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Paper of Development In Mathematics Teaching Program



Lecturer :
Andrea Arifsyah Nasution, S.Pd,M.Sc

Complied By:

1. Khalishah Qatrunnada (4163312013)

2. Putri Indah Lestari (4163312022)
3. Rana Zahra (4163312023)





Praise and thank you, the author says to God Almighty, for all His blessings and gifts
that provide health and wisdom to the author so that this research can be completed properly
according to the planned time. On this occasion the author would like to thank Mr. Andrea
Arifsyah Nasution, S.Pd, M.Sc as a supervisor who has provided many guidance and
suggestions to the author from the beginning to the end of the study.
The author realizes that this report is far from perfect, so researchers hope that readers
can provide constructive suggestions and criticisms, so that in the future the research can be

Medan, November 29nd 2018



TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background................................................................................................................1
1.2 Identification of Problems........................................................................................2
1.3 Pupose.........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Benefits.......................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................3
2.1 Definition of Mathematical Reasoning........................................................................3
2.2 Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities.....................................................................3
2.3 Methods in Reasoning...............................................................................................4
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................................6
RESEARCH METHODS........................................................................................................6
3.1 Location and Time of Research................................................................................6
3.2 Population and Research Samples...........................................................................6
3.3 Types and Design of Research..................................................................................6
3.4 Research Procedure...................................................................................................6
3.5 Research Instruments...............................................................................................7
CHAPTER IV...........................................................................................................................8
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..............................................................................................8
4.1 Description of Research Results...............................................................................8
4.2 Posttest Data Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities..............................................8
4.3 Solution Provided......................................................................................................9
CHAPTER V..........................................................................................................................11
5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................11
5.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................11

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1.1 Background
The teacher is basically one component in the learning process that has a role
in the effort to form potential human resources in the field of development. As a
component in the field of education, a teacher must actively participate and place his
position as a professional, in accordance with the demands of a growing community,
so that he is required to have integrity, loyalty, dedication and responsibility to realize
himself as a professional teacher. In a special sense, teachers are not merely
"instructors" who carry out the transfer of knowledge, but also as "educators" who are
obliged to carry out the transfer of values, as well as "trainers" who carry out transfer
of skills, and "mentors" who provide guidance and guide students in learning.
Our nation and society desperately need teachers who are able to lift the image
and spirit of education that seems to have been chaotic. So that the difficulty arises
how to begin, when and who started it, and where to start. Educational chaos will be
overcome if you have a sense of caring, and sharing feelings. Therefore, we must
have one perception, one step and one goal of how to lift the "submerged stem" into
quality or quality education. Of course it is expected to be able to raise the ranking
and image of education which is among the lowest in Asia.
Future teachers must also have the ability to develop the abilities of their
students through understanding, activeness, learning according to the progress of the
times by developing life skills so that students have an attitude of independence,
adaptive behavior, cooperative, competitive in facing challenges, the demands of
everyday life. Effectively shows motivation for self-confidence and being able to be
independent and be able to work together. In addition, future teachers can also
develop attitudes, discipline, responsibility, have moral ethics and have a high caring
attitude, and foster self-taught abilities of students, provide rewards or appreciation
for students they will be proud of their school and educated also to respect others ,
both opinions and achievements. Humility also needs to be nurtured so that it is not
too over motivated so it becomes arrogant. Provided training in critical thinking and
learning strategies that are able to manage time and training in how to control
themselves and emotions so that the Intellectual Capacity, Emotional Capacity and

Social Capacity develop in a balanced manner. Future teachers must also have basic
learning skills, optimal scientific qualifications, indoor class and outdoor class
performance are undoubted. Of course as a teacher of the future must be proud of his
profession, and will remain faithful in upholding the professional code of ethics.

1.2 Identification of Problems

Based on the background of the problem above, it can be seen that the identification
of the problem follows:
1. Mathematics is still considered difficult by students of SMP N 27 Medan.
2. Students' mathematical reasoning abilities are still so low.
3. The separation of basic material is still so low.

1.3 Pupose
The purpose of this study is:
1. To find out the ability of students' reasoning towards a single variable linear
equation material.
2. To fulfill one of the specialized IQF curriculum assignments for the course of
Mathematics Teaching Program Development course (P3M).

1.4 Benefits
This study aims to train the ability of students to carry out simple research or research
in a small scope.



2.1 Definition of Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical reasoning is one of the processes of thinking that is done by
drawing a conclusion where the conclusion is a conclusion that is valid or justifiable.
Mathematical reasoning is very important to know and work on mathematical
problems. The foundation of mathematics is reasoning. One of the most important
goals of learning mathematics is to teach students logical reasoning. Logic is the
argument of argument that studies methods and principles to show kabsahan an
argument, especially those developed through the use of mathematical methods and
mathematical symbols in order to avoid the double meaning of the language that we
use everyday If reasoning abilities are not developed in students, then mathematics
education is only material that follows a series of procedures and imitates examples
without knowing its meaning. More than 200 years ago Aristotle introduced a system
of reasoning or validation of arguments called syllogism. Syllogism contains three
sequences of arguments, namely: a main premise, a premise of Minir, and a
conclusion. A conclusion reached based on syllogistic reasoning is considered correct
or valid, if the premises are true statements in the correct form.

2.2 Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities

Mathematical material and mathematical reasoning are two inseparable things.
Mathematical material is understood through reasoning, and reasoning is understood
and trained through learning mathematical material. Reasoning is a process or a
thinking activity to draw a conclusion or process of thinking in order to make a new
statement that is correct based on several statements whose truths have been proven
and assumed beforehand.
In KBBI (Ministry of National Education, 2007) reasoning is a mental process in
developing the mind from several facts / principles. Reasoning is not only done by
using plain facts, but reasoning can also use facts in the form of opinions or
conclusions. According to the dictionary The Random House Dictionary (Effendy,
2007) that the term reasoning as a translation of English reasoning means the act or
process of a person who reason (an activity or process of reasoning done by

someone). Whereas reason means the mental powers concerned with forming
conclusions, judgment or inferences (mental strength related to the formation of
conclusions and judgments).
Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that mathematical reasoning is a
process of thinking logically to be able to draw a conclusion and make a new
statement that has been proven correct first. In the technical directives of the Director
General of Basic Education and Education Regulation Number 506 / C / PP / 2004
concerning the research on the development of junior high school students there are
indicators of reasoning abilities as a result of learning mathematics, namely:
1. Submitting allegations.
2. Perform mathematical manipulation.
3. Drawing conclusions, compiling evidence, giving reasons or proof of the
correctness of the solution.
4. Draw conclusions from the statement.
5. Check the argument.
6. Find patterns or characteristics of mathematical symptoms.
The evaluation of mathematical reasoning skills is based on indicators such as
those described in the notion of mathematical reasoning that mathematical reasoning
is the process of thinking logically to draw conclusions and make new statements that
have been verified, so assessing students 'reasoning abilities means assessing students'
thinking processes make conclusions. Conclusion is interpreted as a solution or
answer to a problem in the answer to a question or task.

2.3 Methods in Reasoning

There are two types of reasoning methods namely deductive and inductive reasoning
1. Inductive Method
Inductive method is a reasoning that originates from a special event as
a result of empirical observations and ends in a conclusion or new knowledge
that is general in nature. According to Smart, Inductive Reasoning is reasoning
that imposes special attributes for things that are general in nature. And
according to Suriasumantri, inductive reasoning is the process of drawing
conclusions from real individual cases into general conclusions.
Inductive reasoning is reasoning that takes specific special examples
and then draws more general conclusions. This reasoning makes it easy to map

a problem so that it can be used in other similar problems. the note of how this
inductive reasoning works is that, even though the premises are raised
correctly and the way in which conclusions are valid, the conclusion is not
necessarily true. but the conclusion has the opportunity to be right. Inductive
reasoning requires many samples to increase the level of accuracy of the
premise raised. for that inductive reasoning is closely related to data collection
and statistics. This reasoning is based more on sensory or empirical
Example 1 :
Premise 1: Ani goes to school by wearing a red and white uniform
because she is still in elementary school
Premise 2: Anton goes to school by cursing the red and white uniform
because he is still in elementary school.
Conclusion: All students who are still in elementary school wear red
and white uniforms while attending school.

Example 2 :
Premise 1: Buffalo has eyes
Premise 2: Dogs have eyes
Premise 3: Cats have eyes
Conclusion: Every animal has eyes
2. Deductive Method
The deductive method is a reasoning based on a general event, whose
truth is known or believed, and ends in a conclusion or new knowledge that is
more specific. Deductive reasoning draws special conclusions from a more
general premise. If the premise is correct and the method of drawing
conclusions is valid, then the conclusion can be ascertained to be correct. If
inductive reasoning is closely related to statistics, then deductive reasoning is
closely related to mathematics especially mathematics logic and set theory and
numbers. According to Aristotle deductive reasoning is a reasoned reasoning
from general statements to specific conclusions.
Example 1 :
Premise 1: All animals have eyes

Premise 2: Cats including animals
Conclusion: Cats have eyes



3.1 Location and Time of Research

This research was conducted at Medan Public High School 27, Jalan Pancing Pasar IV
No.2 Medan. The time for conducting this research is November 23, 2018, 2018/2019
school year.

3.2 Population and Research Samples

In this study we took data from class VII-1 SMP N 27 Medan, totaling 32 students.

3.3 Types and Design of Research

The type of research used is a quai experiment, namely research that aims to
determine the mathematical reasoning ability of students of class VI-1 SMP N 27
Medan, amounting to 32 students.

3.4 Research Procedure

The research procedure is the steps taken in an effort to achieve the objectives of the
research conducted. These steps, namely:
1) Preparation Phase
At this stage the following is done:
Determine the place and schedule of research.
Determine population and research sample.
Make a letter about research.
Prepare the tools needed in the form of collection tools (cameras) and
posttest questions.

2) Implementation Phase
This stage is done by giving a little material about the study of one variable
linear equations, the material is material that has been studied before. Then we

gave posttest to students to see the reasoning abilities found in students of
class VII-1.

3) Final stage
At this stage, the posttest that has been done is then reassembled and draws
conclusions from the analyzed one.

3.5 Research Instruments

The data collection instruments that will be used in this study, namely:
Test Essay
To obtain data from the research conducted, the researcher used the test essay
as a data collection tool. This test is designed to see how students' reasoning
abilities from material that has been studied before.



4.1 Description of Research Results

This study took class VII-1, which amounted to 32 people. The class was given a
posttest after the researcher intended a little about one variable linear equation
material. Then the posttest results were examined as student learning outcomes. Data
that has been collected in the form of assessment data obtained from the results of the
tests conducted, namely post 4 items in the form of essay test.

4.2 Posttest Data Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities

The questions given to students are questions taken from the material learned by
students of class VII-1. The recapitulation of posttset results in class VII-1, which
amounted to 32 people can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.2. Recapitulation of Posttest Results of Class VII-1

Nama Nilai
Fionita Laura N.Damanik 38
M. Royza Halim 21
Josuwa Siaian 19
Tirta Nugraha 15
Romi Bintang Pangaribuan 11
Dimas Ahmad Faizal 16
Theresia M. Sitorus 71
Haldo Muamar Bhesa 17
M. Zoan Mozad Nst 30
Fadillah Rizkyani S. 69
Balqis Nabila 50
Sri Wvian 37
Racheldy 59
Suryani 28

Kristina M. Sinite 26
Nadya Fitri Az-Zahra 46
Devina Natalia Purba 29
Ryana Nursyah Putri 56
Nazwa Fadillah 32
Anisawati Br Manalu 16
Roma Mario Hutapea 17
Michelle M HSB 36
Luisa Simanjuntak 56
Nur Syahdat Maja P 0
Fernando Gideoni Simanjuntak 0
Abdul Rahman Daviey 21
Kanaya Aulia Nisa 11
Andika Pratama 67
Rafael Mario 27
Hans Dianta Martua Lubis 21
M. Aqil Risdi 20

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the reasoning abilities of
students of class VII-1 SMP N 27 Medan are very low. Many students still do not
understand the lessons that have passed. The expected reasoning is still far from the

4.3 Solution Provided

From the research results of Ridwan Mukhlis (2017), which is contained in the
thesis states that students' mathematical reasoning abilities taught by Discovery
Learning learning models are higher than those students taught with Group
Investigation (GI) learning models.
Learning model is a conceptual framework in the form of a pattern of systematic
procedures that are based on theory and used in organizing the teaching and learning
process to achieve learning goals. The main characteristic of a learning model is the
existence of stages or learning saitaks. Discovery learning is learning that finds
concepts through a series of data or information obtained through observation or

In using a guided discovery model, the teacher's role is to state the problem, then
guide students to find the solution to the problem with commands or with the student's
Discovery learning is a model for acquiring knowledge that regulates teaching
so that children acquire knowledge that has not been previously known through
Based on the above definition it can be concluded that discovery learning is a
learning through exchange of opinions, by discussing, training itself to find solutions
to the problems of teacher guidance. Discovery learning strengths and weaknesses.
The strategy of group investigation is cooperative learning involving small
groups where students work using cooperative inquiry, planning, projects, and group
discussions, and then present their findings to the class. In this strategy allows
students to develop students' understanding through various activities and correct
results according to the development that students go through. Learning activities
begin with solving problems or problems given by the teacher, while subsequent
learning activities tend to be open, meaning that they are not strictly structured by the
theory of investigation.

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5.1 Conclusion
Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the
mathematical reasoning abilities of students in class VII-1 are still very low. Solutions
that use the Discovery Learning learning model can be used to develop high reasoning
for students of class VII-1. Denagan improves the method used by the teacher, so the
mathematical reasoning of students can change to become more powerful.

5.2 Suggestion
Based on the results of the research above, some suggestions can be given to the
parties concerned, namely:
For mathematics teachers, evaluate student learning outcomes and see whether
the methods used are appropriate to arouse students' reasoning for the material
to be taught. The teaching teacher trains students to open students' reasoning
when teaching and learning takes place
For researchers, this research should be better and complemented by
examining more detailed aspects.

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