Duhok Polytechnique University Petrochemical Department Catalyst Science and Technology Lecturer: DR Farhad M. Ali 2020-2021
Duhok Polytechnique University Petrochemical Department Catalyst Science and Technology Lecturer: DR Farhad M. Ali 2020-2021
Duhok Polytechnique University Petrochemical Department Catalyst Science and Technology Lecturer: DR Farhad M. Ali 2020-2021
Petrochemical Department
The term catalysis (from the Greek kata-, “down,” and lyein, “loosen”) was
first employed by the great Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius in 1835
Chemical kinetics is the study and discussion of chemical reactions with respect
to reaction rates, effect of various variables, re-arrangement of atoms,
formation of intermediates etc. There are many topics to be discussed, and each of
these topics is a tool for the study of chemical reactions. The study of motion is
called kinetics, from Greek kinesis, meaning movement. The study of chemical
kinetics, therefore, includes the rate of a chemical reaction and also the factors that
influence or alter or control the rate of chemical reactions.
In chemical kinetics we study how molecules react, bond breaking and new bond
At the macroscopic level, we are interested in amounts reacted, formed, and the rates
of their formation. At the molecular or microscopic level, the following
considerations must also be made in the discussion of chemical reaction
• In some cases, the orientation of the molecules during the collision must also be
The relation between the rate of a reaction and the concentrations of reactants is
expressed by its rate law. For example, the rate of the gas-phase decomposition of
dinitrogen pentoxide
2N2O5 → 4NO2 + O2
rate = k [N2O5]
Be very careful about confusing equilibrium constant expressions with those for
rate laws. The expression for Keq can always be written by inspecting the reaction
equation, and it contains a term for each component (raised to the appropriate power)
whose concentration changes during the reaction. For this reaction it is given by:
In contrast, the expression for the rate law generally bears no necessary relation to
the reaction equation and must be determined experimentally.
Since the rate of a reaction has the dimensions of (concentration / time), the
dimensions of the rate constant k will depend on the exponents of the concentration
terms in the rate law.
For changes in amounts, the units can be one of mol s -1, g s-1, lb s-1, kg day-1 etc.
For changes in concentrations, the units can be one of mol dm -3 s-1, g dm-3 s-1, %
s-1 etc.
With respect to reaction rates, we may deal with average rates, instantaneous
rates, or initial rates depending on the experimental conditions.
The speed of a reaction is called the rate of the reaction. The speed of different
chemical reactions varies hugely. Some reactions are very fast and others are very
Some rate of reactions has detectable change with respect to time, changes that are
observable like
Measuring the rate of a reaction means measuring the change in the amount of a
reactant or the amount of a product with respect to time.
What can be measured to calculate the rate of reaction between magnesium and
hydrochloric acid?
1. Average rate of reaction, often denoted by (Δ[conc.] / Δt), The average
rate of reaction is an average rate, obtained by taking the change in
concentration over a time period, for example: - 0.3 M / 15 minutes
Math: The formula for the average Rate of Change of y With Respect To x
The Average Rate of change of y with respect to x formula (in general, used in real
world problems such speed, weight loss, etc.)
The "average rate of change" and the "slope" are two different names for the same
formula (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). 6
I. Instantaneous rate can be obtained from the experimental data by: first graphing
the concentration of a system as function of time, 7
II. then finding the slope of the tangent line at a specific point which corresponds to a
time of interest.
instantaneous rate. The reaction rate for that time is determined from the slope of the
tangent lines.
3. Initial Rate: The initial rate of a reaction is the instantaneous rate at the
start of the reaction (i.e., when t = 0). The initial rate is equal to the negative
of the slope of the curve of reactant concentration versus time at t = 0.
The rate of a reaction may be expressed in terms of the change in the amount of any
reactant or product and may be simply derived from the stoichiometry of the
reaction. Consider the reaction represented by the following equation:
The relation between the reaction rates expressed in terms of nitrogen production and
ammonia consumption, for example, is:
We can express this more simply without showing the stoichiometric factor’s units:
Similarly, the rate of formation of H2 is three times the rate of formation of N2 because 9
three moles of H2 form during the time required for the formation of one mole of N2:
The figure illustrates the change in concentrations over time for the decomposition of
ammonia into nitrogen and hydrogen at 1100 °C. We can see from the slopes of the
tangents drawn at t = 500 seconds that the instantaneous rates of change in the
concentrations of the reactants and products are related by their stoichiometric factors.
The rate of hydrogen production, for example, is observed to be three times greater
than that for nitrogen production:
Example 1: Consider the reaction that begins immediately after the ions Fe3+ and Sn2+
are simultaneously introduced into an aqueous solution.
2 Fe3+ (aq) + Sn2+ (aq) → 2 Fe2+ (aq) + Sn4+ (aq) (This an oxidation-
reduction reaction)
When refer to the rate of this reaction, which of the four quantities
described here should we use?
The IUPAC recommends that we use a general rate of reaction, which, for the
hypothetical reaction represented by the balanced equation, is
aA + bB → gG + hH
= - 1/b [B] / t
= 1/g [G] / t
= 1/h [H] / t
In this expression, we take the negative values of rates of disappearance, positive values
of rates of formation, and divided all rates by the appropriate stoichiometric
coefficients from the balanced equation.
The result is a single, positive-valued quantity that we call the rate of reaction.
= - [ Sn2+] / t
= ½ [ Fe2+] / t
= [ Sn4+] / t
[B] = 0.9986 mol dm-3, and that 13.20 min later [B] = 0.9746 mol dm-3. What is the
average rate of this reaction during this period?
[B] / t = 0.9746 mol dm-3 - 0.9986 mol dm-3 / 13.20 min - 0 min
= - 0.0240 mol dm-3 / 13.20 min = 0.0018 mol dm-3 min-1 or M min-1 (M
means molar)
Rate of reaction:
it was found that the rate of formation of N2 was 0.27 mol dm–3 s–1.
a) At what rate was water being formed?
b) At what rate was ammonia being consumed?
𝟏 ∆[𝐇𝟐 𝐎] 𝟏 ∆[𝐍𝟐 ] 12
a) =
𝟔 𝐭 𝟐 𝐭
From the equation stoichiometry, Δ[H2O] = 6/2 Δ[N2], so the rate of formation of
H2O is
4 moles of NH3 are consumed for every 2 moles of N2 formed, so the rate of
disappearance of ammonia is 2 × (0.27 mol dm–3 s–1) = - 0.54 mol dm–3 s–1.
A reaction will form products more rapidly if the conditions under which the reaction
occurs are changed so that more molecules have enough energy to reach the peak of
either of the graphs.
There are three ways to increase the size of this set of molecules.
The more molecules present in the reaction vessel, the more likely is a collision. We
can increase the number of molecules by increasing the concentration of the reactants.
If the reactants are both gases, an increase in pressure decreases the volume and brings
the molecules closer together, thus increasing the likelihood of collision.
Determinant Step). The nature of the slow step is not obvious from the balanced
equation. Only experimental observation reveals the link between concentration and
reaction rates.
the reactant particles become more crowded (more closer each other)
there is a greater chance of the particles colliding
the rate of reaction increases
The rate of a reaction will increase if the number of molecules with enough energy to
provide the activation energy of the reaction increases. The below figure shows the
distribution of energies in a collection of
As the temperature increases the number of collisions increases as well as the energy
of the collisions.
If the activation energy could be lowered, more molecules would be able to react.
A catalyst is a substance that, when added to a reaction mixture, increases the rate of
the overall reaction yet is recovered unchanged after the reaction is complete.
There are many examples of catalysts. Since the mid-1970s, many automobile exhaust
systems have been manufactured with catalysts for the reaction
In the absence of a catalyst, this reaction requires a very high temperature and does not
Its chemical properties remain unchanged at the end of reaction, although its
physical appearance may change.
1. It is not used up during the reaction, so it has the same mass at the beginning
and at the end of the reaction.
3. A catalyst increases the speed but not the yield of a chemical reaction. That is,
the same amount of products is formed whether a catalyst is used or not (mass
Catalysts have many uses. For example, iron catalyst (Fe) is used in Haber process
(manufacture of ammonia, NH3) and Epoxyethane is manufactured by reacting
ethene with a limited amount of oxygen in the presence of a silver catalyst,
Some common catalysts used in industry and the reactions they catalysis
4. Surface area
When a reaction is to take place between reactants in two different physical states,
the reaction rate is increased if we increase the surface area of the more-condensed
reactant. Such reactions include a gas or a liquid with a solid or a gas with a liquid.
The rate of a chemical reaction can be raised by increasing the surface area of a solid
reactant. This is done by cutting the substance into small pieces, or by grinding it
into a powder.
The reaction between a gas and a liquid will take place more rapidly if the liquid is
sprayed in small drops through which the gas passes than if the gas is passed over the
surface of a large body of liquid.
5. Light
Light is a form of energy. Hence it provides the necessary activation energy for the
reaction to take place.
The decomposition of nitrogen dioxide into nitrogen monoxide and atomic oxygen
is another photochemical reaction. Small amounts of nitrogen dioxide are found in
the exhaust gases from gasoline engines.
NO2 → NO + O
6. Stirring
In a heterogeneous reaction there are two or more phases of matter interacting, such
as a solid dissolving into a liquid. Stirring or shaking the mixture will speed up the
reaction rate. This is common sense. When you add sugar to a drink, you stir it
because you know it will dissolve faster.
Collision theory would predict this because the stirring would increase the number
of collisions between reactant molecules.
Q 1: Why the reactants particles move faster when the temperature increases?
Ans.: Collision frequency (the number of collisions in one second): If the number or
frequency of collisions is high, the number of collisions that occur is high. The
frequency of effective collisions also increases; therefore, the rate of reaction becomes
Ans.: Increasing the pressure of a reaction where the reactant is a gas is similar to
increasing the concentration of a reactant in a solution. The gas particles (usually
molecules) will be closer together when the pressure increases. This means that the
particles will collide more frequently, and the rate of the chemical reaction will
What is a catalyst?
A catalyst is a substance which enhances the rate of a chemical reaction without itself
getting used up in the reaction. A catalyst offers an alternative, energetically favourable
mechanism to the non-catalytic reaction, thus enabling processes to be carried out 19
For an active catalyst, the number of molecules transformed per minute by one
molecule of catalyst may be as large as several million. Where a given substance or a
combination of substances undergoes two or more simultaneous reactions that yield
different products, the distribution of products may be influenced by the use of a
catalyst that selectively accelerates one reaction relative to the other(s).
Catalysis is the key to chemical transformations. Most industrial syntheses and nearly
all biological reactions require catalysts. Furthermore, catalysis is the most important
technology in environmental protection, i. e., the prevention of emissions, a well-
known example is the catalytic converter for automobiles.
Catalytic reactions were already used in antiquity, although the underlying principle
of catalysis was not recognized at the time. For example, the fermentation of sugar to
ethanol and the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid are catalyzed by enzymes
However, the systematic scientific development of catalysis only began about 200
years ago, and its importance has grown up to the present day.
Does the catalyst lower the activation energy for the reaction?
Catalysis also involves the formation of intermediates, not just a matter of an 'activated
complex' or 'transition state'. e.g. for a transition metal the reactant molecules may be
adsorbed and their bonds weakened, or, for a transition metal compound, it may
involve a change in ligand or oxidation state or other bonding re–arrangement, but
will return to its original state often via a 2–3 stage 'catalytic cycle'.
The exact mechanism for the action of catalysts is not completely understood in all
cases. However, catalysts provide an alternate path or series of steps by which the
reaction can take place.
Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy that must be available for a
chemical reaction to occur. In order for reactions to proceed we must provide energy
to break bonds. This energy is known as the activation energy for a particular reaction.
Based on Maxwell -
Boltzmann distribution
description, shows how
reducing the activation
energy considerably
increases the proportion
of particles with
sufficient kinetic energy
to overcome the barrier
of the activation energy.
The most important reason transition metals are good catalysts is that they can lend
electrons or withdraw electrons from the reagent, depending on the nature of the
complexes with the reagents and be a good source for electrons make transition
metals good catalysts.
2- They provide a surface for reactions to occur. The metal forms weak
bonds to the reacting species holding them in place.
A catalyst can be changed physically e.g. the granules can end up more powdery or
the surface become roughened. This may be due to a heat effect from exothermic
reactions or just side effect of regeneration in the catalytic cycle.
For example, in the laboratory preparation of oxygen from the MnO 2(s) catalysed
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution, the residual water seems stained brown
due to very fine particles of MnO2(s)
For some reactions it is not really necessary to use catalyst. For example, when the
reaction is with low activation energy. The following shows the necessity to use a
catalyst for reactions:
The catalyst for a given reaction accelerates the reaction in both directions equally.
Therefore, a catalyst does not affect the position of equilibrium of a chemical reaction;
it affects only the rate at which equilibrium is attained. Apparent exceptions to this
generalization are those reactions in which one of the products is also a catalyst for the
reaction. Such reactions are termed autocatalytic.
Types of Catalysis:
Homogeneous catalysis refers to reactions where the catalyst is in the same phase
as the reactants, principally in solution. Homogeneous catalysts occupy the same
phase as the reaction mixture.
Homogeneous catalysts allow for greater interaction with the reaction mixture than
heterogeneous catalysts.
The catalyst and reactants are in the same phase (usually a solution), and
so the catalysed reaction can happen throughout the bulk of the reaction
medium. 25
Catalysis can be due to temporary changes in the oxidation state and
ligand(s) of a transition metal ion and results in a 'catalytic cycle'. In other
words, the reaction occurs via some intermediate species and the original
catalyst is reformed.
What is a phase?
If you look at a mixture and can see a boundary between two of the components,
those substances are in different phases. A mixture containing a solid and a liquid
consists of two phases. A mixture of various chemicals in a single solution consists of
only one phase, because you can't see any boundary between them.
An advantage of homogeneous catalysis is that the catalyst mixes into the reaction 26
mixture, allowing a very high degree of interaction between catalyst and reactant
molecules. However, unlike with heterogeneous catalysis, the homogeneous catalyst
is often irrecoverable after the reaction has run to completion.
Homogeneous catalysts are used in variety of industrial applications, as they allow for
an increase in reaction rate without an increase in temperature.
2. Acid catalysis: The reactant molecule may be protonated (for example using
sulphuric acid) to form some 'active' protonated intermediate e.g. a carbocation in the
case of adding water to alkenes to form alcohols.
Step 1: Alkene undergoes protonation to form carbocation by electrophilic attack
of H3O+. CH2=CHCH3 + H2SO4 → CH3-CH(OSO2OH)CH3
Step 2: Water, being a nucleophile, attacks on the carbocation.
CH3-CH(OSO2OH)CH3 + 2H2O → CH3-CH(OH)CH3 + H3O+ + HSO4-
Step 3: Deprotonation occurs to form an alcohol.
H3O+ (H+)(the electrophile from the acid) protonates the alkene to form the
The uncatalysed reaction overall is: (a) S2O82–(aq) + 2I– (aq) → 2SO42–(aq) + I2(aq)
This 'direct' uncatalysed reaction involves the collision of two highly repelling negative
ions and so has a very high activation energy (Ea3 in the diagram below).
Initially, the 1st step overall for the catalysed reaction is ... (Ea1 in diagram)
Fe2+ is the 'intermediate', and in the 2nd step overall, it is oxidised to Fe3+ and the
peroxodisulphate ion is reduced to sulphate ion ... (Ea2 in diagram above)
So, the Fe3+ is regenerated in the cycle, showing the Fe3+/Fe2+ ions act in a genuine
catalytic cycle but remember it cannot be simply two steps, the above must represent
the summations of at least four steps.
Note 1: It doesn't matter whether you start with the Fe3+ or Fe2+ ion, catalysis will
occur because the peroxodisulphate would oxidise some Fe2+ to Fe3+ (reaction b) and
the Fe3+ then oxidises the iodide.
Note 2: If you added up the two equations (b + c) of the cycle you get equation (a)
showing the overall reaction change.
Note 3: The full mechanism must be quite complex e.g. at least 4 steps because the
chances of three particles colliding in the right way (a termolecular collision) and with 29
The reaction is actually an equilibrium; it’s common to see just “H+”, although H2SO4
(sulfuric acid) are also often used.
The reaction occurs on the catalyst surface which may be the transition metal or
one of its compounds, Ni for example. The reactants must be adsorbed onto the
catalyst surface at the 'active sites'.
This can be physical adsorbed or 'weakly' chemically bonded to the catalyst surface.
Either way, it has the effect of concentrating the reactants close to each other
and weakening the original intra–molecular bonds within the reactant molecules
and so allows a greater chance of successful collision.
The diagram below illustrates a typical heterogeneous catalysis e.g. hydrogenation of
alkenes with hydrogen and a nickel catalyst.
Strength of adsorption / catalyst:
(Au) and (Ag) tend to be more limited catalysts, but even silver, can act as a catalyst for
some reactions.
just right: (Cu), (Ni), (Pt), (Rh), (Pd) catalyse many reactions such as hydrogenation,
redox reactions involving CO and NO etc. Palladium can catalyse the spontaneous
combustion/combination of hydrogen and oxygen at room temperature!
2 KClO3 (s) → 2 KCl (s) + 3 O2 (g)
Catalyst: MnO2 (s), faster and lower temperature
3) Iron, Fe(s), catalyses the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gases in the
important industrial Haber synthesis of ammonia, important in the manufacture of
nitric acid and artificial fertiliser salts such as ammonium sulphate and ammonium
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2 NH3(g) ∆H = -92 KJ mol-1
Fe used as catalyst. The catalyst is
actually slightly more complicated
than pure iron.
The Haber process is used by the
chemical industry to manufacture
ammonia which is used to make nitric
acid and fertilisers. The raw materials
for the Haber process are nitrogen from
air and hydrogen is usually obtained
from natural gas. The purified gases are
passed over a catalyst of iron at a high
temperature (typically 450°C) and a
very high pressure (typically 200
atmospheres). Some of the hydrogen
reacts with nitrogen reacts to form
A set of optimum conditions to get the most efficient yield of ammonia and this
involves getting a low % yield (e.g. 8% - 15% conversion) but fast using an iron
Most plants operate with: an alloy of platinum and rhodium as catalyst: a series
of 90% platinum/10% rhodium catalyst gauzes in parallel at 975-1225 K
Air is added and the gases compressed again (7-12 atm typically). The gases (NO2 &
N2O4) are then passed through one or more towers to meet a stream of water with the
formation of nitric acid:
Rhodium is added to the platinum to give the gauze strength and to reduce the loss
of platinum. Recently, it has been found that knitted gauze increases the efficiency
of conversion and prolongs the life of the catalyst.
These transition metal catalysts can also oxidise unburned hydrocarbons from
inefficient combustion.
CxHy + (x + y/4)O2 → xCO2 + y/2H2O
Catalytic converters need to work at high temperatures of up to 400 oC to maximise
their efficiency. To achieve this optimum operating temperature the unit were
positioned down the exhaust system, away from the engine’s heat source.
Note: Pt, Rh and Pd are very expensive metals and copper and nickel are cheaper 38
alternatives but they are vulnerable to catalytic poisoning by traces of sulphur dioxide
in the exhaust gases. Once poisoned, the catalyst in a converter cannot be regenerated,
so, its a new costly converter!
6) Nickel, Ni(s), catalyses the addition of hydrogen to an alkene double bond, e.g.
in the hydrogenation of unsaturated vegetable oils to make more saturated
–CH=CH– + H2 → Ni catalyst → –CH2–CH2–
7) Solid heterogeneous catalysts are really important in the petrochemical
i- Isomerisation: These reactions convert linear alkane vapours into branched
alkanes of the same carbon number over a platinum–aluminium oxide (Pt/Al2O3)
catalyst at 150 oC.
Branched alkanes have a higher-octane rating than linear alkanes, so a better petrol
fuel components.
e.g. hexane → methylpentanes or dimethylbutanes
ii- Reforming: Converting straight chain alkane vapour into cyclic alkanes and
aromatic hydrocarbons can be achieved by using a Pt/Al 2O3 catalyst at 500 oC.
Aromatic hydrocarbons are important chemical feedstock to make many useful
aromatic compounds.
Note: Zeolites tend to become 'poisoned' with carbon–soot deposits in the high
temperature cracking reactions and this blocks the adsorption of the hydrocarbons.
However, in this case, the catalyst can be regenerated in a separate container through
which very hot air is passed to burn off the carbon–soot deposits.
The mechanism, somewhat simplified, it goes via the catalytic cycle ...
(i) SO2 + V2O5 → SO3 + V2O4, then
Advantages Disadvantages
Also, a catalyst often lowers the overall activation energy for a reaction by providing a
completely different reaction mechanism for the reaction. In other words, a different
set of underlying elementary reaction steps.
2. The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of ethyl acetate into ethanoic acid and ethanol
3. Spontaneous degradation of aspirin into salicylic and ethanoic acid (causing old
aspirin containers to smell mildly of vinegar).
The ethanoic acid released from the aspirin will cause some accelerated degradation of
our ibuprofen (act as auto catalyst) 44
Characteristics of Catalysts
2. In case of reversible reactions, the catalyst does not influence the composition of
reaction mixture at equilibrium. It only helps to attain the equilibrium quickly.
3. The catalyst changes the chemical kinetics of a reaction but not the chemical
4. A catalyst does not lower the activation energy for a reaction, instead it provides an
alternative path for the reaction that has a lower activation energy.
5. The reaction equilibrium constant (which is a function of the Gibbs free energies of
reactants and products only) is not affected by the catalyst.
Promoters (activators)
Promoters are chemical substances that enhance the activity of a catalyst. Substances
which themselves are not catalysts, but when mixed in small quantities with the
catalysts increase their efficiency are called as promoters or activators.
1. In Haber’s process for the synthesis of ammonia, traces of molybdenum (act as
Promoters) increases the activity of finely divided iron which acts as a catalyst.
N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g) (Fe as catalyst with Mo as promoter)
2. In the manufacture of methyl alcohol from water gas, chromic oxide is used as a
promoter with the catalyst zinc oxide.
Catalytic poisons
Decreases the activity of a catalyst. Substances which destroy the activity of the catalyst
by their presence are known as catalytic poisons. For example:
i The presence of traces of arsenic(III) oxide (As2O3) in the reacting gases reduces the
activity of platinized asbestos which is used as catalyst in contact process for the
manufacture of sulphuric acid.
ii The activity of iron catalyst is destroyed by the presence of hydrogen sulphide, H2S,
or carbon monoxide, CO, in the synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process.
iii The platinum catalyst used in the oxidation of hydrogen is poisoned by carbon
monoxide, CO.
ii. Selectivity: The selectivity of a catalyst is its ability to direct a reaction to yield a
particular product, e.g., starting with H2 and CO using different catalysts, we get
different products. 47
As seen from these examples, different catalysts might give different products for the
same reactants
The selectivity of a reaction is the fraction of the starting material that is converted to
the desired product. It is expressed by the ratio of the amount of desired product to
the reacted quantity of a reactant and therefore gives information about the course of
the reaction. It is the ability of the catalyst to direct a reaction to yield a particular
𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭
Selectivity of catalyst =
𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭
Distereo isomers formed, cis and trans, This reaction is distereo selective reaction
Shape–selective catalysis: The catalytic reaction that depends upon the pore
structure of the catalyst and the size of the reactant and product molecules is called
shape-selective catalysis.
Example: Cracking Isomerization of hydrocarbons in the presence of zeolites is an
example of shape-selective catalysis.
An important zeolite catalyst used in the petroleum industry is ZSM-S. lt converts
alcohols directly into gasoline.
Catalytic activity of one katal (Symbol 1 kat = 1 mol s-1) of a catalyst means
an amount of that catalyst (substance, in mol) that leads to a net reaction of
one mol per second of the reactants to the resulting reagents or other
outcome which was intended for this chemical reaction.
A catalyst may and usually will have different catalytic activity for distinct reactions.
Catalysts that lose activity during a process can often be regenerated before they
ultimately have to be replaced. The total catalyst lifetime is of crucial importance for
the economics of a process.
Deactivation of catalyst
Catalyst deactivation, the loss over time of catalytic activity and/or selectivity, is a
problem of great and continuing concern in the practice of industrial catalytic
processes. Typically, the loss of activity in a well-controlled process occurs slowly.
However, process upsets or poorly designed hardware can bring about catastrophic
failure. For example, in steam reforming of methane or naphtha great care must be
taken to avoid reactor operation at excessively high temperatures or at steam to 50
hydrocarbon ratios below a critical value. Indeed, these conditions can cause
formation of large quantities of carbon filaments which plug catalyst pores and voids,
pulverize catalyst pellets, and bring about process shut down all within a few hours.
The reversibly poisoned or fouled catalysts are relatively easily regenerated. On the
other hand, chemical, mechanical, and thermal forms of catalyst degradation are rarely
Poisoning occurs when there is a strong chemical interaction of reactants, products, or
impurities with active sites on the catalyst surface. Sulphur Poisoning being the most
widely cited example. Thus, poisoning has operational meaning; that is, whether a
species acts as a poison depends upon its adsorption strength relative to the other
species competing for catalytic sites. For example, oxygen can be a reactant in partial
oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide on a silver catalyst and a poison in
hydrogenation of ethylene on nickel. In addition to physically blocking adsorption
sites, adsorbed poisons may induce changes in the electronic or geometric structure of
the surface. Catalyst can be poisoned by reactants, products, and impurities.
Many poisons affect reforming catalysts including sulphur, metals, halides and
phosphates. Sulphur is a particular problem because:
nickel is a very good sulphur adsorbent
only a small amount of sulphur can cause problems
sulphur can totally deactivate a reforming catalyst
sulphur- and arsenic-containing compounds are typical poisons for metals in
hydrogenation, dehydrogenation and steam reforming reactions.
The good news is that sulphur poisoning is reversible. Steam can be used to slowly
strip off the sulphur over a period of 24 hours. The less good news is that the catalyst
may lose some of its activity permanently. The effective answer is to remove sulphur
from the feedstock gases before they enter the reformer tube.
Selective poisoning: A chemical directly reacts with the active site or the carrier,
rendering it less or completely inactive. “Selective” poisoning involves preferential
adsorption of the poison on the most active sites at low concentrations.
affects the properties of the catalyst and the mechanism of the process.
Coke formation is one of the most prominent types of catalytic fouling and is chiefly
involved in the deactivation of a catalyst. This coke formation forms a fouled layer on
the surface of a catalyst which reduces how much of the surface area of the catalyst is
available to the surroundings. With less surface area exposed, a catalyst is less effective.
secondary reactions of reactants or products, coke formation.
(3) plug micro- and mesopores such that access of reactants is denied to many
crystallites inside these pores.
Finally, in extreme cases, strong carbon filaments may build-up in pores to the extent
that they stress and fracture the support material, ultimately causing disintegration of
catalyst pellets and plugging of reactor voids.
For a catalyst to be effective it must have an effective interface with the reactants, thus
heterogeneous catalysts are prepared with high surface areas. Large surface areas are
thermodynamically unstable, thus given suitable conditions such as high temperatures
the catalysts will rearrange to form the most favourable lower surface area
agglomerates. These rearrangements are often accelerated by particular chemical
environments. For example, moist atmospheres accelerate structural changes in oxide
catalyst supports. This agglomeration of catalysts is known as sintering, which causes
a decrease in the availability of active sites on a catalyst
Loss of catalytic material due to abrasion; loss of internal surface area due to
mechanical-induced crushing of the catalyst particle. Mechanical failure of catalysts is
observed in several different forms that depend on the type of reactor, including: 56
(1) crushing of granular, pellet, or monolithic catalyst forms due to a load in fixed
(2) attrition, the size reduction, and/or breakup of catalyst granules or pellets to
produce fines, especially in fluid or slurry beds; and
(3) erosion of catalyst particles or monolith coatings at high fluid velocities in any
reactor design.
The main consequence of attrition is the generation of fines and the resulting loss of
valuable material.
Corrosion / leaching
The active sites of a catalyst may become inactive by the adsorption of impurities in
the feed stream.
Turnover Number (TON)
the number of moles of substrate that a mole of catalyst can convert before
becoming inactivated ( mol of substrate / 1 mol of catalyst) and
is the amount of substrate converted per the amount of catalyst used.
In other words, the turnover number is defined as the absolute number of passes
through the catalytic cycle before the catalyst becomes deactivated. (TON has no unit)
In theory, the Ideal catalyst would have an infinite turnover number and would never
be consumed. In practice, turnover numbers begin at 100 and can go up to a million,
more so in some cases.
The lifetime of the catalyst, and therefore its stability, are measured in terms of its
In general, industrial chemists are interested in both TON and turnover frequency
(TOF) (see the next section). A large TON (e.g., 106–1010) indicates a stable, very
long-lived catalyst. The TON can be calculated by dividing the amount of reactant
(moles) by the amount of catalyst (moles):
This assumes a yield of the product of 100%, which is most often not the case. To
calculate the true number of turnovers, the yield obtained needs to be considered.
For example, if 10 mol of reactant and 2.5 mol of catalyst are used, then the TON
If the yield of the product is 94%, then the actual number of turnovers is
𝐦𝐨𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞
𝐓𝐎𝐍 = %𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯 𝐱 Page
𝐦𝐨𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐎𝐍 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟒 𝐱 = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟔
𝟐. 𝟓
Turnover Frequency (TOF):
Turnover frequency is defined as the number of passes through the catalytic cycle
per unit time (typically seconds, minutes or hours).
This number is usually determined by dividing the TON by the time required to
produce the given amount of product.
However, as with the TON, the actual yield of the product also needs to be
considered. Continuing the example above, if the reaction in question was run for 7
hours to obtain the 94% yield, the TOF is
In theory, the Ideal catalyst would have an infinite turnover number and would never
be consumed. In practice, turnover numbers begin at 100 and can go up to a million,
more so in some cases.
Note that the TON is always a pure number (unitless), while the TOF has units of
Number of turnovers performed – more is better; TOF (turnover frequency) – faster
is better
A: because both give idea about the activity and stability of the catalyst. Number of
turnovers performed – more is better; TOF (turnover frequency) – faster is better. The
catalyst turnover number (TON) and the turnover frequency (TOF) are two
important quantities used for comparing catalyst efficiency.
Enzymes as catalyst
Enzymes are biological catalysts and will only catalyze one reaction involving one
molecule or pairs of molecules. This is known as specificity. The enzyme has an
active site which is a specific location that a molecule called a substrate fits into. This
is known as the "lock and key model".
As the temperature increases, so does the rate of chemical reaction. This is because
heat energy causes more collisions,
with more energy, between the
enzyme molecules and other 60
Only molecules with the correct shape can fit into the enzyme. Just like only one
key can open a lock, only one type of enzyme can speed up a specific reaction
A lower Km value indicates that an enzyme has a higher affinity for a substrate.
Ans.: Catalysts are substances that reduce the activation energy of a chemical reaction,
facilitating it or making it energetically viable. The catalyst increases the speed of the
chemical reaction
donating groups, the S will have H-bond accepting groups and vice versa, or that
there will be an opposite charge relationship between groups on the E and S. In
addition of there are nonpolar groups on the S, the E will have a nonpolar region
into which these groups will fit.
B. Enzymes are normally heterogeneous catalysts that are very specific in action
C. Enzymes are specific biological catalysts that can normally function at very high
temperature (T - 1000K).
D. Enzymes are specific biological catalysts that possess well defined active sites
B. in the process of adsorption, the activation energy of the molecules becomes large.
C. the concentration of the reactant molecules at the active centres of the catalyst
becomes high due to adsorption.