BE02: Anatomy and Physiology of The Lactating Breast Workbook
BE02: Anatomy and Physiology of The Lactating Breast Workbook
BE02: Anatomy and Physiology of The Lactating Breast Workbook
Activity 2.2
List the hormones that influence breast growth during puberty, and with each menstrual cycle.
Note which one is most closely correlated to breast growth, and which one has a greater influence on breast function.
Activity 2.3
Describe each of the following, summarizing your knowledge:
Ductal system
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Activity 2.4
Briefly describe breast capacity
Activity 2.5
List the major arteries that provide the blood supply for the breast.
Activity 2.6
Define each of the following.
Type 3
Type 4
Activity 2.7
Summarise the types and causes of nipple discharge
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Activity 2.8
Define secretory differentiation, noting the hormones involved and their role.
Activity 2.9
Describe the onset of secretory activation, noting the hormones involved and their role.
Activity 2.10
The concept of breast storage capacity and milk synthesis is new to many health professionals. It is a very important
concept to understand because it is scientific validation of our clinical recommendations.
Design a lesson plan for how you would teach your colleagues about secretory activation and lactogenesis III and the
impact of breast storage capacity on breastfeeding. Alternatively you may like to describe how you would incorporate
these issues into a breastfeeding class for mothers.
Use the following format for your lesson plan:
• Topic of lesson
• Time limit
• Objectives
• Teaching resources/aids
• Main Points to be covered
• Secretory activation: initiation and hormones involved
• LIII: description; autocrine factors controlling milk secretion
• Breast capacity: describe; correlate milk secretion with breast capacity
• Clinical application for concepts taught
• Method of evaluating understanding by your audience.
Activity 2.11
Give examples of each of the following causes of lactation insufficiency.
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