G.R. No. 17021 - U.S. v. Dominguez

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8/26/2019 G.R. No. 17021 | U.S. v.



[G.R. No. 17021. February 23, 1921.]

THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. ISAAC

DOMINGUEZ, defendant-appellant.

Pablo, Guzman & Lucero for appellant.

Attorney-General Feria for appellee.



frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of execution which
should produce the felony as a consequence, but which, nevertheless,
do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of the
perpetrator. (Article 3, Penal Code.)
2. "ESTAFA." — An employee of a commercial firm commits
the frustrated offense of estafa, when he makes a sale and retains the
proceeds in his possession with intent to misappropriate them but does
not realize the injury and the appropriation and therefore does not
consummate the crime, because of the timely intervention of the
principal or his agents, who secure the delivery of the money, when the
fraud is discovered shortly after the sale.



The fact which gave rise to the present appeal is described in the
information as follows:
"That on or about the 19th day of January, 1920, in the city
of Manila, Philippine Islands, the said accused who was a
salesman at the Philippine Education Co., Inc. did then and there
receive the sum of seven pesos and fifty centavos (P7.50) from
one Lamberto Garcia as payment for five copies of Sams'
'Practical Business Letters' bought from the store of the said
company, which amount should have been turned over and
delivered by him (accused.) to the company's cashier or his
authorized representative therein; that instead of delivering the
said amount to the said cashier or his representative therein,

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which he knew it was his obligation to do, the said accused did
then and there willfully, unlawfully and criminally misappropriate
and convert it to his own personal use to the damage and
prejudice of the said Philippine Education Co., Inc. in the sum of
seven pesos and fifty centavos (P7.50) equivalent to 370
At the close of the trial the court found the accused guilty of the
crime of estafa of the sum of P7.50 and sentenced him to be imprisoned
for two months and one day of arresto mayor, with the accessories
provided by law, and costs.
Appeal having been taken to this Supreme Court, the counsel for
the accused assigns, as error committed by the court, its finding that the
accused is guilty of the crime charged and its action in imposing upon
him the penalty corresponding to a principal in the crime of estafa.
It is proved that the accused, as salesman of the bookstore
"Philippine Education Co., Inc." sold on the morning of January
19,1920, five copies of Sams' "Practical Business Letters," of the value
of seven pesos and fifty centavos (P7.50), which the accused should
have immediately delivered to the cashier but which he did not deliver,
until after it was discovered that he had sold the books and received
their value without delivering it to the cashier as was his duty.
The accused alleges that he did not deliver the money
immediately after the sale, because the cash boys were very busy as
well as the cashier, while he had to go to the toilet for some necessity,
and upon coming out, the cashier caught him by the arm and asked him
for the money, and then he delivered the sum of P7.50 to him; and that
it was not his intention to make use of said money. Such claim,
nevertheless, does not exempt him from the criminal responsibility
which he had incurred, for the evidence before us shows clearly that he
attempted to defraud the "Philippine Education Co., Inc." Upon being
asked for the money, he first said that a woman, whom he did not know,
bought books, without having paid, for the reason that she was,
according to herself, in a hurry; and, later, he went out of the store to
talk to a friend who was employed in the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. to
tell him that if anyone should ask him if he (the employee of the Pacific
Mail Steamship Co.) bought books that morning in the store of the
"Philippine Education Company" he should answer affirmatively.
Furthermore, he had also declared to the manager of the bookstore that
he used part of the money in purchasing postage stamps.
There can be no doubt as to the injury which the accused would
have caused to the interests of the company in retaining for himself the
proceeds of the sale in question.
But the question of law to be decided is whether the fact that the
accused retained in his possession the proceeds of the sale, delivering
them to the cashier only after the deceit had been discovered,
constitutes a consummated offense or merely a frustrated offense of

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Should the fact that the accused attempted to get certain bundles,
of merchandise at the station, by means of the presentation of the tag
sent to the consignee in a letter which must have been taken from the
mail, it not having been proven by whom or how it came to the accused,
who did not attain their object, because the bundles had been
withdrawn two or three days before by the consignee, be considered as
an attempted or frustrated offense? The supreme court of Spain in its
decision of January 3, 1876, in deciding the appeal taken by the
accused, who alleged that the act constituted only an attempt and not a
frustrated estafa, declared that the appeal was not well taken, on the
ground that the offense is frustrated when the accused performs all the
acts of execution which would have produced the crime, and,
nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the
will of the actor, and that in said case the appellant, together with his
coaccused attempted to take possession of the two bundles which they
believed were at the station, by going there and presenting the tag, and
they did not succeed because these bundles had already been taken,
which constitutes the frustrated crime.
In his commentaries on the Penal Code Viada asks the following
question: "Is immediate return by the accused of the thing he intended
to convert, as soon as the injured party found out the fraud committed,
sufficient to divest the act of its consummated character and to place it
within the limits of a mere frustrated offense?" "The religious society of
Santa Clara deposited, in the year 1868, with D. Manuel Nuñez an oil
painting on copper, but when they demanded it a few years afterwards,
the latter delivered to them the same frame but with merely a copy of
the original painting, which, upon his order, a painter had made for the
sum of 40 pesetas. The substitution having been afterwards noted, the
society protested and Nuñez returned the original, valued at 125
pesetas, and in turn obtained the copy referred to. But, in the meantime
a criminal action having been instituted upon this fact and prosecuted to
trial, the Madrid court, holding that Nuñez had defrauded and injured the
society in the amount of the difference in the value of the paintings,
sentenced him, as principal in the consummated crime of estafa,
defined in number 5 of article 548 of the Code, to the penalty of two
months and one day of arresto mayor, together with the accessories,
and costs. An appeal having been taken from said judgment, on the
ground that it violated among others, article 3 of the Code, the Supreme
Court, declaring that the appeal was well taken, held that the estafa
committed was mere frustrated estafa. 'Considering that while the acts
of D. Manuel Nuñez appear to have been actuated by the desire to
convert the painting to his own use and the consequent injury of its
owner, and that to that end he performed all the acts which should
produce the crime as a consequence, nevertheless, the injury and the
appropriation were not realized, and therefore the crime was not
consummated because of a cause independent of his will, which was
the discovery of the substitution of the plate, after which the owner
obtained what belonged to him without the objection of the depositary

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and without any delay juridically appreciable — therefore, the trial court
in holding as consummated an offense that was frustrated, violated, in
failing to apply it, article 3 of the Code.' " (1 Viada, 65.)
The same author puts and solves the following question: "Where
a person appointed Commissioner to make collection of debts due to
the public treasury for real estate taxes owing by a mining company
goes to a store and exacts of the owner thereof a certain sum in order
that he might not file a complaint by virtue of which the owner might
have to pay a big fine because the establishment was not registered in
the corresponding class, and the owner pays him part of the sum
demanded, but he is in the act caught by agents of the authority who
were detailed for the purpose, is he guilty of the consummated or simply
frustrated crime of estafa? The criminal branch of the court of Seville
found him guilty of the former and sentenced him to the penalty of two
months and one day of arresto mayor. But, appeal having been taken
from the judgment on the ground that the fact constituted only an
attempt to commit estafa, the Supreme Court, while not of the same
opinion, however, held that the crime committed was merely frustrated:
'Considering that while the acts executed by the appellant should be
qualified, not merely as an attempt, as claimed by the appellant,
inasmuch as he did not limit himself to commencing the acts of
execution of the crime, but as a frustrated crime, because the accused
performed all the acts of execution which should produce the crime as a
result, such as the obtaining of the money exacted, in this manner
apparently realizing his object, but which acts nevertheless did not
produce the crime by reason of a cause independent of his will, which
cause in this case was the appearance of agents of the authority at the
place, as a consequence of the complaint filed by Da. Candelaria
Polanco to the treasury deputy, a fact which prevented the
consummation of the crime prosecuted, which would have consisted in
completely divesting the owner of his money, a result prevented by the
vigilance of the authorities: Considering that in not so holding the trial
court erred on a point of law, as claimed, and violated the articles of the
Penal Code to which the appeal refers, etc., etc.' " (Viada, Suppl. 1887-
1889, p. 8.)
Applying the doctrine, established by the supreme court of Spain
in the decisions cited, to the case at bar, we are of the opinion, and so
hold, that the appellant is guilty of the frustrated offense of estafa of
37½ pesetas, inasmuch as he performed all the acts of execution which
should produce the crime as a consequence, but which, by reason of
causes independent of his will, did not produce it, no appreciable
damage having been caused to the offended party, such damage being
one of the essential elements of the crime, due to the timely discovery
of the acts prosecuted.
From what has been said, it results that the judgment appealed
from should, as it is hereby, modified, and the accused is sentenced to
pay a fine of 325 pesetas, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of
insolvency, and to pay the costs of the trial. So ordered.

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Mapa, C.J., Araullo, Street and Malcolm, JJ., concur.

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