 2d
much, but the relentless pounding by the Battalion, 128th Infantry, on the right. Feel-
mortars and artillery and the sharp probing ing that it was really Colonel Tomlinson's
forays of the infantry were having exactly command and that there was no use in
the effect intended by General Eichel- having two regimental commanders at the
berger—wearing the enemy down physically front, Colonel Grose asked General Byers
and softening up his defenses for the final when the latter visited him that afternoon
knockout blow. that Colonel Tomlinson be given the com-
mand. Byers agreed. Grose returned to the
Urbana Force Makes Its First Gains rear, and Tomlinson (who formally took
command the next day) went on with prep-
The Capture of Buna Village arations for an attack scheduled to be
launched the next morning.44
Though relative quiet had descended on The attack was to have better artillery
the Warren front, bitter fighting had con- support than before, with all the guns east
tinued almost without cease on the Urbana of the river scheduled to go into action,
front. The Japanese in the village were and the mortars also were to be used more
virtually surrounded. Fire was hitting them effectively than before. Finding that the in-
frontally and from across Buna Creek, but fantry could not control their mortar fire
they held their positions with extreme in the dense jungle, Colonel McCreary
adopted an innovation in the use of mortars,
Msg, 128th Inf to G-3, 32d Div, Ser 2751, 10 based on artillery practice. He consolidated
Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, Ser 20, 10 Dec 42; 1st Bn, the seventeen available 81-mm. mortars
126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 637, 13 Dec 42, Ser 650, 14 Dec
42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 15, 14 Dec 42; 128th on his front into one unit, made a fire-
Inf, Jnl, 1900, 1915, 13 Dec 42, 1300, 14 Dec 42. direction chart from a vertical photograph,
"I am changing some of my leaders on the right and by observation and mathematical cal-
flank" General Eichelberger told Port Moresby on
the night of 13 December. "Young Clarkson," he culation fixed the position of the mortars in
continued, "who only left the military academy in relation to the Japanese positions. He
1938 is going to take one of the battalions on the formed the mortars into three batteries, two
right flank and Carrier is being relieved by Major
Beaver. I know Clarkson well, for I raised him from
a pup. ... He is full of fight and will do what Col Grose's Diary, 6 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Grose to
I tell him." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Suther- Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 23.
land, 13 Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. 126th Inf Jnl, entries 6-7 Dec 42.

of six guns, and one of five guns. After ad- opened fire on the Buna Mission force first,
justing the mortars and training the crews stopping that attack. He then turned his
in artillery methods, he spent "the next two gun on the Buna Village force, and stopped
days 60 feet up in a tree less than 200 yards that attack. During the attack, Bottcher was
from the Jap forward elements, throwing shot in the hand. He was given first aid
hammer blow after hammer blow (all guns treatment, and is now commanding his
firing at once fairly concentrated) on the gun."
strong localities, searching through Buna The story might have had a different end-
Village." ing had it not been for the alertness of Cpl.
The attack was to be mounted by the 2d Harold L. Mitchell of Company H, who had
Battalion, 126th Infantry, less the troops at joined Bottcher's little force the previous
Bottcher's Corner. Companies E and G were day. Acting as a forward outpost, Mitchell
to attack on right and left, and the weapons detected the enemy force from the village
crews of Company H, would support the while it was creeping forward under cover of
attack by fire from a position to the right of the jungle. Just as it was about to launch its
Company G. The troops at Bottcher's Cor- attack, he charged at the Japanese suddenly
ner would hold where they were, and Com- with a loud yell and bayonet fixed. Mitchell
pany F would be available as required for so surprised and dumbfounded them that
the reinforcement of the other companies. instead of continuing with the attack they
The Cannon Company, 128th Infantry, hesitated and momentarily fell back. His yell
now in regimental reserve, would take up a alerted the rest of the force, with the result
holding position in the area immediately that when the Japanese finally did attack
below Musita Island, and the 2d Battalion, they were cut down. Mitchell escaped with-
128th Infantry, would continue to hold on out a scratch.49
the 126th Infantry's right. The flurry at Bottcher's Corner over,
The strike against the village was to be in Companies E and G jumped off at 1335
the early afternoon of 7 December, but the after a fifteen-minute artillery and mortar
Japanese moved first. At 0600 in the morn- preparation. They met heavy opposition
ing, they attacked the troops at Bottcher's and made little headway against an enemy
Corner from both the village and the mis- that held with fanatic determination. To
sion, but Bottcher's machine gun and the encourage his troops in their attempts to
rifle fire of his troops (reinforced by a fresh advance, Major Smith moved to the most
platoon from Company H) broke up the exposed forward positions. Less than an
attack.47 Urbana Force telephoned the fol- hour after the attack began he was severely
lowing description of the action: "Bottcher wounded. Captain Boice, the regimental
S-2, who had made the first reconnaissance
Ltr, Col McCreary to Col Handy, GHQ AGF,
11 Mar 43. In describing his method, McCreary,
using the technical language of the artillerist, wrote Tel Msg, Urbana Force to CG, 32d Div, Ser
that he had "restituted a vertical photograph to a 2422, 7 Dec 42.
1/10,000 fire direction chart," and "tied the mortars 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0640, 7 Dec 42; 1334, 9
and our zone of action to the ground by survey and Dec 42. Mitchell distinguished himself further on
observed fire." 9 December by bringing in a prisoner for question-
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0640, 7 Dec 42; Tel ing. He was later awarded the Distinguished Serv-
Msg, Urbana Force to Gen Byers, Ser 2422, 7 Dec ice Cross. The citation is in GHQ SWPA GO No.
42. 3, 6 Jan 43.

of the trail to Jaure, immediately replaced Japanese made no further attempts to send
him as battalion commander.50 boats to the village.53
The attack made no progress whatever. On 8 December the companies attacked
At 1430 Company F was committed in sup- again. Artillery, mortars, and machine guns
port of Company E and Company G, and opened up at 1400, and the troops started
the remaining platoon under Lieutenant moving forward at 1415. Colonel Mc-
Odell was ordered to Bottcher's Corner. Creary's mortars laid down fire as close as
The line still did not move forward, and the fifty yards to the front of the battalion's
only success of the day—a very modest advance elements, but the Japanese line
one—was registered by Odell's platoon.51 still held, and the attack was beaten off once
Odell's orders had been to move onto the again.
fire-swept beach and clear out two suspected The day was marked by a futile attempt
enemy outposts: one northwest of Bottcher's to burn out a main Japanese bunker posi-
Corner; the other closer to the village. The tion on the southern edge of the village
first outpost gave no trouble—the enemy which had resisted capture for several days.
troops in it were either dead or dying. The The bunker was on the corner of a kunai
second was a different matter. Odell's flat, with dense jungle and swamp to the
platoon, down to a dozen men, began clos- rear. It could neither be taken by frontal
ing in on the objective, when it found itself assault nor flanked. Two primitive flame
faced with about fifteen Japanese in a throwers had reached the front that day,
hastily dug trench. As the platoon edged and one of them was immediately pressed
forward, one of the Japanese called out in into use. Covered by the fire of twenty men,
English that he and his fellows would sur- the operator managed to get within thirty
render if the Americans came over to them feet of the enemy without being detected.
first. The men (as the battalion journal Then he stepped into the open and turned
notes) treated the offer as a "gag." They on his machine. All that came out of it was
stormed the trench and mopped up the a ten or fifteen-foot dribble of flame which
Japanese, but heavy fire from the village set the grass on fire and did not even come
ultimately drove them back to the Corner.52 near the Japanese position. The operator,
The Japanese kept on trying. An attempt two of the men covering him, as well as the
that evening by Captain Yasuda to send chemical officer in charge, were killed. The
boats through to the village from his head- operation, as reported to Port Moresby that
quarters in the mission was frustrated when night, had been a complete "fizzle." 54
Sergeant Bottcher detected the leading The same evening Captain Yasuda made
barge and set it on fire with his machine his last diversion in favor of the beleaguered
gun. The barge was pulled back to the mis- troops in the village. While the Japanese
sion, a blazing hulk. After that rebuff the in the village counterattacked on the left
with about forty men, a second force of be-
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1335, 1405, 7 Dec 42.
For the heroic example he set his men, Major
tween seventy-five and a hundred men
Smith was later awarded the Distinguished Service
Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 36, 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1910, 7 Dec 42; 32d Div
1 Jul 43. Sitrep, No. 89, 8 Dec 42; F. Tillman Durdin, The
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1430, 7 Dec 42. New York Times, 11 Dec 42.
52 54
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl. 1405, 1805, 1910, 7 Dec 32d Div Sitrep, No. 91, 9 Dec 42; 32d Div
42; Odell, Buna. Chem Sec AAR, Papuan Campaign.

moved from the mission by way of the is- movement to the forward area by air on 9
land and hit the right flank of the 2d Bat- December.
talion, 126th Infantry. The force from the Colonel Grose, as he had been promised
mission advanced to the attack screaming earlier, took over command of the regiment
and yelling, but the battalion's mortars and the same day, and Lt. Col. Edwin J.
machine guns beat it off in short order. Schmidt, the regimental commander, be-
"Our heavy weapons quieted them down came his executive officer. On 11 December,
rather fast," was the way the battalion jour- Companies I and K, 127th Infantry, re-
nal described the action.55 lieved Companies E and G, 126th Infantry.
Colonel McCreary continued his "ham- Company I took up a position at Bottcher's
mer blows" against the village next day, but Corner between the village and the mission,
the Japanese still held their positions. During and the 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, moved
the afternoon, 1st Lt. James G. Downer, into a reserve area along the supply trail.57
now commanding Company E, led a patrol Companies I and K began probing the
against the same bunker position that the Japanese line at once. They made small
flame throwers had failed to reduce the day gains on the 12th and consolidated them.
before. Covered by fire from the rest of the On the 13th the village was subjected to
patrol, Downer moved out against the enemy heavy fire from the 25-pounders at Ango,
positions alone but was killed by a hidden and a heavy mortar concentration was laid
sniper just before reaching it. Downer's body down in preparation for a final assault the
was recovered and the fight for the bunker next day. The Japanese—by that time down
went on. Enemy fire slackened by evening to about 100 men—apparently had a pre-
and the bunker finally fell after costing the monition of what was coming. They evacu-
attackers heavy casualties and several days ated the village that night and made for
of effort.56 Giruwa. Most of them appear to have
By this time the 2d Battalion, 126th In- gotten through.58
fantry, had launched twelve futile attacks Early the next morning, 14 December, a
on the village. Its companies had become so 57
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1345, 8 Dec 42; 2d Bn,
understrength that they could do little more 126th Inf, Jnl, 0908, 1305, 11 Dec 42; 127th Inf
than hold their positions. Companies E and Tact Hist, Papuan Campaign, 9, 10, 11 Dec 42.
F each had less than fifty effectives left, and Rpt, CG Buna Force, p. 24. On 10 December, just
as the 2d Battalion was about to be relieved, Pfc.
the whole battalion totaled about 250 men. Walter A. Bajdek, of Battalion Headquarters Com-
Its relief had long been overdue, and the pany, made a dash under heavy enemy fire to re-
task of delivering the final attack on the establish communication with an advanced observa-
tion post overlooking the enemy positions. Bajdek
village went therefore to the fresh 3d Bat- was later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
talion, 127th Infantry, which together with The citation is in Hq USAFFE, GO No. 32, 15
regimental headquarters had completed its Jun 43.
Entry, M Sgt A. K. Ushiro, 22 Jan 43, in 32d
Div G-2 Interrogations and Translations File. On
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 2045, 8 Dec 42; G-3 the 13th, while the Japanese were still holding, Sgt.
Opns Rpt, No. 245, 8 Dec 42. Samuel G. Winzenreid of Company I, 127th In-
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0950, 8 Dec 42, 1400, fantry, acting on his own initiative, single-handedly
9 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitreps, Nos. 91, 92, 9 Dec. 42. reduced a strongly held enemy bunker with hand
Downer was posthumously awarded the Distin- grenades. Winzenreid was later awarded the Dis-
guished Service Cross. The citation is in GHQ tinguished Service Cross. The citation is in Hq
SWPA GO No. 7, 15 Jan 43. USAFFE GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43.

thorough preparation by 25-pounders and had been told by General Byers a few days
mortars was put down on the village. Leav- before that he would be called upon to take
ing a small holding force at the corner, the Coconut Grove when Buna Village fell.
Company K moved forward against the Smith and his executive officer, Maj. Roy F.
village at 0700. Company I was in support Zinser, lost no time therefore in preparing a
on Company K's left flank, and one of its plan for its reduction. Since the jungle front-
platoons covered Company K's left rear. ing the grove was split by an open grassy
The advance continued steadily and cau- area, the plan called for one company of
tiously. There was no opposition. By 1000 the battalion to attack on the right under
the entire area was overrun. Moving slowly Smith and a second company to attack on
and warily because they feared a trap, the the left under Zinser, whose unit was to
troops soon discovered that none existed. make the main effort.
They found no Japanese anywhere in the About 1300 on 15 December General
village. After all the bitter fighting that had Byers came to Colonel Smith's CP, west
raged on the outskirts, the village had fallen of the grove, and told him he was to attack
without the firing of a single enemy shot.59 at once. Smith's battalion numbered about
The village was a mass of wreckage. Its 350 men at the time, but they were scattered
few huts had been blown to bits; the coconut along a 1,750-yard front all the way from
palms in the area were splintered and the apex of the Triangle and along the left
broken by shellfire; and there were craters bank of Entrance Creek to a point just be-
and shell holes everywhere. The bunkers still low Musita Island. Not counting a platoon
stood, despite evidence of numerous direct of heavy machine guns from Company H
hits registered upon them by the artillery. which was to play a supporting role, Smith
The Japanese had left little equipment and had less than 100 men immediately avail-
food behind: a few guns, some discarded able for the attack: about 40 men from
clothing, a supply of canned goods, and a Company E; about 20 men from a Com-
store of medical supplies.60 pany F platoon; 15 or 20 men from Bat-
Thus anticlimactically had Urbana Force talion Headquarters Company; and about
taken its first objective. The Coconut Grove 15 men from the Regimental Cannon Com-
remained as the only position on the left pany who happened to be in the immediate
bank of Entrance Creek still in Japanese area. Smith requested more troops, and
hands. This labyrinth of trenches and specifically asked for the rest of Company
bunkers was next. F, which was then in the Siwori Village area
protecting the left flank. General Byers
The Reduction of the Coconut Grove found it impossible to give Smith the men
he asked for, and the attack was ordered to
Lt. Col. Herbert A. Smith, commanding begin at 1500 with those he had available.
officer of the 2d Battalion, 128th Infantry, Smith divided his available strength in
59 half. He gave Zinser the platoon of Com-
127th Inf Tact Hist, Papuan Campaign, 12, 13,
14 Dec 42. pany F, most of the troops from Battalion
Msg, Col Tomlinson to Col Howe, Ser 3096, 14 Headquarters Company, and a few men
Dec 42, 127th Inf CT Tact Hist, Papuan Cam-
paign, 14 Dec 42; Durdin, The New York Times, from the Cannon Company detachment.
17 Dec 42. He himself took Company E and a few men

from each of the other units. The two forces went. In this fighting Major Zinser demon-
moved out quickly to their respective points strated conspicuous leadership, but it fell to
of departure. At 1510, with the troops in two men of Company E on the right—Cpl.
position and ready to go, Colonel Mc- Daniel F. Rini and Pvt. Bernardino Y.
Creary's mortars opened up on the grove.61 Estrada—to clear out the main position.
The mortar preparation, about 100 Rini and Estrada, members of the same
rounds in all, hit the target area but had squad, had been in the forefront of the
little effect. As one who was there recalls, company's advance. The climax came when
it merely "blew a little dirt from the Japa- Rini, covered by Estrada's BAR, got close
nese emplacements." At 1520 the mortars enough to the main bunker to jump on top
ceased firing, and the troops moved out on and knock it out.
right and left with the help of fire from the That morning Colonel Smith had been
platoon of Company H.62 watching Rini and Estrada from a position
The Japanese had the approaches to the thirty or forty yards behind them, occa-
grove covered and laid down heavy fire on sionally helping them with fire. Just as Rini
the attackers. Progress was slow, but Colo- reached the bunker, Smith was called to
nel Smith's forces were pressed up tight the phone tied to a tree about twenty-five
against their objective by nightfall. A heavy yards to the rear to talk to Colonel Tomlin-
rain fell during the night, drenching the son. He had scarcely lifted the receiver when
troops and filling their foxholes with water.63 he heard shouting from the direction of the
Zinser's force took the initiative next main bunker.
morning. Running into a particularly I sensed [he recalls] that this was probably
troublesome bunker, it pressed into use a the break we were looking for, so I told
flame thrower of the same type that had Colonel Tomlinson that I must get forward
worked so badly the week before in front and see what was happening. I arrived just in
time to see Corporal Rini on top of the big
of Buna Village. The result was the same: bunker and the rest of the squad closing in
the flame thrower "fizzed out and Japanese on it. Later I learned that Rini, after work-
shot it up." 64 ing up as close as he could, had suddenly
After reducing this position with grenades made a dash, jumped on top of the bunker,
and small arms fire, the troops on the left and leaning over had pushed hand grenades
through the firing slits. 65
discovered a very large bunker which com-
manded the American approaches to the Realizing that he would have to move fast
grove. Since the enemy strongpoint was to take full advantage of this turn in the
accessible to both of them, the two forces fighting, Colonel Smith ordered all-out at-
began converging on it from right and left, tacks on the remaining enemy positions.
clearing out intermediate obstacles as they Charging at the head of a squad, Smith
cleared out a bunker in the center, and
2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1510, 15 Dec 42; Ltr,
Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 23 Mar 50; Ltr,
Capt. Joseph M. Stehling of Company E
Gen Byers to Lt Col Roy F. Zinser, 20 Feb 51; Ltr, did the same in an attack on his right. The
Col Zinser to Gen Byers, 1 Mar 51. Copies of last bunkers fell in quick succession, but Cor-
two in OCMH files.
Ltr, Col Zinser to Gen Byers, 1 Mar 51.
poral Rini and Private Estrada were both
Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to author, 23 Mar
50; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 26. Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith to Gen Ward, 20
Ltr, Col Zinser to Gen Byers, 1 Mar 51. Mar 51.

killed in the mop-up which their valor had trated by fire from the heavy machine guns
made possible. Rini was shot by a wounded both east and west of the creek.68
Japanese to whom he was trying to admin- General Eichelberger wrote General Suth-
ister first aid, and Estrada fell not long after erland that night that he was "delighted"
while helping to clear the last enemy posi- with the way Colonel Smith's battalion had
tion in the grove.66 performed in the day's fighting. The battal-
The fighting was over by noon. Thirty- ion was now "high" in his favor, Colonel
seven Japanese were buried by the following Smith had "developed into quite a fighter,"
day, and more were found and buried sub- and the men had "a high morale." "As a
sequently. The cost to the 2d Battalion, matter of fact," he added, "the boys are
128th Infantry, was four killed and thirteen coming to life all along the line."69
Booty included 2,000 pounds of rice and The Scene Brightens
oatmeal, a number of kegs of malt and bar-
ley, a quantity of small arms, several light The Situation: Mid-December
machine guns, and a hut full of ammuni-
tion. One wounded Japanese sergeant was General Eichelberger was right. Despite
taken prisoner.67 considerable losses, widespread sickness, and
As soon as the grove was captured, Col- severe physical discomforts, the troops were
onel Smith sent patrols over a footbridge giving an increasingly good account of them-
built by the Japanese across Entrance Creek selves. By 11 December, after having been
and the Ango-Buna track bridge. Though been in action for only twenty-one days, the
the latter span lacked flooring, its piling and two task forces east of the Girua River had
stringers were still intact. The patrols met lost 667 killed, wounded, and missing, and
no opposition, and two heavy machine guns 1,260 evacuated sick.70 Troop morale had
were immediately emplaced covering the touched bottom during the first week in De-
approaches to the bridges. Late in the after- cember and had stayed there for a few days
noon, while the engineers were repairing the after. By mid-month, however, a distinct
track bridge, an enemy attempt to mass improvement had become manifest. A re-
troops in the Government Gardens, pre- port on morale in the 3d Battalion, 128th
sumably for an attack on the newly won Infantry, submitted to Colonel Martin on
beachhead east of Entrance Creek, was frus- 13 December, noted that the men were tired
and feverish, that their physical co-ordina-
Ibid; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0820, 1140, 1200, tion was poor, that they complained of the
1410, 16 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 106, 16 Dec
42. Zinser, Rini, and Estrada were later awarded
the Distinguished Service Cross; Smith and Stehl- 32d Div Sitrep, No. 106, 16 Dec 42; Msg,
ing, the Silver Star. Zinser's citation is in Hq NGF to 32d Div, Ser 3587, 17 Dec 42; Ltr, Col
USAFFE GO No. 2, 11 Jan 44; Rini's and Estrada's Herbert A. Smith to author, 23 Mar 50; Ltr, Col
posthumous awards are cited in GHQ SWPA GO Zinser to Gen Byers, 1 Mar 51.
No. 9, 19 Jan 43. The Silver Star citations are in Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 16
Hq 32d Div GO No. 54, 14 Jan 43, and in GO Dec 42.
No. 28, 6 Apr 43, of the same headquarters. 32d Div Strength Rpt to Col Joseph S. Bradley,
Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Tomlinson, Ser CofS, 32d Div, Ser 2932, 11 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3
3488, 17 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitreps, No. 106, 16 Dec Jnl. The detailed figures are: KIA, 113; WIA, 490;
42, No. 108, 17 Dec 42; 127th Inf CT Tact Hist, MIA, 64. Warren Force sustained 422 of these cas-
Papuan Campaign, 16 Dec 42. ualties; Urbana Force, 245.

food and of the difficulty of getting rest at had made it possible for the first time to
night. The same report nevertheless com- begin stockpiling food and ammunition for
mented that their "spirits" had "livened-up" a sustained offensive effort.
considerably during the preceding few There were other improvements. The
days.71 sound-power telephone, pressed into use at
There were good reasons for the upswing this time for fire control purposes, was prov-
in morale. The fact that the troops had by ing itself highly efficient within a two-mile
this time learned their business had a great range, and the introduction of the new 4-
deal to do with it. More food and rest, the inch-to-1-mile Buna Map, in place of the
arrival of the 127th Infantry, the victories improvised Buna Target Plan No. 24, was
on the Urbana front, the receipt of mail for already paying the troops dividends. With
the first time since the campaign began, and a more accurate base map, improved com-
the knowledge that tanks and fresh Aus- munications with the forward observers,
tralian troops were coming had boosted and observation from the air, the artil-
morale still further. lery was beginning to give an even better
The supply situation was improving. account of itself. From time to time, it was
More luggers were becoming available, and executing fire missions on bunkers adjacent
General Johns of the Combined Operational to the bridge between the strips, and on
Service Command (COSC) had already de- those flanking the dispersal bays off the
cided to send large freighters into Oro Bay. northeastern end of the New Strip. It was
The airlift was beginning to bring in truly laying down harassing fire on the enemy
impressive tonnages. On 14 December, for front and rear. Direct hits were chipping
example, the air force in seventy-four in- away at the bunkers, but except in the case
dividual flights between Port Moresby and of the 105-mm. howitzer, using shells with
the airfields at Dobodura and Popondetta delayed fuses, artillery had little effect on
brought in 178 tons of high-priority ma- the enemy bunker positions.74
tériel. This was a maximum effort that was On the more strongly defended Warren
never equaled during the rest of the cam- front what was needed, in addition to more
paign, but it indicated what the air force effective artillery support, was special equip-
could do when it extended itself and the ment for the reduction of bunkers. Such
weather was favorable. 72 equipment—routine later on—was simply
The rapidly growing airlift, the opening
of a fourth field at Dobodura, regular 73
nightly deliveries by the luggers, and the 128th Inf Jnl, 0230, 0450, 1232, 8 Dec 42;
0500, 9 Dec 42; 0825, 1838, 1925, 11 Dec 42; Msg,
completion by the engineers of additional Gen Byers to NGF, Ser 2710, 10 Dec 42; Msg, Gen
jeep trails to the front had done more than Eichelberger to Gen Kenney, Ser 3039, 13 Dec 42;
merely make good the supply shortages that 32d Div G-4 Sec, Record of Air Shipments, Rear
Echelon, Port Moresby, Papuan Campaign.
had so long afflicted the 32d Division. They 74
Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 2775, 10 Dec 42;
Msg NGF to Adv NGF, Ser 3630, 18 Dec 42;
128th Inf Jnl, Ser 24, 11 Dec 42; Ser 13, 12 Dec
42; Ltr, Col Horace Harding to Lt Col James F.
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1100, 13 Dec 42. Collins, 4 Jan 43, in I Corps Correspondence File;
32d Div G-4 Sec, Record of Air Shipments, Memo, Col Irwin, 6th Aust Div, for Brig Wootten,
Rear Echelon, Port Moresby, Papuan Campaign; 4 Jan 43, sub: Japanese Strongpoints—Expedients
Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 49. in Assisting Attack, copy in OCMH files.

not to be had at Buna. It was expected that Force issued its first orders relating to the
the tanks, when they finally reached the movement the following day.76
front, would make up for these deficiencies. The orders provided that one troop
(four tanks) of the 2/6 Australian Armored
The Arrival of the Australians Regiment at Port Moresby, and the 2/9
Australian Infantry Battalion at Milne Bay,
Early on 7 December General Herring were to be sent to Buna. The tanks were to
and his chief of staff, Brig. R. N. L. Hop- go forward in the Dutch ship Karsik, a
kins, visited General Eichelberger's head- 3,300-ton, four-hatch freighter of the
quarters at Henahamburi to make arrange- K. P. M. line; the Australian corvettes
ments for the reception of the Australian Colac, Ballarat, and Broome were to carry
troops and tanks that General Eichelberger the troops. The Karsik was to pick up sup-
had been promised on 3 December. General plies and ammunition at Milne Bay before
Blarney had chosen Brig. George F. Woot- moving on to Oro Bay where it was to be
ten of the 18th Brigade (then still at Milne unloaded on the night of 11-12 December.
Bay) to command the incoming Australian The three corvettes would touch at Milne
force. General Eichelberger at once offered Bay on the 12th. After taking on brigade
to put Wootten in command of Warren headquarters and the 2/9 Battalion, they
Force with Colonel Martin as second-in- would make a speedy run northward and
command—an offer which General Herring rendezvous the same night off Soena Plan-
promptly accepted.75 tation just below Cape Sudest with landing
General Blarney had discussed the mat- craft from Porlock Harbor which were to
ter with General MacArthur the day before. ferry the troops and their equipment
The two commanders had agreed that the ashore.77
operation would require at least a battalion Brigadier Wootten reported to General
of troops from Milne Bay and a suitable Blarney on 10 December and received his
number of tanks from Port Moresby. Since instructions. Blarney had decided by that
General Blarney did not have enough small time to send another troop of tanks and
ships to move the battalion, he asked Gen- another infantry battalion to Buna. Of
eral MacArthur to prevail upon the Navy Brigadier Wootten's two remaining bat-
(which up to that time had been unwilling talions, the 2/10th was at Wanigela and
to send its ships into the waters around Porlock Harbor, and the 2/12th was at
Buna) to provide corvettes or destroyers to Goodenough Island. Blarney therefore in-
get the troops forward. On 8 December— tended to draw the additional battalion
the same day that Brigadier Wootten was from the 7th Brigade, which was still at
ordered to report to General Blarney at Port
Moresby—the Navy agreed to provide three 76
Ltr, Gen Blarney to Gen MacArthur, 8 Dec 42,
corvettes for the purpose, and New Guinea in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; NGF OI No. 49, 9 Dec
42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere
and Giropa Point.
NGF OI No. 49, 9 Dec 42; Interv with Col
Rpt, CG Buna Force, pp. 23, 27, 28; Interv Moffatt, 2 Mar 50; The Koninklijke Paktevaart
with Gen Eichelberger, 6 Feb 50; Eichelberger, Maatschapij (K.P.M. Line) and the War in the
Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 44. Southwest Pacific Area.

Milne Bay. However, at Brigadier Woot- ferred to specially constructed barges

ten's request, the 2/10 Battalion, the 18th (which had reached the area a few days
Brigade unit at Wanigela and Porlock Har- before), towed to shore, unloaded, and
bor, was substituted. This change in plan hidden in the jungle. They were reloaded
made it necessary to move the battalion of on the barges the next night and then towed
the 7th Brigade to Wanigela and Porlock by luggers to Boreo. There they were
Harbor before the 2/10 Battalion could be landed, run into the jungle, and hidden at
sent forward to Buna. The change-over be- a tank lying-up point a few hundred yards
gan immediately in order to permit the north of the village.
2/10 Battalion to reach Buna by the night Brigade headquarters, the 2/9 Battalion,
of 17-18 December. and the commanding officer of the 2/10
Brigadier Wootten flew to Popondetta at Battalion (who had flown in from Wanigela
dawn the next morning, 11 December. the night before) left in the Colac, Broome,
After conferring with General Herring and and Ballarat early on 12 December. Travel-
Brigadier Hopkins, he and Hopkins flew to ing at high speed, the ships reached the
Dobodura where they met General Eichel- rendezous point off Cape Sudest late that
berger. Wootten spent the afternoon recon- night to find Major Moffatt and the eight
noitering the Warren front, and that night, landing craft waiting for them.
while he slept at General Eichelberger's Unloading began at once, but scarcely
headquarters, the Karsik came into Oro had the first seventy-five men, including the
Bay. two battalion commanders, stepped into the
The Karsik had in its hold four light two leading LCVP's when the captain of
American M3 tanks (General Stuarts) be- the Ballarat, the senior officer in charge of
longing to the 2/6 Australian Armored the corvettes, learned that a "large" Japa-
Regiment. It carried also a seven-day level nese naval force, was moving on Buna from
of supply for the 2/9 Battalion. Maj. Car- Rabaul. He immediately pulled the cor-
roll K. Moffatt, an American infantry offi- vettes back to Porlock Harbor with the rest
cer serving with the COSC, supervised the of the troops still aboard.79
unloading. He had just reached the area The two loaded landing craft let the
from Milne Bay with six Higgins boats troops off at Boreo, and all eight craft made
(LCVP's) and two Australian barges, the for the Oro Bay area, their hiding place
first Allied landing craft to reach the com- during the day. Just before they reached it,
bat zone. The actual unloading was done they were bombed by patrolling Australian
by troops of the 287th U. S. Port Battalion aircraft, which mistook them for Japa-
who had come in on the Karsik. They did nese—an understandable error since the
the job quickly, and, the ship got away pilots had not been told to look out for
safely before daylight. The tanks were trans- Allied landing craft, and the Allies had up
to that time had no landing craft of any
NGF OI No. 51, 11 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns
18th Inf Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Cape Endaia-
Point. Since Wanigela and Porlock Harbor were dere and Giropa Point; Interv with Col Moffatt, 30
only a short distance from Buna, the transfer of the Oct 49. The enemy force was the one bearing Gen-
2/10th to the front by corvette could be made eral Oda and the 1st Battalion, 170th Infantry,
quickly once it had been relieved by the battalion which was to reach the mouth of the Mambare the
of the 7th Brigade. following morning.

THREE GENERALS CONVALESCING in an Australian hospital, December 1942.

Left to right, Generals MacNider, Waldron, and Byers.

kind in the area. One LCVP was sunk, and landing craft off Cape Sudest as planned,
another had to be beached, a total loss. the corvettes landed the troops at Oro Bay,
Nine crew members were wounded, and a full day's march away. The Japanese na-
one died before he could reach a hospital.80 val force was still in the area and unac-
The corvettes returned the following counted for, and the corvettes had no inten-
night. Instead of rendezvousing with the tion of running into it, especially with troops
The Australian troops reached Hariko
Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Cape Endaia-
dere and Giropa Point; Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 the following night. The next morning—15
Oct 49; Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 165, December—they moved up to their perma-
166. General Kenney's story of the bombing is in- nent bivouac area about a mile north of
accurate in that he says that no one was hurt, and
fails to mention that, in addition to the one craft Boreo and a quarter-mile inland. That night
sunk, a second was rendered useless and had to be the Karsik came in again to Oro Bay, with
abandoned. The figures given are from records kept
by Colonel Moffatt, who was in charge of the land-
100 tons of cargo and a second troop of
ing craft. tanks. As in the case of the first tank move-

ment, the four tanks were put aboard General MacArthur had been urging
barges, towed to Boreo, unloaded, and General Eichelberger to speed his prepara-
moved up the beach to the tank park. With tions,84 and Eichelberger had done his best
the first four tanks they were organized into to comply. The attack General MacArthur
a composite unit: X Squadron of the 2/6 had asked for was now ready. Warren Force
Armored Regiment.
81 was to move out on the 18th with tanks; its
On 16 December Advance New Guinea successive objectives were Duropa Planta-
tion and Cape Endaiadere (including a
Force moved to Dobodura from Popon-
bridgehead across the mouth of Simemi
detta. General Byers was wounded while in
Creek), the New Strip, and the Old Strip.
the front lines during the attack on the Urbana Force was to attack on the 19th—
Coconut Grove, and General Eichelberger, D plus 1. It was to storm the Triangle, cut
as the only U.S. general officer present, took through to the coast, and seize the track
command of the American forces at the junction between Buna Mission and Giropa
front.82 The next day, 17 December, after Point, thereby isolating the one from the
consulting with General Eichelberger, Brig- other, and exposing both to attack on their
adier Wootten took over command of the inward flanks.85 Captain Yasuda and Colo-
Warren front, and Buna Force set 18 De- nel Yamamoto were now each faced with a
cember as D Day. double envelopment, and both were about
to be caught in a pincers from which there
was no escape.
Rpt of Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Cape Endaia-
dere and Giropa Point; Interv with Gen Eichel- Tel Msg, Brig Hopkins to 32d Div, Ser 3227,
berger, 6 Feb 50; Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 15 Dec 42; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 3426,
49; Hist Port Det E, COSC, Buna. 17 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Cape
Rpt, CG Buna Force, p. 27; Eichelberger, Our Endaiadere and Giropa Point.
Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 41. Byers, who was Ltr, Gen MacArthur to Gen Eichelberger, 13
wounded immediately after his troops jumped off, Dec 42, copy in OCMH files.
was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross nine NGF OI No. 53, 16 Dec 42; Buna Force FO
days later. The citation is in GHQ SWPA GO No. No. 3, 17 Dec 42; 18th Aust Bde Gp Opns Orders
63, 24 Dec 42. No. 1, 17 Dec 42.

Warren Force Takes the Initiative

On 18 December, the day appointed for Australian tank men found the plantation
the tank-infantry attack in the Duropa Plan- area and the New Strip entirely suitable for
tation—New Strip area, New Guinea Force tank action. The plan of attack on the
ordered the construction of a road from Warren front therefore called for the main
Oro Bay to the airfields at Dobodura. Engi- body of the tank squadron, closely followed
neer troops to build the road and port de- by two companies of the 2/9 Battalion, to
tachment troops to operate the port left attack in the Duropa Plantation, straight up
Gili Gili for Oro Bay the same day in the the coast to Cape Endaiadere. The 3d Bat-
K. P. M. ship Japara.1 Such a road, in con- talion, 128th Infantry, was to mop up im-
junction with the port, would make it pos- mediately to the rear. After taking the cape,
sible to base bomber and fighter aircraft the attackers would then wheel west to the
north of the Owen Stanley Range for the line of Simemi Creek and emerge on the
first time. It would serve to seal off Port enemy's rear by securing a bridgehead
Moresby from attack and help write the across the creek near its mouth. The New
doom of the Japanese garrisons in the Huon Strip would be attacked simultaneously
Peninsula. The establishment of the port from south and east. The 1st Battalion,
and the construction of the road—prerequi- 126th Infantry, was to move on the bridge
sites to the enjoyment by the Southwest between the strips from its position immedi-
Pacific Area of the fruits of victory at ately to the south of it. Preceded by the rest
Buna—were, in short, being undertaken of the tanks and supported by the 1st Bat-
even as the victory was being won. With talion, 128th Infantry, another company
tanks finally on hand for the reduction of from the 2/9 Battalion would meanwhile
the Japanese positions in the Duropa Plan- attack at the eastern end of the strip, cut
tation and behind the New Strip, that vic- through the dispersal bays, and advance on
tory could not be far off. the bridge between the strips via the
northern edge of the New Strip. (Map 13)
The Advance to Simemi Creek A heavy artillery and mortar preparation
was to precede the attack. Augmenting the
Preparing the Tank Attack 105-mm. howitzer south of Ango, the 25-
pounders on either flank, and the two 3.7-
As General Harding had concluded in inch mountain guns just below the western
November when he first asked for tanks, the
end of the New Strip, at least one 25-
NGF OI No. 54, 18 Dec 42; Interv with Col
Moffatt, 30 Oct 49; Hist Port Det E, COSC, Buna, pounder was to be moved up close to the dis-
abstract in OCMH files. persal bays at its eastern end in order to

bring the bunkers in that area under direct close-in artillery and mortar preparation,
fire. The 2/10 Battalion (which was ex- and both the infantry and the tanks would
pected to arrive on the night of D Day) was gain maneuver space in the attack.4
to take over the 2/9 Battalion's bivouac area
and be committed to action upon order from The First Day
Brigadier Wootten.2
At 1800 on the night of the 17th, X The attack went off as planned. Early the
Squadron—seven tanks, less one tank in re- following morning between 0600 and 0645
serve—began moving up to the line of de- the 1st and 3d Battalions, 128th Infantry,
parture. The sound of aircraft was to have withdrew quietly 300 yards to their ap-
covered the rumble of the tanks as they pointed positions. At 0650 Allied air began
moved up to the starting line, but the planes bombing and strafing, and every artillery
did not materialize. Instead, the 1st and 3d piece and mortar on the front opened up on
Battalions, 128th Infantry, laid down a the enemy positions. During this ten-minute
mortar barrage to drown out the roar of the preparation the 2/9 Battalion under its com-
motors and the clank of the treads. The mander, Lt. Col. Clement J. Cummings,
expedient was successful. Even though the passed through Colonel MacNab's and
Japanese had patrols very close to the area Major Clarkson's troops and arrived at the
in which the tanks were arriving, no alarm taped-out line of departure just forward of
was aroused.3 the Americans. At 0700 the artillery and
The American troops were then pressed mortar barrage ceased, the planes stopped
up tight against the Japanese line, in most bombing, and the Australians with tanks in
cases less than fifty yards from the nearest the lead moved out.
enemy bunker. They were to withdraw Three companies of the 2/9th—A, D, and
about 300 yards to the rear, just behind the C—were committed to the attack; the re-
Australian line of departure that was marked maining company—Company B—was left
that night with white tape. Thus the attack- in reserve. Companies A and D, and five
ing Australians and supporting American tanks pushed straight north up the coast, on
troops would not be endangered by the a two-company front. After jumping off with
the other companies, Company C spear-
headed by two tanks wheeled northwestward
Buna Force, Instructions to Warren Force in and attacked the enemy bunkers in the area
Projected Opns, 15 Dec 42, Ser 3226, in 32d Div off the eastern end of the New Strip. As soon
G-3 Jnl; NGF OI No. 53, 16 Dec 42; 18th Bde
Gp OI No. 1, 17 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, as the Australians had left the line of depar-
Ser 685, 17 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 13, ture, Colonel MacNab's and Major Clark-
14, 17 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1300, 17 son's troops began moving forward north
Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape En-
daiadere and Giropa Point. and west in support of the attacking Aus-
Tel Msg, Gen Eichelberger to Adv NGF, Ser tralians. Major Beaver meanwhile kept up
3451, 17 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, a steady pressure on the bridge area at the
128th Inf, Jnl, 1554, 1853, 17 Dec 42; 3d Bn,
128th Inf, Jnl, 1554, 1853, 17 Dec 42; 128th Inf
other end of the strip, supported by fire from
Jnl, 1815, 1840, 1900, 2103, 17 Dec 42; Rpt on
Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa
Point. Ltr, Gen Martin to Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51.

MAP 13

the 3.7-inch mountain guns of the O'Hare adere was a brilliant success. Taking Colonel
Troop.5 Yamamoto's 144th and 229th Infantry
Even though the heavy artillery and mor- troops completely by surprise, the tanks and
tar preparation failed to destroy the enemy the fresh Australian troops advancing be-
bunkers, the coastal attack on Cape Endai- hind them made short work of the Japanese
Tel Msgs, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Sers 3529, 3563,
positions in the plantation which had so
3609, 18 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th long held up the attack on the coastal flank.
Inf, Jnl, Sers 685, 686, 17 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th As Colonel MacNab, who was on the
Inf, Jnl, Sers 11, 13, 14, 17 Dec 42, Sers 2, 4, 6,
10, 16, 18 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 110, 18
scene waiting to go in with his battalion,
Dec 42. described it,

The tanks really did that job. They ap- The two Australian companies took
parently completely demoralized the Japs . . . heavy casualties as they overran the suc-
[who] fought like cornered rats when they cessive Japanese positions. Two tanks were
were forced into the open [as a result of] hav- lost—one to a Molotov cocktail, and the
ing their fires masked when the tanks broke
other when its motor failed as it skirted a
through their final protective line. . . . There
were few holes knocked in the bunkers except burning enemy dump, but so well did the
where the tanks stood off and blasted them at attack go that the Australians had reached
short range with their 37-mm. guns.6 the cape within the hour. Without delay
they headed west and began moving on the
Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 25 Nov 49. next objective, Strip Point, with the three

remaining tanks. About 500 yards west of drew along the northern edge of the strip to
Cape Endaiadere they encountered a new bunkers near the bridge. Their position, as
enemy line whose bunkers and blockhouses well as that of the engineer and antiaircraft
had escaped the artillery bombardment. troops whom they reinforced, was now ex-
Here they again met stiff resistance. They tremely precarious. The whole bridge area
fought hard to reduce this new Japanese and the few still-unreduced bunkers south
strongpoint but could advance no farther of the bridge had been under heavy fire
that day. during the day from Major Beaver's mor-
Colonel MacNab's battalion had mean- tars, the mountain guns of the O'Hare
while pushed forward. There were more Troop, and the 105-mm. howitzer south of
Japanese left in the coastal area than ex- Ango, which for the first time in the cam-
pected, and the opposition was relatively paign had ammunition to spare.7
heavy. The battalion finished mopping up The 2/9 Battalion lost 160 men in
by evening and established an all-around the day's fighting—49 killed and 111
defense perimeter in the plantation extend- wounded—and the tank squadron lost two
ing from its former front line to a point just of its seven tanks, but the day's gains had
below Cape Endaiadere. been decisive. The enemy's line in the
The attack on the enemy positions off the Duropa Plantation—New Strip area had
eastern end of the New Strip had not gone been broken, and his defenses had been
as well as that on Cape Endaiadere. Com- overcome in the area east of Simemi Creek.
pany C, 2/9 Battalion, and the two tanks As the mopping up proceeded and the
were stopped in their tracks only a short construction of the enemy bunkers in the
distance from the line of departure. Reserves area was examined, it became apparent that
were called for. Company B, 2/9 Bat- infantry, with the weapons and support that
talion—Colonel Cummings' reserve com- the 32d Division had, could probably never
pany—was brought up, and the 1st Bat- have reduced the enemy line alone. General
talion, 128th Infantry, was ordered in on Eichelberger put his finger squarely on the
both flanks. Despite these reinforcements, difficulty in a letter to General Sutherland.
the Japanese still held to their positions, and "I know General MacArthur will be glad
soon put one of the tanks temporarily out to know," he wrote, "that we found con-
of action by damaging its vision slits with crete pillboxes with steel doors, interlocked
machine gun fire. in such a way that it would have been
At 1600 the three tanks from the north almost impossible for [infantry] unassisted
flank and the tank that had been in reserve to get across." Two days later he made his
were committed to the action. Again the two meaning plainer when, in the course of
Australian companies attacked, supported praising Brigadier Wootten for doing a fine
as before by Major Clarkson's battalion. 7
Msgs, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Sers 3539, 3563,
After two hours of bitter fighting, they 3566, 3579, 3591, 3601, 3609, 18 Dec 42, in 32d
finally overran the strongpoint. It was Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 692, 693,
697, 709, 712, 714, 18 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf,
found to be made up of twenty pillboxes, Jnl, Sers 38, 48, 49, 73, 18 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th
several of them of concrete and steel con- Inf, Jnl, 0840, 0930, 1250, 18 Dec 42; 128th Inf,
struction. Pulling back just in time, the Jnl, Sers 24, 28, 41, 55, 57, 59, 85, 18 Dec 42; Rpt
on Opns 18th Inf Bde at Cape Endaiadere and
enemy troops less a small rear guard with- Giropa Point.

GENERAL STUART LIGHT TANKS M3 manned by the 2/6 Australian Armored

Regiment, December 1942.

job, he added, "I am glad he has the tanks companies, came in from Porlock Harbor
to help him. I do not believe he or anyone by corvette. The incoming troops took over
else would have gone very far without the bivouac area previously occupied by the
them." 8 2/9 Battalion, and went into brigade
The Push Westward The 19th was comparatively quiet. Two
Australian 4.5-inch howitzers (the Stokes
On the evening of 18 December Brigadier Troop), which had been flown in on the
Wootten was given permission to use the 18th, went into action south of the O'Hare
next day for regrouping his troops, and later Troop below the bridge, and several con-
the same night the 2/10 Battalion, less two 9
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 18
Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 18 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape
Dec 42, 20 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files. Endaiadere and Giropa Point.

centrations were fired during the morning and pushed to shore, where they were sub-
on newly located bunkers in the bridge sequently used as a floating dock. Unload-
area.10 The two Australian companies that ing was accomplished in record time, and
had been operating off the eastern end of the Japara was out of harm's way before
the strip moved north to join the rest of the daylight.12
2/9 Battalion in front of Strip Point. Then, Early on 20 December, following a heavy
as Major Clarkson's troops moved forward artillery preparation, the 2/9 Battalion with
along the northern edge of the strip to join four tanks attacked the enemy positions east
Beaver's men in front of the bridge, the 3d of Strip Point. After a fight that lasted all
Battalion, 128th Infantry, faced west, and day, the enemy opposition was overcome,
began moving with the 2/9 toward Simemi and the 2/9 Battalion and units of the 3d
Creek, its right flank in contact with the Battalion, 128th Infantry, operating im-
Australian left.11 mediately to the south, began moving for-
The corvettes brought in the rest of the ward to the right bank of Simemi Creek.
2/10 Battalion from Porlock Harbor that Company I, on the far left, ran into a sizable
night, and the Japara came into Oro Bay Japanese force before it reached the river
the same night with U.S. troops and cargo. bank. A heavy fire fight ensued, but the
Troop commander on the Japara was Col. company, with the aid of Company C, 2/9
Collin S. Myers, who upon arrival became Battalion, on its right, cleared out the enemy
Commander COSC, Oro Bay. The ship pocket and pushed on to the bank of the
carried 750 tons of cargo. Also on board creek. By the end of the day only a small
were additional port battalion troops and finger of land, extending into the mouth of
an advance echelon of the 43d U.S. Engi- the creek, remained in enemy hands.
neers, the unit which was to build the road Thus far, the M3 tanks had performed
between Oro Bay and Dobodura. well. West of Strip Point, however, the ter-
The Japara had brought in a number of rain turned very marshy, and the tanks,
Australian ponton barges for use in unload- fourteen tons dead-weight and never noted
ing operations. The barges were quickly for their tractive power, began to bog down.
lowered over the side, piled high with cargo, One had to be abandoned, and a second was
mired so badly it could not be extricated
until the following day when the attack on
Msg, Adv NGF to NGF, Ser 3630, 18 Dec 42;
the Japanese in the finger at the mouth of
Tel Conv, Col Bowen, G-3 Buna Force, to Lt Col the creek was resumed.
G. A. Bertram, Adv NGF, Ser 3760, in 32d Div G-3 In the New Strip area the last pocket of
Jnl; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, pp. 74, 75, 76A; 32d
Div Rpt of Arty, Papuan Campaign.
Japanese resistance was mopped up on 20
Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 3737, 19 December. The Clarkson and Beaver forces
Dec 42; Tel Msg, 32d Div to Adv NGF, Ser 3760, made contact early in the morning and by
20 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th Inf, noon had succeeded in clearing out the last
Jnl, Sers 723, 733, 19 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf,
Jnl, Sers 14, 15, 22, 19 Dec 42; Buna Forces Sitrep,
of the enemy bunkers in front of the bridge.
G-3, 19 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Fighting a skillful delaying action, Col-
Endaiadere and Giropa Point. Company K, 128th
Infantry, had lost so many men by this time that it
was attached as a platoon to Company I. Ltr, Col Hist Port Det E, COSC, Buna; Interv with Col
MacNab to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51. Moffatt, 30 Oct 49.

onel Yamamoto had by this time managed only the creek but heavy swamp on either
to get the bulk of his remaining troops, side of it, seemed the best solution. But this
mostly from the 229th Infantry, across the too presented difficulties since the Japanese
creek. They had made the crossing at two had blown a large gap in the bridge and
principal points. Those who had fought in were covering it with several machine guns
the New Strip area used the bridge, and and forty or fifty riflemen.14
those who had survived the Duropa Plan- A patrol of the 1st Battalion, 128th Infan-
tation-Strip Point righting forded the shal- try, attempted to cross the bridge just before
lows at the mouth of the creek. Colonel noon on 20 December. Intense fire drove it
Yamamoto took great pains to guard this off before it could even reach the eastern
crossing, for it was the only place along the end. Later in the day, a few men of the
entire length of the creek where troops could Ammunition and Pioneer platoon of the 1st
readily wade over. A Japanese strongpoint Battalion, 126th Infantry, under their com-
on a tiny island at the mouth of the creek manding officer, 1st Lt. John E. Sweet, tried
was heavily reinforced, and emplacements to put down a catwalk across the hole in the
sited to fire across the shallows were set up bridge, under cover of smoke shells from
on the west bank of the creek to deal with two 37-mm. guns. With two of his men,
any attempt by the Allies to cross at that Sweet moved out in the face of the enemy
point.13 fire and started laying the catwalk, only to
find that it had been cut about six inches
Crossing the Creek too short.16
Seeing the failure of the attempt to close
The Problem the gap in the bridge, Colonel Martin at
once proposed a second attempt, this time
It was not immediately clear how the
Allies were to cross the creek. Tanks could
not negotiate the shallows, and an attempt 14
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 760, 764, 767, 768,
to have troops attack in that area would cost 20 Dec 42, Sers 787, 788, 21 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th
many lives. An assault across the bridge, Inf, Jnl, 1315, 1330, 20 Dec 42, 0210, 21 Dec 42;
Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
which was 125 feet long and spanned not Giropa Point; Hist 114th Engr Bn ( C ) , Papuan
128th Inf Jnl, 1150, 20 Dec 42. During the
withdrawal, a member of the patrol was seriously
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 749, 757, 760, 764, wounded and fell directly in the enemy's line of
765, 767, 20 Dec 42, Sers 785, 787, 788, 21 Dec 42; fire. A second member of the patrol, Pvt. Steve W.
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0857, 1315, 1747, 1817, 1205, Parks, turned back and braved the bullets to carry
1210, 20 Dec 42; Buna Force G-3 Daily Periodic the wounded man to safety. Parks was later
Rpt, 20 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita-
Endaiadere and Giropa Point; 18th Army Opns I, tion is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 36, 1 Jul 43.
21, 29; Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 18 Apr 50. 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 772, 774, 20 Dec
There are no figures as to the number of men Colo- 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 1230, 1315, 1320, 1813, 20 Dec
nel Yamamoto had left when he began crossing the 42; Hist 114th Engr Bn ( C ) , Papuan Campaign;
creek. However, I Corps overlays identify all four Interv with Lt Col Clifton P. Hannum, 18 Jan 51.
companies of the 3d Battalion, 229th Infantry, and Hannum, then a lieutenant and Major Beaver's
Battalion Headquarters as being on the Old Strip, S-3, witnessed the abortive attempt to bridge the
and the subsequent fighting on the strip would seem gap in the bridge. Sweet was later awarded the
to indicate that Yamamoto had managed to get a Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in Hq
substantial part of his command across the creek. USAFFE GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43.

SIMEMI GREEK AREA west of the New Strip. Note swampy terrain and water-filled
shell holes.

with the aid of one of Brigadier Wootten's heavy swamp, full of prickly, closely spaced
tanks. While the troops were laying the sago palms eighteen to twenty feet high.18
catwalk, Martin suggested, the tank would Ordered by Colonel Martin to find a
suddenly engage the enemy bunkers at the crossing, Major Beaver sent a patrol into the
other end of the bridge and draw their fire. creek late that afternoon. The men tried
Brigadier Wootten had other plans for the crossing at a point just north of the bridge.
tanks and the idea was dropped.17 Japanese fire almost blew them out of the
Only one practicable alternative re- water and forced them back to their own
mained: to have troops cross the creek on side of the creek. Beaver tried again late
foot and neutralize the enemy forces at the that night, this time picking a spot south of
western end of the bridge when they got the bridge. Company B, 126th Infantry,
was chosen to make the crossing, but its at-
there. At best, this would be a difficult feat,
tempt also failed. The water was too deep
since the creek, except at its mouth, was very
and the enemy too alert. At dawn Colonel
deep, and the approaches to it were through 18
Hist 114th Engr Bn ( C ) , Papuan Campaign;
Ltr, Col Martin to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51. Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, 10 Mar 50.

BRIDGE OVER SIMEMI CREEK. New Strip in the background. (Photograph taken
after bridge was repaired by the 114th Engineers.)

Martin called the whole thing off. It was for the heavy casualties Cumming's battal-
clear that there was no crossing to be found ion had suffered the day before. Wootten
in the bridge area.19 had also ordered Colonel MacNab to look
for a crossing in his area, but his troops tried
The Australians Find a Crossing hard and failed. The 2/10 Battalion, less
the company with the 2/9 Battalion, moved
Strong efforts to find a crossing were up to the front at noon on 20 December,
being made downstream. Brigadier Wootten and its commander, Lt. Col. James G.
had assigned Company C, 2/10 Battalion, Dobbs, immediately gave his troops the
to Colonel Cummings on the 19th, partly task of finding a way across. At 1500 the
to carry out that task and partly to make up following day, after the most difficult kind
Tel Msg, Warren Force to Buna Force, Ser
of reconnoitering during which the men
3812, 21 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th were sometimes forced to move in water up
Inf, Jnl, Sers 765, 767, 782, 20 Dec 42, Sers 785, to their necks, a patrol of Company A, 2/10
787, 788, 793, 796, 810, 21 Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl,
0210, 21 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Battalion, found a practicable crossing at a
Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point. stream bend about 400 yards north of the

SWAMP EAST OF THE BRIDGE between New and Old Strips. (Photograph taken on
26 December 1942.)

bridge. Moving cautiously through the creek The rest of the battalion began crossing
and the treacherous swamp beyond, the at once, using as a marker a galvanized iron
troops emerged on the other side at a point hut on legs, which the Japanese had appar-
just below the lower (or eastern) end of the ently used as a control tower. By the follow-
Old Strip, and there they consolidated. Ex- ing morning most of the battalion's riflemen
cept for a few strands of barbed wire, no were across the creek. Except for a few
signs of the Japanese were found in the mortar shells that fell in the crossing area
area.20 from time to time, they met no opposition
from the Japanese.
The crossing by the 2/10 Battalion con-
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1315, 1330, 20 Dec 42,
0823, 1000, 1510, 1900, 2300, 21 Dec 42; Rpt on tinued through 22 December. By then the
Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa 2/9 Battalion, the attached company of the
Point; Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, 10 Mar 50. 2/10 Battalion, and four tanks had finished
Colonel Teesdale-Smith, then intelligence officer of
the 2/10 Battalion and a captain, was among the the task of clearing the Japanese from the
first to make the crossing. east bank of Simemi Creek. Several enemy

machine guns were still active on the island ently warned in time of the Australian ap-
at the mouth of the creek, but, since they proach, most of the Japanese pulled out of
were difficult to get at and had only a their bunkers before the Australians arrived.
nuisance value, Brigadier Wootten decided By noon the few that were found had been
to ignore them for the moment. killed, and the Australians were able to re-
port "the bridge and 300 yards north neu-
The Repair of the Bridge tralized." The bridge was still under fire
from emplacements on the southwest side of
Final preparations for repair of the bridge the Old Strip, but these could be dealt with
were completed during the 22d. The engi- later when the repairs to the bridge were
neer platoon charged with its repair—the completed, and the Americans and the tanks
3d Platoon, Company C, 114th Engineer crossed.23
Battalion—had finished gathering and haul- The platoon of the 114th Engineer Bat-
ing the needed timbers and other materials talion had begun working on the bridge as
to the bridge site. The timbers, mostly coco- soon as it turned light. Despite heavy enemy
nut logs, were to be put in place, and the fire, first from the bunkers at the other end
bridge secured for the passage next day not of the bridge and then from the Old Strip
only of troops but also of tanks. Major when the Australians cleared the enemy out
Beaver's troops and those of Major Clark- of the bridge area, the work proceeded
son were standing by ready to cross, and speedily and efficiently under the able direc-
four tanks of the 2/6 Armored Regiment tion of 2d Lt. James G. Doughtie, the engi-
were moving toward the bridge to be in neer officer in charge. Cool and imperturba-
position to cross as soon as it was repaired.22 ble under fire, Doughtie was everywhere,
By first light the next morning, 23 Decem- directing, encouraging, and steadying his
ber, the 2/10 Battalion, except for Company men. By noon the repair of the bridge was
C which was still with the 2/9 Battalion, well advanced. Half an hour later Doughtie
was across the creek. Colonel Dobbs, whose had a catwalk down, and in ten minutes the
troops were now to the rear of the Japanese leading platoon of Company B, 126th In-
in the bridge area, at once sent two com- fantry was on the other side of the creek.
panies southward to clear them out. Appar- It was quickly joined by the rest of the bat-
talion. The 1st Battalion 128th Infantry, was
Msgs, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 3914, 22 Dec to cross later in the afternoon; the four tanks,
42, Ser 4030, 23 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Rpt as soon as the bridge was completed and
on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and found capable of bearing their weight. The
Giropa Point; Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, 10
Mar 50. 2/9 Battalion and the 3d Battalion, 128th
Tel Msg, Gen Eichelberger to 2d Lt James G. Infantry, were to remain in position and
Doughtie, 114th Engr Bn, Ser 3759, 20 Dec 42; hold the coast. It was understood that Com-
Tel Msg, Lt Winkler to Col Howe, Ser 4031, 23
Dec 42. Both in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. 1st Bn, 126th
Inf, Jnl, Sers 840, 858, 23 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th
Inf, Jnl, Ser 4, 23 Dec 42; Hist 114th Engr Bn 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 840, 845, 23 Dec
(C), Papuan Campaign. The bridge is described 42; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 24
in the engineer history as having been of "pile bent Dec 42, copy in OCMH files; Interv with Col
construction" requiring the replacement of "one Teesdale-Smith, 10 Mar 50; Hist 114th Engr Bn
bent, new bracing, and decking throughout its ( C ) , Papuan Campaign; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde
entire length." Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point.

pany C, 2/10 Battalion, would be returned erable strength. The area was a warren of
to Colonel Dobbs' command when the trenches and bunkers. The Japanese had
mop-up east of the creek was completed. dug several lines of trenches across the width
of the strip and their trench system extended
The Fight for the Old Strip from the swamp to Simemi Creek. There
were bunkers in the dispersal bays north of
The Situation on the Eve the strip, in the area south of it on the strip
of the Attack itself, and in a grove of coconut trees off its
northwestern end.
As soon as they crossed the bridge, Major Nor did Yamamoto lack weapons. He
Beaver's troops began moving toward the was well provided with machine guns and
strip. Enemy fire from flat-trajectory weap- mortars, and he had at least two 75-mm.
ons and mortars was heavy, and progress guns, two 37-mm. guns, and, at the north-
was slow. Colonel Martin joined the troops west end of the strip, several 25-mm. dual
at 1530. They tied in on Colonel Dobbs' and triple pompoms—a type of multiple
left at 1745 and took up a position along barrel automatic cannon much favored by
the southern edge of the strip. The last drift- the Japanese. Near the northwest end of the
pin was driven into the bridge an hour later, strip and several hundred yards to the south-
and Major Clarkson's battalion was across east he had in position several 3-inch naval
the creek and had moved up on Major guns in triangular pattern connecting with
Beaver's left by 1920. The plan now was bunkers and fire trenches. With still another
to have the tanks cross the bridge and join 3-inch gun north of the strip, Yamamoto
the infantry early the next morning. Upon was in an excellent position to sweep the
their arrival, the 2/10 Battalion, with the strip with fire provided his ammunition held
two American battalions in support would out.
attack straight up the strip. The force would It had been known for some time that the
jump off from a line drawn perpendicularly Japanese had 3-inch guns on the strip, but
across the strip from the galvanized iron the artillery believed that they had been
hut or control tower where the Australians knocked out. The fact that the air force had
had established their first bridgehead on 21 not received any antiaircraft fire from the
December. strip for several days seemed to confirm this
Colonel Yamamoto had had time to man belief. To be on the safe side, it was decided
the prepared positions in the Old Strip area to commit only three of the four tanks. The
and appeared to be holding them in consid- fourth tank would be kept in reserve until
the situation clarified itself.25
Tel Msg, Brig Wootten to 32d Div, Ser 1014,
23 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 1st Bn, 126th Inf,
Jnl, Sers 840, 849, 850, 854, 856, 858, 861, 23 Dec Tel Msg, Maj Ziebell to Col Howe, Ser 4023,
42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 2, 4, 5, 18, 26, 34, 23 Dec 42; Tel Msgs, Lt Winkler to Col Howe,
23 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1135, 1430, 23 Sers 4031, 4051, 23 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Lt Hannum
Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 0915, 1304, 1450, 1530, to Col Howe, Ser 4033, 23 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th
1615, 1723, 23 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp Inf, Jnl, 1135, 1430, 23 Dec 42; 128th Inf, Jnl,
at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point. Doughtie 1450, 1512, 1723, 1745, 1910, 1920, 23 Dec 42;
was later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. 32d Div Sitrep, No. 120, 23 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns
The citation is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 4, 10 Jan 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point;
43. Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, 3 Mar 50.

At dusk of the same night, 23 December, one company of the 2/10th was on the strip
two armed Japanese motor-torpedo-type itself, the 1st Battalion, 126th Infantry,
boats—which may have been the same under Major Beaver, was immediately to
boats that brought General Oda to Giruwa the left, and the 1st Battalion, 128th In-
the night before—rounded Cape Endaia- fantry, under Major Clarkson, was on the
dere and sank the Eva, an ammunition- far left. Beaver's mission was to protect the
laden barge at Hariko, as it was being un- Australian flank; Clarkson's to comb the
loaded by the troops of the Service Com- swamp for Japanese and destroy them.
pany, 128th Infantry. The two Japanese During the first hour the attack went well,
boats then machine-gunned the beach at but it ran into serious trouble just before
2250 with .50-caliber tracer ammunition. 1100. The dual purpose 3-inch guns opened
The Service Company answered with small up on the thinly armored M3's and quickly
arms fire from positions just off the beach, knocked out two of them. The third tank
but the boats got away before heavier weap- went the way of the first two when it turned
ons could be brought to bear upon them. over in a shell hole a few moments later and
Taking no chances, Colonel MacNab at was rendered useless by enemy shellfire.
once began strengthening his beach de- With the tanks out of the way, the enemy
fenses lest the Japanese try something of guns and pompoms began firing down the
the same sort again.26 center of the strip. Company A, 2/10 Bat-
While the Japanese were shooting up talion, had to move from its position on the
Hariko with little result, further down the strip in the center of the Allied line to the
coast at Oro Bay the Bantam, a K.P.M. Australian side of the runway. For the next
ship of the same class as the Karsik and the two days no Allied troops could use the
Japara, came in with two more M3 tanks, strip itself.
and 420 tons of supplies. The ship was Forward observers located one of the
quickly unloaded and returned safely to enemy's 3-inch guns on the left shortly after
Porlock Harbor before daybreak.27 it had fired on the tanks, and the artillery
promptly knocked it out. Because the ob-
The Attack Opens servers were unable to locate the remaining
guns, Brigadier Wootten decided to commit
Early on 24 December the tanks crossed no more M3's to the attack until he knew
the bridge and moved up to the Australian definitely that all the enemy's 3-inch guns
area on the northern side of the strip from were out of action. Without tanks the attack
which the main attack was to be launched. moved slowly against enemy machine gun,
After an artillery preparation with smoke, mortar, and pompom fire.
the troops jumped off at 0950 from a line A light rain during the afternoon further
of departure approximately 200 yards up retarded the fighting. Urged on by Colonel
the strip. The tanks and two companies of Martin and Major Beaver the latter's troops
the 2/10 Battalion were on the far right, pulled abreast of Colonel Dobb's force by
nightfall. The Allies had gained about 450
3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2250, 2320, 23 Dec 42; yards in the day's operations and were about
128th Inf Jnl, 2225, 23 Dec 42, 1105, 24 Dec 42.
Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 49; Hist Port 650 yards up the strip on either side of it.
Det E, COSC, Buna. On the far left Major Clarkson's troops had

met no Japanese, but heavy swamp crippled began amusing themselves by catching fish,
their movement early in the action. They using Mills bombs to subdue them.
were then ordered out of the swamp and
put in line along the southern edge of the The Fighting on the Old Strip
strip, immediately to the rear of Major
Beaver's force. Clarkson's men were to fol- On the Old Strip, meanwhile, there was
low Beaver's, mop up behind them, and ulti- the bitterest kind of fighting. Attempts by
mately take their place in the front line.28 patrols of the 2/10 Battalion to take ground
On the east side of the creek relative tran- from the Japanese during the night were
quillity had descended. The last vestiges unsuccessful. The enemy troops in foxholes
of Japanese opposition were overcome on forward of the bunkers were too alert and
23 December, though not before Colonel determined.
Cummings had been wounded in the breast At 0515, Christmas morning, Company
and arm by a shell fragment from the other C, 2/10 Battalion, reverted to Colonel
side of the creek. Colonel MacNab, whose Dobbs' command and, on Brigadier Woot-
CP was just below Cape Endaiadere, took ten's order, was sent to the far left of the
command of the sector. Because Company
C, 2/10 Battalion, was no longer needed in 29
the area, it was detached from the 2/9 Bat- Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4136, 24 Dec 42;
Tel Msg, Capt Khail, S-2, 3d Bn, 128th Inf, to G-2,
talion and ordered across the creek to rejoin 32d Div, Ser 4195, 25 Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf,
its parent battalion. Jnl, 1738, 2135, 24 Dec 42, 1430, 25 Dec 42; Rpt
on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
The 2/9 Battalion and the 3d Battalion, Giropa Point. Colonel MacNab tells two stories illus-
128th Infantry, improved their Cape trative of the comradeship between his troops and
Endaiadere defensive positions. The Aus- the Australians. On the afternoon of the 24th Colo-
tralian battalion occupied the east bank of nel MacNab visited the 2/9 Battalion, which was
then under his command. On his way back he
the creek and the shore from its mouth to wished a couple of Australian soldiers a Merry
Strip Point; the American battalion took Christmas. Thereupon, in Colonel MacNab's words,
"An older corporal replied, 'I sie Colonel, where
over defense of the coast line from Strip shall I hang me bloody sock?' I replied, 'well away
Point around Cape Endaiadere and south from your foxhole—the Nip may play Santa Claus.'
to Boreo. With no fighting to do for the Sure enough, the Jap bombed us ... that night.
moment, the troops in this sector took time The next morning when I was going up this same
group [intercepted] me. The same corporal reported,
to clean up. Those along the coast were per- 'Colonel, you were too right, see where I hung my
mitted to swim. Some of the soldiers even sock?' He pointed to a sock hanging on a bush over
a new bomb crater about fifty yards away. We had
a good laugh. I am reasonably sure the sock was
hung there that morning."
Tel Msg, Capt R. J. C. O'Loan, ALO, to G-2, The American troops had gotten their Red Cross
32d Div, Ser 4120, 24 Dec 42; Msg, 18th Bde to Christmas boxes on time, but, as Colonel MacNab
32d Div, Ser 4136, 24 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Brig Woot- tells it, "the Aussie boxes, furnished by a volunteer
ten to 32d Div, Ser 4137, 24 Dec 42. All in 32d Div ladies organization in Australia did not arrive. Our
G-3 Jnl. 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 879, 882, 883, men were very solicitous to share their delicacies
884, 891, 893, 895, 24 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, with the Australians. Later, when the Australian
Jnl, Sers 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19, 24 Dec 42; boxes arrived, the woods were full of raucous Aussies
128th Inf Jnl, 0920, 1130, 1225, 1331, 1352, 1405, looking for 'that Yank bastard who gave me most of
1407, 24 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 122, 24 Dec his Christmas.' During both occasions, I never saw
42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere a man eating his stuff alone." Ltr, Col MacNab to
and Giropa Point. author, 18 Apr 50.
AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES, to be moved to the rear by natives,
wait on litters in the Cape Endaiadere area.

Allied line. Its instructions were to move sometimes sinking waist deep in mud. Colo-
through the swamp and threaten the nel Martin went about halfway with them,
enemy's right flank while the Americans gave his final instructions, and returned to
and the rest of the 2/10 Battalion continued the American line. By early afternoon, the
their efforts to push forward frontally. patrol had cut its way around the Japanese
Brigadier Wootten also ordered two pla- right flank and established itself on dry
toons of the 2/9 Battalion to the bridge, ground on the Japanese left rear without
where they were to be available when need- being observed by the enemy.
ed for action on the strip.30 Colonel Martin spent the rest of the after-
The Allies attacked at 0700 after a ten- noon in the front lines trying to get troops
minute artillery smoke barrage. Throughout through to the position held by Hess but was
the day Company C, 2/10 Battalion, made not immediately able to do so. Heavy fight-
very slow progress in the swamp, and the ing developed all along the front, but there
American and Australian companies farther was little change in dispositions except for
to the right had little success against the the flanking movements on the left. By late
well-manned enemy bunker and trench posi- afternoon the Allied line was a shallow V,
tions. Company C, 126th Infantry, Major with the runway still open and the point of
Beaver's leading unit, had scarcely left the the V east of the area where Yamamoto had
line of departure when it was stopped by a most of his 3-inch guns emplaced.
hidden enemy strongpoint somewhere to its The Japanese had meanwhile discovered
front, and Major Clarkson's battalion on that there were American troops in the
Beaver's left had the same experience. dense undergrowth on their right rear. They
Colonel Martin, who was still in the front started sending mortar and small arms fire
lines lending a hand personally in the con- in that direction, but were slow in organiz-
duct of operations, at once ordered a patrol ing a force to drive them out. Company C,
of the 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, into 128th Infantry, under 1st Lt. Donald A.
the swamp with orders to come in on the Foss reached Hess' position before night-
enemy's rear. The patrol returned with a fall. Except for intermittent area fire, the
report that the swamp was impenetrable. unit met no opposition from the enemy.
Convinced that troops could get through the Colonel Martin, who was with the incoming
swamp if they had the will to do so, Martin troops, ordered Foss to launch an attack
asked Clarkson for an officer with "guts" to the next morning on the nearest enemy
take the assignment. Clarkson picked 2d Lt.
George J. Hess of Company A for the task.
Hess left the battalion CP about 0900 with Martin spent as much time as he possibly
fifteen men. Swinging to the left, he and his could in the front lines. At one point in the day's
fighting he climbed a tall tree that overlooked the
men worked their way through the swamp, Japanese positions in order to get a better bead on
enemy troops lurking in the tall grass immediately
to his front. From this vantage point he killed
several of them with a rifle. He was later awarded
Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Sers 4218, 4245, the Distinguished Service Cross. The citation, which
25 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape covers the period 3 December 1942 to 5 January
Endaiadere and Giropa Point. 1943, is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 2, 30 Mar 43.

emplacement about 100 yards to the to deal with an especially formidable con-
northeast.32 centration of bunkers on up the strip.
By the following morning, 26 December, Company A, 2/10 Battalion, and the two
after a very difficult march through the American battalions with it, were left to
swamp, Company C, 2/10 Battalion, was in overcome the strong enemy positions south
position on Lieutenant Foss's left. After a of the strip.
ten-minute artillery preparation, the two Except for this movement on the left
companies attacked the enemy from the flank, little change occurred on the front.
flank at 0702, in concert with the troops at- The center of the line was still about 650
tacking from the front. After close-in fight- yards up the strip. The line itself had the ap-
ing, two Japanese guns were taken, one by pearance of a sickle: the Australian troops
the American company and the other by the on the far right formed the handle; the
Australian company. The guns, installed on Australian and American troops in the cen-
concrete bases, were sited so that they could ter and left center, the blade; and Company
command all approaches from south and C, 2/10 Battalion, on the far left and
east. Each was surrounded by a 4½-foot- thrusting northward, the hook.34
high circular earth embankment, so over- Late that night, while the Japanese on
grown with grass that it was impossible to the Old Strip unsuccessfully counterat-
distinguish it from the surrounding kunai tacked Company D, 2/10 Battalion, on the
grass except at very close range. Bunkers and far right, the Japara came into Oro Bay for
flanking trenches connected with it, but the the second time. It brought in another troop
enemy guns had run out of ammunition. of M3 tanks, the remainder of the men who
Because the left-flank operations gave were to operate the port, and the rest of the
more promise of success than frontal assault engineer troops who were to build the
up the strip, Brigadier Wootten decided to Oro Bay-Dobodura road. Unloading pro-
reinforce his left. Company A, 2/10 Bat- ceeded rapidly, and the ship left before
talion, crossed the runway and took up a daylight.35
position in the left center of the line on
Major Beaver's right, leaving Companies D
and B to deal with the opposition to the 33
Msgs, Lt Winkler to 32d Div, Sers 4269, 4321,
right of the strip. Company C, 2/10 Bat- 26 Dec 42; Tel Msgs, Maj Beaver to Col Howe,
Sers 4288, 4306, 26 Dec 42; Msgs, 18th Bde to
talion, thereupon flanked farther to the left 32d Div, Sers 4300, 4307, 4325, 4333, 26 Dec 42;
1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 923, 924, 925, 935, 944,
Tel Msg, Maj Beaver to Col Howe, Ser 4208, 26 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 126, 26 Dec 42;
25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Maj Ziebell to 32d Div, Ser Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
4217, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Brig Wootten to 32d Giropa Point.
Div, Sers 4281, 4245, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Lt Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Sers 4307, 4333, 26
Winkler to 32d Div, Ser 4274, 25 Dec 42; 1st Bn, Dec 42; Tel Msg, Lt Winkler to 32d Div, Ser 4321,
126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 908, 909, 910, 912, 918, 25 Dec 26 Dec. 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 126, 26 Dec 42;
42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1, 3 through 7, 25 Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 0800, 0950, 1012, 1108, Giropa Point.
1230, 1440, 1902, 25 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 4275, 25 Dec 42;
124, 25 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Msg, Col Collin S. Myers to Col Howe, Ser 4484,
Endaiadere and Giropa Point; Ltr, Gen Martin to 28 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Hist Port Det E,
Gen Ward, 6 Mar 51. Hess was later awarded the COSC, Buna; Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 49;
Silver Star. The citation is in GO No. 37, Hq Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
USAFFE, 12 May 44. Giropa Point.

After an unsuccessful raid on Dobodura Clearing the Strip

early on 26 December, fifty-four Rabaul-
based Japanese aircraft, staging through Thus by 27 December the fight for the
Lae, raided Buna again the following morn- strip was in its last stages. Allied artillery
ing. The raid netted little. Allied losses on fire and pressure on his right flank forced
the ground were three killed and eight Colonel Yamamoto to begin withdrawing
wounded, but the enemy was intercepted to the plantation area around Giropa Point,
by twenty fighter planes of the Fifth Air though a desperately fighting rear guard
Force and lost fourteen aircraft. The Allies tried to keep the fact of the withdrawal
lost one P-38.36 from Warren Force as long as possible. The
The 3.7-inch howitzers of the O'Hare Australian companies moving on the Japa-
Troop below the bridge ran out of ammu- nese positions at the head of the strip from
nition on 26 December and could take no either flank met appreciably less resistance.
further part in the fighting. However, a In the center the Australian and American
25-pounder of the Hall Troop, emplaced troops who, up to this time, had been meet-
early on 27 December at the southeast end ing the most fanatical Japanese opposition
of the strip, more than made up for the loss, noted a similar weakening.38
for this weapon finally broke the Japanese The advance went slowly during the
defense of the Old Strip. The gun had excel- morning of the 27th but accelerated during
lent observation of the enemy positions on the afternoon as the 25-pounder took its
the strip, bringing observed direct fire upon toll of enemy positions. At 1615 Colonel
them. Using armor-piercing projectiles with Martin reported that the enemy was on the
supercharge at about a 1,000-yard range, run. Progress thereafter was rapid. Com-
the 25-pounder not only knocked out one of panies A and D, 2/10 Battalion, and Major
the remaining enemy pompoms but, with Clarkson's battalion, aided by elements of
the 4.5 howitzers of the Stokes Troop, forced Company C, 2/10 Battalion, had things
enemy troops out of their bunkers by their own way that afternoon. They
fire alone—a feat that only the 105-mm. squeezed the Japanese out of the last line of
howitzer had previously been able to trenches across the strip and cleaned out a
accomplish.37 large bunker as well as an even larger dis-
persal bay to the rear of the trenches. At
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1, 26 Dec 42, Ser nightfall the troops in the center—Company
23, 27 Dec 42; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 27 Dec
42; G-3 Opns Rpt, No. 264, 27 Dec 42; 32d Div A, 2/10 Battalion, and Company A, 128th
Sitrep, No. 128, 27 Dec 42; 18th Army Opns I, 31. Infantry—were working on a main enemy
These two raids marked the debut in the fighting bunker behind the dispersal bay—the last
of the 11th Air Regiment, the first Japanese army organized enemy position on the runway.39
air force unit to reach Rabaul.
37 38
Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4433, 28 Dec 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 978, 981, 27 Dec
42; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 4536, 28 Dec 42; 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 1446, 1750, 27 Dec 42; 18th
32d Div Hist of Arty, Papuan Campaign; Rpt on Army Opns I, 27; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at
Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point.
Point. Another expedient used by the troop com- Tel Msg, Maj Ziebell to Col Howe, Ser 4404,
mander was to leave in place the small brass pro- 27 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 982, 984,
tecting caps that came with the fuses, thereby giving 27 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 18, 19, 27
the projectiles a slightly delayed action which in- Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 1225, 1446, 1615, 1621,
creased their effectiveness still further. Ltr, Col 1750, 2000, 27 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp
MacNab to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51. at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point.

The line was rearranged during the eve- by noon of 28 December and the troops
ning. The company from the 2/9 Battalion, began mopping up.
in brigade reserve, was ordered across the It was a bloody business. The remaining
bridge to be available on the strip in case Japanese, cornered and hopeless, fought to
of need. Stretched across the upper third of the end. Hand grenades tossed into their
the strip, the troops were now advancing on holes would be tossed back, and the Allied
an 850-yard front that extended from the troops always had to be on the alert for
edge of the swamp on the left to Simemi frenzied suicide rushes with sword or bay-
Creek on the right. The men were abreast— onet. Some of the bypassed enemy troops
Australian and American units alternating. had taken refuge in trees. In at least one
From left to right the line was held by Com- instance, three Japanese were shot out of a
pany C, 2/10 Battalion, Company B, 128th single tree. In another case half a dozen
Infantry, and Companies D and B, 2/10 Japanese troops were cut down carrying
Battalion, with the other tired and depleted M1's and wearing American helmets and
units in close support.40 fatigues. A few Japanese on the far left tried
That night the Australian freighter to escape by taking to the swamp; they
Mulcra came in to Oro Bay with a troop of were picked off one by one by troops ordered
M3 tanks and 400 tons of cargo. As it un- by Major Clarkson into the swamp for that
loaded and got away, the Japanese in the purpose.42
dispersal bays at the head of the strip again The Allied troops stabilized their line by
counterattacked Company D, 2/10 Battal- noon, 28 December, with Company C, 2/10
ion, on the far right. The Japanese fought Battalion, on the far left, within 200 or 300
hard but, as had been the case the night yards of the belt of coconut palms forward
before, were repulsed with heavy loss.41 of the point. The other companies made
Although Brigadier Wootten still had four only slight gains as they came under ex-
tanks on hand, and seven more were on their tremely heavy fire from the dispersal bays
way from Oro Bay, he no longer needed and enemy emplacements among the trees
tanks for the reduction of the Old Strip. of the plantation. A further attack late in
Heavy fire of all kinds was still coming from the afternoon by Company C, 2/10 Bat-
the dispersal bays at the head of the strip, talion, though supported by artillery, failed.
and still heavier fire from the enemy posi- As evening fell, the Japanese began counter-
tions in the Government Plantation immedi- attacking. They struck against the center of
ately to the rear, but in the area through the line at 1940, while Company C, 128th
which the Old Strip ran and on the strip Infantry, was in the process of relieving
itself, there was little but sporadic rifle fire. Company A, 2/10 Battalion. Joint action
Organized resistance in the area collapsed by both companies repulsed the attack, and
the Australian company took up a new posi-
1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 28, 27 Dec 42; 128th tion on the left.
Inf Jnl, 1446, 1621, 1854, 1930, 27 Dec 42; Tel
Msg, Col Martin to 32d Div, Ser 4454, 28 Dec 42;
32d Div Sitrep, No. 129, 28 Dec 42. Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 4537, 28 Dec 42;
Msg, Col Myers to Col Howe, Ser 4484, 28 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 4, 16, 36, 48, 49, 51,
Dec 42; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4446, 59, 60, 65, 73, 76, 28 Dec 42 ; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde
28 Dec 42; Hist Port Det E, COSC, Buna; Interv Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point; F. Till-
with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 49. man Durdin, The New York Times, 1 Jan 43.

WARREN FORCE MEN AFTER THE ATTACK on Cape Endaiadere, 22 December.

At 2300 the Japanese in the dispersal and wounded twelve, including Lieutenant
bays at the head of the strip unleashed their Foss, Company C's fifth commander in the
third blow in three nights at Company D, five weeks since the fighting began. Since
2/10 Battalion, on the far right. Once again Foss was the company's only remaining offi-
they were repulsed. About twenty Japanese, cer, 1st Lt. Sheldon M. Dannelly, com-
who had apparently been caught inside the manding officer of Company A, 128th
Allied lines, managed to reach the com- Infantry, which was on C's right, took com-
mand post of Company C, 128th Infantry, mand of Company C. Only five of the raid-
at 0400 the next morning without being de- ing Japanese were killed.43
tected. They attacked in the dark with gre- The enemy's counterattacks had gained
nades and bayonets, some yelling, "Medic, him no ground. The Old Strip was firmly
Medic," the call used by American 43
Tel Msgs, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4446, 28
wounded. Several men who were asleep in Dec 42, Ser 4527, 29 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Capt Khail
to Maj Hawkins, Ser 4533, 29 Dec 42; 1st Bn,
the command post area were bayoneted by 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 1001, 28 Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th
the enemy, and other Americans, mostly Inf, Jnl, Sers 70, 72, 75, 28 Dec 42, Sers 3, 13, 29
without weapons, were killed in hand-to- Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 1405, 1914, 2135, 28 Dec
42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 132, 29 Dec 42; Rpt on
hand encounters. By the time the Japanese Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa
were driven off they had killed fifteen men Point; Durdin, The New York Times, 1 Jan 43.

in Allied hands. Warren Force was within bank of Simemi Creek. This step—a climac-
easy striking distance of Giropa Point, the tic one which would put the entire shore
last enemy stronghold on the Warren front. between Giropa Point and Cape Endaia-
The next step would be to take the point dere in Allied hands—Brigadier Wootten
and clear the area between it and the west was to lose no time in taking.

Urbana Force Closes on the Mission

On 16 December, in compliance with attack, and this the projected operations
orders of Advance New Guinea Force, Col- were designed to provide. Seizure of the
onel Tomlinson, then in command of Ur- island would not only make it possible to
bana Force, ordered a platoon of Company bring the mission under close-in fire but
F, 126th Infantry, led by Lieutenant might supply a jumping-off point for a
Schwartz to Tarakena, a point about one direct attack upon it from the south. The
mile northwest of Siwori Village. The move Triangle, in turn, would furnish an excel-
was taken to prevent the Japanese in the lent line of departure for an advance
Giruwa area from reinforcing their hard- through Government Gardens to the sea, a
pressed brethren east of the river. Buna necessary preliminary to an attack on the
Force issued orders the next day for the mission from the southeast.
capture of the island and Triangle. The The fresh 127th Infantry would be avail-
island was to be taken on 18 December, the able in its entirety for these operations. The
day of the tank attack on the Warren front; 3d Battalion was already in the line and had
the Triangle, one day later. An element of been for several days. After consolidating
the 127th Infantry would take the island; at Ango, the 2d Battalion had just begun
what was left of the 126th Infantry, the moving to the front. Companies E and F
Triangle.1 (Map 14) were on their way there, and Headquarters
Company and Companies G and H were
The Search for an Axis of Attack moving forward. The 1st Battalion was still
being flown in and would come forward as
The Situation: 18 December soon as its air movement was completed.
With the 127th Infantry moving up
Capture of Buna Village had narrowed steadily, Colonel Tomlinson reshuffled his
down the ground still held by the Japanese line. Company I, 127th Infantry, took the
on the Urbana front, but the main objective, place of the 2d Battalion, 128th Infantry,
Buna Mission, was still in Japanese hands, in the area between the island and the
and seemingly as hard to get at as ever. The Coconut Grove. The battalion, less the
problem was to find a practicable axis of mortar platoon of Company H, which re-
mained behind, was ordered to Simemi for
NGF OI No. 53, 16 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, a well-earned rest. The 2d Battalion, 126th
Jnl, 1335, 16 Dec 42; Buna Force FO No. 3, 17
Dec 42; Tel Msg, Urbana Force to Col Howe, Ser Infantry, took over in the Coconut Grove
3522, 18 Dec 42. and moved troops into position above and

MAP 14

below the Triangle. Companies E and F, The First Try at the Island
127th Infantry, meanwhile reached the
front and went into reserve. A mixed platoon On 17 December Colonel Tomlinson gave
of the 126th Infantry under 1st Lt. Alfred Company L, 127th Infantry, orders to take
Kirchenbauer began moving to Siwori Vil- the island the next morning. This was to be
lage to replace the 128th Infantry troops no easy task, for the footbridge to the island
there, and the Schwartz patrol of 15 men had been destroyed and the creek was a
started out for Tarakena.2 tidal stream, unfordable even at low tide.
The troops had no bridge-building equip-
2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 1245, 1800, 2200, 18 Dec ment, and the distance from one bank to the
42; Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Cols Grose and Tom-
linson, Ser 3634, 19 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl,
other was too great to be bridged by felling
0700, 1400, 19 Dec 42. trees. One alternative remained: to have

swimmers drag a cable across the stream. to be almost as costly. There was no room
This expedient worked, and two platoons for maneuver in the narrow and confined
and a light machine gun section of the com- area east of the bridge, and no way to take
pany, commanded by Capt. Roy F. Went- the track junction from the south except
land, got across just before noon on 18 by advancing through interlocking bands
December. of fire.
The two platoons, joined shortly there- The plan of assault, profiting from the
after by a third, moved cautiously forward experience gained in an abortive attack on
along the eastern half of the island without the place by Companies E and G, 128th
meeting any opposition. However, when Infantry, on 17 December, called for two
they started moving toward the bridge that companies of the 126th Infantry to attack
connected the island with the mission, they across the bridge from the Coconut Grove,
ran into very heavy fire from concealed and a third company to block the position
enemy positions. In the fire fight that fol- from the south. The jump-off would be pre-
lowed, five men, including Captain Went- ceded by an air strike on the mission and
land, where killed and six were wounded. a preparation on the Triangle itself by
The heavy enemy fire continued, and the Colonel McCreary's seventeen 81-mm.
troops, under the impression that they were mortars, which were in battery about 300
heavily outnumbered, pulled back to the yards south of the bridge to the island.
mainland that night, leaving the island still Since the Triangle was narrow and inac-
in enemy hands.3 cessible, neither air nor artillery would be
used in direct support of the troops lest they
The 126th Infantry be hit by friendly fire.
Attacks the Triangle Some 100 men from Companies E and G,
plus the attached weapons crews of Com-
The attack on the island had failed. The pany H, were to mount the attack. They
attack on the Triangle was next. This nar- crossed the bridge over Entrance Creek and
row, jungle-covered tongue of land set in moved into the bridgehead area at the
the midst of a swamp, and covering the only mouth of the Triangle at 2200, 18 Decem-
good track to Buna Mission, was in effect a ber. Shortly thereafter, the thirty-six men
natural fortress. Improving upon nature, of Company F, the holding force, went into
the Japanese had hidden bunkers and fire position in the area below the track
trenches on either arm of the Triangle and junction. 4
in the track junction itself. To try to storm Beginning at 0650 the following morning,
the junction from the south meant taking nine B-25's dropped 100-pound and 500-
prohibitive losses. To try taking it from the pound demolitions on the mission. They
north by advancing into its mouth by way were followed at 0715 by thirteen A-20's
of the bridge over Entrance Creek was likely which bombed and strafed the coastal track
Tel Msg, Col Howe to Buna Force, Ser 3553, between the mission and Giropa Point. The
18 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Bowen, Ser
3568, 18 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Capt Oliver O. Dixon, Buna Force No. 3, 17 Dec 42; Tel Msgs, Col
S-3 Urbana Force, to G-3 Buna Force, Ser 3580, Howe to Col Bowen, Sers 3568, 3647, 19 Dec 42;
18 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Tomlinson to Col Bowen, Tel Msg, Capt Dixon to Col Bradley, Ser 3631, 19
Ser 3582. 18 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1150, Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Tomlinson,
18 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 18, 19 Dec 42. Ser 3634, 19 Dec 42.

A-20's dropped 475 twenty-pound para- On General Eichelberger's orders the

chute and cluster fragmentation bombs and mortars laid down a concentration of white
fired more than 21,000 rounds of .30-caliber phosphorous smoke in the Triangle at 1415,
and .50-caliber ammunition during the at- and the attack was resumed. The troops
tack. They probably did the enemy a great gained a few yards with the help of the
deal of damage, but their accuracy left much smoke, but were again stopped by enemy
to be desired. A stick of four bombs was crossfire. At 1600 a third attack was
dropped within fifty yards of a bivouac area mounted. This time the mortars fired a 700-
occupied by the 127th Infantry, and a chap- round preparation—some forty rounds per
lain visiting the troops at Buna Village was mortar—but the result was the same; the
hit by bullets meant for the Japanese at men found it impossible to break through
Giropa Point.5 the murderous enemy crossfire. When night
At 0730 Colonel McCreary's mortars, fell and the utterly spent troops dug in, they
which were so disposed that they could drop had lost forty killed and wounded out of the
their shells on any point in the Triangle, 107 men who had begun the attack.7
began firing their preparation. Fifteen min- Obviously in no condition to continue the
utes later Companies E and G attacked attack, the two companies were relieved
straight south under cover of a rolling mor- early the following morning by Company
tar barrage. The barrage did the attacking E, 127th Infantry, and went into reserve
troops little good. They were stopped by with the rest of the 2d Battalion, 126th
enemy crossfire just after they left the line Infantry. Except for Company F, which
of departure. In the forefront of the attack, continued for the time being at the tip of
Captain Boice did everything he could to the Triangle, the troops in the Siwori Vil-
get things moving again, but the crossfire lage-Tarakena area, the whole battalion,
proved impenetrable. Every attempt by the now 240 men all told, was in reserve. The
troops to slip through it only added to the main burden of operations henceforward
toll of casualties. At 0945 Boice was mor- would be on the 127th Infantry.
tally wounded by mortar fire and died
shortly afterward. He was succeeded as bat- The 127th Infantry
talion commander by Capt. John J. Sulli- Takes Over the Attack
van, who had just come up from the rear
with a handful of replacements.6 The attack on the Japanese positions in
the Triangle was resumed on 20 December.
Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Ser 3771, The plan was prepared the night before.
20 Dec 42; Allied Air Forces Opns Rpts, 19 Dec
42, 20 Dec 42, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr, Gen
Since it provided for an artillery prepara-
Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 22 Dec 42, copy in
OCMH files. Tel Msg, Urbana Force to 32d Div, Ser 3700, 19
Tel Msg, Urbana Force to 32d Div, Ser 3700, Dec 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0715, 0730, 0745,
19 Dec 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0715, 0745, 0945, 0945, 1250, 1600, 19 Dec 42; 126th Inf Jnl, Ser 35,
1250, 19 Dec 42: 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 20, 19 Dec 42; 19 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Suther-
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 19 Dec land, 19 Dec 42; 126th Inf CT AAR, Papuan
42. copy in OCMH files; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. Campaign.
29. Captain Boice, who was at the very head of his 32d Div Sitrep, No. 111, 19 Dec 42; 2d Bn,
troops when he met his death, was posthumously 126th Inf, Jnl, 0200, 0700, 1700, 20 Dec 42; 126th
awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita- Inf Jnl, Ser 20, 20 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist,
tion is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 3, 6 Jan 43. 20 Dec 42.

tion, safeguards were taken to ensure that smoke." Though General Eichelberger con-
the artillery did not hit the attacking troops. fessed to General Sutherland that night that
Company E, 127th Infantry, which was to he had been very much worried that some of
deliver the blow was ordered into the Coco- them might be hit, "as this is very thick coun-
nut Grove at daybreak. Its instructions were try and our troops are in close to the junc-
to remain there under cover until ordered tion," not a man was hit by the artillery. Just
across the creek, over which a second foot- as everything seemed to be going well, some
bridge had been built a short distance from "trigger-happy" machine gunners on the
the first. Company F, 126th Infantry, still west bank of the creek, to the rear of the line
in place below the Triangle, was ordered of departure, spoiled everything by opening
to pull back about 300 yards in order to per- fire prematurely. This unauthorized firing
mit the artillery to use the track junction as from the rear threw the inexperienced troops
its registration point. along the line of departure into great confu-
After registering on the junction, the sion. When the troops finally attacked at
Manning battery of 25-pounders and the 1000, they found the enemy alert and ready
105-mm. howitzer, both using smoke, were for them. In an hour and a half of action
to fire on the enemy positions in the track Company E was unable to get within even
junction for five minutes at the rate of two grenade distance of the enemy.10
rounds per gun per minute. A second five- The attack was called off at 1130. Capt.
minute preparation was to follow at a some- James L. Alford, the company commander,
what faster rate. As soon as the registration thereupon proposed a new attempt. Alford's
was over and the first five-minute prepara- proposal was that a reinforced platoon, led
tion began, Company E, covered by smoke by 1st Lt. Paul Whittaker, with 2d Lt.
from the artillery and the mortars, would Donald W. Feury as second-in-command,
dash across the two bridges, form up on the infiltrate the low-lying area in the center of
east bank of the stream at a position south of the Triangle with the help of fire from the
the original crossing, and wait out the artil- rest of the company. When the platoon was
lery fire there. When the artillery fire ceased, as close as it could get to the enemy bunkers,
the mortars, firing a salvo every minute, it would charge and clean them out with
were to place a concentration of forty rounds hand grenades. Colonel Tomlinson sanc-
of white phosphorus on the target. When tioned the plan, but General Eichelberger,
the first smoke shell from the mortars went who was present, vetoed it immediately as
down, Company E was to rush forward, get reckless and likely only to cause useless cas-
within close range of the bunkers under ualties. On Captain Alford's assurance that
cover of the smoke, and clear out the enemy the two lieutenants and the men who were
with hand grenades.9 to make the attack were confident of its
The artillery registered in at 0845. As soon success, the general let the attack proceed.11
as it began firing its first preparation, the
troops dashed across the creek "in a cloud of 10
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 2, 20 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen
Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 20 Dec 42, copy
Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Tomlinson, Ser 3711, in OCMH files; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 20 Dec 42.
19 Dec 42; 126th Inf Jnl, Ser 36, 19 Dec 42. 11
127th Inf Tact Hist, 20 Dec 42.


seated, studies plans for the next attack.

General Eichelberger's original misgivings cent of its strength—in its first day of
were quickly justified. With S.Sgt. John F. combat.12
Rehak, Jr., leading the way, the platoon Colonel Tomlinson called off the attack
managed to get within grenade distance of at 1335, and a badly rattled Company E
the bunkers and charged. The Japanese had spent the next few hours getting its dead and
meanwhile pulled out of the bunkers ap- wounded out of the Triangle—a perilous
parently in anticipation of just such a move. business because the Japanese, taking full
They caught the platoon with enfilading fire advantage of the situation, were laying down
and nearly wiped it out with a few bursts of heavy fire on the rescue parties. When the
their automatic weapons. Seven men, in- 12
126th Inf Jnl, Ser 13, 20 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen
cluding Lieutenant Feury, Lieutenant Whit- Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 20 Dec 42; 127th
taker, and Sergeant Rehak, were killed, and Inf Tact Hist, 20 Dec 42. Rehak was posthumously
awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and the
twenty were wounded. The two attacks had two lieutenants, the Silver Star. Rehak's citation is
gained nothing, and they had cost Company in GHQ SWPA GO No. 4, 10 Jan 43; Feury's and
E thirty-nine casualties—better than 40 per- Whittaker's in GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43.

job was done, the company, less outposts in to get through alive. It became a question
the mouth of the Triangle, withdrew to the therefore of whether it might not be wiser
Coconut Grove where the men were made as to break off the fight and try to find a better
comfortable as the circumstances would line of departure elsewhere for the projected
drive across the gardens to the coast.15
At 1410 Colonel Tomlinson, who was General Eichelberger had made such a
physically exhausted, suggested to Colonel suggestion to General Herring on 19 De-
Grose that he take over command of Urbana cember. Herring saw the point and author-
Force inasmuch as the 127th Infantry now ized Eichelberger to bypass the Triangle if
made up the great bulk of the troops in the next day's attack upon it also failed.16
the line. Grose's reply was that it was not When the attempt on the 20th did fail,
within his authority to assume command. General Eichelberger began immediately to
He told Tomlinson that he could take over plan for a new axis of attack across the
only if ordered to do so by General Eichel- gardens. As he explained the situation to
berger. At 1522 Tomlinson called Eichel- General Sutherland that night: "General
berger and asked to be relieved of command Herring is very anxious for me to take the
of Urbana Force. Realizing that Tomlinson track junction, and I am most willing, but
had been under strain for too long a time, the enemy is ... strong there and is able
General Eichelberger relieved him at once to reinforce his position at will. I am going
and ordered Colonel Grose to take his place. to pour in artillery on him . . . and I am
Grose assumed command of Urbana Force going to continue that tomorrow morning.
at 1700, and all elements of the 127th In- Then I am going to find a weak spot across
fantry not already there were immediately Government Gardens." 17
ordered to the front.14 The next morning General Eichelberger
ordered Company E, 127th Infantry, to
The Attack Moves North contain the Triangle from the north and
Company F, 126th Infantry, to continue
The Plan To Bypass the Triangle blocking it from the south. He then tried a
ruse to lead the Japanese into believing that
It had become perfectly clear by this time another infantry attack on the Triangle was
that the reduction of the Triangle would imminent. To that end, the program of ar-
be an extremely difficult task. Not only did tillery and mortar fire executed the day be-
the troops have no room to maneuver, but fore was repeated exactly. There were the
the enemy's fire permitted not a single man same five-minute intervals of artillery fire
and the same salvos of smoke from the mor-
126th Inf Jnl, Sers 8, 9, 13, 18, 20 Dec 42;
127th Inf Tact Hist, 20 Dec 42.
14 15
126th Inf Jnl, Sers 17, 21, 20 Dec 42; 127th Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 20
Inf Jnl, 1700, 20 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 20 Dec 42; Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 26 Apr 50.
Dec 42. Though no longer commander of Urbana Tel Msg, Brig Hopkins to Col Bowen, Ser 3791,
Force, Tomlinson continued as commander of the 20 Dec 42; Msg, Adv NGF to CG Buna Force, Ser
126th Infantry. Reporting the change to General 3808, 20 Dec 42, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Gen
Sutherland that night, General Eichelberger wrote, Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 26 Dec 42, copy
"I am going to bring Tomlinson in here for a day in OCMH files.
or so to rest him up." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 20
Sutherland, 20 Dec 42. Dec 42.

tars. Company E dashed across the bridge there seemed to be better cover and less
at exactly the same time and in exactly the enemy fire than elsewhere. He therefore
same way as the day before, and, as the first issued orders late on the night of 20-21 De-
smoke shell went down, the men fixed bayo- cember that the bridgehead be established
nets as if to attack, and cheered loudly for there the next day.
two minutes. The Japanese had pulled out Colonel Grose chose Companies I and K
of their bunkers as usual and were in their for the task and early the next morning
trenches braced for the expected infantry began to make his dispositions for the cross-
charge. This time, however, there was no ing. He ordered Company L to move from
attack. Instead, the infantrymen held their its position below the island to the right of
positions and the artillery and mortars Company I, which was already deployed in
poured everything they had into the smoke- the area immediately north of the Coconut
enveloped track junction.18 Grove. Company K, which had previously
General Eichelberger reported that eve- been to the rear of Company I, was ordered
ning that he was sure he had killed a large to go in on Company L's left and to extend
number of the enemy with his "phony at- along the west bank of the creek almost to
tack of artillery and smoke followed by the its mouth. The move brought Company K
fixing of bayonets and a cheer." But he had directly across the creek from the prescribed
to admit that despite all the artillery and bridgehead area and in position to cross.
mortar fire that had been laid down on the From the beginning it was recognized
Japanese positions in the Triangle, and the that Company K's crossing would be more
heavy losses that had been sustained in try- difficult than Company I's. The swift tidal
ing to take it, "our attempts to get the road stream that had to be crossed was less than
junction have all failed." 19 The failure to twenty-five yards wide in Company I's sec-
take the Triangle was no great setback since tor, and the engineers had only that morning
General Eichelberger had already decided finished building a small footbridge there
upon a more promising axis of attack across improvised from a few saplings and a cap-
Entrance Creek in the area north of the tured enemy boat anchored in the center of
Coconut Grove and the Triangle. the stream. In Company K's sector, on the
other hand, the creek was at least fifty yards
The Crossing of Entrance Creek wide at the point of crossing and seven or
eight feet deep. Colonel Grose went down to
Where to establish the initial bridgehead Company K's sector to look things over and
on the other side of the creek was the prob- did not like what he saw. Thinking that
lem. After studying available maps, Gen- there was a possibility that Company K,
eral Eichelberger concluded that the best crossing in Company I's sector, might be
place for it lay in a fringe of woods just off
the northwest end of the gardens where 20
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 20
Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 0800, 21 Dec 42; Interv with
Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Grose, Ser 3793, 20 Col Grose, 15 Nov 50; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to
Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, author, 15 Jan 52.
21 Dec 42, copy in OCMH files; 127th Inf Tact 127th Inf Jnl, 0800, 21 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact
Hist, 22 Dec 42. Hist, 21 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 21 Feb 51; Ltr, [Capt] Alfred E. Meyer to author, 13
Dec 42. Mar 51.

able to work its way under the bank to the Unbidden, 1st Lt. Edward M. Greene,
bridgehead area and establish itself there, Jr., picked up one end of the rope, and with
he telephoned General Eichelberger and several enlisted men started swimming for
asked for more time. In the heat of the the opposite shore. Greene was killed almost
moment, he apparently failed to make clear instantly by enemy fire, and his body was
to the general the reason for his request. In swept away by the current. A few minutes
any event, Grose recalls, Eichelberger was later one of the enlisted men lost his hold on
impatient of any suggestion for postpone- the rope and was swept away. One of the
ment. He refused to give him more time, swimmers finally got the rope across the
and Grose at once called in Capt. Alfred E. river, and the rest of the night was spent in
Meyer, the Company K commander, and getting the heavily weighted troops over in
ordered him to proceed with the crossing.22 the face of the continuing enemy fire. By
At 1600 that afternoon Meyer sent troops about 0200 forty-seven men were on the
into the creek to see if it could be forded. other side of the creek, and when daylight
Not only could they find no crossing; they came the total was seventy-five. Company K
were nearly "blown out of the water" by suffered fifty-four casualties that night—six
enemy fire from the other side of the stream. killed or drowned in the crossing, and eight
Greatly perturbed at being ordered to make killed and forty wounded in the fighting at
what he considered a suicidal crossing, the bridgehead area.
Meyer pleaded with Grose to let him cross Early on the morning of 22 December,
over the bridge in Company I's area. If while Company K engaged the enemy
that permission was impossible to grant, frontally in the bridgehead area and Com-
Meyer requested that he be allowed to cross pany M's heavy weapons covered it with
at night with the aid of ropes, pontons, or fire from the west bank, Company I, under
whatever equipment was available. Colonel Capt. Michael F. Ustruck, crossed on the
Grose, who had already asked for more time footbridge. Finding, as Colonel Grose had
without being able to get it, told Meyer that surmised, that there was a safe and easy ap-
he was to start crossing immediately even if proach to the bridgehead under the bank,
the men had to swim across.23 the company went into position on Com-
Captain Meyer went back to his company pany K's right by 1235 without losing a
and made several attempts to get men man.24
across in daylight, but the enemy fire from Bodies of troops of Company K who had
the other side of the creek proved too heavy. been drowned in the crossing on the night
By nightfall the company finally located a of 21-22 December were to be seen the next
heavy rope, and the attempts to cross were day bobbing in the stream,25 but the cross-

127th Inf Jnl, 2130, 21 Dec 42, 0630, 22 Dec
Col Grose's Diary, 21 Dec 42; Intervs with Col 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 22 Dec 42; Tel Conv, Col
Grose, 15 Nov 50, 1 Feb 51; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger Bowen with Col Grose, Ser 3911, 22 Dec 42; Col
to author, 15 Jan 52. Grose's Diary, 22 Dec 42; Interv with Col Grose,
Ltr, Capt Meyer to author, 13 Mar 51; Interv 15 Nov 50; Ltr, Meyer to author, 13 Mar 51.
with Col Grose, 18 Nov 50; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ltr, Maj Robert P. McCampbell to author, 18
Ward, 2 Feb 51. Jan 51; "A Case History," Time, 4 Dec 44, p. 68.

ing had been accomplished, and there was seven men to stage, as he said, "a heckling
a strong bridgehead on the other side of the party" for the enemy's benefit.
creek. It had been a difficult and frustrat- The patrol succeeded in retaking a corner
ing operation. As General Eichelberger put of the village during the night, but the
it two days later, "When we put K Com- enemy, much stronger than had been antici-
pany across an unfordable stream in the pated, counterattacked and forced it back
dark against heavy fire the other night we across the creek. The patrol suffered fifteen
did something that would be a Leaven- casualties during the encounter, including
worth nightmare."26 Schwartz who was wounded. Command of
the patrol fell to 1st Lt. James R. Griffith.
The Subsidiary Operations He was wounded the same afternoon, and
1st Lt. Louis A. Chagnon of Headquarters
The Situation on the Left Flank Company, 127th Infantry, took over, bring-
ing with him members of Headquarters
While these operations were progressing, Company and the Service Company. Since
there had been a flurry of activity on the he was obviously outnumbered, Chagnon
left flank. On 18 and 19 December the took up a defensive position a few hundred
Schwartz patrol had clashed with enemy yards southeast of Tarakena and awaited the
patrols west of Siwori Village. On 20 De- enemy's next move.28
cember, upon the insistence of General
Herring that the left flank be better secured, The Capture of the Island
Schwartz was reinforced with another
twenty men of the 2d Battalion, 126th In- By 22 December the engineers, meeting
fantry, which was in reserve at the time no enemy interference, had repaired the
below Buna Village. Schwartz's force, now south bridge between the mainland and the
numbering thirty-five, began moving on its island. That afternoon, as soon as the bridge
objective, Tarakena, a small village on the was down, a patrol of Company L, 127th
west bank of Konombi Creek, about a mile Infantry, moved over it and crossed the
northwest of Siwori Village. island without opposition. As the men
The men reached Tarakena early on 20 approached the north bridge between the
December, only to be thrown out of the island and the mission, they began receiving
place by a superior Japanese force. Col. heavy fire. Two platoons of Company F
Frank S. Bowen, Jr., G-3, Buna Force,
immediately ordered forward another mixed 27
Tel Msg, Urbana Force to G-3 32d Div, Ser
unit of thirty-two men from the 2d Bat- 3577, 18 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Bowen,
talion, 126th Infantry. Schwartz got the Ser 3647, 19 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Brig R. N. L. Hop-
kins, CofS, Adv NGF, to Col Bowen, Ser 3791, 20
reinforcements late in the afternoon and Dec 42; Msg, Adv NGF to Buna Force, Ser 3808,
moved on Tarakena at dusk with his sixty- 20 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Urbana Force to G-3 Buna
Force, Ser 3837, 20 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Grose to
Col Howe, Ser 3833, 21 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl,
0815, 1550, 21 Dec 42.
26 28
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 24 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 22 Dec 42; 127th Inf
Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. The reference is to the Jnl, 0800, 0940, 0945, 1805, 2010, 2020, 22 Dec, 42,
Command and General Staff College at Fort Leav- 0800, 23 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 22 Dec 42,
enworth, Kansas. 23 Dec 42.


and a machine gun section of Company M, ing down close-in harassing fire on the
under Lt. Col. Benjamin R. Farrar, then mission and continued to do so day and
serving as S-3 of the 127th Infantry, moved night.29
in to meet the situation. By 1115 the next Now that the island had fallen, General
morning, the last Japanese to be found on Eichelberger had a new axis of advance for
the island had been overcome, and Com- an attack on the mission. All that remained
pany F, its work done, pulled back to the was to get troops across the north bridge
mainland. between the island and the mission and to
Company H thereupon moved onto the establish a beachhead on the opposite shore.
island, bringing with it, in addition to its "Maybe I can get a toehold there," General
heavy weapons, a 37-mm. gun "with plenty Eichelberger mused in a letter to General
of canister." A platoon of Company E, 127th Sutherland. "It might prove easier," he
Infantry, on the village spit (the small pen-
insula east of Buna Village) also had a 37- Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Sers 3942,
3945, 22 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Grose,
mm. gun firing canister. From their separate Ser 3949, 22 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 22 Dec
points of vantage the two units began bring- 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 1015, 23 Dec 42.

added, "than where I now plan to go lage spit laid down heavy fire on the mission
across." during the night, as did the 25-pounders
and the 105-mm. howitzer at Ango. The
The Corridor to the Coast Japanese, in turn, kept the bridgehead
under continual harassment, using moun-
The Attack in the Gardens tain guns, heavy mortars, and antiaircraft
guns depressed for flat-trajectory fire. All
On the evening of 23 December, with the along the line of departure the companies
bridgehead at the northwest end of Govern- remained on the alert throughout the night,
ment Gardens firmly secured, General but the Japanese made no move either to
Eichelberger ordered Colonel Grose to at- counterattack or to infiltrate the American
tack in an easterly direction across the gar- lines.
dens the following morning. Grose had five At dawn of 24 December Company G
companies of the 127th Infantry for the crossed the creek, and the heavy weapons
attack. The plan called for the 3d Battalion crew of Company M took up supporting
rifle units to launch the attack, supported by positions along the bank of the stream.
the heavy weapons crews of Company M Company L replaced Company I on the
disposed along Entrance Creek to the rear left, Company I extended to the right, and
of the line of departure, with some of the Company K, shaken by its experience of
men in trees. Company G would be in re- the night before, went into reserve. Shortly
serve and would go into action upon orders thereafter, the two assault companies, I
from Colonel Grose. and L, each reinforced by weapons crews
There would be no direct air support of Company M, moved into position along
because the troops were too close to the en- the line of departure. At 0600 the artillery
emy. The artillery at Ango and Colonel and mortars began firing their preparation,
McCreary's massed mortars south of the and Company H on the island opened up
island were to lay down a heavy preparation on the mission with all its weapons. Covered
before the troops jumped off, and were to by the rolling barrage, the troops jumped off
follow it with a rolling barrage when the fifteen minutes later on a 400-yard front.32
advance got under way. The troops on the The drive across the gardens to the sea
island and on the village spit would make a had about 800 yards to go. Neglected and
maximum effort to saturate the mission with overgrown with thick clumps of shoulder-
fire, in order to deceive the enemy as to high kunai grass, the gardens extended for
the direction of the attack and to prevent some 400 yards to a swamp about 100 yards
the reinforcement of his positions in the wide. On the other side of the swamp, look-
gardens.31 ing out on the sea, was a coconut plantation,
The troops on the island and on the vil- about 300 yards across, through which ran

Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 22
Dec 42. 127th Inf Tact Hist, 23 Dec 42, 24 Dec 42;
Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 23 127th Inf Jnl, 0956, 24 Dec 42; G-3 Sitrep Buna
Dec 42, 24 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files; 127th Inf Force, 23 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep No. 121, 24 Dec
Tact Hist, 23 Dec 42, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 42; Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 24
0956, 24 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Dec 42, 25 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files; Rpt,
Feb 51. CG Buna Forces, p. 31.

the coastal track between Buna Mission and full use of the many hidden positions at
Giropa Point. their disposal, the Japanese successfully
Captain Yasuda had the area well pre- countered the unit's every attempt to move
pared for defense and could cover nearly forward.35
every foot of it with both observed and un- The fighting was bitter and at close
observed fire. The track through the gardens quarters. While the company was pinned
was covered by bunkers, and on either side down in front of the strongpoint, its 1st
of it, echeloned in depth to the rear and sergeant, Elmer J. Burr, saw an enemy
hidden by the kunai grass, were numerous grenade strike close to Captain Ustruck, who
individual foxholes and firing pits, most of was out in front with his men. The sergeant
them with overhead cover. In the surround- threw himself on the grenade and smothered
ing swamp, north and east of the gardens, the explosion with his body. Burr was post-
were strong bunker positions, and even humously awarded the Medal of Honor—
stronger fortifications were to be found in
the first man to receive the award during
the plantation and along the shore.33 36
For an attacking force, the gardens would the campaign.
have presented great difficulties even had Though Colonel Grose had a temporary
there been no bunkers. One who was there forward CP close to the line of departure—
recalls the situation in these words: so close in fact that Colonel Farrar was
wounded that morning by small arms fire
There was very little cover on the eastward
side of Entrance Creek which forced troops to
while in the CP area—he could not see why
be heavily bunched during the staging period Company I was not moving forward. Maj.
of an attack. The gardens themselves were Harold M. Hootman, the regimental S-4,
very flat, covered by a substantial growth of who was in the CP with him, asked permis-
Kunai grass, and accordingly provided excel- sion to go to Company I and try to find out
lent cover for the Japanese as well as a good what was happening. Grose recalls that he
field of fire. The surrounding swamp areas
were infested with snipers in trees. All of was "a bit flabbergasted" at the request,
which made operations across the Govern- "because it seemed to be the desire of so
ment Gardens a very difficult maneuver. many to find a good reason for going to the
As the two companies left the line of de- rear," but he gave Hootman permission to
parture and began moving through the go and asked him to report his findings to
kunai grass they were met by heavy fire and him when he got back. That was the last
both were held up. The fire was particularly time he saw the man alive. Hootman's body
heavy on Company I's front. The company 35
cleaned out an isolated enemy bunker just G-3 Sitrep, Buna Force, 23-24 Dec; Tel Msg,
Urbana Force to G-3 Buna Force, Ser 4112, 24
forward of the line of departure, but its at- Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 24 Dec 42.
tempts to infiltrate and knock out a main 36
WD GO No. 66, 11 Oct 43. On the same day,
Japanese strongpoint immediately to the 24 December 1942, another member of the com-
rear met with no success whatever. Making pany, Pfc. Albert L. Fisher, who had been evacu-
ated for treatment of his wounds to a point just
behind the front line, saw two men of his unit lying
32d Div Overlay, 24 Dec 42, in 32d Div Over- wounded in an area swept by enemy fire. Disregard-
lays, Papuan Campaign; Buna Defense Plan, Japa- ing his wounds and the continuing enemy fire, Fisher
nese, in Rpt, CG Buna Forces; Interv with General crawled into the open and dragged both men to
Eichelberger, 26 Apr 50; Ltr, Col Gordon B. Rogers safety. He was later awarded the Distinguished
to author, 26 Jun 50. Service Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO
Ltr, Maj McCampbell to author, 26 Aug 50. No. 36, 1 Jul 43.

JAPANESE-BUILT BRIDGE to Buna Mission over Entrance Creek.

was later recovered, rifle in hand, not far Company G in its place. Within the hour,
from a Japanese bunker under circum- Company G reported that the enemy had
stances which suggested that he fell while been cleared out of a three-bunker strong-
trying to take it singlehanded.37 point which had previously held up the ad-
Hootman had scarcely left the CP when vance. Despite this promising start, Com-
news came back that Company I had suf- pany G did not get much farther that day.
fered heavy casualties and become disor- Setting up his command post in the most
ganized. Colonel Grose finally went out to forward of the captured bunkers, the
the company himself and what he saw con- company commander, Capt. William H.
firmed the news. He ordered the unit to the Dames, continued with the task of rooting
rear to reorganize and, at 0950, sent in the enemy out of his remaining bunker po-
sitions. Under an unusually aggressive com-
127th Inf Jnl, 0610, 24 Dec 42; Col Grose's
Diary, 24 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 mander, the fresh company cut through to
Feb 51. the track and straddled it but, try as it

would, could not move forward immedi- Aware of the situation, Colonel Grose at
ately because of the intense fire from the 1028 ordered a platoon of twenty men from
enemy's hidden bunker positions.38 Company A to cross over to the mission
The real disappointment of the day, how- from the island by way of the north bridge
ever, came on the far left, where Company and hold there as long as possible. The Jap-
L was to have made the main penetration. anese were so busy in the gardens that the
Under 1st Lt. Marcelles P. Fahres, Captain troops actually got across the bridge, which
Wentland's successor, Company L was though rickety was still standing. Unop-
given all the aid that was available. The posed at first, the platoon was soon set upon
automatic weapons of Company M along by the Japanese, who killed eight of its mem-
Entrance Creek fired heavily in its support, bers and forced the rest back across the
as did the massed 81-mm. mortars south of bridge.40
the island, first under Colonel McCreary, The diversion appears to have succeeded
and when McCreary was wounded that better than was at first realized. Captain
day, under Col. Horace Harding, General Yasuda's troops by this time were spread
Eichelberger's artillery officer who was act- thin, and he was apparently forced to trans-
ing as division artillery commander. Never- fer troops from the strongpoint at the north-
theless, the company, after making small west end of the gardens to the mission in
initial gains, did not move forward.39 order to meet the new threat there. Feeling
Tel Msgs, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Ser No. the pressure upon it ease, Company L's left
4088, 24 Dec 42, Ser 4090, 24 Dec 42, Ser 4093, 24 platoon, under 2d Lts. Fred W. Matz and
Dec 42, Ser 4099, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 0950, Charles A. Middendorf, began pushing
24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 24 Dec 42. Eichel-
berger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 42. Actually ahead. Meeting little opposition, the platoon
it was a sergeant from Company I, Sgt. Francis J. started racing forward alone through the tall
Vondracek, with the help of members of Company grass, unnoticed by the rest of the company.
G, who cleared out the strongpoint. When Company
G took over from Company I, Vondracek, an acting The company commander did not see the
platoon leader of Company I, remained behind at men go and did not miss them until some
his own request. Covered by rifle fire from Company time later. Within a short while, the platoon
G, he knocked out the three bunkers in quick suc-
cession by flinging hand grenades through their was through the gardens and on the out-
firing apertures. Vondracek was later awarded the skirts of the Coconut Plantation. There the
Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in Hq men ran into two well-manned enemy bunk-
USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43.
39 40
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 31; 127th Inf Tact 127th Inf Jnl, 1028, 1430, 1442, 24 Dec 42;
Hist, 24 Dec 42. Colonel McCreary directed the fire Interv with Col Grose, 15 Nov 50; Ltr, Col Grose to
of the mortars personally most of the day from a Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. Neither Colonel Grose nor
coconut tree about fifty yards from the enemy General Eichelberger knew of his presence, but Brig.
lines—the only good observation post he could find. Gen. Spencer B. Akin, General MacArthur's signal
Though wounded in the back by a shell fragment, officer, was on the island for a few minutes during
he strapped himself in his tree and continued to the forenoon. Before he left, he saw American troops
direct the mortars until he lapsed into unconscious- walking erect in the mission area. Shortly thereafter,
ness from loss of blood and had to be evacuated. General Eichelberger began receiving congratula-
Colonel Harding, who was at the front inspecting tions on having taken the mission. Exceedingly-
the artillery, thereupon took over direction of the wroth, Eichelberger not only refused to accept the
mortar fire using the same tree Colonel McCreary congratulations but demanded an immediate ex-
had just vacated. Both colonels were later awarded planation of the matter from Colonel Grose, who,
the Distinguished Service Cross. McCreary's citation until he learned that General Akin had been present
is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 2, 2 Jan 43; Harding's, on the island, was at a loss to understand what Gen-
in GO No. 4, 10 Jan 43. eral Eichelberger was talking about.

ers which stood directly in the way of their days later after a difficult march, most of it
advance. Sgt. Kenneth E. Gruennert, in the through hip-deep swamp. Matz and the en-
lead, undertook to knock them out. Covered listed man, who would have died had the
by fire from the rest of the platoon, he lieutenant not stayed with him, remained
crawled forward alone against the first hidden behind the enemy lines until Urbana
bunker and killed everyone in it by throwing Force overran the area eight days later.42
grenades through one of its firing slits. Colonel Grose did not learn of the pla-
Although severely wounded in the shoulder toon's break-through until just before noon
while doing so, Gruennert refused to return when a runner got back with the news. He
to the rear. He bandaged the wound him- at once ordered Company I back into the
self and moved out against the second line to the right of Company G and sent
bunker. Hurling his grenades with great pre- Company K to the far left with orders to go
cision despite his bad shoulder, Gruennert to the platoon's assistance. The company at-
forced the enemy out of the second bunker tacked in the direction it was believed the
as well but was himself shot down by an platoon had followed. Captain Yasuda had
enemy sniper. Gruennert was posthumously meanwhile plugged the hole in his defenses,
awarded the Medal of Honor—the second and it was only after heavy fighting that
to be conferred on a 127th Infantry soldier 1st Lt. Paul M. Krasne and eight men of the
for the day's action.41 company finally broke through. They raced
Completely out of touch with its company to the beach, found no trace of the Matz
and the rest of Urbana Force the platoon patrol, and promptly withdrew lest they be
consolidated and pushed on. By noon it was cut off.
within sight of the sea, and there its troubles Seeing that the line did not move, Colonel
really began. The Japanese started closing Grose ordered Company F to attack on
in, and the artillery at Ango, unaware that Company L's right at 1511. The result was
friendly troops were so far forward, shelled the same. The line remained where it was
the area with great thoroughness, killing and by evening was no more than 150 yards
Lieutenant Middendorf and wounding from the line of departure.43
Lieutenant Matz slightly. Colonel Grose asked General Eichel-
One of the eight men left with Matz was berger for time to reorganize but the re-
badly wounded and unable to march. The quest was refused, and he was ordered
lieutenant decided to stay with him and
ordered the rest of the troops to withdraw. 42
Tel Msg, Col Bowen to 32d Div, Ser 4124, 24
They got back safely to their own lines two Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf
Jnl, 1400, 26 Dec 42; Ltr, Meyer to author, 13 Mar
51. Matz was later awarded the Distinguished Serv-
ice Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No.
Tel Msg, Urbana Force to Col Bowen, Ser 34, 21 Jun 43.
4112, 24 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Howe, Ser 4124,
Bowen, Ser 4125, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 24 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Bowen,
24 Dec 42; Col Grose's Diary, 24 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Ser 4125, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 24 Dec
Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 25 Dec 42; Ltr, 42; Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 24
Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. Gruennert's Dec 42, 25 Dec 42; Col Grose's Diary, 24 Dec 42;
citation for the Medal of Honor is in WD GO No. Interv with Col Grose, 18 Nov 50; Rpt, CG Buna
66, 11 Oct 43. Forces, p. 31.

instead to resume the attack early Christmas On Christmas morning, the mortars and
morning. Eichelberger, who had been at the artillery in a thunderous barrage gave the
front all day, taking an active part in the mission a thorough working over, and Com-
conduct of operations, reported the refusal pany H, on the island, made a great show
to General MacArthur the next day, adding of being about to attack the mission across
in words charged with emotion, that seeing the north bridge, a makeshift structure that
the attack fail had been the "all time low" miraculously still stood. At 1135, while the
of his life.44 commotion on the island was at its height,
Companies A and F attacked across the
gardens without preparation of any kind.
The Attack on Christmas Day The ruse worked. Company A (less two
platoons which had not yet arrived) was
Colonel Grose now had eight companies held up, but Company F, which had found
of the 127th Infantry at the front—A, C, it impossible to move forward the day be-
F, G, I, K, L, and M. His plan was to have fore, found the going relatively easy. Led
Companies A and F attack on the far left by Capt. Byron B. Bradford, the company
and push through to the coast. Companies cut its way through the gardens and the
K and L, in the center of the line, would swamp and reached the Coconut Plantation
push forward in their sector in concert with by 1345. Obviously caught off base, the
the companies on the left. Companies I and Japanese rallied, surrounded the company,
G would concentrate on reducing the bunk- and began a counterattack. After beating
ers that covered the trail through the gardens off the attack with very heavy losses to it-
and would be aided in that endeavor by a self, the company established an all-around
diversionary attack in the afternoon on the perimeter in a triangular cluster of shell
Japanese positions in the Triangle. Com- holes just outside the plantation. The posi-
pany C would be in reserve. tion was about 200 yards west of the track
Companies A and F were to launch their junction, about 250 from the sea, and 600
attack on the far left without mortar or from the mission.
artillery preparation of any kind. Instead, An advance detachment of Company A,
there would first be the pretense of a full- under its commanding officer, Capt. Horace
scale attack on the mission from the island, N. Harger, broke through to F's position at
in the hope that the enemy would weaken 1620, but its weapons platoon was am-
his dispositions in the gardens in order to bushed and destroyed by the enemy just as
meet the new threat. As soon as it became it was on the point of going through. The
evident that the enemy had swallowed the rest of Company A reached the front late in
bait, Companies A and F would suddenly the afternoon but was unable to get through.
attack in the gardens. It was hoped that the As night fell, its leading elements and those
enemy would be taken completely by sur- of Companies K and L were at least 350
prise by this maneuver.45
Tel Msg, Col Grose to Col Bowen, Ser 4146,
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 25 24 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Grose, Ser
Dec 42. 4148, 24 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 25 Dec 42.

yards from the beleaguered companies near Urbana Force had not been able to make
the coast. contact with Companies A and F since
The diversionary attack on the enemy morning because their radios were wet and
bunker positions in the Triangle to help would not work. Three men of Head-
Companies G and I on the right was quarters Company, 127th Infantry—Pvt.
mounted late in the afternoon. A platoon of Gordon W. Eoff, Pfc. William Balza, and
Company E was to advance into the mouth Sgt. William Fale—distinguished themselves
of the Triangle and engage the enemy with while attempting to get telephone wire for-
fire while a platoon of Company C, with ward, but all efforts to regain communica-
the support of heavy weapons crews of Com- tions with the two companies that day
pany D, launched the main effort from the failed.49
south. Although the attack, led by Capt.
James W. Workman, commanding officer Establishing the Corridor
of Company C, was carefully planned and
prepared, it failed, as had all previous ef- Late in the afternoon Colonel Grose re-
forts to take this position. The attack was disposed his command, in accordance with
finally called off toward evening after Cap- his practice of rotating "the units so that they
tain Workman was killed while charging an could get out of the lines and have a few
enemy bunker at the head of his troops.47 days rest." Pulling Companies I and K out
For all its cost, the diversion had done of the line, he ordered Company C (less one
little to ease the pressure on Companies G platoon, which was holding the area below
and I. After fighting hard all day, the two the Triangle) in on the far left. Company I
units had made only slight gains. The enemy returned to the other side of the creek, Com-
bunkers were too well defended and too pany K went into reserve, and Company L,
cleverly concealed. Captain Dames and extending itself to the right, tied in on Com-
Lieutenant Fahres tried digging saps toward pany G's left.50
them, but at the end of the day, the enemy
bunkers still stood, seemingly as impregnable
as ever.48 127th Inf Tact Hist, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col
Bradley to Col Howe, Ser 4316, 26 Dec 42. Eoff,
Balza, and Fale were later awarded the Distin-
guished Service Cross. Eoff's citation is in Hq
Tel Msgs, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Ser 4205, USAFFE GO No. 36, 1 Jul 42; Balza's in GO No.
25 Dec 42, Ser 4220, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Col 34, 21 Jun 43; Fale's, in GHQ SWPA GO No. 29,
Grose to Col Howe, Ser 4228, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, 30 Mar 42.
Capt Stephen Hewitt, S-2, 127th Inf, to Maj Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51; 32d
Hawkins, G-2, 32d Div, Ser 4270, 26 Dec 42; Div Overlays, Papuan Campaign, 26 Dec 42. There
127th Inf Jnl, 1110, 1130, 1135, 25 Dec 42; 127th were no facilities for resting the troops. "It was diffi-
Inf Tact Hist, 26 Dec 42, 27 Dec 42; 32d Div cult," Colonel Grose recalls, "to find a dry spot for
Sitrep, No. 124, 25 Dec 42.
47 this purpose, and since there were no tents or other
Tel Msg, Col Bradley to 32d Div, Ser 4220, 25
Dec 42; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 124, 25 Dec 42. Work- shelter, the men were quite often wet from rain even
man was posthumously awarded the Distinguished when resting. The relief from the tensions of the
Service Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO front was a help. I found that this system worked,
No. 32, 15 Jan 43. and continued to use it all the way through, despite
127th Inf Tact Hist, 25 Dec 42; 32d Div Over- the fact that there were those in the higher echelons
lays, Papuan Campaign, 25 Dec 42; Col Grose's who insisted that all the men needed was proper
Diary, 25 Dec 42. leadership."

Company C's instructions for 26 Decem- panies and bring back a report on their
ber were to break through to the companies condition. Bradley, who at Grose's request
near the coast, and link up with them to was also acting as executive officer of the
form a corridor from Entrance Creek to the 127th Infantry, was to be accompanied by
sea. Maj. Edmund R. Schroeder, com- Major Schroeder, 1st Lt. Robert P. Mc-
mander of the 1st Battalion, who reported Campbell, S-2 of the 2d Battalion, and a
to Colonel Grose that evening, would take platoon of Company C, led by 1st Lt. Ted
personal charge of the attack. C. Johnson. The patrol set out at once,
Things went somewhat better on the carrying with it wire, ammunition, and
26th. Assisted by Company I, Company G food. After some sharp skirmishing with the
knocked out several bunkers on the right enemy the patrol reached its destination at
along the trail during the morning and be- 1745 that afternoon.53
gan working on those that remained. On The two companies were in very bad
the far left, however, the enemy was still condition when the patrol reached them.
resisting stubbornly, and Company C made Major McCampbell, or Lieutenant Mc-
no progress all morning. Campbell as he then was, recalls the matter
The Japanese were obviously reinforcing in these words:
their positions north of the gardens directly The condition of the companies on our
from the mission. To discourage this ac- arrival was deplorable. The dead had not
tivity, the artillery put down a ten-minute been buried. Wounded, bunched together,
concentration on the southwest corner of had been given only a modicum of care, and
the mission at noon that day. Major the troops were demoralized. Major Schroe-
der did a wonderful job of reorganizing the
Schroeder ordered an element of Company position and helping the wounded. The dead
C, split into patrols, into the swamp north were covered with earth . . . the entire tacti-
of the gardens to deal with the Japanese cal position of the companies were reorganized
there. The rest of the company, joined dur- and [they were] placed in a strong defensive
ing the afternoon by Company B, com- position. . . .
manded by 1st Lt. John B. Lewis, continued That evening Colonel Bradley, accom-
to attack frontally. panied by a small patrol, returned from the
The attack made little progress, and it perimeter with a complete report. Major
became apparent during the early after- Schroeder and Lieutenant McCampbell re-
noon that Company C was not going to
break through. Colonel Grose ordered Colo-
nel Bradley, now chief of staff of the 32d 53
127th Inf Jnl, 1745, 26 Dec 42; Ltr, Maj
Division, to go to the beleaguered com- McCampbell to author, 26 Aug 50; Ltr, Col Grose
to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. Bradley, Schroeder, and
McCampbell were all later decorated for getting
through to the surrounded companies: Schroeder
Tel Msgs, Col Bradley to 32d Div, Ser 4205, 25 and McCampbell with the Distinguished Service
Dec 42, Ser 4220, 25 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Urbana Cross; Bradley with the Silver Star. Schroeder's cita-
Force to Col Bowen, Ser 4260, 26 Dec 42; 32d Div tion is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 14, 30 Jan 43;
Overlays, Papuan Campaign, 26 Dec 42. McCampbell's is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 34, 21
127th Inf Jnl, 1113, 1145, 1205, 1215, 1230, Jun 43; Bradley's is in Hq U.S. Forces Buna Area
1245, 26 Dec 42; 127th, Inf Tact Hist, 26 Dec 42; GO No. 7, 14 Jan 43.
Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. Ltr, Maj McCampbell to author, 26 Aug 50.

mained behind to continue with the reor- ated to the rear, and the troops were being
ganization of the troops.55 organized for attack.
The attack was resumed early on 27 De- Early that morning Colonel Grose or-
cember, with Colonel Bradley, on Colonel dered Company L out of the line to rest and
Grose's orders, in command of Companies clean up. He expected the break-through to
B and C and the detachment of Company the beleaguered companies to come momen-
A. Company C and the detachment of Cap- tarily. This expectation was quickly realized.
tain Harger's company were held up by the Just before noon Company C on the left and
bunkers north of the gardens, but Company Company G on the right broke through to
B on their right made good progress all day. the position held by Companies F and B
A grass fire set in the gardens by the enemy and the detachment of Company A. The
during the afternoon caused only slight rest of Company A moved in soon after and
interruption in its advance. By 1700 Lieu- the result was a broad corridor from En-
tenant Lewis had moved through to Schroe- trance Creek to the Coconut Plantation.
der's position with his entire company. Major Schroeder reported the establishment
By the morning of 28 December Major of the corridor the minute Companies C
Schroeder had the forward perimeter well and G got through and, with a flourish char-
organized for action. The telephone was acteristic of the man, asked Colonel Grose
operating without interruption, ammuni- over the telephone, "Do you need any help
tion and food were going through, the walk- in the rear areas?"
ing wounded had been successfully evacu- It was obvious that the Japanese could
not hope to hold the Triangle once they lost
control of the gardens for the position was
Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Ser 4361,
26 Dec 42; Interv with Col Grose, 18 Nov 50. In
now outflanked and cut off. No one knew
a letter he wrote to General Sutherland and then this better than the Japanese commander,
decided not to send, General Eichelberger noted Captain Yasuda, who had apparently lost
the situation as Colonel Bradley reported it to him
personally. It was to the effect that Company F no time in ordering it evacuated. When
had been "practically wiped out," and that the a volunteer party of Company E, 127th In-
detachment of Company A had received "numerous
casualties." "I must be frank, however, and tell fantry, led by Sgt. Charles E. Wagner, with
you," he continued, "that the first two companies Pfc. James G. Greene as his second-in-com-
have taken tremendous losses, and everyone on the
Urbana front has recommended that we reorganize
mand, pushed its way cautiously into the
and substitute two fresh companies of [them]." "I Triangle that evening, it found that the
believe," he added, "that the greater part of the Japanese had pulled out of the area some
Japanese strength has been on our two forward
companies." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Suther- time before and that the fourteen bunkers
land, 27 Dec 42, marked "not sent," copy in OCMH
127th Inf Jnl, 0200, 0830, 1500, 1525, 27 Dec
42, 0826, 28 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 27 Dec Ltr, Maj McCampbell to author, 26 Aug 50.
42, 28 Dec 42; 32d Div Overlay, Papuan Cam- 127th Inf Jnl, 0750, 1131, 28 Dec 42; 127th
paign, 27 Dec 42, 28 Dec 42. Capt. Millard G. Inf Tact Hist, 28 Dec 42; Interv with Col Grose,
Gray, General Eichelberger's new aide-de-camp, 18 Nov 50. Colonel Bradley, who had been in the
who was in command of Company C between 24 front lines with Company C all morning directing
December and 1 January, was later awarded the the advance and urging the men forward, was later
Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in Hq awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita-
USAFFE GO No. 51, 30 Aug 43. tion is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 36, 1 Jul 43.


taken ground in the Triangle area.

and innumerable trenches making up the was mute evidence that some of the enemy
position were empty.59 had not long ago been caught in the open
There was every indication that the Japa- by Allied artillery fire.
nese had left their positions in the Triangle In evacuating the Triangle the Japanese
in a great hurry. Pieces of equipment and had given up an immensely strong position
quantities of small arms ammunition were that Urbana Force, despite many costly at-
strewn about in the bunkers and fire tempts, had found it impossible to take.
trenches, and two 20-mm., gas operated, Going over the ground a day later, General
cart-mounted antiaircraft guns, together Eichelberger reported to General Suther-
with large quantities of antiaircraft ammu- land: "I walked along there and found it
nition, had been left behind. The entire area terrifically strong. It is a mass of bunkers and
was pockmarked with shell holes, and there
127th Inf Jnl, 1755, 28 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact
127th Inf Tact Hist, 28 Dec 42. Hist, 28 Dec 42.

entrenchments surrounded by swamp. It is Coconut Plantation, and Company B, its

easy to see how they held us off so long."61 forward element, was only 120 yards from
By the evening of the 28th Urbana Force the sea. The corridor from Entrance Creek
was able to use the trail through the gardens to the coast had finally been established.
as far as the Coconut Grove and also con- Split off from Giropa Point, the mission now
trolled the track junction along the coast. lay open to assault.
Major Schroeder's force was deep in the
Tel Msg, Gen Eichelberger to Col Howe, Ser
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 29 4487, 28 Dec 42; 32d Div G-3 Daily Periodic Rpt,
Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. 28 Dec 42.

The Fall of Buna

With Warren Force poised to attack Brigadier Wootten devoted the next
Giropa Point, and Urbana Force moving to morning to regrouping and reorganization.
envelop Buna Mission along the newly Company A, 2/10 Battalion, moved to the
established corridor from Entrance Creek to left flank and took up a position on the right
the coast, the reduction of the enemy posi- of Company C, 2/10 Battalion, which con-
tions on the Buna side of the Girua River tinued on the far left as the main assault
was finally at hand. This was to be no easy company. Companies B and D, 2/10 Bat-
task. The enemy at Buna was heavily out- talion, continued as before on the far right,
numbered and almost completely sur- with D on the outside and B on D's left
rounded, but he was fighting with the utmost flank. Companies C and A, 128th Infantry,
ferocity and was to be cleared out of his re- and Company C, 126th Infantry, with
maining positions at Buna only after some of Company A, 126th Infantry, in support,
the bitterest fighting of the campaign. were in the center of the line. Company B,
126th Infantry, Company B, 128th Infan-
The Advance to Giropa Point try, and a composite company of the 2/9
Battalion were in reserve. Four tanks in
The Abortive Attack
position at the bridge between the strips
of 29 December
were ready to go, and seven others, which
Warren Force had completed the reduc- had just reached Boreo from Oro Bay, were
tion of the Old Strip on the 28th. Just before in reserve, as was the 2/12 Battalion, which
midnight of the same day the 2/12 Bat- began moving to the front that morning.2
talion, thirty officers and 570 other ranks At 1235 Wootten gave verbal orders for
under Lt. Col. A. S. W. Arnold, reached an attack on the area between Giropa Point
Oro Bay from Goodenough Island by cor- and the mouth of Simemi Creek. The at-
vette. The battalion and its gear were landed tack, which was to be in a northeasterly di-
safely during the night, and the troops who rection toward the coast, was to be mounted
were to begin moving forward to the front after 1400 with the four available tanks.
the next day went into bivouac in the Company C, 2/10 Battalion, was to follow
brigade area near Boreo.1 the tanks and in general make the main
Tel Msg, Col Myers to Col Howe, Ser 4540, 29
Dec 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 2257, 29 Dec 42; Rpt
on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Tel Msg, Lt Winkler to Maj Hawkins, Ser 4541,
Giropa Point. The 18th Brigade was replaced on 29 Dec 42; Buna Force G-3 Sitrep, 29 Dec 42;
Goodenough Island by the 7th Brigade from Milne Overlay, Buna Force Dispositions, 1700, 29 Dec 42;
Bay—the 2/12 Battalion, for instance, being re- Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and
placed there by the 25 Battalion. Giropa Point.

effort, but the companies on its right were The 2/12 Battalion is Committed
to take advantage of every opportunity to
advance provided they did not unneces- The fresh 2/12 Battalion reached the
sarily expose their flanks.3 front that night, 29 December. Early the
Colonel Dobbs fixed zero hour at 1600. following morning Brigadier Wootten
The tanks were delayed, and the attack did ordered it to take over on the left in place of
not get under way until 1715, following an the 2/10 Battalion, which had seen a great
artillery preparation with smoke. In an deal of action and needed rest. The day was
effort apparently to make up for lost time, devoted to regrouping and reorganization.
the tanks moved at high speed and came in Colonel Arnold went forward to reconnoiter
obliquely across the line of departure. With- the front his battalion was to take over.
out waiting for the slower-moving infantry Major Beaver's 126th Infantry troops, who
to close in behind them, they moved north were also in need of rest, exchanged places
without moderating their speed. The in- with Colonel MacNab's battalion, the 3d
fantry as a result had to attack independ- Battalion, 128th Infantry, which after a
ently of the tanks, and the tanks, far in week of rest in the Cape Endaiadere area
front of the infantry, had to move on the was again ready to attack.
enemy bunkers without infantry support. The redisposition of the troops was com-
As the tanks hit the first line of bunkers, pleted next day. By evening of 31 December
the Japanese, with no Allied infantry at the battalions were in place: the 2/12 Bat-
hand to stop them, pulled back to their sec- talion on the left, the 3d Battalion, 128th
ond bunker line. When the tanks finally Infantry in the center, and the 2/10 Bat-
discovered what had happened and began talion on the right. The 2/12 Battalion and
working on the second line, the Japanese the 3d Battalion, 128th Infantry, were on
filtered back into the first line, in plenty of an 1,100-yard east-west front and faced the
time to stop the foot soldiers who had mean- coast. The 2/10 Battalion, with a holding
while managed to fight their way into the mission, was drawn up across the head of
grove. At 1845 the attack had to be called the strip on a 500-yard front at right angles
off. The tanks by that time had expended to them, its left tied in on the 3d Battalion,
all their ammunition, and the infantrymen 128th Infantry, and its right on Simemi
were met by such intense fire from hidden Creek. Major Clarkson's 1st Battalion,
enemy bunker positions that they had to pull 128th Infantry, was on the 2/12 Battalion's
back to the edge of the Coconut Plantation left rear; Company A, 2/9 Battalion, was
and consolidate.4 in reserve.5 (Map 15)

Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4554, 29 Dec
42. 1st Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Sers 1027, 1034, 30 Dec
Tel Msg, Maj Ziebell to Col Howe, Ser 4565, 42; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 0831, 1033, 1300, 1500,
29 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Capt Conley to Col Howe, 1730, 30 Dec 42; 32d Div Sitreps No. 134, 30 Dec
Ser 4577, 29 Dec 42; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d 42, No. 136, 31 Dec 42; Buna Force G-3 Sitrep,
Div, Ser 4579, 29 Dec 42; 128th Inf Jnl, 1715, 31 Dec 42; 32d Div Overlays, 31 Dec 42; Rpt on
1750, 29 Dec 42; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa
Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point. Point.

MAP 15

At 1535 Brigadier Wootten issued a care- tanks, with the 1st Battalion, 128th Infan-
fully drawn plan for the reduction the next try, as left-flank guard, were to attack in a
day of Giropa Point and the area between it northeasterly direction, break through to
and the Old Strip. The attack would be sup- the coast, and turn southeast, thereby com-
ported by the mortars of the 2/10 Battalion, pleting the enemy's encirclement. In Phase
the 25-pounders of the Manning and Hall Two, the 2/12 Battalion was to herd the
Troops, and the 4.5-inch howitzers of the encircled Japanese toward the companies
Stokes Troop. Of the eleven tanks of X advancing on the right and, with their help,
Squadron, 2/6 Armored Regiment, nine destroy them.6
would be committed to the attack: six im- That night, while the troops snatched
mediately, and the remaining three as they what rest they could before the next day's at-
were needed. tack, the K.P.M, ship Bath and the Austral-
The operation was to be in two phases. 6
18th Aust Inf Bde Gp Opns Order No. 2, 31
In Phase One the 2/12 Battalion and the Dec 42; 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Ser 6, 31 Dec 42.

ian freighter Camara came into Oro Bay them. Facing north, Companies I, K, and L,
with 350 and 500 tons of cargo, respectively, 128th Infantry, moved on the dispersal bays
unloaded, and departed before daybreak. off the northwest end from below (south),
The arrival of the Bath and the Camara and the 2/10 Battalion, facing west, re-
marked a logistical milestone in the cam- mained in position on the Old Strip.
paign. Since the night of 11-12 December, Without tanks to support it, the attack by
when the Karsik made the first pioneering the 3d Battalion, 128th Infantry, went
trip to Oro Bay, six freighters making nine slowly. The Japanese in the dispersal bays
individual trips had brought in roughly were well entrenched and fighting hard. On
4,000 tons of cargo. This was more than the left, the attack made excellent progress
three times the 1,252 tons that the Air Force from the start. Closely followed by the in-
had flown in to the 32d Division during the fantry, the tanks made short work of the
same period, and 1,550 more than the 2,450 enemy defenses in the Giropa Plantation.
tons that it was to fly in for the 32d Divi- The leading tank reached the coastal track
sion's use during the entire period that the below Giropa Point at 0830. A half-hour
division was in combat. Between the freight- later all the tanks and most of the infantry
ers and the luggers, an average of 200 tons had reached the coast. The 1st Battalion,
of cargo was now coming into Oro Bay daily 128th Infantry, moved forward, mopping
and had been since 20 December.7 Supply at up pockets of enemy resistance that the Aus-
Buna, in short, had ceased to be a problem tralians had overlooked or bypassed. Com-
just as the fight for the place was coming to pany A, 2/12 Battalion, with Company D
an end. immediately behind it, anchored its left flank
on Giropa Creek, just west of Giropa Point,
The Attack on New Year's Day and began to consolidate on a 400-yard front
along the shore. Companies B and C, 2/12
After a heavy artillery and mortar prepa- Battalion, which had been operating to the
ration, the troops on the right and left moved rear of Companies A and D, began moving
out for the attack at 0800, New Year's Day. eastward and southeastward with the tanks
On the left, Companies A and D, 2/12 Bat- to complete the second phase of the attack.
talion, and the six tanks cut northeast Against the stiffest kind of opposition, the
through the plantation toward the coast. tanks and the Australian infantry following
The 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, followed them moved steadily forward. By evening
Companies C and D had cleared out the
Hist Port Det E, COSC, Buna; 32d Div G-4 beach as far as the mouth of Simemi Creek.
Sec, Rear Echelon, Record of Air Shipments, 13
Nov 42-23 Jan 43; 32d Div AAR, Papuan Cam- The 2/12 Battalion lost 62 killed, 128
paign; 32d Div QM Det, Rpt on Activities, Papuan wounded, and one missing in the day's fight-
Campaign; Interv with Col Moffatt, 23 Feb 50. ing, but the Japanese on the Warren front
The tonnage brought in by the freighters during
the twenty-day period in question included 3,100 were finished. All that remained was to de-
tons of general cargo and an estimated 900 tons of liver the coup de grâce.8
tanks, vehicles, and road-building equipment for
which no precise figures are available. The six 1st Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, Sers 2, 3, 5, 12, 1 Jan
freighters were the Karsik, the Japara, the Bantam, 43; 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1445, 1645, 2230, 1 Jan
the Mulcra, the Bath, and the Comara. The Karsik 43: No. 138, 32d Div Sitrep, 1 Jan 43; Rpt on
made three individual trips during this period; the Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa
Japara, two; the rest, one each. Point.

FIRING A 60-MM. MORTAR into the enemy lines at Buna Mission.

The Australians had pressed into use that tracers, and the bunker would be burned
day for the first time a blast bomb of their out."
own invention consisting essentially of a The end came the next morning. Major
Mills bomb screwed into a two-pound can Clarkson's 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry,
of ammonal explosive. As Colonel MacNab finished clearing out the last pocket of enemy
recalls, it was used in the following manner: resistance on the left; details of the 2/9 and
"A tank would knock a corner off the enemy 2/10 Battalions finally cleaned out the
bunker, and while this hole was 'buttoned enemy emplacements on the island at the
up' by automatic or rifle fire, a volunteer mouth of Simemi Creek; and Companies
would creep up to the side of the bunker, C and B, 2/12 Battalion, the 3d Battalion,
heave in the bomb, and duck. The explo-
sion would rock the bunker and stupefy the Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 25 Nov 49. The
explosive ammonal consists of a mixture of am-
Japanese inside. Then a can of Jap aviation monium nitrate, powdered aluminum, and charcoal,
gasoline would be tossed in, ignited by and is noted for its powerful blast properties.

128th Infantry, and eight tanks attacked it was found that contact had been made
the Japanese in the dispersal bays. The 2/10 with Urbana Force, and that that force was
Battalion, with Allied fire coming in its di- already proceeding with the envelopment
rection, stayed down out of harm's way.10 of Buna Mission.12
The attacks by Colonel Arnold and
Colonel MacNab, the one attacking from The Capture of Buna Mission
the west and the other from the south, were
soon over. As the fire slackened, the officers The Failure To Cross
and men of the 2/10 Battalion rose out of the North Bridge
their holes in the Old Strip area and watched
the last Japanese positions being overrun.11 At 1330, 28 December, while Urbana
This was the last organized attack de- Force was tidying up its corridor from
livered by Warren Force. After taking Entrance Creek to the coast and preparing
Giropa Point and the area immediately to to move forward to the sea, General Eichel-
the eastward, the troops had little left to do berger, accompanied by General Suther-
but mop up. Orders were issued that day land, Colonel Bowen, Colonel Rogers, and
to the 2/12 Battalion and the 3d Battalion, Colonel Harding, arrived at Colonel Grose's
128th Infantry, to begin moving westward CP from Buna Force headquarters. Asked
toward Buna Mission in the morning. The for a report on the situation, Grose gave
orders were revoked a few hours later, when Eichelberger a resume of how things stood.
Among other things, Grose told Eichel-
berger that he had just taken the 3d Bat-
Tel Msg, Lt Winkler to Col Howe, Ser 4862, 2
Jan 43; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4878, 2 talion out of the line for a much-needed rest.
Jan 43; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to Adv NGF, Ser 4918, At 1428, without discussing the matter fur-
2 Jan 43; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 140, 2 Jan 43; Buna ther with Grose, Eichelberger ordered that
Force G-3 Sitrep, 2 Jan 43; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde
Gp at Cape Endaiadere and Giropa Point; Ltr, Col the 3d Battalion, split into two elements,
MacNab to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51.
launch an immediate attack on Buna Mis-
Ltr, Col MacNab to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51. Colo- sion. One element was to advance on the
nel MacNab recalls the attack in these words:
"Arnold and I took our outfits in with a sort of old- mission from the island by way of the north
time flourish. . . . Arnold and I had been in view bridge; the other element, starting from the
of each other almost continuously during this period, southern side of the island, was to move
each in the front line of his troops. . . . When he
had gotten fairly close to the line of bunkers (we upon it in five Australian assault boats
were coming in on their rear and flank) he yelled which had reached the front the day before.
to my troops, 'Where is the American commander?' Eichelberger and Grose had discussed this
I replied . . ., 'you know damn well where I am,
you've been trying to get abreast for an hour.' He plan and several others some days before,
yelled 'Let's get the bastards,' and I yelled at my but had never worked out the details.
Company L and one platoon of Company K in the Grose recalls that he was so startled by the
front wave, 'Come on you grease balls.' (Never be-
fore or since have I ever called a man that.) We all, sudden order to commit the tired battalion
Aussies and Yanks, went in on the run. There were to such an attack that it took him a few
not many Japs left. We killed them in the grass with
bayonets, and . . . when we couldn't reach them
[with fire]." Ltr, Col MacNab to author, 18 Apr 50. 12
MacNab was later awarded the Distinguished Serv- 3d Bn, 128th Inf, Jnl, 1930, 2 Jan 43, 0723,
ice Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 0810, 3 Jan 43; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape
34, 21 Jun 43. Endaiadere and Giropa Point.

minutes to organize the maneuvers in his five assault boats were to round the eastern
mind.13 end of the island just as the preparatory fire
Aside from the weariness of his troops, began lifting. They were to land east of the
there was another even greater difficulty. bridge and establish a bridgehead. Sup-
The enemy had a line of bunkers just off the ported by fire from Company H on the is-
northern end of the bridge, and the bridge land and from a platoon of Company E at
itself, a narrow, makeshift structure forty the tip of the village finger, they were to
feet long and a couple of feet wide, had a engage the enemy with fire, thereby mask-
fifteen-foot gap at its northern end—the ing the bridge and permitting the planks
result of a recent Allied artillery hit. required to make it usable to be laid in
As soon as I had my thoughts collected safety. As soon as the planks were down, the
[Grose recalls], I called for volunteers rest of Company K would dash across the
among the officers present to do certain bridge in single file, and would be followed
things. Colonel Bowen volunteered to get the by Company I and Company L, in that
engineers and collect the necessary tim- order. When all three companies were across,
bers to fix the bridge, Colonel Rogers to
reconnoiter the position on the island and they would attack north in concert with
see that the troops were conducted thereto, Major Schroeder's force on the coast, which
and Colonel Harding to coordinate and would attack from the southeast.16
control the mortar and artillery fire. I or- The preliminary tasks were completed in
dered Captain Stephen Hewitt, my S-2, to
make the reconnaissance of the route the
short order. Captain Hewitt, who had
boats were to take . . . and Captain Leon- gone out in one of the assault boats, re-
ard E. Garret, my S-3, to arrange for and turned with the results of his reconnaissance.
coordinate the fires of Company H from the Six enlisted men volunteered to lay in place
island and the troops on the finger, both of the three heavy timbers that would span the
which were to fire on the mission preceding
15 gap at the northern end of the bridge. Com-
the attack.
manding the assault boats, 1st Lt. Clarence
Colonel Grose quickly worked out the Riggs of the 3d Battalion's Ammunition and
details of the plan. The attack was to open Pioneer Platoon quickly moved them into
with fifteen minutes of artillery and mortar position in some heavy foliage off the south-
fire on the mission and the bunkers facing ern side of the island. The rest of the 3d
the bridge. Guided by directions given them Battalion, guided by Colonel Rogers, began
by Captain Hewitt as a result of his recon- moving forward to the bridge area from
naissance, forty men of Company K in the the center of the island. Having been told
13 only a little while before that they were to
Col Grose's Diary, 28 Dec 42; Intervs with Col
Grose, 18 Nov 50, 1 Feb 51; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen be given a rest, the troops of the battalion
Ward, 26 Feb 51.
were slow in moving forward, and Colonel
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt, Ser 4474, 28 Dec 42; Rogers was unable to get them into posi-
127th Inf Jnl, 1428, 28 Dec 42; Col Bowen, Certifi-
cate, 3 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files; Rpt, CG Buna tion south of the bridge until the first salvo
Forces, p. 3.
of the artillery preparation hit the mission.
Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. This The time was 1720. As the first artillery
finger was a narrow spit of land projecting from
the vicinity of Buna Village to the mouth of En- salvo went down, the boats pushed off from
trance Creek. It will be called hereafter the village
finger. The finger on the other side of the mouth 127th Inf Jnl, 1428, 1538, 28 Dec 42; 127th
of Entrance Creek will be called the mission finger. Inf Tact Hist, 28 Dec 42.

their hidden position. The troops had been able to swim, hid under the bank on the
misdirected by Captain Hewitt, however. other side of the stream, only their heads
Instead of going around the island and showing. They were rescued the following
landing on the east side of Entrance Creek, night by 1st Lt. William H. Bragg, Jr., com-
they tried to land on the mission finger. manding officer of the mortar platoon of
The platoon of Company E on the village Company H, and three enlisted men of the
ringer mistook them for the enemy and company, who swam across the creek to
opened fire on them, as did the Japanese. save them.
Lieutenant Riggs' boat, in the lead, swamped
and sank. Although Riggs could not swim, The New Plan
he somehow reached shore and managed to
stop the firing from the village finger, but On the night of 28-29 December ammu-
it was too late: most of the boats had nition and pioneer troops of the 127th In-
already been sunk in the shallows. Fortu- fantry finished digging a 2½-foot-deep
nately no one was killed or drowned.17 trench across the northwest end of the gar-
Things had also miscarried at the bridge. dens. The trench, which they had begun the
The six men to volunteer—Pvts. Arthur night before, was the idea of Capt. W. A.
Melanson and Earl Mittelberger, T/5's Larson, Major Hootman's successor as regi-
Charles H. Gray and Bart McDonough of mental S-4. Early on 29 December it went
Company A, 114th Engineer Battalion, and into use as a route by which supplies were
Pvts. Elmer R. Hangarten and Edward G. brought forward and the wounded were
Squires of Company H—had advanced carried back. It was an immediate success
across the bridge, two men to a timber. and proved as useful in the transfer of
Amid heavy fire from the opposite shore, troops as in evacuation and supply.19
they dropped the three timbers in place, and Later the same morning the original
all except Mittelberger, who was killed on Urbana Force—the 2d Battalion, 126th
the bridge, lived to tell the tale. As soon as
the timbers were in place, Company K 127th Inf Jnl, 1735, 28 Dec 42, 2215, 29 Dec
42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 27 Dec 42, 28 Dec 42;
started crossing. Scarcely had the first two Ltr, Col Rogers to author, 26 Jun 50; Ltr, Col
men reached the northern end of the bridge, Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51; Ltr, Col Herbert
when the newly laid planks fell into the A. Smith to Gen Ward, 20 Mar 51. The six volun-
teers were later awarded the Distinguished Service
stream because of the weakness of the Cross. Their citations are in GHQ SWPA GO No.
pilings at the other end of the bridge. The 11, 22 Jan 43. Colonel Bowen and Colonel Rogers,
two men, one of them wounded and neither who were both active at the southern end of the
bridge trying to get the attack started, were also
127th Inf Jnl, 1515, 1538, 1720, 1735, 28 Dec awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. For Col-
42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 28 Dec 42; Col Grose's onel Rogers, who was twice wounded that after-
Diary, 28 Dec 42; Col Bowen, Certificate, 3 Jan noon, it was the second time in the campaign that
4; Interv with Col Grose, 18 Nov 50; Ltr, Col he was to be so decorated. Colonel Bowen's citation
Rogers to author, 26 Jun 50; Ltr, Maj Philip A. for the Distinguished Service Cross is in GHQ
Jenson to author, 24 Jun 51; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen SWPA GO No. 4, 10 Jan 43; Colonel Roger's cita-
Ward, 26 Feb 51. S. Sgt. Milan J. Miljativich of tion for the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished
Company K took command when Lieutenant Riggs' Service Cross is in GHQ SWPA GO No. 7, 15 Jan
boat sank and tried desperately to redirect the rest 43.
of the boats to the mission. He was later awarded 127th Inf Jnl, 1850, 27 Dec 42; Col Grose's
the Distinguished Service Cross. The citation is in Diary, 27 Dec 42; Interv with Col Grose, 18 Nov
Hq USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43. 50; Ltr, Lt Col W. A. Larson to author, 23 Jan 51.

Infantry, and the 2d Battalion, 128th In- pany H, 127th Infantry, and Company G,
fantry—went back into the line. The 2d 128th Infantry, would cross over from the
Battalion, 126th Infantry, less the troops at island, tie in on Company F's right along
Tarakena and Siwori Village, took up a the coast, and attack. Major Schroeder's
holding position at the southeast end of the 1st Battalion, 127th Infantry, reinforced
Government Gardens, and the 2d Battalion, by elements of the 2d and 3d Battalions,
128th Infantry, moved into the Triangle to would meanwhile be moving on the mission
take over its defense. Just after the two bat- from the southeast. The result would be a
talions began moving forward from their double envelopment of the mission with
rest areas, Company B, 127th Infantry, separate columns converging upon it simul-
from its position along the coast southeast taneously from the front and from both
of the mission, pushed forward to the sea flanks. This final, multipronged attack was
and established a 200-foot frontage along to open at dawn the following morning,
the shore.20 31 December.21
Major Schroeder's line now extended
from Entrance Creek to the sea, but the The Attack of 31 December
troops on the island were still held up by
fire from the northern end of the bridge. Preparations for the attacks from the vil-
An apparent solution to the problem was lage spit were completed in good time on the
found that night. Just before midnight a 30th. Early in the morning, while Company
patrol of Company H, 127th Infantry, G, 127th Infantry, under Captain Dames,
under 1st Lt. Allan W. Simms, waded across moved into the Coconut Grove for a well-
from the village sandspit to the spit project- earned rest, Company F, 128th Infantry,
ing from the mission. The patrol remained under Capt. Jefferson R. Cronk, went into
on the mission side of the creek for half an bivouac at Buna Village, and was joined
hour, without receiving any fire or finding there by Company E, 127th Infantry (less
any Japanese in the area. On the basis of the platoon on the finger). Company E, low
this evidence of enemy weakness, a new in morale after its heavy losses in the Tri-
plan to envelop the mission was drawn on angle, was under the command of Lieuten-
SO December. ant Bragg of Company H, who had volun-
Under the new plan, Company E, 127th teered to lead it in the attack across the
Infantry, and Company F, 128th Infantry, shallows.22
the 127th Infantry troops leading, would Major Schroeder had meanwhile been
cross the shallows between the village and attacking toward the mission. The Japanese
the mission. Company E was to turn right were still holding strongly along the coast,
and establish a bridgehead. Company F and he made little progress. There was no
crossing behind it would move northeast cause for concern, however, for Schroeder's
along the coast directly on the mission as position was secure. Facing Buna Mission,
soon as Company E had knocked out the 21
bunkers and the bridge was repaired. Com- Urbana Force FO No. 1, 30 Dec 42, FO No. 2,
30 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 1700, 30 Dec 42; 127th
Tel Msg, Col Bowen to Col Howe, Ser 4539, 29 Inf Tact Hist, 30 Dec 42; Ltr, Col Herbert A. Smith
Dec 42; 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 0935, 1200, 1220, to 22Gen Ward, 20 Mar 51.
29 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 0750, 1320, 29 Dec 42; 127th Inf Jnl, 0625, 30 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact
32d Div G-3 Daily Periodic Rpt, 29 Dec 42. Hist, 30 Dec 42.

the line was held by Companies F, A, K, and The Japanese reaction threw the troops
L. Elements of Company M and Company into a panic. Their plight became even
B in platoon strength were in place in the worse when Lieutenant Bragg, who in Gen-
gardens on both sides of the corridor; Com- eral Eichelberger's words was to have been
panies C and I were in the center of the cor- "the spark plug of the whole affair," was
ridor; Company D was to the east of it shot in the legs during the first few moments
facing Giropa Point. It was clear that the of the firing and, in the confusion of the
enemy for all his tenacity would not be able moment, was reported missing.
to hold on the coast when the attacks from Colonel Grose waited on the village spit
the village and the island got under way. to hear news of the attack. He had a man
At 0430 the following morning, while it with sound-powered telephone and a roll
was still dark, Company E, 127th Infantry, of wire following the action and reporting
and Company F, 128th Infantry, started on its progress. The first information Grose
moving in single file across the shallows be- heard on the phone was that the lieutenant
tween the finger and the mission. Company who had taken command when Bragg fell
E was in the lead, with Lieutenant Bragg at was "running to the rear," and that there
the head of the column. The plan was to were others with him.
launch a surprise attack on the enemy posi- I told the man [Colonel Grose recalls] to
tions opposite the bridge at daybreak. The stop them and send them back. He replied that
men were under orders to make as little noise he couldn't because they were already past
as possible and had been warned not to fire him. Then the man said, The whole company
their weapons until told to do so. Company is following them.' So I placed myself on the
trail over which I knew they would have to
E gained the spit on the mission side with- come, and, pistol in hand, I stopped the lieu-
out alerting the enemy, turned right, and tenant and all those following him. I directed
began to move inland. Just as the leading the lieutenant to return and he said he
elements of the company reached the spit, couldn't. I then asked him if he knew what
some of the men to the rear, unable to resist that meant and he said he did. The first ser-
geant was wounded, and I therefore let him
the temptation, threw grenades into a cou- proceed to the dressing station. I designated a
ple of landing barges that were stranded on sergeant nearby to take the men back and he
the beach. At once the whole area broke did so. I then sent the lieutenant 26
to the rear
into an uproar, the beach lit up with flares, in arrest and under guard.
and the troops were assailed with hand Although Company E, in its flight, passed
grenades, rifle grenades, and automatic through Company F, 128th Infantry, which
weapons.24 had been moving forward immediately to
127th Inf Jnl, 0710, 1320, 29 Dec 42, 0815, its rear, Captain Cronk's company was not
1035, 1050, 1120, 1220, 1330, 1630, 30 Dec 42; 32d affected by Company E's disorganization.
Div G-3 Daily Periodic Rpt, 29 Dec 42; 127th Inf Cronk himself, Colonel Grose recalls, was as
Tact Hist, 29 Dec 42, 30 Dec 42; 32d Div Overlays,
Papuan Campaign, 30 Dec 42. calm and collected as if he were on the drill
127th Inf Jnl, 0430, 0505, 31 Dec 42; 2d Bn,
128th Inf, Jnl, 0700, 31 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact
Hist, 31 Dec 42; Col Grose, Affidavit, 7 Apr 44, in Col Grose's Diary, 31 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichel-
450.4, I Corps File, in AGO RAC Files; Memo, Col berger to Gen Sutherland, 31 Dec 42, copy in
Grose, Comments on the Buna-Sanananda Opera- OCMH files; Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26
tion, 20 Feb 46, copy in OCMH files; Ltr, Col Grose Feb 51.
to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51. Ltr, Col Grose to Gen Ward, 26 Feb 51.

field. The 128th Infantry troops moved for- and in the swamp north of the gardens were
ward steadily and, by the time they were disappointing.
finally joined by Company E, had estab- The enemy was resisting fanatically, but
lished a strong position on the spit and were he was obviously nearing the end of his pow-
holding their own. On Colonel Grose's or- ers. For several days artillery overs from the
ders Captain Cronk took command of Com- Warren front had been troubling the troops
pany E, and the two companies began on the Urbana front, and the troops on the
attacking toward the bunkers in the area Warren front were, in turn, receiving fire
north of the bridge. They met stiff resist- that could have come only from Urbana
ance, and, in a full day's fighting, Cronk Force. Not only were the two forces moving
could report only a small advance, though closer together, but a patrol of the 2d Bat-
he hoped to do better the next day.27 talion, 126th Infantry, had made contact
The steadiness under fire of Captain that morning with a patrol of Warren Force
Cronk's company had saved the day. Gen- at the southwest end of the gardens.30
eral Eichelberger finally had his long-sought Since Warren Force was to mount its
toe hold on the mission, and Captain Ya- final attack on Giropa Point in the morning,
suda's troops, under attack for the first time Company B, 127th Infantry, was ordered to
from two directions, faced annihilation. attack eastward the next day to link up with
Yasuda had received some rations and Warren Force and assist it in the cleanup.
ammunition by submarine on the night of General Eichelberger wrote to General Suth-
the 25th and continued to fight stoutly for erland that night that he hoped the attack
the mission with his remaining troops.28 The would "go through in fine shape." "If it
fighting was particularly bitter along the did," he added, "it will then be just a matter
coast southeast of the mission and in the of cleaning up Buna Mission." 31
swamp north of the gardens, where elements
of Company C were still busy cleaning out 29
pockets of enemy resistance. Although 2d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, 31 Dec 42; 127th Inf
Jnl, 0818, 31 Dec 42; 32d Div G-3 Daily Periodic
Companies E, F, and H, 126th Infantry, Rpt, 31 Dec 42; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 31 Dec 42;
under Captain Sullivan, advanced 300 yards Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 31 Dec
42; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 36. Pvt. Earl Johnson
in the area east of the right fork of the and Pfc. Herman Bender of Company M, 127th
Triangle, thus completing the capture of Infantry—both killed that day—greatly distin-
guished themselves in the fighting along the coast.
the gardens, the day's gains along the coast Johnson was killed while covering the withdrawal of
his squad from a dangerously advanced position
where it had been pinned down by enemy fire;
Bender met his death as the result of a bold dash
127th Inf Jnl, 0505, 0610, 0635, 31 Dec 42; through an open field swept by enemy fire to find
127th Inf Tact Hist, 21 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichel- the flank of a neighboring unit with which all con-
berger to Gen Sutherland, 31 Dec 42; 32d Div G-3 tact had been lost. Both men were posthumously
Daily Periodic Rpt, 31 Dec 42; Col Grose, Affidavit, awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The
7 Apr 44; Col Grose, Comments on the Buna- citations are in Hq USAFFE GO No. 32, 15 Jun 43.
Sanananda Operation, 20 Feb 46. Tel Msg, Brig Wootten to Col Howe, Ser 4486,
Statement of unnamed POW, in 1st Bn, 128th 28 Dec 42; Tel Msg, Maj Henry G. Nulton to Col
Inf, Jnl, 1232, 1 Jan 43. The submarine, which Bowen, Ser 4680, 31 Dec 42; 32d Div G-3 Daily
had surfaced and shelled the shore the same night, Periodic Rpt, 31 Dec 42.
got away safely. 127th Inf Tact Hist, 25 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 31
32d Div Hist of Arty, Papuan Campaign. Dec 42.

General Eichelberger described the situa- Giruwa by way of the beach and attack the
tion "as it is at present" in these words: American left flank. After cutting his way
On the right, the Australians with their through to the beleaguered Japanese Army
tanks have moved up to the mouth of Simemi and Navy troops holding the mission, he
Greek, [and] the entire area of the two strips is was to withdraw with them to Giruwa.33
in our hands. Martin's men have extended to It was a desperate plan, but not neces-
the left from the Old Strip for several hundred sarily an impracticable one. The Japanese
yards so that the forces of the Urbana and
Warren fronts are now only about 600 yards must have known from clashing with Lieu-
apart. On the left, we have established a cor- tenant Chagnon's fifty-two men near Tara-
ridor between Giropa Point and Buna Mis- kena that the American flank covering Buna
sion, and have moved enough men in there to was virtually undefended. They may have
make it hold. The famous "Triangle" which thought, therefore, that Colonel Yazawa's
held us up so long, was finally taken, and our
men also occupy the island south of Buna Vil- raiding party might still save the defenders
lage. Today, we are moving on Buna Mission of Buna Mission—only about two miles
from both directions, and I sincerely hope we from Tarakena by beach—by launching a
will be able to knock it off. sudden surprise attack, advancing swiftly,
After noting that there had hitherto been and making a quick withdrawal.
many disappointments in the campaign, he General Yamagata lost no time in com-
went on to say, "Little by little we are plying with General Adachi's orders. On 27
getting those devils penned in and perhaps December he ordered 430 men from Dana-
we shall be able to finish them shortly." 32 watu to Giruwa, with orders to report to
Colonel Yazawa. Yazawa, who had led his
Colonel Yazawa's Mission regiment across the Owen Stanleys and
back, was perhaps the most experienced and
At Rabual, meanwhile, the impending resourceful commander the Japanese had
collapse at Buna was causing 18th Army at Giruwa. The fact that he was detailed to
headquarters the deepest concern. On 26 the task of rescuing the Buna garrison was
December General Adachi ordered General an indication of the importance Rabaul at-
Yamagata (whose headquarters, it will be tached to his mission.
recalled, was then at Danawatu, north of General Yamagata arrived at Giruwa on
Gona) to move all his troops by sea to 29 December and, two days later, gave
Giruwa. He was to use them first to rescue Colonel Yazawa his orders. The rescue
the Buna garrison. If the rescue failed, he operation, the orders read, was to be directly
was to divert them to the defense of Giruwa under Yamagata's command. It was to be
and hold it to the last. Two days later, undertaken as soon as a suitable concentra-
Adachi ordered Buna evacuated. Its defend- tion of forces reached Giruwa from Dana-
ers were to fight their way to Giruwa with watu.34 The move came too late. Even as
the help of a special force which would be
under command of Colonel Yazawa, who 33
Buna Shitai Opns Orders No. 44, North
was to proceed to Buna Mission from Giruwa, 31 Dec 42, in ATIS CT 29, No. 350; 18th
Army Opns I, pp. 27, 28.
32 34
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Col Rex Chandler, 18th Army Opns I, pp. 27, 28; Buna Shitai
DCofS, I Corps, Rockhampton, 31 Dec 42, in 312, Opns Orders No. A-39, 27 Dec 42, in ATIS CT 29,
I Corps File, in ORB RAC, AGO. No. 350.

Yazawa began assembling troops for the the mission—an unmistakable sign that
thrust eastward, the fall of Buna Mission the mission's defense was on the point of
was imminent, and most of its defenders collapse.
had only a few hours to live. Urbana Force made careful preparations
for the next day's attack. The main effort
The Envelopment was to be along the coast. It was to be spear-
headed by two relatively rested units, Com-
On New Year's day, while Warren Force pany G, 127th Infantry, and Company G,
and its tanks were reducing Giropa Point, 128th Infantry, which had gone into reserve
Urbana Force launched what it hoped when the troops on the mission spit failed
would be the final assault on Buna Mission. to knock out the bunkers facing the north
Early in the morning, while Company B bridge. Company H, 127th Infantry, would
attacked eastward toward Giropa Point, the cross over from the island as soon as either
artillery and mortars laid down a heavy Company F, 128th Infantry, advancing
barrage on the mission and the rest of Ur- from the mission spit, or Company C, 127th
bana Force struck at the Japanese line Infantry, moving up through the swamp
around the mission. Captain Cronk attacked north of the gardens, took over the area
from the mission spit, and Major Schroe- north of the bridge and made repair of the
der's troops, pivoting on Entrance Creek, bridge possible.36
moved on the mission from the southeast. The Japanese continued their desperate
Some Company B men could already see the attempts to escape. Just before dawn of the
tanks on Giropa Point, but the unit was still next day, Saturday, twenty enemy soldiers
held up by very strong enemy resistance. carrying heavy packs and led by a lieutenant
Company F, 128th Infantry, left alone on made a break for the beached landing barges
the spit when Colonel Grose withdrew Com- on the mission spit. They had three machine
pany E, 127th Infantry, for reorganization, guns with them and their packs were loaded
also found itself unable to move forward. with food, medicine, and personal effects,
In the swamp Company C, supported on as if for a quick getaway. Captain Cronk's
the right by Company M, moved forward company turned its machine guns and rifles
150 yards, and the remaining companies to on them and cut them down to a man. At
the right of M—F, A, and L, with I and daylight, observers all the way from Buna
D immediately to the rear—made some Village to Tarakena caught sight of large
progress. numbers of Japanese in the water. Some
The enemy had thus far fought with the
greatest tenacity, but evidence of his dis- 35
127th Inf Jnl, 1600, 1850, 1900, 1 Jan 43; G-3
integration was not lacking. On the evening Daily Periodic Rpt, Buna Force, 1 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen
of 1 January while Colonel Smith of the 2d Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 1 Jan 43, copy in
OCMH files. During this day's action Pvt. Robert H.
Battalion, 128th Infantry, and Major Campbell of Company M, 127th Infantry, crawled
Clarkson of the 1st Battalion, 128th Infan- to the rescue of a wounded member of the company,
who was lying in the open in the direct line of fire
try, established a joint Urbana Force-War- of an enemy machine gun. Campbell was later
ren Force outpost in the no man's land be- awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The cita-
tion is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43.
tween their two fronts, Japanese troops were 36
127th Inf Jnl, 1300, 1 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichel-
sighted for the first time trying to swim from berger to Gen Sutherland, 1 Jan 43.

were swimming, others were clinging to Company M still on its right, attacked to-
boxes, rafts, and logs; still others were try- ward the north bridge between the island
ing to escape in small boats. Artillery and and the mission. The two G Companies—
machine gun fire was immediately laid down Company G, 128th Infantry, and Company
on the troops in the water, and, at 1000, the G, 127th Infantry, with the latter unit under
air force began systematically strafing them Captain Dames leading—passed through
with B-25's, P-39's, and Wirraways. the lines of Companies I, L, and M and ad-
The two top Japanese commanders at vanced through the Coconut Plantation to
Buna had chosen to die at their posts. attack the mission from the southeast. The
Realizing that the end was near, Captain attack went smoothly from the first. The
Yasuda and Colonel Yamamoto met at a phosphorous shells set fire to the grass and
central point the same day, Saturday, and trees at several points in the mission area
killed themselves in the traditional Japanese and, in one instance, exposed a whole line
fashion by cutting open their bellies.38 of enemy bunkers to Allied fire. Attempts
Despite the fact that the mission was by the Japanese to flee these exposed posi-
already partly evacuated, there were still tions were met by machine gun fire from the
enough Japanese left in the mission and troops on the island and on the mission spit.
along its approaches to give Urbana Force As the phosphorous shells exploded in trees,
(in General Eichelberger's phrase) "the they also set afire several of the huts in the
darndest fight" all day.39 At 1000, just as mission. When enemy troops in dugouts be-
the attack was about to open, Major neath the burning huts tried to escape, they
Schroeder, who was in a forward observa- ran into bursts of Allied fire which killed
tion post at the time, was struck and mor- most of them.
tally wounded by a Japanese bullet which The remaining Japanese continued their
penetrated his skull. Capt. Donald F. Run- dogged last-ditch resistance and had to be
noe, a member of Schroeder's staff, at once rooted out of each dugout and bunker by
took over command of Schroeder's bat- grenade, machine gun, and submachine gun
talion, and Colonel Grose came up and took fire. Company C, 127th Infantry, on the left,
personal charge of the coastal drive.40 and Company G, 127th Infantry, on the
A heavy artillery barrage and white phos- right, made excellent progress, but Company
phorous smoke shells hit the enemy before F, 128th Infantry, on the mission spit was
the troops finally jumped off at 1015. Cap- held up, as was Company B, 127th Infan-
tain Cronk's company on the spit attacked try, which had meanwhile resumed its attack
southeast. Company C in the swamp, with to the eastward.41
37 41
127th Inf Jnl, 0545, 0600, 0706, 0745, 0800, 127th Inf Jnl, 1315, 1523, 1627, 2 Jan 43;
0815, 0905, 0930, 1010, 1040, 2 Jan 43; 127th Inf 127th Inf Tact Hist, 2 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichel-
Tact Hist, 2 Jan 43; G-3 Daily Periodic Rpt, Buna berger to Gen Sutherland, 2 Jan 43; F. Tillman
Force, 2 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Durdin, The New York Times, 8 Jan 43; Rpt, CG
Sutherland, 2 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. Buna Forces, p. 36; Col Grose, Comments on the
18th Army Opns I, p. 29. Buna-Sanananda Opn, 2 Feb 46. For their per-
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 2 formance in the day's fighting, Colonel Grose and
Jan 43. Captain Runnoe were later awarded the Distin-
127th Inf Tact Hist, 2 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichel- guished Service Cross. Grose's citation is in GHQ
berger to Gen Sutherland, 3 Jan 43, copy in OCMH SWPA GO No. 4, 10 Jan 43: Runnoe's, in Hq
files. USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43.

37-MM. ANTITANK GUN in position to fire at the enemy in Buna Mission.

At 1400 Company C was in sight of the pany H was across it, thus finally complet-
bunkers covering the north bridge. An hour ing the envelopment.
and a half later Company G, 127th Infan- The mission was overrun by 1632. The
try, reached the point of the mission with remaining enemy troops in the area were
Company G, 128th Infantry, hard on its either flushed out of their hiding places and
heels. Only scattered rifle fire met the troops, killed, or entombed in them. By 1700 the
and they quickly took their first prisoners— fighting was over except in a few pockets
a dozen Chinese laborers, naked except for of resistance near the beach. There a hand-
breechcloths. ful of Japanese held out stubbornly and were
Ten minutes later Company C came up, left to be dealt with the next day.
followed by Company M, and in a few more The mission was a scene of utter desola-
minutes Companies I, L, and A reached the tion. All through the area the ground was
scene. The engineers had meanwhile been pitted with shell holes. The trees were
repairing the north bridge. By 1620 Com- broken and bedraggled. Abandoned weap-

ons and derelict landing craft littered the sible to walk its entire length and hear only
beach, and Japanese dead were every- a few scattered shots and occasional bursts
42 of mortar fire. In the . . . swamp ... a
where. few Japanese snipers still held out, in a patch
In its attack toward Giropa Point, Com- of jungle ... a bunker or two still resisted,
pany B had been held up by a line of enemy but great stretches of the front were scenes
bunkers in the road junction near the coast, of quiet desolation. . . . The only consider-
which had been bypassed in the coastal ad- able fighting during the day occurred in the
jungle area southwest of Giropa Point, where
vance. As soon as he could, General Eichel- a small group of laborers, estimated as high
berger pulled Company C out of the mission as a hundred, fled when the point was cap-
area and sent it to the assistance of Com- tured. Their intention perhaps was to try to
pany B. The two companies launched a escape through the swamps and jungles, and
concerted attack late that afternoon, cleared scatter into the interior. . . .
Americans and Australians however drew
out the bunkers, and by 1930 had made a line around them from all sides and made
contact with the 2/12 Battalion. With the contact along the beach between Buna Mis-
2/10 Battalion and the 1st and 3d Bat- sion and Giropa Point, and methodically
talions, 128th Infantry, the 2/12th had mopped up the enemy pocket.
finished clearing out the area between Americans quelled the last resistance to
Buna Mission by Sunday noon in a little
Giropa Point and the west bank of Simemi thicket on the beach where a few Japanese
Creek earlier in the day. After more than held out in bunkers. Routed from the bunkers,
six weeks of fighting, the Buna area in its some scurried behind a wrecked barge on the
entirety was finally in Allied hands. beach and continued to fire. They were finally
killed by a high explosive charge that blew
the barge and the Japanese to bits.
The End at Buna By noon, the Americans had counted
roughly 150 Japanese dead in the Buna
Cleaning Out the Pockets Mission area.
Small squads finished the job of eliminating
Mopping up of isolated pockets of resist- the last fighting Japanese. Some Americans
[went swimming in] the sea. Some washed out
ance on both Warren and Urbana fronts their clothing for the first time in weeks, some
continued for several days until the last of simply slept the deep sleep of exhaustion,
the enemy troops were accounted for. An curled up under shell-shattered trees or in
observer describes the scene on 3 January, a sandy foxholes. By Tuesday, the only Japa-
Sunday, as follows: nese left in the area extending from Buna
Village through Cape Endaiadere were
[By] Sunday, the . . . front from the roving groups and individuals . . . who were
shattered palms of Buna Village to Cape hiding out in jungle and sago swamp, and who
Endaiadere was almost peaceful. It was pos- by now had become desperately hungry.
These Japanese were trying to keep under
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Howe, Ser 4892, cover during the day [to prowl] at night
2 Jan 43; Msg, Gen Eichelberger to Adv NGF, Ser through moonless blackness in American-
4897, 2 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. 127th Inf Jnl,
1550, 1554, 1600, 1627, 1712, 2 Jan 43; 127th Inf
Australian lines seeking something to eat.44
Tact Hist, 2 Jan 43; Durdin, The New York Times, Some 190 Japanese were finally buried
8 Jan 43; Col Grose, Comments on the Buna-
Sanananda Operation, 20 Feb 46. at Buna Mission, and 300 at Giropa Point.
127th Inf Jnl, 1930, 2 Jan 43; Buna Force
G-3 Sitrep, 2 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen
Sutherland, 2 Jan 43; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 37. Durdin, The New York Times, 8 Jan 43.

32D DIVISION TROOPS EXAMINE BOOTY after taking Buna Mission.

Fifty prisoners were taken. Warren Force Warren front it included, in addition to
took twenty-one horribly emaciated Ko- the three-inch naval guns and the pompoms,
reans and one Japanese soldier. Urbana rifles, machine guns, radio equipment, sev-
Force took twenty-eight prisoners, mainly eral 37-mm. guns, two 75-mm. mountain
Chinese and Koreans. Of the few Japanese guns on wheels, nine unserviceable trucks,
among them most were captured near Si- some of American make, and a number of
wori Village and Tarakena when they were smashed fighter aircraft, two of them Zero-
caught naked and unarmed as they swam in type planes that were found on the Old
from the sea.45 Strip and looked as if they could be repaired.
Booty was heavy on both fronts. On the Booty taken by Urbana Force, besides the
Tel Msg, 18th Bde to 32d Div, Ser 4869, 2 Jan weapons taken in the Triangle and several
43; Tel Msg, Capt George E. Aurell to G-2, 32d antiaircraft guns captured in the Govern-
Div, Ser 4889, 2 Jan 43; Tel Msg, 18th Bde to Adv
NGF, Ser 4918, 2 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to
ment Gardens, included a 75-mm. gun and
Gen Sutherland, 7 Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. miscellaneous items of equipment. Hardly


any food or ammunition was found on their baptism of fire and were now veterans.
either front.46 The lessons they had learned at Buna, he
added, would serve to reduce losses in the
The Congratulatory Messages future and bring further victories.
Later that day General Blarney sent a
By 3 January it was obvious that all message of congratulations to Brigadier
organized resistance on the Buna side of the Wootten and the troops serving under him
Girua River was over. In a special memo- on the successful conclusion of the fighting
randum issued at noon that day, General on the Warren Front. Their operations, he
Eichelberger told American troops who had said, had been marked "by the greatest
taken part in the fighting that they had had thoroughness in planning," by "constant
Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere
and Giropa Point; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 2 Jan 43; Memo, Gen Eichelberger for American troops
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 7 Jan 43: in the Buna Area, 3 Jan 43, Ser 4649, in 32d Div
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 42. G-3 Jnl.


steadiness in control," and by "valor and said, "You have done a job of which both
determination in execution." 48 our countries should indeed be proud." 49
General Herring in turn, issued a special General Marshall sent General Mac-
order of the day in which he expressed to Arthur his congratulations the next day.
Australians and Americans alike his appre- MacArthur thanked Marshall for his con-
ciation of "their magnificent and prolonged gratulatory message, and added, "However
effort." He dwelt on the strength of the unwarranted it may be, the impression pre-
enemy's defenses, his tenacious resistance, vailed that this area's efforts were belittled
the hardships that the men had borne, and and disparaged at home, and despite all my
the fortitude with which they had borne efforts to the contrary the effect was de-
them. He complimented all concerned on
their steadfastness and determination and
Lt Gen Edmund F. Herring, GOC New Guinea
Msg, Gen Blarney to Brig Wootten, Ser 4988, 3 Force, Order of the Day, 3 Jan 43, copy in OCMH
Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. files.

pressing. Your tributes have had a tonic Losses Due to Sickness and Disease
The troops had been plagued unceasingly
Buna's Cost by all manner of chiggers, mites, and in-
sects, exposed to debilitating tropical infec-
Battle Losses tions, fevers, and diseases, and forced most
of the time to eat cold and inadequate ra-
There were 1,400 Japanese buried at tions, sleep in water-filled foxholes, and go
Buna—500 west of Giropa Point and 900 for days on end without being dry. Their
east of it.51 On the Allied side, 620 were gaunt and haggard faces, knobby knees and
killed, 2,065 wounded, and 132 missing. elbows that poked through ragged uniforms
The 32d Division sustained 1,954 of these attested to what the men had been through.
casualties—353 killed, 1,508 wounded, and Some of the hazards that faced them were
93 missing; 52 the 18th Brigade had 863 revealed vividly in a letter written on 10
casualties—267 killed, 557 wounded, and January by Maj. E. Mansfield Gunn, a med-
39 missing.53 ical officer on General Eichelberger's staff:
The total casualties were thus 2,817 ... Be sure to rinse the dyed jungle equip-
killed, wounded, and missing—a figure con- ment over and over again in cold water, other-
siderably in excess of the 2,200 men the wise it will ruin everything [and] make every-
Japanese were estimated to have had at thing stink. . . . Furthermore, we are not
sure [the dye] is not absorbed by the body, and
Buna when the 32d Division launched its then excreted in the urine, because some of
first attacks upon them there. the urine would indicate [that was the case].
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Marshall, No. . . . Tablets for individual chlorination of
C-43, CM-IN 2047, 5 Jan 43. Marshall's message water in the canteen would be of the greatest
is No. 91, CM-OUT 1193, 4 Jan 43. value for all; two pairs of shoes are definitely
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 7 Jan needed [because] everything dries very slowly.
43; Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 42. The above figure A chigger repellent for each individual is
includes only the counted dead. It does not include needed for there are millions of the little fel-
Japanese dead who could not be counted because lows. . . .
their bunkers had caved in or had been sealed up [There] is a growing incidence of scrub ty-
during the fighting.
Rad, Gen Eichelberger to Lt Col G. C. Sher-
phus here. . . . The inoculations we all re-
man, G-1 Rear Echelon, 32d Div, Ser 5298, 9 Jan ceived were designed to prevent the European
43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Rad, Col Sherman to CG typhus, and hence there is nothing to do but
Buna Forces, 1455, 10 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-1 Jnl. hope. There are some tremendous rats in the
These figures are of 6 January, and thus include area, and no doubt the fleas on same are carry-
casualties sustained in the mop-up. They do not in- ing the infection from the dead Japanese to
clude a figure for those who were wounded before our soldiers. One medical officer just died of
6 January and died of their wounds after that date. the disease and another one is in very poor
It should be noted that the figures are for Buna only. shape today. There has been an awful lot of
They do not include the casualties sustained by the
1st and 3d Battalions, and attached troops, of the
work to do with these units, and under existing
126th Infantry on the Sanananda front, who as of travel conditions, it is the toughest situation
6 January had suffered 394 casualties—76 killed, any of us have ever been in. ... Sickness of
235 wounded, and 83 missing. Jnl, Maj Boerem's all sorts, particularly of the various tropical
Det, 6 Jan 43.
53 55
Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Gp at Cape Endaiadere Durdin, The New York Times, 8 Jan 43; Interv
and Giropa Point. Of the 267 Australians killed, 230 with Col Moffatt, 24 Feb 50; Interv with Col
were killed in action, and 37 died of wounds. Teesdale-Smith, 10 Mar 50; Interv with Col Grose,
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 42. 18 Nov 50; Interv with Maj Odell, 14 Dec 50.

fevers is on the increase also, so I expect that States, Gastro-Enteritis, Dengue Fever,
almost everyone in the division will come out Acute Upper Respiratory Infection, and
of here either wounded or sick. I do not intend Typhus (scrub)." The average normal sick-
to paint a depressing picture, but that is the
truth as things stand today. The figures will call rate of a command, the colonel pointed
be appalling to you when you see them.56 out, was 3.8 percent of its strength. The
sick-call rate of the 32d Division was 24 per-
As late as mid-January Colonel Warmen-
cent, and going higher. Some 2,952 men
hoven, then the division surgeon, was urging
(more than three quarters of them from
that all troops be compelled to take quinine
Buna where the division had made its pri-
daily, but the difficulty was that the medi-
mary effort) were already hospitalized be-
cine was still in short supply. He cited the
cause of disease and fever, and fifty to one
case of a battalion in the 128th Infantry
hundred were being evacuated from Buna
that had gone for several days entirely with- 58
to Port Moresby daily for the same cause.
out it. Warmenhoven found also that the
drinking water was often polluted and some-
times insufficiently chlorinated. There were The Situation to the Westward
now field ranges at most of the jeepheads,
and some of the men had canned heat and Colonel Yazawa Scatters
primus stoves, but the division surgeon nev- the Tarakena Patrol
ertheless noted that rations were still inade-
Ordered on 31 December to rescue the
quate and that the troops were still eating
troops at Buna Mission, Colonel Yazawa
them cold most of the time.57
had been unable to leave Giruwa until the
The cost of sickness and disease at Buna
evening of 2 January and then with only
was to reach staggering proportions. In a
250 men, most of them from the 1st Battal-
check of the health of the 32d Division un-
ion, 170th Infantry.59 Shortly after he left
dertaken shortly after the Buna mop-up was
Giruwa he learned that Buna Mission had
completed, the temperature of 675 soldiers,
already fallen. His energies thereafter were
representing a cross section of the division's
devoted to picking up as many of the sur-
three combat teams, was taken. Colonel
vivors as possible. The success of his rescue
Warmenhoven reported that "53 percent of
mission required that the spit off Tarakena
this group of soldiers were running a tem-
(on which many of the swimmers were land-
perature ranging between 99 degrees to
ing, after hiding out during the day from
104.6 degrees. ... In order of preva-
Allied planes and patrols) be in Japanese
lence, the cause of the rise in temperature is
due to the following: Malaria, Exhaustive
Ltr, Col Warmenhoven to CG Buna Forces, 15
Jan 43, sub: Health of the Command: Final Re
Ltr, Maj E. Mansfield Gunn, MC, I Corps, to port, copy in OCMH files.
1st Lt. C. A. Parish, I Corps Rear Echelon, Rock- Diary, Maj Nojiri, CO 1st Bn, 170th I n f , in
hampton, 10 Jan 43, in I Corps Corr File. ATIS CT 29, No. 350; 18th Army Opns I, p. 27.
Memo, Col Warmenhoven for CG 32d Div, 16 The reason for the delay was a shortage of gasoline
Jan 43, incl to 1st Ind, 32d Div Hq to Regimental for the motor launches which were to bring the
Combat Teams of 32d Div, 114th Engr Bn, and men in from the Amboga River area. Yazawa waited
Hq Co, 32d Div, 16 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files; as long as he dared for the troops to arrive. Unable
32d Div Hist of Medical Activities, Papuan Cam- to wait any longer, he left for Buna Mission the
paign, in Surgeon General's Hist File. evening it fell with the men already at hand.

hands. Ordering a careful reconnaissance of that he had picked up some 190 survivors
Lieutenant Chagnon's position, he attacked of the Buna garrison. Most of them had
it at dusk on 4 January with the bulk of his swum from the mission and had had the
force. good sense to keep out of sight during the
Lieutenant Chagnon had been reinforced day.62
that afternoon by twenty-one men of Com- Colonel Grose meanwhile had not been
pany E, 126th Infantry. When attacked, he idle. By the early morning of 5 January he
had under his command seventy-three sol- had part of Company F, 127th Infantry,
diers from seven different companies—in- across Siwori Creek. The crossing was un-
cluding men from the Headquarters and opposed. The men quickly re-established
Service Companies of the 127th Infantry— themselves on the other side of the creek and
a 60-mm. mortar, and three light machine began moving northwestward.63
guns. The force was short of ammunition
and grenades, and the attack came as a The Stalemate at Sanananda
complete surprise. Hit from the front, rear,
and left, Chagnon's men fought as best Buna had fallen, and the bridgehead
they could until all their ammunition was across Siwori Creek had been re-established.
gone and they had no recourse but to swim The campaign, however, was far from over.
for it. The lieutenant, who retrieved one of West of the Girua River on the Sanananda
the machine guns under fire and continued front things were at a stalemate, and had
operating it until it jammed, was the last been for some time. In his order of the day
man out. Members of Chagnon's patrol kept of 3 January General Herring had told the
straggling into Siwori Village all that night. troops that the battle for Buna was "but
By the following day all but four had come a step on the way." They still had, he said,
in—a small loss in view of the fact that the difficult job ahead of them of cleaning
Yazawa's attack had been made in over- the enemy out of the Sanananda area, a
whelming strength.61 job that would "not be any easier than
Having cleared Chagnon's position on the Buna."64
spit and mainland, Yazawa proceeded with It was a timely reminder. As Col. Leslie
his rescue work. He was soon able to report M. Skerry, General Eichelberger's G-1, put
the matter: "While we were engaged in the
Buna area, we did not have much opportu-
nity to think about what was going on else-
127th Inf Jnl, 1830, 1910, 4 Jan 42; 127th Inf
Tact Hist, 4 Jan 42; 18th Army Opns I, pp. 28, 29. where. But after getting rid of the Japanese
Tel Msgs, Capt Hewitt to Buna Force, Ser here, we awoke to the fact that there was
5047, 4 Jan 43, Ser 5051, 4 Jan 43, Ser 5106, 5 another most difficult situation existing in
Jan 43, Ser 5108, 5 Jan 43; 127th Inf Jnl, 1100,
1900, 4 Jan 43, 1430, 5 Jan 43; 127th Inf Tact the Sanananda area next door." There,
Hist, 4 Jan 43. Capt Louis A. Chagnon, The Ac-
tions of a Left Flank Security Patrol During the
Operations of the 32d Division at Buna, 16 Decem- Maj Nojiri's Diary, in ATIS CT 29, No. 350;
ber 1942-4 January 1943, Infantry School Mono- 18th Army Opns I, pp. 28, 29.
graph, in TIS Files. As a result of his reconnais- Col Grose's Diary, 4 Dec 42; Col Grose, Com-
sance, Yazawa set the strength of Chagnon's force ments on the Buna-Sanananda Operation, 20 Feb
when he scattered it on the 4th as about 100 men— 46.
a remarkably close estimate. Gen Herring, Order of the Day, 3 Jan 43.
WEARY SOLDIER SLEEPS after the battle is over.

Skerry noted, "a state of semi-siege has been With the 127th Infantry in position to
going on ... with little progress being move on Tarakena, and the 18th Brigade,
made." the tanks, and most of the guns in use at
Buna available for use on the other side of
Ltr, Col Leslie M. Skerry, I Corps Adv Echelon, the river, the time had come to move on
to Col M. J. Conway, Adj Gen, I Corps Rear
Echelon, Rockhampton, 15 Jan 43, in I Corps Corr the enemy's Sanananda-Giruwa position in
File. force.

Clearing the Track Junction

The offensive on the Sanananda front second was in the roadblock area at Hug-
had indeed bogged down. By the end of gins and Kano; the third was in the
December the Allies had established road- Napapo-Amboga River area north of Gona.
blocks at Huggins and Kano, and made the Brigadier Porter of the 30th Brigade, in
first breaches in the formidable enemy charge of track junction operations, had
perimeter which covered the track junction under his command the 36 and 55/53 Bat-
south of Huggins. These, however, were talions and what was left of the 126th In-
only interim victories. The Japanese were fantry troops fighting west of the river,
still fighting desperately in the track junc- then about 200 men. Brigadier Dougherty
tion area south of Huggins; they were well with his 21st Brigade headquarters was
entrenched in the area between Huggins operating from the two roadblocks and had
and Kano; and they were holding strong under his command the 39 and 49 Bat-
positions north of Kano. The tactical sit- talions and the 2/7 Cavalry Regiment.
uation, especially on the Motor Transport His battalions, the 2/14th, 2/16th, and
or M. T. Road, as the Soputa-Sanananda 2/27th, normally a part of the 21st Brigade,
track was sometimes known, was to say the were mopping up in the Amboga River
least unusual. As one observer, in describ- area.
ing it, remarked, "At first glance, the sit- These battalions of the 21st Brigade had
uation map was simply startling. Along the suffered extremely heavy casualties in this,
M. T. Road Red and Blue alternated like their second tour of duty during the cam-
beads on a string."1 The task was to squeeze paign. By late December they were down to
out the Red—a supremely difficult task in less than company strength. The 2/27
the existing terrain. Battalion, for instance, numbered 55 men
and the 2/16 Battalion was down to 89.
General Herring Calls a Conference It was clear that if the brigade was to fight
again it would have to be relieved quickly.2
The Arrival of the 163d Infantry Relief was already on the way. As
planned by General Herring, a fresh head-
There were actually three fronts on the quarters, that of the 14th Brigade at Port
western side of the river at this time. The Moresby, was to take over in the Gona area,
first was south of the track junction; the and the 163d Infantry Regiment of the 41st

1 2
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. Ltr, Gen Blarney to Gen MacArthur, 27 Dec 42.

Infantry Division in the roadblock area.3 the regiment might be sent to the Urbana
The arrival at the front of the 163d Infantry front, the final decision was to have it pro-
would release troops for action in the Gona ceed, as General Herring had planned, to
area, make possible the immediate relief of Sanananda rather than Buna.
the 21st Brigade's battalions, and permit On 27 December, the very day the 163d
intensification of the attack both north and Infantry reached Port Moresby, General
south of Huggins. MacArthur had conveyed orders to General
The 163d Infantry Regimental Combat Blarney (through General Sutherland who
Team, consisting of the 163d Infantry Regi- was then visiting the front) that the regi-
ment and 550 attached divisional troops, ment was to be sent to Buna to help in the
less artillery, arrived at Port Moresby on 27 reduction of Buna Mission, rather than as
December, 3,820 strong, under Col. Jens previously planned to the Sanananda front.
A. Doe.4 Though it looked for a time as if General Blarney immediately protested this
change of plan. He pointed out that Gen-
eral Eichelberger had sufficient troops to
Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Chamberlin, No. take Buna. He insisted that it was impera-
P-481, 4 Dec 42; Ltr, Gen Blarney to Gen MacAr- tive that the 21st Brigade be relieved imme-
thur, 27 Dec 42; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sana- diately, if it was to continue as a fighting
nanda; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns; 23 Sep
42-23 Jan 43; NGF, Notes on Opns in New Guinea, force, and expressed his regret that General
Ser 3. MacArthur had taken it upon himself to
The history of the 163d Infantry goes back to interfere in the matter. Blarney wrote that
1887 when the unit was first organized as the 1st
Battalion, Montana National Guard. In 1898 and while he did not "for one moment question
1899, it served in the Philippine Islands as the 1st the right of the Commander-in-chief to
Montana Volunteer Infantry. In 1916 it saw serv- give such orders as he may think fit," he
ice on the Mexican border as the 2d Infantry, Mon-
tana National Guard. It was mustered into the fed- nevertheless gave it as his belief that nothing
eral service in March 1917 as the 163d Infantry, could be "more contrary to sound principles
41st Division. In December 1917 it arrived in of command than that the Commander-in-
France where it was used as a replacement and
training organization. In 1924 the 2d Infantry, chief . . . should [personally] take over
Montana National Guard, was reorganized as the the direction of a portion of the battle." 5
163d Infantry. In September 1940 the regiment was General MacArthur apparently saw the
inducted into the federal service with other Na-
tional Guard elements from Washington, Oregon, point, and General Herring's decision to use
and Idaho, as part of the 41st Infantry Division. It the 163d Infantry on the Sanananda front
reached Australia on 6 April 1942, one of the first was permitted to stand.
American infantry units to do so. Memo, Brig Gen
Oliver L. Spaulding, Chief Hist Sec, AGO, for Opns The 163d Infantry, the unit which had
Br AGO, 11 May 43, copy in OCMH files; AGF, engendered this high-level contention, was
Fact Sheet on the 41st Div, in DRB HRS, AGO. by this time well-trained, and the men, fresh,
Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, pp.
59, 60. The following divisional units were attached ably led, and in superb physical condition,
to the regiment: Company E, 116th Engineer Bat-
talion; Company E, 116th Medical Battalion; one
platoon of the Clearing Company, 116th Medical thirty days' supply of all classes, and complete
Battalion; the 7th, 11th, and 12th Portable Hos- organizational equipment, except for motor trans-
pitals; detachments of the 41st Signal Company, port, arrived at Port Moresby with the troops. Msg,
the 41st Ordnance Company, and the 116th Quar- Gen MacArthur to Gen Chamberlin, No. P-481, 14
termaster Company. There was also a detachment Dec 42; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.
of military police. Ten units of fire for all weapons, Ltr, Gen Blarney to Gen MacArthur, 27 Dec 42.

were ready for combat.6 It was at once ar- pared, General Eichelberger explained the
ranged that they would be flown to the situation to us and told me he would take
front, the 1st Battalion leading. The 2d and me up front after lunch to show me where
3d Battalions, which were to come in later, the 163d Infantry was to go. Generals Vasey
would follow in that order. and Berryman sat silent, and when they did
Early on 30 December the 1st Battalion not speak up, I told General Eichelberger
and regimental headquarters were flown I had been informed the 163d was to go to
over the mountains, part to Dobodura and the Sanananda front." "Plainly surprised,"
the rest to Popondetta. Lt. Col. Charles R. it was now General Eichelberger's turn to
Dawley, Colonel Doe's executive officer, remain silent.8
who was with the echelon that landed at When tea was over, Doe and Dawley went
Dobodura, immediately reported to Ad- on to 7th Division headquarters at Soputa
vance New Guinea Force, General Her- with General Vasey. Vasey went over the
ring's headquarters, at Dobodura. Shortly situation with them and told them that they
thereafter Colonel Doe flew in from Popon- were to take over in the roadblock area as
detta, and he and Dawley had a conference soon as possible. On 31 December, while the
with General Herring, Maj. Gen. F. H. 1st Battalion assembled at Soputa, General
Berryman, General Blamey's chief of staff, Vasey, Colonel Doe, and the regimental
and General Vasey, who had meanwhile staff went forward to Huggins and recon-
come in from Soputa. During the course of noitered the area. On 1 January, while Doe
the conference, Doe and Dawley were told and Dawley were busy establishing a supply
that the 163d Infantry would fight west of base for the regiment, the commander of
the Girua—the first direct intimation they the 1st Battalion, Lt. Col. Harold M. Lind-
had had of what the regiment's role would strom, and his staff went forward to Huggins
be. They then went with Berryman and and made arrangements to relieve Brigadier
Vasey to see General Eichelberger.7 Dougherty's forces. On 2 January, the day
The four officers reached Eichelberger's that Buna Mission fell, the 1st Battalion took
headquarters about 1030, and were offered over at Huggins and Kano, and Colonel Doe
tea. General Eichelberger seemed to be un- took command of the area from Brigadier
der the impression that he was to get the Dougherty the next day.9 (Map 16)
163d Infantry for action on his side of the General Vasey at once reshuffled his com-
river, and this, as General Doe recalls, is mand. He ordered the 39 Battalion, which
what followed: "While tea was being pre- had been holding the roadblock, the 49 Bat-
6 talion, which had been guarding the supply
Interv with Gen Eichelberger, 26 Apr 50. The
regiments of the 41st Division, General Eichelberger trail, and the 2/7 Cavalry Regiment, which
kept stressing, would enter combat much better had been operating from Kano, to replace
trained than those of the 32d. "For four months," the 36 and 55/53 Battalions south of the
he wrote, "we were able to supervise their work,
and insisted upon a lot of scouting and patrolling,
individual, and squad combat firing with ammuni- Ltr, Gen Doe to Gen Ward, 3 Mar 51. General
tion, etc." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Mac- Eichelberger later commented, "He [Doe] is right
Arthur, 12 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. in saying that I was surprised that the 163d Infan-
Ltr, Maj Gen Jens A. Doe to Gen Ward, 3 Mar try would not come to the Buna side." Ltr, Gen
51; Ltr, Col Charles A. Dawley to Gen Ward, 7 Eichelberger to author, 19 Dec 51.
Mar 51, with incls; 163d Inf, The Battle of Ltr, Gen Doe to Gen Ward, 3 Mar 51; Ltr,
Sanananda. Col Dawley to Gen Ward, 7 Mar 51.

MAP 16

track junction. Upon their relief, the latter would be accomplished as soon as the 18th
two battalions would move to Gona, where Brigade could be redeployed from Buna to
they would relieve the depleted battalions the Sanananda side of the river.10
of the 21st Brigade, and come under com- 10
Msg, 7th Div to Adv NGF, Ser 4900, 4911, 2
mand of 14th Brigade headquarters which Jan 43; Msgs, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 4849, 2 Jan
43, Ser 4978, 3 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; ALF
had then just reached the Gona area. The Daily Opns Rpts No. 262, 1 Jan 43, No. 264, 3 Jan
relief of what was left of the 126th Infantry 43; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns.

comprehensive plan for the reduction of the

enemy positions west of the river.12
Although the conferees had met to devise
a plan to destroy the enemy, they discovered
that they had very little knowledge of his
strength and dispositions, especially those
north of Kano. It was supposed that he had
plenty of weapons and ammunition but was
short of food; his strength, however, was
anyone's guess. In describing the conference
several days later General Eichelberger
wrote, "We decided that we did not know
whether there were one thousand Japs at
Sanananda or five thousand." 13
Despite the lack of any definite knowl-
edge about the enemy's strength, the Allied
commanders, acting on the assumption that
there were still several thousand Japanese
effectives in the area, quickly agreed upon
Advanced New Guinea Force (left), and
a basic plan of action. As soon as the 2d
General Eichelberger. and 3d Battalions, 163d Infantry, and 800
replacements for the 18th Brigade reached
the front, the 18th Brigade, the 163d In-
The Conference of 4 January fantry, and the 127th Infantry would launch
a double envelopment of the enemy's San-
General Herring had ordered on 29 De- ananda-Giruwa position. The first two
cember that, when Buna fell, the 18th Bri- units, under command of General Vasey,
gade and the bulk of the guns and tanks in would move on Sanananda by way of the
use east of the river be redeployed to the Cape Killerton trail and the M.T. Road
Sanananda front.11 On 2 January, with all respectively. The 127th Infantry would
organized resistance at Buna at an end, he complete the envelopment by moving on
ordered that two troops of 25-pounder ar- Sanananda by way of Tarakena and
tillery previously in use at Buna be assigned Giruwa.
to the Sanananda front. The next day he The main attack was to follow a number
ordered a portion of the tanks to Soputa. of essential preliminary operations. These
On 4 January Herring met at his head- would begin with the capture of Tarakena
quarters with General Eichelberger, Gen-
eral Berryman, General Vasey, and Briga- 12
Msgs, Adv NGF to Buna Force, Ser 4920, 2 Jan
dier Wootten, to work out a final, 43, Ser 4924, 2 Jan 43, Ser 4929, 2 Jan 43, Ser 4948,
3 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Gen Eichel-
berger to Gen Sutherland, 3, 4 Jan 43, copies in
OCMH files.
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 9
NGF OI No. 57, 29 Dec 42. Jan 42, copy in OCMH files.

by the 127th Infantry and the clearing of the fall of Buna. Because of the close quar-
the area between Huggins and Kano by the ters at which the battle was being fought,
1st Battalion, 163d Infantry. The 2d Bat- the two batteries in question, the Manning
talion, 163d Infantry, meanwhile, would and Hall Troops, had no choice but to fire
capture a position astride the Cape Killer- obliquely across the front, and to take spe-
ton trail, just west of Huggins. Then the cial precautions not to hit friendly troops.15
18th Brigade would clear out all enemy The guns were useful, but they would have
opposition south of Huggins. As soon as been much more useful had it been possible
these preliminaries were completed, the to get them across the river.
general advance would begin, with the The weather had done General Vasey an-
127th Infantry attacking westward along other disservice by temporarily dislocating
the coastal track, and the 163d Infantry the flow of supply. The rains were so heavy
and the 18th Brigade, northward, along the and the tracks so muddy that even jeeps
M.T. Road and the Cape Killerton trail.14 could not use them. To compound the dif-
ficulties, the "all-weather" airstrips at Do-
The 18th Brigade Reaches Soputa bodura and Popondetta became so mired
that they remained unserviceable for days.
The first elements of the 18th Brigade— Fortunately for the Allied offensive effort,
brigade headquarters and the 2/9 Battal- there was already enough matériel stockpiled
ion—reached Soputa on 5 January, as did at the front to tide the troops over until
one troop (four tanks) of B Squadron, 2/6 the weather changed.16
Australian Armored Regiment. The tanks By 7 January the 18th Brigade troops
left Buna just in time, for extremely heavy from the other side of the river were all at
rains had made the road net between the Soputa. General Vasey ordered Brigadier
Old Strip, Dobodura, and Soputa impassa- Wootten to take command of the 2/7 Cav-
ble to vehicular traffic, and no more tanks alry and to relieve Brigadier Porter's re-
or artillery were able to get through for maining troops—the 39 and 49 Battalions
days. The 2/10 Battalion arrived at Soputa and the remnants of the 126th Infantry.
on the 6th, and the 2/12 Battalion joined it The orders provided that the 39 and 49
a day later. The rest of the tanks and the Battalions would go into divisional reserve
two 25-pounder troops, which had been as- near Soputa; that the 21st Brigade, whose
signed to General Vasey upon the fall of shrunken battalions had by this time come
Buna, had to remain where they were on the in from Gona, would be returned forthwith
eastern side of the river because of the to Port Moresby; and that the remaining
wretched state of the roads.
The weather had not only cost General 15
Tel Msgs, Adv NGF to Buna Force, Ser 4924,
Vasey the use of most of the tanks allotted 2 Jan 43, Ser 4989, 3 Jan 43, Ser 4995, 3 Jan 43;
Tel Msg, Adv NGF to 7th Div, Ser 5000, 4 Jan 43;
to his front, but it had also made it impossi- Msgs, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 5157, 6 Jan 43, Ser
ble for him to make the best use of the addi- 5227, 7 Jan 43. All in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. Rpt on
tional artillery he had gained as a result of Opns
18th Bde Gp at Sanananda.
Msgs, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 4952, 4990, 3
Jan 43, Ser 5017, 5038, 4 Jan 43; Buna Force G-4
NGF OI No. 58, 4 Jan 43; 7th Div OI No. 21, Rpt, Ser 5022, 4 Jan 43; Tel Msg, Adv NGF to
7 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 32d Div, Ser 4995, 4 Jan 43; 32d Div AAR,
7 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. Papuan Campaign.

SANANANDA POINT. M. T. Road, lower left, joins the coastal Cape Killerton trail. Note
enemy barges along the coast. (Photograph taken in October 1942.)
126th Infantry troops, under command of unmindful of the gallantry with which the
Major Irwin, would be returned to their American troops had fought, and of the
regiment at Buna as quickly as possible.17 heavy losses that they had sustained. On
the 8th, Brigadier Porter issued orders ad-
The Relief of the 126th Infantry juring them and his other troops to "march
out in as soldierly a manner as possible,
The relief of the 126th Infantry troops ... in keeping with the pride and quality
was completed by the early afternoon of 9 of their past service." 19 In a letter which he
January, and Major Boerem, who had been gave to Major Boerem to deliver to General
acting as Major Irwin's executive officer, re- Eichelberger, Porter wrote:
turned to Buna the same day to prepare for I am taking the opportunity offered by
their reception. The Australians were not Major Boerem's return to you to express my
7th Aust Inf Div OI No. 21, 7 Jan 43. appreciation of what the men of your divi-
3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 59, 8 Jan 43, Ser
61, 9 Jan 43. 30th Aust Inf Bde GO No. 14, 8 Jan 43.

sion who have been under my command have mosquito nets. Two days later, 14 January,
done to assist our efforts on the Sanananda General Eichelberger had a little ceremony
By now it is realized that greater difficulties of welcome for them.22 "I received the
presented themselves here than were foreseen, troops," he recalls, "with band music, and
and the men of your division probably bore with what might well be described as a mar-
most of them. . . . Your men are worthy com- tial welcome. Actually, it was, whatever
rades and stout hearts. I trust that they will
have the opportunity to rebuild their depleted face could be put upon it, a melancholy
ranks in the very near future. With their pres- homecoming. Sickness, death, and wounds
ent fund of experience they will rebuild into a had taken an appalling toll. . . . [The
formidable force. . . . men] were so ragged and so pitiful when I
When the troops had gone into action greeted them my eyes were wet." 23
during the third week of November, they
were 1,400 strong. Sixty-five men of regi- The Preliminary Operations
mental headquarters had transferred to
Buna in early December, and there had Tarakena and Konombi Creek
been no other transfers. On 9 January, the
day of their relief, the troops numbered only The general plan of operations formu-
165 men, nearly all of them in such poor lated on 4 January at General Herring's
physical shape as to be scarcely able to headquarters provided that, until the 163d
walk.21 Infantry and the 18th Brigade were com-
Three days later, with the fighting pletely in place and ready to move on Sana-
strength of the unit down to 158 men, the nanda, the enemy was to be deceived into
troops began marching to Buna. Major thinking that the coastal drive on Tarakena
Irwin was at their head, with Captain Dal and across Konombi Creek was "the main
Fonte, as he now was, as his second-in-com- push."24 (See Map IV.) General Eichel-
mand. After reaching their bivouac at berger laid his plans accordingly. Urbana
Simemi in the afternoon, the men shaved Force, now principally the 127th Infantry
and cleaned up as best they could and were
issued some sorely needed shelter halves and 22
Tel Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6114, 11 Jan
43; Tel Msg, Col Tomlinson to 32d Div, Ser 6147,
12 Jan 43; Memo, Maj Dal Fonte for author, 12 Jul
Ltr, Brig Porter to Gen Eichelberger, 9 Jan 43, 50; 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 64, 12 Jan 43; Jnl,
copy in OCMH files. Maj Boerem's Det, 14 Jan 43.
21 23
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 14 Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, pp.
Jan 43; 3d Bn, 126th Inf, Jnl, Ser 59, 8 Jan 43, Ser 56, 57. Reporting to General MacArthur that night,
60, 61, 9 Jan 43; Jnl, Maj Boerem's Det, 9 Jan 43; General Eichelberger wrote, "Today I talked to men
Memo, Maj Dal Fonte for author, 12 Jul 50. The of the 126th who returned from the Sanananda
casualties as of 9 January were: KIA, 91, WIA, track and are now near my C. P. . . . The strange
237, MIA, 70; evacuated sick, 711. The bodies of thing is that they looked good to me, General. They
most of the missing were later recovered and their had been cleaned up, and I can see hopes for the
number was added to the list of those killed in ac- future in them far beyond anything that they imag-
tion. The total number of casualties, including the ine." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 14
evacuated sick, but excluding 88 men on the sick Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.
list who had not yet been evacuated, amounted to Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 7 Jan
1,109. 43.

(with elements of the 126th and 128th In- They captured five machine guns, including
fantries in reserve), would mount the push two lost by the Chagnon patrol.
westward; Warren Force, principally the The next day Company G again moved
128th Infantry, would remain in place and forward. As before Company E was on the
occupy itself with the beach defense. right supporting its advance by fire, and
Colonel Yazawa's scattering of the Chag- Company F in the swamp covered it from
non patrol from its position near Tarakena the left. The numerous enemy troops in the
on the evening of 4 January made it neces- swamp and the swamp itself made it difficult
sary for Colonel Grose to order forward a for Company F to keep up.26 Spurred on by
fresh force to retrieve the lost beachhead on Lieutenant Coker, the company com-
the other side of Siwori Creek. Artillery mander, and S. Sgt. Herman T. Shaw, in
fire was laid down on the area during the command of the leading platoon,27 the com-
night to make it untenable for the Japanese pany drew abreast of Company G and kept
until the troops got there. Early on the 5th, its position there for the rest of the day.
Company G, 127th Infantry, under com- At 1600 Company G attacked again. It
mand of Lieutenant McCampbell, crossed reached the outskirts of Tarakena village
Siwori Creek, followed shortly afterward by within the hour and captured three enemy
Company F, under 1st Lt. James T. Coker. machine guns, an enemy mortar, and the
The crossing was slow, for the creek was remaining machine gun lost by the Chag-
broad and Colonel Grose had only two small non patrol. Two fresh companies of the 1st
boats (one a black rubber affair captured Battalion, Companies C and A, ordered
from the Japanese) with which to ferry the forward earlier in the day by Colonel Grose,
troops and their supplies across. The troops had just come up, and reduction of the vil-
finished crossing by 0900 and began moving lage was left to them. The two companies
westward—Company G along the narrow, passed through Company G, Company C
exposed coastal track and Company F, in leading, and launched the attack that
the swamp, covering it from the left. evening. The attack gained its objective
Colonel Yazawa's troops, principally ele- quickly. Company C was inside the village
ments of the 1st Battalion, 170th Infantry,
the so-called Nojiri Battalion, were still in 25
Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Howe, Ser 5155, 6 Jan
the area. During the 5th and 6th they made 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 127th Inf Jnl, 0630, 0854,
5 Jan 43, 0835, 0940, 1105, 1107, 1110, 1320, 6 Jan
several stubborn stands, retreating only 43; 32d Div Sitreps, No. 146, 5 Jan 43, No. 148, 6
when the Americans were on the point of Jan 43, No. 150, 7 Jan 43; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 5,
overrunning their positions. By the 7th the 6, 7 Jan 43; Diary, Maj Nojiri, in ATIS CT 29, No.
350; Interv with Col Grose, 15 Nov 50.
two companies were within 500 yards of the 26
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Howe, Ser 5256,
village, and there the enemy again made a 8 Jan 43; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 8 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen
Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 9 Jan 43, copy in
stand. Company E, under 1st Lt. Powell A. OCMH files. Company E by this time also had a
Fraser, meanwhile moved onto the sand- .50-caliber machine gun which it was using with
excellent effect on the Japanese in the village.
spit with a 37-mm. gun, and began to en- 27
Coker and Shaw were both later awarded the
filade the Japanese with canister. With this Distinguished Service Cross. The award in the case
of Shaw, who was killed late in the day, was post-
support the two companies again pushed humous. The citations are in Hq USAFFE GO No.
the enemy back on the evening of the 7th. 29, 30 Mar 43.

COLLAPSIBLE ASSAULT BOATS being used by 127th Infantrymen to cross the Siwori
Creek. Note guide rope across the creek.

by 1830 and the fighting was over by strength. Company F had only 72 men left;
2130.28 Forty-two Japanese were killed, and Company A, 81; Company C, 89. Morale,
a quantity of Japanese ordnance was cap- however, was good. As General Eichel-
tured. The 127th Infantry sustained nine- berger, who had gone forward to the sand-
teen casualties in the day's fighting—two spit that morning to see how things were
killed, sixteen wounded, and one missing.29 going, reported to General MacArthur the
By this time the three companies that had next day, "Now that the men are living
launched the attack were much below where the Japanese lived, they look entirely
28 different. The swamp rats who lived in the
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Howe, Ser 5256,
8 Jan 43; Msg, 1st Lt. Robert A. Dix to Col Rogers, water now have their place in the sun and
Ser 5266, 8 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 127th Inf I even heard some singing yesterday for the
Jnl, 1650, 1700, 1710, 1730, 1740, 1754, 1930, 8 first time."30
Jan 43; 32d Div Sitrep, No. 152, 8 Jan 43; 32d Div
G-3 Periodic Rpt, 8 Jan 43.
29 30
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 10 Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 9
Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. Jan 43.

The village in hand, the next step was to By 1740 the wire was in place, and Lieu-
cross Konombi Creek, a tidal stream about tenant Fulmer and a platoon of Company
forty feet across. A suspension bridge over C began crossing. The boat made the trip
the creek was badly damaged, and attempts safely, covered by fire from Lieutenant
on 9 January to cross it were met by fire Fraser's mortars and 37-mm. gun, which
from hidden enemy emplacements on the quickly reduced the enemy emplacements
opposite shore. Colonel Grose's plan was commanding the bridge. Thereafter the
therefore to flank the enemy positions by crossing went swiftly. Company C was
sending an element of Company C across across by 1755, followed closely by Com-
the creek that night in the two available pany A. By evening the two companies,
boats. The company commander, 1st Lt. disposed in depth, held a 200-yard bridge-
Tally D. Fulmer, was put in charge of the head on the other side of the creek.
crossing. On the other side of the creek the advanc-
The troops embarked at 0240 on the ing troops ran into terrain difficulties. No
10th. The swift current started taking the trails could be found branching southward
boats out to sea, but the danger was per- from the coast, and the coast line, a narrow
ceived in time, and the men reached shore strip of sand bounded by a tidal swamp
before any harm was done. which came almost to the shore, was fre-
There was only one thing left to do: quently under water at high tide.32 Since
secure a guy wire to the opposite shore. the enemy was present in the area in
Two volunteers, S. Sgt. Robert Thompson strength, it seemed to be the better part of
of Company C and Pfc. Jack K. Cunning- wisdom to hold up the 127th Infantry ad-
ham of Company E, swam across the creek vance until the concerted offensive on the
in the dark and, just before daylight, had Sanananda front got under way and eased
a wire in place on the other side. It broke the enemy pressure.
when the leading boat caught on a sand bar, General Eichelberger explained the situ-
and the crossing had to be made in daylight. ation to General MacArthur on the 12th.
In late afternoon Sergeant Thompson "On their side of the Girua," he wrote, "we
again swam the creek, followed this time by have a fine bridgehead established across
four volunteers from Company C—Pfc. [Konombi] Creek, but now comes a section
Raymond Milby and Pvts. Raymond R. where the mangrove swamp comes down to
Judd, Marvin M. Petersen, and Lawrence the sea. At high tide the ocean is right in
F. Sprague. To cover the crossing, Lieuten- the swamp. . . ."It would not be wise, he
ant Fraser of Company E emplaced his thought, for Grose to extend too far until
mortars and his 37-mm. gun on the east
bank of the creek. As the men began swim- Msg, Adv NGF to NGF, Ser 6098, 11 Jan 43;
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Rogers, Ser 6101, 11
ming across, armed only with pistols and Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 32d Div Sitrep, No.
hand grenades, Fraser and his weapons 158, 11 Jan 43; 32d Div G-3 Periodic Rpt, 11 Jan
crews engaged the enemy on the opposite 43; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 11, 12 Jan 43; Interv with
Col Grose, 15 Nov 50. Lieutenants Fraser and
shore with fire. The enemy replied in kind, Fulmer, Sergeant Thompson and Privates Milby,
but Fraser and his men held their position Judd, Petersen, and Sprague were all later awarded
the Distinguished Service Cross. The citations are
along the river bank, and all five men got in Hq USAFFE GO No. 34, 21 Jun 43.
safely across the creek. 32
32d Div Sitrep, No. 160, 12 Jan 43.

there had been "developments across the ward dumps. The entire area was criss-
Girua." 33 The coastal advance, in short, crossed with trenches, and the scene, when
would mark time until the 163d Infantry newly arrived troops were moving into or
and the 18th Brigade began driving directly through the position, put one observer in
on Sanananda. mind of "a crowded seal rock."34
Upon taking over from the Australians,
The Attacks Between Musket the troops had been troubled by fire from
and Kano riflemen in the tall jungle trees that over-
looked the perimeter. Though experienced
The scheduled operations on the M. T. intermittently throughout the entire twenty-
Road preliminary to the concerted advance four hours, the fire was particularly intense
on Sanananda had meanwhile been pro- at mealtimes. The troops were also bothered
ceeding. The 1st Battalion, 163d Infantry, at night by individual enemy riflemen or
and regimental headquarters took over com- small patrols. These would harass the flanks
plete responsibility for the roadblock area on and the southern end or rear of the perime-
3 January. Colonel Doe, who had immedi- ter with short bursts of rifle or automatic
ately given Huggins the regimental code weapons fire. Colonel Doe lost no time in
name, Musket, had deployed Company C devising means to abate these nuisances. He
and a platoon of Company D at Kano. established two-man sniper-observer posts
Regimental headquarters, battalion head- in slit trenches along the forward edge of the
quarters, Company B, and Company D, perimeter, and in trees on the flanks and
less the platoon at Kano, were in place at rear. Using ladders made of telephone wire
Musket. Company A (less one platoon at with stout wooden rungs, the troops in the
Moore, a perimeter about 400 yards east of trees made it their business to fire systemati-
Musket) covered the supply trail east of the cally on all trees thought to harbor snipers,
M. T. Road. and were particularly active during such
By this time Musket (or Old Huggins as times as the Japanese were firing. As soon
it was also known) was a well-developed as the posts in the trees were established,
position. It consisted essentially of an inner small countersniping patrols of two or three
and outer perimeter, with rifle and auto- men, covered by the troops in the trees, be-
matic weapons squads in square or circular gan to pick off the Japanese tree marksmen
formation on the periphery of each perime- from the ground. To stop Japanese sniping
ter, and field kitchens (which had finally at night from the flanks and rear, the coun-
come up) in the center. The squads, each tersniping patrols set out booby traps, con-
with its own straddle trench and water seep, sisting usually of two grenades tied to ad-
were spaced about fifteen yards apart. joining trees with the pins connected by a
Within the inner perimeter were regimental cord.
and battalion headquarters, switchboard, These measures got results quickly. The
aid station, ammunition dump, and the enemy marksmen were thinned out and
81-mm. mortars. Between the two perime- forced back. Soon the only reminder that
ters were company headquarters and for- there were still tree snipers in the area was
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 12
Jan 43, copy in OCMH files. 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.


distant, ineffective fire, delivered as a rule order to avoid disclosing weapons positions
only at mealtimes. to the enemy.
With the perimeter more or less secure, The delivery of supplies, haphazard in
Musket's role became principally that of a Captain Huggins' and Lieutenant Dal
regimental bivouac area, and stringent se- Ponte's time, had by now become a routine
curity measures were observed in the area, operation. Natives working in shifts brought
especially at night. The men took to their the supplies forward to specified points be-
slit trenches at dusk and stayed in them till hind the firing line and carried back the
daylight. Movement through the area dur- wounded. A water purification unit was in-
ing the night was strictly forbidden, and stalled, and the individual water seeps were
front-line troops on the outer perimeter were filled in. Additional mortars and two 37-
under orders to use only hand grenades mm. guns, firing canister, were emplaced to
against suspicious noises or movements in advantage within the perimeter.
Pending the arrival of the rest of the regi-
41st Div Tng Notes, No. 3, 4 Jun 43; 163d ment, the 1st Battalion gave the enemy line
Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. a thorough probing. It did not take long to

find that the Japanese had two strong perim- the ground surface." Although the two com-
eters between Musket and Kano, about 200 panies were covered by all the mortars and
yards north of Musket and roughly the same machine guns the battalion could muster,
distance south of Kano. The perimeters neither attack was successful. Hanson
were abreast on either side of the road, with Troop, firing from the southeast, could not
the one on the west about twice the size of lay down supporting fire for Company B's
the one on the east. Since the two positions flank attack. The result was that the com-
were on relatively dry ground in a swampy pany, forced to attack frontally, not only
jungle area, dominated like Musket by tall ran into fire from both perimeters, but also
trees, they could be reached only from the hit the larger perimeter at its strongest point.
track or through the swamp. The company recoiled and was finally
The 2d Battalion, led by Maj. Walter R. forced to dig in that night about thirty yards
Rankin, reached the front on the 7th. Colo- short of its objective.
nel Doe disposed the battalion along the Company C had even worse luck. It had
supply trail east of the M.T. Road and or- rained heavily the day before, and the com-
dered the 1st Battalion to reduce the two pany, attacking in a southwesterly direction,
enemy perimeters between Musket and ran into what had become, since the pre-
Kano the next day. If the attack proved vious day, a waist-deep swamp. The troops
succesful, the battalion would move into tried to cut through the swamp under heavy
Kano, and Major Rankin's battalion would fire, but the swamp was too deep and the fire
take over at Musket. too heavy. After losing one of its officers,
The plan of attack called for Companies 1st Lt. Harold R. Fisk, whose body could
B and C to attack from either flank—Com- not immediately be recovered, the company
pany B, the larger perimeter west of the road, returned to its original position at Kano,
and Company C, the smaller perimeter east which it renamed Fisk a day or two later.
of it. Company B would move out of Musket Company B, in slit trenches forward of
and, after circling west and north, hit the Musket which were waist-deep in water,
larger perimeter from the west; Company was relieved that night by Company E. The
C, advancing from a position between next morning, after Company B's troops
Moore and Kano, was to hit the smaller had had some sleep and some hot food, they
perimeter east of the track from the north- took over their former positions, and Com-
east. The 25-pounders of Hanson Troop pany E rejoined its battalion, still in place
and the machine guns and mortars of the along the supply trail.
rest of the battalion would be available to
support the attack.36 The Establishment of Rankin
Just before noon on 8 January, the Han-
son Troop put down a fifteen-minute con- On 7 January, with the 2d Battalion,
centration on both perimeters. The troop 163d Infantry, and Brigadier Wootten's
now had only shells with delayed fuse, and
these, as General Doe recalls, "simply buried 37
163d Inf Jnl, 0830, 0840, 9 Jan 43. Ltr, Gen
themselves in the muck or exploded under Doe to Gen Ward, 3 Mar 51; 163d Inf, The Battle
of Sanananda. Lieutenant Fisk was later post-
humously awarded the Silver Star. The citation is
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. in Hq 41st Div GO No. 5, 7 Feb 43.

first 400 replacements at hand, General mortar fire from a cluster of enemy posi-
Vasey issued the divisional plan of attack. tions enfilading the corridor from the south.
The attack would be in four stages. In Stage Company headquarters, a second platoon,
I, the 2d Battalion, 163d Infantry, would and half of the company's weapons platoon
cut off the enemy in the track junction by crossed the clearing before heavy machine
getting astride the Killerton trail; in Stage gun and rifle fire stopped further crossing.
II, the 18th Brigade, the 2/7 Cavalry, and Under Capt. William C. Benson, the rest
the tanks would destroy the Japanese in the of the company finally advanced through
track junction, and clear out the area south the clearing and across the trail via a sap
of Musket; in Stage III, the 163d Infantry dug through the clearing. The main body
would move on Sanananda Point by way of the company set up a perimeter on the
of the M.T. Road, and the 18th Brigade west side of the trail, and the covering pla-
would do so by first moving north along toon remained in place to the east of it.
the Killerton trail and then turning east There it was strongly engaged by the Japa-
to complete the envelopment. Stage IV nese who were in position only a few yards
would be the mop-up. away.
Stage I, the blocking of the Killerton The rest of the battalion, under Capt.
trail, would secure two main advantages. Paul G. Hollister, the battalion S-3, had
It would prevent the rapidly failing Japa- meanwhile turned north. After following
nese in the track junction from using it as the edge of the jungle for about 250 yards,
an escape route, and would provide the 18th the troops crossed over and, against only
Brigade with a jumping-off point for its light opposition, established themselves
advance on Sanananda when it had com- astride the trail. The new perimeter, which
pleted clearing out the track junction. was almost due west of Musket, was named
Early on 9 January, after being briefed Rankin after the battalion commander.
on its role by Colonel Doe, the 2d Battalion, The day's operations had cost the 2d
under its commander, Major Rankin, Battalion four killed and seven wounded,
moved out from its position along the sup- and the battalion was to suffer other losses
ply trail, passed through Musket, and be- during the succeeding few days in main-
gan marching on the Killerton trail a half taining its position,38 but the first stages of
mile away. The march was in a southwest- the divisional plan for the advance on
erly direction, and during its course tele- Sanananda had been completed. The last
phone wire was payed out to maintain possible escape route of Colonel Tsuka-
communications. moto's troops in the track junction was
The first enemy opposition was encoun- closed.
tered at 1030, just as the battalion was The 1st Battalion had meanwhile con-
approaching a narrow, corridorlike, north- tinued to attack the area between Musket
south clearing through which the Killerton and Fisk (Kano). On 10 January the 3d
trail ran. Major Rankin ordered a platoon Battalion, under Maj. Leonard A. Wing,
of Company G to the edge of the jungle
at the southern end of the corridor to act 163d Inf Jnl, 1740, 9 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Doe to
Gen Ward, 3 Mar 51; Ltr, Col Paul G. Hollister to
as cover for the battalion's left flank. The author, 11 Apr 51; 163d Inf, The Battle of
platoon began receiving heavy rifle and Sanananda.
reached the front with Brigadier Wootten's January, and General Blarney followed him
last 400 replacements. Cpl. Paul H. Knight, there several days later. Upon General
a member of the regimental Antitank Com- Blamey's return to Australia, General Her-
pany, noticed that the enemy was not firing ring again became commander of New
from the smaller perimeter east of the track. Guinea Force and returned to Port Moresby
Reconnoitering the position on his own on 11 January. Two days later, General
initiative, he discovered that the enemy had Eichelberger took command of all Austral-
for some unaccountable reason abandoned ian and American troops at the front as
it. Colonel Doe lost no time in exploiting the Commander, Advance New Guinea Force,
windfall. A platoon of Company A took and General Berryman became his chief of
over the position immediately, and it was staff.41
joined there the next morning by the rest of On the 11th, two days after the establish-
the company. Company K took Company ment of Rankin, Brigadier Wootten called
A's place on the supply trail, and Companies a conference of his subordinate commanders
I, L, and M moved forward to Musket to to discuss his plan for the reduction next
relieve Company B, which went into reserve. day of the area south of Musket. The discus-
The Japanese left behind considerable sion revealed that artillery would be of only
matériel when they evacuated the perimeter. limited usefulness because the Australian
Included were a water-cooled, .50-caliber front line was by this time within fifty yards
machine gun, two mortars, some hand of the enemy. The main reliance therefore
grenades, a quantity of small arms ammu- would have to be on armor even though,
nition, and a cache of rifles. The enemy because of the marshy nature of the terrain,
troops had obviously been very hungry the tanks would have to attack straight up
when they abandoned the perimeter, and the M.T. Road.
there was gruesome evidence that some of As finally put down on paper the same
them had been reduced to cannibalism.39 day, the plan of attack called for the 2/9
Battalion to attack on the right and the 2/12
The Attack on the Track Junction
The next day, the 9th, General MacArthur
Satisfied by this time that the tactical sit- issued a special order of the day in which he an-
nounced the award of the Distinguished Service
uation no longer required his presence, Gen- Cross (among others) to the following—General
eral MacArthur returned to Brisbane on 8 Blarney, General Kenney, General Eichelberger,
General Sutherland, General Casey, General
Willoughby, General Whitehead, Brigadier Eather,
and Brigadier Wootten. The order, in apparent
163d Inf Jnl, 1700, 1737, 1750, 10 Jan 43; Col anticipation of an early end to the campaign, ended
Doe, The Battle of Sanananda; Ltr, Col Dawley to with these words: "To Almighty God I give thanks
author, 13 Nov 50. The extremity to which the for that guidance which has brought us this success
Japanese had been reduced by this time is well in our great crusade. His is the honor, the power
evidenced by an enemy diary captured in the San- and the glory forever, Amen." Msg, Gen MacArthur
ananda-Giruwa area. Under the date 10 January to Gen Marshall, No. G-128, 9 Jan 43. The orders
it contains the following entry: "No medicine for are to be found also in The New York Times,
malaria, no food for the company for a week. . . . 9 Jan 43.
Went to collect the bodies of enemy dead. Ate Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Herring, Port
human flesh for the first time. It tastes compara- Moresby, 13 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files; Rpt, CG
tively good." Diary, member 3d Bn, 144th Inf, in Buna Forces, p. 40; Eichelberger, Our Jungle Road
ATIS CT 25, Bul Notes No. 183. to Tokyo, p. 59.


New Guinea, 8 January 1943.

Battalion, its left flank anchored on the M.T. left and rear of the 2/12 Battalion, ready
Road, to attack on the left. They were to be to go in at a moment's notice. The troops at
supported by the mortars of both battalions, Musket would lend direct support to the
brigaded together. Supported by a company operations of the 2/9 Battalion on the right,
of the 2/10 Battalion, the 2/9th would move and those at Rankin would aid operations
off to the northeast, circle the enemy's left generally by exerting pressure to the south
flank, and try to come in behind the track on the enemy's right rear.42
junction. The main attack would be gen- At 0800 the next morning, while the 163d
erally to the right of the M.T. Road. It Infantry executed feints from Musket and
would be launched by the 2/12 Battalion, Rankin, the two battalions of the 18th
a company of the 2/10 Battalion, and three Brigade attacked the Japanese positions
of the four available tanks. The 2/7 Cavalry
and the remaining two companies of the 42
18th Bde Gp Opns Order No. 3, 11 Jan 43;
2/10 Battalion would be in reserve to the Rpt on Opns, 18th Bde Gp at Sanananda.

covering the junction. After a heavy artil- number of enemy positions. The little
lery concentration from south and east, ground that it gained, however, was mostly
principally on the; enemy's rear areas, the on the right side of the road. The 2/9 Bat-
2/9 Battalion moved off to the northeast on talion on the right flank met less opposition
a two-company front, with Company K, and gained more ground, but it still faced a
163d Infantry, covering its right flank. The number of unreduced enemy positions at
2/12 Battalion, with one company and the end of the day.43
three tanks on the road, and two companies Though the 18th Brigade had lost 142
to the right of the road, moved off on the men in the day's fighting—34 killed, 66
left. Preceded by the tanks, the company wounded, and 51 missing (some of whom
on the road attacked straight up the track, were later recovered)—the Japanese line,
and the companies on the right, which were as far as could be ascertained, was intact.
a short distance forward, attacked obliquely General Eichelberger reported the prevail-
toward the road. ing feeling to General MacArthur that night
The tank attack miscarried. It had been when he wrote: "The attack on that darned
assumed in drawing up the plan that the area was not successful. The advance went
tanks would receive no antitank fire, since through where there were no Japanese and
the Japanese had fired neither field guns bogged down where the Japanese were."44
nor antitank guns on this front since 23 De- The next morning, at General Vasey's
cember. The assumption was a mistake. request, General Eichelberger flew across
Colonel Tsukamoto had not only mined the the river to see what could be done. He re-
road but he also had some antitank shells ported the situation to General Herring that
that he apparently had been hoarding for night as follows:
just such an emergency. As the tanks ad- It had been my intention to move down to
vanced up the narrow road in column, a your old headquarters today but General
3-inch antitank shell pierced the leading Vasey after an attack yesterday wanted to
tank and destroyed its radio set. The troop discuss his plans so I decided to go over there
commander, who was inside, got the tank instead. General Vasey, General Berryman
and Brigadier Wootten are all agreed that any
off the road but was unable to warn the more all-out attacks on that Japanese area
tanks behind him that they were facing will be abortive. The best plan would seem
short-range antitank fire. As a result, each to be to surround the area and cut off all
of the other two tanks was hit as it came supplies, accompanied by plenty of mortar
forward. The first tank bogged down when fire and constant harassing. This seemed to
me very slow work, but I realize that any other
it left the road but managed finally to with- decision may result in tremendous loss of
draw. The second tank went out of control personnel without commensurate gains. For
when hit and, after careening wildly along the immediate present, I have asked General
the track, was finally knocked out by the Vasey to have a survey made to see if it is
possible for troops to live in these swamps.
Japanese. The third tank, though disabled
by both antitank shells and land mines, was
subsequently recovered. 43
ALF Daily Opns Rpt, No. 274, 13 Jan 43, in
Left without tank support, the 2/12 Bat- G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Rpt on Opns, 18th Bde Gp
talion nonetheless fought on doggedly, kill- at Sanananda; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 12
ing a great many Japanese and reducing a Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.

The Japanese naturally have settled on the twenty-eight ounces. At the end of Decem-
only high sandy ground.45 ber the ration on the Sanananda front was
The Allies had misread the situation. The ten ounces. It was down to two ounces by
attack of 12 January had succeeded better the first week in January. By 12 January
than they realized. There were still plenty there was no rice left for issue to the troops.49
of unreduced bunkers standing which ap- The Japanese were not only starving,
peared to be even stronger and better cam- they were critically short of medicine and
ouflaged than those at Buna,46 but the enemy medical supplies. At the hospital at Giruwa
had had enough. Surrounded, his supply there had been no medicine for over a
line completely cut, Colonel Tsukamoto had month, the wards were under water, and
already ordered his troops to begin evacuat- nearly all the medical personnel were either
ing the track junction area.47 dead or themselves patients. The troops were
short of rifles, hand grenades, and rifle
Tokyo Decides To Withdraw grenades, and mortar shells and rifle am-
munition were being strictly rationed, since
General Yamagata's Position stocks of both had already begun to run
Despite the fact that they were still fight- Upon his arrival at Giruwa on 22 De-
ing hard, and had up to this point succeeded cember General Oda had professed great
in imposing a stalemate on the Sanananda optimism about the future. He told the
front, the situation of the Japanese there troops that they would be reinforced in good
was hopeless. They had worked hard to time and assured them that, whatever else
establish a base at the mouth of the Mam- happened, the homeland would never let
bare to supply Giruwa, using submarines Giruwa fall.51 General Yamagata had been
and high-speed launches, but the vigilance under no such illusions about the situation.
of the coast watchers and the air force had In an operations order which he issued
defeated the plan. The result for the Japa- while still at the Amboga River, he wrote,
nese was catastrophic. General Yamagata "It appears we are now in the final
had some 5,000 troops at the beachhead stages." 52 He was right, and Tokyo by that
(including the sick and wounded), but the time was of the same opinion.
men had almost nothing to eat and every
Japanese in the area faced death by starva- The Orders of 4 and 13 January
The food situation could not have been Things had gone as badly for the Japa-
more critical. The standard daily issue of nese on Guadalcanal. The main difficulty
rice to Japanese troops at this time was about there as on the New Guinea front was sup-
ply. After preliminary discussion of the
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Herring, 13 Jan
43, copy in OCMH files. matter in late December, Imperial General
Msg, Adv NGF to NGF, Ser 6139, 12 Jan 43;
Msg, 7th Aust Div to 32d Div, Ser 6165, 12 Jan 43. 18th Army Opns I, 33.
Both in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. ALF Daily Opns Rpt, No. Rad, Col Tomita to CofS 17th Army, 23 Nov
275, 14 Jan 43, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA. 42; Interr, Lt Sawatari; 18th Army Opns I, 29, 30.
47 51
18th Army Opns I, 30. Diary, Sgt Kiyoshi.
48 52
Diary, Sgt Kiyoshi; 18th Army Opns I, 33, 34, Buna Shitai Opns Orders No. A-39, 27 Dec 42,
43, 45, 48. in ATIS CT 29, No. 350.

Headquarters decided on 4 January that, General Adachi Finally

because of a critical lack of shipping and the Orders the Withdrawal
virtual impossibility of supplying either
Guadalcanal or Buna effectively, all Five days went by without orders from
thoughts of recapturing the one or holding General Adachi. On 12 January, the day
the other would have to be abandoned. It that the broken remnants of Colonel Tsuka-
gave orders therefore that the forces on moto's troops began evacuating the track
Guadalcanal would evacuate the island junction, General Oda, from his headquar-
gradually by night and take up defensive ters at Sanananda Village, sent the chief of
positions in the northern Solomons. The staff of the 18th Army an urgent message.
troops at Sanananda and Giruwa, in turn, Most of the men [Oda wrote] are stricken
would be evacuated to Lae and Salamaua with dysentery. Those not ... in bed with
after fresh troops from Rabaul reinforced illness are without food and too weak for
the latter two points.53 hand-to-hand fighting. . . . Starvation is
taking many lives, and it is weakening our
The orders of 4 January were immedi- already extended lines. We are doomed. In
ately transmitted to the 8th Area Army at several days, we are bound to meet the same
Rabaul. Its commander, General Imamura, fate that overtook Basabua and Buna. . . .
left the timing and the manner of with- Our duty will have been accomplished if we
drawal at Buna to General Adachi. A 51st fight and lay down our lives here on the field.
However, [since] this would mean that our
Division unit, the 102d Infantry, Rein- foothold in [eastern] New Guinea would be
forced, was already on board ship waiting lost and the sacrifices of our fellow soldiers
to move to Lae, and General Adachi or- during the past six months will have been in
dered it forward at once. The ships left Ra- vain . . . [I] urge that reinforcements be
baul the next day and, despite determined landed near Gona at once.55
attempts by the air force to stop them, The next day General Adachi finally gave
reached Lae safely on the 7th.54 General Yamagata permission to begin
evacuating Sanananda and Giruwa. Ac-
cording to a plan drawn by Adachi him-
Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, pp. self, the troops would withdraw to the
336-38; Hist Rec Army Section Imperial General mouths of the Kumusi and Mambare
Headquarters, pp. 67, 71, 72; Hist 8th Area Army,
p. 7; Southeast Area Naval Opns I, 54, 59. Rivers, and from there they would either
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpts, 7 Jan 43, 8 Jan march or be taken by sea to Lae and
43, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Msg, NGF to Adv Salamaua. As many of the troops as pos-
NGF, Ser 5272, 8 Jan 43, in 32 Div G-3 Jnl; 18th
Army Opns I, 32; Hist 8th Area Army, p. 7. The
sible would be evacuated in motor launches,
convoy consisted of four transports, escorted by five but the rest would have to make their way
destroyers, and had very strong air cover. Although westward to the Japanese-held area on the
Allied planes were unable to stop the convoy, they other side of Gona by slipping through the
did succeed in sinking two of the four transports Allied lines. Evacuation by launch of the
while the ships were unloading in the harbor, and
in destroying a large number of enemy planes. sick and wounded would begin at once and
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 8-9 Jan 43, in G-3 would continue nightly until those not in
Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Msg, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser
5271, 8 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Southeast Area
Naval Opns I, 60; Msg, Gen MacArthur to Gen Rad, Gen Oda to CofS, 18th Army, 12 Jan 43,
Marshall, No. C-93, CM-IN 5153, 11 Jan 43. in 18th Army Opns I, 29, 36.

condition to fight were completely evacu- routes along the M.T. Road and the Killer-
ated. Because of the favorable moon, the ton trail. Company K, 163d Infantry, which
attempt to reach the area west of Gona had been operating to the east of the road
overland would begin on 25 January and on the right flank of the 2/9 Battalion, was
be completed by the 29th.56 How Sana- joined by Company B from Musket, and
nanda and Giruwa were to be held until the the two companies moved southward along
25th in the desperate circumstances out- the M.T. Road to meet the oncoming Aus-
lined by General Oda in his message of the tralians. On the Killerton trail Companies
12th was not made clear. E and G moved out of Rankin. Aided by
Hanson Troop and the battalion's mortars,
The Clean-up South of Musket the units led by Major Rankin, the battalion
commander, reduced the three enemy per-
After the supposed failure of the attack imeters on their southern flank. At least a
on 12 January, General Vasey, on General hundred Japanese were killed in the attack,
Eichelberger's suggestion, ordered intensive many of them apparently escapees from the
patrolling of the entire track junction area. track junction. Machine guns, rifles, and
The 2/9 and 2/12 Battalions kept the Japa- ammunition were the principal booty
nese positions to their front under steady taken.58
pressure, and the 163d Infantry at Musket The 18th Brigade, with the 2/7 Cavalry
sent patrols south to find out how far north under its command, made short work of the
the enemy positions in the junction ex- Japanese who were still to be found in the
tended, an endeavor which was to be richly track junction area. By early afternoon the
rewarded. Australian troops had swept completely
On the 14th, shortly after daybreak, a through the area and had joined hands with
163d Infantry patrol came upon a sick Japa- the 163d Infantry units on both the M.T.
nese lying in some bushes just south of Road and the Killerton track. Enemy equip-
Musket. Taken prisoner and interrogated, ment taken by the Australians included a 3-
the Japanese revealed that the orders of the inch antiaircraft gun, six grenade launchers,
12th had called for the withdrawal of all forty machine guns (including thirteen
able-bodied troops from the junction area. Brens), 120 rifles (thirty of them Australian
He had left with the rest, he told his captors, 303's), and a quantity of hand grenades,
but had been too sick to keep up and had but their bag of the enemy was small—152
collapsed on the trail.57 Japanese killed and six prisoners of war.59
That was all General Vasey needed to
know. He immediately ordered the 18th Bri- 58
Rpt on Opns, 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda;
gade to launch a general offensive and the 163d Inf, the Battle of Sanananda. During the at-
163d Infantry to send all available troops tack, Major Rankin himself reconnoitered the area
ahead of his troops and personally directed the fire
southward to block off all possible escape of the mortars and the artillery from an exposed
position within a few yards of the enemy. He was
18th Army Opns Orders MO No. A-72, 13 later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The
Jan 43, in 18th Army Opns I, 36. citation is in USAFFE GO No. 37, 7 Jul 43.
57 59
Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6237, 14 Jan 43; Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6237, 14 Jan 43;
Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6253, 14 Jan 43, in 32d Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6378, 14 Jan 43. Both
Div G-3 Jnl; Rpt on Opns, 18th Inf Bde Gp at in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. Rpt on Opns, 18th Inf Bde
Sanananda; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. Gp at Sanananda.

It was clear by this time that the Austra- out the condition of the swamps, etc. These
lians had really won the victory two days patrols ran into signs the Japanese were evacu-
ating the pocket and an attack was ordered.
before. The dramatic way in which the situ-
As a result a lot of Japanese were killed and a
ation had changed on the 14th did not lot of valuable matériel captured.
escape General Eichelberger. He wrote to Today, all is optimism. Vasey, from pessi-
General Sutherland the next day: mism, has changed 100% and he now feels
the Japanese have gotten out. Berryman and
The day before yesterday I went over to I are not at all sure. . . . Nevertheless the
Sanananda at General Vasey's request, ac- elimination of the pocket has improved the
companied by Berryman. Wootten and all situation immeasurably.60
were certain it was impossible to take out the
Japanese pocket by direct attack and recom- It had indeed. The way was clear at last
mended that we surround the area and ham- for the general advance on Sanananda.
mer it to pieces as well as starve the Japanese
out. The only decision I made was that the 60
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 15
whole area be patrolled with a view to finding Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.

The Final Offensive

With the clearing of the area south of moving east to occupy Killerton Village,
Musket, the fighting on the Sanananda about 1,000 yards south of Cape Killerton.
front entered its last phase. The Japanese (Map 17)
were about to be enveloped by the 18th No opposition had been met during the
Brigade, the 163d Infantry, and the 127th day, and the brigade was now poised to
Infantry from the west, the south, and the move on Cape Killerton, Wye Point, and
east. The end could not be far off. Sanananda. It could attack south to the
M.T. Road from Killerton Village, and
The Three-Way Push north to the coast from the village and the
junction secured by the 2/10 Battalion.The
The Preparations 2d Battalion, 163d Infantry, was also in
in General Vasey's Area position and was preparing to attack east-
ward toward the M.T. Road as the rest of
On the evening of 14 January the mop- the 163d Infantry attacked northward from
up in the track junction was turned over Fisk.2
to the 2/7 Cavalry and the 39 and 49 Bat- The 163d Infantry at Musket and Fisk
talions, and the 18th Brigade began moving also had progress to report at the end of the
to Rankin, the 2/10 Battalion leading. day. The alertness of Company A, which
After spending the night in the area, the had been operating out of the captured
troops passed through Rankin and moved perimeter between Musket and Fisk, was
up to a coconut plantation a mile and a largely responsible for the day's successes.
half north. One company of 2/12 Battalion At 0730 that morning a platoon of the com-
thereupon moved to secure a track junction pany crossed the M.T. Road and sneaked
500 yards east of the plantation, the 2/9 into the large Japanese perimeter on the
Battalion and the rest of the 2/12 Battalion other side from the north without being de-
went into bivouac in the plantation area, tected by its defenders. Under the company
and the 2/10 Battalion and brigade head- commander, 1st Lt. Howard McKinney,
quarters moved a mile and a quarter far- 1
Msg, 18th Inf Bde to 2/9, 2/10, 2/12 Bns, No.
ther north where they secured a track junc- 0.120, 14 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files; Tel Msgs,
tion about 900 yards from the coast. Toward 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6252, 15 Jan 43, Ser 6263,
15 Jan 43; Msgs, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6258, 15
evening the 2d Battalion, 163d Infantry, Jan 43, Ser 6379, 15 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl;
took over the junction east of the plantation Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda.

secured earlier by the 2/12 Battalion, and 43; Tel Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6252, 15 Jan
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda; Rpt on
Company B of the 2/10 Battalion began Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda.

the rest of the company moved in at once Companies A and B and the platoon of
and began to attack. The perimeter, about Company C which had been working on
300 yards long and 150 wide, consisted of a the Japanese pocket between Musket and
labyrinth of interconnected bunkers and fire Fisk. For the first time since its arrival at
trenches, and the enemy, though taken by the front, all of the 1st Battalion was under
surprise, resisted fiercely. Colonel Doe lost the direct control of Colonel Lindstrom, the
no time in ordering a platoon of Company battalion commander.4
C from Fisk to attack the perimeter from the The plan of attack was carefully drawn.
east and Company B (which with Com- Fifteen 81-mm. mortars from Musket, and
panies E, G, and K, had by this time com- the 25-pounders of the Manning and Hall
pleted its part in the mop-up south of Mus- Troops from the other side of the river
ket) to attack from the west. The encircle- would give support. The 2/6 Armored Regi-
ment was complete, but so strong was the ment's remaining two tanks would stand by
Japanese bunker line and so desperate the southwest of Fisk to be used at Colonel
Japanese defense that it quickly became Lindstrom's discretion. After harassing ar-
apparent that the perimeter was not going tillery fire during the night and a fifteen-
to be reduced that day.3 minute preparation in the morning, the
Just before noon that day, 15 January, battalion would attack from the woods west
General Vasey came up to Colonel Doe's of Fisk. It would envelop the enemy's right
command post to give him his instructions flank and rear west of the road, effect a
for an all-out attack the following morning junction with the 2d Battalion as it came in
on the Japanese line north of Fisk. The 2d from the west, and move forward with it to
Battalion was already committed to the at- the M.T. Road.5
tack eastward from the coconut plantation
to the M.T. Road, and Colonel Doe chose The Situation on the Right
the 1st Battalion, by this time his most ex-
perienced unit, for the northward attack. From its bridgehead on the west bank of
The 3d Battalion's role would be to com- Konombi Creek the 127th Infantry had
plete the reduction of the Japanese pocket meanwhile been patrolling toward Giruwa,
between Musket and Fisk and to support the which was now only a mile away. An ad-
attack with its heavy weapons and those of vance under enemy fire along a track five
the rest of the battalion massed in Musket. or six feet wide over which the waves broke
The decision to use the 1st Battalion in at high tide and innundated the mangrove
the attack north of Fisk made it necessary swamp on the other side was no easy matter.
for Colonel Doe to regroup. Company I But with the 18th Brigade and the 163d
took over from Company C at Moore and Infantry in position for an all-out attack on
Fisk, and Companies K and L relieved 16 January the time had come for the 127th
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. During the
Infantry to begin moving forward again.
morning's fighting, S. Sgt. Paul Ziegele of Com- On 14 January General Eichelberger had
pany A crept up to a Japanese bunker containing put Colonel Howe, 32d Division G-3, in
a .50-caliber machine gun, and in the face of strong
enemy fire killed four of the bunker's five occupants
with his Ml. He later received the Distinguished 163d Inf Jnl, 1710, 15 Jan 43; 163d Inf, The
Service Cross. The citation is in Hq, USAFFE GO Battle of Sanananda.
No. 41, 25 Jul 43. 163d Inf FO No. 4, 15 Jan 43.

MAP 17

command of Urbana Force. Colonel Grose

returned to headquarters, and Boerem, now
a lieutenant colonel, became Colonel
Howe's executive officer. The next day,
General Eichelberger ordered Howe to be-
gin moving on Giruwa in the morning.
On the 15th, the day he assumed com-
mand, Howe ordered Company B to try
moving up the coast. The artillery and the
mortars gave the known enemy positions in
the area a complete going over before the
troops moved forward, but when the com-
pany was a few hundred yards out the
Japanese opened up with a machine gun at
almost point-blank range, killing two and
wounding five. The artillery and the mortars
thereupon went over the area even more
carefully than before, and the company
again tried to advance, only to have a sec-
ond machine gun open up on it from a new
position. A squad moved into the swamp
to find the enemy guns and outflank them
but ran into the fire of another machine gun.
Another squad ordered in from another
point on the track ran into such dense
swamp growth that it was unable to hack
its way through.
Describing the situation for Colonel Brad-
ley over the phone that evening, Colonel
Howe had this to say:
This damn swamp up here consists of big
mangrove trees, not small ones like they have
in Australia, but great big ones. Their knees
stick up in the air ... as much as six or
eight feet above the ground, and where a big
tree grows it is right on top of a clay knoll.

Tel Conv, Col Bradley with Col Howe, Ser
6277, 15 Jan 43. Reporting to General Sutherland
that night, General Eichelberger wrote: "Howe will
take command of the left flank and the 127th In-
fantry. Howe is very competent. I will be glad to see
him there for he is not a regular officer and I do
not want to give the impression that I favor the
regular army." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen
Sutherland, 15 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.

A man or possibly two men can . . . dig in The forces for the envelopment of Sanan-
a little bit, but in no place do they have an
adequate dug-in position. The rest of this area anda were in place and the attack was ready
is swamp that stinks like hell. You step into to go. The weather, so long adverse, had
it and go up to your knees. That's the whole finally turned favorable. The rains had
damn area, except for the narrow strip on the stopped on the 13th, and for the first time
beach. I waded over the whole thing myself
to make sure I saw it all. . . . There is no
in weeks the track was dry.9
place along that beach that would not be
under water when the tide comes in. ... The Troops Jump Off
To make matters worse, there seemed to
be Japanese to the southward who could The many-pronged attack was launched
have got there from Sanananda only by a early on the morning of 16 January. On
trail unknown to the 127th Infantry. Colo- the left, from the track junction near the
nel Howe reported that one of his patrols coast where he had his headquarters, Briga-
(which the enemy tried unsuccessfully to dier Wootten ordered Companies C and D,
ambush before it left the area) had dis- 2/10 Battalion, to push to the coast and turn
covered a whole series of Japanese defen- east toward Cape Killerton and Wye Point.
sive positions, a five-ton hoist, a small jetty, Company A, 2/10 Battalion, was to move
and a rubber boat along the bank of a east and south to a track junction a mile
branch stream running into Konombi southeast of Killerton Village. From there
Creek. In these circumstances, Howe it was to attack eastward toward the M.T.
wanted to know whether "the Old Man" Road. The 2/9 and 2/12 Battalions were
still wanted "to go on with this thing." "It left for the time being in reserve.
will take a whole regiment," he added, "if On Colonel Doe's front the 2d Battalion,
we do." 7 163d Infantry, pushed off toward the road
Late that night Colonel Bradley tele- from the junction east of the plantation and
phoned Colonel Howe that General Eichel- marched southeast to take the enemy troops
berger was releasing the entire regiment to north of Fisk in the rear. In the center the
him except for Companies D, H, and M, 1st Battalion, 163d Infantry, attacked the
the heavy weapons units, which would be left flank of the enemy line immediately to
left in the Buna Mission-Giropa Point its front. The 3d Battalion, operating to the
area for beach defense. He told him further rear of the 1st Battalion, continued to work
that, except for the remnant of the 126th
Infantry which was in no circumstances to
be touched, he could in an emergency count Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6172, 13 Jan 43;
Rads, Adv NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6249, 15 Jan 43,
on the support of Colonel Martin's troops Ser 6314, 16 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. General
as well. Eichelberger whimsically claimed some of the credit
for the change in weather. He based his claim on
a statement that he had made at Brigadier
Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Bradley, Ser 6267, Wootten's headquarters on the 13th. "I made the
15 Jan 43. remark," he wrote, "that I was going to call on my
Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Col Howe, Ser 6277, luck to see that there was no more rain for awhile.
15 Jan 43. The restriction apparently did not apply They looked at me as though I were crazy and yet
to Company A, 126th Infantry, which both Colonel there hasn't been anything but sunshine since that
Grose and Colonel Howe had been using for recon- moment." Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Herring,
naissance missions, though not for combat. 16 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.

on the Japanese pocket between Musket and cover his rearward communications, and
Fisk. he still had both the 2/9 and 2/12 Battal-
On Colonel Howe's front the 127th In- ions in reserve in the plantation area. Leav-
fantry moved south and west. Company I ing the three companies of the 2/10 Battal-
moved south to investigate the area where ion on the coast to work on the opposition
the chain hoist had been found the day be- they had encountered near Cape Killerton
fore, and Companies A and B attacked west and Wye Point, he ordered Colonel Arnold
along the coastal track, Company A in the to move forward with his entire battalion
swamp covering Company B from the left. to the M.T. Road. As soon as he reached
it, he was to take Company A, 2/10 Bat-
The Japanese Line Falls Apart talion, under command and move directly
on Sanananda.11
Companies C and D, 2/10 Battalion, The 2/12 Battalion joined Company A
reached the coast on the morning of the on the M.T. Road the following afternoon,
16th without encountering any enemy 17 January. Colonel Arnold attacked at
troops. They met strong opposition, how- once to the northeastward, but was stopped
ever, at a bridge over an unnamed creek by heavy enemy opposition. The 2/10 Bat-
just west of Cape Killerton. Brigadier Woot- talion, under Lt. Col. C. J. Geard, took both
ten thereupon ordered Company B (which Cape Killerton and Wye Point that day.
had just reached Killerton Village after los- Past Wye Point it met strong opposition and
ing its way during the night and bivouack- was also stopped. To hasten a decision there
ing a mile to the south) to advance from the and along the M.T. Road, Brigadier
village northeast to the coast. It was then Wootten ordered the 2/9 Battalion to
to turn east and move on Wye Point. As it march cross-country from its bivouac in the
came out on the coast, the company ran into plantation area to a large kunai strip about a
light opposition and scattered it. Moving mile and a half east. At one point this strip
east, it hit a strong line of Japanese bunkers was only a few hundred yards from Sana-
on the beach just west of Wye Point and nanda Village. Brigadier Wootten reasoned
was held up there for the rest of the day. that the Japanese, relying upon the unfavor-
Company A, after a very difficult march able terrain which surrounded the strip,
through swamp, had meanwhile come out might not have taken the trouble to defend
on the M.T. Road, about a mile south of it. The 2/9 Battalion, under Colonel Cum-
Sanananda and a mile and a half north of mings' successor, Maj. W. N. Parry-Okeden,
the main Japanese defense line on the M.T. reached the strip that evening to find that
Road. Turning northeast toward Sana- Brigadier Wootten's surmise had been cor-
nanda, it was stopped by a secondary Jap- rect. The strip was completely undefended,
anese defense line across the road. and all that separated the Australians from
Having now felt out the enemy, Briga- the village was a stretch of heavy swamp, no
dier Wootten knew what to do. The 39
Battalion was moving up from the south to 11
Msgs, 7th Div to 32d Div, Sers 6287, 6298,
6314, 6315, 16 Jan 43; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser
Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda; 6338, 16 Jan 43. All in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. Rpt on
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda; 127th Inf, Tact Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda; 163d Inf,
Hist, 16 Jan 43. The Battle of Sanananda.

worse than others they had already crossed. of the battalion, while those of Company M,
After a difficult advance through the in place east of Fisk, began searching out the
swamp, the battalion launched a surprise area to the south and southeast. At 0857 the
attack on Sanananda the following morning fifteen 81-mm. mortars of companies D, H,
and took it by 1300. Leaving a platoon to and M opened up from Musket, and at 0859
hold Sanananda, the battalion commander the 60-mm. mortars of the 3d Battalion, in
ordered one company south to meet the 2/12 battery south of Fisk, opened fire on the Jap-
Battalion and pushed on eastward along the anese line. At 0900 the artillery and 81-mm.
beach with the rest of his battalion. By eve- mortars ceased firing, and the troops moved
ning the 2/9th had overrun Sanananda forward. The direction was northeast,
Point and reached the approaches to Giruwa roughly parallel to the track.
Village. There the Japanese resistance stiff- Fairly heavy fire came from the Japanese
ened, and advance came to a halt. Except positions as the troops crawled out from the
for a 1,500-yard strip between Wye Point line of departure. A strongpoint on the right
and Sanananda, the beach from Cape Kill- gave Company A a lot of trouble, especially
erton almost to the outskirts of Giruwa was when riflemen opened up from positions in
in Australian hands.12 the tall trees behind it. Light machine guns
The attack of the 163d Infantry had also were brought up to clean out the snipers,
gone well. Early on 16 January, after an and the crawling skirmishers advanced
all-night artillery harassment of the Japa- steadily. Company C on the left continued
nese main line north of Fisk, the 1st Battal- to move forward and around the enemy, but
ion began forming up for the attack on the Company A ran into trouble as it neared
west side of the road along the edge of a the enemy strongpoint immediately to its
woods west of Fisk. Companies A and C, front.
Lieutenant McKinney and Capt. Jack Van "The assault line [the company comman-
Duyn commanding, were abreast on an der recalls] got within twenty yards of the
800-yard front, and Company B (Capt. Jap bunkers when it was definitely stopped
Robert M. Hamilton commanding) was by a combination of flat ground and at least
immediately to the rear in battalion reserve. four machine guns. The sun was blazing hot
Company A was on the right, and its right and the heat was terrific. The air in the small
flank was anchored on the road. Company open space was dead still. The heat and
C, on the left, extended beyond the Japa- nervous strain tore at everyone; two officers
nese right flank in order to get around it and eighteen men collapsed and were evacu-
and come in on the Japanese rear. ated . . ."14
The attack was well prepared. The artil- Worse was in store. The troops used up
lery opened fire at 0845. The .30-caliber ma- all their machine gun ammunition. The
chine guns of Company D started spraying Japanese tree snipers grew bolder, and it
the woods and underbrush on both flanks was impossible to use the mortars and artil-
lery because the front line was too close to
Msgs, 7th Div to 32d Div, Sers 6340, 6347, the Japanese positions. Colonel Lindstrom
6358, 6360, 17 Jan 43, Sers 6383, 6385, 6402, 18
Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; ALF Daily Opns Rpts
No. 278, 17 Jan 43, No. 279, 18 Jan 43, No. 280, 41st Inf Div Tng Notes No. 2, 19 May 43, copy
18 Jan 43; Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at in OCMH files; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.
Sanananda. 41st Inf Div Tng Notes No. 2, 19 May 43.

ordered in a platoon from Company B, but The 1st and 2d Battalions were now
it too was pinned down. By noon the situa- north of Fisk and behind the main Japanese
tion was clearly hopeless, and Lindstrom line. As a result, Colonel Doe was in a posi-
gave the order to withdraw. There had been tion to envelop the remaining enemy troops
nine killed and seventeen wounded in the in the area from the front, flanks, and rear.
attack.15 He first attached Company K to the 1st
Company C meanwhile had met only Battalion to chop a supply trail from a new
negligible opposition. Seeing that its attack battalion supply point to the southwest of
was going through, Colonel Lindstrom had Fisk. Then, after seeing to it that the troops
pushed in Company B. The two companies of the battalion had some rest and food, he
swept around the Japanese right flank and proceeded to his task.
quickly established a perimeter 200 yards On 17 January patrols of Company B
behind the Japanese line. The new position, located the Japanese stronghold which had
to which the 1st Battalion moved as quickly balked Company A the day before. The
as it could, was about 400 yards west of the company left the 1st Battalion bivouac,
road.16 moved southwest, and spent the night about
The 2d Battalion was now reaching the 100 yards from the enemy position. In the
area with Companies F and G in the lead. morning the men attacked across a fifteen-
Part of Company H had been left behind at foot-wide, chest-high stream. In the face of
trail junction east of the plantation to cover heavy fire from a line of enemy bunkers on
the battalion's rear. Although the battalion the other side of the stream, only one pla-
had to cut its way through on a compass toon was able to get across. The platoon
course when all traces of the trail it was fol- knocked out one of the bunkers to its front,
lowing disappeared, it came out just south only to find itself up against a second line
of the 1st Battalion. A patrol of Company of bunkers immediately to the rear. Pinned
B met it and guided it into the 1st Battalion down by heavy fire, it made no further
perimeter. After a meal and a short rest, progress that day. Patrols were sent to the
Major Rankin's troops chopped their way left to look for an easier crossing. When
east to a point on the M.T. Road about they returned with a report that the double
1,000 yards behind the Japanese line, and line of bunkers extended as far as the eye
there they made contact with the 2/12 could see, Captain Hamilton, the company
Battalion. commander, ordered the company into
Early that afternoon Companies K and L bivouac for another try at the enemy posi-
overcame the last enemy resistance in the tion in the morning.
pocket between Musket and Kano. The en- Companies A and K had moved out that
tire area south of Fisk was finally clear of morning to envelop the enemy position from
the enemy.17 the M.T. Road. While trying to reach the
road, they ran into an enemy strongpoint in
a road bend about 250 yards behind the
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.
Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6338, 16 Jan 43, in Japanese line and were also halted. Com-
32d Div G-3 Jnl; 163d Inf Jnl, 1400, 16 Jan 43; pany F, advancing southward along the
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. M. T. Road from the 2d Battalion bivouac,
163d Inf Jnl, 1400, 16 Jan 43; 163d Inf, The
Battle of Sanananda. ran into Company K's right flank as it began

approaching the road bend, and moved off swamp was deeper and harder to cut
to the left to make contact with the enemy through, and there was no spit from which
positions on the east side of the road. The enfilading fire could be put down on the
company soon encountered very strong enemy.
enemy resistance and began working on it. The advance did not go far that day.
The 163d Infantry had accounted for After Company G had gained a few yards
more than 250 of the enemy since the 16th and taken one machine gun, it was stopped
and was now in contact with the remaining by a second machine gun so cleverly sited
Japanese positions in its area. All that re- that the troops were unable to flank it. Com-
mained for Colonel Doe to do was to sur- panies I and K, operating to the southward,
round and destroy them. had meanwhile run into an enemy outpost
On Colonel Howe's front gains on the about fifty yards south of the chain hoist.
16th, the opening day of the advance, had They killed eleven ragged and horribly ema-
been negligible. The area of the chain hoist ciated Japanese in the encounter.
was investigated and found to be deserted, The coastal attack was resumed on 18
but an attempt to move forward on Giruwa January with Company G still on the right,
along the coastal track had made virtually and Company F, as before, on its left. Com-
no progress. Although the attack on the panies K and I were on Company F's left
coastal track had been preceded by a rolling rear, and an element of Company L was
barrage of both artillery and mortar fire, the between K and F. The opposition had per-
127th Infantry had gained only a few yards ceptibly weakened, and the two lead com-
in a full day's fighting. Toward evening panies gained 300 yards that day.20 Al-
Companies F and G relieved Companies A though the fantastically difficult terrain in
and B, and plans were drawn for a stronger which the 127th Infantry was operating
and better-supported attack in the morn- heavily favored the enemy, he was finally
ing.19 on the run on that flank too.
The next morning, 17 January, Com-
panies I and K moved southward along the Finishing the Job
west bank of Konombi Creek to see whether
there were Japanese beyond the place where The Mop-up Begins
the chain hoist had been found. Companies
G and F, following the usual artillery and By 19 January operations had definitely
mortar barrage, attacked westward. Com- entered the mop-up stage. The enemy was
pany G moved forward along the track, and fighting to the death, and the opposition
Company F (as in the advance on Tara- continued to be heavy, so heavy in fact, that
kena) covered it from the swamp on the the companies of the 2/10 Battalion on the
left. The going was infinitely more difficult coast west of Sanananda and of the 2/9
than on the other side of the river. The Battalion on the eastern outskirts of Giruwa
were held up that day and the day follow-
Ltr, Gen Doe to Gen Ward, 3 Mar 51; 163d
Inf, The Battle of Sanananda; 41st Div Tng Notes
No. 2, 19 May 43. Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Capt M. H. Haag,
Tel Conv, Maj Hawkins with Col Howe, Ser Ser 6354, 17 Jan 43; 127th Inf Jnl, 1630, 17 Jan 43,
6304, 16 Jan 43, 127th Inf Jnl, 1200, 1615, 16 Jan 1625 1650, 18 Jan 43; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 17,
43; 127th Inf Tact Hist, 16 Jan 43. 18 Jan 43.

ing.21 The 2/12 Battalion and the company The plan for the reduction of the west
of the 2/9 Battalion that had been working perimeter called for Company B on the
from south and north on the enemy position right to drive ahead from its shallow pene-
immediately south of Sanananda were more tration of the day before and clear out the
fortunate. They managed to make contact Japanese second line, while Company C on
west of the road on the afternoon on the the left rolled up the first line. Preparations
19th, although the job was accomplished, for the attack were thorough. The four rifle
as the historian of the 18th Brigade notes, platoons and the 60-mm. mortars were
"under the most miserable conditions, the linked up with sound-power telephones on
troops . . . never being out of the water a party line, and the two company com-
and frequently remaining for hours in the manders, Captain Hamilton of Company B
water up to their waist." 22 There was still and Captain Van Duyn of Company C,
opposition in the area east of the road, and working closely together, took turns at the
the next day was devoted to reducing it. At telephone and in the front lines.
nightfall on 20 January the task was almost As long as the stream still had to be
complete, and Brigadier Wootten had al- crossed, the advantage was with the enemy.
ready ordered Colonel Arnold to move north Enemy fire from the other side of the creek
as soon as the last organized enemy oppo- was again very heavy, and Company C,
sition in the area was overcome.23 which attacked first, had a hard time cross-
Colonel Doe's efforts to reduce the three ing. At first, part of only one platoon, under
remaining enemy pockets in his area were the platoon leader, S. Sgt. John L. Mohl,
intensified on 19 January. The pockets— managed to get across. Mohl, who had only
remnants of the Japanese main line on the nine men with him, moved out on the enemy
M.T. Road immediately northeast of Fisk— bunkers at once with another enlisted man,
were heavily engaged during the day. Com- Cpl. Wilbur H. Rummel. The two men,
pany C moved in on the left of Company B covered by fire from the other eight,
at daybreak, and the two companies at- knocked out six bunkers in quick succession,
tacked the westernmost Japanese strong- making it a comparatively easy matter for
point north of the road. Company F, after the rest of the company to cross.25 While
advancing 250 yards since the day before, the enemy was occupied with Company C,
attacked the larger perimeter south of the Company B was able to get across without
road from the northeast. From the north- undue trouble. It spent all afternoon work-
west Companies A and K continued their ing on the second bunker line. Just when its
attack on the roadbend perimeter, a few attack seemed on the point of going through,
hundred yards to the northeast of the first the Japanese pulled out of both the first and
two.24 second lines into a third line immediately
to the rear of the first two and once again
blocked further advance.
ALF Daily Opns Rpts, No. 281, 20 Jan 43, No.
282, 21 Jan 43; Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at
Sanananda. 163 Inf, The Battle of Sanananda; 41st Div
Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda. Tng Notes No. 2, 19 May 43. Both Mohl and
ALF Daily Opns Rpt No. 282, 21 Jan 43; Rpt Rummel were later awarded the Distinguished Serv-
on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda. ice Cross. The citations are in Hq USAFFE GO
163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. No. 37, 7 Jul 43.

.50-CAL. BROWNING MACHINE GUN, directed at Giruwa Point.

It had turned dark by this time. Taking preparation ceased and the troops, who had
up a defensive bivouac in the middle of the been a short distance to the rear, attacked.
Japanese position, the troops had their eve- They found that the artillery and mortars
ning meal and prepared for further action had done their work well. The bunkers,
in the morning. made of softwood logs and not so well con-
East of the road Company F had also met structed as at Buna, had been demolished,
heavy opposition during the morning. Find- and most of the Japanese inside had been
ing a double line of log and dirt bunkers in killed.
its way, it called for the artillery and the After advancing 150 yards past the Jap-
81-mm. mortars. The company com- anese bunker line, the company found itself
mander, Capt. Conway M. Ellers, estab- wedged between two shoulder-deep streams
lished an observation post about thirty yards with Japanese machine guns on front and
from the Japanese bunker line and was flank. Five men were killed while trying to
joined there by Major Rankin and an Au- clear out one of the machine gun nests, and
stralian forward observer. The artillery and a flanking move by the support platoon
the 81-mm. mortars ranged in and at 1400 along the bank of one of the streams failed.
opened up on the bunkers. At 1530 the Because it was growing dark and the com-

pany had nearly expended its ammunition, killed its commander, Capt. Duncan V.
Major Rankin ordered Company E, Capt. Dupree, and its 1st sergeant, James W.
James Buckland commanding, to relieve Boland. Seconds later, enemy rifle fire killed
Company F. While the relief was in prog- one of the platoon leaders. The company
ress, the Japanese discovered what was faltered just long enough for the Japanese
going on and counterattacked, but fire from to leave their bunkers, get into firing posi-
Buckland's company drove them off. tion, and repulse the attack. 27
The push of Companies A and K on the The 163d Infantry had taken heavy toll
road-bend perimeter had been supported of the enemy during the preceding two days,
by a platoon of heavy machine guns on the but the latter, though encircled and cut off,
right flank, and by their own light machine were still holding their positions. It was
guns thrust out to the front. Everything went obvious they would be unable to do so much
well until the advance masked the fire of the longer.
machine guns. Taking advantage of their The mop-up on the 127th Infantry's front
opportunity, the Japanese counterattacked had gone well. At daybreak on 19 January
and halted the movement. From a wounded Company E had started pushing up the
Japanese who crawled into the perimeter at beach with Company K on its left. To help
dusk and gave himself up, the two company Company K overcome continued heavy op-
commanders, Lieutenant McKinney and position in the swamp, a .50-caliber ma-
1st Lt. Allen Zimmerman, learned that they chine gun was brought up. It proved very
were approaching the main Japanese head- effective against the hastily improvised en-
quarters in the area, presumably that of emy positions there. The 37-mm. gun which
Colonel Yokoyama.26 had played so notable a part in the taking
The next day, 20 January, while Com- of Tarakena was also brought up. Emplaced
panies B and C continued working on the on the beach to cover Company E's ad-
desperately resisting Japanese in the west vance, it again proved extremely effective
perimeter, and Companies A and K on against the enemy.
those in the road bend, Company I moved The next morning Company F joined
up from the south and launched a strong Company E along the beach, Company C
attack on the south perimeter. Preceded by moved in on the left, and Companies I and
250 rounds from the 25-pounders and 750 L began moving forward on the far left.
from the 81-mm. mortars at Musket, the There was little opposition now. Several en-
attack had also the support of the machine emy machine guns were captured, and a
guns of Company M at Fisk. The heavy number of prisoners were taken, all of them
weapons crews swept the trees and under- suffering from dysentery and starvation. By
brush in the area thoroughly before the 1630 in the afternoon the Americans were
troops jumped off. Just as the company was in sight of Giruwa and could see the Austral-
about to move forward, a mortar shot ians moving forward along the coastal track
on the other side of the village.28
Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6442, 20 Jan 43,
in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 163d Inf, The Battle of
Sanananda; 41st Div Tng Notes No. 2, 19 May 43: 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda.
Buggy, Pacific Victory, p. 213. 127th Inf Tact Hist, 19, 20 Jan 43.

General Yamagata Gets Out in Time section of his headquarters, and 140 sick
and wounded left for the mouth of the
By the 18th General Yamagata, with the Kumusi in two large motor launches.
Sanananda front collapsing about his ears,29 Though bombed on the way, they arrived
had seen enough to convince him that his safely at their destination at 0230 the next
troops could not wait until the 25th to morning.
abandon their positions and try to make That night several Japanese motor boats
their way westward through the Allied lines tried to put in at Giruwa in order to take off
as General Adachi had ordered five days all remaining communications equipment
before. He therefore drew up orders at noon and as many as possible of the sick and
on the 18th which advanced the withdrawal wounded. Allied artillery drove them off. At
five days: from 2000 hours, 25 January, the same time General Oda, Colonel Ya-
to 2000 hours, 20 January. After slipping zawa, and an unknown number of their
through the Allied lines, his troops were to troops abandoned their positions, east and
assemble near Bakumbari, a point about west of Giruwa and took to the swamp, try-
seven miles north of Gona, where boats ing to escape toward Bakumbari as their or-
would be waiting to take them to safety. ders bade them. Some got through, but Oda
General Yamagata, his staff, and his head- and Yazawa did not. Both were killed the
quarters would leave the area by motor same night when they apparently ran into
launch on 19 January—X minus 1.30 Australian outposts that stood in the way.32
Early on 19 January Yamagata handed
the orders personally to General Oda, who The End at Last
was holding the western approaches to
Giruwa, and one of his staff officers deliv- Along the M.T. Road immediately south
ered them personally to Colonel Yazawa, of Sanananda, the 2/12 Battalion overcame
who was in command of operations east of the last vestiges of enemy opposition in the
Giruwa. The orders were sealed, and the area. Relieved by the 2d Battalion, 163d In-
two commanders (apparently for morale fantry, early on 21 January, Colonel Arnold
reasons) were instructed not to open them moved north to take over the Sanananda
until 1600. At 2130 Yamagata, his staff, a Point-Giruwa area from the 2/9 Battalion.
The relief was completed that afternoon,
29 and the 2/9 Battalion moved out against
Yamagata had other troubles. The night before,
three of the motor launches with which he was the Japanese pocket west of Sanananda
evacuating patients were sunk by a motor torpedo which had so long held back the 2/10
boat of Task Force 50.1 near Douglas Harbor, a Battalion.
few miles from Mambare Bay. To Yamagata, this
was a major disaster, for it left him with only five
launches with which to make last-minute evacua- Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6442, 20 Jan 43,
tions of the area. Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 18th Army Opns I, 36, 37, 38.
6372, 18 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Bulkley, A Yamagata may have made an effort to try to in-
History of Motor Torpedo Boats in the U. S. Navy, form the surrounded troops under Colonel Yoko-
p. 236; 18th Army Opns I, 36, 38, 40. yama of the impending withdrawal, but there is no
Western Opns Orders No. A-65, Northern evidence that such in fact was the case.
Giruwa, 1200, 18 Jan 43, quoted in 18th Army Tel Msg, Capt Earl R. Kindig to Col Rogers,
Opns I, 36, 37. A captured copy of these orders is Ser 6470, 20 Jan 43; Msg, NGF to 32d Div, Ser
to be found as an appendix to 163d Inf, The Battle 6516, 20 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; 127th Inf
of Sanananda. Tact Hist, 20 Jan 43; 18th Army Opns I, 39.

There was to be a three-way envelopment a patrol of Company E, exploring the area

of the pocket. Two companies of the 2/10 just east of Giruwa, came upon what was
Battalion would attack from the northwest, left of the 67th Line of Communications
the 2/9 Battalion would attack from the Hospital. The scene was a grisly one. Sick
southeast, and Company C of the 2/10 Bat- and wounded were scattered through the
talion would attack from the top of the large area, a large number of them in the last
kunai strip west of Sanananda, and take the stages of starvation. There were many un-
Japanese in the center. The Australians buried dead, and what the patrol described
moved out that afternoon. They met sur- as "several skeletons walking around."
prisingly little opposition, and only one man There was evidence too that some of the
was wounded in the day's fighting. At the enemy had been practicing cannibalism.
end of the day a single enemy pocket re- Even in this extremity, the Japanese fought
mained. It was quickly reduced the next back. Twenty were killed in the hospital
morning with the help of artillery fire from area resisting capture; sixty-nine others, too
Hanson Troop. The three attacking forces helpless to resist, were taken prisoner.
made contact along the beach at 1315, a The Japanese tried to land boats at
meeting that marked the end of organized Giruwa during the night and were again
resistance in the area. More than 200 Japa- driven off by the artillery. The fighting
nese had been killed in the two-day attack.33 came to an end early the next morning when
The enemy position west of Sanananda had the troops mopped up the last resisting
finally been reduced. Japanese in the area. Giruwa, the main
The reduction of Giruwa was also to Japanese headquarters west of the river, had
prove an easy task. Companies E, C, and A, fallen after only token resistance.34
127th Infantry, pushed forward along the The heaviest fighting of all developed on
coastal track early on 21 January with the 163d Infantry front where the bulk of
Company E leading. They found the terrain the enemy troops still left at the beachhead
much better now; the track was broader, were penned in. As at Giruwa and the pocket
and there was less swamp. The enemy was west of Sanananda, the climactic day was
no longer trying to hold, and only scattered the 21st. Colonel Doe was in at the kill, per-
rifle fire was met. At 1230 Company E, sonally directing operations from an exposed
under Lieutenant Fraser, swept through position in the front line.35 The attacks that
Giruwa Village, meeting virtually no oppo- morning went off well. At 1015, after Com-
sition. Forty-five minutes later Fraser and panies A and K pulled back 150 yards, the
his company joined the Australians on the
east bank of the Giruwa lagoon. Soon after, 34
Tel Msg, Col Howe to Col Bradley, Ser 6488,
21 Jan 43; Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Bradley,
Ser 6498, 21 Jan 43; Tel Msg, Col Bradley to Capt
Msgs, NGF to 32d Div, Ser 6516, 20 Jan 43, Haag, Ser 6520, 22 Jan 43; 18th Army Opns I, 39.
Ser 6545, 21 Jan 43, Ser 6546, 21 Jan 43, Ser 6547, Interrogation of the prisoners revealed that most of
22 Jan 43, in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; ALF Daily Opns the able-bodied troops had pulled out of the area a
Rpts No. 282, 21 Jan 43, No. 283, 23 Jan 43; Rpt short time before and that Giruwa's last defenders
on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at Sanananda. The sud- consisted principally of sick and wounded still able
den feebleness of the defense seems to indicate that to bear arms. 127th Inf Tact Hist, 21 Jan 43.
here, as at Giruwa, a portion of the enemy had Doe was later awarded the Distinguished Serv-
pulled out on the night of the 20th and tried to ice Cross. The citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No.
escape westward. 36, 1 Jul 43.

artillery began firing on the last Japanese help of Company E, which had been at
bunker line in the road-bend perimeter. the northeast end of the perimeter support-
When the artillery barrage ceased at 1030, ing the attack by fire. This attack marked
the massed 81-mm. mortars at Musket sup- the end of all organized resistance on the
plemented by the machine guns, began fir- M.T. Road. By evening the mop-up on
ing on the position. Five minutes later, just either side of the road was complete.36
as the last mortar salvo was fired, Compa- Giruwa and the Japanese pocket west of
nies A and K attacked. Covered by their Sanananda had already been reduced some
own assault fire, they caught most of the hours before. The 18th Brigade and the
Japanese still in their shelters or trying to 127th and 163d Infantry Regiments had
get out of them. The Japanese were killed suffered 828 casualties since being com-
in droves, and the perimeter was quickly mitted to the Sanananda front, but they
overrun. Company A on the right fanned had finished the job. The Papuan Campaign
out and lent some of its fire power to Com- was over, six months to the day after it had
panies B and C, which were still working begun.
on the west perimeter. Feeling the pressure
ease, Companies B and C surged forward The Victory at Sanananda
and quickly cleaned out the enemy position.
All four companies thereupon moved south The Cost to the Enemy
to the M.T. Road, where Companies B and
K, the one wheeling right and the other left, The 18th Brigade, the 127th Infantry,
joined forces and completed the mop-up. and the 163d Infantry at Sanananda, and
More than 500 enemy dead were counted at the 14th Brigade at Gona, captured a great
the end of the day, the largest single day's deal of enemy matériel, including rifles, ma-
destruction of the enemy since Gorari. The chine guns, mortars, antitank guns, land
163d Infantry lost one killed and six mines, radio transmitters, signal equipment,
wounded. medical supplies, tools of all kinds, and a
That same day, 1st Lt. John R. Jaco- dozen motor vehicles, some with U.S. Army
bucci, S-2 of the 3d Battalion, personally markings. They buried 1,993 of the enemy,
located the main enemy strongpoint in the
east perimeter after several patrols failed
to do so. The next morning at 1047, Com- Msg, 7th Div to Adv NGF, Ser 6547, 22 Jan 43,
in 32d Div G-3 Jnl; Memo, Col Doe for Maj
panies I and L, 1st Lt. Loren E. O'Dell and Leonard A. Wing, 22 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files;
Capt. Edward L. Reams commanding, at- 163d Inf, The Battle of Sanananda. Jacobucci was
tacked the perimeter from the south, con- later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. His
citation is in Hq USAFFE GO No. 37, 7 Jul 43.
centrating on the strongpoint that Jaco- 37
32d Div Sitrep No. 184, 24 Jan 43; Rpt on
bucci had discovered. As before, the troops Opns 18th Bde Gp at Sanananda; 163d Inf, The
Battle of Sanananda, The 18th Brigade sustained
went in on the run behind the last mortar 426 casualties—155 killed or died of wounds, 269
salvo and again caught the Japanese still wounded, and 2 missing. The 127th and 163d In-
in their holes or trying to leave them. The fantry Regiments had 402 casualties—110 killed or
died of wounds, 287 wounded, and 5 missing. Of
position was overrun by 1152, and the these casualties, 86 were sustained by the 127th
mop-up was completed by 1300 with the Infantry, and 316 by the 163d Infantry.
On Completion Of


Lieutenant-General E. F. HERRING,
C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D


New Guinea Force,
22 January, 1943.

HE campaign we have been engaged in for the recapture of the BUNA-GONA

T area is now virtually at a close. I desire to express to all Australians
and Americans alike who have taken part in this long and tedious campaign
my heartfelt congratulations and my appreciation of all you have done.
First to the Infantry I would like to pay a special tribute. Seldom have Infantry
been called on to endure greater hardships or discomfort than those provided by
the mountains, the swamps, the floods, of tropical NEW GUINEA. AH this you
have endured with cheerfulness and meantime have outfought a dour and determined
enemy on ground of his own choosing in well prepared defences. Your achieve-
ments have been such as to earn the admiration and appreciation of all your
Secondly, I would thank the Air Forces for their magnificent work, for the
shattering blows they have delivered to the air forces of the enemy and his ships,
which have tried so often and so vainly to reinforce and supply him. To the air
transport service which made this campaign a feasible operation, for your untiring
efforts in all weathers, I thank you.
Thirdly, there are all those who have supported so splendidly the Infantry in
their fighting, the Armoured Regiment, the Artillery, the Engineers and the Army
Co-operation Squadron, and the Medical services who have cared for sick and
wounded in most difficult circumstances. You have all done magnificently.
Fourthly, I want to thank all those in the Services who have kept supplies
of all kinds going to the forward troops, and also COSC and all its personnel
and particularly its small boat section that has braved hazardous waters and enemy
action in getting supplies up the coast.
And finally my thanks to the Navy for its assistance in protecting sea routes
and clearing the waters round the battle area and further NORTH.
We have won a striking victory but a long and hard road lies ahead.
All I ask is that all of you maintain the standard you have set. I know you will.

GOC New Guinea Force.

DOBODURA AIRSTRIP. 41st Division troops arriving from Port Moresby, 4 February 1943.

and took more than 200 prisoners, includ- tions was 2,537—959 of them killed at Gona
ing 159 Japanese.38 and in the area west of Gona.39 The victory
The final count of enemy dead in General however, was not as complete as could be
Vasey's area since the beginning of opera- desired, for a great many of the enemy's
ablebodied troops escaped, leaving mostly
Tel Msg, Capt Hewitt to Col Bradley, Ser 6498, sick and wounded behind. General Wil-
21 Jan 43; Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Mac- loughby may have suspected as much when
Arthur, 24 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files; 127th Inf he wrote that the count of enemy dead at
Tact Hist; Rpt on Opns 18th Bde Inf Gp
at Sanananda; 163d Inf, The Battle of San-Sanananda could not be considered "a true
ananda; G-2 Daily Summaries Enemy Intel Nos. count of effective enemy strength" since it
306, 307, 23 Jan 43, 24 Jan 43, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
SWPA; 32d Div. Sitrep No. 184, 24 Jan 43. Ac-
cording to 32d Division figures, the 127th Infantry 2,000 of the enemy—almost twice the number of
buried 415 enemy dead and the units under General enemy dead that the 7th Division gave them credit
Vasey's command buried 1,578—1,216 at Sana- for. A careful examination of the sources leaves no
nanda and 362 at Gona. There was apparently a doubt that the correct figure was that kept by the
great deal of duplicate counting of enemy killed at 7th Division, the responsible headquarters in the
the lower levels, for the 18th Brigade and the 163d area.
Infantry in their after action reports claim either Msg, 7th Div to 32d Div, Ser 6578, 24 Jan 43,
to have killed or to have found dead more than in 32d Div G-3 Jnl.

DOBODURA AIRSTRIP. 32d Division troops departing for Port Moresby, 4 February 1943.

included many ''sick and wounded who January, and by the end of the month about
were killed." 40 1,000 able-bodied Japanese succeeded in
The Australians on the ground, especially filtering through the Allied lines and reach-
at Gona, realized that Japanese troops in ing safety on the other side of Gona.42
considerable numbers were slipping past
them. Because of the thick and tangled The Allied Cost
jungle terrain, they were able to intercept
only a portion of them. The Australians The cost of the victory had not been light.
estimated at the time that about 700 Jap- The Australian troops who fought on the
anese had succeeded in getting through their Sanananda side of the river—the 2/7 Cav-
lines,41 but the actual figure was far higher. alry, and the 14th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 25th,
A total of 1,190 enemy sick and wounded and 30th Brigades—sustained some 2,700
were evacuated by sea between 13 and 20 casualties.43 The American units on this
18th Army Opns I, 40, 41.
Information extracted from AMF, New Guinea
G-2 Daily Summary Enemy Intel No. 306, 23 Campaign—Battle Casualties, incl to Ltr, The
Jan 43. Australian Official War Historian, Canberra, to
AMF, The Battle of the Beaches, pp. 115, 116. author, 15 Feb 50, copy to OCMH files.

front—the 127th Infantry, the 163d Infan- By prior arrangement the hard-hit 126th
try, and the detachment of the 126th In- Infantry left the combat zone on the 22d,
fantry—suffered 798. The casualties in- and relief of the remaining troops was com-
curred in clearing the 7th Division area were pleted by the end of the month. As air space
thus about 3,500, roughly 700 more than at became available, the men were flown to
Buna. Port Moresby and, after a short stay, were
returned to Australia by sea.
The 41st Division Takes Over The victory in Papua had been crushing
and decisive. By the end of January all that
With the campaign at an end, the time was left of the enemy troops who had fought
had come to relieve the worn-out troops of there were broken remnants at the mouths of
the 7th and 32d Divisions, some of whom the Kumusi and Mambare Rivers, whom
had been in the area since early November. the air force had under constant attack and
The 41st Division, whose remaining regi- against whom the 41st Division was already
ments had by this time begun reaching the moving.
front, was designated for the task, and the It was not the only victory. On 7 Febru-
reliefs were effected as quickly as possible. ary, the Japanese finished evacuating Guad-
General Fuller took over operational con- alcanal. Two days later the fighting on the
trol of all Allied troops in the Oro Bay- island came to a end, as in Papua, exactly
Gona area on 25 January, and General six months after it began. The Japanese
Eichelberger and the I Corps staff returned had been defeated all along the line. The
to Port Moresby the same day. Eichelberger initiative both in New Guinea and in the
was followed there a few days later by Gen- Solomons was finally in Allied hands.
eral Berryman and a nucleus of Advance
New Guinea Force which had remained
behind to assist General Fuller with the 45
NGF OI's No. 62, 21 Jan 43, No. 64, 23 Jan
reliefs. 43; Tel Msg, G-4, 32d Div to G-3, 32d Div, Ser
6515, 22 Jan 43; Rad COIC, Moresby, to COIC,
3d Bn, 163d Inf, Jnl, 11 Jan 43; 32d Div Sitrep Brisbane, No. P-1108, 22 Jan 43; ALF Daily Opns
No. 184, 24 Jan 43; 163d Inf, The Battle of Sana- Rpts, No. 287, 26 Jan 43, No. 289, 28 Jan 43, No.
nanda, App. 3. The breakdown is as follows: 291, 30 Jan 43, in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
Allied Air Forces Opns Rpt, 21 through 24
Jan 43; GHQ SWPA G-3 Opns Rpt No. 291, 22-23
Jan 43; ALF Daily Opns Rpt, Nos. 290 through
295, 29 Jan-4 Feb 43. All in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA.
17th Army Opns II, 49, 50; Miller, Guadal-

canal: The First Offensive, 349, 350.


The Victory
For the student of military history, the The Campaign in Review
Papuan Campaign is most noteworthy for
the tactical aspects of its final or beachhead The Time Element
phase, for it was at the Buna-Gona beach-
head that the Allies, for the first time in Contrary to the final headquarters press
World War II, encountered and reduced release on the subject, the Papuan Cam-
an area fortified and defended in depth by paign had been neither cheaply won nor
the Japanese. Although the attack was from conducted on the supposition that there was
the landward, and succeeding campaigns "no necessity of a hurry attack." 1 In the
generally from the sea, the basic tactical perspective of succeeding Pacific campaigns,
situation was the same—the Allies were at- the picture, especially in the final beachhead
tacking and the Japanese were defending phase of operations, had been rather one in
an elaborately fortified area. The essential which the troops suffered heavy casualties
difference was thus not that Buna was a while being hastily pressed forward in re-
land operation while the succeeding opera- peated attacks on prepared enemy positions
tions were amphibious; it was rather that in with little more in the way of weapons than
later campaigns the attacking troops hit the
beachhead better prepared and supported,
with a variety of tactics and weapons for the In this press release General MacArthur's head-
quarters announced that the losses had been low,
speedy reduction of the Japanese positions. less than half those of the enemy, battle casualties
In the Buna area, on the other hand, poorly and sick included. It gave as the reason for this
supported Allied infantry attacked again favorable result that there had been no need to
hurry the attack because "the time element was in
and again in vain; the action took on the this case of little importance." Communique, United
aspect of a siege, and starvation was a sig- Nations Headquarters, Australia, 28 Jan 43, in The
New York Times, 29 Jan 1943. General Eichel-
nificant factor in the enemy's final collapse. berger has written: "The statement to the corre-
American conduct of operations was to spondents in Brisbane after Buna that 'losses were
small because there was no hurry' was one of the
profit from Buna as from few other cam- great surprises of my life. As you know, our Allied
paigns, and the profit was to accrue not only losses were heavy and as commander in the field, I
in the negative sense, but in the positive had been told many times of the necessity for speed."
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to author, 8 Mar 54, OCMH
sense as well. files.

their rifles, machine guns, mortars, and more than three brigades (roughly 7,000 to
hand grenades. 7,500 men) in contact with the enemy at
Throughout the righting, General Eichel- any one time. Sometimes they had as few
berger had been a man under pressure. Told as two and, during the opening weeks of
by General MacArthur on 30 November the campaign, less than two.
that "time was of the essence," on 13 De- The American ground commitment, dat-
cember that "time is working desperately ing from mid-November 1942, was four in-
against us," and on 25 December that "if fantry regiments—the 126th, 127th, 128th,
results were not achieved shortly the whole and the 163d Infantry Regiments, a total
picture [might] radically change," General of just under 15,000 men. During most of
Eichelberger had pushed the attack in every the period that the Americans were in ac-
way he could.2 On 18 December, though tion, they had at least three regiments at the
able to report progress, he nevertheless made front, though until the arrival of the 127th
it a point to assure General MacArthur that Infantry in early December there had been
he "never forgot for a moment that we have only two. There were almost no replace-
not much time. . . ." On 30 December, ments, and the strength of the units fell
when General Herring asked him why he steadily until, in a few instances, they were
did not let his troops "take it easy since the near the extinction point when relieved.5
Australians were not going to do anything The campaign cost the Australian ground
today or tomorrow," Eichelberger had re- forces, 5,698 battle casualties—1,731 killed
plied that he had no intention of doing so, in action, 306 dead of wounds, 128 dead
for he had always considered that "time from other causes, and 3,533 wounded in
was the essential element of the attack." 3 action.6 American ground casualties were
Whether GHQ realized it or not, hurrying 2,848—687 killed in action, 160 dead of
the attack had become the leitmotiv of the wounds, 17 dead from other causes, 66 miss-
campaign. ing in action, and 1,918 wounded in action.
Of the 66 Americans missing, the 32d
The Losses Division lost 62 and the 163d Infantry lost
4. Other losses sustained by the 32d Division
During the six months that the Austral- but not included as among the killed,
ian ground forces had been in action, they wounded, or missing were 211 from shell
had committed seven infantry brigades and
one dismounted cavalry unit of battalion
strength.4 Though there were times when 5
Average and total American and Australian
elements of as many as four brigades were front-line strengths by unit for the periods indicated
can be obtained from the applicable ALF Opns
in the line, the Australians usually had no Rpts and G-3 Opns Rpts, both in G-3 Jnl, GHQ
SWPA. For the Australians, the figure given is an
Ltrs, Gen MacArthur to Gen Eichelberger, 13 approximation since no precise figures on actual
Dec 42, 25 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files; Interv Australian front-line strength are available. Ltr,
with Gen Eichelberger, 31 Mar 50; Eichelberger, John Balfour to author, 21 Dec 51.
Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, p. 42. Signal, Australian Military Headquarters, Mel-
Ltrs, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 18 bourne to the Australian Military Mission, Wash-
Dec 42, 30 Dec 42, copies in OCMH files. ington, No. MW-179, 22 Jun 50, abstract in OCMH
The 7th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 25th, and 30th files. It should be noted that in these figures the
Infantry Brigades, and the 2/7 Cavalry Regiment, missing in action are carried as killed in action,
a total of between 18,000 and 20,000 men. and hence are not listed separately.

shock and concussion, and 287 from battle- more than companies." 10 The casualty re-
field injuries.7 ports bear out General Eichelberger's ob-
servation. Out of their total strength in the
combat zone of 10,825, the three combat
teams of the 32d Division had suffered
9,688 casualties, including 7,125 sick,11 a
casualty rate of almost 90 percent. The
126th Infantry, hardest-hit of the three, had
131 officers and 3,040 enlisted men when it
entered the combat zone in mid-November.
When it was evacuated to Port Moresby on
22 January, 32 officers and 579 enlisted men
were left—less than a full battalion. The
All together 3,095 Australians and Amer- regiment as such had ceased to exist.12
icans lost their lives in the campaign, and A detailed strength report of the 126th
5,451 were wounded. Total battle casual- Infantry Regiment as of 20 January 1943,
ties were 8,546.8 two days before it was returned to Port
Australian losses had been so heavy that Moresby, was as follows:
brigade after brigade had seen its battalions
reduced to company strength and less be-
fore it was relieved.9 But if the Australian
units had suffered severe attrition, so had
the 32d Division. General Eichelberger put
the situation to General MacArthur in a
sentence. "Regiments here," he wrote in
mid-January, "soon have the strength of
battalions and a little later are not much

Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 105; 163d Inf, The
Battle of Sanananda.
The figures given are for the entire Papuan Cam-
paign, including the period 22 July through 16
November, in which the Australians lost 2,127
killed, wounded, and missing. Combined Australian-
American casualties for the fighting at the beach- Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen MacArthur, 14
head, the last phase of operations, were 6,419 Jan 43, copy in OCMH files.
killed, wounded, and missing. There were 2,701 Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 106.
more casualties in the Papuan Campaign than on Ltr, CG 32d Div to GOC NGF, 14 Nov 42,
Guadalcanal, where 1,600 were killed, and 4,245 sub: Strength Rpt, copy in OCMH files; 32d Div
were wounded, but there, during much of the Strength Rpt, Ser 6450, 20 Jan 43; Memo, Col
fighting, the positions were reversed: the Japanese Tomlinson for CG 32d Div, Ser 6455, 20 Jan 43;
were attacking, and the Americans were holding a Msg, G-4, 32d Div to G-3 32d Div, Ser 6515, 22
fortified position. Jan 43. Last three in 32d Div G-3 Jnl. Attached
Ltr, Gen Blarney to Gen MacArthur, 27 Dec 42, divisional troops flown out on 22 January with the
in G-3 Jnl, GHQ SWPA; Ltr, John Balfour to 126th Infantry numbered 20 officer and 141 enlisted
author, 12 Mar 50; Interv with Col Teesdale-Smith, men. Thus, as moved that day, the entire regiment
11 Dec 50; Rpt on Opns 18th Inf Bde Gp at with all attachments totaled 52 officers and 720
Sanananda; Buggy, Pacific Victory, p. 213. enlisted men.

The amount of sickness during the cam- pressive drugs, nor special care proved of
paign had been crushingly heavy. With avail in more than half of the cases treated.
only a few thousand more troops in action, The patients got worse instead of better.
the Australians had 15,575 cases of infec- Relapse followed relapse until finally the
tious disease to the end of 1942 alone, in- men had to be dropped from the division
cluding 9,249 cases of malaria, 3,643 cases in September as unfit for combat. The total
of dysentery, 1,186 cases of dengue fever, number dropped at the time was 2,334 offi-
and 186 cases of scrub typhus.13 The Amer- cers and men,16 all of them casualties of the
icans, out of the 14,646 troops committed campaign just as surely as if they had been
in the combat area, had a total of 8,659 wounded in battle.
during the course of the campaign. There With the story presumably the same in
were 5,358 cases of malaria among the al- the case of the Australians, the conclusion
most 11,000 troops of the 32d Division who is inescapable that the fighting in Papua
served in New Guinea—4,000 first attacks, had been even costlier than had at first been
and the rest recurrences. In addition, the thought, and that the victory there, pro-
medical record showed 17 deaths from scrub portionate to the forces engaged, had been
typhus, and 2,147 cases of "miscellaneous one of the costliest of the Pacific war.
disease," including dysentery and dengue The enemy had suffered much heavier
fever.14 losses. The Japanese committed between
When the troops reached Australia, a 16,000 and 17,000 troops to the campaign.
check of their physical condition revealed They successfully evacuated 1,300 men
that each man had suffered a sharp loss in from Milne Bay and 300 from Goodenough
weight, that 563 were still suffering from Island. An estimated 1,000 sick and
diarrhea and dysentery, and that 1,200 had wounded were returned to Rabaul from
hookworm. Anemia, exhaustion, and mal- Basabua during the period that Japanese
nutrition had taken heavy toll: one out of ships were still making the run there, and
every five had a low blood count, and one about 2,000 men, including sick and
out of every eight had poor hemoglobin.15 wounded, managed to get out by sea and
The diarrheas, the anemias, and the on foot during the closing days of the cam-
hookworms yielded to treatment, but much paign. The Japanese had thus successfully
of the malaria did not. Neither rest, sup- evacuated about 4,500 men, and lost ap-
proximately 12,000. Of the latter number,
the Allies buried 7,000 and took 350 pris-
AMF, The New Guinea Campaign, Battle Cas-
ualties, incl to Ltr, John Balfour to author, 15
Mar 50.
14 16
Rpt, CG Buna Forces, p. 105; 163d Inf, The Col De Pasquale, Medical Hist of 32d Div, 1
Battle of Sanananda. Oct 43-31 Dec 43, in The Surgeon General's His-
Ltr, Maj Herbert B. Shields MC, Actg Div torical File.
Surgeon, 32d Div, 4 May 43, sub: Monthly Sani- No final figure can be found covering the total
tary Rpt; Col De Pasquale, MC, Surgeon 32d Div, Japanese commitment in Papua. The figure given,
Medical Hist of 32d Div, 1 Jan 43-30 Jun 43; Ltr, the total of all known Japanese movements to Papua
Col De Pasquale to TAG, 4 Oct 43, sub: Sanitary since 22 July, as developed in the narrative above,
Rpt for the Month of September 1943. All in The agrees closely with contemporary estimates, notably
Surgeon General's Historical File. Rpt, CG Buna with those contained in AMF, The Battle of the
Forces, p. 105. Beaches, p. 116, and Buggy, Pacific Victory, p. 213.
JAPANESE PRISONERS AT DOBODURA eating canned rations supplied by Aus-
tralian soldiers. These prisoners were brought in by 163d Infantrymen.

oners.18 The Japanese apparently buried the ment known to have gone all through the
remaining 4,500 or 5,000. campaign and survived it,19 when interro-
gated at the end of the war, said, "We lost
Starvation As a Factor in Operations at Buna because we could not retain air
superiority, because we could not supply our
Starvation had worn down the enemy troops, and because our navy and air force
troops and had contributed directly to their could not disrupt the enemy supply line."
final defeat. The evidences of cannibalism When he was asked about the effectiveness of
that the Australians and the 163d Infantry the Allied attack, he agreed that it had been
encountered on the Soputa-Sanananda skillfully conducted and then added an ob-
track, and the emaciated enemy remains servation which had apparently been in the
the 127th Infantry found scattered about minds of most of the Japanese at the beach-
in the Giruwa hospital area were indicative head: "Tactically the Allied co-ordination
of the level to which the Japanese had been of fire power and advance was very skillful.
reduced during the closing weeks of the cam- However we were in such a position at Buna
paign. How greatly their resistance was un- that we wondered whether the Americans
dermined by starvation during the weeks would by-pass us and leave us to starve." 20
immediately preceding was another matter It was clear that starvation had been a potent
not so easily determined. factor in the final reduction of the beach-
When Gona fell on 9 December, the Aus- head and that, had the Allies not been so
tralians found some moldy rice and a little determined to reduce it by direct attack,
ammunition left—enough for only a few hunger would in due course have accom-
more days of fighting. There had still been plished the same thing for them.
a little food and ammunition on hand when
Buna Village was overrun on 14 December,
Artillery, Air, and Naval Support
but very little food and virtually no ammu-
nition was taken when Buna Mission fell on
The artillery had not played the part of
2 January. The Japanese had received their
which it was capable in the campaign,
last two ounces of rice on 12 January, two
mostly because not enough pieces of the
days after the 163d Infantry had found in-
right type for the task in hand had been
disputable evidence that some of them had
sent forward. Though more artillery was
already been reduced to cannibalism. As
repeatedly and urgently requested by the
each successive position on the front fell, it
became evident from the horrible emacia- 19
Major Koiwai arrived at Basabua with his
tion of the corpses of those who had de- battalion on 16 August 1942. He led it across the
Owen Stanleys to Ioribaiwa and back. On 28 Janu-
fended it that they could not have held their ary 1943, after filtering through the Australian
positions much longer even had there been lines, he reached Bakumbari with 150 others of the
41st Infantry. An aggravated case of malaria, picked
no attack. up at Buna, caused him to be invalided out of the
Maj. Mitsuo Koiwai, commanding officer service, and was probably the main reason why he
of the 2d Battalion, 41st Infantry, the only was available for questioning at the end of the war.
18th Army Opns I, p. 39; GHQ FEC G-2 Hist Sec,
field grade officer of the South Seas Detach- Interv of Maj Mitsuo Koiwai, Tokyo, 11 Aug 47,
copy in OCMH files.
18 20
ALF Daily Opns Rpt, No. 295, 3 Feb 43. GHQ FEC G-2 Hist Sec, Interv of Maj Koiwai.

American commanders on the scene, only air.23 It was nevertheless a fact that the at-
one artillery piece at the front had been tack could not have been sustained without
capable of knocking out a Japanese bunker the airlift, especially during the critical days
with a single direct hit. This was the in November and early December when
105-mm. howitzer of the 129th Field Artil- seaborne supply had been reduced to the
lery Battalion, commanded by Captain merest trickle because of the destruction of
Kobs, but even this piece had had too few the luggers.
shells for more than intermittent firing. Had The reconnaissance of the coasts and of
there been more 105's at the front with the sea, the sustained attacks on enemy con-
enough shells and delay fuses (or, as Gen- voys seeking to reinforce the beachhead,
eral Waldron suggests, a few 155's simi- and the frustration of the enemy's efforts
larly provided), there might have been no to establish supply bases at the mouth of the
need to bring in tanks; countless lives might Kumusi and Mambare Rivers showed the
have been saved, and the campaign might Fifth Air Force and the Australian air units
have been appreciably shortened.21 brigaded with it at their best. Nor was there
The air force had played many roles in anything to criticize in the way the air force
the campaign, most of them well. Its trans- spotted for the artillery, or intercepted en-
ports had moved whole regiments and bri- emy aircraft over the combat zone. Both
gades to the front. In addition to evacuat- tasks were done admirably.
ing some 6,000 Australians and American The quality of its direct support of ground
sick and wounded, it had flown out other troops was something else again. Even the
regiments and brigades that were returning statistics of this activity are unimpressive—
to Port Moresby for rest and rehabilitation. 121 sorties flown, 40 tons of bombs dropped,
It had delivered 2,450 tons of rations, equip- and 97,000 rounds of .30-caliber and .50-
ment, and ammunition to the troops at the caliber ammunition fired. Though this was
front. It had carried out some seventy-two light support at best, it brought in its train
support missions, using 568 aircraft, 121 of another difficulty. In far too many instances
them in close support of attacking ground the pilots bombed and shot up Allied troops
troops. Ceaselessly reconnoitering the coasts instead of the enemy, with grievous reper-
and searching the sea, it had disrupted re- cussions on troop morale.
peated attempts by the enemy to reinforce There were good reasons for these fre-
and supply his beleaguered beachhead quent mishaps. The Fifth Air Force had at
garrison.22 the time too few planes for all its multifari-
The logistical accomplishment of the air ous activities; many of its pilots were inex-
force had been superb. The luggers and the 23
Interv with Col Moffatt, 30 Oct 49; Hist Port
freighters (including the K.P.M, ships) Det E, CO SC Buna; 32d Div AAR, Papuan Cam-
had, it is true, brought in by sea more than paign; 32d Div QM Section, Rpt on Activities,
Papuan Campaign. It will be recalled that by the
three times the tonnage that had come in by end of December, the freighters alone had brought
in more than 3,000 tons of cargo, exclusive of
Ltr, Gen Waldron to Gen Ward, 5 Mar 51. vehicles and tanks. Between 19 November 1942, the
32d Div, G-4 Rear Echelon, Recapitulation of date of the first contact with the enemy, and the
Air Shipments, 13 Nov 42-23 Jan 43; 32d Div end of the campaign, the total tonnage delivered
AAR, Papuan Campaign; Craven and Cate, The by sea (exclusive of tanks, vehicles, and road build-
Army Air Forces in World War II, IV 121 122 ing equipment of whose weight no record was
126, 713, 714. kept) was 8,560 tons.

perienced; and the only planes available The fact that between 22 December, the
for air-ground co-operation were in general date of General Eichelberger's letter, and
not suited to do the kind of precision bomb- the end of the campaign not a single request
ing required. Not only were the pilots un- was made by American forces in the field for
able to recognize the Allied front lines from direct air support was an indication of
the air, but air-ground liaison was virtually how much the air force had yet to learn
nonexistent. It was indeed so bad that there about its direct-support responsibility.
had not been a single instance during the The role of the Allied Naval Forces in
fighting of a pilot's having successful radio support of the beachhead fighting had been
contact with the troops on the ground.24 small. Admiral Carpender's reluctance to
As the fighting went on, and it came to send his ships into the waters around Buna
be realized that the available aircraft, while had from the first ruled out the possibility
excellent for area bombing and the inter- of a more active role. In the end, except
ception of enemy aircraft, could not be for the activity of the motor torpedo boats,
relied on for the pinpoint bombing of the actual naval support of the fighting at
enemy positions under attack by the front- the beachhead was restricted to a single
line troops, the air force was called upon mission—the transfer there by corvette of
less and less for direct air support. The de- the successive echelons of the 18th Brigade.
cision not to use air for the direct support
of the ground troops because of the close What the Campaign Taught
quarters at which the battle came to be
waged was a source of regret to the ground On the tactical level, the most important
commanders who could have used the air lesson taught was that existing tactics and
arm to excellent advantage had it been techniques would have to be developed to
capable at the time of greater discrimination a high point of perfection to reduce the kind
in its bombing and strafing. "I wish," Gen- of strongpoints planted in jungle terrain
eral Eichelberger wrote in late December, with which the Japanese had so long held
"we had some precision dive bombers that up the Allied advance. By the end of the
could lay the bombs in a barrel. The great- campaign, a beginning had been made in
est weapon we have is our air force and I developing tactics and techniques which,
do not like to see it used so little. I realize with good artillery support, usually proved
we should be willing to take a certain num- effective. The first step was to have patrols
ber of losses. If I could be sure nineteen "fix" the position of the bunker. Next, the
bombs out of twenty would drop on the artillery would drive all the enemy troops in
Japanese I would be willing to have the the immediate area into the bunker and per-
twentieth come in on our own troops, rather haps stun them. Just before the artillery fire
than not use air." 25 lifted, the infantry would attack under cover
of its own fire so as to catch the enemy troops
Ltr, Col W. J. Paul, Dir, Air University Library, in the bunker before they could get into fir-
Maxwell Field, to Gen Ward, 5 Apr 51, with incl; ing position. The enemy could then be
32d Div AAR, Papuan Campaign; Craven and Cate,
The Army Air Forces in World War II, IV, 124, finished off by grenades or the ammonal
125, 126.
25 26
Ltr, Gen Eichelberger to Gen Sutherland, 22 G-3 Daily Periodic Rpt, American Forces Buna
Dec 42, copy in OCMH files. Area, 21 Dec 42-23 Jan 43.

blast bomb devised by the Australians, need of a lighter and simpler weapon than
flipped into the bunker. Such devices as the M-1 rifle in jungle warfare—a need
satchel charges, effective flame throwers, that the carbine, had it been available to
jellied gasoline (napalm), all used in later the troops at Buna, would have met.
Pacific operations, were not available at On the medical side, the campaign un-
Buna, but the experience there helped to derlined the need for better distribution to
establish the need for them and undoubtedly the troops of such items as chlorination pel-
hastened their development for use in subse- lets, vitamin pills, salt tablets, and the like.
quent operations. It suggested the wisdom (following the suc-
The campaign emphasized other lessons, cessful experience with it on Guadalcanal)
some as old as warfare itself. It drove home of thenceforward using atabrine as a ma-
the point that troops should be trained in laria suppressive. But even more important,
the kind of warfare they are called upon to the campaign instilled in the troops and
fight; that they should be habituated to over- their commanders an awareness of the ne-
head fire during the training period; that cessity for the most thoroughgoing malaria
they should enter combat "as hard as nails." discipline. The rigid malaria control meas-
Although the amount of artillery that gen- ures, so much a feature of subsequent oper-
eral headquarters provided was always far ations in the Southwest Pacific, were in
less than the U.S. commanders on the scene large measure the fruit of the Papuan expe-
regarded as necessary, the campaign dem- rience.
onstrated the soundness of General Hard- The campaign also drove home the les-
ing's and General Waldron's representations son that, as a general rule, field kitchens and
to that headquarters that the artillery could sterilizing equipment should go with the
go into the jungle with the infantry and, troops and that failure to bring them for-
what was more, could be used effectively in ward might jeopardize the health of the en-
jungle terrain. The campaign established tire command. It reaffirmed the age-old
that artillery, provided it was of the right lessons that to be effective in combat the
kind, was one of the best weapons a com- troops could not be allowed to go hungry
mander could have when faced with bunkers and that they needed such minimum ameni-
of the type that the Japanese had built in ties as occasional hot meals, a little variety
the Buna-Gona area. in the ration, and a chance to rest and clean
The campaign made clear that there up after being too long in action.
would have to be better communication be-
tween ground and air, and that to be useful Conclusion
in the jungle walkie-talkie radios would have
to be greatly improved. It established the On the strategic level, the victory in Pa-
effectiveness of the sound-power telephone pua had been a bitter anticlimax, partaking
at ranges of up to two miles. It demonstrated more of tragedy than of triumph. The Jap-
that the .37-mm. antitank gun with canister anese had seized the Buna-Gona beachhead
was an excellent antipersonnel weapon on the night of 21-22 July 1942 before
and that rifle grenades were highly effective Allied troops could fortify it. A bloody and
against enemy troops in trenches or dug- long drawn out campaign had ensued.
outs. The campaign also established the When it finally ended on 22 January 1943,

the only result, strategically speaking, was cific Area had finally broken the Japanese
that after six months of bitter fighting and toe hold in Papua; it had added the airfields
some 8,500 casualties, including 3,000 dead, at Dobodura and the port of Oro Bay to its
the Southwest Pacific Area was exactly other bases and could now embark upon a
where it would have been the previous July more aggressive phase of operations. The
had it been able to secure the beachhead be- hour of the Japanese garrisons in the Huon
fore the Japanese got there. Peninsula and in western New Britain had
But whatever the cost, the Southwest Pa- struck.
Bibliographical Note
The Allied Side: Documentary Sources journal in DRB HRS, AGO, and the num-
bered decimal files in the Organizational
The Records of Higher Headquarters Records Branch, Records Administration
Center, Adjutant General's Office (ORB
War Department Files. The strategic RAC, AGO) at Kansas City. The G-3
background of this volume was developed journal is without question the most valu-
for the most part from War Department able single collection of records kept by
files. The applicable papers of the U.S. GHQ. In addition to current planning
Joint Chiefs (JCS), the Combined Chiefs papers, movement orders, operating in-
of Staff (CCS), the Combined Staff Plan- structions, conference minutes, apprecia-
ners (CPS), and the Joint Staff Planners tions by the Australian Chiefs of Staff, and
(JPS), were consulted in the files of the the more important messages, general or-
Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, War ders, letters, and periodic intelligence re-
Department General Staff. Two main col- ports, each day's journal usually includes
lections of joint and combined papers, the daily G-3 operations report, the daily
belonging originally to the Operations Divi- situation report, the daily G-2 intelligence
sion, War Department General Staff summary, and the daily operations reports
(OPD), were used: the files of the Strat- of the Allied Air Forces, Allied Land Forces,
egy and Policy Group (the "ABC" Files), and Allied Naval Forces. In the decimal
now in the Departmental Records Branch, files, the 314.7 MacArthur file, was an
Historical Records Section, Adjutant Gen- invaluable source as regards General Mac-
eral's office (DRB HRS, AGO) at Alex- Arthur's relations with Mr. Curtin, and the
andria, Virginia, and those of the Executive 384 and 385 files were extremely useful in
Group (the "Exec" File), now temporarily operational and planning matters.
in the custody of the Chief of Military His- The Records of Other Headquarters.
tory. In these files, the OPD decimal files, The files of other higher headquarters which
the files of OPD's predecessor, WPD, and were of use in the preparation of the volume
the various War Department message files include the following: the Surgeon Gen-
were also found the relevant messages and eral's Historical File, the U. S. Army Forces
correspondence passing between General Pacific (AFPAC) Engineer File, and the
Marshall and Admiral King, between Mr. I Corps File. The Surgeon General's His-
Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill, and Mr. Curtin, torical File, kept in the Surgeon General's
and between Mr. Roosevelt, General Mar- Office (SGO) at Washington, D. C., was
shall, and General MacArthur. valuable chiefly for its monthly reports on
The Files of GHQ SWPA. The files of the physical condition of the troops in the
General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific field. The AFPAC Engineer File is the war-
Area (GHQ SWPA) include the daily G-3 time file of Maj. Gen. Hugh J. Casey,

General MacArthur's Engineer Officer. The Times, on the march across the Owen
best single source for the construction of Stanleys of the 2d Battalion, 126th Infan-
the early bases in the Southwest Pacific try, obtained by Mr. Baldwin from a par-
Area, it was consulted in the District Engi- ticipant, were also helpful, as were the
neer's Office, Baltimore, Maryland, its pres- dispatches from the field of another staff
ent repository. The I Corps File, kept in member of The New York Times, Mr. F.
ORB RAC, AGO, at Kansas City, was use- Tillman Durdin. Col. Bernd G. Baetcke's
ful for its account of the activities of the letters to GHQ SWPA on the early fighting
corps staff during the campaign. on the Sanananda track were a useful
source, as was an interview by the Historical
The Combat Records Section, GHQ SWPA, with Col. J. Tracy
Hale, Jr., previously commander of Warren
American Ground Action. All the official Force. Two Infantry School monographs
records of Buna Force, I Corps, the 32d written by participants—Maj. Alfred Med-
Division, the 163d Infantry, and the at- endorp's study, The March and Operations
tached units, located at the time of writing of the Antitank and Cannon Companies,
in the DRB HRS, AGO, at Alexandria, 126th Infantry, in the Attack on Wairopi,
and in the ORB RAC, AGO, at Kansas and Capt. Louis A. Chagnon's account of
City, were consulted. The G-2, G-3 jour- his experiences in the Tarakena area—
nals of the 32d Division, filed together dur- served to clarify events which otherwise
ing the period 17 September to 30 Novem- would have remained obscure. The letters
ber, and thereafter (and until the end of passing between Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers
the campaign) kept separately—a total of and Col. Roy F. Zinser helped to clear up
8,921 separate messages and other entries— certain disputed points on the capture of the
were a principal, primary source. The mes- Coconut Grove, and the personal experi-
sage files and journals of the combat units ences of troop commanders of the 163d In-
on the battalion and regimental level were fantry at Sanananda, as embodied in the
also valuable primary sources. The histories 41st Division training notes filed in DRB
and after action reports (AAR's) of these HRS, AGO, were of great help in describ-
units, and General Eichelberger's official ing the final phases of the Sanananda
report, Report of the Commanding General fighting.
Buna Forces on the Buna Campaign, De- Australian Ground Action. The following
cember 1, 1942-January 25, 1942, were were the principal official operational reports
useful secondary sources. used to portray Australian ground action:
Other sources used included on-the-spot Allied Land Forces, Report of New Guinea
reports of three Army Ground Forces ob- Operations, Buna to Ioribaiwa; Allied Land
servers—Col. Harry Knight, Col. Herbert Forces, Report on New Guinea Operations,
B. Laux, and Col. H. F. Handy. The report 23 September 1942-22 January 1943;
of Maj. David B. Parker, an engineer ob- Allied Land Forces, Summary of Operations
server, who was present at Buna during the in New Guinea, Owen Stanley, Buna-Gona
early days of the attack, was useful. Mate- Areas, 22 July 1942-22 January 1943;
rials in the possession of Mr. Hanson W. Allied Land Forces, Report on New Guinea
Baldwin, Military Editor of The New York Operations, Goodenough Island and Milne

Bay; New Guinea Force, Notes on Opera- Army Air Forces in Australia to the Sum-
tions in New Guinea, Serial 3; Commander mer of 1942, and Air Action in Papua, 21
Milne Force, Report on Operations, 25 Au- July 1942-23 January 1943—were useful,
gust-7 September 1942; 18th Brigade, as was the History of the 19th Bomb Group
Report on Operations 18th Australian In- ( H ) . Manuscript histories in the Office of
fantry Brigade Group at Cape Endaiadere- Naval History, Washington, which were of
Giropa Point and Sanananda Area, 14 value included the History of U.S. Naval
December 1942-22 January 1943, with Administration in World War II, Com-
appendixes. mander U.S. Naval Forces, Southwest Pa-
Draft chapters in the forthcoming Aus- cific, and Comdr. Robert J. Bulkley's His-
tralian official history by Dudley McCarthy, tory of Motor Torpedo Boats in the U.S.
The Southwest Pacific Area: The First Navy. The three ONI operational studies
Year, which the author was permitted to see cited—Early Raids in the Pacific, The Bat-
and use, were drawn upon heavily in the tle of the Coral Sea, and The Battle of
discussion of early operations on the Sanan- Midway—were all useful.
anda track, and the fighting at Gona. Brig.
S. H. Porter's report on the part played by Miscellaneous Records
the 30th Brigade in the Owen Stanleys, and
Osmar White's notes on the fighting in the The following miscellaneous records were
Owen Stanleys (copies of which are to be used: Allied Geographic Section, Southwest
found in OCMH files) were of help in por- Pacific Area, Terrain Study No. 28, Main
traying the desperate fighting along the Routes Across New Guinea, 18 October
Kokoda track. Another useful source was 1942; Maj. Gen. Julian F. Barnes, The
Maj. J. W. Dunlop's account of the opera- Organization and Activities of the United
tions of his battalion, the 2/2d, on the States Army Forces in A u s t r a l i a
Sanananda track. The daily Allied Land (USAFIA); History of Port Detachment
Forces operations report, the daily G-3 re- E, Combined Operational Service Com-
port, and the situation reports of the Aus- mand (COSC), Buna, all in OCMH files;
tralian units filed in the 32d Division G-3 War Department, Survey of Australia, 25
Journal were constant stand-bys, and there February, 1942, in G-2, WDGS files; Re-
was always John Balfour of the office of the port on Australia for the Commander in
Official Australian War Historian at Can- Chief Allied Forces, 14 March 1942, in G-3
berra to write to, when a knotty problem Journal, GHQ SWPA; The Koninklijke
arose to which the available Australian doc- Paktevaart Maatschappij (K.P.M. Line)
uments seemed to give no ready answer. and the War in the Southwest Pacific, in the
Air Force and Naval Action. The day-to Office of Naval History, Washington.
day stand-by for Allied air operations was
the daily Allied Air Forces operations report Information From Participants
in the G-3 Journal, GHQ SWPA, and for
naval operations in the SWPA, the periodic Interviews. Except for an interview of
reports of Allied Naval Forces filed in the Maj. Gen. Albert W. Waldron by 1st Lt.
same journal. Two Air Forces studies—The Kenneth Hechler, and one of Lt. Gen.

Richard K. Sutherland by Louis Morton, all and Vice Chief of Staff respectively of the
the interviews used in the preparation of Australian General Staff, wrote an ex-
the volume were conducted by the author tremely valuable memorandum for the au-
in Washington, D. C. Individuals inter- thor's benefit on the deliberations of the
viewed by him there included: Lt. Gen. Australian Chiefs of Staff during the early
Stephen J. Chamberlin, Lt. Gen. Robert L. days of the war, and General Rowell, by
Eichelberger, Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers, that time Chief of Staff in succession to Gen-
Maj. Gen. Edwin F. Harding, Col. Bernd eral Sturdee, reviewed the entire manu-
G. Baetcke, Col. Julian F. Barnes, Col. John script, and made very valuable comments
E. Grose, Lt. Col. Clifton P. Hannum, Lt. on it.
Col. Carroll K. Moffatt, Lt. Col. Peter S. Private Papers. General Eichelberger and
Teesdale-Smith, AMF, and Maj. Robert General Harding each loaned the author
H. Odell. Copies of the interviews are in his letters and private papers for use in writ-
OCMH files. ing the volume, and General Harding
Letters. Letters replying to the author's loaned his diary. Colonel Grose also gave
inquiries or reviewing the manuscript in the author permission to use his diary, and
draft form were received from the follow- General Waldron put all his papers relating
ing: Gen. George C. Kenney, Lt. Gen. Rob- to the campaign at the author's disposal, as
ert L. Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Richard K. did Colonel Dawley and Major Odell.
Sutherland, Maj. Gen. Joseph S. Bradley, These private papers were of value, not only
Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers, Maj. Gen. Hugh for the wealth of information they afforded,
J. Casey, Maj. Gen. Jens A. Doe, Maj. Gen. but also for the insight they gave the author
Edwin F. Harding, Maj. Gen. Clarence A. into his other materials.
Martin, Maj. Gen. Albert W. Waldron,
Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, Col. The Japanese Side: Documentary
Bernd G. Baetcke, Col. Richard D. Boerem, Sources
Col. Charles R. Dawley, Col. John E.
Grose, Col. Carl Hanna, MC, Col. Paul G. The Wartime Records
Hollister, Col. Harold M. Lindstrom, Col.
Alexander J. MacNab, Col. Kelsie E. Mil- Captured Documents. Japanese docu-
ler, Col. Gordon B. Rogers, Col. Herbert A. ments captured in the fighting and pub-
Smith, Col. Clarence M. Tomlinson, Lt. lished by the Allied Translator and Inter-
Col. Peter L. Dal Fonte, Lt. Col. Oliver O. preter Section, Southwest Pacific Area
Dixon, Lt. Col. Charles W. Hash, Lt. Col. (ATIS SWPA), a section of G-2, GHQ
Wilbur A. Larson, Lt. Col. Bevin D. Lee, SWPA, proved very useful since they in-
Lt. Col. Robert P. McCampbell, Lt. Col. cluded diaries, messages, field orders, head-
Carroll K. Moffatt, Lt. Col. Ewald E. Miet- quarters correspondence, and the like. A
zel, Lt. Col. Herbert M. Smith, Lt. Col. full set of these documents, divided into two
Bert Zeeff, Maj. Robert H. Odell, Maj. principal groups, Enemy Publications and
Phillip A. Jenson, and Capt. Alfred E. Current Translations, are on file in the In-
Meyer. Lt. Gen. V. A. H. Sturdee, and Lt. telligence Library, War Department Gen-
Gen. Sydney F. Rowell, then Chief of Staff eral Staff. Relevant materials were found

in Enemy Publications 24 through 39, and officers from official documents and their
in Current Translations 1 through 4 and own knowledge or personal recollection of
14 through 29. the events described. The studies are uneven
Prisoner of War Interrogations. Prisoner in quality, but taken together form a valu-
of war interrogations are to be found in the able summary of Japanese operations in
32d Division Interrogation and Translation World War II. Studies used in preparation
File, and in the mimeographed publications of the volume include the following: No.
of the G-2 Section of Buna Force. Generally 35, Japanese Activities in Mopping-Up
speaking, these interrogations were of limitedOperations; No. 36, Central Pacific Opera-
usefulness since most of the prisoners taken tions; No. 39, 17th Army Operations, Vol-
were either laborers or low-ranking enlisted ume I; No. 41, 18th Army Operations, Vol-
men, who, except for conditions on their ume I; No. 48, Southeast Area Naval
immediate front, knew little of what was Operations, Volume I; No. 55, South Seas
going on. Detachment Operations; No. 72, Historical
Intelligence Summaries. The G-2 Daily Record, Army Section Imperial General
Summary of Enemy Intelligence, and the Headquarters; No. 100, Naval Account,
periodic intelligence summaries of the Allied Japanese Invasion Eastern New Guinea;
Air Forces, the Allied Naval Forces, and of No. 109, South Seas Detachment Opera-
the Combined Operational Intelligence tions, 2d edition.
Center (COIC) were the best day-to-day Postwar Interrogations. The published
sources on what the Allies knew or thought interrogations of Japanese officials by the
they knew about the enemy. The periodic Naval Analysis Division of the United States
intelligence summaries put out by the 32d Strategic Bombing Survey referred to else-
Division and by Buna Force were useful in where were of value, especially as to Japa-
this respect, as was the current intelligence nese naval operations and strategic thinking.
information radioed or phoned to the 32d The interrogation by the G-2 Section, Far
Division by New Guinea Force and recorded East Command, of Maj. Mitsuo Koiwai, a
in the division's G-2, G-3 journals. survivor of the South Seas Detachment, was
Intelligence Studies. The following intel- an exceedingly valuable source, as was the
ligence studies were particularly useful: Australian interrogation at Rabaul of Lt.
Allied Land Forces, History of the Lae- Gen. Hatazo Adachi, Commanding Gen-
Salamaua Garrison (Japanese), in DRB eral, 18th Army, and members of his staff.
HRS, AGO; Southeast Asia Translator and The other FEC interrogation cited, that of
Interpreter Section, Historical Bulletin No. Col. Kazuyoshi Obata, Adachi's supply
243, History of the Japanese 28th Army, in officer, was of limited usefulness even as to
G-2, WDGS Files. supply matters.
The ATIS SCAP Documents. The orders
The Postwar Records of the Navy Section, Imperial General
Headquarters, used in the volume are from
Japanese Studies in World War II. These the files of the Allied Translator and Inter-
studies were prepared under the direction preter Section, Supreme Commander Allied
of the Historical Section, G-2 Far East Powers (ATIS SCAP), postwar successor
Command (FEC) by former Japanese staff to ATIS SWPA

Published Materials C. Hartley Grattan, ed., Australia

(Berkeley, 1947). A notable symposium,
Dispatches useful chiefly for Gavin Long's excellent
chapter, "Australia in the Second World
"ABDACOM": An Official Account of War."
Events in the South-West Pacific Com- Frazier Hunt, MacArthur and the War
mand, January-February 1942 (New Against Japan (New York, 1944). An ad-
Delhi, 1942). miring portrait of General MacArthur by
Despatch by the Supreme Commander a journalist accredited to his headquarters.
of the ABDA Area to the Combined Chiefs George H. Johnson, The Toughest Fight-
of Staff on the Operations in the South- ing in the World (New York, 1943). An
West Pacific: 15 January 1942 to 25 Feb- Australian correspondent describes the New
ruary 1942 (London, 1948). Guinea fighting.
George H. Johnson, Pacific Partner
Books (New York, 1944). A vivid picture of
Australia in wartime.
Hugh Buggy, Pacific Victory (Mel- E. J. Kahn, Jr., G. I. Jungle (New York,
bourne, 1945). A popular, semiofficial ac- 1943). Sketches of Army life in New
count of Pacific operations, written for Guinea by a former warrant officer of the
Australians. 32d Division.
Winston S. Churchill, The Hinge of Fate Gen. George C. Kenney, General Kenney
(Boston, 1950). Useful for its discussion of Reports (New York, 1944). A vivid mem-
Mr. Churchill's relationships with Mr. oir useful for Buna operations but occasion-
Currin. ally inaccurate as to detail.
Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate, John Miller, jr., Guadalcanal: The First
eds., The Army Air Forces in World War Offensive, UNITED STATES ARMY IN
II, Volume I, Early Plans and Operations, WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1949).
January 1939 to August 1942 (Chicago, The Guadalcanal campaign by an Army
1948). A well-written, well-documented historian.
history. Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United
Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate, States Naval Operations in World War II,
eds., The Army Air Forces in World War Volume III, The Rising Sun in the Pacific
II, Volume IV, The Pacific: Guadalcanal (Boston, 1948). The first Pacific volume
to Saipan, August 1942 to July 1944 in this excellent, semiofficial series.
(Chicago, 1950). Includes a valuable sum- Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United
mary of air action at Buna. States Naval Operations in World War
Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, Our II, Volume IV, Coral Sea, Midway, and
Jungle Road to Tokyo (New York, 1950). Submarine Actions (Boston, 1949). The
Useful for its Buna chapters. best account to date of the Coral Sea and
Comdr. Eric A. Feldt, RAN, The Coast Midway actions.
Watchers (Melbourne, 1947). The accom- Office of the Chief Engineer, U.S. Army
plishments of the Coast Watchers by their Forces Pacific, Engineers in Theater Opera-
wartime chief. tions, Volume I (Washington, 1949). The

accomplishments of the Corps of Engineers Military Intelligence Division, War De-

in General MacArthur's theater. partment General Staff, Papuan Campaign,
U. S. Army Air Forces, The Army Air The Buna-Sanananda Operation, 16 No-
Forces in the War Against Japan 1941- vember 1942-23 January 1943. AMERI-
1942 (Washington, 1945). A useful, well- CAN FORCES IN ACTION SERIES
written summary by the wartime historical (Washington, 1944). A brief, well-written
section of the Army Air Forces. preliminary study designed at the time it
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, was written for the information of wounded
The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul veterans of the campaign.
(Washington, 1946). An excellent piece of United States Strategic Bombing Survey,
work, based in large part on postwar inter- The Fifth Air Force in the War Against
rogations at Rabaul. Japan (Washington, 1947). A useful sum-
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, mary.
The Campaigns of the Pacific War (Wash- Office of Naval Intelligence, The Jap-
ington, 1946). A good, one-volume treat- anese Story of the Battle of Midway (Wash-
ment of the naval side of the Pacific war by ington, 1947). Midway through Japanese
the Naval Analysis Division of the Bomb eyes.
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Articles
Interrogations of Japanese Officials (Wash-
ington, n.d.). A useful compilation chiefly Hanson W. Baldwin, "Doughboy's
concerned with Japanese strategic thinking March a High Point in the War," The New
and naval operations. York Times, 7 May 1944. The march of
Roger W. Shugg and Harvey A. De- the 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, to Jaure
Weerd, The World at War: 1939-1944 based on an eyewitness account.
(Washington, 1945). A useful reference Lt. Gen. George H. Brett, "The Mac-
work. Arthur I Knew," True, October 1947.
Roland E. Walker, The Australian Econ- General Brett's relations with General Mac-
omy in War and Reconstruction (New Arthur.
York, 1947). A scholarly study. F. Tillman Durdin, "The Grim Hide and
Osmar White, Green Armor (New York, Seek of Jungle Warfare," The New York
1945). The fighting in the Southwest Pa- Times Magazine, 7 March 1943. A thought-
cific, as witnessed by a noted Australian ful, well-presented analysis.
correspondent. E. J. Kahn, Jr., "The Terrible Days of
Company E," The Saturday Evening Post,
Pamphlets Part I, 8 January 1944; Part II, 15 Janu-
Australian Military Forces, The Battle ary 1944. A vivid account of the march
of Wau (Melbourne, 1943). A popular ac- across the Owen Stanleys developed from
count of the fighting in the Bulolo Valley. diaries and the recollection of participants.
Australian Military Forces, The Battle Walton L. Robinson, "AKAGI, Famous
of the Beaches (Melbourne, 1944). The Japanese Carrier," in U.S. Naval Institute
fighting at the Buna-Gona beachhead, Proceedings, May 1948. The AKAGI in
written for Australians. action.
AAA Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery
AAF Army Air Forces
A&P Ammunition and Pioneer, as in A&P platoon
AAR After Action Report
ABDA Area An Allied strategic area extending from the Bay of Bengal
through Burma and the Netherlands Indies to northwest
ABDACOM The American-British-Dutch-Australian command operat-
ing in the ABDA area
ACH Area Combined Headquarters, as in ACH Townsville
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
Actn Action
Adv Advance
AF Air Force
AFPAC U.S. Army Forces, Pacific
AG Adjutant General
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AGS Allied Geographic Section, Southwest Pacific Area
AIF Australian Imperial Forces
Airintel Air Intelligence
ALF Allied Land Forces
ALO Air Liaison Officer
AMF Australian Military Forces
ANF Allied Naval Forces
ANGAU The Australia-New Guinea Administrative Unit
ANZAC Area An Allied strategic command covering principally the ocean
areas east and northeast of Australia
ANZAC Force The naval force operating in the ANZAC area.
App Appendix
Arty Artillery
ATIS Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
Aust Australian
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
Bde Brigade
Bde Gp Brigade Group
Bn Battalion

BOLERO The build-up of troops and supplies in the United Kingdom

in preparation for a cross-channel attack
BOSTON The Abau-Mullins Harbor area in southeast New Guinea
Br Branch
Brig Brigadier
Bul Bulletin
Bur Bureau
Butai Japanese for force, usually of battalion strength or above
Ca. Circa, about
CAV Cavalry
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CE Corps of Engineers
CG Commanding General
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CinC Commander in Chief
CINCPAC Commander in Chief U. S. Pacific Fleet
CINCSWPA Commander in Chief Southwest Pacific Area
CM-IN Classified Message In
CMF Citizen Military Forces
CM-OUT Classified Message Out
COIC Combined Operational Intelligence Center
COMANZACFOR Commander of ANZAC Force
COMCRUDIV Commander Cruiser Division
Comdr Commander
COMINCH Commander in Chief U.S. Fleet
COMSOPAC Commander South Pacific Area
COMSOPACFOR Commander South Pacific Force
Conf Conference
Combined Operational Service Command
CPS Combined Staff Planners
CT Combat Team; Current Translations
CWO Chief Warrant Officer
CWR Combined War Room
DCGS Deputy Chief of the General Staff (Australian)
Demob Demobilization
Dept Department
Det Detachment
Dir Directive
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence (Australian)
DOI Director of Intelligence, Allied Air Forces
DRB HRS Departmental Records Branch, Historical Records Section,
DSC Distinguished Service Cross

Engr Engineer
EP Enemy Publications
Exec Executive
FA Field Artillery
FEC Far East Command
Fld Field
FO Field Order
G-1 Personnel Officer of division or higher staff
G-2 Intelligence Officer
G-3 Operations Officer
G-4 Supply Officer
GHQ General Headquarters
GO General Orders
G.O.C. General Officer Commanding
Gp Group
GS General Staff
Hist History or Historical
IMB Independent Mixed Brigade (Japanese)
Ind Independent
Instns Instructions
Intel Intelligence
Interr Interrogation
JCS U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jnl Journal
JPS Joint Staff Planners
KANGA Force The Australian force in the Bulolo Valley
KIA Killed in Action
KPM Line The Royal Steamship Packet Line (Dutch)
Lanops Allied Land Forces Operations
LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel
LHQ Allied Land Headquarters
LILLIPUT The plan for the supply of Buna following its capture
LMG Light Machine Gun
MAPLE Port Moresby
MAROUBRA Force The Australian force charged with defense of the Kokoda
MC Medical Corps
Med Medical
MG Machine Gun
MIA Missing in Action
Mil Comd Military Command
MLR Main Line of Resistance

Msg Message
Nankai Shitai The South Seas Detachment
NGF New Guinea Force
NGVR New Guinea Volunteer Rifles
NOIC Naval Officer in Charge
OCE Office of the Chief Engineer
OCMH Office of the Chief of Military History
Off Officer
OI Operating Instructions
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
OPD Operations Division, War Department General Staff
Opns Operations
ORB RAC Organizational Records Branch, Records Administrative
Center, AGO
Ord Ordnance
Pac Strat Pacific strategy
PETERSBURG The plan for the evacuation of New Guinea should Guadal-
canal fall to the Japanese
PIB The Papuan Infantry Battalion
Plat Platoon
POA Pacific Ocean Area
PROVIDENCE Allied plan to occupy Buna and establish an airfield in the
Buna area
PTO Pacific Theater of Operations
RAA Royal Australian Artillery
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
Rad Radio
RAE Royal Australian Engineers
RAF Royal Air Force
RAN Royal Australian Navy
R&R Records and Routing Sheet
RCT Regimental Combat Team
Recon Reconnaissance
S-1 Personnel Officer of regimental or battalion staff
S-2 Intelligence Officer
S-3 Operations Officer
S-4 Supply Officer
S&P Strategy and Policy Group, OPD
SCAP Supreme Commander Allied Powers
SCR Signal Corps Radio
SEATIC South East Asia Translator and Interpreter Center
Sec Section
Ser Serial

Shitai Japanese for task force

Sig Signal (radio message)
SIO Supervising Intelligence Officer, RAN (the head of the
Coast Watchers)
Sitrep Situation Report
SNLF Japanese Special Naval Landing Force
SOPAC South Pacific Area
SSUSA Special Staff, U.S. Army
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
Tac Tactical
TAG The Adjutant General
Tai Japanese for a small force, usually of company strength or
Tng Training
Tr Translation
TULSA An early SWPA plan for the reduction of Rabaul
USAFFE U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
USAFIA U.S. Army Forces in Australia
USASOS U.S. Army Services of Supply
USFIA U.S. Forces in Australia
USSBS U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
VCGS Vice Chief of the Australian General Staff
VDC Volunteer Defense Corps (Australian)
WIA Wounded in Action
Basic Military Map Symbols*
Symbols within a rectangle indicate a military unit, within
a triangle an observation post, and within a circle a supply

Military Units—Identification
Antiaircraft Artillery

Armored Command
Army Air Forces
Artillery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery
Cavalry, Horse

Cavalry, Mechanized
Chemical Warfare Service
Coast Artillery


Medical Corps
Ordnance Department

Quartermaster Corps
Signal Corps

Tank Destroyer
Transportation Corps

Veterinary Corps

Airborne units are designated by combining a gull wing

symbol with the arm or service symbol:
Airborne Artillery

Airborne Infantry

*For complete listing of symbols in use during the World War II period, see
FM 21-30, dated October 1943, from which these are taken.

Size Symbols
The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or
above the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying
arm or service symbol indicate the size of military organization:




Company, troop, battery, Air Force flight

Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Force squadron

Regiment or group; combat team (with abbreviation CT fol-

lowing identifying numeral)

Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force


Division or Command of an Air Force

Corps or Air Force


Group of Armies

The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the
unit designation; that to the right, the designation of the parent
unit to which it belongs. Letters or numbers above or below
boundary lines designate the units separated by the lines:

Company A, 137th Infantry

8th Field Artillery Battalion

Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division

Observation Post, 23d Infantry

Command Post, 5th Infantry Division

Boundary between 137th and 138th Infantry

Machine gun

Gun battery

Howitzer or Mortar

Self-propelled gun

The following volumes have been published or are in press:

The War Department
Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1941-1942
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1943-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1940-1943
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1943-1945
The Army and Economic Mobilization
The Army and Industrial Manpower
The Army Ground Forces
The Organization of Ground Combat Troops
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops
The Army Service Forces
The Organization and Role of the Army Service Forces
The Western Hemisphere
The Framework of Hemisphere Defense
Guarding the United States and Its Outposts
The War in the Pacific
The Fall of the Philippines
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive
Victory in Papua
CARTWHEEL: The Reduction of Rabaul
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
Campaign in the Marianas
The Approach to the Philippines
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines
Triumph in the Philippines
Okinawa: The Last Battle
Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
Salerno to Cassino
Cassino to the Alps
The European Theater of Operations
Cross-Channel Attack
Breakout and Pursuit
The Lorraine Campaign
The Siegfried Line Campaign
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge
The Last Offensive
The Supreme Command
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume II
The Middle East Theater
The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia
The China-Burma-India Theater
Stilwell's Mission to China
Stilwell's Command Problems
Time Runs Out in CBI
The Technical Services
The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War
The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
The Chemical Warfare Service: Chemicals in Combat
The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany
The Corps of Engineers: Military Construction in the United States
The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation, Zone of Interior
The Medical Department: Medical Service in the Mediterranean and Minor
The Ordnance Department: Planning Munitions for War
The Ordnance Department: Procurement and Supply
The Ordnance Department: On Beachhead and Battlefront
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume II
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Japan
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Germany
The Signal Corps: The Emergency
The Signal Corps: The Test
The Signal Corps: The Outcome
The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
The Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply
The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas
Special Studies
Chronology: 1941-1945
Military Relations Between the. United States and Canada: 1939-1945
Rearming the French
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt
The Women's Army Corps
Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors
Buying Aircraft: Materiel Procurement for the Army Air Forces
The Employment of Negro Troops
Manhattan: The U.S, Army and the Atomic Bomb
Pictorial Record
The War Against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Japan

A-20's: 97, 176, 177, 285 Airfield development, Allied—Continued

A-24's: 27, 27n, 76 Pongani: 116, 122
Abau: 40, 116 Popondetta: 151, 158, 234, 255
Abau-Mullins Harbor area: 40 Port Moresby: 27, 40, 73, 74-75, 103
ABDA Air Force: 8 Townsville-Cloncurry region: 27, 36, 72
ABDA Area: 2, 8, 14, 16 Wanigela Mission: 105
ABDACOM: 1, 2, 9, 16, 22 Airfield development, Japanese
Abel, Cecil: 115, 116 Buna: 67, 68, 70-71
Abel's Field: 116, 122. See also Airfield develop- Huon Gulf: 11
ment, Allied. Kokoda: 67
Abuari: 58 Ajura Kijala Mountains: 58
Adachi, Lt. Gen. Hatazo: 144n, 146, 213, 217, 315,Akin, Brig. Gen. Spencer B.: 23, 296n
347, 362. See also Japanese Armies, 18th. Alford, Capt. James L.: 286
Admiralty Islands: 34 Allen, Maj. Gen. Arthur S.: 104
Advance New Guinea Force: 100, 258, 282 Allied Air Forces, SWPA: 22, 24n, 25, 26, 27, 36,
Ahioma: 82 37, 39n, 40, 48, 52, 54, 55, 67, 69, 96, 128
Air attacks, Allied, targets Allied Land Forces, SWPA: 22, 24n, 36, 39n, 41,
Basabua: 55 44, 91, 100
Buna: 97 Allied Naval Forces, SWPA: 22, 24n, 25, 26, 26n,
Gona: 150 36, 87
Huon Gulf: 11 Allied Works Council: 74
Lae: 11, 27, 33, 37 ALMA Force: 234
Japanese convoys: 10, 11, 38, 46, 55, 62, 67, 67n, Alola: 58, 89, 104
68, 80-81, 213-14, 217, 218, 347, 347n Ambasi: 54
Rabaul: 8, 10, 27, 54 Amboga: 147
Salamaua: 11, 27, 33, 37 Amboga Crossing: 126
Tulagi: 37 Amboga River: 217, 219, 226, 328, 346
Wairopi Bridge: 97 Ammunition: 156, 176. See also Equipment;
Air attacks, Japanese: 6, 9, 10, 38, 168-70, 278 Shortages, Allied, ammunition.
Air Force units. See Fifth Air Force. Anderson, 1st Lt. David: 236
Air support: 86, 150, 176, 177-78, 180, 181, 185, Ango: 126, 174, 182, 282
194, 208, 214, 238, 242, 261, 284-85, 293, Antiaircraft Artillery Airborne Battery, 709th: 76,
375, 376 84, 86
Air transport operations: 64-65, 105, 106, 121-22, Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, 101st: 27
123, 330, 375 Antitank defense: 84
Airfield development, Allied ANZAC Area: 8, 16. See also ANZAC Force.
Abau-Mullins Harbor area: 40. See also ANZAC Force: 8, 10, 11, 12. See also ANZAC
Buna: 50-51. See also TULSA. Aoba Detachment: 46, 61, 69-70, 78, 87
Cape York Peninsula: 27, 50, 73, 74 Arapara: 110, 112
Cooktown: 27 Arnold, Lt. Col. A. S. W.: 304, 305, 309, 309n,
Dobodura: 51, 52, 128-29, 168, 179, 234, 255 355, 359, 362
Embessa: 116 Artillery, Allied. See also Australian units, troops;
Fasari: 116. See also Abel's Field. Field Artillery Battalions.
Horn Island: 27, 50 call for: 240, 360, 374-75
Kinjaki Barige: 116 effectiveness against enemy: 178, 180, 181, 194,
Kokoda: 119 197, 245, 253, 255, 262, 264, 278, 278n, 341,
Mareeba: 27 360
Merauke: 41, 73 emplacement: 168, 179, 193, 219, 241, 246-47,
Milne Bay: 41, 50, 68, 73, 77-78, 78n, 87-88, 265, 361
103 observation: 162, 178, 179
Artillery, Allied—Continued Australian units, battalions—Continued
preparation: 100, 150, 160, 176, 179-80, 181, 2/9 Infantry: 76, 87, 256, 257, 260, 261, 264,
185, 194, 206-07, 215, 216, 222, 239, 242, 265, 266, 269, 270, 271, 274, 274n, 276, 279,
250, 251, 252, 253, 261, 264, 266, 273, 276, 304, 305, 308, 333, 343, 344, 345, 348, 350,
277, 284, 286, 288-89, 293, 298, 300, 305, 354, 355, 358-59, 362, 363
307, 316, 317, 341, 344, 351, 353, 356, 358, 2/10 Infantry: 76, 83, 84, 86n, 106, 256, 257,
359, 361, 364 257n, 261, 265, 266, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
short rounds: 108, 108n, 159, 161n, 285, 297 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 304, 305, 306, 307,
suitability of: 135, 343, 375, 377 308, 319, 333, 344, 350, 354, 355, 358, 362,
25-pounder: 76n, 86, 124, 135, 158, 180, 206, 363
246 2/12 Infantry: 76, 86, 110, 256, 304, 304n, 305,
37-mm. gun: 76, 84, 246, 292, 336, 338, 361 306, 307, 308, 309, 319, 333, 343-44, 345,
105-mm. howitzer: 193, 194, 246, 264, 293, 375 348, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 362
155-mm. gun: 87 2/14 Infantry: 90, 96, 214, 215, 219
3.7-inch howitzer: 124, 124n, 135, 168, 180, 246, 2/16 Infantry: 90, 96, 149, 215, 216, 226, 328
278 2/22 Infantry: 5, 6n
4.5-inch howitzer: 265, 278, 306 2/25 Infantry: 147, 149, 150
Artillery, Japanese: 145, 272, 276-77, 293 2/27 Infantry: 90, 95, 214, 215, 216, 226, 328
Asisi: 131 2/31 Infantry: 96, 104, 149, 150
Attack 2/33 Infantry: 96, 147, 149
across river lines: 269-72, 283-84, 289-91, 310- 3 Infantry: 96, 120, 150, 215
11, 312, 335, 338 9 Infantry: 76
air. See Air attacks, Allied, targets. 25 Infantry: 76, 84, 86
diversionary: 42-43, 208, 288-89, 298-99, 335 36 Infantry: 226, 227, 228, 328, 330
night: 189-92 39 Infantry: 44, 63, 65, 89, 90, 216, 217, 219,
plans: 50, 51, 65, 91, 92, 101-03, 126-30, 154- 226, 227, 328, 330, 333, 349, 355
55, 163, 177, 180, 185, 188, 189-93, 194, 49 Infantry: 223, 226, 227, 327, 330, 333, 349
207-08, 215, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227-28,53 Infantry: 90
238, 241, 243, 245, 248-49, 252-53, 258, 55/53 Infantry: 223, 226, 227, 228, 328, 330
260-61, 272, 273, 274-76, 277, 284, 285-86, 61 Infantry: 76, 82, 83, 84, 86
288-90, 292-93, 298, 304-06, 309-10, 312, 2/1 Pioneer: 96, 120
314, 316-17, 333, 335-36, 341-42, 343-44, Australian units, brigades
348, 351, 354-55, 359, 363. See also Buna 7th Infantry: 42, 76, 85, 256, 257, 257n, 304,
DENCE; Serial One; Serial Two; Serial Three; 14th Infantry: 96, 328, 331, 367, 370n
Serial Four: TULSA plan. 16th Infantry: 91n, 92, 104, 120, 130, 131,
Australia: 147, 151, 153, 154, 155, 167, 223, 367, 370n
defense responsibility: 2 17th Infantry: 91n, 106
home defense organization: 3-4 18th Infantry: 24n, 72, 76, 86, 86n, 106, 110,
planning for the defense of: 4-5, 23-25 256, 257, 304n, 327, 331, 332, 333, 335, 339,
strategic importance: 12 342, 344, 345, 348, 350, 351, 364, 364n, 370n
threat of invasion: 9-10, 12-13, 25, 30, 31 19th Infantry: 24n, 91n
troop dispositions: 3, 5, 26 21st Infantry: 24n, 72, 74, 90, 95, 112n, 126,
Australia-New Guinea Administrative Unit (AN- 131, 150, 215, 216, 227, 233, 328, 329, 331,
GAU): 43, 65, 94, 107, 110 333, 367, 370n
Australian Chiefs of Staff: 4, 12-13, 23-25 25th Infantry: 24n, 72, 74, 91, 92, 96, 100, 104,
Australian Citizen Military Forces (CMF): 3. 120, 121, 130, 131, 147, 149, 150, 367, 370n
See also Australia, home defense organization. 30th Infantry: 44, 89, 216, 223, 226, 228, 328,
Australian Imperial Forces (AIF): 3, 14-15, 61n. 367, 370n
See also Australia, troop dispositions. Australian units, brigade group
14th: 39, 42
Australian Military Forces (AMF): 3-4. See also 19th: 26
Australia, home defense organization. Australian units, corps
Australian Permanent Forces: 3. See also Aus- 1st: 25
tralia, home defense organization. Australian units, divisions
Australian units, battalions 6th Infantry: 15, 24n, 91, 91n
2/1 Infantry: 151 7th Infantry: 15, 24n, 25, 26, 72, 73, 74, 104,
2/2 Infantry: 151, 152, 156 117, 126, 127, 131, 139, 147, 153, 154, 247
2/3 Infantry: 151, 156-57, 161n 9th Infantry: 15
Australian units, independent companies Boland, 1st Sgt. James W.: 361
1st: 5, 6 BOLERO plan: 29
2/6: 106, 117, 123, 168, 177, 178, 180, 181,Bombing: 11, 54, 55, 89, 104, 181, 217, 218, 219,
194, 195, 234, 238, 248 376
5th: 42 Bombing of friendly troops: 108, 177-78, 181-82,
Australian units, regiments 185, 258, 258n, 284-89
2/1 Field: 158 Bond, Maj. George: 121, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160,
2/6 Armored: 256, 257, 258, 271, 306, 333, 351 161, 162, 163
2/7 Cavalry: 226, 227, 328, 330, 333, 342, 344, Bootless Inlet: 95
348, 350, 367, 370n Boreo: 168, 171, 174
Australian units, troops Bosgard, Capt. Athelstan K.: 152, 156, 159, 162
Hall: 278, 306, 333, 351 BOSTON: 39, 40, 41. See also Airfield develop-
Hanson: 341, 351, 363 ment, Allied; MacArthur, General Douglas,
Manning: 286, 306, 333, 351 and airfield construction.
O'Hare: 246, 264, 265, 278 Bottcher, S. Sgt. Herman J. F.: 243, 244, 244n,
Stokes: 265, 278, 306 249, 250
Awala: 63, 147 Bottcher's Corner: 244, 249, 250, 251
Bougainville: 36
B-17's: 8, 10, 11, 17, 24n, 27, 37, 39n, 54, 76, Bowen, Col. Frank S.: 205n, 291, 309, 310, 311n
83, 214, 217 Bradford, Capt. Bryon B.: 298
B-24's: 217 Bradley, Col. Joseph S.: 92, 115, 198, 244, 300,
B-25's: 26, 27, 39n, 176, 177, 214, 242, 284, 317 301, 301n, 353, 354
B-26's: 27, 39n, 54 Bragg, 1st Lt. William H., Jr.: 311, 312, 313
Baetcke, Maj. Bernd G.: 92, 110, 112n, 154, 162, Bren carriers: 193, 194, 200
163, 164n, 219, 221, 221n, 222, 223, 225n, 230. Bren guns, 216, 236, 238, 239
See also "Kalamazoo." Brett, Lt. Gen. George H.: 1, 2n, 9, 9n, 12, 16,
Bailey, 1st Lt. Cladie A.: 192, 243 17, 18, 22, 36, 48, 54. See also Allied Air
Bajdek, Pfc. Walter A.: 251n Forces, SWPA; U. S. Army Forces in Aus-
Baker, Brig. Gen. Frayne: 244n tralia (USAFIA).
Bakken, Capt. A. T.: 187, 188n Bridges: 58, 63-64, 97, 121, 185, 208, 237, 265,
Bakumbari: 362 266, 268, 272, 273, 278, 284, 291, 296, 298,
Balza, Pfc. William: 299, 299n 309, 310, 316
Barker, Brig. L. E. S.: 135 Bridging operations: 107, 267-68, 271, 283-84,
Barnes, Maj. Gen. Julian F.: 9n, 19, 48 286, 289-90, 291, 310, 311, 318
Barrier. See Malay Barrier. Brisbane: 48
Barumbila: 115 Brisbane area: 26
Basabua: 55, 56, 61, 68, 140, 145, 215, 219 British Eastern Fleet: 33
Beaver, Maj. Chester M.: 242, 242n, 247, 248n, Buckland, Capt. James: 361
261, 264, 268, 273, 274, 277 Buin: 36
Bender, Pfc. Herman: 314n Buka: 12
Benson, Capt. William C.: 342 Bulolo Valley: 5, 27, 42, 43, 66, 76
Berryman, Maj. Gen. F. H.: 330, 332, 343, 345, Buna: 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 60, 63,
368 66, 68, 79, 117, 127, 128, 137, 138, 139, 145,
Birkness, Maj. Ralph T.: 170, 198 153, 154, 174, 192, 304, 315, 325, 327, 329,
Bismarck Archipelago: 2 369
Blarney, Capt. Jack M.: 152, 156, 159, 159n, 162 Buna Force: 51, 258, 282. See also Serial One;
Blarney, General Sir Thomas: 22, 39, 43, 44, 85, Serial Two; Serial Three; Serial Four; Van
85n, 92, 100, 105, 106, 116, 117, 118, 128, Volkenburgh, Brig. Gen. Robert H.
202, 256, 321, 329, 343, 343n Buna-Gona area: 56, 70, 72, 73, 99, 102, 126,
Blast bomb: 308, 308n 140, 369
Bloecher, 1st Lt. Milan J.: 240 Buna-Kokoda area: 61, 63, 70
Boerem, Maj. Richard D.: 123, 130, 156n, 160, Buna Mission: 126, 126n, 140, 141, 147, 153, 174,
161n, 162, 221, 222, 223, 225, 225n, 226, 227, 182, 188, 238, 249, 258, 282, 284-85, 294, 304,
228, 229, 230, 334, 353 309, 312-13, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318-19, 324,
Boet, Capt. John T.: 92 324n, 329, 330
Bofu: 115, 117, 118, 121, 130, 147 Buna Strip: 140
Boice, Capt. William F.: 92, 94, 110, 112, 121, Buna Village: 126, 139, 140, 141, 147, 153, 174,
154, 155, 160, 222, 249, 285, 285n 182, 188, 189, 190, 192, 205, 206, 208, 234,
Buna Village—Continued Coast Watchers: 6, 80, 105. See also Northeast
238, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 249, 251, Area.
252, 282, 291, 312, 315, 316, 319 Coastal shuttle: 107-10, 179
Bunkers. See Fortifications, Japanese. Cobaregari: 95
Burr, 1st Sgt. Elmer J. See Medal of Honor. Coconut Grove: 141, 182, 190, 192, 244, 252,
Buttrose, Lt. Col. A. W.: 147 258, 282, 286, 288, 289, 303, 312
Byers, Brig. Gen. Clovis E.: 204, 211, 244, 244n, Coconut Plantation: 296, 301, 303, 317
248, 252, 258, 258n Coen: 40
Coker, 1st Lt. James T.: 336, 336n
C-47's: 116, 119 Collingwood Bay: 105
Cairns: 27 Colombo: 33
Cameron, Lt. Col. A. G.: 150 Combined Chiefs of Staff: 8, 16, 20
Campbell, Pvt. Robert H.: 316n Combined Fleet: 46
Cannibalism: 104, 104n, 243n, 363, 374 Combined Operational Service Command
Cape Endaiadere: 125, 128, 140, 147, 171, 174, (COSC): 103, 108, 193, 255
176, 177, 180, 207, 208, 258, 260, 262, 264, Combs, Pvt. John E.: 206n
281, 305, 319 Communications
Cape Endaiadere-New Strip area: 168, 180 defective: 85, 149, 177, 178, 184-85, 187, 225,
Cape Killerton: 126, 140, 231, 350, 354, 355 297, 299, 377
Cape Nelson: 102, 105, 106, 107, 108 improvement of: 255, 301, 359
Cape Nelson Peninsula: 106 Condition of troops, Allied: 90, 112, 112n, 121,
Cape Sudest: 126, 128 131, 134-35, 152-53, 196-97, 207, 211, 224-
Cape York Peninsula: 27, 40, 70 25, 227, 228-30, 329-30, 334-35, 335n
Carbine: 134 Condition of troops, Japanese: 86, 87, 104, 144-45,
Carew, Col. John J.: 129, 169, 169n 343n, 346, 347
Carpender, Vice Adm. Arthur S.: 128, 376 Congressional Medal of Honor. See Medal of
Carrier, Lt. Col. Edmund J.: 122, 123, 155, 156n, Honor.
180, 181, 194, 195, 208, 234, 238, 247, 248n Convoys, Japanese: 10-11, 34-36, 54-55, 68-70,
Carter, 1st Lt. Zina: 224 80-81, 83, 85-86, 89, 146, 213-14, 217-18,
Casey, Brig. Gen. Hugh J.: 23, 26, 51, 74n, 75, 347, 347n
78n, 94, 103, 343n Cooktown: 40
Casualties, Allied: 86, 87, 90, 124, 124n, 149, 152, Cooper, Lt. Col. G. D.: 214
158, 160, 161, 162, 165, 167, 169, 176, 178, Coral Sea, Battle of: 1, 36-39, 56
186, 195, 195n, 215, 216, 217, 222-23, 225, Corps, I: 50, 91, 92, 203, 205, 212
230, 239, 240, 254, 254n, 263, 264, 285, 287, Corvettes: 256, 257, 257n, 258, 266, 304
290, 301n, 323, 323n, 335, 335n, 337, 342,Crace, Rear Adm. J. G.: 38
345, 364, 366, 366n, 367, 368, 370-72 Cronk, Capt. Jefferson R.: 312, 313, 316, 317
Casualties, Japanese: 43, 86, 87, 120, 152, 158, Crouch, 1st Lt. Henry M., Jr.: 162
164, 192, 217, 218, 228, 254, 319, 323, 323n, Crow, 1st Lt. John W.: 176, 176n
337, 348, 358, 364, 366, 366n, 372 Cullen, Lt. Col. Paul A.: 151
Catalinas: 27 Cummings, Lt. Col. Clement J.: 261, 269, 274
Catterns, Capt. B. W. T.: 151, 152 Cunningham, Pfc. Jack K.: 338
Central Pacific: 20. See also Nimitz, Admiral Curtin, John: 8, 14-15, 18, 18n, 24, 24n, 28, 28n,
Chester W.; Pacific Ocean Area, theater or- 29, 30, 30n, 31, 32
ganization; Pacific Theater.
Ceylon: 33 Dal Ponte, Capt. Peter L.: 163, 221n, 222, 224,
Chagnon, 1st Lt. Louis A.: 291, 315, 325, 336 224n, 226, 227, 230, 335
Challen, Lt. Col. H. B.: 214 Dames, Capt. William H.: 295, 299, 312, 317
Chamberlin, Brig. Gen. Stephen J.: 9n, 23, 44, Danawatu: 219, 315
51, 52, 53, 91, 202, 203 Daniels, Lt. A. N. T.: 162, 163, 220
Chandler, 1st Lt. Harold B.: 111, 112, 113 Daniels, S. Sgt. Delmar H.: 208n
Cherney, S. Sgt. Carl: 178n Dannelly, 1st Lt. Sheldon M.: 280
Churchill, Winston S.: 14, 15, 18, 20, 27, 28, 30 Darnton, Byron: 108, 108n
Clarkson, Maj. Gordon: 247, 248n, 273, 276, 316 Darwin: 12, 25, 26
Climate: 54, 55, 56-57, 81-82, 113, 126, 151, 154, Davao: 60
174, 218, 333, 341, 354 Dawley, Lt. Col. Charles R.: 330
Clowes, Maj. Gen. Cyril A.: 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, Debana: 94
85, 179 Deboyne Island: 36
Defense: 72, 73, 77, 161, 193, 228. See also LILLI- Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L.—Con.
PUT; MacArthur, General Douglas, defense 264-65, 296n, 301n, 330, 330n, 343n, 368,
plans. 370. See also Corps, I; Infantry divisions,
of airfields: 51-52, 65, 84, 86, 95 32d.
Japanese system: 139-43, 155, 164, 174-75, 179, and changes in tactics: 245-46, 248
181, 182, 192, 193, 194, 197, 206, 208, 217, commands: 50, 50n, 91, 343
227, 228, 231, 240, 242, 264-65, 272, 276-77, consulted on attack plans: 235, 286, 288-89,
284, 294, 299, 302-03, 305, 310, 340-41, 290, 292-93
350-51. See also Fortifications, Japanese, in direct control of operations: 243, 244, 258,
perimeter: 164, 165, 219-20, 231, 298, 339-40, 288-89, 293, 298, 309-10, 315, 319, 335-36
342-43. See also Bottcher's Corner; Fisk; inspections: 205, 208-09, 309
Huggins; Kano; Musket; Roadblocks. opinion of troops: 137, 245, 254, 321, 330n
DeGraaf, Col. George: 234, 242, 245n ordered to Buna: 202-05
Deniki: 58, 64, 65 replacement of commanders: 205, 205n, 211-12,
De Rosier, T/5 Edwin C.: 175n 248n, 256, 288, 288n, 351-53
Diarrhea. See Medical problems, Allied. reports: 291, 297-98, 302-03, 317, 332, 337,
Dill, Field Marshal Sir John: 31 338-39, 345-46, 349, 354n
Diller, Col. LeGrande A.: 23 training program: 132-34
Disease. See Medical problems, Allied. Ellers, Capt. Conway M.: 360
Distinguished Service Cross: 65n, 159n, 16In, 162n, Embessa: 116
164n, 169n, 175n, 176n, 178n, 181n, 192n, Embi: 168
206n, 207n, 208n, 224n, 228n, 239n, 242n, Embogo: 128, 168, 171
243n, 244n, 245n, 250n, 251n, 254n, 258n, Engineer Aviation Battalion
267n, 272n, 276n, 285n, 287n, 294n, 296n, 808th: 50, 74n, 95
297n, 299n, 300n, 301n, 309n, 311n, 314n, Engineer Battalions
316n, 317n, 336n, 338n, 341n, 343n, 348n, 43d: 74n, 76, 77, 84, 86
351n, 359n, 364n 46th: 74n, 76, 77
Dixon, Capt. Oliver O.: 95, 154, 155, 160, 166, 91st: 74n, 94
222 96th: 27, 74n
Dobbs, Lt. Col. James G.: 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 114th: 92, 107, 112, 116, 135, 154, 168
305 Engineer Companies
Dobodura: 51, 70, 71, 125, 127, 128, 147, 153, 69th Topographical: 74n
168, 171, 174, 189, 241, 330 576th Dump Truck: 74n
Doe, Col. Jens A.: 329, 330, 339, 341, 342, 343, 585th Dump Truck: 74n
351, 354, 357, 358, 359, 363 Engineer Regiments
Dougherty, Brig. Ivan N.: 150, 215, 216, 217, 227, 43d: 27, 50
228, 231, 328, 330 46th: 42, 50
Doughtie, 2d Lt. James G.: 271, 272n Engineers: 74, 103, 135, 186, 200, 260, 271-72,
Downer, 1st Lt. James G.: 111, 112, 113, 251, 291
251n Entrance Creek: 126, 141, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190,
Dupree, Capt. Duncan V.: 361 235, 241, 244, 252, 254, 284, 293, 296, 300,
Duropa Plantation: 126, 142, 174, 179, 181, 193, 301, 303, 304, 309, 312, 316
236, 260 Eoff, Pvt. Gordon W.: 299, 299n
Duropa Plantation-Buna Strips area: 238 Eora Creek: 58, 89, 104
Duropa Plantation-New Strip area: 260, 264 Eora Creek Gorge: 58, 64, 104
Dutch: 3, 23, 26 Epstein, Pvt. Hymie Y.: 165, 165n
Dyke Ackland Bay: 106 Equipment: 92, 107, 113-14, 121, 134-35, 137,
Dysentery. See Medical problems, Allied. 176, 178, 179, 186-87, 196-97, 211, 246, 247,
250, 253, 255-56, 377
East Cape: 73, 77 Estrada, Pvt. Bernardino Y.: 253, 254, 254n
Eastwood, Pvt. Howard M.: 181n Evatt, Dr. H. V.: 28n, 30, 30n
Eather, Brig. Kenneth W.: 96, 147, 149, 150, 343n Exhaustion. See Medical problems, Allied.
Edgar, Lt. Col. C. R. V.: 151, 152
Edwards, Capt. Daniel K.: 208, 209, 210n, 242, Fahnestock, Lt. A. B.: 108, 108n
244, 245n Fahres, 1st Lt. Marcelles P.: 296, 299
Efogi: 58, 89, 95 Fairbrother, Capt. Donald N.: 156
Egeberg, Maj. Roger O.: 207 Fairfax Harbor: 75
Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L.: 203n, 221, 234, Fale, Sgt. William: 299, 299n
Farrar, Lt. Col. Benjamin R.: 292, 294 Giruwa—Continued
Fasari: 116 351, 356, 358, 361, 362, 363, 363n, 364
Fenton, 1st Lt. John L.: 163 Gobe: 107
Fergusson Island: 110 Goldie River: 95
Fergusson, Lt. T. St. D.: 236, 239 Gona: 54-55, 62, 62n, 120, 126, 130, 138, 139,
Feury, 2d Lt. Donald W.: 287, 287n 140, 145, 147, 150, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217,
Fever. See Medical problem, Allied. 227, 315, 331, 347
"Fever Ridge." See Pongani. Gona area: 216, 217, 329, 331
Field, Brig. John: 76, 84, 86 Gona Creek: 148, 149
Field Artillery Battalions Gona Mission: 148
120th: 132 Goodenough Bay: 77, 82
121st: 132 Goodenough Island: 80, 102, 110, 110n, 304, 304n
126th: 132 Gora: 121
129th: 132, 193 Gorari: 64, 120, 121
Fifth Air Force, U. S.: 96, 96n, 97, 104, 106, 108, Government Gardens: 140, 141, 182, 254, 282,
116, 119, 217, 238, 278, 375-76 288, 312
Fiji: 12, 13, 32, 34 Government House: 202, 204
Fila: 58 Government Plantation: 279
Filarski, 1st Lt. John J.: 230 Graber, Sgt. Harold E.: 243, 243n
Fisher, Pfc. Albert L.: 294n Gray, T/5 Charles H.: 311, 311n
Fisk: 342, 350, 351, 354, 356, 357, 361. See also Gray, Capt. Millard G.: 301n
Kano. Greene, 1st Lt. Edward M., Jr.: 290
Fisk, 1st Lt. Harold R.: 341, 341n Greene, Pfc. James G.: 301
Fitch, Col. Burdette M.: 23 Grenades. See Hand grenades.
Flame throwers: 250, 253 Griffith, 1st Lt. James R.: 291
Fletcher, Rear Adm. Frank J.: 37, 39 Grose, Col. John E.: 212, 235, 241, 243, 244, 248,
Florey, 1st Lt. Theodore: 184, 186, 187 251, 288, 289, 290, 293, 294, 295, 296, 296n,
Formosa: 34 297, 298, 299, 300, 300n, 301, 309-10, 313-14,
Fortifications, Japanese: 139-43, 147-49, 179-80, 316, 317, 317n, 336, 338, 353, 354n
193, 194, 207, 264-65, 272, 277, 284, 294 Gruennert, Sgt. Kenneth E. See Medal of Honor.
Foss, 1st Lt. Donald A.: 276, 277, 280 Guadalcanal: 52-53, 66, 67, 98, 99, 102, 117, 125,
Fraser, 1st Lt. Powell A.: 336, 338, 338n, 363 368
Fremantle: 25, 26 Gulf of Papua: 26
Fryday, 1st Lt. Carl K.: 178, 181 Gunn, Maj. E. Mansfield: 323
Fuller, Maj. Gen. Horace H.: 50, 50n, 368 Guri Guri: 107
Fulmer, 1st Lt. Tally D.: 338, 338n
Funk, Sgt. Chester C.: 228n Hale, Col. J. Tracy, Jr.: 95, 180, 189, 203, 203n,
210, 211, 212
G-2. See Intelligence, Allied. Hall, Sgt. Irving W.: 182
Gama River: 83, 84, 86 Hall Troop: 278, 306, 333, 351
Gap, the: 43, 58, 66, 70, 71, 89, 90, 98, 104, 113 Halsey, Vice Adm. William F.: 117, 125
Garret, Capt. Leonard E.: 310 Hamilton, Capt. Robert M.: 356, 357, 359
Gasmata: 128 Hand grenades: 84, 176, 197, 247, 286
Geard, Lt. Col. C. J.: 355 Handy, Col. H. F.: 138, 169
Geerds, Lt. Col. Henry A.: 112, 115 Hangarten, Pvt. Elmer R.: 311, 311n
General Headquarters, SWPA: 23, 25, 41, 43, 48, Hanson, Maj. A. G.: 158, 162
48n, 50, 51, 90-91, 101, 103, 110, 119, 135, Hanson Troop: 341, 348, 363
203 Hantlemann, Capt. Harold E.: 192, 206, 207n
Ghormley, Vice Adm. Robert L.: 47, 48, 105, 117 Hara, Rear Adm. Tadaichi: 38
"Ghost Mountain." See Mount Suwemalla. Harbert, 1st Lt. John E.: 169, 169n
Gili Gili: 77, 79, 82 Harcourt, Maj. Harry G.: 168, 234
Giropa Creek: 307 Harding, Maj. Gen. Edwin F.: 39, 50, 50n, 92,
Giropa Point: 258, 281, 284, 294, 303, 304, 306, 94, 110, 116, 121, 128, 132, 133-34, 135,
307, 309, 313, 314, 316, 319-21 137-38, 139, 147, 153, 154, 154n, 155, 169,
Girua River: 125-26, 127, 140, 147, 153, 168, 171, 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182-83, 183n,
189, 190, 192, 206, 222, 230, 325, 330, 338 187, 188, 189, 193, 196, 199, 200-201, 202-03,
Giruwa: 62, 71, 100, 121, 140, 192, 213, 215, 216, 203n, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208-12, 222, 234,
219, 232, 282, 315, 324, 332, 346, 347, 348, 260. See also Infantry Divisions, 32d.
Harding, Col. Horace: 296, 296n, 309, 310 Imperial General Headquarters—Continued
Harger, Capt. Horace N.: 298, 301 decisions involving Port Moresby: 10, 12, 13, 34,
Hariko: 168, 258 38, 61, 66, 98-100
Hawkins, Maj. W. D.: 138 decisions involving Rabaul: 7
Hayashi, Cdr. Shojiro: 79, 83, 86 decisions involving Samoa: 34
Herring, Lt. Gen. Edmund F.: 100, 116, 153, 154n, decisions involving Tulagi: 10, 12
155, 183, 189, 196, 199, 201, 202, 205, 245, Indian Ocean: 33, 34
256, 257, 288, 291, 322, 325, 329, 330, 332, Infantry Battalions
343, 345, 370 1st, 126th: 116, 121, 122, 129, 130, 137, 154,
Hess, 2d Lt. George J.: 276, 277n 156, 156n, 168, 177, 180, 181, 194, 238, 240,
Hewitt, Capt. Stephen: 310, 311 241, 247, 260, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273-74,
Higgins boats: 257 277, 305, 316, 323n
Hihondo: 126 2d, 126th: 111, 112, 115, 117, 121, 122, 123,
Hollister, Capt. Paul G.: 342 130, 135, 137, 153, 154, 155-56, 183, 189,
Holnicote Bay: 126 196, 234, 241, 244, 248, 251, 251n, 282, 285,
Honner, Lt. Col. R.: 215 291, 311-12, 314
Hootman, Maj. Harold M.: 294-95 3d, 126th: 116, 121, 123, 130, 137, 155, 156,
Hopkins, Brig. R. N. L.: 205, 256, 257 219, 221, 323n
Horanda: 153 1st, 127th: 282, 300, 312, 316, 336
Horii, Maj. Gen. Tomitaro: 6, 7, 10, 34, 39, 60, 2d, 127th: 282, 293, 312
61, 66, 68, 69, 70-71, 88-90, 95, 96, 96n, 3d, 127th: 251, 282, 293, 309, 310, 312
98-100, 104, 120, 121, 138, 143. See also 1st, 128th: 106, 107, 123, 168, 171, 176, 177,
South Seas Detachment. 178, 179, 180, 194, 207, 208, 234, 238, 240,
Horn Island: 26, 40 248, 260, 261, 264, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273,
Horton, Capt. Samuel M.: 239 274, 276, 277, 305, 306, 307, 308, 316, 319
Howe, Lt. Col. Merle H.: 242, 244, 244n, 351, 353, 2d, 128th: 106, 107, 124, 155, 168, 174, 182,
353n, 354, 354n, 355, 358 192, 234, 241, 244, 248, 249, 254, 282, 312,
Howes, 1st Lt. Bernard: 94 316
Hudsons: 11, 39n, 54, 55, 76 3d, 128th: 106, 107, 123, 168, 171, 174, 180,
Huggins: 328, 329, 330, 333, 339. See also 181, 194, 234, 238, 240, 248, 254, 260, 261,
Roadblocks. 264, 266, 271, 274, 305, 307, 308, 309, 319
Huggins, Capt. Meredith M.: 156, 221, 221n, 222, 1st, 163d: 329-30, 332, 339, 340-41, 342, 351,
224, 224n, 226, 227, 231 354, 356, 357, 358
Hunt, 1st Lt. James I.: 207n 2d, 163d: 329-30, 332, 341, 342, 350, 351, 354,
Huon Gulf: 5, 11, 12 357, 362
Huon Peninsula: 260 3d, 163d: 329-30, 332, 342, 351, 354, 356
Hutchinson, Maj. Ian: 151 Infantry Companies
Hyakutake, Lt. Gen. Haruyoshi: 45, 60, 61, 66, A, 126th: 122, 208, 234, 240, 278, 304, 354n
69, 98, 146. See also Japanese Armies, 17th. B, 126th: 122, 207, 195, 207, 241, 268, 271, 304
Hydrographer's Range: 117 C, 126th: 122, 129, 154, 155, 156, 160, 162, 163,
195, 207, 222, 223, 225, 240, 276, 304, 314
Ichiki Detachment: 67, 69 D, 126th: 122, 130, 154, 155, 156, 160, 162,
Ilimo: 58, 120, 121 163, 223, 225
Imamura, Lt. Gen. Hitoshi: 146, 347. See also E, 126th: 92, 94, 94n, 111-12, 115, 121, 185,
Japanese Area Army, 8th. 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 206, 207, 242, 243,
Imita Range: 141, 223 249, 250, 251, 284, 285, 314, 325. See also
Imperial General Headquarters "The Three Spearheads."
decisions involving Australia: 12-13 F, 126th: 113, 115, 186, 190, 191, 192, 242,
decisions involving Buna: 347 243, 244, 249, 250, 251, 282, 284, 285, 286,
decisions involving Fiji: 34 288, 291, 314
decisions involving Guadalcanal: 347 G, 126th: 188, 190, 191, 192, 243, 249, 250,
decisions involving Kavieng: 7 251, 284, 285
decisions involving Lae and Salamaua: 10 H, 126th: 186, 192, 206, 243, 249, 284, 314
decisions involving Midway and the Aleutians: I, 126th: 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162,
34 163, 164, 219, 220
decisions involving Milne Bay: 99 K, 126th: 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162,
decisions involving New Caledonia: 34 163, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 230
Infantry Companies—Continued Infantry Companies—Continued
L, 126th: 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 222, 223, L, 128th: 180, 181, 238, 239, 266, 307, 309
225, 230 M, 128th: 107, 180, 194, 238
M, 126th: 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, Cannon, 128th: 206, 234, 241, 242, 244, 249,
219 252
3d Battalion Headquarters, 126th: 159, 160, 162, Service, 128th: 273
163 A, 163d: 339, 343, 350, 351, 356, 357, 359, 361,
Antitank, 126th: 111, 112, 113, 115, 156, 161, 363, 364
162, 163, 164, 219, 220. See also Medendorp, B, 163d: 339, 341, 343, 351, 356, 357, 359, 361,
Capt. Alfred. 364
Cannon, 126th: 111, 112, 113, 115, 156, 161, C, 163d: 339, 341, 343, 351, 356, 357, 359, 361,
162, 163, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226. See also 364
Medendorp, Capt. Alfred. D, 163d: 339, 356
Headquarters and Headquarters, 126th: 156, E, 163d: 341, 348, 351, 361, 364
192, 222 F, 163d: 357, 359, 360, 361
A, 127th: 296, 298, 299, 301, 301n, 313, 316, G, 163d: 342, 348, 351, 357
318, 336, 337, 338, 354, 358, 363 H, 163d: 356, 357
B, 127th: 300, 301, 303, 312, 314, 316, 317, 319, I, 163d: 343, 351, 361
353, 355, 358 K, 163d: 343, 348, 351, 357, 359, 361, 364
C, 127th: 298, 299, 300, 301, 313, 316, 317, L, 163d: 343, 351, 357
318, 319, 336, 337, 338, 361, 363 M, 163d: 343, 356, 361
D, 127th: 299, 313, 316, 354 Infantry Divisions
E, 127th: 282, 285, 286, 287, 288, 292, 299, 32d: 15, 25, 39, 39n, 49-50, 91, 119, 124, 126,
301, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 336, 336n, 132-35, 137, 139, 143, 147, 154, 154n, 155,
361, 363 168, 195, 196, 202, 223, 245, 255, 264, 323,
F, 127th: 282, 292, 298, 299, 301, 301n, 312, 330n, 368
316, 325n, 336, 337, 358, 361 41st: 14, 15, 25, 26, 39, 49, 50, 91, 133, 328-29,
G, 127th: 282, 293, 295, 296n, 297, 298, 299, 329n, 368
300, 301, 312, 316, 317, 318, 336, 358 Infantry Regiments
H, 127th: 282, 292, 293, 298, 310, 312, 316, 126th: 92, 95, 111, 117, 118, 122, 129, 132, 133,
318, 354 147, 153, 156, 163, 174, 177, 182, 196, 201,
I, 127th: 251, 252, 282, 289, 290, 293, 294, 295, 227, 241, 249, 282, 283, 284, 288n, 331, 333,
296n, 298, 299, 300, 310, 313, 316, 317, 318, 336, 368, 368n, 370
355, 358, 361 127th: 132, 201, 206, 241, 248, 255, 282, 283,
K, 127th: 251, 252, 289, 290, 291, 293, 298, 285, 288, 311, 327, 332, 336, 337, 338, 350,
299, 310, 311, 313, 358, 361 351, 353, 353n, 354, 355, 358, 361, 364, 364n,
L, 127th: 283, 289, 291, 293, 296, 298, 299, 301, 368, 368n, 370
310, 313, 316, 317, 318, 358, 361 128th: 95, 106, 108, 123, 128, 132, 133, 137,
M, 127th: 290, 292, 293, 296, 298, 313, 316, 168, 171, 177, 212, 283, 313, 336, 370
317, 318, 354 163d: 328, 329, 329n, 330, 332, 335, 339, 341,
3d Battalion Headquarters, 127th: 282 344, 348, 350, 351, 356, 358, 361, 363, 364,
A, 128th: 124, 168, 194, 195, 238, 240, 278, 364n, 370
280, 304 Inonda: 126, 129, 147, 153, 154, 174
B, 128th: 176, 195, 208, 240, 279, 304 Inouye, Vice Adm. Shigeyoshi: 7, 10, 35, 36, 39.
C, 128th: 174, 176, 178, 276, 280, 304 See also Japanese naval forces.
D, 128th: 240 Intelligence, Allied: 53, 65, 70-71, 82, 91, 137-39,
E, 128th: 182, 186, 187, 187n, 188, 189, 190, 189, 332
192, 202n, 242, 252, 253, 284 Ioribaiwa: 59, 89, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104
F, 128th: 182, 184, 188, 189, 190, 192, 206, 235, Irua River: 92
242, 252, 312, 313, 316 Irwin, Maj. Francis L.: 230, 334, 335
G, 128th: 182, 184-85, 186, 187, 187n, 188, Isaachsen, Lt. Col. O. C.: 226
190, 192, 202n, 242, 284, 316, 317, 318 Isivita: 147
H, 128th: 182, 189, 190, 242, 252, 253, 282 Isurava: 58, 65, 73, 74, 89, 100
2d Battalion Headquarters, 128th: 252
I, 128: 178, 180, 181, 194, 208, 234, 238, 239, Jacobucci, 1st Lt. John R.: 364, 364n
266, 266n, 305, 307 Japanese Area Army
K, 128th: 180, 181, 266, 266n, 305, 307, 309 8th: 146, 347
Japanese Armies Jaure: 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 121
17th: 45, 60, 61, 67, 146. See also Aoba Detach- Johns, Brig. Gen. Dwight F.: 103, 193, 255
ment; Kawaguchi Detachment; South Seas Johnson, Pvt. Earl: 314n
Detachment; Yazawa Detachment. Johnson, Pvt. Maro P.: 169n
18th: 146, 213, 315. See also Adachi, Lt. Gen. Johnson, 1st Lt. Ted C.: 300
Hatazo. Joint Chiefs of Staff: 16, 17, 28, 29, 47
Japanese Army miscellaneous units Jomard Passage: 36, 37
21st Independent Mixed Brigade: 213 Judd, Pvt. Raymond R.: 338
47th Field Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion: 60, 61, Jumbora: 126, 147, 149
68, 144, 231, 237
67th Line of Communications Hospital: 89, 100, K. B. Mission: 82, 83, 85, 86
140, 144n, 363 Kagi: 58, 65, 76, 89
Japanese Army Regiments "Kalamazoo": 95, 110, 112, 112n, 115
4th Infantry: 46 Kalikodobu: 95, 111, 112. See also "Kalamazoo."
10th Independent Engineer: 61 KANGA Force: 42, 43, 52, 62, 73. See also Bulolo
15th Independent Engineer: 60, 61, 62, 67n, 89, Valley.
97, 144, 145, 231, 237 Kano: 226, 227-28, 231, 328, 330, 332, 333, 339,
38th Mountain Artillery: 213 341, 342-43, 357. See also Roadblocks.
41st Infantry: 46, 69, 89, 96, 99, 104, 144, 145, Kavieng: 7, 67, 79
148, 213, 214, 215, 231, 232 Kawaguchi Detachment: 46, 61, 66, 67, 69, 99.
55th Cavalry: 68 Keast, Capt. Roger: 163, 220
55th Mountain Artillery: 61, 68, 89, 231 Kemmotsu, Maj. Hiaichi: 146
124th Infantry: 46. See also Kawaguchi Detach- Kendari: 33
ment. Kenney, Maj. Gen. George C.: 48, 54, 76, 96, 96n,
144th Infantry: 6, 10, 11, 34, 46, 61, 68, 89, 99, 135, 202, 204, 205n, 258n, 243n. See also
104, 120, 144, 145, 146, 158, 158n, 174, 231, Allied Air Forces, SWPA.
237, 238n, 262. See also Nankai Shitai; South Kessels, Lt. Col. O. A.: 223
Seas Detachment; Yokoyama Force; Yama- Kila Kila airdrome: 35
moto, Col. Hiroshi. Kilabo: 84
170th Infantry: 213, 217-18, 219, 232, 233, 324, Killerton Village: 350, 354
336 King, Admiral Ernest J.: 16, 45, 72, 105
229th Infantry: 146, 174, 237, 238n, 262, 267, Kinjaki Barige: 116
267n Kirchenbauer, 1st Lt. Alfred: 283
Japanese Imperial General Headquarters. See Knight, Col. Harry: 138, 202n
Imperial General Headquarters. Knight, Cpl. Paul H.: 343
Japanese naval air units. Knode, 1st Lt. Thomas E.: 242, 243n
11th Air Fleet: 66 Kobara: 58
Japanese naval forces Kobs, Capt. Elmer D.: 193, 375
4th Fleet: 7, 10, 12, 34, 35 Koitaki: 59
8th Fleet: 66, 67, 68, 79, 86 Koiwai, Maj. Mitsuo: 374, 374n
14th Naval Construction Unit: 68, 68n Kokoda, 43-44, 53, 58-60, 61, 63, 64-67, 71, 73,
14th Naval Pioneer Unit: 144, 144n 100, 104, 108, 118, 119
15th Naval Construction Unit: 68, 68n Kokoda-Gap area: 70, 91
15th Naval Pioneer Unit: 144, 144n Komiatum: 62
16th Naval Pioneer Unit: 79 Koninklijke Paktevaart Maatschappij. See K. P. M.
Carrier Division 5: 33, 35-36 Line.
Cruiser Division 5: 35 Konombi Creek: 291, 335, 338, 351, 358
Kure 3d Special Naval Landing Force: 34, 86 Kovio: 115
Kure 5th Special Naval Landing Force: 79 K.P.M. Line: 26, 26n, 42, 256, 258
Maizuru 2d Special Naval Landing Force: 10 Krasne, 1st Lt. Paul M.: 297
Sasebo 5th Special Naval Landing Force: 61, 62, Kumusi River: 58, 64, 92, 101, 102, 104, 113, 115,
68, 69, 79, 110, 144, 146, 182, 238 117, 120, 121, 130, 147, 151, 213, 217, 218,
Shoho force: 35, 36, 38, 39 232, 347, 368
Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Force: 86, Kumusi Valley: 117
87, 100, 144, 146, 182, 238 Kusunose, Col. Masao: 89, 120
Japanese strategic plans: 1, 10, 12-13, 33-34, 45,
53, 54-55, 56, 60-61, 67-68, 78-79, 98-99. Lae: 5, 10, 33, 34, 41, 42-43, 50, 62, 66, 73, 347.
See also Strategy, Allied. See also KANGA Force.
Larr, Lt. Col. David: 52, 53, 54, 62n, 202, 202n, McKinney, 1st Lt. Howard: 350, 356, 361
203, 203n MacNab, Lt. Col. Alexander J.: 179, 197, 203n,
Larson, Capt. W. A.: 311 210, 236, 248, 262, 269, 273, 274, 274n, 308,
Laruni: 110, 112, 113 309, 309n
Laux, Col. Herbert B.: 169 MacNider, Brig. Gen. Hanford: 94, 115, 123, 124,
Leary, Vice Adm. Herbert F.: 8, 17, 19, 22, 24n, 130, 147, 168, 171, 180. See also Warren
67, 128. See also ANZAC Force. Force.
Lee, Capt. Bevin D.: 156, 158, 159 Madang: 218
Legion of Merit. See Noakes, Lt. Lyndon C. Malaria. See Medical problems, Allied.
Lewis, 1st Lt. John B.: 300, 301 Malay Barrier: 2, 8, 9, 14
LILLIPUT: 128 Mambare River: 138, 218, 232, 346, 347, 368
Lincoln, Sgt. Boyd L.: 192n Manning Troop: 286, 306, 333, 351
Lindstrom, Lt. Col. Harold M.: 330, 351, 356-57 Maps: 155, 175n, 255
Lloyd, Brig. John E.: 104, 147, 151, 154, 155, 222 Mareeba: 40
Logan, Lt. Col. Edgar P.: 226 Marine units
Lorengau: 34, 34n Division, 1st Marine: 45, 67
Loss of direction: 158, 181 Regiment, 8th Marine: 105
Louisiade Archipelago: 36, 38, 40, 43 Marion, Pvt. Lawrence B.: 228n
Lovell, Lt. Col. D. J. H.: 223 MAROUBRA Force: 44, 63, 65, 74. See also Aus-
Luggers: 107-08, 110, 168, 169-70, 179, 189, 198, tralian units, battalions, 39 Infantry; Kokoda;
199 Papuan Infantry Battalion; Roads, trails,
Lutjens, 1st Sgt. Paul R.: 114, 242, 243n tracks, Kokoda Trail.
Lysaght, Capt. N. H. L.: 156 Marquat, Brig. Gen. William F.: 23
Lytle, Lt. Wilbur C.: 156, 157, 163 Marshall, General George C.: 14, 19, 22, 23, 28,
29, 31, 47, 72, 105, 322
McAllister, Pvt. Homer: 169n Marshall, Brig. Gen. Richard J.: 23, 48
MacArthur, General Douglas: 91, 117-18, 119, 128, Marson, Lt. Col. Richard H.: 149
245, 256, 258, 264, 298, 322, 329, 370. See Martin, Col. Clarence A.: 205, 205n, 208, 210, 211,
also General Headquarters, SWPA; Southwest 212, 235, 236, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 248,
Pacific Area. 256, 268, 269, 272, 273, 276, 276n, 278, 315,
airfield construction: 40. See also BOSTON. 354
arrival in Australia: 17-18 Matz, 2d Lt. Fred W.: 296, 297, 297n
biographical sketch: 18 Medal of Honor
defense plans: 39-40, 43, 47-48 Burr, 1st Sgt. Elmer J.: 294
mission: 20, 47-48. See also Task One; Task Gruennert, Sgt. Kenneth E.: 297
Two; Task Three, Medendorp, Capt. Alfred: 92, 111, 112, 113, 115,
operation plans: 72-73, 85, 85n, 91-92, 102-03, 131, 161, 163, 222
105 Medendorp Force: 258, 264.
replacement of commanders: 202-04, 211. See Medical aid men: 165, 165n, 175n
also Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L.; Medican problems, Allied: 90, 114-15, 126, 134-
Harding, Maj. Gen. Edwin F. 37, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152-53, 166, 196-97,
request for reinforcements: 27-31 197n, 223, 225, 240, 247, 323-24, 372. See
Supreme Commander, SWPA: 18-22 also Noncombat casualties; Starvation.
SWPA staff: 22-23 Medical problems, Japanese: 86, 87, 104, 144-45,
views on defense of Australia: 23-25 346, 347
McCampbell, 1st Lt. Robert P.: 300, 300n, 336 Medical units
McCarthy, Dudley: 154 17th Portable Hospital: 154
McCoy, Lt. Col. Robert C.: 124, 168, 174, 176, 19th Portable Hospital: 112
177, 181, 194, 195, 208, 210, 211, 234, 247, Melanson, Pvt. Arthur: 311, 311n
248 Melbourne: 49
McCreary, Lt. Col. Melvin: 168, 193, 212, 242, Melbourne-Brisbane coastal belt: 1, 25, 26
244, 248, 249n, 250, 251, 284, 285, 293, 296, Menari: 58, 59
296n Mendaropu: 108
McDonough, T/5 Bart: 311, 311n Meyer, Capt. Alfred E.: 290
McGee, Sgt. Robert R.: 162, 162n, 165 Middendorf, 2d Lt. Charles A.: 296, 297
MacGowan, S. Sgt. John R.: 169n Midway, Battle of: 45-46, 56
McKenny, Lt. Col. Laurence A.: 108, 124, 168, Mikawa, Vice Adm. Gunichi: 66, 79, 87
169 Milby, Pfc. Raymond: 338, 338n
Miljativich, S. Sgt. Milan J.: 311n New Guinea Force: 43, 64, 65, 73, 73n, 85, 100,
Miller, Lt. Col. James: 149 110, 111, 116, 119, 126, 128, 154, 155, 182,
Miller, Lt. Col. Kelsie E.: 106, 124, 168, 174, 176, 183n, 193, 209, 223, 256, 260, 343
177, 178, 180, 181, 234, 248 New Guinea Volunteer Rifles (NGVR): 5, 11. See
Milne Bay: 41-42, 57, 61, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, also Northeast Area.
87, 98, 99, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 304n New Strip: 126, 140, 141, 142, 174, 176, 179, 180,
Milne Bay, battle of: 76-88 181, 207, 208, 237, 238, 258, 260, 264, 266
Milne Force: 76-77, 82, 86, 179 Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.: 17, 20, 22, 105
Mimani River: 92 Noakes, Lt. Lyndon C.: 218, 232, 232n
Misima Island: 36, 37, 38 Nojiri Battalion. See Japanese Army Regiments,
Missima: 58 170th Infantry.
Mitchell, Cpl. Harold L.: 249, 249n Noncombat casualties: 107, 114, 137, 150, 208-09,
Mittelberger, Pvt. Earl: 311, 311n 223, 224, 225, 229-30, 240, 247, 254-55, 324,
Moffatt, Maj. Carroll K.: 257, 258n 370-71, 372
Mohl, S. Sgt. John L.: 359, 359n North East New Guinea: 2, 5
Morale: 178, 197, 204, 227, 227n, 228-29, 235 North Pacific: 20. See also Nimitz, Admiral
245, 254-55, 337 Chester W.; Pacific Ocean Area, theater or-
Morris, Maj. Gen. Basil: 43-44, 63, 64, 73n. See ganization; Pacific Theater.
also Australia-New Guinea Administrative Northeast Area: 2, 4, 5-6, 7. See also New Guinea;
Unit (ANGAU). Solomon Islands.
Mortars: 179, 192, 246, 248-49, 249n, 285, 296, Number One Strip: 77, 78n, 83, 84, 86. See also
296n, 306, 338, 344 Airfield development, Allied, Milne Bay.
60-mm.: 178, 185, 206, 325, 359 Number Two Strip: 77, 87, 88n
81-mm.: 134, 158, 176, 178, 180, 185, 206, 284, Number Three Strip: 77, 84, 86, 87, 88
296, 339, 351, 356, 360, 364 Nummer, Lt. Erwin: 113, 192, 192n
Mott, Col. John W.: 188, 189, 192, 203, 203n, 205,
206, 207, 209, 209n, 210, 210n, 211, 212 Oda, Maj. Gen. Kensaku: 218-19, 231, 257n, 346,
Mount Lamington: 115 347, 362
Mount Suwemalla: 113 O'Dell, 1st Lt. Loren E.: 364
Mubo: 62 Odell, Lt. Robert H.: 191, 193n, 243, 250
Mugoni River: 92 O'Hare Troop: 246, 262, 264, 265, 278
Musa River: 106, 107, 115 Oivi: 64, 104, 120, 121, 213
Musita Island: 249 Old Huggins. See Huggins; Musket.
Musket: 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 348, 350, Old Strip: 126, 140, 141, 176, 238, 258, 267n, 270,
351, 355, 356, 357, 361, 364. See also Huggins. 271, 272, 274, 279, 280, 304, 306, 307, 309.
Myers, Pvt. Cloyd G.: 169n 315
Myers, Col. Collin S.: 266 Oro Bay: 129, 169, 258, 260, 304
Myola: 59, 65, 89 Owalama Divide: 101-02
Owen Stanley Mountains: 25, 40, 43, 57-58, 60, 61,
Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi: 33, 34, 46 70, 73, 76, 98, 99, 115
Nankai Shitai: 6, 60, 68, 68n 69, 70, 89, 120. See Owen, Lt. Col. William T.: 64, 65, 65n
also South Seas Detachment.
Napapo: 219 P-39's: 27, 27n, 185, 317
Napapo-Danawatu area: 217, 226 P-40's: 27, 41, 76, 80, 83, 84, 185
National Guard: 92, 203n, 329n Pacific Ocean Area. See also Nimitz, Admiral
Natunga: 115, 121, 123, 130 Chester W.; Pacific Theater.
Nauro: 58, 89, 96, 98, 99 established: 17, 17n
Naval task organizations, U. S. theater organization: 20-21
Task Force 44: 67, 87 Pacific Theater: 16-17, 20-22. See also Mac-
Task Force 50.1: 232 Arthur, General Douglas; Southwest Pacific
Negro units: 27, 74n, 94 Area.
Nepeana: 110, 111 Papua: 40, 43, 56-58, 73, 110
Netherlands Indies: 1, 2, 34 Papuan Campaign: 1, 55, 364, 369-70
Netherlands New Guinea: 34, 41 Papuan Infantry Battalion: 44, 63
New Britain: 36 Parker, Maj. David B.: 175
New Caledonia: 12, 13, 32, 34 Parks, Pvt. Steve W.: 267n
New Guinea: 2, 24, 25, 32, 40, 43, 47, 60, 72, 99, Parry-Okeden, Maj. W. N.: 355
102, 103, 113, 117 Peabody, 1st Lt. Herbert G.: 169, 169n
Pederson, Pvt. Harold R.: 228n Reconnaissance, Allied
Pensacola convoy: 2n, 9n air: 36-37, 41, 54, 62n, 70-71, 80, 81, 138, 217
Perth: 49 ground: 41, 50, 94, 102n, 106, 110, 138, 155,
Perth-Fremantle area: 26 235, 269
Petersen, Pvt. Marvin M.: 338, 338n Reconnaissance, Japanese: 60-61, 68
Pillboxes. See Fortifications, Japanese. Reefs. See Terrain, problem of reefs.
Pongani: 106, 107, 108, 116, 117, 118, 122, 171 Regimental combat teams
Popondetta: 69, 126, 147, 151, 153, 154, 330 126th: 132n
Porlock Harbor: 107, 110, 168 127th: 124
Port development: 26-27, 75-76, 87-88, 103 128th: 95, 132n
Port Moresby 163d: 329, 329n
air attacks on: 10 Regiments. See Infantry Regiments.
base for reinforcement of Kokoda area: 43-44, 64 Rehak, S. Sgt. John F., Jr.: 287, 287n
defense requirements: 25 Rennell Island: 37
development of: 26-27, 72-73, 75, 103. See Reserves: 63, 156, 196, 234
also Port development, Richardson, Maj. Gen. Robert C., Jr.: 50, 133
garrison: 3, 4-5, 7 Riggs, 1st Lt. Clarence: 311
Japanese plans: 33-35, 56, 60-61, 66, 67, 70, 71, Rini, Cpl. Daniel F.: 253, 254n
87, 90, 98, 99-100. See also Imperial General Roadblocks: 163, 164, 219-27, 328. See also
Headquarters, decisions involving Port Huggins.
Roads, trails, tracks: 43, 92, 94, 106-07, 110, 126,
lack of air defense: 8
as pivot of defense: 24-25 Abau track: 94, 102n, 116
plans for the protection of: 39-41, 41, 42 Abuari-Missima-Fila cutoff: 120
reinforcement of: 8, 23, 26, 27, 40-41, 63, 74-75, Buna-Kokada track: 66, 102
92 Cape Killerton trail: 160, 162, 219, 333, 342, 348
strategic importance of: 1, 72 Dobodura-Buna trail: 182
threat to: 10, 12-13, 33, 36, 37, 39, 42, 66, 70, 95. Dobodura-Simemi trail: 177, 194, 200, 234
"Port Moresby Attack Force": 66. See also Japa- Kapa Kapa-Jaure trail: 94, 101, 110, 116
nese naval forces, 8th Fleet; Kawaguchi De- Kokoda Trail: 58-60, 63, 71, 73, 88, 95, 101,
tachment. 104, 112n, 117
Porter, Brig. Selwyn H.: 74, 223, 225, 226, 227,
Milne Bay: 77, 101
228, 230, 328, 333 M. T. Road: 328, 332, 339, 341, 342, 343, 348,
Potts, Brig. A. W.: 74
350, 351, 354, 357, 362, 364. See also Soputa-
Pravda, 1st Sgt. George: 243 Sanananda track.
Price, Pfc. Donald R.: 169n
Oro Bay-Dobodura: 260, 266, 277
PROVIDENCE: 51, 53, 55. See also Airfield develop- Simemi trail: 176
ment, Allied, Buna; Buna; Buna Force. Soputa-Buna: 174
Soputa-Dobodura: 174
Queensland: 74 Soputa-Sanananda track: 126, 140, 153, 162,
Quinn, Col. Lawrence A.: 92, 95, 121 163, 167, 219, 226
Tupeselei-Kapa Kapa-Kalikodobu: 94-95
Wanigela-Totore track: 107
base for air attacks: 67, 68
fall of: 6-8 Robinson, Lt. Col. Bernard L.: 51, 52, 70-71
garrison: 4, 5-6 Rogers, Col. Gordon: 205, 205n, 208, 210, 211, 212,
Japanese staging area: 10, 11, 25, 34, 53, 60, 61, 242, 245n, 309, 310, 311n
62n, 68, 69, 117, 213, 217 Rogers, 1st Lt. Orin: 187
strategic objective: 47 Roosevelt, Franklin D.: 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 27, 29,
Rabi: 68, 79, 81, 83, 84 30, 32
Radio communication difficulties: 178, 225, 299. Rossman, Pfc. Edward R.: 228n
See also Communications. Rouana Falls: 92
Rankin (perimeter) : 342, 343, 344, 348, 350 Rowell, Lt. Gen. Sydney F.: 4, 4n, 12, 73, 73n, 91,
Rankin, Maj. Walter R.: 341, 342, 348, 348n, 357, 94, 100. See also Australian Chiefs of Staff;
360, 361 New Guinea Force.
Rations: 111, 114, 130, 136-37, 144, 151, 153, 156, Royal Australian Air Force: 3, 11, 36, 42, 55, 74,
174, 196, 207, 224, 229, 235, 236 76, 96n, 97
Reams, Capt. Edward L.: 364 Royal Australian Navy: 3
Rummel, Cpl. Wilbur H.: 359, 359n Smith, Lt. Col. Herbert A.: 124, 168, 174, 182,
Runnoe, Capt. Donald F.: 317, 317n 183, 183n, 184, 185, 186, 187, 187n, 188, 189,
190, 252, 253, 254, 316
Salamaua: 5, 10, 33, 34, 42, 43, 50, 54, 62, 66, 73, Smith, Maj. Herbert M.: 115, 154, 155, 183, 185,
347. See also KANGA Force, 189, 192, 209, 209n, 210n, 241, 248, 249, 250n
Samarai: 40, 61, 66, 67, 74, 78 Smoke: 273, 276, 285, 286, 288, 305, 317
Samboga River: 168 Snyder, Cpl. Gordon C.: 169n
Samoa: 13, 32, 34 Solomon Islands: 2, 36, 47, 67, 102, 117, 125, 138,
San Cristobal Island: 36 139
Sanananda: 126, 127, 131, 138, 145, 147, 153, 192, Soputa: 63, 125, 126, 147, 151, 153, 154, 227, 333
219, 227, 241, 329, 331, 332, 335, 342, 347, South Giruwa: 145
349, 350, 354, 355, 358, 362, 363, 364 South Pacific Amphibious Force: 45
Sanananda front: 325, 328, 329, 330, 339, 346, South Pacific Area: 20, 20n, 48, 117, 125. See
350, 362 also Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.; Pacific
Sanananda-Giruwa area: 100, 145, 327, 332, 362 Ocean Area, theater organization; Pacific
Sanananda Point: 126, 140, 342, 356 Theater.
Sangara: 147 South Pacific ferry route: 2
Schmidt, Lt. Col. Edwin J.: 251 Southwest Pacific Area. See also General Head-
Schroeder, Maj. Edmund R.: 300, 300n, 301, 303, quarters, SWPA; MacArthur, General Doug-
310, 312, 317 las; Pacific Theater.
Schultz, Capt. Melvin: 92, 113, 115, 242 boundary changes: 48
Schwartz, 1st Lt. Paul L.: 242, 242n, 283, 291 command arrangements: 18-20
Scott, 1st Lt. Samuel J.: 240 defense forces: 28
SCR-195: 225 established: 17, 17n
SCR-288: 225 Japanese defeat: 125
SCR-536: 178 organization of ground forces: 19-20
Secombe, Brig. V. C.: 103 planned strength: 31
Segal, Capt. Lester: 112n preparations for the offensive, 48-50
Serial One: 52, 53. See also Buna Force. preparations to defend Port Moresby: 36-37, 39
Serial Two: 52, 53 South Seas Detachment: 6, 7, 10, 34-35, 36, 39,
Serial Three: 52, 53 46, 61, 62n, 66, 67, 88, 89, 98, 99. See also
Serial Four: 52 Japanese Army Regiments, 144th Infantry;
Shaw, S. Sgt. Herman T.: 336, 336n Nankai Shitai.
Shirley, Capt. John D.: 157, 158, 159, 163, 219, Spraetz, Capt. H.: 188n
221 Sprague, Pvt. Lawrence F.: 338, 338n
Shoho: 35, 38, 39 Squires, Pvt. Edward G.: 311, 311n
Shortages, Allied Starvation: 98, 104, 104n, 121, 136, 151, 196, 236,
ammunition: 90, 149, 152, 174, 175, 176, 343, 346, 369, 374. See also Cannibalism;
186-87, 197, 223, 224, 225, 225n, 246, 247, Condition of troops, Allied; Condition of
325, 356 troops, Japanese; Rations.
artillery: 135
Steger, 1st Sgt. Reuben J.: 178n
equipment: 134, 135, 197
Stehling, Capt. Joseph M.: 253, 254n
food: 90, 98, 121, 136-37, 149, 151, 153, 174,
175, 187, 196, 207, 223, 224, 226, 226n, 235 Stivers, Col. Charles P.: 23
medical supplies: 135-36 Stokes Troop: 265, 278, 306
shipping: 28, 73, 74, 105, 194 Strafing: 55, 80, 89, 104, 180, 185, 284
supply: 65, 77, 222 Strategy, Allied: 2, 28, 29, 45, 46-48. See also
Shortages, Japanese: 144-45, 231, 346 Japanese strategic plans.
Silver Star: 165n, 182n, 210n, 221n, 254n, 277n, Strip Point: 238, 263, 266, 274
287n, 300n Sturdee, Lt. Gen. V. A. H.: 4, 4n
Simemi: 126, 128, 138, 168, 171, 174, 282 Sugiyama, Lt. Col. Shigeru: 231
Simemi Creek: 126, 126n, 241, 260, 264, 266, 267, Sullivan, Capt. John J.: 285, 314
268, 269-70, 272, 279, 281, 305, 307, 308, 319 Supply, Allied
Simms, 1st Lt. Allan W.: 312 air: 76, 90, 118, 119-20, 121, 129-30, 149, 153,
Siwori Creek: 190, 192, 235, 325, 336 176, 198-99, 255, 375
Siwori Village: 192, 252, 282, 283, 291, 312, 320, deficiencies: 189, 197, 198-200
325, 336 difficulties: 89, 184, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225-26
Skerry, Col. Leslie M.: 325 dislocation: 168-71, 174, 333
Supply, Allied—Continued Training: 49, 132-34, 196, 203, 204, 329-30, 377
hand-carrying of: 65, 90, 110, 112, 158, 199 Trenches. See Fortifications, Japanese.
improvement of: 179, 234, 255, 273, 306-07, Triangle: 126, 140, 141, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187,
307n, 340 188, 189, 190, 192, 238, 258, 282, 283, 284,
levels: 103, 201 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 298, 299, 301, 302,
organization for: 2, 20, 48, 103 312, 314, 315
sea: 129, 375 Trincomalee: 33
Supply, Japanese: 96-98, 231-32, 247 Truk: 33, 34, 35, 39
Sutherland, Maj. Gen. Richard K.: 23, 53, 201, Tsukahara, Vice Adm. Nichizo: 66
202, 203, 204, 205, 245, 254, 264, 286, 288, Tsukamoto, Lt. Col. Hatsuo: 62, 120, 145, 151,
301n? 302, 309, 314, 343n, 349 157-58, 158n, 161, 163, 167, 222, 223, 227,
Sverdrup, Col. Lief J.: 94, 102, 102n, 116 228, 231, 342, 345, 346, 347
Swank, Lt. Charles W.: 222 Tufi: 73
Sweet, 1st Lt. John E.: 267, 267n Tulagi: 36, 37, 47, 48, 67
TULSA plan: 50
Tactics. See Attack; Defense.
Talasea: 53, 54, 62n Ua-Ule Creek: 96
Tanks Uberi: 59
Allied use of: 179, 193, 200, 245, 256, 257, 258, U.S. Advanced Base in New Guinea: 75
260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, U.S. Air Force in Australia: 15, 15n
272, 273, 277, 279, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, U.S. Army Forces in Australia (USAFIA): 1, 2,
316, 333, 342, 343, 345 2n, 9n, 19, 22, 26n, 40, 48. See also Brett,
Japanese use of: 83, 84 Lt. Gen. George H.
Tarakena: 282, 283, 291, 312, 315, 316, 320, 324, U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines: 22
327, 332, 335, 336 U.S. Army Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific
Task One: : 47, 48, 73. See also Strategy, Allied. Area (USASOS SWPA): 48, 75
Task Two: 47, 48, 50, 55, 72, 73 U.S. Forces in Australia (USFIA) : 2n, 9n
Task Three: 47, 48, 73 U.S. Pacific Fleet: 1, 12, 33, 36, 37, 39, 46, 56
Tatana Island: 75, 103 Urbana Force: 183, 189, 192, 196, 206, 208, 238,
Taupota: 79, 82 244, 249, 252, 258, 282, 288, 288n, 297, 299,
Teesdale-Smith, Lt. Col. Peter S.: 83n, 270n 302, 303, 304, 309, 311, 316, 317, 320, 335,
Telephone communication: 178, 187, 189, 225, 255, 353
301, 313, 359, 377. See also Communications. Urbana Front: 188, 189, 192, 193, 203, 205, 206-
Templeton, Capt. Samuel V.: 63, 64 07, 211, 234-35, 241, 244, 248, 255, 282, 301n,
Templeton's Crossing: 59, 89, 104 312, 315, 320, 329
Terrain description Ustruck, Capt. Michael F.: 290, 294
Buna: 155
Buna-Gona coastal plain: 125-26 Van Duyn, Capt. Jack: 356, 359
Government Gardens: 293 Van Volkenburgh, Brig. Gen. Robert H.: 51, 52,
Milne Bay: 77-78
53, 54, 62n. See also Buna Force.
Mount Suwemalla: 113
Vasey, Maj. Gen. George A.: 104, 131, 139, 150,
Northwest Australia: 9-10
153, 154, 155, 162, 167, 174, 201, 216, 226,
Papua: 56-58
330, 332, 333, 342, 345, 348, 351
Triangle Area: 183-84
Terrain, problem of reefs: 105, 107, 128 Vitiaz Strait: 218
Thompson, S. Sgt. Robert: 338, 338n Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC) : 4. See also
"The Three Spearheads": 94 Australia, home defense organization.
Todish, CWO Frank O.: 225n Vondracek, Sgt. Francis J.: 296n
Tomita, Lt. Col. Yoshinobu: 144
Tomlinson, Col. Clarence M.: 121, 123, 129, 130, Waga Waga: 81, 87
147, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 Wagner, Lt. Col. Boyd D.: 51
165, 201, 222, 241, 242, 243, 248, 253, 282, Wagner, Sgt. Charles E.: 301
283, 286, 287, 288, 288n Wainwright, Lt. Gen. Jonathan M.: 22
Torres Strait: 26 Wairopi: 58, 63, 64, 92, 95, 102, 113, 115, 147,
Totore: 107 156
Townsville: 8, 10, 11, 26, 36, 40, 41, 48n, 49 Wairopi Bridge: 63, 64, 97
Townsville-Cloncurry region: 26, 27, 36 Wairopi Patrol: 131. See also Medendorp, Capt.
Trails. See Roads, trails, and tracks. Alfred; Medendorp Force
Waldron, Brig. Gen. Albert W.: 135, 168, 169, Wootten, Brig. George F.: 76, 86, 256, 257, 258,
179, 208, 211, 212, 238, 241, 244, 244n, 246, 264, 268, 269, 271, 273, 274, 277, 279, 281,
375 304, 305, 306, 321, 332, 333, 343, 343n, 345,
Walker, 1st Lt. Ian: 239, 239n 354, 355, 359
Wanadala: 81, 82 Workman, Capt. James W.: 299, 299n
Wanigela: 106, 107 Wye Point: 350, 354, 355
Wanigela Mission: 105
War Department: 14 Yamagata, Maj. Gen. Tsuyuo: 213, 214, 217, 218,
Warisota Plantation: 168 219, 232, 315, 346, 347, 362, 362n
Warmenhoven, Maj. Simon: 95, 161n, 324 Yamamoto, Col. Hiroshi: 146, 174, 176, 194, 237,
Warren Force: 123, 1-29, 147, 179, 180, 189, 194, 238n, 241, 258, 262, 266-67, 267n, 272, 276,
212, 234, 238, 241, 245, 246, 258, 278, 281, 278, 317
304, 309, 314, 316, 320, 336 Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku: 34, 45, 46
Warren Front: 189, 193, 194, 205, 207-08, 210, Yamamoto, Maj. Tsume: 145, 147, 150, 216
212, 234, 235, 236, 238, 245, 247, 248, Yano, 255, Cdr. Minoru: 86, 87
257, 258, 260, 281, 282, 307, 314, 319 Yasuda, Capt. Yoshitatsu: 100, 143, 145, 182, 237,
Wau: 5, 42, 73, 76 238, 250, 258, 259, 294, 296, 297, 301, 314,
Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald P.: 1, 2, 8. 9, 14. 317
see also ABDACOM. Yazawa Detachment: 46, 61, 66, 69. See also
Weiss, Sgt. Howard J.: 169n Japanese Army Regiments, 41st Infantry.
Wentland, Capt. Roy F.: 284 Yazawa Force: 120-21
Wentzloff, Sgt. Alfred R.: 221, 221n, 227n Yazawa, Col. Kiyomi: 69, 89, 100, 104, 120, 121,
White phosphorus: 285, 286, 317. See also Smoke. 144n, 213, 214, 231, 315, 316, 324-25, 325n,
Whitehead, Brig. Gen. Ennis P.: 97, 116, 343 336, 362
Yoder, Lt. Col. Leverett G.: 41, 51
Whitlock, Col. Lester J.: 23
Yokoyama, Col. Yosuke: 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 143,
Whittaker, 1st Lt. Paul: 286, 287, 287n 144, 145, 213, 216, 219, 231, 361
Wildey, Capt. Russell P.: 156, 228, 230 Yokoyama Force: 60, 61, 62, 62n, 70
Williams, Capt. Frank N.: 107
Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Charles A.: 23, 70, 71. Zeeff, Maj. Bert: 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165,
138, 139, 343n, 366 166, 220, 221, 222, 223
Wing, Maj. Leonard A.: 342 Ziebell, Mai. Milton F.: 235
Winzenreid, Sgt. Samuel G.: 251n Ziegele, S. Sgt. Paul: 351, 351n
Wirraways: 193, 193n, 246, 317 Zimmerman, 1st Lt. Allen: 361
Woodlark Island: 35 Zinser, Maj. Roy F.: 252, 253, 254n


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