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B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 8

1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 New robots are … by scientists to see if they work properly.

A detected
B equipped
C developed
D tested

2 Roboraptor is controlled by a … .
A joypad
B mouse
C screen
D sonic

3 Signals from the robot’s remote control are … by sensors.

A tested
B developed
C detected
D designed

4 Different types of robots have been … by scientists over the years.

A equipped
B designed
C detected
D controlled

5 Robosapien, a(n) … robot, was invented by a man named Mark Tilden.

A humanoid
B essential
C robotic
D equipped

6 Scientists believe that they have found the … to the problem.

A solution
B test
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
2009 1
Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 8

C sensor
D research

7 The Robosapien is … with radar vision, isn’t it?

A tested
B equipped
C detected
D developed

8 The parts are so small that they are only … under a microscope.
A noticeable
B seeable
C viewable
D visible

Marks / 8

2. Read the article and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

Our senses
While robots are equipped with sensors to help them walk, see and hear, people have body parts
that allow them to sense the world around them. Our sense of 1) ………...... is really quite amazing,
and lets us enjoy 2) ………...... like music and the ability to 3) ………...... to what others say to us.
Our ability to 4) ………...... things such as our favourite dessert, is helped by our 5) ………...... which
is located in our mouth. Imagine – without it we would never know how wonderful chocolate really
is! We all know what our 6) ………...... is for, don’t we? It lets us 7) ………...... nice things like bread
being baked. Isn’t that one of the yummiest 8) ………...... in the world? Finally, we have the sense of
9) ………...... . I think it’s one of the most essential senses, don’t you? If we didn’t have it, we couldn’t
know how lovely a soft kitten feels. Of course, our sense of 10) ………...... is probably the most
important. It allows us to see how beautiful the world around us really is.

1 A smell B touch C hearing D sight

2 A sounds B scents C feelings D touches
3 A hear B smell C listen D feel
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
2009 2
Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 8

4 A taste B hear C feel D hold

5 A throat B tongue C lips D cheeks
6 A ear B nose C eye D tongue
7 A feel B hear C see D smell
8 A scents B sounds C feelings D sights
9 A sight B sound C touch D taste
10 A sound B sight C smell D touch

Marks / 10

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The book On The Origin of Species was written by the famous artist/scientist, Charles Darwin.

2 The mathematician/manufacturer of the Aibo robot was a big company named Sony.

3 One of Sony’s biggest creators/competitors is Nintendo, isn’t it?

4 My dad is employed by a company as a robotics writer/researcher.

5 Graphic designers/inventors aren’t paid a lot of money, are they?

6 Mathematicians/Manufacturers, who know all about numbers, are essential to the science of

7 The New World was discovered by the Italian explorer/owner, Christopher Columbus.

8 Thomas Edison was the researcher/inventor of the modern light bulb.

9 The famous painting of Mona Lisa was painted by the musician/artist Da Vinci, wasn’t it?

10 Jane is a talented mathematician/musician who plays the violin, the piano and the flute.
Marks / 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 3
Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 8

4. Choose the word (A, B or C) that best completes the sentence.

1 You have to be very brave to be an …, don’t you?

A exploreer
B exploror
C explorer

2 Scientists are doing a lot of … into the concept of artificial intelligence.

A researcher
B researching
C research

3 The … who drew the pictures for the Aibo advertisements was very good, wasn’t he?
A artful
B artist
C art

4 They aren’t paid to … in the RoboCup Challenge.

A compete
B competitor
C competition

5 The biggest robotics company in the world has a Japanese …, doesn’t it?
A ownor
B owner
C own

6 The best book on the science of robotics is by an American … .

A writing
B write
C writer

Marks / 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 4
Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 8

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 A remote control is used to switch down/off the robotic dog.

2 The joypad for my game has fallen apart/up.

3 The DVD player was dropped and it has broken off/down.

4 You use this button to turn the sound down/apart, don’t you?

5 I was talking on my mobile when I was suddenly cut up/off.

6 You will have to speak up/down because you can’t be heard at the back of the room.

Marks / 6

Total Marks / 40

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 5

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