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Music of The Middle Ages

* Required

1. The middle ages span approximately 476-1450 AD * 3 points

Mark only one oval.



2. In Europe, it was the Roman Catholic Church that held most of the power, and 3 points

because of that, they controlled much of music’s development in the middle

ages. *

Mark only one oval.



3. In the early middle ages, music was Monophonic, meaning, it had, * 4 points

Mark only one oval.

Many voices or melody lines.

A single voice or melody line.

4. Gregorian Chant * 5 points

Mark only one oval.

Music used at football games

Music used in dance clubs

Music used in Roman Catholic church services like mass.

None of the Above

5. Gregorian Chant was named after 5 points

Mark only one oval.

Michael Jackson

Pope Gregory the Great

Donald Trump

None of The above

6. Pope Gregory’s contribution to plainchant was so important that they named 3 points

it after him (Gregory = Gregorian chant).

Mark only one oval.



7. Written in Latin, and based on sacred texts like the Bible * 4 points

Mark only one oval.

Written in Latin

Based on sacred texts like the Bible

All of the Above

8. Sacred vocal music is * 3 points

Mark only one oval.

Music with sacred texts like the Bible

Non sacred or religious texts

9. Secular Music * 3 points

Mark only one oval.

Non sacred or religious texts

Music with sacred texts like the Bible

10. Secular Music during the early Middle Ages was passed down orally * 3 points

Mark only one oval.



11. Sacred vocal music was written down by the Monks and Nuns * 3 points

Mark only one oval.


12. Sacred vocal music was NOT written down by the Monks and Nuns * 3 points

Mark only one oval.



13. Who Is Gregoriuos Anicius * 3 points

Mark only one oval.

Pope Gregory I (the 1st)

Joe Bieden

James Brown

14. What Statement is NOT true about instrumental music of the "Early Middle 5 points


Mark only one oval.

Instrumental music didn’t exist in the church during this time

The only instrument even allowed in the church was the organ

Used for dance, public events, and accompanying singers.

Instrumental music existed only in the church during this time

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