Present Teses 12 Prepa

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ថ្នា ក់ត្រៀមប្រឡងបាក់ឌប

ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets

 Tips before doing Grammar Section
1. Read the instruction (to know what are asked to do)
2. You should spend at most 7-8 minutes for this part as you need to save more time for writing

 Tips while doing Grammar Exercises

1. Focus on rules (Forms & Usages)
2. Eliminate multiple choice
3. Choose the correct answers

 Note:
All of your answers must be written in the answer sheet given.

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ថ្នា ក់ត្រៀមប្រឡងបាក់ឌប
ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets
I. Present Tenses
Verb Spelling Worksheets
1. Present simple
2. Present continuous
3. Present Simple and Present Continuous (Progressive)
4. Present Perfect and Past Simple
5. Present Perfect Simple & Present Perfect Continuous


SUBJECT 1: Simple Past Tense

A) Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:

break swim have make sit write

spend buy drink lose wash

B) Fill in the blanks with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in brackets:

Last Saturday my father …. took…. (take) my friends and me to the circus. We ………(see)
lots of things. My father …………………. (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We…………. (eat)
the popcorn and ………………………… (drink) the orange juice. We …………………….. (laugh) at the
funny clowns. There …………………. (be) a lion-tamer. The lions …………………… (do) tricks; they
………………………… (jump) through hoops. A girl …………….…. (ride) an elephant around the ring.
We all ……………… (have) a wonderful time.

C) Write the clues given about Jean into past simple forms:

1. Go shopping yesterday ( - ) …….Jean didn’t go shopping yesterday…….….

2. Clean the house this morning ( + ) ………………………………………………….
3. Feed the cat yesterday ( + ) .…………………………………………………
4. Telephone Mary last night ( ? ) …………………………………………………
5. Watch a film on TV three days ago ( - ) …………………………………………………
6. Visit her grandparents last night ( ? ) …………………………………………………
SUBJECT 2: Past Continuous
A) Use the words given to make present continuous (Positive)
1. Mr. Thompson   dinner in the kitchen. (cook)

2. Mrs. Thompson   their car in front of their house. (clean)

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ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets
3. Jack and Eve   in the hall near the fireplace. (sit)

4. Jack, their 11 years old son,   Shakespeare's sonnets. (read)

5. Eve, at the age of 16,   with Babies. (play)

B) Use the words given to make present continuous (Question)
1. When I met Joseph, he was on the phone.
What   about? (he | talk)

2. I had an accident on my way to work.

What   ? (you | do)

3. Bob can't remember where he was yesterday at 8 o'clock.

 at the tennis court? (he | not practice)

4. I saw your wife in a car last night.  the car? (she | drive)

5. I was trying to get in touch with you when the Internet stopped working.
What time   the Internet? (you | use)
C) Use the words given to make present continuous (Negative)
1. A: Were you talking to Bob during dinner?
B: I   to anybody. I was alone.

2. A: Were your mum and dad watching a football match yesterday night?
B: My mum   TV. She was listening to music.

3. A: Was I wearing the blue tie at the party?

B: You   any tie as far as I can remember.

4. A: Guess what I was doing between 5 and 6 o'clock.

B: You   anything, your sister told me.

5. A: When I met them, Sam was buying some meat and Jill was buying drinks.
B: I don't understand why they   things together. Did they split up?
C) Fill in the blanks with a correct form of PAST CONTINUOUS
1. Alice hurt herself while she ……………………………………………. (skate).
2. They were having a rest. They …………………………………….. (not / work).
3. Sally saw a friend while she …………………………….. (ride) her bicycle along Park St.
4. When Peter (fall) asleep, …………..he ……………………… (study)?
5. Bob stepped on Jane’s feet while they ………………………………….. (dance) together.
6. I cut myself while I ……………………………………. (shave).
7. It wasn’t a stormy night. The wind ……………………………………. (not / blow)
8. Tommy had a nightmare while he …………………………….. (sleep) at a friend’s house.

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ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets


SUBJECT: Present Simple or Present Continuous:

A) Change verb forms

1. Simple Present
Write the 3rd person singular of the following verbs (in Simple Present).
1. do - he __________
2. worry - she __________
3. play - she __________
4. watch - he __________
5. might - she __________

2. Present Continuous
Write the ing-form of the following verbs.
1. fly - __________
2. book - __________
3. hit - __________
4. take - __________
5. lie - __________

3. Positive sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous.
1. We (help) __________in the canteen this week.
2. Martin usually (drive) __________to work.
3. But today, he (take) __________the bus.
4. Listen! She (practise) __________the piano.
5. My friend (play) __________the guitar every evening.

4. Negative sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous.
1. He (not / spend) __________his holidays in Spain each year.
2. I (not / meet) __________Francis tonight.
3. They (not / fly) __________to London tomorrow.
4. We (not / work) __________this week.
5. The film (not / begin) __________at 7 o'clock.

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ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets
5. Questions
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous.
1. (leave / you) __________the party now?
2. (have / you) __________any brothers or sisters?
3. (love / she) __________him?
4. Who (cook) __________dinner tonight?
5. (send / he) __________you an e-mail every day?

Practice 1:
B) Fill in the blanks with PRESENT CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PRESENT:
1. The children ………………………….. (play) outside now.
2. She usually ………………………. (read) the newspaper in the morning.
3. I …………………………… (do) my homework now.
4. I ………………………… (eat) my dinner now.
5. ……………………………. (you / want) a pizza?
6. They …………………………….. (watch) TV now.
7. I ……………………………. (not / like) spaghetti.
8. The baby …………………………. (sleep) now.
9. My mother usually …………………. (cook) dinner in the evening.
10. He …………………….. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.
11. She ………………………. (not / like) football.
12. Mary ………………………….. (listen) to music now.
13. Tom usually ……………………(drink) coffee, but he …………………. (drink) tea now.
14. We ………………………. (go) to the disco tonight.
15. ………………………… (he / go) to work by bus everyday.

C) Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Justify your choice.
1. Anne _______________ (make) all her own clothes.
2. At the moment she _______________ (make) a dress for herself.
3. What's that smell? Something _______________ (burn) in the kitchen.
4. I _______________ (work) overtime this month because I ______________ (save up) to buy a car.
5. He _______________ (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day, but at the moment he _______________ (try)
very hard to cut down.
6. The sun _______________ (rise) in the east.
7. She usually _______________ (learn) languages very fast, but she _______________ (have)
problems with Chinese.
8. We _______________(live) in a hotel until we can find a house to buy.

D) Complete the sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

1. Susan usually …………. (go) to school by bus, but now she ………………….. (go) to school by train.
2. Mary often …………….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she ……………….
(not / read).
3. The boys usually ………………… (ride) their bikes to school. They ……………. …… (like
/ ride) their bikes. They ……………… (be) very naughty boys. They always ………………… (go) to
school late. Today their teacher ……………. (be) very angry, because they …………… (be) late
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ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets
4. Mary ……………….. (like / eat) sweets. Every morning she ……………. (have) coffee with a lot of
sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends often ……………….. (eat) sweets or ice-cream.
She ………………… (not / like / eat) fruit or vegetables. She ……………… (eat / never) eggs or
cheese. Today she ………………….. (be) sick. She ………………… (sleep) in her room now.

Practice 2: together every day.

Multiple Choice Exercise for Present Simple
and Present Progressive   drives
  are driving
1 John __________ at this moment.   is driving
  are arriving
  is arriving

John always __________ on time for

Today Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to
  arrives 6 work separately because Mr. Parsons has to
  are arriving go to a meeting at another branch.
is arriving   drive
Barbara usually __________ dinner for her   are driving
husband after work.
  is driving
  are cooking My parents normally __________ breakfast
at 7:00 a.m.
  is cooking

This week Barbara is away on business so   eats

Tom __________ dinner for himself.   are eating
  cook   is eating
  are cooking At the moment my parents are on vacation, so
they __________ breakfast much later.
  is cooking

5 Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to work   eats

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ិ 6 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
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ុ / Grade 12 Preparatory Grammar Worksheets
  are eating
  is eating

My husband and his colleague__________

golf right now.
  are playing
  is playing

My husband and his colleague __________
golf whenever they are not too busy.
  are playing
  is playing

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ិ 7 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
SUBJECT: Present Perfect Tense
Write the past participle (3rd form) of the following irregular verbs.
1. speak -
2. catch -
3. eat -
4. understand -
5. begin -

Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Simple (positive).

1. I lost the key that he (give) to me.

2. She told me that she (see) a ghost.

3. I went downstairs because I (hear) a noise.

4. When they came home, Sue (cook) dinner already.

5. We could not send you a postcard because we (forget) our address book.

Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Simple (negative).

1. The waiter served something that we (not / order) .

2. He went to Alaska where he (not / be) before.

3. She put on the red dress, which she (not / wear) for ages.

4. He (not / play) tennis before that day.

5. His mother was angry because he (not / help) her with the shopping.

Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple (Question).

1. (you / finish) your homework before you went to the cinema?

2. (why / you / clean) the bathroom before you bathed the dog?

3. (you / have) breakfast before you came here?

4. (she / find) a place to stay when she went to Boston?

5. (where / she / live) before she moved to Chicago?

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ិ 8 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
SUBJECT: Past Simple & Present Perfect

Practice 1:
1. Rafael   (go) shopping for me yesterday.
2. Sandra   (lend) her brother `£200 so far.
3. The policeman   (drive) away ten minutes ago.
4. The biscuit factory  (close) down last year.
5. She's very red. I think she   (lie) in the sun.
6. Ron   (just/ pass) his driving test.
7. Karen   (study) Italian for three years now and is still studying.
8. The Headmaster   (come) to this school in 2004.
9. Jack   (try) to get a job for six months, but is still unemployed.
10. The teacher   (already / tell) him to be quiet.
11. Tim   (not/take) many photos yet.
12. Oh no! I   (leave) my purse at home.
13. They   (fall) in love with each other at first sight 2 years ago.
14. I don't want to have a bath because I   (just / have) a shower.
15. I'm sorry I   (forget) your name. What did you say it was?


1. I …………………… (worry) a lot about her before I …………………….. (hear) that she was safe.
2. He told us he ………………………….. (shoot) a big tiger.
3. They ……………………….. (drink) tea after they ………………………………. (finish) dinner.
4. The police wanted to know why he …………………………….. (bring) a gun to school.
5. After he ……………. (work) at the hospital for two years he ………….. (decide) to give up the job.
6. When I …………………………. (arrive) at the party John ……………. already ……….. (go) home.
7. We ………………………… (wait) until the match …………………………….. (finish).
8. They …………………………… (leave) the room before the meeting …………………… (finish).
9. I ……………………………….. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to London.
10. I ……………….. just ………………… (turn off) the lights when the telephone ………… (ring).
11. She ………………………………….. (just / go) out when I called her.
12. My brother ………………………………. (eat) all the pie before we got back.
13. He wondered why I …………………………………………. (not / visit) him before.
14. She said that she ……………………………………………. (already / see) the Pyramids.
15. The fire ……………… (spread) to the next building before the firemen …………………. (arrive).

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ិ 9 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
B) Fill in past simple or past perfect simple.

1. After they   (see) the Tower, they   (go) to Westminster Abbey.

2. He   (ask) me which animals I   (see) in Africa.
3. After Columbus   (discover) America, he   (return) to Spain.
4. Before they   (move) to Liverpool, they   (sell) everything.
5. After he   (work) very hard, he   (fall) ill.
6. She   (open) the box after she   (find) the key.
7. They   (go) to a restaurant after they   (sail).
8. Before they   (start) the party, they   (invite) some friends.
9. After she   (wash) the curtains, she   (clean) the windows.
10. They   (go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus   (arrive).
11. Before he   (mow) the lawn, he   (pick) some roses.
12. After he   (finish) school, he   (work) for a magazine.
13. They   (drink) a cup of tea after they   (finish) lunch.
14. He   (ask) me for her telephone number before he   (phone) her.
15. My sister   (eat) all the chocolate before my parents   (come) home.
B) Combine the following sentences by using AFTER / BEFORE:
1. My mother took her umbrella. She went out.
2. Frank called me. I went to school.
3. I washed the dishes. I watched TV.
4. She washed her hands. She had lunch.
5. The boys bought a ball. They played football.
6. My mother made a cake. The guests came.
7. He put sugar in his tea. He drank it.
8. I got up. I had breakfast.
9. The children ran away. They broke the window.
10. I fastened my seat belt. The plane took off.

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ិ 10 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356

Practice 2: D. Had turned, finished

Choose the best answer.

1. When Riza ____ at school, she realized she _____

her textbook.
6. When we went to Osaka, my friend ______ a lot
A. Had arrived, forgot
about the city because she ______ there many times.
B. Arrived, had forgotten
A. Was, had known
C. Forgot, had arrived
B. Had known, was
D. Had forgotten, arrived
C. Knew, had been
D. Had been, knew
2. When I _______ the new teacher, I was so
surprised. I _______ his class before!
7. It was a very difficult movie, but I _______ it
A. Met, had taken
because I _______ the book.
B. Had met, took
A. Had understood, read
C. Had taken, met
B. Read, had understood
D. Took, had met
C. Had read, understood
D. Understood, had read
3. Fraser _______ sushi before he _______ to Japan.
A. Never ate, had come
8. When we went camping we _______ outside
B. Came, had never eaten
because we _______ our tent!
C. Had come, never ate
A. Had understood, read
D. Had never eaten, came
B. Read, had understood
C. Had read, understood
4. I _______ any money on the weekend because
D. Understood, had read
I _______ my wallet on Friday.
A. Didn't have, had lost
9. Yuka _______ English for eight years by the time
B. Hadn't had, lost
she _______ from university.
C. Didn't lose, hadn't had
A. Had studied, graduated
D. Hadn't lost, didn't have
B. studied, graduates
C. studies, graduated
5. When Yuka _______ washing the dishes, she
D. Has studied, had graduate
_______ the TV on.
A. Finished, had turned
10. Fraser _________ scuba diving many times
B. Turned, had finished
before he _______ his scuba license. (go, receive)
C. Had finished, turned

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ិ 11 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
A. has gone, received
B. went, had received
C. Had gone, received
D. Had go, received

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ិ 12 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
Time Expressions with the Past Perfect

Example: John does his homework. The class starts.

1. By the time the class started, John had done his homework.
2. The class started after John had done his homework.
3. John had done his homework before the class started.
4. John had already done his homework when the class started.
5. The class started at 6pm. By then John had done his homework.

Use the following prompts to write short stories using a range of past tenses including the past
1. John sees a unicorn in the forest. He calls to his friends. His friends arrive. The unicorn disappears. His
friends say he’s crazy.
2. John cooks lunch. The doorbell rings. John answers it and the postman gives him a parcel. The dog eats
the lunch. He returns to the kitchen.
3. The students have a party. Miley Cyrus arrives at the party. Miley Cyrus leaves the party. John arrives at
the party.

4. It starts raining. John goes into the shop to buy an umbrella. It stops raining. John leaves the shop.

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ិ 13 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356

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ិ 14 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
SUBJECT: Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive)

Practice 1:
A) Fill in the following sentences by using PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:

1. We …………………………………………… (play) football for half an hour when it started to rain.

2. I ………………………………………. (study) English for a short time when the electricity went off.
3. She ……………………………………………… (do) her homework before you came in.
4. His knees and hands were very dirty. He …………………………………….. (crawl) in the garden.
5. I ……………………………………………… (drive) the car for five years when I sold it.
6. We were very tired. We ……………………………………………. (travel) for about sixteen hours.
7. They were out of breath. They ……………………………………………… (run) for a long time.
8. He ………………………………………. (live) in London for ten years when he had an accident.
9. He was tired because he ……………………………………………….. (write) letters all morning.
10. He …………………………………………….. (repair) the radio for an hour when you arrived.

B) Fill in the following sentences by using PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:

1. I was tired because I …………………………………………. (type) for a long time.

2. Her boss was very angry with her because she ……………………………. (come) to work very late.
3. I didn’t know about the earthquake because I ………………………………… (not / watch) television.
4. She was too fat because she ………………………………………….. (not / keep) her doctor’s advice.
5. I took my car to the garage because the brakes …………………………………………. (not / work).
6. She had to go to the dentist because she ………………………………………. (not / clean) her teeth.
7. He got bad marks because he …………………………………………… (not / study) hard.
8. She wasn’t at home. She ……………………………………………. (go) out with her boyfriend.
9. I thought I …………………………………………………… (behave) like an idiot.
10. …………...he ………………………… (study) English very hard for the last few days?
11. By the time Sylvia was 18, she had been hiking ......................(hike) for several years.
12. Two German hikers …………………………… (follow) a difficult trail when they lost their way.
13. The Danish hikers ………………………… (prepare) dinner when a bear approached their campsite.
14. Two young hikers were getting ready to go home. They …………………………… (not camp) for
very long when they lost interest.
15. The rescue workers ………………………… (stay) at the park office before they moved into a house
nearby the park.
16. Yesterday, George rescued a hiker who…………………………… (wait) for help for over 12 hours.
17. Some hikers were worried. They ………………… (head) back to the camp when they heard thunder,
and they had to look for shelter.
18. They …………………………… (not think) about the weather until the sky turned very dark

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ិ 15 Facebook: Long Vicheka/ Tel: 015 757 356
SUBJECT: Present Perfect Tense & Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive)

Practice 1:
A) Fill in the blanks with a correct form

1. Past perfect simple or continuous?

1. Peter told me he ____________________(already/pay) the bill.

2. Brian believed that John ____________________ (to move) to London.
3. When Ron arrived, the party ____________________ (already/begin).
4. Sarah was exhausted. She (wash) ____________________the dishes for more than three hours.
5. The children (already/go) ____________________ to bed when their mother came from work.
6. It was my first flight; I (never/ travel) ____________________ by plane before.
7. My wife didn't watch the film with me because she (already/to see) ____________________ it.

2. Complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. I
(try) 1)____________________to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it. By the
time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (have) 2)____________________ five
cups of coffee and I (wait) 3)____________________over an hour. I had to leave because I (arrange)
4)____________________to meet Kathy in front of the theater.

When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (pick, already) 5)____________________up the tickets and she was
waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she (wait) 6)____________________for
more than half an hour. She said she (give, almost) 7)____________________up and (go)
8)____________________into the theater without us.

Kathy told me you (be) 9)____________________late several times in the past and that she would not make
plans with you again in the future. She mentioned that she (miss) 10)____________________ several
movies because of your late arrivals. I think you owe her an apology. And in the future, I suggest you be on

3. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense (past perfect simple or continuous.)

1. I (try) ____________________to get tickets for that play for months before my friend finally got them.
2. When I arrived at the theater, my friend (pick, already) ____________________up the tickets.
3. He was really angry because he (wait) ___________________for more than half an hour when I arrived.
4. When the play started, I (already, apologize) ____________________to my friend.
5. We (watch) ____________________the play when the lights went off.

Practice 2: C. Rang
Choose the best answer.  
1. The phone...for ages before she answered it. 2. By the time the storm was over, the river  ...
A. Rings the village.
B. Had been ringing A. Flooded
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B. Had flooded B. Had studying
C. Had been flooding C. Study
3. The teacher told us that the Romans ... in 10.  When Harriet saw Jill's bedroom she said
Britain in 43 AD. she had never.....such a mess!
A. Had arrived A. Been seeing
B. Had been arriving B. Saw
C. Arrive C. Seen
4. 'Did you ask him if he ... his medicine?'
A. Had been taken
B. Had taken
C. Took
5.  'Yes,. He said he had just ... the bottle.'
A. Been finishing
B. Finished
C. Finish

6.  Tony was surprised that the storm had

not...him up.
A. Been waking
B. Woke
C. Woken
7. We were sitting on the steps when the
A. Had been coming
B. Came
C. Had come

8. The people were very angry because
they...such high taxes for years.
A. Had paid
B. Paid
C. Had been paying
9. The girls ...ancient Roman art for two
A. Had been studying

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Progress Check:
Revision Test 1 (Mixed Present Tenses)
Practice 1:
A) Fill in the correct verb tenses:
1. We _______ a new car yesterday. buy
2. Ann _______ to her brother when I arrived. speak
3. Helen was tired because she _______ since morning. work
4. I _______ my homework before my mum came. do
5. Tom _______ home ten minutes ago. leave
6. Kate _______ there for 5 years before she left. live
7. Pam _______ the room when the telephone rang. tidy
8. Philip _______ my car by two o’clock yesterday. repair
9. I _______ computer games until 3 o’clock. play
10. Ann _______ me with my homework yesterday. not help
11. Liz _______ lunch before her brother came. not cook
12. He was tired. He _______ his car for 7 hours. drive
13. What ___ you ___ at 3 o’clock yesterday? do
14. I _______ my letter before the film started. finish
15. Alec _______ the championship last year. win
16. She _______ bracelets since she was seven. make
17. Mona realized that she _______ her watch. lose
18. I _______ the film when you phoned me. not watch
19. After he _______, I began cooking. leave
20. I _______ my keys at school yesterday. forget
21. My clothes were dirty because I _______ all day. work
22. ___ you ___ the book by the time Leo came? read
23. Tim _______ in the garden when it began to rain. play
24. Where ____ you _____your holidays last year? spend
25. He _______ the engine all day. repair
26. Nick _______ his exam. He was very sad. fail
27. Andrew _______ to the club when I saw him. go
28. The day was nice. I ______ for three hours. ski
29. Who _______ you at the railway station yesterday? meet
30. We _______ a test at 10 o’clock yesterday. write

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B) Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to use.

1. A plumber (come)   to our house yesterday.

2. He (want)   to repair our washing machine that (break)   a few days before.

3. Before he (ring)   at my door, he (look)   for a parking space for about ten

4. While the plumber (repair)   the washing machine, I (watch)   the news.

5. Suddenly, I (realize)   that they (show)   our street on TV.

6. The reporter (say)   that a car (crash)   into a stop sign just before reaching
the crossroads.

7. While I (listen)   carefully to what (happen)  , someone (knock)   

at my door.

8. I (open)   the door and (see)   a police officer standing there.

9. As it (turn)   out, it (be)   our plumber’s car that (roll)   down

the street.

10. In his haste, the plumber (forget)   to put the handbrake on.
C) Choose the most suitable verb form for the sentence
a) I was walking down the street yesterday. I passed the supermarket and suddenly remembered I
   my keys. (forget)
b) While I   the film, there was a power-cut. (watch)
c) Did you know that I   an airline pilot. (be / used to / would)
d) By the time we ran back to the flat to close the window, the bird .(escape)
e) Who   the bus at the time of the accident? (Drive)
f) She was so angry she missed the party, the only reason she didn't go because no-one   
about it. (tell)

Choose the correct verbs so that each tense appears once.

Simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive

1. We   to the cinema last week. (go)

2. A bird pooled on the window that I   only a minute before. (clean)

3. Yesterday at nine he   in front of his computer. (sit)

4. When their mum got home, the boys   TV for two hours. (watch)

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Practice 2:
7The burglar _____ to open the safe when he _____
Choose the correct option for each gap below.
the owner come in.
1.I told John not to drive, because he ____ all night.
a.was trying / heard
b.tried / heard
b.was drinking
c.had been trying / had heard
c.had drunk
d.tried / was hearing
d.had been drinking
8I knew he _____ because his eyes were red.

2.Why did you change the channel? I ______ that a.cried

movie. b.was crying
c.had cried
a.watched d.had been crying
b.was watching 9The plane in which the football team _____
c.had watched crashed and none of them survived.
d.had been watching
3.When I _____ out of the shower the lights b.were travelling / were getting off c.had travelled
d.had been travelling
b.had got / were getting off 10We _____ for about 20 minutes when the plane
c.was getting / went off was hit by turbulence.
d.had been getting / had got off
4.When I saw Clara I realised that she ______ much b.were flying
in all those years. c.had flewn
a.didn't change d.had been flying
b.wasn't changing
c.hadn't changed
d.hadn't been changing

5.When he entered the room somebody _____ him

in the head.
b.was hitting
c.had hit
d.had been hitting
6He admitted that he ______ all the money from the

b.was taking
c.had taken
d.had been taking

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Practice 3:
Exercise 1: Fill the correct option for each gap below. (used to / would or any past tense )

A. When I was a child I 1   very early on my birthday and look through the window. I did
the same the day I 2   ten years old, I 3   and 4   through
the window. Everything was very wet; it 5   all night.

B. Last week I 6   a car accident. I 7   attention to the road

and 8   that a traffic light at a T-junction 9   red when
suddenly I 10   into another car.

C. When I was a kid we 11   in a big house near Denver, and we 12   a
nice fireplace.

D. After his arrest, the bank robber said that he 13   the bank because he 14   
through financial difficulties at the time; he also said that the gun he 15   to commit the
robbery 16   from one of his neighbors a few days before.

E. Last night I 17   home when I 18   a friend who

I 19   in a long time. I 20   him effusively before realizing it wasn't
my friend.

Exercise 2:
Choose the correct option for each gap below.
1I remember that when I was in 8th grade there was a bully in my class who _______ on me. 
a. always used to pick
b. had always picked
c. would always pick
d. used always to pick
2I _______ so hard and for so long, that when I saw that I _______ the exam I was in tears.
a. had been studying / had failed
b. had studied / was failing
c. studied / failed
d. had been studying / failed

3In the living room of my childhood house, we _______ one of those gigantic encyclopaedias. 
a. 'd had
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b. had
c. used to have
d. would have
4Every time the telephone rang, my grandpa _______: "If it's the bank, say I'm not home
a. was saying
b. had said
c. used to say
d. would say
5I went into the bathroom and saw that somebody _______ the bath tap open and water _______ over the
edge of the tub.
a. had left / spilled
b. left / had been spilling
c. had been leaving / was spilling
d. had left / was spilling

Exercise 3:
Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate narrative tenses of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past
continuous, past perfect simple or  past perfect continuous.

We thought that we were on the right path when suddenly we 1   (run into) a very familiar rock

and 2   (realise) that we 3   (walk) in circles for quite a long time. We 4   (be)

totally lost, and the fact that we 5   (already/finish) our water provisions wasn't very promising.

We 6   (decide) to go uphill because according to John, it would be easier to spot a way out from an

elevated point. He 7   (learn) that from a documentary he 8   (see) about survival. But what

the documentary 9   (not teach) John was that maybe it’s not such a good idea to go up a mountain

when you are exhausted and waterless. We 10   (trek) one mile when we 11   (started) to

have a horrible feeling that that might be our last trek. Of course, we 12   (say) anything, but we

could see in each other’s eyes that at that precise moment we 13   (think) precisely the same. We

couldn't walk any longer, so we 14   (decide) to sit and rest, quietly, because neither of us wanted to

share any of our gloomy thoughts. "Hello, can I help you?" we suddenly 15   (hear).

We 16   (raise) our heads and 17   (see) a little man with slanted eyes and a childish grin.

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He 18  (stand) right next to us. I wondered where he 19   (come) from and how long

he 20   (stand) there. But it didn't matter really, because we were safe.

Practice 4:
A. Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

Many years ago I 1   to spend New Year's Eve with my family.

I 2   new year with my parents but I had nowhere to go, and being with my
family seemed preferable to being on my own.

When my parents 3   the door I could see they 4  , and that they were
genuinely happy to see me. I 5   addicted to heroin for 10 years, and for them, seeing me was
the confirmation that I wasn't dead in an alley. Unfortunately, I 6   nothing new or exciting to
tell them, just the same sad old stories. I 7   from crappy job to crappy job, being
invariably sacked, and I 8   to crime whenever I was out of money. Same old, same
B. Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

During dinner, I 9   a few glassfuls of whisky. I 10   something to make

ease the pain, because for the whole evening my sisters 11   at me with such contempt

that it was unbearable. My own sisters 12   me. Then I had a moment of

realization; I 13   that they would never hate me as much as I hated myself. When we

finished dinner I 14   my glass. "I'm going into rehab," I said. My

parents 15   at me with some kind of hope. Parents never lose hope. But my sisters

just 16   down with disdain. They 17   perfectly well that I had been
in Rehab Centres many times before, and that this time wouldn't be different. But this time it was different.

After that day, I 18   that look in my sisters' eyes every day, every time

I 19   to shoot some heroin.  10 years later, on a New Year's Eve, I thanked my sisters

because they 20   my life. They kissed me with their new look in their eyes, the look of love.  

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This gives you a grade of E.

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: am going.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: will find.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: will call.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: am going to wash.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: is going to give.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: will go.

Choose either "will" or "going to" for each sentence and include the main verb
too. Don't use contractions.

1. A: Why are you wearing your coat?

B: Because I   (go) to the shops.

2. A: I think we are lost!

B: OK, I   (find) a policeman to ask directions.

3. A: The kitchen is on fire!!!!

B: Oh no!!! I   (call) the fire brigade.

4. A: I think the dog needs a bath.

B: I know. Today, I bought that special shampoo. I   (wash) him


5. A: How are you going to college this afternoon.

B: John   (give) me a lift.

6. A: Someone's at the door!

B: I   (go).

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his gives you a grade of E.

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: does it finish.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: isn't seeing.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: closes.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: am seeing.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Are you using.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: does this train arrive.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: arrives.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: leaves.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: am going.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: finishes.

Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: am giving.

Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: starts.

Present Continuous Vs Present Simple Future

1. This is a terrible film Tony! When   (finish)?

2. She   (not see) Tim tonight or ever again. They broke up last week.

3. The library   (close) in five minutes and I have four books to return before they fine me!!

4. After this lesson, I   (see) a friend at McDonald's for a burger and a chat.

5.   (use) your motorbike tonight? I want to borrow it.

6. I'm going to be late! What time   (this train/arrive) in Chicago?

7. We are all very excited about going away tomorrow. The taxi   (arrive) at 7am to take us to the

8. And the plane   (leave) at 10am.

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9. I can't see you tonight Jan. I   (go) to the theatre with Mike.

10. And the play   (finish) very late. Sorry!

11. Go to the supermarket and buy that special shampoo for the dog. I   (give) him a bath tonight.

12. I want to go and see a Rembrandt exhibition at the National and Portrait Gallery. It   (start)
tomorrow morning.

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