Awakening To God's Call To Earthkeeping
Awakening To God's Call To Earthkeeping
Awakening To God's Call To Earthkeeping
God’s call to
Session One:
Advance Preparation
Make sufficient copies of the
Survey on Religious Faith & the
Note: This study guide utilizes the
common modern scientific
understanding that the universe is
approximately 13-14 billion years
old, and the Earth about 5 billion
Opening the Session
Leader welcomes group partici-
pants and invites brief introductions,
if needed (fuller introductions will
follow opening prayer and opening
Environment (Appendix, page 45) years old. See pertinent videos,
books, and the “Clergy Letter readings).
if you choose to use that compo-
nent in Session One and later Project” in the Resources section
return it for participant review for further information, if you A Call to Prayer
and reflection in Session Four. think this will be of concern to See page 10. This may be read
Alternately, the survey can be any of your participants. in unison; leader may follow with a
distributed and collected prior free-form prayer or invite participant
● You may wish to find some
to the first class, and reviewed petitions of hopes for the study
Hubble Telescope photos to have
confidentially ahead of time. group, or creation itself.
available or on display for this
Whichever way the survey is
session (or schedule a follow-up
used, the idea is to gain a sense
visit to a local planetarium).
Distribution of the Survey
of the starting point attitudes of (optional)
the group. Plan to have partici- ● Plan ahead for how you might
Ask participants to take just a
pants write their name or initials convey the concepts of the
couple of minutes to quietly fill it out,
on the backside of the survey, Ancient Hebrew worldview and
fold it in half, and put their name
after it is folded in half to turn in. the scope of time, introduced in
or initials on the backside before
Be sure to save these, as they will this session. Take a few moments
returning it to you.
be revisited in the last session. to examine the illustration, an
You may wish to share some
artist’s depiction of “Ancient
● If possible before the first ses- personal words about your hopes for
Hebrew Cosmology,” as gleaned
sion, provide participants with a this group study, and ask participants
from the opening chapters of
copy of the Theology for what their hopes are. Another option
Genesis. This will be introduced
Earthkeeping (Appendix, page would be to share the list of “Desired
in the section, “Ways of
43; please use a double-sided Outcomes” from the introductory
Rediscovering Our Place.”
copy) and request that they read material.
Explanatory text, provided below
it prior to your first gathering. You may then read the following
in the session outline, may be
Other options: it may be read questions—not to be answered, but to
read aloud.
aloud by either the leader or help set the theme and tone of this
participants at some point during ● The “Appreciating Our Place in first session.
the beginning of the session Time” analogy: You may wish to
(depending on the time avail- sketch out a picture of the ten Questions to think about:
able), or distributed at the end volumes, or plan to bring in ● What do we know about our
of the session, as a take-home an encyclopedia set, to help “place” and how might that
reading. participants visualize this. There inform our “role” as humans, as
is also explanatory text that you God’s people, on Earth?
will read for this illustration.
God’s Presence
Fills all Creation
Session Two:
Advance Preparation
It would be great if this session
could be conducted outdoors!
● For the Opening Reflection, you
will need to make a copy of the
Leader Resource page for Session
Two: Ancient Teachers and Voices
on Creation and God’s Presence
Opening the Session
Welcome group participants and
invite introductions, if there are any
new members. Allow a short time for
any questions or reflections anyone
If not, aim to foster the inclusion (found in the Participant pages
for this session, page 21). On would like to share from Session One.
of “nature” in whatever creative
this page, you will note that there The Introduction may then be
ways you can—for example,
are seven numbered quotes. Cut read aloud before the Opening Prayer
bring to your gathering area a
them apart so that you can give and Reflection, or participants may
small collection of natural objects
them to seven individual readers. simply read it silently, prior to
(even simple stones will do, if
If you have less than seven mem- beginning the session, for their
varied and interesting). You may
bers in your group, you can read own preparation and reflection.
wish to have one particular item
some of the quotes yourself, or Introduction and Opening Prayer are
as a focus point or centerpiece.
have readers do more than one. on the Participant page for Session
● There will be a “take-home spiri- Two (see page 18). Invite the
tual exercise,” based on quotes ● Arrange the seating for this participants to join with you in the
by ancient Christian saints and session, if possible, such that prayer: “Let us pray…”
teachers. Copy the two Historical participants can sit in a circle. Opening Reflection with “Ancient
Voices on Creation pages from the Teachers and Voices on Creation and
● Just prior to beginning the
Appendix (see pages 46-47) and God’s Presence:” Describe what the
session, ask for up to seven
cut out each individual quote, so quotes are (i.e., “Ancient Teachers”
volunteers, to read the “Ancient
that there will be one on each etc.) that you will be using for the
Voices” quotes during the
slip of paper; fold each in half Opening Reflection. Invite partici-
Opening Reflection. You should
and place in a basket. These will pants to listen in a contemplative
instruct them to read them in
be distributed at the end of the fashion and to quietly reflect, as the
order, beginning at your signal,
session. Make sure there will be series of quotes are read aloud by
and to allow at least 10 seconds
sufficient copies for the number your designated readers.
of silent pause between each
of participants (each person When all of the quotes have been
quote. As they read a quote, they
needs one; there may be some read, allow a short time of silent
may also name the person it
extras by using the seven quotes reflection before proceeding with the
is from, and the dates of that
from the Opening Reflection— discussion on spirituality.
person’s life (helps establish the
see below).
context and long history of such
Discussion question
How would you define or describe
“spirituality”? What does it mean to
you, personally?
God is entirely and personally God writes the Gospel, not in _____________________________________
present in the wilderness, in the the Bible alone, but also on
garden, in the field. trees, and in the flowers and
(LW 37:61) clouds and stars.
(Attributed to Luther; exact
source in his writings
What feelings or thoughts do they stir
up for you?
2 4 7
For even creation reveals the Some people, in order to dis- The day of my spiritual awaken-
One who formed it, and the very cover God, read books. But ing was the day I saw—and knew—
work suggests the One who there is a great book: the very all things in God and God in all
made it, and the world mani- appearance of created things. things.
fests the One who made it. Look above you! Look below — Mechtild of Magdeberg
— St. Iraneus of Lyons you! Note it. Read it. God, (1210-1279)
(130-200ad) whom you want to discover,
never wrote that book with ink.
Instead he set before your eyes
the things that he had made.
Can you ask for a louder voice
than that?
— St. Augustine (354-430)
The whole earth is a living
icon of the face of God.
— St. John Damascene
pronounced “dama-see-en”
Ezekiel 47:9,11
Wherever the river goes,
every living creature that
swarms will live, and there will
be very many fish, once these
waters reach there. It will
become fresh; and everything
will live where the river goes.
…But its swamps and marshes
will not become fresh; they are
to be left for salt.
You will discover that New The breadth of God’s love Questions for
Testament texts do not specifically discussion/ reflection
and the hope of the Gospel:
address how we are to tend to
environmental issues. For one thing,
for humans alone? ● What is the breadth of God’s
(John 3:16-17; Mark 16:15; love? Does it encompass only
in biblical times and language, there
Colossians. 1:21-23) humans?
was not the perception of “the
environment” as something separate ● Does it make any difference to
John 3:16-17
from humankind, nor were there the our understanding of this verse,
kinds of ecological issues with which For God so loved the world
to know that what we translate
that he gave his only Son, so
we are faced today. Here, we must as “world” here is cosmos in the
that everyone who believes in
“do theology” and bring to bear our original Greek? [John 3:16]
him may not perish but may
“context”—where we are and what
have eternal life. Indeed, God ● How might the hope of the gospel
issues we face—and, from that did not send the Son into the be “proclaimed to every creature
perspective, ask, “what does it mean world to condemn the world, under heaven”?
to be faithful?” Christ’s reconciliation but in order that the world
of “all things” calls us to fresh might be saved through him. ● Might we have a part to play in
thinking and perhaps a deeper that proclamation, as God’s ser-
meaning, when viewed through an Mark 16:15 vants?
ecological and eco-justice lens. Just And [Jesus] said to them,
as the early Christians grasped new “Go into all the world and
understandings of Old Testament proclaim the good news to the
texts, when viewed through their whole creation.”
experience of Jesus, we can trust that
Colossians 1:21-23
the Spirit and the Holy Scriptures—
And you who were once
God’s living Word—will teach and
estranged and hostile in mind,
guide us anew in our time and place,
doing evil deeds, he has now
as we bring our experiences and
reconciled in his fleshly body
questions to these texts. through death, so as to present
you holy and blameless and
irreproachable before him—
provided that you continue
securely established and stead-
fast in the faith, without shifting
from the hope promised by the
gospel that you heard, which
has been proclaimed to every
creature under heaven.
I, Paul, became a servant of
this gospel.
Questions for
● Do you find a similarity between
the theological “matrix of grace”
and the ecological reality of the
interconnectedness of all life?
people and the land itself. The prophet- discussion/reflection Is it not enough for you to
feed on the good pasture, but
ic task is two-fold, however; it is not ● Do you hear the modern echoes
you must tread down with your
simply a criticism of the way things in these texts?
feet the rest of your pasture?
are. Prophets also announce to the When you drink of the clear
● In Isaiah 5:8, what about adding
people a more hopeful vision, of how water, must you foul the rest
“shopping mall to shopping mall”?
things could be. In terms of eco-justice with your feet?
What does that kind of land use
in our society today, think about who
do to biodiversity?
has the louder prophetic voice: Hosea 4:1-3
secular environmentalists, or the ● How does Isaiah 24:4-7 read, in Hear the word of the LORD,
people of God? Is there a prophetic light of global warming? O people of Israel; for the LORD
place for the church here? has an indictment against the
inhabitants of the land. There is
Prophetic exasperation and no faithfulness or loyalty, and no
Ancient words, modern
critique, as God’s people knowledge of God in the land.
ecological echoes?
turn away, and all creation Swearing, lying, and murder,
(Isaiah 5:8; Isaiah 24:4-7) and stealing and adultery break
suffers out; bloodshed follows blood-
Isaiah 5:8 (Jeremiah 8:7; Jeremiah 12:4; shed. Therefore the land
Ah, you who join house to Ezekiel 34:18; Hosea 4:1-3) mourns, and all who live in it
house, who add field to field, until languish; together with the wild
there is room for no one but you, Jeremiah 8:7 animals and the birds of the air,
and you are left to live alone in Even the stork in the even the fish of the sea are
the midst of the land! heavens knows its times; and perishing.
the turtledove, swallow, and
Isaiah 24:4-7 crane observe the time of their Questions for
The earth dries up and withers, coming; but my people do not
know the ordinance of the
the world languishes and withers;
the heavens languish together LORD. ● Have you seen or felt the land
with the earth. The earth lies mourning?
polluted under its inhabitants; ● If you care about the environ-
for they have transgressed laws,
ment, do you find yourself getting
violated the statutes, broken the
Creation Waits
with Eager Longing!
There is no
faithfulness or loyalty,
and no knowledge
of God in the land
…Therefore the land
mourns, and
all who live in it
together with
the wild animals and
the birds of the air,
and even the
fish of the sea
are perishing.
Hosea 4:1b, 3
Advance Preparation
● The main goals of this session are
● If you or the participants have
been collecting news clippings
and magazine articles on current
environmental issues (as suggest-
Opening the Session
Welcome the group members and
invite them to take a few minutes to
quietly read the “For Personal
both to “wrap things up” and to ed in Session One), these should
be assembled and prominently Reflection” excerpt from “A Theology
facilitate an earnest conversation
visible for this gathering. for Earthkeeping” and to think about
about “what’s next?” for the
what ideas or concerns they would
individuals in the group, and the
● Alternatively, you can compile a like to contribute for the Opening
congregation as a whole, in
list of ecological concerns and Prayer petitions. There is space to
answer to God’s call to earth-
problems from a source such as do so on the Participant page for this
keeping. Be sure to take note session.
ahead of time of the various
index.htm (a summary of the After everyone has had time to
Leader instructions within the
United Nations Millennium read the excerpt, ask for suggestions
flow of this session.
Ecosystem Assessment). The and make a list of ecological and
● If you used the Survey on idea is to incorporate such eco-justice concerns to fill in the
Religious Faith and the ecological concerns—or others, places indicated in the Opening
Environment (see Appendix, page as appropriate to current events Prayer. Or, you can invite participants
45) in or before the first session, or your region—into the to offer those concerns aloud, during
plan to return those in this Opening Prayer for this session. the prayer.
session (or have participants (Participants will also have an
re-take the survey). It may be opportunity at the beginning of The following summary may
useful or of interest to the group this session, to contribute ideas then be read aloud, to begin your
for you to compile a summary of for the prayer petitions.) time together:
the pre-assessment survey In this final session, we come to
● Another use for the articles may
answers, by determining the a doorway, of sorts. The sign on the
be in reading their headlines
average numerical value of door asks, “What’s Next?” and all of
aloud during the “sharing of joys
responses for each question (or God’s creation waits on the other
and sorrows,” later in the session.
by some other means, to illustrate side. It’s time to consider what we’ve
the range of responses and to ● It would be helpful to have a learned and felt, to reflect upon what
measure changes, as the survey white board or flip chart, for joys and blessings we have found in
is re-taken). recording the ideas generated God’s creation, and also what sorrows
during the discussion on possible and concerns we may hold for the
next steps for the group or many ways in which creation is
congregation. “groaning.” It’s time to search our
hearts for what God’s Spirit is calling
us to do, for creation waits, with the
most eager longing, for our response.
● a “Commitment Sunday”
with an “offering” of individual
earthkeeping commitments
● an in-depth “Season of
Creation” over four Sundays of
Pentecost (see www.seasonof ● Obtain an energy audit of your ● Encourage members of your for full liturgical church facility and take steps to congregation to sign up for
settings) save energy and money for other “e-advocacy” alerts or to attend a
● simply be more intentional ministries. See if your state has state or national “advocacy day”
about frequently using more an “Interfaith Power and Light” to speak to legislators about
creation-related hymns and organization. (Contact The environmental issues of concern
prayer petitions. Regeneration Project—see (contact your state ELCA
Resources Web site list—if public policy office or
you’re not sure.) and
learn more about issues through
those offices. Issue information
is also available through secular
organizations such as or
I’m only one person!” It’s easier to Through Christ, we can keep
Seeing with the eyes stop caring, stop hurting …to turn trying, in bold hope and trust, and as
of the heart inward and let the world worry about bearers of God’s will for shalom.
A time of personal itself. Creation waits, with eager
This is where we need to under- longing. What is creation looking for,
stand, and open our hearts, to the from you?
grace of Christ and the power of com-
Reflection: passion. One of the best definitions of Questions for reflection:
Apathy/Compassion and “compassion” (the direct linguistic
Romans 8:19 opposite of apathy) is “to suffer with.” What do you feel God calling you
Recall, for a moment, how you When we can allow ourselves to to do?
felt when asked to share your great- “suffer with,” to be open to that kind
est joy in creation, or when you heard of sorrow, the very pain of creation or _____________________________________
the comments of others. Certainly, others, it’s as if it opens within us a
some of our interest in caring for the channel through which God’s grace _____________________________________
natural world around us is rooted in can flow to help bring healing to the
those joys and feelings of gratitude world in some manner. _____________________________________
and awe, for all of the beauty and There is likely something right
blessings we perceive within creation. before you that you can do, especially _____________________________________
How do the various concerns and if you join with others.
environmental problems make you You certainly cannot solve a _____________________________________
feel? It’s all too easy, sometimes, to problem like global warming (for
want to avoid that sorrow or the example) single-handedly, but you What ideas do you have for your
feelings of despair or grief, at what can change the type of lightbulbs in congregation to do, to practice more
your house; you can look for ways to faithful earthkeeping and to weave it
has been damaged, lost, or destroyed.
more fully into the life and witness of
Sometimes, it can make us feel angry make your church building more
your congregation?
or helpless. As people of faith, we energy efficient; you can arrange a
should know that there is another carpool for church members; and you
way, and that Christ aches with us, can “speak truth to power” to leaders
in all of those places and in the and legislators, with advocacy actions
groaning of creation itself. to call for real steps to address even
Sometimes, the apparent apathy the large environmental problems.
or indifference that people feel We each have certain gifts and
towards environmental problems skills; we each have certain “spheres
is not solely because they lack of influence,” within the context of
knowledge of the issue. There is also our homes, communities, jobs, or
a self-protective sort of apathy, when churches. There is something that
we simply feel too overwhelmed by YOU are uniquely positioned to do,
the number, or scope, of the prob- that God is calling you to do, that will
lems. “What difference can I make? help to bring healing to the world in
some way.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 41
Session Four:
For even creation reveals the The whole earth is a living Throughout the entire cre-
One who formed it, and the very icon of the face of God. ation, the wisdom of God shines
work suggests the One who St. John Damascene (675-749) forth from Him and in Him, as in
made it, and the world mani- a mirror containing the beauty
fests the One who made it. of all forms and lights and as in
St. Iraneus of Lyons a book in which all things are
(130-200 ad) written according to the
deep secrets of God.
…Truly, whoever reads this
The Logos extends his power Christ wears ‘two shoes’ in book will find life and will draw
everywhere, illuminating all the world: scripture and nature. salvation from the Lord.
things visible and invisible, Both are necessary to under- St. Bonaventure
containing and enclosing them stand the Lord, and at no stage (1221-1274)
in himself, giving life and can creation be seen as a sepa-
everything, everywhere, to each ration of things from God.
individually and to all together, John Scotus Eriugena
creating an exquisite single (810-877)
euphonious harmony.
St. Athanasius (296-373 ad)
For when one considers the Without the Word of God no Every creature is by its
universe, can anyone be so sim- creature has being. God’s Word nature a kind of effigy and
ple-minded as not to believe that is in all creation, visible and likeness of the eternal Wisdom.
the Divine is present in every- invisible. The Word is living, Therefore, open your eyes, alert
thing, pervading, embracing and being, spirit, all verdant green- the ears of your spirit, open
penetrating it? For all things ing, all creativity. your lips and apply your heart
depend upon God who is, and All creation is awakened, so that in all creatures you
nothing can exist which does called, by the resounding may see, hear, praise, love and
not have its being in God who is. melody, God’s invocation of the worship, glorify and honour
St. Gregory of Nyssa Word. your God.
(335-395 AD) All of creation is a symphony St. Bonaventure
of praise to God. (1221-1274)
Hildegard of Bingen
As a covenant congregation,
Congregation name
STUDY AND LEARN about God’s marvelous creation and our responsibility
to God and our place in creation;
GET INVOLVED in our communities, our state, our nation, and the world, to
promote policies that foster justice and the wholeness of God’s creation.
Congregation name
claims the promise of “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1).
We dedicate our congregation’s life to the care and redemption of all that God
has made, for the sake of Jesus Christ who lived, died, and was raised for us to
reconcile us and all creatures of God. (Colossians 1:20)
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Pastor Date Officer Date