Software Process Models For Mobile Application Development: A Review

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Software Process Models for Mobile Application Development: A Review

Article · March 2016

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3 authors:

Anitha Ashishdeep Jitendra Bhatia

Nirma University Vishwakarma Government Engineering College


Krunal Varma (Thakkar)

Nirma University


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Software Process Models for Mobile Application

Development: A Review
Anitha Ashishdeep, Jitendra Bhatia, Krunal Varma
Institute of Technology, Dept of Computer Sc. and Engg, Nirma University,India
{anitha.ashokan,jitendra.bhatia, krunalvarma}

Abstract: Mobile Industry is rapidly growing and has dynamic environment. Here in mobile
industry, the User Requirements are changing with time and change is frequent .So developers are
hunting for flexible software process models that can adjust to frequently changing system
requirements and produce valuable software in short duration with low budget. Literature survey
shows that among various software process models, Agile model is best suitable for mobile
applications because it follows a combination of iterative and incremental approach which helps the
project to adapt to changes rapidly. There are various Agile process models like Scrum, XP, Lean,
Kanban, Crystal, FDD, ASD and DSDM.Literature survey shows that instead of using any one
Agile process model solely, combining the main strength of Scrum, XP and Lean will prove to be
an ideal software process model for mobile application development.
Keywords: Agile, Scrum, XP, Lean.

I. INTRODUCTION Keeping these requirements in mind, a flexible

software process models that can adjust to
Software process model describes a sequence of frequently changing system requirements in
activities carried out for developing software. A short duration with low budget is what is needed
generic frame work for software engineering for mobile application development. The
defines five frame work activities uncertainty in mobile application development
i.e.Communication, Planning, Modelling, thus requires an iterative and incremental model.
Construction and Deployment. All Agile is identified as most suitable process
softwareprocess model can put up the generic model.
framework activities, but each applies a different A. Paper Outline
emphasis to these activities and leads to a
process flow thatappeals each frame work Section II describes why Agile is most
activity in a different manner.There exists appropriate software process model for mobile
various process models like waterfall, spiral, application development among various
RAD, Agile etc. software process models. Section III shows
various software process models which were
Process model selection for developing a proposed but does not have a case study which
software depends on the software project shows its use in practice. Section IV describes
characteristics. For mobile application the characteristics of Agile process models-
development, we need to understand the Scrum, XP and Lean. Section V shows that
characteristics of mobile application. Main combining the features of Scrum,XP and Lean
characteristics of mobile application are: together can be an ideal software process model
for mobile application development.
• User Requirements are changing with
time. Change is frequent II. Agile Overview
• Development time is short.
• Emphasize is more on User Interface. Agile: A suitable software process model for
Mobile Application development.

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Agile software development uses iterative which shows that this paradigm is used in
development as a base but it differs from other practice.
traditional software process models as it has
more customer-centric viewpoint. Agile process HME(Hybrid Method engineering) proposed
model uses continuous customer feedback to by Rahimian in 2008 is based on a combination
successively refine and deliver a software between agile methodologies, Adaptive
system. Software Development (ASD) and New Product
Development(NPD)[5]. It has four iterations.

• Method is thoroughly taking market

considerations into account in first iteration.
• New product Development is involved
during second iteration.
• Adaptive Software Development ideas
are incorporated during third iteration.
• During fourth iteration prototyping is

The published material on HME does not

show any case study which says this
methodology has been tested on actual
Why Agile is best suitable for mobile mobile software.
MASAM(Mobile Application Software
• It follows a combination of iterative andAgile Methodology) is based on eXtreme
incremental approach where the entire Programming (XP) and the Software and
SDLC is broken into small iterations Systems Process Engineering Meta
which helps the project to adapt to model(SPEM)[6]. Itsstrategy is same as Mobile-
changes rapidly. D method with enhancement such as project
• It minimizes overall risk. management and followup tool integrated with
• It gives importance to Customers and Eclipse Process Framework. It has four phases:
their feedback. The Preparation Phase which assigns roles and
• It believes in self-organizing teams and responsibilities. The Embodiment Phase which
customer collaboration for developing an focuses on understanding user expectations i.e.
amply satisfied product. user requirements. The Product Developing
• Numerous cycles of testing and quality Phase provides an iterative Extreme
assurance increases reliability. Programming (XP) development sequence
through Pair Programming, Refactoring, Test-
III. Proposed methods for mobile Driven Development and Continuous
software development Integration, with a close relationship with
iterative testing deeds. Commercialization Phase
Mobile-Dbased on Crystal methodologies focuses on product launching and product
and Rational Unified Process RUP andeXtreme selling activities.
Programming XP was proposed by Abrahamson
in 2005 which comprises of following phases: This methodology can be used for small
Explore, Initialize, Product-ionize, Stabilize, companies but no case study show that this
System Test and Fix. Mobile-D is proposed to methodology is implemented in a real world
be used by a small team involved in a short environment.
development cycle[4].But there is no case study

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SleSSproposed by Cunha in 2011 assimilates • Clear visibility of project development

Scrum and Lean Six Sigma (LSS) focuses on by daily meetings.
process improvement and project management • Iterative in nature so follows changes
respectively[7]. This method easily adapts to quickly.
requirement changes even in the last stage. It • Sprints are shorter so it provides quick
helps in meeting deadlines. It delivers product feedback and thus changes can be
rapidly. It helps in achieving performance and incorporated quickly.
quality targets. It reduces cost. It improves • Finds bugs at early stage and thus can be
project outcome with less defects and failures. resolved faster.
The approach was tested with average size of
529 LOC (Line of Code). Extreme Programming(XP): XP is the next
most preferredmodel. XP has following
IV. Scrum, XP and Lean features:

Agile software process model concentrates • Pair Programming: XP Programmers

on people and not technologies. Soone should work together at one machine and write
make use of those technologies that arewell production in pairs. One behaves as a
known by the team and that is significant for our driver who writes the code and other as
organization. Agile is an umbrella that has an observer who focus on the
various agile methodologies which include strategicaspects and checks forprocess
Scrum, XP, Lean, Crystal, FDD,Kanban, ASD convulsions into other parts of the
and DSDM. They all share Agile characteristics. project.

• Test Driven Development: Here

developers first write trial version of
software to check its correctness and
then the final software is developed
fulfilling all the requirements pointed in
trail version. Acceptance tests are
provided by customer which ensures
than all the required features are
incorporated in the software.

• Continuous Integration: Codes

Now,which methodology should be adopted developed by individual developers are
depends on the team.It is concerned with: integrated with each other on continuous
basis requiring continuous integration at
• Which methodology the team members least once a day. Focus is to integrate
are well acquainted with? new features and changes immediately
• How is your team organized? into the system.
• How big your team is?
Lean:Lean is the third preferred approach. Lean
Based on the literature survey Scrum, XP, and focuses on reducing waste, continual learning
Lean are most widely preferred Agile methods. and improvement.

Scrum:Scrum is the most effective agile • Eliminate waste: It eliminates

method with following features:- unnecessary code and functionality,
requirements which are not clear,
• Project management frame work. incomplete testing and slow internal
• Self-organized and Diverse skilled team. communication.The aim is to eliminate

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everything that does not benefit the References:

customer. [1] Harleen K. Flora, Xiaofeng Wang, Swati V.
• Continual learning & improvement: Chande.” Adopting an Agile Approach for the
Customer's feedback is taken Development of Mobile Applications “.
continuously to develop the software. International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 – 8887) Volume 94 – No.17, May 2014
Team is continuously learning and thus
[2] Harleen K. Flora, Xiaofeng Wang, Swati V.
improving the product as per customer Chande. "An Investigation into Mobile
requirement. Application Development Process, Challenges and
Best Practices". International Journal of Modern
V. Combination of Scrum, XP and Education and Computer Science (IJMECS). 2014.
Lean- Ideal for mobile application [3] Ben Morris. “A Software Engineering Model for
development. Mobile App Development”,
Literature survey shows that mixture of agile 616/20introduction_to_bada_app03.pdf] 2011
approaches, specially, Scrum, XP, Lean can best [4] PekkaAbrahamsson. "Mobile-D: An Agile
Approach for Mobile Application Development,"
fit for mobile application development than
presented at csOOPSLA. Vancouver, Canada.
applied exclusively[1]. 2004.
[5] V.Rahimian and R.Ramsin, "Designing an Agile
Main strengths of XP are: -High satisfaction of methodology for mobile software development: A
customer, Simplicity and adoption to changing hybrid method engineering approach", Second
requirements. International Conference on Research Challenges
in Information Science, RCIS pp. 337-342. 2008.
Main Strength of Scrum isproject management [6] Yang-Jae Jeong, Ji-Hyeon Lee, and Gyu-Sang
ability. But as Scrum lacks in software Shin, "Development Process of Mobile
development life cycle (SDLC) phases, XP is Application SW Based on Agile Methodology",
essential to support Scrum principles. 10th International Conference on Advanced
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Lean focuses on eliminating waste and [7] ThiagoFerraz V. da Cunha,
improving quality of product by continuous ValériaLelliLeitãoDantas, Rossana M. C. Andrade:
learning throughout the software development “SLeSS: A Scrum and Lean Six Sigma Integration
process. It can be well integrated with other Approach for the Development of Software
agile methodologies as it does not specifyany Customization for Mobile Phones”. SBES. 2011.
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Thus, combining the above strength of Scrum, sense”.[Online:http://searchsoftwarequality.techtar
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[9]Roger S. Pressman, SOFTWARE

Conclusion ENGINEERING A Practitioner'sApproach
Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Literature survey shows that agile approaches
are best apt for mobile application development.
Also instead of applying any one agile methods
solely a combination of appropriate agile
methods should be used which will help us to
meet mobile industry requirements.

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