Why Bioinformatics?: Zoya Khalid Zoya - Khalid@nu - Edu.pk

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Why Bioinformatics?

Zoya Khalid
[email protected]
• Many of the most profound scientific
questions of today are within the realm of
bioinformatics research

• “Why do humans have so few genes ?”

A simple organism
A simple organism
A simple organism
A complex organism
Regulatory networks
• This may be the reason why humans have
so few genes (the circuit, not the number
of switches, carries the complexity)

• Bioinformatics can unravel such networks,

given the genome (DNA sequence) and
gene activity information
Decoding the regulatory network
• Find patterns (“motifs”) in DNA sequence
that occur more often than expected by
• An example computational problem:
– Given a string of length 10,000 over the
alphabet {A,C,G,T}
– Count the number of occurrences Nw of every
6 letter word w
Decoding the regulatory network
• Are there specific words that occur more
frequently than expected by chance?
• What is expected by chance?
• What is “more frequently”?
• Interesting mathematical questions
Comparing DNA
• Humans are identical to each other, DNA-
• How to calculate that ?
• Compare the genome of two individuals.
• The computational problem: Are two
sequences similar?
Sequence alignment
• Why is this a problem?

• The two sequences will differ by “substitutions”,

“insertions” and “deletions” accumulated during

• The comparison algorithm has to be robust to

such possibilities.
– A special technique called “dynamic programming”
does all this, and is “efficient”
Sequence alignment
• Why should we care?

• Compare human genome with fish. You’ll

see some portions that are highly similar.

• These “conserved” portions are often

• … or regulatory sequences! The
regulatory network again.
On counting genes
• The original question was “Why do
humans have so few genes?”

• How do we know how many genes there

are in the human genome ? (And where
they are in the genome)

• Experiments can be designed, but

bioinformatics plays a major role
Gene prediction
• The task of predicting the locations of
genes in a new genome (“annotation”)

• Gene prediction software

• The more sophisticated ones use “Hidden

Markov models” (HMM) and multiple
species comparison
Protein structure prediction
Protein structure prediction
• Can we predict the 3D structure of a
protein from its amino acid sequence?

• Why ?
– One good reason: structure gives clues about
function. If we can tell the structure, we can
perhaps tell the function
– We can design amino acid sequences that will
fold into proteins that do what we want them
to do. Drug design !!
Many more challenges
• New types of data come due to
technological breakthroughs in biology
• High throughput data carries
unprecedented amount of information
• Too much noise
• Bioinformatics removes the noise and
reveals the truth
• Is not about one problem (e.g., designing
better computer chips, better compilers,
better graphics, better networks, better
operating systems, etc.)
• Is about a family of very different
problems, all related to biology, all related
to each other
• How can computers help solve any of this
family of problems ?
Bioinformatics and You
• You can learn and develop new tools of
• These tools owe their origin to computer
science, information theory, probability
theory, statistics, etc.
• You can learn the language of biology,
enough to understand what the problems
• Surprising biological problems convert to
computer science problems naturally

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