Bromination of Arenes
Bromination of Arenes
Bromination of Arenes
2. Hazard Analysis
a. Bromine – Splashed into face accidentally
i. Danger: Can cause skin discoloration, inflamed eyes, and burn eyes.
ii. Avoid: Keep chemicals away from face. Wear goggles at all times
iii. What to do: Seek medical attention, thoroughly wash eyes/affected area
c. Toluene – Notebook placed on top of very hot hotplate next to full beaker
i. Danger: Paper igniting, knocking over beaker and spilling
ii. Avoid: Do not place notebook on hotplate or close to beaker
iii. What to do: Remove notebook. Turn off hot plate. Inquire over proper
cleaning procedure
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
Inhalation Irritation, central nervous system Ventilation, local Remove from exposure
depression, headache, dizziness, exhaust. immediately, keep warm
drowsiness, labored breathing, and at rest. get medical
and kidney and liver damage. attention immediately.
Skin Defatting of the skin, redness, and Protective gloves and Remove contaminated
burning sensation. clothing. clothes and jewelry,
thoroughly wash skin with
Ingestion Nausea, labored breathing, central Do not eat or drink in If vomiting occurs, keep
nervous system involvement, the laboratory. head lower than hips;
pulmonary aspiration, and pneumonia. contact physician
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol = solubility in water; N/A =
not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP = flash
point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP = melting point
(°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr) at specified
temperature (°C); VD = vapor density (g/mL); Sol = solubility in water; N/A = not available
or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
Fire Severe fire hazard., vapors or gases may No flames, no Regular dry chemical,
ignite at distant ignition sources. sparks, no carbon dioxide, water for
contact with hot cooling, regular foam
Inhalation Fatigue, weakness, confusion, headache, Ventilation, local Remove from exposure
nausea, and drowsiness. exhaust. immediately; get medical
Skin Irritation and drying. Protective gloves Remove contaminated
and clothing. clothes and jewelry,
thoroughly wash skin with
Eyes Irritation and corneal burns. Safety goggles. Thoroughly wash eyes
with water for several
min, remove contact
lenses if possible, and
seek medical attention
Ingestion Abdominal spasms, systemic effects given Do not eat or Contact physician
in inhalation, coughing, and gagging. drink in the immediately. If vomiting
laboratory. occurs keep, head lower
than hips.
For more detailed information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this compound.
Abbreviations: CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; PS = physical state; FP =
flash point (°C); BP = boiling point (°C) @ 760 torr unless otherwise stated; MP =
melting point (°C); d = density or specific gravity (g/mL); VP = vapor pressure (torr)
at specified temperature (°C); VD = vapor density relative to air (1.0); Sol =
solubility in water; N/A = not available or not applicable.
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
3. Quest
4. Purpose
The purpose of this experiment is to be yield the time of reactions of five different
compounds. Carbon and Hydrogen bonds react according to how their chemical
environment. The compounds that are being tested vary on the type of carbon and
hydrogen bonds as either primary, secondary, and tertiary. Another variance between
the molecules that affect their rection times are the two groups are those that are
benzylic groups or aliphatic groups. Using these basic facts, a prediction will be made
and a determination of how accurate the predictions made were will be able to be
The predicted order, in order from fastest to the slowest, is ethylbenzene, toluene,
methylcyclohexane, cyclohexane, and tert-butylbenzene. I predict this because we have
three major carbon-hydrogen bond groups in the tested molecules: benzylic groups,
aliphatic groups, and aromatic groups. Generally speaking, benzylic groups are more
reactive than aliphatic groups which are more reactive than aromatic groups. From
there it is also known that more substituted carbons are more reactive giving tertiary >
Daniel O Zamora Bromination of Arenes 10/22/2020
secondary > primary in terms of reactivity. Since toluene and ethylbenzene both have
carbon-hydrogen bonds that are connected to a benzene group both are likely to react
faster than the three remaining molecules, in addition ethylbenzene’s carbon-hydrogen
group that is bonded to the benzene is a secondary substituted carbon giving it more
hypothetical reactivity than the toluene whose group is a primary carbon. Finally, the
last three groups have aliphatic groups with methylcyclohexane having a tertiary
carbon-hydrogen group, cyclohexane has a secondary, and tert-butylbenzene has a
primary group. Taking the original prediction made with toluene and ethylbenzene, this
yields the originally stated prediction.
The reactions times were toluene - 30 seconds, ethylbenzene - 20 seconds, tert-
butylbenzene – no observable time, cyclohexane – 30 minutes, and methylcyclohexane
– 20 minutes. Although most of the reactions have a reasonable time and match the
prediction given tert-butylbenzene will be considered as an error. This is because
despite being the most unfavorable molecule for the reaction to take place it still had a
primary aliphatic group that could react and likely was reacting just not at rate that
allowed for it to be timed. This is why this last part is being considered an error since if
there was enough time to watch the reaction into its completion it is likely that time for
the reaction would’ve been obtained. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, and
the fact that it is a teaching lab, the constraints on time were unavoidable. Other than
that, error the prediction was given time to analyze which is why the prediction
mirrored the reactions that were recorded. In addition, the procedure to be able to the
observe these reactions was not difficult and little effort was needed to avoid deviating
from the procedure, further limiting opportunity for error. The actual order tells us that
bond strength, stabilization, and energy available affects and essentially limits the speed
of the reactions.
7. Discussion
This experiment functioned on the principle of homolytic cleavage of Br 2. The
mechanism from this reaction comes from each Bromine being turned into a bromine
radical the radicalized Bromine atom can then interact with a hydrogen atom in a
Hydrogen-Carbon bond. That bond then undergoes its own homolytic cleavage which
allows the radicalized bromine atom to bind to the hydrogen leaving a radicalized
carbon atom, with whatever it is attached to, to be able react with another radical. This
radicalized carbon atom can then interact with another Br2 molecule and cause a
homolytic cleavage and form a bond with the bromine it interacted with leaving a
radicalized bromine behind. The energy for this reaction comes from light, energy that
light provides is enough to induce homolytic cleavage which can set this reaction in
motion. Something to note is that in this mechanism it is assumed that the radicalized
carbon goes and interacts with another Br2 molecule and not the left-over radicalized
bromine atom that was previously left over. This is because as the reaction starts it is
highly more likely for the radicalized carbon atom to bump into a Br 2 molecule than the
few radicalized atoms of bromine that are in solution at the beginning. In other words,
there is an excess of Br2 that was added in the beginning. The concepts of these
experiments, and of the speed of the reactions, come from the stability and electron
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density. Primary hydrogens have bonds that require more energy to break than
secondary hydrogens which require more energy than tertiary hydrogens. Yet, the
radicalized carbon atoms are stabilized by nearby electron density, which creates the
conditions that allows the radical to be formed in certain areas and how molecules that
have benzoic groups create the condition in which radicalization on carbon atoms
bonded to them are favored. These factors create the unique conditions in which cause
the difference in times in reactions in these molecules. For ethylbenzene having a
secondary benzoic group create the conditions in which reaction with this area would be
much more preferred than the aromatic and aliphatic groups and placing it at a higher
speed reaction than the rest of the molecules. For toluene the situation differed slightly.
This group had an aliphatic site it also had a primary benzoic site, because of this its
reaction time was second in terms of speed. The last three all had in common aliphatic
groups. It is worth to mention that tert-butylbenzene has an aromatic group but
because it is less reactive than the aliphatic group, due to the fact that halogens are not
electrophilic enough to react with the benzene group, this gives aliphatic groups
priority. This means that since they all have aliphatic groups, all of their rection speed
have to be compared on whether the groups are primary, secondary, or tertiary to
determine reactivity. The tertiary aliphatic, in methylcyclohexane, will then create the
conditions that will both create the hydrogen and carbon bond that can easily be broken
with low amounts of energy and can simultaneously stable the radicalized carbon,
making it the third in reaction time. Finally, it since the last two remaining groups have a
secondary aliphatic, cyclohexane, and a primary aliphatic for tert-butylbenzene they
subsequently fall into the fourth and fifth place. These previous explanations give insight
into chemistry that largely revolves on energy, stabilization, and interactions that
determine the speed of reaction of all five molecules. It also explains the relatively
simple procedure that essentially only need Br2, the tested groups, and lights to run.
Dichloromethane functioned as the organic solvent in this experiment. Lastly, when it
comes to tert-butylbenzene, a specific time of reaction was not given and was
considered a no reaction. This is most likely false since the molecule did have sites
where radical bromination was possible, but it is likely that the reaction was slow
enough that the time that was given to perform this experiment was not enough. This
ranges from multiple explanations from not enough energy from light to break the
primary aliphatic group bond that held the hydrogen bonded to the carbon to poor
stabilization on the carbon radical. With enough time it is likely that this reaction
would’ve gone to completion. Lastly, one the reactions are completed, indicated by the
color change, cyclohexene is added to neutralize the Br2 that remains. The electron rich
environment from the double bond in cyclohexene allows for a perfect reaction that can
allow it to become 2-bromocyclohexane.
8. Conclusion
The results of this experiment gave the order of reaction for the different molecules to
be toluene - 30 seconds, ethylbenzene - 20 seconds, tert-butylbenzene – no observable
time, cyclohexane – 30 minutes, and methylcyclohexane – 20 minutes. This largely
matched the prediction that used knowledge about how organic chemistry functions to
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be able to approximate an order, from fastest to slowest, that matched the results in
the lab. The predicted order was ethylbenzene, toluene, methylcyclohexane,
cyclohexane, and tert-butylbenzene. Finally, due to the simplicity of the experiment
almost no errors were reported but due to lack of time the tert-butylbenzene reaction
was not able to run to its completion. The chemistry of tert-butylbenzene shows that it
has available groups for this reaction to take place but due to factors like stronger
hydrogen-carbon bonds and less stabilization of the carbon radical. So, while it was
treated as a no reaction it is likely that there was reaction occurring just at a slow
enough rate that the went over the amount of time that the lab allotted for this