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Drag Force Sensor

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11.9 Drag Force Flow Sensors 377 With a no-flow state, the tube vibrates identically at its inlet and outlet sides with the sine-wave motions with the zero phase shift between them. During flow, the tube twists in response to the flow, and the inlet and outlet sides vibrate differently with a phase shift between them (Fig. 11.17C). The main disadvantage of the Coriolis sensor its relatively high initial cost. However, the versatility of Coriolis sensors in handling multiple fluids makes them very useful for plants where the flow of multiple fluid types must be measured. There are also an increasing number of the gas applications for the Coriolis meters. 11.9 Drag Force Flow Sensors When fluid motion is sporadic, multidirectional, and turbulent, a drag force flow sensor may be quite efficient. Application of such flowmeters include environmental monitoring, meteorology, hydrology, and maritime studies to measure the speed of air or water flow and turbulence close to surface [11]. In the flowmeter, a solid object known as a drag element ot target is exposed to the flow of fluid. The force exerted by the fluid on the drag element is measured and converted to a value for speed of flow. An important advantage of the drag sensor is that it can be made to generate a measurement of flow in two dimensions, or even in three dimensions, as well as of flow speed. To implement this feature, the drag element must be symmetrical in the appropriate number of dimensions. These flowmeters have beca used by industry, utilities, aerospace, and research laboratories to measure the flow of unidirectional and bidirectional liquids (including cryogenic), gases, and steam (both saturated and superheated) for almost half a century. The operation of the sensor is based on strain measurement of deformation of an elastic rubber cantilever, to which a force is applied by a spherical symmetrical drag element (Fig. 11.18). However, an ideal drag element is a flat disk [12], because this configuration gives a drag coefficient independent of the flow rate. Using a spherical drag element, which departs from the ideal of a flat disk, the dreg coefficient may vary with flow speed, and, therefore, the gauge must be calibrated and optimized for the conditions of intended use. The strain measurement can be performed with strain gauges that should be physically protected from interaction with moving fluids, ave Fig. 11.18. Drag force sensor. gungaes | _ flexible. uid ow 19g element “0002 “Ta ‘wowy 290g ‘Ssarg DAD “p9‘saIsqayy “fHuaU -2unsvayy S2]qDLINA PPIUOYDDAY “Uf “SIOWAOL SSOP 199 SHOUD ‘f Y9POK “OL €Ob-00h “dd "1661 SHOR MAN “ATA ‘Sadng pworyoay fo wsa8iq “suowwMIy PUD S1OSUAS aIDIS-PIOS UO aJuaLafuoD JOUOLMULAIUY “16, 849INPSUPLL, “Uf IOI 3198 UIA]IN Ypiee JaIaULAOYoLOI IouRUUTOJIOG YBIY “CIM ‘ASIA PUL “LS “OUD “6 1661 SHOR MON ‘AAS svadng wot29p Jo 1sa8Iq. “SUOIDMMY PUD SsosUas aIDIS-PI}OS Wo aaLaLefuo JDUONYULAINT *[6,s4dONpSUDLE ‘Uf 11 SuIsh Josu9s Wa8KXo TaUReUH payesTarU! pul LOSUaS MOY OIDTIA "WL "WSESE] “g “1661 HOA MON “ASAT ‘suadvg poouyoay fo 18931q “suowwnpay puv ssosuag a1o1g-pIjog uo aouaLafuoy POUOHYUIANY °16,S429NPSUDLL “UY “SIOSUAS MOY SeB pauTyoeUIOIoIU SOW JO [epow-qz jondjeuy ‘H ‘sayeg pue “q “ras “Y HoFeyUadsuIT “D ‘wNYoRAR “L “9861 “FE-IZE ‘OL SuoIDIDY suosuag “DayD 2yaqaog Ou} UO PEseg SIOSUOS [PUNOY], “Wd “OLE pur “AL"V “UoprBLALIOH UA “9 PLO OK MON, “suog 7 ADTIA\ UYOS “siuawadnsvapy jvaIpaworg £of ssaINpsUBLT, “I'S “PIOQQOD “S “6961 ‘ThI-GEI “O1-AAW “Buy pay-org ‘sundy Fagg] 'so[yord AUDo|A xafduios UL sAIaULMOY otUOSENIN ap Jo souCULIOJIad DY, “7 “IOUSSOR) “p 6561 “LEE “9 “WAN PIs T 's1aquinu spjoukay Mo] Te outa para] wo4y HONSaAtOD [PUOISUDUIIP-ONLL “FW SWUETITLA PUL “> “CI ‘StHIOD “¢ PL6L “ELE ‘PITY Fos Koy “suPaT “NH PINY Jo weaNs v UI SIapUrAd [feUAS WHOM Way Jo UONUAAUOD ay UE ‘A"T “SUEY °Z P8OI HOA MEN ‘sUOg 2 AD[IA\ UYOT “pa pig ‘stuauiaunspay s0]4 pun ‘ainssarg ‘aimmiaduay fo sppuaunpung qYOIpausg. “| sanuasrajay poads Piny oq Jo wonouny wvel-azenbs v st wuv|g FUE UTENS axp qeUE Uaas sty “srOIDEY 19810 Anatwoad arp are q pur » pur “Aronseja Jo snjnpow s,8unog st 3 “pareoo| ame soBnwd ureas oq arya uIeAq axp UO ayeUEps009 jwIOd axp st x “yPSUay weg amp st 77 a294a4 Da vddDg (zip ‘G7 St urens padozanap amp ‘pazoust st uneaq Sursoddns ayy Jo Sseu JT “wean piny ay o1 aArrejax HoNEIHALIO sit pue 12afgo amp Jo adeys jeorscyd ain uo Aqeuutsd spusdap apmiiFew asoya 10r9"4 ssa[uorsuaLLIP v St 7.5 "WaI9yJ909 Soup pes0a0 ayn st FD pur ‘moy ayp o1 [euU0U Kpoq amp Jo vam paysaford amp sty Auauiamseaw Jo 1utod ayp mw AuDo[aA pray arp st 4 ‘Kusuap piny aup st df aray (Zz) ‘,AVIID=4y suonpnba Bexp ayy 64 waatd st 1101 pasodxa roalgo pros & uo piny arqissarduroour Xq pauraxa ‘yy ao10y Beap aL Stosuag MOY gue

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