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GreenScreen™  Assessment  for  for  Zinc  Borate  

GreenScreen™  Version  1.2  Draft  Assessment    
Note:  Validation  Has  Not  Been  Performed  on  this  Green  Screen  Assessment  
Chemical  Name:  Zinc  Borate    
GreenScreen  Assessment  Prepared  By:  
Name/Title:       Nancy  Linde,  Toxicologist  
Teresa  McGrath,  Supervising  Toxicologist  
  Virunya  Bhat,  Senior  Toxicologist  
Organization:     NSF  International  
Date:       December  7th,  2011  
Quality  Control  Performed  By:  
Name:       NA  
Title:   NA  
Organization:  NA  
Date:  NA  
Confirm  application  of  the  de  minimus  rule :  Yes  (if  no,  what  de  minimus  did  you  use?)  
Chemical  Name  (CAS  #):  Zinc  Borate  (CAS#  1332-­‐07-­‐6)      
Also  Called:      
Alcanex  FR  100;  Alcanex  FRC  600;  Bonrex  FC;  Borax  2335;  Climax  ZB  467;  EINECS  215-­‐566-­‐6;  EPA  Pesticide  Chemical  
Code  128859;  FRC  600;  Flamtard  Z  10;  HSDB  1046;  JS  9502;  SZB  2335;  XPI  187;  ZB  112;  ZB  237;  ZB  467  Lite;  ZN  100;  
ZSB  2335;  ZT  (fire  retardant);  Boric  acid,  zinc  salt;  Firebrake®  ZB  
Chemical  Structure(s):  A  number  of  different  empirical  formulas  exist  for  zinc  borate:  4ZnO.6B2O3.7H2O  or  
2+ -­‐
2ZnO.2B2O3.3H2O(CEFIC-­‐EFRA,  2006),    3ZnO.2H3BO3.3.5H2O  (MW=  430)  (EPA,  2007),  Zn .2H2BO3  (MW  =  187),  and  
3ZnO.2B2O3  (MW  =  383.5)  (Lide,  1983)  for  the  purposes  of  this  review,  3ZnO.2B2O3  will  be  used  to  convert  from  
mole  equivalents  of  boric  acid  or  zinc  salts  to  zinc  borate.    

Zn O
For  Inorganic  Chemicals  and  relevant  particulate  organics  (if  not  relevant,  list  NA)  
Define  Form  &  Physiochemical  Properties  
1. Particle  size  (e.g.  silica  of  respirable  size)  –  8-­‐20  µm  (mean)  (for  2ZnO.3B2O3.3.5H2O;  EPA,  1991).  
2. Structure  (e.g.  amorphous  vs.  crystalline)  –  white  and  granular  (for  2ZnO.3B2O3.3.5H2O;  EPA,  1991).  

 Every  chemical  in  a  material  or  formulation  should  be  assessed  if  it  is:  
1. intentionally  added  and/or  
2. present  at  greater  than  or  equal  to  100  ppm.  

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3. Mobility  (e.g.  Water  solubility,  volatility)  –  water  solubility  for  zinc  borate  at  23°C  is  very  low  (0.1%  at  pH  5  and  
7,  and  0.03%  at  pH  9),  (EPA,  1991).  Volatility  and  vapor  pressure  have  not  been  identified,  however  based  on  
physical  state  (solid)  and  high  melting  point  of  980°C  (HSDB),  vapor  pressure  is  expected  to  be  negligible,  and  
volatility  is  not  expected.  
4. Bioavailability   –   Empirical   data   examining   bioavailability   of   zinc   borate   were   not   identified.   In   the   acidic  
environment  of  the  stomach,  zinc  borate  is  anticipated  to  dissociate  into  the  zinc  ion  /  zinc  chloride  (ZnCl2)  and  
boric  acid/borate  ion  (BH3O3/BO3 ).  Systemic  bioavailability  of  ingested  zinc  ranges  from  20  to  30%  (ATSDR,  
2005);  whereas  gastrointestinal  absorption  of  borates  is  >90%  (USDA,  2006).  Acute  oral  toxicity  data  suggest  
that   zinc   borate   is   less   toxic   than   its   presumed   dissociation   products.   Quantitative   studies   regarding  
absorption   of   zinc   and   zinc   compounds   after   inhalation   exposure   in   humans   are   limited   (ASTDR,   2005).  
Inhalation   of   borate   dust   can   result   in   some   absorption   of   boron   (USDA,   2006).   Studies   are   very   limited  
regarding   the   absorption   of   zinc   through   the   skin   (ATSDR,   2004).   Borates   are   not   readily   absorbed   through  
intact  skin  but  are  more  quickly  absorbed  across  abraded  skin  (USDA,  2006).  
Identify  Applications/Functional  Uses:  
(E.g.  Cleaning  product,  TV  casing)    
1. Fungicide  (EPA,  1991)  
2. Fire  retardant  with  interior  applications  such  as  PVC  carpet  backing,  shower  curtains,  wall  coverings,  etc.,  and  
exterior  uses  in  PVC  tenting  and  awnings,  polyolefin  wire  and  cable  coverings,  etc.  Application  rates  vary,  
typical  use  levels  in  plastics  is  3-­‐30  parts  product  per  hundred  parts  resin  ,  and  in  coatings  is  1.25-­‐3.0  lb/gal  
(EPA,  1991).  
GreenScreen  Rating :  Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  Benchmark  Score  of  1  based  on  high  concern  level  for  
reproductive  and  developmental  toxicity.  Zinc  borate  also  has  a  very  high  concern  level  for  environmental  
persistence  and  very  high  concern  for  chronic  aquatic  toxicity  of  zinc  borate,  and  high  or  moderate  concern  level  
for  respiratory  sensitization  of  zinc  oxide  as  a  potential  combustion  or  biodegradation  product.    A  data  gap  exists  
for  neurotoxicity.  

GreenScreen  Hazard  Ratings:  Zinc  Borate  

Group  I  Human   Group  II  and  II*  Human   Ecotox   Fate   Physical  
C   M   R     D   E   AT   ST   N   SnS*   SnR*   IrS   IrE   AA   CA   P   B   Rx   F  
S   S  
*   *  
H  or   H  
L   M   H   H   M   L   L   L   M   vH   vH   L   L   L  
D D M   or  vH  
G   G   G  

Note:  Hazard  levels  (Very  High  (vH),  High  (H),  Moderate  (M),  Low  (L),  Very  Low  (vL))  in  italics  reflect  estimated  
values  and  lower  confidence.  Hazard  levels  in  BOLD  font  reflect  values  based  on  test  data  (See  Guidance).        For  the  
purposes  of  this  report,  hazard  levels  derived  from  test  data  on  boric  acid  or  zinc  salts  were  given  a  high  level  of  
confidence.  Data  on  analogs  or  predicted  data  were  given  a  low  level  of  confidence.    

For  inorganic  chemicals  with  low  human  and  ecotoxicity  across  all  hazard  endpoints  and  low  bioaccumulation  
potential,  persistence  alone  will  not  be  deemed  problematic.    Inorganic  chemicals  that  are  only  persistent  will  be  
evaluated  under  the  criteria  for  Benchmark  4.  

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Transformation  Products  and  Ratings:    
Identify  relevant  fate  and  transformation  products  (i.e.,  dissociation  products,  transformation  products,  valence  
states)  and/or  moieties  of  concern  
Transformation   Transformation   CPA  
Functional  Use   Life  Cycle  Stage   CAS  #   Screen  
Pathway   Products   Red   5
4 Rating  
List ?  
Boric  acid/  borate   10043-­‐
Flame   Biotrans-­‐ ion   35-­‐
End  of  Life     3-­‐ Y   1  
Retardant   formation   (BH3O3/BO3 )   3/3920
MW  =  59g/mol   1-­‐27-­‐9  
Flame   Biotrans-­‐ Zinc  (Zn )   23713-­‐
End  of  Life     N    
Retardant   formation   MW=65g/mol   49-­‐7  
Zinc  hydroxide  
Flame   Biotrans-­‐ 20427-­‐
End  of  Life     [Zn(OH)2]     N    
Retardant   formation   58-­‐1  
MW=  99g/mol  
Flame   Biotrans-­‐ zinc  chloride  (ZnCl2)   7646-­‐
End  of  Life     N    
Retardant   formation   MW=136g/mol   85-­‐7  
Flame   Biodegradation   Zinc  oxide  (ZnO);   1314-­‐
End  of  Life     N    
Retardant   or  Combustion   MW=81g/mol   13-­‐2  
• Chemical  reactions  of  zinc  borate  can  form  a  composite  of  oxides  of  zinc  and  boron.  Both  occur  naturally  in  
soil  and  are  essential  plant  nutrients.  They  are  also  artificially  added  to  agricultural  crops  (EPA,  1991).  
Since  toxicity  data  for  zinc  borate  were  limited,  potential  hazards  are  inferred  through  knowledge  of  its  potential  
byproducts   or   dissociation   products,   such   as   zinc   (as   various   salts)   and   boron   (as   borate/boric   acid).   Zinc   is   an  
essential  nutrient  that  is  integral  to  many  physiological  processes.  Boron  is  a  trace  element  for  which  essentiality  is  
suspected  but  has  not  been  directly  proven  in  humans  (EPA,  2004).  
If   incidental   ingestion   of   zinc   borate   occurs   during   treated-­‐product   use,   zinc   borate,   zinc   chloride   and   borate/boric  
acid  may  be  of  exposure  concern..  Under  physiological  conditions,  the  acidic  environment  of  the  stomach  is  likely  
to   facilitate   solubility   of   the   zinc   borate   complex   and   its   dissociation   into   zinc   (i.e.   ionic   or   as   the   chloride   salt)   and  
borate/boric  acid.  Although  there  are  limited  empirical  systemic  toxicity  data  for  zinc  chloride,  zinc  is  an  essential  
nutrient  and  tolerable  upper  intake  levels  for  zinc  range  from  4  mg/day  in  infants  (0-­‐6  months)  to  40  mg/day  for  
elderly,   pregnant   or   lactating   women   (NRC,   2001;   NRC,   2004).   Tolerable   upper   intake   levels   of   25   mg/day   for  
adults   (including   pregnant   and   lactating   women)   and   7   mg/day   for   children   ages   1   to   3   years   have   also   been  
recommended   (European   Commission,   2003).   Further,   the   European   Population   Reference   Intake   (PRI)   for   zinc   for  
adult   males   and   females   is   9.5   mg/day   and   7.0   mg/day,   respectively   (European   Commission,   2003).   Thus,   it   is  
unlikely  that  incidental  ingestion  of  zinc  borate  from  its  commercial  use  as  a  flame  retardant  will  result  in  systemic  

 A  moiety  is  a  discrete  chemical  entity  that  is  a  constituent  part  or  component  of  a  substance.    A  moiety  of  
concern  is  often  the  parent  substance  itself  for  organic  compounds.    For  inorganic  compounds,  the  moiety  of  
concern  is  typically  a  dissociated  component  of  the  substance  or  a  transformation  product.  
 The  CPA  “Red  List”  refers  to  chemicals  1.  flagged  as  Benchmark  1  using  the  GreenScreen™  List  Translator    or  2.  
flagged  as  Benchmark  1  or  2  using  the  GreenScreen™  List  Translator  and  further  assessed  and  assigned  as  
Benchmark  1.  The  most  recent  version  of  the  GreenScreen™  List  Translator  should  be  used.  
The  way  you  conduct  assessments  for  transformation  products  depends  on  the  Benchmark  Score  of  the  parent  
chemical  (See  Guidance).      

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zinc   exposure   that   exceeds   these   recommended   tolerable   intake   levels.   With   respect   to   the   boron   (as   borate   or  
boric  acid)  moiety,  identified  toxicity  data  are  discussed  in  each  respectively  section.  
Although   the   zinc   borate   complex   may   be   an   exposure   concern   for   a   handler   of   powderorliquid   formulations   in  
manufacturing   and   commercial   settings   (inhalation   concerns   for   workers   spraying   paint/coatings),   it   is   unclear  
whether  the  parent  compound  or  its  potential  biotransformation  products  (such  as  zinc  ion  or  borate/boric  acid)  
would   be   of   greater   toxicological   concern   following   inhalation   exposure.   Similar   to   incidental   oral   exposure,   it   is  
unlikely  that  incidental  inhalation  of  zinc  borate  from  its  manufacture  or  commercial  use  as  a  flame  retardant  will  
result  in  systemic  zinc  exposure  that  exceeds  the  recommended  tolerable  intake  levels  described  previously.  With  
respect   to   the   boron   (as   borate   or   boric   acid)   moiety,   available   data   were   insufficient   to   serve   as   the   basis   for  
characterizing   potential   risk   (EPA,   2004).   However,   since   boron   is   absorbed   following   inhalation   exposure,   is  
uniformly   distributed   in   soft   tissues   as   boric   acid,   and   is   not   metabolized,   route-­‐specific   differences   in   systemic  
targets  are  not  anticipated  (EPA,  2004).  Therefore,  systemic  target  tissues  identified  in  oral  studies  comprise  the  
potential  systemic  targets  following  inhalation  exposure.  
Although   dermal   contact   of   zinc   borate   with   healthy   skin   is   not   anticipated   to   result   in   appreciable   dermal  
absorption,  contact  with  damaged  skin  may  increase  the  potential  for  absorption  and/or  for  skin  irritation.  
Boron  is  a  naturally-­‐occurring  element  that  is  widespread  in  the  environment  and  always  found  chemically  bound  
to  oxygen,  usually  as  alkali  or  alkaline  earth  borates,  or  as  boric  acid  (EPA,  2004).  Thus,  dose  levels  of  borates  can  
be   expressed   in   terms   of   Boron   equivalents   (B)   based   on   the   fraction   of   B   on   a   molecular   weight   basis.   The   B  
equivalents   used   are   a   generic   designation   rather   than   a   designation   of   the   element   B.   When   the   boron   moiety   of  
zinc  borate  served  as  the  basis  of  the  hazard  score,  the  B  dose  was  back-­‐calculated  to  a  zinc  borate  dose.  Likewise,  
when   the   zinc   moiety   served   as   the   basis   of   the   hazard   score,   the   Zn   dose   was   back-­‐calculated   a   zinc   borate   dose.    
The  dose  expressed  as  mg/kg  zinc  borate  was  used  to  compare  to  GHS  or  DfE  criteria.  
Chemical  Structure  of  Surrogate  
Chemical  Name  (CAS  #)  
Zinc  borate  can  exist  in  various  hydration  states  that  according  to  CEFIC-­‐EFRA  (2006)  include:  
• Zinc  borate  Firebrake®  ZB  (2ZnO.3B2O3.3.5H20),  CAS  #  138265-­‐88-­‐0  
• Zinc  borate  Firebrake®  500  (2ZnO.3B2O3),  CAS#  1338265-­‐88-­‐0  
• Zinc  borate  Firebrake®  415  (4ZnO.B2O3.H20),  CAS#  149749-­‐62-­‐2  
• ZB-­‐467  (4ZnO.6B2O3.7H2O),  CAS#  1332-­‐07-­‐6  
• ZB-­‐223  (2ZnO.2B2O3.3H2O),  CAS#  1332-­‐07-­‐6  
Group  I  Human  Health  Effects  (Group  I  Human)  
Carcinogenicity  (C)  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  carcinogenicity  based  on:  negative  results  in  two  chronic  studies  on  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  borate,  zinc,  zinc  hydroxide,  zinc  chloride  and  zinc  oxide  were  all  classified  as  Group  D  -­‐  Not  classifiable  as  
to  human  carcinogenicity  (EPA,  2004).    
Zinc  borate  data:  
• Carcinogenicity  data  were  not  identified  for  zinc  borate  (CAS  #1332-­‐07-­‐6).  

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Zinc  salts  and  Boric  acid  data:  
• No   adequate   experimental   evidence   has   been   found   to   indicate   that   zinc   salts   administered   orally   or  
parenterally  are  tumorigenic  (WHO/IPCS,  2001).  
• Carcinogenic   effects   were   not   observed   in   2-­‐year   and   38-­‐week   feeding   studies   on   boric   acid   or   sodium   borate  
in   rats   and   dogs   treated   with   up   to   1170ppm   B.   This   corresponds   to   approximately   213-­‐333mg   B03/kg-­‐day.  
and  340-­‐532mg  3ZnO.2B2O3./kg-­‐day  based  on  boron  equivalents.  (Weir  and  Fisher,  1972).  
• Carcinogenicity  was  not  observed  in  a  2-­‐year  National  Toxicology  Program  (NTP,  1987)  dietary  study  in  mice  at  
boric  acid  doses  up  the  highest  dietary  dose  of  5,000  ppm  boric  acid  (550  mg  boric  acid/kg-­‐day  or  96  mg  B/kg-­‐
day  as  estimated  by  IRIS),  which  is  on  a  boron  equivalent  basis  approximately  837mg  3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day.    
Mutagenicity/Genotoxicity  (M)  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  for  mutagenicity/genotoxicity  based  on:  positive  results  for  zinc  
chloride  in  an  in  vivo  chromosomal  aberration  assay.  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  2  for  Germ  Cell  Mutagenicity  (NITE,  
2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  mutagenicity.  
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Zinc  borate  (CAS#  138265-­‐88-­‐0)  was  negative  in  Salmonella  reverse  mutation  (Ames)  assay  when  tested  with  
and  without  metabolic  activation  (EPA,  1991).  
• The   weak   positive   observed   for   zinc   borate   (CAS#   149749-­‐62-­‐2)   in   a   chromosomal   aberration   assay   in   Chinese  
hamster   lung   cells   was   attributed   to   high   zinc   concentrations   in   the   media   (Hubbard,   1998),   which   are   not  
physiologically  relevant.    
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Boric   acid   tested   with   and   without   metabolic   activation   was   not   mutagenic   in   the   Salmonella/microsome  
assay  to  strains  TA98,  TA100,  TA1535  or  TA1537.  Boric  acid  was  negative  in  the  mouse  lymphoma  assay  and  
did  not  induce  sister-­‐chromatid  exchanges  or  chromosomal  aberrations  in  Chinese  hamster  ovary  cells  (NTP,  
• The   weight   of   evidence   from   a   variety   of   test   systems   suggests   that   zinc   is   not   mutagenic   but   there   are  
indications  of  some  weak  clastogenic  effects  (WHO/IPCS,  2001).  
• Zinc  chloride  was  not  mutagenic  to  mouse  lymphoma  cells  (ECHA,  2011a).  
• In  an  in  vivo  chromosomal  aberration  assay  zinc  chloride  caused  severe  chromosomal  anomalies,  particularly  
in  animals  kept  on  a  low  calcium  diet  under  the  conditions  of  the  test  (ECHA,  2011b).  
• In  an  in  vivo  bone  marrow  chromosomal  aberration  test  zinc  chloride  was  a  potent  clastogen  (ECHA,  2011c).    
• Zinc  is  not  considered  to  be  genotoxic  in  vivo  (Hubbard,  1998).  
Reproductive  Toxicity  (R)  Score  (H,  M,  or  L):    
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  High  for  reproductive  toxicity  based  on:  known  concern  for  reproductive  
effects  for  boric  acid.    
Note:  the  Green  Screen  does  not  use  guidance  values  for  reproductive  toxicity,  therefore  a  dose  
adjustment  for  zinc  borate  was  not  applied  here  and  the  zinc  borate  as  a  whole  is  considered  a  High  for  
reproductive  toxicity  based  on  boric  acid.    
 If  cutoff  values  were  applied,  zinc  borate  may  earn  a  lower  score.    For  example,  a  similar  tool,  the  US  
EPA’s  Design  for  the  Environment  Alternatives  Assessment  Criteria  for  Hazard  Evaluation  (EPA,  2011),  
uses  guidance  values  of  <50mg/kg-­‐day  for  High  concern;  50-­‐250mg/kg-­‐day  for  Moderate  concern;  >250-­‐
1000mg/kg-­‐day  for  Low  concern;  >1000mg/kg-­‐day  for  Very  Low  concern.  Under  these  criteria  zinc  borate  
would  be  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  considering  the  NOAEL  of  105mg  zinc  borate/kg-­‐day  based  on  B  

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Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #s  10043-­‐35-­‐3  and  11113-­‐50-­‐1)  are  both  classified  as  Category  2  for  reproductive  toxicity  
under  EU  CMR  (ECHA,  2011).    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #s  10043-­‐35-­‐3  and  11113-­‐50-­‐1)  carry  an  EU  Risk  Phases  R60  code.  This  translates  to  High  
concern  for  reproductive  toxicity  (ECHA,  2011).    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  Classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  category  1B  for  reproductive  toxicity.  This  
translates  to  High  concern  for  reproductive  toxicity  (NITE,  2011).  
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  Classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  Category  6.8B  (GHS  Category  2)  for  
reproductive  or  developmental  toxicity  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  
reproductive  toxicity.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  2  for  reproductive  toxicity  (NITE,  
2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  reproductive  toxicity.  
Zinc  Borate  Data:  
• Studies  assessing  potential  reproductive  toxicity  for  zinc  borate  (CAS  #1332-­‐07-­‐6)  were  not  identified.  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Reproductive   toxicity   is   a   concern   for   boron   (from   boric   acid   or   borate)   exposure   and   dogs   were   the   most  
sensitive  species  evaluated  (EPA,  2004).  A  2-­‐year  systemic  toxicity  study  in  Sprague-­‐Dawley  rats  and  Beagles  
treated  with  a  diet  containing  borax  and  boric  acid  at  117,  350  and  1170ppm  as  boron  equivalent  or  58,  117  
and  350ppm  as  boron  equivalent  respectively,  reported  testicular  effects,  and  was  subsequently  followed  by  a  
38-­‐week   study   with   Beagles   treated   with   borax   and   boric   acid   in   the   diet   at   1170ppm   for   further   examination  
of  testicular  effects  (Weir  and  Fisher,  1972).  Both  species  showed  no  clinical  or  histological  alterations  at  doses  
up  to  350ppm.  At  1170ppm  caused  testicular  atrophy  in  rats  and  dogs  and  spermatogenic  arrest  in  dogs.  Weir  
and  Fisher  (1972)  continued  with  a  three  generation  reproductive  toxicity  study  in  Rats  treated  with  Borax  or  
Boric   acid   at   117,   350   and   1170ppm   as   boron   equivalent   in   the   diet.   No   adverse   effects   were   observed   at   117  
and  350ppm   boron  and  rats  at  the  high  dose  level  were  sterile  due  to  lack  of  viable  sperm  and  evidence  of  
decreased  ovulation.    In  both  studies,  for  dogs,  the  NOAEL  =  350ppm  Boron  LOAEL  =  1170ppm  boron  (NOAEL  
=   8.8mg   B/kg-­‐day;   LOAEL   =   29.2mg   B/kg-­‐day   as   cited   in   EPA   IRIS,   2004).   In   boron   equivalents,   the   NOAEL  
corresponds  to  approximately  48mg  B03/kg-­‐day  and  75mg  3ZnO.2B2O3./kg-­‐day.  Although  these  studies  had  
numerous  deficiencies,  they  are  the  most  conservative  reproductive  NOAEL  and  LOAEL  amongst  the  available  
Note:  A  reproductive  NOAEL  of  75mg  zinc  borate/kg-­‐day  is  considered  a  “Moderate”  concern  according  
to   the   EPA’s   Design   for   the   Environment   Alternatives   Assessment   Criteria   for   Hazard   Evaluation   (EPA,  
• Reproductive  and  systemic  toxicity  studies  have  identified  the  testis  as  a  sensitive  target  of  boron  toxicity  in  
rats  and  mice,  although  at  higher  doses  than  in  the  dog  study  (Weir  and  Fisher,  1972;  Seal  and  Weeth,  1980;  
NTP,  1987;  Fail  et  al.,  1991,  as  reviewed  by  EPA,  2004).  Testicular  effects  included  reduced  organ  weight  and  
organ:body  weight  ratio,  atrophy,  degeneration  of  the  spermatogenic  epithelium,  impaired  spermatogenesis,  
reduced  fertility,  and  sterility  (Weir  and  Fisher,  1972;  Seal  and  Weeth,  1980;  NTP,  1987;  Fail  et  al.,  1991;  Dixon  
et  al.,  1979;  Linder  et  al.,  1990;  Treinen  and  Chapin,  1991;  Ku  et  al.,  1993a;  Ku  et  al.,  1993b  as  reviewed  by  
EPA,  2004).  
• A   human   study   of   occupational   exposure   to   borate   dust   (as   the   sodium   salt)   showed   no   adverse   effect   on  
some  reproduction  parameters  (Whorton  et  al.,  1994).  
• No  effect  on  testicular  development  was  seen  in  rats  fed  zinc  chloride  at  up  to  500  mg/kg-­‐day  from  8  weeks  of  
age  until  weanlings  (Evenson  et  al.,  1993).  
DevelopmentalToxicity  incl.  developmental  neurotoxicity  (D)  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  High  for  developmental  toxicity  based  on:  known  concern  for  developmental  
toxicity  for  boric  acid.  

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Note:  the  Green  Screen  does  not  use  guidance  values  for  developmental  toxicity,  therefore  a  dose  
adjustment  for  zinc  borate  was  not  applied  here  and  the  zinc  borate  as  a  whole  is  considered  a  High  for  
developmental  toxicity  based  on  boric  acid.    
 If  cutoff  values  were  applied,  zinc  borate  may  earn  a  lower  score.    For  example,  a  similar  tool,  the  US  
EPA’s  Design  for  the  Environment  Alternatives  Assessment  Criteria  for  Hazard  Evaluation  (EPA,  2011),  
uses  guidance  values  of  <50mg/kg-­‐day  for  High  concern;  50-­‐250mg/kg-­‐day  for  Moderate  concern;  >250-­‐
1000mg/kg-­‐day  for  Low  concern;  >1000mg/kg-­‐day  for  Very  Low  concern.  Under  these  criteria  zinc  borate  
would  be  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  considering  the  NOAEL  of  105mg  zinc  borate/kg-­‐day  based  on  B  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS#s  10043-­‐35-­‐3  and  11113-­‐50-­‐1)  carries  an  EU  Risk  Phrase  of  R61.  This  translates  to  High  
concern  for  developmental  toxicity  (ECHA,  2011).  
Zinc  Borate  Data:  
• Studies  assessing  potential  developmental  toxicity  of  zinc  borate  (4ZnO.6B2O3.7H2O  or  2ZnO.2B2O3.3H2O,  CAS  
#1332-­‐07-­‐6)  were  not  identified.  
Boric  acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Developmental  toxicity  is  the  critical  effect  of  boron  (from  boric  acid  or  borate)  exposure  and  rats  were  the  
most  sensitive  species  evaluated  (EPA,  2004).  A  chronic  reference  dose  (RfD)  of  0.2  mg/kg-­‐day  for  boron  (from  
boric   acid   and   borates)   was   derived   based   on   a   benchmark   dose   (BMDL)   of   10.3   mg   B/kg-­‐day   for   a   5%  
decrease   in   fetal   weight   from   two   developmental   toxicity   studies.   A   composite   uncertainty   factor   of   66   was  
applied  to  the  BMDL  and  this  uncertainty  factor  considered  both  toxicokinetic  and  toxicodynamic  differences  
between  humans  (intraspecies  extrapolation)  and  between  humans  and  rats  (interspecies  extrapolation).  The  
resulting  chronic  RfD  was  0.2  mg  B/kg-­‐day.  
• The  BMDL05    of  10.3  mg  B/kg-­‐day  estimated  by  EPA  (2004)  based  partly  on  the  Price  et  al.  (1996a,  1994)  study  
is  supported  by  the  NOAEL  of  9.6  mg  B/kg-­‐day  from  the  Price  et  al.  (1996a,  1994)  study.  When  expressed  on  a  
boron   equivalent   molecular   weight   basis   9.6mg   B/kg-­‐day   corresponds   to   a   NOAEL   of   approximately   52mg  
B03/kg-­‐day   (mw   =   59)   and   84mg   3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day   (MW=   187).  These  studies  do  not  appear  to  have  any  
major  deficiencies  with  respect  to  current  developmental  toxicity  testing  guidelines,  recognizing  that  the  study  
authors  did  not  cite  a  specific  protocol.    
Note:   A   developmental   NOAEL   of   84   mg/kg-­‐day   is   considered   a   “Moderate”   concern   according   to   the  
EPA’s  Design  for  the  Environment  Alternatives  Assessment  Criteria  for  Hazard  Evaluation  (EPA,  2011).  
• Intraperitoneal   injection   of   zinc   chloride   at   12.5,   20.5   or   25   mg/kg-­‐day   on   GD   8,   9,   10   or   11   was   associated  
with   a   dose-­‐related   increase   in   skeletal   defects,   usually   ripple   ribs   at   all   doses   (Chang   et   al.,   1977).   The  
intraperitoneal  exposure  route  is  not  directly  relevant  to  oral  exposure.  
• Dose-­‐related  reductions  in  pup  body  weight  and  some  changes  in  iron  and  copper  distribution  were  seen  in  
the   offspring   of   rats   fed   zinc   oxide   at   0.25   or   0.5%   Zn   (estimated   to   result   in   approximately   250   or   500   mg  
Zn/kg-­‐day  which  corresponds  on  a  zinc  equivalent  basis  to  approximately  492  or  983mg  3ZnO.2B2O3./kg-­‐day)  
during  gestation  and  14  days  of  lactation  (Ketcheson  et  al.,  1969).    Since  no  NOAEL  was  identified  in  this  study,  
a  concern  level  cannot  be  derived.    
Endocrine  Activity  (E)  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  for  endocrine  activity  based  on:    boric  acid  listed  as  a  substance  of  
“Medium  concern”  on  the  EU  ED  list.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  

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Copyright © Clean Production Action

• Boric  acid  (10043-­‐35-­‐3,  11113-­‐50-­‐1  and  39201-­‐27-­‐9)  is  listed  as  a  category  1  substance  of  “Medium  concern”  
on  European  Union  Priority  List  of  suspected  endocrine  disruptors  (Petersen  et.  al.,  2007).  This  translates  to  a  
Moderate  or  High  concern  for  endocrine  activity.    
Zinc  Borate  Data:  
• Studies  assessing  potential  endocrine  activity  for  any  zinc  borate  compound  were  not  identified.  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Results   of   systemic,   reproductive   and   developmental   toxicity   studies   for   zinc   or   borate   salts   do   not   suggest  
that  exposure  to  zinc  borate  is  of  potential  concern  for  endocrine  disruption.  
Group  II  and  II*  Human  Health  Effects  (Group  II  and  II*  Human)  
Note:    Group  II  and  Group  II*  endpoints  are  distinguished  in  the  v  1.2  Benchmark  system.    For  Systemic  Toxicity  
and  Neurotoxicity,  Group  II  and  II*  are  considered  sub-­‐endpoints  and  test  data  for  single  or  repeated  exposures  
may  be  used.  If  data  exist  for  single  OR  repeated  exposures,  then  the  endpoint  is  not  considered  a  data  gap.  If  
data  are  available  for  both  single  and  repeated  exposures,  then  the  more  conservative  value  is  used.  
Acute  Mammalian  Toxicity  (AT)  Group  II  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  acute  mammalian  toxicity  based  on:  low  concern  levels  for  oral,  
dermal  and  inhalation  acute  toxicity  for  zinc  borate.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  5  for  acute  oral  toxicity  (NITE,  2011).  
This  translates  to  a  Low  concern  for  acute  mammalian  toxicity.    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  6.1E  (GHS  Category  5)  for  acute  oral  toxicity  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Low  concern  for  acute  mammalian  toxicity.  
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  carries  an  EU  H-­‐Statement  of  H302  (ECHA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  
Moderate  concern  for  acute  mammalian  toxicity.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  carries  an  EU  Risk  Phrase  of  R22(ECHA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  or  
High  concern  for  acute  mammalian  toxicity.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  4  for  acute  oral  toxicity  and  
Category  1-­‐5  for  acute  inhalation  toxicity-­‐dust  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  acute  
oral  mammalian  toxicity  and  unknown  concern  for  inhalation  toxicity.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  6.1C  (GHS  Category  3)  for  acute  oral  
toxicity  and  category  6.1E  (GHS  Category  5)  for  acute  inhalation  toxicity  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  
translates  to  a  High  concern  for  acute  oral  toxicity  and  a  Low  concern  for  acute  inhalation  mammalian  toxicity.  
• Zinc  Oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  5  for  acute  inhalation  toxicity  (NITE,  
2011).  This  translates  to  a  Low  concern  for  acute  inhalation  mammalian  toxicity.  
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• LD50  or  LC50  values  for  zinc  borate  (CAS  #1332-­‐07-­‐6)  were  not  identified.  
• Rat   oral   LD50   (males   only)   for   zinc   borate   (2ZnO3B2O33.5H2O,   CAS#138265-­‐88-­‐0)   is   >   10   g/kg   (EPA,   1991;  
Hubbard,  1998).  
• Rat  oral  LD50  for  zinc  borate  (4ZnOB2O3H2O,  CAS#149749-­‐62-­‐2)  is  >  5  g/kg  (Hubbard,  1998).  
• The  rat  4-­‐hr  LC50  for  zinc  borate  (4ZnOB2O3H2O,  CAS#149749-­‐62-­‐2)  is  >4.95  mg/m3(Hubbard,  1998).  
• Albino   rabbit   dermal   LD50for   zinc   borate   (2ZnO.3B2O3.3.5H2O,   CAS   #138265-­‐88-­‐0)   is   >   10   g/kg   (EPA,   1991;  
Hubbard,  1998).  
• Albino  rabbit  dermal  LD50  for  zinc  borate  (4ZnOB2O3H2O,  CAS#149749-­‐62-­‐2)  is  >2  g/kg  (Hubbard,  1998).  
• Based   on   LD50   values   for   acute   oral   and   dermal   toxicity,   zinc   borate   was   considered   a   Pesticide   Toxicity  
Category   III   or   IV   (EPA,   1991),   respectively,   which   means   it   is   considered   to   have   Low   Toxicity   or   Very   Low  
Toxicity,  respectively  (NPIC,  2008).  

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Copyright © Clean Production Action

Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  No.  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  has  a  rat  oral  LD50  value  of  2660  –  4100  mg/kg  (Pfeiffer  et  al.,  1945  and  Weir  
and  Fisher,  1972)  equivalent  to  ~4245  –  6541  mg/kg  3ZnO.2B2O3  on  a  B  equivalent  basis.  
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  No.  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  has  a  mouse  oral  LD50  value  of  1260  mg/kg  in  an  OECD  401  test  and  a  SD  Rat  
oral  LD50  value  of  1100  mg/kg  in  an  OECD  401  test  (ECHA,  2011d).    These  values  convert  to  LD50s  of  
approximately  1510  and  1730mg  3ZnO.2B2O3./kg  (zinc  equivalent  basis).    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  No.  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  has  a  female  SD  Rat  inhalation  LC50  value  of  2000  mg/m  or  2  mg/L  with  a  
median  diameter  of  2.3µm  (ECHA,  2011e).  This  value  corresponds  to  approximately  2.75  mg/L  3ZnO.2B2O3  /kg  
(zinc  equivalent  basis).
Systemic  Toxicity/Organ  Effects  incl.  immunotoxicity  (ST)    
Group  II  Score  (single  dose:  vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  DG  for  systemic  toxicity/organ  effects-­‐single  exposure,  based  on:    a  lack  of  
relevant  data.    Screening  lists  indicate  very  high  concern  level  for  boric  acid,  zinc  oxide  and  zinc  chloride  for  single  
exposure,  however  no  data  were  found  to  support  that  assignment  and  to  enable  conversions  on  a  zinc-­‐  or  boron-­‐
equivalent  basis  to  zinc  borate  concern  levels.    
Group  II*  Score  (repeated  dose:    H,  M  or  L);    
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  for  systemic  toxicity/organ  effects-­‐repeated  exposure,  based  on:  
NOAELs  for  zinc  salts,  which,  when  converted  to  zinc  borate  on  a  zinc  equivalent  basis,  translate  to  moderate  or  
low  levels  of  concern.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  Category  1  (oral)  and  category  3  (inhalation)  for  
target  organ  toxicity,  single  exposure  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  Systemic  Toxicity.    
• Boric  Acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  a  Category  1  for  target  organ  toxicity  repeated  
exposure  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  High  concern  for  Systemic  Toxicity.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  target  organ  toxicity  single  
exposure  (respiratory,  liver  and  pancreas)  and    repeated  exposure  (Lung,  Liver)  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  
a  High  or  Very  High  concern  for  Systemic  Toxicity.    
• Zinc  Oxide(CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  target  organ  toxicity  single  
exposure  (inhalation,  systemic  toxicity)  and  repeated  exposure  (inhalation,  Lung)  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  
to  a  High  or  Very  High  concern  for  Systemic  Toxicity.    
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Studies  assessing  the  systemic  toxicity  of  zinc  borate  (CAS  #1332-­‐07-­‐6)  were  not  identified.  
Boric  acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Inhaled  zinc  oxide  is  of  theoretical  exposure  potential    as  a  result  of  combustible  zinc  borate.  Zinc  oxide  does  
not  produce  lung  damage  even  when  administered  at  relatively  high  concentrations  (WHO/IPCS,  2001).  
• Borax  and  boric  acid  was  administered  to  rats  and  dogs  in  a  2-­‐year  and  38  week  study  (Weir  and  Fisher  1972).  
See  the  summary  of  this  study  under  the  reproductive  toxicity  section.    The   dog   NOAEL   of   8.8mg   B/kg-­‐day  
was   equivalent   in   boron   equivalents   to   approximately   75mg   3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day.   This   corresponds   to   a  
Moderate  concern  for  Systemic  Toxicity.  
• Boric   Acid   was   evaluated   in   14-­‐day,   13-­‐week   and   2-­‐year   studies   in   B6C3F1   mice   (NTP   1987).   In   the   14-­‐day  
studies,  mortality  occurred  in  mice  fed  doses  over  25,000ppm  boric  acid  in  feed.  No  compound  related  gross  
pathologic   or   histopathologic   effects   were   observed   in   mice   exposed   up   to   12,500ppm   boric   acid.   In   the   13  
week  study,  mortality  occurred  in  1/10  female  and  8/10  males  at  the  20,000ppm  level  and  1/10  male  at  the  
10,000ppm  level.    At  20,000ppm  testicular  atrophy  occurred  in  8/10  male  mice,  hyperkeratosis  and  acanthosis  

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of   the   stomach   in   8/10   male   and   3/9   female   mice   and   extramedullary   hematopoiesis   of   the   spleen   in   all   male  
and  female  mice.    
In   the   2   year   assay,   groups   of   50   male   and   50   female   rats   were   treated   with   0,   2500   or   5000ppm   boric   acid   in  
feed.   Male   mice   showed   reduced   survival   at   both   dose   levels.   Body   weight   gain   was   reduced   in   both   sexes  
after   week   30.   No   compound   related   clinical   signs   were   reported.   At   the   high   dose   male   mice   showed  
increased   incidence   of   testicular   atrophy   and   interstitial   cell   hyperplasia.   Low   dose   males   also   showed  
increased  testicular  atrophy.  Low  dose  males  showed  increases  in  incidences  of  hepatocellular  carcinomas  or  
adenomas  and  an  increased  incidence  of  subcutaneous  tissue  tumors.  These  effects  were  not  dose  related  and  
were   within   the   historical   control   range.   The   authors   concluded   that   the   tumors   were   not   considered   to   be  
related   to   the   administration   of   boric   acid.   The   LOAEL   was   2500ppm,   the   NOAEL   was   <2500ppm   boric   acid  
(225mg  boric  acid/kg-­‐day  or  48  mg  B/kg-­‐day  as  estimated  by  IRIS),  and  418mg   3ZnO.2B2O3./kg-­‐day  in  boron  
• Zinc  chloride  was  administered  to  Wistar  rats  orally  at  a  concentration  of  11.7-­‐12.8  mg  Zn/kg-­‐day  daily  for  28  
days.  This  study  only  measured  haematological  effects.  Significant  increase  in  percentage  of  recticulocytes  and  
polychromatophilic  erythrocytes  and  statistically  significant  decrease  in  the  erythrocyte  count  and  
haemoglobin  level  in  the  peripheral  blood  was  observed.  No  major  changes  in  the  percentage  composition  of  
bone  marrow  cells  between  the  control  and  treated  animals  were  observed.  The  LOEL  was  11.7-­‐12.8mg  Zn/kg-­‐
day  or  in  zinc  equivalents,  ~23mg  3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day  (ECHA,  2011f).  
• Zinc  oxide  was  administered  to  male  and  female  ferrets  (3-­‐5/group)  at  0,  500,  1500  or  3000  mg  zinc  oxide/kg  
feed  (equivalent  to  be  0,  81.3,  243.8  or  487.5  mg  ZnO/kg  bw,  respectively)  for  180  days.  All  high  dose  animals  
died  within  13  days.    At  the  mid  dose  level  the  animals  (n=4)  were  killed  on  days  7,  14  and  21  and  showed  
severe  to  mild  diffuse  nephrosis,  extramedullary  haematopoesis  in  the  spleen,  macrocytic  hypochromic  
anaemia  and  an  increased  in  level  of  zinc  in  the  liver  and  kidney  tissue.    At  the  lowest  dose  level  the  animals  
(n=3)  were  killed  on  days  48,  138  and  191,  respectively.  No  clinical  signs  of  toxicity  or  pathological  changes  
were  seen,  apart  from  an  extramedullary  heamatopoiesis  in  the  spleen.  The  authors  do  not  state  a  LOAEL  or  
NOAEL.  If  the  NOAEL  is  assumed  to  be  500ppm  or  81.3mg  ZnO/kg-­‐day  this  is  equivalent  on  a  zinc  basis  to  ~128  
mg  3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day  (ECHA,  2011g).  
• In   an   EU   Risk   Assessment   Report   on   Zinc   Chloride   (2004),   analogs   zinc   oxide,   zinc   sulfate   and   zinc  
monoglycerolate   were   considered   as   analogs   for   zinc   toxicity.   The   lowest   oral   NOAEL   was   from   a   13-­‐week  
study   in   rats   with   a   NOAEL   of   31.52mg  zinc   monoglycerolate/kg-­‐day  (13.26  mg  Zn/kg-­‐day)  which  calculates  on  
a  zinc  equivalent  basis  to  ~26mg  3ZnO.2B2O3/kg-­‐day  (EU  RAR,  2004).  
Neurotoxicity  (N)    
Group  II  Score  (Single  Dose  vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  DG  for  neurotoxicity-­‐single  exposure,  based  on:  a  lack  of  relevant  data.  
Group  II  *Score  (Repeated  Dose  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  DG  for  neurotoxicity-­‐repeated  exposure,  based  on:  a  lack  of  relevant  data.  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  borate,  boric  acid  and  zinc  salts  were  not  found  on  relevant  screening  or  authoritative  lists.    
Zinc  Borate  Data:  
• Studies  designed  to  assess  the  potential  neurotoxicity  of  any  zinc  borate  compound  were  not  identified.  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• Although  neurological  effects  were  noted  in  human  case  reports  after  ingestion  of  high  levels  of  boron  (EPA,  
2004),  animal  data  are  limited  to  increased  brain  succinate  dehydrogenase  activity  after  10-­‐14  weeks  of  oral  
exposure  to  sodium  tetraborate,  equivalent  to  20.8  mg  B/kg-­‐day  (Settimi  et  al.,  1982-­‐  as  reviewed  by  EPA,  

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• There  is  an  uncertainty  about  neurological  effects  at  lower  boron  doses  and  other  than  acute  duration  
because  no  data  are  available  (EPA,  2004).  This  is  identified  as  an  area  where  further  research  may  be  
• Chronic  studies  with  boric  acid  in  rats  (Weir  and  Fisher,  1972)  and  mice  (NTP,  1987)  failed  to  identify  clinical  
signs   or   histopathological   changes   indicative   of   neurotoxicity,   however,   comprehensive   neurological  
evaluations  were  not  conducted.  
Skin  Sensitization  (SnS)  Group  II*  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  skin  sensitization  based  on:  negative  results  in  skin  sensitization  tests  
on  zinc  borate.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  borate,  boric  acid  and  zinc  salts  were  not  found  on  relevant  screening  or  authoritative  lists.    
Zinc  Borate  Data:  
• Skin  sensitization  has  not  been  observed  for  any  borate  compound  that  has  been  tested  for  such  effects  
(Hubbard,  1998),  including  zinc  borate  (2ZnO.3B2O3.3.5H20,  CAS  #  138265-­‐88-­‐0;  Kreuzmann,  1990-­‐  as  
reviewed  by  Hubbard,  1998).  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:    
• No  information  assessing  the  potential  for  skin  sensitization  was  identified  for  zinc  or  its  salts  other  than  zinc  
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  was  not  sensitizing  in  guinea  pigs  per  OECD  406  (ECB,  2000).  
Respiratory  Sensitization  (SnR)  Group  II*  Score  (H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  High  or  Moderate  for  respiratory  sensitization  based  on:    AOEC’s    “Rs”  code  for  
zinc  oxide.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  oxide  (CAS  No.  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  carries  an  “Rs”  on  the  AOEC  Asthmagen  list  (AOEC,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  
High  or  Moderate  concern  for  Respiratory  Sensitization.      
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Although   occasional   mild   irritation   effects   to   the   nose   and   throat   may   occur   from   inhalation   of   zinc   borate  
dust   at   levels   greater   than   10   mg/m   (Borax,   2000),   studies   designed   to   assess   potential   respiratory  
sensitization  associated  with  exposure  to  any  zinc  borate  compound  were  not  identified.  
• An   EU   Risk   Assessment   Report   on   Zinc   Oxide   indicated   no   data  are   available   for   respiratory   sensitization   (ECB,  
2004),  andno  other  data  for  respiratory  sensitization  were  identified  for  zinc  oxide.    Therefore  no  modification  
was   made   to   the   initial   assignment   of     a   High   or   Moderate   concern   level   for   zinc   borate   based   on   the   “Rs”  
code  for  Zinc  Oxide  on  the  AOEC  Asthmagen  List.      
Skin  Irritation/Corrosivity  (IrS)  Group  II  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  skin  irritation/corrosivity  based  on:  low  concern  for  irritation  from  zinc  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:    
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  category  2  for  Skin  Irritation  which  translates  
to  a  High  concern  for  skin  irritation  (NITE,  2011)  
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  Category  6.3B  (GHS  Category  3)  for  skin  
irritation  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  skin  irritation.    
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  carries  an  EU  H-­‐Statement  of  H314  (ECHA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  
High  concern  for  Skin  irritation.      

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• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #    7646-­‐85-­‐7)  carries  an  EU  Risk  Phrase  of  R34    (ECHA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  
concern  for  Skin  irritation.      
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  a  DOT  hazard  Class  8  (DOT,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  High  concern  for  Skin  
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1A-­‐1C  for  skin  irritation  (NITE,  
2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  Skin  irritation.  
• Zinc  Chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  8,2C  (GHS  Category  1C)  for  skin  irritation  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  Skin  irritation.  
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Zinc  borate  (unspecified  CAS#)  does  not  cause  irritation  to  intact  skin  (Borax,  2000)  
• Zinc   borate   (unspecified   CAS#)   was   not   irritating   to   Albino   rabbits   in   a   primary   dermal   irritation/corrosivity  
study  (EPA,  1991).  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:  
• 1  %  w/v  zinc  chloride  was  found  to  be  moderately  irritating  to  guinea-­‐pig  skin  (ECHA,  2011h).  
• 1  %  w/v  zinc  chloride  was  found  to  be  severely  irritating  to  rabbit  skin  or  mouse  skin  (ECHA,  2011h).  
Eye  Irritation/Corrosivity  (IrE)  Group  II  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Moderate  for  eye  irritation/corrosivity  based  on:  data  indicating  zinc  borate  
can  be  mildly  irritating  to  the  eyes.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:    
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  category  2A-­‐2B  for  Eye  Irritation  which  
translates  to  a  High  or  Moderate  concern  for  eye  irritation  (NITE,  2011)  
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  Category  6.4A  (GHS  Category  2A  or  2B)  for  
eye  irritation  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  or  High  concern  for  eye  irritation.    
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  eye  irritation  (NITE,  2011).  
This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  eye  irritation.  
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  8.3A  (GHS  Category  1)  for  eye  irritation  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  eye  irritation.  
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Since   many   years   of   occupational   exposure   to   zinc   borate   (unspecified   CAS#)   suggest   no   adverse   effects   on  
human  eyes,  it  is  not  considered  to  be  a  human  eye  irritant  in  normal  industrial  use  (Borax,  2000).  
• While  U.S.  EPA  (1991)  reported  that  other  zinc  borate  compounds  (unspecified  but  not  CAS#1332-­‐07-­‐6)  were  
irritating   to   Albino   rabbit   eyes   since   mild   conjunctivitis   was   observed,   zinc   borate   (4ZnO.B2O3.H20,   CAS  
#149749-­‐62-­‐2)  was  not  irritating  to  rabbit  eyes  (Cerven,  1992-­‐  as  reviewed  by  Hubbard,  1998).  
Boric  Acid  and  Zinc  Salts  Data:  
• Boric  acid  was  evaluated  in  OECD  405  in  rabbit  eyes.    It  was  classified  as  not  irritating  Toxicity  Category  III  -­‐  
corneal  involvement  or  irritation  clearing  in  7  days  or  less  (ECHA,  2011i).  
• Anhydrous  boric  acid  was  an  ocular  irritant  when  applied  directly  to  the  eyes  of  rabbits.  The  irritation  was  
reversible  after  24  h  with  a  return  to  near  normal  by  72  h  after  exposure  to  the  test  article  (ECHA,  2011i).  
• Boric  acid  (100mg)  applied  to  rat  eyes  resulted  in  mild  to  moderate  erythema  which  subsided  by  Day  4.  The  
test  substance  was  classified  as  non-­‐irritating  (ECHA,  2011i).  
Ecotoxicity  (Ecotox)  
Acute  Aquatic  Toxicity  (AA)  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  

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Copyright © Clean Production Action

Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  High  or  Very  High  for  acute  aquatic  toxicity  based  on:  a  score  of  Very  High  is  
possible  based  on  the  R-­‐phrase  R50/53  assigned  to  zinc  borate,  however  data  on  aquatic  toxicity  indicates  High  
concern  may  be  more  accurate.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:    
• Boric  acid  (CAS  #  10043-­‐35-­‐3)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  Category  9.1D  (GHS  Category  2  or  3)  for  
aquatic  toxicity  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  or  High  concern  for  acute  aquatic  
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  
toxicity  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  9.1A  (GHS  Category  1)  for  aquatic  toxicity  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  9.1A  (GHS  Category  1)  for  aquatic  toxicity  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  aquatic  toxicity  acute  &  chronic  
(NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
Zinc  Borate  Data:    
• Zinc  borates  are  classified  as  Dangerous  to  the  Environment,  with  the  EU  Risk  Phrases  of  R50/R53,  Very  toxic  
to   aquatic   organisms/May   cause   long-­‐term   effects   in   the   aquatic   environment.   However,   both   boron   and   zinc  
are  essential  micronutrients  for  the  healthy  growth  of  plants  and  other  aquatic  organisms  (CEFIC-­‐EFRA,  2006).  
• 96-­‐hr  LC50  to  Lepomismacrochirus  (bluegill  sunfish)  under  static  conditions  was  >335  ppm.  (ECOTOX,  2000)  
• 96-­‐hr  LC50  S.  gairdneri  (rainbow  trout)  under  static  conditions  was  2.4  mg/L  (Borax,  1992,  2000).  
• Boric  acid  –  zinc  salt  (CAS  #  not  specified)  48-­‐hr  EC50  in  Daphnia  magna  =  75  mg/L  (ECOTOX,  2000).  
• Data  supporting  R50/53  could  not  be  identified;  the  above  noted  LC/EC50s  support  a  GHS  classification  2.  
• In  avian  dietary  studies,  the  LC50  of  zinc  borate  in  mallard  ducklings  (Anasplatyrhynchos)  was  >  5620  ppm  (EPA,  
Chronic  Aquatic  Toxicity  (CA)  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Very  High  for  chronic  aquatic  toxicity  based  on:  R50/53  code  for  zinc  borate.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  powder  (CAS  #  7440-­‐66-­‐6),  zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  and  zinc  oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  all  carry  EU  
Risk  Phrases  of  R50/53  phrases  (ECHA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  chronic  aquatic  
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  
toxicity  (NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  9.1A  (GHS  Category  1)  for  aquatic  toxicity  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  9.1A  (GHS  Category  1)  for  aquatic  toxicity  
(New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    
• Zinc  oxide  (CAS  #  1314-­‐13-­‐2)  is  classified  by  GHS  Japan  as  GHS  Category  1  for  aquatic  toxicity  acute  &  chronic  
(NITE,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Very  High  concern  for  acute  and  chronic  aquatic  toxicity.    

Zinc  Borate  Data:    

• Zinc  borates  are  classified  as  Dangerous  to  the  Environment,  with  the  EU  Risk  phrase  of  R50/R53,  Very  toxic  to  
aquatic  organisms/May  cause  long-­‐term  effects  in  the  aquatic  environment  (CEFIC-­‐EFRA,  2006).  
• Data  supporting  R50/53  could  not  be  identified.  

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Environmental  Fate  (Fate)  

Persistence  (P)  Score  (vH,  H,  M,  L,  or  vL):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Very  High  for  persistence  based  on:  
• Under   certain   environmental   conditions,   zinc   borate   will   slowly   hydrolyze   to   form   zinc   hydroxide   and   boric  
acid  (Borax,  2000)  or  a  composite  of  oxides  of  zinc  and  boron  (EPA,  1991).  
• Oxides   of   zinc   and   boron   occur   naturally   in   soil   and   are   essential   plant   nutrients   (EPA,   1991).   As   such,   half-­‐life  
estimates  in  soil,  sediment,  water  or  air  are  not  likely  to  be  a  reliable  prediction  of  the  potential  for  zinc  borate  
to  persist  in  the  environment.  
• Boron  is  not  transformed  or  degraded  in  the  environment,  but  depending  on  environmental  conditions  (e.g.,  
pH,  moisture  level),  changes  in  the  specific  form  of  boron  and  its  transport  can  occur  (EPA,  2004).  
Bioaccumulation  (B)  Score  (vH,  H,  M,  L,  or  vL):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  bioaccumulation  based  on:  no  evidence  of  bioaccumulation.    
• Zinc   is   an   essential   metal   and   is   naturally   concentrated   by   living   organisms   and   thus   the   bioconcentration  
factor   (BCF)   for   zinc   bears   no   relationship   to   toxicity   (WHO/IPCS,   2001).   Further,   bioaccumulation  
measurements   do   not   differentiate   between   zinc   adsorbed   to   the   outer   surface   of   organisms,   and   the   zinc  
within  organisms.  
• Since  zinc  bioavailability  is  affected  by  biotic  and  abiotic  factors,  e.g.,  organism  age  and  size,  prior  history  of  
exposure,  water  hardness,  pH,  dissolved  organic  carbon  and  temperature;  the  toxicity  of  zinc  will  depend  on  
environmental  conditions  and  habitat  types  which  vary  locally  (WHO/IPCS,  2001).  
• Boron   has   been   known   to   be   an   essential   micronutrient   for   the   growth   of   all   plants   and   in   humans,   boron   is   a  
trace  element  for  which  essentiality  is  suspected  but  has  not  been  directly  proven  (U.S.  EPA,  2004).  
Physical  Hazards  (Physical)  
Reactivity  (Rx)  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  reactivity  based  on:  zinc  borate’s  HMIS  reactivity  score  of  0.    
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists:  
• Zinc  chloride  (CAS  #  7646-­‐85-­‐7)  is  classified  by  GHS  New  Zealand  as  a  8.1A  Code  (GHS  category  1),  Corrosive  to  
metals  (New  Zealand  EPA,  2011).  This  translates  to  a  Moderate  concern  for  reactivity.    
• Zinc  borate  (2ZnO.2B2O3.3H2O,  CAS  #1332-­‐07-­‐6)  has  a  HMIS  reactivity  score  of  0  (Borax,  2000).  
Flammability  (F)  Score  (vH,  H,  M  or  L):  
Zinc  borate  was  assigned  a  score  of  Low  for  flammability  based  on:  zinc  borate’s  NFPA  flammability  rating  score  of  
Authoritative  and  Screening  Lists  
• The  estimated  NFPA  flammability  rating  for  zinc  borate  is  0  indicating  that  it  is  not  combustible  (Borax,  2000;  
Fischer  Scientific,  2007).  
AOEC.   2011.   Association   of   Occupational   and   Environmental   Clinics   Exposure   Code   List.   Available   at  (Accessed  12/09/11).  
ATSDR   (Agency   for   Toxic   Substances   and   Disease   Registry).   2005.   Toxicological   Profile   for   Zinc.     352   pp.   Atlanta:  
U.S.   Department   of   Health   and   Human   Services.   Available   at:  
(Accessed  12/06/11).  

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Copyright © Clean Production Action

Borax  Corporation.  1992.  Initial  submission:  zinc  borate:  20  mule  team  firebrake  -­‐  acute  toxicity  to  rainbow  trout  
(Oncornhynchusmykiss)   under   stat   conditions   (Final   report)   with   cover   letter   dated   052192.   EPA/OTS;   Doc   #88-­‐
Borax  Corporation.  2000.  Firebrake®  500  (Zinc  Borate  CAS#  1332-­‐07-­‐6).  Material  Safety  Data  Sheet.  Date  of  Issue:  
May  2000.  Available  at:­‐FB500.pdf  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
CEFIC-­‐EFRA  (European  Chemical  Industry  Council-­‐European  Flame  Retardants  Association).  2006.  Flame  Retardants  
Fact  Sheet.  Zinc  Borate.  Available  At:  www.Cefic-­‐  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
Cerven,  D.L.  1992.  Primary  eye  irritation  and/or  corrosion  in  rabbits.  Zinc  Borate  4.1.1.MB  Research  Laboratories  
Inc.,   Spinnerstown,   PA   18968.   Project   No.   MB   92-­‐1301   D.   Unpublished   report   to   U.S.   Borax   (1992).   As   cited   by  
Hubbard,  1998.  
Chang,  C.H.,  D.E.  Mannand  and  R.F.  Gauteri.  1977.  Teratogenicity  of  zinc  chloride,  1,10-­‐phenanthroline  in  mice.  J  
Pharm  Sci.  66:1755–1758.  
Dixon,  R.L.,  R.J.  Sherins  and  I.P.  Lee.  1979.  Assessment  of  environmental  factors  affecting  male  fertility.  Environ  
Health  Perspect.  30:53-­‐68.  
DOT,  2011.  US  Department  of  Transportation  Hazardous  Materials  Regulations.  49CFR  172.101.  Available  at­‐
(Accessed  12/07/11).    
ECB.  2000.  IUCLID  Dataset  on  Boric  acid,  CAS  10043-­‐35-­‐3,  European  Chemicals  Bureau,  European  Commission,  Feb  
ECETOC.  1995.  Reproductive  and  general  toxicology  of  some  inorganic  borates  and  risks  assessment  for  human  
beings.  Available  at:  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
ECHA,   2011.   European   Chemicals   Agency   (ECHA)   Information   on   Registered   Substances.   Available   at­‐sub.aspx#search   (Accessed   12/06/11).     The   following   citations  
are  specifically  referenced  above.  
  ECHA  2011a.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Key  Genetic  toxicity  in  vitro.001  
ECHA  2011b.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Key  Genetic  toxicity  in  vivo.001  
ECHA  2011c.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Supporting  Genetic  toxicity  in  vivo.003  
ECHA  2011d.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Key  Acute  toxicity:  oral.001  and  Exp  Key  Acute  toxicity:  
ECHA  2011e.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Key  Acute  toxicity:  inhalation.001  
ECHA  2011f.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Supporting  Repeated  dose  toxicity:  oral.001  
ECHA  2011g.  Zinc  Oxide  CAS#  1314-­‐13-­‐2,  Exp  Supporting  Repeated  dose  toxicity:  oral.001  
ECHA  2011h.  Zinc  Chloride  CAS#  7646-­‐85-­‐7,  Exp  Key  Skin  irritation.001,  Exp  Key  Skin  irritation.002  and  Exp  
Key  Skin  irritation.003.  
ECHA   2011i.   Boric   Acid   CAS#   10043-­‐35-­‐3,   Exp   Key   Eye   irritation.001,   Exp   Key   Eye   irritation.002   and   Exp  
Key  Eye  irritation.003.  
ECOTOX.  2000.  EPA  (US  Environmental  Protection  Agency).  Pesticide  Ecotoxicity  Database,  Environmental  Fate  and  
Effects  Division,  Office  of  Pesticide  Programs,  Washington,  DC.  

Green Screen Version 1.2 15  

Copyright © Clean Production Action

EPA  (US  Environmental  Protection  Agency).  1991.  Pesticide  Fact  Sheet  Number  225,  US  Environmental  Protection  
Agency  (EPA),  Office  of  Pesticides  and  Toxic  Substances,  Office  of  Pesticide  Programs,  Washington,  DC  20460,  July  
15,  1991.  
EPA  (US  Environmental  Protection  Agency).  2004.  Toxicological  Review  of  Boron  and  Compounds  (CAS  No.  7440-­‐
42-­‐8).   In   Support   of   Summary   Information   on   the   Integrated   Risk   Information   System   (IRIS).   EPA   635/04/052,  
available  at:  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
EPA  (US  Environmental  Protection  Agency).  2007.  Zinc  Borate:  Registration  Review  Decision:  Product  Chemistry,  
Environmental  Fate  and  Ecological  Effects  Summary  PC  Code:  128859,  Case  No.  5025.  Docket  Number  EPA-­‐HQ-­‐
Available  at:  12/06/11).  
EPA  (US  Environmental  Protection  Agency),  2011.  Design  for  the  Environment  Program  Alternatives  Assessment  
Criteria  for  Hazard  Evaluation,  Version  2.0,  Office  of  Pollution  Prevention  &  Toxics,  August  2011,  Available  at  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
European   Chemicals   Bureau   (ECB).   2004.   European   Union   Risk   Assessment   Report:   Zinc   Oxide.   EUR   21171EN.  
Available  at­‐chemicals/risk_assessment/REPORT/zincoxidereport073.pdf   (Accessed  
European  Commission.  2003.  Opinion  of  the  Scientific  Committee  on  Food  on  the  Tolerable  Upper  Intake  Level  of  
Zinc.  Document  number:  SCF/CS/NUT/UPPLEV/62  Final.  Available  at  (Access  12/07/11).  
Evenson,   D.P.,   R.J.   Emerick,   L.K.   Jost,   H.   Kayongo-­‐Male,   and   S.R.   Stewart.   1993.   Zinc-­‐silicon   interactions   influencing  
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Fischer   Scientific.   2007.   Zinc   Borate.   Material   Safety   Data   Sheet.   Available   at:  (Accessed  12/06/11).  
Heindel,   J.J.,   C.J.   Price,   E.A..Field,   M.C.   Marr,   C.B.   Myers,   R.E.   Morrissey   and   B.A   Schwetz.   1992.   Developmental  
toxicity  of  boric  acid  in  mice  and  rats.  Fund  Appl  Toxicol.  18:266-­‐277.  
Hubbard,  S.A.  1998.  Comparative  toxicology  of  borates.  Biol  Trace  Elem  Res.  66(1-­‐3):343-­‐57.  
Ketcheson,   M.R.,   G.P.   Barron,   and   D.H.   Cox.   1969.   Relationships   of   maternal   dietary   zinc   during   gestation   &  
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Kreuzmann,  J.J.  1990.  Delayed  Contact  Hypersensitisation  Study  in  Guinea  Pigs  ofFirebrake|  ZB  Zinc  Borate  2335.  
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cited  by  Hubbard,  1998.  
Ku,   W.W.,   R.E   Chapin,   R.N.   Wine   and   B.C.   Gladen.   1993a.   Testicular   toxicity   of   boric   acid   (BA):   relationship   of   dose  
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Linder,  R.E.,  L.F.  Strader  and  G.L.  Rehnberg.  1990.  Effect  of  acute  exposure  to  boric  acid  on  the  male  reproductive  
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New  Zealand’s  Environmental  Protection  Authority  (EPA).  2011.  Hazardous  Substances  and  New  Organisms  (HNSO)  
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NOAA   (National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric   Administration).   1999.   Zinc   Borate.   Available  
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Appendix  1  
Modeling  Results  
EPI  Suite  and  ECOSAR  modeling  results  were  not  used  because  these  modeling  programs  and  not  currently  suitable  
for  inorganic  compounds.  

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