Diffusion Grilles: Imos-Vdq Technical Conditions
Diffusion Grilles: Imos-Vdq Technical Conditions
Diffusion Grilles: Imos-Vdq Technical Conditions
Slovak Republic
Tel.: 00421 / 2 / 40203111
Fax: 00421 / 2 / 45989179
Email: imos@imos.sk
TPI 23-07
The present technical specifications determine sizes, properties, scope of application an final manu-
facture of PKI series fire dampers manufactured by IMOS-ASEK spol. s.r.o. The specifications apply to
design, ordering, production, delivery, acceptance and use of these products as of March 1, 2007.
These technical conditions substitute TPI 23- 94.
Diffusion grilles IMOS- VDQ are used as terminal air conditioning elements for inlet and outlet of modified air. Tight profile
blades form effluent place of the grille. Diffusion grilles VDQ are manufactured in versions with an alignment to one side
(VDQ-1), to two sides (VDQ-2), to three sides (VDQ-3) and to four sides (VDQ-4).
Construction Features:
IMOS- VDQ consists of aluminum tangential frame 1, filling, formed of quarter arched tight aluminum leaves 2. In stan-
dard version is IMOS-VDQ delivered in natural elox with 20 µm thickness surface finishing.
Regulation R1 consists of frame 3 and set of contra moving adjustable leaves 4, which are made of zinc plated sheet.
1 TPI 23-07
Main parameters are stated in figures. Dimensional rank and effective places are stated in tables.
VDQ - R1
2 TPI 23-07
Product ordering
In an order, it is necessary to indicate the following information:
3 TPI 23-07
Diagram 2 Stating air parameters for VDQ-1 (according to table1) and for VDQ-2, VDQ-3, VDQ-4, for
place Sc1 and Sc2
Diagram 3 Stating air parameters for VDQ-1 (according to table1) and for VDQ-3, VDQ-4, for place Sc3
and Sc4
4 TPI 23-07
Diagram 4 Stating amount of air for places Sc1 to Sc4 for VDQ-3 and VDQ-4
Example 1
Stated indications: Type VDQ-2
Distance from the diffusion grille L= 7 m
Total volume overflow qv0= 1000 m3h-1
Air velocity vL=0,5 ms-1
Temperature difference ∆t0=6 K
Calculated indications:
Partial volume overflow qvc= 500 m3h-1
From diagram no.2 Sc=0,044 m2
From tab.no.1 ve¾kos VDQ-2-648x448
From diagram no.2 Sc1=0,0464 m2
∆tL=0,14x6=0,84 K
Example 2
Stated indications: Type VDQ-4
Size 648x348
Total volume overflow qv0= 1800 m3h-1
Calculated indications:
From tab.no.2 Sc=0,099 m2 from diagram no.4
From tab.no.2 Sc1=0,048 m2 partial volume overflow qvc1= qvc2 = 720 m3h-1
Sc3=0,0092 m2 qvc3= qvc4 = 180 m3h-1
5 TPI 23-07
Explanatory notes:
LW, LWA [dB] - level of acoustic output
∆pt [Pa] - pressure loss
∆t0 [K] - difference in temperatures- between the temperature in the room and temperature of supplied air ∆t0 = t-t0
∆t [K] - difference in temperatures- between the temperature in the room and the temperature in distance H1
A [m] - distance between two diffusion grilles
H1 [m] - distance between stay zone and the ceiling
vH1 [m.s-1] - medium speed of airflow between two diffusion grilles in the distance H1
v0 [m.s-1] - speed of air in the free cross section of the diffusion grille
qV0 [m3.h-1] - volume overflow of supplied air provided by the diffusion grille
qVC [m3.h-1] - partial volume overflow of supplied air (in one direction)
S0 [m2] - free cross section of diffusion grille
SC [m2] - partial free cross section- noted in fig. No.2
i - induction
Any deviations from the present technical specifications are subject to agreement with the manufacturer. The manufac-
turer hereby reserves the right to technical innovations without prior notice to customers and holders of this TPI.
Related standards: STN EN 12792 (12 001) Ventilation of buildings. Terminology
STN EN 1505 Ventilation of buildings. Metal sheet pipes and shaped pieces of square cross section.
6 TPI 23-07