2015PreAR E-ExtendOfLicitTradeInPrecursors

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III. Extent of licit trade in precursors through the PEN Online system. The notifications were for
shipments totalling more than 2,300 tons of
and the latest trends in pseudoephedrine and 114 tons of ephedrine. The
precursor trafficking shipments of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine originated in
35 exporting countries and territories and were destined for
48. The present chapter provides an overview of major 154 importing countries and territories.
trends and developments in both licit trade and trafficking 52. As noted in the Board’s 2014 report on precursors,16
in precursor chemicals for the period 1 November 2014 to traffickers are still trying to use licit channels of
1 November 2015. It contains a summary of information on international trade as sources of ephedrine and
seizures and cases of diversion, attempted diversion and pseudoephedrine, albeit significantly less than they did
suspended or stopped shipments in international trade and,
before 2010. On form D for 2014, Luxembourg reported
where known, domestic distribution channels, as well as
having stopped a shipment of 500 kg of ephedrine to
activities associated with illicit drug manufacture. The
Ghana, and Latvia reported having stopped a shipment of
analysis draws on information submitted to INCB through
300 kg of pseudoephedrine preparations to Belarus. In both
various mechanisms, such as PEN Online, form D (for
2014), Project Prism and Project Cohesion, as well as cases, additional information was not provided, such as
through PICS and direct notifications from Governments. information on whether or not the shipments were stopped
in transit or at their initial point of export or information
49. INCB wishes to thank all Governments for the on the modi operandi of the traffickers. The suspension of
information received. Readers are reminded that the data shipments by exporting countries also occurred, on a more
must be seen in the context of significant year-on-year regular basis, as a result of the authorities of importing
variations in reported seizure data that occur as a result of countries objecting through the PEN Online system to
inconsistent reporting by Governments and in the light of planned shipments.
the fact that seizures of precursors, more than seizures of
drugs, generally reflect the results of large individual 53. Malaysia reported on form D a case involving the
seizures and targeted regulatory and law enforcement theft of 5 kg of pseudoephedrine preparations from the
initiatives. In addition, seizures of precursors are often the warehouse of the manufacturer. In 2015, INCB was
result of cooperation among several countries, and informed of three additional cases involving the theft of
therefore the occurrence and magnitude of seizures made pseudoephedrine:
in a given country should not be misinterpreted or
overestimated in assessing that country’s role in the overall (a) In the first case, 150 kg of pseudoephedrine —
precursor trafficking situation. the contents of 6 drums in a group of 48 drums —
disappeared from a shipment of the substance totalling
1.2 tons en route from India to Switzerland while transiting
A. Substances used in the illicit the port of Antwerp, Belgium. Indian authorities provided
manufacture of amphetamine-type the relevant documentation. An investigation is under way;
stimulants (b) The second case involved the loss of 400 kg
from a total of 5 tons of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride en
route from India to the United Kingdom of Great Britain
1. Substances used in the illicit manufacture of
and Northern Ireland via Sri Lanka. The authorities
amphetamines concerned are cooperating in the investigation of the case;
50. Many of the precursors that could be used in the illicit
(c) In the third instance, the authorities of the
manufacture of amphetamines (i.e. amphetamine and
United Kingdom reported the loss or theft of about 5 kg of
methamphetamine) are widely traded internationally.
pseudoephedrine from a shipment to Uganda. The
During the reporting period, the authorities of 38 exporting
substance had disappeared during shipping from a
countries used the PEN Online system for almost
5,800 transactions involving shipments of precursors of 25-kilogram drum; someone had tampered with the seal of
amphetamine and methamphetamine. the drum. An investigation is taking place.
54. INCB has previously expressed concern about the
(a) Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine diversion and attempted diversion of ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine in and from Pakistan that had begun to
Licit trade emerge in 2010. Attempts to divert the substances from
51. During the reporting period, 5,260 transactions __________________

involving ephedrine and pseudoephedrine were recorded  16 E/INCB/2014/4, para. 86.


legitimate international trade have, since mid-2012, led to While the investigations are ongoing, Turkish regulatory
several individuals being prosecuted in an ongoing case authorities have classified the product concerned as a
that involves the allocation of ephedrine to pharmaceutical controlled preparation requiring import and export
companies for the manufacture of pharmaceutical authorization (see para. 18 above).
preparations in amounts exceeding the quotas established
58. Malaysia also reported significant seizures of
in national regulations.17
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, including the seizure of
55. Similar major court cases are taking place elsewhere. 287 kg of pseudoephedrine raw material originating in
In 2015, there were ongoing investigations in Argentina of India and the seizure in an illicit methamphetamine
major diversion cases dating back to 2008, when that laboratory of 112 kg of pseudoephedrine in the form of
country was identified as one of the main sources of raw pharmaceutical preparations of unknown origin; 33 kg of
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine diverted to supply illicit ephedrine preparations were also seized in an illicit
methamphetamine manufacture in Mexico,18 where the laboratory.
import of those substances was banned in 2008. Argentine
59. The Philippines reported the seizure of 510 kg of
authorities have since introduced stricter controls on the
ephedrine raw material of unknown origin
importation and end use of ephedrines, including in the
and the dismantling of two large-scale illicit
form of pharmaceutical preparations.
methamphetamine laboratories, estimated to be capable of
producing between 15 and 100 kg of methamphetamine
Trafficking hydrochloride each day. In September 2014, Philippine
56. A total of 27 countries reported on form D for 2014 authorities also seized in two warehouses more than 650 kg
seizures of ephedrine (either as raw material or in the form of 1,2-dimethyl-3-phenylaziridine, a non-scheduled
of pharmaceutical preparations) totalling nearly 33 tons. intermediate in the manufacture of methamphetamine
The bulk of the seizures of ephedrine as raw material were using ephedrine. As that represented the first notification
reported by China (31.5 tons), followed by the Philippines of 1,2-dimethyl-3-phenylaziridine to INCB, and as the
(510 kg) and Australia (460 kg). China also accounted for substance is also known as an artefact from laboratory
nearly the entire amount of reported seizures of ephedrine analysis of “chloro(pseudo)ephedrine”, the Board enquired
in the form of pharmaceutical preparations (3.2 tons); all with the relevant authorities. The reply is still pending. In
the other countries together accounted for just over 40 kg connection with the evidence uncovered in the
of the seizures of ephedrine in the form of pharmaceutical two warehouses, the authorities noted the possibility of a
preparations. A total of 16 countries reported on form D for shift in the ephedrine-based manufacturing method used,
2014 seizures of pseudoephedrine, including 350 kg of from the traditional Nagai method (using red phosphorus)
pseudoephedrine as raw material and 1.3 tons of to the so-called Birch method (using lithium metal and
pseudoephedrine in the form of pharmaceutical ammonia), and the related reduction in manufacturing
preparations. Seizures of pseudoephedrine preparations costs.
amounting to more than 100 kg were reported by Bulgaria
60. Australia reported on form D for 2014 a total of
(840 kg), the Czech Republic (350 kg) and Malaysia
215 seizures of ephedrine raw material, amounting to
(112 kg).
nearly 460 kg and originating in China (266 kg), China,
57. The seizures of pseudoephedrine in Bulgaria and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (116 kg),
Czech Republic in 2015 were largely related to a Malaysia (30 kg), the United States of America (7 kg) and
development observed since 2012 involving the smuggling Viet Nam (38 kg). Other significant seizures of ephedrine
of pseudoephedrine tablets across Europe. The tablets originated in Lebanon (66 kg, concealed in jars of tomato
usually originated in Turkey and were destined for Poland; paste) and India (37 kg, concealed in henna powder).19 A
they had a relatively high pseudoephedrine content, up to small amount (10 kg) of pseudoephedrine raw material was
120 mg per tablet, and typically also contained an seized in Australia in 2014. For the second consecutive year,
antihistamine. Increasingly aware of the phenomenon, there have not been any reports in Australia about seizures
Turkish authorities intensified their inspections of of pseudoephedrine preparations in the form of ContacNT,
pharmacies, fined those that had sold the preparation a product that used to originate in China; since 2012,
without a prescription and in wholesale quantities and tried authorities in China have gradually tightened controls over
them in court for engaging in organized criminal activity. ContacNT.

 17 E/INCB/2012/4, para. 22.
 19 Australian Crime Commission, Illicit Drug Data Report
 18E/INCB/2009/4, para. 57.


61. Through PICS, Australia also communicated the hydriodic acid and red phosphorus (i.e. employing the
seizure of a number of shipments in international freight and Nagai method). It was found that methamphetamine
the mailing system involving amounts of up to 20 kg of routed into Japan from Mexico was typically made using
pseudoephedrine hidden in loose tea leaves from the Islamic P-2-P-based methods. More than 95 per cent of the
Republic of Iran. A shipment from Iraq of 1.3 tons of tea samples were found to contain the more potent
leaves containing up to 90 kg of pseudoephedrine was also d-methamphetamine.
intercepted in Australia. Pakistan reported on
65. Clandestine laboratories manufacturing
form D for 2014 seizures of ephedrine with a gross weight of
methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine
some 35 kg; the ephedrine had been concealed in tea leaves.
were reported by the Governments of a few countries.
62. The trend observed in Australia involving a shift Indonesian authorities seized a small-scale clandestine
from seizures of pseudoephedrine in the form of laboratory in which methamphetamine was being
pharmaceutical preparations to ephedrine also appears to manufactured from ephedrine; other seized precursor
be emerging in New Zealand. Authorities in New Zealand chemicals included acetone, hydrochloric acid and toluene,
have reported a significant increase in seizures of ephedrine all of which had been obtained from sources within
on the border, whereas previously such seizures had mostly Indonesia.
been seizures of pseudoephedrine in the form of
66. In Nigeria, three laboratories illicitly manufacturing
pharmaceutical preparations, principally ContacNT. At the
methamphetamine were dismantled in May 2015, bringing
same time, ephedrine has so far been seized from only a
to 10 the total number of such laboratories dismantled in
few of the usually small-scale illicit laboratories feeding the
that country since 2011. In addition, Nigerian authorities
methamphetamine market in New Zealand. Authorities
have discovered what appear to be the sites of a number of
suspect that the change in preference of precursor is linked
recently evacuated methamphetamine laboratories,
with changes in the size and sophistication of illicit
suggesting that traffickers have been operating a chain of
laboratories dismantled in the country. Nevertheless, the
laboratories that are moved in order to avoid detection. The
costs of obtaining the required precursors and then
trend noted in 2013 whereby the sites of laboratories
manufacturing methamphetamine in New Zealand
shifted to more remote areas continued: all the laboratories
continued to be significantly higher than those for
identified up to May 2015 were located in Anambra State,
obtaining the same amount of end product abroad.
in south-eastern Nigeria. Available information suggests
63. Chinese authorities uncovered one of the biggest that the same method of methamphetamine synthesis was
manufacturing cases in 2014, which resulted in the seizure employed in all the laboratories, using ephedrine,
of 1.6 tons of ephedrine and 1 ton of methcathinone, a hypophosphorous acid and iodine; crystallization of
substance in Schedule I of the Convention on Psychotropic methamphetamine hydrochloride was performed using
Substances of 197120 that is an intermediate in the acetone or toluene.
manufacture of ephedrine from 2-bromopropiophenone. In
67. In most of the methamphetamine laboratories seized
August 2014, a case involving the smuggling of a precursor
in Nigeria, only traces of the key precursor, ephedrine, were
chemical to New Zealand was uncovered by Chinese
found and the sources of the chemicals were generally not
authorities in Fujian Province, resulting in five arrests and
known. However, there is now increasing evidence that
the seizure of 46 kg of ephedrine in China and
precursors are being obtained locally, from domestic
subsequently a number of arrests and seizures of ephedrine
distribution channels, after they have been legally
totalling about 200 kg in New Zealand.21
imported. Several incidents involving domestic diversions
64. Forensic profiling of samples of methamphetamine of ephedrine are being investigated. Chief officials of the
seized by Japanese customs authorities supports earlier companies concerned were often involved in the diversions,
findings suggesting regional differences in the starting and it is suspected that the diverted substances were used to
materials and synthesis methods used for illicit illicitly manufacture methamphetamine in laboratories not
methamphetamine manufacture. The samples of only in Nigeria but also outside the country.
methamphetamine originating in Asia and Africa appeared
68. Nigerian authorities have stepped up their efforts to
to have been manufactured using as starting material
monitor imports of precursor chemicals and the use of the
ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and as reagents either
imported chemicals by companies that are the end users.
thionyl chloride (i.e. employing the Emde method) or
The incidents in Nigeria serve as a reminder that diversion
can and does happen at all stages of the distribution chain.
 20 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1019, No. 14956. INCB wishes to encourage all competent national
 21 National Narcotics Control Commission of China, Annual authorities to remain vigilant not only regarding the
Report on Drug Control in China 2015 (Beijing, 2015).


diversion of precursor chemicals from international shipments unless there is explicit confirmation
trade but also regarding their diversion from domestic regarding the legitimacy of the shipment and the end
distribution channels and to pay particular attention to use of the substance, and secure transportation and
the legitimate final use of key precursor chemicals and handling can be assured.
the quantity required for that purpose.
72. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, methamphetamine
69. South Africa remains a key destination for smuggled supply indicators declined in 2014, as Iranian authorities
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. One of the largest dismantled 340 small-scale laboratories (a decrease of 24
shipments of smuggled ephedrine or pseudoephedrine per cent compared with the 2013 figure) and seized 2.6 tons
destined for South Africa — 83 kg of ephedrine — was of crystalline methamphetamine (a decrease of 28 per cent
seized in Nigeria in February 2015. In addition, a number compared with the 2013 figure). Iranian authorities cited
of incidents involving passengers smuggling ephedrine or the special situation in northern Iraq as a reason for
pseudoephedrine occurred at the international airport at ephedrine being smuggled into Iranian territory, as well as
New Delhi; the passengers’ intended destination was South the significant profits resulting from smuggling illicitly
Africa. Authorities in Zimbabwe reported seizures of 70 kg manufactured methamphetamine into South-East Asia.23
of ephedrine in four incidents at Harare International
73. Increasing concerns about methamphetamine
Airport; in all four incidents, South African nationals acted
trafficking, abuse and manufacture in Afghanistan have
as couriers and Zimbabwe was the intended destination.
also led authorities there to assess the adequacy of domestic
70. African countries have occasionally reported on procedures related to the import and distribution of
form D seizures of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine that were pharmaceutical preparations containing ephedrine and
linked to the abuse of those substances for their stimulant pseudoephedrine. Preliminary results indicate that most
properties and not linked to the use of those substances as shipments of such preparations were not properly declared
precursors in illicit methamphetamine manufacture. at customs offices and were not registered by the competent
Unsubstantiated high estimates of annual legitimate authority for distribution in the country.
requirements and imports, as well as smuggling, feed that
74. With the tightening of precursor control legislation in
illicit market. Monitoring is further complicated by the fact
South America and in Central America and the Caribbean,
that in many cases ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are
the number and size of reported seizures of precursor
abused in the form of pharmaceutical preparations
chemicals have decreased. In 2014, of all the countries in
containing those substances, and pre-export notifications
those regions, only Argentina reported seizures of
of shipments of such preparations are often not
ephedrine (24 kg) on form D. While these successes are
systematically issued through the PEN Online system.
commendable, INCB wishes to remind all Governments
71. The situation with regard to trafficking in ephedrine of the importance of implementing existing regulations
and pseudoephedrine in some parts of West Asia remains systematically and consistently and encourages
unclear. Several countries in the region report significant Governments to remain vigilant regarding changes in
seizures of amphetamine-type stimulants, mainly the modi operandi of traffickers of precursors and the
amphetamine (in the form of Captagon) and possibility of a country being targeted once again by
methamphetamine; however, the sites used for illicitly traffickers.
manufacturing the drugs and the sources of the precursors
75. The almost complete absence of reports of seizures of
used remain largely unknown, as few countries in the
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine is also evident in North
region provide seizure information on form D. Political
America: United States authorities reported on form D for
instability in a number of countries in West Asia adds to the
2014 the seizure of a total of only 20 kg of ephedrine and
difficulties encountered in national and international
pseudoephedrine in all their forms. This contrasts sharply
precursor control efforts. Nevertheless, this situation,
with the situation just a few years earlier, when the United
which INCB drew attention to in its 2014 report on
States reported having seized a number of tons of
precursors,22 remains a matter of serious concern. In the
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Nevertheless, in the
light of the prevailing situation in several countries in
United States small-scale laboratories illicitly
West Asia, such as the Syrian Arab Republic, INCB
manufacturing methamphetamine have continued to use as
encourages all countries to exercise a heightened level
starting material ephedrines in the form of pharmaceutical
of vigilance regarding large-scale orders for
preparations obtained through an activity known as
pseudoephedrine placed by companies in conflict areas __________________
and to consider suspending the authorization of such
 23 Islamic Republic of Iran, Drug Control Headquarters, Drug
Control in 2014 (Niktasvir Publishing, March 2015), pp. 53
 22 E/INCB/2014/4, para. 61. and 60.


“smurfing”, which involves making a series of purchases ephedra-producing areas of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
from multiple retail distributors to circumvent established Region, the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Gansu
purchase limits. United States authorities estimate that Province and the Ningxia Autonomous Region of China.24
domestic methamphetamine manufacture has decreased, INCB wishes to remind Governments to remain vigilant
most likely as a result of the increased availability of regarding the possibility of ephedra, a natural source of
methamphetamine illicitly manufactured in Mexico. ephedrine, or ephedra-based products being illicitly used
Another new trend is the smuggling of liquid on their territory.
methamphetamine into the United States for subsequent
recrystallization or recovery in that country; the process is (c) 1-Phenyl-2-propanone, phenylacetic acid and
not complicated but it requires a significant amount of alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile
solvents such as acetone.
81. P-2-P is an immediate precursor in the illicit
76. Mexico did not report any seizures of ephedrine or manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetamine with
pseudoephedrine, confirming the predominant use of very few legitimate uses other than the manufacture of
P-2-P-based methods in illicit methamphetamine those substances for pharmaceutical purposes. P-2-P can be
manufacture in that country. synthesized from phenylacetic acid and APAAN.
77. Information from India, communicated through Non-scheduled esters of phenylacetic acid and other
PICS, confirmed that in that country seizures continued to pre-precursors may be used as substitutes for P-2-P in the
be made of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in the form of illicit manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetamine
raw material and pharmaceutical preparations. The (see paras. 104, 105 and 115 below and annex IV).
individual seizures were in amounts of up to 25 kg, with
few exceptions, such as two cases of domestic diversion of Licit trade
250 kg and 100 kg of pseudoephedrine in August 2015. 82. International trade in P-2-P is limited, in terms of
During the first eight months of 2015, India did not detect both the volume and the number of countries involved:
any facilities illicitly manufacturing amphetamine-type during the reporting period, six exporting countries sent,
stimulants. Information about the dismantling of an alleged via the PEN Online system, to 10 importing countries
illicit ephedrine manufacturing unit is being verified. pre-export notifications for the planned exportation of
25 shipments of P-2-P, amounting to almost 33,000 litres.
(b) Norephedrine and ephedra By contrast, licit trade in phenylacetic acid, an immediate
Licit trade precursor of P-2-P, is far more significant in terms of both
the number of countries involved and the total amount
78. Analysis of international trade data reported through traded: during the reporting period, 13 exporting countries
the PEN Online system revealed that between sent pre-export notifications to 50 importing countries
1 November 2014 and 1 November 2015 12 countries about 458 planned shipments of phenylacetic acid,
exported norephedrine to 30 countries and that the amounting to 254 tons. There was only one transaction
shipments involved a total of almost 20.5 tons of the involving APAAN.
substance. Although it is increasing, international trade in
norephedrine, a substance that can be used in the illicit 83. Investigations into an attempted import of more than
9,000 litres of P-2-P into the Syrian Arab Republic by a
manufacture of amphetamine, remains at a low level
compared with trade in other precursors. previously unknown company continued. The shipment
was stopped by the Indian authorities in response to a
request made by the competent national authorities of the
Syrian Arab Republic through PEN Online. Despite
79. Seizures of norephedrine were reported on form D subsequent claims by other Syrian authorities that the
for 2014 by only three countries (Australia, China and shipment was legitimate, no delivery has been made from
Philippines), in amounts of less than 100 grams. India. The Syrian Arab Republic has not submitted any
annual legitimate requirements for P-2-P and the final end
80. For the third consecutive year, no seizures of ephedra
use could not be sufficiently substantiated. INCB therefore
were reported on form D. China continued to seize ephedra
recommends all exporting countries not to authorize
in 2014, according to information in the annual report on
any shipment of P-2-P to the Syrian Arab Republic
drug control in that country. However, seizures of ephedra
unless its legitimate final use has been duly confirmed
amounted to only 423 tons, a significant decrease compared
with the 2013 figure; Chinese authorities attribute that
decrease to the implementation of strengthened controls in  24  National Narcotics Control Commission of China, Annual
Report on Drug Control in China 2015 (Beijing, 2015).


by the relevant competent national authorities. INCB control in Mexico but not under international control
requests all exporting countries to communicate to it (see paras. 105 and 106 below). Estonia reported the seizure
any significant order placed for P-2-P to be exported to of 100 kg of phenylacetic acid in one instance but did not
the Syrian Arab Republic or any other country in order provide any information on the origin of the precursor
to allow for follow-up with the competent national chemical. In 2015, seizures of phenylacetic acid were also
authorities. communicated through PICS; they typically occurred in
illicit laboratories, often in the Netherlands.
Trafficking 87. APAAN seizures in 2014 amounted to more than
84. Seizures of P-2-P were reported by 13 countries on 11 tons and were all reported by countries in Europe. This
form D for 2014; seizures of P-2-P in amounts in excess of represents a significant decline compared with 2013, when
1,000 litres were reported by Mexico (5,900 litres), a record amount of more than 43.5 tons of APAAN was
Myanmar (4,800 litres), China (3,200 litres) and Poland seized. The largest amounts of APAAN were seized in 2014
(1,400 litres). Lithuania and the Netherlands reported in Germany; those seizures totalled more than 5.1 tons and
seizures of P-2-P in amounts of 400 to 700 litres, while included a shipment of 5 tons of the substance, en route to
other countries reported seizures of the substance in Poland, that was reported to have originated in China in
amounts not exceeding 50 litres. With the exception of the February 2014, three months before the ban on the
seizures of P-2-P reported by Myanmar and seizures of that substance in China went into effect. The Netherlands
substance in Australia and Ireland, which were reported to reported seizing more than 3 tons of APAAN in
have originated in China, the seized P-2-P was typically of eight instances, and Bulgaria reported seizing two
illicit origin; that is, the substance was seized in illicit shipments totalling nearly 2 tons that had entered the
laboratories and had been illicitly manufactured from country by land from Turkey; Belgium, Poland and
pre-precursors such as APAAN or phenylacetic acid esters. Romania reported seizures of APAAN in amounts of 100 to
Such incidents also continued in 2015 and were typically 600 kg. In the majority of those instances, information
communicated by the Netherlands through PICS. This about the origin of the substance was not provided. In the
distinction is important because a case involving a first 10 months of 2015, seven incidents involving over 700
precursor chemical diverted from legitimate sources kg of APAAN were communicated through PICS; all but
requires an intervention that is very different from what is one incident occurred in the Netherlands.
required in a case involving a precursor chemical illicitly 88. Information about the substances used in the illicit
manufactured from a scheduled or non-scheduled manufacture of drugs can also be obtained from the
pre-precursor. INCB commends those Governments that
forensic analysis of the drug end product. Relevant
have provided information about the origin of seized programmes have existed for many years for
chemicals (i.e. whether they are of licit or illicit origin) and methamphetamine and have helped to confirm a shift from
the country of origin, where applicable, and encourages all
the use of ephedrines to P-2-P-based manufacturing
others to do the same in order to support the design of methods for the illicit manufacture of that drug in North
appropriate interventions worldwide. America. This trend peaked in mid-2014, when it was
85. INCB was informed about a seizure of almost shown that more than 95 per cent of the analysed
7,000 litres of P-2-P in Poland in March 2015. The methamphetamine samples had been manufactured using
substance was seized in a warehouse in the seaport of P-2-P-based methods. More recently, the figure has
Gdansk, Poland, and was part of a shipment from China in dropped to 78 per cent and forensic profiling data suggest a
2012 containing a total of 32 tons of unspecified chemicals. shift to the use of benzaldehyde and nitroethane as
The authorities concerned are cooperating in the alternative chemicals for the manufacture of P-2-P and
investigation of the case. subsequently methamphetamine. Mexico added these two
chemicals to the list of controlled substances on 1 October
86. Four countries reported on form D for 2014 seizures
2015 (see para. 16 above).
of phenylacetic acid, and seven countries reported seizures
of APAAN.25 The seizures of phenylacetic acid included 89. By contrast, P-2-P has traditionally been the chemical
large amounts seized in China (nearly 50 tons) and Mexico of choice for illicit amphetamine manufacture in Europe. In
(more than 1.3 tons). The seizures in Mexico were this situation, forensic analysis can provide valuable
associated with the illicit manufacture of P-2-P, most often information about the synthetic route and about whether a
from phenylacetic acid esters that are under national seized sample of P-2-P was diverted from legitimate sources
__________________ or illicitly manufactured from APAAN, phenylacetic acid or
its esters.
 25 APAAN was included in Table I of the 1988 Convention
effective 6 October 2014.


90. In Australia, a forensic drug-profiling programme Trafficking

analysing samples of methamphetamine seized at the
93. Three countries (Australia, Belgium and China)
border found that methamphetamine continued to be
reported seizures of 3,4-MDP-2-P on form D for 2014, and
manufactured primarily from ephedrine and
four countries (Australia, Estonia, Netherlands and
pseudoephedrine. However, starting in 2013 there was a
Philippines) reported seizures of piperonal. The reported
slight increase in the proportion of the samples of seized total amounts of less than 60 litres of 3,4-MDP-2-P and
methamphetamine that had been synthesized from P-2-P. 5 litres of piperonal are negligible in comparison with the
This trend was also seen in relation to clandestine figures for the previous year; thus, the situation is similar to
methamphetamine laboratories operating in Australia. the situation in the period 2010-2011.
INCB encourages Governments that have the technical
capabilities to conduct such detailed forensic analyses 94. Through PICS, INCB was made aware of a seizure of
and offer such support, to the extent possible, to other 60 kg of 3,4-MDP-2-P in Australia in May 2015; the origin
Governments on request, with a view to improving of the substance was China. Acting on information
knowledge of the chemicals actually being used in illicit provided by Belgian customs authorities, authorities in
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, seized
drug manufacture and the sources of those chemicals,
1.5 tons of a substance identified as 3,4-MDP-2-P that had
thus supporting precursor control measures worldwide.
been stored at a warehouse pending exportation to Poland
via Belgium. The source of the substance was allegedly in
2. Substances used in the illicit manufacture of China but no additional documentation was available on
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and site to confirm the alleged source. Investigations are still
its analogues taking place.
91. Four substances included in Table I of the 95. During the reporting period, the authorities of the
1988 Convention are precursors of “ecstasy”-type Netherlands communicated three seizures of piperonal
substances. 3,4-MDP-2-P is an immediate precursor of through PICS. The seizures occurred in warehouses where
MDMA and other “ecstasy”-type substances, and it can be precursors of various drugs were stored. Spanish
manufactured from piperonal, safrole or isosafrole (see authorities reported on form D that shipments containing
annex IV). Licit trade in all those precursor chemicals more than 2.8 tons of piperonal had been stopped;
except piperonal involves only a few countries, there have however, no additional details were provided.
not been any significant diversions from international trade
recently, and seizures of those chemicals vary from one year (b) Safrole, safrole-rich oils and isosafrole
to another. However, several non-scheduled derivatives of
3,4-MDP-2-P are increasingly becoming available (see Licit trade
paras. 116-119 below) and may to some extent be
96. During the reporting period, eight exporting
contributing to the apparent increase in the availability of
countries sent via PEN Online to 15 importing countries
37 pre-export notifications for shipments of safrole and
safrole-rich oils, with a total volume of 4,000 litres. Though
(a) 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone and that is about the same trade volume as in the previous three
piperonal years, it represents a significant decline from the peak
reached in 2011. Unlike the situation years earlier, only a
Licit trade
small portion of the traded safrole was in the form of
92. There is almost no legitimate industrial use for safrole-rich oils. During the reporting period, there was no
3,4-MDP-2-P, and international trade in the substance is pre-export notification for isosafrole, an intermediate in
nearly non-existent; the opposite is true for piperonal. For the synthesis of MDMA from safrole.
3,4-MDP-2-P, there was one pre-export notification for
3 litres sent through the PEN Online system, and only Trafficking
four Governments have a legitimate annual requirement for
the import of more than 1 litre of the substance per year 97. As in previous years, very few Governments provided
(see annex II). For piperonal, during the reporting period, on form D for 2014 information about suspicious and
17 exporting countries used the PEN Online system to send stopped shipments of safrole, safrole-rich oils and
pre-export notifications for 590 shipments of that isosafrole. In 2014, German authorities reported having
substance, totalling almost 2,000 tons, to 51 importing prevented two shipments totalling 1,050 litres from
countries. entering the country; further details were not provided.


98. Reported seizures of safrole, safrole-rich oils and of traffickers and the actual or suspected use of non-
isosafrole have fluctuated significantly over the years. For scheduled chemicals in illicit drug manufacture. Such
2014, only Australia and Namibia reported on form D information-sharing should start at the national level,
seizures of safrole and/or isosafrole. Namibia reported the when a company receives a suspicious order and reports
seizure of 2,100 litres of isosafrole, but information about it to the competent national authorities; and such
the circumstances and the origin of the substance had not information should also be shared at the international
been provided at the time of writing the present report. level, to prevent traffickers from exploiting weak links
elsewhere. PICS provides an opportunity for the early
99. According to other sources, however, significant
sharing of such information worldwide.
seizures of safrole-rich oils were made in Cambodia in
August 2014. The seizures, which took place in different
locations, resulted in the recovery of a total of nearly
(a) Pre-precursors of amphetamine and
5,000 litres of safrole-rich oils that had been buried in methamphetamine
140 underground tanks. It is believed that the tanks were 103. The countries that reported on form D for
buried in 2012, when police had intensified their efforts 2014 substances not included in Table I or II of the
against the production and sale of safrole-rich oils in Pursat 1988 Convention but identified as having been used in the
Province of Cambodia. Verification of the information is illicit manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine
ongoing. included Mexico and several European countries (Czech
100. Seizures of safrole and safrole-rich oils continued to Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary and
be communicated through PICS in 2015. In June 2015, a Russian Federation).
sophisticated industrial-scale laboratory operation for the 104. Of those substances, the one most frequently
illicit manufacture of MDMA was discovered in Ontario, reported in 2014 was benzaldehyde, a pre-precursor of
Canada. Acting on information about a suspicious amphetamine and methamphetamine, although the
transaction, authorities conducted a search of the amounts remained small, totalling just 12 kg, in Denmark,
company’s premises that resulted in the seizure of Germany, Hungary and the Russian Federation.
1,500 litres of safrole-rich oils; 1,000 kg of helional, a Benzaldehyde was typically seized together with
precursor of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine that is not nitroethane in clandestine amphetamine laboratories.
under international control, were also seized. Investigations Estonia reported a single seizure of nearly 16 kg of 1-
are under way. These incidents show that closely phenyl-2-nitropropene, the reaction product of
monitoring legitimate trade transactions at the national benzaldehyde and nitroethane, in an illicit amphetamine
and international levels can lead to valuable information laboratory. A record single seizure of 10 tons of
indicating illicit activity. benzaldehyde was made in Australia in the financial year
101. In July 2015, 5 tons of unspecified precursors of 2013/14;26, 27 however, no further details have been made
amphetamine-type stimulants were seized in a warehouse available. In 2015, Austria reported through PICS the
in Bolikhamxay Province of the Lao People’s Democratic seizure of 270 litres of benzaldehyde and 250 litres of
Republic, near that country’s border with Viet Nam. nitroethane in a clandestine laboratory. INCB commends
those Governments that provided details of
3. Use of non-scheduled substances and other seizures of non-scheduled substances on form D, and it
wishes to remind all other Governments that the
trends in the illicit manufacture of
provision of such information is an obligation under
amphetamine-type stimulants article 12, paragraph 12 (b), of the 1988 Convention
102. Illicit manufacture of amphetamine-type stimulants and critical to establishing new trends.
has diversified significantly in recent years. The precursors 105. Mexico reported seizures amounting to nearly
of amphetamine-type stimulants now include chemicals
63 tons of ethyl phenylacetate, an ester of phenylacetic acid:
available off the shelf (such as benzaldehyde, nitroethane, 58.5 tons of the substance were found on a truck and about
methylamine and a range of reagents), as well as a number 4 tons were found abandoned on a beach. In continuation
of unusual chemicals that may be made on demand with a
of a trend observed during the previous year, none of the
view to circumventing existing controls (“designer” seizures were made at international borders, suggesting
precursors). In the light of the constantly and rapidly
changing array of chemicals being used in illicit drug __________________
manufacture, INCB wishes to remind Governments of  26 In Australia, the financial year begins on 1 July and ends the

the importance of sharing information about non- following year on 30 June.
scheduled chemicals, their sources, the modi operandi  27  Australian Crime Commission, Illicit Drug Data Report


that the control measures introduced in Mexico and in the the possibility of traffickers approaching legitimate
countries in which, in the past, consignments of that industry for customized synthesis of non-scheduled
substance had originated, are having the desired effect. In intermediates and the need to alert industry to that
addition, Mexican authorities reported having seized in possibility. A list of key substitute chemicals, including
clandestine laboratories varying amounts of other the relevant extended definitions covering a range of
pre-precursors of P-2-P, including benzyl cyanide, derivatives and chemically related substances, is
2-phenylacetamide and phenylethyl alcohol. Most of those available to competent national authorities in the
chemicals, namely the derivatives of phenylacetic acid, have limited international special surveillance list of
been under national control in Mexico since November non-scheduled substances, as part of the information
2009. package on the control of precursors, on the secure
website of INCB.
106. As in the previous five years, Mexico also reported
seizures of tartaric acid. In 2014, more than 2.8 tons of the 109. Methylamine (monomethylamine) is a chemical
substance were seized in clandestine methamphetamine required for the illicit manufacture of not only
laboratories in Mexico, which represents a continuation of methamphetamine but also MDMA and several new
the decline from the peak level of 2011. Tartaric acid is used psychoactive substances. Incidents involving methylamine
to enrich the more potent form of methamphetamine were reported on form D for 2014 by the authorities of
manufactured using P-2-P-based methods, thus achieving five countries (Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands
potency levels comparable to or higher than the potency and United States). Seizures of the substance in Malaysia
levels of methamphetamine manufactured from ephedrine (22.5 litres) and Mexico (more than 3,700 litres) were made
or pseudoephedrine, depending on the level of in clandestine methamphetamine laboratories; the seizure
sophistication of the laboratory. location in the United States was not provided. Seizures of
the substance in the Netherlands amounted to more than
107. In response to the tightening of controls on
9,500 litres and were made in three unspecified clandestine
precursors, including controls on pharmaceutical
laboratories; the seizures reported on form D were largely a
preparations containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine
confirmation of information communicated in real time
(in 2012) and on Ephedra plant material (in 2013), China
through PICS in 2014.
has continued to identify the use of non-scheduled
chemicals in illicit drug manufacture.28 In particular, it is 110. Germany reported three attempts by traffickers to
now evident that 2-bromopropiophenone is used to illicitly obtain a total of 32.1 tons of methylamine. In
synthesize ephedrine, as it has been found that more than two instances, companies in Belgium and the Netherlands
50 per cent of the crystalline methamphetamine on illicit tried to obtain methylamine in Germany; as the end use
markets in that country have been synthesized from that was either suspicious or not provided, both shipments were
substance. After 2-bromopropiophenone came under denied and the authorities of the countries of destination
national control in May 2014, a number of manufacturers were informed. The third incident involved an attempted
and operators in China were closed down and more than theft of the substance.
20 tons of the substance was seized. In 2014, for the first
111. Seizures of methylamine also continued in 2015, with
time, a person was arrested in China for illicitly
10 incidents in which more than 6,500 litres of the
manufacturing synthetic ephedrine.
substance was seized, communicated through PICS by the
108. A record seizure of a non-scheduled “designer” Netherlands alone. In one of the laboratories, more than
precursor of methamphetamine was reported by German 60 tons of chemicals were seized. Methylamine was the
authorities: 2.9 tons of “chloro(pseudo)ephedrine”14 subject of Operation MMA (see para. 38 above).
hydrochloride, seized in a warehouse in Leipzig, Germany,
112. A number of countries reported on form D for 2014
in November 2014. Investigations are still ongoing but it
seizures of other non-scheduled chemicals essential to
has been confirmed that the seized substance was produced
the illicit manufacture of amphetamine and
specifically at the request of the main suspect in
methamphetamine. Chinese authorities reported seizures
Switzerland and delivered to Germany. A total of
of thionyl chloride, a chemical required for manufacturing
600 grams of the substance, originating in Germany, was
methamphetamine from ephedrine and pseudoephedrine
reported seized in the Czech Republic, and nearly
using a method common in South-East Asia; seizures of
400 grams of the substance was reported through PICS in
thionyl chloride in China amounted to nearly 18.5 tons in
New Zealand. INCB wishes to remind Governments of
2014, compared with 14 tons in 2013. Thailand reported
__________________ seizures of sodium cyanide amounting to 5.5 tons at its
 28 National Narcotics Control Commission of China, Annual border with Myanmar, and it is assumed that the substance
Report on Drug Control in China 2015 (Beijing, 2015).


had been intended for use in illicit methamphetamine country of origin and the Netherlands was cited as the
manufacture; further details, including information on the intended country of destination.
origin of the seized sodium cyanide, were not provided.
117. Germany also reported a seizure of a small amount of
113. Significant seizures of non-scheduled chemicals 3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenylacetonitrile, which can be used
associated with a P-2-P-based method for manufacturing to synthesize 3,4-MDP-2-P, a substance used to manufacture
amphetamine and methamphetamine known as the MDMA (commonly known as “ecstasy”), just as benzyl
Leuckart method were reported by the Netherlands cyanide can be used to synthesize P-2-P, a substance used to
(17.7 tons of formamide and 4,000 litres of formic acid), manufacture amphetamine or methamphetamine. Thus,
Peru (nearly 48 tons of formic acid) and Poland (13 kg of 3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenylacetonitrile is the “ecstasy”
formamide, 60 kg of formic acid and 1 kg of ammonium equivalent of benzyl cyanide.
formate). Seizures of non-scheduled chemicals used in 118. Seizures of 3,4-MDP-2-P glycidic acid derivatives
modifications of methamphetamine manufacturing
continued in 2015. One seizure at the Romanian seaport of
methods based on the use of ephedrines were reported by Constanta involved the shipment of 1 ton of the sodium
several countries, the largest amounts being reported by the salt of 3,4-MDP-2-P methyl glycidic acid, communicated
Czech Republic (4.1 tons of iodine and 740 kg of red
via PICS. The shipment had originated in China and had
phosphorus), followed by the Philippines (200 kg of iodine been destined for the Netherlands.
and nearly 400 kg of red phosphorus); in all the other
reporting countries combined, seizures of iodine, as well as 119. In the light of the variety of non-scheduled
red phosphorus, amounted to less than 20 kg. “designer” precursors that are being encountered by
regulatory and law enforcement authorities, INCB
114. Authorities in New Zealand reviewed the modi wishes once again to draw attention to the challenges
operandi of those engaged in illicit methamphetamine that some of the new chemical derivatives may pose to
manufacture and concluded that they obtained other forensic laboratories regarding the identification of
non-scheduled yet essential precursors, including such precursors. For example, the inadvertent
hypophosphorous acid, iodine, potassium iodide and generation of analytical artefacts during laboratory
potassium iodate, through a range of methods such as analysis may suggest the presence of a controlled
purchasing from legitimate suppliers within the country, primary precursor such as P-2-P or 3,4-MDP-2-P when
stealing from suppliers’ premises or from trucks in transit, in fact the analysed sample was the sodium salt of the
and direct (often online) purchasing from international glycidic acid derivative.
115. Seizures of a variety of non-scheduled pre-precursors
of amphetamine and methamphetamine continued to be
B. Substances used in the illicit
communicated through PICS in 2015. They were typically manufacture of cocaine
found in illicit laboratories, often in the Netherlands. One
seizure in the Netherlands involved 95 kg of the sodium salt 1. Potassium permanganate
of P-2-P glycidic acid, a pre-precursor first identified in the
United Kingdom in 2012 that can be converted into 120. Potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent used
P-2-P at a practical ratio of about 2 to 1. in the illicit manufacture of cocaine. A minimum of about
145 tons of the substance is required annually for illicit
(b) Pre-precursors of cocaine manufacture in the three coca-producing
countries.29 While those countries account for only a very
limited proportion of legitimate international trade in
(MDMA) and related “ecstasy”-type drugs potassium permanganate, a relatively large proportion of
116. The methyl ester and sodium salt of 3,4-MDP-2-P global seizures of potassium permanganate continues to be
methyl glycidate were seized in Europe in 2014, continuing __________________
a trend that started in 2010. Seizures of the sodium salt
were reported by Belgium (1.74 tons), the Netherlands  29 This figure is based on average low-end estimates by UNODC
of the potential manufacture of 100 per cent pure cocaine in
(2.8 tons) and Spain (1 ton); the type of derivative was not the period 2010-2013, published in the World Drug Report
specified in the seizures in Germany (1.25 tons) and 2015 (annex I), and the approximate quantities of potassium
Romania (less than 1 kg). In cases where information was permanganate required (see annex IV to the present report).
provided about the origin or the intended destination of Note that potential cocaine hydrochloride production in
Colombia increased by about 52 per cent in 2014 compared
the seized non-scheduled substance, China was cited as the
with 2013 (UNODC and Government of Colombia, Colombia:
Coca Cultivation Survey 2014 (Bogota, July 2015), p. 11).


reported by them. In the absence of any recent significant two instances involving illicit laboratories). Additional
diversions of potassium permanganate from legitimate seizures of potassium permanganate were also
international trade and other indicators suggesting that communicated through PICS in 2015.
cocaine continues to be highly oxidized, it appears that the
125. About 99 per cent of global seizures of potassium
potassium permanganate that is used in illicit cocaine
permanganate were made in countries in South America,
manufacture has been mainly diverted from domestic
including the three coca-producing countries (Bolivia
distribution channels into illicit channels or has been
(Plurinational State of), Colombia and Peru). Seizures
illicitly manufactured.
reported by Colombia did not include seizures of
potassium permanganate in the form of solutions, as the
Licit trade concentrations are usually not known. Authorities of
121. During the reporting period, the authorities of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
31 exporting countries notified their counterparts in indicated that the substance had originated in their
125 importing countries of plans to export 1,357 shipments countries, which represents a continuation of the overall
of potassium permanganate totalling more than trend of the previous few years whereby potassium
25,500 tons; the corresponding figures in previous permanganate diverted from domestic distribution
years were about the same. As in previous years, the channels is used to feed illicit cocaine processing in South
three coca-producing countries — Bolivia (Plurinational America. Colombian authorities also continued to
State of), Colombia and Peru — accounted for less than dismantle laboratories illicitly manufacturing potassium
1 per cent of all the imports of potassium permanganate for permanganate from chemicals not under international
which notifications were sent through the PEN Online control (see para. 129 below).
126. There was no information to substantiate a
122. Spain was the only country reporting on form D further spread of coca bush cultivation outside the
stopped shipments of potassium permanganate — a total of three coca-producing countries, unlike the situation in
18 shipments of the substance, amounting to about 26 tons, 2013, when a small illicit coca bush cultivation site was
intended for various countries of destination. Many of detected in Panama, and in 2014, when illicit coca bush
those shipments appear to have been stopped for cultivation sites were discovered in Mexico near that
administrative reasons. country’s border with Guatemala. Nonetheless, INCB
wishes to reiterate its warning about the possibility of
123. The pronounced effect of chemical control on
illicit coca bush cultivation, cocaine manufacture and
cocaine availability was recently demonstrated in a study
related precursor trafficking spreading to countries
on the impact of federal cocaine chemical regulations on
previously not affected by such illicit activity and the
the availability of cocaine in the United States during the
need to address such developments collectively at the
period 1989-2006. The findings of the study, which were
regional and international levels.
consistent with the findings of similar research on
methamphetamine and heroin, showed precursor control
2. Use of non-scheduled substances and other
to be the first policy with such a demonstrated breadth of
impact across major illicit drugs.30 trends in the illicit manufacture of cocaine
127. Several countries in Latin America and elsewhere
Trafficking reported seizures of a variety of chemicals not under
international control but used in the processing, refinement
124. In 2014, as in previous years, global seizures of
(after trafficking) or adulteration of cocaine. Those
potassium permanganate were dominated by seizures made
chemicals include solvents used for the extraction of
in Colombia, where more than 166 tons of the substance
cocaine base from coca leaves and for the conversion of
was seized, the largest amount seized in six years. Eleven
cocaine base into cocaine hydrochloride, chemicals used in
other countries reported on form D for 2014 seizures of
the illicit manufacture of internationally controlled
potassium permanganate totalling 7.5 tons; seizures in
precursors, and chemicals used for improving the efficiency
excess of 1 ton were reported by Peru (2.7 tons), China
of cocaine processing by reducing the volume of chemicals
(2.1 tons), Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (1.5 tons) and
needed and/or the processing time. Several of these
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (1.12 tons in
alternative chemicals that are not under international
control (but are often under national control in the
 30  James K. Cunningham, et al., “US federal cocaine essential countries concerned) are known to have been used in illicit
(‘precursor’) chemical regulation impacts on US cocaine
availability: an intervention time-series analysis with temporal drug manufacture for many years and have partly replaced
replication”, Addiction, vol. 110 (2015), pp. 805-820. some chemicals under international control, in particular


substances in Table II of the 1988 Convention. Furthermore, 131. Another chemical used to increase the efficiency of
improved processing techniques, especially related to illicit cocaine processing is calcium chloride, a drying agent for
cocaine manufacture, and recycling and reuse have resulted solvents, used in the conversion of cocaine into cocaine
in reduced requirements for acids and solvents in Table II. To hydrochloride; it is also used in the recycling and reusing of
improve knowledge of the chemicals actually being used solvents. Varying amounts of calcium chloride have been
and their sources, INCB encourages Governments to use reported on form D by a number of countries over the
form D to report details of seizures of, and describe links years. In 2014, seizures involving several tons of calcium
between, the various alternative (scheduled and chloride were reported on form D by Bolivian authorities
non-scheduled) substances. (13 tons) and Colombian authorities (28 tons); and
128. Significant amounts of such chemicals were reported Ecuadorian and Venezuelan authorities reported having
seized small amounts. The extent of solvent recycling is
on form D for 2014 by the authorities of the three
coca-producing countries and other countries in South evident from data from the Plurinational State of Bolivia
America, as well as the authorities of Spain. In the majority (see figure III).
of cases, those chemicals were reported to have been Figure III. Number of illicit laboratories dismantled
obtained from domestic sources. For example, Colombia in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, by type of laboratory,
seized in almost 700 incidents more than 3,000 tons of 2004-2014
urea, a substance used in the illicit manufacture of
ammonia and/or used as fertilizer in coca bush 70 7 000
cultivation.31 The seizure of more than one ton of urea was
also reported in 2014 by the authorities of the Bolivia
60 6 000
(Plurinational State of) Bolivia (3.2 tons), Peru (12 tons)
and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (30 tons).

Coca/cocaine laboratories
50 5 000
Recycling laboratories

129. In 2014, Colombia also reported having seized a total

of 123 tons of manganese dioxide at 10 illicit potassium
40 4 000
permanganate manufacturing sites and about 4.5 tons of
potassium manganate at 13 illicit potassium permanganate
manufacturing sites. In all cases, the seized substances were 30 3 000
reported to have originated in Colombia. Neither
manganese dioxide or potassium manganate is in Table I or 20 2 000
II of the 1988 Convention, but both are in the INCB limited
international special surveillance list of non-scheduled
10 1 000
substances and are under national control in Colombia.
Seizures of precursors of potassium permanganate in
Colombia continued in 2015: in July, a seizure of 3 tons of 0 0
potassium manganate was made in a single illicit
laboratory; in the same laboratory, almost 3.5 tons of
Number of cocaine paste, base and crystallization
potassium permanganate was also seized. laboratories
Number of recycling laboratories
130. Seizures of sodium metabisulphite, a reducing agent
used to standardize the oxidation level of cocaine base from Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Plurinational
different sources prior to further processing, were reported State of Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de Cultivos
in 2014 by the authorities of Colombia (54 tons), Bolivia de Coca 2014 (2015)
(Plurinational State of) (16.2 tons) and Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of) (1,860 kg). Seizures of this 132. Latin American countries also continued to report
substance by Bolivian and Colombian authorities increased significant amounts of various acetate solvents, such as
steadily during the past few years. Seizures of small ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, isopropyl and n-propyl acetate,
amounts of the substance were also reported in Ecuador isopropyl alcohol and methyl isobutyl ketone, all of which
(20.8 kg) and Spain (4 kg). The seizures typically occurred are known to have been used for many years in illicit
in illicit laboratories. Incidents involving sodium cocaine processing as substitutes for solvents in Table II of
metabisulphite continued in 2015, with three incidents in the 1988 Convention. The particular solvents and the
Colombia, totalling 1,465 kg, communicated via PICS. amounts reported on form D reflect cocaine manufacturing
__________________ preferences that are often associated with different groups
31 Urea can also be used to produce explosives.
of illegal operators. Forensic analysis can be used to


determine the differences in the solvents used in the final Figure IV. Proportion of incidents communicated via the
crystallization, which helps to identify links between Precursors Incident Communication System and involving
samples of seized cocaine hydrochloride and to establish substances in Table II of the 1988 Convention, by quarter,
processing trends, and can thus provide valuable 2012-2015
information for regulatory authorities.
133. Incidents involving non-scheduled chemicals used
for illicit cocaine processing continued to be 35
communicated through PICS in 2015.

Proportion (percentage)
C. Acids and solvents in Table II of the 25
1988 Convention that are used in the
illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and 20

psychotropic substances 15

134. Acids and solvents in Table II of the 1988 Convention 10

are required throughout various stages of nearly all illicit
drug manufacture. Given the average scale of illicit heroin 5
and cocaine processing operations compared with the
average scale of illicit synthetic drug manufacture 0
operations, the largest amounts of those acids and solvents
were seized in countries in which plant-based drug Year
manufacture is known to occur.
Incidents involving substances in Table II and other substances
135. A total of 27 countries and territories reported on
form D for 2014 seizures of solvents in Table II of the 1988 Incidents involving only substances in Table II
Convention (acetone, ethyl ether, methyl ethyl ketone and
toluene). The largest seizures of those solvents were D. Substances used in the illicit
reported by Myanmar (almost 2.5 million litres of toluene)
and Colombia (460,000 litres of acetone). Myanmar also
manufacture of heroin
reported having seized the largest amount of hydrochloric
acid (1.6 million litres) and sulphuric acid (6.7 million 1. Acetic anhydride
litres), followed by the amounts of seizures of those two 137. Acetic anhydride is the key substance used in the
acids in China and in coca-producing countries. Acids in illicit manufacture of heroin. It is also required in the illicit
Table II were reported to have been seized in 31 countries manufacture of methamphetamine or amphetamine in
and territories in 2014. INCB commends Governments instances where the immediate precursor P-2-P is illicitly
for having provided detailed data on seizures of derived from phenylacetic acid or phenylacetic acid
substances in Table II of the 1988 Convention. The derivatives (see annex IV). While seizures of acetic
Board notes that in many cases where information anhydride in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries are
about the origin of a seized chemical was provided, the typically associated with illicit heroin manufacturing
chemical had been obtained from a domestic source; attempts, seizures of the substance in Mexico and
Governments are therefore encouraged to take neighbouring countries used to be largely related to the use
measures to address the diversion of chemicals from of phenylacetic acid derivatives in the illicit manufacture of
domestic distribution channels. methamphetamine. However, they may also be attributed
to illicit heroin manufacture, as Mexico has continued to be
136. Information on acids and solvents in Table II of the a source of heroin in the Americas and estimates of illicit
1988 Convention also continued to be communicated opium poppy cultivation in Mexico have continued to be high.
through PICS. Over the years, the proportion of PICS
incidents involving substances in Table II has increased (see 138. In spite of the fact that Myanmar is the country with
figure IV); it is likely that that development is linked to the the second largest total area under illicit opium poppy
increase in the number of illicit laboratories on which cultivation and the second largest potential opium
information is communicated through PICS. production, there continues to be a lack of information


reported by that country and other countries in East and INCB wishes once more to encourage Governments of
South-East Asia on seizures of acetic anhydride and other countries in which acetic anhydride and other
chemicals required to process opium into morphine and, scheduled substances are manufactured to report
subsequently, heroin. accurate, complete and up-to-date details of such
manufacture in accordance with Economic and Social
Licit trade Council resolution 1995/20.
139. Acetic anhydride continued to be one of the most
frequently traded substances in Table I of the
1988 Convention. During the reporting period, authorities 143. Of the 13 countries and territories that reported
of 25 exporting countries and territories used the PEN seizures of acetic anhydride on form D for 2014, only
Online system to provide over 1,493 pre-export Afghanistan, China and Mexico reported the seizure of
notifications for international trade in acetic anhydride.32 more than 1,000 litres of the substance.
The shipments of acetic anhydride were destined for
144. The total volume of acetic anhydride seized in
86 importing countries and territories and involved a total Afghanistan in 2014, about 7,750 litres, was just about half
of 352 million litres of the substance. the amount reported in 2013, thus continuing a declining
140. The situation with regard to the diversion of acetic trend, at a year-on-year rate of 50 per cent, that had started
anhydride is similar to the situation with regard to the in 2011, when the total amount seized was about
diversion of potassium permanganate: there have not been 68,000 litres (see figure V). The reporting of seizures of
any known diversions of acetic anhydride from acetic anhydride in countries neighbouring Afghanistan
international trade in recent years. However, Operation has been traditionally low, with few exceptions. Tajikistan,
Eagle Eye, which was conducted by the INCB Precursor Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have not reported on form D
Task Force from July 2013 to May 2014, confirmed that the any seizures of acetic anhydride since 2000, while
control measures applied to domestic trade in and cooperation between the Governments of China and Iran
distribution and end use of acetic anhydride lagged behind (Islamic Republic of) has resulted in significant amounts of
those applied in international trade. the substance being seized in 2013 by the Chinese authorities
(95,000 litres) and the Iranian authorities (16,500 litres).
141. Attempts to divert acetic anhydride from
international trade continued during the reporting period, Figure V. Seizures of acetic anhydride reported on form D
though there were relatively few attempts. There were two by Afghanistan and other countries in West Asia, 2006-2014
unsuccessful attempts by a company located in the
80 000
Kurdistan region of Iraq to obtain acetic anhydride through
intermediaries in Spain. The competent national
Total volume of the acetic anhydride seized (litres)

authorities of Iraq informed the Spanish authorities that 70 000

the company in question was not authorized to import the
substance, and subsequently the Spanish authorities
60 000
stopped the shipments. In December 2014, authorities in
Pakistan objected through PEN Online to a shipment of
3,700 litres of acetic anhydride from China. Investigations 50 000
revealed that the company did not reside at the address
provided; investigations are ongoing. 40 000
142. INCB has previously expressed concern over the
insufficiency and inconsistency of information about the 30 000
magnitude and patterns of licit manufacture of and trade in
acetic anhydride, and it continues to believe that domestic
transactions involving the substance are not sufficiently 20 000
monitored in many countries. INCB therefore encourages
Governments to consider the registration of all 10 000
companies that are in any way involved in acetic
anhydride manufacture, trade, distribution or end use.

__________________ 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

32 Not including trade between States members of the European Afghanistan Other countries in West Asia


145. According to data provided by Afghanistan on form D of what was seized in 2011, when seizures of the substance
for the years 2011-2014, acetic anhydride was smuggled into peaked. Seizures of acetic anhydride in China amounted to
that country through the Islamic Republic of Iran in over 85 more than 22,600 litres; the context of those seizures was
per cent of the cross-border trafficking cases involving the not provided.
substance and through Pakistan in the remaining 15 per cent
Figure VI. Price of acetic anhydride on the black market
of such cases. However, the detection rate of acetic anhydride
in Afghanistan, 2006-2015
trafficking across the Afghan border is low. Afghan
authorities estimate that less than half of all seizures of acetic 400
anhydride in Afghanistan occur at the border, whereas most
of the seizures are made inland, while the substance is being
transported from temporary warehouses to illicit heroin

Illicit price per litre (constant 2014 United States dollars)

manufacturing sites. Intelligence suggests that such
temporary warehousing of acetic anhydride is used by
traffickers to circumvent any surveillance operations by
national law enforcement authorities.
146. To address the problem of decreasing rates for
intercepting trafficked precursors, Afghan law enforcement
authorities launched two special operations in 2015, 200
focusing on the identification and disruption of domestic

Data not available

transportation of smuggled precursors and on the analysis
of data on licit trade from countries identified in the past as
being sources of diverted acetic anhydride. Furthermore, in
line with the recommendations of Operation Eagle Eye, the 100
Afghan law enforcement authorities reviewed risk
indicators used by customs authorities to identify cases of
trafficking in acetic anhydride.
147. In 2015, authorities in Afghanistan continued to
communicate through PICS seizures of acetic anhydride










(total amount seized: over 1,500 litres). The Government
also continued to monitor black market prices of acetic
anhydride. Depending on the perceived quality, the average Note: Values represent unweighted average of all samples. Error bars
price of acetic anhydride on the illicit market in the represent the average illicit price range based on the perceived quality
country varied between $140 and $347 during the first of the acetic anhydride in the samples, which were collected and
reported beginning in March 2012.
10 months of 2015 — slightly higher than in 2013 and 2014
but still significantly lower than in the peak years Data for 2012 are for the period from March to December.
2008-2010 (see figure VI). The reasons for this decline in Data for 2015 are for the period from January to October.
the black market price are not known, as the statistical data
do not indicate any clear correlation between prices in 149. Seizures of acetic anhydride in amounts totalling
Afghanistan and the amounts of acetic anhydride seized at more than 100 litres were reported on form D for 2014 by
the regional level (i.e. in West Asia) or the country level (i.e. Turkey (850 litres), Pakistan (185 litres) and Spain
in Afghanistan); since 2006, seizures of acetic anhydride in (110 litres). During the reporting period, 12 incidents
Afghanistan have accounted for nearly two thirds of the involving acetic anhydride were communicated via PICS
total volume of acetic anhydride seized in West Asia (see (though some of those incidents related to seizures of the
figure V). substance that may already have been included in the
aggregate totals reported on form D).
148. Mexico reported on form D for 2014 the seizure of
acetic anhydride in amounts larger than those seized in 150. Seizures of acetic anhydride continued in 2015. The
Afghanistan; in Mexico, shipments of acetic anhydride authorities of the Netherlands informed INCB about the
are known to feed the illicit manufacture of theft of a truck transporting 18,000 litres of acetic anhydride
methamphetamine, although the illicit manufacture of to a company based in that country; although the
heroin is also on the rise. The seizure of nearly 13,500 litres investigation into the theft resulted in the stolen truck being
of acetic anhydride was reported by Mexico in 2014, twice found, the acetic anhydride has not been recovered. In April
the amount seized in 2013 but still only about 20 per cent 2015, Austrian authorities seized 2.2 tons of acetic anhydride;


the circumstances of the seizure, including the modus 153. Four countries reported seizures of ammonium
operandi and the countries involved, were similar to those of chloride on form D for 2014. The largest seizures were
other diversion cases investigated in the European Union reported by Afghanistan (19.3 tons), followed by Thailand
several years ago. According to information provided by the (600 kg) and Mexico and Peru (less than 100 kg each).
authorities of the countries involved, the origin of the seized Seizures of acetic acid were reported by (in descending
substance was a legitimate company in the Czech Republic order of amount seized) Brazil, Mexico, Peru and
and the shipment was destined for a consignee in Slovenia; Argentina; however, no specific reference to illicit heroin
investigations are ongoing. In the second half of 2015, manufacture was made in connection with any of the
Iranian customs made two seizures of acetic anhydride reported seizures of acetic acid. INCB wishes to
totalling more than 28 tons, concealed in transit containers, acknowledge the provision of information about
according to the Iranian Customs Administration. Through substances not in Table I or II of the 1988 Convention
PICS, Pakistan communicated four seizures of acetic and encourages all Governments to provide on form D
anhydride in 2015, amounting to over 5,000 litres. complete and comprehensive information about such
substances (in particular, the intended or suspected use
151. INCB has previously noted a lack of information
of such substances and their sources), with a view to
about the sources of chemicals feeding illicit heroin
establishing trends and preventing the diversion of
manufacture in Afghanistan. The same is true for other
those substances worldwide.
regions affected by illicit opium poppy cultivation and
illicit heroin manufacture. In general, there is little or no
information about incidents (seizures, diversions, E. Substances used in the illicit
attempted diversions and stopped shipments) and manufacture of other narcotic drugs and
trafficking trends involving acetic anhydride not only in
Afghanistan but also in neighbouring countries and psychotropic substances
worldwide; in cases in which such information is available,
it is often very limited, lacking any details on which action 1. Ergot alkaloids and lysergic acid
can be taken. INCB therefore encourages all
Governments to make every effort to identify the modi Licit trade
operandi of those involved in trafficking in acetic 154. Ergot alkaloids (ergometrine and ergotamine and
anhydride and to communicate through established their salts) are used in the treatment of migraines and as an
channels any relevant details (including information oxytocic in obstetrics, but there is comparatively limited
about the sources of that substance). In doing so, international trade in those substances. During the
Governments should consider communicating possible reporting period, 17 countries sent pre-export notifications
changes in trafficking routes, concealment methods,
to 48 importing countries for 335 exports of ergot alkaloids
modi operandi and trafficking trends, as well as the
totalling nearly 1,340 kg; there was one shipment of lysergic
possible shifting of illicit heroin laboratories to
previously unsuspected locations (such laboratories were
identified, for example, in Spain in 2013 and 2014). 155. Authorities in the Netherlands informed INCB of
significant amounts of ergot alkaloids being delivered from
2. Use of non-scheduled substances and other the Czech Republic to an operator in the Netherlands
trends in the illicit manufacture of heroin between December 2013 and August 2014 without the
required license. Investigations are ongoing. Since
152. The non-scheduled chemicals most frequently
December 2014, authorities in the Netherlands, Suriname
associated with illicit heroin processing are ammonium
and Switzerland have cooperated with each other and the
chloride, commonly used in the extraction of morphine
from opium, and glacial acetic acid, which has long been Board, to prevent traffickers from misusing a company in
suspected of being used: (a) as a cover load, to conceal Suriname for the diversion of ergot alkaloids. While it
acetic anhydride contraband; and (b) in the acetylation of appears that two shipments of 1 kg each might have been
morphine to heroin, probably mixed with acetic anhydride. delivered, further known orders amounting to more than 8
Neither chemical is under international control but both kg over a two-year period will not be delivered, as a result
are in the limited international special surveillance list of of the cooperation of the authorities concerned. INCB is
non-scheduled substances and, according to information aware that there have also been attempts to obtain the
available to INCB, are under national control in a number chemicals from other exporting countries and therefore
of countries and territories (21 in the case of glacial acetic invites all Governments to exercise vigilance with
acid and 8 in the case of ammonium chloride). regard to orders and shipments of ergot alkaloids.


Trafficking “mandrax” powder into tablets and not synthesizing

methaqualone from chemical starting materials.
156. Available information suggests that lysergic acid
diethylamide (LSD) may be making a return, connected
with the increasing role of the Internet in supplying drugs, F. Substances not in Table I or II of the
and increasing amounts of LSD being seized in several 1988 Convention that are used in the
regions. However, there is limited information about the
precursors and methods actually being used for the
illicit manufacture of other narcotic
manufacture of LSD. Also, given the potency of LSD, for drugs and psychotropic substances,
which dosages are measured in millionths of a gram, only precursors under international control or
very small quantities of precursor chemicals are needed to substances of abuse not under
manufacture a significant amount of the drug. Not
surprisingly, aggregated annual seizures of the precursor international control
chemicals of LSD reported on form D very rarely exceed a
couple of hundred grams. Only three countries reported on 160. In 2014, Governments continued to use form D also
form D for 2014 seizures of ergotamine, ergometrine or to report seizures of a variety of substances not in Table I or
lysergic acid; the reported total amount seized was less than II of the 1988 Convention that can be used in the illicit
60 grams. manufacture of other narcotic drugs or psychotropic
substances, precursors under international control or
2. N-Acetylanthranilic acid and anthranilic acid substances of abuse not under international control,
including new psychoactive substances. Seizures reported
Licit trade in 2014 mostly concerned gamma-butyrolactone (GBL)
157. N-Acetylanthranilic acid and anthranilic acid are and precursors of ketamine.
precursors used for the illicit manufacture of
methaqualone, a sedative-hypnotic that is commonly 1. Precursors of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
known as “quaalude” or “mandrax” (former brand names of 161. GBL is a precursor used in the illicit manufacture of
pharmaceutical products that are no longer licitly gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), and it is also ingested
manufactured). During the reporting period, there were
and metabolized in the body into GHB; 1,4-butanediol is a
eight pre-export notifications for amounts totalling 280 pre-precursor of GHB and a precursor of GBL. In 2014,
grams of N-acetylanthranilic acid. In addition, 42 GBL seizures were reported by nine countries, mostly in
importing countries were sent pre-export notifications by
Europe. Each of those countries reported multiple seizures
11 exporting countries for 312 shipments of anthranilic of GBL totalling less than 50 litres (i.e. the individual
acid totalling nearly 1,122 tons. seizures were usually small), the exception being the
Netherlands, which reported having seized a total of nearly
Trafficking 1,100 litres of the substance, including 1,000 litres in a
158. Reports of seizures of precursors of methaqualone single seizure at a warehouse. In addition to the GBL
have always been sporadic. In 2014, China was the only seizures made in countries in Europe, such seizures were
country to report seizures of anthranilic acid; those also made in Australia (370 kg) and the United States (49
seizures totalled over 800 kg, which is less than the total kg). Information about the origin of the seized substance
amount seized in 2013. There were no seizures of and the shipping mode was usually not provided; one
N-acetylanthranilic acid in 2014. country mentioned the use of international courier
159. INCB has as yet been unable to confirm details
regarding an alleged large-scale methaqualone laboratory 162. GBL seizures continued to be communicated via
site in the greater Durban area in South Africa, dismantled PICS in 2015; however, the amounts were usually small.
Authorities in Australia and the Netherlands
in June 2014, including details about the chemicals found at
communicated incidents involving GBL seizures in
the site and their sources. In the meantime, seizures of
warehouses and illicit laboratories.
“mandrax” tablets, continued to be reported regularly on
the official website of the South African Police Service.
2. Precursors of ketamine
Likewise the dismantling of “mandrax” laboratories has
occasionally been reported on the official police website; 163. China is the only country that has regularly reported
however, it appears that those laboratories were processing seizures of ketamine precursors. In 2014, China reported


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