Specifications: 1600 Series Industrial Engine

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May 2012

1600 Series Industrial Engine
XGA (Engine)
XGB (Engine)
XGD (Engine)
XGE (Engine)
XGF (Engine)
XGH (Engine)

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Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before
you start any job. Perkins dealers or Perkins distributors have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-
ture failures, product damage, personal injury or

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KENR8771 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Specifications Section
Engine Design ..................................................... 4
Fuel Transfer Pump ............................................. 4
Fuel Filter Base .................................................... 5
Unit Injector Actuation Oil Manifold ....................... 6
Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump ................................ 6
Electronic Unit Injector .......................................... 7
Rocker Shaft ........................................................ 7
Valve Mechanism ................................................. 8
Valve Mechanism Cover ...................................... 9
Cylinder Head Valves ........................................... 9
Cylinder Head ...................................................... 10
Turbocharger ........................................................ 12
Exhaust Gas Valve (NRS) (If Equipped) ............... 13
Exhaust Cooler (NRS) (If Equipped) ..................... 15
Inlet Manifold ....................................................... 16
Exhaust Manifold ................................................. 17
Camshaft ............................................................. 17
Camshaft Bearings .............................................. 18
Engine Oil Filter Base .......................................... 18
Engine Oil Cooler ................................................. 19
Engine Oil Pump .................................................. 19
Engine Oil Pan ..................................................... 21
Crankcase Breather ............................................. 23
Water Temperature Regulator Housing ................ 23
Water Temperature Regulator .............................. 24
Water Pump ......................................................... 24
Cylinder Block ...................................................... 25
Cylinder Liner ....................................................... 26
Crankshaft ........................................................... 27
Vibration Damper ................................................. 30
Connecting Rod Bearing Journal ......................... 30
Main Bearing Journal ............................................ 30
Connecting Rod ................................................... 31
Piston and Rings .................................................. 32
Piston Cooling Jet ................................................. 33
Housing (Front) ..................................................... 33
Gear Group (Front) ............................................... 34
Flywheel ............................................................... 35
Flywheel Housing ................................................ 35
Flywheel Housing Cover ...................................... 36
Belt Tightener ....................................................... 36
Fan Drive ............................................................. 37
Alternator and Regulator ...................................... 37
Electric Starting Motor ......................................... 38
Coolant Temperature Sensor ............................... 39
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor ................................. 39
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor ............................ 40
Inlet Air Temperature Sensor ............................... 40
Inlet Manifold Air Pressure Sensor ....................... 41
Speed/Timing Sensor .......................................... 41
Electronic Control Module ..................................... 42

Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 43

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4 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Specifications Section The front of the engine is opposite the flywheel end.
The left side and the right side of the engine are
viewed from the flywheel end. The No. 1 cylinder is
i03945589 the front cylinder.
Engine Design

Fuel Transfer Pump

Illustration 1
Cylinder and valve location
(A) Exhaust valve
(B) Inlet valve

Bore ........................................... 116.6 mm (4.6 inch)

Stroke ........................................ 146 mm (5.75 inch)

Displacement .......................... 9.3 L (570 cubic inch) Illustration 2
Typical example
Cylinder arrangement ..................................... In-line
(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 16 N·m
Type of combustion ............................ Direct injection (12 lb ft)

Compression ratio (2), (3) Tighten the nuts to the following

torque. ...................................... 18 N·m (13 lb ft)
Turbocharged aftercooled ......................... 17.2:1

Number of cylinders ................................................ 6

Valves per cylinder .................................................. 4

Valve lash
Inlet valve ......................... 0.48 mm (0.019 inch)
Exhaust valve ................... 0.48 mm (0.019 inch)

Firing order ......................................... 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4

When the crankshaft is viewed from the front of

the engine, the crankshaft rotates in the following
direction: ................................................... Clockwise

When the camshaft is viewed from the front of

the engine, the camshaft rotates in the following
direction: ..................................... Counter Clockwise

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KENR8771 5
Specifications Section


Fuel Filter Base

Illustration 3
Typical example

(1) Tighten the nut to the following torque. .... 18 N·m

(13 lb ft)

(2) Tighten the strainer lid to the following

torque. ...................................... 18 N·m (13 lb ft)

(3) Tighten the fuel filter cap to the following

torque. ...................................... 30 N·m (22 lb ft)

(4) Tighten the fasteners to the following

torque. ...................................... 27 N·m (20 lb ft)

(5) Tighten the engine fuel pressure sensor to the

following torque. ....................... 11 N·m (97 lb in)

(6) Tighten the setscrews for the drain valve to the

following torque. ......................... 6 N·m (53 lb in)

(7) Tighten the water in fuel sensor to the following

torque. ........................................ 2 N·m (18 lb in)

Tighten the setscrews for the fuel heater (if equipped)

to the following torque. .................... 10 N·m (89 lb in)

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6 KENR8771
Specifications Section


Unit Injector Actuation Oil


Illustration 4
Typical example

Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown in illustration i04270143

4 to the following torque. ................. 30 N·m (22 lb ft)
Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump

Illustration 5
Typical example

(1) Tighten the plug to the following

torque. .................................. 204 N·m (150 lb ft) g02440276
Illustration 6
Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. .. 240 N·m

(177 lb ft)

(2) Tighten the nut to the following torque. .. 102 N·m

(75 lb ft)

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KENR8771 7
Specifications Section

Note: Apply two beads of Loctite 246 Threadlocker i04232196

to the threads of the high-pressure oil elbows.
Rocker Shaft
(3) Tighten the Injection Pressure Regulator (IPR)
valve to the following torque. .... 50 N·m (37 lb ft)

(4) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 30 N·m

(22 lb ft)


Electronic Unit Injector

Illustration 8
Typical example

(1) Tighten the locknut to the following

torque. ...................................... 27 N·m (20 lb ft)

(2) Inlet rocker arm

Diameter of the rocker arm
bore ............................. 28.76804 ± 0.01270 mm
Illustration 7 (1.13260 ± 0.00050 inch)
Typical example
(3) Exhaust rocker arm
(1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 30 N·m
(22 lb ft) Diameter of the rocker arm bore
..................................... 28.76804 ± 0.01270 mm
(1.1326 ± 0.0005 inch)

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8 KENR8771
Specifications Section

g02409356 g02407837
Illustration 9 Illustration 10
Typical example Tightening sequence

Use a telescoping gauge and outside micrometer to Tighten the fasteners in the sequence that is in
measure rocker arm bore diameter at two locations. illustration 10. Tighten the fasteners to an initial
Measure diameter at (A) to (B) and (C) to (D). If the torque. ............................................. 27 N·m (20 lb ft)
difference between diameters is greater than or equal
to 0.03 mm (0.0012 inch), replace the rocker arm. Tighten the fasteners in the sequence that is in
illustration 10. Tighten the fasteners to a final
Clearance torque. ............................................. 37 N·m (27 lb ft)
Maximum clearance of both the rocker arm
bores. .............................. 0.127 mm (0.005 inch) i04234947
The service limit for both rocker arm
bores ............................. 0.0254 mm (0.001 inch) Valve Mechanism
(4) Rocker shaft
Diameter of the rocker
shaft ............................. 28.66644 ± 0.01270 mm
(1.12860 ± 0.00050 inch)

(5) Locator

(6) Pedestal

Illustration 11
Typical example

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KENR8771 9
Specifications Section

(A) Diameter of the lifter body .. 28.435 to 28.448 mm i04063712

(1.11949 to 1.12000 inch)
Cylinder Head Valves
Bore diameter in the cylinder
block .................................... 28.5306 ± 0.01905 mm
(1.12325 ± 0.00075 inch)

Clearance of the lifter ............ 0.064 to 0.115 mm
(0.00252 to 0.00453 inch)

Maximum runout of the push rod .............. 0.508 mm

(0.020 inch)


Valve Mechanism Cover

Illustration 13
Typical example

The same valve spring (1) is used on both valves.

When the valve springs are replaced the valve

springs must be replaced in pairs.

Free length of the valve spring ................. 52.35 mm

(2.061 inch)

Maximum solid height ........... 27.46 mm (1.081 inch)

Refer to table 1 for information on the length of the

valve spring and the load of the valve spring.
Illustration 12
Table 1
Typical example
The load for the valve The length of the valve
(1) Tighten the fasteners to the following spring spring
torque. .................................... 31 N·m (223 lb ft) 410.1 ± 24.5 N 40 mm (1.575 inch)
(92.19458 ± 5.50785 lb)
764.2 ± 48.9 N 29.3 mm (1.155 inch)
(171.79980 ± 10.99321 lb)

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10 KENR8771
Specifications Section


Cylinder Head

Illustration 14
Typical example

(2) Valve face angle

Inlet ..................................... 59.75 to 60 degrees
Exhaust ............................... 44.75 to 45 degrees g02278873
Illustration 15
Minimum valve face margin Typical example

Inlet ................................... 1.32 mm (0.052 inch) Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in
Exhaust ............................. 1.16 mm (0.046 inch) illustration 15 to an initial torque. .. 150 N·m (110 lb ft)

Maximum valve face-to-valve stem Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in
runout .................................. 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch) illustration 15 to a second torque. ................ 238 N·m
(175 lb ft)
(3) Valve stem diameter
Inlet .................................. 7.92861 ± 0.0089 mm
(0.31215 ± 0.00035 inch)
Exhaust .............................. 7.9083 ± 0.0089 mm
(0.31135 ± 0.00035 inch)

Maximum valve stem straightness ............ 0.010 mm

(0.0004 inch)

Maximum clearance of the inlet valve
stem .............................. 0.010 mm (0.0004 inch)
Maximum clearance of the exhaust valve
stem ................................... 0.11 mm (0.005 inch) g02278874
Illustration 16

(4) Length of valve Typical example

Inlet valve ............................ 145.44 ± 0.203 mm Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in
(5.726 ± 0.008 inch) illustration 16 to the following torque. .......... 238 N·m
Exhaust valve .................... 145.060 ± 0.203 mm (175 lb ft)
(5.711 ± 0.008 inch)
Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in
(5) Valve head illustration 15 to the additional amount. .. 90 degrees
Diameter of inlet valve head .... 39.73 ± 0.13 mm Minimum thickness of cylinder head ....... 159.97 mm
(1.56417 ± 0.00512 inch) (6.298 inch)
Diameter of exhaust valve
head ......................................... 36.55 ± 0.13 mm
(1.43897 ± 0.00512 inch)

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KENR8771 11
Specifications Section

Illustration 17
Typical example

Note: The maximum distortion of the cylinder head

is given in table 2.

Table 2 g02328933
Illustration 18
Maximum Permissible Typical example
Width (A) 0.10 mm (0.004 inch) (D) Valve guide height from the top of the valve guide
to the valve spring seat ............ 16.54 ± 0.25 mm
Length (B) 0.10 mm (0.004 inch)
(0.65118 ± 0.00984 inch)
Diagonal Line (C) 0.10 mm (0.004 inch)
(E) Outside diameter of the valve
guides .................................. 14.351 ± 0.010 mm
(0.56500 ± 0.00039 inch)

(F) Length of the valve guides ................. 65.71 mm

(2.587 inch)

(G) Internal diameter of the installed valve

guides ....................................... 7.98 to 8.00 mm
(0.31417 to 0.31496 inch)

The maximum wear limit for the internal diameter of

the installed valve guides
Inlet ................................. 0.102 mm (0.004 inch)
Exhaust ........................... 0.127 mm (0.005 inch)

(H) Valve depths

Inlet ........... 1.02 ± 0.13 mm (0.040 ± 0.005 inch)
The service limit for the depth of the inlet valve
...................................... 1.15 mm (0.04528 inch)
Exhaust ..... 1.40 ± 0.13 mm (0.055 ± 0.005 inch)
The service limit for the exhaust valve
depth ............................. 1.53 mm (0.06024 inch)

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12 KENR8771
Specifications Section

(L) Concentricity of valve seat to valve guide

parent bore Maximum Total Indicated Reading
(TIR) ............................... 0.076 mm (0.003 inch)



Illustration 19
Typical example

(J) Diameter of the parent bore in the cylinder

head ..................................... 14.308 ± 0.017 mm Illustration 21
(0.56331 ± 0.00067 inch)
Typical example
(K) Seat angle
(1) Actuator
Inlet ..................................... 59.76 to 60 degrees
Exhaust ............................... 44.75 to 45 degrees The test pressure for the wastegate
actuator ..................................... 334 kPa (48 psi)
The movement for the rod
actuator ..................................... 0.76 to 0.94 mm
(0.02992 to 0.03701 inch)

(2) Tighten the nuts to the following torque. .. 71 N·m

(52 lb ft)

Illustration 20
Typical example

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KENR8771 13
Specifications Section

g02276994 g02409756
Illustration 22 Illustration 24
Typical example Typical example

(3) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 13 N·m (2) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 13 N·m
(115 lb in) (115 lb in)


Exhaust Gas Valve (NRS)

(If Equipped)

Illustration 25
Typical example

(3) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 62 N·m

(46 lb ft)

Illustration 23
Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

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14 KENR8771
Specifications Section

g02409858 g02439618
Illustration 26 Illustration 28
Typical example Typical example

(4) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m (8) Tighten the nuts to the following torque. .. 23 N·m
(23 lb ft) (17 lb ft)

g02438296 g02439636
Illustration 27 Illustration 29
Typical example Typical example

(5) Tighten the nuts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m (9) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 13 N·m
(23 lb ft) (115 lb in)

(6), (7) Tighten the bolts to the following

torque. ...................................... 23 N·m (17 lb ft)

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KENR8771 15
Specifications Section


Exhaust Cooler (NRS)

(If Equipped)

Illustration 30
Typical example

(1) Tighten the clamps to the following

torque. ..................................... 3.3 N·m (29 lb in)

(2) Tighten the plug to the following torque. .. 62 N·m

(46 lb ft)

(3) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. .. 116 N·m

(86 lb ft)

(4) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

(5) Tighten the nuts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

(6) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

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16 KENR8771
Specifications Section


Inlet Manifold

Illustration 31
Typical example
(1) Inlet manifold

Illustration 32
Typical example

(2) Tighten the fasteners in the sequence in

illustration 32 to the following torque. ...... 62 N·m
(46 lb ft)

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KENR8771 17
Specifications Section


Exhaust Manifold

Illustration 33
Typical example

Tighten the fasteners in the sequence shown in

illustration 33 to an initial torque. .... 27 N·m (20 lb ft)

Tighten the fasteners in the sequence shown in

illustration 33 to second torque. ...... 54 N·m (40 lb ft)

Tighten the fasteners in the sequence shown in

illustration 33 to a third torque. ..... 109 N·m (80 lb ft)

Note: On 1606D engines, fastener (4) should be

tightened to a final torque of 116 N·m (85 lb ft).



End play of a camshaft ................... 0.18 to 0.33 mm

(0.00709 to 0.01299 inch) Illustration 34

Typical example

(1) Camshaft thrust plate bolts ....... 31 N·m (23 lb ft)

(2) Camshaft journals diameter .. 57.96 to 57.99 mm

(2.28189 to 2.28307 inch)

Camshaft inlet lobe lift ........ 6.68 mm (0.26299 inch)

Camshaft exhaust lobe lift .. 6.91 mm (0.27205 inch)

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18 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Maximum wear on the camshaft lobes ....... 0.25 mm i04070869

(0.010 inch)
Engine Oil Filter Base
Thrust plate thickness ..................... 6.96 to 7.01 mm
(0.274 to 0.276 inch)

Check the camshaft lobes for visible damage. If a

new camshaft is installed, install new lifters.


Camshaft Bearings

Illustration 36
Typical example

(1) Tighten the fasteners to the following

torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft)

Illustration 35
Typical example

(1) The diameter of the installed camshaft

bearing .................................. 58.04 to 58.12 mm
(2.285 to 2.288 inch)

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KENR8771 19
Specifications Section

i04215532 (4) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)
Engine Oil Cooler

Engine Oil Pump

Type ................... Spline gear-driven differential rotor

Number of lobes
Inner rotor ......................................................... 4
Outer rotor ........................................................ 5

Illustration 37
Typical example
(2) Engine oil cooler

(1) Tighten the setscrews to the following

torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft)

Illustration 39
Typical example

(1) Clearance of the outer rotor to the

body ........ 0.05 to 0.13 mm (0.002 to 0.005 inch)

Illustration 38
Typical example

(3) Tighten the fasteners to the following

torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft)

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20 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Illustration 40
Typical example

(2) End play of rotor assembly ....... 0.48 to 0.62 mm

(0.019 to 0.024 inch)

Illustration 41
Typical example

(3), (4) Tighten the bolts to the following

torque. ...................................... 25 N·m (18 lb ft)

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KENR8771 21
Specifications Section


Engine Oil Pan

Illustration 42
Typical example
(1) Gasket (4) Oil pan
(2) Gasket (7) Oil suction tube assembly

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22 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Illustration 43
Typical example

Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in

illustration 43 to the following torque. .......... 122 N·m
(90 lb ft)

Illustration 44

Tighten the bolts in the sequence that is shown in

illustration 44 to the following torque. ............ 63 N·m
(46 lb ft)

(3) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 62 N·m

(46 lb ft)

(5) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 32 N·m

(24 lb ft)

(6) Tighten the oil drain plug to the following

torque. ...................................... 68 N·m (50 lb ft)

(8) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 27 N·m

(20 lb ft)

Tighten the heater plug for the engine oil pan (if
equipped) to the following torque. ... 68 N·m (50 lb ft)

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KENR8771 23
Specifications Section


Crankcase Breather

Illustration 46
Typical example

(5) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 26 N·m

(19 lb ft)

(6) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 13 N·m

(115 lb in)


Water Temperature Regulator

Illustration 45
Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 27 N·m

(20 lb ft)

(2) Tighten the fasteners to the following

torque. ........................................ 5 N·m (44 lb in)

(3) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. ... 9 N·m

(80 lb in)

(4) Tighten the fasteners to the following

torque. ........................................ 5 N·m (44 lb in)

Illustration 47
Typical example

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24 KENR8771
Specifications Section

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m i03945611

(23 lb ft)
Water Pump

Water Temperature Regulator

Illustration 49
Typical example

g02384997 (1), (2), (3) Tighten the fasteners to the following

Illustration 48
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft)
Typical example

(1) Water temperature regulator

Opening temperature ........................ 86° to 89°C
(187° to 193°F)
Full opening temperature ............. 96° C (205° F)
Minimum stroke at full temperature ......... 10 mm
(0.400 inch)

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KENR8771 25
Specifications Section


Cylinder Block

Illustration 50
Typical example

(1) Cylinder block

(2) Cylinder bore ............. 130.12420 ± 0.02540 mm

(5.123 ± 0.001 inch)

(3) Camshaft bearings

Diameter of the bushing in the cylinder
block for the number 1 camshaft
bearing ........................... 63.5521 ± 0.01905 mm
(2.50205 ± 0.00075 inch)
Diameter of the bore in the cylinder
block for the intermediate camshaft
journal ............................ 63.0238 ± 0.01905 mm
(2.48125 ± 0.00075 inch)
Diameter of the bore in the cylinder
block for the number 4 camshaft
journal ............................ 63.5521 ± 0.01905 mm
(2.50205 ± 0.00075 inch)

(4) Main bearings

Bore in the cylinder block for the main
bearings .............................. 116.421 ± 0.027 mm
(4.58349 ± 0.00106 inch)

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26 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Illustration 51
Typical example

(5) Main bearing cap bolts Bore diameter for the lifters .. 28.5306 ± 0.01905 mm
(1.12325 ± 0.00075 inch)
Use the following procedure in order to install the
main bearing cap bolts:

1. Apply clean engine oil to the threads of the main

bearing cap bolts.
Cylinder Liner
2. Put the main bearing caps in the correct position
that is indicated by a number on the top of the
main bearing cap. Install the main bearing caps
with the locating tabs in correct alignment with the The maximum counterbore depth allowable variation
recess in the cylinder block. between four points. ............... 0.03 mm (0.001 inch)

3. Evenly tighten the main bearing cap bolts. The maximum counterbore depth before adding
shims .................................... 10.49 mm (0.413 inch)
Initial torque for the main bearing cap
bolts. ...................................... 136 N·m (100 lb ft) Counterbore depth (including shims - if
any) ............... 8.84 to 8.89 mm (0.348 to 0.350 inch)
Final torque for the main bearing cap
bolts. ...................................... 177 N·m (130 lb ft) The maximum taper of the cylinder liner (bore wear
step, at top of ring travel) ........ 0.10 mm (0.004 inch)
4. Tighten the bolts for the main bearing cap for an
additional 90 degrees. Flange thickness of the cylinder
liner ............... 8.94 to 8.96 mm (0.352 to 0.353 inch)
Note: Ensure that the crankshaft can rotate freely.
Inside diameter of the cylinder
Distance from the centerline of the crankshaft liner .... 116.57 to 116.60 mm (4.5895 to 4.5905 inch)
bore to the top surface of the cylinder
block ... 368.3 ± 0.05 mm (14.49997 ± 0.00197 inch)

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KENR8771 27
Specifications Section



Illustration 52
Typical example
(1) Crankshaft gear
(2) Crankshaft
(3) Crankshaft thrust washer

Maximum permissible temperature of the gear for

installation on the crankshaft ........... 202° C (396° F)

The end play of a new crankshaft .. 0.152 to 0.305 mm

(0.00598 to 0.01201 inch)

Crankshaft end play maximum wear limit ... 0.51 mm

(0.02008 inch)

Length of thrust washer ............. 34.404 ± 0.546 mm

(1.35449 ± 0.02150 inch)

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28 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Illustration 53
Typical example

Table 3
The Undersize Diameter of the Crankshaft Journals
Dimension 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) 0.51 mm (0.020 inch) 0.76 mm (0.030 inch)
107.685 to 107.715 mm 107.425 to 107.455 mm 107.175 to 107.205 mm
(4.23956 to 4.24074 inch) (4.22932 to 4.23050 inch) (4.21948 to 4.22066 inch)
79.741 to 79.771 mm 79.487 to 79.517 mm 79.233 to 79.263 mm
(3.13940 to 3.14058 inch) (3.12940 to 3.13058 inch) (3.11940 to 3.12058 inch)
C 39.99 mm (1.57441 inch) 39.99 mm (1.57441 inch) 39.99 mm (1.57441 inch)
34.06 to 34.32 mm 34.06 to 34.32 mm 34.06 to 34.32 mm
(1.34094 to 1.35118 inch) (1.34094 to 1.35118 inch) (1.34094 to 1.35118 inch)
33.858 to 34.95 mm 33.858 to 34.95 mm 33.858 to 34.95 mm
(1.33299 to 1.37598 inch) (1.33299 to 1.37598 inch) (1.33299 to 1.37598 inch)
F Do not machine this diameter. Do not machine this diameter. Do not machine this diameter.

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KENR8771 29
Specifications Section

Illustration 54
(4) Journal #1 (7) Journal #4 (10) Journal # 7
(5) Journal #2 (8) Journal #5
(6) Journal #3 (9) Journal #6

Refer to Table 4 for the run out of the crankshaft Refer to Specifications, “Connecting Rod Bearing
journals. Journal” for more information on the connecting rod
bearing journals and connecting rod bearings.
Table 4
Journal Run Out of the Journals Refer to Specifications, “Main Bearing Journal” for
information on the main bearing journals and for
(1) Mounting information on the main bearings.
(2) 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
(3) 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
(4) 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
(5) 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
(6) 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
(7) Mounting

Rear oil seal journal runout (maximum) ...... 0.08 mm

(0.00315 inch)

Inspect the crankshaft for wear or for damage. For

more information regarding the servicing of the
crankshaft, contact the Global Technical Support

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30 KENR8771
Specifications Section

i03945749 Surface finish of connecting rod bearing

journals ........................................... Ra 0.15 microns
Vibration Damper
Surface finish of radii ........................ Ra 1.5 microns


Main Bearing Journal

Refer to Specifications, “Crankshaft” for information

on the undersize main bearing journals, and
information on the width of main bearing journals.

The original size of the main bearing

journal ................................. 107.935 to 107.965 mm
(4.24940 to 4.25058 inch)

Maximum permissible wear of the main bearing

journals ........................... 0.01524 mm (0.0006 inch)

Major radius of the fillet of the main bearing

journals ............................. 5.71500 mm (0.225 inch)

Surface finish of bearing journals and crank
Illustration 55 pins ....................................................... 0.15 microns
Typical example
Surface finish of radii .............................. 1.5 microns
(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 62 N·m
(46 lb ft) Width of new main bearing journal .. 34.19 ± 0.13 mm
(1.346 ± 0.005 inch)
(2) Tighten the bolts to the following
torque. .................................. 163 N·m (120 lb ft)
The shell for the main bearings
i04066230 The shells for the main bearings are available
for remachined journals which have the following
Connecting Rod Bearing undersize dimensions.
Journal Undersize bearing shell .... 0.25 mm (0.010 inch)
Undersize bearing shell .... 0.51 mm (0.020 inch)
Undersize bearing shell .... 0.76 mm (0.030 inch)

Thickness at center of the

Refer to Specifications, “Crankshaft” for information shells ................................... 4.18592 to 4.19862 mm
on the undersize crankshaft journals. (0.1648 to 0.1653 inch)

The original size of the connecting rod bearing Width of the main bearing
journal ....... 80.010 ± 0.015 mm (3.15 ± 0.0006 inch) shells ....... 34.1884 ± 0.127 mm (1.346 ± 0.005 inch)

Maximum permissible wear of a bearing journal on a Clearance between the bearing shell and the main
new connecting rod ......... 0.01524 mm (0.0006 inch) bearing journals .......................... 0.046 to 0.127 mm
(0.00181 to 0.00500 inch)
Width of the connecting rod bearing
journals ............................... 39.99230 ± 0.11430 mm
(1.5745 ± 0.0045 inch)

Major radius of the fillet of the connecting rod bearing

journals ............................. 5.71500 mm (0.225 inch)

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KENR8771 31
Specifications Section

i04065929 Note: Always tighten the connecting rod cap to the

connecting rod when the assembly is out of the
Connecting Rod engine. Tighten the connecting rod assembly to the
following torque 109 N·m (80 lb ft).

Illustration 56
Typical example

(1) The bearing shell for the connecting rod

Illustration 57
Table 5
Typical example
Thickness of Connecting
2.53238 ± 0.00508 mm
Rod Bearing at the (3) Diameter of the finished bore for the piston
(0.0997 ± 0.0002 inch)
Center pin ..................................... 46.393 to 46.401 mm
Thickness of Connecting (1.82649 to 1.82681 inch)
2.53238 ± 0.00508 mm
Rod Bearing for the Cap
(0.0997 ± 0.0002 inch) (4) Distance between the parent
at the Center
bores ..................................... 219.4 to 219.5 mm
0.03 to 0.107 mm
Bearing Clearance (8.63778 to 8.64172 inch)
(0.00118 to 0.00421 inch)
(5) Diameter for the finished bore for the connecting
Table 6 rod bearing ....................... 85.130 to 85.156 mm
Undersized Connecting Rod Bearing (3.35157 to 3.35259 inch)

0.25 mm (0.010 inch) Installed diameter for the finished bore for the
connecting rod bearing ............... 80.05 to 80.10 mm
0.51 mm (0.020 inch) (3.15157 to 3.15354 inch)
0.76 mm (0.030 inch)

The mating surfaces of the connecting rod are

produced by hydraulically fracturing the forged
connecting rod.

(2) Tighten the setscrews for the connecting rod to

the following torque. ................. 41 N·m (30 lb ft)

Tighten the setscrews for the connecting rod for an

additional 90 degrees.

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32 KENR8771
Specifications Section

Ring gap ................................... 0.35 to 0.50 mm

(0.01378 to 0.01969 inch)

(2) Intermediate compression ring

The shape of the intermediate compression
ring ............................. Rectangular cross section
Ring gap ..................................... 1.2 to 1.45 mm
(0.04724 to 0.05709 inch)
The clearance between a new intermediate
compression ring and the piston groove in a new
piston ........................................ 0.07 to 0.12 mm
(0.00276 to 0.00472 inch)

(3) The oil control ring

Illustration 58
Typical example
Ring gap ................................... 0.35 to 0.65 mm
(0.01378 to 0.02559 inch)
Refer to table 7 for the grade length (Y) of the The clearance between a new oil control ring and
connecting rod. the groove in a new piston ........ 0.03 to 0.08 mm
(0.00118 to 0.00315 inch)
Table 7
Note: Ensure that the ring end gaps of the piston
Specifications for the Connecting Rod rings are spaced 120 degrees from each other.
Length (Y)
153.6 to 153.7 mm (6.04723 to 6.05117 inch) Piston
Piston height above cylinder
i04065731 block .. 0.660 to 0.813 mm (0.02598 to 0.03201 inch)

Piston and Rings (4) Piston

Clearance between piston and cylinder
sleeve ................................... 0.042 to 0.102 mm
(0.00165 to 0.00402 inch)
Skirt diameter ................ 116.498 to 116.528 mm
(4.58653 to 4.58771 inch)
Top compression ring groove
width .............................. 116.104 to 116.304 mm
(4.57101 to 4.57889 inch)

(5) Piston pin

Clearance in piston ............... 0.083 to 0.103 mm
(0.00327 to 0.00406 inch)
Diameter ........................... 46.352 to 46.357 mm
(1.82488 to 1.82508 inch)
Length ................................... 77.88 to 78.13 mm
(3.06614 to 3.07598 inch)

Illustration 59
Typical example

(1) Top compression ring

The shape of the top compression
ring .................................. keystone cross section

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KENR8771 33
Specifications Section

i04069930 i04193449

Piston Cooling Jet Housing (Front)

g02280673 g02384556
Illustration 60 Illustration 61
Typical example Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 13 N·m (1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m
(115 lb in) (23 lb ft)

Illustration 62
Typical example

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34 KENR8771
Specifications Section

(2) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m Tighten the bolt for the upper idler gear to the
(23 lb ft) following torque. ................... 326 N·m (240 lb ft)
Width of idler gear and split bearing
(3) Tighten the fasteners to the following assembly ...................... 39.624 mm (1.560 inch)
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) Inside diameter of idler gear bearings with
flanges ........................ 34.925 mm (1.3750 inch)
(4) Tighten the fasteners to the following Outside diameter of idler gear hub ... 34.925 mm
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) (1.3750 inch)
Clearance of idler gear bearing on
(5) Tighten the fasteners to the following hub .................................... 0.0127 to 0.0381 mm
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) (0.0005 to 0.0015 inch)
Idler gear end play with roller
(6) Tighten the fasteners to the following bearings ......................... 0.45720 ± 0.02540 mm
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) (0.018 ± 0.001 inch)
Number of teeth .............................................. 68
(7) Tighten the fasteners to the following
torque. ...................................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) (3) High-pressure oil pump drive gear
Tighten the bolt to the following torque. .. 240 N·m
i04194989 (177 lb ft)
Number of teeth .............................................. 22
Gear Group (Front)
(4) Lower idler gear
Tighten the bolt for the lower idler gear to the
following torque. ................... 639 N·m (470 lb ft)
Width of idler gear and split bearing
assembly ..................... 42.1132 mm (1.658 inch)
Inside diameter of idler gear bearings with
flanges .......................... 41.275 mm (1.625 inch)
Outside diameter of idler gear hub ... 41.275 mm
(1.6250 inch)
Clearance of idler gear bearing on
hub .................................... 0.0127 to 0.0381 mm
(0.0005 to 0.0015 inch)
Idler gear end play with roller
bearings ......................... 0.40640 ± 0.02540 mm
(0.016 ± 0.001 inch)
Number of teeth .............................................. 68

(5) Crankshaft gear

Bore diameter of crankshaft gear .. 54.94528 mm
(2.1632 inch)
Outside diameter of crankshaft
hub .......................... 54.98592 mm (2.1648 inch)
Clearance of gear on crankshaft .... 0.04064 mm
Illustration 63
g02384616 (0.0016 inch)
Typical example
Number of teeth .............................................. 68
(1) Camshaft gear
(2) Upper idler gear
Oil pump spline gear
(3) Fuel injection pump gear
(4) Lower idler gear Number of teeth .............................................. 41
(5) Crankshaft gear
Backlash values
(1) Camshaft gear
Backlash between the camshaft gear (1) and the
Tighten the bolt for the camshaft gear to the upper idler gear (2) ........... 0.35 mm (0.014 inch)
following torque. ....................... 31 N·m (23 lb ft) Backlash between the air compressor
Number of teeth .............................................. 56 gear (if equipped) and the lower idler gear
(4) ................................... 0.508 mm (0.020 inch)
(2) Upper idler gear Backlash between the lower idler gear (4) and
the crankshaft gear (5) ..... 0.31 mm (0.012 inch)

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KENR8771 35
Specifications Section

Backlash between the upper idler gear (2) and i03945452

the high-pressure oil pump gear ........... 0.48 mm
(0.019 inch) Flywheel Housing
Backlash between the upper idler gear (2) and
the lower idler gear (4) ...... 0.37 mm (0.015 inch)



Illustration 65
Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 62 N·m

(46 lb ft)

Illustration 64
Typical example

Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown in illustration

64 to the following torque. ............... 61 N·m (45 lb ft)

Tighten the bolts to an additional

amount .................................................... 60 degrees

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36 KENR8771
Specifications Section

i03945456 i03945574

Flywheel Housing Cover Belt Tightener

g02275636 g02275855
Illustration 66 Illustration 67
Typical example Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 13 N·m (1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 62 N·m
(115 lb in) (46 lb ft)

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KENR8771 37
Specifications Section


Fan Drive

Illustration 70
Typical example

(3) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

Illustration 68 i04262071
Typical example
Alternator and Regulator
(1) Tighten the bolt to the following
torque. ................................... 51.5 N·m (38 lb ft)

Illustration 69
Typical example g02887576
Illustration 71
Typical example
(2) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m
(23 lb ft) (1) Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. ................ 11.25 N·m (100 lb in)

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38 KENR8771
Specifications Section

(2) Tighten the nut on the ground terminal to the

following torque. ...................... 6.2 N·m (55 lb in)

Illustration 74
Typical example
Illustration 72
Typical example When the electric starting motor is viewed from
the drive end, the motor rotates in the following
(3) Tighten the nut on the alternator pulley to the direction. ................................................... Clockwise
following torque. ..................... 102 N·m (75 lb ft)
Maximum output ............................................ 5.3 kW

i04261769 Voltage ............................................................... 24 V

Electric Starting Motor (1) Ground terminal
Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. ....................... 26 N·m (19 lb ft)

(2) Battery terminal

Maximum number of cable or wire terminals
between the nuts .............................................. 3
Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. ....................... 26 N·m (19 lb ft)

(3) Keyswitch terminal

Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. .................... 2.25 N·m (20 lb in)

(4) Switch terminal

Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. .................... 2.25 N·m (20 lb in)

Note: The wire terminal that is on the switch terminal

must be insulated with heat shrink tubing. Do not use
molded terminals.

(5) Motor terminal
Illustration 73
Typical example Tighten the nut on the battery terminal to the
following torque. ....................... 26 N·m (19 lb ft)

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KENR8771 39
Specifications Section

i04264034 i04262332

Coolant Temperature Sensor Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

g02433999 g02432596
Illustration 75 Illustration 76
Typical example Typical example

(1) Tighten the engine coolant temperature sensor to (1) Tighten the engine oil pressure sensor to the
the following torque. ................. 18 N·m (13 lb ft) following torque. ..................... 12 N·m (106 lb in)

Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC

Operating temperature range ............... 60° to 150°C Operating pressure .... 20.7 to 682 kPa (3 to 100 psi)
(140° to 270°F)

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40 KENR8771
Specifications Section

i04268470 i04266109

Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Inlet Air Temperature Sensor

g02438056 g02435518
Illustration 77 Illustration 78
Typical example Typical example

(1) Tighten the engine oil temperature sensor to the (1) Tighten the inlet air temperature sensor to the
following torque. ....................... 18 N·m (13 lb ft) following torque. ....................... 18 N·m (13 lb ft)

Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC

Operating temperature range ............... 60° to 150°C Operating temperature range ................... 0° to 90°C
(140° to 270°F) (32° to 162°F)

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KENR8771 41
Specifications Section

i04266031 i03945780

Inlet Manifold Air Pressure Speed/Timing Sensor


Crankshaft Position Sensor

Illustration 79
Typical example Illustration 80
Typical example
(1) Tighten the inlet manifold air pressure sensor to
the following torque. ............... 12 N·m (106 lb in) (1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 13 N·m
(115 lb in)
Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC
Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC
Operating pressure ... 28.6 to 616.5 kPa (4 to 89 psi)
Camshaft Position Sensor

Illustration 81
Typical example

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42 KENR8771
Specifications Section

(1) Tighten the bolt to the following torque. ... 13 N·m

(115 lb in)

Operating voltage ........................................... 5 VDC


Electronic Control Module

Illustration 82
Typical example

(1) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 31 N·m

(23 lb ft)

(2) Tighten the fastener to the following

torque. ...................................... 36 N·m (27 lb ft)

(3) Tighten the bolts to the following torque. .. 13 N·m

(115 lb in)

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KENR8771 43
Index Section


Alternator and Regulator ....................................... 37 Important Safety Information ................................. 2

Inlet Air Temperature Sensor................................. 40
Inlet Manifold ......................................................... 16
B Inlet Manifold Air Pressure Sensor ........................ 41

Belt Tightener ........................................................ 36


C Main Bearing Journal............................................. 30

The shell for the main bearings.......................... 30
Camshaft ............................................................... 17
Camshaft Bearings ................................................ 18
Connecting Rod..................................................... 31 P
Connecting Rod Bearing Journal........................... 30
Coolant Temperature Sensor................................. 39 Piston and Rings ................................................... 32
Crankcase Breather............................................... 23 Piston ................................................................. 32
Crankshaft ............................................................ 27 Piston Cooling Jet.................................................. 33
Cylinder Block........................................................ 25
Cylinder Head........................................................ 10
Cylinder Head Valves ............................................ 9 R
Cylinder Liner ........................................................ 26
Rocker Shaft.......................................................... 7

Electric Starting Motor ........................................... 38
Electronic Control Module ..................................... 42 Specifications Section ........................................... 4
Electronic Unit Injector........................................... 7 Speed/Timing Sensor ............................................ 41
Engine Design ....................................................... 4 Camshaft Position Sensor ................................. 41
Engine Oil Cooler .................................................. 19 Crankshaft Position Sensor ............................... 41
Engine Oil Filter Base............................................ 18
Engine Oil Pan....................................................... 21
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor .................................. 39 T
Engine Oil Pump.................................................... 19
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor ............................ 40 Table of Contents................................................... 3
Exhaust Cooler (NRS) (If Equipped) ..................... 15 Turbocharger ......................................................... 12
Exhaust Gas Valve (NRS) (If Equipped)................ 13
Exhaust Manifold ................................................... 17

F Unit Injector Actuation Oil Manifold ....................... 6

Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump ................................. 6
Fan Drive ............................................................... 37
Flywheel ................................................................ 35
Flywheel Housing .................................................. 35 V
Flywheel Housing Cover........................................ 36
Fuel Filter Base ..................................................... 5 Valve Mechanism .................................................. 8
Fuel Transfer Pump ............................................... 4 Valve Mechanism Cover........................................ 9
Vibration Damper................................................... 30

Gear Group (Front)................................................ 34
Water Pump........................................................... 24
Water Temperature Regulator ............................... 24
H Water Temperature Regulator Housing ................. 23

Housing (Front)...................................................... 33

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©2012 Perkins Engines Company Limited
All Rights Reserved

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