Hunter Labrada's Time-Under-Tension Training

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The key takeaways are that increasing time under tension through slower reps can increase muscle growth even with the same number of reps, and the optimal ranges of time under tension for hypertrophy are 30-70 seconds per set.

Time under tension is the total time the muscle spends under load during a set, including the concentric, contraction, and eccentric phases.

The optimal range of time under tension for muscular hypertrophy is 30-50 seconds for functional hypertrophy and 50-70 seconds for maximum hypertrophy with less strength focus. Ranges for other goals like strength are also discussed.



Hunter Labrada’s Time-Under-Tension Training

One training technique I have employed in the wake of several small injuries is to
increase my time-under-tension, and I have done so with incredible results! First, I’d like
to fully break down and explain what time under tension is, and then I would like to
delve into why it is a critical component of muscle growth, and then finally, how you can
increase your time under tension during your workouts to maximize your results.

Time under tension, in its simplest definition, is the time that your muscle spends under
load during a set. This includes the time spent in the concentric (shortening) phase,
peak contraction phase, and eccentric (lengthening) phase. So, if you perform a 10 rep
set, and each rep takes you 3 seconds to complete, your muscle experienced 30
seconds of time-under-tension.

If you were to perform that same set, this time, however, taking 2 seconds to lift the
weight (concentric phase), 1-second pause during peak contraction, and 3 seconds to
lower the weight (eccentric phase), those same 10 reps would take you approximately
60 seconds. As you can see, even though the rep count has stayed the same, the B
muscle spent significantly more time under tension in this set than in the set taking 3
seconds per repetition and subsequently has performed a lot more work. How can this

be if the reps performed were the same, you ask?

Your muscles can’t count, that’s why! I know that sounds like the answer to a terrible
joke, but the concept behind it is one that can’t be ignored! Muscles don’t know you re
lifting a 30-pound dumbbell for 10 reps; they simply feel the load created by the weight
and the mechanical tension that comes from contracting the muscle under the
aforementioned load. Logically then, the two ways to increase the work done by your
muscles are to increase the load or increase the time the muscle is placed under this
load and forced to contract. This is going to be no surprise to most reading this article,
as it is a very well know fact that progressively overloading one’s muscles will force
them to adapt, and subsequently grow. This adaptation comes from your body
replenishing and fixing the protein degradation and microtrauma caused by exercise.

So the question begs, what is the optimal amount of load, and time under tension of this
load, you should subject your muscles to in order to achieve maximum muscle growth,
as well as maximum protein synthesis and tissue repair? Research has proven time
and time again that the optimal rep range for muscular growth, or hypertrophy, is
between 8 and 12 reps. Like we just discussed though, your muscles can’t count, so
that rep range is more indicative of the appropriate time under tension for maximum
muscle growth. So the question that begs to be asked is not what the optimal number of
reps for muscle growth, but instead, what the optimal range of time under tension for

Charles Poliquin was/is one of the leaders in

pioneering training that focused on
manipulating time under tension. Through his
experience and research, he was able to
develop optimal ranges of time under tension
depending on your goals. The range he found
to be most beneficial for muscular hypertrophy
is 30-70 seconds per set, with 30-50 seconds
providing more “functional hypertrophy”, or
training that with emphasize both strength and
size gains, and 50-70 seconds providing
maximum hypertrophy with less focus on
strength gains. Armed with this knowledge, one
can logically assume that performing sets of 8-12 reps, with each repetition taking
between 4-6 seconds, will maximize muscular hypertrophy.
Several researchers recently performed a very interesting study to examine the effects
of increased time under tension with respect to protein synthesis, which is a major
indicator of muscle growth. In this study, 8 males who had been training legs with some
type of resistance based exercise 2 times per week, for at least 2 years, performed 3
sets of unilateral (one leg at a time) leg extensions using 30% of their 1RM. With one
leg, the set was performed with 6-second concentric and 6-second eccentric actions to
failure. With the other leg, they performed a work-matched set with 1 second concentric
and 1-second eccentric actions. Needle biopsies of the muscle tissue of both legs were
taken at rest, 6 hours, 24 hours, and 30 hours post-exercise. The results between the
two methods were startling: Exercise-induced rates of mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic
protein synthesis were elevated by 114% and 77%, respectively, above rest at 0–6 h
post-exercise only in the SLOW condition. Mitochondrial protein synthesis rates were
elevated above rest during 24–30 h recovery in the SLOW (175%) and CTL (126%)
conditions. Based on these results, one can infer that increased time under tension
leads not only to increased muscle protein synthesis but also brings the onset of this
increased synthesis quicker.

To summarize, increasing time under tension will do two things that lead to increased
muscle growth:
1) Increase protein synthesis
2) Increase micro-trauma to the muscle


The first and most logical way of increasing
your time under tension is to increase the
length of your reps. What portions of the lift
should be slowed down, and what portions
should remain normal speed? You are able to
create the most micro-traumas during the
eccentric part (lowering/ lengthening part) of
the exercise, so it is key to spend enough time
lowering the weight to reap the maximum
benefit. In my experience, I’ve had the most
success using approximately 3 seconds to
complete the eccentric component of my lift.
Once at the bottom of the rep, I am a firm believer in the use of a slight pause (a
second or so) for a couple reasons. First, it removes all momentum and stored energy
from your body, meaning that when you begin the concentric portion of the lift, you are
receiving no extra help. Second is that the pause truly gives you a moment to prepare
to activate the muscle for the concentric portion of the lift. This increased awareness, or
mind-muscle connection, allows one to recruit maximal muscle fibers, which will lead to
expedited results.

When beginning the concentric portion of an exercise, it is paramount that you focus on
being powerful and explosive, but still keeping perfect form. This part of the lift should
take no longer than about 1 second, or slightly longer as your body fatigues. Once at
the top of the rep, on can create maximal tension by pausing for a second under full
contraction. Doing so will both increase your time under tension, and recruit maximum
muscle fibers.

So, to sum it up, my recommended change to your tempo when aiming to increase time
under tension is 3-4 seconds eccentric phase, 1-second pause, followed by performing
the concentric portion as quickly as possible while maintaining form. This tempo works
out to be approximately 5-6 seconds per rep, which is a perfect tempo when aiming to
perform 8-12 reps, and be under tension for 30-70 seconds.

Another great technique for increasing your
time under tension is performing drop sets. To
perform a drop set, you lift a selected weight
until you reach the point of failure, and then
lighten the weight, and continue lifting until a
predetermined amount of reps are performed,
or you reach failure again. When employing
this technique to increase your time under
tension, I recommend selecting a weight you
can perform 4-6 times before reaching failure,
followed by a weight you can perform 10-12

times before reaching failure. Doing drop sets
in this manner will subject your body to heavier
poundage’s necessary for maximal tissue breakdown, while still keeping the muscle
under tension for the optimum amount of time.
Partial reps and forced reps are a great way to
be able to increase the weight used, while still
staying in the optimal time under tension range
for muscle growth. Partial reps are reps that
are performed in a manner that you don’t fully
lockout any joints (on pressing motions) or
don’t reach peak contraction (on pulling
motions). Performing reps shy of completion
keeps constant tension on the muscle and
allows for you to handle weights that are
heavier than you would if you were using strict
form and a slower tempo. Forced reps are reps
in which a spotter assists you past the point of
failure, and allows you to continue performing repetitions. This technique also extends
the time spent under tension, while allowing for heavier weights to be used. Forced
reps are very strenuous on your muscles, tendons, and nervous system though, so be
sure to use them sparingly.

In conclusion, I think the amount of time you are putting your muscles under tension for
is a critical component of maximizing muscle growth, and anyone would benefit from
mixing some increased time under tension into your current program. Not only will the
increase in time under tension spur new muscle growth, but it will force you to check
your form and use more appropriate weights. So my challenge to you is to increase the
time under tension you experience during your training program, and reap the rewards!
As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comments or send
me a message, ill do my best to answer in a timely matter!


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About the Author: Hunter Labrada

Hunter Labrada is the 2018 NPC Nationals Champion and an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder. He
is also 2018 NPC Jr. Nationals Champion and was voted 2016 NPC Texas Athlete of
the Year. Hunter is a certified personal trainer and fitness expert who has been featured
in, and in Flex, Ironman, and Muscular Development magazines. For
more on Hunter, follow him on Instagram and visit
Instagram: (

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice, nor is it to diagnose or treat any medical
condition. Please consult your physician before starting or changing your diet or exercise program. Any use of this information is at the sole
discretion and responsibility of the user.


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